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BMMANUEL COLLEGE Boston, Massachusetts May 27, 1974 Candida tea !2£ .!!!.! Degree g! Master ~ ~ French Janice Marie Bandini Anita Sellew Mamoun Joanne Spinale Jean Marie Sullivan Spanish Sarah Paula Burns Christine Lukach candidates ~ 1h! Degree 2! Master 2!~ ia Religious Edueation Edward F. Creutz carol Ann Hayes Marianne Francis Candidates ~ !!!.! DegreE 2.! Bachelor Jane C. Dunne ~ !!!!! Arts ... 2candidates for the Degree ------------- --- -- of Bachelor of Arts ~ in the Department of French *+Susan Colligan Darlene Mary D'Olimpio Martha Agnes Doyle Cheryl Ann Enright ***+Annette M. Gonthier Marilyn Se ~ rs Gustafson Kathleen Mary Kingston *+Jean Regis MacKenzie Sandra Ann Magnani Kathleen Ramsey Reidy *+Donna L. Sims Valerie Joan Smith in the Department of Italian Ornella Maria Loredana DiCenso - a double major in Italian and Spanish in the Department of Spanish **+Karen Ann Capuozzo Rachelle M.• Cosenza - a double major in Spanish and Sociology \ Mildred Eileen Daley Virginia Marie Elliott Susan Jane Fabyan *+Ines Giampa ***+Bernadette Anne Konopka - a double major in Spanish and English - Distinction in the Field ot Spanish *+Vi r ginia Ann Lukach Kare n Marie Lux Donna Jean Wotherspoon +Victoria Lucia Zazzarino *** Summa Cum Laude ** Magna CUm Laude * Cum Laude +Distinction in Field of Concentration -3- in the Department of Russian **+Jane Ellen CUrrier Stasia Kolodziej Regina Michalowski in the Department ~f German *+Christine Elizabeth Buturae Helen p. Caton Luisa Maria Dano Linda Maria Frusciante Elizabeth Thayer Gilbert +Monica Maria Gora **+Kathleen Marie Kerns Kathleen Ann Murphy ~ a double major in Economics and German Virginia Hand Pittsley Harriet H. Rynkiewicz in the Department of English Susan Elizabeth Barry car 01 Anne Blake Kathleen Elizabeth Breen Eleanor Margaret Brown Marianne Margaret Chorba Ellen E. Crane Anne Elizabeth Crowley Jane Marie Deery Maureen Ann McLinden Doyle Jane M. Driscoll ** Mary Ann Jennifer Duggan Mary Beth Fanning Laraine Elizabeth Harrington * Jane Godwin Hopkins Anna Christina Keightley +Jane Lucy Kreinsen ** Mary Frances Lukas - a double major in English and Sociology *** Summa CUm Laude ** Magna CUm Laude * CUm Laude +Distinction in Field of Concentration _4_ in the Department of English (continued) Mary Jean Martinez Ann Abbott Mccarthy Virginia Michelle McGovern * Kathleen Rae Moffitt Anna Nguyen Thi Kim-Lan *+Carol Ann O'Book Mary Jeanne Pertaud Christine Ann Shannon Madeline M. Smith - a double major in English and Economics Patricia Marie Tarlow in the Department of Art Marjan Abtahi * Rena Kane Bennett * Carol Lynn COcozza *+Virginia Martin Connearney * Jeannie Marie Donovan Elaine Kathryn Dorr Sister Paulette Anne Ducharme, O.S.U. Joa Lee Faucher Mary Gloninger Fleury Anne Marie Ierardi Lisa Marie Italiano +Claudia Lemay +Eileen Julie Masci +Mary Norton Maria Francesca Sciut~ Mary Catherine Mccarthy Smith Kathleen Marie Sullivan in the Department of Music Kathleen Mary Chane * Helene Gabrielle Fortier *** Summa CUm Laude *~ Magna Cum Laude * CUm Laude +Distinction in Field of concentrat1tp -5- in the Department of Philosophy * Patricia B~ Wood - a double major in Philosophy ' and English in the Department of Theological Studies +Kathy Jean Fahy *+Claudia J. Fasick in the Department of History Nancy Jane Bosworth *+Kathleen Ann carlo Carol Ann Casey Mary Louise Crane Suzanne D. Demers .*+Dianne Mary Di leso ( Kalliope D. Foundas +Sheila Elizabeth Kelleher **+Mary Margaret Lodge Anne Lynch +Mary Martha McManus ------~~~~Etleen Marie Murphy Roberta M. Serafini *+Deborah Anne Shanley in the Department of Political Science Mary Jane Finneran Asha R. Gorwara **+Susan Eliz'a beth Harvey *+Margaret Ann Heanue *+Mary Elaine Holland *+Christine Anne Jean Constance Ellen LaPointe Christine Akins Provost Elaine Louise Ricci *+Sheela Ann Rowland ~ a double majer in Pelitieal Seienee and English - Distinction in the Pield et Pelitieal Science Theresa Santa Spinosa Karen Louise Torres - a double majer in Pelitieal Science and Sociology Barbara Anne Wall *** Summa CUm Laude ** Magna CUm Lauqe * CUm Laude +Distinction in Field of Concentratien -6in the Department of SociolOgy Halina M. Andrzejak • a double major in Political Science and Socio16gy +Barbara Angelone Karen M. Buckley Mary-Lynn Casey +Barbara Ann Cawley *+Cheryl Ann Chrosniak * Anne Madeline CUddy *+Anne Frances Donnelly Jane Kathryn Donnelly +Mary Janet Durand Frances Eileen Eno Jeannine A. Giguere Nancy N. Homan *+Mary Elizabeth Jackson * Diana Dun Jeong Mary Patricia Keenan Lynn Bridgette Kozikowski Rose Barbara Kulbok +Margaret Ther~se Lawlor Anne Elizabeth Leahy Margaret Clare Loisel Alicia A. Lytikainen Pamela Marie Mal en * Maureen Anne Mccarthy Linda Jean McKnight Christine Sommers Molley * Eileen Alanna O'COnnor - a d.ubl~ major in English and Sociology *+Jeanne Marie Olivier Patricia Mary Paolino Theresa Le Thi Quang *+Aprille Corinne Query * Mary A. Quinn Lois Tana Romano *+Judith Anne Roy +Donna Marie Trent Mary Denise White / *** Summa CUm Laude ** Magna CUm Laude * CUm Laude +Oistinction in Field ef Concentration -7- in the Department of Psychology + Lois Ann Alves *+Virginia Maty cahill Donna Mari e callaha n ***+Elaine Mary Farrell Maria Liboria Giovinco *+Dawn L, Hannafin - a double major in Psychoiogy and &lglish - Di.t1notion in the Field of Psychology + Suzanne Marie Hansen Mary Elizabeth LLttle Linda Marie McCUe Sheila Jean McLoughlin *+Marilyn L. Meade +Paula Claire Momnie *+MArvano MUrphy ***+Elizabeth A. Pugzles Grace Ellen Siegel Maryellen -Kristen Tracy Susan Rose Verrelli - a double major in Psychology and Sociolegy *+cathy-Ann Varr Walsh in the Department of Economics Rosemary Wan~chi Fung Au Yeung Anne M. Bossolt Elaine Marie Cote +Patricia Browne Daly - a double major in Economi cs and Sociology - Distinction in the Field of Sociology Ani t a Anne Eng Mary Elizabeth Kristie carol Anne Murdock Mary Ger a ldine Sullivan Ann Marie Young *** Summa CUm Laude ** Magna Cum Laude * CUm Laude +Distinction in Field of Concentration -8~ Interdisciplinary Majors Interdepartmental - Education and Art Claudia Joan Duffy Interdepartmental - Education and English Catherine Marie Choquette * Ann Fogarty Mary Lou Freeman Mary catherine Gorml~y Constance Marie Herring Janet Marie Mountain Joan Elizabeth Plefka Donna Maria Provanzano Interdepartmental - Education and French Eleanor Marie Hooker Interdepartmental - Education and History Sister Joan Anderson, S.N.O. * Claire Marie Hallahan Sis~er ar~lyn O'eonnor, S.N.D. * Mary Margaret Slafer Interdepartmental - Education and Political Science Barbara E. Cesaro Interd~partmental - Education and Psychology Kathleen Tuohy Aldridge Anne Frances Babineau Geralyn M. Blankenship Catherine Mary Briand **+Barbara Ann Briggs Joanne Connolly Janet Ann Eagan *** Summa CUm Laude ** Magna Cum Laude * CUm Laude +Oistinction in Field of Concentration -9Interdisciplinary Majors (continued) Interdepartmental - Education and Psychology (continued) I * Marguerite Cochrane Fay Ann Frances Fitzsimons Joline M. Fournier Deanna Ruth Guarnotta Anne Rita Johnson Karen Grace Kenny Margaret Kathleen Labieniec Deborah Ann Lauricella Roseanne Marye LoBue Maureen Ann Scullin Paula Elizabeth Tatro Division 3 - Education, Sociology, Psychology Regina Marie Shiels Interdepartmental - Education and Sociology Kathryn Louise Abatsis Patricia Ann Brown Sara M~rgaret Keer Interdepartmental - Education and Spanish Ruthann Donahue Sister Marianne Ridgell, S.P. *** ** * Summa CUm Laude Magna CUm Laude CUm Laude +Distinction in Field or COncentration .. Maj~rs . interdisciplinary (continueti) -10- Kathleen Ann Asack Interdepartmental History - Political Science Kathleen Mary Cahill Interdepartmental Economics - Political Science Joan Frances campitelli Interdepartmental Psychology - Theological Studies Maureen Joanne Chase Interdepartmental Art - English Christine Patricia COnry Interdepartmental Sociology - Psychology Jean M. Duffy Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Patricia Jean Hanrahan Interdepartmental Chemistry - Mathematics Claudia Elizabeth Stradley Hyland Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Sheila Kerr Interdepartmental Sociology - Art Elizabeth Ann Lambert Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Paula Elena Lawrence Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Patricia Mary Mccarville Interdepartmental English - History Claire Louise McGuire Interdepartmental .- Poli tical Science Economic~ * June Marie McManus Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Denise Anne Quesnel Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Jane Marie Power Division 3 History-Political Science-Psychology Mary Lou Skladzien Interdepartmental Psychology - Sociology Susan Frances Thibadeau Division 3 Sociology-Psychology-Political Science Linda F. Vital Interdepartmental Sociology - Art *** ** * Summa CUm Laude Magna CUm Laude CUm Laude +Distinction in Field of Concentration \ r -11- in the De p a rtment of Ma thematics +Ma ry Ann Aldridge - a double ma jor in Mathematics and Economics - Distinction in the Field of Economics * Diane Mari e Bucha nan ca the rine Joa n Christia n Lorr a in e Ma ri e Conn e ll Mary Ge orgina Cummings Pa me l a Ma ry Dawson Fra nc e s Ma ri e Dona hue Linda C. Fe d e rico **+Patricia Ann Gill e spi e - a double major in Mathematics a nd Economics - Distinction in the Field of Mathema tics and Distinction in the Field of Economics Sus a n Marie How e Catherine M~ ri e King Jea n Mari e Krim * Ros e mary Ann Lonardo Gail B. Moleca Cynthia Ellen Ruggi e ro Ma ry Eliza beth Sullivan Jea n Araxi e Tutelian in the Departme nt of Biology Anne M~rie cataldo - a Biology major with specialization in Med~c a l Te chnology Catherine M. Chung *+JoAnne Ma rie Dula k Di a n a Mari e Keenan Annuncia Songsong Manglona *+Ma rga ret Ann McBride - a Biology major with specia lizatien in Medical Technology Patricia Anne Mullins Ca rol , Jea nne Wilcox , in the Depa rtme nt of Chemistry **+xTher e s a Mari e caputo xVirgini a Ma ri e Cr eedon ** xlf e oma Bea trice Ike nz e xRoberta Christine Lyons in the Departme nt of Physics *+Joanne Alice Douce tte *** Summa Cum L ? ude I ** Magna Cum Laude * Cum La ude +Distinction in Fi e ld of COncentration xAme rica n ChemiGal Soci e ty a ccredited degree