CSR Report 2012 - toyota
CSR Report 2012 - toyota
Contents Editorial Policy ■ To yo t a A u t o Bo d y P r o fi l e 2 ■ To p M essa ge 5 ■ Co r p o r a t e P r i n ci p les 7 ■ To p i cs 9 In 1999, Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. first published an Environment Report that later became the Environment and Social Report. In 2010, the report name was changed to CSR Report, and this is the 14th yearly report that Toyota Auto ■ En v i r o n m en t a l A sp ect s Body has published. Fu n dame n tal T h i n k i n g o n th e En vi ro n me n t 11 In this year’s report, special features of our CSR activity efforts B u i l di n g a Lo w -C arb o n S o c i e ty 12 B u i l di n g a Re c yc l e -Ori e n te d Society 15 En vi ro n me n tal C o n s e rvati o n and B u i l di n g a S o c i e ty T h at C o e xists Wi th Natu re 16 Environmental Management 18 have been organized by theme, and convey our activities in a more compact, easier to understand format. Detailed data is available from the main report text for those interested in learning in more depth about our activities. We at Toyota Auto Body welcome all opinions concerning this report and our activities through an electronic survey on the last page of this report. ■ S o ci a l A sp ect s C u st ome r Re la t ion s 19 Bu sin e ss Pa r t n e r Re la t io n s 23 C ommu n it y Re la t ion s 25 Employe e R e la t ion s 27 Report Scope and Period of Reporting Report Scope: Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. and consolidated companies Period of Reporting: In principle, this report covers from April 2011 through March 2012; however, reporting is extended beyond March 2012 for certain efforts in progress which are thought to provide a deeper understanding of our activities. V e hicle on t he cov e r Special purpose Hiace (Toyota Auto Body original: Long, wide 5-door wagon that seats 10 people and is equipped with long sliding seats for four people. Very small electric vehicle“COMS Concept” (Exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show 2011) 1 ■Toyota Auto Body Profile Overview Head Office 100, Kanayama Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Established August 31, 1945 Representative President, Takuji Amioka Paid-in Captal 10.371 billion yen Total sales 1,627 billion yen (FY2011 consolidated) Number of employees 17,445 (End of March 2011 consolidated) Manufacturing facilities Head Office / Fujimatsu Plant Inabe Plant、Yoshiwara Plant、 Kariya Plant、 Kotobuki New Development Center Volume of sales (Billions of yen) 2,000 1,627 Unit sales 742 135 130 1,000 693 119 134 (Thousands of vehicles) 706 667 639 147 123 87 113 165 149 Prius SUV 241 201 161 178 199 Commercial Vehicles 236 238 272 225 193 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 Mini Van 0 '07 '08 '09 '10 Number of employees '11 (FY) (People) 20,000 17,445 10,000 0 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 R e l at e d Inf or mat i on Company Name Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. Company Outline Product Lineup Main Products Mini Van Alphard Vellfire Commercial Vehicles / commuter Hiace Coaster Estima Voxy SUV Land Cruiser 200 Noah Sedan Land Cruiser 70 Prius Pickup (Export model) Special Purpose Vehicles Welfare Vehicles (WelCab) Wheelchair-accessible Vehicle (Rear Lift type) Side Lift-up Seat Vehicle Wheelchair-accessible Vehicle (Rear Slope type) Well Carry Freezer & Refrigerator (Special Purpose vehicle Friend-Matic Vehicle) 2 ■Toyota Auto Body Profile Main Business Sites Production Bases Development Bases Head Office/Fujimatsu Plant Development Center 100, Kanayama Ichiriyama-cho Kariya City,Aichi Prefecture Inside Head office / FujimatsuPlant Main Products Estima、Estima HV Voxy、Noah、Prius Inabe Prant 10,Ichinohara Inabe-cho,Inabe City, Mie Prefecture Production Technology Center Inside Head office / FujimatsuPlant Main Product Alphard、Vellfire Hiace、Regius Ace Hiace for Europe(Export model) Yoshiwara Plant 25,Kamifujiike Yoshiwara-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture Main Product Land Cruiser 200 Lexus LX570(Export model) Land Cruiser 70(Export model) Coaster kotobuki New development Center 1-36-1, Kotobuki-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture Kariya Plant 2-1,Showa-cho,Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture Main Product Welfare vehicles (Welcab) Domestic and Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary Companies Domestic Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Production Company Gifu Auto Body Co., Ltd. (Kakamigahara City, Gifu Pref.) Ace Industry Co., Ltd. (Kariya City, Aichi Pref.) Tokai Utility Motor Co., Ltd. (Anjyo City, Aich Pref.) Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd. (Takahama City Aichi Pref.) Tokai Parts Industry Co., Ltd (Kariya City, Aichi Pref.) 3 ■Toyota Auto Body Profile Domestic Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Others TABMEC Co., Ltd. (Kariya City, Aichi Pref.) Inatec Co., Ltd (Inabe City, Mie Pref.) Toyota Auto Body R&D Co., Ltd. Life Service & Security Corporation (Kirishima City, Kagoshima Pref.) (Kariya City, Aichi Pref.) Life Creation Co., Ltd. Life Support Co., Ltd. (Toyota City, Aichi Pref.) (Anjyo City, Aichi Pref.) Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Production Company P.T.Sugity Creatives (Indonesia) PT.TOYOTA AUTO BODY-TOKAI EXTRUSION (Indonesia) Chun Shyang Shin Yeh Industry Co., Ltd. Thai Auto Conversion Co., Ltd. (Republic of China(Taiwan)) TOYOTA AUTO BODY(MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. (Malaysia) (Thailand) Auto Parts Manufacturing Mississippi Inc. (U.S.A.) Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary Companies / Other Tab Minth Mobility Equipment Co., Ltd. (China) Related Information Overseas Subsidiary 4 ■Top Message Contributing to Society Through Vehicle Manufacturing That Satisfies Customer Expectations Takuji Amioka President, Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. The Direction Toyota Auto Body Should Pursue In the automotive industry, tough competition is spreading to survive by strengthening business and developing environmental technology in newly emerging markets, which is based on structural changes in the world economy and heightened environmental awareness on a world scale that includes nations on the rise. Growth and expansion of Toyota Auto Body in the future will require the ability to swiftly handle changes in these times. We view the most important management challenge for Toyota Auto Body to be the need to always stand with the viewpoint of society and our customers and further enhance our environmental technologies in order to build business bases early that provide products sought after in the market globally. In calling for our Toyota Auto Body 2020 vision, we are coordinating efforts with Toyota Motor Corporation in “aiming to be a comprehensive manufacturer from development through production of minivans, commercial vehicles, and SUVs, and include special purpose vehicles and welfare vehicles.” Despite exhibiting our strengths in capturing a fixed domestic market share of products as the company most responsible for the development and production of those products within the Toyota Group, many regions abroad of expected growth in the future still exist that we have not yet entered. Approaching such challenges requires Toyota Auto Body to swiftly expand operations in mainly planning and developing products that meet market needs, and to further strengthen our ability to fulfill this need, from January 2012, Toyota Auto Body made a new start as a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation. We at Toyota Auto Body acknowledge that fiscal year 2012 is an important year in making the significant step in accelerating toward making our 2020 vision a reality. Making Full Efforts Toward Global Environmental Conservation In March 2011, we established and announced our mid-term implementation plan which is our fifth “Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan.” Toyota Auto Body activities to be carried out between fiscal years 2011 and 2015 “contribute to sustainable expansion of society and our planet through providing vehicle manufacturing and products that harmonize with the global environment.”We have begun efforts toward achieving these activities over this five-year period, and these activities serve as the starting point of our environmental conservation activities. In the“Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan”, concerning our environmental activity efforts, we have presented the framework of three important themes as“A Low-Carbon Society,” “A Recycle-Oriented Society,”and “Environmental Conservation and a Society that Coexists With Nature.” Also in this plan, we are promoting revolutionary vehicle weight reductions and recycle design to meet tougher mid- and long-term environmental regulations, as well as uniting our efforts to manufacture plants that coexist with our communities and harmonize with nature. 5 ■Top Message Toyota Auto Body is also making efforts to develop next-generation electric vehicles. In the Tokyo Motor Show held from November to December in 2011, we exhibited our very small EV concept car“COMS.” In the very near future, we believe that types of travel will be divided into short distances requiring use of very small EV, mid-range distances requiring use of PHV, and long distances requiring use of fuel-cell vehicles. Currently, we are progressing with preparation to deliver at the earliest date our new model COMS to be on the market domestically around the summer of 2012. We have taken great care in developing COMS as an original Toyota Auto Body“car.” Aiming to Expand Welfare-Vehicle Business Globally Through tremendous efforts Toyota Auto Body is dedicating from development through production and on to selling of welfare vehicles and devices to provide“comfortable freedom of movement and happiness”to the elderly and even the mentally and physically challenged, we have captured 70% of the domestic market. In utilizing technologies we have until now fostered, we are expanding our welfare vehicle business globally to be available to customers abroad in countries, such as China and the United States, where in the future aging of the population will continue. As a concrete step toward expanding our welfare vehicle business, in China, we are beginning activities to raise awareness and spread the Toyota Auto Body name in the welfare vehicle market. In March 2011 we established a joint venture company Tab Minth Mobility Equipment Co., Ltd. in China which will be responsible for equipping and selling welfare equipment. Also in 2011, Toyota Auto Body jointly participated with that joint venture company and we were allowed to provide the torch relay escort vehicle for the China Paralympic Games held in October. Also in the same year, we exhibited welfare vehicles, such as the Hiace, at the Beijing Welfare Exhibition held in November. In order to make welfare vehicles and devices of Toyota Auto Body available to customers throughout the world, we are building our global business base. It is said that industry is the public institution of society, however, for Toyota Auto Body to be an entity that truly benefits society, we look to continue providing vehicles expected of us, and we believe in continuing to be a corporation needed by society. In order to have everyone understand CSR activity efforts at Toyota Auto Body, we compiled this report and we look forward to receiving all opinions concerning our efforts. May 2012 President Amioka standing alongside the Toyota Auto Body original brand“COMS”concept car (Exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show 2011) 6 ■Corporate Philosophy Fundamental Principles (Created in 1995、 revised in 2004) 1. Toyota Auto Body is a corporation that contributes to building a plentiful society and also gains trust from the international community, which are both based on open and fair corporate ethics in harmony with the environment. 2. Toyota Auto Body will provide“fine products”to enrich our living environment through research and manufacturing, while placing priority on the customer. 3. Toyota Auto Body will invigorate the organization and its workers, and also create a corporate climate of creative power and energy for growth of the enterprise and happiness of company employees. CSR Policy “Contribution Towards Sustainable Development” Since 2009, Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Auto Body have shared a CSR policy, which we at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to share and carry out with our consolidated subsidiary companies, support the purpose of CSR policy with our suppliers, and act based on this support. 4. Toyota Auto Body will build relationships of trust with our business partners and make efforts to strengthen management practices, thereby creating prosperous coexistence and long-term stable growth. CSR Policy CSR Policy Contribution towards Sustainable Development “CSR Policy” Corporate Governance Fundamental Thinking We at Toyota Auto Body, in raising our fundamental principles of open and fair business activities, look to improve corporate value through strengthening competition and continuous business growth, and we also aim to contribute to society which trusts us. To realize these principles, we place importance on achieving and strengthening corporate governance and we are making efforts toward personnel development in constructing a sound corporate culture and pursuing continuous improvement of the system that secures proper business execution. Toyota Auto Body Corporate Governance Shareholder’s Meeting Appointment and Oversight Board of Auditors Auditing (From among the majority of external Coordination auditors, one independent auditor) Reporting Board of Directors ・CSR Commitee Reporting ・Corporate Ethics Committee ・Product Environment Committee ・Production Environment Committee Accounting Audit Accounting Auditor ・Social Contribution Committee Audit Corporate Officer ・Central Safety and Health Committee ・Disaster-prevention Committee, etc. Department Internal Auditing Guidance Reporting Individual departments System to Enhance Administrative Transparency In order to expedite swift decision making in business strategy development and operations, we have introduced an Executive Member System. In addition, we are fulfilling our social responsibility to enhance administrative transparency by establishing within Toyota Auto Body various committees, which implement deliberations and monitor the present state of corporate activities and management methods. Compliance Improving Awareness and Thoroughness of Compliance The“Corporate Ethics Committee”, established as a subordinate CSR committee, Unifies Toyota Auto Body Group corporate action by ensuring strict observance of ordinances and also implements deliberations and the direction of activities for building sound corporate culture. In addition, we are making continuous efforts to achieve “Our Promise (Group Action Plan)” in education and training for our employees to practice thorough compliance. Toyota Auto Body Group Action Plan (Issued March, 2005) Revision and Impact of“ Our Priorities”and Rooting of Activities In order to establish and more deeply spread“Our Priorities”(2010 revised), which indicates our attitude toward performing daily tasks, Toyota Auto Body introduced daily announcements from worksite managers for action to be take, the sending of messages that appear when a PC is started up, and also holding“Top Management Discussion Lectures”to communicate the spirit of“Our Priorities” through actual experiences of our top management. Establishment of a Corporate Ethics Advisory Service We at Toyota Auto Body have a system that allows for appropriate handling of matters challenging to consult with superiors and colleagues concerning labor issues, compliance, and issues of concern. In addition, we have established an external legal advisory“ Compliance Hotline”. 7 ■Corporate Philosophy Risk Management Fundamental Thinking In order to minimize diversified risk, the Toyota Auto Group is making appropriate efforts to reinforce sound risk management as a part of internal control. In addition, we evaluate and specify risks impacting management and are progressively establishing preventive measures and initial response measures. Enhancing Measures for Risks in Confidential Information Management Toyota Auto Body held a“Confidential Information Management Seminar”in which by externally contracted instructors implemented pseudo-incidents and practiced taking action for incidents involving information leaked and inspection activities on a set for disaster risk countermeasures and information management. This seminar coincided with Toyota Group Companies Confidential Information Management Enhancement Month Activities. In the discussion-style seminar, externally contracted instructors provided participants a deeper understanding of the importance of Information Leak Prevention Seminar by discussion with an externally contracted instructor managing confidential information and points to be checked through subject matter involving incidents of information being leaked. Training Meeting Held Concerning Internal Controls In July 2011, an“Internal Control Training Meeting”was held for all division general managers, Toyota Auto Body executives, and the top management of consolidated subsidiary companies. At the training meeting, for“enhancing internal controls and the role of managers,”the participants were instructed by Megumi Komikado of KPMG, who introduced past case examples of scandals and actions taken, while also lectured on responsibilities as managers and the importance of internal controls. Internal controls training meeting given my Mr. Komikado of KPMG. Large-Scale Earthquake Disaster Comprehensive Disaster Measure Training From fiscal year 2009, we have been conducting comprehensive disaster measure training in unison at all plants and business sites. This year, however, we conducted comprehensive disaster measure training that included Gifu Auto Body Co., Ltd., which possesses the same manufacturing Function as Toyota Auto Body plants involved in comprehensive vehicle manufacturing, and also Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd., which is estimated receive tidal wave damage in a large-scale earthquake disaster. Below are some examples of this year’s training which involved practical training. ・We recorded distances of employees who would have difficulty returning home who commute over 20 kilometers. On-site drills were conducted for taking action during a disaster. ・High-ground evacuation drills and outdoor meals preparation drills were conducted at Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd. plant located along a coastal area where tsunami damage is expected. ・The first nighttime evacuation drill was conducted at Gifu Auto Body Co., Ltd., which has comprehensive vehicle manufacturing capabilities. Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd. Drilling for employees having difficulty reaching their homes Outdoor food preparation drills Tsunami damage search preparation ・ Readying rescue boats Gifu Auto Body Co., Ltd. Nighttime evacuation drills 8 ■Topics Toyota Auto Body entered an agreement to become a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation (January 2012) Handshake after concluding the agreement On July 13, 2011, Toyota Auto Body entered an agreement with Toyota Motor Corporation to become a wholly owned subsidiary in share exchange effective January 1, 2012. On the same day, July 13th, a press conference was held and President Amioka made an ironclad commitment that“with this systemic overhaul, Toyota Auto Body will carry through our proactive role and responsibility from planning and development on to production of minivans, commercial vehicles, and SUVs. Overseas, as part of the Toyota global strategy, we will expand further in concentrating on Asia and newly emerging countries than in the past. This is one great step toward the future with our 2020 vision, and with this opportunity, we will look to further refine our business structure and we desire to realize this global vision together with Toyota Motor Corporation. The First Toyota Auto Body Parts Base in North America (APMM) Production Started November 2011 Establishment of the joint venture company Tab Minth Mobility Equipment Co., Ltd., which operates selling and equipping welfare vehicles in China. (May 2011) APMM Outline Location / Guntown, Lee County, Mississippi State, United States Company established / August 2007 Production capacity / 150,000 vehicles annually Number of employees / 340 Production items / Vehicle press parts, welded parts, resin parts A production kickoff ceremony was held on November 18th, 2011 at the first Toyota Auto Body North American parts Concluding an agreement for purchasing and technical support ( Minth Chairman 泰 (Qin) and Toyota Auto Body President Amioka) Cooperation at the China Paralympic Games (October 2011) production base, Auto Parts Manufacturing Mississippi (APMM). APMM manufactures parts for the Corolla such as bumpers and sheet-metal parts for the suspension, Chairman Mizushima’s greeting speech at the production kickoff ceremony which are supplied to T o y o t a M o t o r Manufacturing Mississippi (TMMMS). At the 8th China Paralympic Games held in October 2011, in conjunction with our joint venture partner company Tab Minth Mobility Equipment Co., Ltd., we loaned our welfare vehicle Hiace to be used as the torch relay escort vehicle. 9 ■Topics Toyota Auto Body exhibited the very small EV“COMS Concept Car”as a“Kind Car to Humans and the Earth”at the Tokyo Motor Show 2011 (held from November 30th to December 11th) P・COM B・COM President Amioka explaining the appeal and concept of the COMS The single-seater EV COMS went on sale in 2000 as an original Toyota Auto Body product that has come to be used mainly in the delivery business. As the next-generation model COMS concept, both our P・COM, made for personal use, and the B・COM, equipped with a delivery box for business use, were exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show 2011. Men’s Handball Club Wins Its First All-Japan Championship The Toyota Auto Body Handball Club won for the first time at the 63rd All Japan Handball Championships in December 2011. This is first remarkable achievement for the club in the 45 years since it was founded. The Women’s Volleyball Club Won Second Place at the Emperor’s Cup and Empress’ Cup All-Japan Volleyball Championship In December 2011, our women’s volleyball team took second place at the Emperor and Empress’Cup All-Japan Volleyball Championship. The team defeated last year’s V League champion to enter the championship for the first time in three years and triumphantly took second place. Recognized on Make A Change Day *1 Received The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Special Encouragement Award After the Great East Japan Earthquake, Toyota Auto Body recruited 200 employees to volunteer, and 20 among them used evacuation sites in Rikuzentakata City as a starting point for 15 days from June to July and from there provided assistance to disaster victims for shopping and moving to temporary housing. The original assistance activities of Toyota Auto Body were recognized and we received the “Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Special Encouragement Award.” *1:This one day once a year is a day for all volunteer and civic activities occur concurrently throughout Japan (and potentially overseas). At the Aichi Prefectural Citizen’s Competition, the“Toyota Auto Body Community Support Team”(Yoshiwara Area Anticrime Patrols Team) Was Awarded by the Prefectural Governor. T h e“ T o y o t a A u t o B o d y Community Support Team”, formed to perform anticrime activities in the community, comprises a team of approximately 70 volunteers. The team cooperates with residents in the area around our Yoshiwara Plant to mainly conduct night patrols. 10 ■Environmental Aspects Fundamental Thinking on the Environment Continuing a Prosperous Society That Offers Ease of Living Into the Future Toyota Auto Body has continued to develop concrete activities through presenting the Toyota Auto Body fundamental principle of“Harmony With the Environment”. Upon establishing the“Toyota Auto Body Environmental Basic Policy”in 1993, we next established our“Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan”that presented five-year implementation plans. From FY2011, we began our“5th Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan”and we are promoting the activities of“A Low-Carbon Society”,“A Recycle-Oriented Society”, and“Building a Society That Coexists With Nature”as the pillars of our efforts. Toyota Auto Body Environmental Basic Plan (Established 1993; Revised 2004) ①Contributing to a Prosperous 21st century In order to contribute to a prosperous 21st century, Toyota Auto Body aims for growth that harmonizes with the environment. We are challenging ourselves to achieve zero emissions through all areas of our business activities. ②Pursuing environmental technology Toyota Auto Body is pursuing all potential environmental technologies and we are making efforts to develop and establish new technologies that realize a balance between the environment and the economic concerns. ④Coordinating and cooperating with society ③Self-initiated efforts Originating with our efforts to thoroughly perform hazard prevention and observe legal standards, we have established self-initiated kaizen plans based on world-scale environmental issues, and we continue to promote such self-initiated efforts. Beginning from cooperation with affiliated companies and industries, we are building cooperation and coordination with a large sector of society involved in environmental conservation that includes the government and municipalities. The 5th“Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan”(2011-2015) Development and Design Production and Logistics Coordinating With Society Environmental Management Building a Low-Carbon Society Building a Recycle-Oriented Society ・Develop and promote next-generation vehicles that use electrical energy ・Develop and commercialize lightweight technologies that contribute to improving fuel-efficiency ・Promote further recycle design Improve part picking Efforts to achieve material separation and differentiation ・Expand use of recycled materials ・Soundly manage products containing chemical substances ・Promote the development of technologies that switch to fewer substances that burden the environment ・Intensify energy-saving activities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions volume ・Pursue transport efficiency in logistics activities and reduce CO 2 emissions volume ・Reduce emissions substances and effectively use resources and create countermeasures that target root causes for occurrences for improving yields. ・Reduce the volume of packaging materials used ・Reduce Substances of Concern (SOC) in production activities Reduce VOCs through decreasing paint and cleaning thinner etc. in painting processes ・Invest in building a recycle-oriented society Promote new businesses ・Implement domestic and overseas forestation activities ・Promote creating plants that harmonize with nature and coexist with the community ・Promote and strengthen global consolidated environmental management ・Promote global CO2 management ・Promote further environmental activities coordinated with suppliers ・Actively participate in Toyota Eco-VAS Building a Society That Coexists With Nature ・Promote sustainable activities ・Promote sound environmental education 5th“Toyota Auto Body Environmental Action Plan” 11 ■Environmental Aspects The Three Important p Themes: RecycleOrientation Low-Carbon Coexistence With Nature Efforts toward building a low-carbon society Promotion of the Development of Next-Generation Electric Powered Vehicles, and Activities That Use Lightweight and Energy-Saving Technologies. We at Toyota Auto Body position the impact of energy and global warming on humankind and ecological systems as an important environmental issue of concern. We are making efforts to conserve natural resources, promote energy savings, and reduce CO2 emissions volume in all stages of vehicle development, design, manufacturing, and logistics, which includes environmental products (very small EV and fuel cell parts). Development and Design Development and Commercialization of Next-Generation Electric Powered Vehicles The COMS Concept EV System The very small EV COMS *1 is a zero-emission eco-car kind to the earth and humans that offers superior compactness and exceeds in saving energy and resources. Toyota Auto Body developed a commercially viable, highly efficient motor to allow the most effective use of installed electrical energy. Battery charger Inverter Battery Differential Gears Motor *1:The COMS falls under the mini-car category (regular-size vehicle) and is 100V household outlet Electricity flow Electricity recovery (Regenerative braking) Path of power considered a bicycle with a motor under the Road Transport Vehicle Act. The Appeal of the Product Planning CenterZE Hisahiko Nishimura Zero Emissions Easily recharged at home Superior Economy Being a 100% electric car, emissions of CO2 and nitrogen oxide is zero. Recharging in approximately six hours is possible by simply connecting the COMS to a 100V electrical outlet, after which it can be driven approximately 50 kilometers in the city. Electric power is recovered by the use of regenerative braking when slowing, and the COMS only costs approximately 2.4 yen per kilometer. A single, complete recharge costs approximately 120 yen, calculated at 23 yen per kilowatt hour. Excellent Drivability and a Comfortable Ride The COMS for Business Use Driving in traffic at a 60 kilometer per hour speed limit, the COMS performs smoothly at full torque. Excellent handling safety and four-wheel independent suspension together offer a comfortable ride. The COMS can be fit with a large delivery box (approximate 370 liter capacity), offering delivery ability of such items as milk or pizza. After first being put on the market 10 years ago, the COMS has been reborn to be more stylish and even easier to operate. The COMS is a next-generation vehicle that links to creating a new lifestyle with zero emissions for various users just going on errands or in daily business. Providing the COMS to Many More Customers We at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to develop this car to be more affordable with the desire to have many more customers enjoy the experience of driving the COMS. (Scheduled launch July 2012) 12 ■Environmental Aspects RecycleOrientation The Three Important Themes: Low-Carbon Coexistence With Nature Efforts toward building a low-carbon society Development and Design Developing Essential Components for the Very Small EV COMS Through developing essential components of the very small EV COMS, such as the inverter attributable to determining performance, the motor battery recharger, and vehicle ECU, we at Toyota Auto Body are progressively contributing to the spread of EV by reducing cost and improving its commercial value. Inverter EV・Electronic Parts Development Dept. Vehicle ECU Satoshi Kondou With the thought of commercializing our technology for our original brand COMS, we were able to succeed in improving product strength by cumulative technologies through efforts to develop essential components. Differential Gears Motor Recharger Unit Development and Commercialization of Lightweight Technology That Improves Fuel Efficiency Fundamental Thinking on Our Efforts Toyota Auto Body is switching to more lightweight materials (Use of HTSS (High Tensile Strength Steel) 、use of resins) , thinner resin parts, highly porous materials, structural efficiency by use of CAE, and optimizing metal sheet thicknesses. Case Example Weight Reduction of the Prius α Roof Spoiler Through flow and hardness analyses of resins and changing to a dot (point) shape from a line for the Vibration welding of the roof spoiler, we were able to achieve an approximate 25% (roughly 0.5 kilogram) weight reduction in both the outer and inner thickness of the resin without sacrificing quality. <Outer thickness reduction> 《Fuel Consumption Rate of the Prius》 By changing the vibration welding rib to dots (points), we achieved a 14% reduction in resin thickness while minimizing impact to the quality of external appearance. Outer thickness was reduced approximately 14% Toyota Auto Body achieved the top of its class in fuel efficiency for hybrid systems and aerodynamic performance that were pursued through the multiplier effect of body shape and weight reductions. JCO8 Mode Fuel Efficiency (Survey figures of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) Point of Vibration adhesion Inner thickness was reduced approximately 42% km/L 40 26.2 Roof spoiler mass % 100 <Inner thickness reduction> By resin flow and hardness analyses, we achieved a 42% reduction by optimizing shape of the inner side of the resin, which does not impact design aspects. 31.6 30.4 30 20 25% reduction 75 50 15.8 10 0 Prius 25 0 Previous Current Prius α Prius PHV Vehicle A ※All S Grade Priuses ※Vehicle A:Gasoline vehicle in the same class “Environmental Data Incorporated Into Products” 13 ■Environmental Aspects RecycleOrientation The Three Important Themes: Low-Carbon Coexistence With Nature Efforts toward building a low-carbon society Production and Logistics Active Promotion of CO2 Reductions Through Energy-Saving Activities Toyota Auto Body is promoting detailed operational management of equipment. We are promoting the development of low-emission CO2 production technologies and introducingthe latest energy-saving technologies through refurbishing plants and upgrading equipment. In fiscal year 2011, we made efforts to introduce new technology for our Inabe Plant waterborne paint equipment and optimization of setting conditions for individual pieces of production equipment. Our vehicle sales target was achieved, and despite improvement over the previous year by approximately 2%, total CO2 emissions volume increased more than planned for reasons such as an increase in the production number of vehicles in the last quarter and increases in energy consumed for heating during the extremely cold winter. CO2 Emissions Volume Per Vehicle Total CO2 Emissions Volume (Thousand tons-CO2) ※Target scope: Production processes + offices 300 Toyota Auto Body (kgCO2/vehicle) 350 328 317 ∼∼ ∼ ∼ 300 Consolidated FY2011 target Consolidated Consolidated 296 293 284 286 282 250 target 217 201 205 208 200 197 199 280 295 276 200 FY2011 Toyota Auto Body 282 283 279 273 100 Toyota Auto Body 68 66 65 62 58 43 ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼∼ 0 0 ’01 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 '90 ’11 (FY) '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 (FY) Case Example Energy-Saving Technology by a High Efficiency Heat Pump Concurrently Using Hot and Cold Water We achieved significant energy savings by introducing an air-conditioning system that concurrently uses hot and cold water and applies a high efficiency heat pump that coincides with switching to waterborne paints for painting vehicles. Paint air-conditioning system that concurrently uses hot and cold water Heat pump Booth air conditioning Electricity consumed Cold water Electric power Hot water Previously hot and cold water were separately produced and supplied (Thousand tons CO2) 9% reduction 9.2 Waste heat used to heat water Fan Fan 8.4 Heat added Base coat (Waterborne paint) Cooling Preheating process Before being introduced Clear coat (0.8 ton reducion) After being introduced Energy-Saving Technology for Door-Sealer Drying We achieved energy savings through improving drying efficiency by developing drying equipment using ultraviolet rays that allows concurrent applying of heat to the metal sheet and heat directly to the sealer. Previously, drying of sealer as a water-resistant treatment in the door metal sheet joint was done by an anti-flow heat transmission method that used heated wind. Door sealer drying system (previously used) Ultraviolet ray drying system (currently used) Tremendous added heat energy for anti-flow heat transfer Direct drying of the sealer by heat added with ultraviolet rays Electric heater ● ● Electricity consumed for sealer drying Index Ultraviolet ray reflection cover, preventing heat from escaping 45% reduction Fan Air supply Sealer Sealer Hot-air drying (Cross-section of a metal sheet joint) Prior to development After development “CO2 Reduction Efforts in Production, Logistics, and Offices (Energy-saving activities etc.) 14 ■Environmental Aspects RecycleOrientation The Three Important Themes: Low-Carbon Coexistence With Nature Efforts toward building a recycle-oriented society Reduction of Emissions and Effective Use (Recycling) of Resources We at Toyota Auto Body acknowledge the limitations of all resources. Accordingly, we are promoting 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and are also promoting effective use of natural resources in vehicle development, design, and production through ease of dismantlement and recycling. Development and Design Promotion of Further Recycle Design At the vehicle development stage, Toyota Auto Body is making vehicle structures easier to dismantle by using dismantling performance estimation technologies at the design stage. We are implementing dismantling performance simulation by DA (Digital Assembly). Instrument panel Exhaust pipe We have introduced a design that ensures space to insert an oil-pressure cutter to be used to allow removal of the exhaust pipe and catalytic converter. For removal of the instrument panel, we recommend using a hoist using a hook. The setting point of the hook for effective dismantling is confirmed by DA. Oil-pressure cutter Hoist hook Oil-pressure cutter insertion space confirmed Confirmation of the hoist hook setting point for dismantlement Development of Materials That Use Pine Procured By Forest Thinning Toyota Auto Body is aiming to develop and expand the application of resilient plant materials that exhibit strong, light, and heat-resistant properties. We have made practical automotive supply parts for the first time by fusing together pine, procured by forest thinning, and tree resin. Introduction of this material on mass-production lines is now under consideration. Production and Logistics Fog lamp bracket Waste Substance Reductions and Effective Use of Natural Resources In promoting further effective use of resources, we are promoting development of Technology that allows reuse of resources, and we are making efforts to reduce external waste substances by setting countermeasures when they arise as in improving yields. Waste Substance Emissions Volume (kg/vehicle) 20 Main efforts to reduce waste substances Target substances: Incinerated waste substances + buried waste substances + fee return recycle resources 15.4 15 14.9 13.6 13.7 FY 2011 target 13.8 ・We introduced equipment which adds heat to reduce water to optimize operating conditions in the waste water treatment process for decreasing the volume of contaminated water created at our Yoshiwara Plant waste water treatment facility. ∼ ∼∼ 0 ’08 ’09 ’10 “Efforts to Effectively Use Resources in Production Processes” (Reductions in the volume of packaging materials used and water volume) ’11 (FY) Case Example Waste Substance Reduction by Water Separation in Liquid Disposed of in Waterborne Thinner Disposal liquid recovered from water-base cleaning thinner used in paint spray equipment has until now been treated for recycling by an externally contracted company. With manufacturers and cooperative industries, we progressed with testing and trials to separate membranes used in, for example, in water purification to be applied to treatment of paint for liquid disposal. Having established this engineering goal, we introduced a system in processes on actual production lines that recycles water separated from liquid for disposal in waterborne thinner. Water-base thinner disposal liquid separation treatment system Paint spray robot Cleaning liquid for disposal Membrane separation Only water passes through 0.4nm diameter holes in the separation membrane Water 〈Previous〉 Cleaning liquid for disposal Recovery of cleaning liquid for disposal Was treated by an externally contracted company Water Reduction in waste substance volume Index 100 40 Water 60% reduction Thinner Concentrated disposal liquid (Treated by externally contracted company) (Disposal liquid side) (Filtered water side) Separate water and in process reuse Previous Annual efficacy estimate 15 ■Environmental Aspects The Three Important Themes: RecycleOrientation Low-Carbon Coexistence With Nature Efforts toward building environmental conservation and coexistence with nature Reduction of SOC in Both Products and Vehicle Manufacturing Toyota Auto Body is coordinating with business partners, such as those handling materials and parts suppliers to promote a switch to much fewer substances that burden the environment by understanding the use and evaluating the risk of SOCs in both“products”and“production”for SOCs. Development and Design Sound Chemical Management in Products Action Status for Chemical Substance Regulations 2000 Measures for Chemical Substances Regulations 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Issued‘00/10 In 2006, Toyota Auto Body completely eliminated the four European ELV Regulated SOCs(Lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chrome). Toyota Auto Body is progressively cooperating with suppliers and Toyota Motor Corporation to reduce SOCs in products and achieve global chemical substance management. By following the chemical substance regulation European REACH*1 and other regulations, we are acting to regulate SOCs which are increasing. We held an explanatory meeting for sound chemical substance management for our suppliers in April 2012. European ELV ordered 2014 2015 2020 Target of switch one year before time limit ‘06 Eliminated Four substances eliminated Issued‘07/6 ‘15/1 Announced‘11/2 European REACH regulation 1st Approval Required Substances Six substances decided Switch time limit Of the six substances decided, four were confirmed for vehicle use. One substance has been switched. Switches promoted for remaining three ‘15/1 (one substance) ‘15/4 (five substance) ‘15/7 Announced‘12/2 European REACH regulations 2nd Approval Required Substances Eight substances decided *1 REACH:Registration,Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals There regulations, through chemical substances, aim to clarify corporate responsibility for chemical substance management, along with protection of the environment and the health of people. Among the eight substances, switches promoted for seven substances (one substance) Switch time limits Expanding prohibited substances ●’12/4 A chemical substance management explanatory meeting was held VOC Reduction in Vehicle Cabin Rooms By re-examining adhesives, processing methods, and materials that use VOC*2 (Volatile Organic Compounds), Toyota Auto Body is reducing toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde in vehicle cabin rooms which volatize from new interior parts. Our new models and full model change vehicles (Prius α) put on the market in fiscal year 2011 are clearing JAMA (Japan Automobile Manufacturer Association) self-initiated target. *2:VOC:Volatile Organic Compounds Production and Logistics VOC Emissions Volume Reduction Activities in Production Processes In consideration of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emitted from thinner and paint used when painting vehicles, we are promoting gradual reductions of cleaning thinner and the volume of liquid disposal by switching to water-base paints. VOC Emissions Volume Per Painted Vehicle Unit Area (g/m2) 100 100 ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ 50 42 40 40 36 35 FY2011 target 33 30 ∼ ∼ ’98 ∼ ∼∼ 0 ’07 ’ 08 ’09 ’ 10 35 Main Efforts to Reduce VOCs ・In fiscal year 2007, we completed the switch to using water-base paints for our base coat at our Fujimatsu and Yoshiwara plants. In fiscal year 2011, we changed equipment to introduce waterborne paints on the #1 Painting Line at our Inabe Plant. ・The volume of cleaning thinner used was reduced and the frequency of switching to clean the same color is now proper ・Disposal volume of cleaning thinner was reduced and equipment was installed that recovers thinner from spray processes ’ 11 (FY) 16 ■Environmental Aspects The Three Important Themes: RecycleOrientation Low-Carbon Coexistence With Nature Efforts toward building environmental conservation and coexistence with nature Promotion of Manufacturing Plants Created to Harmonize With Nature and the Communities in Which We Coexist Humans are a living part of the natural environment of the earth’s air, water, and ecosystems. We at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to harmonize with nature and coordinate with everyone in our communities to sustain our global environment. We established the walking road“Fujimatsu Area Four Seasonal Path of Ponds and Flowers”*1 around our Head Office/Fujimatsu Plant. From fiscal year 2009, Toyota Auto Body has been establishing the “Fujimatsu Four Seasonal Path of Pond and Flowers” to allow us to unite with our community in the area around our Fujimatsu Plant. As we walk along this path around four ponds, this path allows us to experience the natural environment, study, and learn history. In fiscal year 2011, local elementary and junior-high school students, people in the community, our employees and families of employees drew pictures on ceramic plates that we installed in the ground along the walking path around the four ponds. In April 2012, we showed the completed ground-installed pictures by holding a walking event. We are now progressing with a plan to establish a natural environment facility with the pending name“Ecopark”to serve as the base area of the walking course. “Fujimatsu Area Four Seasonal Path of Ponds and Flowers”*1 Walking Path Full circumference: Approximately 8 kilometers Walking time required: Approximately 2 hours Hanaike Pond *1:Naming of the walking path was decided in June 2011, after receiving suggestions from employees and people in the community “Ecopark Establishment Plan” Toyota Auto Body plans to have a base that develops into a place for relaxation and environmental learning for the community by establishing Biotop (Creature habitat space), a facility to experience farming, a multi-purpose area, and a footsal competition area. Minamiike Pond Ecopark Farm experience facility Manoshiroike Pond Vegetable cultivation Rice fields Biotop Sports zone Headoffice and Fujimatsu Plant Flower garden Walking path Employees and families planting a Camellia hiemalis trees along the walking path (FY2009) Multi-purpose area “Japanese rhinoceros beetle”Forest Fukidoike Pond PE Environment Group Eiji Kawasumi Athough some of the pictures were challenging, people in the community and employees of Toyota Auto Body drew nice pictures on ceramic plates. There are many pictures of birds from all prefectures, so please come have a look. Along all four pond banks, we erected information signs(FY2010) Employees volunteered to use wood from felled forest thinned trees to repair benches (FY2009) Walking Path Course Established: Path-installed plate pictures *2 (FY2011) [Flowers] Hanaike Pond Fourth-year Fujimatsu Elementary School students drawing pictures on ceramic plates Here’s the picture I drew! Path-plate pictures along the walking course have separate themes for each of the four ponds Path-goers participate in answering questions at a walking event Minamiike Pond [Birds and flowers of all prefectures] Fukidoike Pond [Living creatures: Insects, fish, and birds] [Vegetables and fruits] Manoshiroike Pond Together with one’s own picture *2 Facilities established are donated to Kariya City 17 ■Environmental Aspects Environmental Management Promotion of Environmental Management for Globalization Toyota Auto Body is progressively making environmental countermeasures at all stages of development, design, production, and logistics in positioning management of the environmental efforts as an important topic for us. We have established a management system coordinated with domestic and overseas group companies, business partners, and our communities in aiming to achieve top-level efforts in each area and each country. Strengthening and Promotion of Consolidated Environmental Management We are continuously exchanging information on items of our efforts, the introduction of targets, and countermeasure case examples of our 5th Environmental Action Plan for all Toyota Auto Body Group companies. In fiscal year 2011, for our domestic and overseas production companies, we surveyed the status of environmental efforts and conducted an inspection for on-site risk of information leaks. We are promoting the planning of kaizen plans for areas that require improved efforts. Toyota Auto Body Group Company Efforts Achieving Environmental Education Inspection of the management conditions for separation of oil and water in the underground pit of the press process (Chun Shyang Shih Yeh Industry Co., Ltd. : Republic of China [Taiwan]) The promotion of environmental management requires all of our employees to have heightened environmental awareness and have the ability to incorporate that awareness of the environment into their own work. Toyota Auto Body is promoting the environmental education and environmental enlightenment activities to serve as the pillar for developing our employees and those of our Toyota Auto Body Group companies. Implementation Status of Environmental Education and Enlightenment Activities Active Participation in Toyota Eco-VAS Education of new employees prior to their postings Toyota Auto Body, in coordination with Toyota Motor Corporation along with raw material and parts suppliers, is making efforts in emissions volume reduction activities to evaluate CO2 emissions volume and atmospheric SOC emissions through the entire life cycle from vehicle“material production”and“production”to“disposal”. Promotion of Environmental Management Eco-VAS in Product Development Achieving Environmental Information Release and Mutual Communication Further enhancement of environmentconsidering design with the introduction of Eco-VAS from 2005 Toyota Auto Body regularly holds an annual“Community Panel”to which we invite officials and representatives of local organizations from the communities in the vicinity of our plants. Panel discussion centers on our efforts for the environment and our contribution activities. In addition to releasing environmental data relating to atmospheric emissions and water quality emitted from our plants, those who attend this meeting take tours of our production lines and we have opinion exchanges about the environment of those communities. Active Reporting of Environmental Information Other Environment-Associated Data “Further Promotion of Environmental Activities Coordinated With Our Business Partners” Community panel discussion under way at our Head Office/Fujimatsu Plant “Environmental Accounting” “Volume of Resources Input and Volume of Substances Discharged in Business Activities” 18 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Toyota Auto Body Delivers Fine Quality Products Which Place Our Customers First We at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to achieve the world’s finest quality vehicle manufacturing for customer safety that allows our products to be used with a sense of security. We are incorporating the voice of the customer in sharing quality as the industry’s lifeline for all Toyota Auto Body Group companies, which we combine with promoting improvement and accident prevention activities for assuring customer safety and confidence in our products. Building in Quality in New Product Development to Assure Customer Confidence and Safety Efforts to Reflect Worldwide Customer Opinion The level of expectation worldwide is being further increased with the diversified needs of our customers. Toyota Auto Body aims to assure the world’s finest quality in meeting expectations of our customers. For us to achieve such aims entails knowing beyond ways our customers have used our products and under what environmental conditions in all regions of the world through enhancing early information retrieval from customers worldwide through on-site surveying and overseas assignees. This information is then reflected in new product design and evaluation. Surveying in middle-east deserts (Land Cruiser 200) Australian user conditions (Land Cruiser 70) Toshifumi Umemura On-Site Survey by Toyota Auto Body Engineers (Mongolia) of our Vehicle Evaluation & Engineering Division participated in the on-site survey In addition to confirming details of customers’ needs, we conducted an on-site survey in Mongolia, where we have limited data on road conditions and vehicle use. Our Land Cruiser 70, used in mining operations in Mongolia. In our survey, we confirmed needs and open opinions of our customers who use the vehicles under tough road conditions and extreme cold. Into the future, we are working toward further improved trust in our products. Frozen road survey on site in Mongolia. Improving Quality Through Ease of Vehicle Manufacturing Changes in Activities to Eliminating Difficult Operations Toyota Auto Body considers“ease of vehicle manufacturing”to be Voxy・Noah Estima Alphard Prius ∼ important from the development stage in order to continue stable mass Land Cruiser 200 production of fine quality vehicles. Improvement and expanded From the development stage, those involved in design, production range with each model change Introduced to multiple engineering, production, and supply are working in unison to progress plants and production line workers as we further evolve“Improvement Activities for Difficult Operations” Early start of activities (Implemented from the design for each model change. consideration stage) Activities to build know-how Previous packaging layout (Use of IT and all designers sharing know-how) Expanding activity scope (Applied to basic operational tasks of wiring layout, removal, insertion, setting, and assembly) All worksite assembly basic operational tasks and countermeasures and also extraction of difficult operations by thoroughly examining the actual work Toyota Auto Body employee Supplier ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ∼ (FY) Only dividers used Improved packaging layout Meeting to consider “Improvement Activities for Difficult Operations” Packaging conforms to part shape “Improvement Activities for Difficult Operations” case example 19 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Quality Assurance Efforts in Mass-Production Processes A challenge requiring a solution Efforts Aimed to Achieve “Zero” Quality Defects Toyota Auto Body bases improvement on standard operations, and we are progressively creating countermeasures to pursue root causes through inquisitive analysis when quality defects arise. In addition, we are progressively promoting improvement on all production lines for potential challenges in difficult-to-perform operations and other operations as an effort to improve quality through ease of vehicle manufacturing. <Repetitively asking“Why? Why? Whi?・・・”> Essential element of the challenge =Root cause Enlightenment Activities for Stressing the Importance of Quality We continue to stress to all of our employees“Customer First” and“Quality First”. In addition to holding regular quality lecture meetings and quality case example exhibit meetings, we are implementing stratified education on quality. We are also holding company-wide Jikotei kanketsu (no defects are passed along to the next process, assuring quality in one’s own part of the process) activities for achieving awareness enlightenment and quality improvement in our work through “determining on the spot whether one’s work is achieving targeted results”and“not burdening subsequent processes.” Visitors listen attentively at a quality lecture meeting In-company Jikotei kanketsu case example meeting. Promotion of Early-Stage Improvement System and Actions for Recalls Based on Customer Information Closely coordinating with Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Auto Body is introducing activities to quickly uncover quality issues in the vehicle market, immediately resolve any such issues, and swiftly provide feedback of resulting corrective changes and improvements. Toyota Auto Body is promoting measures to prevent reoccurrence of quality issues in the next line of new products by having one of our Development Division staff confirm and make improvements at an early stage for mass-produced vehicle customer information. In the event that a defect subject to a recall is discovered, we place the“customer first” in swiftly determining appropriate measures to be taken and addressing important issues by closely coordinating with Toyota Motor Corporation. We are also progressively implementing a similar system for our unique electric vehicles, daily living appliances, and our other products. Receiving Top Acclaim Internationally We are progressing in our way of thinking that efforts to achieve quality assurance at Toyota Auto Body are to be the same for all our mass-produced vehicles. As a result of our efforts, the LX570 in the Lexus line produced at our Yoshiwara Plant was ranked first in the “Large Premium Cross-Over SUV Segment”, adjusted to referenced figures*, by customer evaluation in the IQS (Initial Quality Survey evaluation) of the American company JD Powers. *Reference figures: Evaluation results are treated as referencing figures due to less than 100 samples in the survey ■American JD Powers IQS Evaluation <Large Premium Cross-Over SUV Segment> Defects and Dissatisfaction Number of claims/100 vehicles 100 95 91 63 Excellent Lexus LX570 Company A Vehicle A Company B Vehicle B Company C Vehicle C (Note: Treated as reference figures due the low sampling numbers of the LX570) 20 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations A Great Sense of Security Through Our Pursuit of Safety Based on considerations for safe and reassuring vehicle manufacturing, we at Toyota Auto Body are aiming to manufacture safe vehicle bodies at the top of their class in all countries by promoting “collision safety”for minimizing accident injuries and also“preventive safety”development from the viewpoint of greatly reducing potential accidents. We are developing and assessing vehicle bodies that offer superior safety performance through actual accident data analysis reflected in occurrences in the market, which we combine with referencing to regulations in all countries and third-party assessments. Development and Evaluation of Safe Vehicle Bodies Based on Actual Accident Analysis Toyota Auto Body is developing and incorporating the concept of Toyota Motor Corporation’s own omni-directional compatibility *1 in order to pursue pluralistic properties during collisions among vehicles differing in height and weight. Adding to previously conducted frontal and side-on collisions, we have greatly strengthened the cabin to withstand rear collisions in aiming to ensure protective performance and safety space. *1 Assures collision safety performance for lightweight vehicles and considers achieving mutual safety through reducing damage by heavy vehicles Side-on collision Collision Performance Evaluation Words From the One in Charge Collision Safety Testing Department Katsuhiro Naruse My desire is to develop vehicles bodies that provide solid construction that protects our customers and also considers inflicted damage in the event of an accident. My dedication to this work is to hear from even one person or many,“I’m glad I was driving this vehicle!” Frontal collision Rear-end collision Vehicle Bodies for Reducing Pedestrian Injuries To prevent serious injury of pedestrians, Toyota Auto Body is using collision-absorbing construction in our bumpers, hoods, fenders, and cowls to lessen impact to the legs and head of a pedestrian. Pedestrian Protective Performance Evaluation Words From the One in Charge D C Indoor Safety Laboratory Department Takuya Mitsudome C B My daily efforts involve considering how to protect pedestrians and lessen impact received from a vehicle in the event of an accident; not only protection of vehicle passengers. A A Collision-absorbing bumper construction B Collision-absorbing hood construction C Collision-absorbing fender construction D Collision-absorbing cowl construction The LEXUS CT200h Jointly Developed With Toyota Motor Corporation was Awarded the Top-Ranking “FIVE-STAR AWARD”and“FIRST PRIZE”for JNCAP New Safety Performance Total Assessment. The CT200h that Toyota Auto Body jointly-developed with Toyota Motor Corporation received highest-ranking vehicle“JNCAP FIVE-STAR AWARD”(5★). Moreover, the CT200h was also awarded the “JNCAP FIRST PRIZE”for having the highest safest performance among vehicles assessed. This is the first time both awards were received for the CT200h based on the introduction of the New Safety Performance Total Assessment. Note) JNCAP : Japan New Car Assessment Program JNCAP FIRST PRIZE Winner JNCAP Five Star Award Winner “Results of Safe Vehicle Manufacturing Efforts” 21 ■Social Aspects Customer Relations Aiming to Become a Company Able to Support Comfortable Living of Our Customers and Contribute to Creating A Better Society Through Welfare and Special Purpose Vehicles. Toyota Auto Body is contributing to the“lifestyles”of many with our special purpose vehicles that meet multiple needs and we are providing“Happiness”and“Freedom of Movement”to many with our welfare vehicles. Providing Comfortable Freedom of Movement Also to the Elderly, and Physically and Mentally Challenged. Activities for Promoting Our Welfare Products Toyota Auto Body is Active Around Town Toyota Auto Body efforts to promote welfare products involve exhibiting our products at welfare events held throughout Japan, visiting welfare facilities, and interacting directly with customers. In low-density populated areas, Toyota Auto Body is taking the place of public transport to serve as the means to provide daily transport to people who need to do such things as shop and visit medical facilities. A welfare product explanation to customers (International Welfare Device Exhibition 2011) A Hiace serving as a community bus in Seto City Our Activities Support Many to Live A swing-arm lift equipped vehicle capable of allowing wheelchair users to board the vehicle without leaving their wheelchairs. Activities for Promoting Our Special Purpose Vehicles Our Activities in Disaster Areas At our dealerships throughout Japan, we hold training meetings that use actual vehicles to convey in great detail information to our customers. In addition, we are making efforts to be able to answer more questions and hear the opinions of customers through interactional exchanges. Tokai Utility Motor Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Auto Body, develops and manufactures mobile commercial vehicles that we used to contribute to relief support efforts by mainly servicing temporary housing in the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster. A freezer van being used at a special purpose vehicle training meeting (February 2012 in Osaka) Mobile commercial vehicles being used in the disaster area of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Display shelves in one of the vehicles Tokai Utility Motor Co., Ltd. Sales Planning Department Kouji Yamaguchi Welfare Product Lineup Special Purpose Product Lineup Upon receiving opinions directly from customers in the earthquake disaster area, I felt a heightened degree of completion of our work. Seeing those in the disaster area being able to shop with a smile gave me a sense of joy and accomplishment. 22 ■Social Aspects Business Partner Relations Promotion of Fair and Open Transactions and Realization of Procurement Activities Aiming for Mutual Prosperous Coexistence Extending From Mutual Trust With Business Partners Sharing Mutual Information With Business Partners Toyota Auto Body is holding a“Procurement Policy Explanatory Meeting”to share our one year of procurement activities and our way of thinking with all of our business partners. In fiscal year 2012, we have been enhancing our efforts aiming to ensure our competitive strength in areas of quality, cost, and delivery for procurement of minivans, commercial vehicles, SUVs, special purpose vehicles, and welfare vehicles. More concretely, we are promoting unified activities to provide satisfying products to our customers all over the world. We are looking to achieve unified activities through strengthening coordination with all our business partners in conjunction with expanding our vehicle business overseas and promoting quality improvement activities and active cost reduction for each vehicle model change. In addition, we are presenting certificates of appreciation to those business partners that achieve annual quality and cost reduction efforts. In fiscal year 2011 in particular, under severe challenges with disasters gripping environment with the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster and flooding in Thailand, we presented certificates of appreciation to 31 (extended number) business partners for their successful efforts in quality and cost improvement activities. These developments along with our promotion of fair and open transactions have resulted in our activities being positively evaluated by our business partners, and this will be reflected in future procurement activities and education of our activity scope. President Amioka presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to express our greatfullness to our suppliers (Procurement Policy Explanatory Meeting) Promotion of Activities Aiming for Mutual Prosperous Coexistence With Business Partners Sharing CSR Policy That Serves as the Basis of Mutual Trust In our“CSR Policy”, which culminates our function as a company with responsibility to society, we request sharing of efforts, especially for activity efforts shared with business partners, and presenting those efforts also to our business partners along with our progressive refinement in “Supplier CSR Guidelines.” Transparency of Our Supplier Chain Through Lessons from arthquake Disaster As a consequence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and floods in Thailand, the procurement activities of Toyota Auto Body were greatly affected. Toyota Auto Body has used such disasters to train for similar future events to work with business partners to expand from the previous primary supply network for parts and materials. Toyota Auto Body organized approximately 1000 procurement items that trace back to the material manufacturers. Toyota Auto Body is aiming to build a more stable procurement system by progressively considering measures for handling risks by taking such actions as establishing redundancy production bases and universal materials. 仕入先CSRガイドライン 2009年10月 Supplier CSR Guidelines Supplier Chain Status (Image) Item 1 Item 2 ASSY S/A Component Material Company A Company C Company H Company ha Company D Company J Company B ・Tracing and organizing materials for the supply network from primary manufacturers Company A and Company B Company E Company F Company G Company ga 23 ■Social Aspects Business Partner Relations Brainstorming at the Shatai-Kyowakai The Shatai-Kyowakai, comprising a supplier’s voluntary group of 117 companies, aims to promote activities with the goals of mutual trust and brainstorming. Brainstorming Through Working Group Meetings Member companies belong to all“vehicle part”and“equipment”divisional meetings, and through holding lecture meetings and visiting outstanding companies among other various activities, Toyota Auto Body is looking to deepen insight while achieving brainstorming among members. In fiscal year 2011, Toyota Auto Body introduced case examples of our efforts for this year’s important theme of“Safety, Quality, and the Supply Chain”in managerial issue lecture meetings and division meetings. Researching Managerial Issues Through Research Meeting Activities At vehicle part and equipment working group meetings, we introduced and shared our efforts with member companies Separate from Working Group Activities, we created research meetings with varying themes that in fiscal year 2011 were “Management”, “Quality”, and“Cost”for which research meeting activities were carried out. Related-divisions at Toyota Auto Body also participate in each research group and we are making efforts for sharing issues and create proposals for countermeasures through mutual communication by Toyota Auto Body and member companies. Individual Company Brainstorming Efforts At Our “Outstanding Case Example Exhibit Meeting” Annually at the end of the fiscal year, Toyota Auto Body holds an “Outstanding Case Example Exhibit Meeting”in which results in fields such as safety, quality, cost improvement, and technical development are given as a report on activities. Brainstorming is achieved through many people from Toyota Auto Body and our member companies who participate and do research on the efforts of each company. In fiscal year 2011, 1114 people explored and contributed by participating in the meeting. Discussions by group and lectures at our“Quality” research meeting headed by Toyota Auto Body managers Promotion of Environmentally Friendly Procurement Activities Revision of our Green Procurement Guideline Toyota Auto Body wants our business partners to promote and concrete implementation items for looking to build“A Low-Carbon Society”,“A Recycle-Oriented Society”, and“A Society That Coexists With Nature”that we have issued as our“Green Purchasing Guidelines”. In April 2012, with the establishment of an international legal system concerning chemical substances and also to take action for developments in managerial regulations, we issued a revised edition of the “Green Procurement Guidelines”for which we held an explanatory meeting for our business partners. Manager from Toyota Auto Body and member companies and also many employees participated in learning from activity examples of each company at the“Outstanding Case Example Exhibit Meeting” “Green Purchasing Guideline” 24 ■Social Aspects Community Relations Active Promotion of Social Contributions as One With Our Communities In order to fulfill our social responsibility as a “good corporate citizen” in coexisting with our communities, we are progressing in our social contribution activities through having our employees participate as volunteers in our communities that center around“the environment”,“social welfare”, and“our communities”. In particular, we are making efforts to create a society of means through employee volunteer circle activities and workplace activities. Additionally, we are continuing our support relief efforts to the disaster victims and their localities of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Social Contribution Activities Centering on the Workplace Toyota Auto Body is promoting unique activities closely connected to our communities by place of business area, which we refer to as a“block”. Fujimatsu Block Kariya Block Inabe Block Toyota Block Walking and beautification unifying the community, government offices, and industry Wheelchair cleaning at welfare facilities Employees and families participate in a tree planting event Cutting grass and other growth under an overpass as needed by the community Employees Volunteer for“TAB Fureai Club“ Volunteer Organization Circle Activities Beyond the organizational framework, we are making volunteer activity efforts in which community members gather who share interests and concerns. Activities With Our Communities Dispatching Instructors to Local Junior High Schools Toyota Auto Body has a part in educating youths through dispatching instructors for special courses upon request of schools to instruct on what is useful in society. At Fujimatsu Junior High School near our head office, a special cooking course was taught on visual illusions called “Benham’s top”. Other than the mechanism for visual illusions, the use of such visual illusion and innovating was also explained for making attractive vehicle designs. Design Division Design Development Department Tsutomu Soyano Junior high school students view images of documents with great interest Students were pleased with what I had acquired in my work up to this point. This was not only a great experience, but one that led to improving my own presentation skills. Community Crime-Prevention Patrols, Community Sports Guidance, and Other Services In placing importance on interacting with our communities, our activity efforts aim for coexisting with our communities. Our“Toyota Auto Body Community Support Team”comprising approximately 70 people, mainly conducts nighttime crime-prevention patrols in cooperation with residents around the Wakazono District near our Yoshiwara Plant. Our Toyota Auto Body Handball Club and Volleyball Club Our Yoshiwara Plant A handball class for junior high provide sports education for community kids also hold sporting “Toyota Auto Body Community Support Team” school students in the community events. 25 ■Social Aspects Community Relations Forest Maintenance Activities in Each Production Base Community Efforts by Toyota Auto Body for forest maintenance near our production bases ad also environmental education activities involving our plant employees, families, and community residents aim to conserve the natural environment of the community. In Japan, we advocate the purpose of“Corporate Forest Creation”for Aichi, the location of our head office. Starting anew from 2012, seven Toyota Auto Body Group companies *1 are participating in maintaining 32 hectares of prefectural forest. In the next three years, we will be carrying out forest environment surveys, underbrush removal, forest thinning, and nature viewing among other maintenance activities with the cooperation of forest volunteer groups. Toyota Auto Body representatives who concluded the“Corporate Forest Creation” Agreement Ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the start of sawing *1:Toyota Auto Body、Tokai Utility Motor Co., Ltd. , Toyota Body Seiko Co., Ltd. , Ace Industry Co., Ltd., TABMEC Co., Ltd. , Tokai Parts Industry Co., Ltd. , Life Service & Security Corporation Overseas from 2011, on-site affiliated company P.T. Sugity Creatives and P.T. Toyota Auto Body-Tokai Extrusion began a planting activity to rejuvenate a 100 hectare area of mangrove forest off the coast of nearby Jakarta. Our effort is to plant one million mangrove trees over a five-year period. Anniversary in Indonesia for mangrove tree planting at a site planned for rejuvenation Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Area Support Activities (Rikuzentakata City in Iwate Prefecture) <Disaster Area Shuttle Service> ・Days of service 15 (June 13 - July 15) Toyota Auto Body provided free shuttle services by volunteer employees driving our welfare vehicles to drive disaster victims, who were forced to live in evacuation facilities, to go shopping and reach hot springs to bath. In addition, the introduction of unique activities Toyota Auto Body swiftly created to assist in disaster area support efforts received recognition. Toyota Auto Body was awarded with the Great East Japan Earthquake Special Prize for Encouragement at the 3rd“Make a CHANGE Day*”. In Indonesia, Senior Managing Director Ishiguro(right) and President Ando(center) of P.T.Sugity Creatives conduct a planting anniversary. ・Number of users 119 ・Number of Volunteers 20 Two welfare vehicles used as shuttles *“Make a CHANGE Day*” is a day set aside annually for volunteer and civic activities held concurrently on that day throughout Japan and possibly overseas. Award ceremony and anniversary plaque Typhoon No.12 Recovery Support Activities (Mie Prefecture Kiho-cho) On two days, September 16th and 22nd, 25 Toyota Auto Body employees volunteered for to assist in typhoon recovery work in Mie Prefecture, where one of our production bases is located. Volunteer assisted recovery efforts in Kiho-cyo, which suffered especially heavy damage from the typhoon. Removing mud from under floors Removing mud from irrigation channels 26 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Promotion of a“Safe and Comfortable Workplace”As Dialog Activities for Mutual Enlightenment We at Toyota Auto Body are promoting activities to achieve zero accidents from occurring in our plant facilities for all business partner operations concerning non-workday plant visiting construction workers and truck cargo delivery and handling. All Employees Pledge Zero Accidents At our company-wide Safety Rally held in July, Toyota Auto Body executives, department and sectional managers, and top management of our affiliated companies together pledged in chorus to make efforts to have no accidents by having all members practice their central role in safety activities for the slogan of “Understanding and Observance of Safety Rules”. Company-wide Safety Rally Time Dedicated to Safety and Safe Leader Meeting Activities Daily, Toyota Auto Body is promoting activities to generate real opinions from plant operating staff and also opinions concerning their observations and guidance during time specifically put aside for safety by managers and supervisors. We are promoting participatory activities for all plant operating staff that centers on the operators. We created a safety leader (operator) meeting for each section and a danger-prediction contest among other activities aimed to improve safety awareness and achieve dialog with our plant operating staff. A forklift operation danger prediction contest through the Safety Leader Meeting Near-Miss Experience Activities for Office and Technical Staff From our belief in the importance of sensing fear in predicting danger, we conducted new safety experience education in 2011 for approximately 1500 office and technical staff in addition to education conducted previously for technical worksites. “Oh, I was going to fall over!” Experiencing slippage Movement set forward the instant foot contact is made Activities for Zero Accidents in Our Facilities for Non-Working Day Construction Work and Truck Cargo Delivery and Handling Based on the desire for zero accidents in our facilities relating to shipping, we are promoting activities to improve safety management which we coordinate with externally contracted construction workers and shipping agents. A Construction Safety Motivation Meeting Brainstorming Activities at a Shipping prior to a long holiday Safety Research Meeting (Pledging zero accidents in unison) (Results Announcement Meeting) “Safety and Health Basic Policy” “Labor Accident Occurrence Status” 27 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Aiming for Both Physical and Mental Health of Employees Toyota Auto Body considers the health of our employees the most important asset for both individuals and our company. In order to become a company with healthy employees, we are making efforts to have each and every employee improve and acquire sustainable healthy living habits. Health Condition Confirmation and Guidance Contents Based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act in Japan, we are implementing all kinds of diagnostic health checks. For employees diagnosed with an abnormal medical condition, we are providing individual guidance and consultation from physicians at our in-company infirmary. Health Festa (Labor-management collaboration) Immediate Handling of Employee Anxiety Toyota Auto Body promotes improving the degree of mental health of our employees by providing immediate attention to employees who consult on a number of points with a posted clinical psychotherapist. Fujimatsu Lecture meetings and exhibit meetings Inabe Mental Health Tips February 15, 2012 Health Promotion Center Mental Health Promotion G No.14 Loosen body strain and stabilize one’s mind During winter, reduced body movement and not being upbeat result more easily. Maintaining mental stability in such a case can be done by moving one’s body. This is effective, so please try it. 1.Normal form On the 15th of every month, Toyota Auto Body uploads health tips in which we present enlightening activities and also introduce mental health activities for awareness and simple stress relief methods that can be done by oneself. Guidance for Improving Living Habits Yoshiwara Health awareness is raised by offering various determiners of employee health, such as living habit checks and gauging blood vessel age. Raising Health Awareness We are promoting motivation for employees to realize self-initiated awareness of health, whereby we set October as Labor Health Month. At each of our plants during that month, lectures and exhibits were held on mental health and the prevention of metabolic syndrome. Health Month It hurts a little Open your legs, keeping your body sitting straight, place your ankles While keeping your upper body straight, bend at the waist and fall Take out the tension from your entire body and just stay in that position, In collaboration with the Health Insurance slowly feeling your body stretch perpendicularly flat to the floor toward the floor Association, we are making efforts to Introduction of simple stress relief methods provide guidance for employees to improve one can do along“Mental Health Tips” their living habits through such as e m p h a s i z i n g e a t i n g w e l l a n d g e t t i n g Number of Employees Receiving Living Habit Improvement Guidance of sufficient exercise to counter metabolic (Number (Cumulative: 8,680 employees) employees) syndrome. 10,000 2,837 For employees over 35 years old who are 7,500 2,198 diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, we are 5,000 3,645 providing individualized guidance by a 2,500 health nurse for a period of six months to improve their living habits. 0 Receiving individualized FY‘09 FY‘10 FY‘11 metabolic syndrome guidance Stop-Smoking Support Activities Toyota Auto Body is calling for employees to s t o p s m o k i n g b y e s t a b l i s h i n g a Resulting Number of Employees Who Quit Smoking of (Cumulative: 479 employees) company-wide concurrent effort on our Stop (Number employees) Previous smoker who 141 500 Smoking Day on the 22nd of each month as kicked the habit our challenge to have smokers kick the habit. 300 Management Planning In collaboration with the Health Insurance Division 250 Association, Toyota Auto Body is promoting Katsumi Yamamoto activities to have even one among many of 38 My desire to do my work increased our employees be able to stop smoking 0 FY‘09 FY‘10 FY‘11 further after quitting smoking through receiving stop-smoking treatment at our in-company infirmaries. 28 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations “Personnel Development and Career Support”Aims to Achieve Self-Realization Through Work and Exhibit Individual Employee Creativity We at Toyota Auto Body are making continuous efforts toward developing “independent human resources”capable of independent action and individual thought in building a system of personnel development from a mid- to long-term view. Fundamental Thinking on Personnel Development Career Support Program (CSP) Development Evaluation and thorough assessment Development plan and tools presented Development measures Evaluation and thorough assessment Discuss settling on plans and motivation Support・OJT Feedback and motivation Personal effort Growth and achivement of one’s goals Company Provide a place and tools for planned development Necessary ability and a clear standard Supervisor Development Plan Speaking with employees, motivation and support through guidance Clearly indicate and making correct decisions Individuals For each and every employee at Toyota Auto Body, we consider the importance of achieving self-realization through one’s work and exhibiting creativity. In order to achieve such, we are promoting individual development through building“Career Support Program”as a system for developing personnel over the mid- to long-term. This program unifies the individual employee, the company, and the person managing with the aim to achieve developing“independent human resources”capable of independent action and individual thought. Noticing what should be done combined with an effort and attitude to grow Being aware of what should be done Achieving Global Human Resources Expansion of overseas business for all of the Toyota Auto Body Group, we are making efforts to achieve global human resources. From fiscal year 2011, we achieved coordination with affiliated overseas companies and introduced a job assignment system with the primary purpose of training our personnel. Our aim is to toughen our assignees to the challenge of completing work on their own and also improve their practical language skills while experiencing a different culture. Also, from overseas affiliate companies, we are receiving trainees, to whom we are providing practical training in Japan so that they may develop into our core managers and supervisors in the future. Clarifying of one’ s goals Create a plan for personal development On assignment in the United States from our Human Resources Division Kazuhiro Kito All day long every day it’s an uphill battle being immersed and in English, but recently, I’ve slowly come to be able to understand English directly without first translating back into Japanese. Enhancing Specialized Education for Vehicle Development and Production Engineering Toyota Auto Body is providing education to allow employees to achieve cutting-edge technical developments through building an education system in each area of vehicle development and production engineering. Especially for young employees, we are aiming for earlier capability to our efforts through heightened understanding by combining the education, underlying mechanisms, and theory learned in coursework through an on-site, hands Specialized developmental engineering basic technical education on approach to manufacturing and“vehicle assembly operations”experienced directly. Practical education of overseas affiliate company trainees Specialized production engineering basic technical education 29 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Education for Professional Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Our customers should have a security and trust us to build in quality in our manufacturing, and our efforts extend to skill acquisition training and education that continues through mid-management ranks after employees enter Toyota Auto Body in order to enhance our strength in monozukuri. Entry-Level Employee Education Toyota Auto Body provides“Fundamental Skill and Knowledge Education”provided by our dedicated trainers. We are aiming at an early stage to develop and train employees around which our worksites will center in the future. Training is being provided for entry in our“High-Level Skill Transfer (National Skill Olympics)”. National Skill Olympics FY2011 (Automotive Sheet-Metal Worker) Mid-Level Engineer Education (Skill Acquisition Training) Toyota Auto Body is providing“Skill and Knowledge Education”taught by our dedicated trainers for eight types of skill qualification that include press, body, painting, injection molding, assembly, and maintenance. In maintenance related work, we are providing educational training in transport control and robotics to enhance further productivity and allow swift action to be taken in maintain our more complex, sophisticated facilities in recent years. In addition, we are implementing“Skill Qualification” and holding a “Skill Competition” as a place to confirm results of one’ s own efforts which is leading to improved knowledge and skill and also the motivation to challenge oneself. Skill Competition Automotive Body Worker Handwork skill Skill Competition Maintenance Worker Robot teaching skill The Skill Competition Painting Worker Outstanding Award (High Skill Level 3) award winner Fujimatsu Plant Painting Section Yoshikazu Hatakeyama In our long years of devotion to manufacturing, certain skilled workers have been selected to receive the“Aichi Master Craft Worker”and“Mie Master Craft Worker” awards. These awards have, in turn, increased the motivation of our employees. (In FY2011, award recipients numbered three in Aichi Prefecture and one in Mie Prefecture) I have to think on my own to improve my skill with trial and error being essential. The competition lets one know one’s own level and leads to higher motivation. Furthering Worksite Kaizen Efforts ( QC Circle Activities ) Through QC circle activities, Toyota Auto Body is aiming to contribute to society and improve customer satisfaction through creating workplaces a positive, active place that are energetic while also allowing one to have a sense of achievement and grow. From 2010, we gave the name “Toyota Auto Body Group QC Circle Competition”to a competition in which domestic and overseas group companies were able to participate, and this competition served as a place to“learn and grow together.” In fiscal year 2011, with a base of 533 circle activities, a competition was held among all Toyota Auto Body companies were invited to compete by plant for the themes of “Circle Activities”, “Managers and Supervisors”, and“Domestic and Overseas Companies”. Outstanding awards were selected and the top three circles for circle kaizen will compete in the All-Japan Invitational Competition. Progress in performing kaizen for that which is considered“tough”from the viewpoint of females. First steps of the freshly-created Sunshine-Circle Fujimatsu Plant Automotive Body Logistics Section Sunshine-Circle Sunshine-Circle priorities Personnel Development Sharing“individual”growth and inspiration and having all of us grow together Announcer: Kaede Nagano QC Circle Kaizen announcement being made Externally Held Competition Announcement Results (All-Japan Invitational QC Competition) In fiscal year 2011, Toyota Auto Body received 15 outstanding awards at the QC Competition held outside Toyota Auto Body. Of particular interest is that two circles concurrently received the “Director’s Award First Prize”at the All-Japan Invitational Competition. First Prize awarded to the First Prize awarded to the Garasuya-Circle Zero-Circle Fujimatsu Plant Assembly Division (Inabe Plant Painting Division) “QC Circle Activities” 30 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Promoting a Sense of Unity and Harmonious Worksites That Support Individual Employee Happiness In order to create harmonious workplace culture, we are looking to achieve“making worksites healthy and energetic,” “enliven communication,”and“promote a sense of unity as a company” through major and minor efforts and events throughout the company down to the unit of the worksite while receiving cooperation of labor-management. A Place for Mutual Communication C (Communication) Meetings As a way to invigorate our worksites and promote communication throughout our company, we have C Meetings. Held once a month for one hour, these meetings serve as a place for opinion exchanges on individual worksite themes such as compliance, safety, and human rights. Through these C Meetings, we aim to promote the custom of having all participants be able to share views on any subject while going beyond workplace barriers between management and subordinates as well as between colleagues. C Meeting in progress Production Engineering Division making a Hina dolls for exhibit Planning Events to Invigorate Individual Worksites Toyota Auto Body is promoting self-initiated activities for each division with the aim to create a more pleasant and energetic workplace. At the change of each season, events and sporting competitions between worksites, along with holding worksite tours for families, whereby each division uses their creativity, we aim to have these efforts enliven communication for families to experience worksite from all angles. Development Division Station Relay Competition Families taking tours of offices Achieving Communication Outside of Work Once a year each place of work in our companies holds their own festival as a place for employees, their families, and residents in our communities to interact. At the festival events, booths and attractions are set up by employees with a spirit of rivalry that serves to deepen good relations and help to create a opportunity to relate to one another. In addition, at sporting events of each sports club for handball, volleyball, and triathlons, we achieve the nurturing of a unified workplace spirit through rooting for our teams and athletes from their respective places of work in the company. Happy Festa (Head Office Fujimatsu Plant area) All-Japan Handball Championship Rooting supporters 31 ■Social Aspects Employee Relations Creating An Easy to Work Environment and Awareness for Being Good Citizens Toyota Auto Body is working toward creating awareness for being good citizens and company employees through our deepening human rights awareness and our extensive efforts for traffic safety awareness. For Being Good Citizens Deepening Human Rights Awareness In looking toward realizing“Respect of individuals”, in each place of work in our companies, we are implementing enlightenment activities and providing human rights education for new employees and managerial staff. In addition, our efforts to resolve human rights issues involve participating in training and education at external organizations and also the“Aichi Human Rights Enlightenment Corporate Liaison Meeting”with the aim to develop leadership in our employees for in-company human rights enlightenment activities. Through having our employees brainstorm their perception of human rights, we are taking up established human rights infringement events in daily company life in which our in-company instruction examines such issues as sexual harassment and power harassment. Concerning the promoting of those physically and mentally challenged participating in society, we are implementing effort to deepen mutual understanding between society and those physically and mentally challenged by not only achieving the legal employment quota, but also holding sign language courses. In-company human rights education Social welfare class sign language course Our Extensive Efforts for Traffic Safety As an automobile manufacturer, we place great emphasis on efforts to create traffic safety awareness among employees. In implementing activities to continuously further enlighten employees for traffic safety, we hold donation activities and patrolling to spread awareness by employees. Other activities involve checks and guidance for correct driving of young drivers, as well as lecture meetings and meetings for showing videos of three unacceptable ways of driving to be abolished. Traffic safety patrols to spread awareness Words posted pledging traffic safety Creating an Environment That Supports Diverse Ways of Working Achieving Child Raising Support Toyota Auto Body has introduced a“Maternal Leave System” for female employees as a way to protect their motherhood and work during their maternity period. In addition, we are working to achieve a work life balance that considers going beyond established law by making it possible to balance working methods and work times at each stage of pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing. During efforts to change work days throughout our industry to Mutual Day Care Facility standardize use of electricity volume in 2011, Toyota Auto “Tacchi-chi House Fujimatsu” Body provided subsidies for the increases in mutual day care facility fees arising from changes in working days and work on holidays. “Support for Pregnancy through Childbirth and Child Rearing” 32 Please share your opinions and anything that you think is needed concerning this report A survey can be found in our website at the address below (Also found in the top page of the CSR Report website) https://www.toyota-body.co.jp/english/csr/contacts/enquete2012.html Publishing Head Office Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. 100, Kanayama Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture 448-8666 TEL: +81-566ー36ー2121 Inquires Corporate Planning Division TEL: +81-566ー36ー7510 FAX: +81-566ー36ー9113 E-mail [email protected] Publishing Date June 2012(Next publishing scheduled for summer 2013) http://www.toyota-body.co.jp/english/
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