Glenorchy City Council
Glenorchy City Council
Gazette GLENORCHY GLENORCHY CITY — WHERE IDEAS HAPPEN WATER WASH-UP MAYOR’S MESSAGE: P5 5 NOVEMBER 2009 OUT & ABOUT 10-11 TRACK JACKPOT Glenorchy residents will benefit from a funding injection of more than $200,000 from the Federal Government to extend the Intercity Cycleway. Grow your own group VOLUNTEERS are being sought to help establish a community garden in the heart of Glenorchy. If you are keen to grow your own vegetables but don’t have a garden or a green thumb, the Glenorchy Community Garden could be just what you are looking for. In collaboration with local schools, Eat Well Tasmania is this month building a community garden in the grounds of Glenorchy Primary School. In addition to a focus on growing organic food, the Glenorchy Community Garden also aims to foster friendships and promote a close knit Taylor and Melanie tend to their patch in the Chigwell Community Garden — Full story page 18. community, according to Community Garden coordinator, Hannah Moloney. “Growing food is a great way to save money, increase physical and mental health and have fun,” she said. “Community gardens pro- vide a space for people who are renting their homes or don’t have backyards to grow their own food and create a common ground for local residents to gather.” An adventure garden designed for young children will also be built alongside the community garden. Eat Well Grow Well’s primary focus is to foster social and community connectedness by assisting communities to establish community gardens in Tasmania. Mentoring ‘hubs’ will be set up throughout Tasmania. If you’d like to help manage or work in the Glenorchy garden or attend how to grow food workshops, please contact Hannah Moloney on 0418 307 294, bikemeup GLENORCHY Mayor Adriana Taylor said the money would allow the cycleway to be extended to the Cadbury’s boundary and from Boxhill Rd to Bilton St. “It is terrific news to receive the $206,000 from the Federal Government which will allow Council to achieve our goals to extend the cycleway at a greater rate than would otherwise have been possible. “The Intercity Cycleway and the network of paths that feed into it are very important to promote cycling for recreation and as an alternative transport method. “Many people are reluctant to cycle, if they have to compete with traffic on our roads. “The paths are also great to use for walking too and general get out and about in a safe environment.” Continued page 6 2 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 — 3 For assistance, contact me on: 0458 567 857 [email protected] GPO Box 493, Hobart, 7001 Authorised by Scott Bacon, 56 Doyle Avenue, Lenah Valley, Tas. 7008. ADVERTISEMENT Securing our future. COMMUNITY DIARY NOVEMBER 2009 From 10am-11am, in conjunction with Volunteering Tasmania. For further enquiries contact Fiona on 6216 6571 (Mon-Wed 10am-3pm) Sunday 1st November Friday 27th November Community based event put on by the Glenorchy Lions Club with activities and entertainment for all ages. Contact James Fisher on 6272 2432 or email [email protected] Wednesday 11th November Wednesday 4th November For school leavers who are learning to drive or have their licence. Guest speakers, demonstrations, group activities and a mock crash with a real rescue team. Rosetta High School Band will perform and Moonah Rotary Club will provide a sausage sizzle for a gold coin donation. 11.30am-1.30pm. Contact Bill on 0408 363 849 Discover equipment that can help you complete household tasks or make dressing and personal care easier. See specialised products for recreation and leisure. Occupational therapist available to offer information and advice. Presented by the Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre and the Independent Living Centre Tasmania (ILC Tas). Free presentation includes afternoon tea. Presentation 12.30pm-1.00, equipment on display from 1pm-2pm. RSVP Sandra 1800 052 222 Karaoke competition each month with great prizes! Monthly heat winners will compete for the Aurora Idol Champion 2009 Award presented after a contest at the Christmas dance. From 7.30pm – 10.00pm, $5 cover charge and kiosk available. Supper provided. Please bring a plate. Contact 6273 0916 Friday 6th November Sunday 15th November Glenorchy Lions Club Regatta Montrose Bay Foreshore School Road Safety Expo Rosetta High School Labor Member for Denison If I can be of assistance to you, your family or friends, feel free to contact my office. Ph: 6233 8874 The Wellingtons and the Silvertones, Acapellagu, Close Shave and Locksmiths in an evening of smooth, close harmony singing. Covering all chorus styles from traditional barbershop to the sharp, funky arrangements of recent pop classics from this truly professional collection of male voices. Contact the MAC on 6214 7633 Facebook Workshop Glenorchy Library – 4 Terry Street Glenorchy This workshop is free and will include how to join facebook, facebook applications and the Pro’s and Con’s of facebook. From 10am-12pm, bookings are essential contact 6233 8666 Gazette The Glenorchy Gazette is published by the Glenorchy City Council and distributed to households and businesses throughout the municipality. Circulation 22,500. EDITORIAL INQUIRIES Cathy Limb Ph 6224 8644 [email protected] ADVERTISING The Media Centre Pty Ltd 210 Collins St. Hobart TAS 7000 Ph: 6234 8588 email: [email protected] Editing, Design & Production: Mikron Media Pty Ltd Ph: 6228 5829. Monday 16th November Moonah Multicultural Social Craft Group Heart Beat Tasmania Glenorchy Library Meeting Room 1 Moonah Community Centre, 17 Gormanston Road, Moonah 10am to12.30pm. Starts at 1.30pm, new members are welcome. Students of Claremont College present their work in public for the first time. Artwork in a wide variety of media including mixed media, photography, painting, drawing, ceramics, textiles and garment construction. For further information contact MAC on 6214 7633 Wednesday 11th November Volunteer Information Session Volunteer Centre – Berriedale Meeting begins at 7.00 pm with the election of office bearers and a special guest speaker, Kristie Johnston, who will talk about the proposal for a Hobart-Northern Suburbs Railway. All welcome. Group designed to support parents whose life has been affected by the loss of a child. Free child care is available, gold coin donations can be made. For further information contact 6273 2362 Tuesday 24th November Mobile Activity Centre The Happiness Club Goodwood Community Centre, 2 Acton Crescent From 12.30pm to 2.00pm, includes fun, social and supper presented by The Salvation Army Community Aged Care. RSVP to 6278 3256 25th November – 10th December A Common Thread 4 Moonah Arts Centre – 65 Hopkins St, Moonah This exhibition of artwork from clients of the Arts programs of Life without Barriers and Cosmos Recreation Services incorporates International Day of Disability and celebrates the artwork of people with disability. The exhibition also celebrates the excellent work done by the creative and dedicated tutors. For further information contact MAC 6214 7633 TELL US WHEN WE CAN DO BETTER we can look at ways to improve the way we do our work. ALL COMPLAINTS ARE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY If you have something to tell us, please call or write to: Customer Service Contact Officer PO Box 103 Glenorchy 7010 PH: 1800 422 999 VACCINES AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE: Triple Antigen (T.A.), Sabin (Oral Polio Vaccine), Measles/Mumps/Rubella, Comvax (Hib and Hep B.), Meningococcal, Boosterix (Adult Tetanus), Pneumococcal (infant), Influenza (over 65 years old), Pneumococcal (over 65 years old). VACCINES AVAILABLE AT COST: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Combined Hepatitis A and B, ADT (Adult Diptheria and Tenatus, Chicken Pox, Adult Meningococcal. For further information telephone the Council’s Environmental Health Office on 6216 6797. tities, up to a maximum of 20 litres or 20 kilograms per item. An information brochure explaining the ChemSafe Homes Tasmania program will be distributed to every household over the next few weeks. The ‘ChemSafe Homes Tasmania’ program is part of the Tasmanian Household Hazardous Waste Collection Project. This is a joint project between Social and Walking group Meet at various locations at 10.30 am each Saturday. All levels of fitness, age and ability welcome. Phone June on 6273 3055 for further details. Does your organisation have an event coming up in Glenorchy that you would like listed on the monthly Events Calendar? Please contact us using the email address above. Weekly garbage collection services are available for Glenorchy Residents. For residents who prefer a weekly garbage collection service, the Council has a special residents arrangement* with Veolia Environmental Services to collect your wheelie bin from your property on alternate weeks, separate to the standard Council fortnightly service. This arrrangements attracts an additional charge payable direct to Veolia Environmental Services. This effectively provides a weekly collection service for those residents who wish to have a weekly collection service. For more information on this service, please contact Veolia direct on 6244 0000 and they will provide you with all the details. * Only available to standard service of 140 litre bin. Not available for commerical collections. the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and the Environment, the Local Government Association of Tasmania and three regional bodies – the Southern Waste Strategy Authority, the Cradle Coast Waste Management Group and the Northern Tasmania Regional Waste Management Group. More information about the ChemSafe Homes Tasmania program, including drop-off times and what will be accepted at drop-off sites can be found by visiting the LGAT website: Recruitment session for volunteers THE Glenorchy Volunteer Centre is holding an information session for potential volunteers on Wednesday November 11. The Glenorchy Volunteer Centre is a service offered by the Glenorchy City Council to help place volunteers with community organisations. Coordinator of Volunteers, Fiona Butler, says the session will provide information about the benefits of volunteering, volunteering opportunities and volunteer rights. “The benefits to the community of volunteering are enormous and we can help match an individual volunteer with a group or activity that they will feel comfortable with and enjoy,” Fiona said. Tortoise Club IMMUNISATION SCHEDULE November 11, December 9 explosives and chemicals from commercial business. Residents are asked to drive to the Derwent Entertainment Centre on the day, follow the directions and stay in their vehicle as the collector on site will assist in removing the products. Chemicals collected will be reused, recycled or treated appropriately. They will accept household quan- Free Fun for Young People Glenorchy Eady St Oval (upper oval) Wednesday 3pm - 4.45pm Chigwell Bucaan Community House Thursday 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm Benjafield Park Moonah Friday 4pm – 6pm Goodwood Giblin’s Reserve Saturday noon to 2pm (From November 7th) 3pm to 5pm (If raining come to the community centre for movies, games and more! FREE BBQ! For further information contact 6216 6770 2009 Immunisation sessions are held in the Glenorchy Civic Centre between 2.00pm and 3.00pm on the following Wednesdays. Entertainment Centre on Saturday 28th November. Chemicals accepted at the dropoff include most garden, kitchen, laundry, shed and garage chemicals, along with different types of fuels, oils, lubricants, paints, thinner, solvents and poisons. Drop-off sites will NOT accept products such as motor oil, farm chemicals, fire extinguishers, asbestos, ammunition and West Moonah Community House 130 Springfield Avenue, West Moonah Claremont Progress Association AGM Claremont RSL or [email protected] We want to hear your complaints and any ideas about how we could do better. We need to hear from you when the service we provide is not up to standard. We need your input so Councils in waste drop-off scheme A new all male walking group. Suitable for men of all ages who are looking for an easy exercise activity. Walk for an hour each week on a flat path or track and meet for a cup of tea and plan next walk. Walks are year round in all weather. Meet 10am Thursday Glenorchy Community Health Centre. Register with Paul on 6233 8727 Grieving Parents Support Group Monday 23rd November LOCAL councils have teamed up with the State Government to help Tasmanians remove potentially dangerous unwanted and out-of-date chemical products from their homes. A new ChemSafe Homes Tasmania program provides a chance for all Tasmanians to help make their home hazard free by cleaning out their household chemical clutter and safely disposing them at designated drop-off points across the State. There will be ten drop-off days around Tasmania each year, with the first to be held at the Derwent Glenorchy Community Health Centre, 2 Terry St Tuesday 24th November Claremont College Annual Exhibition Moonah Arts Centre, 65 Hopkins St, Moonah GLENORCHY Men on the Move Meeting starting at 10.30am followed by a light luncheon. For further information contact 6247 1035 11th – 20th November GLENORCHY Tasmanian Visually Impaired Children’s Support Group Inc (TAS VIC Inc) takes the opportunity to extend an invitation to families who have a child who is either vision impaired or blind to family BBQ. Come and enjoy an afternoon out in the park, BBQ will be supplied FREE along with soft drinks. Meet other families of vision impaired and blind children. Contact Tas Vic secretary on 6273 3275 to RSVP Picnic at the Park Cooinda Park, Springfield Avenue Commencing at 10.30am come and enjoy Classic Car Show, Trash & Treasure Stalls, Entertainment and Children’s Activities. For further information contact Robyn Midson on 6249 2577 or email [email protected] ONLY AT Entries close November 13 with the following events on offer: Men’s & Ladies Open Singles, Mixed Open Doubles, Graded events for Men’s and Ladies Doubles and a Mixed C Grade event. Spectators welcome. Food and drinks available for purchase. BBQ Saturday night. Call Kylie Clark on 0439 492750. To register online, visit Australian Retired Persons Association (Tas) AGM, Rosny Library Trash to Treasure – Classic Car Show Claremont Recreation Area (Box Hill Road) Come in and experience Telstra’s new netbook with embedded next G network. Be online in more places McKay Timber Glenorchy Open Tournament 2009 Glenorchy Tennis Club, Alcorso Drive. Saturday 7th November Sunday 8th November (my) laptop has arrived 27th – 29th November Meet new people and share your craft skills. Group brings together women in order to exchange craft skills, socialise and make friends. Learn basic craft such as knitting, crocheting and sewing as well as multicultural crafts. Sessions November 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and December 1st . You don’t have to attend all sessions – come to one or come to them all. A Pre Armistice Day celebration will be held at Cooinda Park at 12 Noon. Bring your own picnic along and join in the residents’ get together, there will be fun games for the whole family. Contact 6272 6535 353 Main Rd Glenorchy 7010 “Assistive Equipment Display” Community Based Support South, 24 Sunderland St, Moonah Tas Vic Inc Family BBQ Tolosa Park Reserve – Hut 2 Hobart Men’s Barbershop Harmony Club Barbershop at Moonah Friday 6th November GRAEME STURGES MP Aurora Friday Night Karaoke Disco /Christmas Dance, Kensington St Hall Chemical interaction plan Mayor Adriana Taylor and Cerebral Palsy Tasmania CEO Kevin Kreiner, left, pay tribute to Maurice and Betty Pearce. Lifetime of care gets its award CEREBRAL Palsy Tasmania has paid tribute to Betty and Maurice Pearce for their contribution to the organisation over 47 years. They were special guests recently at a BBQ at Tolosa Park where they were honoured with a Certificate of Recognition. Betty and Maurice helped establish the Spastic Children’s Treatment Fund in 1962, when there was minimal specialised equipment available for children with cerebral palsy and the parents of the children were forced to make the equipment themselves. The Spastic Children’s Treatment Fund became the Tasmanian Spastics Association, then later changing to its present title of Cerebral Palsy Tasmania. Maurice Pearce served on the Board of Management for 20 years, some of those years as Chair and ViceChair. Betty and Maurice have lost count of the amount of monies they have raised for Cerebral Palsy Tasmania over their many decades of service. Tenacity was at the forefront of the fundraising with their son, Ald David Pearce, recalling his Mother and younger brother sitting at a table in the City selling raffle tickets in the snow. Their support for children with a disability went far beyond supporting cerebral palsy, over the years opening their home to care for many children with disabilities. Betty Pearce had a career as a volunteer teacher’s aide at the D’Alton School, Wingfield, which was a school for children with physical disabilities. Betty and Maurice were also closely involved in the Wingfield Parents and Friends Association which for 20 years ran the “Miss Wingfield” contest as an entrant for the Miss Tasmania Quest. Ald David Pearce has also been recognised for his contribution receiving the Distinguished Service Award (Medal) from Cerebral Palsy Australia. David has been instrumental in the implementation of policies and practices which advance justice, rights and access for Australians with a dis- ability and has advocated on behalf of Australians with a disability so as to significantly raise their profile and status within society. “In addition to doing good for the community, volunteering provides opportunities for personal growth, teamwork, making new friends and a sense of achievement.” The Volunteer Centre works with about 30 community organisations. Volunteer roles include lawn mowing, gardening, driving and visiting, assisting with shopping, computer use, child care, office duties, school classroom help and many other areas. “We encourage any one thinking of volunteering to come along,” Fiona said. Details — 10 am – 11 am, Wednesday November 11, Glenorchy Volunteer Centre, 631 Main Rd, Berriedale. Register by calling 6214 4571. KEW NAILS Y O U R N A I L E X P E RT S 15% Off Spa Pedicures WAS $45 NOW $38* * VALID UNTIL 24TH NOVEMBER 2009 WAS NOW ❖ FULL SETS ACRYLICS $55 $49* ❖ FULL SETS GEL $65 $55* “We use American techniques providing fast high quality and more beautiful nails.” OPEN 6 DAYS PH 6228 3034 Shop 3 Moonah Centre 113-115 Main Road Moonah cnr Hopkins St, opp Subway GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 — 5 4 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 POLICE report Divisional Inspector JOHN ARNOLD INTRODUCING CONSTABLE ASTRO Don't throw the past away You might need it some rainy day Dreams can come true again When everything old is new again Safer Communities Committee THE boy from Oz and one-time husband of Liza Minnelli who made pineapples, canastas and trips to Rio fashionable accessories of the 1970s, certainly penned some memorable tunes in his short but eventful 48 years. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy nothing more than tying a knot in the front of my Hawaiian shirt and prancing around the house in white pants doing the hoovering, Peter Allen Style. One of the interesting things about Peter Allen, was the way that a lot of his work was more successful for other people. Olivia Newton-John (“I Honestly Love You”), Rita Coolidge (“I’d Rather Leave While I’m in Love”), Melissa Manchester (“Don’t Cry Out Loud) and even Pablo Cruise had a hit in the States with “I go to Rio”. He was indeed the epitome of lyrical re- SMOKE ALARMS cycling. As Peter suggests in his own lyrics, everything that is old can become new again. Let us consider this concept of old becoming new by way of anime. The first Japanese television series that embodied the aesthetic that later became familiar to the world as anime, was a little robot-child known as Astro Boy. Astro first appeared in comic in 1952 and later as cartoon in 1980 and then 2003. The 2009 version of Astro Boy is of course the new computer generated imagery hitting the big screen this summer. This most recent manifestation of Astro Boy is based upon the original idea but has been tricked up with technology and contemporary research concerning developments in what the kids of today want, compared with the Richie, Potsy and Ralph of 1952. Celebrate Tasmania on Sunday 8 November Taroona Community sausage sizzle Taroona Beach Opening of Balmoral Park Balmoral Park, Balmoral Road, Kingston Beach Lions Clubs Family Fun Day Parliament House Lawns, Hobart Sorell Mens Shed Open Day Sorell Mens Shed, Station Lane, Sorell Early Support for Parents 20th Birthday ‘Party in the Park’ St Davids Park, Hobart Celebrating Tasmania in the Channel Brookfield Vineyard, Margate Pride of Workmanship’ Awards evening Nubeena RSL Club Honouring our volunteers on Tasmania Day Callington Park, Oatlands Huon Valley Celebrate Tasmania Day PCYC – Huonville Salamanca Community Sport and Recreation Expo Sandy Bay Regatta Grounds/Boat Park Tasmania Day Fun Run Start at Burtons Reserve, Cygnet Luncheon to celebrate volunteers Risdon Vale Hall Lions Volunteers display and sausage sizzle Sorell Market, Memorial Hall Site, Cole Street, Sorell Family Fun Day Montrose Park Port Arthur/ Tasmania Day Port Arthur Historic Site Theatre Royal Open Day Theatre Royal, Campbell Street, Hobart Find out more visit Les Gregson presents the RV Friendly sign to Mayor, Adriana Taylor. Happy campers give city seal of approval GLENORCHY tourism is expected to reap benefits after being declared an RV Friendly Town by the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA). The qualification is expected to boost the number of mobile tourists visiting the City, as they know they will be welcomed and provided with a high standard of RV tourist specific amenities. Glenorchy had to meet stringent criteria to be declared an RV Friendly Town including access to medical facilities, shopping areas, a dump point, appropriate parking and a vehicle service centre. RV Friendly Towns are promoted on the CMCA website. Knowing that people would receive separate water and sewerage bills from Southern Water this year, Glenorchy City Council has removed the entire cost of water and sewerage from its annual rates bill for 2009/10. Glenorchy City Council has kept its general rates rise to an absolute minimum because we recognise that any increase is difficult for many residents at these times. Seniors and Carers Week I had the opportunity to take part in a number of events during Seniors Week from barbeques to sports, and sincerely thank all the organisations who constantly provide an ongoing and growing range of educational, social and recreational activities for our older residents. Carers week was also celebrated in October. Did you know that 69,000 people in Tasmania provide care for members of their families or the wider community? They not only try to provide the best care, they also save the Government many millions of dollars each year. Sure made a Show of it ... At this time of the year, there is a lot to do in and around Glenorchy with the spring racing events and the Royal Hobart Show. These events continue to be very popular and the improving weather brings people into the city from around Hobart and beyond. Exciting Sports Opportunities for Girls On October 11 Glenorchy city Council and Women’s Sport and Recreation Tasmania organized a very successful “Girls Come and Try Day” at Berriedale Reserve. The aim of the day was to give girls the opportunity to try out some 14 different sports and to encourage them to take up some of those activities this summer. Sports organised for the day included futsal, orienteering, BMX, softball, cricket, tennis, bowls, athletics and canoeing. While the day was a success, we would have liked to have seen more young women come along and join in. The good news is that there are ongoing opportunities! FREE HEARING AIDS FOR ELIGIBLE PENSIONERS* Thankyou to Southern Tasmania wildlife care volunteers Richmond Hall, Bridge Street, Richmond Tasmania Day outdoor film festival Anzac Memorial Park, Pontville which was then a military colour. The officers were also armed only with a wooden truncheon and a rattle to signal the need for assistance. The tools of the trade – the wooden truncheon and the rattle – have evolved into an expandable, steel baton and a complex digital radio system. Constable Astro still patrols the beat as Sir Robert intended, but in 2009 he is supported by computer generated data trend and activity charts, historical analysis and sophisticated vehicles with GPS and mapping capabilities. And while we are still working on the cool flying stuff with flames that come out of your feet, Constable Astro maintains the essence of the Peelian principles so we can all be proud to Still Call Australia Home. Glenorchy City Council has kept its general rates rise to an absolute minimum because we recognise that any increase is difficult for many residents. The information provided to us during the water and sewerage reform process indicates that your 2009/10 water and sewerage bill from Southern Water should only be around 5% higher than it was last year in 2008/09 when you were still being billed by the Council. The best way to check this is to pull out your Council rates notice for last year, which clearly identified the component that applied to water and sewerage. Carers, however, often do not take good care of themselves. Carers Tasmania and locally, the Glenorchy Carers Support Group try to assist carers to do that better. They are open for business. If you provide care for someone, why not contact them and let them make life a little easier for you. This all brings a good vibe to the city and I hope that everyone got the chance to get out and enjoy the show this year. Don’t forget the old saying – now that the Show is over, it’s time to plant those tomatoes! The Tasmanian Cricket Association and the Glenorchy Cricket Club are looking for young women cricket players. This year, for the first time, Tasmania is part of the national league and the clubs are receiving funding to foster new players. As a result, this really is a great opportunity for girls and young women to get in on the ground floor of a growing sport at minimal cost to themselves and their families. I S A L I N G H S Local government councils and not-for-profit, incorporated, community organisations can apply for funding from the Community Development Grants Program AudioClinic Tasmania provides a regular service to Glenorchy residents. PLEASE CONTACT MY OFFICE FOR FURTHER DETAILS. Audiologist, Hearing Tests, Hearing Aid Fittings CONTACT 6234 5585 FOR ENQUIRIES *conditions apply MP Labor Member for Denison The grants program will open on 24 October and close on 30 November 2009. $0!#RJ Lindisfarne Village Fair Beltana Park and Lindisfarne Citizens Activity Centre, Lincoln Street, Lindisfarne • alarm in each bedroom, hallway & living areas • Test alarms monthly • Vacuum dust from alarms every 6 months • Replace batteries once a year replace batteries now! • Smoke alarms should be supported by a home fire escape plan The successful transition from television to big screen of other hits such as Lost in Space, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Fantastic Four, Batman, Superman, The Spirit and The Incredible Hulk have movie people clambering for popular old characters to transform into the commercial successes of today. Modern policing developed from the vision of Sir Robert (the police are the public, and the public are the police) Peel of the English 19th century Metropolitan Police who created the old that we have now interpreted into the new. Peel’s police evolved from unpaid, poorly trained volunteers to well paid constables protected by law. To appear neutral, their uniform was deliberately manufactured in blue, rather than red All residents would have now received their bills from Southern Water for water and sewerage services. I understand that some people are concerned over the size of the bills and that they have such a short time to pay them. If you do have concerns in relation to your water and sewerage bill I would encourage you to give Southern Water a call on 136992. SAFETY TIP — Peter Allen (10 February 1944 – 18 June 1992) MAYOR’S message Water bills cause for concern Adriana Taylor Mayor of Glenorchy P: 6214 4811 F: 6233 9091 E: [email protected] 6 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 — 7 Fresh funding to maker cracker track From page 1 Ald Taylor said Council is committed to continuing to expand the network of cycling tracks into the future. The Intercity Cycleway is a part of a broader strategy by Councils in Greater Hobart to encourage cycling. Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Anthony Albanese, made the funding announcement in Claremont on National Ride to Work Day. The money will match spending budgeted by Glenorchy City Council for this year to extend the cycleway beyond its current end point at Claremont. The funding has been made available through the Federal Government’s $40 million National Bike Paths Projects, in an initiative secured by the Australian Greens as part of Government’s Economic Stimulus Plan. “The projects ... will encourage healthier lifestyles amongst residents and create more sustainable communities,” Mr Albanese said. “By building better cycling infrastructure, we are also helping take cars off Tasmanian roads and reducing carbon emissions over the longer term.” Mayor Taylor discusses the cycleway project with Minister Albanese and Senators Bob Brown and Christine Milne. NEEDING ASSISTANCE? Then contact your full-time Alderman DAVID PEARCE OAM Ph: 6273 1150 Fax: 6273 1150 0418 731 151 Email: [email protected] girl2girl A group for mums, and mums-to-be under 20 years and their babies! Take time out • Have fun Make new friends • Talk to other young mums • Information and interesting activities • Outings • Chat to community health workers Time: Mondays 12.30-2pm Date: 21st Sep – 30th Nov 2009 Voices raised on tranpsort issues A COMMUNITY forum is being held to consider the future of public transport in Glenorchy and Southern Tasmania. The Our Island Our Voices forum will be held at the Glenorchy Civic Centre on Tuesday, the 3rd of November starting at 6.30pm. On the night different options for improving public transport in Southern Tasmania will be considered including presentations on light rail, bus lanes, bike lanes and park and ride services. The forum will focus on the important transport link between the Glenorchy and Hobart CBDs. All are welcome. Further information at www.ourisland.tas Show of support for decades of solid effort THERE were smiles all round when 41 Tasmanians were recognised for their long-standing support for Australian Disability Enterprises at a ceremony in Glenorchy recently. Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services, Bill Shorten presented Certificates of Service to supported employees of Oak Tasmania to mark their 30 years and 40 years of service in an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE). Oak Tasmania CEO John Paton said all of the supported employees recognised had been employed at one of five Australian Disability Enterprises run by Oak Tasmania – the State’s largest employer of people with a disability. “Oak Tasmania provides meaningful work opportunities and certificate-based training and support for 141 Tasmanians with disability, and we have been providing these opportunities to Tasmanians since 1953,” John said. Primary ugrade finished Red Cross Shop volunteers Denise Award, Jo Knott, Christine Connelly and Kathy Prince joined the shop’s fifth anniversary celebrations. Fifth birthday a red-letter occasion THE Glenorchy Red Cross Shop had over 700,000 reasons to celebrate its fifth birthday recently, with the shop in Main Road raising over $770,000 since its opening. The celebration was an opportunity to celebrate the Red Cross Shop’s hard-working volunteers and loyal customers, as well as welcoming new customers into the store. Red Cross shops stock a large range of high quality donated clothing and accessories. Funds raised by the Glenorchy Shop help fund local Red Cross services such as support during disasters, emergency accommodation and aged-care programs. Red Cross shops rely on the support of volunteers. The Glenorchy Red Cross shop is grateful for the support of all our dedicated volunteers who have regularly contributed their time to ensure the store’s success. To snap up a bargain or to inquire about working as a retail volunteer contact the shop on 03 6273 6814. New Australian Hearing centre in Glenorchy Australian Hearing Glenorchy is located at: Shop 62 Northgate Shopping Centre 387-391 Main Road Glenorchy. Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services, Bill Shorten MP, (centre) with Oak Tasmania’s dedicated long-serving employees. “Our supported employees contribute significantly to the success of our five Australian Business Enterprises that operate in the commercial market just like any other business. “We are indeed fortunate to employ loyal and Family Pathways & Parenting Partners Moonah PLAYGROUP OFFERS: Play sessions are simple and fun • Family & children's activities • Music • Opportunities to meet other parents • Outings • Shared morning tea • Books to borrow • Opportunities to discuss concerns about parenting young children Time: 10.30am-12pm Every Friday (excluding School Holidays) Where: 73 Hopkins St, Moonah – Contact Denice Duggan – 0439 154 833 long-serving employees who take immense pride in their work.” Three of Oak Tasmania’s five Australian Disability Enterprises are located in Glenorchy: Walkabout Industries, Oak Sewing Services and Mailhouse Tasmania. Completing the broad range of businesses operated by Oak Tasmania are Tahune Fields Nursery at Lucaston, and Oakdale Industries in Warrane. “Oak Tasmania’s business enterprises contributed more than 60% to the organisation’s total revenue in 2008; with the State Government and Australian Government providing 19% and 16% of total revenue, respectively,” John said. The Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) funds Australian Disability Enterprises to assist with the cost of supporting people with moderate to severe disability in employment. Oak Tasmania employs 141 supported employees and 112 able- We offer: • Free hearing screenings and hearing aid trials* bodied staff in Tasmania, has a turnover of approximately $12m, and is a non-profit, charitable organisation that also relies on grants and donations to support the provision of services to Tasmanians with a disability. • On site technical repairs • Clinicians on site daily • Customer service staff available 5 days a week. Don’t miss out. Service Plus Your Northern Suburbs Specialist Proactive, Enthusiastic and Proven Track Record Call the Agent Who Gets Results Chris Hills 0401 573 697 Make your appointment today at Glenorchy. Phone 6273 9178. *Australian Hearing offer fully subsidised digital hearing devices to eligible pensioners and most war veterans. For more information call 131 797 or visit [email protected] 402 Main Rd Glenorchy 6272 8177 adcorp16140 Dr John D’Arcy Australian Hearing Ambassador A $3.2 MILLION redevelopment has been completed at Goodwood Primary. The joint Australian and State Government redevelopment featured the co-location of a mainstream school, Goodwood Primary with the Timsbury Special School. The redevelopment of both schools includes new classrooms with smartboards and other ICT facilities, computer lab, library, new kitchen designed to support students with disabilities, multi-purpose/lunch room, upgraded toilets, carparking and fencing. In addition, new playground equipment was installed designed specifically with the needs of Timsbury School students in mind.” The two schools will undergo further redevelopment of their music room, library and general purpose hall including landscaping work following $1.225m in Building the Education Revolution (BER) funding, Premier and Education Minister, David Bartlett, said that plans for a third school – a Big Picture School – on the Goodwood Primary site at the beginning of the 2010 school year was another positive development. The $1.35 million Big Picture School, is funded by the State Government and will be the first of its kind in Australia. “These schools recognise that learning doesn’t only take place in schools,” Mr Bartlett said. “Students will work on challenging and relevant projects and programs in and out of school, so Hobart’s northern suburbs are really leading the way here.” 8 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 Scholarships for uni-bound five FIVE Glenorchy students have been awarded scholarships valued at $1,000 each to assist their studies at the University of Tasmania. Glenorchy Mayor Adriana Taylor was at Claremont College on Wednesday 14 October to present scholarship cheques to recipients of the fourth annual Glenorchy City Council UTAS Scholarships. This year’s recipients were Alisha Edmundson, Andrew Jones, Dylan Moores, Nikki Seabourne and Lindsay Wells. The Glenorchy City Council UTAS Scholarships are a practical expression of the Council’s strong commitment to increasing participation in higher education in the City of Glenorchy. They are awarded to former Claremont College students in their first year at UTAS, and recognise their effort and achievement in their first year at UTAS. “This scholarship will offer me a chance to ease the financial burden that almost stopped my mother and myself from fulfilling my dream,” said Dylan. “I will be concentrating on humanitarian law and this scholarship will greatly ease the financial debt that comes with this course of study.” Lindsay agrees that the scholarship will help with study expenses. “Being a computing student, it is expected that I keep my computer software and hardware at home up to date and this can be quite costly,” said Lindsay. The students are further supported through the Claremont College UTAS Project, which raises awareness of the value of continuing on to higher education study among students, staff, parents, and members of the College community. When students finish at Claremont College and enrol at UTAS, the College continues to support them as university students. Students can access scholarship opportunities, mentoring programs, and a fully-equipped study room. The room is specifically for the use of former Claremont College students now at UTAS, and has research and study materials, high speed computers and a photocopier. In addition, College staff continue to provide support as requested and one staff member is available on campus at UTAS one day a week to provide specialist support and advice for former students. Concert brass is top class East Moonah Child Care Centre Bowen Road Primary 35 Bowen Road, Moonah 7009 Ph 6212 3411 or 0402 312 794 21/2 to 5 years Tues, Thur, Friday – School Terms 9am – noon 12.30pm – 3.30pm Great stepping stone to Kinder Child Care Benefit available The White’s Real Estate team celebrates the Moonah-based firm’s 40 years in business. FREE ADVERTISING FOR SENIORS FREE QUOTE RENTING & SELLING 21 Main Road, Moonah (03) 6228 0325 GLENORCHY WAR MEMORIAL SWIMMING POOL ANFIELD ST, GLENORCHY Personal touch marks 40 years in property business PROFESSIONALS White’s Real Estate has been a family run business for 40 years and is known as the Moonah experts with a personal touch. Family owned Professionals White’s Real Estate recently celebrated their 40th anniversary. Starting out as a single desk in a tiny office opposite Ogilvie High School, Professionals White’s Real Estate was established in 1969 by Bing White and his wife Veronica. Bing saw Hobart’s outer suburbs growing and had the vision of a locally based real estate office that would specialise in a community area. “Dad (Bing) always saw the value in being a genuine real estate consultant who treated every vendor, landlord and tenant as though they were part of the family,” said Director, Charmaine White. “We are so proud that after 40 years we are still the longest established real estate office in the northern suburbs.” Professionals White’s Real Estate quickly grew after its establishment and moved to an old bank at 116 Main Road Moonah, later relocating again to their current premises in the old tram sheds at 21 Main Road, Moonah. In 1987, Bing and Veronica’s eldest daughter, Charmaine, joined the business as a Sales Consultant. Soon after that their son, Bernie White also joined Professionals White’s Real Estate putting the second generation at the forefront of the business. Charmaine successfully held the reins of Professionals White’s Real Estate for 17 years and has now handed over the management to Bernie who is continuing to run the business with the same family values. Professionals White’s Real Estate plans to continue the family tradition of expert knowledge around the Moonah and Northern suburbs area. “We are continuing to invest our energy in the commercial and residential real estate around Hobart, achieving fantastic results for our clients in the property management and sales aspect of the business,” Bernie said. The family joined with the employees, long standing clients and suppliers last month to celebrate their 40 year achievement. Learn to Swim Program 2 Now OPEN for enrolments 9th November – 10th December CLASSES MONDAY/WEDNESDAY OR TUESDAY/THURSDAY AUSTSWIM qualified Instructors SMALL CLASSES AQUA AEROBICS STARTING NOVEMBER 3RD TUESDAY/THURSDAY 5.45PM-6.30PM Please call the Glenorchy Pool for bookings or enquires Ph: (03) 6216 6701 Fax: (03) 6216 6400 [email protected] GLENORCHY CITY Where ideas happen GREAT PUBS Spine injury respite centre PEOPLE recovering from spinal cord injuries and related physical disabilities, who are dependent on wheelchairs for their mobility, now have access to short term respite units in Glenorchy. The construction of the ‘Glenn Moore’ units realises a 20 year vision for Glenn Moore, who is the longest serving member of ParaQuad Tas Inc. A warehouse on the association’s premises at 26-28 Tolosa St, Glenorchy, has been converted into two spacious units that have been custom built for people in wheelchairs. ParaQuad Tas Chairman, Scott Shaw, said the units provide accommodation for people recover- ing from spinal injuries while their own homes are being modified for wheelchairs and for respite care. The units will also be available for people who just want to enjoy a short ‘holiday away from home’. The units each have a large open living area (including kitchen), two spacious bedrooms and large well appointed bathrooms. The units can sleep 4-6 people and we are confident families will find them very comfortable. They are within short wheeling distance from the main shopping area of Glenorchy. For people, who have recently acquired a spinal cord injury and are returning to Tasmania from hos- pital in Melbourne, it is a steep learning curve for their families as well as themselves. These units are part of the support ParaQuad Tas. can provide to show them how their own homes can be modified to suit their needs. “There is a huge shortage of transitional and respite accommodation for people with physical disabilities in Tasmania,” Scott said. The units are available for rent for periods of up to three months. For further information contact the ParaQuad Tas. on Ph: 6272 8816, email: [email protected] or visit the website www. paraquadtas. THE Glenorchy City Concert Brass won the A Grade and D Grade sections at the Tasmanian State Band Championships in Burnie last month. The A Grade band had a competitor for the first time with Hobart City fielding an A grade band. Member Noel Hunt said the band normally had to go national to get a competitor. “It was a great effort to win in this competitive environment given that the band has been through a bit of a rebuild with nine new players coming into the ranks this year,” Noel said. The D grade band is the Glenorchy Community Band, with mainly junior players. “Their win was very convincing,” Noel said. What's on this week Monday Night’s Schnitzel Night Buy 1 main meal and get the second for just $7 A Chicken or Beef Schnitzel with chips for only $10.00 or turn it into a Parma for $13.00 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH AND DINNER – INCLUDES ANYTHING ON THE MENU Tuesday Night’s Steak Night Not in conjunction with any other offer. Bookings essential. A massive Rump Steak and chips for only $10.00 That’s Crazy Thursday Night is Krazy Karaoke with DJ Daz Great prizes come and show us your stuf Dunsby boss of the watch NEIGHBOURHOOD Watch Tasmania Inc has elected a new state President, Glenorchy’s Jan Dunsby. Jan was co-ordinator of Dowsing Pt Community Centre from 1993-2003 and has been involved with Glenorchy City Council's Precinct Program since 2000. “Neighbourhood Watch in Tasmania faces many challenges, but I believe it has a strong future,” she said. “Groups around Tasmania have helped Tasmania Police to reduce crime levels in many areas.” A great place for families Wednesday Night is Parma Night. A Beef or Chicken Parma with chips for $12.00 Rod’s Thursday Night Draw Friday Night Plus the big Jokers Jackpot Every Thursday. $150 prize money Jackpots by $50 every week until someone wins!!! Free bar snacks in the public bar from 5pm Supa Saturday night with Heart 107.3FM’s Brett Marley from 8 FREE BAR SNACKS till late EVER WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY at 5.30pm $10 LUNCH at the Carlyle Monday to Thursday FREE FUNCTION FACILITIES* *CONDITIONS APPLY AUSTAR NOW AT THE GRANADA – ALL THE SPORT ALL THE TIME COME AND ENJOY OUR NEWLY RENOVATED GAMING LOUNGE! ACCOMMODATION AT GREAT RATES. Come and check out our Sports Bar. With four huge Plasma TVs, you won’t miss a minute of the action. OUTDOOR SMOKING AREAS FREE FUNCTION FACILITIES* *CONDITIONS APPLY 232 Main Road Derwent Park, 6274 4400 666 Main Road Berriedale, 6249 1100 Satisfaction is a certainty! GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009— 11 10 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 A better place … to live, work and play FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY FREE 1 4 2 New Store Glenorchy Personal, car & business loans ALL APPLICATIONS WELCOME 390 Main Rd, Glenorchy 6273 0033 3/10 Bayfield St, Rosny Park 6244 4606 Conditions apply Credit code compliant provide visitors with an exceptional setting. This area was a popular retreat for Hobart citizens to visit in the 1920’s and enjoy Sunday afternoons at the Lavender Tea Gardens in Harbinger Lane. The bay near Austins Ferry Yacht Club is a popular boat launching and sailing area with views across to Old Beach. Begin your walk at historic James Austin’s Cottage. Follow Austins Ferry Road and turn left into Harbinger Lane. Continue to Weston Park stone steps that take you onto Shoobridge Park. The walk is 1km return and graded as easy. Nearby Roseneath Park provides public toilets. With the weather warming up, there is no better time to shrug off your winter blues by getting out into Glenorchy’s many parks and reserves. Enjoy the views, stretch your legs or get on your bike and get your blood pumping. Discover Glenorchy’s hidden gems or revisit your favourite outdoor haunts. There is something for all interests and abilities in your beautiful City, and what’s more it is free. Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park [3] The Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park includes Cross Country, Downhill, Mountain Cross, Dirt Jumps and Northshore tracks. Designed by world renowned course designer, Glen Jacobs, the park provides mountain bike riding opportunities for all skill levels, including ‘extreme’ riders. The local mountain bike club also hosts occasional local races at the park – check www. dirtdevilsmtb .com for details. The park is located at the top end of Tolosa Street – just past Tolosa Park. The gate remains locked for security reasons – however you may push Westpac Glenorchy and Moonah would like to introduce ... your bike through the space provided on either side of the gate. The park is only a few hundred metres past the gate. A word of caution: many of the tracks contain ‘extreme’ drops. Montrose Foreshore Community Park [4] Montrose Foreshore Community Park is ideal for a family outing, with wonderful views of the river and distant mountain ranges on both sides of the river. Facilities include public toilets, accessible playground, Barbeque facilities, cycle path and kite flying area. For a pleasant 3 km family walk, begin at the area near Montrose Bay Yacht Club at Foreshore Road. The trail is clearly defined and runs along the foreshore in the direction of the Derwent Entertainment Centre. Follow the trail to the Centre, turn around and continue back to the recreation area. This walk is fully accessible. Gould’s Lagoon [2] Goulds Lagoon was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1938 at the request of the then owner Arthur Gould. Goulds Lagoon is a particularly important refuge for water birds which use the area for resting, feeding and breeding. Enjoy a walk around the Lagoon edge beginning at Hestercombe Road parking area. Why not take your binoculars? A special feature of this walk is a bird hide (wheel chair accessible), which provides an ideal vantage point to bird watch. Plan your walk for early morning or late afternoon when the beautiful bird life is at its best. Further information 3 Poimena Reserve [5] Sited on top of a small hill in Austins Ferry adjacent to Roseneath Rivulet, Poimena Reserve offers commanding views of the Derwent River to the east and Mount Wellington to the West. Poimena Reserve contains a mix of native white gum, peppermint and blue gum woodland and managed parkland. There are a couple of easymedium grade bush walks that can be done at Poimena Reserve ranging from 1-2 kilometres. The reserve also contains Deb Proud (Home Loan Specialist) 0418 915 796 (Saturday Appointments Available) (Local Business Banker) 0448 306 423 Both staff members have over 15 years experience in the Finance Industry, and are keen to share that knowledge with you. Westpac Glenorchy and Moonah are committed to meeting ALL your needs. Please give our or specialists a call today. Glenorchy 03 62 733399 Moonah 03 62 782755 Paul Berry 0438 837 414 Patrick Berry 0409 989 598 We’ve got the lot and the sales record to prove it. Having the right team market your property can save you time money and headaches. If you are thinking of selling, call us today! Austin Walk [1] The magic of this area is its links with the past. Historic Austin’s Cottage, Harbinger Lane stonewall and historic well, commanding views to Mount Wellington to the south and Mt Direction to the east and outstanding water views Archer Elise 9ensuring electricity and water & sewerage remain affordable; 9investigating alternative public transport options; 9a long term commitment to affordable housing; 9delivering better health results. 414 Main Rd, Glenorchy – TAS 7010 Phone: 03 6273 7414 Fax: 03 6273 7400 ¤ Advertisement Liberal for Denison Elise Archer stands for: 5 4!3-!.)! [email protected] Leadership and vision for the future T H E Authorised by Jonathan Hawkes Level 1, 25 Davey St, Hobart TAS Chris Davis Experience. Honesty. Energy. Teamwork free public BBQ facilities and shelters as well as a nationally recognised Disc Golf Course. The reserve’s main access is via Wakehurst Road in Austins Ferry. Pedestrian access is also possible from Chatterton Court, Newitt Drive, Acacia Court and Erskine Street. To find out more about the many parks, reserves and walks managed by the Glenorchy City Council brochures can be obtained at Council Chambers. S E A F O O D P E O P L E MURES FACTORY OUTLET Open to the Public – Wholesale Prices Quality Fresh Fish and Seafood Mures Gourmet Seafood Products Mon – Fri 9-6, Sat 10-2 77 Chapel Street, Glenorchy 6273 4598 12 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009— 13 Young stars face judgement day FOR DROUGHTS AND FLOODING RAIN Streets ahead Updating progress on Glenorchy City Council capital works activity Grab a bargain for Christmas 1 Offers a huge range of gorgeous & excellent quality reloved baby & kids goods. SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER HOBART CITY HALL CNR MACQUARIE & CAMPBELL STREETS 9am to noon. $3 entry. Kids Free Tel: 1300 55 44 76 DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION Adult and Family Literacy Volunteers Wanted The Community Knowledge Network provides adult and family literacy support for Tasmanians in need and has responsibility for the Adult Literacy Volunteer Tutor Program. We are seeking people interested in volunteering some of their time to help adults and families improve their literacy skills. Volunteers may be asked to assist as: • a one-on-one literacy tutor • a small group tutor • a computer based literacy support tutor; or to support other adult and family literacy activities. Hours and days are flexible. Tutors need not be experienced - nationally accredited training is provided and generally volunteers are not assigned until this training is completed. Recognition of current competence / RPL can be provided where requested. For more information or to register for a tutor introductory session, contact your nearest Learning and Information Network Centre (LINC): Hobart LINC 91 Murray Street, Hobart (03) 6233 7481 [email protected] Glenorchy LINC 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy (03) 6233 8666 [email protected] Rosny LINC Bligh Street, Rosny (03) 6233 8420 [email protected] Kingston LINC 11 Hutchins Street, Kingston (03) 6211 8500 [email protected] Huon LINC 1 Skinner Drive, Huonville (03) 6264 8482 [email protected] 2 2. Footpath, kerb and gutter and road reconstruction work is under way in Esdaile Street, Claremont. 3. Council is undertaking footpath, kerb and gutter replacement and road work in Teering Rd, Chigwell. Mayor Adriana Taylor with budding young artist Tommy Menzies of Moonah Primary School, and, inset, one of the portraits. Jenny Tayler, from the Department of Education said the concept of Star Portraits is based on the BBC series with Rolf Harris where he brought in different professional artists to draw a celebrity subject. Only in this project, professional artists assist budding young artists to draw well known community identities. Students were assigned to draw one of the three Mayors – Alderman Taylor, Hobart Lord Mayor, Rob Valentine or Kingborough Mayor, Dr Graham Bury and spent some time talking with them and sketching. As part of gaining an understanding of their subject, the students quizzed the Mayor about her background, interests and passions, which assisted them to capture her image. Ms Tayler said the project not only helped talented artists develop their skills, but also allowed them to learn about community leaders. “To try and get the kids to understand more about how the wider world works and meet the people they might read about in the paper but might not normally have the opportunity to meet,” she said. Top exporter award for ship builder GLENORCHY boat builder, Richardson Devine Marine Constructions, has won the prestigious 2009 Tasmanian Exporter of the Year Award. Presenting the award, the Minister for Economic Development, Michael Aird, said Richardson Devine Marine was rewarded for its significant contribution to the Tasmanian export industry and the Tasmanian brand. Mr Aird said Richardson Devine Marine at Goodwood, specialising in lightweight aluminium vessels used in commercial operations around the world, has grown to become a cornerstone of Tasmania’s export success in the maritime industry. “The secret to the company’s success lies in the hands-on approach of directors Toby Richardson and Ron Devine since the company was formed in 1989. “They combine their extensive experience in marine construction with the talents of their highly skilled workforce to deliver hand-crafted vessels that regularly exceed their customers’ expectations. “The volume of repeat Economic Development Minister Michael Aird presents the Export Award to Jane Richardson from Richardson Devine Marine Constructions. purchases that Richardson Devine Marine enjoys is testament to the company’s strong reputation as a leader in its field.” The 2009 Tasmanian Export Awards are run by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts. Winners of the 2009 Tasmanian Export Awards will progress to the national final at the Australian Export Awards presentation in November. Tolosa hours changed THE opening hours of Tolosa Park have changed. The normal opening hours will be 10.30 am to 4.00 pm, and the extended hours in summer will be reduced to 10.30 am – 7.00 pm effective from November 1 to February 28. The decision was made to reduce the hours because there is minimal use of Tolosa Park early in the morning and at night. The aim is to focus Council Parks and Recreation staff resources on tasks that maximise the benefits to ratepayers. The changes won’t impact on lunchtime bookings, but people will have to leave the park earlier than previously. Glenorchy also has many other picnic and barbeque facilities which are open at all hours and are free. They include Benjafield Park, Giblin Reserve, Roseneath Park and Weston Park. For information you NEED to sell your home BILL BONNILY Property Consultant 4. As part of Stage 2 of the Derwent Park Storm Water upgrade, new stormwater culverts are being laid under Bunnings car park to relieve the ongoing problem of flooding in the Upper Derwent Park catchment. 4 3 ADVERTISEMENT Frequently asked questions about water and sewerage reform Am I paying for water and sewerage for the first time? What if I need help to pay my water and sewerage bill? No. Charges for water and sewerage services have previously formed part of your rates from your local council. A new State Government concession is available for eligible low-income earners and pensioners. This includes rates paid on houses, shacks and vacant blocks. Eligible customers will receive $130 off the total cost of their water and sewerage bill for 2009-10. The new water and sewerage concession will not affect the pensioner rates remission in 2009-10. The new water corporations can also help with hardship arrangements. For more information about the concession contact your water corporation or visit You will now be charged separately for water and sewerage services from your new water and sewerage corporation. The new corporations will continue to be owned by local government, not the State Government, and all financial returns will go back to local government. I am a renter.Will I get a bill? Nothing has changed from last year.The new water corporations will continue to send bills to the property owner in 2009-10. In the future, water and sewerage will move to a user-pays, customer-based model, like electricity. Some landlords already charge tenants for water use under arrangements unrelated to the water and sewerage reforms. Should my council rates go down? Yes. Will I pay more for water and sewerage services overall? Yes. Charges will go up by a maximum of 10%.This equates to less than $1.50 extra per week on average. Price increases are capped at 10% per year for the next three years. How much water can I use? Some ratepayers now have water meters and pay part of their bill on the basis of how much water is used, while others pay based on the value of their property. As you will no longer pay your local council for water and sewerage services, your local council rates should drop. However, any property rate reduction will be up to your local council. This is necessary to ensure proper investment so Tasmania’s drinking water is clean and safe, and waste is properly treated. There will be no changes to the current method of charging for water and sewerage for at least the first year of operation of the new water corporations. Why am I paying more? Will water meters be installed? Across Tasmania, on average, 30% of rates were allocated to water and sewerage services last year. Have a look at your old rates notices to find out how much you were charged for water and sewerage services for your home.These charges are no longer included on your council rates bill. Tasmania has the worst water and sewerage infrastructure in the country, according to Engineers Australia. Approximately $1 billion is now needed over the next 10 years to improve services and provide that vital infrastructure so that Tasmanians have safe, clean drinking water and sewage is properly treated. Over half of Tasmanian councils already use water meters. The further use of meters is currently being considered. If you have questions about your rates, please contact your local council. You can contact your regional water corporation on: 13MYWATER (13 6992) or visit 6272 8555 0408 731 007 [email protected] 338 Main Rd, Glenorchy 5705a BABY & KIDS MARKET THREE southern Tasmanian Mayors, including Glenorchy Mayor, Adriana Taylor, were in the spotlight as subjects for portraits by talented local arts students as part of the “Star Portraits” project. About 60 students from 30 southern Tasmanian primary and high schools gathered at Cosgrove High school on 10 August to draw the portraits under the tutorship of professional artists, Garry Gregg, Peter Gouldthorpe and Andrea Potter. The students then completed the portraits at their own schools culminating in an exhibition last month. Extended Learning officer, 1. Council is building a new cycle track between Boxhill Road and Cadbury Road, Claremont to extend the City’s network on cycleways. 14 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 — 15 HOW TO MAKE THE MENU SPECIAL THE dinner party is back and we’re getting more adventurous with what we serve our guests. TV shows like Masterchef are spawning more creative home entertaining,causing many cooks to seek the special ingredients, according to D.S. Trading retail operations manager Anne King. D. S. Trading’s shop is designed to meet the needs of customers seeking products that can’t be bought at the supermarket. “There has been a big swing back to people putting on their own dinner parties, rather than going to a restaurant,” Ann said. D.S. Trading opened a new retail outlet in Albert Rd, Moonah, last November offering a wide range of specialist products. The first difference to the standard shopping experience begins when the customer walks in the door and is offered an expresso coffee to enjoy while browsing the shelves. The feast for the eyes includes delicacies such as white truffle oil, truffles, white anchovies, pink Murray River salt, and a huge range of olive oils, balsamic vinegars and cheeses. The Moonah outlet is popular with customers with multicultural backgrounds, as they can access traditional foods from their former home country, such as panetone, Easter Colombo cake and Baccala fish. “It’s all about personalised service,” Ann said. “I like to spend time with customers to let them know what is available. “People are amazed by the range of specialist products, which we source from all over the world, as well as from Tasmania. “We also stock a range of restaurant-style pre-prepared dishes that take all the work out of the dinner party.” Specialist products needn’t break the bank, according to Anne. “With some of these high end products you don’t need a lot and it makes a big difference to the dish. “We also have bulk products that really help stretch the dollar further.” D.S. Trading has recently begun stocking fresh meat and fish to make it a ‘one stop shop’ supplying all the ingredients you need to prepare a delicious meal. D.S. Trading is owned by PFD Food Services, which supplies the wholesale food market in Tasmania from restaurants, to takeaways, hotels and nursing homes. It is this wholesale buying power that allows D.S. Trading to bring so many bargains to the every day shopper. WIN A FAMILY PASS TO SEE THE WIGGLES* NAME . . ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACT PH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Send it to - Glenorchy City Council Win Tickets to the Wiggles Competition, PO Box 103, Glenorchy TAS 7010 [by 5pm Monday 9th November 2009] Drawn by the Mayor. Winners will be notified by phone, names published in the December issue of the Glenorchy Gazette. Tickets are for the Friday Nov 13th show 4.30pm *Five sets of four tickets to be won. A SPECIAL FEATURE VALUES ADDED D. S. Trading’s Anne King helps introduce customers to a wide range of gourmet goodies. Indoor life curbs the tom-catting ✄ Hilliard Christian School CATS are kept inside for most of their lives in some countries, but this has not been the situation in Australia until recently. Cat legislation and bylaws in states such as South Australia and Victoria have raised awareness of the potential damage that feral and domestic cats can inflict on our native wildlife, both in the cities and the countryside. Responsible cat owners prefer to keep the family pet[s] inside at night time or when the family is out. Cats can adapt successfully and reasonably quickly to fulltime or partial confinement to the house, but they may initially kick up a fuss. You as the responsible owner can help your cat adjust by providing your pet cat with an indoor environment which replaces the interests previously enjoyed in outside living. Start by restricting outdoor adventures to an hour or so, confined to your garden or backyard. Cats in houses with backyards can be taught to stay at home during the daylight hours by letting them out before their meal (feeding in the evening before sunset). An hour of freedom under your supervision will give you and the cat time to adapt and settle into the new restriction times. You might also wish to consider a cat lead and PAWS for thought harness to fully remain in control of your cat whilst in your back yard. Cats love to climb and play, and lie in the sun or scratch a tree or chase balls and you need to provide these basic needs if your indoor pet cat is to be emotionally and mentally satisfied. Otherwise, cats confined to the house can become bored and develop strange behavioural patterns such as chasing their tails, eating fabric, attacking people or losing their hair through obsessive grooming. The cat kept continually indoors require high places like shelves and window ledges to lie on and sunbake, a scratch post to exercise its claws and to mark its territory or even an indoor tree (a super sized man made scratching post that can be in the shape of a tree) on which it can climb, play, stalk and rest. The indoor cat needs a lot of human contact including stroking and playing games. Cats especially enjoy playing inside cardboard boxes and paper bags and with things like ping pong balls, tissues, empty toilet rolls, chasing the moving light of a torch and any small fast moving wind up little toys. Cats like to chew on grass and this requirement is easily met by growing pot plants containing alfalfa, lawn grass or catnip inside as pot plants. Catnip and Catmint are special cat herbs/grasses which are available from local nurseries. Cats prefer these herbs and will therefore leave your much-loved ornaments, photo frames and pot plants well alone. Correct toileting is particularly important to the indoors cat and owner alike. Urine spraying can be a most frustrating and difficult problem to cure once it has become established and so it is important to provide your indoor cat with the correct and suitable inside toilet facilities from the beginning. Cats are fussy. Make sure that your cat has a clean litter tray, in a private and quiet place and it is cleaned daily and regularly changed. Avoid the use of strong smelling cleaning agents (e.g. ammonia, chlorine, eucalypt), as cats are very sensitive to smell and would avoid areas that they find pungent and toilet elsewhere. It is commonly recommended by Veterinary Behaviourists that each cat living in a house should have 1 litter tray each, three cats means 3 litter trays in different locations to avoid unwanted toileting issues. Urine spraying is more likely to occur in the anxious non-desexed cat, therefore all cats should be desexed and you should try to eliminate any situation which may provoke anxiety or stress. Finally, I recommend always desexing cats unless they are in a recognised breeding program. Desexing assists in positively altering the temperament rather than the personality of the cat and modifies the behaviour patterns which often are the cause of urine spraying and cat fights. The non-desexed cat has stronger territorial instincts than its desexed counterpart and is more likely to wander from home to hunt and fight other cats. Desexed cats are less likely to wander and with the correct care and planning are perfectly content with the indoor life. Samantha Morris Education Officer Animal Management Hilliard Christian School, nestled in bushland in West Moonah, provides an intimate environment for learning that is founded on Christian principles, practical skills and academic excellence. With just over 100 students across kindergarten to grade 10, Principal, Bev Norman, celebrates the benefits of being a small school with class sizes averaging just 1520 students. “I know every child in the school and our teachers often teach across Primary and Secondary schools, so they develop deep and lasting bonds with their students,” he said. Mr Norman says teachers can adapt to individual needs too, because classes are smaller. “The child comes first and we match our curriculum to their needs, with a strong focus on numeracy and literacy,” he said. “Kids don’t learn in a uniform way, they learn in different ways and have growth spurts. “We help every child along that journey of learning at a pace that helps them reach their potential.” Hilliard Christian School was founded by the Seventh Day Adventist Church community in Hobart more than a century ago. However, the majority of the student population have parents from other faiths or worldviews who have been attracted by Hilliard’s holistic, values-based education. “We’re not just focused on academic development, we are interested in the overall well being of each child – physical, mental and spiritual. “Our physical education program is based on fun and lots of different games, with an emphasis on being fit and healthy. “We seek to promote values of honesty, integrity, academic excellence, compassion, caring and service to others,” Mr Norman said. “We aim to develop responsible citizens with a balanced world view that contributes to building stronger communities, their own well-being and the well being of others.” Growing up in the modern cyber world, children are faced with a range of challenges not previously experienced by older generations, according to Mr Norman. “Their social world does impact on their overall learning and development. “Education is not done in a vacuum and the older they get the greater the influence outside the classroom. “Through our pastoral care program, by being there for the kids, we encourage them to develop resilience and make wise choices,” he said. Mr Norman and Hilliard’s teachers aim to work in partnership with parents to get the best outcomes for the students. “Parents want us to care and we do. “Every parent has immediate access to their child’s teacher to discuss any issue; we like to keep the communication flowing.” Hilliard’s inclusive approach to education is reflected in its fee schedule, which is set at a level that is affordable to all income levels. The School’s modern facilities, including computers and an indoor basketball court/gym ensure a well-rounded education that equips students for a modern world. Enrolments for 2010 are currently being accepted. For further information call 6272 1711. A school where everybody is a somebody! CONTACT US NOW HILLIARD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 16 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 — 17 Trade Services Guide Success at the cutting edge B & S Mobile Sharpening is the keenest business on the block. BUILDERS/OWNER BUILDERS Snacks all hours ... that’s the point Riverview Snacks at Wrest Point has always been a great place to go for a quick snack, and now it is better than ever. Valid until 29th November 2009 The restaurant has undergone a major renovation with a stylish new décor complementing the venue’s sunny aspect and magnificent views across the River Derwent. Riverview Snacks’ quiet ambience and comfy couches positioned by the window, create the ideal spot to unwind, catch up with friends and enjoy some refreshments. For a meal, snack or drink, Riverview Snacks offers something for all tastes and appetites. The menu has been expanded to include meals such as Thai Beef Salad, Thai Chicken Curry and their popular signature dish, the Healthy Moroccan Burger. Wrest Point’s Vicki Jacob says lighter snacks are also on offer ranging from salads and toasted sandwiches, to sushi, fries and wedges. “All meals are priced at under $10.00 offering great value to customers and the full menu is available daily at Riverview Snacks from 9.30 am to late,” Vicki said. “There are not many places in Hobart that you can get quality meals at almost any hour of the day. “You can also just enjoy a wine, beer or a coffee, you don’t need to order food to enjoy Riverview Snacks great atmosphere.” The service is friendly and prompt, leaving customers more time to enjoy the many entertainment offerings at Wrest Point. Poppa Duck’s PIZZA & TAKEAWAY • TASSIE'S BIGGEST MONSTER BURGERS • FISH AND CHIPS • PIZZA 39 Main Road, Claremont 6249 2626 HOME DELIVERY AVAILABLE Your windows can be delivered on time even at short notice. Contact Kerry Bloomfield who will give you a guaranteed delivery date. WIDE VIEW WINDOWS 11 Howard Rd, Derwent Park Ph: 6272 6633 – Fax 6273 9554 PH 6249 2662 • Fixed price servicing • New vehicle Warranty servicing • General repairs and maintenance Mobile: 0408 864 465 [email protected] 1 CADBURY ROAD, CLAREMONT 7011 MASTER sharpener Ian James travels the streets of Glenorchy and beyond sharpening knives and tools to keep them at their best. His prompt, friendly service delivered to your door at competitive prices make B & S Sharpening the obvious choice for your sharpening needs. He can sharpen just about everything including scissors, shears, pinking shears, chisels, planer blades, secateurs, axes, drill bits and much more. “The trick is to give the knife or blade a good edge and make sure it stays there,” Ian said. Many people don’t realise how blunt their tools have become over time, according to Ian. “Household tools with sharp edges that are regularly used should probably be sharpened every six months or more. “Blunt tools are less effective and can even be dangerous. A sharpened knife is better than a blunt knife, as you will cut yourself on a blunt knife. Scissors, Shears (All Sizes) Overlocking Blades, Pinking Shears, Knives including Serrated (All Sizes) Chisels,Planer Blades, Tin Snips Secateurs, Hedge Clippers, Axes, Tomahawks Drill Bits No More Blunt Knives & Tools Sharpened On The Spot Friendly, Fast & Efficient We Come To You Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Ian 0418 639 278 1300 BS SHARP ( 1300 277 4277) JNJ ROOFING COLORBOND & TILED ROOFS “Maintaining them will also save money over time, by getting extra life out of your tools.” Ian says everything is worth sharpening including small items like scissors. “I had a lady who had a pair of scissors that were her mothers and she didn’t want to throw them away because they were her mothers, but they were too blunt to use. I sharpened them and now they are as good as new.” B & S Sharpening comes to your business or home, which is convenient for small business people who find it difficult to leave their shop front or householders who don’t want the hassle of carting tools to a shop. They will do most jobs on the spot, however, for some more involved jobs, the tools will be taken away to be sharpened. Since opening his business in September HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS PTY FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING GAS & SOLAR INSTALLATION Prompt & efficient service at reasonable prices PHONE 6273 0177 Domestic Cleaning Solutions Lawn Mowing Gardening Window Cleaning Rubbish Removals Regular Services Call ‘HER’ 6272 6666 491 MAIN ROAD, GLENORCHY HOME AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE GREAT RATES, PENSIONER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE SMITH and SMITH NEW PRODUCT!!! MODULAR ALUMINIUM BALUSTRADE. Powder coated with glass or aluminium infills. BCA compliant and available as a cost efficient DIY. WIDE VIEW WINDOWS 11 Howard Rd, Derwent Park Ph: 6272 6633 – Fax: 6273 9554 0427 728 481 or 0439 970 153 20% DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS CARD HOLDERS Phone: 6272 4404 Mobile: 0448 010 735 24/7: 0447 021 701 Email: [email protected] • New Homes • Extensions • Flashings • Downpipes • Wall Cladding • All Areas • Re-Roofing & Repairs • Re-Bed & Pointing • Skylights & Vents • Fascia & Gutters • Insurance Repairs • Free Quotes JAMIE 0400 866 665 JASON 0450 487 560 EXPERT REPAIRS TO: • Washing Machines • Refrigerators • Clothes Dryers • Dishwashers • Freezers • Electric Ranges • Electrical Wiring • Heaters for service to all suburbs or at our workshop Plastering, Landscaping, Lawn mowing, Tiling, Whipper snipping, Painting, Hedge trimming, Fencing (picket and gates), Treefelling/lopping, Deck & pergola construction, Gutter cleaning, Weed & rubbish removal. 2009, Ian already has a large regular clientele including supermarkets, haberdashery shops, hairdressers, takeaway shops, a bedding factory and general householders. Contact Ian at B & S Sharpening to make an appointment on (0418) 639 278. LTD LICENCE No. C238 SPECIALISING IN: SPECIALISING IN Master sharpener Ian James travels the streets of Glenorchy and beyond. YOUR QUICK RESPONSE TEAM The time has come to get the service YOU pay for! WE SHARPEN ALL PAVING When you want it done right the 1st time … Call Gary 0435 554 015 SHOWROOM – 9 HOWARD RD GLENORCHY • Metal Re-Roofing • Re-Guttering • Metal Fascia Covers • Roof Vents • Laserlight Sheet Roofing PH 6273 6852 Specialising in Northern Suburbs GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 — 19 18 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 Precinct Report Precincts are People Powered Your Voice in Your City Have your say – there’s a community precinct in your area GLENORCHY Precinct meeting dates AUSTINS FERRY/GRANTON Next meet: Thursday November 5, 7pm Thursday December 3 at 7pm Location: Claremont Hall (side room) Main Road, Claremont BERRIEDALE/CHIGWELL Next meet: Wednesday November 18, 7pm Location: Berriedale Centre Main Road, Berriedale No December Meeting CLAREMONT Next meet: Thursday November 12, 7pm Location: Claremont Hall (side room) Main Road, Claremont No December Meeting FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT COMMUNITY PRECINCT OFFICERS: SUE bis WINCKEL 6216 6369 [email protected] ANDREA MARQUARDT 6216 6796 [email protected] DIANNE McGUINNESS 6216 6722 [email protected] Goldies fete old forty-five THE West Moonah Community Precinct, Glenorchy Golden Years Club and the West Moonah Eating with Friends got together last month at a lunch to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Glenorchy becoming a City. Community Precinct Co-ordinator Sue bis Winckel said that the Precinct wanted to hold an event that was fun and provided an opportunity for people to socialise in a relaxed environment. “The Precinct works very closely with the Eating With Friends Group, so realised how important it is for people in the community to be able to get together for a meal and talk to one another,” Sue said. “They thought that a lunch would be a great way for people to catch up with old friends and hopefully make some new ones”. Sue said that the Precinct members also felt very strongly about celebrating Glenorchy’s anniversary. “The Precinct members are very proud of their City and thought celebrating the anniversary was a great way to foster community pride,” she said. Members of the Precinct, Eating with Friends and the Golden Years Club were invited to attend, along with Glenorchy City Council aldermen and local politicians, and the meal was booked out well before the event. “We could only cater for 60 people, and the response was overwhelming – unfortunately some people missed out,” Sue said. Guests enjoyed a meal of corned EAST MOONAH Next meet: Wednesday November 11, 7.30pm Glenorchy City Council - Committee Room 374 Main Road, Glenorchy No December Meeting GLENORCHY Next meet: Thursday November 26, 7pm Location: Committee Room at GCC 374 Main Road, Glenorchy No December Meeting GOODWOOD Next meet: Tuesday November 17, 7pm Location: Goodwood Community Centre Acton Crescent, Goodwood No December Meeting ROSETTA/MONTROSE Next meet: Wednesday November 25, 5.30pm Location: Berriedale Centre Main Road, Berriedale No December Meeting WEST MOONAH Next meet: No November Meeting Tuesday December 1, 7pm Location: West Moonah Community House 130 Springfield Avenue, West Moonah A GROUP of Claremont College students have shown they have the skills to be future leaders in the recreation field. Fourteen students have successfully completed the Community Recreation Leaders Award program as part of their college studies. The program taught the students a range of skills such as how to run tournaments, ladders, risk management, improvisation with equipment, organisational skills and teamwork. It also involved work experience at a community organisation. The program culminated in a session where they put into practice what they had learnt, each leading a physical education class for primary school children. Student, Damien Ashlin, said he really enjoyed learning how to create and lead a fun class for young kids. “It’s been really fun, just the way the little kids responded, we felt we were making them happy. “They had a ball and all of our work paid off. “I see this helping me get into the police force with the Claremont College Community Recreation Leaders Award recipients with supporters, Jill Glover (front left), Glenorchy Mayor Adriana Taylor (back centre) and Council Sport and Recreation officer, Len Yeats (front right). community involvement and leadership development.” Claremont College Sport and Recreation teacher, Jill Glover, said the Community Recreation Leaders Award pro- gram helps develop skills that will be useful in a variety of careers, with her students considering pathways into education, sport and recreation, police and defence forces. Student Sarah Blackwell sees the program as a step towards achieving her goal to be a sport and recreation teacher. “I’ve learnt a lot — it’s been a real eye opener about how broad the sport and recreation business is,” Sarah said. “I didn’t realise there was so much, like the disability and inclusiveness areas.” AUSTRALIA’S best young athletes will be performing at the Australian All Schools and Youth Championships to be held at the Domain Athletic Centre, December 4-7. The Australian Combined Events Championships and the Australian 20km Walks Championship will be combined with the Tasmanian Relay Championships on February 13-14. With such a wealth of talent on display, this season will provide added impetus for young sports people to develop their athletic abilities. The Athletic South Track and Field Competition has begun and involves athletes from age 10 upward. The local Northern Suburbs Athletic Club enters men’s and women’s teams and this season will be hoping to surpass last season’s accomplishments in which both men’s and women’s teams gained second spot. For more information about the coming track and field season, contact Lynne and Tony Sansom (AH) 6249 4881 or Jim Court (AH/BH) 6223 5668 . Woollies kicks in for Claremont juniors Mayor Adriana Taylor, Phyl Pears and Elwick MLC Terry Martin at the West Moonah Precinct anniversary lunch. beef, vegetables and apple crumble or fruit salad, and were entertained by The Golden Years Club Choir. “To top off the festivities, participants enjoyed a slice of a special anniversary cake,” Sue said. Funds raised from the meal went to the Golden Years Club, and will be used to support the programs and activities that the Club offers. “The Glenorchy Golden Years Club plays a very important role in offering a meeting place, activities, meals and social opportunities to Glenorchy residents, so the Precinct members were very happy to be able to assist,” Sue said. For information on the Precinct contact Sue on Ph: 6216 6369, West Moonah Eating With Friends contact Jackie on Ph: 6249 9349, and the Glenorchy Golden Years Club contact on Ph: 6272 8402. COLLINSVALE/GLENLUSK Next meet: Wednesday November 4, 7.30pm Wednesday December 2, 7.30pm Location: Collinsvale Hall Hall Road, Collinsvale GOOD SPORTS TAKE A LEAD On your marks for top comp Chigwell’s garden takes root THE Chigwell Community Vegetable Garden has just been established at Karambi Street, Chigwell. The Garden has been developed by Glenorchy City Council with funding from the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. The concept of a community garden is something that the Berriedale/Chigwell Community Precinct members have supported for a long time, and they have formed a steering committee along with representatives from the Bucaan Community House, Mt Faulkner Primary School, Chigwell House, Council and the Chigwell Community to get the Garden up and running. Community Precinct Development Officer, Andrea Marquardt, said that the Garden Steering Committee is currently calling for applications from individuals, households and organisations who may be interested in having a plot at the Garden. “We have over 40 plots available, including accessible plots for people with a disability, and really hope that residents take up this opportunity to be involved,” Andrea said. “As well as the plots, there will also be designated areas for fruit trees and other fruiting shrubs and vines.” Andrea said that it is hoped that the Garden will appeal to a wide range of people. “It may be that you have never gardened before, or you might be an experi- enced gardener – everyone is welcome,” Andrea said. “We hope that the Garden will provide a great opportunity to pick up or pass on gardening tips, share ideas and meet new people”. Along with the application form, Andrea said an information sheet with guidelines for the use of the Garden has also been developed. “The guidelines covers responsibilities for people with plots, such as general maintenance, types of plants, general conduct in the garden, tools and health and safety,” Andrea said. Andrea said that there will be an annual fee per plot which will be determined by the newly formed Management Committee to cover expenses. As a special introductory offer, this year’s annual fee for a plot will be only $5.00. Other benefits of the Garden include the installation of compost bins which anyone in the community can use (you don’t have to have a plot), as well as the opportunity to save money by growing your own vegetables. Application forms and guidelines for use of the Garden are available from the Bucaan Community House in Bucaan Street, Chigwell, the Glenorchy City Council, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy, or phone Andrea on 6216 6796 to have one mailed out to you. Application forms need to be returned by Friday 6th November 2009. THE Claremont Junior Football Club recently received a $1,500 community grant from Woolworths. Claremont Woolworths Store Manager, Andrew Butchart, presented a $1,500 cheque to the President of Claremont junior football, Tony Willmott, which will be used to buy new team jumpers for the young footballers. The grant was issued under Woolworths’ Community Grants Program which aims to help primary school aged children become more active and live healthier lives . Woolworths each year awards a total pool of $3 Claremont Woolworths Store Manager, Andrew Butchart, congratulates the President of Claremont junior football, Tony Willmott, on being awarded a community grant. million dollars to community clubs and organisations across Australia. More information about the grants program is available on the Woolworths Community Grants Info Line is 1800 103 515. Northern Suburbs Claremont ® ® ® ® $296,000 Plus Granton Brand new executive home, Open plan living Three bedrooms, main with ensuite Single garage plus additional parking Fully landscaped – Close to conveniences Haydyn Nielsen 0412 122 874 Priced from $105,000 West Moonah ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Sunny northerly aspect Magnificent views All services included 118 Lots for sale in 10 stages $370,000 Well built 3 bedroom home plus rumpus Huge kitchen, dining & lounge area Double garage with additional storage space Fully landscaped grounds & off street parking Gerard Morgan 0412 545 986 Proudly brought to you by Roberts Real Estate 338 Main Road, Glenorchy Ph. 6272 8555 20 — GLENORCHY GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2009 GLENORCHY CITY WHERE IDEAS HAPPEN Adriana TAYLOR Jim MANSON Jenny BRANCH Mary GUY Steven KING Richard LOWRIE Christine LUCAS COUNCIL DECISIONS OCTOBER 2009 • Resolved that Council submit to the State Government the comments on the Draft Tasmanian Mountain Bike Plan. • Resolved to endorse the proposed Corporate and Heritage Collections Policy. • Resolved to amend the Tolosa Park opening hours. • Adopted the ‘Way Forward Strategy’ and agreed to set up an elected member working group to explore the strategies developed by the Australian Local Government Women’s Association to help achieve greater participation by women as Local Government elected members. • Received the minutes of the Southern Tasmanian Councils’ Authority meeting held on 29th September 2009. • Resolved that the Mayor, or if the Mayor is unable to attend the meeting the General Manager, be nominated as Council’s Representative to vote on its behalf at General Meetings and Annual General Meetings of Southern Water. • Re-considered the delegations required from Council for administration and enforcement of the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982 and to revoke the powers previously delegated by Council relating to water and sewerage. GLENORCHY CITY COUNCIL GLENORCHY CITIZEN AND YOUNG CITIZEN AWARD NOMINATIONS Glenorchy City Council is seeking nominations for the 2010 Citizen and Young Citizen Awards. Who is eligible • Nominees must be Australian citizens and residents of the City of Glenorchy. • Their community service or activity must be of considerable importance to the Glenorchy and/or Tasmanian community. • The activity or service will have been carried out over a period of years, rather than months. David PEARCE Peter RIDLER Stuart SLADE Bob VERVAART WORKS in progress Your Glenorchy Aldermen Adriana TAYLOR Jim MANSON Jenny BRANCH Mary GUY Steven KING Richard LOWRIE Christine LUCAS Haydyn NIELSEN David PEARCE OAM Peter RIDLER RFD Stuart SLADE Bob VERVAART Haydyn NIELSEN ROADS CONSTRUCTION WORKS • Cadbury cycle way extension stage 2 • Farley Street – Stage 2 reconstruction • Teering Rd reconstruction • Various footpath replacement program • Walch Avenue (Burgess Ave to Northcote Rd) redevelopment • Creek maintenance and repair work and willow tree removal • Derwent Park – Catchment Works – Stage 2 • Glenorchy Pool stormwater upgrade • Radcliff Crescent new 600mm connection • Various pit cleaning & maintenance • Various pit reconstructions • Wakehurst Rd stormwater upgrade ROADS MAINTENANCE WORKS • Footpath maintenance • Pavement management • Right of Way maintenance • Rural pavement repairs • Signs maintenance • Various reinstatement works • Vegetation control and weed spraying maintenance PARKS & RECREATION • Hestercombe Park playground construction • Installation of new playground borders various sites STORMWATER • Abbotsfield Rd stormwater connection • Butler Avenue – new connection • Hellessey Rd new connection WORKS COMING UP SOON • Merton Street – Tolosa St to Aquila St Retaining wall, footpath, kerb & channel reconstruction REGIONAL & LOCAL COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM • Chigwell Community Garden • Cycleway seating and shelters • Tolosa Park sculptures Ph: 6216 6700 Patience plea as city weathers wet A WET winter and early spring has set the scene for extraordinary vegetation growth in Glenorchy’s parks and reserves. Sodden grounds have also prevented Council’s Roads and Recreation crews from getting equipment on to grounds to undertake mowing. Parks and Recreation Coordinator, Roley Curley, said conditions are making it a challenging period to keep the City’s green areas looking their usual best. “Council staff are doing their Winter washout puts pressure on parks crew best to mow grass and keep the weeds at bay, however the wet weather has created ideal growing conditions this spring,” Roley said. “Coupled with this, we have fewer staff to manage the parks and reserves due to budget cuts Age Requirements Citizen Award nominees must be 28 years of age or over. Young Citizen Award nominees must be under 28 years of age as of 26 January 2010. How to nominate Nominations must be on the form provided. Contact Council’s Liaison Officer, Lynette Bannister, on 62166752 to obtain your nomination form or from Council’s website Nominations close: Monday 23 November 2009 The Glenorchy Gazette is produced by the Glenorchy City Council and printed by The Examiner, Launceston this year that were necessary after the loss of water and sewerage revenues. “This means we are stretched for resources and some parks will be mown less regularly,” he said. Roley said Council’s 18 staff were going to find it very difficult to have our parks and reserves as spic and span as in previous years. “We would request patience from ratepayers as we are doing our best in trying circumstances.”
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