Alstroemeria - Royal Horticultural Society


Alstroemeria - Royal Horticultural Society
Final Trials Report
Trials Office
The Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB
RHS Trial of Alstroemeria
Introduction to Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria is a genus of around sixty species of herbaceous perennials. They
originate from South America, being found in grassland and scree areas. They have fleshy
roots which spread to form clumps. They flower from summer until the first frosts and can
be grown as part of a mixed or herbaceous border. Many varieties also make good cut
flowers. Smaller growing cultivars are ideal for patio containers. Alstroemeria grow in full
sun or part shade in fertile, moist but well drained soil and should be well mulched for the
first two winters after planting. Contact with foliage may irritate skin. The common name for
Alstroemeria is Peruvian lily.
The objectives of the trial were:
 To judge for garden worthiness (Award of Garden Merit)
 To demonstrate the range and use as garden plants
 To compare established and new cultivars
 To assess for border decoration
 To produce a permanent record through herbarium specimens, photographs and
written descriptions for the RHS Herbarium at Wisley
The Floral Trials Assessment Panel assessed entries in the trial in 2010 and 2011,
recommending the Award of Garden Merit to 10 entries and reconfirming 3 existing awards
using the following criteria:
 Floriferousness (5 points)
 Length of flowering season (5 points)
 Flower quality (5 points)
 Habit & foliage (5 points)
The trial was due to be assessed during 2012 but reluctantly was terminated on 26 July
2011 due to disease issues and the condition of the trial.
Trial Assessment July 2010
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
There were 98 entries in this trial, submitted as 3 litre plants by breeders, nurseries and
individuals in the UK, Europe and the USA.
Cultivation 2009
The plot was rotavated and raked in preparation for planting in early June 2009. The trial was
spaced at 60cm between plants and 100cm between entries. On 17th July 2009 the trial was
fed with ammonium sulphate to aid plant establishment. Taller entries were staked with link
stakes each year.
In winter 2009, after the first frost and when the frosted shoots had started to rot away, a
10cm (4") mulch of Wisley Compost was applied over the crowns of all the plants to protect
them over the winter.
Cultivation 2010
As a number of plants did not survive the 2009-2010 winter, it was recommended that a
thicker, 15cm (6"), layer of bark mulch should be used to cover the crowns of all plants as
future winter protection.
Following soil analysis of samples taken on 19 July 2010, the following fertiliser was applied
on 1st September 2010 in accordance with the Soil Scientist's recommendations:
 Sulphate of potash for potassium at 130g/m2 (5oz/yd2)
 Kieserite for magnesium 160g/m2 (6.2oz/yd2)
 Ammonium sulphate for nitrogen at 48g/m2 (1.9oz/yd2)
 No phosphorus was required and although the pH was considered a little high at 7.4,
the use of sulphate based fertilisers should help reduce this.
Drip irrigation was installed on the site in July and the plants received water as and when
Entries 90-98 were planted on 10th November 2010 along with additional material to fill gaps in
the trial where plants had died.
A 10cm (4") mulch of pH neutral garden compost was applied to entries 1-54 in December
2010 after the snow had melted.
Cultivation 2011
Mulch was applied to entries 76-99 on 11th January 2010 and to the remaining entries on 13th
January 2011. A number of plants unfortunately died over the winter.
Following the Soil Scientist's recommendations, the following were applied to the trial on 13th
April 2011:
 Kieserite for magnesium 80g/m2 (3.1oz/yd2)
 Ammonium sulphate for nitrogen at 48g/m2 (1.9oz/yd2)
 Superphosphate for phosphorus at 118g/m2
 The pH was considered a little high at 7.7, and sulphur chips were applied at 70g/m2.
The addition of ammonium sulphate should also help reduce the pH.
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Pest and Disease
The following plant pathogens affected some plants during the trial:
Phytophthora cryptogea - root / stem rot
Pythium species (including Pythium vexans, Pythium intermedium and Pythium
debaryanum) - root / stem rot
Rhizoctonia – root / stem rot
Unfortunately no treatment is available for these diseases, so the affected plants were
removed and destroyed.
Plant dying
Comparison showing the
browning stems below ground
Plants Receiving AGMs During Trial
The following are the plants thought to fulfil the Award of Garden Merit criteria during the
trial and to be worthy of receiving the award. The criteria which a plant needs to fulfil in
order to receive the award are:
excellent for ordinary garden use
available from nurseries
reasonably resistant to pests and diseases
of good constitution
essentially stable in form and colour
reasonably easy to grow
Hardiness ratings are as follows:
H3 – hardy outside in some regions; needs frost-free protection in winter
H4 – hardy throughout the British Isles
H3-H4 – intermediate between H3 and H4
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Plants Awarded AGM
Please note that full contact details for sources listed below can be found by following the blue
hyperlinks. In the descriptions below, the number codes in brackets after the colour names refer to
the RHS Colour Chart
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Cahors’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 34]
Sent by Ernest Turc Productions
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Buckingham Nurseries, Wisley Plant Centre (RHS),
Bridgemere Nurseries, Hillier Garden Centres
Comments: Nice flower colour and dark buds. Flowers for a
long period. Has good strong stems. Gives a good display.
Lovely flower colour. Performed well for a long time.
Description: 90cm in height. Leafy and robust habit. Foliage
yellow green (greener than 146A). Leaves shiny above, dull
and glaucescent beneath. Stems green, glaucescent, lightly
tinged purplish grey (N186B) in inflorescence. Flower size
40mm long x 70mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals dusky red
(48B) with yellow (5D) breaking through in places, deep red
(60A) central patch to tip. Inner tepals: yellow (12C) with bright
yellow (13A) patches across the centre of upper pair, heavily
streaked red (187A), flushed dusky red (48A) to deeper at tip.
Alstroemeria ‘Red Elf’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 57]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Barnsdale Gardens, Boyne Garden Centre, Usual & Unusual
Plants, Wolverton Plants Ltd, Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Good looking plant. Pristine. Flowers are a bit
smaller – they don't overwhelm the foliage. Graceful. Very
rich, dark flower colour – lovely. Lovely colour foliage. Neat
plants. Nicely poised. Stands upright well. Most vibrant
flower in the trial, stands out from the top of the Trials Field.
Description: 90cm in height. Upright and tidy habit. Foliage
yellow green (146A). Leaves lightly shiny above, glaucescent
and dull beneath. Stems green finely mottled greyed brown
(197A), quite strongly in inflorescence, glaucescent. Flower
size 40mm long x 50mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals red
(40B), black, sunken mucro tip. Inner tepals red (40B), upper
pair with yellow orange (23A) flash in throat, this dashed with
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria ‘Sonata’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 58]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Stands up well. Good foliage. Flower colour
stands out well. Good clean colour, good contrast in flower
Description: 100cm in height. Upright habit, floriferous.
Foliage yelllow green (148B). Leaves lightly shiny above,
glaucescent and dull beneath. Stems green, glaucescent.
Flower size 50mm long x 60mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals
red (47A), slightly purple flushed mid to tip. Inner tepals red
(47A), streaked dark red (187A) from base to tip, upper pair
with large yellow (11B) flash.
Alstroemeria ‘Celine’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 66]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Flowers fresh and a good colour. Masses of
flowers. Very pretty mixed flower colour. Nice bud colour.
Good foliage. Foliage green down to the base.
Description: to be completed in due course.
Alstroemeria ‘Perfect Blue’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 70]
Sent by Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Extraordinary flower colour, beautiful. Bluest of all
the entries in trial, but isn’t really blue. Late to flower. A good
colour for the border.
Description: 100cm in height. Upright in habit requiring
support. Foliage yellow green (147B/137B). Leaves lightly
shiny above, glaucescent and dull beneath. Stems green,
finely striately flushed brown (165A) to darker grey in
inflorescence, glaucous, glabrous. Flower size 50mm long x
60mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals purple violet (N81B) with
deeper (N79) tinted patch at tip beneath green mucro tip.
Inner tepals purple violet (N81C) with many small dark red
(187A) dashes, upper pair with white and, sparingly, yellow
(5B), flashes mid to base.
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria ‘Oriana’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 72]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Langthorns Plantery, Wolverton Plants Ltd, Viv Marsh Postal
Comments: Vibrant flower colour, exceptional colour, very
pretty. Lots of blooms with more to come.
Description: 120cm in height. Upright and robust habit, very
floriferous. Foliage yellow green (146A). Leaves lightly shiny
above, glaucescent and dull beneath. Stems green, purplish
brown (N187A) mottled flush in inflorescence, lightly
glacescent and somewhat shiny. Flower size 50mm long x
50mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals orange red (41B) with
redder (53B) blush mid to tip, small dark green mucro with dark
grey base. Inner tepals yellow (14A) with red blush at tip and
base, strongly streaked dark red (184A).
Alstroemeria ‘Spitfire’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 also AGM for foliage (H3-H4)
2011 [Trial no. 78]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
The Place for Plants, Wisley Plant Centre (RHS), Boyne
Garden Centre, R D Plants, Hillier Garden Centres, Longstock
Park Nursery, Wolverton Plants Ltd, Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Very clean-cut variegation, gives a punch to the
plant. Variegation is 100% stable. Very good even, consistent
variegation. There's a hint of yellow in the very obvious
variegation which works well with the flowers.
Description: 110cm in height. Foliage yellow green (146A)
with greyed yellow (160C) edge variegation. Leaves fresh and
shiny above, dull and paler beneath. Stems green and lightly
pruinose, lightly grey flushed in inflorescence. Flower size
40mm long x 40mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals orange red
(42B) with redder (53A) blush mid to tip, small green mucro
with dark base. Inner tepals orange red (42C) with redder
(47A) flush upper mid to tip, upper pair with large yellow (16A)
flash, lower petal with smaller flash, all streaked dark red
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria ‘Tessa’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 81]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Wisley Plant Centre (RHS), Barnsdale Gardens, Breezy Knees
Nurseries, Longstock Park Nursery, Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Upright, sturdy stems. Very florifierous. Lovely,
rich flower colour with lovely emerging buds. Long flowering
season. A nice tall Alstroemeria.
Description: 120cm in height. Robust habit and floriferous.
Foliage Yellow Green, greener than 146A. Leaves lightly
glossy, paler and lightly glaucescent beneath. Stems green,
lightly flushed Greyed Red Brown N186A especially in
inflorescence, lightly glaucescent. Flower size 45mm long x
60mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals red, slightly more purple
than 53B, with slightly stronger Purplish Red 61A flush to
middle to tip. Inner tepals Red, slightly more purple than 53B,
heavily streaked dark Red187A to almost black, the upper pair
with Yellow 13B flash on lower two thirds, this flushed red
toward base.
Alstroemeria ‘Phoenix’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 82]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Wisley Plant Centre (RHS), Constantine Garden Nursery
(formerly Fir Tree Farm), Longstock Park Nursery, Usual &
Unusual Plants, Wallace Plants, Wolverton Plants Ltd,
Cotswold Garden Flowers, Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Comments: Very vigorous. Most outstanding variegation. In
spring the variegation has a strong pink hue, this only happens
in spring. Slight pink hue later in the season. The hint of pink
in the foliage sets up a lovely contrast with the colour of the
flowers. Nice airy plant habit. Eye catching. Stunning plant.
Very good flower colour.
Description: to be completed in due course.
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) ‘Sirius’
AGM (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial no. 36]
Sent by Ernest Turc Productions
Available from: limited and Thompson and
Comments: Very vibrant, clean salmon pink flower colour.
Good foliage, open form. Attractive foliage colour, slightly
bluish. Flower and foliage colours compliment each other well.
Very consistent plant with a good habit. Stands up well. Very
Description: 100cm in height. Tall and upright habit,
moderately floriferous. Foliage Yellow Green, greener than
146A. Leaves shiny but lightly glaucescent above, dull and
glaucescent beneath. Stems green, glaucescent. Flower size:
40mm long x 65mm wide (diameter). Outer tepals Peachy
Pink 48C, slightly paler and more orange in throat, lightly
purple flushed about tip, deep green tip. Inner tepals Peachy
Pink 48C, streaked dark Red 187A, upper pair with bright
Yellow 13A flashes.
Reconfirmed AGMs:
Alstroemeria ‘Apollo’
AGM (H4) 1994, reconfirmed (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial
no. 61]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Langthorns Plantery, Barnsdale Gardens, Norwell Nurseries,
Breezy Knees Nurseries, Burncoose Nurseries, Treseders,
Perryhill Nurseries Ltd, Wallace Plants, Wolverton Plants Ltd,
Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Alstroemeria ‘Friendship’
AGM (H4) 1994, reconfirmed (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial
no. 63]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Langthorns Plantery, Breezy Knees Nurseries, Burncoose
Nurseries, Treseders, Plantbase, Wallace Plants, Wolverton
Plants Ltd, Viv Marsh Postal Plants
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria ‘Orange Glory’
AGM (H4) 1994, reconfirmed (H3-H4) 2011 [Trial
no. 76]
Sent by Parigo Horticultural Co.Ltd
Listed in the 2011-2012 RHS Plant Finder as available from:
Long House Plants, Barnsdale Gardens, Macplants, Wolverton
Plants Ltd, Viv Marsh Postal Plants, Wollerton Old Hall Garden
Comments: Fewer leaves so more garden potential. Narrower
leaves. Darker orange colour really glows. Fabulous. Strong,
vigorous, stands out, tall.
Trial Index and Senders Details
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Veronica'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Natalie' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Natalie =
'Natalie' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Christina' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Christina =
'Christina' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Matilda'
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Sophie' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Sophie =
'Sophie' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Rosana'
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Rosanna =
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Lucy'
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Lucy = 'Lucy'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
No entry
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Roselind' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Rosalind'
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Davina' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Davina =
'Davina' PBR
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Tara' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Tara = 'Tara'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Isabel'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Gloria'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) 'Little Miss Gina'
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Gina = 'Gina'
Alstroemeria 'Little Eleanor' PBR
Alstroemeria (Little Miss Series) Little Miss Eleanor =
'Little Eleanor'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Sweet Laura' PBR
Dr M Bridgen, Cornell University
Alstroemeria Marilene = 'Staprilene' PBR
Alstroemeria Paola = 'Stapripal' PBR
Alstroemeria Fabiana = 'Zaprifabi' PBR
Alstroemeria Princess Ariane = 'Zapriari' PBR
Alstroemeria Princess Mathilde = 'Zaprimat' PBR
Alstroemeria Isabella = 'Zapribel' PBR
Alstroemeria Diana = 'Zapridapal' PBR
Alstroemeria Sara = 'Staprisara' PBR
Alstroemeria Theresa = 'Zapriteres'
Alstroemeria Ivana = 'Staprivane' PBR
Alstroemeria Leyla = 'Stapriley' PBR
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Alstroemeria Princess Emma = 'Zaprimma' PBR
Alstroemeria Princess Louise = 'Zaprilou' PBR
Alstroemeria Anouska = 'Zaprinous' PBR
Alstroemeria Julietta = 'Zaprijul' PBR
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Venus'
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
Ernest Turc, France
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Saturne'
Ernest Turc, France
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Cahors'
Ernest Turc, France
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Ceres'
Ernest Turc, France
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Sirius'
Ernest Turc, France
Alstroemeria (Planet Series) 'Mars'
Ernest Turc, France
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Desert =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Desert = 'Konesert'
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Tulsa
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Tulsa = 'Kontulsa'
Viv Marsh Postal Plants on
behalf of Könst Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Birdy =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Birdy = 'Konincabirdy'
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Rocky =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Rocky = 'Konyrock'
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Sdg 27743-16
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Sdg 27743-16
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Glow =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Glow = 'Koglow'
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Classic =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Classic = 'Konclassic'
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Sdg 11961-18
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Sdg 11961-18
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Sdg 24733-23
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Sdg 24733-23
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Sdg 20927-2
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Sdg 20927-2
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Pride =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Pride = 'Konpride' PBR
Alstroemeria (The Inca Collection Series) Inca Azur =
Alstroemeria (Inca Series) Inca Azur = 'Konazur'
Alstroemeria Inticancha® White = 'Teswhitin'
Alstroemeria Inticancha White = 'Teswhitin' PBR
Alstroemeria Inticancha® White pink blush = 'Tesblushin'
Alstroemeria Inticancha White pink blush = 'Tesblushin'
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Viv Marsh Postal Plants on
behalf of Könst Alstroemeria
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
Könst Alstroemeria B.V.
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Red = 'Tesrobin'
Alstroemeria Inticancha Red = 'Tesrobin' PBR
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Dark Purple = 'Tesdarklin'
Alstroemeria Inticancha Dark Purple = 'Tesdarklin'
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
Alstroemeria 'Athena'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Alexis' PBR
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Moulin Rouge'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Red Elf'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Sonata'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Adonis' PBR
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Avanti'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Apollo'
AGM (H4) 1994
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Charm'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Friendship'
AGM (H4) 1994
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Golden Delight'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Elvira'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Celine'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Selina'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Serenade'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Lucinda'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Perfect Blue'
Viv Marsh Postal Plants on
behalf of Könst Alstroemeria
Alstroemeria 'Polka'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Oriana'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Ventura'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria 'Orange Supreme'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Tangerine Tango'
Dr M Bridgen, Cornell University
Alstroemeria 'Orange Glory'
AGM (H4) 1994
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Red Beauty'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Spitfire'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Tanya'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Bolero'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Tessa'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Phoenix'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Evening Song'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Purple Rain'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Laguna'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Bonanza'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Maestro' PBR
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria 'Mauve Majesty'
Dr M Bridgen, Cornell University
Alstroemeria 'Pink Sensation'
Alstroemeria Princess Lilian 'Zaprilan'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten
Plants B.V.
No entry
Alstroemeria Inca Milk = 'Koncamilk'
Viv Marsh, Postal Plants
Alstroemeria Inca Coral = 'Konocoral'
Viv Marsh, Postal Plants
Alstroemeria Inca Ginger = 'Koncaginger'
Viv Marsh, Postal Plants
Alstroemeria 'Pink Lady'
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd.
Alstroemeria Inticancha Sunday = 'Tessunday'
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
Alstroemeria Inticancha Navayo = 'Tesnavayo'
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011
Alstroemeria Inticancha Maya = 'Tesmaya'
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
Alstroemeria. Inticancha Creamy Dark Pink = 'Tescreda'
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
Alstroemeria Inticancha Sunlight = 'Tessunlight'
HilverdaKooij Plant technology
* Entries 90-98 were planted 10 November 2010.
N.B Names that are struck through have been checked by RHS Botanists
Sender Details
Dr M Bridgen, Cornell University, 3059 Sound Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901, USA
Ernest Turc Productions, BP 70315, Angers Cedex 01, France
HilverdaKooij B.V., Postbus 8, NL-1400 AA Aalsmeer, The Netherlands
Könst Alstroemeria B.V., Nieuwveens Jaagpad 93, 2441GA Nieuwveen, The Netherlands
Parigo Horticultural Co. Ltd, Spalding Common, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 3JZ
Royal Van Zanten/Van Zanten Plants B.V., Lavendelweg 15, 1435 EW Rijsenhout, P.O.Box
265, 1430 AG Aalsmeer, The Netherlands
Viv Marsh Postal Plants, Hunkington Nurseries, Walford Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
Source: Horticultural Trials and Relations,
RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB
E-mail: [email protected]
More information about RHS Trials and other colour illustrated reports can be found on
the RHS Website:
Final Report for Trial No. 1775 - Alstroemeria, 2009 – 2011