DK Wish For The Dream
DK Wish For The Dream
2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 INTERNATIONAL POA SALE Schedule Of Events Sunday, September 28th 8:00am CST National Board of Directors Summer Meeting/NEC Monday, September 29th 8:00am National Board of Directors Fall Meeting/NEC Tuesday, September 30th 9:00am–12 noon Inspection of Futurity Ponies only 3:00pm-7:00pm Futurity Show Trail Practice Evening Tack Swap sponsored by POA Futurity Committee Check International POA Sale page on Facebook and posted notices at the POA Sale for special activities during the week! Wednesday, October 1st 7:30am Start of POAC International Futurity Show 5:00pm-7:00pm Inspection of Futurity and Sale Ponies Thursday, October 2nd 7:30am POA International Futurity Show Continues 5:00pm-7:00pm Inspection of Futurity and Sale Ponies 7:00pm Grazing in the Barns (Snacks at stalls – see sale POAs) Sponsored by the Sale Committee 8:00pm Casino Night – Game Wheels, Music, Snacks Sponsored by the Futurity Committee Friday, October 3rd 7:30am POA International Futurity Show Continues High Point Awards Presentation Noon Free Baked Potato Bar – All Welcome! 2:00pm POAC Youth Scholarship Auction POAC International Sale Begins (Selling 80 Lots) POAC Futurity Sale to follow consignment sale Late Sale Consignments will sell after Futurity Sale POAC Futurity and Sale Headquarters Hotel Holiday Inn Express & Suites – O’Fallon, MO 1175 Technology Drive O’Fallon MO 63368 636-300-4844 POA Rate: $89/night w/complimentary hot breakfast, free Wi-Fi, free parking Call before 9/20/2014 to receive POA Rate 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 POA International Sale Catalog NATIONAL EQUESTRIAN CENTER Lake Saint Louis Dear Friends, The National Equestrian Center would like to take this opportunity to welcome the POAC International Sale and Futurity Show, October 1-4, 2014 to Lake St. Louis Missouri. As one of the premier facilities in the mid-west, the National Equestrian Center offers equine associates and organizations a top of the line, full service facility for showcasing their events. The arrangements of two show size arenas, bleacher and box seating, announcer stands, two warm up arenas, supporting stalls, show office facilities, vendor lobby area, mezzanine room overlooking the main arena, concessions, etc., all offer under one roof with the addition of a large outdoor arena, allows the National Equestrian Center to take into consideration not only the safety and well-being of Equines, but also of the exhibitors and attendees of all ages, especially children. The close proximity of the RV camping and trailer parking area to the main show facility supports the National Equestrian Center desire to provide the exhibitor and spectator the best possible experience. Additionally, the continual maintenance and upgrading of the facility is a reflection of our desire to maintain our premier facility status. We look forward to working with you to make the 2014 POAC International Sale and Futurity Show another successful event for POA and for a continued partnership for 2015 and beyond. Sincerely, Liz Landes 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 CONSIGNORS LIST — BY LAST NAME Consignor Lot # Arends, John and Janette............................................................................................. 70 Barlet / Routon, Pam / Beverly....................................................................................80 Bates, Zane T..................................................................................................................49 Bates, Jill.........................................................................................................................64 Bella, Myrlynn................................................................................................................55 Blaeser, Nicole................................................................................................................ 11 Damman, Dean or Janet..................................................................................23, 56, 76 Damman, Corey or Angela...........................................................................................42 Damman, Corey ............................................................................................................67 Daugherty, Erin Brown..................................................................................................29 Deschenes, Holly or Aaron...........................................................................................15 Gardner, Michael or Shauna.................................................................2, 12, 41, 50, 78 Gibson, Larry........................................................................................................... 31, 59 Gibson, Larry or Bonita.................................................................................................62 Guthrie, Jackie .................................................................................................22, 65, 75 Keen, Tracy or Robert............................................................................................... 5, 25 Keune, Peter or Carol..................................................................................................... 21 Koehler, Patty.................................................................................................................63 Krome, Lori or Dan...................................................................................... 1, 26, 51, 77 Krome, Lori.............................................................................................................. 16, 44 Lemmon, Bre..................................................................................................................40 Llanas, Sharon................................................................................................................57 Lough, John or Peggy...................................................................................................79 McKenzie, Kathleen.......................................................................................................73 Nemmers, Dr. Julian..................................................................................................3, 61 Nemmers, Julian or Ruth Ann.....................................................................................28 Nemmers, Julian or Ruth .............................................................................................43 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 CONSIGNORS LIST — BY LAST NAME Consignor Lot # Nolen, Jan Jones............................................................................................................17 Ourada, Courtney...........................................................................................................47 Pearce, Marsha or Sais, Rachel....................................................................................60 Puffinbarger, Lynn ..................................................................................... 9, 19, 39, 69 Reichert, J. R. ..........................................................................................................37, 71 Rodgers, Dean or Jan.................................................................................. 8, 45, 52, 66 Rodgers, Jan...................................................................................................................27 Rogers, Joann.................................................................................................................18 Rohlman, Sarah or Lynn...............................................................................................36 Ruhl, Kelly......................................................................................................................14 Sais, Rachel.............................................................................................................. 13, 54 Shekleton, Chuck or Maxine................................................................................. 10, 20 Slapnicka, Alicia............................................................................................................74 Slayton, Melissa.............................................................................................................30 Slayton, Melissa or Stevenson, N.R..................................................................4, 48, 68 Spencer, David................................................................................................................34 Turner, Linda..................................................................................................................72 Vande Krol, N. Joan.......................................................................................................35 Vartorella, Bette or Ted.................................................................................................32 Vermeer, Robert L..................................................................................................... 6, 46 Webel, Douglas or Nicole......................................................................................... 7, 58 Zimmermann, Eric and Brittany..................................................................................24 Zimmermann, Erin or Donna.......................................................................................38 Zimmermann, Donna....................................................................................................53 Zimmermann, Donna or Metcalf, Erin........................................................................33 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 CONSIGNORS LIST — BY PONY NAME Pony Lot # Pony Lot # Array of Elegance................................. 46 Gold By Impulse.................................... 71 Azure Skys Snowburst........................... 9 Gold Impulsive Chex............................ 66 Believe Your Eyes................................. 73 Good As Gold........................................ 23 Black N Gold Tradition........................ 52 Got Lucky............................................... 42 Bostons Sierra........................................ 47 Hot Chocolate Liberty............................. 6 Bright Eyed Miss................................... 53 I Am A Lucky Little Lady.................... 80 Charlie's Angel........................................ 4 Illini Clue................................................. 7 Chocolate Annie.................................... 48 Invitation To A Kiss.............................. 30 Clayhill Miss Lexie................................ 10 Irresistable Rhythm............................... 38 Clayhill Showdown Gunner................ 20 J. A. Miss Margaret............................... 70 Cool Heir................................................ 36 JBJ'S Bounce The Kid........................... 31 CV'S Crystal Ring................................... 1 JBJs Fancy For Sure............................. 65 DK Elegant Dream................................ 26 JBJ'S Kid Carson....................................11 DK Wish For The Dream...................... 77 JBJs Zippin Fancy................................. 22 DK Wish Upon A Dream...................... 44 Jet Black and Jealous........................... 40 DK'S Coupe Deville............................... 51 JKB Zips Gold Nugget.......................... 72 Docs All Chocolate................................. 3 Ladies Do It Better................................ 56 Docs Diamond Dude............................. 43 Little Peppys Chocolena....................... 60 Docs Honky Tonk Lil............................ 28 Lough Downs Kobee............................. 79 Docs Sudden Invitation........................ 37 LVO A Respectable Image.................... 62 Docs Time For Chocolate..................... 61 Makes Impulsive Gold.......................... 35 Double Image........................................ 59 Miss Gold Brenda Lee........................... 45 Dutch Zippin Impulsively.................... 74 Miss Impulsive Gold Page.................... 27 Eagles View Chocolate T...................... 14 Mister Tough Stuff................................ 64 Easy Cadence......................................... 24 OBR Going To Be A Star...................... 63 Envy My Rhythm.................................. 32 Outrageous Cajun.................................. 17 Genuine Chance.................................... 15 Rarely Jaded.......................................... 34 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 CONSIGNORS LIST — BY PONY NAME Pony Lot # Pony Lot # Ready For the Payoff............................ 33 Salty Skip The Dream........................... 29 RF Double Skip Ginger......................... 54 Salty Zipper........................................... 19 RPR'S Sensational Buns....................... 55 Santee Catamount................................. 58 RPRS Shotgun Annie........................... 68 Sheza Tough Lady................................. 18 Ruff N Tough Pizzazz........................... 57 Silver Cyclone....................................... 67 RY Equity By Zip.................................. 13 Simply Irrechexable.............................. 75 RY Golden Tribute.................................. 2 Skipin ScotchNChocolate..................... 21 RY King Of Diamonds.......................... 41 TC Irish Dreams..................................... 25 RY Major Tribute.................................. 50 TC Rock The House................................. 5 RY Prime Equity.................................... 12 Time For Me To Ride............................ 76 RY Zipperette......................................... 78 Wils Sudd N Royal................................ 49 Salty Buttons......................................... 69 Wish Upon A Star................................. 16 Salty Charley......................................... 69 Zippos Gold N Foxy Lady...................... 8 Salty Lookin Diamond......................... 39 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 INTERNATIONAL POA SALE PERSONNEL Sale Committee: Hospitality: Lynn Puffinbarger, Chairman Lee Ann Haack Holly Deschenes Jessica Drish Susie Drish Corey Damman Jeremy Stiebens Wanda Victor Scott & Charlene Shingleton Becky Victor Baker Melissa Purkapile Ruth PeCoy Barb Hood Curtis Sieck Pedigree Readers: Missouri POAC National Board of Directors: Jackie Guthrie, WI – President Diana Peaton, AZ – Vice President Beverly Tabor, MD – Secretary/Treasurer Kristen Fears, TX Karen Meyer, MN Judy Katzenberger, WI David Brewer, TN Carol Davidson, OR Scott Shingleton, IN Harry Chestnut, MI Janette Arends, CO Kathy McKenzie, OK Drug Testing Veterinarian: Jackie Guthrie Pat Burton Jan Jones Nolen Dr. Rosslyn Biggs DVM Futurity/Sale On-Call Veterinary Service: Stall Assignments: Liz Otten ([email protected]) National Equestrian Center (NEC): Liz Landes – 636-561-8080 POAC National Office Staff: Joyse L. Banister – CEO Kelly Gideon – Show Department Stacey Stewart – Bookkeeping Katie Shrader – Registration Elizabeth Murray – POA Magazine Inspection Committee: Mid-Rivers Equine Centre 404 Stable Lane Wentzville MO 63385 636-332-5373 (24 hour service) Farrier Service: Pat Burton – 817-521-7669 Billy Walther – 217-412-2727 Auctioneer Team: Justin Ochs, TN Justin Rhinehart, TN Dean Damman – Chairman ([email protected]) POAC National Board of Directors TBA 2014 POA International Sale Catalog NOTICE TO ALL PROSPECTIVE BUYERS POAs are the result of crossing horses with ponies. Because of this mixed heritage, the growth rate and ultimate height of POAs are variable to a greater extent than those of animals having all-horse or all-pony breeding. All young POAs are assigned tentative registration numbers and are granted permanent numbers only when they are six years old. At age six, each pony is inspected and must measure between 46" and 56" in order to qualify for permanent registration. Please realize, if you purchase a tentatively registered pony, there is some risk as to its future registration eligibility. For example, a 53 1/2" two year old is a much greater risk than a 53 1/2" four year old. Consider these facts when you bid. If you buy a young pony that is near the height limit, do so with the knowledge that it may grow beyond the height limit. Also, be aware of the fact that it is possible to influence the measurement of a mature pony through foot care. If you buy a mature 56" pony at this sale, it means the inspection committee was able to get a 56" measurement of the pony on one day. A change in the hooves may mean the pony would measure taller than 56" later and, at that time, would not meet the height requirement. It is the owner’s responsibility to have his pony prepared for measurement when it is required. NOTICE-Be advised, the ponies selling in this POA International Sale will be measured and inspected for color and characteristics only. As per the statement in the International Sale Catalog, “the buyer must understand that the committee’s inspection during measuring is merely a courtesy and is not intended to determine soundness. Responsibility for soundness is to be determined by buyer and seller. If a prospective buyer requests a licensed veterinarian perform a complete soundness and drug examination, at the prospective buyer’s expense, the seller must present the consignment for this examination." POAC will not be responsible or liable for any soundness problems, or claims concerning such, with International Sale ponies. POAC ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR, AND OFFERS NO GUARANTEE OF, THE FUTURE HEIGHT AND COLOR OF ANY PONY SOLD AT THIS SALE! OFFICIAL HEIGHT CHART FOR APPROVED POAC SHOWS & SALES A.Weanlings-------------------------------------------------------- Not over 46" B.Yearlings--------------------------------------------------------Not over 51 ½" C. Two Year Olds---------------------------------------------------- Not over 54" D. Three Year Olds--------------------------------------------------- Not over 55" E. Four Year Olds--------------------------------------------------Not over 55 ½" F. Five Years & Older--------------------------------At least 46" but not over 56" For all weanlings and yearlings consigned to this sale and eligible for the 2015 Incentive Classes (as listed in this sale catalog) – the owner that consigned the eligible POA agrees to pay 2% of the selling price into the 2015 Incentive Longe Line or Western Pleasure class. The pony may not sell, in the barn, for less than the highest last bid in the sale ring. Owners must nominate their consigned ponies at the time of consignment. Ponies may not be nominated into the Incentive Classes after they arrive at the sale or after the animal sells. All paperwork must be completed at the clerks office before any pony can be removed from the fairgrounds…NO EXCEPTIONS! All buyers will be required to pay 8% Missouri sales tax! This includes all POA’s sold in the ring and in the barn. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog TERMS & CONDITIONS This sale is for the purpose of encouraging breeders to improve their herds on a scientific, educational basis. It serves strictly as a convenient place to bring buyers and sellers together. POAC, Inc., its officers, directors, members and the National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis MO, will not be liable for any damage to people or property. Everyone is warned to stay clear of the runway and arena where ponies are sold. You stay in this area at your own risk. Payments for POAs must be made in United States currency. Acceptable methods of payment are cash, certified check, money order and personal checks, with references or letter of credit. The right to reject bids or method of payment without proper references is reserved. Please establish references ahead of time. All ponies are examined by a competent inspection committee for color and height. This inspection of POAs is a courtesy of POAC, Inc. designed to encourage the consignment of top-quality ponies. It is not a recommendation or guarantee. All POAs are sold and bought as they are, including any inherent defects, physical or otherwise. All ponies consigned and accepted must be offered for sale in the auction ring. The seller is responsible for accurately describing the POA(s) he is selling. Prospective buyers are urged to ask the seller any questions they may have before the auctioneer pronounces the POA sold. All responsibility lies strictly and solely between the buyer and the seller. Responsibility and ownership transfers upon the auctioneers “sold” announcement, subject to the seller’s privilege of immediately declaring “no sale”. If the seller decides to “No Sale” his pony, he must immediately indicate that fact to the auctioneer. Once the pony is out of the sale arena, it is too late for the seller to no-sale and all fees will be forfeited. There will be a $50 pass out fee on all ponies that no-sale for $2500 or less; $100 pass out fee for over $2500-$5000; $150 pass out fee over $5000. Any pony that sells on the grounds, including those entered in the Futurity must pay the 10% commission. Lease purchases made as a result of consignment to this sale are subject to payment of the commission once those purchases are completed. POAs will sell by catalog lot number. The starting bid for each POA will not be less than $200. The auctioneer has the authority to resolve any problem connected with a bid. The sale committee has the authority to resolve any other problem which may arise. If there is a misunderstanding, it must immediately be called to the attention of the sale committee. The committee will make every effort to settle the problem to the satisfaction of all parties. However, if the problem cannot be satisfactorily settled, ownership and all costs will be the responsibility of the seller until the pony is pronounced “sold”. After that, responsibility transfers to the buyer. The seller must provide a good halter and lead rope for each POA he sells. The seller should give these to the buyer immediately after the purchase is completed so they will not be lost or overlooked. The buyer should promptly settle all purchases with the sale clerk. The seller will be paid on the day of the sale, or as soon as the buyer pays for the purchase. Sealed bids can be made to the Sale Coordinator, Sale Chairman or Auctioneer. At the option of the sale committee, ponies which were screened out by the inspection committee may be permitted to be sold at the end of the sale. The seller will pay the transfer fee at the time of settlement. Ponies not consigned to the Sale or entered in the Futurities will “NOT” be allowed on the grounds for the purpose of selling. All ponies must be stalled on the grounds. We accept Mastercard and Visa as payment for your sale purchases. A service fee will be assessed at time of purchase. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 INTERNATIONAL POAC FUTURITY SHOW LAKE ST. LOUIS MO October 1-3rd – National Equestrian Center Schedule of Events Wednesday, October 1 – 7:30am 27.Select Sire Weanling Colts 1. JPFC 2 Year Old Trail Main Arena Side A 28.Yearling Colts 2. Yearling In-Hand Trail Main Arena Side B 29.2 Year Old Stallions 3. Non Pro Trail WJL Main Arena Side A 30.3 & 4 Year Old Stallions 4. Non Pro Trail WJ Main Arena Side B 31. JPFC 2 Year Old Western Pleasure 5. JPFC 3&4 Year Old Trail Main Arena Side A 32.Non pro WP WJ 6. 2 Year Old In-Hand Trail Main Arena Side B 33.Non Pro WP WJL 7. Maturity Trail Main Arena Side B 34.JPFC 3 & 4 Year old WP - BREAK - 35.Maturity WP 8. Yearling Longe Line 36.Reining Second Go 9. 2 Year Old Longe Line 37.Pleasure Driving 10. Hunter In Hand Friday, October 3 – 7:30 AM Finals 11. Non Pro HUS WT 38.2 Year Old HUS Finals • Yearling High Point Presentation 12.JPFC 2 Year Old 39.3 & 4 Year Old HUS Finals • Maturity High Point Presentation 13.Non Pro HUS WTC 14.JPFC 3 & 4 Year Olds 40.2 Year Old WP Finals • Non Pro High Point Presentation • Reining & Pleasure Driving Presentation 15.Maturity HUS 16.Reining First Go 17.2 Year Old Incentive Western Pleasure Thursday, October 2 – 7:30 AM 41.3 & 4 Year Old WP Finals • JPFC High Point Presentations 18.Most Colorful 19.Select Sire Weanling Fillies International Futurity Judges 20.Yearling Fillies POAC is proud to introduce the International Futurity Judges for 2014… 21. 2 Year Old Mares 22.3 & 4 Year Old Mares Mike Carter, TN – AQHA, APHA, ApHC, NSBA, ApHCC, POA 23.Yearling Geldings Jon Barry, MO – AQHA, NSBA, POA 24.2 Year Old Geldings Kat Zelnio, IL – NSBA, POA 25.3 & 4 Year Old Geldings 26.Yearling Incentive Longe Line - BREAK 2014 POA International Sale Catalog Reference Sire RY Diamond Equity ROM(H) - 48693 Bred to Lots: 24 2006 53” chestnut snowcap HYPP N/N, HERDA N/N, GBED N/N, PSSM1 N/N, MH N/N LP/LP His superior bloodlines have produced performers with class. By International Champion RY Major Equity, whose sire is Invested Equity, AQHA, by the great Western Pleasure sire The Investor. Invested Equity is himself a multiple ROM producer, and has ROMs in Western Pleasure, Western Riding, and Trail. Maternal ½ brother to Doc O Mos, AWHA World Champion Western Pleasure sire. The first granddam on the top side is Majors Legacy, Supreme Champion by Major Shannon, ApHC, and out of the great mare, Ima Silver Annie. Dex’s dam is Diamond Fantasy, who is by The Midnight Special, ROM(H), and out of Queen Of Aces, ROM(H). Diamond Fantasy also carries the blood of Skipa Star, AQHA, Tough Plaudit, Gold Prince, and Hi Va Avitar. At the 2008 International Futurity Dex was Reserve Champion 2-year-old halter stallion and Reserve Champion 2-year-old Longeline. In 2010 he was named POAC National High Point Medium Aged Stallion. He won the 2010 International Futurity 3 & 4 year old Stallions in Des Moines. He was named Grand Champion Stallion at the Eastern Classic in Indiana, and the Western Classic in Colorado. At the Western Classic he also won JPFC 3 & 4 year old Western Pleasure. Dex has since made a few appearances in the show pen between breeding seasons in Hunter under Saddle, Western Pleasure, and Hunter in Hand, and has been exceptional against the “horses” at the shows. Dex has spectacular foals on the ground. They are naturally soft movers with great minds. His foals are proving themselves in the halter pen and on the rail. Dex has sired foals that have been futurity champions, top 5 in the national point standings and many others in the top 5 in both halter and performance at the futurities. Each year he has left us in awe of the quality of foals he has given us. These foals will impact our breed for years to come. Thank you to all the mare owners that have put their faith in our boy. We look forward to another successful year. Come by our stalls and see a Dex foal yourself. You can find us on Facebook under “ZNZ Ranch”. Contact us at [email protected] or at 813-943-9504. ZNZ Ranch Rick, Brittany, Eric and Emma Zimmermann Lithia, Florida Reference Sires — 2014 POA International Sale Catalog Kid O Bounce Reference Sire Sire of Lots: Bred to Lots: 46502 11, 31 22, 75 Kid O Bounce is a line bred Kid O Tough stallion. “Ed”, as we call him, is a 49 ½” sorrel few-spot. His sire is Kid O Tough, and his dam is a granddaughter of Kid O Tough. His oldest foals to show are now three year olds. In four foal crops he has sired multiple National Congress Champions in performance and halter, International Futurity, Breeders Challenge, and Midwest & State Futurity Champions. At the 2014 National Congress his get won the JPFC 2-year-old Western Pleasure, and the overall High Point JPFC 2-year-old Championship. Katie Hassebroek won 19 & over HS Eq on her three year old Kid O Bounce, the reserve champion yearling In Hand Trail. The yearling colt went on to be named Junior Champion and overall Reserve Grand Champion Stallion. I don’t have all the results, nut WOW, what a show! We are very proud of all of the “Kidds” and their owners! Congratulations to all! Look for them at the International Futurities. At the 2013 National Congress Show, his get won the Maple Meadows Futurity (1st 2-yearold to win this), JPFC 2-year-old Western Pleasure, 18 & Over Trail, both Weanling classes, and Get Of Sire. They were Reserve Congress Champions in 2-year-old Mares, JPFC 2-yearold Hunter Under Saddle, and JPFC 2-year-old Western Pleasure. At the 2013 International Futurities he sired the 2-year-old Western Pleasure JPFC champion and put two weanling colts in the top four of the Select Sire Futurity, including the Reserve Champion SSF Colt. All of “Ed’s” 2014 foals are eligible for the JBJ Ranch Incentive. Any offspring sired by “Ed” that wins the overall Yearling High Point at the 2015 International Futurity will receive a $500 check; and all International Futurity class champions sired by him will get a free page ad in the POA Magazine. No POA owned by myself or any family member is eligible to compete. Good Luck to all exhibitors at this year’s International Futurities! While in Lake St. Louis we invite you to stop by our stalls, visit awhile, and see all of our “Kidds”. Call or e-mail for more information about the Kid O Bounce get and the programs they are eligible for. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 715-720-0234 or 641-919-3961. J Bar J Ranch Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Larry & Jackie Guthrie Nicole Blaeser “Where Champions Are Bred” Reference Sires — 2014 POA International Sale Catalog Reference Sire Docs Chocolate Impulse T50299 Sire of Lots: 3, 14, 61 Bred to Lots: 28 “Choc” is by the Appaloosa performance horse Chocolatey and out of POA, Docs Ona Impulse, a granddaughter of the great AQHA stallion, A Sudden Impulse. Chocolatey is line bred Zippo Pine Bar on the top and out of Pass In Style, (Barpasser) on the bottom. “Choc” as a yearling was unanimous winner of his halter class at the 2010 International Show plus he won longe line in a large class. At the Futurity in 2010 he stood 4th in Longe Line with one first, on second, and a zip. As a two year old, “Choc” won the JPFC twoyear-old Western and Hunter Under Saddle at the 2011 POAC International Shfow. He placed 5th in both the Daniels and the Maple Meadows Futurities. He won 18 & Over Western Pleasure and was second in the 19 & Over Hunter Under Saddle. At the futurity in October, he was unanimous winner of the JPFC 2-year-old Hunter Under Saddle in a very large class. He later was second in the JPFC 2-year-old Western Pleasure Class and had one first and two seconds in another Longeline class. As a three year old he won the Maple Meadows Futurity. He finished his show career as an International (Congress) and Futurity Halter and Performance Champion. His first foal crop was 2013. We are anxious to follow his foals! Docs POA’s Julian & Ruth Ann Nemmers Hazel Green, WI 53811 608-748-5084 Reference Sires — 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 1 Lot# CV'S Crystal Ring 47082 Consignor: Lori or Dan Krome, MN Mare: 4/30/2005 Characteristics: Grullo, snowcap blanket to shoulders, blaze, right hind ankle. Approved char. 56 1/4" Sire: Lord Of The Rings 43540 Sire’s Sire: Sunbright Prince 36097 Sire’s Dam: Wish Upon A Star 41005 Dam: Montes Crystal Award 40193 Dam’s Sire: K&K'S Monte Award ApHC-340277 Dam's Dam: April - Grade-Quarter Owner’s Comments: Hope is a nine-year-old grullo/bay blanketed mare who has been a good show pony for our kids. She is an excellent pattern horse, able to place in the 13-18 Girls Horsemanship classes. She has always excelled in English - placing 1st in the JPFC 3-4 year-old at the Fall Select Sire Futurity and has been competitive in Western as well. She is large enough to carry the tallest of riders and would work well for a 9-12 or 13-18 age rider. Come check her out. 2 Lot# RY Golden Tribute T-53036 Consignor: Michael or Shauna Gardner, UT Filly: 4/28/2014 Characteristics: Palomino leopard, feather marks on all four, star. Approved char. 45" Sire: Tribute To Prince 34809 Sire’s Sire: Takaupa Gold 30619 Sire’s Dam: Gold Bar Princess 31307 Dam: RY Majestic Equity ID-B49123 Dam’s Sire: RY Major Equity 45429 Dam's Dam: Santee Juliet 39240 Owner’s Comments: "Prim" is an exceptional filly. She has a gorgeous head and amazing conformation. She will win halter in the morning, then ride all day. Her unique color, smokey cream, will get you noticed in the pen and produce beautiful foals. Her dam, RY Majestic Equity, is a stunning ID mare. This the first foal from this cross and we are very pleased with her. She is a must see! She will be shown in the Select Sire Futurity. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. Come visit our stalls or call Mike at 801-592-4095 for more information. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 3 Lot# Docs All Chocolate T-52993 Consignor: Dr. Julian Nemmers, WI Colt: 6/1/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots, right hind pastern, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 42" Sire: Docs Chocolate Impulse T-50299 Sire’s Sire: Chocolatey ApHC-635842 Sire’s Dam: Docs Ona Impulse 44710 Dam: Zipschocolateimpulse ApHC-N634166 Dam’s Sire: Izzy Ona Impulse ApHC-N597721 Dam's Dam: A Classic Felony ApHC-500863 Owner’s Comments: This foal's dam is an Appaloosa mare that is a granddaughter of AQHA Zips Chocolate Chip, by a son of The Sudden Impulse, AQHA. Because the foal is by POA Docs Chocolate Impulse, a son of Chocolatey, hence his name, Docs All Chocolate. He will halter and win big pleasure classes. Very sharp colt. Calls welcome: 608-748-5084. 4 Lot# Charlie's Angel T-51695 Consignor: Melissa Slayton / N. R. Stevenson, TX Mare: 4/10/2011 Characteristics: White few spot leopard, left half pastern, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 54" Sire: Suddenly Sid T-48035 Sire’s Sire: The Sudden Impulse ApHC-589243 Sire’s Dam: Magies Cocoa Chips T-40525 Dam: Misty Eyed Conclusion T-45908 Dam’s Sire: Two Eyed Sonny 37373 Dam's Dam: Docs Conclusive Miss 38422 Owner’s Comments: This cute little mare is sired by Suddenly Sid and has the prettiest little head! I bought her for a broodmare and she is vet checked in foal to Chocolate Jet Set, AQHA, who goes back to Zips Chocolate Chip, Hotrodders Jet Set and Zippo Pine Bar. She is about 53" tall and will be a medium mare for sure. She should produce one heck of a nice baby with all the right breeding to ride with the best! 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 5 Lot# TC Rock The House T-53003 Consignor: Tracy or Robert Keen, FL Colt: 3/15/2014 Characteristics: Bay leopard, left hind sock, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 43" Sire: Speaker Of The House 44730 Sire’s Sire: Santee Senator 37584 Sire’s Dam: KS'S Boogie With A Ghost 40613 Dam: Impulsive Dream ID-B45633 Dam’s Sire: First Impulse 39239 Dam's Dam: The Amazing Dream 41030 Owner’s Comments: We are proud to introduce TC Rock The House. This colt is a beautiful mover and with a flat knee and a good hock. Perfect longe line prospect and is Longe Line Incentive eligtible, 2015. His sire needs no introduction as a former Congress Grand Champion and a multiple Futurity and Congress winning sire. His dam is an ID daughter of First Impujlse, out of a daughter of Congress Grand Champion, Campbells Dreamcatcher. She is also the dam of our DZ Weedo colt that we are retaining as a sire. This little guy moves just like his big brother, TC Impulsive Weedo, and will make a very successful show horse. Will not be a height problem, but should mature at or over 55" Tested N/N for PSSM. 6 Lot# Hot Chocolate Liberty T-52438 Consignor: Robert L. Vermeer, IA Gelding: 5/28/2012 Characteristics: Bay blanket with spots over hips. Approved char. 53 1/2" Sire: Hot Chocolate Hunter N/N ApHC-656430 Sire’s Sire: Hot Chocolate Chip ApHC-528117 Sire’s Dam: What A Dandy Hunter ApHC-634875 Dam: Prides Dark Secret 44952 Dam’s Sire: Pride of Prince 38807 Dam's Dam: Kamiah S 31530 Owner’s Comments: 2012 POA gelding. Started in Showmanship, Western Pleasure, HUS, and Trail. This boy can LOPE! Don't let this awesome show prospect pass you by! He is a 10+ mover with a willing and easy-going personality. Excellent ground manners and lots of hauling experience. Started right and ready to make someone an awesome show pony. Show accomplishments include: RMR, Champion JPFC WP, Champion JPFC HUS. West World: Reserve Champion JPFC WP, Champion JPFC HUS. Congress: Top 10 WP, Top 5 HUS, Top 5 Trail! Richert Yearling In-Hand Trail Reserve Champion, Western Classic Champion, Longe Line. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 7 Lot# Illini Clue T-52567 Consignor: Douglas or Nicole Webel, IN Gelding: 4/17/2013 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spots over hips, right front feather marks, left hind stocking, right hind stocking, blaze. Approved char. 51 1/4" Sire: Santee Shiek 42809 Sire’s Sire: His Fancy Carbine 37461 Sire’s Dam: Santee Slippers ID-B5116 Dam: Santee Catamount 47009 Dam’s Sire: His Fancy Carbine 37461 Dam's Dam: Santee Twisty Cat ID-B39317 Owner’s Comments: Clue is the best colt we have raised to date. He possesses outstanding conformation and muscling, combined with a gorgeous head and neck. His dam and sire are International champions and have producfed multiple champions in both Halter and Performance. His full sister, Illini Jasmine, was Reserve Jr. Champion Mare at the 2012 Congress and Grand Champion Mare at the 2013 Mid-East Regional. He was gelded earlier this summer and is ready to continue his show career. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 8 Lot# Zippos Gold N Foxy Lady T-52989 Consignor: Dean or Jan Rodgers, IA Filly: 6/4/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spots, left hind pastern, blaze. Approved char. 36" Sire: Zippos Skip Bar AQHA-3515892 Sire’s Sire: Zippo Cash Bar AQHA-1388282 Sire’s Dam: Skips Class Action AQHA-2998369 Dam: KMA Show Me A Foxy Lady 45400 Dam’s Sire: Show Me Maximus 41285 Dam's Dam: Campbell Foxy Lady 28268 Owner’s Comments: "Paris" is the perfect barn name for this elegant, classy filly with personality plus. Her sire, Zippo Skip Bar, has produced excellent fillies for us and Paris is another, with performance and halter potential. Her paternal granddam was one of our premier foundation mares, an own daughter of Skips Assist. On the dam's side, Paris' maternal half sister is starting her show career and doing extremely well as a three-year-old. Show Me Maximus is out of a quarter bred mare and sired by Tribute To Prince, World and International Champion and sire of performance and halter champions. She should not have any height problem and has the genetics to do it all. For more information, call 319-931-0964. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 9 Lot# Azure Skys Snowburst 47296 Consignor: Lynn Pufinbarger, OK Mare: 4/13/2005 Characteristics: Leopard, white with bay spots, star, approved char. 50" Sire: Azure Skies Bar Look 41654 Sire’s Sire: Wonder Bar 32853 Sire’s Dam: Halleys Sassy Look ID-B5209 Dam: Azure Skies Starburst 36548 Dam’s Sire: Cosmos El Caballo 27412 Dam's Dam: Midnite Star CP-18 Owner’s Comments: An excellent small mare at 50" with loud color. Breed her to a Quarter stallion or any larger POA. Quality is in this small package. Best of all she is broke to ride! 10 Lot# Clayhill Miss Lexie T-53012 Consignor: Chuck or Maxine Shekleton, IA Filly: 5/8/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots over hindquarters, left front half-pastern, star. Approved char. 40" Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam: Adalida 38808 Dam’s Sire: Two Eyed Te AQHA-1790521 Dam's Dam: Look At Me Now 35121 Owner’s Comments: Lexie is a stylish filly and an excellent show prospect. She has many full siblings that have done well in the Select Sire Futurity and the International Sale. Clayhill Eye Candy was third place filly overall in 2009. Clayhill Skipa Te was ninth place stud colt in 2010. Clayhill Troubadour was a high-selling stud colt in 2008. Clayhill Sweet Obsession was one of the highest selling fillies in 2011. Clayhill Flashy Lady was fifth place in the Select Sire in 2012. Clayhill Scarlet Mist was Reserve Select Sire filly in 2013. She is doing well at the shows in California. Miss Lexie will also do the same or more for her next owner. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 11 Lot# JBJ'S Kid Carson T-53031 Consignor: Nicole Blaeser, WI Colt: 5/5/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel few spot leopard, star, strip. Approved char. 43" Sire: Kid O Bounce 46502 Sire’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Sire’s Dam: Heaven O Bounce 34892 Dam: X Straw Select 43699 Dam’s Sire: Santee Senator 37584 Dam's Dam: JBJ'S X Straw Fancy ID-B05112 Owner’s Comments: Carson is a sweet colt that likes people. He is a full brother to JBJ's Xpectations, owned and shown by the Zahm family. He is a half-brother to Breeders' Champion Futurity colt, JBJ's Diamond Cutter and half-brother to Reserve Champion Futurity colt, JBJ's Zippos Ride, owned by Courtney Brosomie. This colt should get to 56 inches with plenty of body and correct conformation. 12 Lot# RY Prime Equity T-52935 Consignor: Michael or Shauna Gardner, UT Gelding: 2/26/2013 Characteristics: Sorrel with snowcap to withers, both hind stockings, feather marks on both front legs, blaze. Approved char. 51" Sire: RY Major Equity 45429 Sire’s Sire: Invested Equity AQHA-3407306 Sire’s Dam: Majors Legacy 34965 Dam: RY Nicolete 46869 Dam’s Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Dam's Dam: Majors Legacy 34965 Owner’s Comments: RY Prime Equity, "Optimus", is a gorgeous yearling gelding. His sire is RY Major Equity, a leading sire of performance POA's. His dam is RY Nicolete, a daughter of Supreme Champion stallion, Zip N Gold. Optimus is a very nice mover. He has the flattest knees you've ever seen on a POA. He should end up a medium pony that will halter and ride. He does have a small white spot on his right eye from an injury last year, but it does not appear to affect his vision. He will not be shown in the Futurity, as we initially intended to keep him, so stop by our stalls and we will gladly pull him out for you. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. For more information, call Mike at 801-592-4095. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 13 RY Equity By Zip Lot# T-52093 Consignor: Rachel Sais, CO Stallion: 3/31/2012 Characteristics: Chestnut leopard, right front stocking, left hind stocking, star, strip. Approved char. 51 1/2" Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Sire’s Sire: Campbells Zippo 34196 Sire’s Dam: Miss Gold Fury Dam: RY Majestic Equity ID-B49123 Dam’s Sire: RY Major Equity 45429 Dam's Dam: Santee Juliet 39240 Owner’s Comments: This gorgeous two-year-old stud is ready to go. He has been highly competitive at all futurity shows, excellent conformation, large hip, wide chest and a beautiful head. He is the perfect size for all your large mares, or geld him and he will make a highly competitive youth horse with a winning pedigree. 14 Lot# Eagles View Chocolate T T-52588 Consignor: Kelly Ruhl, IN Gelding: 3/31/2013 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots to withers, feather marks, star, strip, approved char. 51 1/2" Sire: Docs Chocolate Impulse T-50299 Sire’s Sire: Chocolatey ApHC-635842 Sire’s Dam: Docs Ona Impulse 44710 Dam: Dbl D's Lettersfromhome 45911 Dam’s Sire: Colonel Streak AQHA-X0493389 Dam's Dam: Dbl D Kissthiswink T-45910 Owner’s Comments: Teddy will make an amazing JPFC prospect, with amazing movement. Flat and slow-legged with deep driving hocks. High Point Triad yearling at the Eastern Classic, leading Indiana in Longe Line and Overall. Teddy's movement and flashy color will definitely get you noticed. I look forward to watching Teddy excel next year in JPFC classes. Regretfully selling due to health limitations on my part. Teddy will be shown the rest of the year and the Futurities. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. Watch for videos and pictures on POA Facebook pages closer to Futurities. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 15 Lot# Genuine Chance T-52378 Consignor: Holly or Aaron Deschenes, WI Mare: 3/29/2011 Characteristics: Chestnut snowflakes, left hind sock, right hind pastern. Approved char. 54 1/2" Sire: R U Triple Tough T-48996 Sire’s Sire: Docs Triple Tough 39404 Sire’s Dam: R U Kid N Me 39405 Dam: Kid OS Girl Friday T-49365 Dam’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Dam's Dam: Carmen San Diego ID-B45469 Owner’s Comments: Francine is a quiet and easy going three-year-old mare. She gets better with every trip out. She was the 2014 NE Regional Champion in 13-18 Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle, Jr. Western Pleasure and Hunter In Hand. She also had many other placings in Bareback, Horsemanship, Equitation and Trail. She also was top 5 placing in Halter and Hunter In Hand at the 2014 MW Regional. She is easy to maintain and ready for any age rider. She has been on trails and nothing phases her. She is a great mover with tons of potential to go in any direction. Contact us for more information - [email protected] or call 608-234-2696. 16 Lot# Wish Upon A Star 41005 Consignor: Lori Krome, MN Mare: 3/3/1999 Characteristics: Chestnut with snowflakes, star, strip, both front half stockings, both hind stockings. Approved char. 55 1/2" Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Sire’s Sire: East Acres Chip O Tough 21338 Sire’s Dam: East Acres Copper Blaze 23442 Dam: Starlight Starbright ID-B5044 Dam’s Sire: Rock Star ApHC-T326043 Dam's Dam: Docs Tough Angel 32456 Owner’s Comments: This outstanding broodmare is by Kid O Tough out of Starlight Starbright and is a full sister to CR Star Kid. She has produced multiple POA offspring that have proven themselves in the show ring, including Handsome Hollywood Star, the palomino blanketed stallion. Her yearling filly, DK Wish Upon A Dream, has done well in Halter, Longe Line and the In-Hand Trail classes - recently placing 2nd in Longe Line at the Midwest Regional show. This outstanding mare is safe in foal to IMA Few Spot Dream (black few spot 100% color producer) for an April, 2015 foal. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 17 Lot# Outrageous Cajun T-53066 Consignor: Jan Jones Nolen, OK Colt: 4/30/2014 Characteristics: Dun blanket with spots over hindquarters, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 43" Sire: LB All The Rage ApHC-664381 Sire’s Sire: Ziprageous AQHA-3691961 Sire’s Dam: Our Sweet Jenny ApHC-562703 Dam: Caddos Cajun Blush 40734 Dam’s Sire: Caddos Major Jim 31965 Dam's Dam: Caddos Feather 29544 Owner’s Comments: This colt is fantastic. As a dun with enough chrome, he will be noticed. He is from the second foal crop of LB All The Rage, our ApHC son of Ziprageous. From his first two foals to show, LB All The Rage has sired a Select Sire Champion and a Congress Champion. This colt's dam is a 51-inch daughter of International Champion, Caddos Major Jim. She has produced multiple International/Congress Champions in both Halter and Performance. He will be shown in the Select Sire Futurity and is Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. Pictures and video information can be found at 18 Lot# Sheza Tough Lady T-52640 Consignor: Joann Rogers, IA Filly: 5/29/2013 Characteristics: Bay leopard, star. Approved char. 51" Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam: Obviously Misty - NN ApHC-581488 Dam’s Sire: Obviously Casey AQHA-2136277 Dam's Dam: Impressive Misty ApHC-478897 Owner’s Comments: Leopard filly with a babydoll head, long neck and a huge hip. She has a pedigree that is loaded with Stars! Her dam is a full sister to Obviously A Lady, the dam of World Champion HEZA Tardee Dream, ApHC. Her sire, Docs Ruff N Zip, has sired foals that have placed consistently in the Futurities, including the 2008 and 2013 winner of the Weanling Mare Select Sire Futurity. Her grandsire, Obviously Casey, AQHA, has points in Halter and the sire of get with over 500 points in Halter and Performance, including three breeds: AQHA, ApHC and APHA. They have won over 50,000 in Futurities! She placed 4th in the Select Sire Futurity and 2nd in the Breeders Challenge Futurity in 2013. Entered in the Yearling 2014 Mare Select Sire Futurity. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 19 Lot# Salty Zipper T-53065 Consignor: Lynn Puffinbarger, OK Colt: 3/6/2014 Characteristics: Bay few spot leopard, all approved char. 45" Sire: Salty Solar Array 40858 Sire’s Sire: Spanish Array AQHA-1661041 Sire’s Dam: Salty Boots 35503 Dam: Salty Zip 51986 Dam’s Sire: Salty Skip The Britches 37835 Dam's Dam: RY Zip Fancee Jewel 41537 Owner’s Comments: Stop by Zipper's stall and see a really exceptional colt. Good enough for a stallion to be! Will produce lots of color on his babies. Nice head, heavy muscled front end and back, very well structured. Will mature into a great horse and make a great performer in the show ring. 20 Lot# Clayhill Showdown Gunner T-53011 Consignor: Chuck or Maxine Shekleton, IA Colt: 5/13/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots, left hind sock, feather marks on all other legs, blaze, Approved char. 41" Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N. Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam: Cowboy Boogie AQHA-3221452 Dam’s Sire: Pokey Rick Star AQHA-1343111 Dam's Dam: Somethin Wishful AQHA-2581061 Owner’s Comments: Gunner is a big-bodied halter and performance prospect. Owners of his full siblings have commented on their ponies having great attributes to movement, conformation, temperment and trainability. There is no doubt that you will be saying the same thing if you are the lucky show family that takes Gunner to the winner's circle. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 21 Lot# Skipin ScotchNChocolate T-53032 Consignor: Peter or Carol Keune, IA Filly: 4/9/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut frost, both front socks, both hind stockings, blaze. Approved char. 44" Sire: Docs Ruff N. Zip 40332 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam: Russ T Diva ID-B50118 Dam’s Sire: Russ "T" Bars 31438 Dam's Dam: Skip N Candy AQHA-4386110 Owner’s Comments: This filly has the conformation to halter and ride along with a great disposition. Her breeding excels, which includes Zips Chocolate Chip, Investor, Mr. Sonny Money, Sonny Dee Bar, Scotch Bar Time, Zippo Pine Bar, along with her sire Docs Ruff N Zip, who has offspring that are International and Regional champions. This is an awesome chestnut filly with an excellent pedigree and disposition. Any questions, call 563-380-0799. Select Sire Futurity Eligible, 2015. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 22 Lot# JBJs Zippin Fancy ID-B50777 Consignor: Jackie Guthrie, WI Mare: 5/1/2009 Characteristics: Sorrel, blaze, right front half stocking, approved char 54" Sire: My Lucky Zipper T-46725 Sire’s Sire: Lucky Straw - 38474 Sire’s Dam: Zippos Dynaflow AQHA-2877163 Dam: JBJs X Straw Fancy ID-B5112 Dam’s Sire: Double L's Dickens AQHA-1045778 Dam's Dam: Driftwoods Fancy Dance 32396 Owner’s Comments: "Zoey" has ID papers, but has all of her characteristics and some frost. Her dam is an own daughter of the great Double L's Dickens, AQHA. See Spots Included for more on this legendary performance sire. Her sire is My Lucky Zipper, International Champion whose granddam is the Sp.Ch. mare JBJ's Maid of Straw, also by Double L's Dickens. His dam is an own daughter of Zippo Pine Bar, AQHA. Zoey has a big stride with a flat front leg and a hind leg that gets way up under her. She will produce excellent WP and HUS POAs because she has the breeding to do so. Her first foal sells as Lot# 65. Take a look. She is outstanding. Easy to handle, she will be the first one to come up to you in the pasture. In foal to Kid O Bounce for an end-of-April 2015 foal that is Select Sire Futurity eligible. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 23 Lot# Good As Gold T-52937 Consignor: Dean or Janet Damman, IA Colt: 3/13/2014 Characteristics: Palomino blanket with spots, feather marks, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 43" Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Sire’s Dam: Docs Double Zip ID 2542 Dam: Make Her Gold 49315 Dam’s Sire: Gold Walker 44823 Dam's Dam: Santee Bit O Champaign ID-B36063 Owner’s Comments: "Good As Gold" is a son of Hall of Famer, Docs Ruff N Tough, and champin producer. He has that body everyone is looking for, a neat little head and a super mover. His dam's sire has Gold Prince and Tough Plaudit breeding. His color is palomino leopard. He will take you to the winner's circle, so don't pass him up. Questions, email me at [email protected] or call 641-751-2129. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 24 Lot# Easy Cadence T-51762 Consignor: Eric and Brittany Zimmermann, FL Mare: 4/7/2011 Characteristics: Dun blanket with spots over hips, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 54 1/2" Sire: Pal Cavalcade 47849 Sire’s Sire: The Sudden Impulse ApHC-589243 Sire’s Dam: Pal Jamaica 43480 Dam: Without Makeup 48348 Dam’s Sire: Caddos Major Jim 31965 Dam's Dam: Skip N Twist ID-B44031 Owner’s Comments: Debbie is truly what most are looking for. Bred to halter and perform with some of the best bloodlines in our breed. She was fifth in the Select Sire Futurity, was exceptional her yearling year in all events, top 10 at the Congress and Futurity in 2013. She was high-point mare and reserve high-point triad in Florida in 2012 and 2013. She is going well under saddle and was ridden first by our seven-year-old son. Easy to handle and up to date on everything. She is currently in foal to RY Diamond Equity. This baby is going to be a rock star! [email protected]. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 25 Lot# TC Irish Dreams T-52481 Consignor: Tracy or Robert Keen, FL Gelding: 3/17/2013 Characteristics: Bay leopard, left front stocking, right front stocking, left hind stocking, right hind stocking, excessive white bald face. Approved char. 50" Sire: Speaker Of the House 44730 Sire’s Sire: Santee Senator 37584 Sire’s Dam: KS'S Boogie With A Ghost 40613 Dam: Impulsive Dream ID-B45633 Dam’s Sire: First Impulse 39239 Dam's Dam: The Amazing Dream 41030 Owner’s Comments: Looking for a fancy, fancy yearling? This guy fits the bill. He was my pick to retain and show this year, but alas, life got in the way and he didn't get out much. Has had limited showing. Lots of pretty in a big-bodied package. Sired by a Congress Grand Champion out of a First Impulse daughter, he is bred to halter and ride. Quiet gelding with no vices. Will not be a height problem; expect to mature in the medium height range. Maternal half-brother to TC Impulsive Weedo. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 26 Lot# DK Elegant Dream T-53000 Consignor: Lori or Dan Krome, MN Filly: 4/5/2014 Characteristics: Bay leopard, star. Approved char. 40" Sire: IMA Few Spot Dream 42424 Sire’s Sire: Campbells Dreamcatcher 36507 Sire’s Dam: Net N Illusion 35679 Dam: DK'S Elegance In Gold ID-B52414 Dam’s Sire: Santee Cody 32117 Dam's Dam: Elegance In Gold 36569 Owner’s Comments: Ivy is a 2014 friendly remarkable black leopard weanling filly with an exquisite babydoll head, ears and neck with a buff body. Her dam is Santee Cody (PAL ponies) out of my daughter's show mare, Elegance In Gold. Her sire is IMA Few Spot Dream, who has been producing excellent moving all-around babies. This petite filly is the epitome of "great things come in small packages". Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 27 Lot# Miss Impulsive Gold Page T-52987 Consignor: Jan Rodgers, IA Filly: 5/22/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut leopard, feather marks, star. Approved char. 36" Sire: Gold Viper 39890 Sire’s Sire: Tribute To Prince 34809 Sire’s Dam: Sabrina Gold 31097 Dam: Impulses Gold Reyne ID-B50042 Dam’s Sire: A Sudden Zippo AQHA-3725121 Dam's Dam: Zippos Fancee Surprise 42100 Owner’s Comments: Page is a very balanced filly with the flat knee action so desired today, but that is not by accident, as Gold Viper is a premier sire and crossed on an own daughter of our quarter stallion, A Sudden Zippo, own son of the great performance stallion, A Sudden Impulse. Her dam is a full sister to the great halter and performance mare, Impulses Gold Angel. Page combines the foundation genetics of HOF Gold Prince and the performance ability of the Impulse line. She should not be a height problem. For more information, call Jan at 319-931-0964. Check our website, for photos of Page's heritage. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 28 Lot# Docs Honky Tonk Lil 47788 Consignor: Julian or Ruth Ann Nemmers, WI Mare: 4/11/2006 Characteristics: Sorrel few spot leopard, star, strip. Approved char. 53 1/4" Sire: CHR Tigers Tough Eagle 44023 Sire’s Sire: Pal Chip N Putt 38419 Sire’s Dam: KKS Rio Tough 28800 Dam: Docs Diamond Lil 39403 Dam’s Sire: Docs Big Time Dude 34977 Dam's Dam: Beaus Breanna - N/N AQHA-3260503 Owner’s Comments: A quality young broodmare that has a colored foal every year. She has a massive deep hip for a mare her size of 53 inches, plus a wide body, very refined head and neck, a good "set" to her neck and correct legs. Her 2014 foal is Lot # 61, in this sale. You will like what she produces. She again is in foal to Docs Chocolate Impulse for April, 2015. See Reference Sires in this sale catalog. I thought we would never sell this mare, but age and numbers have caught up to us. We're sure we will regret selling Lil. Calls welcome: 608-748-5084. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 29 Lot# Salty Skip The Dream T-52646 Consignor: Erin Brown Daugherty, TX Gelding: 5/12/2013 Characteristics: Palomino Snowflakes over hips, star, approved char. 51" Sire: Salty Skip The Britches 37835 Sire’s Sire: Salty Gotta Look 35171 Sire’s Dam: Salty Double Eyed 30868 Dam: JBC Dudes Dream 47006 Dam’s Sire: JBC Cool Skipen Dude 42164 Dam's Dam: JBC Maken Bucks 44161 Owner’s Comments: Salty Skip The Dream, "Bo" is a quiet 2013 gilding. A really cute mover that has a great color, as he is a palomino with limited white. He likes in-hand trail and will make a good JPFC prospect for someone. Bo comes from proven blood lines, so don't miss this chance to make him yours. Call Erin for more information 940-631-4332. 30 Lot# Invitation To A Kiss T-51750 Consignor: Melissa Slayton, TX Mare: 4/10/2010 Characteristics: Sorrel snowcap blanket to withers, star. Approved char. 55" Sire: Impulsive Invitation ApHC-590593 Sire’s Sire: Impulsive Zipper ApHC-528288 Sire’s Dam: The Invy Of All AQHA-3442558 Dam: Cams Forever Gold 36595 Dam’s Sire: Gold Plaudit 30693 Dam's Dam: Star Hustler ApHC-442108 Owner’s Comments: This is probably one of my favorite mares of all time! (Next to her mother, of course). Her sire is Impulsive Invitation, ApHC, and one of the leading sires of WP horses in the App world today! Her dam is Cams Forever Gold, a two-times International Champion Broodmare. This mare is BROKE for any age rider and will be show ring ready by sale time. She is super sweet and comes right over to see you every time!! She had a REALLY nice filly this year by Chocolate Jet Set, but is not bred back. I just felt she deserves to be packing some little kid around in the show ring! Her breeding speaks for itself, so come ride her! 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 31 Lot# JBJ'S Bounce The Kid T-52991 Consignor: Larry Gibson, WI Colt: 4/18/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel leopard, star, strip. Approved char. 44" Sire: Kid O Bounce 46502 Sire’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Sire’s Dam: Heaven O Bounce 34892 Dam: St Avalon AQHA-3498930 Dam’s Sire: Smooth Sill AQHA-1898069 Dam's Dam: Orphan St AQHA-1937210 Owner’s Comments: Full brother to JBJ'S Smooth Kid, now owned and shown by Lisa Mullenberg of MN. What a gem he is with his star quality and photographic posing. Quiet, with personality plus. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 32 Lot# Envy My Rhythm T-51063 Consignor: Bette or Ted Vartorella, MI Gelding: 3/31/2010 Characteristics: Palomino with blanket with spots to withers, star and strip. Approved char. 55" Sire: Bobo Ciotin Dotin 45586 Sire’s Sire: MDS Gotta Boo Boo 39706 Sire’s Dam: Wudin Chus Gold N Ember 39928 Dam: Gunnerette 48698 Dam’s Sire: Exclusive Gunner ApHC-541343 Dam's Dam: Nola Cash AQHA-3565764 Owner’s Comments: Vinny is a beautiful four-year-old gelding with color to catch the judge's eye. Both his sire and dam are national halter champions. He was top five in Halter and Longe Line in the nation as a two-year-old. He's a "ten" mover, easy to ride, and a quick learner. Vinny will currently make a great youth junior pony and has the potential to be a top all-around pony. He is currently being shown in halter and rail classes. For more information, email: [email protected]. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 33 Ready For the Payoff Lot# T-52911 Consignor: Donna Zimmermann or Erin Metcalf, FL Gelding: 5/3/2013 Characteristics: Sorrel leopard, blaze. Approved char. 49" Sire: SH Twists Golden Lad AQHA-4273193 Sire’s Sire: Domino Golden Lad AQHA-1870391 Sire’s Dam: Twists April Gold AQHA-2228870 Dam: JL Ima Gold Equity T-50585 Dam’s Sire: RY Major Equity 45429 Dam's Dam: Sheza Twist Of Gold 33443 Owner’s Comments: "Pete" is a good-looking, good-minded yearling gelding. Out of an own daughter of the infamous RY Major Equity, he is bred to move! He will be shown in all the yearling classes at the Futurities. If you want to win the Two-Year-Old Incentive next year, take a look at this guy! Call Erin at 580-461-1475 with any questions. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 34 Rarely Jaded Lot# T-53063 Consignor: David Spencer, OK Filly: 4/23/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spsots to withers, left hind sock, right hind stocking, blaze. Approved char. 44" Sire: Pal Cavalcade 47849 Sire’s Sire: The Sudden Impulse ApHC-589243 Sire’s Dam: Pal Jamaica 43480 Dam: Barely Jaded ID-B47513 Dam’s Sire: Ruffs Tough Trigger 39338 Dam's Dam: Solitaire 39493 Owner’s Comments: Striking filly by National High-Point Champion, Pal Cavalcade out of Barely Jaded. This filly is balanced and has the looks and movement to excel in Halter and under saddle. She has a bright future ahead of her. Her full siblings, Sweet Cadence and Too Blue To Be True, are Select Sire, National Congress and National High Point Champions. Her potential is unlimited as a show prospect and then later as a broodmare. She will be shown in the Select Sire Futurity and is Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. More pictures and video information can be found at 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 35 Lot# Makes Impulsive Gold T-52116 Consignor: N. Joan Vande Krol, IA Gelding: 4/28/2012 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spots to withers, left hind pastern, feather marks, star, mark on upper lip. Approved char. 52" Sire: The Gold Maker 43604 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Princes Gold Silk 31990 Dam: Impulses Gold Reyne ID-B50042 Dam’s Sire: A Sudden Zippo Dam's Dam: Zippos Fancee Surprise 42100 Owner’s Comments: "Gabe" is out of a full sister to Impulsive Gold Angel, the high point 3-4 yearold 2010 International Futurity Champion. His sire is the 2012 POAC Natinal Congress Small Stallion Champion. He is a very loud POA that will be noticed in the show ring. He is a "lover" and will be the first one to the fence to get attention. He will have 60 days of professional training by Alicia Slapnicka prior to the sale. Call 641-780-7381 if you have any questions. 36 Lot# Cool Heir T-49975 Consignor: Sarah or Lynn Rohlman, MO Gelding: 3/22/2008 Characteristics: Sorrel, blanket over hindquarters with spots, blaze. Approved char. 54" Sire: Truly Way Too Cool 44053 Sire’s Sire: Yours Truly 32784 Sire’s Dam: Classic Fury 32131 Dam: RY Zip Betty Do Da 40283 Dam’s Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Dam's Dam: Majors Legacy T-34965 Owner’s Comments: This pretty gelding is very quiet and easy going. Great ground manners and rides nice. Clips, bathes and hauls with ease. He has been trail ridden and shown lightly. Great medium height, big-bodied, tons of eye appeal. Halters well and a good mover. We don't have a youth rider for him and he is too good to stand in the pasture. Bred to be an all-around, he is pretty enough for the show pen and quiet enough for the backyard pony. For more info, we can be reached at 417-343-8862 or [email protected]. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 37 Lot# Docs Sudden Invitation T-49541 Consignor: J. R. Reichert, IA Mare: 4/23/2008 Characteristics: Chestnut, snowcap blanket to withers, star, right hind half pastern, Approved char. 54 1/2" Sire: Docs Sudden Impact 46066 Sire’s Sire: The Sudden Impulse ApHC-589243 Sire’s Dam: Docs Zip To Scotch 36651 Dam: Docs Ona Impulse 44710 Dam’s Sire: First Impulse 39239 Dam's Dam: Docs Little Cutie 40333 Owner’s Comments: I purchased this mare from Dr. Julian Nemmers in the POA International Sale a few years ago and she has been a great mare for me. A striking black snowcap with a great pedigree for rail events; goes to A Sudden Impulse (AQHA) 2X and Zippo Pine Bar 4X. Correct and very easy to handle. In foal to Irresistible Sudden AQHA, by A Sudden Impulse. Don't pass up this nice mare. 38 Lot# Irresistable Rhythm T-52073 Consignor: Erin or Donna Zimmermann, FL Gelding: 3/28/2012 Characteristics: Palomino snowcap blanket over hips, star, strip, mark on upper lip. Approved char. 54" Sire: Bobo Ciotin Dotin 45586 Sire’s Sire: MDS Gotta Boo Boo 39706 Sire’s Dam: Wudin Chus Gold N Ember 39928 Dam: Gunnerette 48698 Dam’s Sire: Exclusive Gunner ApHC-541343 Dam's Dam: Nola Cash AQHA-3565764 Owner’s Comments: "Patrick" has the looks, movement and brains to be your next all-around champion. He was recently top five in Halter, Longe Line and In-Hand Trail at the 2014 National Congress. His siblings have earned numerous Congress championships and Patrick is sure to be the same. If you are looking for an all-around prospect, look no further. He will be shown in the two-year old JPFC classes at the Fall Futurities and is suitable for an adult or youth rider. Stop by and take a wont be disappointed! Call Erin at 580-461-1475 with any questions. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 39 Lot# Salty Lookin Diamond T53004 Consignor: Lynn Puffinbarger, OK Colt: 5/8/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel Blanket with spots, left hind pastern, star. Approved char. 40" Sire: Salty Stole The Look 47345 Sire’s Sire: Salty Skip The Britches 37835 Sire’s Dam: Salty Lookin Smoke 40929 Dam: Salty Diamonds Array 46661 Dam’s Sire: Spanish Array AQHA-1661043 Dam's Dam: Salty Crystal Image 28240 Owner’s Comments: Salty Lookin Diamond "Diesel" is a 2014 colt with blood lines that spell "CHAMPION". His sire, Salty Stole The Look is an International Reserve Grand Champion Stallion. His dam, Salty Diamonds Array, daughter of the great quarter horse, Spanish Array, was the Congress Champion small mare in 2014 and 2013. She is full sister to Salty Crystal Array, who herself was an International Grand Champion Mare. Let Diesel take you to the winner's circle. For more information contact Lynn at 580-430-5054 or Erin at 940-631-4332. 40 Lot# Jet Black and Jealous T-51456 Consignor: Bre Lemmon, IL Gelding: 6/24/2010 Characteristics: Bay frost over body, star, strip, snip, left front ankle, left hind ankle, right hind ankle, approved char. 55 1/2" Sire: Suddenly A Sonny ApHC-589947 Sire’s Sire: A Sudden Impulse AQHA-3013117 Sire’s Dam: Leave Me A Roan ApHC-453648 Dam: Plaudits Silver Queen 41456 Dam’s Sire: Plaudit Silver ApHC-T319687 Dam's Dam: Queens Honey Cup 34633 Owner’s Comments: Ozzy has been shown since he was two years old. Easy to load, haul, bathe, clip and trim. Excels in Western, English and Trail. Good-minded and sound. No lameness issues. Low maintenance gelding. Would make a great youth or adult pony. He measures in at 55 1/2 inches, big-bodied gelding, no height problem. Slow and fancy legs. Flashy in the show pen. Started in showmanship and patterns. Shown in lead line for the past two years. No need to longe down. Fun and easy to ride. Reserve High Point JPFC 3 and 4 at the Eastern Classic. For more information, [email protected]. Call/text 317-521-4851. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 2014 POA International Sale Catalog Thank you to all of our 2014 sponsors and advertisers. You have helped make this year’s futurity and sale possible. International POA Sale Record Prices Division Pony Name Price Year Consignor Purchaser Weanling Colt Docs Tough Mister $12,250 1995 J. Nemmers J. Reams Weanling Filly Etched In Elegance 5,000 1992 D. McBride N. Barth Weanling Filly Santee Miss McCue 5,000 2003 P. Filzen F. Netz Yearling Colt/Gelding Zippos Lazarus Gold 7,500 2002 J. & L. Cordes C. Astin Yearling Filly Pal Promenade 7,000 1998 J. & M. Kennedy A. Brock Stallion Hi Va Avitar 8,100 1989 H. Slagle M. Boerjan Mare Pal Serenade 24,000 2007 Leigh Bruno Scott Dawes Gelding Pieces Of Eight 10,300 2001 D. Ballinger K. Getzendaner Mare & Foal Santee Ms Nova MM Ms Elegant 6,000 2005 Maple Meadows E. Harris National Inspector Clinic Thursday Noon – please sign up in the POA Futurity/Sale office no later than Thursday 12:00 Noon if you plan to attend this clinic. Remember if you are a current National POA Inspector you must attend an approved clinic at least every three years to remain active status. Anyone that has an interest in becoming a POA National Inspector is also welcome to attend! 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 41 Lot# RY King Of Diamonds T-53028 Consignor: Michael or Shauna Gardner, UT Colt: 3/28/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut leopard, blaze. Approved char. 45" Sire: RY Major Equity 45429 Sire’s Sire: Invested Equity AQHA-3407306 Sire’s Dam: Majors Legacy 34965 Dam: RY Queen of Diamonds T-50059 Dam’s Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Dam's Dam: Diamond Fantasy 53701 Owner’s Comments: This colt is going to be an awesome performance pony! He has a great temperment and loves to be around people. His sire is RY Major Equity and his dam is RY Queen of Diamonds, a daughter of Zip N Gold - sire of this year's POA Congress Grand Champion Gelding, RY Pulsation. He will be a large gelding with very nice movement. Come by our stalls and check him out. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. Call Mike for more information at 801-592-4095. 42 Got Lucky Lot# T-53019 Consignor: Corey or Angela Damman, IA Filly: 5/1/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots to withers, both hind stockings, both front socks, star, disconnected strip, snip. Approved char. 45" Sire: Bostons MacCloud 39348 Sire’s Sire: Suncrests Charlie MyBoy 35806 Sire’s Dam: Bostons Honey Bun 29994 Dam: Skip N Zip Susie Id-B48329 Dam’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Dam's Dam: Susie Miss Q ID-B39867 Owner’s Comments: Stunning, well-bred filly with chrome! Docs Ruff N Tough and Boston MacCloud bloodlines. She will get you noticed in the show pen with her looks and amazing movement! Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 43 Lot# Docs Diamond Dude T-50301 Consignor: Julian or Ruth Ann Nemmers, WI Stallion: 2/28/2009 Characteristics: Sorrel, snowcap blanket to withers, blaze, left front and both hind stockings. Approved char. 56" Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam: Docs Diamond Lil 39403 Dam’s Sire: Docs Big Time Dude 34977 Dam's Dam: Beaus Breanna AQHA-3260503 Owner’s Comments: Dude was foaled the same year as Docs Chocolate Impulse. We have kept him because he is homozygous and we like his conformation. He has been pen bred three times and owners have been pleased with his foals. Dude is by the popular stallion, Docs Ruff N Zip, (Chuck and Ma\xine Shekelton), and out of our favorite half-quarter halter mare, Docs Diamond Lil. Lil put a deep powerful hip and a beautiful neck on her foals and Dude is made the same. Sound in every way. Come take a look. You might be surprised! Selling because of our age and numbers. Calls welcome: 608-748-5084. 44 Lot# DK Wish Upon A Dream T-52748 Consignor: Lori Krome, MN Filly: 4/22/2013 Characteristics: Chestnut few spot leopard, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 50 1/4" Sire: Ima Few Spot Dream 42424 Sire’s Sire: Campbells Dreamcatcher 36507 Sire’s Dam: Not N Illusion 35679 Dam: Wish Upon A Star 41005 Dam’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Dam's Dam: Starlight Starbright ID-B5044 Owner’s Comments: Lily is a gorgeous dark chestnut few spot yearling filly with lots of chrome. She is an excellent mover and has placed well at all of the shows - recently placing second in Longe Line at the Midwest Regional and top ten placing in both Yearling In-Hand Trail and Longe Line at the 2014 National Congress in Tulsa. She will be ready to be your next junior pony prospect or with her awesome pedigree and few spot coat pattern, will do well in any broodmare band. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 45 Lot# Miss Gold Brenda Lee T-52655 Consignor: Dean or Jan Rodgers, IA Filly: 7/16/2013 Characteristics: Palomino snowcap blanket to shoulders, left front feather marks, star. Approved char. 49.5" Sire: Gold Matrix T-50438 Sire’s Sire: Takaukpa Gold 30619 Sire’s Dam: KBC Kid Sister 38509 Dam: Miss Skipema Gold 44135 Dam’s Sire: Tribute To Prince 34809 Dam's Dam: Skips Class Action AQHA-2998369 Owner’s Comments: This filly is a favorite with visitors for her movement. Her dam, Skipema, is out of a small quarter mare by Skips Assist and is one of our foundation broodmares. Skipema is the dam of Impulses Gold Promoter, who is close to being a supreme champion. Brenda's sire is an own son of HOF, International Grand Champion stallion, Takaupa Gold and out of a top Kid O Tough bred mare. She is a late filly and just starting her show career, and as a snowcap will be a great broodmare. Call 319-931-0964 for more information. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 46 Lot# Array of Elegance T-52260 Consignor: Robert L. Vermeer, IA Mare: 5/2/2012 Characteristics: Bay leopard with bay points, star. Approved char. 54" Sire: TXS Chip N Array 46356 Sire’s Sire: Pal Chip N Putt 38419 Sire’s Dam: Salty Britches Array 37418 Dam: JB Poco Bay NINO AQHA-3241689 Dam’s Sire: Poco Bay Stripe AQHA-2036974 Dam's Dam: NINO MISS 70 AQHA-884815 Owner’s Comments: Leopard mare. Started in Showmanship, WP, HUS, and Trail. Ray has the looks and movement to take anyone to the top! Smart and easy - you won't find another mare quite like her. Currently winning at all of the major POA shows! Consistent, flashy, and deep-hocked makes her a valuable asset to anyone's herd! Show Accomplishments: RMR: Reserve Champion 19 & Over HUS, Reserve Champion 19 & Over WP, Reserve Champion JPFC Trail. West World: Reserve Champion 19 & Over WP, Champion 19 & Over HUS. Congress: Congress Champion HnH. Reichert Champion yearling In-Hand Trail, and fourth in the Yearling Longe Line. Two time futurity champion filly including Select Sire. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 47 Lot# Bostons Sierra T-52087 Consignor: Courtney Ourada, WI Mare: 4/26/2012 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spots over hips, left hind coronet, right hind sock, star, strip, disconnected snip. Approved char. 52" Sire: Bostons Mac Cloud 39348 Sire’s Sire: Suncrests Charlie Myboy 35806 Sire’s Dam: Bostons Honey Bun 29994 Dam: Skip N Zip Susie ID-B48329 Dam’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 321236 Dam's Dam: Susie Miss Q ID-B39867 Owner’s Comments: "Susie" is a stout-bodied, well-bred sorrel two-year-old mare with just the right amount of chrome. She is started under saddle with a solid foundation on her and has not been pushed in her training. Has a want-to-please attitude and will have at least 60 days riding by sale time. Good legged, being very flat up front, deep hocked, with strong natural cadence. Her mother is a full sister to multiple performance champion, Sheza Tough Sensation, and her sire has produced numerous halter and performance champions. Susie will make an excellent three-year-old prospect, or broodmare prospect. Should never be a height problem. Contact 715-572-4121 or [email protected] for more information. 48 Lot# Chocolate Annie T-52653 Consignor: Melissa Slayton and N.R. Stevenson, TX Filly: 5/7/2013 Characteristics: Bay snowflakes over hips, star. Approved char. 51" Sire: Chocolate Jet Set AQHA-3514662 Sire’s Sire: Playin Lazy AQHA-2903792 Sire’s Dam: Little Miss Jet Set AQHA-3045109 Dam: RPRS Shotgun Annie 46779 Dam’s Sire: Two Eyed Sonny 37373 Dam's Dam: Cams Forever Gold 36595 Owner’s Comments: This is such a sweet, sweet girl and the right color too...BAY! Her sire is Chocolate Jet Set, AQHA, who goes back to Zips Chocolate Chip, Hotrodders Jet Set and Zippo Pine Bar. Her dam is RPR's Shotgun Annie, who is also in this sale (see her write-up). This filly is such a cute mover and will never be a height problem! She should mature around 54-55". She loves all the attention you can give her! I put her in the National Congress yearling sale, which makes her eligible for the Western Pleasure Incentive classes, 2015. She is also in the Yearling Incentive for this sale! Those two things alone will give someone the opportunity to win some BIG money with this filly next show season! Come check her out! 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 49 Lot# Wils Sudd N Royal T-51202 Consignor: Zane T. Bates, AL Gelding: 5/5/2010 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots to withers, right hind stocking, blaze. Approved char. 55 1/4" Sire: Wils Sudd N Decision ApHC-660311 Sire’s Sire: Suddenly A Sonny ApHC-589947 Sire’s Dam: Zipped N Gold ApHC-567312 Dam: Wils Kid O Rita ID-B49777 Dam’s Sire: HMH Osage Royal 38270 Dam's Dam: His Honky Tonk Angel 41642 Owner’s Comments: Roy is a great four-year-old. Easy to get along with - can't miss him on the rail. He tries to please. Good with all clipping and farrier. Hauls easily. Would be a great 9-12 or 13-18 pony. 50 Lot# RY Major Tribute T-53034 Consignor: Michael or Shauna Gardner, UT Filly: 5/10/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots to withers, left front sock, right front sock, right hind stocking, blaze. Approved char. 44" Sire: Tribute To Prince 34809 Sire’s Sire: Takaupa Gold 30619 Sire’s Dam: Gold Bar Princess 31307 Dam: RY Zips Major Legacy 42459 Dam’s Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Dam's Dam: Majors Legacy 34965 Owner’s Comments: This adorable filly is sired by future Hall of Fame stallion, Tribute To Prince, who has been one of the top producing stallions for several years. The dam, RY Zips Major Legacy, is a World and International Longe Line Champion and one of our favorite daughters of Zip N Gold. "Katniss" will be a great yearling prospect and future all-around pony. She will be shown in the Select Sire Futurity. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. Come visit our stalls or call Mike at 801-592-4095 for more information. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 51 Lot# DK'S Coupe Deville T-49725 Consignor: Lori or Dan Krome, MN Gelding: 3/22/2008 Characteristics: Chestnut, snowcap blanket to withers, left hind stocking, feather markings. Approved char. 56" Sire: Strawman's Dakota Lad ApHC-607005 Sire’s Sire: Lads Straw Man ApHC-522029 Sire’s Dam: Pride's Duce ApHC-BN315287 Dam: KS'S Niftys Sundae Pants 38847 Dam’s Sire: KS'S Heza Nifty Twist 33354 Dam's Dam: KS'S Ima Kandi Pants Too 35062 Owner’s Comments: This six-year-old chestnut blanketed gelding has an excellent disposition. He would be appropriate for any age rider. He has had limited show experience due to lack of a rider. He is a very sweet pony, always willing to please, and is a quick learner with an awesome lope. He gets along well with other horses. See video on Facebook: Dakota Krome POA & Polypay. 52 Lot# Black N Gold Tradition T-52988 Consignor: Dean or Jan Rodgers, IA Colt: 6/1/2014 Characteristics: Black leopard, hind left stocking, star. Approved char. 36" Sire: Certified Gold T-51238 Sire’s Sire: Tributes Gold Sensation 49024 Sire’s Dam: Eldihans Tuff Lil Kid T-46439 Dam: Miss Mystical Gold 43603 Dam’s Sire: Gold Viper 39890 Dam's Dam: Flys Mystic Gold ID-B2647 Owner’s Comments: I bred my tested black young few spot, Certified Gold, "Joe" to my grullo daughter of premier sire Gold Viper and the results were this loud black colt. Certified Gold's sire is a loud bay leopard son of Tribute To Prince and out of Investors Gold Princess by The Promoter by The Investor, AQHA. Joe's dam is a Kid O Tough bred mare. The result is very loud leopard colt, with the cutest little flat knee action, soft movement and potential plus for most colorful classes. He should mature in height. Call Jan at 319-931-0964 for more information. See his heritage at Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 53 Lot# Bright Eyed Miss T-50351 Consignor: Donna Zimmermann, FL Mare: 6/1/2009 Characteristics: Few spot leopard, white with bay points and spots, star. Approved char. 55" Sire: Two Eyed Sonny 37373 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Jacks Tiger Dee AQHA-2488904 Dam: Sunbursts Pearl Essence 44759 Dam’s Sire: Furys Reflection 39050 Dam's Dam: Miss Valentine Cookie 35497 Owner’s Comments: Bright Eyed Miss, "Missy", was shown extensively as a yearling and two-yearold, then used as a broodmare. She had 60 days of professional training last year and will be tuned back up before the sale. Whether you are looking for a youth mount or a broodmare, don't pass this young mare up. Missy is bred to Suddenly On Fire, son of The Sudden Impulse (ApHC) for a February, 2015 foal. If you have any questions, feel free to call Donna at 813-363-1535. 54 Lot# RF Double Skip Ginger 43101 Consignor: Rachel Sais, CO Mare: 7/3/2001 Characteristics: Sorrel with frost and snowflakes, star, strip. Approved char. 54" Sire: J. A. Skip N Star ID-B39478 Sire’s Sire: Toys Star AQHA-1854033 Sire’s Dam: Caddos Valentina 24488 Dam: In Skips Honor T-37349 Dam’s Sire: Santee Gold Mount 32815 Dam's Dam: Miss Code Of Honor 26413 Owner’s Comments: Ginger is a 13-year-old mare who was left out to pasture until this year. She is currently being used as a broodmare and will be bred to RY Equity By Zip for a 2015 foal. She has a babydoll face and a large hip with a champion pedigree. She should produce outstanding foals! 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 55 Lot# RPR'S Sensational Buns 49061 Consignor: Myrlynn Bella, IN Mare: 5/29/2007 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket to withers with spots, left hind sock, star, approved char. 55" Sire: RBR Bunbelieveable 43763 Sire’s Sire: JKA Supreme Scooter Sire’s Dam: St Avalon AQHA-3498930 Dam: Cams Gold Sensation T-41656 Dam’s Sire: Gold Plaudit 30693 Dam's Dam: Star Hustler ApHC-442108 Owner’s Comments: This pretty mare needs a new home and the opportunity to reach her full potential. Sami is riding well and will have more time on her by the sale. Moves great Western and is learning Showmanship. Just needs finishing out and the right rider to show her. Stop by and take a look. 56 Lot# Ladies Do It Better T-53018 Consignor: Dean or Janet Damman, IA Filly: 5/4/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spots over hind quarters, right hind sock, blaze. Approved char. 43" Sire: The Silver Kid 36323 Sire’s Sire: Hi Va Avitar 23245 Sire’s Dam: Kids Double Sweet 32625 Dam: Ima Tough Annie 42652 Dam’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Dam's Dam: RDS Fancy Gold Feather 33303 Owner’s Comments: "Ladies Do It Better" is a really sharp, well-balanced filly and a great mover. The sire is The Silver Kid and the dam is Ima Tough Annie by Docs Ruff N Tough. She should mature around 55-56 inches. Her half-sister is Between Boyfriends, shown by Taylor Meehan. Taylor won JPFC three and four-year-old Hunter Under Saddle, Hunter Under Saddle 19 and over, and JPFC three and four-year-old Western Pleasure at the 2014 POA National Congress on Between Boyfriends. This filly will take you to the winner's circle. Don't miss her! If you have questions, email me at [email protected] or call 641-751-2129. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 57 Lot# Ruff N Tough Pizzazz T-49678 Consignor: Sharon Llanas, WI Gelding: 5/11/2008 Characteristics: Sorrel, blanket over hindquarters with spots. Approved char. 56" Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Sire’s Dam: Docs Double Zip ID-2542 Dam: RDS Fancy Gold Feather 33303 Dam’s Sire: RDS Cracker Jack 31388 Dam's Dam: Supreme Fancy ID-B4627 Owner’s Comments: Tough is quiet, people-friendly, good moving and easy to maintain. Needs to be finished one-handed/neck reining, but should come easily with consistent work. Has spent some time with CEO Performance Horses (WI), otherwise had been maintained at home by a youth rider. Has been ridden Western and English and has great all-around potential - would make an excellent hunter/ jumper with his stride and scope as well (no jumping experience yet). His sire is Docs Ruff N Tough, making Tough a half-sibling to multiple halter and performance champions. Should get his PHC as a large gelding, measuring between 55-56 inches. Rider moved to a new pony, so Tough is left without a job. YouTube video available under Ruff N Tuff Pizzazz. 58 Lot# Santee Catamount 47009 Consignor: Douglas or Nicole Webel, IN Mare: 5/10/2005 Characteristics: Sorrel, small blanket over croup with spots, star, strip, disconnected snip, left hind half stocking. Approved char. 55 1/2" Sire: His Fancy Carbine 37461 Sire’s Sire: Santee Carbine 32824 Sire’s Dam: His Fancy Feather ApHC-300720 Dam: Santee Twisty Cat ID-B39317 Dam’s Sire: Santee Twister 29300 Dam's Dam: R-Black Pussy Cat 20488 Owner’s Comments: Kate has been successful as both a show horse and a broodmare. In 2008, she was International Champion three-year-old filly and High Point in the nation. She was broke out as a three-year-old and shown for a short time. As a broodmare, she has produced three outstanding foals that have competed at the Regional and National level. She has outstanding conformation with great leg structure and movement. We never thought we would sell this mare, but life changes are forcing us to make some difficult decisions. She is vet checked in foal to Santee Shiek with an expected due date of mid-April, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 59 Lot# Double Image T-52637 Consignor: Larry Gibson, WI Filly: 4/28/2013 Characteristics: Bay with frost, left hind sock, right hind sock, star, disconnected strip, snip. Approved char. 50" Sire: Pal Cavalcade 47849 Sire’s Sire: The Sudden Impulse ApHC-589243 Sire’s Dam: Pal Jamaica 43480 Dam: LVO A Respectable Image 46178 Dam’s Sire: Mister Respect 36239 Dam's Dam: LVO Skip A Round 38005 Owner’s Comments: A small replica of her mother "LVO's A Respectable Image", who is also in this sale. Top quality filly with lots of potential ahead of her. With the athletic ability of her mother, she should be able to go far in the POA world. 60 Lot# Little Peppys Chocolena T-51964 Consignor: Marsha Pearce or Rachel Sais, CO Mare: 8/17/2011 Characteristics: Chestnut snowflakes over hips, large star. Approved char. 53 1/2" Sire: Hot Chocolate Hunter ApHC-656430 Sire’s Sire: Hot Chocolate Chip ApHC-528117 Sire’s Dam: What A Dandy Hunter ApHC-634875 Dam: HFF A Little Peppynspice T-50110 Dam’s Sire: Sanjos Little Peppy AQHA-3975607 Dam's Dam: Texas April Foal 42088 Owner’s Comments: Lena is a cute large-bodied mare. Easy to work with and is a fast learner. One of the most athletic horses I've seen, not only will she do well in the show pen, but she will do just as well in the work pen. Bred to move, this mare will do anything halter to pleasure, jumping to games. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 61 Lot# Docs Time For Chocolate T-53006 Consignor: Dr. Julian Nemmers, WI Colt: 5/15/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel snowcap blanket to shoulders, feather marks on all legs, star, strip. Approved char. 43" Sire: Docs Chocolate Impulse T-50299 Sire’s Sire: Chocolatey ApHC-635842 Sire’s Dam: Docs Ona Impulse 44710 Dam: Docs Honky Tonk Lil 47788 Dam’s Sire: CHR Tigers Tough Eagle 44023 Dam's Dam: Docs Diamond Lil 39403 Owner’s Comments: Very nice sorrel snowcap, out of a quality mare that also sells in this sale, lot #28 Docs Honky Tonk Lil. Sire is Docs Chocolate Impulse, a five-year-old son of the well-known Appaloosa rail horse, Chocolatey. Our "Choc" is also a POA Halter and Performance Congress and Futurity Champion. See Reference Sires in this sale catalog. Take a look, we're sure you will like him. Calls welcome: 608-748-5084. 62 Lot# LVO A Respectable Image 46178 Consignor: Larry or Bonita Gibson, WI Mare: 4/5/2004 Characteristics: Bay roan, large snowflakes over hindquarters, blaze, right front ankle, left hind half stocking. Approved char. 54" Sire: Mister Respect 36239 Sire’s Sire: Mister RE ApHC-424167 Sire’s Dam: Chrlies Parti Dol ApHC-T364719 Dam: LVO Skip A Round 38005 Dam’s Sire: Santee Pistol 32180 Dam's Dam: Skip One Hickory AQHA-1193308 Owner’s Comments: What a fantastic mother she is and has given us some outstanding foals. She was ridden and shown as a three-year-old by Amanda (Reed) Groen and will have a refresher course prior to the sale. She has been used as a broodmare since. She is the dam of "Respect To Sid", ridden and shown by Kevin Hassebroek of Iowa. Joanie (barn name), is bred by Jamaican Scotch for a April foal. Will be a dandy! Her foal will be eligible for the WI, MN and International Futurities for 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 63 Lot# OBR Going To Be A Star T-53033 Consignor: Patty Koehler, TX Colt: 5/28/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut leopard with spots, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 45" Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Sire’s Sire: Dosc Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam: Star Assets AQHA-5308657 Dam’s Sire: Whatta Starry Time AQHA-3843274 Dam's Dam: A Coy Asset AQHA-3248627 Owner’s Comments: Good Asset great grandson! Gorgeous leopard pleasure colt! Out of daughter of A Coy Asset, AQHA, bred by Dan and Carol McWhirter and formerly owned by J.R. Reichert. Sired by Good Asset (by Zippos Mr Good Bar X all-time favorite mare Miss Rebel Rita). A Coy Asset is out of AQHA Superior WP mare Misty Coy (by the great Coy's Bonanza). Star's sire goes back to Zippo Pine Bar 2x, Scotch Bar Time and Hall of Fame POAs. For more information, call Patty at 940-365-9493. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 64 Lot# Mister Tough Stuff 50223 Consignor: Jill Bates, AL Gelding: 5/11/2008 Characteristics: Leopard, white with sorrel spots. Approved char. 56" Sire: Ruff Tough Tonto 41445 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N. Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Montes Miss May ID-P38364 Dam: Miss Tough Whirlwind 42401 Dam’s Sire: Docs Fancy Dude 31349 Dam's Dam: Miss Whirlin Tough 31458 Owner’s Comments: Murphy, as we call him, is a very sweet and easy going guy. He was Zane's first junior pony to break out and show. Nice jog, deep-hocked moves down the rail, pretty in both Western and English. Stands for the farrier and bathing and clipping. Would be great for a 9-12 or 13-18 rider. Come ride him for yourself. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 65 Lot# JBJs Fancy For Sure T-52965 Consignor: Jackie Guthrie, WI Filly: 4/20/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel Blanket with spots over rump, both hind stockings, right front stocking, blaze. Approved Char. 42" Sire: Docs Diamond Dude T-50301 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Sire’s Dam: Docs Diamond Lil 39403 Dam: JBJs Zippin Fancy ID-B50777 Dam’s Sire: My Lucky Zipper 46725 Dam's Dam: JBJs X Straw Fancy ID-B5112 Owner’s Comments: "Letty" is an outstanding show prospect. In my humble opinion, her sire may be one of the best stallions ever produced by the Nemmers' breeding program. He sells Lot# 43. Her dam comes from My Lucky Zipper's first foal crop and she is a great young mare selling as Lot# 22. Take a look at the sire and dam and you decide. This filly will hold her own in a halter class and should ride like a dream. She should mature 55-56". Letty will show in the Iowa and Select Sire Futurities. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 66 Lot# Gold Impulsive Chex T-52702 Consignor: Dean or Jan Rodgers, IA Colt: 7/28/2013 Characteristics: Chestnut leopard, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 50" Sire: Gold Matrix T-50438 Sire’s Sire: Takaupa Gold 30619 Sire’s Dam: KBC Kid Sister 38509 Dam: Writingchexonimpulse - N/N AQHA4367004 Dam’s Sire: Zippo Pine Chex AQHA-3192876 Dam's Dam: Ellagant Impulse AQHA-3507977 Owner’s Comments: Dean wanted to breed our young Takuapa few spot son to our best broodmares and his vision proved to be correct with three outstanding foals produced. "Max" is out of a small AQHA mare, the dam of Tributes Gold Chex, who is making a name for himself as a performance pony with Reichert and Congress wins under saddle. Max has that great Gold Prince disposition, loves attention, and is ready to become another great performance pony. Call 319931-0964 for more information. Western Pleasure eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 67 Silver Cyclone Lot# T-53016 Consignor: Corey Damman, IA Colt: 5/10/2014 Characteristics: Bay blanket with spots over hindquarters, left front pastern, both hind stockings, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 44" Sire: The Silver Kid 36323 Sire’s Sire: Hi VA Avitar 23245 Sire’s Dam: Kids Double Sweet 32625 Dam: Wils Kidorina ID-B47520 Dam’s Sire: HMH Osage Royal 38270 Dam's Dam: His Honky Tonk Angel 41642 Owner’s Comments: Exceptional colt that has it all - color, conformation, pedigree and disposition. He will excel in Halter as well as Performance. He has the potential to be your next champion! Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 68 Lot# RPRS Shotgun Annie 46779 Consignor: N. R. Stevenson and Melissa Slayton, TX Mare: 3/12/2005 Characteristics: Chestnut few spot leopard, star, strip, snip, feather markings. Approved char. 55" Sire: Two Eyed Sonny 37373 Sire’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Sire’s Dam: Jacks Tiger Dee AQHA-2488904 Dam: Cams Forever Gold 36595 Dam’s Sire: Gold Plaudit 30693 Dam's Dam: Star Hustler ApHC-442108 Owner’s Comments: This big stout few spot mare is pretty special to me! She is a full sister to TMD's Two Eyed Rawhide, Two Eyed Tex and RPR's Grand Illusion. All of these great ponies were sired by Two Eyed Sonny and out of my two times International Champion Brood Mare, Cams Forever Gold. Annie herself won the 2005 SSF as a weanling in a class of over 40 fillies. Her yearling filly, Chocolate Annie, is in this sale too. She is vet checked in foal to Chocolate Jet Set, AQHA, for a full sibling to Chocolate Annie. This mare is broke to ride and will have time under saddle put on her by the sale. Don't miss your chance to get one of the best mares in the breed that will produce color as well as a great disposition. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 69 Lot# Salty Buttons 40928 Consignor: Lynn Puffinbarger, OK Mare: 4/27/1996 Characteristics: Leopard, white with sorrel spots and points, star, strip and snip. Left hind ankle. Approved char. 56" Sire: Salty Charles Prince 36038 Sire’s Sire: Charles Prince ApHC-224243 Sire’s Dam: High Stakes Mona Lisa ApHC-T25530 Dam: Salty BB Britchges 20796 Dam’s Sire: Chief Little Britches 01347 Dam's Dam: Button's Pachecko ApHC-1450 Owner’s Comments: MARE AND FOAL PACKAGE... Buttons has been a good producing mare for me. She has produced leopard fillies and few spot colts. She has had one blanketed colt. She was broke to ride as a two-year-old filly, but I have used her for a broodmare. She is pasture bred to Salty Array for a 2015 foal. 69 Lot# Salty Charley T-53064 Consignor: Lynn Puffinbarger, OK Colt: 4/27/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel few spot leopard, all approved char. 45" Sire: Salty Array 44080 Sire’s Sire: Spanish Array AQHA-1661041 Sire’s Dam: Salty Lookin Lady 36837 Dam: Salty Buttons 40928 Dam’s Sire: Salty Charles Prince 36038 Dam's Dam: Salty BB Britches 20796 Owner’s Comments: MARE AND FOAL PACKAGE... Charley is a very attractive colt. Bred to be a halter champion as well as a performance horse. Should mature 55"-56". 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 70 Lot# J. A. Miss Margaret T-52542 Consignor: John and Janette Arends, CO Filly: 5/23/2013 Characteristics: Bay snowflakes over hips, left front heel marks, star. Approved char. 50" Sire: Classic Crusader 33481 Sire’s Sire: Plaudits Crusader 21906 Sire’s Dam: GR's Susie Grand 32750 Dam: J. A. Lucy Lu ID-B49943 Dam’s Sire: TE and TE Finder 44667 Dam's Dam: JA Toys Cajun Lady 37237 Owner’s Comments: This is the filly that you will want to own. Margaret has a beautiful head, neck and a super nice body. Flashy, easy to keep clean color, pretty flat-kneed mover, easy to be around. Has been shown in Halter, Longe Line, In-Hand Trail and Hunter In-Hand. Her pedigree has some of the best in POA - Supreme Champion, Caddos Cajun Delight, ApHC - Dream Finder, AQHA - Skip A Star, and TE and TE, a great combination of Halter and Performance. When you are done showing Margaret, she would make a great broodmare. Should be a medium mare. Western Pleasure Incentive eligible, 2015. 71 Lot# Gold By Impulse 43184 Consignor: J.R. Reichert, IA Gelding: 5/28/2001 Characteristics: Palomino with frost and snowflakes, blaze, right front half stocking, both hind stockings. Approved char. 54 1/2" Sire: A Sudden Zippo AQHA-3725121 Sire’s Sire: A Sudden Impulse AQHA-3013117 Sire’s Dam: Pros Sandy Page AQHA-2752852 Dam: Classical Gold 32793 Dam’s Sire: Gold Prince 31040 Dam's Dam: Almost Bright 27457 Owner’s Comments: This is a true all-around pony. He excels at Western Pleasure and English. He is an experienced show pony that has been hauled all over the country. He would make an excellent 9-12 or 13-18 pony. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 72 Lot# JKB Zips Gold Nugget 44376 Consignor: Linda Turner, FL Mare: 5/21/2002 Characteristics: Leopard, white with palomino spots, star, strip and snip. Approved char. 55 7/8" Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Sire’s Sire: Campbells Zippo 34196 Sire’s Dam: Miss Gold Fury ID-4832 Dam: Miss Gold Chip 29041 Dam’s Sire: Gold Chips 26173 Dam's Dam: Dragonden's Lonley Girl 20386 Owner’s Comments: Supreme Champion Mare, PHC 55 7/8 inches. Missy is a beautiful palomino leopard. Extensive show career, local to national, Florida to California! Complete babysitter anyone can ride, show and win with this mare. Missy's personality and temperment are second to none. Obedient, willing and gorgeous! Goes English and Western, excels in Trail in or out of the arena. She is a terrific family pony! For more information, please contact Linda at 619-840-1661. 73 Believe Your Eyes Lot# T-52268 Consignor: Kathleen McKenzie, OK Gelding: 4/5/2012 Characteristics: Chestnut Leopard, left front stocking, right front ankle, left hind stocking, right hind stocking, star, strip. Approved char. 54" Sire: Pal Cavalcade 47849 Sire’s Sire: The Sudden Impulse ApHC-589243 Sire’s Dam: Pal Jamaica 43480 Dam: OBR Shieks Easter Lilly ID-B46544 Dam’s Sire: Santee Shiek 42809 Dam's Dam: Santee Julianne 41350 Owner’s Comments: "Firefly" is a very personable 2-year-old gelding out of a well-known sire Pal Cavalcade. He is green broke and easy to work with. He was shown in the Oklahoma 4-H twoyear-old training futurity last summer where he received a fourth in western pleasure. With too many ponies to work with already, we do not have time to continue with Firefly's training so we offer him for your consideration. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 74 Lot# Dutch Zippin Impulsively T-51832 Consignor: Alicia Slapnicka, IA Mare: 4/29/2011 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots over hips, right front ankle, star, strip, all approved char. 53" Sire: Impulsive Zipper ApHC-528288 Sire’s Sire: Impulsions AQHA-2657414 Sire’s Dam: Zippos Fancy Lady ApHC-478091 Dam: Danny Girl 46944 Dam’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Zip 40332 Dam's Dam: Adalida 38808 Owner’s Comments: Don't miss the chance to own an own daughter of Impulsive Zipper! "Rylee" is a beautiful mare with a lot to offer. She is a flat, clean and pretty mover. Quiet-minded, good ground manners and will have 120 days under saddle by sale time. Still JPFC eligible or would make a nice 13-18 or 9-12 pony. Please contact 515-451-5764 for more information, pictures and video. 75 Lot # Simply Irrechexable AQHA 4933533 Consignor: Jackie Guthrie, WI Mare: 3/28/2006 Characteristics: Blaze, white on lower lip, white on chin. Left hind sock, right hind half pastern white. No other markings. 57" Owner’s Comments: Sophie's sire is The Sire: Sire’s Sire: Sire’s Dam: Dam: Dam’s Sire: Dam's Dam: The Big Chex AQHA - 3033721 The Investor - AQHA - 0586153 The Country Girl - AQHA - 1101896 Simply Awarded AQHA - 3469408 Zippo A Ward - AQHA - 2659652 Shes A Sandy Rock - AQHA - 2210333 Big Chex, who has sired AQHA point earners in nine events, including halter. 75% of his offspring are point earners. The Big Chex is a full brother to The Big Investment, NSBA Hall of Fame Stallion. Her dam, Simply Awarded, is an outstanding Western Pleasure producer. Sophie is the dam of three POA fillies, including JBJs Irrechexable Kidd (Rooney Family), Reserve High Selling Weanling Filly at the 2011 International Sale; JBJs Simply Irrechexable (Tauson Family); and JBJs Simply Heavenly (Good Family), 2013 National Congress Champion Weanling Filly. This mare is in foal to Kid O Bounce for a mid-April 2015 foal. This mare is also broke to ride, having been trained by Julian Nemmers, Jr. from Colorado. She is sound, sane, and is a great mom to her foals. Sophie has great balance, conformation, and charisma which she passes to her foals. She will be 5-panel tested prior to the sale and is current on all vaccinations. If you want to raise foals that can win on a national level, you need this mare in your barn. Phone 641-919-3961 for more info and find us on Facebook. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 76 Lot# Time For Me To Ride T-53014 Consignor: Dean or Janet Damman, IA Colt: 5/5/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut blanket with spots to withers, star. Approved char. 43" Sire: The Silver Kid 36323 Sire’s Sire: Hi VA Avitar 23245 Sire’s Dam: Kids Double Sweet 32625 Dam: Time To Get Tough T-51128 Dam’s Sire: Docs Ruff N Tough 32136 Dam's Dam: Time For A Lopen Lady, N/N AQHA4153677 Owner’s Comments: Here is another great colt for someone that wants to go to the winner's circle. "Time For Me To Ride" will be a great moving colt with a big body and hip. He is a slow-legged mover. If you are looking for something that is going to work for you and win, this is the one. He is a half-brother to Between Boyfriends, shown by Taylor Meehan. She did very well at the 2014 National POA Congress. This colt is out of the Silver Kid. Any questions, contact Dean Damman at [email protected] or call 641-751-2129. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 77 Lot# DK Wish For The Dream T-53001 Consignor: Lori or Dan Krome, MN Filly: 4/27/2014 Characteristics: Sorrel blanket with spots to withers, right hind stocking, right front half-pastern, blaze. Approved char. 41" Sire: IMA Few Spot Dream 42424 Sire’s Sire: Campbells Dreamcatcher 36507 Sire’s Dam: Not N Illusion 35679 Dam: Wish Upon A Star 41005 Dam’s Sire: Kid O Tough 29949 Dam's Dam: Starlight Starbright ID-B5044 Owner’s Comments: Fiona is a 2014 friendly chestnut blanketed filly. Her dam is a full sister to CR Star Kid and her sire is IMA Few Spot Dream. This filly has got it all - looks, personality and movement. She is bred to halter and ride and looks like she will be able to get the job done with class and style. Check her out for your next longe line prospect! Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 78 Lot# RY Zipperette T-53035 Consignor: Michael or Shauna Gardner, UT Filly: 6/15/2014 Characteristics: Chestnut with snowcap blanket over hindquarters, both hind stockings, blaze. Approved char. 45' Sire: Zip N Gold 36460 Sire’s Sire: Campbells Zippo 34196 Sire’s Dam: Miss Gold Fury Dam: Docs Scotch N Zip 37384 Dam’s Sire: Zippos Scotch Bar ApHC-498194 Dam's Dam: Highplainsheatwave 27270 Owner’s Comments: This is an own daughter of Zip N Gold, the sire of this year's Grand Champion Gelding (RY Pulsation) at the POA Congress in Tulsa, OK. The dam, Docs Scotch N Zip (x Zippos Scotch Bar), is one of the top producing mares in the breed. This filly is a full sister to RY Zip N Scotch, owned and shown by Kim Turner and RY Lady Winsome, owned and shown by Kelly Ruhl. She is a beautiful filly with correct conformation and beautiful movement. Longe Line Incentive eligible, 2015. Come visit our stalls or call Mike at 801-592-4095 for more information. 79 Lot# Lough Downs Kobee T-51726 Consignor: John or Peggy Lough, CO Gelding: 6/1/2011 Characteristics: Buckskin snowcap, left hind ankle, right hind half stocking, star, strip, snip. Approved char. 55" Sire: KM Hesa Tough Peppy San T-48715 Sire’s Sire: Ima Peppy San Cutter AQHA-3981479 Sire’s Dam: Miss Sissy Bliss 29850 Dam: Highspot Desert Diamond 40631 Dam’s Sire: CHY Choice ApHC-526964 Dam's Dam: Highspot Trubles Treasure 38709 Owner’s Comments: Kobee is a three-year-old buttermilk buckskin gelding. He has been shown since he was a weanling and excels in Halter, Western Pleasure, Reining and Trail. Natural headset, slow sweeping movements and a great personality. Will mature to be a larger gelding who has the potential to take you to the top. Quiet enough for the trails. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog 80 Lot# I Am A Lucky Little Lady ID-B05503 Consignor: Pam Barlet or Beverly Routon, OR Mare: 3/16/1995 Characteristics: Chestnut, star, snip, left front ankle, right front ankle, right hind half stocking. 53" Sire: Mighty Bar Jet ApHC-382557 Sire’s Sire: Mighty Leo ApHC-204088 Sire’s Dam: Miss Belial Bar AQHA-581653 Dam: Susies Baby Doll 33425 Dam’s Sire: Sangaree Blue AQHA-1305162 Dam's Dam: Snow Susie 28045 Owner’s Comments: I Am A Lucky Little Lady, aka "Lucky" is a 1995 chestnut by Mighty Bar Jet by Mighty Leo. Lucky has a gorgeous head and great neck that she passes on to all her foals. Her foals also have great minds and are easy to train. Lucky is open due to the rotation of our broodmares. Lucky is a wonderful mother and allows you to be right there with her foals with no problems. She does extremely well in herd situations. Don't miss your chance to add this wonderful mare to your program. Stop by our stalls and give her a look. Thank you for attending the 2014 POAC International Sale. And thanks to 2014 POAC National Platinum Sponsor “Featherlite Trailers” for your fantastic support throughout the year! Contact the National POAC office for information about activities in your state. 2014 POA International Sale Catalog Notes 2014 POA International Sale Catalog Notes 2014 POA International Sale Catalog