February - Grand Traverse Yacht Club
February - Grand Traverse Yacht Club
Cultivating a Rich and Proud Legacy of Boating for Pleasure and Sport ISSUE 56-02 FEBRUARY 2015 Waterlines Editor Kim Marian Submissions due by the 4th Tuesday of the month prior to publication - 500 words or less please. [email protected] In This Issue Editor’s Notes p1 Hound Dog in Aug! p2 From the Helm p3 Membershipp4 Race/Nan-C-Jayp5 Social Happenings p6-7 Off the Water p8 Misc. Ramblings p9 Coming Events p10 Heard ‘Round the Club p10 Editor’s Notes “Changes are Afoot!” This month we get into the groove with winter and off-season activities. Bring on the cold weather and good ice so our ice boaters can enjoy good rides. While us land-lubbers love a good snow, ice boaters prefer the cold without the white-stuff. We all have our weather wishes! This month, we see a number of new submissions from throughout the Club: Hound Dog moves to August, an update from the Membership Committee, excitement for this year’s Nan-C-Jay (start early - everyone should participate!), teasers from Social Committee and the Past Commodores Council, and Off-the-Water learning opportunities both at GTYC and elsewhere. Our regular columns are back for another issue: From the Helm and the mind of Commodore Jordan, Misc. Ramblings from PC40, Coming Events, and quick hits Seen and Heard ‘Round the Club. Did you see, say, or hear anything on the last page? Happy Reading and, as always, your comments and suggestions are welcome! Kim Check the Club’s ONLINE CALENDAR for Up-to-date Event Info. Refer to NORs and SIs for official racing dates, not the online calendar 1 HOUND DOG REGATTA MOVES TO AUGUST! Taking advantage of a unique opportunity, GTYC’s annual regatta is moving to August 13-15! With this year’s extra-long summer, the month of August has a fifth weekend, giving our Race Committee the chance to place the Hound Dog Regatta on the calendar exactly between Little Traverse Yacht Club’s UGotta Regatta on July 25 & 26 and Charlevoix Yacht Club’s Red Fox Regatta on September 5 & 6. Planning is already underway for our club’s signature event of the year. It’s the hope of Commodore Jordan Owen that the move of dates will encourage more club members to participate both on the water and onshore: “The August date means that everyone will have their boats up to speed, the kids are still on vacation, and the water is warm. With that mix of ingredients, it should make for a fantastic weekend.” The Commodore also noted that participation in the Hound Dog will earn GTYC boats a three seconds-per-mile credit towards their Nan-C-Jay rating. Many time-worn traditions continue, including the Saturday evening Raingutter Regatta, Sunday afternoon’s postawards “apres-sail” on the lawn, a great band on Saturday night, and the return of the Mount Gay Rum sponsorship. On Friday night, the Dog Park Derby for 420s will return benefiting our TACS High School Sailing teams. Also in development are new aspects for the regatta, including a feeder race from Charlevoix to Traverse City for our visiting yachts, and a “Grand Touring” division for sailors who may want to stretch out a bit with longer race legs. we’re working to make sure that this event is for all of our members, not just racers “This year’s Hound Dog will be the high point of our summer -- we’re working to make sure that this event is for all of our members, not just racers,” said the Commodore. The regatta begins on Friday the 13th with the “Night Before” party, continues on Saturday with racing and the Mount Gay Rum party, and concludes with racing and awards on Sunday the 15th. Make plans now to participate in our club’s annual invitational! 2 FROM THE HELM During the first Board of Directors meeting of 2015, we reviewed and approved the calendar of club events for the year. With an eye to what would lay ahead as Commodore, I worked diligently for well-over a year in “curating” a wide-ranging schedule of traditional and interesting events that would encourage greater participation of our members across the full range of our interests. While not all of us race, and not all of us cruise, knit, or garden, all of us do have a few common occasions for which we come together as a club and a community. On Saturday, August 15, the Mount Gay Rum Party serves as the heart of the Hound Dog Regatta. This is OUR annual regatta -- what should be the signature event on the calendar for any yacht club. While the event that surrounds the party is for racers, the party is for everyone -- and their friends! To make this the best night of the year at the Yacht Club, we need all of you. Of these, I refer to the most important as “The Big Three”: the Oyster Clambake, the Saturday night party of the Hound Dog Regatta, and the Christmas parties. These are the three events which are the tent-poles of our calendar. Much like practicing members of the clergy use the term “C & E’ers” to describe members of their congregations that they see on Christmas and Easter, we’d like for all of our Yacht Club members to commit to the “Big Three”. We love to see you all throughout the year, but these events are at the very heart of what binds us together as a club. We hope to see you at all three. The third occasion is the twin Christmas parties -- the “grown-ups” party Friday, December 4 and the children’s party the afternoon of Saturday, December 5. Our Christmas parties help welcome the beginning of the Christmas season as well as a chance to celebrate the conclusion of another eventful year. The Big Three: May 1 - Oyster Clambake Cheers, Aug 15 - Saturday Night Party JO of Hound Dog Jordan Owen Dec 4 & 5 - Christmas Parties Commodore The first of the three is the most storied — the Oyster Clambake on May 1 has a long and colorful history as what was once the traditional kick-off of the new club season. Developed as “The Oyster Stag”, the party served as a membership recruitment event. Prospective members were lured with the promise that the cost of the evening’s admission would be credited into their dues if they joined the club that evening! Now, in an era of a very full club, the Oyster Clambake is still an open-to-the-public event which serves as an opportunity to meet and reacquaint ourselves with potential new members. Also, as an event hosted & manned by the Flag Officers & Board of Directors, it’s an occasion that requires an old-fashioned “all hands on deck” call. [email protected] Early 1980s Oyster Stag/Clambake 3 MEMBERSHIP Rob Lovell, 2015 Membership Chair UPDATE FROM YOUR MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE By now you should have received your annual love letter from the Membership Committee, otherwise known as your Dues Statement. As always, your payment is expected by March 1 to avoid the wrath of the Treasurer, otherwise known as a late payment penalty. For your convenience, you may pay by cash, check, money order, online, or at the bar. Sorry, no Commodore Bucks are accepted for the payment of your dues. To pay online, visit the Members Only section at GTYC.org and select the Miscellaneous Payments page. (Be sure to log in Webmaster, Jim Sorbie, can help with login details if you’re stuck.) In other news, now that your Membership Committee has finished licking, sticking, and stuffing the dues statements, we are turning our attention to a very healthy potential new member waiting list. I’ve sent out an email to all that remain our list from last year, with only one email address failing to be delivered. I’ve asked those who remain interested in joining our Club to answer a simple question: “The last time you went boating, what did you do?” The last time you went boating, what did you do? I’ve really enjoyed reading the responses, as it has been a great insight into those who share our common interest. If you have sponsored an applicant to our Club, please invite them down on Wednesday or Friday nights or to other events we have on our Club Calendar. See you at the Club! THANKS TO PAST COMMODORE DIEHL At the January meeting of the Board, Commodore Owen offered his thanks and gratitude to Past Commodore, Gregg Diehl. During PC Diehl’s term, we explored a real estate investment, hosted a national championship with our friends at TACS, paid ahead on the mortgage, paid off a water assessment, ended the year ahead of budget, and initiated a comprehensive review of the by-laws. (stay tuned on the by-laws issue!) As thanks for Gregg’s leadership, Jordan presented Gregg with a framed print by Ken Scott. Many thanks for all your efforts PC Diehl! 4 RACE COMMITTEE THE RACE FOR NAN-C-JAY IS ON! While the boats won’t hit the starting line for seven months, Wednesday Night crews are already jockeying for an advantage in the race for the Nan-C-Jay! For 2015, the question of who will win GTYC’s oldest sailing trophy may be determined throughout the year leading up to the Wednesday, September 2 race date. Commodore Owen has designated several events on the 2015 club calendar which will offer race crews the opportunity to earn ratings credits with their participation. While there are potential ratings discounts totaling close to thirty seconds, the 2015 Nan-C-Jay Grand Champion won’t be determined until things are settled on the water. The long list of events and activities that qualify for potential Nan-C-Jay credits include participation in the Commodore’s Trivia Nights, Spring Clean-Up Day, The Hound Dog Regatta, and hosting a crew dinner. Also, the Commodore is offering three seconds a mile if you let him race with you on a Wednesday night! Even if you don’t race on Wednesday nights, you’re more than welcome to participate. The Nan-C-Jay Grand Reserve award will be given to the crew that accumulates the most ratings credits prior to the scoring of the race. The full calendar of Nan-C-Jay points earning events can be found at gtyc.org/Nan-C-Jay. MISSING: BREECH OF THE SIGNAL CANNON Missing from the Great Room of the club: one threaded brass cannon breech – includes the inoperable firing pin and is approximately the size of a baseball. This belongs to the club’s signal cannon and without it, the cannon is unusable. The Commodore and the Flagpole & Signal Commodore would appreciate its return or any information about its whereabouts 5 SOCIAL COMMITTEE + PAST COMMODORES COMMODORE’S TEAM TRIVIA NIGHT Commodore Jordan Owen Commodore’s Team Trivia Night #1 Results, top 5 of 11 teams Commodore’s Team Trivia Night #2 Wed, Feb 25, 6:30pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Knockout Flying Toaster Liberty Social Member Spyke 19 pts 19 pts 19 pts 17 pts 17 pts OT 4 correct OT 3 correct OT 2 correct Remember, there are Nan-C-Jay seconds-per-mile available for participating in 3 of 4 trivia nights. Bring your team and your thinking caps! CRAFT NIGHT: 1ST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH! Dannielle Higgins This month’s craft night will be Wednesday, February 4 starting at 5:30pm. We’ll be meeting upstairs and everyone is welcome to bring their portable crafts and join us. We’ve had a lot of interest in meeting more than this so stay tuned to GTYC’s Facebook Page for extra Wednesdays. Hope to see you at the club! Craft Night Wed, Feb 4, 5:30pm PAST COMMODORES COUNCIL Wes Schulz Past Commodores Council Wed, Feb 18, 6:45pm 6 The next meeting of the Past Commodores Council will be held at GTYC on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. All past commodores in good standing are invited to attend the 6:30pm meeting in the Commodore’s Room. The proposed by-law changes will be discussed. Your commodore’s experience and historical perspective is needed to evaluate the new by-law proposals. Past Commodores Kraft and Sorbie are invited for their initiation. SOCIAL COMMITTEE CREW DINNER SEASON IS UPON US! Jed Mooney Last month this column talked about “Crew Dinners”. This month, I’d like to talk about . . . “Crew Dinners”! The GTYC Social Committee has had a number of inquiries from crews wanting to host a Friday night Crew Dinner, and has begun to schedule these events. To kick off the Crew Dinner season and to set the tone, your Social Committee is planning to host a “Grateful Dead-of-Winter @ Alice’s Restaurant” vintage Rock ’n’ Roll-themed Crew Dinner on the first or second Friday in February (still negotiating scheduling issues)! Look for further announcements and information, including thematic menu items such as “Fleetwood Mac ‘n’ Cheese” in your GTYC info-emails, on posters around the Clubhouse, on the GTYC Facebook page, and on the new event-TV in the GTYC entryway. The GTYC Cruisers Fleet has volunteered to sponsor a Mardi Gras-themed Krewe (that’s how they spell it in New Orleans) Dinner on February 20. They are planning a raw bar (Oysters!) and other appetizers, Chicken & Sausage Jambalaya, Seafood Gumbo, Salad, French Bread, and a special Mardi Gras dessert, along with drink specials (Hurricanes?!!) Get your beads on - do you know the meanings of the official Mardi Gras colors purple, green, and gold? - toss-and-catch dubloons and other “throws” -- and cruise into the Lenten season with a “Fat Tuesday” party courtesy of the GTYC Cruisers Fleet. Closing out February, the crews of Knockout, Jesse Marie, and possibly Big Red plan to team up for another food drive event on Friday, February 27. (details coming soon!) March is filling up with Crew Dinner dates: On “lucky” Friday the 13th, the O’llusion St. Paddy’s Party, hosted by the crews of Illusion, Gotta Wanta, Spyke, & assorted other leprechauns, will serve the traditional Irish boiled dinner & accompaniments. The following Friday, March 20, will showcase the culinary skills of the crew of Liberty, assisted by the Traverse City High School Sailing Team -- theme & menu to be announced. Also in March, rumor has it that another Yooper Party crew dinner is in the works! Always a hoot, with the ever-popular pastie menu provided by Barb Hutchens an’ da usual kitchen characters in their chuks ‘n’ swampers. No doubt a few local Toivo & Eino types will dispense with Yooper humor & trivia. Keep your owl eyes lookin’ fer more stuff abou’ dis to come out soon, an’ plan on getting yer friends to come wit’ - ya don’ wanna miss dis flannel-fest! So now you’ve been brought up to date on some of the Crew Dinners planned for the coming months - but there are still some open Fridays for more crews to step up and throw their own party. (Pirate? Luau? Caribbean? - be creative!) The annual GTYC Culinary Award is at stake, and host crews can earn participation credits toward reductions in their ratings for the Nan-C-Jay race this year. Have fun with it! 7 OFF-THE-WATER LEARNING AMERICA’S BOATING COURSE GTBSPS This spring, GTYC will host the Grand Traverse Bay Sail and Power Squadron’s (GTBSPS) introductory boating course, America’s Boating Course, on two occasions, both 8:30am - 12:30pm: March 21 & 28 and April 25 & May 2. Meetings will be held in the Great Room or the Commodore’s Room as the numbers warrant. These 8-hour courses will cover basic boating topics of interest to people who are beginning boaters or people who want to pair coursework with what they have learned with experience. This might include first mates who have less understanding of what the “captain” does than they would like and some younger members of the club who are just entering boating. Among the specific topics to be covered are: the rules of the road, types of boats, required safety equipment, navigation aids, lights and sounds, anchoring, communications afloat, adverse conditions, watersport safety, trailering, personal water craft, and knots and lines. Those who wish to sign up for one of these two offerings should go to: usps.org/localusps/gtbay, click on “updated courses and seminars”, and then click on the desired offering (March or April/May), and follow the directions. You may also call David Terrell, at 231-938-2521. GREAT LOOP IN 2 YEARS GTBSPS & GTYC Cruisers After spending two years on a 1979 Cal 27-2 with their dog and cat making the great loop trip, Jessica Zevalkink and Katie Smith have returned to their starting point, Traverse City. Since their return, Jessica and Katie have been making a number of presentations about their trip to groups in this area. The Grand Traverse Bay Sail and Power Squadron was lucky enough to ask them to speak at a time when they were available. They are excited about this opportunity and want to share their good fortune with members of the Grand Traverse Yacht Club. Jessica and Katie will be speaking at the monthly meeting of the GTBSPS at the Elks Club on February 5, 2015 at 8pm. All Grand Traverse Yacht Club members are invited to attend this presentation. There is no charge. Please come about 15 minutes early. There will be plenty of room. The presentation will last about 45 minutes and has been honed to perfection. You can get an idea of what they have been doing by reading about their story in the Fall and Winter 2014 issues of Cruising Outpost. Please come for their presentation If you are unable join the GTBSPS on February 5, join the GTYC Cruiser’s Fleet for the same presentation on Thursday, February 12 after 6pm at their monthly gathering! 8 MISC. RAMBLINGS PC40 BREAKING NEWS!!! — On Thursday, Jan 23, TACS was named the Outstanding Community Sailing Program of the Year by US Sailing at their National Sailing Programs Symposium in New Orleans. Yours truly was on hand to proudly accept the award on behalf of all TACS Board members, staff, volunteers, and the many TACS sailors past and present. I’m sure that the Chubb Regatta last summer was a big part of our selection and all of us at TACS want to thank everyone at GTYC for their help in making that event a huge success. TACS has come a long way from our humble beginnings 20 years ago and we are still growing. This year we are adding an Adventure Sailing Program and expanding the Adult Program. Also in the works is a joint effort with Disability Network to help grow our Adaptive Program. Look for more info on our website - tacsailing.com. the Gunboat 55 which is built in the Carolinas and our own Myles Cornwell recently did some consulting work with them. Peter Johnstone (son of Bob of J/Boats fame) is the principal behind Gunboats and he sailed here in 2004 in the A-Class Catamaran North Americans. Most of our membership slept through that event as it was hosted by GTYC, but sailed from the Bayshore Resort and the Senior Center Beach (best kept secret in TC, don’t tell anyone about it). The entry list read like a who’s who of the sailing world with both Jan & Meade Gougeon of West Systems Epoxy, Ben Hall of Hall Spars, Pete Melvin of Melvin & Moretti, and Peter Johnstone. It was a great regatta and the organizer even had cooperation of the Senior Center who let them set up a tent on the beach and the Maritime Academy who let them use their rigging lab for sail measurement. The Leelanau County Sheriff ’s Marine Patrol will again be offering free Boater Safety classes this summer for boaters who will be 12 years of age or older by the end of the boating season. Classes will be held on: June 16, 17, 18 at Leelanau County Law Enforcement Center, EOC July 7, 8, 9 at the Glen Lake Yacht Club July 14, 15, 16 at the Leelanau County Law Enforcement Center, EOC All classes start at 9am and conclude at 12pm. Participants must attend all three days in the course sequence and pass a test to receive a certificate. For more information go to leelanausheriff. blogspot.com/p/new-patrol-vehicles-on-way.html OK all of you gadget and techno-geeks, here are the 2014 METS Award-winning new products from the Annual DAME Marine Equipment Trade Show. Some interesting new ideas here which we will undoubtedly start seeing in the near future. Check out the Marinco Pro Installer Battery Switches which make for much easier wiring installation and the Kenyon Induction Cooktop with silicone cooking mat. For more info go to metstrade.com/mets/innovation/ Pages/DAME-winners-2014.aspx. Sail Magazine recently published their annual list of Best Boats following the Annapolis Boat Show. For more info go to sailmagazine.com/ bestboats. The Flagship Multihull winner is As I write this, Dick & Julie, Bob Gray, and Bill Cutting are in Kingston ONT competing at the DN Worlds and North Americans. Stop at the YC on Tuesday, Feb 3, around 7pm for the GTIYC meeting and get a full report. Great food, fun people, and lots of camaraderie!! That’s about enough for this month. See you all soon ... at the Club!!! 9 COMING EVENTS February Feb 1 Feb 3, 6p Feb 4, 5:30p Feb 11, 7p Feb 12, 6p Feb 14 Feb 17, 6p Feb 20 Feb 24 Feb 25, 6:30p Feb 27, 5:30p March Super Bowl Crockpot Classic Ice Boat Meeting Craft Night Euchre Night Cruising Fleet Meeting - Great Loop Pres. St. Valentine’s Day GTYC Board Meeting Cruising Fleet Crew Dinner Waterlines Submissions Due Commodore’s Team Trivia Night #2 Knockout/Jessie Marie Crew Dinner Mar 1 GTYC Ski Meet-up Mar 3, 6p Ice Boat Meeting Mar 4, 5:30p Craft Night Mar 11, 7p Euchre Night Mar 12, 6p Cruising Fleet Meeting Mar 13 O’llusion/Gotta Wanta/Spyke Crew Dinner Mar 17, 6p GTYC Board Meeting Mar 20 Liberty/TCHS Sailing Crew Dinner Mar 24 Waterlines Submissions Due :30 Mar 25, 6 p Commodore’s Team Trivia Night #3 Because a date/holiday is listed should not imply the Club is open for that holiday. Check the Club’s ONLINE CALENDAR for Up-to-date Event Info. Refer to NORs and SIs for official racing dates, not the online calendar SEEN AND HEARD AROUND THE CLUB photos and quotes may be wholly unrelated eam ing t l i a s ool ll!” h sch bloody ‘e g i h ly h he on ying, “O t e r ’ sa We kids with I’ve Birth never hear day” d on ba “Happy gpipe s befo re! His version has a rum stain on it! Well, we didn’t burn the place down! T ____ his is a ___free zone r 10 Who pa ’ room? he kids ked in t