August 2015 - Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA Home
August 2015 - Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA Home
Our geographic area covers the southwest corner of the United States including all of Arizona, Southern Nevada and St. George, Utah Musings from President Laura Volume XXVIII Issue 4 AUGUST 2015 Inside This Issue Greeting my Sisters in Christ: GC Synod Women Fall Retreat Page 2 Sex Trafficking Article Page 3 Get to know your Board Pages 3-4 Daily Grace Page 5 Money, Money, Money Page 5 Sex Trafficking Forum in Mesa Pages 6-7 Discipleship, Justice, Stewardship Page 8 Happenings Around Our Synod Pages 9-10 Mount Zion’s BOLD Women Page 11 One of our Scholarship Women Page 12 Bible Trivia Page 12 Upcoming Events Page 13 Fall Retreat Registration Form Page 14 WELCA References Pages 15-17 The 2015 three part Fall session has been written by Liv Larson Andrews, pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Spokane, WA, who brings us a study on speed and slowness, examining how the Kingdom of God moves slowly, yet we are asked to move with ever greater speed. Overview of the Fall Session Slow Faith Session 1 Sabbath Keeping Session 2 Make Haste O Lord Session 3 Tempo Giusto Subscribe [email protected] Canyon Echoes August 2015 It is mid-August and even though temperatures are still in the 100+ ranges for many of us, summer is mostly behind us. Schools are starting up again, congregations are planning Fall activities and our sisters who summered in cooler climates are thinking about dates to return. I hope all of you found time to be still and be with God. The Grand Canyon Synodical Board has been busy over the summer months listening to where God is calling us as an organization. We have been in prayer and study of His Word and we have been listening to you. This issue of Canyon Echoes is full of information for you and your women’s group. I hope you will consider attending as many of the events as you can. Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA is committed to having an impact on ending Sex Trafficking in our synod. We are planning several informational forums around the synod. The next forum will be October 3rd in Mesa. Plans are being made for forums in West Phoenix, Tucson and Las Vegas areas in 2016. Come learn how you can help to fight Sex Trafficking in your community. Come and join us at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center for a Garden Getaway, Where Women Walk with God. It will be a great time of fellowship, spiritual renewal, rest and relaxation! Come walk with us in God’s Garden Getaway! So much is happening in Grand Canyon Synod Women of the ELCA. Read on and listen to how God is calling you! Enjoy the last few days of summer and join us this Fall as we dive into God’s mission for each of us! Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Your humble sister in Christ, Laura Krueger grandcan- Page 1 GC Synod Women’s Fall Retreat Garden Getaway: Where Women Walk With God October 23-24, 2015 Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center 7415 E Elbow Bend Rd, Carefree AZ “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 Join us for a relaxing overnight retreat at our beautiful Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center before the rush of the holidays sets in. Activities begin at 7 pm Friday and conclude by 4 pm on Saturday. Our theme is from Ecclesiastes 3 and focuses on the seasons of our life. Our time together will include fellowship, food, fun, friends, music, quiet time and Bible application. Overnight housing is available for those who don’t commute. Worship & Music Leader is Cyndy Warnier. Session leaders are our BOLD women from GC Synod. Dress is casual, retreat-style. Bring comfortable shoes for short outdoor walking activities. Our service project is fleece blanket tying for Lutheran World Relief. Bring one or two pieces of fleece, 5859” x 80”; no religious, patriotic or camouflage designs per LWR. Visit for more information. Our offering will be split between Native American Urban Ministries and the GC Synod Women. Make check payable to GC Synod WELCA. Registration deadline is October 9. See page 14 of this issue for the registration form. GC Synod Women Spiritual Fall Retreat Important Information Housing check-in begins at 4 pm in Estrem Building on Friday, October 23. Friday dinner is on your own. There are several fun, casual restaurants nearby in Carefree or NE Scottsdale (on Tom Darlington/ Scottsdale Rd) or in Cave Creek (on Cave Creek Rd). Retreat registration begins at 6 pm in Ravenscroft Chapel. Retreat activities from 7-8:30 Friday and 9:30-4 pm Saturday, concluding with a Communion service, all in Ravenscroft Chapel. Saturday breakfast at 8 am; lunch at noon. Canyon Echoes August 2015 All meals in the Dining Hall. All rooms are double occupancy. No elevator in 2-story housing unit. All linens, towels, shower/body soap and hand soap included, bring your own shampoo/ conditioner. 10 hairdryers available. Refrigerators in every room space. Handicapped parking in front of the Estrem building. Addt’l parking behind Ravenscroft Chapel building. Coffee concierge station in Estrem. Page 2 Sex Trafficking: Protecting our Children Recent sex trafficking research by Shared Hope International, revealed that Arizona is “Getting It Right” by focusing on the buyer of the sex trafficking relationship. In Arizona, and 36 other states, child victims of sex trafficking can be charged with prostitution, but the buyers walk free. Arizona is tackling trafficking by focusing on the buyers. President and Founder of Shared Hope International, Linda Smith, said in a May 21, 2015 news release, "We want buyers to be terrified to shop for sex in Arizona and I believe the coordinated teams in Arizona can make that possible if they remain relentless in their pursuit of that goal.” Our Grand Canyon WELCA is a member of this team, as we get the word out about sex trafficking through informational forums within our Lutheran communities. Patty Gee, GC Synod WELCA Justice Committee Chair The Arizona Dept. of Economic Security Administration estimates that there are over 5,000 homeless children Arizona. These children and other young adults are extremely vulnerable to becoming a victim of trafficking in Arizona. As Christian women, we can unite in prayer. And as we become more aware of this issue, it can lead to the protection of Arizona’s vulnerable children. Our next WELCA Informational Forum on Human and Sexual Trafficking is on October 3 at Love of Christ in Mesa. See page 6 for our flyer and page 7 for the registration form. The forum contact is Pat Shaw at Love of Christ: [email protected]. Registration contact is [email protected]. Share this information. Get to Know Your Board Wanda Frenchman-Takacs, Board Member Native American Urban Ministry, Phoenix (Capital) Wanda Frenchman Takacs was born one in a set of twins, in Maryvale, AZ but spent formative years growing up in South Dakota and Montana. She is a member of the Oglala Lakota (South Dakota) and Delaware (Oklahoma) Tribes. Keeping her Native American culture alive is very important to her so she frequently attends Native American singing and dancing events across the country. She and her husband Rob are members at Grace Lutheran Church, where they were married. Currently they attend regular services with the new Native American Urban Ministry held at Grace Lutheran. She volunteers with the Native American Urban Ministry and updates their web page and designs flyers and brochures as needed. She also volunteers as part of Grace Lutheran’s WELCA group and assists with planning the annual Capital conference gathering. Her career background is in administrative office support, having spent 15 years with a local civil engineering firm. The last two years were spent in Human Resources and developing a good knowledge of HR practices. She recently took on a new challenge as the Office & Communications Manager at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Tempe. She and Rob are avid billiard players and sports fans. They spend many hours practicing their skills in pool and also compete in local and regional tournaments. When not busy with pool or church, they can be found watching any of their favorite baseball, football or basketball teams compete. Wanda’s education and passion is actually in graphic design so she has spent time developing her computer design skills. She hopes to be able to combine her creativity with her technical skills to spread the word about the Native Ministry and also the Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA. Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 3 Get to Know Your Board, cont. Randi VenHuizen, Board Member Spirit of Joy, Gilbert (Rio Salado) I was born into a Lutheran family in Grand Forks, ND. My mother and maternal grandmother raised me after my father was killed by a drunk driver when I was 1 1/2 years old. Both of these women were strong in their faith and influential in mine. I was almost seven when we moved to Tucson, AZ. After graduating high school in 1968, I had become dissatisfied with 'the establishment' and decided to skip college and move to California where I took a detour from my faith. I simply refused to acknowledge God in any way. Every day, for many weeks, I passed a Lutheran church. One day I asked my five-year old daughter if she would like to go on Sunday. She immediately said 'Yes!'. I will never forget that day; it was a sermon preached just for me. God asked me to come back to Him, and I accepted His invitation. I believe this was the day that 'my faith' became 'MY faith'. I have been worshipping and serving Him ever since. After giving birth to three children, my husband decided to leave the family and I became a single Mom. I had my children, my job in the judicial system, and my church family. I became involved with Church Women United, a local Soup Kitchen (which is still in operation), the choir and served as a Commissioned Lay Minister of Worship and Outreach. In addition, the children were involved with scouts, sports, etc. I was very busy and had no time for anything or anyone new in my life. God had other plans. He sent the most wonderful man to the church where I had been worshipping. After dating for two years, we married. Because of a job transfer, Brad and I moved from California to Omaha in 2004. We loved living in the Midwest. We joined a Lutheran Church and immediately became involved. I served in our congregational women's unit as Treasurer and a Board Member at Large, on church council, worship planning, choir and trained to be a Stephen Minister. I was elected to the Nebraska Synodical Women's Organization as their Secretary and served for a two year term. When Brad retired in 2013 we decided to move to Mesa, AZ where my brother, niece, nephew and their families live. My three children live in NYC and Brad has a son who lives in Seattle, WA. We like Mesa. We did some 'church shopping' and found Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church in Gilbert. Again, we became involved immediately and feel this is where God wants us, I love reading, entertaining and traveling with my husband. This is my first term on the WELCA Grand Canyon Synod Board, and I am excited to be a part of this team! Helpful Websites This will access the ELCA’s national churchwide office Churchwide website of Women of the ELCA; resources for your congregational unit as well as Café, an e-magazine for young women Website for the Grand Canyon synod women Website for Gather magazine Online magazine for Lutheran women Website for Lutheran World Relief Bread for the World—find out how to write congress, donate and order your copy of bread, find out what’s happening, request email updates ELCA World Hunger—hunger facts, resources, stories, how to give Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA Women of the ELCA Canyon Echoes August 2015 Women of the ELCA Page 4 Reflect, pray and prepare for the day Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day. Provided from our churchwide office, Daily Grace’s brief writings will help you encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace! You will be comforted, challenged, inspired, consoled and confronted. The daily reflection will stir you to live out your baptismal calling. Daily Grace is available from the I-Tunes App Store or Google Play for your smart phone or tablet. Read the Daily readings, reflections, prayers daily message Connections to the church’s liturgical calendar and to the secular calendar or choose Connections to Facebook, Twitter and Women of the ELCA Random Grace Money, Money, Money.... Or, sign up to receive Daily Grace by email See more at: Women of the ELCA Resources From your GC Synod Treasurer, Marlene Haller What is a Unit Offering? This is the offering that your women collect throughout the year when they meet for unit events, such as Bible studies, gatherings, unit meetings. The unit keeps a portion of the Regular Offering and sends a portion to your GC Synod Women’s Treasurer on a regular basis. Make your checks payable to GC Synod WELCA. Don’t wait until the end of the calendar year! What is a LOVE Offering? This is a special offering or designation of available funds that your unit contributes to support the ongoing expenses of the GC Synod Women’s organization. Typically, your unit collects and submits this offering once or twice a year, made payable to GC Synod WELCA, and is sent on to your GC Synod Women’s Treasurer or brought to a synod gathering such as the biennial convention or synod retreat. How to submit Unit and LOVE Offerings? Complete what’s called “Form A” (see page 15 for a copy) and mail the check to your GC Synod Women’s Treasurer, Marlene Haller 324 W Culver St, #9, Phoenix AZ 85003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is a Thankoffering? This is a special offering that your women typically collect once a year in thanksgiving for all of the blessings they have received throughout the year. Some units collect their Thankoffering around the Thanksgiving season and invite all women from the congregation to participate in the Thankoffering Service. The Thankoffering supports the work of our entire churchwide organization and is an undesignated gift to our churchwide Women of the ELCA. Make checks payable to Women of the ELCA. See below for how to submit Thankofferings. What is a Designated Gift or Special Offering? These are special offerings that your women collect and designate for specific programs or ministries of our church, such as Katie’s Fund, ELCA ministries ( World Hunger, ELCA Disaster Relief, “Where Needed Most”, etc.). These gifts and special offerings are also sent on to churchwide Women of the ELCA. Make checks payable to Women of the ELCA. See below for how to submit Designated/Special Offerings. How to submit Thankofferings and Designated Gifts or Special Offerings? Complete what’s called “Form B” (see page 15 for a copy) and send directly to Women of the ELCA, ELCA Processing Center, PO Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009. Be sure to include your congregation number on the form. These offerings are no longer sent to the Women of the ELCA office in Chicago. Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 5 Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 6 Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 7 Discipleship CPC’s (Conference Planning Committee). Have your past Gatherings been poorly attended? Organization lacking? Women leave after lunch? Programs and business meetings boring? Help is on the way. Your Discipleship Committee has been busy developing some ideas that will change the future of your Conference Gatherings. For smooth organization, a new planning form has been developed (you will find it on our web site at When this is filled out, with ALL contact information, each committee member will have an easy reference to the schedule. Job descriptions for each ‘church obligation’ have also been developed and are available for your use. Conferences are adding FUN to the Gatherings! Donated raffle items, with proceeds going to various charities (i.e. Scholarships, Katie’s Fund, WELCA Synod, Youth Gathering, LWR, etc) have increased excitement. Sunrise/Santa Cruz is offering a fully paid registration to the 2016 WELCA Synod Convention being held in Las Vegas, NV next November (winner will be announced AFTER Gathering Worship and you must be present to win)! So, with a little adjusting, changing the schedule and a little ingenuity (get your business meeting out of the way early in the day), your future Gatherings will be well attended and enjoyed by all, including the Committee who put in all of the hard work! For more ideas on holding an exciting, successful Gathering, contact Suki Kisling, [email protected]. Justice One of our Synod’s WELCA justice issues is the needs of the Native American ministry in Phoenix. During the 70’s and 80’s the Lutheran Church worked closely with the Native peoples and organizations serving the Native population in Phoenix. As leadership changed, the ministry lay dormant. The Native American Urban Ministry in Phoenix is a new ministry created to meet the needs of the Urban Native American in the Greater Phoenix Area. It is a ministry of the ELCA and sponsored by the Grand Canyon Synod. Today this ministry is intent upon rebuilding that relationship and making it known in the community through worship, outreach, social justice and other ministries that are needed to serve the community of over 100,000 Native people. Their theme is “Christ and Culture, Hand in Hand.” Their mission is to provide a ministry to Native Americans who worship God and believe in their own culture and spirituality, to introduce Christianity to Native Americans who may be curious about it, to provide healing to Native Americans who may have been hurt by Christianity in the past, to promote healing and wellness from intergenerational grief and trauma from boarding school experiences and forced removal of our ancestors. The Seventh generation will be the healing generation. Native American Urban Ministry currently rents space at Grace Lutheran in downtown Phoenix and services are held on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. We will be splitting our worship offering at our Fall Retreat 50/50 with Native American Urban Ministry. You can learn more about their important ministry needs from their website: Stewardship Now is the time to continue—or begin—working on your quilts, fleece blankets and kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). Did you know that LWR will have an Inkind Gathering truck in Phoenix at Rally in the Valley in February, 2016 and the President and CEO of LWR, Daniel Speckhard, is one of the featured speakers at Prince of Peace? Women, this is an awesome opportunity to WOW Mr. Speckhard, Presiding ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and nearly 500 Rally in the Valley attendees with the work of our hands that support international communities’ ability to recover from emergencies. LWR is especially in need of Personal Care Kits and School Kits. Summer is a great time to stock up on supplies for LWR’s kits and quilts. Watch for the sales and stretch your buying power! Schedule intergenerational events in your congregation to spread the work and spread the word about LWR’s Quilt and Kit Ministry. We will be tying fleece blankets at our October GC Synod Women’s Fall Retreat. Involvement with LWR’s Quilt and Kits is engaging in ministry and action and a way we can promote healing and wholeness in the world, just one aspect of our being good stewards in living out our Mission and Purpose Statement as Women of the ELCA. You can find information about LWR’s Quilt and Kit ministry from their website: Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 8 Happenings Around Our GC Synod The WELCA group at Gloria De Cristo Lutheran in Yuma has reorganized under the direction of Michelle Cegon. They’ve learned about how to help the elderly and disabled in their community through Helping Hands and from Yuma County Interfaith, Other presentations have included avoiding computer scams and a church woman’s experience visiting churches in Africa with an ELCA group. They’ve gifted ten homemade quilts and their February Love Offering to Amerly’s Place to help victims of abuse in the Yuma community. They’ve also sponsored the annual Easter breakfast and a new adult Bible study in addition to the monthly gather study. Women from Mount Cross Lutheran in Payson continue to be busy with monthly Bible studies and funeral serving, as well as quilting and knitting hats for their Rock Point outreach mission. Several groups have visited the mission and worked on updating and provided needed repairs to buildings. Cabins are being updated, one at a time. Two fire safety doors have been installed in the school. They have plans for the clinic to be staffed as a result of a grant. In their words, “the best part of mission is the overall joy you feel as the people who live there are becoming more closely involved with the mission.” They continue to raise funds for the heating at the mission and will kick off the fund raising with a chili cook-off. Women from Sierra Evangelical Lutheran in Sierra Vista are studying stewardship from the summer issues of the gather magazine at the historic San Pedro House on Rte 90 by the San Pedro River on Saturday, August 15 at 9 am. It’s a wonderful setting to be a witness to others who are hiking or birding. All are welcome. They’ve also distributed blessed backpacks to students on July 26 and applied for Thrivent Action team funds to include a teacher supply drive and support for Peaches Pantry, a kid friendly food bank run by the school district there for low risk children. Desert Hills Lutheran in Green Valley held a “sewing bee” and with the help of teens from Flowing Wells High School, constructed charity quilts. They look forward to hosting next spring’s High Country Conference at Rock Point. Teens from Flowing Wells High School Camp Aloma, a Christian camp in the Bradshaw Mountains 15 minutes from Prescott is offering two upcoming Free Family Week-ends: Disconnect to Reconnect on September 5-7 and December 4-6. You can find more information on these family camping opportunities from their website at Our GC Synod Women’s “Fashionista” t-shirts will be available at our October events on October 3 and October 23-24: $12 for medium and large $15 for XL, XXL and XXL Plan to purchase one or more. They are of great quality, wash up nicely, and promote our “Embraced by Grace” theme of our GC Synod Women. Make check payable to GC Synod Women of ELCA. Be a “fashionista” and promote our synod women! Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 9 More Happenings Around Our GC Synod Rachel Circle from Spirit of Grace, Surprise AZ recently met and tied this fleece blanket for LWR. Through some planning and early preparation, the 11 women were able to complete the blanket in a short time at their Circle gathering. The women also collected additional money for additional blankets, which will be completed and brought to Rally in the Valley in February. Thank you! Rachel Circle Members Sponsored by the Justice Committee of the WELCA Grand Canyon Synod, the first Human and Sexual Trafficking Informational Forum was held at Living Christ Lutheran in Flagstaff on May 23. Organized by Patty Gee, WELCA Board Member, the day was filled with information from Deacon Jayne Baker, appointed by Bishop Talmage and the Synod Council as Coordinator for Human Sex Trafficking for the Grand Canyon Synod (and her capable assistant, Snow). Participants watched videos, gleaned vital informational handouts and were provided the opportunity to ask questions—of which there were many! Watch for the next forum at Love of Christ in Mesa on October 3. Human and Sexual Trafficking Informational Forum An update from the GC Synod Assembly on June 12-13: 95 churches from the GC synod met for their annual meeting/assembly at Love of Christ Lutheran in Mesa. The theme, “Seeing Jesus,” was connected to everything one experienced. Your GC Synod Women had a table in the synod partners area and encouraged women to attend our October Fall Retreat, participate in our October Human Trafficking event, purchase one of our “Fashionista” t-shirts, subscribe to gather, and sign up for our Canyon Echoes newsletter. One of the resolutions adopted in the business session was support for the PV for Phebe (Solar Energy for Phebe Hospital) in Monrovia, Liberia. The keynote speaker was the Executive Director of ELCA Global Mission, Rev. Rafael Malpica-Padilla. He emphasized that God’s mission is to restore community, to make Christ known in order to see Jesus in what we say and what we do. We also heard from Rev. Chad and Natalie Rimmer, ELCA Missionaries to our sister synod in Senegal. Three young women who were previous Young Adults in Global Mission shared their year-long experience as YAGM’s. Next year’s assembly will be at Community Lutheran, June 16-17, 2016, in Las Vegas. Bold Connections is a free monthly e-newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Whether you participate a lot or a little in Women of the ELCA in your congregation, you’ll find helpful news and information on our programs and activities, and stories of how together we live out our purpose and mission. It is delivered via e-mail toward the end of the month. To sign up for Bold Connections, go to and look under Publications. Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 10 An Amazing Example from Mount Zion’s BOLD Women Learn how Mount Zion’s women in Tucson paid off their building project for a new storage/chapel in less than 14 months at a cost of $72,000! It all started with a vision and prayer and a presentation to their pastors and church council. Like many other congregations, they struggle to keep their heads above water periodically, especially when the snowbirds head north. Paula Randall, Mount Zion WELCA Treasurer relates that she personally felt God said this was the time. The women had $10,000 in their savings account and paid that money up front, trusting that God would see them through to the end of the project. What started as a $30-40,000 project resulted in additional costs for an increased footprint, fire walls, changing water lines and electrical connections to be within code. Who knew, they said? But they remained committed to the project and continued in faith, praying constantly. How did they do it? They sold raffle tickets on donated quilts, a bicycle built for two, and even a surround sound system. Their craft bazaar was a big success. They held dances to raise funds, and even threw people in a jail cell until they could make bail. Memorial money was donated. One family made a significant donation of $2,500 if others would match it, and they did! They used Thrivent grants for matching funds. They picked up donations of furniture and “general stuff” all year long for their rummage sales. Paula kept a list of people looking for various items and when those items were donated, they sold it to them first. Smaller items were kept on a shelf in their fellowship hall and were sold on a weekly basis through a donation box on the honor system whenever that room was used for events. They communicated their progress with a chart in the narthex. They wanted to keep everyone exited about the project to support their growing church home. The excitement grew and reaching the goal became contagious. As the unfinished building progressed, people could see the vision! The grace of God and the Holy Spirit working within all the people were instrumental in accomplishing this feat. The women thank God every day for their loving and caring church family who shared in their adventure. The storage/chapel addition was dedicated on April 26, 2015. In their new storage/chapel addition Mt Zion WELCA women Interchange/Intercambio is published four times a year by Women of the ELCA, in spring, summer, fall and winter. It is sent without charge to each congregational unit of Women of the ELCA and to elected leadership in synodical women’s organizations and conferences. You can download the English or Spanish version free anytime by clicking Interchange/Intercambio. Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 11 Young Adults in Global Mission Heidi Gerrish – Uruguay This August, I will be embarking on the biggest adventure of my life so far. I will be spending a year in South America as a volunteer missionary with the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program. At this point, I still don’t know where exactly I’ll be living (somewhere in Argentina or Uruguay) or what I’ll be doing (working with a Lutheran church and some sort of non-profit service organization). All I can be sure of is that it’ll be a year of selfdiscovery and growing in my relationships with God and the world around me. I have been involved in the ELCA for my whole life. My family is part of the congregation of Esperanza Lutheran Church in Phoenix, Arizona, and has been since before I was born. My brother, sister, and I were raised in the church, always involved in Sunday School, the choir, praise band, and anything we could get our hands on. When I left to start college at the University of Arizona in 2010, I was not looking forward to leaving my church family. Thankfully, I was able to find the Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM), and have loved growing and learning with this enriching group of people. Over the past five years, LCM has helped me to expand my view of the world through trips, service, and discussions with amazing people locally and globally. I am so thankful to this group for helping me to become the person I am today. Through my involvement with LCM, I have been able to connect with many of the members from surrounding churches who are involved with the Women of the ELCA. We have laughed, learned, and been inspired by each other, and I hope to keep in touch with you all as I spend the next year in South America! I would appreciate any prayers and support that you are willing to share with me. It is so comforting to know that I have such a loving church family here in Arizona. Thank you for letting me share my journey with you all! Blog link: Editor’s note: Heidi was one of our 2014 Scholarship Women at our GC Synod Women’s Convention in Flagstaff. She is now off for her year with YAGM in Uruguay. Heidi Gerrish, 2015 U of A Graduate has been accepted by ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) for a year long mission trip. Young Adults in Global Mission The ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program invites ELCA young adults ages 21-29 into a transformative, year-long journey in international service. As they offer themselves in service, ELCA young adults are shaped by the witness of our global neighbors. They share in the journeys of companion churches and organizations in one of nine countries around the world. - See more at: Young Adults in Global Mission Bible Trivia: Center of the Bible What is the shortest chapter in the bible? Psalms 117 What is the longest chapter in the bible? Psalms 119 Which chapter is in the center of the bible? Psalms 118 FACT: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118. There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118 Add 594+594 and you get 1188. What is the center verse in the bible? Psalms 118.8 Does this verse say something significant about God’s perfect will for our lives? The next time someone says they would like to find God’s perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of his will, just send them to the center of His word! Psalms 118:8 (NRSV) “It is better to take refuge in the Lord Than to put confidence in mortals.” Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 12 Upcoming Events for Women in Our GC Synod GC Synod Women’s Human and Sexual Trafficking Informational Forum October 3, 2015 Love of Christ, Mesa AZ Forum Contact: Pat Shaw [email protected] Registration Contact: Patty Gee [email protected] GC Synod Women’s Fall Retreat “Garden Getaway: Where Women Walk With God” October 23-24, 2015 Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, Carefree AZ Contact: Myrna Wells-Ulland [email protected] Community Lutheran (LV) Women’s Retreat “We See Through Eyes of Faith” January 28-31, 2016 Lake Havasu City AZ Contact: Shirley Lizotte [email protected] Our GC Synod Conferences Desert Hills Lutheran Mini Retreat “Celebrate Grace” February 6, 2016 Green Valley AZ Contact: Mira Jane Johnson [email protected] Rally in the Valley “Go Into the World” February 15-16, 2016 Prince of Peace Lutheran, Phoenix AZ Contact: Tanya Cockram [email protected] Sunrise/Santa Cruz Conference Gathering “Altered at the Altar” March 5, 2016 Abounding Grace, Tucson AZ Contact: [email protected] [email protected] Cactus Conference Spring Gathering March 12, 2016 Spirit of Grace, Surprise Contact: Margaret Yurecko [email protected] Colorado River Conference Saturday, April 23, 2016 New Song, Henderson, NV Contact: Debbie Romboletti [email protected] 27th WELCA GC Synod Convention November 20-13, 2016 Alexis Park Resort and Hotel Las Vegas, NV Contact: Suki Kisling [email protected] Tenth Triennial Convention and Gathering of Women of the ELCA “All Anew” Convention is July 11-13, 2017; Gathering is July 13-16, 2017 Minneapolis, MN Mark your calendars NOW and begin planning to attend Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 13 Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 14 Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 15 Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 16 Canyon Echoes August 2015 Page 17
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