Reports of the Auxiliaries
Reports of the Auxiliaries
Twenty-Ninth Annual Assembly Lower Susquehanna Synod WOMEN OF THE ELCA, LOWER SUSQUEHANNA SYNOD Our mission statement is “As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, and engage in ministry and action to promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.” We have eleven board members and four officers representing the congregations of the Lower Susquehanna Synod. While we continue to produce quilts and make kits for Lutheran World Relief, we also have been occupied with advocating for justice for human trafficking victims through letter writing to lawmakers, a workshop at our convention, and meeting Senator Greenleaf about Senate Bill 851. Last fall, we had our annual Camp Hebron Retreat where we learned about Zacchaeus, climbing the sycamore tree, a study on choice and simplicity. If we are open to the Spirit’s calling to live tethered to Christ, unencumbered by wealth or possessions, a true transformation takes place. At Evangelical Lutheran Church in Greencastle, April 23, 2016, our Day of Renewal will be celebrated. The theme is, “The Ultimate Kindness: The Good Samaritan Today.” We will study how to approach through conversation and true listening those different from us. This is not only about racial justice but also how we relate to all who are marginalized and to see how implicit biases prevent us from developing good relationships. Our convention is presently being planned and will take place at St Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Hanover. The theme is, “I Will Sing Your Praises For All Generations.” The date is August 20, 2016. We are starting to get ready for the Triennial Convention in Minnesota in 2017. The theme is, “All Anew,” how we are transformed by God’s Spirit and the observance of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We are looking at going forward more boldly by educating ourselves about issues affecting our world, like trafficking and racial injustice, and taking a stand through advocacy and financial support to those affected by deep societal blemishes. Joyce Ray, president 1401 Twenty-Ninth Annual Assembly Lower Susquehanna Synod LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION, LOWER SUSQUEHANNA SYNOD Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM/LSS) is the ministry with men of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We continue to build disciples for Christ: men who are called by the Holy Spirit to walk with Christ, who are equipped to work for Christ, and then are sent into the world to share God’s love and joy. Our Vision: By God’s grace for every man to become a bold, daring follower of Jesus Christ. Our Mission: By God’s grace, to help congregations build life-changing ministries with men; to strengthen men’s faith and relationships for witness and service; to equip followers of Jesus Christ through events, resources, and leadership development.. Our Commitment: By God’s grace, to assist every congregation of the Lower Susquehanna Synod in establishing an effective, life changing ministry with men. LMM/LSS continues to work to help develop and strengthen ministries with men throughout our synod. We will continue to provide a MasterBuilder Bible, and a copy of No Man Left Behind and to meet with any congregation wishing to start or revitalize its ministry with men. We have seen several congregations form new men’s groups over the past year, and that is exciting. We would like to hold our monthly Leadership Team Meetings in congregations throughout our synod and would welcome all invitations. Churchwide LMM calls men to prayer each Wednesday at noon or when men are available. Men are encouraged, wherever they are, to pray for renewal in their church, beginning with men and God’s presence in their lives. You can register at our website: This site and our synod site,, offer a wealth of ideas and information to help you grow your ministry with men. Note: our goal is to have key contacts in each congregation. We have identified men in about half of our synod’s congregations but still have a way to go. If you would like to serve in that capacity, please stop by our booth and let us know or send an email to Bill Schirmer ([email protected]). In September, we brought in pastor and author Tim Wright to conduct two seminars on what society in general is doing and the church in particular is doing to disenfranchise our young boys and young men. Those who attended were treated to new thoughts on keeping our boys engaged. This is an emphasis of LMM churchwide as our church is losing too many of our teenaged boys who are not returning when they get older. We have a new website. Visit us at This is an interactive site so we welcome your comments and participation. Let us know how we can better serve your ministry needs. We are still looking for a man to be the District 8 Representative to our churchwide board. This is a most satisfying position that involves two or so trips to Chicago each year. See Fred Bohls ([email protected]) if you are interested. Note that LMM/LSS is totally self-supporting. If you or your congregation wishes to support our battle for men’s souls and hearts, your contribution, both synod and churchwide, would be appreciated. Our Leadership Team meets on the second Thursday of the month, and all are welcome to attend. We would appreciate your joining us and having your input. Contact us for more information. This is an exciting time for Lutheran Men. Lots of challenges. Lots of frustrations. Lots of opportunities. However, as a group of committed Christian men, God will provide the answers as we develop this men's movement. We pray that He be active in all of our lives and that He bless our endeavors within this synod as we go about Building Men for Christ. Fred W. Bohls, president 1402 Twenty-Ninth Annual Assembly Lower Susquehanna Synod LOWER SUSQUEHANNA SYNOD LUTHERAN YOUTH ORGANIZATION The LYO Leadership Team stepped into a much stronger leadership role in 2015-2016 as gifted young leaders assumed responsibility for the five key roles: 1. President: Justin Myers 2. Director for Events: Theresa Hanley 3. Director for Service & Outreach: Zach Rago 4. Director for Communications & Social Media: Katie Null 5. Liaison to Synod Council: Zoe Clark All served on the planning teams for our synod youth and family events and helped with event management. Justin assumed the primary role of video production and technician at both ALiVE and Winterfest, stepping into a seat traditionally held by an older adult counterpart. Along with chairing the planning for Summerfest, Theresa attended the first “Rise Up Together” pilot event in York. She also attended the ELCA World Hunger training event in Chicago, qualifying her to become one of only two trainers under the age of 18 across the ELCA. Zach planned a number of outreach events for the LYO Board, including one trip to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to support our shared synod mission, “where the hungry are fed as we are fed by Christ.” Katie facilitated the largest expansion of LYO communications since the role of Director for LYO Communications was created in 2009, adding two social media platforms to our strategy and producing an LYO video for the 25 th Anniversary Celebration of Winterfest in January. Zoe continues to serve Synod Council, faithfully attending most meetings, and traveled with Theresa to the ELCA Youth Leadership Summit in Nebraska in the fall of 2015. Zoe also served as the first active high school student to play in the Winterfest Alumni Band at Winterfest in January. In Lower Susquehanna Synod the Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) is a ministry to ALL YOUTH in grades 6-12 attending Lutheran congregations in our synod. The LYO Leadership Team, along with their responsibilities for event planning and management listed above, help to lead and coordinate activities for an LYO Board made up of youth looking for leadership opportunities beyond their home congregation. Any youth can volunteer to be a part of our LYO Board and can get more information by connecting to our website: or by connecting with the community on Facebook at: Lower Susquehanna Synod LYO or on Twitter at: In addition, former LYO Leadership Team Member, Darren Hamric, working cooperatively with Charlie Roberts and the synod Office for Children, Youth, and Family Ministry, is launching another opportunity for young adults, primarily ages 18-24. Darren is now a student at Susquehanna University and is putting together a Young Adult Retreat at Camp Nawakwa along with various other opportunities for young adults to gather with peers for faith formation, fellowship, worship, and support. To learn more, visit: In hopes of attracting even more youth and young adults to our various events in 2016-2017, we ask all congregational voting members to help us promote our events and shared ministries with the children, youth, young adults, and families of your churches! There are bulletin inserts for many of our events on their respective webpages that can be reproduced and slipped into your weekly bulletins, but even more helpful is the relationships you have with the youth in your life. Invite them personally to check out our Winterfest video at: or to visit us on one of our social media sites or to actually attend Summerfest, for example. Your influence really matters! Lower Susquehanna Synod LYO Leadership Team 1403