June 2016 - Woodcote
June 2016 - Woodcote
Vol 27 No 6 June 2016 WOODCOTE ‘ROYAL’ SUMMER FESTIVAL 2016 Saturday the 10th of September, from 12 – 5pm, at Woodcote Village Hall. We have exciting news about the Woodcote Festival. This year’s event will be themed around the Queen’s 90th Birthday. There will be ‘Royal’ inspired competitions and children are encouraged to dress up for the Fancy Dress Parade in suitably royal and regal attire. The fun starts an hour earlier this year at 12 noon. We have Jan’s Pitstop providing her delicious burgers and sausages and we welcome the Fat Fox Food Company from Benson with their selection of hot and cold food and their interesting ‘bubble teas.’ Goring Heath Scout Group will once again be manning the tea, coffee and cake stand. Also new this year we are expanding the bar range to include local craft beers from the West Berkshire Brewery. Steph West will be running the bar all day but will need some volunteers to assist her, especially if it is as busy as last year! If you are able to serve for an hour or two, please contact her on 07873 258378. We will also be printing a Programme of Events which will be available on the day. Several thousand will be printed and there is some space for advertisers at very reasonable rates. would like your business publicised, contact Edith on [email protected]. If you please We are trying to increase the number of children’s activities at the Festival this year, based on last year’s feedback. KiddieBeads are a local company who will be running jewellery workshops. The RSPB stand will help children make bird feeders and our village pre-schools will be having fun activities too. We are also looking at providing bouncy castles for various age ranges. Do let us know if you would like to have a stall for children's activities or for your own charity or business. Speak to Jo on 07880 330697. Now is the time to consider what competitions you will enter. You will be able to collect entry forms at the end of June from Londis, the Post Office, the Library or the garden centre. Alternatively, you will be able to print one from the Facebook page ‘WOODCOTE FESTIVAL INFORMATION PAGE South Oxfordshire.’ The categories for fruit and vegetables can be found inside this issue of the Correspondent, so get planting! The remaining categories will be printed in the July issue of The Correspondent, where you will see lots of new competitions and fun entries with a Queen theme! SERVICES AT ST LEONARD’S IN JUNE COMMENT FROM THE VICARAGE This month will see the nation celebrating the official birthday of the Queen as she marks her 90th year. She is the longest reigning monarch in British history and so we have much to celebrate. As you can see from the adjoining column on this page, at St. Leonard’s we will be dedicating our Sunday worship on the 12th of June to a thanksgiving for the Queen and in the afternoon we will enjoy royal fun and games at Messy Church. We hope that many people will want to come and join us. Even if you do not count yourself as a regular church-goer you are most welcome. Recently, I listened to a radio programme from BBC Radio Wales entitled ‘The Queen and her Faith’. During the programme the Revd Dr. Leslie Griffiths, Methodist Minister and Superintendent of Wesley’s Chapel, said that he was struck by the fact that although, for him, the idea of monarchy and all the power and privilege that went with it was not something that he particularly agreed with or believed in, somehow he found himself having a great respect and affection for the Queen. He recognised, he said, that in some way she managed by virtue of her personality, her presence and her faithfulness to transcend what we might call the trappings of royalty, and in so doing become, for us, a model of inspiring and committed leadership; “It ought not to work for me,” he said, “but it does.” The programme went on to explore the ways in which the Queen chooses to make very public her personal and deeply held Christian faith, most notably in the Christmas Day broadcasts, but also in how her faith is lived out in her life of service and her understanding of her role as that of a servant to the people of this country and the Commonwealth. Her reign was described by another contributor as ‘faithful in every sense’; faithful in commitment and years but also sustained by her faith in the person of Jesus Christ and in her desire to follow his example in all that she does as Queen. She is of course, the Supreme Governor of the Church of England so it is only right that we should honour her at this time of national celebration. I hope that, in the midst of all the tributes on television and radio, in the papers and in national and local events, we will take heed of what has been a constant and enduring theme for the Queen in all that she has said and done in her long reign. With grace and humility she has invited us all to take seriously the love of God and the call of Christ. So whether, in the words of Leslie Griffiths, the Queen ‘works for you’ or not, we can give thanks that she consistently points us towards the things of faith and wears her own position and privilege lightly. This stance is exemplified in a forward that she wrote for a recent publication about her life. She recalls a poem read to the nation by her father, King George VI, on Christmas Day 1939; 5th June (Trinity 2) I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.’ Mass times: 8.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion No service at St. Leonard’s Team Service at Ipsden with Bishop Colin 12th June (Trinity 3) 8.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion Worshipping Together (A Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Queen.) 19th June (Trinity 4) 8.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion The Open Door 26th June (Trinity 5) 8.00 a.m. 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion Parish Communion Marriage Oliver Milnes & Katie Ayres 5th May Sunday June 12th Messy Church celebrates the Queen’s Birthday 2.30 – 4.30 pm in the Village Hall. Everyone welcome. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST THE KING South Stoke Road, Woodcote Priest: Father Antony Conlon. Asst Priest: Father Jacob Lewis Telephone: 01491 872181 Sunday at 11.30 am Thursday at 12.00 Confession: The third Saturday of the month from 12.00-12.30 Blessings, Linda 2 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK PUBLISHER INFORMATION Editor: Martin Fowmes, 3 Oakdene, Woodcote, RG8 0RQ Tel: 07428 704254 Dear Readers I hope everyone saw the wonderful article on the front page of last month’s Correspondent. Due to an unfortunate oversight I forgot to rightfully credit Jean-Paul Brouard with all the hard work of writing it! Sorry Jean-Paul. If anyone would like to contact Jean-Paul about his article or anything else the conservation group get up to, please contact him via the WCG or me at our usual email address, and I will make sure they are passed on to him. Articles for inclusion: to the editor by email to: [email protected] — to be received by 12th of the preceding month. Advertisers: To place an advertisement, please email [email protected] for details of prices and how to produce your ad in our house style. The deadline for payment and your finished advert is the 12th of the preceding month. Small Ads and Announcements: £5 for three lines. The Correspondent did not receive the huge sackload of cards the Queen is about to receive but we do have a winner of our card competition. I would like to congratulate Isla Millican (aged 5) for her lovely card. You can see her card in our pictures section. Isla, we will be in contact with your mummy shortly to find out what art materials you would like. Photographs: Photos should be unedited and as high a resolution as possible (at least 500kB). Please send them as attachments to [email protected]. Production: Advertising: Reporter: Treasurer: Distribution: Dan Oldfield 01491 681962 Claire Jones 01491 680955 Chloe Spires Gill Athey 01491 680970 Ken Poyser 01491 680573 Bernadette Brennan 01491 680952 Note: The Woodcote Correspondent is edited, produced and distributed by volunteers. Cover Design: Rob Spencer Printer: C J Services 07860 630865 The Woodcote Correspondent is on the Village website at www.woodcote-online.co.uk/facilities The Woodcote Correspondent AGM is due to take place on Thursday the 9th of June at 7.30pm at the Community Centre. Please come along to chat to us, and see how things are run. We would also like to hear from anyone who would like to get involved. We are always on the lookout for committee members. Would you like to be our Advertising Manager or Treasurer? It is not as daunting as it sounds. Get in touch or join us at the AGM. Till next month, Martin mb mortimer burnett Chiltern Domestic Appliances Est 1985 Repairs, Servicing and Sales Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers, Dishwashers, Cookers Certified accountants and business consultants Come and speak to us about reducing your personal tax liability. Telephone: 01491 874 332 Email: [email protected] The White House, Mill Road, Goring on Thames, RG8 9DD * Low call-out fee *Prompt Attention Tel: 01491 638146 The Garden House, Woodcote Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information printed in this paper, the Editor and Committee cannot accept responsibility for the contents of advertisements or any errors that may occur. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or Committee. 3 4 Given the lack of parking near the delivery office, and the 60p each way charge, surely something needs to be done? LETTERS Dear Sir, Am I the only one in the area covered by the Correspondent who is totally brassed off with the Blood & Transplant Service? Firstly, they stop using Woodcote Village Hall with its ample car-parking space and move the sessions to Goring Village Hall, which has no parking space at all. Were we given prior warning and reasons for the move? I certainly was not! I call on our parish council to intervene on our behalf and come to a sensible arrangement with the post office. Martin Fowmes Dear Sir, On Saturday the 14th of May our three horses bolted from our stable due to a momentary lapse in judgement, and ended up running along part of the B4526 and up Long Toll. There were a number of motorists and cyclists that were inconvenienced but then helped us with both lifts and stopping them from proceeding further into the village. Being a public-spirited sort of guy, I swallowed my pride and booked appointments in Goring. Then, when I tried to make an appointment for last September’s session they told me to ring nearer the time, which I did and still did not get an appointment. Later I was glad about that because I heard it was cancelled and some people travelled from Woodcote to give blood only to find a sign on the door. The session was re-arranged for Sunday the 27th of December, yes two days after Christmas and I still could not get an appointment, but guess what? It was cancelled again and once again people travelled from Woodcote to find a sign on the door. The event truly scared the life out of me as they are my partners horses not mine, and it has made me extra cautious and just aware how quickly these things can happen and escalate. I would like to give a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to everyone who stopped and/or helped, especially to the gentlemen in the red van and the white car, and the lady who helped to stop them at the top of Long Toll. Dave Fisher In the meantime I have received letters, emails and texts telling me that, because of my blood group, it is particularly important I should continue to give blood. Scroll forward then to the next session, yesterday – May the 11th. Once again I rang for an appointment and was told there was nothing available and to call again the day before the session. I did that and there were still no appointments. I explained about the letters I had received and it was suggested I should turn up anyway and wait for an opening. I duly turned-up and was turned away in spite of explaining about the letters I have received. Thames Valley Police is offering free Home Security Assessment visits from one of your local officers. This will involve the officer coming to visit you at your property at a time that suits you, and going around your house (inside and out) to assess the security of your property. They will make suggestions on how to improve security, if needed. If you would like to take up this offer, please get in contact with the email address below, and we will be in touch to set a date. – [email protected] I have written to Mike Stredder (Director of Blood Donation) and received no reply. I emailed my complaint yesterday – no reply. It seems I just cannot give my blood away – maybe I should charge for it!! Any suggestions?! Sam Peates Dear Sir, Surely, I cannot be the only person living in Woodcote who has missed a postal delivery that needed a signature and then been obliged to make the trip down to Pangbourne delivery office? Taking Time to Care Home based companionship care services in Berkshire and Oxfordshire. The last time it happened I asked the beleaguered man behind the counter if there was a way to get it delivered to Woodcote Post Office in future. First he said I was the seventh person that day to ask this question and then he told me I needed to fill in a form online and they would transfer any nondelivered items to there for collection. The service we offer is perfect for people who need support after discharge from hospital, older people, both those living alone and in couples, for family carer respite breaks and anyone who is finding it harder to cope at home. We also offer personal care when required. For a no obligation one-to-one discussion about your needs please contact Melanie Meads. [email protected] Tel. 01189 323 865 www.q1care.co.uk Q1Care Ltd, Mortimer House, 49 Church Street Theale, Berkshire RG7 5BX You can imagine my surprise then when the situation happened again so I filled in the online form, agreed to pay 70p for the privilege and got another ‘failed to deliver’ note. It even mentioned that this was the second attempt to deliver my parcel! So, a trip down to Pangbourne delivery office was needed yet again. Q1Care Ltd is approved by the Care Quality Commission 5 Book your free trial class at: Woodcote Village Hall The Castle Leisure Centre R&R Frontline Studios Chrissies’ Cabs 07870 501831 [email protected] www.dance-connection.co.uk 01491 682 412 PRE SCHOOL DANCE BALLET MODERN TAP MUSICAL THEATRE SHOWS ISTD EXAMS SQUAD TRAINING COMPETITIONS All staff fully qualified, CRB checked & licenced Chaperones to ensure a high standard of training In a fun, safe environment 07808 162985 BONNER LOCKSMITHS INSURANCE APPROVED DOOR & WINDOW LOCKS SUPPLIED & FITTED (BS3621) DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL PREMISES DIGITAL LOCKS GRILLES BARS ALL AREAS COVERED CALL OUT 01491 680216 Crestwell House, Beech Lane WOODCOTE, READING SERVICE FULL MEMBER OF BRITISH LOCKSMITH INSTITUTE Simon Porter & Co TAI CHI AND QIGONG Gentle Mind, Body and Spirit Exercises …taking the hassle out of… Improve your balance, strength and flexibility Suitable for all ages and abilities Accounts, VAT, Payroll, Taxation… …business and personal NEW WOODCOTE CLASS Serving South Oxfordshire and other local locations Daytime, Evening and Weekend Classes For a free no-obligation hour’s chat, call Simon Porter FCA on (o) 0118 947 8158 (m) 07873 343669 www.karenpounds.co.uk Mobile 07867954786 1 Prospect Street, Caversham, Reading RG4 8JB 6 way for the public to gain wider knowledge of stag beetles and for PTES to find out what their populations look like, which will in turn aid our wider conservation efforts.” SPOTTED A STAG BEETLE? Help save the UK’s largest land beetle by recording your sightings Like many British species, it is becoming rare to catch a glimpse of the formidable looking, but friendly, stag beetle (Lucanus cervus). Sadly, their numbers are dwindling across Europe due to loss of habitat and predators including cats, magpies and humans. In parts of Britain stag beetles are already extinct, so help is needed to prevent further decline. This spring, People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is asking the public to record any sightings of these iconic insects by taking part in their annual Great Stag Hunt. For more advice on how to identify a stag beetle, to find out what to do if you find a stag beetle or dig up stag beetle larva, visit: www.ptes.org/stagbeetles. CHECKENDON PRE SCHOOL Well, the term is flying by and we are now planning our summer activities weather dependent of course (although a bit of rain has proved to be great fun!) We are looking forward to our annual Sports Day which is always so enjoyable for everyone. The children will begin practising soon, ready for Friday the 1st of July. We aim to include all the children and hold a variety of fun races which are also a bit challenging. Following the races a traditional picnic is shared, giveing the day a relaxed, informal atmosphere enjoyed by all. Stag beetles emerge from mid-May onwards, and live in gardens, parks, woodland edges and traditional orchards. Stag beetles are prevalent throughout southern England and coastal areas of the south west, while they are less common in the north of England and the South Downs. PTES also wants to hear from people living in areas that border the stag beetles’ known range, such as Devon, Norfolk, Worcestershire and Yorkshire. Our cooking session - Little Chefs - is going from strength to strength. A committee member joins us weekly to provide the children with the opportunity to develop kitchen skills whilst making some delicious food. Stag beetles can reach up to 75mm in size, which makes them the second largest of all UK beetles after the water beetle, and also easy to spot! For the majority of their life cycle, stag beetles remain underground as larvae, feeding on rotten wood. They can remain as larvae for as long as 7 years and once fully grown they build a large cocoon in the soil where they pupate before finally metamorphosing into their adult, more recognisable, form. We thoroughly enjoyed the rainy weather and celebrated it by racing snails! One of our children brought a selection of snails to Pre-School so we thought that we would make the most of them by holding a mini snail Olympics! Each snail was chosen and named by each child, a juicy leaf picked as an incentive to race and then they were off! The village hall car park was a riot of cheering and support - a good practise for our own Sports Day! Then we built an obstacle course and sent our snails up and down balancing ramps. Great fun and a super way to enjoy the rain! Last year’s Great Stag Hunt saw 5,796 recorded stag beetle sightings, including 901 sightings in Hampshire alone. There are no set rules for the Great Stag Hunt, just simply record any sightings of stag beetles online at www.ptes.org/stagbeetles, which will help PTES’ wider conservation strategy. Laura Bower, Conservation Officer at PTES says: “The Great Stag Hunt has involved thousands of people over the last 20 years. Now is the right time of year for people to record sightings of stag beetles, as they emerge from mid-May onwards. Gardens in particular are very important habitats, as stag beetles rely on decaying wood in contact with soil to feed on as larvae. Volunteers can help by retaining dead tree stumps or building a log pile in their gardens to ensure there is a good supply of dead wood for female stag beetles to lay their eggs in. We hope to see more volunteers joining this year’s Great Stag Hunt to help reverse their population decline.” We are getting close now to our big 2016 Fundraiser - the Checkendon Pre-School Run. Our website has all the details www.checkendonpreschool.co.uk and there are posters advertising it all around the local area. Please, please invite any family or friends to join in – it is only £10 to run and the course is in a local field in Checkendon - thanks to Bill for his generosity and support. We are a wonderful group of children who adore learning and professional, experienced staff (all of whom have each been here at least 10 years) who do give the very best and stimulating care for your children aged 2-5yrs. We are a friendly group and always happy to meet new families and set your children on a positive, learning path where play, activities, conversation and fun are the name of the game. To further raise the profile of beetles, PTES is working with MG Leonard, author of the best-selling children’s novel Beetle Boy. This heart-warming story follows the adventure of a young boy and his friend Baxter, who is in fact a beetle. Beetle Boy is the first part of The Beetle Trilogy, and was published in March 2016 by Chicken House. For information please visit our website www.checkendonpreschool.co.uk or email me at [email protected]. We are also contactable by phone 01491 682589 or simply pop in to see us in Checkendon Village Hall. You can meet the staff and children and see what a light, bright, colourful environment the children call their own. Laura concludes: “PTES and MG Leonard are keen to show children and adults alike that beetles aren’t something to be afraid of, and in fact are something to be admired. PTES’ Great Stag Hunt is a fantastic We are always happy to meet you. 7 IPSDEN PRIVATE HIRE TAXI SERVICE LADY DRIVER For all your transport needs – airports, hospitals, long distance, shopping etc. Friendly advice and quotations. Just call or email Jill Yates 07894-994-047 e-mail: [email protected] Computer Problems? Is your PC outdated, misbehaving, virus infected? Fault Diagnosis, Maintenance & Upgrades, Data Recovery & Migration, Virus Cleaning, Networking, Broadband and much more. Phone Robin Piercey at Influential Computers on 01491 680036 or visit www.influentialcomputers.com 8 TREES Trees are an ongoing problem, but we do our best to minimise this by carrying out regular inspections and tree maintenance work. We are grateful that we have a couple of local tree experts who give us advice when we need it. CABIN PRE-SCHOOL What a very busy, exciting term we have had, with three new boys, Matthew, Daniel and Stanley, and a new team member Torri. Welcome to all. GREENS The entrances have been treated with wood chippings to keep them free from mud. This year it was necessary to do it twice. Our topic this term is mini beasts, which is enormous fun. We have already read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and made a lovely display. Not content with just pictures, we have moved in ten live caterpillars and they are living next to the baby stick insects. The children adore looking after them and watching them grow, but they are not as fond of feeding them with nettles and thistles! The Greens remain part of the Berinsfield contract and have been mowed to a high standard over the year bringing compliments from visiting sports teams and the attendees of the September Woodcote Festival. Football Friday is well under way. Our first session was a damp one but it did not dampen our spirits. We simply popped on our wet clothes and got outside and had fun. The football pitch receives regular attention from football club members and it is treated on a regular basis for weeds and worm casts. Obviously this term we found out where our bigger children would be going next September and a lot of work this term is put into getting those children ready for the transition. PE is always fun to practice for, sorry if anyone came home in the wrong socks! SPORT & THE FESTIVAL We congratulate the sports clubs on their success in promoting football and cricket in the village and the Village Hall Committee on another successful Festival on our glorious Green. Mondays are now all about singing as Mrs Critcher joins us to lead a rhyme time session. The children love it, and the days at Cabin are becoming really lovely, fun and busy. DOGS We have had some success in reducing the problem of dog-fouling, but we know we can never be complacent about this. Food wise, we have carried on our mini beast topic and the children made fruit kebabs using the fruit from the hungry caterpillar. They chopped and threaded the fruit then enjoyed eating it all up. PRACTICE GOAL Thanks to the availability of CIL funding we have been able to replace the practice goal which continues to be very popular with young people all year round. On a final note, we are really proud of our staff. Lorna is working really hard to get her IT exam and Anna is working at her maths. We wish them lots of luck in their exams! COMMITTEE Once again, I want to express thanks to our committee members for their hard work and dedication which enables us to continue to have a Village Green of which the whole village can be proud. Special thanks are due to Ken Ison (Secretary) and Ken Groom (Treasurer) not just for their admin duties but for the practical work in which they participate regularly and to David Booth, our link with the PC and who is also a regular work squad member, as is our new committee member, Doug Burton. Enjoy the sunshine – we are! WOODCOTE VILLAGE GREEN COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2016 2015-16 has been a busy year for the Village Green Committee. We are grateful to the Parish Council for the support they give to the Committee every year and it is very useful to have a Parish Councillor, David Booth, as an active member. Thanks are also due to Andy Crockett, our littercollector, who continues to do a very good job. THE FUTURE Recently, we have been busy drawing-up a strategic plan for the Green and Folly Field. We are keen to provide leisure opportunities for all-ages, as and when CIL funding is made available to us. So far, in addition to the practice goal, we have secured funding for an outdoor table-tennis table on the Green and for the creation of a hard-standing area on the Folly Field for basketball, 5-a-side football and other activities. We have produced a draft site-plan for new facilities and we have been canvassing views on this. PLAY With the exception of minor maintenance work, the Play Area has been remarkably trouble free. This is thanks in no small part to the regular inspections carried out by Ken Groom and his team of volunteers, who identify minor problems quickly so that remedial action can be taken before major expense needs to be spent on repairs I would like to take this opportunity to thank the team who do a great job to keep the play area safe for the enjoyment of all. 9 JRS SERVICES Unit 4B Wards Farm Industrial Estate Greenmore Woodcote RG8 0RB Recovery and Tyres Quality Tyres At Low Low Prices Tracking and Wheel Balancing Alloy Wheel Refurbishing For reliable service and the best prices With NO hidden extras Please call 01491 684030 R Hazell Recycling Waste Licence Waste Carrier – CB/QP3698MJ Waste Management Licence No. WML86315 4yd skip - £130 + VAT 6yd skip - £175 + VAT 12yd skip - £275 + VAT Roll On/Roll Off Skips Also Available Ring 01491 699101 10 ‘STAY AND PLAY’ IN WOODCOTE 50 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS There will be lots of fun activities taking place at our Stay and Play sessions in the Village Hall throughout June on Tuesday mornings from 10 am until 11.30 am. FRIDAY 15TH JULY @ WOODCOTE PRE-SCHOOL SAVE THE DATE!!!! Please note that the Mobile Play Bus will not be in Medill Close on the 1st of June, but will be there from 1- 2.30pm each Wednesday from the 8th of June. Are you involved in Woodcote Pre-School or have you been in the last 50 years? We would appreciate any old photos you may have so we can do a display board of Pre-School over the last 50 years. Please come and join us in our big celebration. There will be a Hog Roast, live band, refreshments, games, a bouncy castle, face painting, arts & crafts, raffle, a fancy dress competition and much more. Watch this space as the countdown begins, only 2 months to go! Tickets will be on sale from the beginning of June. If you would like a ticket please contact Wendy Powell at Woodcote Pre-School, tickets must be bought to secure your place. Tue 7th Drop-in ‘Stay and Play’ 10am-11.30am, Woodcote Village Hall, including Health Visitor Baby Clinic 10am-11am. Wed 8th Mobile Play Bus, 1pm-2.30pm, Medill Close, Woodcote. Tue 14th We would like to welcome Ezmae, Wiktor, Amber and their families who have joined us this term. We hope you enjoy your time with Woodcote Pre-School. Also we would like to say welcome to Sarah, our new temporary member of staff who has joined us. Drop-in ‘Stay and Play’ 10am-11.30am, Woodcote Village Hall, including Health Visitor Baby Clinic 10am-11am. . Wed 15th Mobile Play Bus, 1pm-2.30pm, Medill Close, Woodcote. Tue 21st Drop-in ‘Stay and Play’ 10am-11.30am, Woodcote Village Hall, including Health Visitor Baby Clinic 10am – 11am Wed 22nd Mobile Play Bus, 1pm–2.30 pm, Medill Close, Woodcote Tue 28th Drop-in ‘Stay and Play’ 10am-11.30am, Woodcote Village Hall, including Health Visitor Baby Clinic 10am–11am. Wed 29th Mobile Play Bus, 1pm–2.30 pm, Medill Close, Woodcote For any further information please call the Rainbow Children’s Centre in Sonning Common on 01189 724 024. The children are still enjoying their term learning all about different continents. We have been making igloos from cardboard boxes and sheets; investigating with ice, shaving foam and paints; been on Safari; camping, flying on an aeroplane, counting animals and exploring different patterns. They have enjoyed sampling some tapas, noodles, naan breads and prawn crackers. With some of the beautiful weather we had the children decided they wanted to sit and lay in the tuff spot full of water. The older children are preparing for their transition to school. They have been practising changing into their PE kits, trying on various different school uniforms, playing schools, learning phonics and writing their names and painting letters. We have been visiting Woodcote Primary School for some rhyming and singing sessions and will be going over in June for their official transition visits. We have lots of excited children who cannot wait to go to ‘Big School’ and some who never want to leave us! NETTLEBED ART & CRAFT SHOW Paintings, Drawings & Craft by local Artists Saturday 6th August 12 noon – 6pm Sunday 7th August 10am – 5pm at Nettlebed School We held a Skittles Night in May to raise funds for our 50th Anniversary Celebration and great fun was had by all. We made an amazing £443 profit. The Coffee Shop was also a great success and it made £210 profit for us. Thank you to everyone who attended, supported or helped us at these events. A big thank you to the Pre-School staff as none of this would be possible without all your hard work! Free Entry & Parking Teas available all day For visitor information or artist / craft entry forms email: [email protected] www.nettlebed.org.uk We currently have a vacancy for a permanent parttime Level 2/3 Pre-School Assistant. If you might be interested in this position please contact Wendy Powell. REGISTERED OSTEOPATH For more information about Woodcote Pre-School take a look at our website woodcotepreschool.co.uk. We still have a few spaces left so if you would like your child to start at Pre-School please contact Wendy Powell on 01491 682300, email [email protected]. KAREN L.PHILLIPS D.O. WOODCOTE PRACTICE 01491 684060 Flexible appointment times Private Health Insurance Provider 11 Gardening Decorating Clearances Call us for grass-cutting, hedge-trimming, fencing, decorating, house & garden clearance. We are a social enterprise (no shareholders), we are Trading Standards Approved and we also cut the grass for the Parish Council. Call for a quote now on 01865 343715 or email [email protected] Olliver & Son 01491 681286 Bathrooms refurbished Rads, Cylinders & Cisterns Aqualisa & Mira Showers Taps, Pumps and Valves Emergency Plumbing Quick, Clean, Quality, House Trained & Courteous Service [email protected] Located in the village hall we offer a relaxed and happy environment for playful and creative learning for children aged 18months to 5 years. As well as a varied curriculum of activities, children will also benefit from: Trips to our organic allotment plot Large indoor area to learn and play Flexible session times Home cooked meals prepared on the premises Holiday clubs in partnership with The Cabin Pre-School Call us on 01491 682 300 www.woodcotepreschool.co.uk AIRPAL TAXIS AIRCONDITIONED 24HR SERVICE AIRPORTS-LONDON-ANYWHERE BUSINESS or PLEASURE 01491 260784 07862 721698 [email protected] 12 THE ORATORY SCHOOL 7-11 LANGTREE HOLIDAY CLUB 2015 Appointment of New Headmaster from September 2016 - Mr Joseph Smith Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd June Calling all 7 and 11-year-olds. The Langtree Holiday Club takes place on Thursday the 2nd and Friday the 3rd of June from 10am to 3.30pm (registration from 9.45) in Woodcote Village Hall. The Club, run by members of local churches, is open to children who live, or go to school, in the Langtree Team Ministry area. The Governors of the Oratory Schools Association are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Joseph Smith as Headmaster of The Oratory School with effect from September 2016. This year’s theme will be ‘Shopping for Life’ so come and enjoy games, music, drama, art and craft and cooking. Children must be 7 on or by the 2nd of June 2016 and we cannot accept responsibility for any child who is not. Cost: - £5.00 each day per child (no charge if parent on State Benefit). Please send the children with their packed lunch. Registration forms have been distributed by the schools and are available from the churches, post offices or contact Janet Casson (01491-681483). You can also register children at the Holiday Club, but a parental signature is required. SUMMER WINDMILL SALE – 10TH JUNE The next Windmill Sale is on Friday the 19th of June, 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. It is THE place to buy summer clothes for the children as well as games, books and outdoor equipment and toys for the garden. If you have outgrown or unwanted items (they must be in good condition) and you would like to sell them on whilst having the opportunity to buy the next stage up, then please get a list from Woodcote Post Office, H & R Stores, the Library or email me for one to be sent to you. Goods for sale should be brought to Woodcote Village Hall on Thursday the 9th of June 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. The vendor gets 75% of the price you put on the item and the other 25% goes back into Woodcote. This year we shall be supporting both pre-school groups, the Village Festival, the Community Centre and will no doubt have other requests as the year progresses. Mr Smith was invited to be Headmaster as a result of his outstanding leadership of the Oratory Preparatory School (OPS) since 2010. He was educated at the University of Liverpool, where he took a First in English; he has a PGCE from Brunel and a Masters in Educational Leadership from Buckingham University. Before moving to the OPS, Mr Smith was first Head of English and then housemaster of a 13-18 boys’ boarding house at Monkton Combe School in Bath, where he also ran the Army section of the Combined Cadet Force and coached sport. He is an inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Joe is married to Debbie, who is the Registrar at the OPS, and they have three children: Sebastian – who is in the 4th Form at The Oratory - Imogen and Tom, who are in Years 8 and 4 respectively at the OPS. Mr Smith said “I am delighted and very excited to have been asked to lead The Oratory, a school with a fine history and a great future. My sadness at leaving the OPS after six years is tempered by my joy at being able to stay with the Oratory Schools Association – the Oratory “family” as we call it – and to remain in this beautiful part of the world.” Come and join us – either to sell or to buy. Grandparents, buy those garden toys to keep the little ones amused over the summer. You never have to spend a fortune at the Windmill Sale, but I guarantee you will find some superb bargains and you will benefit Woodcote and the environment! Barbara Penniall 01491 681449 – Email: [email protected] Joe Smith succeeds Mr Adrian Wyles who has decided to step down from the position of Head Master at the end of the Summer Term 2016. LYME REGIS The Oratory School is an HMC Catholic Independent Boys’ Day and Boarding School for ages 11-18 which welcomes boys from all backgrounds. Each boy is challenged to excel and to develop his talents to the full in a nurturing and caring environment. The Jurassic Coast National Heritage Site Beautiful beaches, walks, fossil hunting, The Cobb and harbour. Loved by children and adults Good restaurants, arty shops, cream teas One bedroom flat for holidays and weekend breaks In the old town 1 minute from the sea Tel: 01491 681892 or [email protected] 13 Oratory School—Confirmation. left to right: Fr. David Elliott, Confirmation Candidates, Fr. Peter Gee the School Chaplain with Rt. Rev. Robert Byrne. Cabin Pre-School—making fruit sticks. Cabin pre-school— Write dance -mark making with shaving foam to music.( very messy but fun) Woodcote Pre-School 14 Woodcote Pre-School Our ‘Birthday Card for the Queen’ winner, drawn by Isla Millican (aged 5) Trees being felled after malicious damage in St Leonard’s churchyard Woodcote v Mortimer at home Woodcote v Cookham Dean away 15 C M C BOILER SERVICES LTD ELVENDON ROAD, GORING-ON-THAMES READING, RG8 ODU TEL: (01491 873535) Central Heating - Gas, Oil, Calor Gas New Installations, Service & Repair Building & Property Maintenance Extensions & Home Improvement Swimming Pool Chemicals 40 YEARS OF LOCAL SERVICE DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL ROOFING & EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE ROOFING PROBLEMS? Contact Your Local Roofing Company Tel: 01491 579659 www.bondrightroofing.co.uk November Financial Services Ltd Independent Financial Advisers We offer a comprehensive range of financial services. To arrange a FREE initial consultation please call 01491 683777 or email [email protected]. November Financial Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. J & R Collier BUILDERS • • • • • • • Building & Property Maintenance Listed Building Work Extensions Roofing Plastering Decorating Plumbing 01491 680779 or 0118 9451518 16 included a number of pupils who had been recently baptised as Catholic. The bishop preached an inspiring homily in which he reminded the pupils of the joyous nature of this sacrament and that in being confirmed they were both witnessing to their own faith and taking on the responsibility of living by its customs and laws. The solemnity of the occasion was enhanced by the school choir and a soloist. The excellent weather enabled a photograph to be taken of the whole group with the bishop, commemorating the event. We hope that the years ahead will see these young men grow both in wisdom as well as knowledge and good character. We are grateful to His Lordship for his visit and having met with pupils and their guests, the enjoyment of his presence at the lunch which followed. WOODCOTE RALLY 2016 ~a charity fundraising event for local organisations~ CALLING ALL MARSHALS – YOUR RALLY NEEDS YOU This year’s Rally is now only a few weeks away and we still need more marshals to help us out. In particular, we need help with car parking. This would suit an organisation which can provide a team of volunteers to work on a rota basis. The more the merrier, to minimise the work each of us has to do. In return for volunteering, you get free entry to the Rally on the day(s) you work; free refreshments during the day at the marshals’ tent and the possibility of a working donation from the Rally’s profits for your organisation. PICNIC SUNDAY & ORATORY SCHOOL T10 TOURNAMENT Our Picnic Sunday this year will be on Sunday the 19th of June. We encourage as many local people as possible to come along with or without a picnic to enjoy the cricket, play games themselves, or just chill-out. We will be sellling barbecue food and icecreams. Help from individuals not necessarily attached to an organisation are always welcome. If you can help, please contact Bruce Jones at [email protected] or phone him on 01491 680955 or any Rally Committee member. On Sunday the 26th of June we will have a team in the Oratory School T10 tournament at the Oratory Cricket ground. It will feature teams from Woodcote, Goring, Peppard and other local villages. It starts at 10.30 and there should be a good day’s cricket plus a BBQ and bar. DUST OFF THAT BIKE! Is your bike gathering dust in a corner of the shed or garage? Have you thought about joining an organised cycle ride, but wondered whether it would be too far or too fast for you? Not sure that your gears and brakes are in working order? Well, this CTC Wallingford event on Sunday the 12th of June is for you! GORING HEATH BOWLS CLUB (ALMSHOUSES) Get your bike checked out by our mechanic in Wallingford Market Place between 11:00 and 13:00. (The check is free, but you will have to pay for any spares needed.) Then join us in the Market Place at 13:30 for a relaxed 10 mile ride. We will explore some local lanes and celebrate our success in a local café when we get back to town at around 15:00. Under 13’s must be accompanied by an adult. 13 to 17 year-olds can come independently, but must bring a completed parental consent form, available from me. The Goring Heath Bowls Club (Almshouses) had their first match of the season with the very friendly Goring Bowls Club at their Green on Saturday the 30th of April at 2.30pm. The weather was a mixture of rain, dark clouds, bright sunshine and an extremely cold wind. After twenty one ends and two trial ends we unfortunately lost to Goring, but hope to rectify the scores when we host them at our Home Green on Saturday the 4th of June. There were lots of smiles and laughter on the Green as usual making our loss more bearable and it is always a great pleasure to play against Goring for the Musketeers Trophy. We are planning another short (10-12 mile) bike ride from Wallingford Market Place at 13:30 on Sunday the 3rd of July. You do not need to be a member to take part: come and try out a few routes with us before you join. For more information, contact Alison ([email protected] or 01491 836086). Smart We have been working hard to get our Green in good order and it is paying off with the help of our wonderful members and the assistance of Mr Ian Kendrick who has given us his time, wealth of knowledge, applied treatments and his practical procedures to improve the Green for the new season and beyond. THE ORATORY SCHOOL This month included a very special occasion in the Oratory School calendar. After four months of preparation 17 pupils, from numerous countries, were confirmed by the Right Reverend Robert Byrne, auxiliary bishop of Birmingham, on the 8th of May with parents and other members of their families among the congregation which filled the Chapel. The ceremony For the first time in the Goring Heath Bowls Club (Almshouses) history we are playing in the Plomer Cup as well as the usual friendlies, which has increased our playing season. We are very lucky that we have five new members to our Club which has boosted our numbers and we wish them all a very warm welcome. 17 KINGS FLOORING CARPETS, VINYLS, LAMINATES, ENGINEERED WOOD AND KARNDEAN FOR A FREE QUOTE AND SAMPLES DIRECT TO YOUR DOOR CALL 01491 681489 07799471648 10 YEARS IN THE VILLAGE! 2006 – 2016 Join the celebrations in September (watch this space for details) In the meantime come and enjoy our Excellent value House lunch & dinner menus A la carte menu with Chef’s specials Traditional Sunday lunch Woody Nook’s own premium, award-winning wines available off-sale from the restaurant ‘phone 01491 680775 for table reservations Website www.woodynookatwoodcote.co.uk Email: [email protected] (Closed Monday & Tuesday) Family Mediation Helping separated families with Children’s arrangements Finance and property Child maintenance agreements Day and evening appointments www.csmfamilymediation.co.uk or call 07591085389 D J SCOTT ELECTRICAL SERVICES Your Local Electrician All aspects of Electrical work undertaken Free no obligation quotes NICEIC Part P Registered Call Daniel on – 07834365331 www.djscottelectrical.com Email- [email protected] 18 Henderson. Also, on Sunday the 1st of May we took part in a special Memorial match at Stoke Row in memory of local cricket legend, Les Clark, whose son Jonny plays for Woodcote and is our Midweek captain. WOODCOTE/STOKE ROW FOOTBALL CLUB The curtain has come down on another successful football season. Pride of place has to go to our under16 youth team who have had two successes in county competitions. They finished runners-up to Clanfield in the County Cup and runners-up to Harwell in the County League. This is an amazing feat and we congratulate manager, Andy Pilling and his squad of players. The first home match of the season, on Saturday the 7th of May, featured Kidmore End 3rd XI who are playing their home matches at Woodcote this year. Their inaugural match resulted in a 6 wicket defeat by Newbury 3rds. At the same time we were playing West Reading away in the Premier Division of the Berkshire League. This resulted in a defeat by 7 wickets. Star man for Woodcote was Jez Mayo with 86 not out, though two new players caught the eye; Mick Molloy who scored 21 and Ghani Asif who took 2 for 57. The senior first team has finished fourth in Thames Valley League Premier Division, after briefly looking as if they might make a title challenge. In April/May they played 7 matches, winning four and losing three. The wins came against Highmoor/Ibis by 4-1 (Jake Dillon 3 and Frank Dillon), Mortimer by 3-2 (Jake Dillon, Toby Nowell and Jonny Summers), Marlow United by 2-1 (Jake Dillon and Frank Dillon) and Woodley United by 3-2 (Jake Dillon, Toby Nowell and Jonny Summers). Defeats were at the hands of Mortimer by 1-0, Cookham Dean 2-1 (Jake Dillon), and Reading YMCA 2-1 (Frank Dillon). The next day the Sunday XI took on Sonning at home and won by 96 runs. We scored 255 runs in our innings with excellent batting displays by Mark Robertson 62, Steve Henderson 53 and Mike Stroker 45 not out. Sonning were made to struggle for runs and finished on 159 for 8 with Zaf Akram taking 3 for 19. Saturday 4th The Reserve team finished their season in fifth place in Division 2, their highest ever finish in the League. They played four matches in April, winning one, drawing one and losing two. Their win by 1-0 (Will Macdonald) came against champions Westwood United, the draw was against Ashridge Park 2-2 (Adam Wheeler and Mark Pearson) and defeats were by Imaan 5-2 (Tom Brownlow and Will Macdonald) and Marlow United 2-1 (Will Macdonald). Wednesday Cold Ash 6.15pm (DL) Saturday 11th KE v Boyne Hill 1.00pm (TVL) Sunday 12th Britwell Salome 2.00 Wednesday 15th Wantage 6.15 (DL) Saturday Pete McAlister has stepped down from the position of First Team Manager after 16 years in the post. We thank Pete for his leadership which has brought the club phenomenal success with two victories in the Senior Cup and two runners-up spots, one league title and runners-up in the Senior Division for four consecutive years. We are very excited to announce that former Oxford United professional, Ross Weatherstone, will be our new first team manager. Ross has been with the club for a number of years now, being a local village boy, and he will be supported by two club stalwarts, Jim Hancock and Any Bullett. Welford Park 1.00pm (BCL) 8th 18th Sulhamstead 1.00 (BCL) Sunday 19th Hurley 2.00 (Picnic Sunday) Saturday 25th KE v Yateley 1.00pm (TVL) Sunday 26th Oratory T10 Tournament (Oratory School) For all Berkshire Cricket League business please respond to [email protected]. For other emails use [email protected] FOWPS (FRIENDS OF WOODCOTE PRIMARY SCHOOL) Also there will be a change in the Reserves with Manager, Rob Lynch, standing down after ten years in charge. Rob’s finest hour came last season when he led his team to the Division 3 title. Like Pete, he will be greatly missed and we hope to announce his replacement shortly. This year, Woodcote Primary School’s summer fair is on the 17th of June. With a sporting theme to celebrate the Olympics, there will be lots of activities to keep the children busy. We will be holding our annual Dinner and Presentation Evening on Friday the 24th of June at the Caversham Heath Golf Club. We are planning bouncy castles, human table football, tennis, football goals, a netball hoops challenge and other energetic things for you to do. We will be providing a cash bar for drinks, a cake and tea stall and a BBQ so you can feed the family. WOODCOTE CRICKET CLUB This should be a fabulous family event. So why not come along and support your local primary school. The Cricket season is underway and we were blessed with glorious weather on the first full weekend. Prior to that we played a friendly against Peppard Stoke Row on Sunday the 17th of April and lost by 86 runs, with a top score of 42 by Steve 19 BENSON: ANGLO-SAXON ESTATE TO AIRFIELD BYWAYS DENTAL PRACTICE Checkendon Drawing on his recent work for the Victoria County History, Simon Townley's talk to the Wallingford Historical and Archaeological Society (TWHAS) will review the evidence for Benson as an Anglo-Saxon royal estate centre and its impact on medieval settlement and estate formation, before touching on a few more recent developments including coaching and the changes of the 19th and 20th centuries. All aspects of dentistry Flexible Payment Plans Teeth whitening and cosmetics NHS for children and students Flexible hours, Ample free parking Email: [email protected] www.bywaysdental.co.uk Tel: 01491 680412 This talk will be held on Wednesday the 8th of June, 7.45 for 8pm, at St Mary’s Church, Wallingford. Please note that TWHAS talks are now being held on the second Wednesday of each month at St. Mary's Church, Wallingford. J & L LANDSCAPING Visitors (£4) are most welcome. FENCING, PATIOS and DRIVES, ROOF REPAIRS www.twhas.org.uk GENERAL BUILDING, TURFING. REPLACEMENT OF FACIA BOARDS, SOFITS and GUTTERING WALLINGFORD WALKS There has been an excellent response from volunteers from Wallingford and surrounding villages to the recent appeal to lead regular walks of local interest in Wallingford. PHONE: 01491-681367 or 07947-164997 Free Quotations FAST and FRIENDLY SERVICE Training has been ongoing by Judy Dewey, from Wallingford Museum, and it is intended to organise both regular and ad-hoc walks from June onwards. Every Saturday at 11am there will be a regular Town Walk starting from the Town Hall in the Market Place. The walk will last between 90 minutes and two hours, and will cover a wide variety of interest areas around the town. TOMALIN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Monumental Mason More specialist walks can be arranged for alternative dates by enquiry at the Town Information Office, or directly with Philip Burton ([email protected]). An Independent Family Owned Funeral Service 24 Hours Personal Attention / Private Chapel of Rest All prices are competitive / Pre-paid Funeral Plans Call Bruce Jones or Claire Jones Anderson House, 38 Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames These additional guided walks could be of general interest, or focus on specific locations such as Wallingford Castle or specialist interests such as Midsomer Murders or Agatha Christie. Tel: 01491-573370 Philip Burton has kindly offered to co-ordinate this new initiative, and it is hoped that it will appeal to ADVANCED PEST CONTROL of Ewelme Established 1970 HOUSEHOLD, GARDEN & FARM PESTS wasps, rats, mice, rabbits, cluster flies and all other insects dealt with promptly Lee Carrington Field View, 97 The Street Crowmarsh Gifford Tel: 01491 835610 Wallingford Mobile: 07970 010214 20 local residents and visitors alike. If you would like to assist in this venture please contact Philip ([email protected]) that is on offer, some of which is unique to different suppliers. This is an extremely popular service, totalling almost 20,000 issues in one year. eBooks are undoubtedly the busiest part of that service. We regard this service as a complementary offer to the service available in branches and fulfils an expectation from many users in the community that we have this type of offer. There will be a charge of £5 per person as a donation to Wallingford Museum. WOODCOTE LIBRARY We have recently received feedback from our eBook suppliers that Oxfordshire Libraries is outperforming many other library authorities in terms of choice, issues and borrower, something to be proud of. June is ‘National Crime Reading Month’, so you can be sure that we have lots of crime reading here on offer so you can become your very own ‘super sleuth’! If you do not want to register to use the full service, you can still read or listen to a sample book online. Call us on 01491 682323 or email us on [email protected] if you want more information or go online to www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/ebooks. National Bookstart Week will take place between the 6th and 12th of June this year. The theme is ‘A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea’, based on the book by Jessica Law. We are taking this to mean all things about the sea and the creatures within the ocean. Look out in next month’s update (and in the Library) for more information on this year’s Summer Reading Scheme – The Big Friendly Read In its usual slot of every term time Thursday at 10am, the session on 9th June will be themed to match. Come along with your under 5 and a favourite undersea toy for stories, rhymes, songs and fun. The next meeting of the adult book club is Monday 20th June at 6pm. Saturday the 11th of June will also have a special undersea theme, with crafts to match (between 10-12 only). HENLEY PHILATELIC SOCIETY June sees the society celebrating its 50th Anniversary, a milestone in the history of this active club, and we look forward to many more years of interesting collecting. It is also when meetings finish for the summer break recommencing on September 14th, when new and present members will be welcomed for an interesting year of meetings on stamps and other collectable postal items. Do put the date in your diary We now have a library app! It works on iPads, iPhones and Android devices and can be downloaded from the usual app stores by searching on “Oxfordshire Libraries”. It is a quick and convenient way for customers to access library services while on the move. Users can search the catalogue and reserve items, check their loans and renew their books. It will tell them where the nearest library is, link to Reference Online resources and enable people to access the Enquiry service. It also links to our library social media pages. It is an easy way for people to access our eBook services too. Links to the app will be put on Arena and the library website. Wednesday June 8th – Members of Southampton PS visit us to show some of their collections Wednesday June 22nd – President’s celebrating our 50th Anniversary evening Meetings will re-commence on Wednesday September 14th with ‘Latest Acquisitions’ up to 9 pages from members, at Bix Village Hall at 7.45 p.m. Visitors and new members are welcome. Further details can be obtained by phoning 01491 681739 or on our website: - www.henleyphilatelic.org.uk If you missed our drop in session on e-readers last month, remember Oxfordshire Libraries supplies eBooks and eAudio for free through 3 different companies: OverDrive, BorrowBox and One Click Digital. This ensures we benefit from the wide range TEL. 01491 680 389 / 07956 966 089 21 WOODCOTE WI NEWS Ann Larden welcomed the members on her first meeting as President and fulfilled her ambition to ring the bell! Audrey Hawthorne played the piano as we sang Jerusalem on a warm spring day. Birthday buttonholes were presented to Margaret Carter and Isobel Lomax. We had a lovely tea thanks to Jan Clegg, Kathy Brewer, Dot Tyler and Sylvia Atkinson. The lunch group are meeting at the Pack Horse this month and the Homes and Gardens trip will be going to Portsmouth. Our group meeting is being held in Woodcote and we will hear the history of Pinewood Studios by speaker Mike Payne. J Roxborough Services Our speakers this month were Diane and Geoff Hayes who told us the story of the Poppy Appeal with moving stories and poems. Providing Commercial & Residential Maintenance Services All building maintenance & small building works undertaken Full property renovations All aspects of plastering & rendering undertaken Floor & wall tiling Painting & decorating Brickwork repointing Flat roof renewal & roof repairs Bathroom & kitchen installations Fascia & gutter replacement Free quotes, fully insured, recommendations freely available Competition for a poppy themed item was won by Shirley Bryant and the bloom of the month was won by Carole Shelley–Allen. New members very welcome. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the village hall and would love new members to join us. WOODCOTE SUMMER FESTIVAL 2016 COMPETITION CATEGORIES Tel: 07909 931601 or 01491 682955 Flower Arrangement FA1 'Open' floral display FA2 Tea party for the Queen FA3 3 Dahlia stems FA4 1 Specimen Flower FA5 Miniature – Not to exceed 4inches (10cm) overall FA6 House Plant Home Grown 22 VG1 3 Onions under 250g - single variety VG2 5 Potatoes – any white variety VG3 5 Potatoes – any coloured variety VG4 3 Carrots – single variety VG5 6 Runner Beans with stalks – single variety VG6 Longest Runner Bean with stalk – any variety VG7 6 French Beans with stalks – single variety VG8 5 Tomatoes – single variety VG9 3 Beetroot – single variety VG10 2 Marrows – single variety VG11 Heaviest Marrow VG12 3 Courgettes maximum 15cm – single variety VG13 1 Cucumber – any variety VG14 VG15 VG16 VG17 VG19 VG20 HG1 HG2 HG3 filled with potting compost. Give them a light position with shade from strong sunlight. 3 Leeks 3 Parsnips Heaviest Pumpkin 4 Different Vegetables as gathered (unwashed and untrimmed) in a basket 2 Pumpkins/Squash – any variety Heaviest Onion – any variety A Bunch of herbs – 3 Different varieties Longest Nettle 3 Eggs – one breed of Hen or Duck Cut the seed pods from lupins and delphiniums as soon as the flowers fade. This encourages them to give a second display in July or August. A place should be found in every garden for some winter-flowering pansies and violas. Their cheery flowers are welcome at that time of year. Sow the seed in trays and put these in a cold frame. When the resulting seedlings are large enough to handle, prick them out into boxes of potting compost. When we1l established in the boxes they can be planted out in tubs or baskets. Fruit FR1 FR2 FR3 FR4 3 Apples – single variety 5 Plums – single variety 3 Pears – single variety Mixture of any soft fruits Keep a good look out for side shoots on your chrysanthemums. These should be removed, leaving one bud for each stem to produce a good sized bloom. However, do not remove side shoots from spray varieties. Amusing Shaped Fruit or Vegetable FV1 Any amusingly shaped Vegetable or Fruit The tall bearded irises have now finished flowering, and where the rhizomes are crowded together they should be lifted, divided and re-planted. GARDENING IN JUNE Keep the hoe going now we have some drier weather. This not only keeps the weeds at bay but also aids plant growth in aerated soil. If lawns are fed now with a good lawn fertiliser, the grass should keep a good colour for the rest of the summer and autumn. Continuing the series of articles on gardening, month by month, that were written by the late Cyril Baldwin and appeared in the Correspondent over a period of several years under the name B Troot. Fruit Melons should be stopped by pinching out the tips of the shoots one or two leaves beyond the point where the young melon fruits are forming. Secondary growths which arise should be stopped beyond the second leaf. Thanks go to Cyril’s family for allowing us to reproduce these articles. Flowers Deadhead roses except for species like rugosa and moyesii, which produce decorative hips in the autumn. As the young shoots of blackberries and loganberries grow, keep them tied to the supporting wires. They are easily broken if not supported. A number of early-flowering shrubs like weigela, deutzia and philadelphus flower on the previous year’s growth. After flowering, cut out the old flowering wood and any weak growth to allow new growth to ripen for next year. Do not prune berrybearing shrubs like cotoneaster and berberis after flowering in order to preserve the brightly coloured berries. Vegetables Marrows and courgettes can be planted out. Sweet corn sown in pots in April can be planted out now. Early broad beans can be stopped to encourage pods to form by pinching out the growing tip. This will also help to prevent blackfly damage, as this pest likes young shoots to feed on. Canes should now be put in position for gladioli. If this is done now, the flower spikes can be tied to the canes with garden string as they develop. If some of your tomatoes are showing signs of greenback (the symptom is hard green skin around the top of the fruit), water the plants with a solution of 1 oz. of sulphate of potash in a gallon of water, for this complaint is connected with a shortage of potash. Tuberous begonias need careful attention to staking, and it may be necessary to provide support for the large flowers. Feed them each week to keep the plants growing sturdily. Achimenes will also need supporting, and twiggy sticks are best. Insert the sticks around the edge of the pots. To keep onions growing sturdily, water when the soil is dry and give the plants a weekly feed of general fertiliser, applied at the rate of 1oz. to each yard of row. Sow cyclamen seed in boxes or pots filled with seed compost and provide them with a temperature of 160C (600F). ENGLISH TUITION AT HOME Arum lilies may now be stood out of doors to give them a rest. The pots can be laid on their sides against a wall. Remember that mesembryanthemums must be in a sunny position or the flowers will not open. Quality tuition delivered by a qualified, experienced teacher. All key stages taught from basic literacy to ‘A’ level. AQA & OCR Specifications. QTS & CRB BA Honours Contact: 01491 680 985 Cineraria and large-flowered calceolaria seedlings should be pricked out as soon as possible into boxes 23 Suitable for all ages, come and have a giggle, singalong and shed a tear, at this unique screening, which will even include a blooper reel and interviews with cast and crew. 6.30pm WHAT’S ON AT THE CORN EXCHANGE, WALLINGFORD IN JUNE CINEMA (performances start at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated) COMING UP Wednesday 1st: The Jungle Book (PG) at 2.30pm July 13-16. Sinodun Players present The Chalk Garden by Enid Bagnold. Set in an English country house in the mid-1950s at a time when the Empire and English aristocracy are in decline. Features a child on the cusp of womanhood, her estranged mother and formidable grandmother. Out of the blue arrives the governess from Heaven – or is she? Tickets on sale soon. Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd: Captain America: Civil War (12A) Friday 3rd: Robinson Crusoe (PG) Saturday 4th: Robinson Crusoe (PG) at 10.30am Saturday 4th: Hard Tide (15) Sunday 5th: Robinson Crusoe (PG) July 23rd: Andre Rieu Maastrict Concert 2016. The King of Waltz screened live from his home town. 7pm. £15, concessions £12.50. Booking now. Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th: Florence Foster Jenkins (PG) Thursday 9th: NT Live Encore The Audience (12A) 7pm Tickets and more programme information, including films booked after going to press, from www.cornexchange.org.uk or box office 01491 825000. Please note that as from May 3rd, prices for general release films increased by £1, to £7 adult and £5 for under-15s. Sunday 19th: Miles Ahead (15) Monday 20th: Demolition (15) Tuesday 21st: Glyndebourne Live, Il Barbiere di Siviglia. 6.30pm Saturday 25th: The Angry Birds Movie (PG) at 10.30am and 2.30pm MAKE TRACKS FOR TOWN’S MODEL RAILWAY SHOW LIVE June 13-17. The 29th Wallingford Corn Exchange Drama Festival 2016. Amateur drama groups from all over the area and beyond compete in an adjudicated competition for a variety of awards. In addition to an entertaining evening of diverse drama from both youth and adult drama groups, it’s a great opportunity to learn about all aspects of stagecraft from the adjudicator’s comments. This year’s adjudicator is Colin Dolley. Tickets are £5 per night or £20 for the omnibus ticket which entitles you to vote for the winner of the Punter’s Prize. 7.30pm June 24th. Charlie Baker Comedy Night SOLD OUT June 29th: Encore Showcase Sinodun Players’ very own Encore Youth Theatre's exciting new film venture, which includes a music video, adverts and even a complete short-story film called "Care". Wallingford will host its second annual model railway exhibition on Sunday the 19th of June. The event is being held at the Wallingford School, St George's Rd, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8HH. 24 More than 12 model railway layouts, along with a number of trade stands, will be on show in a variety of scales from tiny Z gauge to garden sized G scale. is usually over £100. Often more is raised, if a raffle or tombola is organised. We aim to keep the Coffee Shop open for fifty weeks of the year, closing only for Christmas and New Year. The exhibition is being well supported by clubs and modellers from around Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Hampshire and many of the layouts are new to the exhibition circuit. If you are not already a regular user and would like to book a session for next year, please contact Jacqueline Lawrence on 680058 or email [email protected] and indicate your interest in booking a space. Of particular interest is Clara-Zetkin-Stadt, a layout behind the iron curtain of East Germany. You will see a Great Western branch line in Much Muckle, very similar to the Cholsey to Wallingford branch line, and Novion 1940, a French town scene during the Second World War. If you would like further information about how the Coffee Shop is run, please contact Barbara Penniall on 681449 or email: [email protected] It is down the road from Wallingford station, which is running Father’s Day steam specials on the day from Cholsey to Wallingford so why not travel by train to the exhibition. Free parking onsite at the school. COMMUNITY CENTRE BOOKINGS The exhibition will be open from 10am – 4.30pm. Admission is £5 for adults, £2.00 for children and families £12. OPEN GARDENS IN NORTH STOKE The Community Centre in the Old School House, Reading Road, is administered as a village facility by a team of volunteers. There are two rooms available for hire. Upstairs, there is the Rally Room, which can seat up to sixteen around a conferencemeetings, training sessions, or Sunday 26th June 2016 2.00pm to 6.00pm If you are looking to spend a relaxing afternoon in a pretty Thames-side village then come and join us in North Stoke on Sunday the 26th of June. Eight residents have kindly offered to open their gardens. Two are particularly large gardens with river frontages and others are small and interesting with particular delights to discover. style table, for workshops. There will be an opportunity to meet the garden owners, to ask questions about plants, wildlife and the village, before relaxing with a Strawberry Cream Tea in the Village Hall. There will be home-made cakes and plant sales in conjunction with a local Nursery. The starting point will be the Village Hall (OX10 6BL) where tickets can be purchased £5 per adult (children free) – sorry no dogs! Special parking arrangements have been made for the day. If time permits a visit to our historic village church may be an added interest. The church is the only one on the entire length of the Ridgeway Long Distance Path. The Chancel was built in 1230-1240. For more information on the Coffee Shop or bookings, please email [email protected] or call into Woodcote Garden Centre to collect a booking form. Downstairs for meetings and larger gatherings is the Lions’ Den with an adjoining kitchen. The Lions’ Den is also ideal for parties, talks, AGMs and similar events. Both rooms can be booked for a nominal fee. On Saturday mornings, the downstairs room is used by local charitable groups and fundraisers as a coffee shop, for fifty weeks of the year. SUDOKU 15 All proceeds towards a new kitchen for North Stoke Village Hall. SATURDAY COFFEE SHOP AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE As you know, every Saturday from 10am until 12.30pm a Coffee Shop is held at the Community Centre, next to the Library. Each session is run by a different organisation. The coffee is provided by the Community Centre and is reimbursed at the wholesale cost price. The group running the morning supplies the cakes and keeps the profits made, which 25 WOODCOTE VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Mornings: Afternoons: 09.00 – 13.00 WOODCOTE VOLUNTEERS We provide volunteers to drive those in need to medical appointments, day centres, or to local shops in Woodcote, Goring and Pangbourne. or £ 14.00 – 18.00 Main Hall with stage & kitchen (max 100 persons) 28 Pavilion with kitchen (max 50 persons) 24 Main Hall & Pavilion 50 Committee Room (max 25 persons) 20 Function Room (max 40 persons) 22 Function Room with Bar & Kitchenette 24 Changing Facilities & Showers per room 20 Our area includes Woodcote, Goring Heath, Whitchurch Hill, Checkendon and Ipsden. We are not a taxi or a bus service but if you have a genuine need we will always do our best to help. There is a constant need for more volunteer drivers. If you would like to help please ring the office on 681171 between 9.30am and 11am on weekdays. The more volunteers we have the more the work can be spread. Evenings only: 18.00 – 24.00 Main Hall with stage & kitchen (max 100 persons) 65 Pavilion with kitchen (50 persons) 40 Main Hall + Pavilion 100 Committee Room (max 20 persons) 30 Function Room (max 40 persons) 35 Function Room with Bar and kitchenette 40 KNIT AND NATTER GROUP Why not join the thriving Knit and Natter Group for good company and to make new friends? It meets every Tuesday between 2.30pm and 4pm at Mowforth House and is a great opportunity to get to know fellow villagers and to strengthen bonds in the community. For more information please ring Barbara Penniall on 01491 681449. FRIENDS OF ST. LEONARD’S Weddings/discos/dances WE NEED YOU! = Main Hall, Pavilion, Function Room & Bar Full Day/Evening Hire: 09.00 -24.00 210 Afternoon/Evening: 1400 – 24.00 190 Evening Hire: 18.00 -24.00 135 Afternoon/Evening Hire: 14.00 -24.00 155 Evening Hire: 18.00 -24.00 120 The Friends of St. Leonard’s (FOSLS) was set up several years ago to help support the fabric of our lovely village church – a central point of our community. The Friends raise money through annual subscriptions, donations and at the community coffee shops to help keep it warm, welcoming and well maintained for the regular congregation and all visitors from Woodcote and elsewhere who join us for major festivals and family occasions. Discos/Dances = Main Hall, Pavilion only To set up during the previous evening, subject to hall availability. Just imagine Woodcote without our Church? Donations are used solely to maintain the fabric of the building and churchyard and not to fund religious services. For example, our members have helped us maintain the garden of remembrance, tidy the church yard, pay for decorating, professional repairs, specialist cleaning, improve access/safety and enhance the children’s area. The Friends also reserve money each year to support new, potentially very costly work for example improved heating. 60 WiFi is now available throughout the hall. Cinema screen and exhibition boards also for hire with the hall. Cash Deposit required to obtain keys on day of booking: We would warmly welcome new Friends and people to join our committee. You do not need to be a church-goer or of a particular faith to join us – what we seek are people with a sense of community and new ideas. We only meet bimonthly for about an hour and the more people we have the less work there is to do for everyone! Weddings/discos/dances/evening parties - £200 For all other bookings - £50 We do not charge VAT. regular users. Discounts are given to For more information and online booking form visit www.woodcote-online.co.uk/villagehall If you are interested in joining Friends of St. Leonard’s (FOSLS) please contact either: Marcia Spiers – 07776 298754 or Julie Turner 07980 520039 Details of availability can be obtained from the Booking Clerk on 01491 681861 or by email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you! 26 determine that the tree had been damaged sometime after August 2014. DISTRICT COUNCIL South Oxfordshire District Council to launch new phone numbers on Friday 20 May After being presented with this evidence Mr Bradshaw declined to be interviewed under caution so South Oxfordshire District Council was left with little choice but to take the case to court. Anybody who needs to contact South Oxfordshire District Council by phone will soon need to use new phone numbers. In court magistrates’ found that, having prepared detailed evidence and with extensive experience, the council’s tree officer was a credible witness. They agreed with his assessment that the tree had been tampered with and as a result had been extensively damaged. As Mr Bradshaw had provided no explanation as to what had happened he therefore was deemed responsible. From Friday the 20th of May the main switchboard number will be: 01235 422422 and the emergency helpline will change to: 01235 422410 The emergency helpline is available after office hours for anyone at immediate risk of being made homeless, or to report a noise nuisance, stray dog, dangerous structure, flooding or a dead animal on the highway. John Bradshaw was fined £1,000 and ordered to pay £3,796.96 costs along with a £100 victim surcharge. On Thursday the 19th of May, while the council's phone numbers are being switched over, some individual department numbers may be out of action during the day. However, the council's main switchboard numbers will continue to be available. Cllr Elizabeth Gillespie, Cabinet Member for Development, Building Control and Housing at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “Anyone living in a property which is in a conservation area may need special permission if they wish to carry out certain works on their land, including any on trees. For details of the new numbers for the council's main departments please visit our website here www.southoxon.gov.uk/newnumbers. “This tree is over 80 years old but has now been severely and deliberately damaged which is a real shame for the area. There’s plenty of information available on our website, and our planning officers are always on hand to offer advice, so there really was no excuse in this case.” The two councils are only changing phone numbers, all email addresses will remain the same and their postal address will continue to be 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park. Severe damage to conservation area tree results in hefty fee PARISH COUNCIL A Warborough resident has been ordered to pay almost £4,900 after being found guilty of causing extensive damage to a prominent 80 year old tree. PLANNING APPLICATIONS GRANTED BY SODC P16/S0638/HH Application proposal, including any amendments: John Bradshaw, of The Green South, Warborough, appeared at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Friday 22 April when he was convicted of one charge of breaching the Country Planning Act 1990 after causing or permitting wilful damage to a copper beech tree at his property. Two storey front and rear extensions Site Location: Greenhills Shirvells Hill Goring Heath RG8 7SP P16/S0538/HH Application proposal, including any amendments: The tree, which is in a conservation area and visible from the main road running through Warborough, first caught the attention of a South Oxfordshire District Council tree officer who was carrying out a routine inspection at a nearby property in June 2015. The officer noticed that the majority of the leaf canopy was dead and that brown foliage was covering the normally green area. Garage extension and minor internal alterations. Site Location: Woodend South Stoke Road Woodcote RG8 0PL Appeal Ref: APP/Q3115/W/15/3139328 / P15/S1919/FUL Appeal Granted. Little Acre, Beech Lane, Woodcote, Reading, Berkshire RG8 0PY. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED BY SODC P15/S3857/FUL Erection of 2 dwellings (as amended to re-position the proposed dwellings) Two months later the council received a ‘Notice of Intent’ to remove the tree from a specialist company acting on behalf of property owner Mr Bradshaw, citing ‘extensive crown die back’ as the reason for the removal. Site Location: The Woodcote RG8 0SA Dell 60 Whitehouse Road Woodcote Allotments We currently have two vacant plots, interested in renting a plot? Reasonable annual rates. In late August, in response to the notice, the council’s tree officer made an inspection visit, recording that its condition had further deteriorated since he first encountered the tree in June. He also found evidence that the tree had been tampered with, including copper nails which had been hammered into its base and evidence of drilling which had also taken place. Using aerial footage he was able to Contact the Parish Clerk. Parish Clerk, Woodcote Parish Council, Parish Office, Village Hall, Reading Road, Woodcote, RG8 0QY Tel: 0141 681861 [email protected] 27 DIARY JUNE Wed 1st Thurs 2nd * * Fri 3rd * Sat 4th * * Tues 7th * Wed 8th * Thurs 9th * Correspondent AGM, Woodcote Community Centre, 7.30pm * Items for Windmill Sale to Village Hall between 8-10pm Windmill Sale. Village Hall 8am12noon Coffee Shop, in aid of Goring Heath Guides, Woodcote Community Centre, 10am-12.30pm. Flint House Open Afternoon, see article. Advance tickets only. Woodcote Volunteers Quiz at the Red Lion, 8.pm for 8.30pm start. Woodcote W.I.. Village Hall, 2.30pm. P.C. Meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm. The Gap Festival in Goring & Streatley: www.thegapfestival.org Coffee Shop in aid of Cabin Pre School, 10am-12.30pm. Checkendon Pre-School Run. Woodcote Conservation Group Working Party. Langtree Production of Little Shop of Horrors. Fri 10th * Sat 11th * Sun 12th * 14th Tues * Wed 15th * * * 15th-19th Sat 18th * * Mon 20th – Wed 22nd Sat 25th * * * SMALL ADS P.C. Meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm. Langtree Holiday Club for ages 7-11. Village Hall 10am-3.30pm. Langtree Holiday Club for ages 7-11. Village Hall 10am-3.30pm. Coffee Shop in aid of Woodcote PreSchool, Woodcote Community Centre, 10am-12.30pm. Woodcote Conservation Group Woodcock Walk. 8.30pm Greenmore Ponds. Drop-in ‘Stay and Play’ 10am11.30am, Village Hall. (See article for dates throughout the month). Mobile Play Bus, 1pm-2.30pm, Medill Close, Woodcote. LOCAL HANDYMAN :: No job too small. DIY jobs in and around the home. Kitchen & bathroom renovations undertaken. Call James 07961 882281. PIANO LESSONS :: Learning for pleasure or ABRSM exams -contact Linda Waller MA ALCM phone 01491 281 877 or [email protected] VIRTUAL ASSISTANT :: Admin, secretarial or PA assistance locally & beyond. No job too small. Email: [email protected] or call: 07799766463 HAVE A PROBLEM? If so, there is a Citizens’ Advice Bureau on Fridays, from 10am until 1pm. It is held in the Community Centre (Old School House), Woodcote. Clients wishing to make an appointment should ring 01491 578267 and ask for one in Woodcote. Appointments can be made for 11am and 12 noon. No appointment is necessary, between 10am and 11am. LIBRARY TIMES Tuesday 2.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Thurs/Friday/Saturday p.m. 9.30 a.m. –12.30 Please ring VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Please contact Jenny on 01491 681861 up to 6pm. Or please email [email protected]. Booking request forms can be found www.woodcote-online.co.uk/villagehall Coffee Shop in aid of Stoke Row W.I., Woodcote Community Centre, 10am12.30pm. Woodcote Conservation Group Summer Bird Walk. 10am RC Church. * * * 2.00 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. Books may be renewed by telephone. 682323. here; Copies are kept in St Leonard’s Church, the Health Centre and Woodcote Library or you can contact me on 01491 681449, email [email protected] Barbara Penniall, 150 Wayside Green Forthcoming Dates:July 9-10th July 16th Sept 10th Monday WOODCOTE WELCOME PACK Woodcote Rally Goring & Streatley Regatta Woodcote Festival 12-5pm Have you recently moved into the Village? Would you like to know more about Woodcote in the past and what’s going on now, such as where to find a babysitter, useful important telephone numbers, details of the Coffee Shop, the Windmill Sales, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, the local dentist, Lions’ Club, Volunteers, St Leonard’s Church and more? Diary entries for July by 12th June to Jan Coleman by ‘phone on 01491 682955 or by e-mail at [email protected] ‘Welcome to Woodcote’ is a free information pack and has been organised by members of St Leonard’s Church for those moving into the Village. We think Woodcote is a wonderful, friendly place to live and would like to offer newcomers the opportunity to find out what is going on and provide useful information in a handy format. THIS MONTH’S CLOSING THOUGHT Isn't it great to live in the 21st century? Where deleting history has become more important than making it. 28
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September 2016
shire horses and, of course, the grand steam parade
and games. There was a varied display of cars, bikes,
tractors, commercial and military vehicles.
The rally appeared to be busy on both days,