PIC16F84 Microcontroller - Philadelphia University
PIC16F84 Microcontroller - Philadelphia University
5.4 Microcontrollers II: PIC16F84 Microcontroller Dr. Tarek A. Tutunji Mechatronics Engineering Department Philadelphia University, Jordan PIC Microcontroller In the previous sequence, general microcontrollers and PIC architecture were introduced In this presentation, PIC 16F84 will be used to elaborate microcontrollers. This will include • • • • Pins description Registers Instruction set Design & programming examples PIC 16F84 Pins General Specifications • • • • • Runs at 10 MHz 8-bit data 14-bit instruction 1K Flash memory One working register (W) 18 pins • VDD (+5V), VSS (gnd) • 13 I/O pins through two ports • Port A: 5-pins RA0 RA5 RA4 dual purpose (timer) • Port B: 8-pins RB0RB7 RB0 dual purpose (Interrupt) • !MCLR master clear (active low) • CLKIN (RC clock input) PIC 16F84 Registers All file registers are 8-bits They are divided into: • SPR, specific purpose • GPR, general purpose The main specific registers are • PORTA: has 5 I/O bits • TRISA: specifies the direction of port pins ‘1’ for Input & ‘0’ for Output • PORTB: has 8 I/O bits • TRISB: specifies the direction of port pins • STATUS: bit 5 = 0 (1) page 0 (1) • TMR0: 8-bit timer • INTCON: Interrupt Control register 35 Instructions Instructions used in next examples MOVLW MOVWF CLRF INCF BCF BSF BTFSS BTFSC GOTO k f f f f,b f,b f,b f,b k move literal ‘k’ to W move W contents to f clear f increment f clear bit ‘b’ in register ‘f’ set bit in f bit test, skip if set bit test, skip if clear go to address k LED : circuit diagram Writing to port (LED): assembly program ; This program is used to flash LED connected to pin RA1 STATUS equ 03h TRISA equ 85h PORTA equ 05h Start ; ‘equ’ is not an instruction ; it is used by the assembler ; gives name to address value bsf STATUS,5 movlw 00h movwf TRISA bcf STATUS,5 ; ; ; ; Set bit 5 in Status register go to page 1 Move ’00’ to W (working register) Move contents of W to TRISA all output Clear bit 5 in Status register go to page 0 movlw 02h movwf PORTA movlw 00h movwf PORTA goto Start ; ; ; ; ; Move ’02’ to W Port A = ‘0000 0010’ RA1 ‘high’ Move ’00; to W Port A = ‘0000 0000’ RA1 ‘low’ loop back to Start +5V Switches and LEDs: circuit diagram Vdd !MCLR R RB1 RB2 RA0 RA1 CLKIN RB0 PIC 16F84 RB3 RB4 RB5 Sw1 clear Sw2 count RB6 C RB7 Vss Reading & Writing ; This program outputs binary count to LEDs connected at RB0 to RB7 ; Input switches connected to RA0 and Ra1 stops, starts, and resets the count STATUS PORTA TRISA PORTB TRISB equ equ equ equ equ 03 05 85 06 86 bsf movwf movlw movwf movlw bcf Reset Start ; assigns names to register addresses status, 5 00 PORTB ff PORTA status,5 ; ; ; ; ; ; go to page 1 W = ‘0000 0000’ makes PORTB output (connected to LEDs) W = ‘1111 1111’ makes PORTA input (connected to switches) go back to page 0 clrf portb btfss PORTA,0 goto Reset btfsc PORTA,1 incf PORTB goto Start ; ; ; ; ; PORTB = ‘0000 0000’ All LEDs off Read RA0 (SW1), test RA0 value and skip if ‘1’ go back to Reset Read RA1 (SW2), test RA1 value and skip if ‘0’ Increment PORTB PORTB = PORTB+1 Summary PIC 16F84 microcontroller runs at maximum frequency of 10 MHz The input clock can either be RC circuit or oscillator PIC 16F84 has 13 I/0 ports divided into 2 ports (A and B) The main registers are: PORTA, PORTB, TRISA, TRISB, and STATUS There are 35 instructions Examples for simple I/O circuits (LEDs and Switches) were given
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