Jeep 201202 - Twenty and Four
Jeep 201202 - Twenty and Four
The National Twenty and Four Honor Society of Women Legionnaires February-March 2012 / Winter Edition II THE NATIONAL JEEP Marilyn Rideaux, Editor Ethel Matuschka, Editor Emeritus Greetings from the National Director VIP Judi Beischel As I reflected on what I was going to say in my Jeep article this month, I received my annual calendar in the mail from WIMSA, Women in Military Service for America. The year 2012 marks the 15th Anniversary of the Memorial which is located in Arlington, VA, near our National Cemetery. The Memorial continues to search for and honor the deeds of America's servicewomen. About 247,300 women are now registered. Wilma L. Vaught, Brigadier General, USAF, Ret., is the founder and President of the Memorial Foundation. It is her goal to cross the 250,000 mark by the 15th anniversary in October 2012. I know many of you are already members. If you are not registered yet, I hope you will so that your service is part of the record of women's service to the nation. You can download a membership form at or call the memorial at 800-222-2294. Last year on Memorial Day weekend, PND Patricia Jackson Kelley, PND Connie Jo Popham and I traveled to Washington D.C. to place wreaths on the Tomb of the Unknown and at the WIMSA Memorial. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It is an honor to participate in the Memorial Day Ceremonies and the fact that I was born on the 'real' Memorial Day, May 30th, made it even more special for me. As I prepare to make reservations for this May, I look forward to sharing the experience again. If you are already a member of WIMSA and have received your copy of the calendar, be sure to check October 2012 for our picture! Additional calendars are available by calling 800-222-2294 or by e-mailing [email protected]. If anyone is considering joining me in D.C., please contact me and I will be happy to fill you in on the airport and hotel we found to be convenient to the metro and the National Cemetery. Please note the corrected phone numbers for our Disbursing Officer Donna Botelho: Home is 253-531-9149 and cell is 253-686-0903. I would like to share a toast that we used at a fundraiser last nite: TO THOSE THAT WENT TO THOSE THAT ARE THERE, STILL TO THOSE THAT HAVE NOT RETURNED TO THOSE THAT NEVER WILL For God and Country. NATIONAL OFFICERS — 2011/2012 NOTE: Please keep this roster handy for reference. DIRECTOR VIP Judi Beischel 14606 N Dickens Ct Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Cell: 480 229-1581 [email protected] ASSISTANT AIDE Kristan M. Lecca (PND) 388 Pleasant Street Holyoke, MA 01040 413 275-8920 or 413/ 533-7737 Sr. VICE DIRECTOR Joyce Babcock Box 21 Custer, MT 59024 [email protected] EMBLEM SALES Lou Ann Huskisson 10410 W. Diana Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85345 623 972-7369 [email protected] Jr. VICE DIRECTOR Glenda Simon 3046 Cartwright Beaumont, TX 77701 409 832-3706 Cell: 409 351-1416 [email protected] FINANCE & BUDGET Carol Stensby, NMI-2011 561 E Nashville Avenue Vail, AZ 86541 520 762-9282 [email protected] SKY PILOT Cathleen Hennie 35519 42nd Ave. S Roy, WA 98580 360 458-8433 Cell: 360 951-8182 [email protected] Janet Martin, PND 15935 Watering Point Dr San Antonio, TX 78247 210 490-4098 [email protected] CQ Eunice Butts 3515 E.9th Ave. Tampa, FL 33605 813 247-4267 [email protected] ASSISTANT CQ Beth Nehring 3639 W. Dailey Phoenix, AZ 85053 Cell: 602 363-8546 [email protected] DISBURSING DIRECTOR Donna Botelho 1104 Violet Meadows St. Tacoma, WA 98444-4060 *253 531-9149 *Cell: 253 686-0903 [email protected] ASST. DISBURSING DIRECTOR Carol Reed 13017 S. E. 171 Place Renton, WA 98050 206 683-5950 [email protected] IMMEDIATE PND Patricia Jackson-Kelley 6624 Arlington Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90043 323 752-6252 Cell: 818 472-0409 [email protected] AIDE Margaret Ahrens 10508 W Sun City Blvd Sun City, AZ 85351 623 977-1657 [email protected] Connie Jo Popham 3394 CR 106 Floresville, TX 78114 830 393-6881 c: 210 535-5062 [email protected] Joyce Babcock (See Sr. Vice Director) AUDIT COMMITTEE Janet Martin, PND, NMI (see Finance & Budget) Beth Nehring (see Asst. CQ) Glenda Simon (see Jr. Vice Director) Cathleen Hennie (see Sky Pilot) AWARDS & TROPHIES Cathleen Hennie, NMI (see Sky Pilot) Sue Mason 24507 Rolling Oak Rd Sorrento, FL 32777 352 383-9797 c: 352 350-4199 [email protected] Chris Hartley 35519 42nd Aenue S Roy, WA 98580 360-458-8433 INTERNAL AFFAIRS Stella West 1081 Deer Crossing Way Lexington, KY 40509 859 264-8396 859 608-2649 [email protected] PUBLIC RELATIONS REP. Carol Reed, NMI (see Asst. Disb. Dir.) 2012 BIVOUAC NMI Carol Reed, NMI (see Asst. Disb. Dir.) ASST. BIVOUAC NMI Stella West PND (see Internal Affairs) CONSTITUTIONS & BYLAWS Stella West PND NMI (see Internal Affairs) Connie Jo Popham, PND (see Finance & Budget) Hollie Hoppe 417 South Van Buren St. Green Bay, WI 54301 920 264-9526 CREDENTIALS & REGISTRATION Gayle Reed NMI 10508 W Sun City Blvd Sun City, AZ 85351 623 977-1657 C:602 486-6277 [email protected] HISTORIAN Jerilyn Strande 2125 W. Running Iron Ln. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 928 649-3374 [email protected] ASST. HISTORIAN Anna Brown 944 12th Street #8 Santa Monica, CA 90404-1313 *310-393-1946 JEEP EDITOR Marilyn Rideaux 1346 W. 163rd Street (A) Gardena, CA 90247 Res. 310 538-4060 Cell: 310-293-1246 [email protected] JUDGE ADVOCATE Patricia Jackson-Kelley (see Immediate PND) LOG DIRECTOR Jerilyn Strande (see Historian) CATHEDRAL OF THE PINES June Newman 12 Stratmore Rd Braintree, MA 02184 781 849-3226 Beth Nehring (see Asst. CQ) NOMINATING COMMITTEE Kim Virgil, PND NMI (see VAVS) Carol Stensby (see Finance & Budget) Janet Martin, PND (see Audit Committee) Cheryl Shannon 1330 Kate Cameron Drive Cheyene, WY 82009 307 634-6476 [email protected] Dorothy Dickson PND 399 Washington St#14A Norwell MA 02061 781 659-1822 VAVS Kim Virgil PND, NMI P.O. Box 36 Okeechobe, FL 34972 C: 954 309-4409 ECHELON DEVELOPMENT Patricia Jackson-Kelley PND (see Immediate PND) Eunice Butts (see CQ) Patricia Alston Harris 700 Bailey Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 C: 919 413-1123 [email protected] Stella West PND (see Internal Affairs) Patricia Harris (see Echelon Development) SERVICE DIRECTOR Rebecca Faris P.O. Box 3122 Kingman, AZ 86402 928 757-8590 C: 928 715-4926 F: 928 757-3476 [email protected] SERVICE COMMISSIONERS Kim Virgil PND (see VAVS) Kristan Lecca PND (see Asst. Aide) Patricia Harris (see Echelon Development) Beth Nehring (see Asst. CQ) Eunice Butts (see CQ) WEBMISTRESS Carol Reed (see Asst. Disb. Dir.) * (Updated info) RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Patricia Jackson-Kelley NMI (see Immediate PND) Carol Stensby (See Finance & Budget) Sue Mason (See Awards & Trophies) Joanne Evans 470 N. A Street Perris, CA 92570 *(951) 657-8704 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Anne Marie Brown NMI 1145 – 248 Barham Dr. San Marcos, CA 92069-4549 *(760) 745-1233 Beth Nehring (see Asst. CQ) T H E N A T I O N A L J E EP • W I N T E R I I — 2 0 1 2 Page 2 MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP REPORT · January 2012 ECHELON GOAL RENEWALS NEW TOTAL Percent of Goal Alaska 29 10 0 0 0 0 Arizona 35 42 39 4 43 103% California 1 35 17 1 18 51% California 40 30 30 2 32 107% Florida 5 19 17 2 19 100% Florida 30 9 0 0 0 0 Illinois 8 14 14 0 14 100% Massachusetts 2 39 14 0 14 36% Montana 9 22 21 5 26 120% North Carolina 27 13 0 0 0 74% Texas 31 70 44 1 45 64.5% Virginia 24 13 0 0 0 0 Washington 3 39 18 3 21 54% Wisconsin 11 29 29 0 29 100% 384 243 18 261 52.24% Totals THE NATIONAL JEEP · WINTER II - 2012 Page 3 Senior Vice Director Joyce Babcock Jr. Vice Director Glenda Guillory Simon Back again asking for all our Jeepettes who have not paid their latest dues to PLEASE get them to your Aide now. It is far past time to have that issue out of the way so we can get on with completing our programs aiding Veterans, especially our women Veterans. I believe we all are proud to be a member of an organized group of women Veterans, a group dedicated to helping other women Veterans. We should all be proud of our service to our country and I am sure you are, so lets show it by getting the dues out of the way and get on with what we are here for. Greetings Ladies! I pray that each and everyone of you had a very Blessed Christmas. I must have been a VERY GOOD GIRL in 2011 because I received a NEW CAR. When I came up with the price of the Fundraiser, I did not think about the financial difficulties we are all facing today. I hope you don’t mind the change. It was a real pleasure to receive so many helpful and welcome notes last year during my fund raising efforts. Thank you all for your generous donations and don’t forget our Junior Vice Director is working that task this year-if each member just adds what she can, Glenda will reach her goal handily. This is one of her duties and I’m sure she is doing her best at a difficult task. When you are thinking of membership, remember all the Ladies who are currently on active duty. Many of them have been recruited for your local American Post and are ready and willing to be part of a group like ours dedicated primarily to the interests and needs of women over the Veteran population as a whole. We are special aren’t we? I know I am very proud of my years of service in our Navy as are those with whom I served. And I find that same pride in the members of the Twenty and Four when I go to Bivouac and see all the lovely ladies in their Jeepette colors and Legion cap. We stand out as special people so lets give other worthy ladies an opportunity to be one of us. One more thing-if you are getting your issue of the National Jeep in the mail and you have an email address, the email issue is much quicker, has color that is fantastic and saves our National Treasury a good deal of money for postage. So won’t you please consider submitting your email address to either our National Aide through your Echelon Aide and prepare to read/print your own copy? Or send it to me if you can’t find another way to get it in the file: [email protected] . You may of course send me any ideas or concerns the same way. Looking forward to hearing from many of you as I spend much time on the WEB. T H E N A T I O N A L J E EP • W I N T E R — 2 0 1 2 February 2012: Sun Mon Tues Fri Sat 1 10¢ to start the “kitty Wed Thurs 2 3¢ - ea inch around the waist 3 5¢ each clock 4 5¢ ea room in the house 5 5¢ ea chair 6 5¢ ea grandchild 7 10¢ if you ate candy 8 3¢ ea pet 9 10¢ ea child 10 5¢ ea pair of shoes 11 5¢ if you did laundry 12 -5¢ if attended church 13 4¢ ea pair of earrings 14 5¢ if you have a 2011 coin 15 10¢ ea telephone call 16 15¢ if you own your own home 17 25¢ if you ate at McDonald’s 18 25¢ if you did not attend Post meeting 19 50¢ if you ate at a restaurant 20 20¢ if you own a microwave 21 10¢ if you ate ice cream 22 3¢ ea program you watched 23 10¢ if you have a $50 bill (LOL) 24 5¢ if you went shopping 25 -10¢ if you were completely honest 26 3¢ if you own a black purse 27 25¢ for red jacket 28 -5¢ if you said a prayer 29 10¢ if you went grocery shopping Once you have completed the calendar send check made out to National 20 & 4 and mail to me, Glenda Guillory Simon, 3046 Cartwright St., Beaumont, TX 77701-6520. SERVICE HOURS Our 2011-2012 year of service to our women veterans is half over. Have you been keeping track of those visited in nursing homes, hospitals, or who are shut-ins? How many miles have been logged taking our ladies to doctor office visits, socials, or meetings? Remember, too, to keep track of the dollar value of gifts, refreshments, and cards/postage. How many cards have been sent and telephone calls made? These can all be reported on our Consolidated Post Reports which can then be transferred to our service report for The Twenty and Four. Thank you for your military service and for your continued service to our women veterans. Rebecca Faris National Service Director [email protected] Page 4 From The Desk of the National Judge Advocate Patricia Jackson Kelley: National 20 & 4 Historian Jeri Strande Our National Director VIP, Judy Beischel requested that I serve as your Judge Advocate for the 2011 – 2012 year. The National Twenty and Four Manual of Procedures identify this role as follows: Sisters, this year I have the honor of serving as the National 20 & 4 Historian, a job lots of folks would “shy away from” but as the Dept of Arizona Historian, I’m going to give it my best shot! However, I can’t do it without your help! The Judge Advocate is an appointed officer and shall: Render fair and unbiased opinions when advising the National Officers, Commissions/Committees, and Department/Echelons on all matters relative to the provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws and Articles of Procedure; the Articles of Incorporation; and Robert's Rules of Order. If an attorney, also advise on legal matters. Be fully informed as to the National policies and procedures. Have readily available a copy of the Constitution, Bylaws and Articles of Procedure; the Articles of Incorporation; and Robert's Rules of Order (current revision). Review all Department and Echelon Constitution and Bylaws and their revisions and/or amendments to ensure that they do not violate the National Constitution, Bylaws and Articles of Procedure. Maintain a file of the National Constitution, Bylaws and Articles of Procedure (including unincorporated amendments); the Articles of Incorporation; and all Department and Echelon Constitutions and Bylaws, and turn this file over to the new Judge Advocate within 45 days after the Bivouac. Prepare an article for the "National JEEP" when advisable to contact all Jeepettes on parliamentary matters. Perform such other duties as are incident to the office. I have not been provided any prior materials. In order that we are organizational compliant, I am requesting a copy of each Echelon and Department Constitution, Bylaws, and Articles of Procedure (including unincorporated amendments), the Articles and Incorporated. Please read the fifth bulleted item. If there has been a change, I am requesting your assistance to accomplish this mission. I currently have a copy of Echelon 1's Bylaws. Here Comes the JUDGE!! Of course it’s rewarding to have the National Director to come and take part in one of your echelon events (one that will take many hours of planning on someone’s part) and when it happens, I’d love to see and hear about it. The more information I receive, the better I like it and frankly, that means I can do a bangup job for our National VIP, Judi. I’ve asked Judi to provide me with a calendar of her scheduled visits to include the name of the point of contact, email address and phone number. That way, I can get the facts and the credit straight – there’s nothing more upsetting to folks than to have their name spelled wrong or identified with an erroneous title! I love my computer so the best way to contact me is via email at: [email protected] and I check it almost everyday. It’s a quick and less expensive way for you to communicate your event and photos to me. If you’re expecting a visit from the National VIP, please keep my information handy, cause more likely than not, if you don’t contact me, I’ll be contacting you! Echelon 40—CA Ann Marie Brown I would like to include a note in the Jeep thanking the Jeepettes, who attended the Brawley Meeting and supported us wholeheartedly Janet Wilson arrived early and stayed the course and Bonnie Rodriquez and Janet arrived loaded with cookies. JoAnn and Iral Evans provided and transported many of the raffle items. Josephine Thomas, Cheryl Stewart, and Annette Grimsley supported the function, and Eileen Barton our wonderful friend from District 25 Auxiliary donated. As always we had tremendous support from the Legion members and S.A.L. and Auxiliary, Our Legion Family in Action! The proceeds from our "Sweet Treat Event " enabled Echelon 40 to add $400 to our Women Veterans program supporting programs for women in the V.A. facilities. God Bless our Legion Family. T H E N A T I O N A L J E EP • W I N T E R — 2 0 1 2 Page 5 Lou Ann Huskisson 10410 W. Diana Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85345 Phone: 623-972-7369 or 623-826-6614 E-mail: [email protected] 20 & 4 National Emblem General Items Price 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Official Pin $5.00 Manual of Ceremonies Booklet $4.00 Devotions Booklet $4.00 Membership/Organization Handbook $4.00 Logo/Slogan Bumper Sticker $2.00 *Top Hat Cards (package of 50) $5.00 Top Hat Pins (each) $0.85 Gold Disk with Logo (suitable for necklace or charm) $13.00 Official Pin Earrings-Dangle, Clip-on (for non-pierced ears) $10.00 Official Pin Earrings-Dangle, (for pierced ears) $10.00 Official Pin Earrings-Stud (for pierced ears) $10.00 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Note Cards (blank inside; 10 cards & envelopes; 5½” X 41/411) POW/MIA Chair Cover (available to fit metal folding chairs or banquet chairs $5.00 $10.00 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Patch (to sew on shirt/jacket) 4” diameter $3.00 20 & 4 Bivouac Ceremonial handbook $0.85 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Blue Tote Bag, approx. 15” X 21” $10.00 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Decal (inside window application) $1.00 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Sun Visor (white/red trim) $10.00 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan Scarf (45” X 80”) $13.00 20 & 4 Refrigerator magnet – 20 & 4 Logo/Slogan $0.75 Mouse Pad – Red w/white jeep imprint $4.50 ** New Item ** Jeep pin with logo $3.00 ** New Item ** Jeep name tag w/Echelon # and name $25.00 PERSONALIZED ITEMS (please allow 4 – 6 weeks) Logo Return Address Labels (30 per sheet; order by name & address) $3.00 Logo Stationary (25 sheets + 30 return labels; order by Echelon # or individual name and address Logo/Slogan Business Cards (10 per sheet) order by name, address, Phone numbers, E-mail address) (can add title and years served, but print smaller) $6.00 $3.00 *Note: The price of printing “Top Hat Cards” has doubled. The cards will now be packaged in 50 at the cost of $5.00 T H E NA TI O NA L JE E P • W I NT E R II — 2012 Page 6 Lou Ann Huskisson 10410 W. Diana Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85345 Phone: 623-972-7369 or 623-826-6614 20 & 4 National Emblem Sales SOLD TO: DAYTIME PHONE ( Anticipate your needs QTY SHIP TO: (if different than sold to) ) ECHELON No. Please order EARLY SIZE Shipping and Handling Up to $10.00 $10.01 to $25.00 $25.01 to $50.00 $50.01 to $75.00 $75.01 to $100.00 $100.01 & over TOTAL SUBTOTAL Add: $1.95 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $7.95 $9.95 S&H TOTAL For Office use Order received: Order shipped: Check deposited: T H E N A T I O N A L J E EP • W I N T E R I I - 2 0 1 2 Page 7 THE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP OF THE NATIONAL TWENTY AND FOUR (A memorial to all women who served in the Armed Forces in all wars) FACT SHEET A. Applicant Eligibility: 1. A child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a member in good standing of the Twenty and four or of a deceased member of the Twenty and Four who was a member in good standing at the time of her death is eligible to apply for the scholarship. 2. An applicant (under 1. Above) must be not less than sixteen (16) nor more than twenty-five (25) years of age by September 1st of the calendar year in which application is made. 3. A Twenty and Four member in good standing (any age) who is returning to the work force or changing work fields and requires additional education is eligible to apply for the scholarship. 4. Application filed on or before May 1st with the Scholarship NMI, using a Twenty and Four Memorial Scholarship application form and including all required attachments. B. Scholarship Selection Criteria: 1. Eligibility (A. above) 2. Need for assistance 3. Scholastic standing 4. School activities C. Grant Requirements: 1. Recipient to provide evidence of acceptance for admission in school of choice. 2. Recipient to provide evidence of enrollment in school of choice. 3. Failure to provide evidence of acceptance (C.1 above) by September 1st will cause automatic forfeiture of the scholarship, and it will be offered to the runner-up. 4. Failure to provide evidence of enrollment (C. 2. Above) prior to each scheduled payment will cause payment to be withheld. Note: “school of choice” must be a school, college, university, or vocational institution beyond the high school level! D. Grant Payments: 1. Each grant shall be for the next succeeding school year only, in an amount not to exceed $1,000. 2. Payment of the grant shall be made to the appropriate educational institution in the name of the Memorial Scholarship recipient, for tuition purposes only, and in equal amounts at the beginning of each term or qualifying enrollment (i.e.: $500 at the beginning of each semester). E. Where to Write: 1. Submittal of application, with attachments: Scholarship NMI 2. Evidence of acceptance for admission, evidence of enrollment, or additional information: NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE 3. Unless specified otherwise on applicable correspondence, use the following address for both E.1 and E.2: Ann Marie Brown 1145 E. Barham Drive, Spc 248 San Marcos, CA 92078-4549 THE NATIONAL JEEP • WINTER - 2012 Page 8 THE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION OF THE NATIONAL TWENTY AND FOUR 1. Name: Last First Middle Date of Birth 2. Legal, Permanent Home address: Number and street City Apartment State Zip code 3. School now attending: Name City Graduation Date State Zip Code 4. Eligibility For Application: (See item A of Fact Sheet) please complete appropriately Name/Mother/Grandmother. Living/deceased American Legion Post # Great Grandmother Echelon # State 5. Required Attachments: (Members who apply do not need to submit 5a and 5b above to comply.) a) Personal Recommendations: 1. Schoolteacher or coach 2. Character-Community representative (non-relative) b) Transcript of scholastic record to date c) A letter in your own words (hand written or typed) explaining why you feel you should qualify for assistance. d) Photo 6. Complete the reverse side of this application, as well as No. 1 through No. 4 above, attach all of the items listed in No. 5 above and mail to: Ann-Marie Marie Brown, NMI, 1145 E. Barham Dr. Spc 248, San Marcos, CA 92078-4549 This application must be received by May1st, 2012. 7. Family Data (complete/check as appropriate, members’ need not complete #7 parents’ information) Occupation <10,000 10,000-14,999 15,000-20,000 >20,000 Applicant Father: Mother: Spouse: 8. How much money have you saved for your education? 9. If you have worked part time, describe the kind of work you have done. . 10. List school offices, activities and sports, in which you have participated. . 12. List community/church activities in which you have participated. . 13. List colleges, universities, and/or vocational schools that have accepted you as an applicant. . Printed Name of Applicant Signature Date Approved by NMI and Committee Members: ,NMI ,Committee Member ,Committee Member ,Committee Member THE NATIONAL JEEP • WINTER - 2012 Date Date Date Date Page 9 NATIONAL TWENTY AND FOUR SERVICE REPORT REPORT GIVEN BY: Jeepette National Service Director 1. Number of women veterans visited: (shut-ins, nursing homes, hospitals, etc) 2. Number of women veterans provided transportation: (doctor’s office visit, socials, meetings, etc) 3. Number of miles traveled for above or any service: 4. Number of women veterans helped or provided some type of service not included in the above: 5. Dollar value of gifts, refreshments, service, etc: 6. Number of telephone calls and cards sent: 7. Dollar value of telephone calls and cards sent: 8. Community Services of any kind: 9. Number of Jeepettes participating in all of the above: 10. Participation in funeral services for women veterans (music, poem, eulogy, etc) How many? 11. Attended funeral services for women veterans: (just attended, no participation in service) 12. Approximate number of hours for all of the above: For Service Director or Director VIP 1. How many VAVS Representatives are in your Echelon? 2. How many Deputies? THE NATIONAL JEEP • WINTER - 2012 Volunteers? Page 10 It is absolutely imperative that all National Officers stay at the Bivouac Headquarters! 110 W. Washington Street • Indianapolis, IN • (612) 339-6633 57th National Bivouac Housing Request August 23 – 24, 2012 Send reservation to: Carol Reed, Bivouac NMI 13017 SE 171st Place Renton, WA 98058 Hm: 206/683-5950 Name Phone Address Dept/Echelon City Delegate Alternate Please reserve Member State/Zip Guest room (s) No. of Occupants: One Two Arrival Departure Three Four Special Needs Sharing room with Delegate Phone Alternate Member Guest Dept/Echelon Arrival Departure Rooms are $119 single / $129 double / $139 triple / $149 quad (plus tax) per night (Includes cooked to order breakfast & complimentary evening cocktail) Credit Card # Exp. Date Card Type Reservations cannot be made without all the above information! RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY BIVOUAC NMI BY JULY 18, 2012 Banquet – August 24, 2012 Friendship Hour begins at 6:00 pm with Dinner at 7:00 pm Price $36.00 Total Dinners Total Cost (Banquet reservations must be received by August 15, 2012) Carol Reed, Bivouac NMI, 13017 SE 171st Pl., Renton, WA 98058, (206) 683-5950 [email protected] THE NATIONAL JEEP /WINTER II - 2012 Page 11 T H E N AT I O N A L J E E P Address Corrections Requested The American Legion Post 58 16837 E. Parkview Avenue Fountain Hills, AZ 85268-3827 Jr. Vice Director’s Feb. 2012 Calendar (see article on Page 4) Beth Nehring, Echelon 35 Dir VIP and Judi Beischel, National Dir VIP place a Memorial wreath at the Arizona Memorial at Wesley Bolin Plaza in Phoenix on Pearl Harbor Day. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 10¢ to start the “Kitty” 3¢ for each inch around the waist 5¢ for each clock 5¢ for each room in your house 5¢ fo each chair 5¢ for each grandchild 10¢ if you ate some candy 3¢ for each pet 10¢ for each child 5¢ for each pair of shoes 5¢ if you did laundry -5¢ if you attended church 4¢ for each pair of earrings 5¢ if you have a 2011 coin 10¢ for each telephone call 15¢ if you own your home 25¢ if you ate at McDonald’s 25¢ if you did not attend Post Meeting 50¢ if you ate at a restaurant 20¢ if you own a microwave 10¢ if you ate ice cream 3¢ for each TV program you watched 10¢ if you have a $50 bill (LOL) 5¢ if you went shopping -10¢ if you were completely honest 3¢ if you own a black purse 25¢ for a red jacket -5¢ if you said a prayer 10¢ if you went grocery shopping
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