September on the water - Chichester Yacht Club


September on the water - Chichester Yacht Club
October 2012
CYC news
September on
the water
From the Commodore
Peter Lansdale says farewell
with thanks
Martin’s muses
Club Secretary Martin
Buckley invites you to Christmas Party Nights
Club news
Rambler season begins
Yacht section
Motor section
Dinghy section
R-Cdres thank past committees and introduce the new
unday 2 September was not only the last weekend of the summer holidays for most,
but also the Club’s Optimist Open and the last of the Southern Travellers series. WOW
did we get a good turn out! I counted 50 plus Oppie’s on the water on Sunday at one
point! 49 of these were racing! Most impressive was the range of ages from 7 to 15 years
and the camaraderie and team spirit through the fleets. The weather tried its hardest first
thing to dampen spirits and the wind never really did what we wanted it to do but none the
less the racing was tight and hard fought out on the water with all competitors enjoying the
challenging 10-12knt shifting breeze. Luke South (cont. p9)
The month also kicked off with the Yarmouth and back race, followed by a succession of successful cruises for both Yachts and Motors.
Plus help with next year’s
cruising programme and the
From the helm
Commodore Peter Lansdale says farewell with thanks
his being the final occasion on which I pen the Commodore’s column, I would like to divert from my usual practice
of reporting on current Club matters and focus on some of
the things which have given both me and Glynis loads of pleasure and gratitude during the past two years
Of course there have been some good boating moments and
“moments” is probably the correct word for this season or many
of us! However the real pleasure of serving as Commodore of
CYC has come from meeting and working with such a wide array
of committed people most of them, but not all, from within the
Club. The Committees and sub groups right across the Club
have done sterling work during what must be some of the toughest times many of us have experienced, rising costs everywhere
coupled with a general climate of uncertainty about the future.
What better place to spend one’s “time off” than doing what gives
us pleasure amongst like minded folk at CYC!
This piece would not be complete without a special mention of
our Club staff, full-timers and part-timers alike. Whilst we members come and go as we please, these good people are there for
us come rain, wind or sunshine in a wide range of responsibilities,
not only to cook meals and serve drinks but they are also trained
to care for our security and safety. For instance, when the duty
bar staff were alerted recently to a dinghy in difficulties with a broken mast across the creek, at a time when the Club rescue boats
were not on the water, they immediately summoned the Harbour
Master for assistance.
Unlike the normal practice in catering establishments our staff
do not benefit from meal tips and gratuities so I am hoping we will
all want to show our appreciation through donations to the Commodore’s Staff Christmas Collection what about the price of a
meal as a guide? A call or e-mail
to the office is all that’s needed.
Since the completion of the
Upper Deck development four
years ago, our Club staff have
also built a well deserved reputation for putting on really great
functions which are making a
significant financial contribution
to Club funds. This month they
will be hosting the final two wedding
receptions this year, a total of 10 in all and on many occasions we
members are hardly aware there’s a party happening at all. Well
done and a big thank you to all!
I will be presenting my “end of term” report at the forthcoming
Club AGM later this month Sunday October 20 at 3pm. I do hope
as many members as can be available will be there to support
those colleagues who give so generously of their time and talents
on behalf of the membership. It’s also a great opportunity to
discuss matters critical to the continuing success of our Club and
to get up to date with the latest plans and proposals.
One final thought. Having served on committees of one kind
and another for most of the past 15 years I have found that the
more one becomes involved in CYC the more valuable and fun it
seems to be, just a hint for anyone who sometimes wonders what
membership is all about. Your Club can utilise an
amazingly wide range of skills so
all offers will be most welcome!
That’s my last word, at least
from the helm, until the AGM!
Office chat
Club Secretary Martin Buckley invites you to Christmas Party Nights at the Club
Club Fireworks Party Saturday 3rd November 7pm sharp
for the launch. After experimenting with the later time last year
it seemed to work out better and give more time for those who
wished to eat before the spectacle. So 7o’clock it is! A small supplement on the food is intended in order to cover the £1,250 cost
of fireworks and disco.
Christmas Shared & Private Parties
For the first time, we are offering shared and private parties to
members and external groups. We think we have great potential
for these events in our wonderful venue. They will be in the lead
up to Christmas
and the details are contained in a
flyer ‘Christmas Party Nights and
Christmas Lunches’. We have already three groups with 90 guests
and will be delighted to take more
so dates and details are in the
flyer. Pick one up at the office.
Winter Opening
The bar and restaurant are not
serving on Sunday evenings,
all day Monday and all day
Tuesday, but the Club is open
until 5pm for newspapers, coffee and those wishing respite
from scrubbing boat bottoms!
Seven day service will resume
in March.
AGM Sunday 21 October at 3pm
Your papers should have arrived by now. This year there is
another Special Resolution (12) relating to Community Amateur
Sport Club, or CASC status. Past Commodore Peter Bovey
briefed you last year that the main ‘grey area’ with CASC status
application was the seeming continual change of HMRC interpretation particularly with regard to the minimum voting age in a club
environment. So he has kept in regular contact with the RYA who
has been lobbying HMRC to tie them down to a nation and sport
wide agreed interpretation. In short it is proposed to change
Individual membership criterion to allow a young person under 18
years old to vote at AGM, provided they pay the Individual member subscription rate. And this satisfies HMRC interpretation. On
a separate tack, as ever, for those members who would like a full
copy of the 2011 accounts (the notes on the pages distributed to
you) please contact the Office.
Monthly Direct Debit
You will have also noticed a letter explaining the monthly direct
debit method of subscription payment which will be available from
January 2013. It would be very helpful if you could return the slip
on the bottom of this note as this will give us an idea of numbers
and of course allow us to keep our records up to date with your
contact details.
Wednesday Evening Promotion
The hatch meal promotion, £11.50 for
two courses will start on Wednesday 3
October until further notice.
News & Social
Coming up
CYC ramblers
Judy Watson with dates for the
new season
by Social Secretary Diana Francis
Fireworks & Disco
Saturday 3 November 5.30pm
he winter walking season is upon us again
and once again we invite members of CYC
to join us on our Saturday morning rambles,
generally starting and finishing at a pub where
we then enjoy lunch and/or a pint of beer. Please
make a note in your diary that the autumn dates
are as follows. We will keep our fingers crossed
that the weather is kind to us.
he CYC Fireworks and Disco will take
place on Saturday 3rd November from
Please note that the Fireworks will start at
7.00pm prompt. After the display Matt Dean will
keep you entertained with his very popular disco.
Baps, Hot Dogs and Burgers will be available
from the Sloop and a range of dishes, all at a set
price, to include a contribution towards the cost of
the fireworks and entertainment, will be available
from the hatch.
A selection of desserts can also be purchased
from the sweet counter.
Please come with your family and friends and
give this evening your full support.
Please note this is a * function therefore, service
of meals may be delayed.
Make a date with the Ladies’ Lunch
Club Wednesday October 31
12.15 for 12.45pm
or this Ladies Luncheon you will have a
chance to do a little pre Christmas shopping.
Jan Culverwell has very kindly agreed to
bring a selection of her beautiful, hand made jewellary for you to admire and to buy should you wish
and Sallie Hubbard will once again bring a selection
of RNLI 2012 Christmas cards and small gifts which
can also be purchased on the day.
If there are any Ladies who would like to join the
Ladies Luncheon Circle for an excellent lunch with
an opportunity to meet new friends, you will be
most welcome.
Lunch will be £11 per
member and £12 for your
Should you have any
special dietary needs
Salmon Sauce
please inform the office
Holland otatoes &
when booking (01243
512918) together with
your seating require~ * ~ear Tart
If you are intending to
& Crea
come to any of the La~*~
dies Luncheons please
& mints
be kind enough, if
possible, to book up to one
week before as this is very helpful to Andy,
(our Chef)for catering purposes.
Please be kind enough to keep the Raffle Prizes
coming in, no matter how small, as you know everything you donate is greatly appreciated.
Diana Francis
Ladies Luncheon Circle
Dates for
your diary
Sat 20 October
Laying Up
Supper &
(Yachts & Motors)
Sat 3 November
from 5.30pm
Fireworks &
Sat 10 November
Dinghy Section Dinner &
Sun 9 December
from 12noon
Midweek locals
Two course
From October 2012
on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings
the galley will be
offering a two course
meal at a set price.
Choose from a
starter and main
course or main and
sweet, all for £11.50.
Come along and
give us a go.
Saturday 20 October
Saturday 10 November
Saturday 15 December
[email protected]
01243 261687
Saturday 20 October
First walk of the season
ony and Chris Dickenson will be leading the
first walk and plan to meet at the Stoughton
Down car park (OS map ref: 815 126) in time
for a prompt 10.00am start. This will involve some
hill walking in beautiful surroundings and will be
about four miles long. Afterwards we will drive to
the Barley Mow at Walderton for our usual lunch
stop. If you wish to join us for lunch, would you
please e mail Tony and Chris by Friday 19 at the
latest, so they can advise the pub accordingly.
Their e-mail address is anthonydickenson809@
Francis Bernard Sartory
30 June 1921 - 3 August 2012
orn in Ealing
in 1921, Frank
studied Dentristry at Guys’ Hospital
qualifying after the war,
having served in India
for three years. In 1945
he married his beloved
wife Pamela and set up
his own Dental Practice
which he ran for over 35
years as well as enjoying a busy family life
with five children.
Frank’s other great
love was the sea and
he had a boat of his
own for most of his life.
He sailed in many parts
of the world including
the Mediterranean, the
Caribbean and in other
waters, the Solent and
English Channel and
out to the Channel Isles
He’d been a member
for many years and
we saw him out sailing
about a fortnight before
he died. A grand gentleman.
John & Deidre Jeavons
and Northern French
harbours . He was a
good practical navigator
in the days before GPS
and crossed the Channel many times in all
weathers. He became
joined CYC in 1970.
Yacht section
From the cockpit
Rear Commodore John Davies introduces the new committee
YS Committee
l R-Cdre Yachts
John Davies
l Secretary
Sandra Gore
l Cruising sec.
Barry Higginson
l Racing sec.
Steve Cray
l New Members
John Gosnell
l Techical & Safety
David Gore
l Social sec.
Trevor Ferris
l C’ttee members
Tim Haigh
Trudi Allen-Shalless
Peter Barker
Ian Culley
Richard Serna
Tony & Corinne Mellor
’m hanging on for some more summer!
Overall, the last few weeks have seen some
of the best of the weather so far this year, and
cruises have gone out and returned in a way
unseen during the earlier part of the year. There
are more cruises still to come. At the time of
writing this there are still five planned!
The Yacht Section AGM was held on 23 September. I cannot miss this opportunity to thank
the members of the 2011/2012 Yacht Section
Committee for their contribution over the last
year. I have received great support from them all,
without which the Section would not be able to function. I commend their commitment to the Club and
the members, which is given voluntarily and without
All of them have all worked hard for you, but I
hope that the other members of the Committee will
forgive me if I make particular mention of one.
Bob Litherland has decided to step down from
the Committee this year. We are sorry to see our
Racing Secretary go. He has been unwilling to let
cruiser racing die within CYC, and has chivvied up
support from an increasing and enthusiastic group
of yachtsmen. He has continued to organise and
run a number of races each year. On your behalf, I
thank him for his considerable contribution.
I am glad that the remainder of the Committee
have agreed to stay on for another year, Sandra
Gore as Secretary, Barry Higginson as Cruising
Secretary and Yacht Section House Committee representative from this year, Trevor Ferris as Social
Secretary, John Gosnell as New members Secretary, David Gore as Technical and Safety Officer,
Tim Haigh, and Trudi Allen-Shalless.
In addition, six new members have been elected
to the Committee for the next year. They are Steve
Cray, who takes over the Racing Secretary’s job
from Bob Litherland, Peter Barker, Ian Culley,
Richard Serna, and Tony and Corinne Mellor. I am
really pleased to see new people coming forward
to join the Committee, as it signals the enjoyment
members get out of the Club, and their continuing
commitment to it. I’m sure we will find plenty for
these new recruits to do, understudying longer serving Committee members and gaining experience in
arranging the business of the Yacht Section.
Oh ...and I’m here for a third year! Now how did
that happen?
Anyway, that’s the team you have elected, and
we look forward to the next 12 months in the life of
the Yacht Section and the Club.
John Davies 07768-353217 [email protected]
Cruise & race reports
Car park/pontoon party CYC-style
at Bucklers Hard
Roger & Pam Hart of Nautibouy report on the cruise to Bembridge 1&2 September
fter so many blown out weekends the cruise to Bembridge
finally had a decent forecast. Spring tides allowed a civilized start time, though with the tidal window at both ends
being quite narrow, there was no time to loiter.
Some boats slipped the night before and some went out to the
outer waiting pontoon to avoid a possible rush for the lock.
Two knots of tide against us going down and out of the harbour,
followed by a light wind right on the nose meant engine all the
way to catch the tide at Bembridge, but it was a pleasant day, and
a relief to be out on the water.
Once we were all in and settled it was decision time, a gentle
snooze, or a gentle stroll? Following our leader we opted for the
stroll, and walking boots on, we set off.
Fortunately the leader had a map and guided us along as we
drifted between each other chatting as we went, some of us without a clue where we were. Needless to say we got back safely
and prepared for the drinks party by the marina office, which as
usual was enjoyed by all.
An event at Brading Haven Yacht Club had been cancelled
which meant we were able to have an evening meal there, though
they were so busy, some were unable to join us.
The staff treated us very well and the food was exceptional
and reasonably priced, spoiled only by the late arrival of some of
the side dishes, however they were very busy and it was table
service. I have bored a number of people with this already, but the
chips were wonderful.
Next day was again pleasant, and an easy start time waiting for
the tide to rise before we could risk the outer channel, frequent
trips to the tide height marker on the pontoon, and we were away.
As the day before the wind was very light and behind us, so
engine again. I saw some try to sail, Coco was one I think, but it
was just too light. It was however good to be on the water and the
company had been enjoyable, so a good weekend.
A couple of boats had to drop out before the start for unavoidable reasons, and their company was missed, but 14 boats took
part so it was nearly a full complement.
Boats taking part were,Windswept, Magenta, Grebe, Akvavit,
Jupiter,Verity,Timeless, Sea Legend, Nautibuoy, Oar to Sail,
Coco, Teise, Giverny2, Poldeaux.
Thank you David for an enjoyable weekend.
Yacht section
The Yarmouth & Back race 1-2 September
Bob Litherland reports
ack of wind was initially a problem on the first leg of September's race to Yarmouth and back. One of the dinghy
sailors in my crew suggested "shorten course". Moving Yarmouth could not be arranged at such short notice and so the nine
competitors motored for seven miles to the west of the Forts and
started the race. Then, the wind sprang up and when we arrived
in Yarmouth most of the boats had reefed their mainsails.
On Sunday the return race was a very easy sail with many
boats deploying their spinnakers, the wind persisted just long
enough to allow everyone to finish. Quickstep won the return
race, Out of the Blue (Bill Macfarlane) was the winner on the first
leg and of the overall race. (pic. front page)
Summer arrived for the mid-week cruise to
Yarmouth and Beaulieu 4–7 September
report by Peter & Nicky Bovey of Seahey
ummer arrived just in time for our mid week cruise! Half the
boats joined us at Hayles Boat yard having stayed out in
the Solent following the weekend cruise to Bembridge . As
the cruise leader arrived pretty much last it was fortunate to have
some efficient help from the Deputy Leader and the Cruising Secretary in berthing 17 boats of varying size in quite a small space!
A pity that no one had noticed the very helpful plan the yard had
pinned to a large pile on the pontoon but which was 12ft in the air
by the time the tide had dropped! In any case boats didn’t arrive
in the sequence required to carry out the plan but it all worked out
and rafting was very friendly!
A tight squeeze on Hayles pontoon, Yarmouth
A cruise meal at the Wheatsheaf pub was a huge success in
spite of some doubts as to whether it was a suitable venue for
such a large number. However, an area just for us was allocated
and the staff coped incredibly well with all 33 orders. The food
was great and the service very efficient. We would thoroughly
recommend the venue for anyone leading a cruise to Yarmouth.
A lively beat down to the entrance of the Beaulieu river on
Wednesday morning meant that some boats were a little optimistic in the amount of canvas they needed! Most of us were
berthed in finger pontoons and a drinks party was held in the car
park as the marina office were not too keen on us sinking yet
another pontoon!
Thursday morning saw most boats departing for home ports
although some of us stayed in the Solent to enjoy the rest of what
was an unexpectedly hot summer week.
Many thanks to our deputies, Mel and Gill Sargent on Timeless.
Boats on the cruise, in no particular order, Coco, Sea Legend,
Pilgrims’ Progress, Giverny 2, Xerades, Windswept, Speedbird,
Miriam M, Timeless, Quintette, Good Day Sunshine, Grebe,
Alcine, Sherpa, Magic Touch, Akvavit, Seahey.
Folly Inn Weekend Cruise September 15–16
report by John Barfoot & Kerry Jackson, Sounio
he strong wind on Friday dropped away (as forecast!) making way for a sunny Saturday with light winds, mainly from
the west. This involved a lot of tacking and at one stage,
after the forts, the wind fell away to nothing for a brief period. It
then picked up giving a fairly brisk sail to Cowes, helped by a
spring tide.
Sixteen boats arrived in time for a lively pontoon party coupled
with the inevitable quiz! This involved identifying 24 small pictures
of birds, with all those that entered proving to be a knowledgeable
lot. The winner was Brian Bates very closely followed by Gina
Hamlyn and Judy Turner.
The winds on Sunday were very light (not as forecast!) making
it necessary to motor part of the way home. Unfortunately, Poldeaux and Oar To Sail had to pull out on Saturday morning, the
latter due to a poorly ‘Lady’ which necessitated a visit to the vet.
Participating boats were Akvavit, Alcine, Aspen, Firedragon,
Island Swan, Libra of Lorne,Magenta, Magic Touch, Out of the
Blue, Quickstep, Quintette, Proteus, Pilgrims Progress, Scallywag
(late arrival), Sea Legend, Sounio and Speedbird.
Yarmouth Mid-week cruise 18–20 September
report by Bob & Marlene Marchment, Magic Touch
am pleased to report that this cruise went ahead albeit with
a somewhat disjointed start due to the weather and differing
boat locations. We, as cruise leaders, were noticeable by our
absence being berthed in Swanwick having been to the SBS the
day before. Fortunately for us we were very ably deputised by
Janet and David on Teise who carried out the briefing session
with various phone calls between us.
The forecast NW 4-5 gusting 6 proved to be correct for the
Tuesday, five boats made the trip to Yarmouth from different locations, Gosport, Swanwick, Lymington and Xerades from Birdham
crewed by our Rear Commodore and Annie determined not to be
beaten by the weather. Also two other boats went from Chichester to the Medina and continued to Yarmouth on the Wednesday.
The five boats in Yarmouth were joined for the evening by Stromvadie who happened to be in Yarmouth as well. The Tuesday
pontoon drinks just managed to fit into the cockpit of Magic Touch
followed by a very enjoyable meal in the Wheatsheaf, all elevenseated on a round table.
On Wednesday Pilgrims Progress had to get back to Gosport,
the small group of seven who were still present continued with
the planned walk; bus to Alum Bay then coastal path from the
Needles along Tennyson Down, lunch snacks in the Cafe at
Freshwater Bay then through the nature reserve and back to Yarmouth on the old railway track. The views along the Down were
spectacular. Wonderfully clear air enabled long distance views
in all directions, even the ships in the west going shipping lane
could be made out. We arrived back in Yarmouth in good time to
welcome the remaining boats who were arriving from Cowes and
Chichester. Another Pontoon drinks gathering and group meal
rounded off a very pleasant day. I have to mention again that the
Wheatsheaf and Harold Hayles both gave good service and accepted the changes we had to make readily.
The anticipated ideal sail home in a NW 3/4 failed to materialise, wind strength in the morning was rarely above 5 knots from
the SW. Having to motor much of the way the early start could
have easily been delayed by an hour or so. The wind did arrive in
the early afternoon, much too late for most of us.
Our thanks go to all who attended, you all made the cruise very
worthwhile, and a special thanks to Teise for all their help.
Boats attending were, Windswept, Pilgrims Progress, Sea Legend, Sherpa, Xerades, Teise, Quintette, Akvavit, Lazy May, Volly
II, Miriam M and Magic Touch.
Motor section
From the helm
Rear Commodore Paul Londesborough on exciting times
What an exciting time of year.
We have a new committee and
I want to wish them every success in continuing to drive the
Motor Section forward. I am in
the throws of my hand over to
Gary Watts( Rear-Commodore
Motors elect), which is a very
emotive process as I have
thoroughly enjoyed my two
years as Rear Commodore.
Thank you to Heather Baker,
Bob Gadsden for continuing and welcome to Claire Armstrong, Les Crane, John Hall and Geraint Skuse. I will also
continue for another year to provide some additional continuity. Good luck everyone.
This was my quote from the last newsletter “Fingers crossed
for an Indian Summer”, well we are off on
the final cruise of the year to Port Solent
this weekend. I had a successful sea trial
yesterday on Pasha and the boat handled
perfectly and Sharon and I are last minute
entrants to the cruise.
Don’t forget we have 5 October First
Friday get-together which will be a “cruise
leader” theme and recognition event, so I
hope to see you all there.
Your new committee is meeting for the
first time on13 October please feel free
to send in any suggestions you have for
the coming year we all want to hear your
Happy and safe sailing.
Motor committee
l Gary Watts
R-Cdre elect
l Heather Baker
l John Hall
Cruising secretary
l Les Crane
Training & Safety
l Claire Armstrong
Social secretary
l Paul Londesborough
Bob Gadsden
Geraint Skuse
Commiitee members
Technical & safety notes from Les Crane
i folks, more of the same plus an unusual
item. I hope to have more unusual items
over the year if occasion presents itself. I
might title this part of my article ‘Bilge Rat’, you will
see what I mean!
Coral worm
This for me, at least, has been a bad year for Coral
Worm growth which caused me severe problems
about six weeks ago and necessitated a lift and
scrub before the boat could be re-used. The prop
shafts, rudders and props themselves were absolutely covered with the stuff, at least a half inch
thick (about 10 mill for the modern educated) even
though the boat was scrubbed last year.
Premier marina has sent to all people on the internet a short note about the worm and I précis below.
A number of customers have experienced
problems as the growth seems particularly bad this
year, in part it is believed due to the heavy rain and
flooding which with salt water seems to provide
favourable conditions for growth.
The worm likes metal eg rudders, props, shafts,
trim tabs outdrives etc but does adhere to other surfaces. It is common across the whole of Chichester
harbour but is also found at other places along the
south coast.
Whilst the Marina cannot prevent the growth they
have made staff available at weekends and in the
evenings for lifts and scrubs, at a reduced price and
will do a second lift and scrub free if the same problem recurs, I assume this is in the same season.
The best advice is to use the boat frequently as
this helps to prevent the worm getting a firm hold.
The Marina says that you are also allowed to run
your engines on the pontoon provided you are
securely tied up. This will help props and shafts but
not so much rudders or trim tabs.
The worm seems to collect on the concrete floats
under the pontoons and fingers and move onto the
boats from there. The best advice I received and I
have done this is to get a garden hoe and clean the
concrete so that the worm falls to the bottom where,
I believe, it dies. If it is not on the concrete supports
it is much less likely to swim to your boat. I can’t
vouch for the technical correctness of this but from
observation and the logic of it, it sounds pretty good
advice to me.
Anchoring, Osborne Bay, I of W
Apparently staff from English Heritage have been
instructing visiting boat skippers not to anchor in
or near a newly marked swimming area just off the
beach. Whilst we would all not interfere with a properly approved area the RYA has stated that English
Heritage does not have the authority to give such
instructions and have written to them to challenge
these actions. They also have concerns about the
location and adequacy of the buoys marking out the
swimming area. Watch this space.
Havant Boat Jumble, 4 November if you are
Poole fuel barge which used to be moored between the Middle Ship and Wych channels in Poole
Harbour has been removed and there are no plans
to replace it.
Bilge Rat report Beware non Greeks bearing gifts!
When Joe and Heather Baker thought they would
be unable to lead the recent Bembridge cruise due
to their boat being poorly and no B&B being free
in Bembridge/St Helens they were delighted to be
offered passage and overnight accommodation with
another of the participating boats. Little did they know!
We all had a really great cruise with pre and post
BBQ drinks aboard Pasha, Paul and Sharon’s boat
and a cool but enjoyable BBQ on the quayside using
the marina’s facilities, tables and chairs and pergola.
However, the following day Joe and Heather
were to be seen cleaning their host’s boat, a very
large one, both internally and externally with Joe to
be seen standing precariously in a tender with hose
in hand. They said they volunteered, yea, right!
The risk of libel prevents me from naming names
but Pasha looks very clean doesn’t it?
So, if you receive a generous offer be wary as I
understand the Rear Commodore’s next two items
on his to do list are anti fouling and cleaning the
holding tanks, you have been warned.
Bilge Rat is on the lookout for more of the same!
Bomber Flypast
For those of you who
were in Birdham or the
Marina on the afternoon
of 15 September and
were surprised by a
Lancaster bomber flying
round five times very
low overhead, it was
in fact arranged as a
fly past for my father,
Maurice Garlick’s 100th
birthday. He was an
RAF navigator on a
Lancaster and was shot
down. He bailed out
over France and was
injured and crawled
through woods for three
weeks before being
rescued and hidden
by the Resistance. Up
to last year he was a
member of CYC and my
mother is still an active
A Squadron Leader
in the RAF very kindly
arranged for this tribute
for my father.
Jan Culverwell
Motor section
Ongoing First Friday Success
It started with eight, then there were three
The Motor Section First Fridays are proving to be
an ongoing growing success and are regularly well
attended by not just a core of the same people, but
we are delighted that new members have been joining us with a positive response.
This event is a great time to meet other members of
your section and get involved. It’s a lot about the fun
and friendship, spending time and swapping stories
with like minded people.
Do come along if you have not been before, remember 1st Friday evening of every month
See you there
he cruise leader’s boat was hors de combat, one was still out of the water,
one was late back from land based holiday, one was unable to get crew
and the other one developed an electrical fault on the day of sailing.
Two set off from Chichester on Friday with one alumni leaving Swanwick that
morning. Sea conditions on Friday morning were fine but by the afternoon a
thorough rain drenching was had by the Medoc crew who had gone ashore after
meeting up with Christelle. Undaunted by the downpour a spot of Medoc style
retail therapy was enjoyed. On return to the boat the still hot engine room was
pressed into action as a drying room after Carole jury rigged a washing line. Sholin then arrived with an equally drenched crew, this time from both sea and rain.
Friday evening saw Medoc and Christelle enjoy an early drinks party, following which Sholin and Christelles’ crews went ashore for food. Medoc skipper
Ian fired up the barbie, yes we do cook on board sometimes!!
On Saturday morning we woke to a line of empty bottles on Medoc’s aft deck. I
am sure that was my brother’s influence, nothing to do with the boat’s name!
Once the domestic activities had been attended to David from Christelle took a
walk with Peter my brother, to the power boat pits to meet his visitors for the race
on Sunday. This was followed by a walk along the prom to watch jetski racing.
In the evening each boat organised their own entertainment and a relatively
early night was had by all in readiness for the racing on Sunday. Medoc enjoyed fabulous lobster at Murrays, while the other two crews went for Tapas.
Sunday morning brought a brisk WSW wind. The class A race this year was
from Cowes - Teignmouth - Cowes as they were unable to go to Torquay due
to a large yacht regatta. The P1s were racing from the Solent to Poole and
back to Gurnard. Unfortunately due to the dreaded Elf & Safety the actual start
was off North Head, so no racing was to be seen until the boats returned to
the finish, unless you were prepared to slop around of North Head buoy. Karen
and David had one less visitor than expected so Peter was invited to join them
to go out to watch the start. He reports that sea conditions were sloppy to say
the least, but no-one saw their breakfast again much to Karen and Davids’
relief. Once the P1s had started Christelle took a slow run back toward Cowes.
They were delighted when the P1 winner, one of David’s clients, arrived at the
finish at the same time as them and proceeded to do doughnuts around their
boat whilst the helicopter filmed overhead. After this excitement all the crews
decided to have a relaxing afternoon prior to the cruise drinks party on board
Medoc. Following this, as is tradition, an excellent meal was enjoyed by all at
the Island Sailing Club.
Monday morning saw Sholin and Christelle depart early to return to Chichester and Swanwick whilst Medoc’s skipper organised a Sea Lift to remove
the dreaded Chi worm from the props, rudders and bow thruster. This was a
novel experience which, with a stiff breeze and running tide, put the pulse rate
up somewhat as the gap was barely three inches between the gunwhales and
the supports on each side. All was cleared within an hour, but this meant that
Medoc arrived back at Chichester lock only 1 hour before low water, another
pulse raising time! However, we finally locked in and arrived safely back on our
berth in time for lunch.
All three crews had a thoroughly enjoyable time, albeit slightly sloppy being
berthed on the outermost Cowes Yacht Haven pontoon, and hope to repeat the
trip again next year. Attending boats: Christelle, Sholin, Medoc.
Motor Section Committee
A Motor section First Friday evening at the Club
Media news from Gary Watts
t has been my pleasure to serve on the committee his year as your PR and Media officer, It is
both an interesting and a vital role, one that is, to
my mind, crucial to the success of each section and
the Club as a whole.
By working closely with the committee and tireless office staff we have been able to bring to you
not only interesting news relating to technical and
safety issues, but also our social events and of
course our cruise programmes, highlighting the fun
and experiences we have enjoyed throughout the
You will see we have this year made more use of
our space on the notice board promoting the cruises
and also pictures of the events, whilst also showing
you our beaming faces, just so you can recognise
us when we are in the Club always happy to listen
or offer advice in anyway we can.
It is obviously vitally important to the Club’s ongoing success and enjoyment by the members that we
all make an effort to contribute in any way we can;
be this as simple as reportson crsuises you have
been on, anchorages you may have found, and
would like to share, through to safety issues, supporting social events and indeed selling the benfits
of the Clubto those berth holders around youthat
are not currently members.
My thanks must go to my colleagues on the Motor
Section Committee for their valuable input and ongoing supply of information, to those members that
were kind enough to send in photos and of course
to the office without whom none of the information
would reach you. Please keep it coming in.
Happy boating
Carole Pinder, Medoc
Gary Watts
Dinghy section
From the tiller
Rear Commodore Chris Hodge asks for help with the pontoons
he past month has again been busy at the
Club with Oppie training, Youth training and
our Women were On the Water again. There
have also been two race series; the Autumn series
and the series we run with Dell Quay which is always a great pleasure. There was also the Optimist
Open, the Youth Turbo Regatta and of course the
Dinghy Section AGM.
The Optimist Open meeting was a huge success
with 37 in the main fleet and 12 in the Regatta fleet
with 12 CYC boats spread between the fleets. Our
sailors made a good showing with Arthur Fry, Lucy
Mellers and Charlie Elliott well up in the main fleet
and Raulf Berry in the top half of the Regatta fleet.
Well done to all the CYC Optimist sailors.
Thank you to all who attended the AGM and for
re-electing me as Rear Commodore. There are
some changes on the Dinghy section committee
and I am pleased to welcome the new faces. David
Evans and David Noyce have agreed to take on the
role of Beachmaster between them, Annette has
joined Louise Varley as the Topper fleet captains
and Ras Turner will be Race Officer this year. Many
thanks to Charles Porter, Anne Watkins and Steve
Kelsall for all the hard work they have put in and
are now standing down from these roles.
Two other important items were discussed and
are worth mentioning. Mike Oakland raised the
Youth sailing news
Dinghy contacts
l R-Cdre Dinghies
Chris Hodge
l Sailing Secretary
Mark Harper
l Race Officer
Ras Turner
l Youth & VCC
Laurie Winther
l Beachmasters
David Evans &
David Noyce
from Laurie Winther
Youth Sailing and RaceTraining Coordinator
irst and foremost congratulations to our
CYC team who entered the West Sussex Schools and Youth Sailing Association
regatta, held at Felpham on 22 September. In challenging conditions with a good breeze, Charlotte
Reading came 3rd, Hannah Thompson 6th, and
Sam Reading, in his first event, a good 18th. The
Sunday was abandoned completely as lumpy seas
and high winds and lashing rain moved in.
I am delighted with the improvements in the sailing and confidence of the youth sailors who have
taken part in the coaching: A lot of sailors had had
the encouragement and guts to sail in both the
winter series, so were far from rusty when they attended the first session, and they have continued to
build on those skills and all of a sudden its almost
time for the Frozen Toe to start again! Find those
dry suits guys and go for it!
The last youth coaching of this year took place
on16 September. Almost perfect sailing weather
and it was a good one to end on, with the Race
Group trying out team racing for the first time! All a
little alien until Martin brought Stephi out onto the
course in a Topper and she showed them how it
was done. Amazing how the competitiveness is infectious and the boat handling improves with hardly
a thought. The squeals of delight over the finishing
line said it all. We managed to run 17 races that
Thanks to Abbie Page who enjoyed coaching the
intermediate Topper group, sailing over the far side
issue of the power winch and I am very pleased
that David Noyce has agreed to take the lead
on this as it has long been needed but until
now nobody was prepared to move it forwards.
Secondly, Ron Green brought it to our attention that extra effort is needed on the pontoons
and it was agreed that the fleet captains
should each organise a Saturday work party
on the pontoons. So when you get the call
from your fleet captain please do try to help
so we can get the other pontoons in place as
soon as possible.
We also have two Dinghy section members who
have been nominated to join the General Committee of the Club so please make every effort to come
to the AGM on 21 October, in case they need your
Next month, on 10 November we are holding the
Dinghy Section Dinner and prizegiving. Those that
came last year will remember that we had a great
evening. For those who missed it and for our new
members: this was held as a ‘Bring a Dish’ evening
with everyone contributing to the buffet. It worked
wonderfully well and we all enjoyed the great selection of main courses and the scrumptious desserts.
It was the social high point of the year for our
section and we aim to repeat and improve on it this
year, so get this date in your diary NOW!
of Chichester Lake, some for the first time, and to
Andrew Martin who coached the Lasers.
We had a bit of a cake fest on the lawn after the
debrief and I’m sure everyone had already burned
off the calories consumed photographic evidence
in print!
We have relied on the support of parents to help
run every one of the training sessions and again it
has been a joy and easy to gain the help. I am very
grateful to you all.
Diary Dates: Topper Open on 14 October here
at CYC and the Dinghy Section Prize-giving on 10
November; bring a dish and be prepared to clap!
Please can anyone with photos taken this year get
them to me, either leave a stick/cd at the office or
email them to me, so I can compile a slide presentation of the year. The sooner the better!
Dates for next year’s coaching have been set, and
I will post them on the dinghy section website soon.
Do check for all up to
date youth training information, race reports and
notice of events.
2013 Programme
and Duties
The 2013 outline
Dinghy Section
Programme is now on
display in the sloop
and we would appreciate it if you would
sign up for two duties
when you are next at
Many thanks
Ron Green
Cake fest on the lawn!
Dinghy section
Race reports
compiled by Meryl Deane
Optimist Open Sunday 2 September
Report by Luke South
cont. from front page
The two Race Officers, Main and Regatta Fleet both put their
charges through the passes with the Black Flag making an appearance in the last race on the Main Fleet as the tide changed
to take the fleet across the line, however, with verbal encouragement the fleets all started cleanly giving all a fair race in challenging conditions.
Last year’s winner of the Regatta Fleet, now graduated to the
main fleet, Henry Chandler, put in a fine display to finish mid fleet
in 20th. The CYC competitors were headed up by Lucy Mellers, with Arthur Fry in a very respectable 9th place as top home
boat. Sophie Hempsell from Bosham (last year’s Main Fleet
winner) headed the Chichester Harbour fleet home in 7th. With
Millie Boyle (RLYC) putting in an impressively consistent series
with two firsts to count, she pushed fellow club member Jenny
Cropley in to second place with only Zac Riley from Weir Wood
breaking RLYC’s strangle hold on the top positions.
With the light winds the Regatta Fleet faced their challenges
too, the twelve strong fleet was again dominated by RLYC with
Henry Heathcote showing excellent boat handling skills, impressive starts and boat speed a foiling moth would be proud of, he
came home the worthy winner closely followed by Kiean Young
and Hector Bennett all three of whom won a race, but it was
consistency that won the day for Henry. Special comment too
to harbour locals Raulf Berry and Sam Thomson, both showing
talent in their 1st year of racing.
Off the water the CYC Team continued to impress laying on a
sumptuous tea for all, followed by the prize giving supplemented
by Gill’s generous supply of wallets.
supported by
Autumn Series
Races 1,2 & 3 Sunday 19 August
he first races of the Autumn Series took place on Sunday
19 August, the hottest day of the year. With a minimal
breeze a number of sailors were seen heading for the
beach and a few failed to get off the shore, finding the Clubhouse
more attractive than sunbathing on their boat!
The lack of wind and long course made it a very slow first race
with most boats taking an hour and a half to finish Race 1. A
shorter course was set for the next two races.
In the Fast/Modern Fleet Chris Hodge & Louise Varley in their
Laser 2000 made the best of the conditions, with two firsts and a
second. Isabella & Paul Mapstone (RS200) also enjoyed the light
winds (RS200) finishing first in Race 3 and second in Race 2.
In the Classic/ Medium fleet, Derek Jackman (Solo) took advantage of the light conditions, and was first races in1 and 2, but
stayed on shore for Race 3. Meanwhile Jason Kirk took the CYC
Laser out on the water to win Race 3, after a 2nd and a 3rd in the
previous races. Ras Turner (Solo) and Ben Thompson (Laser)
were close to the top of the Fleet with 2nd place in races 2 and 3
respectively while Hamish Scott had a good Race 3 in his Laser
to finish 3rd.
In the Slow Fleet Hannah Thompson in a Topper managed
to keep well ahead of the rest in Race 1 to take 1st some ten
minutes ahead of the next boat. In Race 2 Will Dodd kept ahead
in his Topper to take 1st while Sophie Kirk managed to just beat
Hannah to take 2nd and 3rd. Race 3 was very short and Will
Dodd again took first place.
Races 4 & 5 Saturday 25 August
n complete contrast to the previous week Races 4 &5 were
held in conditions initially with winds of Force 5-6, with big
gusts although the wind eased off a little during the racing to
F4-5 at times. The races were combined with a postponed race
for women helms (ladies’ race) so the Fleets had a single start. A
number of keen racers had been at Fed Week, and were reported
to be exhausted after their week at Hayling!
Race office Richard Smale set a simple course in Chichester
Lake, appreciated by participants.
In Fast/Modern Fleet there were two Laser 2000s, Ian & James
Farr took 1st in both races with Helen & Stephen Green second. In
the Classic/Medium Fleet both Races were won by Chris Spencer
in a Laser with Meryl Deane in her Streaker Wave 2nd in Race 4
and 3rd in Race 5. Hugh Sutton, Laser Radial was 2nd in Race 6,
In the Slow Fleet Race 5 was won by Izzy Porter in her Optimist
on handicap while Will Dodd was 2nd. In Race 6 the 1st three
places went to Toppers with Will Dodd first, Charlotte Reading
came in second just ahead of Hannah Thompson in third.
The results of the Ladies Race on handicap across all three
Fleets were 1st Charlotte Reading, 2nd Izzy Porter, 3rd Hannah
Race 6 Saturday 8 September
Saturday 8 September brought an exceptionally warm day with
minimal breeze. The good weather brought out a clutch of enthusiastic sailors, although the wind was disappointing. The race
started in very little wind, at times many boats hardly moving. The
wind filled in enough to take most of the boats round the course,
although a few gave up due to the conditions.
The Fast & Classic Fleets started together, and some of the
single handed Classic boats were able to keep ahead of the
‘’faster’ double handers. In the end patience and the faster boats
won out in the Fast Fleet, 1st Paul & Isabella Mapstone RS200,
2nd Mike Linney & Giles Dixon Laser 2000, 3rd Will & Jemma
King Laser 4000.
In the Classic and Slow Fleets it was tricky to make it round
the course, but such were the conditions that most of the Classic
Fleet finished ahead of some of the Fast Fleet. 1st Mark Harper,
2nd Ron Green, 3rd Ras Turner all in Solos.
In the Slow Fleet it was even harder to make it round the
course, this week all the competitors were juniors, and five did
well to stick with the conditions to finish. 1st Hannah Thompson
Topper, 2nd Charlotte Reading Topper, 3rd Jessie Hodge Topper.
Race 7 & 8 16 September
unday brought a cool day, with a light and very variable
breeze, especially tricky in Race 7. Fortunately the breeze
filled in a little for the second race, but racing was quite tactical and the tide had a considerable effect in such light winds.
In Race 7 in the Fast/Modern Fleet Jason & Sonia Kirk got
well away from the rest in their RS400 and maintained their lead
throughout the race to take first. Meanwhile, Paul & Isabella Mapstone had a good race in their RS200, keeping well ahead of the
chasing Laser 2000 of Chris Hodge & Louise Varley to take 2nd
with Chris & Louise 3rd. In Race 8 Jason & Sonia Kirk again were
well ahead in the RS400. This time there was some very close racing amongst the Laser 2000s, with Helen & Stephen Green finally
finishing second just ahead of Mike Linney & Giles Dixon in third.
In the Classic Fleet, Ian Payne led throughout the race in his
Laser, but was beaten into 2nd on handicap with Laurence Murray
taking 1st in his Solo and Roger MiIllett also in a Solo in 3rd. In
Race 8 Ian Payne managed to keep far enough ahead in his Laser
to take 1st with Roger Millett this time well ahead of Laurence Murray.
In the Slow Fleet only Nicola Green participated, (as many others were at the CYC youth training). Nicola completed both races
in her Byte to finish with two firsts.
Dinghy section
Race results continued.
CYC /Dell Quay SC Autumn Series
Races 1&2 Saturday 1 September
he first 2 Races of the joint DQSC/CYC Series took place
on Saturday 1 September. Competitors arriving at both
clubs found themselves faced with almost no wind, and a
struggle to get to the start line. Race Office Roger Millet running
the Races from CYC Committee boat Cyclone, set a start line
in the Dell Quay sailing area. With a postponed start, racing got
underway in the three Fleets with 28 boats from the two clubs.
However the first race was sailed in very little wind.
In the Fast/Modern Fleet the top end of the Fleet were predominantly CYC boats. In Race 1 the conditions proved tricky,
with very variable light wind. CYC RS200 sailors unusually
outnumbered Laser 2000 sailors with three RS200s having some
very close racing, swapping positions in the early part of the
race. Peter & Suzy Harrison put a good time in the conditions to
take 1st in their Laser 2000, 2nd were Jennie & Alistair Fletcher
in their RS200 & 3rd Meryl Deane & Ian Payne RS200 (all from
CYC). In the second race the wind picked up a little making the
race a little less frustrating. The CYC RS200s again started well,
however this time the RS400 of Jonathan & Kate Morley (CYC)
was able to get away from the fleet to take first. 2nd were Anne
& Jim Norfolk Laser 2000 (DQSC) and 3rd again went to Meryl
Deane & Ian Payne RS200.
In the Medium/Classic Fleet, the first race similarly struggled in
the light wind, indeed at one point a number of the sailors were
seen to be moving backwards for some time as the wind dropped
and the tide took over. There was eventually enough wind to
finish Race 1. The Classic Fleet was dominated by Mark Harper
Solo (CYC) with a first in both races. Unusually the next two
places were also the same in both races, 2nd went to Richard
Ede Solo (DQSC) with Derek Jackman Solo (CYC) taking 3rd.
In the Slow Fleet Bruce Dupree (DQSC) took two firsts, being
better at judging the conditions, and was ahead by a substantial
margin in Race 1. Hector & Izzy Monroe RS Feva (CYC) were
second in both races with Stephen Green Byte, (CYC) taking 3rd
in Race 2.
Races 3&4 Saturday September 15
he second day of the CYC /DQSC inter-club series took
place on Saturday 15 September, on a warm day with a
cool light breeze.
In Race 3 in the Fast Fleet, there was some close competition
between the Laser 2000s and RS200s, The top end of the Fleet
was dominated by CYC, who took the first three places in this
race, 1st Chris Hodge & Louise Varley Laser 2000, 2nd Helen &
Stephen Green Laser 2000, 3rd Jenny & Alistair Fletcher RS200.
In Race 4 Anne & Jim Norfolk in a Laser 2000 (DQSC) put in very
quick time to take first with Chris & Louise second and Helen &
Stephen third.
In the Classic Fleet, Derek Jackman of CYC and Richard
Ede of DQSC both in Solos had a very close race, with Derek
finally finishing just ahead to take first. In race 4 Derek Jackman
manged ot get away well in his Solo and kept well ahead of the
chasing pack to take 1st, with Peter Hughes 2nd (Solo, CYC) &
Richard Ede 3rd.
The only sailor in the Slow Fleet was Nicola Green who finished with two firsts
Full Results:
The Muffin Top Column
Laser 2000ish and training news October
WoW Friday 28/9 was my last WoW of the season. I think there
is still another to come from Chris? Three Toppers, two Lasers,
great chocolate brownie, a dvd and some chalk and talk. Oh, and
a whole bunch of breeze to challenge our sailors of the fairer sex.
In the modern vernacular it was WELL GOOD and Paula Olliff is
extremely proud to be the only non-capsizer. In my vernacular it
was hairy conditions and the girls done good. Brilliant progress
and survival skills developed since the beginning of the season,
and that’s just how to cope with the volume of cake!
2TARTS is go The Two Thousand Adult Race Training Sessions
(2Tarts) first planning session took place at CYC Thurs night 27/9
in the quarterdeck. We chalked (again) we talked (even more)
and we had a quiz on “visual aids over the years” with our old
video (Merricks and Walker gibing in a gale), the Club DVD and
a flipchart. Mike Linney drove the flipchart with aplomb. We had
a fabulous and exciting evening (really) and are super fired up for
our events to come. We have a plan of Thursday evening suppers, talk ‘n chalk and Q&A. This will follow a planned and progressive curriculum to fill in some of the gaps in the knowledge
of our keen core 2000 sailors. Emphasis will be on team and
teamwork (it’s a two person boat) and the tenor is fun and enthusiastic. Practical and exciting. Theory we have some great DVD
and Video to watch and will generate some more of our own.
Theory Suppers are Thursday once a month before the first
Frozen Toe or Snowflake of each month. Pedro will lead but we
will also have guest speakers and guest coaches. On the water
sessions are Saturday following the Thursday Theory. To kick off,
our first formal theory session will be on Thurs 11 Oct. Saturday
13 Oct is Birdham Barrell race (early start). Pedro will watch, note
and then we will meet for a debrief and Q&A).
After that Thurs 1 Nov (theory & supper) and Sat 3 Nov (coached
yottin) gets us into our regular cycle.
Who can come? We have eight boats already signed up and
costs (both for evening and practical sessions) are very modest.
On a pay and play basis no prebooking required. Anyone from
any class at any level is welcome to the Thurs evening sessions.
The Saturday Practicals you will need a Laser 2000 and be
prepared to look after yourself afloat and already be competent to
get across a startline and round a triangle course in moderate to
breezy conditions. All welcome but please check with me first, do
not just expect to turn up and be included. Also, you’d really need
to commit to all (or most), this is a continuous and progressive series of complementery workshops each building on the success
of the last.
The Rooster voting for Xmas? With no arm twisting at all Steve
Cockerill has offered us a generous discount off Rooster gear
and some other bits and pieces of support. A big TY to SC. The
caveat is we have to process a bulk order together. So, if you
are a 2000 sailor and fancy this series, why not combine it with
your Xmas shopping list. We’ll process the order late October so
contact me if interested and I’ll forward to whom concerned.
Keep going What a fantastic season of quality yottin we’ve had!
Get your drysuit out and as it says on my stormy teacup Keep
Calm And Carry On. My skis are due out of the loft soon, but do
enjoy the FT and Snowflake where most of the 2TARTS will be
testing their newfound skills I believe.
As ever, this column is written by Capt Pedro who by avoiding
the DS AGM seems to have defaulted as L2K Class Capt for
eons more. These meanderings for a change had a bit of backup
from all the 2TARTS so far who are in no particular order: Pages,
Hodges, Olliffs, Winthers, Greens, Linney & Giles & Watkins.
If you like it, please let me know. Complaints however to any of
the aforementioned.
The chandlery
CYC diary
Sat 6 October
RC Laser AS 5
Launching trolley and road trailer. Newish sails, older spinna
ker, berthed at CYC.
£575 o.n.o
Fri 19 October
Sat 20 October
[email protected]
01243 784703
Sun 21 October
CYC Ramblers
RC Laser AS6
BST ends
Sun 28 October
Wed 31 October
RC Laser AS7
Ladies’ Lunch
Working Party
FC Laser FT1
Fireworks & Disco*
in GRP reduced by £1000 to £10,950 ono
Purchased new in 2007 with new road trailer & many options
above standard boat. (Todays price c.£18,000)
A very stable ,easily sailed traditional gaff rig, 500kg displace
ment, lifting C/board. Very forgiving in windy conditions.
Ashore in Bosham. Mooring available. Still in production .
For inventory/photos,please contact
Reg Stacey 07803 922487 or email:[email protected]
‘Ebco’ plastic sextant
complete with instruction booklet & storage/carry case, £20
Sat 3 November
Friday 5 October
Three day Cruise
Friday 12 October
SF Sailor’s Social
Sat 20 October
Laying Up Supper &
Prizegiving **
Winter Woolies cruise
Sat 27 October
Pls contact: [email protected] or 01243 576208
Harbour trips
he Club are aware that a number
of members are no longer active
sailors in their own boats but still
like to be acquainted with the beauty
of the harbour. There are a number of
members who live locally who would be
glad to offer a trip around the harbour in
suitable weather and the office would be
glad to put you in touch.
Here is one of our more senior and
experienced yachties enjoying a recent
boat trip on Otter II
Friday 5 October
FF Motors
Sat 20 October
Laying Up Supper &
Prizegiving **
FF Motors
Friday 2 November
Sat 6 October
Birdham Barrel 1,2
Sat 13 October
Sun 14 October
Topper Ass. Training Day
Birdham Barrel 3,4
Topper Open
Mon 15 October
Women on the Water
Sat 20 October
Sun 28 October
Oppie Training
Birdham Barrel 8,9,10
The Last Gasp Trophy Race
Sun 4 November
Frozen Toe 1,2
photo Annette Thompson
Streaker Wave in races 4 & 5 of Autumn Series
Newsletter published by:
Chichester Yacht Club
Chichester Marina
Birdham, Chichester
West Sussex PO20 7EJ
tel: 01243 512918
e-mail: [email protected]
Saturday 3 November
followed by
Matt Dean’s disco
Bar & BBQ food
from 5.30pm
Hatch meals available
6.30pm - 8.30pm
A small supplement will be charged on all meals
to contribute to the cost of the entertainment