ECO-Life in Belgium - ECO
ECO-Life in Belgium - ECO
ECO-Life in Belgium Eline Himpe (PhD-student) Kick starting Green Transition in European Cities Conference, Høje-Taastrup (DK), 29-30 October 2015 Faculty of Engineering & Architecture - Research group of Building Physics, Construction and Services Core Project Partners Social Housing Company Architecture & Engineering Advice & Monitoring Partners evr-architects – Abscis architects E-ster Engineering – Ingenium Engineering City of Kortrijk VENNING GUTENBERG POTTENBAKKERSHOEK DRIE HOFSTEDEN SOCIAL HOUSING ESTATE OF 1500 DWELLINGS IN KORTRIJK VENNING NEIGHBOURHOOD: 196 DWELLINGS (MULTI-FAMILY & SINGLE-FAMILY, NEW & REFURBISHED) POTTENBAKKERSHOEK: 23 NEW APARTMENTS GUTENBERG: 21 NEW APARTMENTS DRIE HOFSTEDEN: 34 REFURBISHED APARTMENTS OBJECTIVES… Sustainable Zero-Carbon Quality of Life OBJECTIVES → APPROACH: TOOLS Sustainable → Monitor for Sustainable Social Housing Zero-Carbon → Clear Definition / Framework Quality of Life → Occupants Engagement + Financial feasibility OBJECTIVES → APPROACH: CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Concept Design Construction In-Use … Sustainable → Monitor for Sustainable Social Housing Zero-Carbon → Clear Definition / Framework Quality of Life → Occupants Engagement + Financial feasibility Sustainable → Monitor for Sustainable Social Housing Zero-Carbon → Clear Definition Quality of Life → Occupants Engagement MONITOR FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL HOUSING PROJECTS MONITOR FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL HOUSING PROJECTS CHALLENGE: RECONCILING CONFLICTING VALUES Energy (efficiency) ↔ Resources / Waste (materials) Sustainable planning (orientation…), Quality of Life (floor area…) Refurbishment or Demolition? CHALLENGE: RECONCILING CONFLICTING VALUES Density ↔ Quality of Life Natural Environment ↔ Water ↔ Mobility Outdoor space: Private - Semi-Public - Public Sustainable → Monitor for Sustainable Social Housing Zero-Carbon → Clear Definition Quality of Life → Occupants Engagement Zero-Carbon? Zero-Energy? nZEB? Passive? Low-energy? “Despite the excitement over the phrase “zero-energy”, we lack a common definition, or even a common understanding, of what it means” (Paul Torcellini) ECO-LIFE DEFINITION: ZERO-CARBON DEVELOPMENTS Yearly Balance Demand Household Electricity Embodied Energy Production Ventilation Strategies in Venning neighbourhood Heat recovery Demand-controlled simple exhaust CHALLENGES: COLLECTIVE RES IN PRACTICE (IN BELGIUM) Juridical: collective RES ↔ EPBD calculations District heating Collective PV (e.g. Multi-Family buildings) Juridical: collective RES ↔ electricity grid manager Financial: Investment Costs ↔ Returns ENERGY PERFORMANCE: FROM THEORY TO REALITY Monitoring To optimise the operation To evaluate the targets VENNING 1: MONITORING THE FIRST YEAR OF OCCUPANCY MONITORING… TO OPTIMISE THE OPERATION! TEMPERATURE OF THE FLOWS NEAR THE HEAT EXCHANGERS Extract B Supply Exhaust Fresh A VENTILATION FLOW RATE MEASUREMENTS CO2 MEASUREMENTS 1800 CO2 IDA 1 IDA 2 IDA 4 θ Living room 1500 ΔC [ppm CO2] IDA 3 1200 900 600 300 0 3/02/14 4/02/14 5/02/14 6/02/14 7/02/14 KEY MONITORING PARAMETERS FOR FAULT DETECTION MONITORING… TO EVALUATE THE TARGETS! HEAT USE PER DWELLING FOR SPACE HEATING AND DOMESTIC HOT WATER 140 100% < Design Actual Heat Use (kWh/m²/year) 120 < 2 x Design > 2x Design 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Normalised Design Heat Use (kWh/m²/year) 140 Total Heat Use Actual Heat Use (kWh/m²/year) VENNING BEFORE & AFTER ECO-LIFE Normalised Design Heat use (kWh/m²/year) Sustainable → Monitor for Sustainable Social Housing Zero-Carbon → Clear Definition Quality of Life → Occupants Engagement OCCUPANTS ENGAGEMENT interaction in design phase Information, guiding, energy feedback Via meetings with occupants, surveys, letters, web tool… CHALLENGES IN OCCUPANTS ENGAGEMENT Moving occupants during construction works (coördination, dwelling availability, occupants effort…) Learn people how to use the buildings and systems Make people aware about energy use Management and Malfunctioning of a system Individual control ↔ centralised operation Three Objectives… One Approach… Different results Sustainable → Monitor for Sustainable Social Housing Zero-Carbon → Clear Definition Quality of Life → Occupants Engagement Tools provide a framework for decision-making → Read more in our ECO-Life Deliverables! Thank You! Contact: [email protected]