SUSI Partners AG
SUSI Partners AG
4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy SUSI Partners AG Sustainable Infrastructure Investments Focusing on Energy Efficiency 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy Milan, 23rd of October 2013 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy Agenda 1) SUSI Partners AG: Strategy and Mission • • • Renewable Energy Generation Energy Efficiency Energy Storage and Distribution 2) Energy Efficiency: Market Potential and Possible Applications 3) The SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund SUSI Partners AG Addresses the Main Pillars of Energy Infrastructure Partners SUSISUSI Partners AG AG Founded in 2009, based in Zurich Founders: Board of Directors: Founders: of Directors: Tobias Reichmuth, JürgBoard Bucher (Chairman), Kai-Uwe Ricke, Moritz Leuenberger (former Minister of Energy and Tobias Reichmuth, Otto von Troschke Jürg Bucher (President), Kai-Uwe Ricke, Prof. Dr. Uwe Krüger, Stephanie Schoss, RA Björn Bajan, LLM Otto von Troschke Federal President of Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Uwe Krüger, Stephanie Schoss, RA Björn Bajan Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency SUSI Sustainable Euro Fund I (solar and wind projects in Western Europe; closed) SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund (financing energy efficiency measures through a contracting model; currently fundraising) SUSI Sustainable Euro Fund II (solar and wind projects in Western Europe; in preparation) Energy Distribution and Storage SUSI Energy Storage Fund (storage capacity for utilities; planned) Swiss Fund Advisor with own Luxembourg fund structure Direct investments in sustainable infrastructure projects Focus on institutional investors and family offices Minimal correlation to traditional asset classes and stable returns for institutional investors Measurable impact in tons of CO2 reduced for every investment 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 2 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Our Mission: Structuring Investments to Fight Climate Change and to Provide Fixed Income Returns to Institutional Investors ? • • • Decrease global warming Fill the gap of decreasing bank loans for long-term infrastructure projects Meet need of institutional investors looking for alternative investments with higher returns than government bonds 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 3 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund SUSI Partners AG Addresses the Main Pillars of Energy Infrastructure Partners SUSISUSI Partners AG AG Founded in 2009, based in Zurich Founders: Board of Directors: Founders: of Directors: Tobias Reichmuth, JürgBoard Bucher (Chairman), Kai-Uwe Ricke, Moritz Leuenberger (former Minister of Energy and Tobias Reichmuth, Otto von Troschke Jürg Bucher (President), Kai-Uwe Ricke, Prof. Dr. Uwe Krüger, Stephanie Schoss, RA Björn Bajan, LLM Otto von Troschke Federal President of Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Uwe Krüger, Stephanie Schoss, RA Björn Bajan Renewable Energy SUSI Sustainable Euro Fund I (solar and wind projects in Western Europe; closed) SUSI Sustainable Euro Fund II (solar and wind projects in Western Europe; in preparation) Energy Efficiency SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund (financing energy efficiency measures through a contracting model; currently fundraising) Energy Distribution and Storage SUSI Energy Storage Fund (storage capacity for utilities; planned) Swiss Fund Advisor with own Luxembourg fund structure Direct investments in sustainable infrastructure projects Focus on institutional investors and family offices Minimal correlation to traditional asset classes and stable returns for institutional investors Measurable impact in tons of CO2 reduced for every investment 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 4 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Energy Efficiency With the Biggest Lever to Address Climate Change Gt CO2 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Energy Efficiency Fossil fuel switch Renewable energies Nuclear energy Carbon capture and storage Remaining CO2 emissions By investing in energy efficiency measures, more CO2 emissions can be reduced per million invested than with any other measure. Source:: Eco-efficiency. Chapter 6 – Environmental performance of constructions / McKinsey Abatement Curve; Communication from the European Commission: Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: Realising the Potential 2006 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 5 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund The Market for Energy Efficiency Measures in the European Union Represents More Than 2’000 bn Until 2020 (in TWh) 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2020 forecast Savings potential = Estimated savings potential of 4’117 TWh in Europe = EUR 2’000 bn of investment in energy efficiency measures needed to reach the 20-20-20 goals of the European Union While several billion Euros have been invested in renewable energy projects over the last decade, almost nothing has been invested in the retrofit of existing infrastructure due to budget constraints. Source: European Comission (2010) 2020 Vision: Saving our energy, Direcotrate General for Energy and Transport; DENA Deutsche Energie Agentur (2012); SUSI Analytics 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 6 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Energy Efficient Buildings are key to Europe’s Energy Transformation Buildings make up for 40% of the energy utilisation in Western Europe 3% Lightning 37% 31% Roomheating Waterheating Climatisation Inform. / Comm. Technology 4% Other Heatingprocesses 1% 22% 2% 0.3% Source: Deutsche Energieagentur, 2012 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 7 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Savings Potential in the Building Sector With Paybacks of Less Than 8 yrs. Hospital -26% Hotel -41% Office -26% Shopping Mall -49% Restaurant -41% School -52% Source: Siemens Building Technologies 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 8 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Financing Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Public Infrastructure, Buildings and Industrial Processes Existing technologies allow for savings of 20-35% in energy consumption with a pay-back of 4-6 years. Energy savings are guaranteed by technology partners. 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 9 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund: Business Model Property Owner Technology Partner Retrofit of Building Yearly Energy Cost : EUR 20 M Initial Investment: Guaranteed EUR 20 M Minimum Savings 30% Energy Savings: EUR 1.5 M Reduced Energy Costs: EUR 15 M Yearly Savings: EUR 5 M SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund 70%: Savings: EUR 3.5 M p.a. over 10 Years 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» The fund invests EUR 20 Mio. and receives over a period of 10 years EUR 35 Mio. (10 x EUR 3.5 Mio.) Slide 10 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Business Model With Guaranteed Cost Reduction Energy Costs Energy costs without implementation Reduction in energy costs for the client Million Cash flows for the parties involved (illustration) Energy Saving Contracting (illustration) €6 €5 €4 €3 €2 €1 €0 Time Energy costs after implementation -€ 1 -€ 2 Contract duration Commencement of contract End of contract -€ 3 -€-€20 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Avoided Energy Price Increase Vermiedene Energiepreissteigerungen Savings Customer Einsparungen Kunde Investment/Return SUSISUSI Investitionen/Return The Property Owner benefits already during the project lifetime from reduced energy costs. Energy saving contracts provide the SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund with stable cash flows. 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 11 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund SUSI Energy Efficiency Project Focus Project Selection Criteria Project Payback: 4 – 6 years Minimum Investment: € 0.5m Target Facilities Schools, museums, sport facilities, Cultural Buildings Retail buildings, shopping centers Office buildings Hospitals Proven Technologies Hotels Public and private infrastructure Good Customer Credit Rating Environmental Benefit 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Parking lot lighting systems Industrial plants and manufacturing sites Industrial buildings and warehouses Slide 12 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy 01 SUSI Partners AG >> 02 Energy Efficiency >> 03 SUSI Energy Efficiency Fund Innovative Approach Fostering Energy Efficiency Improvements in Existing Infrastructure New Innovative Offerings Focus on energy savings as offering and not as equipment Integrated offers including flexible financing solutions (off-balance-sheet financing) Guaranteed energy savings Financially Viable and Scalable Projects Standardization of project execution to reduce transaction costs Focus on larger infrastructure portfolios to reach sufficient scale Focus on owners with CAPEX restrictions and good credit ratings 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» Slide 13 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy Estella Langheim SUSI Partners AG Feldeggstrasse 12 CH-8008 Zürich Tel: +41 44 386 98 11 Fax: +41 44 386 98 09 [email protected] 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive» 4th National Conference on Chemistry & Energy SUSI Partners AG / SUSI Energy Efficiency AG Feldeggstrasse 12 CH - 8008 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 44 386 98 00 Fax: +41 44 386 98 09 Email: [email protected] 2nd Workshop: «How Financial Resources Could Make Energy Available and Competitive»
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