The Messenger - St Stephen Evangelical


The Messenger - St Stephen Evangelical
M essenger
A Letter from Bishop Schaefer
Beloved sisters and brothers in Christ,
I write to you at the dawn of a new chapter of our being
on the road together as the Florida-Bahamas Synod. As
I assume this apostolic office that you have entrusted
to me by the church’s Spirit-led call, I continue to seek
your prayers as I commit to hold the rostered leaders,
congregations and agencies of the synod in mine.
In Matthew 13:52 Jesus says to the disciples, “Therefore
every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of
heaven is like the master of a household who brings
out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” The
communion of saints which we confess in the church’s
creeds is a wonderful reminder that our faith is always
about continuity and change, the old and the new. I give
thanks for the ministry of Bishop Benoway and all who
served as assistants to the bishop with such faithfulness,
dedication, and love over the past twelve years. We will
now build on this faithfulness.
This is the only mission we have: participating in
God’s mission of reconciling the world through the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus. What will be new in the months ahead are the ways we will participate in
that mission structurally. I understand the purpose of our synod as a whole and the Office of the Bishop in
particular as igniting and connecting congregations in
· boldly sharing Christ,
· passionately making disciples,
· faithfully doing justice
I come among you with a dream and a vision that as a synod we will live into being a vibrant network of
congregations proclaiming Christ and transforming communities with the gospel.
Our structure must serve this purpose and vision. I am sharing with you today that in this first year I plan to
restructure the way the “Office of the Bishop”—the bishop’s mission team or network—is put together. The
Continued on next page
Letter from the Bishop (continued)
current structure of two regional deployed assistants and a synodwide Director of Evangelical Mission (DEM) will
give way to two Director of Evangelical Mission/Assistants to the Bishop; one for the Gulf region and one for
the Atlantic region. A third partner will serve as Assistant to the Bishop for Missional Leadership. This person
will carry most of the responsibility for congregational pastoral transition, Interim Ministry, mobility, candidacy,
lay ministries (synod deacons/diakonia, other emerging leadership formation) and discipleship formation
(with other partners). This shift will free up the two deployed DEM/assistants to spend the bulk of their efforts
on evangelical mission on the ground (i.e., new and renewed congregations, mission strategies, stewardship,
partnering with Deans in assisting congregations and conferences forming missional plans that connect in
relevant ways to their communities), representing the bishop in pastoral care and resourcing, relating to youth
and ethnic specific ministries, our synodical global partners, and regularly preaching in congregations as an
extension of my office. There will continue to be an Assistant to the Bishop for Administration functioning in
ways similar to the current configuration. This change will take some time, particularly since, although there are potential candidates, the two newly
designed DEM/Assistant to the Bishop positions must be filled in partnership with the churchwide Congregation
and Synodical Mission (CSM) unit who will provide a portion of both salaries. I ask your patience over these
months of transition, and I pledge to you diligence in moving this forward with expedience. In the short term,
we begin this new chapter with the old structure as a bridge. Mr. Ken Aicher, Assistant for Administration will
stay on for several months in his current position. Ms. Connie Schmucker, AiM, will also continue as Assistant
to the Bishop for the Gulf side during the time of transition to the new configuration. Pr. Paul Lutze will officially
move into retirement from Assistant to the Bishop for the Atlantic side as he takes up an interim ministry. Since
I will bring two new people to the two newly designed positions replacing the former one synodwide Director of
Evangelical Mission, Pr. Rita Gardner Tweed will transition into a new ministry venture in the near future. I thank
God for each of these partners in ministry and especially for the 12 years that Pr. Rita has dedicated with grace
and great giftedness to the work and mission of the Florida-Bahamas Synod under Bishop Benoway. As I shared with those of you who were present at the synod assembly, my first priority in the first six months
will be claiming my role as the synod’s pastor. To that end, I will host a gathering in all 15 conferences which
will include sharing a meal and mutual conversation with our pastors and lay rostered leaders who have been
called by God to lead us in mission, followed by congregation members of the entire conference being invited
to join at the Lord’s Table for a celebration of Holy Communion at a centrally located building where I will preach
and preside. I am inviting every rostered leader and every disciple in every congregation to be present at one
of these services. We will conclude with a time of fellowship at the Lord’s table in order to be sent back to the
tables in our communities as the body of Christ. More about this in the weeks ahead.
I am deeply grateful for this call to be among you as one who serves, and for the gift of baptism which calls each
of us in our daily lives to embody the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of
the Holy Spirit. I look forward to seeing all of you as we celebrate the rich life we have together in Christ at my
installation at St. Timothy’s in Tampa on August 31.
Yes, by the grace of God and deeply rooted in the gospel, we will be a vibrant network of congregations
proclaiming Christ and transforming communities with the gospel!
The peace of Christ be with you all,
+ Robert
The Rev. Robert G. Schaefer
Bishop of the Florida-Bahamas Synod
Pastor’s Word
At the recent ELCA Missional Leaders Conference to which you graciously sent me, there was
talk of what makes the difference between a healthy, thriving congregation and one that is dying
or at least “dead in the water.” It wasn’t the liturgy, how communion was done or whether there
was a Praise Team. It was about what was in people’s hearts, minds, and souls. Prayer was
important as was a clear sense of God’s mission for the congregation, for the Church at large,
and for the individual. An indwelling of God’s Word that helps set the course for one’s life, an ongoing discipleship
that continues just as the heart needs to keep beating. St. Paul in his letter to the Colossians wrote: “Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly” [Colossians 3:16a].
In Christ,
David Potter, Interim Pastor +
From Our Deaconess
Grace to you all,
Thanks to all of you for all you did this year, helping our Interim Pastor in areas that needed
change and helping with the clean up.
I would like to see us have Training Sessions in the areas of Assisting Minister, Acolyte, Lector, Greeter,
Usher, Altar Care, Sound, and Projection at least three times a year so it is fresh in our minds. We can be clear about
what needs to be accomplished, whose gifts are not being used, and those who are freely offering them to us. I hope
to start these sessions soon. They will probably be right after the Sunday service. Please be willing to take only one
more hour on Sunday and join us for something that will be of interest to you. I think you will find there is something
that you will be able to do and with more helpers we won’t have to do it as often. A lot of our people are snowbirds
and so we have to ask our Florida residents to help out. I know you’re out there and I know you can do it, so come
join us and remember, “With God nothing is Impossible.”
This year has been a challenge and yet we have gotten through those things that have been challenging so we
know we can do it. There have been many times we have wanted to do things differently and yet have found out it
has not been done because of someone’s health, time, stress, or just not knowing what needs to be accomplished. I
hope we have learned from this past year what needs to be done and where our talents can be used, learning how to
help one another.
God bless all of you. I continue to say thanks for all your blessings and your help when I have asked for your
time and you have shown your talents.
As one of my Pastors said, until next time KEEP SMILING EVERY CHANCE YOU GET.
Yours in Christ,
Pat Belanger, Deaconess
This renewed emphasis on God’s Word is also behind the Word App Intro Group being “test-driven” this month. In
addition, it serves as an invitation to come to the study of Luke being offered again on Wednesday evenings and
Sunday mornings. May God’s Word be a source of new life and salvation for you.
This is why we have begun a Life Verse of the Week, most often gleaned from that Sunday’s Scripture readings. It
is there to read and speak in Sunday worship, on paper to take home with you, posted on the outdoor church sign,
and soon on the webpage and hopefully also the Facebook page. I encourage you throughout your week to expose
yourself to that Word from God and ask: How do I feel when I hear this? How does this word of God apply to my
life today, in this moment? How does this word make a difference for me? The Life Verse is being used now at our
Congregation Council meetings and has been powerful.
Coffee and Conversation
Socializing Commission recently discussed opportunities
to welcome community residents to join St. Stephen in
Coffee and Conversation about topics such as health and
wellness, end of life care, wills and estate planning, and
senior resources. It will be held the second Friday of
the month, 10:00-11:00 in St. Stephen’s Fellowship Hall.
Refreshments will be served. Coffee and Conversation
events are free to the public. Hope to see you there
with your friends. For more information and if you
have topics you’d like to see presented, contact pastor.
The Breakfast Bunch
It’s a great time to get to better know one another. If you
have a special item you would care to bring, please bring it.
There is always plenty of food, juice, coffee – and we even
have guest speakers too!
This is your special invitation to The Breakfast Bunch –
Enjoy a FREE breakfast and fellowship.
The Breakfast Bunch meets the first Saturday of each month
at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall starting September 7.
Jeremy Ennen
Shelli Searles
Mildred Grady
Katherine Runk
Larry Jones
Barbara Biebrich
Dee Ennen
Greg Ennen
Diana Dubman
Terry Shumway
Rita Roemer
Bill & Lorraine Roberts
Darin & Marsha Kibler
66 yrs. 8/16
16 yrs. 8/30
Other News
St. Stephen was represented at this assembly by Pastor David Potter and delegates Christian Castaneda and Jan
and Bud Danker. The highlight of the convention was the election of a new Bishop to replace Edward Benoway who
is retiring. Nearly 500 members participated in the voting process. After five ballots, Reverend Robert Schaefer of
Emmanuel church in Venice was elected as our new Bishop by more than three-quarters of the votes.
Other matters of interest include:
Three new congregations were welcomed into the Synod. They are New Life in Sarasota, Rock of Ages in Wildwood
and Resurrection House Mission in Dade City. There is a goal to start a new mission every 12 to 18 months. In our
Florida-Bahamas Synod there are 186 congregations, 63,577 baptized members and 120 lay deacons. Twenty two
ministers retired last year.
The Outdoors Ministry announced they are actively developing a new 350 acre camping site at Lutheran Springs.
A resolution was passed endorsing a two year capital campaign for Luther Springs and Lutherock starting in 2014.
There are 240 missionaries from 40 countries, 60 being youth, working in Africa to reduce poverty and world
hunger. See for more detail.
There also was an election of four district Synod Council representatives and a Synod Council vice-president.
In 2014 there will be a change in the ELCA health plan that relates to options.
Lenor Rhyne University and Southern Seminary merged. There are three times as many seminary students this
year. Demand for graduates is great. Tuition is $15,000.
A youth group conducted one of the services. Music is an important part of attracting and involving other youth to
our worship services and activities.
Resolutions were passed that requested that (1) the Florida-Bahamas Synod to be recognized by the ELCA as a
Reconciling in Christ synod (welcoming of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered believers), (2) the FloridaBahamas Synod supports the American Families Act (immigration reform) and (3) the revised Ministry Spending
Plan spending for year-end January 13, 2014 and the proposed Ministry Spending Plan for year ending January 31,
2015 be adopted.
A dinner was held honoring Bishop Benoway for his two terms of service which was attended by all of his family.
Submitted by Bud and Jan Danker
Christian Castaneda’s confirmation was held on July 21, 2013.. Christian is the son of Eric and Lisa Castaneda and
grandson of Rosie and Jimmy Fenneli. Christian has been active in the church since he was small and helps run the
projection system until he leaves for college in August.
Congratulations also to Jan and Bud Danker as they were presented with John Knox Village’s Annual Silver Angels
Award at a commemorative dinner on June 7, 2013.
SAVE THE DATE: October 26, 2013 4pm
Annual Wine & Cheese Get Together
Church Calendar
Sound Board
SUNDAY, Aug. 4
Pat Belanger
Madison Kibler
Natalie Prego
Dorothy Johnson
Linda Hanzlik,
Bud & Jan Danker,
Marsh Kibler
Jason Elo
Pat Bracken
SUNDAY, Aug. 11
Sera Butz
Andrew Hanzlik
Mildred Grady
Eduardo Arango
John, Maria, &
Spencer Kelly,
Rosie Fennelli
Larry Jones
Trudy DiCarlo
SUNDAY – 10:00 A.M.
SUNDAY, Aug. 18
Pat Belanger
Sera Butz
Sera Butz
Edith Reichenbach
Jane Bracken, Joanne
& Rick Brustad
Jason Elo
Pat Bracken
SUNDAY, Aug. 25
Pat Belanger
Anne Swoboda
Jane Reinhold
Barbara Kaptain
Carol & Kelly
Sera Butz, Kathy Runk
Pat Bracken
Larry Jones
If you are unable to serve on the date listed it is your responsibility to find your replacement and notify the Church
Office 954-942-4473 for bulletin corrections. Please try to look at the month you’re on and see if you could switch with
someone? When you are serving, please try to be at church at least 20 minutes before service starts, so you can be
robed and ready. Thank You.
Carol Jacobson, Secretary
Jason Elo
Robert Reinhold Sera Butz, Treasurer
Christian Hecker
©2013 All rights reserved.
St. Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church
2500 NE 14th Street Causeway, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33062
Tele: 954.942.4473 • Fax: 954.942.4474 •
2500 NE 14th Street Causeway
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Office hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday
Jane Bracken, Vice-President
Diana Dubman
Rob Lewis
John Kelly, President: [email protected]
Congregation Council
Rev. David Potter - Interim Pastor, [email protected]
Rev. Paul Lutze - Synodical Administrator
Pat Belanger, Deaconess — [email protected]
Cesar Vidaud - Church Musician
Kathy Runk, Secretary — [email protected]
Ron Legendre, Environmental Engineer — [email protected]
Carisa Esposito - Assistant to the Sexton
Church Staff
Holy Communion is celebrated weekly
Sunday School for Adults and Children at 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship Schedule
Encouraging and strengthening faith in
Jesus, and sharing the joy of God’s love.
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