MOONAH - Glenorchy City Council
MOONAH - Glenorchy City Council
Gazette GLENORCHY GLENORCHY CITY — WHERE IDEAS HAPPEN NOVEMBER 2011 GLENORCHY ON THE GO: P10-11 GLENORCHY MY PRIORITY Fun, Friends, Feeling Good . . . MAYOR’S MESSAGE: P5 Glenorchy’s colourful boardwalk and pavilion at Elwick Bay opens THE PATH AHEAD THE eye-catching boardwalk and pavilion, the first stage of the Glenorchy Art and Sculpture Park development, was officially opened by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, on October 3. Mayor of Glenorchy Adriana Taylor said the project was vital to allow the city to better capitalise on the economic and tourism potential from visitors to the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA). She said it was also an important and exciting addition to Glenorchy’s recreational facilities for residents. “When completed residents and visitors will be able to stroll along 4.7 kilometres of pathways, including the boardwalk and shelters, from MONA to Wilkinsons Point to view unique artworks as well as to enjoy the water views. Alderman Taylor said full realisa- tion of the plan depended on private and philanthropic partnerships to provide art works for the site. “GASP will complement the nearby MONA development and link it to the Derwent Entertainment Centre, creating a dynamic cultural precinct that will put Glenorchy on the international cultural map. Prime Minister Julia Gillard cuts the tape held by Rosetta Primary School students Lauren Fulton, left, Luke Phillips, Brodie Paine and Zoe McKenzie to open the boardwalk. Glenorchy Mayor Adriana Taylor, Premier Lara Giddings and Senators Anne Urquhart, Carol Brown and Lisa Singh complete the offical party. Continued page 6 VISIT A TELSTRA STORE OR PARTNER MORE BROWSING LESS DROWSING MOTOROLA ATRIX™ EXCLUSIVE TO TELSTRA BROWSE ADOBE FLASH ENABLED WEB PAGES, ANIMATIONS AND VIDEOS DUAL CORE PROCESSOR FOR SUPER FAST BROWSING ON THE GO NOW SO UPFRONT ON A ® CONNECT PLAN $59 FREEDOM 24 MONTH TERM MIN COST $1418 TELSTRA STORE GLENORCHY SHOP 21 NORTHGATE SHOPPING CENTRE 387 MAIN ROAD GLENORCHY, CALL 03 6273 5333 IT’S HOW WE CONNECT 2 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 Advertisement Sharon Carnes The New Voice for Glenorchy Thank you for your support at the recent Local Government elections. It has been wonderful to meet with so many of you and hear your ideas for the City of Glenorchy! Authorised by Duncan Kerr, 49 Davey St, Hobart. Established 1969 Confidently selling & renting in your area. More properties required due to current demand. Remember – No upfront fees or hidden costs, no payment until we have sold. Phone us now!! SALES AND RENTALS PH 03 6228 0325 21 Main Road, Moonah [email protected] NEEDING ASSISTANCE COMMUNITY DIARY NOVEMBER 2011 Tuesday 1st November Volunteer Recruitment Workshop 631 Main Road Berriedale Do you need to recruit more volunteers or look at some retention strategies? This workshop will look at what is effective recruitment and retention, focusing on Volunteering Australia’s National Standards and Contemporary recruitment and retention ideas and methods. Run by the Glenorchy Volunteer Centre and Volunteering Tasmania, the workshop will be held from 10.30am-12.30pm at the Glenorchy Volunteer Centre. Numbers are limited please RSVP to Peter on 6231 5550 or Andrea/Fiona on 6214 4571 2nd – 10th November Animated Portraits Moonah Arts Centre, 65 Hopkins Street Moonah This exhibition features the work of young people from Glenorchy who have participated in a series of workshops in digital animation and video. The participants will address the theme of the portrait in a variety of ways including digital prints and projections. For further information contact the MAC on 6214 7633 Friday 4th November Glenorchy Community Fund Fundraising Dinner Tattersalls Park Function Centre Pre dinner drinks commence at 7pm, to be seated at 7.30pm, costing $65 per person for a two course carvery meal and dress code is whatever makes you feel special! Funds raised by the dinner will be used to provide financial assistance to community groups and organisations within the Glenorchy Local Government Area. To RSVP you will need to fill out a form, you can obtain this by calling 6216 6791 or email [email protected] Saturday 5th November Car Boot Sale St Paul’s Anglican Church, 480 Main Road Montrose Car boot sale from 10am – for bookings or enquiries contact 0411 727 638 Saturday 5th November Glenorchy Gardens Mini Market / Fair 9.30am-3.30pm 26 Vieste Drive Glenorchy Items for sale are fresh produce, chutneys, jams, knick knacks, ornaments, furniture, clean clothes, new knitting (eg booties, beanies) cake stall, book stall – something for everyone! Free Giveaways – TV’s! At 10am there will be a sausage sizzle ($2 per sausage) 12Noon soup and sandwiches in the main dining room $5 per head, payable at the door and at 2pm Devonshire teas will be available for $5 also payable at the door. For further information contact Lyn on 6274 1800 Sunday 6th November St John’s Parish Fair Bowden Street, Glenorchy Come and enjoy all the fun of a traditional parish fair with music, food and games as well as many stalls. Bring the family, the kids will love it! From 11am. 8th November – 29th November Steps to the Future Free Alcohol & Other Drugs Course A Guide For Young Parents West Moonah Community House, 130 Springfield Avenue West Moonah All sessions are free and commence at 12.30pm until 2.30pm. Each session includes free adjunct child care, support with transport and a shared lunch. For further information contact 6216 6371 or 0418 339 898 10th, 17th, 24th November & 1st December Steps to the Future – Learning Pathways for Young Mothers & Glenorchy LINC Creative Me! – Program Six – Thursday’s Glenorchy LINC – 4 Terry Street Glenorchy Creative Me! Is a craft based programme that helps young children become more confident learners. It includes reading, music and artistic activities. Creative Me! Is a great environment for making new friends and enjoying seeing your child grow. Contact 6216 6770 or 0418 339 898 Friday 11th November Loose Canon Moonah Arts Centre, 65 Hopkins Street Moonah Loose Canon first performed at the Moonah Arts Centre in 2010 and created a lot of interest. These 16 accomplished acapella singers perform a wide range of music from Baroque and Renaissance music to the present day. For further information contact the MAC on 6214 7633 Saturday 12th November Movement to Music Sessions Old Memorial Hall, Main Road Claremont 5 door prizes, Disco Dance, Rock n Roll & DJ Music! $5 entry fee and if from 10am-1pm, bring refreshments. Specialises in disability groups, audience participation is encouraged. Peter Haugland is also available for guitar tuition and is available for all functions. For further information contact 6273 3670 / 0408 121 122 Saturday 12th November Armistice Day Picnic in the Park Cooinda Park, Springfield Avenue West Moonah A picnic in the park to celebrate Armistice Day will be held at Cooinda Park from 10.30am – BYO food and drinks – All welcome! Contact Phyl Pears on 6272 6535 Sunday 13th November Collinsvale School and Community Market Hall Road Collinsvale From 10am-2pm there will be Arts, Crafts, local produce and bric a brac – something for everyone! 16th – 23rd November Claremont College Annual Exhibition Moonah Arts Centre, 65 Hopkins Street Moonah This exhibition presents the work of year 11 and 12 students from Claremont College. The work of these young artists achieves a high degree of quality and sophistication and covers a wide range of art forms from fashion to drawing and digital art technologies. For further information contact the MAC on 6214 7633 Thursday 17th November Wayne Elliot in Concert – 7.30pm Glenorchy Golden Years Club, 314 Main Road The Country Music Club of Southern Tasmania presents in concert Tamworth Country Music entertainer Wayne Elliot. Cost is $5 per person and is payable at the door. For further information contact 6272 4003 Thursday 17th November ‘Try Disc Golf’ Poimena Reserve, off Wakehurst Road, Austins Ferry Same rules as golf but a Frisbee is used instead of a gold ball. A quick growing sport with an excellent local course, all equipment and tuition provided free! Presented by GOLD over 50’s program – from 10.30am-12.30pm why not try something totally different? Contact Paul on 6233 8728 Saturday 19th November Movement to Music Sessions Old Memorial Hall, Main Road Claremont 5 door prizes, Disco Dance, Rock n Roll & DJ Music! $5 entry fee and if from 10am-1pm, bring refreshments. Specialises in disability groups, audience participation is encouraged. Peter Haugland is also available for guitar tuition and is available for all functions. For further information contact 6273 3670 / 0408 121 122 [email protected] To list your community event in the community diary, send your information to [email protected] by the 2nd Wednesday of each month. (No liability accepted if, for whatever reason, your submission is not included.) Contact your full time alderman 2011 IMMUNISATION SCHEDULE DAVID PEARCE OAM Ph: 6273 1150 Fax: 6273 1150 0418 731 151 19th & 20th November Beading with Rachel Nelson-Smith Moonah Arts Centre, 65 Hopkins Street Moonah Cost: $150 Time: 10am-4pm If beadwork conjures up images of hippies and dangling, useless, crafts-market jewellery, Nelson-Smith will make those nightmares vanish. Rachel is a master bead weaver pushing the boundaries of improvisational bead weaving and it is a rare privilege to have her workshop at the Moonah Arts Centre. Book early as numbers will be limited – experience is required. Contact the MAC on 6214 7633 25th November – 8th December A Common Thread Moonah Arts Centre, 65 Hopkins Street Moonah This exhibition celebrates International Day of People with Disability and features work of artists supported by three organisations- Cosmos Recreational Service, Life without Barriers and Oak Services. For information contact MAC on 6214 7633 Saturday 26th November Goodwood Get Crafty and Family Fun Giblins Reserve, Goodwood From 11am-2pm there will be a free BBQ, craft displays, craft for sale and lots of activities for children. This is a joint project of the Goodwood Community Precinct and the Goodwood Community Centre. For further information contact Sue on 6216 6369 or Rachael on 6272 2560 Saturday 26th November Mass for Infants and Children who abide in God’s presence. St John’s Catholic Church, Bowden St Families who have experienced the death of an infant or child are warmly invited to attend a Memorial Mass at 11am Sunday 27th November Stoneman’s Garden Centre Community Food Swap 94 Grove Road Glenorchy What do you usually do with excess lemons from the tree in your backyard? All too often they go to waste – so why not swap them? Stoneman’s Community Food Swap is open to anybody who grows their own fresh produce. No money changes hands, making it a very cost effective way for people to obtain fresh, local fruit and vegies as well as swapping information and ideas. Food Swap will be held from 10am-12noon. We look forward to seeing everyone there with their goodies! For further information contact 6273 0611 or visit the website Tuesday 29th of November Claremont Progress Association Annual Meeting 7.30 at the Claremont RSL, Bilton Street, Claremont All Welcome. Guest Speaker Phil Butler from the Glenorchy Historical Society Enquiries to Martin Watkins on 6249 2671 Saturday 3rd December “It’s beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” Family Fun Event. Benjafield Park, Hopkins Street Moonah From 1pm-4pm come dressed in a Christmas costume, free entry, free fun for the whole family including balloons, sausage sizzle, giveaways, colouring in, bubbles, craft, competitions, Glenorchy Mobile Activity Centre and Dad’s Day Out activities. For further information contact 6216 6722 Monday 5th December Glenorchy Volunteer Centre Open Day 631 Main Road Berriedale To celebrate International Day of Volunteering, the Glenorchy Volunteer Centre is having an information session on the history of the centre from 2pm-3pm. Colin Denison will make a presentation on the history of the centre and the surrounding area. Stay for a cuppa, a chat and find out more about volunteering. Everyone is welcome! For further information contact 6216 6791 Immunisation sessions are held at the Civic Centre, Cooper St, Glenorchy between 2pm & 3pm on the second Wednesday of each month: November 9th, December 14th. The following vaccines are available free for the listed age groups. Email: [email protected] TELL US WHEN WE CAN DO BETTER We want to hear your complaints and any ideas about how we could do better. We need to hear from you when the service we provide is not up to standard. We need your input so we can look at ways to improve the way we do our work. If you have something to tell us, please call or write to: Customer Service Contact Officer PO Box 103 Glenorchy 7010 PH: 1800 422 999 ALL COMPLAINTS ARE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY Gazette GLENORCHY The Glenorchy Gazette is published by the Glenorchy City Council and distributed to households and businesses throughout the municipality. Circulation 22,500. EDITORIAL INQUIRIES CPR Communications and Public Relations Ph 6224 8644 [email protected] ADVERTISING Chris Barry The Media Centre Pty Ltd Ph: 0418 120 271 email: [email protected] Editing, Design & Production: Mikron Media Pty Ltd Ph: 6228 5829. The Glenorchy Gazette is printed by The Examiner, Launceston Weekly garbage collection services are available for Glenorchy Residents. For residents who prefer a weekly garbage collection service, the Council has a special residents arrangement* with Veolia Environmental Services to collect your wheelie bin from your property on alternate weeks, separate to the standard Council fortnightly service. This arrangement attracts an additional charge payable direct to Veolia Environmental Services. This effectively provides a weekly collection service for those residents who wish to have a weekly collection service. For more information on this service, please contact Veolia direct on 6244 0000 and they will provide you with all the details. Other vaccines available at cost include: Seasonal Influenza, Meningococcal, Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis, and Chicken Pox. More information please telephone Councils Environmental Health Office on 6216 6797 * Only available to standard service of 140 litre bin. Not available for commercial collections. GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 — 3 All about future for mothers of reinvention TEN young mothers celebrated their graduation from a retail and work skills course with a fashion parade at Claremont. The course, run by Steps to the Future: Learning Pathways for Young Mothers, is an innovative project that has been operating in Glenorchy for the past 18 months. St Vincent De Paul, which operates several stores in Glenorchy, was a key partner in design and development of a Retail and Work Skills Course titled “It’s All About Me”. The course was attended by 10 young mothers from Steps to the Future, who graduated on Tuesday 11 October with a gala fashion parade event at St Vincent De Paul in Claremont. Program Officer Renate Hughes said participants developed knowledge and skills in retail while getting a complete makeover. “They gained practical work experience in a retail setting and hosting the fashion parade was the finale so they could showcase their new look,” Ms Hughes said. The project, generously backed by the Tasmanian Community Fund, aims to provide positive and flexible pathways for learning and development, formal training, Continued page 6 Consultation lowers danger road speeds City GLENORCHY Council has agreed to support reduced speed limits to Molesworth Road after consultation with residents and interest groups. Mayor Adriana Taylor said the Council agreed with the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources that the reduced speed limits were safer and more realistic. She said that sections of the road had an unusually high accident rate and the new lower limits would better match the speed limit with the expectations of most drivers. “The 5km section of Molesworth Rd between Molesworth and Glenlusk is narrow and has a tightly winding alignment that restricts vision. During the last five years there have been nine casualty crashes on this section,” Alderman Taylor said. Speed limits on Molesworth Road were reviewed afer a request from the principal of Molesworth Primary School because of concerns about the safety of students and staff. Alderman Taylor said that Derwent Valley Council had already given its support to reduced speed limits but some people had The Pubs of Glenorchy " " " ! " " Glenorchy City Tennis Club # ! # ! " " ! 24th – 27th November 2011 Alcorso Drive, Berriedale " # St Matthews Church, Main Road, GLENORCHY Doors Open 5pm Fri 18th November 2011 Then 10 till 4 daily till 4pm Sunday 4th December 2011 OPEN TOURNAMENT 2011 $ # expressed concern that an earlier change proposed by DIER reduced the speed limit too far. A further review had determined more appropriate limits and, after community consultation, Glenorchy now supported those changes. The proposed limits: • Molesworth Road between Lyell Highway and Molesworth township – speed limit reduced from 80km/h to 70km/h; • Molesworth Road between Molesworth township and Glenlusk Road – speed limit reduced to 60km/h; • Glenlusk Road (and Collinsvale Road) between Collinsvale and Glenlusk – sections currently signed at 80km/h reduced to 70km/h. • Collinsvale Road between ‘upper’ Glenlusk Road junction and ‘lower’ and Glenlusk Road junction – speed limit reduced from 100 km/h to 60km/h. Fine Furniture Exhibition " SPECTATORS WELCOME Food & drinks available all weekend Thank you to all our sponsors The Old Woolstore Alpha Medical Pat and Robin Hood Glenlusk Gardens MasterTint Rosetta & Derwent Park Pharmacies Dawes Automotive Synthetic Grass Orbit Lighting Richardson Electrical Anittel Stringlab 4 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 POLICE report PUPPIES, PONIES AND PUBLIC GOOD Divisional Inspector JOHN ARNOLD Companies in the Private Sector generate wealth and profit for their shareholders and owners, but how do we determine and measure what positive things are produced by the police? IN BUSINESS terms the equivalent to making a profit in the Public Sector is to generate “public value” and surely for a police service to be responsive to community needs, it must produce public value. All too often it seems that government services hit the target but miss the point. Creating public value involves service providers (in our case the police) working closely with service users (the community) to produce outcomes that genuinely meet local needs. We must imagine what public value is, recognise it when we see it and then work together to produce it. So how do we recognise public value when we see it? Well first we all share a common intuitive notion of what public value looks like in the same way United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart answered the question of what constitutes “pornography”. Justice Stewart stated “I know it when I see it” (Jacobellis v Ohio, 1964). Whilst this might say something about how members of the US Justice Department spend their “me time” it is also apparent that you need to actually know someone before you can pretend to not recognise Claremont College Confirm your enrolment for 2012 Wednesday Nov 23 9am–3:30pm Thursday Nov 24 9am–6:00pm Friday Nov 25 9am–3:30pm Phone: 6249 6868 D e par t m en t of Ed u ca t io n C la r e m o n t C oll e ge them in the supermarket. While on the surface it may seem to be a logical process that isn’t too difficult to determine what constitutes public value, for those of us who have children, it can be equated to trying to decide what to get the kids for Christmas. Generally, we intuitively know what we think our children like. We know them, we talk to them and we get a handle on what their friends like or have coerced their parents into buying for them. We sometimes ask them what they want – and by the time you work your way through the ponies, puppies and race cars, the vision starts to crystalise into something more likely and achievable. As parents, we even try to influence what our children think they want – so once again it fits conveniently within our budget, our capabilities and our social conscience. “Yes Lil Johnny, a machete is a fine idea for Christmas, but I understand Monopoly is having a bit of a revival – there’s even a Crunk version!! I think Little Gavin down the road is getting one … ” So like selecting the right Christmas present, determining what activities the police should do at a local level to genuinely meet the needs of the community involves a deal of contemplation, discussion and reflection. The Commissioner, Mr Darren Hine, recently reflected upon the results of some community surveys that in part outlined that the major concerns for Tasmanians included hooning vehicles and alcohol-fueled bad behaviour, citing that around 70 per cent of the jobs police attend, involve the misuse of alcohol. Safer Communities Committee SAFETY TIP HELP STOP CRIME! SEE Something HEAR Something DO Something Call police immediately at the time you see the crime! Report criminal, illegal, suspicious or anti-social activity in your area You could stop or assist to solve a crime Call Police Assistance on 131 444 Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 It is interesting to consider that other issues such as an ability to respond to major and serious crime, or reducing the level of illicit drug use in the community or addressing family violence fell behind the problems associated with hooning and alcohol in the responses of the survey participants. This prioritisation of policing issues may indicate that Tassie and Glenorchy are very safe places to live, with little concern for some of the bigger crime issues. Certainly when I get out-and-about many people want to talk hoons and disorderly, drunk people in public places. I use this information to inform our local policing strategies, within the framework determined by the Commissioner. In part, our performance will be measured by our ability to address these local issues and it determines what public value the Glenorchy police produce. I am happy to receive any comments or ideas on what the police should be doing locally, to address local problems. So if you have any thoughts, post them on [email protected] and I’ll put them on the list. Like the ponies, puppies and race cars, I can’t promise anything but if it fits within my budget, my capabilities and my social conscience, we will give it a crack! ARE YOU OVER 55? Abbeyfield House in Hull Street Glenorchy provides supported housing for people over 55. A beautiful house, set in glorious gardens, Abbeyfield provides a light, bright, airy, friendly atmosphere and is located just a short walk from the hub of Glenorchy. Manage your own activities. Close to all services: ❃ Shops ❃ Banks ❃ Entertainment ❃ Transport ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ 10 Rooms all with ensuites – shared dining & lounge Very competitive rentals We allow you to bring your own furniture Rental includes all meals, electricity and cleaning materials Housekeeper on site for support COME AND DEVELOP NEW FRIENDSHIPS ABBEYFIELD WELCOMES YOUR INSPECTION. Call our housekeeper for an appointment. 6273 5979 ADVERTISEMENT Abbeyfield Society Hull Inc. P.O. Box 30 Glenorchy 7010 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 — 5 MAYOR’S message GLENORCHY STILL MY PRIORITY ADRIANA TAYLOR Mayor of Glenorchy HAVING used the last Mayor’s Message to say my farewells, I now find one more opportunity to speak to you as Mayor as we do not expect the outcome to the local government elections to be known until after publication of this edition of the Gazette. As I mentioned in the last message, I’m committed to working for the people of Glenorchy and will continue to represent them in my position as the Member for Elwick in the Tasmanian Parliament’s Upper House and in a number of unpaid roles on committees and boards. In the current economic and political climate I believe it is very important that Members of the Legislative Council work closely with their local councils to protect the interests of local communities. So, irrespective of the outcome of the Council elections I give a commitment to continue to work with the new Mayor, whoever that may be, and the Glenorchy City Council for the benefit of the people of our city. There are many big issues currently being debated that directly affect local government, including: • The size and number of councillors; • The number of councilors and aldermen; • Consideration of further changes to the water corporations such as their merger into one statewide body; • Funding of local schools and health facilities; • Funding and promotion of economic developments; Many of these issues will require legislation through the State Parliament, so it is important that the views of the local community are heard. I’ll also continue to support submissions by Glenorchy for funding for worthwhile jobcreating and community-building projects such as the Glenorchy Art & Sculpture Park, the Derwent I give a commitment to continue to work with the new Mayor, whoever that may be, and the Glenorchy City Council for the benefit of the people of our city. City of Glenorchy Race Day While on events, put 4 December in your diary for the City of Glenorchy Race Day at Elwick. It is always a great day out and supports the local racing industry and businesses. The event is a wonderful opportunity to experience a race day for free and has a big following in the community. Entry is free for all Glenorchy residents and all of the horse races are sponsored by local Glenorchy businesses. It is an opportunity to mingle and network with local business people and the local community, while also enjoying the horse racing. One of the highlights of the day is the Glenorchy City Cup. Stormwater Re-use Project, the Community Bank and Glenorchy Community Fund. Glenorchy Community Fund Dinner This year the Glenorchy Community Fund is holding its third major fund-raising Dinner at Tattersalls Park Function Centre, Elwick on Friday 4 November at 7pm. The Annual dinner is a major event on the GCF’s fund-raising calendar. The aim of the Fund is to raise money for a philanthropic fund to provide charitable grants for projects that benefit and strengthen the Glenorchy community. It is a perpetual fund which means all donations will be invested and projects funded from the earnings. This year we will be announcing our first three grants to local The GCF was officially launched in June last year and is on target to raise $1 million over 10 years to allow it to make annual grants to projects ranging from addressing disadvantage in the Glenorchy community to promoting social fairness, cultural richness and environmental sustainability. Last year the dinner attracted about 300 people and we’re hoping to do better than that this year. The dinner costs $65 per person and we’ll have lots of entertainment and many prizes, raffles and auction items – all donated by businesses and individuals – so come along and maybe pick up a bargain. You can register and get tickets to the dinner by phoning 62166791 or emailing [email protected]. projects, put forward by community groups. The GCF is an initiative of the Glenorchy City Council but operates independently and is run by a volunteer board. Tour De Norfy Challenge Keep an eye out for this cycling fundraiser event in the Derwent Valley on 30 October. Organised by the Claremont Rotary Club this event is to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. A team from the Upper House will be taking part, including yours truly and Craig Farrell, the Upper House Member for Derwent, which includes most of Claremont and all of Austin’s Ferry and Granton. We’re hoping to see a lot of cyclists participating in the challenge. In addition to raising money, it also encourages fitness and participation in sport and helps showcase our two municipalities. Local Government Elections I hope that all eligible voters took the opportunity to have a say in Glenorchy’s future by filling in and returning the postal ballot papers. Voting is a privilege and a responsibility and it is important that you take the time to find out about the candidates and what they stand for so you can vote for the people you think best represent your views. Dominic College live by the truth New limited vacancies available in Years 1 & 2 Due to some of our families moving interstate, limited vacancies now exist in Years 1 and 2 for 2012. It’s never too early to enrol at Dominic. Applications are open for Kindergarten and Year 7 in 2013 and future years. Reserve a place now to secure your child’s future. For an enrolment pack or to book a tour contact Mrs Karen Longey: (P) 6274 6009 (E) [email protected] or visit our website: Glenorchy Factory Outlet OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – WHOLESALE PRICES PRESENT THIS COUPON The freshest fish and gourmet seafood products for your spring entertaining. To receive FREE Mures 100g Pate or FREE Mures 200g Sauce or FREE Mures Gourmet Soup! with every purchase over $35! PRAWNS, OYSTERS & PLATTERS, GREAT FOR WORK FUNCTIONS! AVAILABLE AT GLENORCHY OUTLET ONLY Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-2 77 Chapel St, Glenorchy Ph 6273 4598 Offer expires 3rd December 2011 6 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 Mothers of reinvention From page 3 work opportunities, and enhanced health literacy and wellbeing for young mothers and their children in Glenorchy. The project has hosted over 40 sessions or programs aimed at supporting young mothers to access a range of learning opportunities to develop key competencies for life and work including communication, team work, problem solving, planning and organising, self management, technology and learning. Gala fashion parade compere Alicia Cordinglay, one of the young mothers completing the training course, said the program had not only given mothers a taste of working in a real retail environment, but assisted with dressing for success, public speaking and event management. WALKWAY LAUNCH ‘Council’s vision for the Glenorchy Art and Sculpture Park (GASP) is for an exceptional, creative and inspiring recreational and cultural experience that will be loved by the local community and a major attraction for tourists.’ — Mayor Adriana Taylor 0%'"*- *0)# *''!#! $ . !#0) ( &*0%' %)# +-*#- ( *) /$! 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Look in your mail box for information about when exactly we’ll be in your neighbourhood, or visit If you have any questions, or in the unlikely event we don’t contact you, please call us on 13MYWATER (13 6992). Water meters will allow everyone to switch to a fairer pricing model from July 2012. So although installation won’t take long, the benefits will be felt for years. This project is partially funded by Southern Water and the Australian Government’s Water for the Future initiative through the National Water Security Plan for Cities and Towns Program. Seniors Week irons out wrinkles SENIORS’ Week was indeed a colourful week to be grey in Glenorchy this year. People of all ages took part in activities to celebrate the contribution of seniors and to inform them about services available to seniors. The information booth established by the Glenorchy Linkages Network during Seniors’ Week was very busy providing advice on services such as assistance for carers, cancer screening, assistance for living independently as well as social and exercise programs. A good starting point for anyone wanting to find out what’s available is to call 1800 052 222. Seniors’ Week also highlighted many local opportunities to learn new skills and make new friends. Glenorchy University of the Third Age, for example, held a series of open days and invited people to sample one of their courses (which include tai chi, Australian history and creative writing) for the day. Glenorchy U3A president Jean Walker was delighted people took advantage of the opportunity to come along. Glenorchy LINC (formerly the library) was also pleased with attendance at their information sessions. The LINC is keen to run courses on topics of interest. People are encouraged to pop into the LINC and complete expression of interest form or contact the LINC on 6233 8663 . (Advertisement) Andr Andrew ew Wilkie YOUR INDEPENDENT FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE NEXT MOBILE OFFICE Northgate Nor thgate Shopping Centre Centre Thursday 10th No Nov. v. 11am - 1pm Talk T alk to Andr Andrew ew about issues that ar are e important to you www Andrew Wilkie Wilkie MP Independent Member for Denison 188 Collins Street Hobart Tel Tel 6234 5255 [email protected] andrew [email protected] [email protected] Authorised by Andrew Wilkie 188 Collins Street Hobart Tasmania Tasmania 7000 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 — 7 KEEPS PARK ON PACE YOU COULD WIN A CAR EVERY WEEK! Draws at 5pm, Sunday 13, 20 & 27 November Foreshore track closed during water pipe works From page 1 In addition to the new section opened by the Prime Minister, the Australian Government is funding a second stage linking the boardwalk and shelters to a new jetty at Wilkinson’s Point, funded by the State Government, to allow boat and ferry access to Elwick Bay and the Derwent Entertainment Centre. “With MONA reporting 20 per cent of their visitors coming by boat, the jetty will provide an additional stop off point and encourage tourists to lengthen their time spent in Glenorchy. Alderman Taylor said Council hoped that MONA and GASP Prime Minister Gillard takes a stroll on the boardwalk with Montrose Bay High School students Brodie Foster, Erin Martin and Zachary Golding. would be the catalyst for the development of hotel and other infrastructure on Wilkinsons Point to cater for tourists and create local jobs. Construction of the second stage of the GASP links is scheduled to begin in early 2012 and be completed in 2013. THE existing Montrose foreshore path alongside the Brooker Highway is closed temporarily to allow construction of new water pipeline by Southern Water. Mayor of Glenorchy Adriana Taylor said during the closure people wanting to walk dogs could continue to use the Montrose Foreshore Park and the Wilkinsons Point areas. However for safety and health reasons people were not permitted to walk dogs or ride bikes on the boardwalk. Alderman Taylor said that Southern Water had advised the foreshore path would be re-opened by mid December 2011 for users of the area including dog walkers and cyclists once the pipeline construction was completed. Promotion period 7 – 27 November CHICKEN KIEV Only $9.75 throughout November! Taste festival funded ty of Moonah and Glenorchy. “The State Government provided $20,000 for the 2011 Moonah Taste of the World and will provide a further $20,000 for next year’s event to help establish this festival as an important part of our multicultural calendar,” she said. +REDUŐçō &KULVWPDō RBF Member Expo November/December 2011 Glenorchy Citizen and Young Citizen Award Nominations Take T ake ac action, tion, m maximise aximise yyour our su super per Glenorchy City Council is seeking nominations for the 2012 Citizen and Young Citizen Awards. Who is eligible • Nominees must be Australian citizens and residents of the City of Glenorchy. • Their community service or activity must be of considerable importance to the Glenorchy and/or Tasmanian community. • The activity or service will have been carried out over a period of years, rather than months. Age Requirements Citizen Award nominees must be 28 years of age or over. Young Citizen Award nominees must be under 28 years of age as of 26 January 2012. How to nominate Nominations must be on the form provided. Contact Fiona Butler, on 62166791 to obtain your nomination form or from Council’s website Nominations close: Monday 5 December 2011 Keynote address from Bernard Salt - best selling author and leading advisor on consumer, cultural and demographic trends Bernard Salt Famous for its lively vibe and fabulous hospitality, this night will be a party to remember. Featuring brilliant dance music from Sugartrain, a premium buffet, elaborate table settings and a four hour beverage package. Saturday, 3 December, 7.30pm – midnight Tasman Room, $125 per person Christmas Day Dinner Available for bookings at: The Coffee Shop, Pier One, Point Revolving, The Loft Bistro Engage with members of the RBF Board and key representatives through a thought provoking panel discussion. Burnie Burnie Launceston L aunceston Hobart Hobart 2 29 9N November ove m b e r 2 2011 011 30 3 0N November ov e m b e r 2 2011 011 2 December December 2011 2011 19438 THE State Government has agreed to provide a further $20,000 for the Moonah Taste of the World Festival. The Minister for Community Development, Cassy O’Connor said the Taste of the World was a celebration of the cultural diversi- R RSVP SVP n now ow a att w F For or mor more e information information vvisit isit o our ur w website ebsite t or ph phone on tthe one he RBF R BF E Enquiry nquiry L Li Line ne o on 1 1800 80 0 6 62 622 26 631. 31. Visit or contact 6221 1700 for more information. 18+ promotions 8 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 AN ADVERTISING FEATURE NEW LOOK HARVEY NORMAN EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE Harvey Norman Glenorchy is now the “New Look Harvey Norman” Moonah, moving just up the road to provide Glenorchy residents with a bigger and better shopping experience than ever before. The location may be different, but the service is still fantastic. EXPERIENCE THE BEST PHOTO PRINTING SERVICES GETTING PHOTOS DEVELOPED at Harvey Norman Moonah has never before given the customer so many options. Harvey Norman Moonah Computers Franchisee Peter Bartlett said the photo printing services were now better than ever since moving into the new store, with customer specials such as cheaper prints & enlargements, and a great range of frames, albums, and gifts. “Customers love our printing services, being able to see their memories of holidays or special occasions come to life in print and then picking out that perfect frame is a positive experience for our customers,” Mr Bartlett said. In addition, customer’s questions never go unanswered, with photo printing specialists in store to help with all your photo printing needs. Mr Bartlett said they now had regulars who came in for all of their photo printing needs. “The feedback we get from our existing customers is that they love printing here because of the great prices, and fantastic customer service,” Mr Bartlett said. While the evolution of digital photos has meant big things for Harvey Norman Moonah Computing department, the area has a lot more to offer aside from photo printing. Mr Bartlett said Harvey Norman Moonah was able to offer the customer and entire IT solution for their home or business. “Each area of the computer section, whether it be mobile phones, gaming or hardware, has its own specialists who have great product knowledge and help with ordering new products to ensure we are market leader,” Mr Bartlett said. HARVEY NORMAN COMPUTERS franchisee Peter Bartlett said the new store provided customers with shopping convenience accompanied by even more knowledgeable sales people. “We pride ourselves on our fantastic customer service and we have a terrific after sales service to make sure the experience continues well after the date of purchase,” Mr Bartlett said. With the expansions have come larger departments for customers to browse - one notable area being the Harvey Norman Electrical Kitchen department. “The cooking demos in our Kitchen department are now such a hit that we have customers returning on a regular basis,” said Electrical Franchisee George Karasoulos. The store has the added bonus of new parking facilities providing customers with better store access. EXPERIENCE THE BEST IN COOKING AND COFFEE HARVEY NORMAN MOONAH has the largest selection of kitchen appliances in Hobart. In addition, the range of appliances continues to grow due to the popularity of shows such as ‘MasterChef’ and ‘My Kitchen Rules’. “We have definitely seen the rise in the demand for kitchen appliances. Even more so with children. They are even telling their parents what to buy, it’s great!” Electrical franchisee George Karasoulos said. Mr Karasoulos said the biggest drawcard for customers was the interactive cooking demonstrations in store held weekly, making the shopping experience even more enjoyable. “We have had customers come back on a regular basis just for the cooking demos, they even tell us how their recipes worked at home with the family. It really creates a great atmosphere,” Mr Karasoulos said. It isn’t just the home cooks who are excited by Harvey Norman Moonah’s new store, the baristas are also getting in on the action, with a fantastic range of coffee machines on offer to satisfy the recent surge in demand. “Customers have now realised that they can make a good cup of freshly brewed coffee in their own home. By buying their own machine, they can personalise the strength, flavour and temperature, and save themselves thousands of dollars by no longer buying takeaway coffee,” Mr Karasolous said. Harvey Norman Moonah has weekly demonstrators from brands such as Delonghi and Breville in store to show customers how easy it is to make your own coffee at home. Sampling the coffee is the best part! It’s a great way for customers to make the right choice. Electrical sales staff members Carrie Boldt and Don Smith experiment in the Harvey Norman Moonah Coffee Machine display. Computers staff member Shana Hall checks out the stores Photo Printing Service. MOONAH (03) 6277 7700 MOONAH S Y BU VALUE GREAT BUY! TERMS INTREST FREE IN STORE K S A E L B A IL AVA HOT DEAL! 32” 398 $ $ 88 LG (32”) 81cm High Definition LCD Television. Samsung 1TB Portable Hard Drive. 1366 x 768 resolution, 30,000:1 contrast, 5.2ms response time, 3x HDMI, USB 2.0, 3 year ear warranty. 32LK330 HX-MUD10EA/G22 22” IBLE INCRED UE! VAL LG (22”) 55cm High Definition LCD Television. 1366 x 768 resolution, USB 2.0, 50Hz TruMotion technology. 22LK330 HOT DEAL! Sunbeam ‘Express’ Cordless Kettle. Lexar S70 4GB Jump Drive. Fujifilm AV250 Digital Camera. 1.4L, 2400W for fast boiling, 3-way safety system, water gauge. KE1600 LJDS70-4GBACANZ 16 megapixels, 3x Fujinon zoom lens, digital image stabilisation, full HD photos, 720p HD movie capture. Also available in silver or pink. 75543/75525/75526 GREAT PRICE! PRICE SMASH! 96 74 6 15 GREAT PRICE! $ $ $ $ HOT DEAL! GREAT PRICE! vr~xz jo |orz 21 $ 28 $ LG 19L Microwave Oven. Sunbeam ‘Cool Touch’ 2-Slice Toaster. Edifier 2.1 Channel Speaker System. 800W, quick defrost, quick start and electronic touch controls. MS1949G Features a complete cool-to-touch body, electronic browning control, defrost and cancel functions, and removable crumb tray. TA1210 M1360 Product offers end 31/11/11. Harvey Norman stores are operated by independent franchisees. 12 $ Verbatim DVD-R 4.7GB 50-Pack. 95137 MOONAH 191-197 Main Rd (cnr Derwent Park Rd.) 6274 4500 (Computers/Electrical only) 216772_MOO 297 $ HOT DEAL! 10 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 For information on all programs contact the Healthy Communities Coordinator on 6216 6745 Heart Foundation “Heartmoves” Helping all Australians stay active for life FREE gentle physical activity program suitable for anyone who hasn’t done any exercise in a while. You can exercise at your own pace in a friendly atmosphere. For more information on times of classes please contact the Coordinator on 6216 6745 or email [email protected] WHEN Every Monday at 11.00am Every Monday at 1.30pm Every Tuesday at 11.30am Every Tuesday at 2.00pm Every Wednesday at 2.00pm Every Friday at 10.00am WHERE West Moonah Community House Able Australia, 137 Main Rd. Moonah Goodwood Community Centre Bucaan Community House Glenorchy Football Club AYC netball Club, Moonah Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 Glenorchy on the Go program consists of specialised physical activity sessions/programs and healthy eating and lifestyle workshops that will encourage and support healthy lifestyle changes. Who is Glenorchy on the Go for? When and where will activities be run? Take the first step to heart health today Programs will be run weekdays at local community venues. A network of FREE COMMUNITY-BASED WALKING GROUPS with volunteer Walk Organisers that lead groups in your local area WHEN Monday 9.30 – 10.30am Monday 9.00 - 10.00am Monday 9.30 – 10.30am Monday 9.30 - 10.30am Monday 1.00 – 2.00pm Tuesday 10.00-10.30am Tuesday 11.30-12.30pm Tuesday 1.00 – 2.00pm Tuesday 2.30 - 3.30pm Wednesday 9.30 – 10.30am Wednesday 9.30 - 10.30am Thursday 10.00 - 11.00am Saturday 9.00 - 10.00am What is Glenorchy on the Go? Glenorchy on the Go programs are FREE for adult residents not in the full time workforce in the City of Glenorchy. Heart Foundation “Walking” WHO West Moonah Allsorts Claremont Heartbeats Berriedale Walk & Talk Goodwood Goers Best Foot Forward Wheelie Good Walkers Wheelie Walkers Cadbury Breakaways Cadbury 1 Berriedale Walk & Talk Goodwood Goers Men on the Move Claremont Heartbeats CHANGE WHERE West Moonah Community House Claremont Guide Hall Volunteer Centre, Berriedale Goodwood Community Centre Claremont Plaza (cnr Chickenfeed) MBF Northgate Chigwell House (Mission Australia) Cadbury Main Gate Cadburys Main Gate Volunteer Centre, Berriedale Goodwood Community Centre Glenorchy Health Centre Claremont Guide Hall What programs are available? Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa Elisa 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 6216 6745 • Cooking sessions • Physical activity classes • Healthy lifestyle education • Gardening • Sports Ability • Activities/events in parks • Walking groups • And more Look out in further editions of the Gazette for programs run in your area or call the Coordinator on 62166745 for more information The team from Mission Possible GOLD Growing Older & Living Dangerously Encouraging over 50s to find and participate in new and exciting activities GOLD offers a DIFFERENT FREE ACTIVITY EVERY MONTH. It is proudly offered by Glenorchy Community Health Centre and Glenorchy City Council WHAT Have a go Disc Golf WHEN Thursday 17th 10.30am – 12.30 NOVEMBER WHO Richard Sampson WHERE Poimena Reserve For further information or to register, call the GOLD Coordinator, Paul Williams on 6233 8727 Glenorchy City Council Youth Activity Programs for 2011 Glenorchy Mobile Activity Centre (MAC) WHEN Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays A flexible, mobile & varied activity program for young people in Glenorchy WHERE WHAT 3.00 – 4.45pm 3.00 – 4.45pm 3.15 – 5.00pm Claremont Village Green Giblin Reserve, Goodwood, Bucaan House, Chigwell Public session Public session Public session Mission Australia — Chigwell House welcomes anyone to join their NEW walking group that commenced in September. The group meets every Tuesday at 11.30am for a walk and play in the park and then return to Chigwell House for a cuppa. Prams, parents, children and everyone else welcome Ph 62757 000 for more info. A healthy passion is always in fashion GLENORCHY on the Go will soon be recommencing their popular gentle exercise program GO Heartmoves. Along with offering more Heartmoves groups in local areas the Glenorchy on the Go program will be introducing further physical activity, healthy eating and active lifestyle programs in community venues. Suburban Health and Fitness have been contracted by Council to deliver several programs in the local community. “We are very excited to be facilitating physical activity and healthy lifestyle programs in Glenorchy,” Stacey Dolliver of Suburban Health and Fitness said. “Health and fitness is our passion, and we are well versed in contemporary health and wellbeing practices and we as a team are committed to ongoing continuous improvement,” she says. The team have considerable experience in fitness, health and safety, Cardiac rehabilitation, Diabetes education, and life coaching. These skills along with their knowledge of the Glenorchy community will assist in achieving health and well being outcomes to participants of the Glenorchy on the Go programs. Shane Triffitt, Rebecca Austen, Stacey Dolliver and John Rowbottom, of Suburban Health and Fitness GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 — 11 Fun, Friends, Feeling Good . . . An initiAtive of the Glenorchy Sport & recreAtion AdviSory committee WHAT YOU CAN Anyone care for a spot of croquet … or bridge? Glenorchy residents have been busy trying out new activities through the GOLD (growing older living dangerously) program. DURING October people had the opportunity to have a ‘taster’ of social lawn bowls, line dancing, croquet and walking the Tasman Bridge. The GO GOLD program aims to introduce Glenorchy residents to activities that they have never tried or have been reluctant to try alone. It targets the over ‘50’s. ‘More than 200 people in the northern suburbs have tried a new activity so far this year. Many of these people have continued with an ongoing activity such as GOLD Zumba, GOLD Tai Chi and table tennis,’ Paul Williams, GOLD coordinator said. Paul is excited about the forthcoming summer program, which will include ‘Games in the Park’, ‘Have a Stab at Fencing’ and ‘Easy Relaxation for Body and Mind’. The Glenorchy City Council’s Glenorchy on the Go program in conjunction with the Glenorchy Health Centre will continue to provide free GO GOLD tasters on a monthly basis throughout 2012. “The program objectives are to offer activities that promote physical activity and fun while meeting new people,” Elisa Ryan, Glenorchy City Councils Healthy Communities Coordinator said. The next GO GOLD activity that will be held is ‘Have a Go Disc Golf’ on Thursday 17th November at Poimena Reserve from 10.30am to 12.30. For bookings or more information please contact the GOLD Coordinator Paul Williams on 62338727 , (*!) # $* . " *%( * % ! * !$ '+ (! *( * !) %%$ % (* ( $) & ("! # $* * ) %, + / --- #&) * ) ( $) %( + 12 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 Trade Services Guide Evolution’s all-in-one solution •• Re-wires Re-wires •• New New installations installations •• Refurbishments Refurbishments •• General General electrical electrical •• Security Security installation installation and and servicing servicing •• Testing Testing and and tagging tagging •• Pensioner Pensioner discounts discounts For all domestic and commercial electrical needs contact EVOLUTION ELECTRICS Call Brendan on 0488 007 924 ‘Local people servicing the community’ c2248 BUILDERS/HOME OWNERS WINDOW REPLACEMENTS PORCH SCREENS SUPPLIED & INSTALLED CONTACT KERRY OR BEN 11 Howard Rd, Derwent Park Ph: 6272 6633 – Fax 6273 9554 Evolution Electronics is having a busy year, despite the talk of gloom and doom. EVOLUTION Electrics’ business partners and friends, Glenorchy’s Brendan Bromfield and Matt Steele, put their success down to a philosophy of providing nothing less than a onestop solution to people’s electrical needs. Their aim is to offer a ‘one-stop shop’ for their customer, with no job too hard or to difficult for these two experienced electricians. “With our background and knowledge we have a consistent focus on getting the job done right at a reasonable price,” Mr Bromfield said. They offer a broad range of electrical services, including both domestic and commercial wiring, voice and communication cabling, security, installing fire detection services and safety testing. Between them they have seen a lot of overpriced services in the industry over the years which leave customers dissatisfied. Their business plan is to always provide a better service for customers that insures people come back. “In the last 10 months we have noticed an increase in pensioners using our service due to the discount we offer them. We enjoy making it easy for people to get professional electrical advice without the financial burden,” Mr Bromfield said. And the strategy is paying off for Evolution Electrics with a growing clientele list that ranges from residential to commercial. “Recently we have completed the works at the Sun Corp Bank Branch in Liverpool St Hobart, and completed school works such as Howrah Primary, it has definitely been a busy year!” Mr Bromfield said. “We do anything, Evolution Electronics partners Brendan Bromfield (left) and Matt Steele are always ready and raring for any job. from putting in a phone point, to a power point, even a whole house rewiring. We definitely don’t discriminate,” Mr Steele said. Mr Bromfield said that coming into the Christmas months; a good tip for customers was to get in early to avoid the last minute panic during the festive season. And while Brendan and Matt are adapting to changes in business flow going into the busy season, one important issue to them has never changed, and that is safety. “Safety is paramount and we are looking at providing a new service where we can do a free safety inspection of homes,” Mr Bromfield said. “There is real risk of fires and even electrocution, so to be able to offer peace of mind is very important to us,” he said. Evolution Electrics is a one-stop shop for all your electrical needs. From a home to office building, Brendan and Matt are happy to complete any job, no matter how big or how small. They are also able to travel statewide if required. For a free quote and a friendly chat call either Brendan Bromfield on 0488 007 924 or Matt Steele on 0488 007 927. HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS PTY LTD EXPERT REPAIRS TO: • Washing Machines • Refrigerators • Clothes Dryers • Dishwashers • Freezers • Electric Ranges • Electrical Wiring • Heaters SHOWROOM 9 HOWARD RD GLENORCHY Call ‘HER’ • Metal Re-Roofing • Re-Guttering • Metal Fascia Covers • Roof Vents • Laser light Sheet Roofing PH 6273 6852 Specialising in Northern Suburbs for service to all suburbs or at our workshop 6272 6666 491 MAIN ROAD, GLENORCHY LICENCE No. C238 NEW PRODUCT!!! SHOWER SCREENS – FRAMED & FRAMELESS KITCHEN SPLASHBACKS SUPPLIED & INSTALLED. JNJ ROOFING 11 Howard Rd, Derwent Park Ph: 6272 6633 – Fax: 6273 9554 COLORBOND & TILED ROOFS QUALIFIED ROOF PLUMBERS • New Homes • Extensions • Flashings • Downpipes • Free quotes • Re-roofing & Repairs • Rebed & Repointing • Skylight & Vents • Fascia and Gutters • Insurance Repairs YOUR QUICK RESPONSE TEAM FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING MAINTENANCE AND GAS INSTALLATIONS Prompt & efficient service at reasonable prices PHONE 6273 0177 JAMIE 0400 866 665 JASON 0450 487 560 Contractor Licence No 1097492 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 — 13 COMMUNITY precinct calendar GLENORCHY PRECINCTS Join your local community precinct committee and become part of an active community network that makes a positive difference in your local neighbourhood. the Glenorchy community precinct committees are Special committees of Glenorchy city council. BERRIEDALE/CHIGWELL Next meet: Wednesday November 2 at 4.30pm Not meeting in December Location: Bucaan Community House Bucaan Street, Chigwell CLAREMONT, AUSTINS FERRY & GRANTON Next meet: Thursday November 3 at 7pm Not meeting in December Location: Claremont Hall (side room) Main Road, Claremont EAST MOONAH Next meet: Wednesday November 9, 4.30pm Not meeting in December Location: Moonah Community Centre 17 Gormanston Road, Moonah GLENORCHY Next meet: Will be holding a social function in November date and venue TBA Not meeting in December GOODWOOD Next meet: Tuesday November 15 at 2pm Not meeting in December Location: Goodwood Community Centre 2 Acton Crescent, Goodwood ROSETTA/MONTROSE Next meet: Wednesday Nov 23, 5.30pm Not meeting in December Location: Berriedale Centre Main Road, Berriedale WEST MOONAH Next meet: Tuesday November 1 at 7pm Not meeting in December Location: West Moonah Community House 130 Springfield Avenue, West Moonah Many take matters seriously GLENORCHY City Council has been recruiting residents to be members of the “Glenorchy Matters” Community Panel. Over 400 residents have enrolled for the panel and have had the first survey made available to them The topic was the maintenance levels of the garden beds on the Main Road between Terry Street and Elwick Road and panel members were asked to comment on the cleanliness of paths and car parks after the introduction of the Green Machine. They were also asked to comment on the general maintenance of the CBD. Council is pleased with the response rate and are in the final stages of collating the results. The survey included opportunities for members to make specific comments. In many cases comments noted regard- ‘It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ Family Fun Event COME along and join in the fun of Christmas, there will be free activities for the whole family including, colouring-in, competitions, bubbles, balloons, nail art, Piggy the Bendigo Bank mascot, Cuddles the dog, craft, games, the Glenorchy Mobile Activity Centre, a sausage sizzle catered by the Moonah Rotary Club and much more. The “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” event is presented by the East Moonah Community Precinct, with support from the Glenorchy City Council through its Community Participation Program. City Glenorchy Council Community Participation Officer, Dianne McGuinness says the event is a great opportunity for the community to get together. “We are encouraging children and parents to come dressed in a Christmas costume there will be prizes in adult and child categories,” Dianne said. The event will feature the Glenorchy Mobile Activity Centre Van, which will provide a wide range of games and activities for young people, plus Dad’s Day Out, with activities, games, competitions and information for children and their parents, and the Bendigo Bank will have activities in their marquee. The Bio-Bus from General Practise South will also be in attendance giving free health checks and referrals. And of course there will be a visit from Santa! The event will be from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday December 3. Contact Dianne on 6216 6722. Get Crafty Family Fun Day IF YOU are looking for affordable, handmade Christmas gifts, get along to the Get Crafty Family Fun Day on Saturday November 26. The day aims to promote local crafts and craft groups and provide an opportunity for residents to buy low cost handmade Christmas Gifts. The event, organised by the Goodwood Community Precinct and the Goodwood Community Centre, will be at Giblin Reserve, 11am – 2pm. There will be activities for children including a craft table, face painter, and games and Santa may make a visit. Come in your Christmas costume for the chance to win a prize, judged at 11.45am. The Bio-Bus from General Practice South will be in attendance giving free health checks and referrals. There will also be a free BBQ from noon. Contact Sue bis Winckel on 6216 6369 or Rachael French, Goodwood Community Centre Coordinator on 62722560 for more details. Support Tasmania’s first Community Veterinary Hospital Hobart Community Veterinary Hospital Dog parvovirus can be lethal and is in Mention this ad and the Glenorchy area – vaccination is get 10% off their best protection. merchandise Now is also a good time to prepare purchase at time of your pets for kennels and catteries vaccination* for the holiday season. *conditions apply • Dogs: $60 C3 (includes parvo coverage)* • Dogs: $77 C5 (kennel approved vaccination, includes parvo coverage)* • Cats: $62.50 (cattery approved vaccination)* *a booster vax may be required for more informAtion contAct commUnity pArticipAtion StAff: SUe bis WincKel 6216 6369 Consultation by appointment 8-10 Colebrook St, Lenah Valley Open M-F 8am-5pm, Sat 8am-1pm diAnne mcGUinneSS 6216 6722 [email protected] PH: 6228 0205 ing maintenance issues were actioned if enough detail was provided. The results will be in cluded in a newsletter to members. The newsletter will include information about how the results will be used and answer some questions/comments that were raised. The next survey has been distributed. Feedback from our community is important and being a panel member is a good way to have your say. If you are interested in being a panel member please contact Sue bis Winckel on 6216 6369 or Di McGuinness on 6216 6722 for an application form or to sign up over the phone. The application form is also available on Councils website www.gcc. ! ENTRY FORM MY GLENORCHY ‘MUST DO’ What is your must do in Glenorchy? In 25 words or less, why? Name: Address: Postcode: Phone number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Place your entry form in the boxes at Glenorchy City Council Chambers or the DEC, by e-mail to [email protected], by clicking on the entry form link at www.visitglenorchy.gcc.tas. or send to: My Glenorchy Must Do, PO Box 103, Glenorchy 7010. Entries received by 30 November go into the draw to win two $20 Northgate gift cards that can be used at most Northgate retailers. 14 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 GLENORCHY CITY WHERE IDEAS HAPPEN Adriana TAYLOR Christine LUCAS Jenny BRANCH Steven KING Richard LOWRIE Luke MARTIN Haydyn NIELSEN David PEARCE Peter RIDLER Your Glenorchy Aldermen Adriana TAYLOR 0419 550 051 [email protected] Christine LUCAS 0418 129 524 [email protected] Jenny BRANCH 0417 381 721 [email protected] Steven KING 0414 898 095 [email protected] Richard LOWRIE 0419 504 227 [email protected] Luke MARTIN 0434 307 838 [email protected] Haydyn NIELSEN 0412 122 874 [email protected] David PEARCE OAM 0418 731 151 [email protected] Stuart SLADE 0407 741 355 [email protected] cOuNcIl DEcISIONS OcTOBER 2011 MEETINGS coming up GlENoRchy couNcIl chAMbERS Council Meeting : Monday 7th November (6pm) 0466 692 254 [email protected] Glenorchy Planning Authority: Monday 14th November (6pm) Bob VERVAART MEMbERS of ThE publIc ARE INVITED To ATTEND 0447 550 104 [email protected] GLENORCHY CITY COUNCIL Bob VERVAART ROADS CONSTRUCTION WORKS • Acton Crescent – footpath, kerb and gutter reconstruction • Bayswater Road – Central Avenue round-a-bout construction • Fletcher Avenue – Hopkins Street – garden road – kerb, gutter and footpath replacement –reseal pavement • Footpath Works – major • Kestrel Street – pavement rehabilitation (stabilisation) • Maitland Street – Chapel Street to End – partial footpaths, Driveways, Kerb and Channel Reconstruction and Pavement Overlay • Milpara Street – kerb, gutter and footpath reconstruction • Mittara Crescent – road sealing • Morriss Avenue – hotmix overlay • Springfield Avenue – Coleman Street to Second Avenue – partial footpaths, driveways, kerb and channel reconstruction and pavement overlay • Upper Montrose Road – road reconstruction and stormwater works – deferred • Various major pavement repairs • Woorin Street – Teering Road to end – kerb, gutter and footpath replacement – reseal pavement ROADS MAINTENANCE WORKS • Footpath maintenance • Pavement management • Pavement repairs • Signs maintenance • Various reinstatement works • Vegetation Control – boneseed removal – weed spraying – fire hazard reduction STORMWATER • Creek maintenance and revegetation works • Coleman Street upgrade existing stormwater main • Fletcher Avenue – stormwater upgrade • Hopkins Street & Bowen Road School new 300mm stormwater main • Various new connections • Various pit cleaning & maintenance • Various pit reconstructions PARKS & RECREATION • Cycleway Improvements – chicanes and fencing • Graffiti cleanup on various sites • KGV Interchange Boxes – fabrication and installation • Playground Improvements – city wide • Sustainable tree planting strategy city wide • Various sports field renovations • Vegetation Management SPECIAL PROJECTS • GASP Shared Pathway – Montrose Bay High School to Strathaven • Supported the proposal to reduce the speed limits on Molesworth Road and sections of Glenlusk Road and Collinsvale Road. • Approved the allocation of $40,000 to the RDA GASP Stage 2 project. • Approved in-principle for the provision of a men’s shed to be constructed at the West Moonah Community Garden. • Approved in-principle for the open space located at 17 Moorina Crescent, Chigwell to be licensed. • Approved the Derwent Park Stormwater Re-use project. • Approved the waiving of Stormwater Policy (Multiple Dwelling Units) to two developments in lieu of Developer funded net benefits. • Received the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority Quarterly Report – June 2011. • Accepted the Corporate Performance Indicators for August 2011. • Supported a request from ALGA to support constitutional recognition of Local Government. • Supports in-principle investigation of one water and sewerage corporation for the entire state. • Approved the 2010/11 Annual Report for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. • Received the Tasmanian Auditor Office’s ‘Audit Findings’. Matt STEVENSON Matt STEVENSON WORKS in progress Peter RIDLER RFD [email protected] Stuart SLADE Ph: 6216 6700 Water meter installations begin Public Notice NOTICE UNDER SECTION 5.6.3 INDUSTRY CODE C564:2004 FOR DEPLOYMENT OF MOBILE PHONE NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Proposal by Telstra to upgrade the existing telecommunications facilities at the following locations: 46 A Elliot Road, Glenorchy 264 A Main Road, Derwent Park The proposal at Glenorchy consists of the installation of 2 remote radio units and the proposal at Derwent Park consists of the installation of 3 remote radio units. The proposals will not result in an increase in height of either of the facilities. Ancillary equipment will be installed within the existing equipment shelters to support the facilities. Telstra regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 ("The Determination") based on the description above. For further info Kate Greenwood (d) 03 8663 4875 (e) [email protected] Written submissions: Urbis Services, 12/120 Collins Street, MELBOURNE 3000 by Thursday 10th November 2011. THE installation of water meters into unmetered residential properties with up to four dwellings throughout the Glenorchy area is now underway. As part of the rollout, every unmetered property will receive a water meter with automated meter reading (AMR) technology, near the property boundary or stop tap. There will be no charge to property owners for the water meter. Skilltech Consulting Services, a national firm specialising in water meter installation, has deployed a workforce of around 120 – mostly local plumbers and trades assistants – to install around 60,000 water meters across the southern region. The project is valued at $30 million, including a $5 million grant from the Australian Government’s Water for the Future initiative through the National Council seeks independent analysis GLENORCHY City Council has called for an independent costs and benefits study before any move to a single water and sewerage corporation across Tasmania. Glenorchy Mayor Adriana Taylor said today that Council also agreed that any future changes to the water and sewerage corporations should be determined by the shareholder councils of those organisations. “At our meeting on Monday Council passed a resolution to support in-principle an investigation of one water and sewerage corporation for the entire state,” Alderman Taylor said. Water Security Plan for Cities and Towns program. Southern Water plans to complete the roll-out of meters into unmetered properties by mid 2012. Unmetered business properties will also receive a water meter. “However, that does not mean Council has agreed to move from the present system of three water and sewerage corporations to a single body. “Council agreed that we need to get qualified advice to provide us with sufficient information to determine whether the amalgamation of the three regional water and sewerage Corporations and Onstream is in the best interest of the community, Council as a shareholder and Southern Water Corporation itself. Alderman Taylor said Council resolved that an independent consultancy be appointed to Southern Water will then inspect and replace up to 26,000 existing water meters which are already in place across the region. Each residential installation will take less than two hours and property owners and residents are being sent provide advice on the impact on the financial sustainability and capacity of a single state-wide corporation to meet the service standards likely to be imposed by the Economic Regulator. “We also want to know what impact it would have on the provision of services to the community. Alderman Taylor said the study should examine the comparative financial and capacity of the current structure and that of a single State-wide corporation and provide options for governance arrangements that would give greater council control over a proposed single entity. information in the weeks before works commence. From mid 2012, Southern Water will read meters each quarter from the street using the new AMR technology. Further information is available by: • Visiting us online at: • Calling us on: 13 MYWATER (13 6992) • Emailing us at: [email protected] • Or writing to us at: PO Box 1060, Glenorchy TAS 7010 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 — 15 AN ADVERTISING FEATURE REAL ESTATE UPDATE What is the local real estate market doing? There is so much media commentary about our real estate market and opinions seem varied. Major newspapers, television and radio often confuse the issue by reporting on what’s happening in Australia’s major centres (Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane), with Hobart and Tasmania often left out or not included in their presentation. I hope the following summarises in simple terms what’s happening in our market place. Properties For Sale Over the past 3 months the number of homes for sale in the Glenorchy Municipality has stabalised at around 520 properties. This is well down on the numbers that were for sale from 2000 – 2005 when the numbers were over 1000, but up on the 2005 – 2008 when the numbers were around the 400 mark. Since 2008 the numbers have risen to the low 500’s but have not increased significantly at any point in time beyond that number. The table below was compiled purchasing, has a huge impact on prices and the time it takes to sell. Other things such as the economy, government policies, interest rates and bank lending criteria will influence the number of people that can buy at any point in time. If the number of properties for sale is low and the number of people looking to buy is high, we call this a sellers market, and when this situation occurs, house prices increase. However, when the number of properties for sale is high and the number of buyers is low we call this a purchasers market. In such markets property prices decrease, and homes take a lot longer to sell. The real estate market in the Glenorchy Municipality has remained steady. Selling times have moved out and prices have dropped 10-15%. Those sellers that have made adjustments to their prices are selling, while those that have not are just sitting there. Mainland Buyers In the period 1 April – 30 June 2011 there were 453 house sales in Hobart. Of these, 49 were HOUSES FOR SALE from web site on 21st September 2011. There are currently between 35 and 40 house sales occurring each month in the Glenorchy Municipality, which means there is 15 months stock available. Wha’t does this mean? How many properties are for sale, and how many buyers are purchased by mainland buyers. This represents only 11% of total sales. It should be remembered that 404 other sales were recorded by Tasmanians, buying Tasmanian real estate. Real Estate Institute of Tasmania research figures show that on average, mainland buyers pay less for property than local purchasers do. MEDIAN HOUSE PRICES IN GLENORCHY Median house prices for each suburb in the Glenorchy Municipality for the 2004 – 2007, and 2010 calendar years. Investors In the June quarter (1 April – 30 June, 2011), approximately 13% of property sales in Hobart were made by investors. This equated 59 houses and 19 units. Again, the vast majority of the purchasers were local. It appears that the current economic climate is encouraging many investors to delay a commitment to add to their property portfolio. Changes to land tax legislation are seeing several large local residential investment holders reducing their exposure to our market by selling off a significant portion of their portfolio. First Home Buyers While 15% of the sales in the June 2011 quarter were made by first home buyers, this is well down on the level of previous years where the number exceeded 20%. The current economic conditions have affected the first home buyers most. Increases in interest rates have put real estate out of the reach of many and significantly reduced the amount of funds they are able to borrow. Lending institutions have become much more stringent with their lending criteria. The uncertainty of job security, and importantly the taking away of the stamp duty rebate, has put many first home buyers back 6-12 months with their savings. First home buyers are critical to our market in the northern suburbs. They start the chain that enables owners wishing to sell to be able to move on. Over the past week or two, we have seen a little more activity in the market from first home buyers, which is encouraging. What is a Median House Price? It is the middle sale price when the number of sales are listed from lowest to highest. If there were 13 sales in an area, the median price is the 7th highest sale. Over the past two years the media have reported significant increases in the Median sales prices of real estate in Hobart, when we know property prices are decreasing. How can this happen? When a large number of sales occur in the higher price end of the market then this pushes the median price up. The table above shows there has been significant increases in the Median sales price across most Glenorchy Municipality suburbs. Since the end of 2010 there has been very little growth, in some cases prices have decreased. We are unable to provide Median prices for Glenlusk or Dowsing Point (in 2010) because there were insufficient transactions. Information used to compile this report was taken from, Real Estate Institute of Tasmania market research, and the Tasmanian Governments property data base, ‘The List’. Use a Local Agent With almost 20 years of real estate service behind me, I would strongly encourage anyone thinking of selling their home to use a local agent: an agent that has a constant presence and specialises in your area. Statistics show that out of area agents take longer to sell homes, (if they sell them at all), provide poorer service, have fewer inspections, and often over price property. They rely heavily on marketing and open homes. Local agents know and understand your market place, have a steady flow of office enquiry and buyers to introduce to your property. Local agents generally achieve better results. The Author This article was prepared by Tony Collidge. Tony has been in real estate since 1992, was a leading sales consultant in the area, is coowner of PRDnationwide, and a board member of The Real Estate institute of Tasmania. Congratulations PRDnationwide Hobart PRDnationwide is a real estate franchise of more than 140 offices spread across Australia and is owned by Colliers International. In 2009, the PRDnationwide Hobart office, here in Glenorchy, was voted the ‘Most Outstanding Office in the franchise, in Australia’ and achieved the number 1 ranking. Over the past 5 years, it has held a position in the top 3 offices in the network and at the recent Annual Awards held on Hamilton Island in early September, PRDnationwide Hobart received a standing ovation for receiving its 5th consecutive Diamond Award (High Achievement), something no other PRDnationwide office has achieved in the company’s history. Managing Director Mark Johnston acknowledges the wonderful contribution made by all employees of the Hobart office, in what has been Tony Collidge and Mark Johnston some of the most turbulent and pressing times in real estate history. “The dedication, determination, and outstanding service provided by each and every one of my staff is what sets this group of people apart from most others in the industry”. “PRDnationwide Hobart has sold, and will continue to sell more homes Trudy Harrex than any other individual real estate office in Hobart”. “We have 24 wonderful staff who do a great job helping the people of Glenorchy sell and buy property. I am very proud of how they go about their duties and the positive feedback I constantly receive from the public,” Mr Johnston said. Congratulations to the team and individuals for the awards they achieved. Ollie Wuttke Andrew Hills Tony Butterworth PRDnationwide 493 Main Road Glenorchy Phone 6273 5555 16 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2011 The homegrown social network Claremont THE team at Stoneman’s Plants Plus has come up with an inventive, back to basics version of social networking, no internet required. It involves people in the community being able to bring any produce they have grown to Stoneman’s Plants Plus Nursery and swapping it for produce from other growers. Stoneman’s Plant Plus Team Leader John Fisher said the opportunities were endless. “For example, individuals can bring excess lemons from their back yard lemon tree and swap them for a bag of apples, or herbs,” he said. “Anyone from the community can come down and swap their produce. You could say it’s just like a stock market for fruit and vegetables. It’s really about getting back to basics,“ Mr Fisher said. Marketing and administration manager Jo Stoneman said the initiative reflected a community focus on sustainable gardening which had increasingly become a priority for customers. “It’s a great throwback to the days of swapping produce with your next door neighbour over the fence and a great way for people to network within a different type of venue,“ Mrs Stoneman said. The first swap took place in October with great success. With a growth in the popularity of cooking shows such as ‘Masterchef’, there has been a stronger demand for fresh produce and ingredients, which is why the Stoneman’s Food Swap has become so popular. “Customers are a lot more aware of how food is produced and displayed in supermarkets today. The focus on now wanting to know where the produce comes from reflects the new found importance around flavour of food rather than just how it looks,” Mr Fisher said. Stoneman’s hopes to continue the food swap in the long term as an event that highlights the benefits of sustainable gardening, fresh home grown produce and healthy lifestyles. trio secure uni support THREE former Claremont College students have been awarded Glenorchy City Council scholarships to recognise their achievement in their first year at university. Glenorchy Mayor Adriana Taylor said the scholarships were a practical support for young people at university. “Each year Council awards scholarships to young Glenorchy residents who have made a successful start to their UTAS studies,” she said. Alderman Taylor presented cheques for $1,666 to this year’s recipients of the sixth annual Glenorchy City Council UTAS Scholarships: Sophie Benson, Trent Harper and Madeleine Keir. Sophie is in her first year of a bachelor of nursing and says the support helped her successfully complete first semester. “First year at Uni is an extremely stressful time. Not only are you learning a whole new way of studying, you are also becoming independent and learning how to support yourself,” she said. “Textbooks, equipment and uniform are just some of the expenses that come with being a Uni student, as well as general living expenses. Having a job while studying is time consuming, but also necessary. Trent is studying an Associate Degree in Arts (Electronic Media) and said that as a full time student he had quite a number of hidden, and not so hidden, expenses to pay such as books, stationery and travel as well as bills. “This scholarship money will be of great benefit to me, especially with books and software costing so much,” he said. Madeleine Keir is doing a Bachelor of Arts (Criminology). She said her first semester of University had been a great experience and she was proud of the results she had achieved. Stoneman’s Plants Plus Team Leader John Fisher YOUR ELECTRICAL & COMPUTERS DESTINATION MOONAH 191-197 Main Rd (cnr Derwent Park Rd.) Harvey Norman® stores are operated by independent franchisees. *1. Terms and conditions apply. See in store for details. 6274 4500 (Computers/Electrical only) 1 216875_MOO COME IN AND CHECK OUT CHECK OUT OUR GREAT HOBART'S BEST RANGE RANGE OF GAMES, OF KITCHEN APPLIANCES! PRINTERS, CAMERAS, PLUS LIVE IN-STORE GPS & COMPUTERS! COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS!
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