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attractive PDF of the piece that you can read
The Tough Shit I Learned from Kevin Smith
By Peter Melnick
‘m pretty sure that if I
never discovered the work
of Kevin Smith, I would
not have taken the path
I had in life to become
an artist as both a writer and
graphic designer.
Bold statement, isn’t it?
While that may be the case, it
is most certainly true. Back in
2001, Jay & Silent Bob Strike
Back hit the theaters. Around
the time this movie was coming
out, I was a 12 year old about
to enter the 7th grade. Unfortunately due to having a parent
who didn’t want to take me to
an R rated film (understandable), I wouldn’t be able to see
the film until a few months later
on VHS. Before that would happen, I was able to get my hands
on a copy of the film’s script
and somehow convinced my 7th
grade “Reading” teacher to
let me take the script and do a
book report on it. My school had
both an English teacher for that
grade and a “Reading” teacher
– the difference between the
two classes? I couldn’t tell you
even if I tried. Thankfully the
script was released as a physical book from Miramax and I
didn’t have to take 90 something
pieces of stapled printer paper
and use that. I probably got
a good grade on it. It’s been
almost 13 years since I was in
middle school, so I couldn’t tell
you every single grade I got
back then. All I know is that not
The Tough Shit I Learned from Kevin Smith
long after reading the script and years prior, so I thought why
The next semester rolled
then watching the movie, that
around and I was in a meeting
exposure made me into a fan of with my advisor. During said
Now we move ahead two
Kevin and his work.
years and I graduated from that meeting, she made the sugges
When you’re a kid and
community college with an Asso- tion that perhaps I could add
you discover things like films,
ciates Degree in Graphic Design. a minor to my college career.
Looking through my options,
television shows, etc., you sort
At this time, I had gotten acI decided that maybe Creative
of become obsessed. Deny it all cepted by SUNY Oneonta, but
you want, but it’s true. When
due to circumstances beyond my Writing was the right thing for
I was 5 years old, I was comcontrol, I was not able to attend. me. Over the years of watching
Kevin’s work, I realized that
pletely obsessed with the Power For the next year, I decided to
Rangers. Three years later? Star continue my education (i.e. avoid what he was doing was essentialWars was the love of my life. A the real world for another year) ly getting out how he felt about
the world around him, expressed
year later? Pokemon. I think you and go into Communications
his thoughts through written
get the point. Once you discover since there were no other proword. This led to myself taking
something you like, you want
grams that interested me quite
to do whatever you can to learn like that one. Again, I went with a poetry class the year prior at
my previous college. Much like
more and enjoy what you love.
Kevin’s logic of “do what you
Kevin, I was writing out how I
Discovering the work of Kevin
felt about the world around me.
Smith was no different. Once I
Though these were short bursts
“By the time I
finally saw Jay and Silent Bob
expression, I knew that if I
Strike Back, I had to see evreached 8th grade, of
could bring out those thoughts
erything he had committed to
I practically wore in small doses, I could certainly
celluloid. By the time I reached
8th grade, I practically wore out out my VHS copies do it in larger ones as well.
As the semester was endmy VHS copies of the Clerks
ing, it was time to start schedof the Clerks
animated series and Mallrats.
uling what was to come in the
Fast forward to Fall 2007.
animated series
Fall. The thing that I was gung
My grades were in the toilet
ho on was taking a screen writand Mallrats.”
from high school, but I decided
ing course. Unfortunately, I was
to enroll at my local community
not able to get into any of the
college to try and boost them.
During this time, I was
Sitting in the registrar’s office, I reapplying to some of the schools classes. Instead, I decided to go
another route: playwriting. Since
wasn’t sure exactly what I want- to which I applied to a year
both were similar in many ways
ed to do. I didn’t want to choose earlier. One of the schools that
(and different in others, obviousLiberal Arts as a major mainly caught my eye was SUNY Osly), I decided to go that route.
due to the fact that math and I wego. My best friend had been
As luck would have it, an introare just not compatible. So right attending for the past year and
ductory course on the subject
then and there while looking at told me how great it was, so I
was open for the Fall semester
the options I had available, I de- decided to go for it. During that
and was being taught by Kencided to go with Graphic Design first semester, I took two Creneth Nichols. The only downside
as a major. Now what does this ative Writing courses, one with
to the class was the 8 AM start
Leigh Wilson and the other with
have to do with Kevin Smith?
time. Regardless, I went in and
Numerous times throughout his Chris Motto. Both were phenomI appreciated what was being
career, he has told people to “do enal professors and made me retaught to me. Nichols’s teaching
alize that writing was something
what you enjoy,” so I did just
method was unique in that he
that. I had really enjoyed work- else that I enjoyed on top of my
didn’t rely strictly on showing
work in Graphic Design.
ing with Photoshop over the
the standard playwriting materi-
The Tough Shit I Learned from Kevin Smith
als like the work of the greats in how they don’t. It’s one thing to the spot to create original conthe field, but rather often prethink over the lines in your head, tent on a monthly basis. Since
sented clips from sitcoms, films, but it’s another to actually see
they have such a heavy burden
and even news programs. By
with issues (no pun intended)
the words and actions on your
using these sources, he showed
like that, I felt it would be good
page come to life. When a play
us ways to borrow methods from is going into production, you
to get advice from them. I would
other forms of media and incor- can’t really fix things up during hear from people like Evan
porate it into our playwriting.
Dorkin (of Milk and Cheese and
a live reading. The people who
Additionally, he showed us that are putting on the production
Beasts of Burden fame), Justin
it doesn’t matter where inspiJordan (writer of The Strange
usually like the play the way
ration comes from. As long as
Talent of Luther Strode), and Jill
it is and may not want to see
something connects with you,
changes. With Brad’s method of Thompson (of Scary Godmother
you’ll be set. Kevin would even having the class act out the play, fame). On top of all of this, I
go on to do something similar
was able to hear from Bryan
you still have time for revisions
when he worked on his soon-to- for your upcoming drafts. On
Johnson (the writer/director of
be released film, Tusk. He found top of all of that, you can also
the film Vulgar) who gave me
a bizarre ad online and creativ- get to cringe when one of your
the simple, yet valuable advice
ity was brought forth.
lines doesn’t sound the way you of “write every day.”
It wasn’t until a full year want it to (though that’s not
One bit of advice would
later that I would be able to
really a positive thing to experi- come almost a year after my
take the followup course. When ence).
graduation from college. Who
I did, I fell further in love with
was it from you ask? Writer/
fter graduating
caster/Bane vocal imperson“Much like Kevin,
Oswego, I returned ator, Kevin Smith. Early in the
I was writing about
home. One of the
month of May, it was announced
very first things I
that Kevin would be doing an
how I felt about the
was start writing again. The “AMA” (Ask Me Anything)
world around me. did
problem with leaving school,
on the website Reddit. I knew
Though these were however, is you don’t really have immediately I had to ask him
short bursts of ex- deadlines. Instead, you have to a question. Unfortunately, due
create your own and go from
to the large number of users, it
pression, I knew there. Without official deadlines, would be impossible to get him
to see my question in time, so I
that if I could bring sometimes it will become “oh,
write tomorrow” or “I’ll write decided to write up my question
out those thoughts I’ll
after the weekend is over.” For
in detail ahead of time. After
in small doeses, I myself, this would go from
all, if I’m going to ask the man
could certainly do it days of not writing to weeks and something, I might as well go
finally, to months.
all the way. Ten minutes before
in larger ones
Over the course of the
the official thread was posted,
I copied my message/question
as well.”
into different people who occupy to Kevin into my phone. I then
the concept of playwriting. One prominent places in a wide range proceeded to continually refresh
of the most important things
of creative realms. Quite a few
the app I was using like a perthat Brad Korbesmeyer gave us of them would be comic book
son anxiously waiting to enter
was the ability to have our plays writers due to my love of the
a store on Black Friday to see
read aloud and even acted out
medium. In many ways, the job when the AMA was posted so I
in class. Doing so, we were able of a comic book writer can be
could post my question.
to see just how things work and hard since they’re constantly on About 5-6 minutes before
The Tough Shit I Learned from Kevin Smith
express myself anymore. Nightthe AMA was supposed to start, “Hi Kev,
mare thought for a motor mouth
First off, I want you to
I noticed that Kevin had just
full of ideas (some of which
know that I absolutely adore
posted the official thread. As
are actually good). What am I
fast as I could, I opened up the your work. It was your work
discussion and posted my ques- that pushed me in the direction waiting for? Might as well spit
of wanting to become a writer in it all out now while I’ve got the
the first place (even going as far chance.
“Without dead
You know what also
as adding on a Creative Writlines, sometimes it ing minor to my college degree helps? Change up the creative
will become ‘oh, I’ll in Graphic Design). Your ability outlet from time to time. A
writer writes, sure - but a writer
manipulate language and so
write tomorrow’ or to
can also podcast, and sometimes
forth really inspired me and for
‘I’ll write after the that, I thank you. Yes, it’s cliche saying shit out loud can help.
Or go take some photographs.
weekend is over.’ to say, but you are my hero.
Or shoot a short film. Or paint.
Now, over the past few
For myself, this
Even if the words aren’t flowing,
months, I’ve been doing some
would go from days writing and trying to keep at it capture SOME moment that you
can share or convey to others:
daily. There have been a numof not writing to ber of times where I don’t know that’s your only job as an artweeks and finally, what to do next. I stare at the ist. Don’t worry about whether
screen and try to figure out what it’s ‘good’ or ‘bad’, as art is in
to months.”
the eye of the beholder anyway.
to write. Others would say it’s
You just capture the moment,
“writer’s block,” but I’m one of
by any means necessary (Except,
tion into the box and submitted those who believes such a thing
y’know, any way that hurts or
does not exist.
it. My question was one of the
kills someone else).”
Prior to the recent work
first two or three submitted, so I know that he had at least seen that I’ve been doing, I would
After briefly shaking from
it. I then went over to his profile stop writing for days to even
the realization that the guy who
weeks. Lately though, I’ve been
and kept refreshing to see how
made me want to become a writmany answers he had given. The of the mindset where I have to
er actually acknowledged me,
first one was a humorous one in push myself to write even if I
I began to calm down and to
which he answered back to some- don’t think it’s very good.
So, what I want to know is what absorb the wisdom he had grantone who asked if they could be
ed me. The idea that life ends
his accountant. After that, there keeps you going? What inspires
you to write and have there been really didn’t occur to me when
would not be another answer
it comes to writing. My lack of
from Kevin for several minutes. times where even you, a man
foresight was due, in part, to
In the meantime, I noticed that who is verbally gifted didn’t
my comment was getting buried know what to put to paper/type being young and believing in
the “tomorrow will be another
at the bottom of the page with on a keyboard?”
day” mentality. With that bit
“downvotes” (Downvotes are
of advice from Kevin, it made
Then it happened.
a way to hide posts on Reddit
me realize I should let whatever
you may not agree with or find
I refreshed my phone and thoughts flow into whatever it
acceptable. In this case, people
is that I’m writing as there may
were downvoting my question so saw the following reply to my
not be a second, third, fourth, or
their’s could be seen by Kevin
even fifth chance. When the opover mine.), to the point that it
portunity arises, you should grab
“Honestly? Death motiwas in the negative numbers.
vates me. One day it all ends for it and write. Literally, if you
This was my message that I
want to take writing seriously,
our hero, and he doesn’t get to
relayed to Kevin:
The Tough Shit I Learned from Kevin Smith
I just feel that no matter
you should do it as though your what the quality is. Look at the work of Ed Wood. Sure, what
what, if you want to be serious
life depends on it. Otherwise,
about what you do, you should
those thoughts will never be free he made wasn’t great to many,
but he gave the world his vision live every day like it could be
and be shared with the world
(no matter how strange it was). your last. Be brave and take a
around you. In a way, I wish I
There were probably some better chance. This can be in the form
knew that bit of advice sooner
takes from his films that made
of the littlest things like starting
for the fact that maybe
I could have gotten more things it to the cutting room floor, but a blog or painting a picture, to
the large like going skydiving or
out earlier than I did. To be fair, what he used was what he felt
bungee jumping. Kevin told me
however, there’s no time like the was right for that situation.
Will I listen to every bit
to “capture the moment” and I
present, so it shouldn’t matter
of advice that Kevin gave me?
hope to do so not just with my
how soon or how late I began
art, but also with my life.
writing. The fact I’m getting all Absolutely. In many ways, it
helped push me to go further as
of my thoughts out now is the
a writer. I shouldn’t look back
most important thing.
and I shouldn’t be so critical of
my own work. I’m also going to
“After briefly
be starting up a blog of my own
shaking from the in the near future to jot down
my thoughts about the world
realization that the around me. I used to maintain
Peter Melnick is a graphic designer,
guy who made me a blog when I was a teenager,
writer, and graduate of the State University at Oswego. If you would like to
but eventually abandoned it.
want to become a The blog isn’t the only place
take a glimpse into his everyday life,
follow him on Twitter (http://www.
where my writing abilities will
writer actually He is not rebe showcased. For the past few
to the composer of the same name,
acknowledged me, months, I’ve been keeping busy lated
but was once friends with said composer
I began to calm working on a play that I hope to on Facebook for a day.
shop around to various playwritdown and to
ing contests within the next few
absorb the wisdom months. I’m always going to be
a graphic designer, first and forehe had
most. I preoccupy my time doing
granted me.”
“Will I listen to
every bit of advice
that Kevin gave me?
Absolutely. In many
ways, it helped push
me to go further
as a writer.”
The suggestion of taking part in as many activities as
possible was also incredibly helpful. Like I had stated earlier, I’m
a graphic designer and writer.
I already have my hands in two
pots. Why not go and do more?
Be creative in as many avenues
as possible. Sure, the product
freelance work for clients in a vaof one might not be as good
riety of realms, be it logo design,
as the others, but it doesn’t
poster work, among others.
matter. You’re capturing how
YOU feel. It shouldn’t matter