The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition `11
The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition `11
VOLUME 7 The Lake Braddock Theatre Alumni Annual Newsletter MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2011 NUMBER ONE THIS YEAR’S PROMPTS: Name (old and new): Your email address(es): Your website(s): The years you spent at LBT Where do you currently reside. Where did go after LBT? And then what happened? So what's up these days? For whom are you responsible? What memory of LBT do you wish was recorded? Current: Stephanie Anderson Old: Firecrotch [email protected] But really, if you‟re going to contact me, facebook me, I never check my email. It's way more of a hassle to sort through all of the sexual spam than to sort through the sexual feeds on facebook. Sept 2006-June 2009 Fairfax I started college at (and am currently a Junior at) Mason after leaving Lake Braddock. After 2 years and more days than I care to admit of putting it off until the next day, I finally got around to doing the paperwork to declare my major; so I'm now officially a Biology Major. I‟ve also since realized I want to declare a minor in Microbiology, and need to find a different office to do so. With any luck I won‟t put it off for 2 years like I did the last visit to the registrar‟s office. I got a job at a Veterinary clinic and worked there for a while, was schooled on everything domesticated animal, then realized Organic Chemistry, Genetics, Calculus, a full time boyfriend and a part time job are too many things to do in a week, so I left my job to spend more time on school. Now I spend my days mating fruit flies (Seriously, that's what we do in Genetics. Mate fruit flies.) and studying… and occasionally paying a little attention to the boy, such as asking him to make me a sandwich :) About 4 days ago I had a job, now I have good grades and no job. C‟est le vie. I'm mostly just studying and enjoying being 20 right now. I'm the VP of the vet club at Mason so I'm looking to do a few animal-related fundraisers/ volunteering here and there, but that‟s about it. I'm responsible for Frank (i.e. the boy I‟m dragging behind me at shows when I come to visit). I am also responsible for about 400 fruit flies <insert bad Genetics Geek joke here>... needless to say I like the boy better. The moment I'm glad wasn't caught is during Midsummer (circa 2008) when Colin was dressed as a woman, and flashed section IV during dress rehearsal by mistake. The moment I wish was caught is the look on Will and my faces when this happened. [email protected] Sept 2003 - June 2006.... Who was the example that got held back a year? Vail, CO I moved to Chicago, and studied Interactive Media at DePaul- the city was rad but I decided I wanted a different pace so I moved to Colorado in December of 2010. A make lattes for tourists and do freelance web design and graphic work. I ride my bike all summer and snowboard all winter- life am good (thanks Jimmy!) out here. Thankfully only myself! The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 1 Amy Robin (Smith Lawrence) Cannava. If I kept it all, I could make a fortune in Scrabble. [email protected] Sept. 93 - June 97 Northern, VA Went to the University of Central Florida to study film, but was rejected from the screenwriting degree because my writing was too "psychologically-driven." So I stubbornly changed my major to psychology, and five years of study later, I am loving my ninth year as a School Psychologist. I still fondly remember my days at Disney, but know my back, neck, and wallet wouldn't have survived much longer. Followed my fiance to the Bayou in support of his military enlistment, married him, adopted the 14th four-legged animal he found and brought home, moved back to VA, and gave up the dream of ever reaching the big 5'0". Currently sitting on my hotel bed in VA Beach after presenting at the Virginia Psychological Association conference and listening to my stomach growl and contemplating dinner. After LBT I worked as a camp counselor, Atmoshperhic Counselor, at a psychiatric practice, at JMU, as a School Psychologist in Bossier Parish, LA; Harrisonburg, VA; Staunton, VA; and now Loudoun County, VA. Though working in education during the job market kaboom, I haven't always kept the job I've had, but always found a new one without a day of unemployment. After Vinny finishes his degree I'll probably go back to school and get a dual counseling certification. We shall see how much money I find out the end of that rainbow. Vince Cannava, II, and Rigatoni Cannava (he's a dog... no need to alert Child Protection). At this point in my life, I almost wish everything was recorded as my memory isn't what it used to be. Embarrassment is only temporary. Memories live forever in media form only. The people I'll always remember, but the inside jokes, the flubbed lines, etc... those get harder to remember over the years. Well, one thing I wanted to take back the second it happened... when Mirabal caught our theatre "notebook" which consisted nothing but notes between friends. Sadly it was Volume III. We did, however, have a real theatre notes spiral. And tripping during a set construction day and putting two/three nails through the bottom of my foot still makes me queasy. [email protected]. I'm on Twitter, Facebook, & Pinterest. September 1995 - June 1999 Arlington Heights, IL After LBT I went to William & Mary, double majored in English and Literary & Cultural Studies: Human Behavior and Performance. Met Chris Jones, moved to Arizona for law school, got a dog, moved to Las Vegas, got married, moved to Illinois. Bought a house, and then decided life wasn't crazy enough so we added a kid. I've now decided that though my job is fine, I want something more. SO I'm on a five-year plan to become a wedding planner. Just did some day-of coordinating for a friend and had an absolute blast. See above. I'm still a practicing attorney, still auditioning, and trying to change career paths. Chris Jones (hubs), Toast (the dog), and Jackson Swisher Jones, the newest member of the family. He'll be in on Thursday, and I can't believe it's already here! He's having a Halloween party, costumes encouraged. For those of you who remember, obviously my mom is making his costume, and he will be ...The Lion. I mean, the Cowardly Lion. From The Wizard of Oz. I'll be Dorothy (sadly, making my own costume so it's not nearly as nice a what my mom can do), Chris will be the Tin Man, and Toast will be Toto. Should be a lot of fun. Oh lord, I feel like all the good stuff was captured on film (at least the stuff I'd be willing to show my friends and family). I do wish we had taped some of the LBT Dance Club, that special time between Saturday matinee and Saturday evening when we'd let the lights go crazy, crank up the music from the booth, and let loose. Too many moments to count that I thank my lucky stars were NOT recorded. Two words: cast party. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 2 [email protected] Sept 2003 – June 2007 Richmond, VA I went to Longwood and graduated with a degree in Communication Studies and minor in Theatre I work for Snagajob in Richmond, VA (which was just named the #1 small business to work for in America....pretty cool I suppose) Myself...and I guess a guy named Skyler who has been hanging around me for a few years Probably during rehearsal for The Laramie Project when I pulled Amanda's chair out from under her and she freaked. I don't think anyone had heard her cuss before. I was terrified. OR playing with my nightstick during Twelfth Night rehearsal and I stabbed Hannah in the eye and she threw me off the stage. Apparently I have a knack for injuring people :) [email protected], Sept. 1992-June 1996 Chantilly, VA UVA, and then I moved back to DC to start my career in Marketing. I work as the director of marketing for a software company in Chantilly. I also really enjoy running and training for races. I got married in Aug. 2010 to Greg. I don't know what I wish was recorded, but I know I am happy that the stomach virus incident in Winston Salem was NOT recorded. [email protected] Sept. 2003-June 2007 I am currently (for a month) living in Roanoke, Va performing in a show with Roanoke Children's Theatre. After that it's back home (nova) for a few months and the big move to NYC in January. After LBT I got my degree in musical theatre at JMU, then backpacked through Europe for two months with my best friend, had no money, so I moved back home, and worked at an Irish pub (Samuel Beckett's in Shirlington) for a few months. After the Roanoke Children's Theatre gig is over, I will be another starving artist looking for work. I have a beautiful girlfriend, but no big plans yet. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 3 Nicolina la Greca Eliopoulos [email protected] / September 1997- June 2000 Washington, DC JMU - DC - Italy - DC - Greece - DC Working in international development at the George Washington University. Exploring graduate course programs. Life is good. I am a well-trained Greek daughter. I feed everyone and anyone especially my Father and then fight with my Mother about whether I'm doing a good job of coddling our male family know. I am also honored and proud to be the Nona to Jackson Swisher Jones who is turning one on October 20th. He has me wrapped around his little finger, and if you don't know - that would be my Godson who is also the offspring of none other than our very own Mary Beth Canty JONES. Life is good. :) The first day Laura Ashleigh Elizabeth Murphy Gunlicks and I exchanged words in the theatre, during a lunch make-up session when Big B and I were doing a scene. Classic. Needed that on tape. She is one of my best friends to this day. Life is good. Eli (formerly Tami) Grossman [email protected] March 2004-June 2007 I still live in Blacksburg, VA.... my heart belongs to the mountains. After LBT, I attended Virginia Tech. I graduated in May with a B.S. in Sociology and a minor in Philosophy.. both of which are pretty useless, so I've been working at Lowe's since graduation. In November, I'll be starting a second job with New River Valley Community Services as a Service Provider at a mental health crisis stabilization clinic and a residential substance abuse treatment facility, which should be pretty cool. I'll probably be attending grad school next fall for something completely different than my undergrad major, possibly forestry. In my spare time, I do outreach and programming for the New River Valley PFLAG organization. Oh, and I legally changed my name to Elijah Oliver Grossman, so now I go by Eli. I like to say it's pronounced like Eli Manning's name, not "Ellie," so now I have two quarterback names - a combo of Rex Grossman and Eli Manning... even though that's not at all why I picked Eli... It just suits me well. I am responsible for my three lovely cats: Barney the brat, Weasel the poor blind cat, and Cricket the biscuitstealing, evil, polydactyl kitten. They torment my spectacular girlfriend, Caroline. We just celebrated our anniversary a few weeks ago, despite her cat allergies. I don't think we ever filmed Romeo to Go, and I really loved everyone in that. I definitely wish I had a copy... It was such a fun play to do, and I remember I actually had lines in it for once. While on the one hand, I laugh out loud every time I think about this moment, I am glad that (as far as I know) we don't have it on film: the performance of Marvin's Room in which I dropped the glass mirror right in front of where my mother was sitting, then Rachel mumbled "Ohhh Charlie" and while we were trying not to burst out laughing and get off stage, I slipped banana-peel-style on a newspaper/script/something on the floor "backstage", which was really just a curtain in the blackbox, causing even more of a ruckus. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 4 [email protected] 1995-1997, with brief returns in 2001 (alumni show) and 2011 (Mirabal helping me get my teaching degree.) Lakeridge, VA I went to George Mason. Then I got a job. Then I got another job. Then I went back to George Mason to learn to be a teacher. I'm also at a job. I'm currently working in marketing for my old company because they didn't know where else to put me. I'm also the top salesman at my BBQ company, making BBQ sauce and stuff. Marissa Hock, (My wife) and our three lovely cats, Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, and Lois Lane. Any moment I wasn't on crutches was pretty happy. [email protected],, Sept. 2001 - June 2005 I'm a dual resident of my car and Fredonia, NY. I got my undergrad degree in English and Spanish from SUNY Fredonia in Fredonia, NY. I also worked in technical theatre and as a lighting designer, and was active in choir, a cappella and creative writing. I went on to get my master's degree in public relations from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. After graduating from my whirlwind master's program in August, I got a temporary job at Johnson Estate Winery in Westfield, NY as a Communications Specialist (they pay me to take photos of grapes... and eat them). I'm traveling and continuing to job hunt in the PR field. I'm the proud owner of one 15 pound ginger cat, Liam, and my faithful car Max, who's been with me since LBT. I'm pleased that one of the first impressions I made at LBT wasn't recorded. When asked what role I wanted in the first show, The Tempest, I replied that I wanted to be a "spirit." Jon Cohn asked me why, and I replied, "Because of the costumes." I had no idea what the costumes would look like, of course, but it was the only answer I could come up with that wasn't "It's the only role I know I'll get!" The final circle of The Laramie Project was the most emotionally charged event I've ever seen at LBT. I wouldn't want to rewatch the event if it was recorded, but it was an amazing moment. [email protected]/ Sept 1996 - June 2000 Alexandria, VA Graduated from University of South Florida in December 2003 with a B.A in Theatre Arts. After graduation, I returned to the Washington DC area and toured 32 states in 9 months as part of the Olney Theatre's National Players in Romeo and Juliet. In 2005, after a myriad of odd jobs (including a failed attempt at substituting for Fairfax County), I was hired by the Helen Hayes award winning Keegan Theatre to be on their executive staff as a member of the resident acting company and to serve as Production Manager where I have performed in 16 productions, including 2 international tours to Ireland, and have created 6 lighting designs for the company as well. Currently I am working for a lobbying/trade association in Washington D.C. and still serving on the Executive Staff at Keegan. This season, I will perform in at least 3 productions for them including Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Twelve Angry Men, and August: Osage County I am responsible for cooking, cleaning and general 1950s housewife duties for Christina Coakley, the Director of Administration for Keegan Theatre, who I have been with for 4 years. We are currently checking her mental stability to understand why she has allowed this to happen. Unfortunately, all the awkward moments for me at LBT were pretty much taped for my future kids to make fun of me about. Thankfully, Bald Soprano and my first time in drag (yes, that's right, there was a second), has not appeared to be filmed. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 5 [email protected] 1997-2001 Just moved back to Fairfax, VA from NYC. 5 years at Cornell (1 for a Japanese program + 4 for a double major in Government and Asian Studies); 3 years at UVA law; 2 years as a corporate litigator in NYC; 2 months as a local prosecutor in Arlington. Why did I leave a sweet job in NYC? Because it was the worst thing ever and wasn't what I wanted to be doing with my life. Buy me a beer and I'll tell you some tales. But after taking a leap of faith - seriously, I quit with nothing lined up and the prospect of moving in with the 'rents - things appear to be working out as best as I could have ever hoped for. Nowadays: Working in the Arlington Commonwealth's Attorney's office, dabbling in local politics, getting ready for some big life changes, and enthused to be back home. Responsibilities: Nothing yet. Soon though. [email protected] September 1999 – June 2003 Silver Spring, MD Went to JMU, graduated in 2007 with a BS in Psychology and a BA in Philosophy, did PR for two years, then went to University of Maryland - College Park, got my master's in couple and family therapy. Job searching, getting married in July 2012. My fiancee, Lisa Stechschulte. I wish our senior showcase was recorded, because somehow, despite not knowing our lines at 4:00PM, we had them just about down by 7:00PM. I'm really glad none of my acting from Theatre II was recorded. [email protected] October 1994-June 1998 Seattle, WA Went to Bowling Green State University in Ohio (cold, windy, flat) for college, graduated a touch early in December 2001 (even colder) and had a brief stopover in my parents‟ house before moving to New York City (cold, hot and definitely not flat) for two years. NYC included a short stint living with Stacey O‟Rear (best roommate ever), then back to various bits of Burke and Reston before losing my job in a layoff in January 2008 and finally ending up back in Burke again. In August 2009 I gave up on the east coast and drove to Seattle (temperate, green, hilly) to start over in a new market and I‟ve been pretty happy with it ever since. I somehow ended up translating a weekend Flash workshop I took for quick credits in college into a graphics job in a company that put phonebooks online in 2005. That job and subsequent promotions eventually settled me solidly into the tech sector. After fleeing west, I landed in another very small software company where I have been the Technical Project Coordinator for two years. Not quite where I thought I was going with a photo degree, but life happens. I‟ve been responsible for a small chihuahua/terrier mix from West Virginia for seven years. Her name is Maybe and she‟s a scaredy pants attention whore. Don‟t think the contrast is lost on me. I kind of wish I had more pix of our recruitment efforts for the makeup crew for Music Man. How I got wrestlers to join in I‟ll never know, but they turned out to be pretty handy when we kept killing grips and needed replacements. That show was kind of brutal on the backstage crew, though I did get asked to prom during a scene change at the final dress rehearsal. I‟m somewhat glad pix don‟t exist of the curtain call for the dress rehearsal of Midsummer when Gene and Nick took flying leaps off the top of the set and just kind of left me hanging up there, though I‟m pretty sure the expression on my face when they did that was priceless.Given that that would ultimately be the last time I‟d appear on the main stage I do wish I had more photos from that show in general. I still have the ass head in my parents‟ attic though, so that will just have to do. Oh, and I wish there was video, or at the very least audio, of Matt and Aaron as Conan O‟Brien and Andy Richter. Those two made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt on a regular basis. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 6 e-mail:[email protected] 1998-2001 I currently live in Lafayette, Indiana, a strange, but glorious factory/university town raised amidst a sea of corn and soybeans. I went to NOVA for a couple of years and then Mason while managing a kids‟ consignment store in Burke. Graduated in the winter of ‟05 and worked at a tutoring center for six months or so before heading to Orono, Maine to do my M.A. at the University of Maine. After a couple of years in the pines, I moved out to Indiana to do my Ph.D. at Purdue. This is my fourth year out here. I‟ll most likely be done in the spring of 2013 and will then move again to somewhere else. I‟m currently teaching writing and literature at Purdue while finishing my degree. I am responsible for my two cats, Ozma (a petite, half-feral tabby from the streets of Grand Rapids, Michigan) and The Gump (a 20 lbs. bruiser of a tom), and I‟m getting married in December. [email protected] or you can hit me up on Facebook. Sept 1995 - June 1999 Burke, VA (yes, I did move around and even left VA for a while but this place is home - see below) I took off for a performing arts degree from VCU but only made it 2 years before running away from Richmond. Came back to NoVa, did some acting/ backstage stuff, fell in love, got married, moved to CO. Then we bought a house, got knocked up with twin girls, moved to Kansas, HATED Kansas, moved back to NoVa. I am the payroll manager for a telecom company in Herndon. We have a great place in Kings Park and we are hopeful that RL will stick it out another 9 or 10 years at LB so our girls can pester him just like Mommy. Husband, Justin. Twin daughters, Annabelle and Olivia. Two dogs, Trevor and Winnie. Two cats, Twiggy and Lucy. You know the answer to this already, RL. My second choice would be for some of our Folger/VTA shows on video. [email protected], September 1992 - June 1996 Campbell, CA (basically San Jose, an hour south of San Francisco) After LBT I went to the best university in the world, the University of Colorado at Boulder--GO BUFFS! I got degrees in English and music, and I moved to California with my then-boyfriend and became an English/Drama/French teacher. I'm still teaching and enjoying it, but I only teach English now. I really do Romeo and Juliet up right. Outside of work I do a lot of outdoor stuff like climbing, mountaineering, backpacking, canyoneering, exploring, half marathons... and some not-necessarily-outdoor stuff like yoga, reading, photography, cooking, and shooting. That's right, watch out--a left winger with a gun. I've had the same nice boyfriend for a year and a half. Stay tuned. I wish Sam's and my simultaneous quack during Sound of Music rehearsal was on video. That was so weird. And I wish I had video of Raffi stamping his buttcheeks on the greenroom wall (he made us leave the room). Other than that, I remember most of the important stuff pretty well in my mind's eye. Good times. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 7 [email protected] I also have a google+ account so you can look for that. Fall 2003 - Spring 2007 Fairfax Va but after Nov. 5 I will be in Emmistburg MD (more on that later) College first, Radford University studying theatre. Graduated in Spring 2011 with my BA in theatre arts. And now it's, we'll, now. no career to speak of. I'm currently working at Bed Bath and Beyond (where I ran into Kathleen Mason the other day!) I'm transferring that job to Frederick Maryland when I move. I just hope that 20 years from now I don't find myself still with the company and not acting. But for now it's a paycheck, not a big one but a pay check none-the-less. I guess here is where I mention the fact that in less than a month from sending this out I will be MARRIED! I'm moving so we can be together. Unfortunately this economy, and our low-paying, part-time jobs, do not allow us to live on our own so we will have what is basically a suite in her father's house. I don't mind too much, he's a great guy, its a huge house, and we hope things pick up soon. Hmm I'm not sure which of those categories I think his should fit into but I think that moment when Tami “flashed” RL her strapped down (and thus quite descent) chest after coming off stage one night during Marvin's Room. Maybe I'm glad there was no recording of Tami doing it, and sad there was no recording of the big guy's [email protected] / - under construction Sept 2001 - June 2005 Orlando FL Area Graduated from Virginia Tech. Went to Disney to be a part of the Magic Factory. I work for Walt Disney Imagineering. The creative Arm for all disney parks, rides, attractions, and resorts. And things and stuff. Me. Sometimes. And I have a mancrush on Robert A. Wingfield ('05), and James Loizou ('05) I wish there was some, substantial evidence, that I have had my pants off. Everywhere. Not a sexual thing. I just don't like pants. [email protected] 1996-2000 Los Angeles, CA Graduated from Syracuse University and headed right out to the City of Angels. Worked at William Morris, CBS, Discovery Studios and TLC in program development up until today (all the new shows on TLC the past 3 years came through me and my team...wassup Cake Boss, Couponing and Gypsy Wedding!! - - SEE PICTURE!) Soon to start a new position as Director of Alternative Programming at Syfy network. Extremely excited to switch gears and program for a different demographic. Aaand planning a wedding on top of all that! Very fun time. Recently engaged to a wonderful man named Joe after three fantastic years together - couldn't be happier!! I am actually glad nothing was recorded from my day - my memories from LBT live on as dynamic, epic, tragic, fun, beautiful moments in my head. If I were to watch them back today, they might not seem as magical! So I'll refrain from answering. :) The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 8 [email protected] 2004-2008 Tucson, Arizona After high school, I moved to Tucson, AZ to go to the University of Arizona and study Business. I'm a senior at the University of Arizona, double majoring in Accounting and Operations, graduating in May. I'll be graduating in May, I'm moving up to Phoenix to work with Boeing Defense and Space in the Business Career Foundation Program, a two-year rotation program where I'll be doing a new job every 4 months for 2 years. I have a fish named Rodney. I'm really glad that my senior showcase with Jessie Holder wasn't videotapped. She and I messed up our lines from Alice so badly it was embarrassing. And all of the english classes were there, so the majority of my friends who would NEVER see a show got to see me in a weird-looking poofy dress TOTALLY destroy my lines. Hence why I'm not going into acting. [email protected] 1994-1998 Fairfax, VA Undergrad at Pepperdine Univ. in Malibu, CA, grad degree in vocal perf @ Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, MD, another three years back in Los Angeles, then came back to VA for an MBA and got stuck here helping out family for a while. I'm a Northern VA regional rep for a wine distributor. I drive roughly 100 miles a day, schlepping high-end boutique wines to on- and off-premise accounts. Andrew Blakney is one of my clients. I manage to do a local show every other year or so -- see above. Last one was written up in the Sondheim Review in Spring '10. That was pretty fantastic. I'm planning on doing this around here for another year or so, then getting a marketing position with a producer (vintner/winery/etc.) back out on the west coast. My 9-month-old Shiba Inu puppy Imriel is my one and only child. I have no interest in kids. Dating a wonderfully supportive, sweet, and blazingly intuitive former CA resident who wants to get back there as much as I do. It's really all kind of a blur. Most of my favorite memories were made backstage, really, and I'm thrilled that I've managed to keep in touch with the ones I have. Probably best left OFF camera. :) [email protected] or I‟m on twitter (@heyitsAdrianna) September 2004 to June 2008 (I'm pretty sure that's right...age has dulled my memory) Same old same-Springfield, Va. I went to NOVA straight after LBT. Didn‟t do so hot in my first couple semesters. Figured out what I wanted to do, got my Associate‟s degree in Speech and Communications and transferred to George Mason as a Junior. My current major is Communications with a concentration on Public Relations. I‟m a full time student. I babysit to make my money. Currently applying for internships and non-children related jobs. I have a one and a half year old Cairn terrier named Russell and he‟s my baby. And he's rotten. I am seeing someone right now...have been for the last three-ish months. He‟s awesome and it‟s going really well. You can get in touch if you really wanna know more ;) You know, I think my class was pretty good about taking pictures at all times. I wish we had pictures from all of us sleeping on the floor at a sleepover we had after the LBT Awards in ‟07. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 9 [email protected] (I've got a poetry blog goin' as well but I don't quite wanna put it out there.) September 2006 - June 2010 The Little Building, Emerson College, Boston. I'm literally right on the Boston Common next to the Boylston T stop. It's fantastic. I love it. After my senior year and recovering from my surgery, I started assistant teaching preschool at Grasshopper Green in Annandale (Where apparently Michael Innocenti went to preschool? Weird, and kinda cool to think about.) I also started working on the weekends at the Cinema Arts Theatre in Fairfax, which was great 'cuz I got to see indie movies for free a lot. Then I started my freshman year at Emerson College, felt out of place in New England fairly constantly, tried to reconcile with how crazy it is to be an acting major at a huge theatre school & new competition. I got cast in a student group play called Bash by Neil LaBute (I was the woman in Medea Redux) and it changed my life. I came back for The Tempest and for Dracula, and that was a great experience. In addition to teaching preschool again this summer, I interned at the GALA Hispanic Theatre in DC as a Production Management Intern and had a really great time, and am seriously considering trying acting in Spanish more often and generally participating in cultural things. Still working on that B.A. Acting degree, and I might just double major in Writing, Literature and Publishing thanks to all those APs I took at LB. I'm currently working at the Lyric Stage Company in the back office (my official title is Marketing Assistant), an opportunity I love and always look forward to every time I go in. Emerson has a great relationship with the Lyric (the Artistic Director there teaches directing classes here). I love being part of the production/management aspect of theatre and acting as well. It's fantastic. I'm currently in my first Emerson Stage Show (we can't be in shows with the faculty till our sophomore/after we complete our crew credit), Robin Hood, and also involved in a start-up theatre company that some of my friends started this year called Atomic Age Theatre. I'm in a Sam Shepard play with them this semester. I am responsible for myself only and all my college-age acting-student neuroses and that is plenty, trust me. I am very happy that the moment when I went by the actual stage and cursed on stage during a matinee of Odd Couple ("shit," I think was the word) was not recorded. Super stressful. I also think that's when I slammed the door so hard that the set managed to tear along the painter's tape, so generally I'm glad that's not documented anywhere. I'm making sure to wear contacts on stage now, instead of going glasses-less. I wish someone could have recorded half the things that Hannah said all the time, because they were certainly comedic gold. And maybe it would've been cool if someone had always been rolling film like Emilie Norris my senior year because I would have liked to watch our little class over and over again. The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 10 [email protected], No Poster Girl February 1991-June 1993 Washington, PA NYU, Whole Foods, Michigan, Kellogg's HQ, California, the stone fruit biz, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Disabled by myalgic encephalomyelitis since December 2007. The news since last year is this: My rock star ME/CFS doctor, Paul Cheney, announced early in 2011 that he was starting an experimental protocol for my disease consisting of Gc-Macrophage Activating Factor, or GcMAF for short. GcMAF is a normal part of the healthy immune system that's destroyed by my disease. I started it in May, after a substantial number of blood tests (and more every couple weeks). I seemed to be getting some marked benefit out of it when in mid-August I ran into a pretty bad case of IRIS (Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome) and had to stop the treatment to wait for it to abate. Basically, IRIS is what happens when your immune system wakes up, realizes there are nasties running amok, and freaks out. So it means that the treatment was working, which is good news. Almost everybody who takes GcMAF gets some of this, but mine is way worse than average. It's been going on for ten weeks, but it's slowly improving. Eventually it should pass and I can then restart the GcMAF. This January, I started writing a new blog, No Poster Girl. My tagline is Life With Severe ME/CFS: A bed-lyin', pill-poppin', muscle-wastin' good time. After years of people telling me I should write an ME/CFS blog, and me always saying that I couldn't imagine that I had anything interesting to say about things like not being able to wash my own hair, I've found that, shockingly, I seem to have quite a lot to say about things like not being able to wash my own hair. I've garnered quite an audience, far more than my food blog ever did. Not bad for someone who can barely sit up. Michael and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. I'm still serving as a heat source for cats Mingus, Coltrane, and Bootsy Collins. This summer, it looked like we were also going to be responsible for The Tomatoes That Ate Pittsburgh, but the cold weather has dimmed their prospects markedly. Frankly, the memorable ones are still with me. It's the sort of everyday conversations I've forgotten so many years on that I'd most like to be able to revisit. On the other hand, I would rather not revisit reciting T.S. Eliot's The Naming of Cats for that oral interpretation assignment and crawling down from the stage and across everybody sitting in the first row. But I guess I just did. [email protected] Sept 1992-June 1993 Denver, CO Move to Colorado for school, and stayed for the skiing. Ended up in recruiting due to the ability to talk to anyone, and thankfully, still do a lot of skiing. Let's see, in the last 6 months: I got married, got a kitten, and bought a house. Also changed jobs, now in recruiting at Comcast - free cable is a great job perk! So, it's been a really busy year. Can't imagine it's going to slow down, but I'll take some down time! Husband Alan, Kitten named Coco - also now responsible for a bit more yard than I expected - anyone know something about rose bushes??? This many years later, I think it would be fun to look back at a gabble run in RL's office - all of us just rattling off lines in fast forward while hanging out on couches around the room - which probably looks a lot different by now. :-) The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 11 Here‟s the geographic breakdown of LBT grads (as far as I know). My apologies if I missed a few. Feel free to let me know who I missed. The people italicized are the people I have not heard from recently, and therefore am not sure where they are...but there last known location was this location : ARIZONA Heather Bernacki, Lizzy Christy, Brian Roller, Allison Stein CALIFORNIA Gabi Andrade, Michael Bohman, Allison (Leeds) Bucchere, Ruthie Carl, Scot Carlisle, Rebekah Carter, Jackie Chu, Colleen Cohn, Jon Cohn, Taylor Coffman, John Costigan, Brendan Crowe, Cari Daly, Olivia (Demek) Porter, Tiffany DuPont, Erin Garland, Meg Heinemann, Barbara Howlin, Abby Maclachlan, Christine Maraboli, Jack Mazzeo, Ian McGuire, Meredith Moseley, Mandy Moss, Natalie Nardone, Stacey (O‟Rear) Rae, Jacob Perlin, Olivia (Demek) Porter, Kat Purgal, Sarah Purgal, Diane Rossini, Meg Seay, Stacy (Segal) Neuland, Jenna Socha, Tori Socha, Bryant Sullivan, Amy Treadwell, Michael Thomas, Kristin Von Kundra, Brian Walquist, Dan Wolfe, Jason Wright CONNECTICUT Michael Patrick COLORADO Shoaib Aryan, Shelby (Bernard) Arnold, Ayo Awosika, Andrew Bare, Cat Carranza, Hannah Davis, Nicole Libertelli, James Patterson, Nicole (Lenaers) Yue, D. C. Chloe (Adler) Sheehan, Jessica Brand, Dan Brown, Julie Cameron, Jon Clearfield, Marlon Correa, Cameron Doucette, Nicole Eliopoulos, Alex Esch, Charlie Fletcher, Jenny Fornoff, Becky French, Elizabeth (Liz Lloyd) Gibbons, Patrick Hale, Jim Heinneman, Stephen Jennings, Justin Jones, Kerry Kaleba, Tracey Krat, Megan Lange, David Lewin, Tracy Lingo, James Loizou, Victor Lopez, Amy (Lubell) Lyons, Ryan Matt, Brandy Morgan, Marisa Mutty, Jaime (Carmichael) Padgett, Rachel Lee (Poole) Jerez, Jim Riegel, Laura Roesler, Danielle Schender, Chris Scott, Marie Siesseger, Emily Sprissler, Anja Stickley, Jason Strasser, Leigh Chase Thompson, Meghan (McLaine) VerGow, Hayden Zell DELAWARE Michelle Sylvester GEORGIA Karolyn Benger, Chris Koch, Bill Porter, Sara Simnowitz, Kira Walsh, Heather (McCall) Whelan FLORIDA Bethany Buffington, Amy Davis, Laurel (Moore) Lee, Amira Mohamed – Ameen, Patrick Montemerlo, Adam Ressa, Lisa Rotter, Elizabeth Sutton, Nick Oyler, Penelope Sexton ILLINOIS Mary Beth Canty, Stepher Eng, Joel Gross, Lem Huntington, Lauren Kidd, Brian Loevner, Andrew Shapiro, Andrew Totsch, Raffi Vartian IDAHO Sandra (Porter) Bohlken INDIANA Nick Mohlmann IOWA Stephen Jennings („92) KANSAS Rachel Newby KENTUCKY Angela (Holt) Sanders, Shannon (Juroff) Boothe, Christine (Nicole Jette) Young LOUISIANA Andrew Ward MARYLAND John Baker, Juli (Allred) Ball, Jenny Boyle, Enoch Chan, Marissa Freese, Jason Hamel, Adam Lowe, Casey Kaleba, Aaron MacLean, Liz (Murray) Webster, Jennifer H Popken-Leeds, Matt Provance, Erica (Wilmore) Shadowsong, Heather (Ettinger) Wenzel MASSACHUSETTS John Baker, Chris Deter, Stacey Fischer, Devan Johnson, Lindsay Stephenson, Noelle Viñas MICHIGAN Charles Lee Holley MINNESOTA Anita Smallin MISSISSIPPI Elizabeth (Macy) Rogers MISSOURI Michelle (Corcoran) Baumstark, Amy Rogers, Andrew Tosch NEVADA Brea Rose Sias NEW MEXICO Justin Gaudian, Josed Granados, Emilie Norris NEW YORK Seth Ackerman, Iffy Akwule, Kara Bain, Anna Kate Bocknek, Erin Burniston, Heather (Baldwin) Canfield, Rachael Cohn, Jesse Dean, Marea DeMarco, Emily DiMego, Brian Dudolevitch, Paul Dunford, Chivonne Floyd, Neome Gangi, Nick Gray, Michelle Grossman, Brendan Hill, Elizabeth Holtan, Katie Maconaughey, Ilana Naidamast, William Noguchi, Zefralyn Osborne, Sylvia Ozols, Avni Patel, Emily Ryan, Jill Schwartzman, Casey Stein, Abby Tiffany, Mark Van Brocklin The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 12 NORTH CAROLINA Matt Barclay, Kevin Barringer, Scheli Boley, Cate Bossert Emelio, Elizabeth (Goldman) Clor, Sean Roux, Jennifer Sizemore, Jessica (Sneed) Olson OHIO Jen (Stevens) Booth, Janice (Laccone) Wedge, Grace Lenihan OKLAHOMA Lindsay (Cheney) Buckaloo OREGON Katie Heald, Devora Shapiro, Greg Touchton PENNSYLVANIA Lizzie Cole, Hannah Dubrow, Kitt Evans, Michelle Gomez, Micah Hart, Jessie Holder, Corinne Neal, Alexandra (Baker) Shrake, Jason Strohl, Jocelyn Waite SOUTH CAROLINA Lara Allred, Brenda Chepenik, Zach Groom, Rachel Miller, Craig (C J) Shoemaker, Sarah (Stephenson) Turocy TENNESSEE Lizzie Altman, Hanna Easley, Brent Gibbons TEXAS Jehnna Alexander, Kim Evans, Kimmi Johnston, Leah (Graves) Land, Jimmy (James Atkins) Preston, Lauren Rife, Michelle Salmon UTAH Rachel (Barton) Lister VIRGINIA Alisa Akers (VWCC), Josh Altman, Jenee (Stankosky) Andreev, Sarah (Apgar) Painter, Molly Atchley, Chris Barnard (NOVA), Jesse Baskin, Katie Baukin (JMU), Corinna Beall (VCU), Kit Benz, Eric Berman (GMU), Kae Bieber, Sam (Birchett) Hunter, Nathan Black (VT), Andrew Blakney, Kate Bongiorno (NOVA), Bob Bonsall, Derek Bradley, Courtney Bradshaw (JMU), Hannah Brandenburg, Kristine Brown, Tess (Brown) Viswanathan, Sarah Campbell, Vince & Amy Cannava, Stephanie Cardace, Yillah (Rosenfeld) Carniero, Ruth (Shippee) Carmody, Bryan Case, Rachel Cave, Mireille Cecil (GMU), Lisa Cole, Matt Continetti, Debbie Crabbe (VCU), Anne Crossan, Rhi Cruse, Jimmy Day (CNU), Kevin Deliee, Gianna DeMarco, Matt Dodd, Erica Dodds, Brandon Duncan, Chad (Sisson) Dukes, Daniel Eichhorst, Hisham El Mawan (VT), Luke Esper (LWD), Sean Evans, Pamm (Werthman) Fontana, Aimee Fausser, Matt Ference, Keith Filppu, Alex Finn, Jesse Forbes, Audrey (Forrest) Lafrenaye, Jenna (Cath) Franks, Lee Gabriel, Taylor Gaines (UVA), Michael Glatter, Alex Gomez, Melissa Gonzalez, Eli Grossman, Laura Gunlicks, Josh Handal (UVA), Andrea Harmon (JMU), Allison Heald-Webb, Alec Henneberger (GMU), Michael Hock, Katie Hoppe, Shirlee Huang, Michael Innocenti, Carly Jehlen, Mark Jennings, Stephen Jennings (‟08) (NOVA), Ken Jones, Rebecca Jones (VT), Stephanie (Jones) Wamsley, Kermit Kaleba, Alex Kaplan (UVA), Josh Katcher, Maerna Kaufmann (W&M), Teresa Kim (W&M), Mandy Kimlick, Kate Knott, Catharine Kuntz (Shen), Audrey (Forrest) Lafrenaye, Maya Lawrence, Oriana Layendecker, Amy (Boynton) Leniart, Grace Lenihan, Jenn (White) Lewis, Suzy (Linkowitz) Rohler, Amanda Lodge, Matt Lopez, Felisa Macaspac, Jessica Maffey, Kathleen Mason, Nicole May (GMU), Gene McCusker, Colin Manning (UMW), Vered Margalit, Alex Marrs (CNU), Melissa Martinelli, Tom Mason, Katie Matthews, Dan Mecready, Carolyn Metcalf (GMU), Theresa Meyers, Emily Mittelman, Abbey (Levinson) Moran, Tory (Sims) Muir, Ariel Myatt (CNU), Shawn Northrip, Jake Null, Athena Oliff, Marika Oliff, Theresa Olsavsky, Sarah (Oppenheimer) Humphrey, Alberts Ozols, Anita (Paredes) Blades, Heather Parker, Sean Pflueger, Daniel Plotkin-Richey, Sean Pollin, Katie (Stice) Pond, Stephanie Ramsey (VT), Holly Riggi, Erikka Robinson (ODU), Ben Rollins, Michael Ross, Andrew Rothwell (VT), Laurel (Scott) Royer, Abby Ruff (NOVA), Bob Sayed, Cari Schmucker, Tiffany Scott, Ben Shannon (VT), Meghan Shannon, Renna Shaw, Austin Smith, Jenna Sokolowski, Joe Spinnato, Rebecca (Stager) Goble, Jenn Stofferahn, Jeremy Strohl, Chris Suchan, Mike Sullivan (UVA), Leah Teklemariam (ODU), Matt Tiemann (JMU), Paul Tinsley, Rebecca Tolk, Katie Towberman, C. J. Tragakis (VT), Evie Trester, Raychel Trump (GMU), Nora Turner, Adrianna Venzor (GMU), Michelle („Chelle Fraber)Waddle, Brian Walsh, Andrew Watson, Robert Wingfield, Katie Wilber Jason Wolf, Julie Wolf, Weslie (Puckett) Woodley, Rachael Ulmer (JMU), Gabi Yount, Roya Zarrinnahad. WASHINGTON Ben Canty, Rahul Gairola, Michael Robinson, Courtney Matia WEST VIRGINIA Haley Von Canon, Jacob Waldman Jennifer Wolf WISCONSIN Emily Mittelman AUSTRIA Angie Zach CANADA Gary McLinn GERMANY Emily Ryan IRELAND Doa‟a Salah RUSSIA Paula Zoueva SWITZERLAND Chris Curtis UK Leslie Berkowitz, Brianna Gray, Karen Stafko, Laura Wall The Next Stage – The Homecoming Edition ‘11 - 13