

cake cake
b o t t o m
Hello, Glutes!
Welcome to the booty revolution! There's quite an uprising
happening right now. Have you noticed?
When Meghan Trainor hit the top of the charts with her
bubbly single, "All About That Bass", I felt a deep sense of
satisfaction and pride come over me.
“Yes! Preach it girl! You get it, you really get me!” I said, as I smiled
my way through the song every time it played. Women around
the world are rebelling against the fashion industry and, as an
ex-runway model who rebelled against the
starve-yourself-skinny mentality, I am SO
FREAKING proud of them!
"Skinny" is no longer the #1 goal. Especially
when “skinny” means appearing weak, sick,
& fragile. Thigh gaps and barely-there basses?
NO thank you!
In this free guide you'll learn 7 lies I've found to
be most prevalent among women when they’re
wanting to alter their physiques in a
bootylicious way. Join the revolution and do
away with these lies, replacing them with truths
actionable takeaways, and hope you can
betch'ya booty on ;)
Ready? Here we go!
Not all butts are created equal, folks! And some big butts DO
lie! I’m sorry to say that a well endowed hiney does not always
mean that woman is a genetic unicorn, nor is it safe to
assume that she is a hard worker who has diligently earned
her curves in the gym.
Shapewear, "bigger butt" promising pills/supplements, and
voluntary surgical procedures like: gluteal implants (yes,
really), augmentation/fat grafts (taking your own body fat
from one area and injecting into the glutes) and “brazilian butt
lifts” all fall into the, “Big Butts that Lie” category!
The longevity of naturally earned apple bottoms versus other
dangerous quick fix options seems like common sense to me obviously though, not to all. The surgical procedures are not
only quite possibly dangerous, but can negatively affect your
body’s natural biomechanics and functional strength ability.
Achieving a bigger butt the natural way will always end up
looking a whole lot better, for longer, ladies. Don’t trust the
Anything worth having is worth earning!
(bigger booty included)
In-home workouts that promise out of this world results in the
booty department are simply lying to you.
It is true that bodyweight glute-focused exercises are a
fantastic foundation to lay when you embark on a glutespecific training phase. However, bodyweight work alone just
simply won’t cut it when it comes to optimizing growth in
strength, shape, and size.
In order for us to go beyond muscle fatigue and actually cause
enough damage to warrant hypertrophic gains during
recovery, we must place an appropriate amount of stress on
the glute muscle group.
Your glutes are the strongest &
largest muscle group in your body!
Considering that we SIT on them for the vast majority of the
time, we really shouldn’t be afraid to work them hard and
I personally fell prey to this line of thinking when I was
modeling in the Big Apple (starving my body in order to get rid
of the apple bottom I now crave). I compulsively obsessed
over cardio equipment, aimlessly praying the Glute Gods
would slay my perceived “stubborn” thigh and butt fat. Boy
was I surprised to learn that spot reduction doesn’t exist!
No type of exercise "spot reduces" fat!
Our bodies just do not work like liposuction. Yes, yes, I know -it isn’t fair ;) There’s plenty of hope still, do not despair.
Your gluteus maximus is the thickest and strongest muscle in
your body, capable of burning a surplus of calories and
adding some giant coals (hint: long burning) to your metabolic
fire. If you want to burn fat for hours AFTER you workout,
directly training your glutes may just be the most efficient way
to do so! Will training your buns burn bun fat? Not directly or
specifically, but your body fat overall (including your buns) will
benefit tremendously from utilizing resistance training
techniques that ignite your metabolism.
It’s been said before, and it is 200% true: nutrition is the #1
tool in your arsenal for fat loss. Step away from the hours of
cardio, ladies, AND put down the cup cake … YOUR cakes will
thank you ;)
Maintaining muscle requires a certain level of nutrient density
and consistency. BUILDING muscle is even more metabolically
demanding and requires that we overcompensate with quality
nutrients and rest. This overcompensation recovery formula is
simply the best way I’ve found to set your body up for growth
- especially in the GLUTES!
I’ll say it again because it’s important we understand this: your
glutes are the largest and the strongest muscle group in your
body, capable of burning a SURPLUS of calories.
There are so many trainees who insist on "dieting" (i.e. putting
themselves into a caloric deficit), then complain and not
understand why they aren’t making any coveted “gains” - glute
gains specifically. If you are eating in-line with calorie/nutrient
restrictive fat loss protocols, you will lose body fat but you will
not gain the muscle you desire at the same time - especially in
the glutes.
Does this mean you need to gain a lot of fat in order to also
gain muscle? No. It does mean that you need to eat according
to recovery and glute growth (that is the goal, isn’t it? If you’re
reading this, I assume so!), not maintenance or fat loss.
Eat according to your goals!
Are you worried your beloved spin class is going to “bulk” your
buns and legs? Maybe you DON’T want a bigger, rounder,
higher, firmer, tighter, fanny -- I respect your choice, even if I
don’t understand it! -- no need to fear the gears. During
Spinning classes, "climbs" usually don’t last for more than a
few minutes—that is simply not enough time to cause the
kind of tissue damage required for bigger legs and bums to
grow in recovery.
If you were hoping spinning would help you build your buns,
sorry! Your time and energy is much better spent with a
barbell than a spin bike.
I have nothing against spinning, it definitely has positive
aspects and can be FUN, but it just isn’t effective or applicable
to the needs we are discussing in this guide to gorgeous
Stop spinning your wheels ;)
We’ve all seen the catchy motivational quotes and memes
plastered all over social media about a “squat-butt”. Honestly,
they are rather misleading. Why?
Because not everyone can target the glutes with great squat
mechanics or feel confident executing them safely with loads
that can really stimulate the breakdown/growth process in
our glute muscles. The differences between us
biomechanically (the way our bodies MOVE and recruit
muscles within movement patterns) cause us to rely on
different muscle groups, even if we're using exceptional form.
Some women can't build an impressive squatbooty. They build squat-quads. Don't despair! There are simple exercises such as glute
bridges, hip thrusts, and their many loaded variations which
are safe and effective for building your rear view! Variety is
the spice of life … and that is very true of booty-building, too. I
don’t mean RANDOM, I mean VARIETY ;)
We don’t need to quit squatting, no-no! We just need to add
other glute focused exercises into the rotation for the best
butt-building results!
We hate its existence and we envy the backsides of every
woman professionally photographed society throws in front
of us to ogle … and yet, somehow, time after time, photo after
photo, we forget that their magically smooth skin is thanks to
retouching! Thanks to Photoshop, society doesn’t make us
look at cellulite riddled buns and thighs. But we still see it - on
ourselves - and we compare our dimpled cheeks to the
impossible standards of glossy airbrushed beauties.
It's sad, and it sucks. I know because I used to struggle with
cellulite, too. I felt disheartened that no matter how thin I
was (anorexic, actually) I couldn’t get rid of my cheese-cheeks.
I was self-conscious and insecure about it, too. I didn’t
understand how or why I had it. I know I’m not alone here!
Its a lie that you have to have invasive surgery, crazy
treatments, or slather your buttocks in expensive magic
creams for the rest of your days in order to rid yourself of
Here’s the TRUTH:
1) the more body fat one has, the greater the appearance of
2) the tighter ones fascia is, the greater the appearance of
"What is fascia?" You ask...
Fascia is connective tissue, dividing and penetrating our
muscles like the internal skin/fibers in an Orange’s flesh. Think
of your skin as panty-hose, and your fascia as fish-net tights.
Your fascia (fishnets) form a grid just below your skin (panty
hose). Any fat pushing through the fishnet tights (fascia) will
look like texture, dimples, and bumps pressed up against the
underside the panty hose (skin).
Say "hello" to cellulite.
Once I understood what cellulite actually was, my approach to
ridding myself of it changed. In order to decrease the look of
cellulite, we need to attack the source of the problem in a 2
pronged approach: decrease body fat and release fascial
We must start with our nutrition and activity level in order to
combat body fat, following this with appropriate fascia work
(deep tissue self-massage techniques) for best results.
Not all sizes and shapes of butts are created equal,
or are earned!
Bodyweight exercises will only lay the foundation for real
booty work.
No amount/type of cardio will spot reduce fat from your
buns/thighs... or anywhere else!
Eat according to your goals.
Spin class will not result in glute gains.
Don’t stop squatting, but don’t expect squats alone to build
your best rearview.
You put all the work into baking your booty-ful cakes, but
you still find your dimples discouraging. Cellulite doesn’t
have to plague your perky buns the rest of your life!
Ask me how ;)
Email me at [email protected] for more
information about anything I’ve presented in this free
guide or to just say “Hey!”
I would love to hear from you and help you in your
wellness journey!
Here's to you and your gorgeous glutes!
xo xo