Patch design by Rusty
Patch design by Rusty
Patch design by Rusty North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 2 North Cascade H.O.G. Officers 2013 Director: Vince Danner (360) 651-0681 Asst. Director: Catherine Dostart (360) 202-4418 Secretary: Briess Potter (360)929-7057 Treasurer: Tom Dostart (360) 629-4390 Asst. Treasurer: Sandi Castano (360) 391-3775 Activities: JD (Dizzle) Stewart (360) 632-3245 Safety Officer: Keith Aldrich (360) 708-2600 Ladies of Harley: (LOH): Angela Fox (360) 410-6353 Assistant LOH: Judy Ducken (360)757-4943 Membership Officer: Lindy Lindberg (360) 389-0333 Editor: Mike Tanner (360) 387-3964 Assistant Editor: Vicki Tanner (360) 387-3964 Chaplain: Howard Bono (425) 870-8554 Historian: Rhonda Connally (360) 929-7304 Photographer: Tara Corona (360) 724-6416 Assist. Photographer: Tonya Bieche (360) 757-1020 By: Vince Danner May, 2013 It’s pretty obvious from all the recent changes that Harley Owners Group is evolving. Having spoken with Fred about the “old days” when Skagit H-D first sponsored a chapter, it’s hard to imagine how the chapters had to be managed then as compared to now. A full contingent of our officers was able to attend the HOG Officer Training (HOT) in March and change was a theme whether intended or not. I haven’t been a member of North Cascade Chapter the full 25 years but I’ve been an officer on and off for 8 years and the changes within HOG have been very apparent. My opinion would be that some have been positive and some not so much, but does it really matter? For at least the past 13 years, our chapter has been managed within the charter and the spirit of HOG. If we’re out riding and having fun, does the rest of it really matter that much? For me, the most interesting question from HOT was “what motivates you?” Whether it is accepting the nomination to be voted on to become an officer, volunteering to fill an open officer’s position, or just volunteering to help out at an event. At our last officer’s meeting I asked everyone there what motivated them. I didn’t want to hear the answer, I just wanted each of them to reach inside and contemplate why they were there each meeting, each event, etc…tomorrow is our RC meeting and I plan to pose that question there as well. Frankly, if it’s not to have FUN and help the chapter members to have FUN then find something else to do with your time. Years ago I belonged to a different chapter and to become a Road Captain you had to be specifically invited by one of the existing RC’s. There was a gentleman who became an RC and one day I heard him state that he hated group riding. I thought it was odd so the question was asked “why become an RC then?” His response was so he could ride where he wanted to go and out in front so he wasn’t part of the group. I’ve never understood his logic...why not just ride on his own if that’s how he felt. He later became Head RC and then Chapter Director and in my opinion not a very good one. If you’re interested I can share the story of his departure as Director, just pull me aside and ask some day. What was his motivation? With his less than positive approach, is it any wonder that he wasn’t that great of an officer? That chapter didn’t get to elect their officers which is why I’m thankful that our sponsor supports our elections. So, what motivates each of you to keep coming back as members? Take some time to consider it. I hope it’s to have FUN, enjoy the riding, and the companionship of your HOG brothers and sisters. If not, find something else that makes you happy. In the long run it’ll be healthier and better for you as well as everyone around you. We all bought Harley-Davidson motorcycles to ride and have FUN. That’s what I plan to keep doing and hopefully help you have FUN as well. Every weekend for the remainder of April is full and the May calendar is filling up as well so, rain or shine, take advantage of the opportunity to get out, get active, and RIDE! Ride Safe, Vince Webmaster: Kenny Vickers (425) 770-2061 Lead Road Captain: Roger Valentine (360) 856-5683 Blooper Award: Mark Van Oort (360) 929-7237 Patches Sandi Castano (360) 391-3775 Being politically correct means always having to say you’re sorry. North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 3 by: Howard Bono, Chaplain Pennies From Heaven And he said to Him, if now I have found grace in your sight, then show me a sign that you talk with me. Judges 6:17 In my time as Chaplain, the one thing I have been focused on is to get you to put God in your life in a bigger way. For some of you it may be to invite Him in for the first time and for others, to invite Him back. I got this story from Tara Corona the other day. I thought it was a good demonstration of those “God Things” that happen in our lives that we don’t often pay attention to. Several years ago a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. My friend Arlene was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy with a fine home on the waterway and cars costing more than her house. The first evening, as they all were about to enter an exclusive restaurant for dinner, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped and a few cigarette butts. Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally she could stand it no longer. She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value. A smile crept across the man’s face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. “Look at it” he said. “Read what it says”. She read the words “United States of America”. “No, not further”. “One cent?” “No, keep reading”. “In God We Trust?” “Yes!” ‘And?’ on a coin. Whenever I find a coin I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky me! God is patient and pennies are plentiful! When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, 'In God We Trust,' and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message. It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful! And, God is patient... The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given That's the whole gospel message simply stated. Thanks Tara for reminding us that signs are everywhere. Ride Safe and Pay Attention! Howard And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even Next Meetings: May 5 & June 2 - Time, 10:00 am - 9:00 for breakfast North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 4 by: Briess Potter, Secretary The meeting was opened by Chaplain Howard at 10:02am. Today was a testament to NCHOG, not a single motorcycle showed up to the meeting due to the rain. Chaplain Howard shared a humorous story of a widow who had her daughter set her up on a date with a similarly aged gentleman. Afterwards, the daughter asked how it went. The widow replied that she had to slap the man three times. “Was he getting frisky?” the daughter asked. “No”, said the widow, “I thought he was dead”. With all the things in our lives today, find out what you are facing whether it is financial things, relationships, safety or technology so you can reduce those worries. You can eliminate them by delegating those things to God if you choose to do so. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and he will make your path straight. If you carry around too much, you don’t live life, you simply endure life. Activities Officer JD thanked the people who helped with the Pool Shoot. He is now organizing the 25th Anniversary committee. They will meet at the Farmhouse Inn on April 10th at 5 pm. Treasurer Tom said that the chapter has money again! If any members have questions, ask Tom. Webmaster Kenny reported that everything is going smoothly. The NCHOG website calendar is up to date and FaceBook is being used regularly. If interested, he has printable member/officer business cards should you want them. Lindy with Membership was not here, but as of this week, the chapter has 191 members. LOH Lead Angela said the next meeting will be April 16th at Bob’s Burgers and Brew in Burlington. She has printed paperwork/registration for the upcoming LOH summit in October. Assistant LOH Judy said that she has a two bedroom beach house south of Keystone ferry on Whidbey Island, if any friends want to use it for the State Rally in July, get with Judy if interested. Editor Mike reminded everyone to keep the cards, letters, stories and pictures coming in! Lead Road Captain Roger asked if any members knew what S.E.E. meant. When riding alone or in a group, you must Search, Evaluate and Execute. Always use your head when riding! April 13th was the original RC meeting but it has been changed to the 14th at Sedro-Woolley School; look for Roger’s email for more info! The 21st of April is Chet and JD’s run through Bow, up to Bellingham, and stopping for lunch at Cutters. On May 4th, Marji and Rhonda have a ride but no destination yet. May 19th will be with Chet and JB and possibly will be to Mt. Baker. As for the Memorial weekend ride, hopefully you already have your rooms. Historian Rhonda couldn’t make it to the meeting. She would like to say if you have any old newsletters, please bring then in and let her borrow them. Assistant Director Cathy reminded everyone that the orange booklet with the calendar and events is on the front table. Inside it is highlighted with flyers for a variety of different events, so please take a look. Remember to access website for the chapter calendar. Two sign -up sheets are available for the Spring Bike show! She needs people to help with parking. She also needs volunteers for the Skagit H-D 25th Anniversary HOG table. Director Vince would like to thank the volunteers for the month of March, Jeff and Angela. Len and Lindy were also thanked but not present. Did anyone see their number in the newsletter? Bill did not see his number! Vince noted lots of people don’t like to write newsletter articles, but would still like to share stories about their events and rides. If you want it published, get another officer/member to write it for you, like Vince, Roger, or Briess! We’d like you to share your stories with the Chapter. There will be a Poker Run the last week in April. On April 27th there will be a Lighthouse Mission ride as a fundraiser for a new elevator. This will be 90 miles for 90 years with a barbecue and other fun events afterwards. The Skagit H-D Bike Show will be April 20th and still needs a judge! Please talk to Vince if interested. The floor was opened to members: Allen has his bike and 15 cords of wood for sale. Contact him if interested or for more info. Chet discussed the Washington State Rally and needs volunteers! If someone could sit at a table for the poker run it would be appreciated. He doesn’t know exactly where the stops are yet. Dates are July 18-20th. Please let Chet know if you’re interested. Tom discussed the Memorial Day ride through Idaho and Oregon. Sign-up sheets are at the front table or, for more information, see Tom. There is a possible surprise patch if you go. If you saw Vince’s email, the Burn Foundation purchased property at Anderson Creek Lodge. However they do not have any cabins so perhaps different organizations could help construct or decorate a cabin. Jon mentioned that many high schools have construction classes and maybe they would be interested in assisting. Door prizes winners were Lori and Dick. Howard gave thanks and gratitude for the lives we live and the special people we have in our lives. Thank you Lord, we are grateful. The meeting closed at 11:03am. Briess North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 5 by: Keith Aldrich, Safety Officer Packing your bike for a trip Well, the season for road trips is just around the corner and many of us will be taking to the road shortly. For this issue of the newsletter here are a couple of ideas or suggestions that could make your trip safer and more enjoyable. Packing your motorcycle right is essential for many reasons: safety, maneuverability, gas mileage, access to gear and your comfort. Tip - Lay out everything you are going to carry with you around your bike so you can add them methodically. - Lay out an assortment of bungee cords arranged by length. Your motorcycle. Your motorcycle should be suitable for the load you’re about to put on it. Simply stated, will your motorcycle accommodate the extra 100 pounds or so that you are planning on carrying? Saddle Bags. Most common saddle bags are soft throw-over or hard mount. In either case this is where you should carry a full set of tools. The tools should be in the right saddle bag where you can access them while on the side of the road. The heaviest tools go on the bottom. You might want to consider wrapping wrenches and drive sockets in shop towels. You never know when you may need an extra rag or two. Tip - A four foot siphon hose, long enough to reach another bike is cheap insurance. On top of the tools is a great place for a siphon hose. There is always that chance you or someone will need a little extra fuel. Next layer, first aid kit and the ever popular cleaning items to keep the shine on your bike. The left saddle bag would be for other items that may be needed on the road. Items such as your camera, extra gloves, maps, sweatshirt. Whatever you feel that you might need quick access to. The Core The really important part of loading a bike is the core. Having your bike loaded properly will help in safety and maneuverability. Heavy items must be kept as low as possible. If the heavy items are high your bike can become very unstable. Think of a “load triangle”. The high point of the triangle will peak at the rider’s shoulders with the base at the point of contact where the front and rear tires meet the road. As much weight as possible should be inside this triangle for safety and stability as well as maneuverability. When using a travel bag this is where extra boots or anything heavy should be stored. Often this is where your extra clothes are carried. Roll your clothes to fit more compactly and stack them tightly. Once packed, place it on the bike ahead of the passenger seat back. It’s best not to have the bag on the luggage rack. This puts the heavy items outside of the triangle of weight. The luggage rack When using the luggage rack for additional items, place the heaviest items in the most forward part of the bag. Now is the time that the bungee cords come in real handy. Hook one end of the bungee on the right side, bring it up over the load and hook on the left side. Do the same in reverse, using the same length of bungee cord, hooking to the identical places on the opposite side of the bike. Symmetry equalizes the load. Build your pack upward and inward, crossing bungee cords at critical points on your pack. They need to be tight and equal to stabilize the load. Tip - If need be, you can always adjust your packs when you stop. Be aware that your load can loosen and shift. Check and double check your bags on each stop. Extra items An additional packing tip is how to secure and place extras. These could be layers of clothing if it turns cool or, conversely, where to put extra layers as you peel them off during the day. Cargo nets can be placed over the whole load, attached symmetrically to the bike allowing easy and quick access for those extra items. When finished loading your bike the entire pack should be no higher than shoulder level or lower. When riding with a partner, take turns leading and following when you first start. This way you can check each others’ packs for stability. Keith North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 6 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 Sun Mon “Slugs Return From Capistrano Day” (for real!) 28 21 14 7 Tue North Cascade 29 22 15 8 1 “National Chocolate Chip Day” Wed 30 23 16 9 2 Thu 31 24 17 10 3 “No Pants Day” (for real!) Fri 25 18 11 4 “Eat What You Want Day” Sat May, 2013 North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 7 North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 8 Remember, all FSR’s and TSR’s leave Skagit Harley-Davidson at 9:00am unless otherwise announced May June The Fourth - First Saturday Ride (RC’s: Rhonda, Marjorie) Destination: Triple XXX - Issaquah? The First - First Saturday Ride (RC’s: Chet, Jan) Details later The Fifth - First Sunday Meeting Sedro-Woolley American Legion The Second - First Sunday Meeting Sedro-Woolley American Legion The Twelfth - Mother’s Day Without her, there wouldn’t be a you. The 16th - Father’s Day I dunno, get him a necktie The Eighteenth - North Cascade HOG Anniversary (It’s our 25th folks so this is gonna be big) SKAGIT H-D, ALL DAY The Eighteenth - LOH Meeting Bob’s Burgers and Brew The Nineteenth - Third Sunday Ride (RC’s: Chet, JB) The Mt. Baker Ride The 21st through 23rd - Vince’s Summer Solstice Ride (RC’s: Vince and ?) You’ll cover a lot of Eastern WA ground (See page 10 for details) The Twenty First - LOH Meeting Bob’s Burgers and Brew, Cook Rd. exit The Twenty Second - Summer Fest Party BBQ and Music at Skagit H-D, all day The 24th - 27th - RattleSchnitzen Ride (Planners: Len, Jan, Tom D.) Go to page 14 for all the info The Twenty Third - Third Sunday Ride (rescheduled) (RC’s: Keith, Marjorie, Roger) This will be The Run For The Border The Eighteenth The Nineteenth The 24th - 27th Well, this is the big one! Our sponsor, Skagit H-D is throwing the party to end all parties to celebrate NC HOG’s 25th anniversary. You’ll want to be there to enjoy BBQ, live music, a raffle, and special discounts for Chapter members. Are we special to Fred and Lorie? You bet! Go to page six for party details. Today’s the day for the Mt. Baker Run. JB and Chet guarantee you a great day of riding. Lunch will be in Glacier. Have fun! This is the first year for the RattleSchnitzen Ride. You’ll be traveling through rattlesnake country for sure but, as fast as rattlers are, your Harley is faster. Len, Jan, and Tom D. will lead you on a three nighter through Eastern Washington and even into Oregon. It’ll be a blast. North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 9 by: Angela Fox Our LOH meeting for April was a good one. Thank you all that joined us. Those that were not able to make it I imagine were out riding on that gorgeous sunny day or something equally as fun. We are collecting retired Harley T-shirts for a quilt we are putting together. If you have one or two or a dozen please let me know. Thank you, Doug and Elaine Fielding for your donation of the T-shirts. On May 11th we are having a canning day. Cheryl Kilcollins has opened her home for this learning experience. We will be canning Bread and Butter chip pickles. The fun starts at 10:30 that day. Let me know if you are interested in going and I will get you directions and what supplies you need to bring. Mark your calendar for June 22nd. Yes, it is the Quilt Shop Judy Hop. Several Quilt shops around the counties will be visited that day...hope for nice weather. If you would like to participate meet at Skagit Harley-Davidson at 8am. The LOH ladies have a new flag. Check out our picture. We are proud of our chapter and are now able to show it. The next LOH meeting will be at Bob’s Burgers and Brew at I-5 and Cook Road. Everyone is welcome. The meeting starts at 6:30pm. Come early for dinner or just good company. Hope to see you there. Angela Angela and Judy US1896681 Before you assume, learn. Before you judge, understand. Before you hurt, feel. Before you say, think. North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at NCHOG - IN THE BEGINNING by: Fred Smith, Sponsor As you know, NCHOG is celebrating its 25th birthday this year. Our Director, Vince Danner has asked me to reminisce about the early years of the NCHOG. Since I did not keep written records, these ramblings may differ from those of others that helped found NCHOG in 1988. Some of the 1st year members were Lee Jamison, Jeff Arnold, Ted Mathias, Steve & Sheryl Smith, Ed Barrett, Frank & Cherrie Hardy, and Art Fournier. Lee, Ed and Ted were all Directors of the group in the early years. Sheryl Smith was secretary and Jeff Arnold was treasurer. From 1976 - 1987, (until the founding of NCHOG), Skagit page 10 Harley-Davidson planned most of the organized rides and parties. The annual Bowman Bay Party became very popular and I was always looking for volunteers to help me put it on. Even my Mother was enlisted to make huge amounts of potato salad every year for the party. We would BBQ pork roasts over alder on the park grill. Besides potato salad and BBQ pork we usually had baked beans, corn on the cob and hot dogs. Keg beer was allowed by Deception Pass State Park so there were always a few kegs kept on ice along with soda pop for refreshment. After the founding of NCHOG in 1988, the rides, events and parties were pretty much handled by the group rather than me. As the Sponsor, I very much appreciate NCHOG and all that they do to organize fun times for Harers. Congratley-Davidson ownulations to NCHOG for 25 years of fun, great rides and memories! Fred Although this photo pre-dates NC HOG (this is circa 1982), it shows that the groundwork was being laid for the camaraderie that typifies our Chapter. Photo submitted by Fred and I’m bettin’ that’s (a much younger) Fred, top left center. We’ll head out Friday June 21st at 8:00 am from the I-5 south Smokey Point rest area. We’ll be riding freeway to Auburn then over to Enumclaw. Then it’s over Chinook Pass and down into Yakima with a visit to Owen H-D. On to Othello, Coulee City, and spending the night in Grand Coulee at the Columbia River Inn. From there it's over near Colville, up to Ione, and Metaline Falls before dropping down to Spokane on the Idaho side of the river with a visit to Lone Wolf H-D. Then it’s either Stevens Pass or Washington Pass on the way home Sunday. Friday Night Lodging: Columbia River 1-800-633-6421 Saturday Night Lodging: Econo Lodge Inn & Suites near the Spokane Airport 1-509 -747-2021 If you think you may go, get your reservations now since many events are happening in Spokane limiting available rooms. Vince North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 11 This entire page is thanks to Hope Star. What is HOG? HOG is some really crazy friends. Meeting up at a National Rally for fun! Poking fun at friends, that then laugh at YOU. Finding cafés in small towns. Finding the perfect parking spot for a bike. Remembering that some friends aren’t here forever. Giving a friend a ‘push’ when they need it, And playing endless jokes on friends when they least expect it! Helping families in need & showing kids that Bikers are great people too. Riding with friends, & sometimes their pets. Knowing when that tattoo happened & why it’s important. Knowing their family as well as their bike. Accepting that some of us are ‘old farts’ even when we really aren’t! Riding ferries, hanging out on beaches, seeing our states’ great sights. Realizing that some friends will always ‘pose’ for the camera. Seeing amazing country with great friends, sometimes in snow. Representing your HOG club in far off places & right here at home. Honoring fathers & mothers. Honoring friends. Meeting other riders & sharing stories. Being part of a larger group than you realized! Year: 2006 Yep, this is Mike and Linda For you newer members, this is the much beloved and respected Kono who we lost but who will never be forgotten. North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 12 by: Roger Valentine ROAD CAPTAIN'S REPORT This is always a good ride. Lunch will be in Glacier. May 2013 I know we are all screaming for sunshine so we can get out and ride. I only wish I could ride. It doesn't matter if it's raining a little, I enjoy the ride but the sun is always better. I look back and remember some rides I have been on with Don, Darcy, Robbie, or Vince and they always were fun because we were there for the ride, the fellowship, and making sure we were available at all times for the new members even if it was raining. I'm hoping after the Road Captain's meeting we have some good rides for everyone to enjoy through the summer. FSR May 4th Rhonda and Marji will be your Road Captains for this ride and the destination is to be announced. Details on the June FSR will be announced later The June TSR is the Border Run and more info will be provided later. Roger TSR May 19th will be the Mt. Baker ride with JB and Chet. They will be filming this ride as they go to Mt. Baker. by JD “Dizzle” Stewart Hey all, it’s time to gear up for a big month. We have a 25th Anniversary Party at Skagit H-D on the 18th of May. Also, we have a big ride coming up at the end of the month, “The RattleSchnitzen Ride” to Oregon and Idaho. We all need a big shout-out to all the gals that helped me pull off a great and fun silent auction for the Burn Camp. Big thanks go to Sandi, Katie, Cheryl, and Linda for allowing us to set up the night before. Thanks also to Marji and my wife Angela for helping and bidding and keeping me spending my money for the Burn Camp. Without all their help I would have gone crazy. Thanks go to Mark for a very fun and soggy Three Island Ride. We had about eight riders show and we rode through all kinds of weather but throughout all the weather we had a great time and good food. We will be looking forward to having a great time at our 25th Anniversary Party at Skagit Harley so please set the date and time on your calendar to come join your brothers and sisters help celebrate 25 excellent years as a Chapter. Well, there’s not much more to shoot out to you now but I want to thank you again for allowing me to represent our Chapter as Activities Officer. Dizzle Be safe out there and have fun. If a man says something in the forest and his wife isn’t there to hear him, is he still wrong? North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at Ed’s note: Our Historian Rhonda cut this page from a ten year old newsletter and we apologize for the grainy resolution (you know how scans can be) but it’s a fun look into the past. Yours truly was a member back then and I likely was at this meeting. Darcy was Director then and Susie Heller, pictured in the center photo, was our (excellent) Editor. Believe me, Kathy and I had big shoes (figuratively speaking) to fill when we took over. Also, at that time, Susie was in charge of “Blooper Awards” and, as funny as Mark is today in that role, Susie was at least as funny...maybe even funnier if that’s possible! Anyway, bottom line, the Chapter was just as good and fun then as it is today. IT’S BEEN A VERY GOOD 25 YEARS! page 13 North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 14 North Cascade Chapter 5369 H.O.G. Press / on line at page 15 July 18-20, 2013 Oak Harbor, WA You can reserve your room now at Coachman Inn & Suites 800-635-0043 Best Western 360-679-4567 Candlewood Suites 360-279-2222 On-line registration is now open at The party will start Thursday afternoon with registration and socializing at the Coachman Inn & Suites. On Friday and Saturday, there will be a Poker Run and lunch rides in addition to the longer day rides. Bike Games are on the schedule too! Don’t wait to reserve your room, they’re filling up fast ! My Mom’s the best!! North Cascade HOG c/o Skagit HarleyDavidson 1337 Goldenrod Rd. Burlington, WA 98233 (360) 757-1515 (888) 434-6447 TO: North Cascade H.O.G. is sponsored by Skagit Harley-Davidson 1337 Goldenrod Rd Burlington, Washington
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