Closer Weekly Michael Douglas_Catherine Zeta


Closer Weekly Michael Douglas_Catherine Zeta
“I hope to
resolve my
marriage in
a positive
“Michael took
over helping with
the kids while
Catherine was
seeking treatment
for her bipolar
disorder,” shares
an insider.
“They see
each other
often,” a
friend tells
“[but] they
keep these
38 January 13, 2014
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Step out — together! — with their
children for a fun-filled day in NYC
ollywood royalty Michael
Douglas and Catherine ZetaJones, chic in black, clasped
hands as they exited their NYC apartment building on an unseasonably
warm winter day Dec. 21, their two
children, Dylan and Carys, by their
side. “They looked really happy,” says
an eyewitness, who saw the group
head out for lunch before taking in the
Broadway play Motown. “They were
having a good time, the whole family.”
It was a sweet — but unexpected —
sight. The couple hasn’t been spotted out together since attending an
awards ceremony last April. And after some tough times, marked by Michael’s bout with tongue cancer,
Catherine’s inpatient treatment for
bipolar disorder and their separation
in August, the two are still sorting out
the future of their 13-year marriage.
“They’ll resolve it in 2014,” a source
close to the couple shares. “They can’t
keep living in limbo. And neither of
them wants a divorce.”
Even before the NYC sighting,
things were looking up. When asked at
the U.N. Correspondents Association
Dinner in December how he and Catherine were doing, a smiling Michael
assured onlookers, “We’re good!”
And when he presented a Queen Sofía
Spanish Institute Gold Medal at New
York’s Waldorf Astoria to Catherine’s Mask of Zorro co-star Antonio
Banderas Nov. 19, the Last Vegas star
expressed enduring affection for Catherine, 44: “I will always be grateful for
that film, because it was the first time
I saw my wife.” Perhaps most tellingly, both stars have continued to wear
their wedding bands. “They want to
send a message that, ‘We are still to-
gether,’” relationship expert
Julie de Azevedo Hanks,
LCSW, owner of Wasatch Family Therapy and author of The
DEC. 21
Burnout Cure, tells
Closer. As for the refamily was
cent family outing?
Says Hanks, “It’s
says a
witness of
their outing.
Perhaps it wasn’t so
momentous for their
children, though, who
are happily used to seeing
After returning home from a Broadway play,
their mom and dad togethCatherine and Michael took Dylan, 13, and
er. Michael and Catherine
Carys, 10, out again for a screening of The
Hobbit. Asked by an onlooker how they were
have taken great care to
doing, Michael replied, “Good!” Gilda Carle,
protect their kids, often
relationship expert and’s 30
talking twice a day. They
Second Therapist, tells Closer by appearing
also reunited to go trick-orin public together, Michael and Catherine
treating — “My son Dylan
“knew that people would talk. It’s a great
was a Hobbit, my daughsign.” Carle adds she wouldn’t be surprised if
ter Carys was a kind of flapthey announce they’re back together soon.
per, and Catherine was
Snow White,” the 69-year-old actor “There were times they were staying
told Kelly Ripa. Indeed, an insider tells together for the children,” says anothCloser, “When Michael is in town he er source who knows the couple, “but
makes every effort to stop by Cathe- that’s not the case anymore. They rerine’s home every morning and night. ally love each other.”
They have managed to maintain a staBut is that enough to save the marble home environment.”
riage? It will be a telling moment if
And they’re working hard to ad- Catherine joins her Behind the Candedress the issues that fractured their labra–nominated hubby at the Golden
marriage. They are both in therapy, Globes on Jan. 12. “Michael’s not presand Catherine’s recovery is “almost suring her, but she has an open invi100 percent,” a friend of the couple tation,” the source close to the couple
tells Closer. “Michael would move back says. “Whether it’s going to an awards
in a second, but understands her focus show or sitting at home making his fashould be on her health.”
mous hot cocoa, there’s no one in the
The relationship certainly appears world Michael would rather be with
to be moving in the right direction. than Catherine.” —Deborah Skolnik
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