CSC January 2006 Newsletter


CSC January 2006 Newsletter
Black Diamond
January 2013
The Columbia Ski Club
Inside this
Why Ski with the Columbia Ski Club
Biff the Face-Plant Man
Why ski with the Columbia Ski Club? We are a vibrant organization, with a long
history and a very stable membership. The Columbia Ski Club (CSC) has been in
existence since 1981 and now has approximately 500 members. CSC annually
selects and conducts 9 -11 long ski trips, one non-ski trip, and multiple day,
evening, and weekend events, social as well as service-oriented. Each activity has
a volunteer leader responsible for much of the logistics. We annually sell more than
400 skier weeks; usually eight to Western North American and two European trips.
Experienced Vendors and Trip Leaders: Our club uses qualified companies, our
vendors, and bids them to get the best deals for our members’ ski vacation dollars.
We start each February considering venues, and produce a trip schedule by early
June once our destinations and trip leaders have been selected, and contracts
finalized. Our club has elected and appointed officers and a board of directors.
We have a treasury team that manages the club finances and ensures fiscal
responsibility and oversight. Our trip leaders are experienced volunteers who want
to share their love of skiing and travel as they lead these trips. They apply, and are
selected based upon their leadership and volunteer experience with the club.
Leaders help to acquaint you, the trip participants, with other members, the travel
details, roommates, skiers of similar abilities, mountain orientation tours, and can
assist with lessons and rentals.
So you may be new to the club…..when I was a first year club member I knew
only two other people on the first trip I ever made to a western resort. I was excited
and anxious about my first trip. The trip leader made the trip easy; all I had to do
was show up at the designated times and I was on my way. She even produced a
list of what to bring to make it easy for me to pack. I could find other club members
both on the hill and in the lodge by the CSC bandannas that we wore. We had a
list of the skiers and their ability levels, and pre- and post-trip parties to get to know
each other and share memories of a great vacation.
Maximizing Your
Skiing Experience:
Part III— Why Ski
with the CSC ?
President’s Corner
Executive Committee
Committee Chairs
Moose Tracks
CSC Volunteerism
John Hubbs
Annual Meeting
Ski Trip Committee
for the 2013—2014
season now forming
Absentee Ballots
2012—2013 Ski Trips
Preferred Vendors
Trip Reservation
Application / Renewal
Ski CSC—cont’d on page 4
Next Meeting
January 14
DoubleTree Hotel Columbia
at 7:30 p.m.
Columbia Ski Club
Page 2
Black Diamond
X Press
P resident’s C orner
Executive Committee
John Wetterau
Jim Ferrant
John Hubbs
Jean McArdle
Eliezer Richmond
Denise Berger
Joe Brenner
Kat Rhee
Alexa Fair
Molly Hochman
Committee Chairs
Bob McCune
Community Service
Sue Muller
Data Base
Deb McCune
Anne Trent
Judith Schlesinger 410-721-1984
Meetings & Programs
Gary Prestianni
More Than Ski
Joyce Wronka
Mario Tinto
Publicity / Marketing
Kat Rhee
410- 465-1926
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I’d also like to wish everyone a
Happy New Year. The ski season is upon us; the Taos trip will be headed out
before our next membership meeting. Park City and Steamboat will be going
out very soon after. There are very few openings left on our trips, so if you
made a New Year’s resolution to go on a ski trip, you’d better contact our trip
leaders soon. Don’t overlook getting on a wait list as some times openings
come up at the last minute. The price on our non-ski trip to Peru went down
by $100; however, you need to sign up in January to get on.
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank Marc Chidester for stepping up to take
over being the Club’s new Webmaster. This is an important position in the
Club and I know that it is in good hands. Marc takes over from Ken Sall who
has been our Webmaster for nearly all of the almost 18 years that we have
had a website. Thanks to Ken for his many years of hard work and dedication
to the Club. I’d also like to thank Kathy Hiltz for agreeing to be the co-chair of
the Membership Committee, assisting Judith Schlesinger. We are still looking
for a volunteer to head up the Social Committee. This committee is in charge
of putting together the Club’s dances. If you are interested, please contact
either Jim Ferrant or myself.
In March, we will be electing three members to the Board of Directors as well
as the next President-Elect. This is an excellent opportunity for members to
volunteer to very important positions to the Club. The success of our Club
throughout the years has been dependent on having an effective Board of
Directors. You don’t need to have prior experience, just familiarity with the
Club and a desire to keep it running like the great Club that it is. If you have
never served before, please consider running this year. We have one of the
most vibrant clubs in the region, and that comes with always having new
thoughts and ideas. If you are interested, please see me or any other Board
member or contact us at our respective aliases,
[email protected] or [email protected]. There will
be more information on the election and absentee ballots coming out via hard
copy mail.
We are always looking for more activities and people to lead them. Contact
Bob or Sherry at [email protected] to find out
what’s involved in leading an activity. The more people that get involved, the
more fun we’ll have. Check out the Club’s calendar on the web site for more
detailed information on all these activities, and for any impromptu activities
through mts e-mail.
John Wetterau
Vacant — need volunteers
Ski Trips
Bill Schrodel
Web Site
Marc Chidester
Board of Directors Business Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month
at 7:00 pm, in the Owen Brown Community Center. Business meetings are open
to all members.
Please contact the President or the Meetings and Programs Chair in advance to
have an item included on the agenda.
Columbia Ski Club
January 2013
Page 3
Moose Tracks
The snow is coming
down in the West and
it is being measured
in feet! December
came on in a big way
for snowfall with
many resorts seeing
over six feet of snow.
We were all wondering when Mother
Nature would send the snow and she has
answered in a big way. All the resorts
are either 100% open or close to it, with
powder skiing for the adventurer and an
abundance of morning corduroy for the
Our racers will heading to Steamboat in
February for the BRSC Winter Carnival
where once again Columbia will defend
her title with three wins in a row, and
going for a fourth. We also have, as
usual, the most skiers going on this trip.
I even bought a new larger cowbell to
help cheer the racers; it’s made in
Switzerland so it is race-ready! Next
season the Winter Carnival will be in
Vail—we’re definitely going upscale with
this one! We will be at the Western end
of the resort, Cascade, with a ski lift that
takes you to the top of the Lionshead
area. We will be in hotel rooms, which
will really help the trip leaders with
rooming issues. Start saving your
money now because it will be a bit pricey
compared to this year, but worth every
penny. Hey! We’re talking Vail!
Ski Haus is very happy with the turnout
from Columbia skiers at their shop.
Some of our models bought clothes there
after the show too. Now that snow is
falling at the ski resorts our local shops
are hoping to start selling clothes and ski
gear at a brisker pace. Please support
our local shops and buy from them
instead of going on-line for shopping.
Isn’t it nicer to actually see what you are
buying and work with a local, real live
And speaking of live people, get a life
and sign up for a ski trip. Also best to
sign up early and often.
The Moose
NOTE: The February 2013 general meeting will be held on SUNDAY, Feb. 10,
5pm—7pm. Be sure to mark your calendars accordingly.
Also, the general meeting on May 13 will be held at Union Jack’s. Food will be
provided; buy your own liquid refreshments.
The Black Diamond Xpress is published monthly by the
Columbia Ski Club, Inc., a not-for-profit organization
dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of the sport of skiing.
… and many other activities
Columbia Ski Club
Page 4
Black Diamond
X Press
Ski CSC—cont’d from page 1
Pairing Skiers with similar abilities and expectations is one of the most important aspects of club
skiing. Everyone wants to ski within or perhaps just outside their comfort zone. It’s much more fun
to ski with others than it is to ski alone, and it’s safer as well. Many resorts will provide an
orientation to the mountain and our trip leaders encourage our participants to take advantage of
them. Many of our club members have traveled multiple times to our ski destinations and are
comfortable showing members of similar abilities around the mountain.
Altitude: One of the most important pieces of information I received from my trip leader prior to that
first trip was about altitude. She suggested increased hydration before and during the trip. She
even indicated that alcohol consumption should be moderated until acclimated to the altitude.
Why do I keep coming back? CSC makes great selections of Ski resort destinations. The Club,
trip leaders and vendors make travel details easy, and it’s always been a great value for my ski
vacation dollar. But the most important reason for me is who I ski and travel with. I’m looking for
skiers who wear me out, people with whom I can explore the mountain to find the best trees and
deepest powder. You see, in the end the best vacations that I have are really a combination of
where I went and who I was with. These people are the same ones that I hang with year round
biking or hiking, or even water skiing. I’m still skiing with a guy that I skied with on our first western
trip with the club nearly 20 years ago. He and I plan to keep doing so with CSC until our legs fall off.
Get on a trip or two, see some of the most beautiful mountains in the world, and make
friends and memories that will last for years to come.
Columbia Ski Club
January 2013
Page 5
CSC: A Civic-Minded Group that Volunteers
Since the early years of the Columbia Ski Club in the 1980s, many members have volunteered
thousands of hours for all manner of civic projects. Since 2004 Sue Muller, our energetic Community
Service Committee Chair, has not only organized many of these, but also kept track of them and
honored outstanding efforts every year.
Since detailed records were started in 2006 and through 2011, members volunteered about 4500 hours
of their time. Sue and Lee Bandy keep track of the number of projects and volunteers as well as the
hours. The numbers for those six years are impressive: 488 volunteers (many members counted several
times) spent 3154 hours on 131 projects. That’s about 24 hours per project.
The most interesting factoid is: each volunteer averaged 6.5 hours per project. Not bad for a group with
an average age in the mid-50s (for those who report their age.)
So it does not take much of your time whenever you can volunteer for a club project. And Sue will
appreciate the support. Who knows, you may be volunteer of the year in 2013. I wonder who the winners
will be for 2012.
The Publicity and Marketing Committee will be making use of these figures in their efforts to expand
awareness of your club and its membership. Tell your friends how you feel about being part of this
auspicious group, in addition to all the other fun things we do together.
Best Wishes for the New Year.
John Hubbs
Monday, March 11, 2013 is the CSC Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting on we will hold
elections for three (3) Board of Director
positions and for the position of PresidentElect. The Directors each serve a two (2) year
term on the Board. The President-Elect (also
a Director) serves one year on the Board and
then serves a second year as the CSC
The Board of Directors ensures that the
Club’s actions are in keeping with our
bylaws, and also sets the policy for how the
club does business.
The President serves as a moderator to the
Board—setting the agenda, ensuring that all
directors are heard equally, and chairing the
Board Meetings and General Meetings. The
President may also set goals for the club
during his or her term in office.
Columbia Ski Club
The Columbia Ski Club is a volunteer
organization; none of the Directors are
recompensed for their service—at least not
monetarily. However, the rewards in giving
back to the CSC are substantial. This is why
we see so many members who have served
on the Board in the past offering to serve
again. Ask someone who has served in the
past or who is serving now.
However, in order for the CSC to remain a
vibrant, growing organization we must
continually infuse the leadership of the Club
with new people. If you’ve never considered
running for the Board, please take some time
and consider it now.
If you have any questions about the Board, or
if you would like to run for Board of Directors
or President-Elect, then please contact the
Elections Committee. at:
Page 6
Black Diamond
X Press
From The Ski Trip Coordinator
2013—2014 Ski Trip Committee
The Ski Trip Committee for the 2013-2014 ski season is currently forming. I will be in touch with
the current committee members in January, but for those who are interested in participating we
wanted to reach out to you in this January newsletter.
We are looking for members who are knowledgeable about skiing, and want to give us ideas on
how we can offer the best ski schedule for the members of the club. This year the More Than Ski
Committee is joining with us to plan these trips at the same time. This should allow us to give a
complete schedule for the June meeting, and should also allow you to balance your plans
throughout multiple years.
Meetings will be held on Wednesday nights, starting February 20th and continuing until June. If
you want to gain a better understanding of the process of putting our trip schedule together and
selecting bids on trips, please contact me: Bill Schrodel, Ski Trip Coordinator; please email me at
[email protected]
A couple of personal notes: I want to thank all the trip leaders and assistant trip leaders for the
last 2 years who have done so much for the club and club members. We have many individuals
who work very hard to make this such a great club; the treasury team, web team, newsletter
editor, marketing committee, activities team, hospitality, merchandise group, the board, and
officers of the board. As you might guess, as an “all-volunteer” organization we count on all the
people who make the club operate. But, most of all we count on you, the club members, who go
on the trips and support the club.
We appreciate your support and confidence that we offer you trips that are a great experience. If
you meet folks in your day-to-day activities it’s great if you think to tell them about the club and
invite them to a meeting. Don’t forget to check out the MTS and Facebook options to keep in
touch with us and your ski friends.
Happy New Year!
Bill Schrodel
Ski Trip Coordinator
Absentee Ballots
If you are a CSC member and you know that you
will not be able to attend the March 11th general
meeting, then you may vote by absentee ballot.
You may mail your request to the CSC; mail to:
ATTN: Elections
Columbia Ski Club,
P.O. Box 204,
Columbia, MD 21045.
Columbia Ski Club
Please include a stamped, self-addressed
If you plan to vote by absentee ballot, then the
important dates are:
Mon., Feb. 18—Deadline for Requests for
Absentee Ballots at CSC PO Box
Sat., Mar. 9—Deadline for receipt of Absentee
Ballots at CSC PO Box.
January 2013
Page 7
SKI TRIPS 2012 – 2013
Taos, NM
Sun Valley, ID
January 12—19
February 16—23
$1675 per person
$1601 per person
Trip Leader: Terry McClung
Sold Out;
Wait List
Assistant Trip Leader: Tim Kempisty
[email protected]
Trip Leader:
Kat Rhee
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
Jim Miller
Park City, UT
Chamonix, France (BRSC)
January 19—26
$1599 per person
February 22—March 2
$2365 per person
Trip Leader: Molly Hochman
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
Sold Out;
Wait List
Michelle Horton
Trip Leader: Mike DiProspero
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
John Hubbs
[email protected]
[email protected]
Steamboat, CO (BRSC)
Zermatt, Switzerland
February 2—9
March 1—9
$1710 per person
$2582 per person
Trip Leader:
Ted Dietz
Trip Leader: Jerry Poley
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
Jan O’Connor
[email protected]
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
Sold Out;
Wait List
[email protected]
Note that even though the Zermatt trip is at its limit, the combination Chamonix—
Zermatt option is still available. But, that might not last long. Tarry not! Early and Often is
the ticket.
Columbia Ski Club
Page 8
Black Diamond
X Press
Banff, Canada
Mt. Bachelor, OR
March 9—16
March 16—23
$1838 per person
$1405 per person
Trip Leader: Cathy Homens
[email protected]
Trip Leader: Jim Ferrant
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
Assistant Trip Leader:
Joe Brenner
Sold Out;
Wait List
Rob Foard
[email protected]
Vail, CO
March 30—April 6
$1299 per person
Trip Leader: Tom Donohue
[email protected]
Assistant Trip Leader:
Eliezer Richmond
Preferred Vendors
Your CSC membership cards are good for obtaining discounts at area ski & sports shops, as well
as some resorts. As the list of vendors offering discounts to CSC members grows, we will
provide that information in the newsletter and on the website. For the moment, those that have
agreed to provide discounts to CSC members are the following:
Ski Shoppe, Ltd.
202 Main St.
Reisterstown, MD
Columbia Ski Club
Ski Haus Sports Center
824 East College Parkway
Hidden Valley Ski Resort
Hidden Valley, PA
A c t i v i t i e s
January 2013
Page 9
Jan 11
Join Denise for our monthly happy hour at Coho Grill at the Hobbits golf club
11130 Willowbottom Drive Columbia 410-740-2096 at 5 pm. RSVP to Denise at
[email protected].
Jan 14
Monthly General meeting at the Doubletree Inn . Special Guest arriving for this month’s
Feb 10
Monthly General Meeting—SUNDAY Feb
Mar 7
Join Sherry for our March Happy Hour at the Corner Stable in Kings Contrivance in
Columbia. Meet at 5:30pm. New members and prospective members always welcome
Mar 11
The Annual meeting at the Doubletree Inn . Election night; we will be electing a Presidentelect and three (3) new members of the Board of Directors
10. 5—7 pm
Interested in Leading an Activity?
To add a NEW activity to the list, either phone Bob M. (Mr. Activities) at 410/637-5454 or email
the activities committee (preferred) at [email protected]. If approved,
activities are added to the activity database which is used to generate the newsletter list,
monthly meeting list, and the activity web page.
Please provide:
your complete name;
phone number(s);
email address;
activity date;
meeting time and place;
brief description of the activity.
New leaders: please read the Guidelines for Activity Leaders on the CSC website
Columbia Ski Club
Trip Reservation Form
TRIP: ___________________________________________
Date Received: ________________
Please Print Clearly!
FULL NAME:(first, middle and last) as it appears on Passport, Drivers License or Military ID
Male ____ Female ____ Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD): _____________/_______/_______
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _________________________________________________ STATE: _____ ZIP: _________________
PHONE: Home: _____________________ Day: ____________________ Cell: ___________________________
E-MAIL: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Smoker ___ Non- Smoker ___ Roommate preference: _______________________________________________
Emergency contact: _____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
Skier Ability: Green ____ Blue ____ Black ___ (Ski Trips Only)
BRSC Club ___________________________________________
PASSPORT # _________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE: __________________
COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: ________________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, have read and understand the Columbia Ski Club Trip Rules, Cancellation Policies and
Illness/Injury Policies. Furthermore, I acknowledge that travel and sports involves substantial and inherent
risks, hazards and dangers that may result in injury or damage to property. I accept and assume any and all
risks and dangers associated with such activities and hereby release the Columbia Ski Club, its officers,
directors, trip leaders and members from any liability, damages or claims arising from any injury or property
damage sustained by me on any CSC activity or event.
SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________DATE: __________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: __________________________________DATE: __________________
(If participant is under 18 years of age the parent/guardian must co-sign this form. If the parent /guardian designates a
club member to act in their behalf, a notarized letter of their intent must be on file with the club.)
Membership period June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013 Early payment discount of $5 up to June 11, 2012
Dues: Individual: $40.00(one adult + dependents under 21, all at same address)
Membership Dues
$55.00(two adults + dependents under 21, all at same address)
Joint Plus: $15.00 additional for each additional adult family member at same address
Newsletters will soon be mailed electronically to the e-mail address shown below.
If you want First Class Delivery of All Newsletters for an additional $15.00 please check: –
Return form to Membership or mail to: Columbia Ski Club/ Membership
Please pay dues by separate check or cash.
P.O. Box 204, Columbia, MD 21045
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
[ ] CHANGES Enclose changes in parenthesis. Please notify CSC of any changes that may occur during year.
Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
* Required Information
Please print clearly
 Single
Number of Children:____
 Married
Individual Member M  F
Joint/Joint Plus Member(s) M F
*Last Name
*First Name
Please note that the Preferred Phone will be the
number that will appear in the Directory, unless
*State and Zip
otherwise requested. Please print legibly.
Preferred Phone
Alternate Phone
*Email – needed for
Non skier
Skier Type
Date of Birth-
Alpine  X-Country Boarder
I learned of CSC from: __CSC Member Referral
___CSC Website/search engine
Non skier
Date of Birth-
Alpine  X-Country  Boarder
Referrer Name _______________________________________
___Newspaper Ad
___Promotional Event
Do not include [ ] my phone numbers and/or [ ] address in the Membership Directory.
If you prefer not to have the newsletter e-mailed to you, please check here. 
Form must be signed by individual member or all joint members and then dated to be valid!
I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that I am 18 years of age or older and furthermore, by joining the Columbia
Ski Club (CSC) as a member, I hereby release the CSC and its officers, directors, leaders and volunteers from
any liability, damages or claims arising from any injury or property damage sustained by me related to any CSC
activity or event.
Rev 03122012
Next MTS Trip
Peru & Machu Picchu
May 2—14, 2013
$3750 per person (double occupancy)
Check the flyer on the website for final details
The Columbia Ski Club
P.O. Box 204
Columbia, MD 21045