The Official Publication of The National Twenty and Four Honor Society of Women Legionnaires THE NATIONAL JEEP February/March 2013 In Recognition of African American History Month — February 2013 Honoring African American Women Who Served “MILITARY PIONEERS” Maj. Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell, first female African American fighter pilot in the US Air Force Command Sergeant Major, Teresa King, first female commandant of the Drill Sergeant School at Fort Jackson, S.C. Vice Admiral, Michelle Howard, US Navy, first African American woman to achieve three star rank in the military and first to command US Fleet Forces Lt. Cmdr. Barbara Ann Allen Rainey, USN, first female naval aviator and first female Navy jet pilot (KIA) (former) US Army Spc., Shoshana Johnson, first African American female POW Essie Dell Woods, WWII Veteran, Women’s Army Auxiliary Corp (WAAC), Women’s Army Corp (WAC), served in the first all Black Battalion, 6888 Central Postal Battalion 2nd Lt. Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez, US Army, was the first African American female Cadet Command Sergeant Major in the history of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (KIA) Major General, Marsha Anderson, first African American female to earn a second star in the US Army Hazel Johnson-Brown was the first African American woman to be named a general in the Army and the first to lead the Army Nurse Corps. Greetings from your National Director VIP, JOYCE BABCOCK KRIS LECCA National Aide Hello Everyone. I can hardly contain my excitement so I’m going to start my first report by telling you how wonderful it is to see so many recruiting new members. This is so important for the continued existence of our great organization. The 2013 year has arrived and nothing too dreadful happened on 12/21/12 as was so widely proclaimed. I must say the most dreadful happening here in Montana is this blooming COLD weather. Even the snow hasn’t been too deep- -yet! I hope you all had a nice Holiday season. Now to business, Wow it is coming on to the end of my year already and seems I just got this title! Have you keep track of the things you do for Veterans, especially our women Veterans? Every item donated, each trip driven, assistance with shopping, house work, laundry, pick up their mail or just a visit to bring some needed cheer. These are the things that we need hours and dollars reported for. And those reports are much easier to write out if you have kept a journal of some sort to record activity. How does your Echelon membership stand? Do you need to get a list and make some calls and visits to the ones not yet renewed? Some times that little bit of personal contact is all it takes to keep them in your group. Winter is a depressing time for many of our members and a visit or even a phone call can bring a bit of cheer to our Ladies. Have you recently moved? If you have, PLEASE send in your new address to your Echelon Aide and Aides- -I really, really need those address changes AS YOU GET THEM! Don’t hold that until next membership time-every mis-mailed JEEP costs us 45 cents (soon to go up). If you have email would you consider joining a growing number of our Jeepettes and send that email address on with permission for your JEEP to arrive on your email rather than by my “snail mail.” THE NATIONAL JEEP — FEB/MARCH 2013 A list of Echelon Aides ahs been submitted to the Jeep for your contact info. We have some new Aides and I know you are writing your dues check out as you are reading this. I just want you to know where to send it. Your Echelon Aides do a lot of work. Let’s help them out and get our dues in. Thanks. Just some regular info regarding submitting transmittals. Three (3) copies of the Membership Money Transmittal (the big sheets) have to be sent to me. The white stays with me, the pink copy os forwarded to our Disbursing Director with your check and the blue copy is returned to your for your records. If your check is NOT SENT WITH YOUR SHEETS YOUR MEMBERS IS NOT VALID. The small 4 ply Echelon record sheets, only the top white copy comes to me. The pink copy goes to Joyce Babcock, National Director VIP, the other two copies are yours. I have purged all the membership records from last year to be sure I was setting the correct goals. If you feel there is a discrepancy, please contact me. It’s nice to be working with all of you again. I will be away until February 13. My husband will be date stamping all envelopes as they come in so there will be no problems. We hope your Holidays were blessed and happy. Start planning now for our National Bivouac in Houston, TX. Yours in service. Page 2 Scholarship Committee Ann Marie Brown, NMI Echelon 1 Marilyn Rideaux 1346 W. 163rd St, Apt A Gardena, CA 90247 [email protected] Echelon 2 Dorothy Dickson 399 Washington St #14A Norwell, MA 02061 Echelon 27 Fannie Young 201 Wilkes Dr, Apt D6 Monroe, NC 28110 Echelon #29 Elexandra Carr 4300 Ambler Circle Anchorage, Alaska [email protected] Echelon 3 Echelon 30 Donna Botelho Joy Teter 1104 Violet Meadow St S. 11671 S.E. Doherty St Tacoma, WA 98444 Jupiter, FL 33469 [email protected] Echelon 31 Connie Jo Popham Echelon 5 Joyce Kerwood 3394 CR 106 1627 Bayshore Rd Floresville, TX 78114 Nokomis, FL 34275 [email protected] Echelon 8 Stella West 1081 Deer Crossing Way Lexington, KY 40509 [email protected] Echelon 35 Dee Hoisington 6627 W Keim Drive Glendale, AZ 85301 [email protected] Echelon 9 Joyce Babcock PO Box 21 Custer, MT 59024 [email protected] Echelon 40 Joanne Evans 470 North A St Perris, CA 92570 [email protected] Hello Jeepettes! Our Scholarship Applicant from last year, Trenton Botelho is doing well at Central Washington University. We need to spread the word among your Echelons of the need for applicants for the Memorial Scholarship. A child, grandchild, or great grandchild of a member of the Twenty and Four in good standing or of a deceased member of the Twenty and Four, who was a member in good standing may apply. The applicant must be at least 16 and not more than 25 years of age by September 1, 2013. A Twenty and Four member in good standing, who is returning to the work force, or changing work fields , and requires additional education is eligible to apply for the Scholarship (no age restriction). So many of our students today are seeking advanced degrees, and we have so many women who must change occupations because of the employment opportunities. This is a chance for our younger members to benefit. The Application must be received by the Scholarship committee by May 1, 2013. Echelon 11 Delores Mueller 725 Marshall St Green Bay, WI 54303 Echelon 24 Joyce Miller 8492 Tackhouse Loop Gainesville, VA 20155 THE NATIONAL JEEP — FEB/MARCH 2013 Echelon 40-CA, Brawley, CA January 26, 2013 L-R: Josephine Thomas, Ann Marie Brown, Janet Wilson, Joanne Evans, Annette Grimsley (White Cap in the background, Kenneth Kramlich, Department Commander) Page 3 GLENDA GUILLORY SIMON Sr. Vice Director Bivouac in Houston, please think about bringing something for a raffle and/or silent auction. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! To all the ECHELONS that have reached the 100% mark Congratulations. To those that have not please don’t stop trying. Just keep giving it your best and everything will work out fine. I want you all to just remember this for me [THE JOURNEY OF A THOUSAND MILES BEGIN WITH A SINGLE STEP] and if you have done your very best that is all I ask of you. Again, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has helped so far, and ask everyone else to consider doing what they can. For God and Country, If there is any way that I can do to help you reach your goal, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. Here are the different ways of contacting me. HOME#: 409-832-3706 CELL#: 409-351-1416 Email: [email protected] SUE MASON Junior Vice Director Now that the holidays are behind us, thankfully, I hope our annual fund-raiser will be in everyone's mind. Please Ladies, this our organization and we need funds to continue to operate. Two Echelons, a Department and individuals have sent checks towards our 2012-2013 budget. The winner is Echelon 35 - Arizona which held a 50/50 at their Fall Conference and sent a check for $319.00. Truly outstanding. Can any Echelon beat that? The Legionnaires of the Department of Florida donated $255.00 from a 50/50 at their Fall Conference (we will have to try harder at the Department Convention). I would like to thank Eunice Butts and Loretta Young for their help. Also Echelon 5 - Tampa, Florida, sent a check for $150.00. PND Stella West sent a personal check for $100.00 and National Director Joyce Babcock and Jeepette C.A. Prahl also sent donations. Thank you everyone for your hard work and generosity. I truly hate to keep asking for money, but we need to ramp up our efforts. If you would please consider other fund raisers (especially at your Department Conventions) we will be able to meet our goal of $3,500. For those of you who will be attending the CAROL REED Webmaster Greetings, Jeepettes! As a reminder, the National Twenty and Four website can be found at http:// and our Facebook page is at Pictures from the 2012 National Bivouac are posted on the website – thanks to Jeri Strande for providing them. If your Echelon has a website or Facebook page please send me the link so you can be linked to our National site. I have been redesigning the entire website this year and welcome your input on what you might like to see added or changed. One of the things I have added this year was a ‘Contact Us’ page and I have received a few inquiries about our organization via that page. Another new feature I am now testing is a ‘Discussion Forum’ section where we can exchange ideas and information about activities in which we are involved. Please stop by and say “Hi” and check it out! EMBLEM SALES Joyce Babcock, National Director VIP Our Twenty and Four supply stores are going to be advertised a bit different from now on. The list of items available and prices will be available from your Echelon Aide rather than taking pages of our news letter. Again, it is a money saving thingy! We are trying to keep the JEEP to a size that will not only cost less to mail but also saves on printing costs. Having said that-PLEASE if you want any of our items, get your information from this new listing as some items are no longer available and others have a different price. DO NOT use the old supply listing from previous issues of the JEEP, it is not correct. THE NATIONAL JEEP — FEB/MARCH 2013 Page 4 MEMBERSHIP REPORT As of January 23, 2013 ECHELON GOAL RENEWALS NEW TOTAL Percent of Goal Alaska 29 10 0 0 0 0 Arizona 35 44 29 0 29 66 California 1 25 9 0 9 36 California 40 32 32 3 35 109 Florida 5 20 9 11 20 100 Florida 30 8 0 0 0 0 Illinois 8 14 14 0 14 100 Massachusetts 2 30 21 1 22 73 Montana 9 26 26 4 30 115 North Carolina 27 11 7 1 8 73 Texas 31 65 46 2 39 98 Virginia 24 12 9 0 9 75 Washington 3 40 37 2 39 98 Wisconsin 11 30 20 1 21 70 368 259 25 284 77 Totals NOTE: A few weeks back, National Aide, Kris Lecca, circulated a letter to Echelon Aides stating that she had not submitted the report published in the Dec 2012/Jan 2013 Jeep and that the report was incorrect. Although the figures in this report are inconsistent with the previous report, I am publishing the report submitted by National Aide Lecca, dated 1-23-2013, at her request. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact National Aide, Kris Lecca. THE NATIONAL JEEP —FEB/MARCH 2013 Page 5 Housing Request Twenty and Four’s 58th National Bivouac Houston, TX August 22‐23, 2013 Name Address City/St/Zip Phone# Email Dept Echelon Delegate ☐ Alternate ☐ Member ☐ Guest ☐ Check In Check Out HHonors# Room Type ☐ Single Double ☐ # Rooms: Sharing room with Phone# Dept Echelon Check In Check Out Delegate ☐ Alternate ☐ Member ☐ Guest ☐ Banquet Ticket Request Friday, August 23, 2013 Friendship Hour: 6:00 pm Dinner: 7:00 pm Name Dept Echelon Price: Total Dinners: X Total Cost: TBD Special Needs? Hilton Houston Plaza Hotel 6633 Travis Street Houston, TX 77030 713‐313‐4655 Credit Card # Expiration Date Card Type Hotel reservations MUST be received by Bivouac NMI by July 20, 2013 It is absolutely imperative that all National Officers stay at the Bivouac Headquarters Hotel! received by August 15, 2013 This is a non‐smoking facility All rooms are $125.00 (plus tax)/night Room Tax: 17% Self‐Parking: $8.00/day Valet Parking: $18.95/day (tax/parking subject to change) Return Form to: Carol Reed, Bivouac NMI 13017 SE 171st PL Renton, WA 98058 Home: 206‐683‐5950 Email: [email protected] You Are Not Forgotten . . . By Stella West, PND Frances Swensen was a Charter member of Kansas. When the Echelon folded, Frances transferred to Echelon 8 in Illinois. She tells me that she is not able to be active anymore. Frances was Legionnaire of the Year in Kansas a few years ago. Doris Gross, PND, served Twenty and Four well in past years. Doris accomplishments are many. She is also a past Department Commander of Washington State. She was instrumental in many accomplishments of the 20/4 , both National and Echelon #3. Doris currently resides in a nursing home. From the Editor, Marilyn Rideaux Every time I start planning an issue of the Jeep, I say to myself, “Now, if I could just figure out what I want to do with the cover page, the rest will fall into place.” I’m sure the cover page in this issue is something like you’ve never seen in the Jeep. The idea THE NATIONAL JEEP — FEB/MARCH 2013 came to one morning as I was getting out bed. I feel this is an appropriate time to honor these women for two reasons. One, we are at a time in history when so many women are serving and achieving greatness. No wonder Congress is debating whether to allow women to participate in combat activity. The second reason is because February is African American History month and I wanted to share a few of the accomplishments of Black women in the military. This year, 2013, marks a historical period for a number of reasons. Here’s why: The 2013 theme of African American History Month addresses a complex topic of huge importance. At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington 2013 marks the 50th and 150th year anniversaries, respectively, of two parallel events, occurring in 1863 and 1963. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln's deeply controversial Emancipation Proclamation was enacted, freeing all slaves in the United States. A full century later, 1963, marked a tippingpoint in the civil rights movement: the March on Washington, an event that is remains in living memory of many older Americans today. 2013 also marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech, which was delivered at the March on Washington. 2013 was also the year in which the newly released movie Lincoln created an unprecedented level of popular cultural discussion about the US Civil War, and the character of President Lincoln himself. I invite you to submit entries regarding notable women who served in the military forces in coming issues of the Jeep. Thank you. Page 7 THE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION OF THE NATIONAL TWENTY AND FOUR 1. Name: Last First Middle Date of Birth 2. Legal, Permanent Home address: Number and street City Apartment State Zip code 3. School now attending: Name City Graduation Date State Zip Code 4. Eligibility For Application: (See item A of Fact Sheet) please complete appropriately Name/Mother/Grandmother. Living/deceased American Legion Post # Great Grandmother Echelon # State 5. Required Attachments: (Members who apply do not need to submit 5a and 5b above to comply.) a) Personal Recommendations: 1. Schoolteacher or coach 2. Character-Community representative (non-relative) b) Transcript of scholastic record to date c) A letter in your own words (hand written or typed) explaining why you feel you should qualify for assistance. d) Photo 6. Complete the reverse side of this application, as well as No. 1 through No. 4 above, attach all of the items listed in No. 5 above and mail to: Ann-Marie Marie Brown, NMI, 1145 E. Barham Dr. Spc 248, San Marcos, CA 92078-4549 This application must be received by May1st, 2013. 7. Family Data (complete/check as appropriate, members’ need not complete #7 parents’ information) Occupation <10,000 10,000-14,999 15,000-20,000 >20,000 Applicant Father: Mother: Spouse: 8. How much money have you saved for your education? 9. If you have worked part time, describe the kind of work you have done. . 10. List school offices, activities and sports, in which you have participated. . 12. List community/church activities in which you have participated. . 13. List colleges, universities, and/or vocational schools that have accepted you as an applicant. . Printed Name of Applicant Signature Date Approved by NMI and Committee Members: ,NMI ,Committee Member ,Committee Member ,Committee Member Date Date Date Date THE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP OF THE NATIONAL TWENTY AND FOUR (A memorial to all women who served in the Armed Forces in all wars) FACT SHEET A. Applicant Eligibility: 1. A child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a member in good standing of the Twenty and four or of a deceased member of the Twenty and Four who was a member in good standing at the time of her death is eligible to apply for the scholarship. 2. An applicant (under 1. Above) must be not less than sixteen (16) nor more than twenty-five (25) years of age by September 1st of the calendar year in which application is made. 3. A Twenty and Four member in good standing (any age) who is returning to the work force or changing work fields and requires additional education is eligible to apply for the scholarship. 4. Application filed on or before May 1st with the Scholarship NMI, using a Twenty and Four Memorial Scholarship application form and including all required attachments. B. Scholarship Selection Criteria: 1. Eligibility (A. above) 2. Need for assistance 3. Scholastic standing 4. School activities C. Grant Requirements: 1. Recipient to provide evidence of acceptance for admission in school of choice. 2. Recipient to provide evidence of enrollment in school of choice. 3. Failure to provide evidence of acceptance (C.1 above) by September 1st will cause automatic forfeiture of the scholarship, and it will be offered to the runner-up. 4. Failure to provide evidence of enrollment (C. 2. Above) prior to each scheduled payment will cause payment to be withheld. Note: “school of choice” must be a school, college, university, or vocational institution beyond the high school level! D. Grant Payments: 1. Each grant shall be for the next succeeding school year only, in an amount not to exceed $1,000. 2. Payment of the grant shall be made to the appropriate educational institution in the name of the Memorial Scholarship recipient, for tuition purposes only, and in equal amounts at the beginning of each term or qualifying enrollment (i.e.: $500 at the beginning of each semester). E. Where to Write: 1. Submittal of application, with attachments: Scholarship NMI 2. Evidence of acceptance for admission, evidence of enrollment, or additional information: NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE 3. Unless specified otherwise on applicable correspondence, use the following address for both E.1 and E.2: Ann Marie Brown 1145 E. Barham Drive, Spc 248 San Marcos, CA 92078-4549 THE NATIONAL JEEP— FEB/MARCH 2013 Page 9 Deadline for the April-May issue of the Jeep is April 2, 2013. Don’t forget to pay your 2013 Echelon dues. T H E N AT I O N A L J E E P Address Corrections to P.O. Box 21 Custer, MT 59024 Place label here
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