about AQUACEL dressings More to love about AQUACEL® dressings
about AQUACEL dressings More to love about AQUACEL® dressings
d by d by ™ ™ • • STRENGTH STRENGTH • ABSORBENCY ABSORBENCY • CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE More More to to love love about about AQUACEL AQUACEL dressings dressings ® ® AQUACEL Dressings TRIED.TRUE.TRUSTED.™ ® Clinicians face many wound management challenges every day • Retaining and controlling exudate levels to prevent maceration1 • Removing harmful bacteria and enzymes from the wound to reduce delayed healing1 • Minimizing patient pain and discomfort during dressing changes or when dressing is in situ1 • Containing costs while providing effective care Hydrofiber ® Technology, found in the AQUACEL® family of dressings, is uniquely designed to: Lock in wound exudate and bacteria and reduce lateral spread of fluid2-4 • Helps protect periwound skin from maceration5 • May help minimize cross-infection and risk of wound infection during removal2,6 Micro-contour to the wound bed7 • Minimizes “dead space” where bacteria can grow7 • Maintains an optimal moisture balance in the wound bed8 Respond to wound fluid levels by forming a cohesive gel • Unique gelling action protects tender wound tissue and minimizes pain associated with dressing changes4,9,10 AQUACEL® dressinga is supported by a 15-year clinical heritage that demonstrates efficacy • 17 randomized controlled trials —50+ review papers as well as scientific and animal studies • Demonstrated evidence of progressing wounds toward healing10-16 • Shown to be a cost-reducing adjunct to a protocol of care17-19 The following applies to AQUACEL® and AQUACEL® Ag dressings. All images are artists’ impressions. a ered by AQUACEL® EXTRA™ dressing takes Hydrofiber ® Technology to the next level Stitch bonded for extra strengthb More Hydrofiber ® Technology for extra absorbency b AOUACEL AQUACEL® EXTRA™ dressing is designed to provide additional benefits20b EXTRA Strength 9x stronger dressing b EXTRA Absorbency 39% greater absorbencyb • Helps facilitate easy removal • May increase patient comfort during dressing changes • More confidently manages exuding wounds • May enhance dressing efficiencies As compared to original AQUACEL® dressing. b NewAOUACEL ™ Hydrofiber® dressing with strengthening fiber AQUACEL Dressings TRIED. TRUE. TRUSTED. ® TM ® ® ™ dressing ™manages ™ ®dressing AQUACEL EXTRA AQUACEL EXTRA manages dressing a wide range a wide ran AQUACEL EXTRA amanages wide range of exudate levels of exudate in chronic levels and in acute chronic wounds and acute wounds ® of exudate levels in and acute wounds ™chronic AQUACEL EXTRA dressing manages a wide range Low exudateModerate exudateexudate Moderate exudate High exudate Moderate High exudate of exudate levels in chronic and acute wounds Low exudate Low exudate Low exudate Moderate exudate ® ™ High e High exudate AQUACEL EXTRA dressing AOUACEL AOUACEL AOUACEL AOUACEL ® ® ™ dressing—the ™ ®dressing—the AQUACEL AQUACEL EXTRA EXTRA™ dressing—the newest member newest of ofmembe AQUACEL EXTRA newest member a trusted family family ®a trusted a trusted family AQUACEL EXTRA™ dressing—the newest member of Code Product Description Dressing Size Dressings per box aProduct trusted family 420671AQUACEL® EXTRA™ 5cm x 5cm 10 420672AQUACEL® EXTRA™ 10cm x 10cm 10 420673AQUACEL® EXTRA™ 15cm x 15cm 5 New NewAOUACEL ewAOUACEL NAOUACEL NewAOUACEL ™ ™ ™ ® HydrofiberHydrofiber dressing ®with strengthening fiber ® dressing dressing withHydrofiber strengthening fiber with strengthening fiber ™ Hydrofiber® dressing with strengthening fiber Hydrofiber® Dressing ® With Strengthening Fibre Hydrofiber Dressing With Strengthening Fibre Hydrofiber® Dressing With Strengthening Fibre ® Hydrofiber Dressing References: 1. World Union of Healing Societies References: (WUWHS). 1.Principles World Union of best of Principles Wound practice: Healing exudate(WUWHS). and theexudate role Principles of dressings. of best A practice: consensus wound document. exudate London: and the MEP roleLtd. ofLondon: dressings. 2007. MEP 2. Walker ALtd. consensus M, References: 1.Wound World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS). ofwound bestSocieties practice: wound and the role of dressings. A consensus document. 2007. 2.document. Walker M, London: MEP Ltd. 2 With Strengthening Fibreof bacterial Hobot JA, Newman GR, PF. Scanning electron Hobot microscopic JA, Newman examination GR, Bowler PF. Scanning immobilisation electroninmicroscopic a carboxymethylcellulose examination of(Aquacel) bacterial immobilisation and alginate dressing. inand a carboxymethylcellulose Biomaterials. 2003;24(5):883(Aquacel)2003;24(5):883and alginate dressing. Biomaterials Hobot JA,Bowler Newman GR, Bowler PF. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilisation in a carboxymethylcellulose (Aquacel) alginate dressing. Biomaterials. 90. 3. Newman890. GR,3. Walker M, Hobot JA, Bowler PG.890. Visualisation Newman of bacterial GR, Walker sequestration M, JA, and Bowler bactericidal PG. Visualisation activity within of bacterial hydrating Hydrofiber wound andHydrofiber bactericidal dressings. Biomaterials. activity within 2006;(7)27:1129-1139. hydrating Hydrofiber wound dressings. Biomaterials. 2006 Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot JA, 3. Bowler PG. Visualisation of Hobot bacterial sequestration and bactericidal activitysequestration within hydrating wound dressings. Biomaterials. 2006;(7)27:1129-1139. . Waring MJ, Parsons D. MJ, Physico-chemical characterization 4. Waring of MJ, carboxymethylated Parsons D. Physico-chemical spun cellulosecharacterization fibres. Biomaterials. of carboxymethylated 2000;22(9):903-912. spun 5. Robinson cellulose fibres. BJ.5. The Biomaterials. use of aBJ. hydrofiber 2000;22(9):903-912. in wound 5. Robinson BJ.wound The use of a hydrofiber d 4. Waring Parsons D. Physico-chemical characterization of carboxymethylated spun cellulose fibres. Biomaterials. 2000;22(9):903-912. Robinson The usedressing of a hydrofiber dressing in management. J management. Wound Care. 2000;9(1):32-34. 6. Bowler management. PG, Jones JSA, Wound Davies BJ, 2000;9(1):32-34. Coyle E. Infection 6.control Bowler properties PG, Jones ofSA, some Davies wound BJ,of dressings. Coyle Infection J Wound control Care. properties 1999;8(10):499-502. of some wound 7. Hoekstra dressings. MJ, 7.J Hoekstra Wound Care. J Wound Care. 2000;9(1):32-34. 6. Bowler PG, Care. Jones SA, Davies BJ, Coyle E. Infection control properties someE.wound dressings. J Wound Care. 1999;8(10):499-502. MJ, 1999;8(10):499-502 Hermans MH, Richters CD, Dutrieux RP. A histological Hermans comparison MH, of Richters acute inflammatory CD, Dutrieux responses RP. A histological with a Hydrofiber comparison or tulle of acute gauze inflammatory dressing. J responses Wound Care. with 2002;11(3):113-117. a Hydrofiber or tulle 8. gauze Bishop dressing. SM, Walker J Wound M, Care. 2002;11(3):113-117. 8. Bish References: World Union of Wound Societies (WUWHS). of best practice: wound and or thetulle rolegauze of dressings. A Jconsensus document. London: MEP8.Ltd. 2007. 2. Walker M, Hermans MH,1.Richters CD, Dutrieux RP.Healing A histological comparison of Principles acute inflammatory responses with exudate a Hydrofiber dressing. Wound Care. 2002;11(3):113-117. Bishop SM, Rogers AA, Chen WY. Importance ofGR, moisture balance Rogers at the wound-dressing AA, Chenat WY. interface. JofWound moisture Care. balance 2003;12(4):125-128. at theCare. wound-dressing interface. L, Moldavsky Wound M,L,Care. Szvalb 2003;12(4):125-128. S, Govrin-Yehudain 9. J. Kogan Comparative L, Moldavsky study M, Szvalb S, Govrin-Yehudain J. C Hobot JA, Bowler PF.ofScanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilisation in9.aKogan carboxymethylcellulose (Aquacel) and alginateS,dressing. Biomaterials. 2003;24(5):883Rogers AA,Newman Chen WY. Importance moisture balance theImportance wound-dressing interface. J Wound 2003;12(4):125-128. 9.J Kogan Moldavsky M, Szvalb Govrin-Yehudain J. Comparative study f Aquacel and of Silverol treatment in burns. Ann Burns of Fire Aquacel Disasters. and 2004;17(4):201-207. Silverol treatment in burns. 10. Barnea Ann Burns Y, Amir Fire A, Disasters. Leshem D, 2004;17(4):201-207. et al. Clinical comparative 10. Barnea study Y, of Amir Aquacel A, Leshem and paraffin D, et al. gauze Clinical dressing comparative for study of Aquacel and paraffin g 890. 3. Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot JA, Bowler PG. Visualisation of 2004;17(4):201-207. bacterial sequestration bactericidal activity within Hydrofiber wound dressings. Biomaterials. 2006;(7)27:1129-1139. Aquacel and Silverol treatment in burns. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 10.and Barnea Y, Amir A, Leshem D, hydrating et al. Clinical comparative study of Aquacel and paraffin gauze dressing for plit-skin donor site treatment. Ann 2004;53(2):132-136. split-skin donor11. site Brunner treatment. U, Eberlein AnnBrunner Plast T. Experiences Surg. 2004;53(2):132-136. with hydrofibres inBrunner the moist U,2000;22(9):903-912. treatment Eberlein ofExperiences chronic wounds, with hydrofibres in particular ofthe diabetic foot.VASA. treatment of chronic wounds, in particular of di 4. Waring MJ, Parsons D.Surg. Physico-chemical characterization of carboxymethylated spun cellulose fibres. 11. Biomaterials. 5. Robinson BJ.wounds, The in use ofmoist a hydrofiber dressing in wound split-skin donor sitePlast treatment. Ann Plast Surg. 2004;53(2):132-136. 11. U, Eberlein T. Experiences with hydrofibres in the T. moist treatment of chronic in particular of diabetic foot.VASA. 000;29:(4)253-257. 12. Armstrong SH, Ruckley CV. Use 2000;29:(4)253-257. of a fibrous dressing 12. in Armstrong exuding leg SH, ulcers. Ruckley J Wound CV. Use Care. of a 1997;6(7):322-324. fibrous dressing in exuding 13. Piaggesi leg ulcers. A, Baccetti J Wound F, Rizzo Care. L, 1997;6(7):322-324. Romanelli M, Navalesl 13. R, Piaggesi Benzi L. A, Baccetti F, Rizzo L, Romanelli M, Na management. J Wound Care. 2000;9(1):32-34. 6. Bowler Jonesdressing SA, Davies BJ, Coyle Infection control properties of some wound dressings. WoundF,Care. 7. Hoekstra MJ, 2000;29:(4)253-257. 12. Armstrong SH, Ruckley CV. Use ofPG, a fibrous in exuding legE. ulcers. J Wound Care. 1997;6(7):322-324. 13. Piaggesi A, JBaccetti Rizzo1999;8(10):499-502. L, Romanelli M, Navalesl R, Benzi L. Sodium carboxyl-methyl-cellulose dressings in the Sodium management carboxyl-methyl-cellulose deep ulcerations dressings of diabetic infoot. theofmanagement Diabet Med. 2001;18(4):320-324. ofDiabet deep or ulcerations 14. diabetic ClarkeJ foot. JV, Deakin Diabet AH, Med. Dillon 2001;18(4):320-324. JM, AH, Emmerson S,14.Emmerson Clarke JV,M, Hermans MH, Richters CD, Dutrieux RP. A histological comparison of acute inflammatory responses with afoot. Hydrofiber tulle 2001;18(4):320-324. gauzeof dressing. Wound Care. 2002;11(3):113-117. 8. Bishop SM, Walker Sodium carboxyl-methyl-cellulose dressings in theof management of deep ulcerations diabetic Med. 14. Clarke JV, Deakin Dillon JM, S,Deakin AH, Dillon J Kinninmonth AWG. A prospective clinical audit of a new Kinninmonth dressing for A prospective lower limb arthroplasty clinical audit wounds. ofarthroplasty new J Wound dressing Care. design 2009;18(1):5-11. for lower limb2009;18(1):5-11. arthroplasty 15. CohnL, SM, wounds. Lopez PP, J M, Wound Brown Care. M,S,etGovrin-Yehudain 2009;18(1):5-11. al; University 15. Cohn SM,ofLopez Rogers AA, Chen WY. of moisture balance at dressing the wound-dressing interface. Ja Wound Care. 2003;12(4):125-128. 9. Kogan Moldavsky Szvalb J. Comparative studyPP, Brown M, et al; U Kinninmonth AWG. A Importance prospective clinical audit of design aAWG. new design for lower limb wounds. J Wound Care. 15. Cohn SM, Lopez PP, Brown M, of et Miami al; University Miami Wound Study Group. Open surgical wounds: howin does Wound Aquacel Study compare Group. with Open wet-to-dry surgical gauze? wounds: J how Wound does Care. Aquacel 2004;13(1):10-12. compare 16. wet-to-dry Ravenscroft gauze? MJ,JRavenscroft Harker Wound J,Care. Buch 2004;13(1):10-12. KA. Aofprospective, 16. randomised, Ravenscroft MJ, Harker for J, Buch KA. A prospec of Aquacel and Silverol treatment burns. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. 2004;17(4):201-207. 10. Barnea Y, Amir A, with Leshem D, et al. Clinical comparative Aquacel and gauze dressing Wound Study Group. Open surgical wounds: how does Aquacel compare with wet-to-dry gauze? J Wound Care. 2004;13(1):10-12. 16. MJ,study Harker J, Buch KA. Aparaffin prospective, randomised, ontrolled trial comparing wound dressings usedAnn in hip controlled and knee trial surgery comparing Aquacel and11. Tegaderm dressings used inCutiplast. hip T. and knee Ann Rsurgery Collwith Surg Aquacel Engl.Rand 2006;88(1):18-22. versus 17. Harding Cutiplast. KG, Ann Price RHarding Coll P, Robinson Surg B,2006;88(1):18-22. Thomas S, B, foot.VASA. 17. Harding split-skin donor site treatment. Plast Surg. Brunner U, Eberlein Experiences hydrofibres in theEngl. moist treatment of chronic wounds, inEngl. particular of diabetic controlled trial comparing wound dressings used2004;53(2):132-136. in hip and kneewound surgery Aquacelversus and Tegaderm versus Cutiplast. Ann CollTegaderm Surg 2006;88(1):18-22. 17. KG, Price P, Robinson Thomas S, KG, Price P, Robin Hofman D. CostHofman and dressing of hydrofiber alginate D. dressings Cost dressing thedressings management evaluation ofmanagement community-based hydrofiber alginate patients dressings with in chronic the management legwith ulceration. of community-based Wounds. patients chronic 18. Dillon leg ulceration. Wounds. 2000;29:(4)253-257. Armstrong SH,Hofman Ruckley CV. Useand of ain fibrous dressing exuding leg ulcers. Wound Care. 1997;6(7):322-324. 13. Piaggesi A, 2001;13(12):229-236. Baccetti F, Rizzowith L, Romanelli M, JM, Navalesl Benzi L. 2001;13(12):229-2 D. Costevaluation and12. dressing evaluation of hydrofiber alginate ininthe of Jcommunity-based patients chronic leg ulceration. Wounds. 2001;13(12):229-236. 18. R, Dillon JM, Clarke JV, Emmerson S, Kinninmonth AWG. The Jubilee Clarke method: JV, Emmerson a modern dressing S, Kinninmonth design AWG. which The reduces Jubilee complications method: a modern and is cost dressing effective design following which total reduces hip and complications knee athroplasty. and is cost Poster effective presented following total hip and knee athroplasty. SodiumJV, carboxyl-methyl-cellulose the management of deep ulcerations diabetic foot.complications Diabet Med.and 2001;18(4):320-324. 14. Clarke JV, and Deakin Dillon JM, Emmerson S, Clarke Emmerson S, Kinninmonthdressings AWG. The in Jubilee method: a modern dressing designofwhich reduces is cost effective following total hip kneeAH, athroplasty. Poster presented t: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual at:Surgeons American Meeting; Academy 14-17 of Orthopaedic 2007; San Surgeons Diego, CA. Annual 19. Moore Meeting; PJ, Foster February L. Cost 14-17 benefits 2007; San of Cost two Diego, dressings CA.15. 19. inCohn the Moore management PJ, Foster of L.Brown surgical Cost benefits wounds. of two dressings in the management of Kinninmonth AWG. A prospective clinical audit ofAnnual aFebruary new dressing design for14-17 lower limb arthroplasty wounds. J Wound Care. 2009;18(1):5-11. SM, Lopez PP, M, et al; University of Miami at: American Academy of Orthopaedic Meeting; February 2007; San Diego, CA. 19. Moore PJ, Foster L. benefits of two dressings in the management of surgical wounds. ® ® ® ® Br J Nurs. 2000;9(17):1128-1132. 20. Preliminary assessment Br J Nurs. of 2000;9(17):1128-1132. the physical properties 20. of AQUACEL Preliminary assessment EXTRA vs AQUACEL of & DURAFIBER™. properties Scientific Background EXTRA vs Report. AQUACEL WHRI3461 & DURAFIBER™. TA214. 2011, Scientific Background Report. WHRI3 ®the physical ® of AQUACEL Wound Study Group. Open surgical howassessment does Aquacel compare with wet-to-dryofgauze? J Wound Care. 16. Ravenscroft MJ, Harker J, BuchReport. KA. A prospective, randomised, EXTRA vs 2004;13(1):10-12. AQUACEL & DURAFIBER™. Scientific Background WHRI3461 TA214. 2011, Br J Nurs. 2000;9(17):1128-1132. 20.wounds: Preliminary of the physical properties AQUACEL Data on File, ConvaTec Data used on File, ConvaTec Inc.surgery Aquacel and Tegaderm versus Cutiplast. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2006;88(1):18-22. 17. Harding KG, Price P, Robinson B, Thomas S, controlled trialConvaTec comparingInc. wound dressings in hip and knee Data onInc. File, Hofman D. Cost and dressing evaluation of hydrofiber alginate dressings in the management of community-based patients with chronic leg ulceration. Wounds. 2001;13(12):229-236. 18. Dillon JM, Clarke JV, Emmerson S, Kinninmonth AWG. The Jubilee method:are aEXTRA, modern dressing design reduces and isAQUACEL cost effective following totalAQUACEL hip and knee athroplasty. Poster presentedof ConvaTec Inc. Trie AQUACEL and Hydrofiber are registered trademarks of AQUACEL ConvaTec and Inc.of Hydrofiber AQUACEL registered AQUACEL trademarks SURGICAL, ofwhich ConvaTec and AQUACEL Inc.complications AQUACEL Ag EXTRA, are SURGICAL, of and Inc. Ag True. SURGICAL Trusted. trademarks AQUACEL and Hydrofiber are registered trademarks ConvaTec Inc. AQUACEL EXTRA, AQUACEL SURGICAL, andSURGICAL AQUACEL Ag trademarks SURGICAL areConvaTec trademarks ofTried. ConvaTec Inc. Tried.are True. Trusted. American Academy of Orthopaedic Annual Meeting;Inc. February 14-17 2007; San s a trademark ofat: Inc. © 2011 ConvaTec Inc. is Surgeons a trademark ofInc. ConvaTec © 2011 ConvaTec Inc.Diego, CA. 19. Moore PJ, Foster L. Cost benefits of two dressings in the management of surgical wounds. isConvaTec aJtrademark of ConvaTec Inc. 20. © 2011 ConvaTec Br Nurs. 2000;9(17):1128-1132. Preliminary assessment of the physical properties of AQUACEL® EXTRA vs AQUACEL® & DURAFIBER™. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3461 TA214. 2011, Data on File, ConvaTec Inc. ConvaTec (Australia) Pty Limited. ABN 70 131 232 570. Unipark Monash, Building 2, Ground Floor, 195 Wellington Road, Clayton VIC 3168 Australia. PO Box 63, Mulgrave, VIC 3170. Phone: (03) 9239 2700 Facsimile: (03) 9239 2743. AQUACEL and Hydrofiber are registered trademarks of 62663, ConvaTec Inc. AQUACEL EXTRA, AQUACEL SURGICAL, and AQUACEL Ag SURGICAL are trademarks of ConvaTec Inc. Tried. True. Trusted. ConvaTec (New Zealand) Limited. AK2135265 PO Box Greenlane 1546 New Zealand. is a trademark of ConvaTec Inc. © 2011 ConvaTec Inc. Phone: 0800 441 763. www.convatec.com January 2012. W374 ed by ed by powered by AQUACEL Dressings AQUACEL Dressings AQUACEL Dressings TRIED.TRIED. TRUE.TRUE. TRIED. TRUE. TRUSTED. TRUSTED. TRUSTED. AQUACEL Dressings TRIED. TRUE. TRUSTED. ® ® ® TM TM ® TM TM
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