Plays In Progress Series Program


Plays In Progress Series Program
Festival Staff
Angela Astle..........................................................Executive Producer and Founder
Amelia Retureta………..………………….………..Festival Production Coordinator
Connie Findley………………………………………………….……Director of Marketing
Kenny Storms………………………………………………………………………..Sound Design
Jen Orf…………………………………………………………………………….Lighting Design
Jean Schuman…………………………………………………………………………Props Design
Caroline Smith……....………………………………………………………….Costume Design
Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski…………………………………………….…Literary Manager
Gloria Shanstrom………………………………………………………….…………….Publicist
Sharon Smith…………………………………………………………..Volunteer Coordinator
Nancy Davis………………………………………………….….Opening Night Coordinator
Alicia Wheelock…………………………………………….…….Hospitality Coordinator
Katie Smith………………………………………………….…………Graphic Design Intern
Anne Meyers…………………………………………………..………………………..Athena Angel
Rachelle Cole…………………………………………………..……………………...Athena Angel
Ellen K. Graham……………………………………………..……………………….Athena Angel
By Rebecca Gorman O’Neill
Directed by Melissa McCarl
Chanel Karimkhani……………………………………..………………………………………………Emma
Nathan Bock………………….………………………………..…………………………………….Jackson
Paula Friedland………………...…………………………………………..………………………….Sophia
Sean Scrutchins……………………………………………………...………………………………...Aiden
Stage Manager …..Rachael Henney
Dramaturg …..Heather Helinsky
Rebecca Gorman O’Neill , playwright We’ll Never Get to Moscow
Rebecca Gorman O’Neill was born in Akron, Ohio; she escaped at age 17
to attend Dartmouth College. Rebecca went on to earn her M.F.A. in
Dramatic Writing from Carnegie Mellon University. Her original plays have
been produced across the country, and productions in Denver include
Auto-da-Fe at the LIDA Project and The Greater Good at And Toto
Too. Her play Mynx & Savage was a semi-finalist at the O’Neill Theatre
Conference, and her plays Tell-Tale and The Greater Good are available
through Eldridge Publishing and Next Stage Press, respectively. She is
Professor of English at Metropolitan State University of Denver, where she
reaches playwriting, screenwriting, cinema studies, and the graphic
Melissa Lucero McCarl, director We’ll Never Get to Moscow
Melissa had the honor of directing Athena’s first world premiere, Tell
Martha Not to Moan and has been involved in the festival since its
inception. She is best known as the author of Painted Bread, a full -length
play about the life of Frida Kahlo, which recently had it’s fourth production
at the Aurora Fox. She has written and directed plays for theatres all over
Heather Helinsky, dramaturg We’ll Never Get to Moscow
Heather Helinsky is a dramaturg that playwrights have recognized as “especially adept at freeing energies in
ways. She encourages discovery.” Nationally, her dramaturgical work has been seen at the Accessible Theatre in
Boston, American Repertory Theatre, the Apothetae, Arizona Repertory Theatre, Athena Project, Borderlands
Theatre Company, City Theatre of Pittsburgh, Great Plains Theatre Conference, The Kennedy Center’s Page-toStage, The Lark, Miracle Theatre in Portland, Moscow Art Theatre’s American Studio, Omaha Community
Playhouse, Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, Philadelphia Theatre Company, Phoenix Theatre in Indianapolis,
Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre, Pittsburgh Public Theatre, Plan-B Theatre, Plays and Players of Philadelphia,
Salt Lake Acting Company, Telluride Playwrights Festival, and Woolly Mammoth. She is also a script reader for The
O’Neill, PlayPenn, GPTC, Jewish Plays Project, Philly Young Playwrights, and Sundance Theatre Lab. As an
educator, she’s taught dramaturgy at the University of Arizona and Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, and
mentored emerging dramaturgs at KCACTF Regions 4 & 6 and was the National Dramaturgy Coordinator for
KCACTF in ’12 & ‘13. Her M.F.A. in Dramaturgy and Theatre Studies is from the American Repertory
Theatre/Moscow Art Theatre Institute for AdvancedTheatre Training at Harvard. Member of LMDA since 2006.
Rachael Henney, stage manager We’ll Never Get to Moscow
Rachael Henney is excited to return to Athena and has had the pleasure of
stage managing throughout the Metro area. Favorite credits include All My
Sons, Remaining in Orbit, Hair, and Proof. Rachael is a graduate of
Stephens College and an alum of Okoboji Summer Theater.
By Tira Palmquist
Directed by Christy Montour-Larson
Arlene Rapal………………..………………………………………………….……………….Emma Phelps
Henrik Boes…………………..………………………………………………..……………….Clay Simpson
Phil Luna………………………...………………………………… …………………………Jeffrey Phelps
Phil Luna………………………...………………………………… ……………………………Eric Wilson
Adrienne Martin-Fullwood……………………...…………………………………..………………Louise Allen
Phil Luna………………………...………………………………… ………………………...Malik Peterson
Assistant Director…..Alicia Wheelock
Stage Manager …..Lindsay Taylor
Dramaturg …..Jacqueline Lawler
Special Thanks to the MSUD Theatre Department
Tira Palmquist, playwright Two Degrees
Tira Palmquist’s plays include Two Degrees, Ten Mile Lake (Serenbe Playhouse), Age of Bees
(Madlab Theater), And Then They Fell, among others. Two Degrees most recently was part of
the PlayLabs at the Great Plains Theater conference, the Road Theatre’s Summer Playwrights
Festival and then in the Artemisia Theater’s Fall Festival in Chicago, IL. And Then They Fell was
work-shopped at the UMass New Play Lab in April 2014. Age of Bees, which premiered at
MadLab Theater (Best Original Work by the Other Papers "Best of 2012” list), will be in the
2015 season at Tesseract Theater in St. Louis. Her work has been developed by 9Thirty
Theater, Theater of Note, EST-LA, Seven Devils and The Inkwell. She teaches at UCI as well as
the Orange County School of the Arts, and is a member of the Antaeus Theatre’s Playwrights
Unit, the Dramatists Guild and EST-LA’s Playwrights Unit.
Christy Montour-Larson, director Two Degrees
Christy Montour-Larson has directed over 75 productions from Shakespeare to Pinter to
musicals to the newest works in America. She is a Denver Post Ovation and Colorado Theatre
Guild Henry award-winning director, recently named top director by both 5280 Magazine and
CBS4 Denver. A member of the Artistic Company at Curious Theatre, her recent directing
credits include Charles Ives Take Me Home, Good People, Time Stands Still, Red, Nine Circles.
Christy's work has also been seen in Colorado at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, the
Arvada Center, Creede Repertory, Town Hall Arts Center, Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
and Theatreworks. Nationally, Christy has directed at New American Theatre, Rochester Civic
Theatre, the Duluth Playhouse, Dark Horse Theatre and for Seven Devils Playwright Conference,
where she sits on the Board of Directors. She is an Affiliate Faculty Member at Metropolitan
State University of Denver and her earned MFA in Directing from Rutgers University. She is a
proud member of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers.
Alicia Whelelock, assistant director Two Degrees
Alicia is a improviser, choreographer, director, and stage manager. She performs, coaches, and
teaches improv at the Bovine Metropolis Theater. She is on staff at CYT Denver, a youth theatre
education program in south Denver, and has served on the artistic teams for several of their
productions. Alicia has also been involved with Athena Project in different capacities since 2012.
She is in graduate school at the University of Denver for Arts Development and Program
Jacqueline Lawler, dramaturg Two Degrees
Jacqueline Lawler is a budding dramaturg recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh,
Scotland. She is currently working with Curious Theatre Company as general staff and the
development intern. Recent dramaturgical projects include Salve Regina University’s production
of Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice, an endeavor which sent her to the National Dramaturgical Festival at
the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC. This is her first time working with Athena Project.
Lindsay Taylor, stage manager Two Degrees
Lindsay Taylor, originally from Wilmington, Del., graduated from the University of Delaware in
2004 with degrees in Theatre Production & Spanish. Upon graduation, she taught high school
Drama & Spanish at Alexis I. duPont High School, where she built the Drama department from
15 students to more than 100. In 2008, she relocated to Denver and found the non-profit
community. She has worked for Ballet Nouveau Colorado, Community Reach Center, and
Englewood Public Schools, and currently works as the Associate Marketing Director for Swallow
Hill Music. She has worked in theaters across the US and in Spain and has directed theater
camps for children of all ages for the last 12 years.
By Catherine Wiley
Directed by Kate Folkins
Adrienne Martin-Fullwood……...……………………………………..………………………..……..……………Tiffany
Paula Friedland……………………………………………………..…………………...……………….………Martha
Arlen Rapal……………………………...……………………………………..………………………………....Cassie
Carol Bloom……………………………………………………………..………………………………….…….Helen
Kristen Poole………………………………………………………………………….………………….…..Chorus #1
Jessica Anguiano…………………………………………………..……………..……………………….…..Chorus #2
Yasmin Sweets…………………………...…………………………………………………..…………….…Chorus #3
Chanel Karimkhani…………………………………………………………………...……………………….Chorus #4
Assistant Director…..Danielle Lombardo
Stage Manager…..Marlena Schwartz
Dramaturg…..Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski
Catherine Wiley, playwright Sheltered
Catherine Wiley’s plays have been seen in Denver at the Athena Project,
And Toto Too Play Crawls, Playwrights of the Western Region Bootcamp
productions, and One Night Stand. Her radio play, Homing was produced in
Fort Collins, and her adaptation of the novel Under the Feet of Jesus had a
staged reading at the Great Plains Theater Conference in Omaha. She is a
proud graduate of Cornerstone Theater Company's summer institute in
community-based theater, and teaches in the English Department at the
University of Colorado Denver.
Kate Folkins , director Sheltered
Kate is honored to be working with Athena Project after directing for the Girls Write
program in 2014. Some favorite directing credits include A Christmas Carol, The
Wind in the Willows, and Fiddler on the Roof, Jr (New Stage Theatre),The Whipping
Man (Curious Theatre Company), Exit Strategies (The Edge Theatre), and 5210 Main
Street, which she also wrote with the Kaiser Permanente Educational Touring
Company. She is the former Education Director at New Stage Theatre and Associate
Artistic Director at Curious Theatre Company. Folkins now spends her days helping
young artists at Denver School for the Arts prepare for their lives after high school.
Danielle Lombardo, assistant director Sheltered
This is Danielle's third year working with Athena Project. Past local credits include Tales from the
Peacetime Army for On The Edge, a Festival of New Plays V2 (director), Paradise for Athena
Project (director), Echo for Athena Project (dramaturg). She also directed Stop Kiss at Las
Vegas Little Theatre and was the assistant director for Black Pearl Sings at the San Jose
Repertory Theatre. Danielle is the Assistant Program Director of On Your Feet at the Edge
Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski, dramaturg Sheltered
Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski is delighted to continue his work for and with Angela and Athena Project
as both Literary Manager and dramaturg for the festival. Fortunate enough to have a series of
on-going collaborations with theatre professionals on both sides of the curtain, Patrick has
served as dramaturg for projects, companies, and playwrights across the country. Patrick has
provided dramaturgical support for the following Athena Festival Plays In Progress: Tell Martha
Not To Moan, Let All Mortal Flesh, Trespassing, Relative Communication , and Crazy Patterns.
Marlena Schwartz, stage manager Sheltered
Marlena Schwartz is a Stage Manager and Production Manager in the Denver area. This is her
first time working with the Athena Project Festival. Schwartz just finished work at the DCPA’s New
Play Summit stage-managing The There There. She is also working as the Production
Management Associate at Curious Theatre Company. She recently finished work as an assistant
stage manager on Lucky Me (Curious Theatre Company) and will be working on their upcoming
production of Detroit. Schwartz has worked locally on productions such as Laura (Spark
Theatre). Some of her other stage management credits include: The Farnsworth Invention, The
Seagull and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (University of Evansville).
Schwartz recently graduated with a BS in Stage Management from the University of Evansville.
By Fengar Gael
Directed by Hart De Rose
Kristen Poole……………………..……………………..………………………………………...…………….Penelope
Ilasiea Gray………………………………………………………….……………...……………………...……..Portia
Devra Keyes……………………………………………………………………..……………...………………..Rachel
Jessica Anguanio………………………………………………………...…………………….……………….Georgette
Nathan Bock……………………………………………….……………………...……………………….…….Nathan
Sean Scrutchins…………………………………………………………………..…………………………….…Julian
Carol Bloom………….………………………………………………………………………..…............................Katrina
Matthew Schultz…………………..………………………………………………..…………………………...Siegfried
Assistant Director…..Katiana Jones
Stage Manager…..Katie Espinoza
Dramaturg…..Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski
Fengar Gael, playwright The Draper’s Eye
Fengar Gael has had workshops and productions at the Sundance Institute, The New York
Stage and Film Company, the Utah Shakespearean Festival, the InterAct Theatre of
Philadelphia, New Jersey Repertory, the Salt Lake Acting Company, the Moxie Theatre, of
San Diego, The Kitchen Dog Theatre of Dallas, The Seanachai Theatre of Chicago, and in
New York City: Manhattan Theatre Works, Urban Stages, the Resonance Theatre Ensemble,
and CAP 21. She is a recipient of the Craig Noel Award, the Playwrights First Award, as
well as commissions from South Coast Repertory, New Jersey Repertory, the National New
Play Network, and a playwriting fellowship from the California Arts Council. Most recently,
The Gallerist was performed at the the Rorschach Theatre; Gift of Forgotten Tongues at
the Venus Theatre; The Island of No Tomorrows by MultiStages in New York; and Devil Dog
Six at the Landing Theatre of Houston.
Hart DeRose, director The Draper’s Eye
Hart DeRose studied theatre and performance in New York City for several years before
returning to her Denver roots. For the past decade, her artistic home was with The LIDA
Project where she worked as a performer, company member and creative collaborator.
Most recently, Hart directed two world premieres: Feral Assembly’s The Night Season and
Pandemic Collective’s Bloodbath. She also performed in Pandemic Collective’s 20 Horror
Plays in 60 minutes. This is her first production with Athena Project. Hart would like to
dedicate this performance to all the amazing women she’s worked with this year. Thank
you all.
Katiana Jones, assistant director The Draper’s Eye
Katiana Jones has a strong passion for the written word and where those words can go. This curiosity led
to her acquiring a B.A. in English Writing and a minor in film studies from the University of ColoradoDenver. In her free time she studies the work of her film and literature predecessors, seeks freelance
work in writing and absorbs modern cinema. Currently Jones is working on the set of author Cathie
Beck’s novel Cheap Cabernet: A Friendship as a screenplay writer, production assistant and overall
production support. In the future she hopes to continue working on a broad array of projects, including
some of her own, and exploring new and exciting creative outlets.
Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski, dramaturg The Draper’s Eye
Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski is delighted to continue his work for and with Angela and Athena Project as both
Literary Manager and dramaturg for the festival. Fortunate enough to have a series of on-going
collaborations with theatre professionals on both sides of the curtain, Patrick has served as dramaturg
for projects, companies, and playwrights across the country. Patrick has provided dramaturgical support
for the following Athena Festival Plays In Progress: Tell Martha Not To Moan, Let All Mortal Flesh,
Trespassing, Relative Communication, and Crazy Patterns.
Katie Espinoza, stage manager The Draper’s Eye
Katie Espinoza is a Chicago native and has recently celebrated her one year anniversary of living in the
Denver area. She attended Bradley University where she received a B.A in Theatre Arts and Leadership
Studies and held the position of Production Stage Manager for the BU Theatre Department. She is proud
to call the Edge Theatre her artistic home; it is here that she has Stage Managed The Beauty Queen of
Leenane, The Graduate, Tales of a Peace Time Army, A Steady Rain and The Motherfucker with the Hat.
She has also had the pleasure of SMing for the ScreenPlays production of Reservoir Dogs. Her future
SM projects include: Who’s Afraid of Virgina Woolf (Edge Theatre), Dot Game (Spark Theatre) and The
Breakfast Club (ScreenPlays). When not in the theatre she can be found playing her piano, making latte
art or getting her snuggles on with her cat Minnie.
JESSICA ANGUIANO (Chorus #2 in Sheltered and Georgette in The
Draper’s Eye) was born in Michigan and moved to Colorado three years
ago with her husband. She is proud to be an Associate Artist with the
Purple Rose Theater in Michigan. Other theater credits include: Exit
Strategies (Edge Theater), Sweethearts of Swing (Aurora Fox), Panhandle
Slim & the Oklahoma Kid (Purple Rose Theater) and Boeing,
Boeing (Purple Rose Theater). Film credits include: Fame Machine,
Worm, and Harvee Gladhand and the Annals of Optimism. When not
performing, she can be found riding her horse, Mo, in the mountains.
CAROL BLOOM (Helen in Sheltered and Katrina in The Draper’s Eye) has
worked as an actor, director and educator in professional, university and
community theatres for the past 35 years. She served for 27 years on the
theatre faculty at the University of Colorado/Denver, where she remains
Faculty at Large. Favorite recent roles include Honora, in The Familiars,
Dotty Otley in Noises Off, Felicity in The Shadow Box, Beatrice in A View
from the Bridge, Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest,
Rennie Waltzer in Chasing Manet, Victoria in Apples from the Desert and
Madame Arcati in Blithe Spirit. Carol is delighted to be part of Athena
Project’s Plays In Progress series.
Nathan block
NATHAN BOCK (Jackson in We’ll Never Get to Moscow and Nathan in The
Draper’s Eye) is pleased to be part of the festival this year, and the
process of developing new work. Seen on Colorado stages including
Vintage Theatre, The Edge Theatre, Miner's Alley, and Breckenridge
Backstage, Nathan attended Denver School of the Arts and NYU's Tisch
School of the Arts, and is a founding partner of Noggin Sauce
Pictures,, working to produce original films and
content in Colorado.
HENRIK BOES (Clay in Two Degrees) is pleased to be returning to the
stage for Athena Project. He was last seen in the musical revue
Tomfoolery, which had a sold-out run at the Denver Victorian Playhouse
and won David Marlowe's Best Musical Ensemble Award for 2010. He has
worked with the Now Or Never Theater in Boulder, appearing in There Was
and There Was Not, a compilation of Arabic fairy tales. His favorite roles
include Rev. Crisparkle in the musical Drood, George Holly in Suddenly Last
Summer, Saul Kimmer in Sam Shepard's True West and the Old Man in
Shepard's Fool for Love. He is a professional video editor, has worked as a
voice-over artist and enjoys playing the drums and doing German Elvis
PAULA JAYNE FRIEDLAND (Sophia in We’ll Never Get to Moscow and Martha
in Sheltered) was last seen as Kath in The Familiars at The Edge Theatre,
and as Jenna in The Reading in the Blame the Playmakers Festival at
Crossroads Theatre— both works by local female playwrights.
She also recently appeared at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret, in the original
Stephen Sondheim Revue, Love, Marriage, and Other Natural Disasters”,
which is the third Sondheim revue that she co-wrote and starred in. It
earned her and fellow co-star (collectively) the 2014 Bill Wheeler award for
Best Supporting Actress in a Small Musical. Other local productions include
Tom Foolery which played at the Vic Theatre and won the Marlowe award
for best ensemble.
ADRIENNE MARTIN-FULLWOOD (Louise in Two Degrees and Tiffany in
Sheltered) was last seen at Aurora Fox Theatre in Who will Sing for Lena
(Lena May Baker), Arvada Center in The Great Gatsby (Mrs McKee & Mrs
Michaels (us) A Raisin in the Sun (Ruth) and Intimate Apparel as
(Esther)(us). The Venue Hairspray (Motor Mouth), Aurora Fox Tell Martha
Not to Moan (Martha) (nominated Best Actress in a Drama), 72nd Avenue
Theatre The Container (Fatima) Curious Theatre Fences (Rose), Shadow
Theatre Flyin West (Sophie) and Four Queens No Trump (Esther).
ILASIEA GRAY (Portia in The Draper’s Eye) is very excited to be a part of
Athena Project this year in The Draper’s Eye. She holds a BFA in Theatre,
Film and Television and enjoys performing in all of these mediums. She
loves working with kids and is currently touring with Kaiser Permanente’s
Theatre Education Program where she gets to perform for kids every day.
In addition to performing she is a children’s theatre director, kids acting
coach and Teaching Artist for DCPA, and a Casting Associate. Acting
credits include: Commercial: Conoco, US Army, Columbia Sportswear.
Theatre: black odyssey (Denver Center Theatre Co.), A Song For Coretta
(Vintage Theatre), Annie (Afterthought Theatre Co.), I Hate Hamlet (CRTC).
This spring you can also catch her in She Kills Monsters at the Aurora Fox.
She’d like to thank her loving family and all of you for being a part of this
CHANEL KARIMKHANI (Emma in We’ll Never Get to Moscow and Chorus #4
in Sheltered) is incredibly honored to be an Athena Project first timer! After
graduating with a BFA in Musical Theatre from the University of the Arts,
Chanel was last seen in Paris, France where she made her European debut
performing in her cabaret, There's Nothing Rougher Than Love. Other
favorite roles include, Kesa/Wife/Actress in See What I Wanna See, Mrs.
Lincoln/Mrs. Roosevelt in First Lady Suite, and Raffaela Ottanio in Grand
Hotel, to name a few. Love and thank you a million times for everything
Mom, Baba, and Chante! Enjoy the show!
PHIL LUNA (Jeffrey, Eric and Malik in Two Degrees) is grateful and proud to be
working with Athena Project and with Christy Montour-Larson. Phil earned his B.A. at
the University of Denver and went on to study acting at the Professional
Conservatory of the Actors' Space in NYC. In addition to private study with Actors'
Studio master teacher Tony Greco in Los Angeles, he has studied with Michael Parker
of the Neighborhood Playhouse, Paula Sperry at DU, Mary Guzzy, Bill Howey, and
Cathy Reinking. Phil is a member of SAG and AFTRA. He served as Artistic Director
for Industrial Arts Theatre and as the director of the Cultural Arts Institute for Su
Teatro. He is in his 25th year as a working actor on stage and in film.
KRISTEN POOLE (Chorus #1 in Sheltered and Penelope in The Draper’s
Eye) is very excited to be working with Athena Project. As a woman,
playwright, and actress herself, she could not think of a better way to use
her time. This is her first show with Athena and she is blessed to be
working with such a great cast and crew. Kristen graduated from the
University of Minnesota with a BA in both Theater and English. Her credits
include Waiting for Godot (Dramaturge and Board Member) with Ripple
Effect Theater Company, Lucy in Dracula at Spark Theater, and recently as
Melissa Gardner is AR Gurney's Love Letters at Spotlight Theater. She
would like to thank her husband, Stuart, for always encouraging her to
follow her dreams.
ARLENE RAPAL (Emma in Two Degrees and Cassie in Sheltered) has spent
much of her stage time at Vintage Theatre, most recently as The Engineer
in Miss Saigon, but also as Hatsue in Snow Falling on Cedars, Camila
Rosario in In the Heights and Christmas Eve in Avenue Q, for which she won
a Colorado Theatre Guild Henry Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress
in a Musical. Arlene has also performed for Theatre Esprit Asia, Arvada
Center, Performance Now, Augustana Arts and Town Hall Arts Center.
During the day, Arlene works in Kaiser Permanente's Educational Theatre
Programs Department.
MATTHEW SCHULTZ (Siegfried in The Draper’s Eye) is an actor, director
and writer who has been performing in Denver for the past 25 years. He
spent the last decade as an Ensemble Member and Creator at The Lida
Project, Denver’s premiere experimental theater company. Notable work
from The Lida Project includes the original productions of Watershed, Add
It Up, Justin Bieber Meets Al Qaeda, Rollerskating with My Cousin, Bingo
Boyz: Columbine, Rain of Terror, Pussy +6 and The Anonymous Mr. W. In
addition to performing locally with Lida, Matthew toured nationally in their
production of The Anonymous Mr. W. Matthew has also appeared for two
seasons in The Night of the Living Dead at the Bug Theater as well as
several short films.
SEAN SCRUTCHINS’ (Aiden in We’ll Never Get to Moscow and Julian in The
Draper’s Eye) acting credits include Caleb in The Whipping Man, Private
Daniel Reeves in 9 Circles (Curious Theatre Company), Lysander in A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, Malcolm in Macbeth (Colorado Shakespeare
Festival) Martin in Seminar (Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company) and Tony
in You Can't Take It With You (Theatreworks). He won the 2012 Henry
Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his work in 9 Circles and the
2014 Henry Award for Best Ensemble for his work in The Whipping Man.
Sean graduated with a BFA from the University of Central Oklahoma and an
MFA from the University of Southern Mississippi.
YASMIN SWEETS (Chorus #3 in Sheltered) is delighted to participate in her
second Athena Project Play In Progress Series. Last year was seen in
Paradise. She is a Denver-based voice, stage, and screen actor and is
honored to join the remarkably talented cast and crew of Sheltered. She
was recently seen in Theatre Espirit Asia's production of One Night of
Thunder at the Spark Theatre. Before that she was in two productions of
Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, at the Paramount Theatre in Vermont
and the Edge Theatre in Denver.
Dev ra Keyes (Rachel The Draper’s Eye) Devra is honored to be a part of
The Plays in Progress Series and to help these exciting works come to life.
Recently she has appeared in The Playground with And Toto, Too and the
Edge’s world premiere of Gifted. Other contemporary credits include The
Laramie Project with Evergreen Players and Hollywood Arms at the Arvada
Center. Her favorite roles include Margy from State Fair, Agnes from I Do, I
Do and Flaemmchen in Grand Hotel.