Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)


Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 197 - Dezember 2006
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web:
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Mit einem Höllentempo nähert sich das
Jahr 2006 seinem Ende. Während wir diese
Zeilen schreiben, sind es gerade noch 13
Tage bis zum Jahresende und nur noch vier
Tage bis zu unseren Betriebsferien. Grund
genug für uns, diesen Newsletter auch mit
einem Höllentempo fertigzustellen, damit
Sie auch über die vielen Festtage ein
bisschen was zu Lesen haben!
Für DVD-Fans wird das Jahr 2006 als der
Beginn des High Definition Zeitalters sicherlich im Gedächtnis bleiben. Frage nur:
in welches System soll man investieren?
Wenn überhaupt. Die Industrie macht es
uns Heimkinofans alles andere als einfach.
Die DVD, so wie wir sie seit weniger als
zehn Jahren kennen, soll so schnell wie
möglich durch etwas deutlich Besseres
abgelöst werden. Dabei nutzen viele der
auf den Markt kommenden DVDs noch
nicht einmal ihr gesamtes Potenzial an
Möglichkeiten aus. Warum also überhaupt
ein neues System? Nun, zum Einen möchten die Hardwarehersteller den Konsumenten am liebsten jedes Jahr ein komplett
neues Heimkinopaket verkaufen. Zum Anderen können es die Filmstudios kaum
erwarten, ihren bestehenden Filmstock ein
weiteres Mal zu vermarkten. Und last but
not least: anspruchsvolle Beamer-Besitzer
sollen endlich einmal Qualität anstelle
Pixel-Brei auf ihren Leinwänden zuhause
erleben. Aber mal ganz ehrlich: letzterer
Grund spielt in unserer konsumorientierten
Welt offensichtlich nur eine ziemlich untergeordnete Rolle. Denn die anspruchsvolle Klientel ist und bleibt leider immer
noch eine Randerscheinung. Die Aussage
aus dem Hause Sony, dass man sich von
Anfang an mit HD-Software auf den
Massenmarkt stürzen wolle, sagt da schon
viel aus. Der Massenmarkt. Das ist jene
gigantische Gruppe von Heimkinofreaks,
die sich von großen Discounterketten mit
”saublödem” Personal einreden lässt, dass
Geiz geil sei. Wir anderen wissen natürlich
schon längst, dass man mit Geiz alles andere als Qualität bekommt. Doch wir zählen eben zu jener oben erwähnten Minderheit, die eigentlich nur lästig ist, wenn es
um die Vermarktung neuer Produkte geht.
Es geht den großen Playern im Geschäft
also darum, möglichst schnell in möglichst
großen Stückzahlen zu verkaufen. Wer
Eins und Eins zusammenzählt, der wird
schnell zu dem Ergebnis kommen, dass auf
diese Art und Weise wie schon so oft geschehen die Qualität (oder besser das
machbare Optimum an Qualität) auf der
Strecke bleiben wird. Wenn die Studios
schon von Anfang an ihr Augenmerk auf
Qualität gelegt hätte, so wären wir anspruchsvollen Heimkinoenthusiasten sicherlich mit der herkömmlichen DVD
mehr als zufrieden. Aber das High Definition Zeitalter lässt sich nun einmal nicht
aufhalten. Die Industrie bombardiert uns
gleich mit drei Konkurrenzsystemen, die
optimales Bild in Full HD versprechen:
HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc und HD VMD. Bei
Letzterem handelt es sich um eine
Multilayer-Disk, die primär eigentlich für
den asiatischen Markt entwickelt wurde,
um Lizenzgebühren zu sparen. Doch interessanterweise springt VCL in Deutschland
auf den HD VMD Zug auf und wird bereits
im Januar erste Titel in dem neuen Format
veröffentlichen, darunter WU JI - DIE
HOLLOW. Jetzt haben wir also mit drei
Systemen zu kämpfen, wenn wir in unseren
heimischen Wänden High Definition erleben wollen! Da ist die Frage vieler unserer
Kunden und Leser durchaus berechtigt: ”In
welches System soll ich denn nun investieren?” Die Entscheidung ist alles andere als
trivial. Glaubt man jüngsten Pressemitteilungen, so sind sogar die sogenannten
”Early Adopters”, also jene Gruppe von
Menschen, die immer die neueste Technik
sofort kaufen, sehr zurückhaltend beim
Einstieg in die HD-Ära. Auch liefern sich
die beiden ”großen” Formate HD DVD und
Blu-ray Disc ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen
was Verfügbarkeit von Hard- und Software
angeht. Wer auf der sicheren Seite sein
möchte und es sich leisten kann, der investiert natürlich in alle drei Systeme. Denn
nicht jeden Film gibt es in allen Formaten.
Kostenbewussten Konsumenten empfehlen
wir nach wie vor abzuwarten. Eine Aufrüstung auf HD macht ja nicht nur einen
(oder mehrere) neue Player notwendig,
sondern auch neue Monitore bzw. Beamer
sowie neue Sound-Decoder. Oder wollen
Sie tatsächlich HD ohne echten HD-Sound
genießen? Wohl kaum. Wer abwarten kann,
der muss sich auch nicht mit den üblichen
Kinderkrankheiten der neuen Gerätegeneration herumärgern, sondern kann von
Anfang an in bis dahin ausgetestete Geräte
investieren. Es ist uns durchaus bewusst,
dass gerade die Spezies ”Heimkinofan” das
mit dem Abwarten nicht so gut drauf hat.
Vor allem dann, wenn der Nachbar bereits
mit Pauken und Trompeten zur High-DefAttacke bläst und man selber noch mit
Standardauflösung Vorlieb nehmen muss.
Aber unter uns: haben Sie schon mal des
Nachbars Heimkino beäugt? Die Erfahrung
zeigt immer wieder, dass eine Großzahl
von Heimkinos mit falsch eingestelltem
Bild und völlig unzureichend ausgepegel-
tem Ton DVDs präsentieren. Vermutlich
können Sie sogar mit Ihrem Low-DefHeimkino Ihren High-Def-Nachbarn begeistern. Also sollten wir alle uns doch einfach ganz relaxed in unserem Heimkinosessel zurücklehnen und die Prunkstücke
unserer DVD-Sammlung in perfekter Qualität bestaunen, während draußen der
Formatkrieg tobt. Der HIGHLANDERSlogan ”Es kann nur Einen geben” lässt
sich sicherlich auch auf die HighDefintion-Formate übertragen. Hier werden Angebot und Nachfrage sowie Marktmacht der einzelnen Konzerne den Konkurrenzkampf entscheiden. Wir kennen das
ja alles aus der guten alten Zeit der Videocassette. Auch damals hatten wir mit drei
Systemen zu kämpfen. Dass seinerzeit das
schlechteste System überlebt hat, ist eine
andere Geschichte. Und da sich die Geschichte ständig wiederholt, wird es beim
High-Def-Krieg wohl sehr ähnlich ablaufen.
Wir bei LASER HOTLINE haben uns
selbst auch das Abwarten aufs Banner geschrieben. Enttäuscht? Sicherlich hat der
Ein oder Andere jetzt gehofft, dass wir
Licht ins Dunkel bringen in Bezug auf die
High Definition Strategie in unserem Hause. Nichtsdestotrotz werden wir selbstverständlich alle High-Definition-Releases in
unserem Sortiment führen und diese auch
in unserem Newsletter publizierten. Eine
Lagerhaltung mit HD-Software jedoch
werden wir erst dann einführen, wenn
deutlich wird, welches System den Markt
erobert. Bis dahin werden High-Def-Titel
nur auf Wunsch besorgt. Für diese Entscheidung bitten wir um Ihr Verständnis.
Eine weitere Frage, die sich angesichts der
HD-Panik stellt, ist die nach der Verfügbarkeit von Standard-DVDs. Es ist wohl
kaum zu befürchten, dass die Industrie die
Produktion Standard-DVDs von heute auf
morgen aus dem Portfolio streichen wird.
Hierfür ist der Markt inzwischen einfach
zu groß. Und das weltweit. Die herkömmliche Silberscheibe wird uns unserer Einschätzung nach noch einige Jahre begleiten, bevor sie dann einem (oder mehreren)
HD-Formaten weichen muss. Aber keine
Bange: die hochauflösenden Player werden
in der Lage sein, auch die Standard-DVDs
abzuspielen. Lassen Sie uns mit diesen
Worten das letzte Editorial des Jahres 2006
abschließen. Bleibt uns nur noch übrig,
allen unseren Kunden, Lesern und Freunden ein frohes Fest, erholsame Feiertage
und einen richtig guten Rutsch ins Neue
Jahr zu wünschen!
Seite 2
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Zum dritten Halloween-Wochenende in Folge
konnte die kompromisslos knochenharte
Folterfranchise um die makaberen Mordspiele
eines durchgeknallten Killergespanns erneut alle
Boxoffice-Konkurrenz absägen.
Die Prämisse ist bekannt und wird mit dem
Prolog, in dem sich der von Donnie Wahlberg in
„SAW II“ dargestellte Cop in Anlehnung an Teil
1 den eigenen angeketteten Fuß amputiert,
effektiv schmerzlich in Erinnerung gerufen. Nach
dem Drehbuch von Leigh Whannell, der für alle
drei Teile seine morbide ausgetüftelte Fantasie
walten ließ, werden jedoch schnell neue Opfer
in den vertrackten Folterbunker des mittlerweile
bettlägerigen Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) und seiner
gelehrigen Schülerin Amanda (Shawnee Smith)
angekarrt. Namentlich die deprimierte Notärztin
Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh aus „Crash“
verbreitet Niveau) und Jeff (Angus McFayden),
der trauernde Vater eines überfahrenen Kindes.
Lynn wird dazu verdonnert (und per explosiver
Halskrause motiviert), Jigsaw am Leben zu
erhalten, während es für Jeff gilt, ein groteskes
Todesspiel zu absolvieren. Seine Aufgabe ist es,
Vergebung zu üben an den Menschen, die mit
seinem Leid über den Tod seines Sohn zu tun
hatten: die nicht erschienene Zeugin (die eisig
dafür büsst), der viel zu milde Richter (ihm
widerfährt „schweinische“ Rache) und
Dezember 2006
schließlich der Unglücksfahrer selbst (dessen
knochenknirschendes Martyrium neue
magenumdrehende Maßstäbe setzt). Von
seinem Erfolg hängt auch Lynns Leben ab,
die sich gezwungen sieht an Jigsaw eine
Notoperation auszuführen, bei der es mit
Nahaufnahme) das Aufbohren, Aufsägen und
Abhebeln der Schädeldecke des mit einem
Gehirntumor geschlagenen kranken Kopfes
zu beobachten gibt. Der wachsende Rapport
zwischen dem bei vollem Bewusstsein
bleibenden Jigsaw und der attraktiven Frau
Doktor facht bei Amanda rasende Eifersucht
an, was schließlich den ausgedehnt
sadistischen Showdown auslöst. An
mehreren bizarren Schlusstwists wird bei
selbstverständlich auch nicht gespart.
Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger „SAW II“ kostet
der wiederkehrende Regisseur Darren Lynn
Bousman die expliziten Gewaltszenen nun
noch mehr aus. Ohne konstanten
Hackmesserschnitt wirkt die Brutalität dadurch
noch verstörender. Der dreckig-ausgeblutete
Look der Aufnahmen selbst blieb hingegen
nahtlos der gleiche wie zuvor, ebenso wie das
klaustrophische Produktionsdesign samt den
innovativen Todesmaschinen. Stärker
ausgeleuchtet wird diesmal der Charakter vom
moralisierenden Hobbyphilosophen Jigsaw, der
seine gräuslichen Taten damit rechtfertigt, dass
er seinen Opfern, die grundsätzlich keine
Unschuldslämmer sind, lediglich beibringen
will, ihre eigenen Sünden zu überwinden und
den Wert ihres Lebens wirklich zu schätzen. Ein
Paradebeispiel ist sein ehemaliges Opfer
Amanda, deren Werdegang mit einigen
Flashbacks angeschnitten wird. Der Schluss
deutet bereits das nächste Sequel an, und
angesichts der enthusiastischen Resonanz des
Genrepublikums wird fraglos auch die nächste
Säge ihren (Studio-)Segen haben. ara.
Quelle: Blickpunkt:Film
SAW 3 - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9 anamorph) oder
Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3) - Rated und Unrated Versionen - Normalpreis:
EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 11.01.2007) Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 23. Januar 2007 - Auch auf Blu-ray Disc
Seite 3
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Sony Pictures 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019964
Foreign Media (company of kids)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020003
Alles klar, Sharon Spitz? - 1. Staffel, Folgen 01-13 (2 DVDs)
Hintergrundinfos, Episodenführer, Videoclip
Komödie/Zeichentrick 2001-2003 FF DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
epiX Media 15.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020083
Captain Harlock Box 2
Uchû Kaizoku Captain Harlock
Dir. Rintaro
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1978
Universum Film (ufa animé) 08.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020076
Cinderella - Wahre Liebe siegt
Cinderella III: A Twist In Time
Dir. Frank Nissen
Spiel; DVD-ROM Part
Oh, wie schön ist Panama
Dir. Martin Otevrel
Making of, Trailer, TV-Spots, Karaokeversion, Bildergeschichte
Zeichentrick 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Warner 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020150
Zeichentrick 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) DD 5.1 (Türk) 70min.
Buena Vista (Disney) 15.03.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020099
4 Film-Box Eastern Collection II
Inuyasha - Guren No Houraijima
Dir. Toshiya Shinohara
Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 94min.
Red Planet 23.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020143
Dir. Bruno Bianchi, Bernard Deyriès
Zeichentrick 1985
nixbu Entertainment 26.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020098
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004
Foreign Media (company of kids)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020004
InuYasha - The Movie 4: Fire on
the Mystic Island
M.A.S.K. Collector’s Box
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Vol. 02
M.I.B. 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020071
4 Film-Box Horror II
Power Rangers - Lightspeed
Rescue Vol.03
Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue L.S.R.
Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2000-2001
Foreign Media (company) 27.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020002
Shadow Skill Vol. 01 - Kämpfe für
die, die Du liebst
M.I.B. 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020072
4 Film-Box Superstars
Bildergalerien, Biografien
M.I.B. 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020073
Shadow Skill - Eigi
Zeichentrick/Action 1998
Universum Film (ufa animé) 29.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020061
SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Der
König des Karate
Spongebob Squarepants
Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 FF DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Holl)
Paramount 22.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019984
Monster House (Limited Edition)
Monster House
Dir. Gil Kenan
Alice Paul - Der Weg ins Licht
Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfos, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Vol. 01
Trickfilm/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) DD 5.1 (Isl)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004
Iron Jawed Angels
Hilary Swank, Frances O’Connor, Julia
Ormond, Anjelica Huston, Molly Parker,
Patrick Dempsey, Laura Fraser, Brooke
Seite 4
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Smith, Vera Farmiga, Lois Smith, Margo
Martindale, Joseph Adams, Adilah Barnes,
Carrie Snodgress, Bob Gunton - Dir. Katja
von Garnier
Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (It) 118min.
Warner 23.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020031
Hachi-Gatsu No Kyôshikyoku
Sachiko Murase, Richard Gere, Hisashi
Igawa, Narumi Kayashima, Tomoko
Ohtakara - Dir. Akira Kurosawa
Drama 1991 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019968
Alles was zählt - Box 2 (3 DVDs)
Antikiller (k.J.)
Tanja Szewczenko, Thorsten Grasshoff,
Christiane Klimt, Tatjana Clasing, SilvanPierre Leirich, Julia Augustin, André Emanuel Kaminski, Stephen Dürr, Dennis
Grabosch, Jan Niklas Berg, Regine Seidler,
Daniel Aichinger, Ulrike Röseberg, Susanne
Schlenzig, Armin Dallapiccola, Natalie
Thiede, Andreas Seyferth - Dir. Klaus
Witting, Heinz Dietz
Drama 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Universum Film (RTL) 15.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020074
Jurj „Goscha“ Kutsenko, Viktor Suchorukow,
Jewgeni Sidikhin, Sergei Weksler, Victoria
Tolstoganowa - Dir. Jegor Konchalovsky
Almost Normal
Almost Normal
J. Andrew Keitch, Tim Hammer, Joan
Lauckner, Adam Jefferis, Steve Balsarini,
Marc Moody - Dir. Marc Moody
Komödie/Drama 2005
Salzgeber 26.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020142
starmedia 26.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020063
Original Kinotrailer
Action/Kriminalfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 2.0 (Russ)
MIG Filmgroup 15.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020085
Der arme Verschwender
Mein Vater, meine Frau und meine Geliebte
Florian Stetter, Gerti Drassl, Erika
Maroszan, Friedrich von Thun - Dir. Michael
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Ascot Elite 07.12.2006
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020028
American Yakuza
American Yakuza
Viggo Mortensen, Ryo Ishibashi, Michael
Nouri, Robert Forster - Dir. Frank Cappello
Thriller/Action 1993 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019967
Baywatch - Die komplette 6. Staffel (6 DVDs)
David Hasselhoff
Drama/Action 1989-2001
Kinowelt 02.02.2007
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020057
Beautiful Joe
Beautiful Joe
Billy Connolly, Frank C. Turner, Ben
Derrick, Barbara Tyson, Sir Ian Holm, Kwesi
Ameyaw, Gil Bellows, Dillon Moen, Ken
Shimizu, Jurnee Smollett - Dir. Stephen
Komödie/Drama 2000 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019970
Bengelchen liebt kreuz und quer
(FSK 18)
Jamel Debbouze, Rie Rasmussen, Gilbert
Melki, Serge Riaboukine - Dir. Luc Besson
Making of, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie
Drama/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (F)
Universum Film (UFA) 05.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020106
Angst (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Erwin Leder, Rudolf Götz, Silvia Rabenreither, Edith Rosset - Dir. Gerald Kargl
Interviews, Intro, Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Biografien, Kurzfilm, Presseheft
Thriller/Drama 1983 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
epiX Media 15.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020084
Another Summer - 45 Jahre nach
Attack Force (k.J.)
Harald Leipnitz, Sybille Maar, Renate Roland, Isolde Barth, Marianne Wischmann Dir. Marran Gosov
Komödie 1968 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020086
Attack Force
Steven Seagal, David Kennedy, Adam
Croasdell, Mark Dymond, Matthew
Chambers, Ileana Lazariuc - Dir. Michael
Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Sony Pictures 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019989
Bad Boys Never Die
David Arquette, Salma Hayek, Jason Wiles
- Dir. Robert Rodriguez
Action 1994 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019969
Basic Immoderate - Chronische
Maßlosigkeit (k.J.)
Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von
Kant (Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Irm Hermann, Margit Carstensen, Hanna
Seite 5
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Schygulla, Eva Mattes, Katrin Schaake,
Gisela Fackeldey - Dir. Rainer Werner
Drama/Melodram 1972
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 02.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020058
Blackout Journey
Arno Frisch, Marek Harloff, Mavie Hörbiger,
Traude Furthner, Fabian Gaugler, Lasse
Harloff, Franz Höller, Susanne Kubelka,
Proschat Madani, Bernhard Majcen, Antoine
Monot jr., Simon Newby, Reinhard Reiner,
Marion Rottenhofer, Reinhard Simonischek,
Thomas Spencer, Peter Strauss, Bernd
Tauber, Georg Veitl - Dir. Siegfried Kamml
Trailer, Making of
Drama 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D)
Ascot Elite 05.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020000
Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde beim
Wanderzirkus / Fünf Freunde machen eine Entdeckung
Enid Blyton’s Famous Five
Jemima Rooper, Marco Williamson, Paul
Child, Laura Petela, Christopher Good,
Mary Waterhouse, Elsie Kelly, Robert
Crombie - Dir. Tim Leandro, Tim Dowd,
John Gorrie, Michael Kerrigan, Tony Kysh,
Andrew Morgan
Kinderfilm 1995 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.01.2007
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020069
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020019
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020005
Buster - Ein Gauner mit Herz
Phil Collins, Julie Walters, Larry Lamb,
Stephanie Lawrence, Anthony Quayle,
Ralph Brown, Sheila Hancock, Ellen
Beaven - Dir. David Green
Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019971
Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde verfolgen die Strandräuber
Enid Blyton’s Famous Five
Jemima Rooper, Marco Williamson, Paul
Child, Laura Petela, Christopher Good,
Mary Waterhouse, Elsie Kelly, Robert
Crombie - Dir. Tim Leandro, Tim Dowd,
John Gorrie, Michael Kerrigan, Tony Kysh,
Andrew Morgan
Kinderfilm 1995 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.01.2007
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020070
Born to Fight - Sie kämpfen um
zu überleben (Cine Magic Asia)
Kerd Ma Lui
Noppol Gomarachun, Suntisuk Phromsiri,
Dan Chupong, Piyapong Piw-on, Somluck
Khamsing, Amornthep Waewsang, Suebsak
Pansueb, Kesarin Ekatawatkul, Nantaway
Wongwanichislip - Dir. Panna Rittikrai
Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien, Behind the Scenes
Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 EX (Thai) 92min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
Bye Bye Love
Bye Bye Love
Matthew Modine, Randy Quaid, Paul Reiser,
Janeane Garofalo, Rob Reiner, Amy
Brenneman, Eliza Dushku, Ed Flanders,
Maria Pitillo, Lindsay Crouse, Ross
Malinger, Johnny Whitworth - Dir. Sam
Original Kinotrailer
Komödie 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 4.0
(E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 102min.
Fox 05.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020107
The Call 2 (Einzel-DVD) (Cine
Magic Asia)
Chakushin Ari 2
Mimura, Yu Yoshizawa, Asaka Seto, Renji
Ishibashi, Peter Ho, Haruko Wanibuchi Dir. Renpei Tsukamoto
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (Jap) 101min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 18.01.2007
The Call 2 (Special Edition, 2
DVDs) (Cine Magic Asia)
Chakushin Ari 2
Mimura, Yu Yoshizawa, Asaka Seto, Renji
Ishibashi, Peter Ho, Haruko Wanibuchi Dir. Renpei Tsukamoto
Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilm, Teaser, TV-Spots,
Musikvideo, Bildergalerie
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (Jap) 101min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020006
Seite 6
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
The Calling
The Calling
Laura Harris, Richard Lintern, Francis
Magee, Alex Roe-Brown, John Standing,
Alice Krige, Peter Waddington, Nick
Brimble, Rachel Shelley, Camilla Power,
Veronica Roberts, Anthony Karrick, Laura
Cox, Detlef Bothe - Dir. Richard Caesar
Horror/Thriller 2000 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019972
Charmed - Die komplette achte
Season, Volume 1 (3 DVDs)
Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs,
Alyssa Milano
Fantasy/Komödie 1998-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) 489min.
Paramount 01.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019994
Charmed - Die komplette achte
Season, Volume 2 (3 DVDs)
Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Sony Pictures 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019990
The Crow - Wicked Prayer
The Crow: Wicked Prayer
Edward Furlong, David Boreanaz, Tara
Reid, Dennis Hopper, Emmanuelle Chriqui,
Danny Trejo, Marcus Chong, Tito Ortiz,
David Ortiz - Dir. Lance Mungia
Action/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
EuroVideo 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020087
Dead Man Walking
Dead Man Walking
Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Robert
Prosky, Raymond J. Barry, R. Lee Ermey,
Celia Weston, Lois Smith, Scott Wilson,
Roberta Maxwell - Dir. Tim Robbins
Drama 1995
Universal Pictures (Universal) 01.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020110
Dances With Wolves
Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, Graham
Greene, Rodney A. Grant, Floyd Westerman, Tantoo Cardinal, Robert Pastorelli,
Charles Rocket - Dir. Kevin Costner
Western 1990
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020049
Desperate Measures
Desperate Measures
Michael Keaton, Andy Garcia, Brian Cox,
Marcia Gay Harden, Erik King, Efrain
Figueroa, Joseph Cross, Janel Maloney,
Richard Riehle - Dir. Barbet Schroeder
Thriller/Drama 1997 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019973
Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs,
Alyssa Milano
Fantasy/Komödie 1998-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 1.0 (Sp) 406min.
Paramount 01.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019995
City of Men (Collector’s Edition, 4
Cidade Dos Homens
Darlan Cunha, Douglas Silva, Jonathan
Haagensen, Phelipe Haagensen, Alexandre
Rodrigues, Daniel Zettel - Dir. Fernando
Meirelles, Katia Lund, Paulo Lins
Dokumentation „Favela Rising“
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2003 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Portu) 434min.
Ascot Elite 21.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020114
Columbo - Die komplette vierte
Staffel (3 DVDs)
Dempsey & Makepeace - Staffel 1
(3 DVDs)
Dempsey & Makepeace
Michael Brandon, Glynis Barber
Kriminalfilm/Drama 1985-1986 FF DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E)
Koch Media 12.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020111
Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino,
Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert,
John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John
Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley
Universal Pictures (Universal) 22.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020102
Der Dieb
Wladimir Maschkow, Ekaterina Rednikowa,
Mischa Filiptschuk, Amalia Mordwinowa,
Lidiya Sawtschenko - Dir. Pawel Tschuchrai
Drama 1997
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 16.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020050
Dillinger & Capone
Dillinger And Capone
Martin Sheen, F. Murray Abraham, Stephen
Davies, Catherine Hicks, Don Stroud - Dir.
Jon Purdy
Drama/Kriminalfilm 1995 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD
5.1 (E)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019974
Doppelter Einsatz - Best of (2
Kriminalfilm 1994-1997 DD 2.0 (D)
Universum Film (RTL) 08.01.2007
28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020077
Connors’ War
Connors’ War
Ed Anders, Anthony „Treach“ Criss, Sage
Brocklebank, Warren Derosa, Claude
Knowlton, Nia Peeples - Dir. Nick Castle
Der mit dem Wolf tanzt
(Director’s Cut, 2 DVDs)
Doppelter Einsatz - Staffel 1 (2
Kriminalfilm 1994-1997
DD 2.0 (D)
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Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Universum Film (RTL) 08.01.2007
28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020078
Duell der Meister
By The Sword
F. Murray Abraham, Eric Roberts, Mia Sara,
Christopher Rydell, Elaine Kagan, Brett
Cullen - Dir. Jeremy Kagan
Drama/Action 1991 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019975
Dumm und Dümmer - Unzensiert
(Extended Cut)
Dumb And Dumber
Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Teri
Garr, Karen Duffy, Mike Starr, Charles
Rocket, Victoria Rowell, Cam Neely, Felton
Perry - Dir. Peter Farrelly
Kapiteleinteilung, Trailer, Photogallerie, Filmographien,
Komödie 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1
Warner 23.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020032
Engelchen macht weiter - hoppe,
hoppe Reiter
Mario Adorf, Gila von Weitershausen, Uli
Koch, Christof Wackernagel, Dieter Augustin, Gert Wiedenhofen, Ilse Pagé, Elisabeth Volkmann - Dir. Dr. Michael Verhoeven
Komödie 1968 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020088
Engelchen oder Die Jungfrau von
Bamberg (FSK 18)
Gila von Weitershausen, Uli Koch, Dieter
Augustin, Hans Clarin, Christof Wackernagel, Rita Buser, Michael Luther, Veronika
Mehringer - Dir. Marran Gosov
Komödie 1968 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020089
Deschanel, Glenne Headly, Famke
Janssen, Piper Laurie, Kelly Preston, Ray
Romano, Rip Torn, Debra Winger, Curtis
Garcia, Keith Garcia, Rene Auberjonois Dir. Michael Clancy
Originaltrailer, Audiokommentare, Clips, Interviews,
Behind the Scenes
Komödie/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020020
Feuchte Tropenträume
WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 23.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020147
Five Rooms
Five Rooms
WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 23.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020148
Gangster High (k.J.)
Jang Hie-jin, Jeong Kyeong-ho, Jo Jinwoong, Kim Hye-sung, Lee Haeng-seok,
Lee Tae-seong - Dir. Park Ki-hyeong
Action/Kriminalfilm 2006
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020033
Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Musikclips, TV-Spots,
Kriegsfilm/Drama 1993-2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 1.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 454min.
Warner 23.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020034
Großstadtrevier - 11. Staffel (4
Peter Neusser, Edgar Hoppe, Jan Fedder,
Andrea Lüdke, Horst Michael Neutze, Peter
Heinrich Brix, Till Demtrøder, Maria
Ketikidou, Dorothea Schenck
Kriminalfilm/Drama 1986-2006 FF DD 1.0
Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020132
Die größte Schau der Welt
The Greatest Show On Earth
Betty Hutton, Cornel Wilde, Dorothy
Lamour, James Stewart, Charlton Heston Dir. Cecil B. DeMille
Drama 1952 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E)
Paramount 01.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019996
Der Geist von Mae Nak (HD DVD)
Ghost Of Mae Nak
Pataratida Pacharawirapong, Siwat
Chotchaicharin, Porntip Papanai, Jaran
Ngamdee, Meesak Nakarat - Dir. Mark
Horror 2005
nixbu Entertainment 26.01.2007
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020097
Sharon Stone, Jean-Luke Figueroa, Jeremy
Northam, Cathy Moriarty, George C. Scott,
Mike Starr, Barry McEvoy, Don Billett, Jerry
Dean, Tony DiBenedetto, Ian Atlas, Bonnie
Bedelia - Dir. Sidney Lumet
Thriller/Drama 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019976
Heiraten ist Glückssache
Thank God He Met Lizzie
Richard Roxburgh, Cate Blanchett, Frances
O’Connor, Linden Wilkinson, John Gaden,
Genevieve Mooy, Michael Ross, Rhett Walton, Jeanette Cronin, Celia Ireland,
Deborah Kennedy, Jacek Koman, Heather
Mitchell, Mark Owen-Taylor, Toni Moran,
Helen Thomson, Jane Turner, Jonathan
Biggins, Mary Acres, Adrian Barnes, Wadih
Dona, Arthur Angel - Dir. Cherie Nowlan
Komödie 1997
Kinowelt 02.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020059
Heißer Verdacht
Eulogy - Letzte Worte
Hank Azaria, Jesse Bradford, Zooey
Gods and Generals / Gettysburg
(2 DVDs im Steelcase)
Gods and Generals / Gettysburg
Prime Suspect
Helen Mirren, Tom Bell, John Benfield, John
Bowe, Zoë Wanamaker, Bryan Pringle, Tom
Wilkinson, John Forgeham, Gary Whelan,
Jack Ellis, Craig Fairbrass, Ian Fitzgibbon,
Mossie Smith, Philip Wright, Andrew
Tiernan - Dir. Christopher Menaul
Seite 8
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Kriminalfilm/Drama 1991 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E)
Koch Media 12.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020112
WVG Medien (Beate Uhse TV) 23.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020149
AL!VE (Alamode) 23.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020141
Die Herrschaft des Schwertes
(Shaw Brothers Classics)
Liu Xing Hu Die Jian
Fei Ai, Kwok Kuen Chan, Shen Chan, HongYip Cheng - Dir. Chor Yuen
Eastern/Action 1976 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Manda)
M.I.B. 30.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020151
Im Zeichen des Drachen (2 DVDs)
Heißer Verdacht 2 - Operation Nadine
Prime Suspect 2
Helen Mirren, Colin Salmon, John Benfield,
Jack Ellis, Craig Fairbrass, Richard Hawley,
Philip Wright, Ian Fitzgibbon, Andrew
Tiernan, Stafford Gordon, Lloyd McGuire,
Stephen Boxer, Nirjay Mahindru, Claire
Benedict, George Harris - Dir. John Strickland
Kriminalfilm/Drama 1992
Koch Media 12.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020113
La Moglie Cinese
Pietro Sermonti, Hans-Werner Meyer, Amy
Chow, Kasia Smutniak, Rebecca Stella,
Daniele Savoca, Karl Heinz Hackl, Carmine
Recano, Ankie Beilke, Jonas Laux, Hary
Prinz, Reinaldo Wong, Al Yamanouchi,
Fabio Sartor, Ottavia Piccolo, Sergio Albelli,
Toni Bertorelli, Salvatore Lazzaro, Alexander Cvetkovic, Guang Wen Li, Yordanka
Kuzmanova, Jacelyn Perry, Valentina
Lodovini, Lukas Niko - Dir. Antonello Luigi
In the Mix
In The Mix
Usher, Chazz Palminteri, Emmanuelle
Chriqui, Anthony Fazio, Matt Gerald, Robert
Davi, Kevin Hart, Robert Costanzo, K.D.
Aubert, Erin Cardillo, Jennifer Echols, Robert Gallo, Page Kennedy, Kristen Renton,
Geoff Stults, Misti Traya, Lana Underwood,
Elise Cameron - Dir. Ron Underwood
Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Fox 19.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020104
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (It)
Koch Media 12.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020152
The Invisible Man - Season 1.2,
Episode 12-24 (4 DVDs)
In aller Freundschaft - Die komplette 2. Staffel (10 DVDs)
Hell’s Resident (The Horror
Anthology 6)
Películas Para No Dormir: Para Entrar A
Macarena Gómez, Adrià Collado, Nuria
González, Ruth Díaz, Roberto Romero,
David Saldaña - Dir. Jaume Balagueró
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (Sp) 66min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020021
Dieter Bellmann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig,
Thomas Rühmann, Holger Daemgen
Drama 1999
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020051
In den Süden
Vers Le Sud
Charlotte Rampling, Karen Young, Louise
Portal, Ménothy Cesar, Lys Ambroise,
Jackenson Pierre Olmo Diaz - Dir. Laurent
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
The Invisible Man
Joel Bissonnette, Spencer Garrett, Vincent
Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor, Eddie Jones,
Shannon Kenny, Michael McCafferty, Alex
Wexo, Idalis DeLeon, David Burke, Jeremy
Roberts, Joseph Kell, Armin Shimerman,
Daniel Roebuck, Zoe McLellan - Dir. Carlton
Prickett, Breck Eisner
Science Fiction/Thriller 2000-2002 FF DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 18.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020007
Jagd auf den BTK Killer
The Hunt For The BTK Killer
Robert Forster, Joey Campbell, Gregg Hen
Seite 9
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Sony Pictures 06.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019991
Kissing a Fool - Zwei Männer,
eine Frau und eine Hochzeit
Kissing A Fool
David Schwimmer, Jason Lee, Mili Avital,
Bonnie Hunt, Vanessa Angel, Kari Wuhrer,
Frank Medrano, Bitty Schram, Judy Greer Dir. Doug Ellin
Biografien, Produktionsnotizen, Trailer
Komödie 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 95min.
Kurt Media 15.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020090
Klaus Kinski Classic Edition (3
Il Dito Nella Piaga / Star Knight / Lifespan
Klaus Kinski - Dir. Tonino Ricci, Fernando
Drama 1968-1985 FF DD 2.0 (D)
MIG Filmgroup 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020091
ry, Maury Chaykin, Michael Fox, Ross Fox Dir. Stephen Kay
Thriller/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp) 84min.
Sony Pictures 20.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019985
Die kleine Meerjungfrau
Jede Sekunde zählt - The
The Guardian
Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher, Melissa
Sagemiller, Bonnie Bramlett, Clancy Brown,
Sela Ward, Neal McDonough, John Heard,
Joe Arquette, Brian Geraghty, Dule Hill,
Shelby Fenner - Dir. Andrew Davis
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (Türk) DD 2.0 (Tschech) 132min.
Buena Vista 01.03.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020101
Just Friends - 2 ungleiche Freunde
Mala Morska Vila
Miroslava Safránková, Radovan Lukavsky,
Marie Rosulková, Petr Svojtka, Milena
Dvorska - Dir. Karel Kachyna
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1975 FF DD
1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020092
Je Préfère Qu’On Reste Amis
Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Paul Rouve, Tilly
Mandelbrot, Lionel Abelanski, Annie
Girardot, Isabelle Renauld, Yves Jacques,
Élisabeth Vitali, Xavier de Guillebon,
Valérie Benguigui, Cassandra Harrouche Dir. Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache
Originaltrailer, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien
Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020022
Kaspar Hauser
André Eisermann, Jeremy Clyde, Udo
Samel, Hermann Beyer, Cécile Paoli, Katharina Thalbach, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Johannes Silberschneider, Hansa Czypionka,
Dieter Laser, Peter Lohmeyer, Valerie Vail,
Tilo Nest, Dieter Mann, Anja Schiller, Gerd
Lohmeyer, Franz Baumgartner, Oldrich
Vlach, Jiri Schmitzer, Jan Kehár, Barbora
Lukesova, Václav Mares, Dana Bartúnková,
Katerina Brozova, Alice Dvorakova, Karel
Hábl, Karel Hlusicka, Lubomir Kostelka, Jirí
Lír, Svatopluk Matyás - Dir. Peter Sehr
Drama 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019977
Der junge Löwe (Special Edition)
Die kaukasische Nacht
Young Winston
Simon Ward, Robert Shaw, Anne Bancroft,
Sir John Mills, Jack Hawkins, Sir Anthony
Hopkins, Peter Cellier, Ronald Hines, Dino
Shafeek, Sir Ian Holm - Dir. Lord Richard
Winfried Glatzeder, Elgudscha Burduli,
Verena Plangger, Robert Schielicke, Natalia
Gaitner, David Iaschwili - Dir. Gordian
Drama/Komödie 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus (Black Hill Pictures) 23.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019963
Abenteuer 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD
1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) 147min.
Klick (Blu-ray)
Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale, Christopher Walken, Henry Winkler, David
Hasselhoff, Julie Kavner, Sean Astin - Dir.
Frank Coraci
Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Dokumentationen
Komödie/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
PCM 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 107min.
Sony Pictures 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019986
Kondom des Grauens
Udo Samel, Peter Lohmeyer, Marc Richter,
Leonard Lansink, Iris Berben, Henning
Schlüter, Ron Williams, Ralf Wolter, GeorgMartin Bode, Adriana Altaras, Evelyn
Künneke, Gerd Wameling, Meret Becker,
Otto Sander, Monika Hansen, Hella von
Sinnen - Dir. Martin Walz
Komödie 1995-1996 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019978
The Korean Job
Han Cheng Gong Lue
Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Richie Ren, Qi Shu,
James Kim, Jeong Jin, Momo Tian, Saki
Seto, Hanna Jo - Dir. Jingle Ma
Action/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Seite 10
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
DD 5.1 (kanton)
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020118
Krrish (2 DVDs)
Rekha, Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra,
Sharat Saxena, Puneet Issar, Hemant
Pandey - Dir. Rakesh Roshan
Action/Abenteuer 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
EX (D) DD 5.1 EX (Hindi) DD 2.0 (D)
Rapid Eye Movies 21.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020037
Lady Snowblood 2 - Love Song of
Vengeance (OmU) (k.J.)
Shurayukihime: Urami Renga
Meiko Kaji, Yoshio Harada, Kazuko
Yoshiyuki, Shin Kishida, Juzo Itami - Dir.
Toshiya Fujita
Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Action/Eastern 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (Jap)
Rapid Eye Movies 21.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020038
Charlotte Rampling, Charlotte Gainsbourg,
André Dussollier, Laurent Lucas, Michel
Cassagne, Jacques Bonnaffé, Veronique
Affholder - Dir. Dominik Moll
Making of, Outtakes
Seymour Cassel, Kevin Corrigan, Jack
Rovello, Mark Boone jr. - Dir. Steve
Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interviews, Original
Kinotrailer, Biografien
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
AL!VE (Alamode) 09.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020105
Drama/Komödie 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
starmedia 12.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020075
Der letzte Tycoon
Love Box 1 (3 DVDs)
The Last Tycoon
Robert De Niro, Tony Curtis, Jeanne
Moreau, Robert Mitchum, Jack Nicholson,
Donald Pleasence, Ray Milland, Dana
Andrews, Ingrid Boulting, Peter Strauss,
Theresa Russell, Tige Andrews, Morgan
Farley, John Carradine, Jeff Corey, Diane
Shalet, Seymour Cassel, Anjelica Huston,
Bonnie Bartlett, Eric Christmas, Peggy
Feury - Dir. Elia Kazan
Action 1975
Paramount 01.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019997
Before Sunrise / Before Sunset / Something
To Talk About
Komödie 1995 / 1995 / 2003
Warner 02.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020041
Love Box 2 (3 DVDs)
Must Love Dogs / Monster-In-Law / Rumor
Has It
Komödie 2005 / 2005 / 2005
Warner 02.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020042
Love Box 3 (3 DVDs)
The Bridges Of Madison County / Un Long
Dimanche De Fiançailles / Sommersby
Drama 1993 / 1995 / 2004 /
Warner 02.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020043
Love Box 4 (3 DVDs)
Two Weeks Notice / Addicted to Love /
Something’s Gotta Give
Komödie 1997 / 2002 / 2003
Warner 02.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020044
Love Box 5 (3 DVDs)
The Story Of Us / City Of Angels / The
Komödie 1992 / 1998 / 1999 /
Warner 02.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020045
Little Man
Das Leben ist ein Chanson
On Connaît La Chanson
Pierre Arditi, Sabine Azéma, Jean-Pierre
Bacri, André Dussollier, Agnès Jaoui, Lambert Wilson, Jane Birkin, Jean-Paul
Roussillon - Dir. Alain Resnais
Drama 1997
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 16.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020052
Little Man
Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans, Kerry Washington, John Witherspoon, Tracy Morgan,
Lochlyn Munro, Chazz Palminteri, Molly
Shannon, Gary Owen - Dir. Keenen Ivory
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene &
erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer
M*A*S*H - Die komplette Season
11 (3 DVDs)
M*A*S*H - Goodbye, Farewell And Amen
Alan Alda, Mike Farrell, Harry Morgan, David Ogden Stiers, Loretta Swit, Jamie Farr Dir. Alan Alda
Kriegsfilm/Komödie 1972-1983 FF DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E)
Fox 05.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020145
Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Sony Pictures 20.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019987
Die Legende von Pinocchio
The Adventures Of Pinocchio
Martin Landau, Geneviève Bujold, Udo Kier,
Bebe Neuwirth, Rob Schneider, Corey
Carrier, Marcello Magni, Dawn French, Richard Claxton, Griff Rhys Jones, John
Sessions - Dir. Steve Barron
Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1996 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019979
Lonesome Jim
Lonesome Jim
Casey Affleck, Liv Tyler, Mary Kay Place,
Ein Mann zu jeder Jahreszeit
(Deluxe Edition)
A Man For All Seasons
Seite 11
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Paul Scofield, Wendy Hiller, Susannah
York, Orson Welles, Leo McKern, Robert
Shaw, Nigel Davenport, John Hurt, Corin
Redgrave, Colin Blakely - Dir. Fred Zinnemann
Hooper, Larry Cohen
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020125
Historienfilm/Drama 1966 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F)
Sony Pictures 03.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019993
Stacy Grant, Leah Graham, Norman
Reedus, Udo Kier, Gary Hetherington, Chris
Britton, Zara Taylor, Christopher Gauthier,
Douglas Arthurs, Colin Foo, Gwynyth Walsh
- Dir. Mick Garris, John Carpenter
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020122
Masters of Horror: Dario Argento
/ John Landis - Jenifer / Deer
Woman (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Jenifer / Deer Woman
Steven Weber, Carrie Anne Fleming,
Brenda James, Harris Allan, Beau Starr,
Laurie Brunetti, Brian Benben, Anthony
Griffith, Cinthia Moura, Sonja Bennett, Julian Christopher, Don Thompson, Alex
Zahara - Dir. Dario Argento, John Landis
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020119
Masters of Horror: Stuart Gordon
/ Joe Dante - Dreams in the Witch
House / Homecoming (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Dreams In The Witch
House / Homecoming
Ezra Godden, Jay Brazeau, Campbell Lane,
Chelah Horsdal, Jon Tenney, Thea Gill,
Robert Picardo, Wanda Cannon, Terry David Mulligan - Dir. Stuart Gordon, Joe Dante
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020123
Mini-Max oder: Die unglaublichen
Abenteuer des Maxwell Smart Zweite Staffel (6 DVDs)
Get Smart
Don Adams, Barbara Feldon
Komödie 1965-1970
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020053
Masters of Horror: Don Coscarelli
- Incident On and Off a Mountain
Road (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Incident On And Off A
Mountain Road
Bree Turner, Angus Scrimm, John
DeSantis, Ethan Embry - Dir. Don
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020120
Masters of Horror: Lucky McKee /
John McNaughton - Sick Girl /
Haeckel’s Tale (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Sick Girl / Haeckel’s
Angela Bettis, Jessica Hlubik, Erin Brown,
Michael McKee, Chandra Berg, Marcia
Bennett, Derek Cecil - Dir. Lucky McKee,
John McNaughton
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020121
Masters of Horror: Mick Garris /
John Carpenter - Chocolate /
Cigarette Burns (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Chocolate / Cigarette
Henry Thomas, Lucie Laurier, Matt Frewer,
Masters of Horror: Takashi Miike /
William Malone - Imprint / Fair
Haired Child (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Imprint / Fair Haired
Walter Phelan, Jesse Hadock, Lori Petty,
Haley Morrison, Ian Wallace, Lindsay
Pulsipher, William Samples - Dir. Takashi
Miike, William Malone
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020124
Masters of Horror: Tobe Hooper /
Larry Cohen - Dance of the Dead /
Pick Me Up (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror: Dance Of The Dead /
Pick Me Up
Jonathan Tucker, Jessica Lowndes, Robert
Englund, Ryan McDonald, Marilyn Norry,
Lucie Guest, Fairuza Balk - Dir. Tobe
The Mission (Arthaus Premium, 2
The Mission
Robert De Niro, Jeremy Irons, Ray
McAnally, Liam Neeson, Aidan Quinn,
Ronald Pickup, Charles Low, Cherie Lunghi
- Dir. Roland Joffé
Abenteuer/Drama 1986
Kinowelt (Arthaus Premium) 16.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020080
Seite 12
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Models, Sex und Intrigen (k.J.)
starmedia 26.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020064
van der Woude, Yudii Mercredi, Michelle
Gomez, Kwame Kwei Armah, Stephen Jenn,
Rosalind Knight, Jimmy Gardner, Jessica
James - Dir. Giovanni Veronesi
Western 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
M.I.B. 25.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020067
Pell James, Steven Strait, Kip Pardue,
Carrie Fisher, Ashlee Simpson, Shannyn
Sossamon, Stephen Moyer, Fisher Stevens,
Perrey Reeves, Peter Weller - Dir. Meiert
Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Musikvideos,
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Drama/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Kinowelt 09.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020117
Mozart und der Wal
Mozart And The Whale
Josh Hartnett, Radha Mitchell, Gary Cole,
Allen Evangelista, Sheila Kelley, Erica
Leerhsen, John Carroll Lynch, Nate
Mooney, Rusty Schwimmer, Robert Wisdom
- Dir. Petter Næss
Making of, Trailer, Interviews, Behind the Scenes
Drama/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 18.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020008
Muggers - Auf Herz und Nieren
(FSK 18)
Matt Day, Jason Barry, Petra Yared, Marshall Napier, Caroline Gillmer, Simon
Haywood, Rod Mullinar, Robert Menzies,
Nicola Charles, Pip Mushin, Anthony
Morgan, Rob Carlton - Dir. Dean Murphy
Komödie 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019980
The Nun
My Wife is a Gangster 2
Jopok Manura 2: Dolaon Jeonseol
Shin Eun-Kyung, Park Jun-gyu, Jang Saejin, Lee Weon-jong, Ju Hyeon, Jo Miryeong, Choe Eun-ju, Shim Weon-cheol,
Ryu Hyeon-gyeong, Zhang Ziyi - Dir. Jeong
Action/Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 105min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020023
New World Disorder (FSK 18)
New World Disorder
Rutger Hauer, Tara Fitzgerald, Andrew
McCarthy - Dir. Richard Spence
Action 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019981
La Monja
Anita Briem, Belén Blanco, Cristina Piaget,
Oriana Bonet, Teté Delgado, Natalia
Dicenta - Dir. Luis de la Madrid
Making of, Originaltrailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Spots
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020024
Ocean Tribe - Die letzte Welle
Ocean Tribe
Gregg Rainwater, Robert Caso, Troy Fazio,
Mark Matheisen, Vaughn Roberts, Brian
Brophy, Natasha Ivanova, Beth Bates - Dir.
Will Geiger
Komödie/Drama 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus (Black Hill Pictures) 23.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019965
Oktoberfest - da kann man fest
Ulrike Butz, Josef Moosholzer, Dorothea
Rau, Alena Penz, Monica Marc - Dir. Christian Kessler
Erotik 1973
Zyx 08.09.2006
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20018294
Open Your Eyes - Virtual
My West
Il Mio West
Leonardo Pieraccioni, Harvey Keitel, David
Bowie, Sandrine Holt, Alessia Marcuzzi, Jim
Newcomer - Tausche Ruhm gegen Liebe
Abre Los Ojos
Eduardo Noriega, Penélope Cruz, Chete
Lera, Fele Martinez, Najwa Nimri, Gérard
Barray, Miguel Palenzuela, Pedro Miguel
Martínez, Jorge de Juan, Ion Gabella,
Tristán Ulloa - Dir. Alejandro Amenábar
Seite 13
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Thriller 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020011
Das Phantom
O Fantasma
Ricardo Meneses, Beatriz Torcato, Andre
Barbosa, Eurico Vieira - Dir. Joao Pedro
Drama 2000
Salzgeber 27.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020140
Prinz Eisenherz
Prince Valiant
Stephen Moyer, Katherine Heigl, Thomas
Kretschmann, Udo Kier, Edward Fox, Ron
Perlman, Warwick Davis, Joanna Lumley,
Benjamin Pullen, Anthony Hickox, Zachary
Galligan, Jodie Kidd, Marcus Schenkenberg, Catherine Hiegel - Dir. Anthony
Abenteuer/Komödie 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020012
Die Profis - Staffel vier (4 DVDs)
The Professionals
Lewis Collins - Dir. Dennis Abey, James
Action/Kriminalfilm 1977-1983 FF DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E)
Universal Pictures (Universal) 22.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020103
Re-Cycle (Limited Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Gwai Wik
Ekin Cheng, Angelica Lee, Rain Li - Dir.
Oxide Pang, Danny Pang
Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interview, Präsentation,
Fantasy/Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Kanton)
Splendid 23.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020126
Reds (Special Collector’s Edition)
Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton, Edward Herrmann, Jerzy Kosinski, Jack Nicholson, Paul
Sorvino, Maureen Stapleton, Nicolas
Coster, M. Emmet Walsh, Bessie Love, Ian
Wolfe, Gene Hackman - Dir. Warren Beatty
Trailer, Featurettes
Drama 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 195min.
Paramount 01.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019998
Reine Formsache
Marc Hosemann, Christiane Paul, Bastian
Pastewka, Floriane Daniel, Oliver Korittke,
Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Idil Üner, Robert
Schupp, Michael Gwisdek - Dir. Ralf
Making of, Kinotrailer, Bio- und Filmografien
Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Senator 12.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020001
David, Joe Spinell, Jimmy Gambina - Dir.
John G. Avildsen
Making of, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer, TV-Spots
Action 1976 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Fox (MGM/UA) 05.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020108
Rocky Anthology (Ultimate Edition, 6 DVDs)
Rocky I - V
Sylvester Stallone
Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer,
TV-Spots, Making of, Featurettes
Action 1976-1990
Fox (MGM/UA) 05.02.2007
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020109
Rote Rosen - Folgen 01-10 (3
Angela Roy, Joachim Raaf, Janette Rauch,
Gerry Hungbauer, Sarah Maria Besgen,
Caroline Grothgar, Anna Lena Class, Christoph Mory, Kim-Sarah Brandts, Brigitte
Antonius, Nadine Arents, Jan Hartmann,
Jochen Kolenda, Beat Marti, Roy Peter
Marino, Ernest Hausmann - Dir. Gudrun
Scheerer, Christa Mühl
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020133
Anica Dobra, Martin Umbach, Ernst Jacobi,
Tina Hamperl, Irene Hagensby, Birgit Thot,
Julia Burger - Dir. Martin Enlen
Drama 1995
WVG Medien (Stardust) 16.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020130
Salto Mortale - Die Geschichte
einer Artistenfamilie (6 DVDs)
Riding Alone for Thousands of
Qian Li Zou Dan Qi
Ken Takakura - Dir. Zhang Yimou
Reborn - The new Jekyll & Hyde
Jekyll + Hyde
Bryan Fisher, Bree Turner, Jeff Roop - Dir.
Nick Stillwell
Making of, Trailer
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(F) DD 5.1 (Manda) 104min.
Sony Pictures 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019992
Trailer, Biografien
Rocky (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 86min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 18.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020009
Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young,
Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Thayer
Gustav Knuth, Hans-Jürgen Bäumler, Horst
Janson, Gitty Djamal - Dir. Michael Braun
Drama 1969-1971 FF DD 1.0 (D)
in-akustik (MVD Music Video Distributors)
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020030
Santa Sangre (FSK 18)
Santa Sangre
Axel Jodorowsky, Sabrina Dennison, Guy
Stockwell, Blanca Guerra, Thelma Tixou Dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky
Drama/Horror 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
Legend Films 08.01.2007
28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020079
Seite 14
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
thar, Nadja Tiller, Agnes Windeck, Carl Gustav Lindstedt, Ekkehard Fritsch, Inge
Wolffberg, Ewald Wenck, Ilse Trautschold,
Willi Witte - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann
Komödie 1963
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 16.02.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020054
Schrecken der Karibik - Die
Savior of the Soul
Gauyat Sandiu Haplui
Andy Lau - Dir. David Lai, Corey Yuen
Eastern/Action 1991 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD
1.0 (D)
Splendid 26.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020131
Treasure Island
Jack Palance, Patrick Bergen, Kevin
Zegers, Walter Sparrow, David Robb, Christopher Benjamen, Malcolm Stoddard, Al
Hunter Ashton - Dir. Peter Rowe
Abenteuer 1999 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020013
Schwejks Flegeljahre
Peter Alexander - Dir. Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Komödie 1963
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020081
Schwer verdächtig
Getting Away With Murder
Dan Aykroyd, Lily Tomlin, Jack Lemmon,
Bonnie Hunt, Brian Kerwin - Dir. Harvey
Komödie 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020014
Second Chance - Alles wird gut
Saw I & II (Limited Steel Edition,
3 DVDs)
Saw / Saw II
Thriller/Horror 2004-2005
Kinowelt 02.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020060
Eine schrecklich nette Familie Neunte Staffel (4 DVDs)
Married... With Children
Ed O’Neill, Katey Sagal, Christina
Applegate, David Faustino, Amanda
Bearse, David Garrison, Sam Kinison, Ted
McGinley - Dir. Gerry Cohen
The Crew
Richard Dreyfuss, Burt Reynolds, Dan
Hedaya, Seymour Cassel, Carrie-Anne
Moss, Jennifer Tilly, Lainie Kazan, Miguel
Sandoval, Jeremy Piven, Casey Siemaszko,
Matt Borlenghi, Billy Jayne, Jeremy
Ratchford, Mike Moroff, José Zúñiga - Dir.
Michael Dinner
Komödie 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020015
Komödie 1987-1997 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Ungar) 633min.
Sony Pictures 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019988
Schrei in die Vergangenheit
The Browning Version
Albert Finney, Greta Scacchi, Matthew
Modine, Julian Sands, Michael Gambon,
Maryam D’Abo - Dir. Mike Figgis
Drama 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 93min.
Paramount 01.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019999
Schwarz auf Weiß
Schloß Gripsholm
Jana Brejchová, Walter Giller, Hanns Lo-
Hans Moser, Paul Hörbiger, Annie Rosar,
Hans Holt - Dir. E. W. Emo
Komödie 1943
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020055
Shadowless Sword (Special Edition, 2 DVDs im Steelbook)
Muyeong Geom
Choi Ji-woo, Jeong Ho-bin, Jeong Jun-ha,
Kim Su-ro, Lee Ki-yong, Lee Seo-jin - Dir.
Kim Young-jun
Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews,
Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Pressekonferenz
Seite 15
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020127
Scalia, David Spielberg, Patricia
McCormack, Beau Billingslea - Dir. Noel
Kinowelt 13.04.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020115
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Horror 1999 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
e-m-s GmbH (Anolis) 04.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020026
Silent Scream
The Retreat
Roger Bergeron, Cheryl Campbell, Peter
Carey, David Craze, Lance Croy, Tobiasz
Daszkiewicz - Dir. Matt Cantu, Lance
Horror 2005
Cine Plus 13.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020048
Silver City
Silver City
Maria Bello, Thora Birch, David Clennon,
Chris Cooper, Alma Delfina, Richard
Dreyfuss, Miguel Ferrer, James Gammon,
Daryl Hannah, Danny Huston, Kris
Kristofferson, Sal Lopez, Michael Murphy,
Mary Kay Place, Tim Roth, Luis Saguar,
Ralph Waite, Billy Zane, Aaron Vieyra,
Hugo Carbajal - Dir. John Sayles
Originaltrailer, Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie,
Behind the Scenes, Biografien
Shouf Shouf Habibi! - Schau ins
Shouf Shouf Habibi!
Mimoun Oaïssa, Najib Amhali, Touriya
Haoud, Iliass Ojja, Salah Eddine
Benmussa, Zohra Slimani, Mohammed
Chaara, Mimoun Ouled Radi, Leo Alkemade, Tanja Jess, Mehdia Doui-Issi, Frank
Lammers, Winston Gerschtanowitz, Tara
Elders - Dir. Albert ter Heerdt
Drama/Kriminalfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
epiX Media 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020095
Stage Beauty
Stage Beauty
Billy Crudup, Claire Danes, Rupert Everett,
Tom Wilkinson, Ben Chaplin, Hugh
Bonneville, Zoe Tapper, Edward Fox, Richard Griffiths, Tom Hollander, Clare
Higgins, Fenella Woolgar, Alice Eve, Mark
Letheren, Derek Hutchinson, Stephen
Marcus, David Westhead, Nick Barber,
Robin Dunn, Isabella Calthorpe, Hermione
Gulliford, Jack Kempton, Madeleine
Worrall, Nancy Chandler - Dir. Richard Eyre
Making of, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer
Historienfilm/Komödie 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Senator 29.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020062
Sin Sisters (k.J.)
starmedia 26.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020065
Making of, Behind the Scenes
Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020025
The Showdown
Dae Won Kim, Jin-myung Kim, Min-ki Kwon,
Hong-il Seong - Dir. Jin-sung Kim
Interviews; Outtakes; Deleted Scenes; Trailer; Alternativer
Trailer; Fotogalerie
Action 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea)
Ascot Elite (Atomik-Films) 24.10.2006
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020047
Der Stoff, aus dem die Träume
Herbert Fleischmann, Paul Neuhaus, Edith
Heerdegen, Hannelore Elsner, Arno
Assmann, Konrad Georg, Heidi Stroh, Malte
Thorsten, Klaus Schwarzkopf - Dir. Alfred
Thriller 1972
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020056
Val Kilmer, Derek Luke, William H. Macy,
Ed O’Neil, Kristen Bell, Said Taghmaoui,
Linda Kimbrough, Tia Texada, Jeremie
Campbell - Dir. David Mamet
Silent Predators
Silent Predators
Harry Hamlin, Shannon Sturges, Jack
Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer
Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS-ES
6.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 102min.
Strange Circus (k.J.)
Kimyô Na Sâkasu
Masumi Miyazaki, Issei Ishida, Rie Kuwana,
Mai Takahashi, Fujiko, Tomoro Taguchi Dir. Sion Sono
Dokumentation, Kinotrailer
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Rapid Eye Movies 16.02.2007
Seite 16
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Harvey Keitel, Stellan Skarsgård, Moritz
Bleibtreu, Oleg Tabakow, Ulrich Tukur,
Hanns Zischler, August Zirner, Robin
Renucci, Frank Leboeuf, Armin Rohde, Jed
Curtis, Daniel White, Rinat Shaham, R. Lee
Ermey, Birgit Minichmayr, Thomas Thieme,
Garrick Hagon - Dir. István Szabó
Drama 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020017
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020144
Sturm der Liebe - Folge 141-150:
Unerwartete Begegnungen (3
Henriette Richter-Röhl, Gregory B. Waldis,
Judith Hildebrandt, Florian Böhm, Mona
Seefried, Dirk Galuba, Lorenzo Patané,
Sepp Schauer, Antje Hagen, Claudia Wenzel, Isabella Jantz, Simone Heher, Jenny
Gröllmann, Sebastian Deyle, Sandra Keller,
Jan van Weyde, Jenny Marie Muck, Christian Rudolf, Karyn von Ostholt, Wayne
Carpendale - Dir. Klaus Witting, Markus
Schmidt-Märkl, Carsten Meyer-Grohbrügge,
Jürgen R. Weber, Alexander Wiedl, Dieter
Schlotterbeck, Klaus Knoesel, Stefan Jonas
Drama 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D)
EuroVideo (ARD Video) 15.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020096
Miho Kanno, Mami Nakamura, Yoriko
Douguchi, Tomorowo Taguchi, Kouta
Kusano, Kenji Mizuhashi - Dir. Ataru
Behind the Scenes
Horror 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (Jap)
Splendid (I-On New Media) 23.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020035
Tomie: Replay
Tomie: Replay
Mai Hosho, Sakaya Yamaguchi, Yosuke
Kubozuka, Kenichi Endo, Makoto Togashi,
Shun Sugata - Dir. Tomijiro Mitsuishi
Horror 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (Jap)
Splendid (I-On New Media) 23.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020036
The Tooth Fairy - Auge um Auge,
Zahn um Zahn (k.J.)
The Tooth Fairy
Lochlyn Munro, Chandra West, Steve Bacic,
Nicole Munoz, Jianna Ballard, Carrie Anne
Flemming, Peter New, Jesse Hutch, Peng
Zhang - Dir. Chuck Bowman
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Splendid 23.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020129
Sugar Hill
Sugar Hill
Wesley Snipes, Michael Wright, Theresa
Randle, Clarence Williams III, Abe Vigoda,
Larry Joshua, Ernie Hudson, Leslie
Uggams, Khandi Alexander - Dir. Leon
Drama/Thriller 1993 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 23.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019966
Summer of Sam
Summer Of Sam
John Leguizamo, Adrien Brody, Mira
Sorvino, Jennifer Esposito, Anthony
LaPaglia, Bebe Neuwirth, Patti LuPone,
Ben Gazzara, Joe Lisi, Michael Badalucco,
Michael Rispoli, John Savage, Roger
Guenveur Smith, Saverio Guerra, Brian
Tarantina, Arthur Nascarella, Jimmy Breslin,
Al Palagonia, Ken Garito, Mike Starr, Spike
Lee - Dir. Spike Lee
Thriller 1999 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020016
Sunday Seoul
Ssunday Seoul
Bong Tae-gyu, Kim So-yeon, Lee Cheong-a,
Yi Yong - Dir. Park Sung-hun
Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Musikvideo
Angel de Andres Lopez, Maria Galiana,
Elvira Minguez, Rubén Ochandiano, Alberto
de Mendoza, Dario Paso, Alberto Jo Lee,
Ampero Moreno, Ferran Adria - Dir. Jose
Corbacho, Juan Cruz
Originaltrailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 18.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020010
Der Teufel trägt Strapse (k.J.)
starmedia 26.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020066
Thumbsucker (Special Edition)
Lou Taylor Pucci, Tilda Swinton, Vincent
D’Onofrio, Vince Vaughn, Keanu Reeves,
Benjamin Bratt, Kelli Garner, Chase Offerle,
Arvin V. Entena, Ted Beckman, Tyler
Gannon, Allen Go, Dakota Goldhor, Kit
Koenig, Walter Kirn, Bob Stephenson, Sarah Lucht, Eric Normington, Lanette
Prazeau, Colton Tanner - Dir. Mike Mills
Behind the Scenes, Making of, Interviews
Action/Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Korea)
Splendid 23.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020128
Komödie 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Splendid 30.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019962
Taking Sides - Der Fall Furtwäng-
Twilight Samurai - Samurai der
Dämmerung (Cine Magic Asia)
Tasogare Seibei
Hiroyuki Sanada, Rie Miyazawa, Nenji
Kobayashi, Ren Osugi, Mitsuru Fukikoshi,
Kanako Fukaura, Hiroshi Kanbe, Miko Ito,
Erina Hashiguchi, Reiko Kusamura, Keishi
Arashi, Baijaku Nakamura, Makoto
Akatsuka, Senri Sakurai, Masayasu
Kitayama, Toshinori Omi, Shinjiro
Nakamura, Min Tanaka, Keiko Kishi,
Tetsuro Tanba - Dir. Yoji Yamada
Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien
Drama/Abenteuer 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) 127min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 04.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020027
Seite 17
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Um Himmels Willen - 4. Staffel (4
Warner 09.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020039
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020146
Jutta Speidel, Fritz Wepper, Rosel Zech,
Anna Luise Kish, Anne Weinknecht, Emanuela von Frankenberg, Karin Gregorek,
Michael Wenninger, Lars Weström - Dir.
Ulrich Stark, Vera Loebner, Ulrich König
Unter der Sonne Kaliforniens Die komplette erste Staffel (5
Yes Boss
Shahrukh Khan, Juhi Chawla, Aditya
Pancholi, Kashmira Shah, Kulbushan
Kharbanda, Gulshan Grover - Dir. Aziz
Komödie/Drama 1997 Ltbx
KSM (NewKSM) 12.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020100
Booklet mit Folgenguide
Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 25.01.2007
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020134
Knots Landing
Joan van Ark
Audiokommentar, Featurette
Drama 1979-1993 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
Warner 09.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020040
Yes Boss
Der verlorene Schatz vom White
The Lil’ River Rats And The Adventure Of
The Lost Treasure
Ran Burns, Caleb Ely, Mike J. Ferruzza Dir. Dan T. Hall
Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2003 FF DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 2.0 (E) 80min.
Planet Media 16.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020046
Zum Glück geküsst
Unruhige Nacht
Bernhard Wicki, Hansjörg Felmy, Ulla
Jacobsson, Ann Savo, Richard Münch, Werner Hinz, Erik Schumann, Werner Peters Dir. Falk Harnack
Kriegsfilm 1958
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020082
Warriors of Terra (k.J.)
Warriors Of Terra
Ellen Fury, Edward Furlong, Andrea Lui,
Tina Brink, Dylan Taylor, Andrew Gillies Dir. Robert Wilson
Horror/Science Fiction 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
M.I.B. 25.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020068
Lars Bom, Puk Scharbau, Karin Rorbeck,
Jorgen Kiil - Dir. Thomas Borch Nielsen
Science Fiction/Thriller 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D)
Cine Plus 09.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020018
Keith Cavill, Joe Soares, Mark Zupan - Dir.
Henry Alex Rubin, Dana Adam Shapiro
Nicolas Cage, Adam Beach, Peter
Stormare, Noah Emmerich, Mark Ruffalo,
Brian Van Holt, Martin Henderson, Roger
Willie, Frances O’Connor, Christian Slater,
Jason Isaacs, Billy Morts, Cameron Thor,
Kevin Cooney, Holmes Osborne, Keith
Campbell, Clayton Barber, Scott Atkinson,
Jeremy Davidson, Brian F. Maynard, Albert
Smith, James D. Dever - Dir. John Woo
Growing Pains
Kirk Cameron, Alan Thicke, Joanna Kerns
Intro, Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes,
Hintergrundinfos, Biografie / Enthält zwei Versionen des
Films: die Kinofassung und den Director’s Cut
Entfallene Szenen
Kriegsfilm/Drama 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 147 / 128min.
Fox (MGM/UA) 05.02.2007
Komödie 1985-1992 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) 524min.
Special Interest
Webmaster (FSK 18)
Windtalkers (Century3 Cinedition,
3 DVDs) (k.J.)
Unser lautes Heim - Die komplette erste Staffel (4 DVDs)
Just My Luck
Lindsay Lohan, Chris Pine, Faizon Love,
Missi Pyle, Samaire Armstrong, Bree Turner, Makenzie Vega, Chris Carmack, Carlos
Ponce, Tovah Feldshuh - Dir. Donald M.
Komödie 2006
Kinowelt 23.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20020116
Originaltrailer, Behind the Game, Interviews, Entfallene
Szenen, Specials, Audiokommentar, Biografien
Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) (E) 82min.
epiX Media 15.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020093
Playboy’s Fast Women
Playboy - Fast Women
Erotik 1996 FF DD 2.0 (E)
IMV (Playboy) 15.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020094
Schwimmer in der Wüste (2
Dir. Kurt Mayer
Making of, Trailer, Presskit
Dokumentarfilm 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Ascot Elite 07.12.2006
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020029
Seite 18
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9 anamorph)
Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 11.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 23. Januar 2007
Auch als Blu-ray Disc lieferbar
Seite 19
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Comedies 2003 S 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062494
Akiba Girls - Vol. 3
Curious George: Zoo Night and
Other Animal Stories
Comedies FF
JapanAnime 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062631
Angel Wars - Guardian Force 3
Christian allegory meets animated action-fantasy in the
third installment of ANGEL WARS. When a fallen angel
named Morg finally obtains the power he needs to
conquer Earth, a group of angels called the Guardian
Force set out to defeat him before he covers the world in
darkness and sin. Combining fast-paced action with
animated imagery and fantastical storylines, ANGEL
WARS is designed to appeal to young teens while
teaching them lessons about the nature of good and evil.
Religious 2006
EMI Christian Music Group 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062579
Batman Beyond: Season 3
Childrens, Animated 1999 FF DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062875
Blue’s Room - Alphabet Power /
Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
One of Nickelodeon’s most popular characters, the
inquisitive but silent pup from BLUE’S CLUES finally
speaks in her own spinoff series, BLUE’S ROOM.
Transformed from an animated character into an adorably
fuzzy puppet, Blue and her eccentric cast of playmates—
including a polka-dotted stuffed animal, a toy dinosaur, a
jukebox, a dress-up chest, and a fairy named Moona—
engage in imaginative games and sing-alongs that teach
simple preschool concepts such as spelling, counting, and
problem-solving. This collection presents two volumes of
episodes: ALPHABET POWER features a fun-filled visit
from 26 puppet letters, while BEYOND YOUR WILDEST
DREAMS fuels imaginative make-believe.
Television, Childrens, Animated
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062777
Blue’s Room - Knights of the
Snack Table
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062799
Bob the Builder - New to the
Dora the Explorer - Dora Pirate
Adventure/Cowgirl Dora
Television, Childrens, Animated
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062776
Dora the Explorer - Musical
School Days
With her cheerful nature, inquiring mind, and colorful
fashion sense, Nickelodeon’s adorable bilingual heroine
DORA THE EXPLORER has charmed both preschool-age
children and their parents alike. Designed to simulate a
computer game, the animated series follows the cute little
Latina girl, her monkey pal Boots, and their
anthropomorphic cohorts Map and Backpack as they set
out on problem-solving adventures that encourage
interaction and physical activity while teaching simple
concepts such as counting, logic skills, and basic Spanish.
This volume includes two fun-filled episodes, including the
never-before-seen „La Maestra de Musica.“
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062796
Ergo Proxy - Vol. 2
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062767
GaoGaiGar: King of Braves - Vol
3: Ninja Robots
When aliens attack Earth, the world’s only defense is the
Gutsy Geoid Guard and their giant robot. Then an alien
material begins transforming men into frightening hybrids
of flesh and metal, and the GGG group must find a way to
stop it. Things get even worse when an old enemy returns
in the form of a virus that wreaks havoc on their
headquarters. With the help of the ninja robot Volfogg,
they race to find the answers to the epidemic and the
headquarters’ self-destruct sequence before time runs
out. Appealing to fans of shows like TRANSFORMERS,
this release of the anime series includes episodes 11-15.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1988
Media Blasters 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062709
Childrens 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062606
Genshiken - Economy Collection
Captain N: The Game Master
Complete Series
Action/Adventure 1989-1993
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062814
Comic Party Revolution TV - Vol.
3: The Party’s Over!
A remake of the classic anime series COMIC PARTY,
COMIC PARTY REVOLUTION TV zanily parodies the
world of manga and those who make and consume it.
When college student Kazuki is unwillingly dragged to a
comic-book convention by his friend Taishi, a die-hard
anime fan, the newcomer finds himself overwhelmed by a
bewildering subculture fraught with eccentric characters
and obsessive fandom. A hilarious but affectionate spoof,
the anime series continues with this third volume of
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006 FF
DD 2.0 102min.
Universal Studios Home Video 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062726
The word „geek“ isn’t an insult in this hilarious anime
series that centers on a college club for students into
anime, manga, and video games. Freshman Sasahara is
initially embarrassed by his unconventional interests, but
he finds camaraderie in this group of friends. GENSHIKEN
pokes gentle fun at the otaku (anime enthusiasts), but it’s
more a celebration of geek culture. This collection
features all 12 episodes of the show.
Comedies 2005
Media Blasters 13.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062714
GetBackers - Complete Season 2
Based on a popular manga and animated by the
respected Studio Deen (KING OF BANDIT JING, COWBOY BEBOP), this well-pedigreed anime series plays like
a reverse LUPIN THE 3RD with the crime-solving
adventures of two superpowered „Get Backers“ who track
down victims’ belongings after burglaries. Fueled by equal
parts action, comedy, and mystery, the series thrives on
the contrasting dynamic between its dual protagonists: the
blonde and optimistic Ginji, who can generate electricity
with his body; and the brooding brunette Ban, who
possesses a powerful hand grip and can hypnotize people
with his eyes. This collection presents the anime series’
second season in its entirety.
Action/Adventure 2004 DD 5.1 600min.
ADV Films, Inc. 02.01.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062492
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone
Complex Season One Complete
Box Set
This anime series takes place in a grim near-future where
cyborgs defend the world from terrorism. Set in the same
universe as the classic film, GHOST IN THE SHELL:
STAND ALONE COMPLEX centers on a gorgeous cyborg
agent. When an old enemy resurfaces, she and her team
must discover his identity before there are deadly
consequences. Featuring the music of Yoko Kanno (COWBOY BEBOP), this release includes the entire first season
of the show.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy
Anchor Bay Entertainment 12.12.2006
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062488
Ghostbusters: The Animated
Series - Volume 1
Television, Childrens, Animated 1986
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062538
Go Diego Go! - Underwater
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062797
Grenadier: The Beautiful Warrior
- Economy Collection
Using Japan’s civil war as its backdrop, this anime series
centers on a samurai and the buxom blonde who saves
his life. With his sword and her gun, the pair travels the
war-torn country, trying to bring peace to its troubled
inhabitants. Combining action and comedy, this threevolume set of GRENADIER: THE BEAUTIFUL WARRIOR
includes all 12 episodes of the animated show.
Action/Adventure 2005
Media Blasters 09.01.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062706
Gundam SEED Destiny - Vol. 6
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 23.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062534
Gundam SEED Destiny - Vol. 6
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 23.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062535
Holly Hobbie & Friends - Secret
Created in the 1970s, the iconic Holly Hobbie doll gets a
modern-day makeover in an animated series that ditches
the trademark bonnet and rag-dress for more fashionable
attire without losing any of the wholesome charm that
made the original such a success. This volume presents
the full-length episode „Secret Adventures,“ which finds
Holly and her best friends, Amy and Carrie, gathering sap
for homemade maple syrup while learning a valuable
lesson about keeping secrets.
Childrens, Animated 2006
Sony Music Distribution 20.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062825
I Shall Never Return
In his lonely life as a prostitute, Ken has only one true
friend: Ritsurou. But his affection for Ritsurou extends
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 20
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
beyond friendship, even though Ritsurou has a girlfriend.
When Ken discovers that his friend’s relationship may not
be as good as it seems, he tries to win Ritsurou’s love in
an unusual way.
Dramas 2006
Media Blasters 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062716
Walt Disney’s It’s a Small World
of Fun - Vol. 3
Travel the world with Mickey and friends in WALT
volume in the series features classic cartoons with
beloved characters like Pluto, Goofy, and, of course,
Mickey Mouse! This collection is sure to please kids and
collectors alike.
Childrens, Animated FF 56min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062556
Complete Second Season
Bruce Timm, the producer and mastermind behind the
Batman and Superman animated televisions shows, has
brought his stylish mark to JUSTICE LEAGUE
UNLIMITED. As in his previous shows, Timm manages to
stay faithful to the comic book’s original feel and storyline,
while updating the situations and adventures to make
them feel fresh and exciting to first-time viewers. Justice
League Unlimited consists of some of the biggest heroes
of the DC Comic world, including Superman, Batman,
Wonder Woman, The Flash, and the Green Lantern. This
release includes the second season of the show.
Television, Childrens, Animated 2001 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062872
Macross - Vol. 7: Hell’s Fury
Walt Disney’s It’s a Small World
of Fun - Vol. 4
Watch the global adventures of beloved characters in this
collection. This fourth volume in the series WALT
DISNEY’S IT’S A SMALL WORLD OF FUN features Donald Duck donning a tuxedo to play with penguins and
Goofy waving a red cape as a matador. These classic
cartoons bring a world of laughter into the living room.
Childrens, Animated FF 54min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062557
A landmark sci-fi anime of intergalactic spaceship warfare,
ROBOTECH was specifically created for American
audiences by cobbling together three different Japanese
series, one of which was MACROSS. Long available only
in an English-subtitled version, MACROSS finally gets the
deluxe treatment it deserves with uncut, digitally restored
video and a surround-sound English dub that includes
original voice actor Mari Iijima. This final volume
concludes the superb MACROSS redux with episodes 3236.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1985 DD 5.1
ADV Films, Inc. 19.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062490
Max and Ruby - Easter with Max
and Ruby
Jakers! - Treasure Hunt on Raloo
PBS’ charming children’s television series JAKERS! THE
entertains with a fun blend of vibrant computer animation
and good old-fashioned Irish storytelling. Aimed at
children ages 4-7, the series follows three barnyard
animals—eight-year-old pig Piggley Winks and his best
friends, Dannan the duck and Ferny the bull—as they
grow up on a farm in rural Ireland. The animated
segments are then followed by live-action sequences in
which real children implement the life lessons being
taught throughout the show. This volume includes the
episode „Treasure Hunt on Raloo Farm.“
Television, Childrens, Animated 2005
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062795
Jinki: Extend - Vol. 3
Directed by Mazahiko Murata (GILGAMESH), the mecha
anime series JINKI: EXTEND is a girl-powered take on
giant-robot action. The anime centers around 13-year-old
Aoba Tsuzaki, a young model-building enthusiast recruited
by the underground Angel force to battle an ancient evil
that wants to take over the world. This third volume
continues the series with four more episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 5.1
ADV Films, Inc. 02.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062493
Justice League Unlimited: The
Complete Season 1 & 2
Bruce Timm, the producer and mastermind behind the
Batman and Superman animated televisions shows, has
brought his stylish mark to the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF
AMERICA. As in his previous shows, Timm manages to
stay faithful to the comic book’s original feel and storyline,
while updating the situations and adventures to make
them feel fresh and exciting to first-time viewers. The
Justice League of America consists of some of the biggest
heroes of the DC Comic world, including Superman,
Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and the Green
Lantern. This release includes the first two seasons of the
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062800
Miss Spider’s Froggy Day in
Sunny Patch
The day is just like any other, with Shimmer, Spinner, and
Squirt lollygagging around the Taddy Puddle when they
discover a frog who cannot speak because his tongue is
tangled in a cattail. After realizing that this frog has no
taste for bugs, the bug pals welcome him into their friend
circle, but must keep him a secret. Kirsten Davis provides
the voice of Miss Spider.
Childrens, Animated 2006 DD 2.0 66min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062676
Moeyo Ken TV - Vol. 1:
Shinsengumi on the Prowl
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 S 125min.
ADV Films, Inc. 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062495
My-HiME - Vol. 6
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 DD 2.0
Bandai Entertainment 02.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062533
Childrens, Animated 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062561
Open Season (Full Screen)
OPEN SEASON, an animated action-adventure, follows
the fortunes of two forest-animal misfits. Boog (Martin
Lawrence) is a gentle and domesticated bear; Elliot
(Ashton Kutcher) is an absentminded and accident-prone
deer who has been shunned by his herd. Together, they
struggle to adapt to the ways of life in the wild and on
their own. Boog longs to return to the cushy conditions he
had with Beth (Debra Messing), an animal-loving park
ranger who rescued him and raised him as a pet from the
time he was a cub. Desperate to please his new friend,
who spared him from an overzealous hunter (Gary Sinise),
Elliot tries to help lead Boog back to the mountainside
town, but instead they are met with hostility by their fellow
forest creatures, including a combative squirrel,
McSquizzy (Billy Connelly); a perfectionist beaver, Reilly
(Jon Favreau); and a machismo-fueled deer, Ian (Patrick
Warburton), who is Elliot’s nemesis. Now, with hunting
season upon them, they must all align to defend
themselves against the hunters that annually plague their
Childrens, Animated 2006 FF DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062565
Open Season (Widescreen)
OPEN SEASON, an animated action-adventure, follows
the fortunes of two forest-animal misfits. Boog (Martin
Lawrence) is a gentle and domesticated bear; Elliot
(Ashton Kutcher) is an absentminded and accident-prone
deer who has been shunned by his herd. Together, they
struggle to adapt to the ways of life in the wild and on
their own. Boog longs to return to the cushy conditions he
had with Beth (Debra Messing), an animal-loving park
ranger who rescued him and raised him as a pet from the
time he was a cub. Desperate to please his new friend,
who spared him from an overzealous hunter (Gary Sinise),
Elliot tries to help lead Boog back to the mountainside
town, but instead they are met with hostility by their fellow
forest creatures, including a combative squirrel,
McSquizzy (Billy Connelly); a perfectionist beaver, Reilly
(Jon Favreau); and a machismo-fueled deer, Ian (Patrick
Warburton), who is Elliot’s nemesis. Now, with hunting
season upon them, they must all align to defend
themselves against the hunters that annually plague their
Nerima Daikon Brothers - Vol. 1:
Speak Softly But Carry A Big
Childrens, Animated 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062560
Comedies 2006 DD 5.1 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 19.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062491
Ozie Boo! - Learn to Live
Nick Picks - Vol. 5
Television, Childrens, Animated
Warner Home Video 20.02.2007
112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062867
Television, Childrens, Animated 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062803
Justice League Unlimited: The
Open Season (Blu-ray)
the fortunes of two forest-animal misfits. Boog (Martin
Lawrence) is a gentle and domesticated bear; Elliot
(Ashton Kutcher) is an absentminded and accident-prone
deer who has been shunned by his herd. Together, they
struggle to adapt to the ways of life in the wild and on
their own. Boog longs to return to the cushy conditions he
had with Beth (Debra Messing), an animal-loving park
ranger who rescued him and raised him as a pet from the
time he was a cub. Desperate to please his new friend,
who spared him from an overzealous hunter (Gary Sinise),
Elliot tries to help lead Boog back to the mountainside
town, but instead they are met with hostility by their fellow
forest creatures, including a combative squirrel,
McSquizzy (Billy Connelly); a perfectionist beaver, Reilly
(Jon Favreau); and a machismo-fueled deer, Ian (Patrick
Warburton), who is Elliot’s nemesis. Now, with hunting
season upon them, they must all align to defend
themselves against the hunters that annually plague their
When five friendly, cuddly penguins sent out on an
adventure across the icy animal kingdom, they encounter
all manner of adventures and valuable experiences along
the way. Join Ted, Ned, Ed, Fred, and Nelly in OZIE
BOO!, a warm-hearted, animated feature for the whole
Childrens, Animated 2006
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062500
OPEN SEASON, an animated action-adventure, follows
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 21
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Peanuts - Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown / Charlie Brown
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
Media Blasters 19.12.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062703
This double feature presents two Peanuts cartoons
celebrating Valentine’s Day. In the classic and much-loved
to get Schroeder to give her a card, Sally chases after
Linus, and poor Charlie Brown dreams of getting just one
valentine. Even Snoopy’s mailbox is stuffed with those red
heart-shaped cards—doesn’t anyone love Charlie Brown?
Meanwhile, A CHARLIE BROWN VALENTINE (2002) is
one of the first Peanuts specials produced after creator
Charles M. Schulz’s death in 2000. The story is taken
from a number of Schulz’s classic comic strips and
centers on the lovelorn Charlie Brown as he wishes for a
valentine from the little red-haired girl.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe
- Collector’s Edition 3
Television, Childrens, Animated
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062778
Pokemon 10th Anniversary Edition - Vol. 6: Eevee
The ten disc series commemorating the 10th anniversary
of Pokemon, and celebrating its ten most popular
characters, continues with VOL. 6: EEVEE. Eevee stars in
three classic Pokemon episodes: „Battling Eevee
Brothers,“ „The Rivalry Revival,“ and „Trouble’s Brewing.“
The giant robot rules in this collection of the classic
animated series. This edition includes episodes 31-45.
Childrens, Animated 2006
Media Blasters 27.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062719
What’s New Scooby-Doo? Vol. 10
You can’t keep a good dog down, particularly the
eponymous super sleuth at the heart of this beloved
animated series. Scooby-Doo returned in 2002 along with
Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy for a series
appropriately titled WHAT’S NEW SCOOBY-DOO? This
10th volume of episodes has the whole gang embroiled in
further exciting adventures.
Television, Childrens, Animated FF S
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062864
Childrens, Animated 1997 FF S 66min.
Viz Media, LLC. 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062862
Pokemon 10th Anniversary Edition - Vol. 7: Bulbasaur
10.5 / Category 6: Day of
Pokemon fans voted for their top 10 favorite Pokemon
characters on, and the results are
celebrated in this 10 disc series, which also
commemorates the 10th anniversary of the show. VOL. 7
stars Bulbasaur in three classic Pokemon episodes:
„Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village,“ „Bulbasaur’s Serious
Garden,“ and „Bulbasaur, the Ambassador!“
Childrens, Animated 1997 FF S 66min.
Viz Media, LLC. 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062863
Saiyuki Reload Gunlock - Vol. 6
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 FF DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062766
Simpsons - Season 9
THE SIMPSONS hit its 200th episodes in its landmark
ninth season, and the series showed no signs of slowing
down. The Simpsons—ineffectual (but lovable) patriarch
Homer, voice-of-reason mother Marge, rebellious son
Bart, brilliant daughter Lisa, and quiet baby Maggie—live
in the city of Springfield, surrounded by both the regular
cast of characters and the stellar guest stars fans have
come to expect. Guest voices are always a highlight, and
the ninth season’s eclectic roster includes Martin Sheen,
U2, and Stephen Wright. This volume features „The Two
Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons,“ Das Bus,“ and, of course,
the annual „Treehouse of Horror“ episode.
Television, Comedies 1997 FF DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062589
10.5: First appearing as an NBC original miniseries, 10.5
stars Emmy- and Golden Globe-winner Kim Delaney
(NYPD BLUE) as Dr. Samantha Hill, an academic
earthquake research scientist from a university in Washington State. When an earthquake strikes California,
breaking all records and surpassing measurement on the
Richter scale, it is up to Hill to apply her contested
theories to reality, saving the West Coast from imminent
destruction. While her controversial ideas and efficient
take-charge attitude cause infighting among her fellow
scientists, President Paul Hollister (Emmy- and Golden
Globe-winner Beau Bridges) and his team scramble to
evacuate the coast before it is effectively shattered by the
natural disaster. The rest of the star-powered cast
includes Ivan Sergei (CROSSING JORDAN), Dulé Hill
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
S 339min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062698
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Richard Crenna, Ben Cross, Paul Gross,
Julie Cox, Michael Jayston, Jeff Harding,
James Vaughan, Nicholas Hammond - Dir.
Michael Anderson
A marine biologist (Crenna) is commissioned by the U.S.
Navy to investigate a mysterious rash of attacks on
military sea vessels. He recruits a crew—including his
daughter Sophie (Cox)—and soon discovers the evil
Captain Nemo (Cross) has been attacking the vessels
from his submarine „The Nautilus.“ A high seas battle
lands the crew imprisoned aboard Nemo’s submarine. In
order to escape, the crew must face man-eating sharks
and colossal sea beasts. Presented by the producers of
the hit mini-series MERLIN and the USA original movie
MOBY DICK. Based on the classic novel „Vingt Mille
Lieues Sous les Mers“ by Jules Verne.
Strawberry Shortcake - Sweet
Dreams Movie
Childrens 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062595
Tekkaman Blade Collection I
When Earth is attacked by aliens, only Tekkaman Blade
can save the world in this anime series. Tekkaman Blade
is really D-Boy, a young man whose experience with the
aliens gave him the ability to change into an armored
warrior. In this collection, D-Boy has lost the ability to
become Tekkaman, leaving the world defenseless unless
someone else can fight.
Beau Bridges, Kim Delaney, Nancy
McKeon, Randy Quaid
Pete Postlethwaite, Nikolai Kinski - Dir.
Karyn Kusama
Karyn Kusama, the writer-director of GIRLFIGHT, the
story of a tough female boxer, turns her attentions to a
tough female superhero in AEON FLUX. Based on a
series of animated shorts that aired on MTV, the liveaction feature film version stars Charlize Theron, in jet
black hair, as the secret agent of the title. Aeon Flux is a
Monican who has been ordered to assassinate Trevor
Goodchild (Martin Csokas), the leader of Bregna—a
futuristic walled city that is the last vestige of humanity on
25th-century earth. But a long-buried memory prevents
her from killing him, ultimately making both of them
targets. As Trevor battles his brother, Oren (Jonny Lee
Miller), for control of Bregna, Aeon seeks revenge for the
murder of her sister (Amelia Warner) while also being
hunted down by her former partner, Sithandra (Sophie
Okonedo). At the center of it all is a secret that threatens
to tear everything apart.
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062780
Courtney B. Vance, Kerry Fox, Leland
Gantt, Ned Beatty - Dir. Paul Seed
It’s WWII, and Black troops are stationed in England. One
of these GIs is Travis, who quickly becomes smitten with
the white and married Maggie. Maggie, who’s still dealing
with her husband’s recent infidelity, eventually succumbs
to Travis’s charms, and the two begin a highly charged,
illicit affair. But when Maggie’s husband catches them
having sex, he instantly concludes it’s a case of rape.
Subsequently, the police book Travis and charge him with
the offense. If Maggie chooses to tell the truth, she will
lose her husband and custody of their child. But if she
allows the rape charge to stand, Travis will suffer a very
serious punishment — one much harsher than Maggie is
lead to believe. Her decision will control the fates of both
Dramas 1995 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062603
After the Harvest
Sam Shepard, Nadia Litz, Liane Balaban Dir. Jeremy Podeswa
Playwright/actor Sam Shepard portrays a loathsomely
villainous father lording it over his offspring while in
conflict with a strikingly luminous Liane Balaban—who
portrays a schoolteacher—in this dark drama about a
dysfunctional Canadian prairie family coping with change.
Jeremy Podeswa directed the film from a screenplay by
Suzette Couture based on Martha Ostenso’s 1927 novel
Dramas FF
UAV Corp 16.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062501
Age Old Friends
Hume Cronyn, Vincent Gardenia, Esther
Rolle, Tandy Cronyn - Dir. Allan Kroeker
After turning down an offer from his daughter, elderly
John begins life at a retirement home by finding a friend in
Michael who soon experiences bouts of senility. When
again faced with the option of moving in with his daughter,
John must decide between life in the suburbs or helping
his age old friend.
Dramas 1989 FF
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062600
All in the Family - The Complete
Sixth Season
Television, Action/Adventure 1996 FF
UAV Corp 16.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062517
Carroll O’Connor, Jean Stapleton, Rob Reiner, Sally Struthers
Television, Comedies 1975 FF M 612min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062564
Aeon Flux (HD DVD)
Animal Clinic
Charlize Theron, Marton Csokas, Jonny Lee
Miller, Sophie Okonedo, Amelia Warner,
Caroline Chikezie, Frances McDormand,
Jonathan Scarfe, Bruce Davison, Ione
Skye, Mike Farrell
Television, Dramas 2004
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 22
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Hannover House 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062498
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062785
Anna’s Eve
Boy from Lebanon
Jacqueline Jin, Mae Hi, Louis Klein, Lemar
Knight, Angela Landis, Max Lane, Grayce
Wey, Chris Eckles, Clint Jung - Dir. Kantz
Horror/Suspense 2004 FF DD 5.1 90min.
Maverick Entertainment 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062755
Foreign Films, French 1993
Pacific Media Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062765
Un Asesinato Perfecto / Traicion
con Traicion se Paga
The DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS series presents a
double feature of Mexican action films starring genre
stalwart Mario Almada in high-octane tales of greed,
revenge, and corruption among the cowboys and
gangsters of the border drug trade: ASESINATO
PAGA (1996).
Dramas 1996
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062546
Belly / Caught Up
Nas, DMX, Bokeem Woodbine
Two acclaimed urban films are compiled in this special 2pack. BELLY is a stylish urban drama about two childhood
friends who stand on opposite sides of the law. This
visually stunning, brutally honest film from critically
acclaimed music video director Hype Williams stars
rappers Nas and DMX in their their big screen debuts.
Dramas 1997 Ltbx DD 5.1 193min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062697
Best Picture Collection
Kevin Spacey, Mel Gibson, Tom Hanks,
Russell Crowe, Marlon Brando, Leonardo
DiCaprio, Shirley MacLaine
Academy Award-winning films: THE GODFATHER (1972),
(1994), BRAVEHEART (1995), TITANIC (1997), AMERICAN BEAUTY (1999), and GLADIATOR (2000). See
individual titles for plot synopses.
Dramas 1072-2000 Ltbx
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062787
Blood Legend
Burned at the stake many centuries ago, a witch
resurfaces and terrorizes the community that once
ostracized her. Under the care of her descendant, Diana
(who has started her own coven), Moira feeds on the
college students Diana brings home from school. Moira’s
strength continues to grow until two male college kids try
their best at intervening.
Horror/Suspense 2005
Brain Damage Films 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062892
Zoe Britton, Jamie Lynn, Erika Jordan
Jaime Lynn, Zoe Britton, and Rachel Elizabeth are only a
few of the stunning, dark-haired beauties in
BREATHTAKING BRUNETTES. Blondes might be having
more fun, but the black and brown-haired luscious babes
in this program are not far behind. Glamorous and
sensual, the women in BREATHTAKING BRUNETTES are
sure to quicken the pulse of any devotee of beautiful
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062764
Joey Fatone
As white wannabe thugs attempt to find a home in the
world of gangsta rap, they risk humiliation and a life
behind bars in pursuit of their goals. THE BROS is based
on a short film of the same title.
Comedies Ltbx S 89min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062688
Sergei Bodrov, Anatoly Zhuravlyov - Dir.
Alaxey Balabanov
Danila idolizes his older brother, deciding that he wants to
follow in his footsteps after being discharged from the
Russian army. The problem is his brother is a contract
killer for the mob! This doesn’t bother Danila, his brother
can do nothing wrong in his eyes. Cue some brutal
violence, comparable to a Russian version of PULP
FICTION. At turns both funny and disturbing, this romp
through modern Russian mob-culture is always extremely
stylish and compelling.
Foreign Films, Russian 1997
Kino on Video 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062675
Bye Bye Birdie
Jason Alexander, Vanessa Williams,
Chynna Phillips, George Wendt
To earn extra money, a karate student takes a job as a
bodyguard for a Hong Kong woman. Though her beauty
initially distracts him from his job, her attackers soon bring
his focus back to the task at hand. BODYGUARD KIBA 2:
APOCALYPSE OF CARNAGE was directed by hardworking
helmer Takashi Miiki (AUDITION).
Foreign Films, Japanese 1994
Media Blasters 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062704
Bosom Buddies - The Complete
First Season
Tom Hanks, Peter Scolari, Telma Hopkins,
Wendie Jo Sperber, Donna Dixon, Holland
Television, Comedies 1980
Set in early 1980s Apartheid-era South Africa, CATCH A
FIRE is a gripping political thriller based on a remarkable
true story. Derek Luke (ANTWONE FISHER) stars as
Patrick Chamusso, a family man who works as a foreman
at the Secunda oil refinery. Although he tries his best to
stay out of politics, he is dragged in when Colonel Nic Vos
(Tim Robbins) wrongly believes that Chamusso is a prime
suspect in a terrorist bombing that occurred at the plant.
Despite being brutally beaten and tortured, Chamusso
continues to declare his innocence, but the situation
changes drastically when the Police Security Branch
brings in his wife, Precious (Bonnie Henna). Faced with
some hard choices, Chamusso starts listening to radio
broadcasts by the illegal African National Congress, an
organization of freedom fighters seeking to end apartheid,
and decides it’s finally time to fight back. Vos and
Chamusso, both dedicated to their families as well as to
their very different causes, play a relentless game of cat
and mouse, symbols of the intense battle between blacks
and whites that blew up in horrific violence right before a
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 97min.
Universal Studios Home Video 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062728
Chatterley Affair
Mary Healey, Donald Sumpter, Ron
Donachie, Karl Johnson, Rafe Spall, Louise
Delamere - Dir. James Hawes
Rafe Spall and Louise Delamere star in this made-fortelevision drama about the obscenity trial surrounding the
publication of D.H. Lawrence’s LADY CHATTERLEY’S
LOVER. Set in London in the 1960s, the film explores the
sexual mores of the time and the way they informed
personal relationships, in addition to issues of free
expression sparked by Lawrence’s controversial
masterpiece. A smart script and powerful acting
performances drive this enjoyable film.
Dramas 2006
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062528
La Ciudad al Desnudo
Pedro Altamirano, Carlos Chávez, Lourdes
Elizarraras, Luis Felipe Tovar - Dir. Gabriel
On the verge of desperation, impoverished parents
Alfonso and Aurelia flee the scene of a car accident (that
they caused) in order to protect their baby daughter.
Unfortunately for the couple, the hotel they choose as a
hiding place turns out to be the site of gruesome torture
by two armed bandits intent on making their victims pay.
When 50’s pop sensation, Conrad Birdie, promises to
bestow one last kiss on some lucky teenage girl, it’s a wild
publicity stunt headed for hilarious mayhem as America’s
best-loved musical returns in this sparkling new remake of
the beloved classic.
Dramas 1990
Vanguard International Cinema 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062856
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1995 FF 131min.
UAV Corp 30.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062518
Comeback Season
Carolina Skeletons
Bodyguard Kiba 2 : Apocalypse
of Carnage
Breathtaking Brunettes
Mncedisi Shabangu, Tumisho K. Masha,
Sithembiso Khumalo, Terry Pheto, Michele
Burgers, Malcolm Purkey - Dir. Phillip
Louis Gossett, Bruce Dern, Melissa
Chessington Leo, Paul Robeling, G.D.
Spradlin, Bill Cobbs, Henderson Forsythe,
Clifton James - Dir. John Erman
Intense character actors Louis Gossett Jr. and Bruce Dern
team up for this charged drama.
Dramas 1992
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062835
Johnny Carson Show
Johnny Carson
Comedies 1955-1956
Sony Music Distribution 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062823
Ray Liotta, Shaun Sipos, Rachel Blanchard,
Brooke Nevin, Glenne Headly - Dir. Bruce
Comedies 2006
First Look Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062580
Conejo En La Luna
Foreign Films, Spanish 2006
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062690
Contadora Is for Lovers
Vincent Depaul, Renee Pietrangelo, Tony
Santiago - Dir. Jorge Ameer
Dramas 2006
Ariztical Entertainment 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062526
Catch a Fire
La Corona de un Campeon / La
Derek Luke, Tim Robbins, Bonnie Henna,
Dramas 1973
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 23
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062544
Courage Mountain
Webbie, Tiny Lister, Gavin Lewis, George
Boyd, 5th Ward Webbie, Kane and Abel
Comedies 2006 FF DD 5.1 90min.
Maverick Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062754
Juliette Caton, Leslie Caron, Charlie Sheen,
Yorgo Voyagis - Dir. Christopher Leitch
Dane Cook’s Tourgasm
In this installment of the continuing chronicles of the
Swiss girl, Heidi, our heroine is leaving for an Italian
boarding school on the eve of WWI. When the school is
captured, she is taken to a rat-infested orphanage. Her
escape begins a treacherous adventure across the wartorn countryside with her captors in close pursuit.
Dramas 1989 FF DD 5.1 139min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062739
Cousin Bette
Margaret Tyzack, Helen Mirren
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 30.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062529
Crash / Monster’s Ball
Billy Bob Thornton, Sandra Bullock, Matt
Dillon, Halle Berry, Michael Pena, Loretta
Devine, Don Cheadle, Thandie Newton,
Ryan Phillippe, Heath Ledger
CRASH: A stellar cast collides haphazardly in this
insightfully written roundelay of racism, rage, and
redemption, which takes place over the course of one day
in L.A. and involves a circus of cops, robbers, and
civilians. Writer-director Paul Haggis’s (writer of MILLION
DOLLAR BABY) Los Angeles is a world of alienated
people struggling to connect across vast barriers of
language, class, and culture.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062684
Don „The Dragon“ Wilson, Gary Busey,
Fred Williamson, Olivier Gruner
Action/Adventure 2005 DD 5.1 93min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062689
Anthony Mackie, Wesley Jonathan, Allen
Payne, Lil JJ, Wayne Brady, Eva Pigford,
Phillip Hot Sauce Champion - Dir. Preston
A. Whitmore
Director and screenwriter Preston A. Whitmore II (THE
WALKING DEAD) captures the phenomenon of streetball
and brings it to the big screen in this tale about two old
friends whose lives seem very different. Tech’s (Anthony
Mackie) dream is to play basketball, but he isn’t quite
right for the NBA and he can’t play college ball since he
served time in his senior year and is studying for the
GED. Instead, he plays the occasional game in an
abandoned Detroit train station and hustles players all
around the city with his friend Up (Lil J.J.) for quick cash.
Meanwhile, his best buddy, Cruise (Wesley Jonathan), is a
talented player who has been sweet-talked by agents and
left with nothing—except the realization that education is
everything. He’s counting on a basketball scholarship to a
California university and a career in medicine—rather than
his ball-playing ability—as the key to his future.
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062563
Cuban Masterworks Collection
Dramas 1962
First Run Features Home Video 20.02.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062585
Da Block Party 2
Yvette Thompson - Dir. Adedapo Akisanya
Comedies 2007
York Entertainment 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062897
East of Eden
Part comedy show, part reality show road trip, this HBO
series chronicled Dane Cook’s 2005 tour in nine hilarious
episodes. Cook and fellow comedians Gary Gulman, Jay
Davis, and Robert Kelly journey across the country to
perform sold-out shows at college campuses for eager
fans. But the laughs don’t stop when these four
comedians step off the stage. Cramped quarters on a tour
bus lead to even more raunchy humor than the audience
hears in the comedians’ acts. Adventures like paintball
and the „Fighter Pilot for a Day“ school only make these
four friends grow closer, despite their numerous conflicts.
Includes audio commentary, gag reel, and deleted scenes.
Television, Comedies FF
Warner Home Video 26.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062605
Talia Cuellar, Louie Del Monico, Fiona
Finlayson - Dir. Mark Allen
Horror/Suspense 2007
York Entertainment 06.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062898
Devil’s Den
Kelly Hu, Devon Sawa, Ken Foree
Horror/Suspense 2006
Anchor Bay Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062484
Doll from Hell
When criminals kill a doll maker’s daughter, he wants
vengeance for her death. To get his revenge, the grieving
father creates a human-looking toy and gives it his child’s
spirit. The life-size doll makes each of her murderers pay
for their crime.
Media Blasters 13.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062718
Double Promise Land
Dramas FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062747
Down the P.C.H.
Elaine Hendrix, Zachary Bennett, Guillermo
Dramas 2006
Vanguard Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062852
Drawing Blood
Kirk Wilson - Dir. Sergio Lapel
Edmond falls for a gorgeous painter only to discover that
she drinks the blood of her nude models. Their
relationship gets a bit scary when she tells him that he
must bring her more bleedin’ models, or die! An
outrageously fun vampire movie in the tradition of BUFFY
Horror/Suspense 2000
Brain Damage Films 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062893
Duel at the Supreme Gate
James Dean, Julie Harris, Raymond
Massey, Jo Van Fleet, Burl Ives, Albert
Dekker, Lois Smith, Harold B. Gordon,
Timothy Carey - Dir. Elia Kazan
The strong screen adaptation of John Steinbeck’s 1952
novel features the debut of James Dean. Like Cain with
Abel, a black sheep competes with his brother for his
father’s love—with tragic results.
Dramas 1955
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062871
Elimination Pursuit
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062537
Emergency! - Season 3
Vince Howard, Harold „Hal“ Frizzell, Scott
Gourlay, Angelo De Meo, Randolph
Mantooth, Kevin Tighe, Julie London
Los Angeles in the 1970s was a little bit safer thanks to
the crew from EMERGENCY! From the mind of Jack Webb
(DRAGNET) this series gave a realistic look into the daily
struggles of paramedics, firemen, and hospital staff. EMTs
Roy DeSoto (Kevin Tighe) and John Gage (Randolph
Mantooth) speed through L.A. to bring people to Rampart
Hospital, and Nurse Dixie McCall (Julie London) is there
waiting to help the incoming patients. With the paramedic
profession still young, this show provided the general
public a look into the lives of these heroes. Guest stars
like Kathleen Quinlan, Nick Nolte, and Deidre Hall bring
even more excitement to this third season set, which
includes all 22 heart-pounding episodes.
Dramas 1973 FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 13.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062733
Employee of the Month (Blu-ray)
Jessica Simpson, Dane Cook, Andy Dick,
Tim Bagley, Brian George, Efren Ramirez,
Harland Williams, Sean Whalen, Dax
Shepard, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Greg
For years, Zack Bradley (Dane Cook) has worked hard at
not working hard at all, coasting under the radar as an
ambitiously invisible box-boy at the local Super Club.
Living with his grandmother, and spending his free time
with his box-boy crew, Zack keeps people’s expectations
of him as low as his profile. So when his kiss-up coworker
Vince (Dax Shepard) earns the Employee of the Month
title for the 17th time in a row, Zack couldn’t care less.
But when sexy cashier Amy (Jessica Simpson) joins the
store’s staff, and rumors being circulating that she only
dates winners of this award, the stakes are instantly
raised. What begins as a plan to win Amy’s heart slowly
morphs into a much greater challenge, with Zack’s low
aspirations gradually growing into earnest attempts at
excellence. With the crazed Vince always in his way, Zack
must prove his worth to his superiors, his friends, Amy,
and himself.
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 DTS
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 16.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062680
Employee of the Month (Full
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062536
Jessica Simpson, Dane Cook, Andy Dick,
Tim Bagley, Brian George, Efren Ramirez,
Harland Williams, Sean Whalen, Dax
Shepard, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Greg
For years, Zack Bradley (Dane Cook) has worked hard at
not working hard at all, coasting under the radar as an
ambitiously invisible box-boy at the local Super Club.
Michael Brandon Battle, Monica Williams,
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 24
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
CATCH A FIRE - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 08.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 30. Januar 2007
Seite 25
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Living with his grandmother, and spending his free time
with his box-boy crew, Zack keeps people’s expectations
of him as low as his profile. So when his kiss-up coworker
Vince (Dax Shepard) earns the Employee of the Month
title for the 17th time in a row, Zack couldn’t care less.
But when sexy cashier Amy (Jessica Simpson) joins the
store’s staff, and rumors being circulating that she only
dates winners of this award, the stakes are instantly
raised. What begins as a plan to win Amy’s heart slowly
morphs into a much greater challenge, with Zack’s low
aspirations gradually growing into earnest attempts at
excellence. With the crazed Vince always in his way, Zack
must prove his worth to his superiors, his friends, Amy,
and himself.
Comedies 2006 DD 5.1 108min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062679
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
Hannover House 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062496
Family 2
Dir. Takashi Miike
Prolific director Takashi Miike (AUDITION) continues the
action of his 2001 movie FAMILY. This yakuza film follows
Hideshi as he investigates the murder of a mob boss.
Foreign Films, Japanese 2001
Media Blasters 09.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062707
Family Affair - Season 3
Employee of the Month
Jessica Simpson, Dane Cook, Andy Dick,
Tim Bagley, Brian George, Efren Ramirez,
Harland Williams, Sean Whalen, Dax
Shepard, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Greg
For years, Zack Bradley (Dane Cook) has worked hard at
not working hard at all, coasting under the radar as an
ambitiously invisible box-boy at the local Super Club.
Living with his grandmother, and spending his free time
with his box-boy crew, Zack keeps people’s expectations
of him as low as his profile. So when his kiss-up coworker
Vince (Dax Shepard) earns the Employee of the Month
title for the 17th time in a row, Zack couldn’t care less.
But when sexy cashier Amy (Jessica Simpson) joins the
store’s staff, and rumors being circulating that she only
dates winners of this award, the stakes are instantly
raised. What begins as a plan to win Amy’s heart slowly
morphs into a much greater challenge, with Zack’s low
aspirations gradually growing into earnest attempts at
excellence. With the crazed Vince always in his way, Zack
must prove his worth to his superiors, his friends, Amy,
and himself.
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 108min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062678
Euro Fiends From the Grave
Simon Andreu, Maribel Martin, Alexandra
Bastedo, Magda Konopka, Julio Pena, Umberto Raho, Barbara Steele, Anita Ekberg,
Paul Muller, Helga Line, Diana Lorys,
Rossana Yanni - Dir. Mario Caiano,
Armando De Ossorio, Piero Vivarelli,
Vicente Aranda
Horror/Suspense 1965 M
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062619
Evil Animals Triple Feature Grizzly / Day of the Animals /
Devil Dog
Television, Comedies
MPI Home Video 27.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062742
W.C. Fields Comedy Collection:
Volume 2
W.C. Fields
Comedies FF DD 2.0 343min.
Universal Studios Home Video 20.03.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062729
Final Assignment
Michael York, Geneviève Bujold, Colleen
Dewhurst, Burgess Meredith - Dir. Paul
A Canadian TV reporter on assignment in the Soviet Union
falls for a Communist official and uncovers a series of
secret Soviet experiments performed on unsuspecting
children. As she unearths more information and the KGB
begins to take an interest in her affairs, she prepares to
escape the country with a videotape that incriminates the
Russian government and its highest ranking scientists.
Action/Adventure 1980
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062832
Final Shot: The Hank Gathers
Victor Love, Duane Davis, George Kennedy,
Nell Carter - Dir. Charles Braverman
This fact-based film tells the tragic story of Hank Gathers,
a talented college basketball player with severe heart
problems. Gathers made the difficult decision not to take
his medicine because it made him sluggish and unable to
play well. As a result, he suffered a heart attack and died,
still very young, during a game.
Dramas 1992
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062838
First Born
Christopher George, Andrew Prine, Leslie
Nielsen, Richard Crenna, Yvette Mimieux,
Ken Kercheval - Dir. William Girdler, Curtis
GRIZZLY: This blood-drenched bear isn’t looking for „picka-nick baskets,“ and Mr. Ranger isn’t forgiving any „booboos“ — not this time. An innocent day in the park turns
deadly when a bear that is inexplicably 18 feet tall
emerges from the forest. Another great edition to the
„mutant killer animals“ genre, GRIZZLY should be avoided
by people with a phobia of bears but is a must-see for
fans of the unrealistic horror film.
Television, Horror/Suspense 1973
Media Blasters 13.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062711
Teri Garr, Peter Weller, Christopher Collet,
Robert Downey, Corey Haim - Dir. Michael
A divorced mom struggling to raise two adolescent boys
becomes involved with a dangerous loser. Tension and
violence erupt in household when the man moves in,
bringing his drug problems with him.
Dramas 1984
First Look Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062581
Flight of Fury
Steven Seagal - Dir. Michael Keusch
Action/Adventure 2007
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062562
Evil Behind You
When two couples find themselves inexplicably locked in
an observation room, they realize they’ve been the
unwitting recipients of a mysterious „surgery.“ Things
become even more complicated and frightening when they
begin to the feel the presence of something dark and
malevolent in the room with them. Hillary Kennedy and
Gwendolyn Murphy star in this tense psychological horror
Flyboys (Blu-ray)
James Franco, Jean Reno, Martin
Henderson, Ian Rose, Abdul Salis, Jennifer
Decker, Lex Shrapnel, David Ellison - Dir.
Tony Bill
FLYBOYS is a good old-fashioned historical drama
concerning the Lafayette Escadrille, a French regiment of
American volunteer airmen serving the allied cause in
WWI before the U.S. became officially involved. James
Franco plays Blaine, a Texas rancher; he bunks with
Eugene (Abdul Salis), an African American boxer whose
been living in Paris as an ex-patriate to get away from
American racism. Other fighters include a pampered New
York scion (Tyler Labine) and a lanky, lazy Kansan (David
Ellison). They all train under the patient hand of the
French commander, succinctly embodied by the wondrous
Jean Reno (THE PROFESSIONAL). Martin Henderson
(TORQUE) is good and brusque as a jaded flier with a
bunch of kills under his belt and an obsession with an ace
German fighter; he wont let the new kids drink in the
officer’s club until they’ve shot down their first planes. It
all unfolds in a no-nonsense linear narrative that reminds
one of early films like THE DAWN PATROL (1930) and
WINGS (1927); and there’s a comfortingly familiar orchestral score that’s heavy with the cloud-invoking wooden
flute. But the CGI-
Action/Adventure 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062734
Flyboys (Limited)
James Franco, Jean Reno, Martin
Henderson, Ian Rose, Abdul Salis, Jennifer
Decker, Lex Shrapnel, David Ellison - Dir.
Tony Bill
FLYBOYS is a good old-fashioned historical drama
concerning the Lafayette Escadrille, a French regiment of
American volunteer airmen serving the allied cause in
WWI before the U.S. became officially involved. James
Franco plays Blaine, a Texas rancher; he bunks with
Eugene (Abdul Salis), an African American boxer whose
been living in Paris as an ex-patriate to get away from
American racism. Other fighters include a pampered New
York scion (Tyler Labine) and a lanky, lazy Kansan (David
Ellison). They all train under the patient hand of the
French commander, succinctly embodied by the wondrous
Jean Reno (THE PROFESSIONAL). Martin Henderson
(TORQUE) is good and brusque as a jaded flier with a
bunch of kills under his belt and an obsession with an ace
German fighter; he wont let the new kids drink in the
officer’s club until they’ve shot down their first planes. It
all unfolds in a no-nonsense linear narrative that reminds
one of early films like THE DAWN PATROL (1930) and
WINGS (1927); and there’s a comfortingly familiar orchestral score that’s heavy with the cloud-invoking wooden
flute. But the CGI-
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 DTS
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062735
Flyboys (Full Screen)
James Franco, Jean Reno, Martin
Henderson, Ian Rose, Abdul Salis, Jennifer
Decker, Lex Shrapnel, David Ellison - Dir.
Tony Bill
FLYBOYS is a good old-fashioned historical drama
concerning the Lafayette Escadrille, a French regiment of
American volunteer airmen serving the allied cause in
WWI before the U.S. became officially involved. James
Franco plays Blaine, a Texas rancher; he bunks with
Eugene (Abdul Salis), an African American boxer whose
been living in Paris as an ex-patriate to get away from
American racism. Other fighters include a pampered New
York scion (Tyler Labine) and a lanky, lazy Kansan (David
Ellison). They all train under the patient hand of the
French commander, succinctly embodied by the wondrous
Jean Reno (THE PROFESSIONAL). Martin Henderson
(TORQUE) is good and brusque as a jaded flier with a
bunch of kills under his belt and an obsession with an ace
German fighter; he wont let the new kids drink in the
officer’s club until they’ve shot down their first planes. It
all unfolds in a no-nonsense linear narrative that reminds
one of early films like THE DAWN PATROL (1930) and
WINGS (1927); and there’s a comfortingly familiar orchestral score that’s heavy with the cloud-invoking wooden
flute. But the CGI-
Action/Adventure 2006 FF DD 2.0 DTS
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062738
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 26
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9) oder
Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3)
Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis 1-DVD-Edition: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis 1-DVD-Edition: EUR 39,90
Normalpreis 2-DVD-Edition: EUR 61,90
Pre-Order-Preis 2-DVD-Edition: EUR 49,90
(Pre-Order gültig bis 18.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich
ab 30. Januar 2007
Auch als Blu-ray Disc lieferbar
Seite 27
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Flyboys (Widescreen)
James Franco, Jean Reno, Martin
Henderson, Ian Rose, Abdul Salis, Jennifer
Decker, Lex Shrapnel, David Ellison - Dir.
Tony Bill
FLYBOYS is a good old-fashioned historical drama
concerning the Lafayette Escadrille, a French regiment of
American volunteer airmen serving the allied cause in
WWI before the U.S. became officially involved. James
Franco plays Blaine, a Texas rancher; he bunks with
Eugene (Abdul Salis), an African American boxer whose
been living in Paris as an ex-patriate to get away from
American racism. Other fighters include a pampered New
York scion (Tyler Labine) and a lanky, lazy Kansan (David
Ellison). They all train under the patient hand of the
French commander, succinctly embodied by the wondrous
Jean Reno (THE PROFESSIONAL). Martin Henderson
(TORQUE) is good and brusque as a jaded flier with a
bunch of kills under his belt and an obsession with an ace
German fighter; he wont let the new kids drink in the
officer ’s club until they’ve shot down their first planes. It
all unfolds in a no-nonsense linear narrative that reminds
one of early films like THE DAWN PATROL (1930) and
WINGS (1927); and there’s a comfortingly familiar orchestral score that’s heavy with the cloud-invoking wooden
flute. But the CGI-
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 DTS
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062737
For Amor
Luis Caldeira, Chelsie Prendez, Lesa Torres
Comedies 2006 FF DD 5.1 84min.
Maverick Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062756
them to slay. When Fenton tries to resist his father ’s plan,
he finds his own life in danger. Eschewing graphic gore in
favor of more subtle chills, Paxton’s suspenseful and
creepy film harkens back to the wholesome surface and
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 DTS
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062691
Frankenstein VS Baragon
Tadao Takashima, Nick Adams - Dir.
Inoshiro Honda
From the director of the original GODZILLA comes
FRANKENSTEIN VS BARAGON. In 1945, a human heart
in a Japanese lab is exposed to the intense radiation from
the atomic bomb, causing the heart to grow into a full
body. The result is a wild child, complete with the iconic
flat-top head that earns him the name „Frankenstein.“ The
boy grows to giant proportions, and he is invincible
against attacks from the authorities. But when a giant
reptile wreaks havoc, only Frankenstein can match him in
a fight. This sci-fi film from 1965 blends Japanese
monster movies with the tradition of Mary Shelley’s classic
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1965
Media Blasters 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062721
Futtock’s End
Ronnie Barker, Julian Orchard, Michael
Horden, Roger Livesey, Kika Markham - Dir.
Bob Kellet
Comedies 1969
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062660
Four Brothers (HD DVD)
Terrence Howard, Josh Charles, Chjwetel
Ejiofor, Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson,
Garrett Hedlund, Paul Stewart, Andre 3000
- Dir. John Singleton
When their beloved foster mother is killed in a holdup,
four tough brothers reunite in their old Detroit
neighborhood with revenge on their minds. Mark Wahlberg
plays the brawl-hungry leader, Bobby. His brother, Angel
(Tyrese Gibson), is a rowdy sailor with a high-strung
Latina girlfriend (Sofi Vergara). Garrett Hedlun plays the
young rock & roller of the clan. And Outkast’s Andre 3000,
Benjamin, is the family man whose tenuous mob
connection may link him to the killers. Director John
Singleton ably blends his action skills (SHAFT, 2 FAST 2
FURIOUS) and his gift for capturing the warm heart at the
center of violent urban masculinity (BABY BOY, BOYZ N
THE HOOD) to create a cooked-to-perfection gangsta
stew. A soundtrack jammed with 1970s Motown classics
roots everything firmly in the gritty tradition of the best of
that decade’s blaxploitation and urban revenge thrillers.
Action highlights include a skidding car chase through
snowy streets, some rough street hockey, and a bulletintensive neighborhood shoot-out. With its talented,
likeable cast, clever plotting, and sharp dialogue, this is a
real crowd-p
Dramas 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 108min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062791
Frailty / Saw
Dina Meyer, Powers Boothe, Matthew
McConaughey, Danny Glover, Cary Elwes,
Monica Potter - Dir. Bill Paxton, James Wan
FRAILTY: Actor Bill Paxton’s directorial debut has been
hailed for its originality by author Stephen King and
director Sam Raimi (THE EVIL DEAD). The film opens on
a stormy night when an intense man (Matthew
McConaughey) walks into FBI headquarters in Dallas and
tells Agent Wesley Doyle (Powers Boothe) that he knows
who the „God’s Hand“ serial killer is. He tells a compelling
tale, shown in flashback, of how he and his brother lived
with their kind widower father (Bill Paxton), a mechanic.
One night, their father woke them to tell them he’d had a
vision, and that God had commanded the family to slay
demons in human form. The older brother, Fenton (Matt
O’Leary), doesn’t believe a word of it, and assumes that
their father has gone mad. The younger brother, Adam
(Jeremy Sumpter), is more easily swayed. Soon the father
is bringing people home, supposedly chosen by God for
Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox,
John Gielgud, Trevor Howard, Martin
Sheen, Athol Fugard, Amrish Puri, Roshan
Seth, Ian Bannen, Nigel Hawthorne, Om
Puri - Dir. Richard Attenborough
Richard Attenborough’s award-winning epic recounts the
life and times of Mahatma Gandhi.
Dramas 1982 Ltbx DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062569
Genie’s Wish
Charlie Lane, Tanya James, Celeste Star
Tanya James stars in this erotic romp about a woman who
accidentally unleashes a genie from a bottle. The genie
grants a series of exotic, sensual wishes, but James soon
learns the genie has some demands of her own. GENIE’S
WISH is light, enjoyable adult entertainment and comes
especially recommended for those who appreciate girl-ongirl scenes.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062761
Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Vincent Schiavelli, Rick Aviles, Tony
Goldwyn - Dir. Jerry Zucker
Shortly after moving into a new Manhattan apartment, a
pair of lovers are separated by a street thug’s bullet.
Communicating through a frazzled false medium, the
man’s ghost tries to avenge his death and protect his
girlfriend. Academy Award Nominations: 4, including Best
Picture, Best Original Score. Academy Awards: 2,
including Best (Original) Screenplay, Best Supporting
Actress—Whoopi Goldberg.
Leitch, Andre Braugher - Dir. Edward Zwick
Director Edward Zwick’s GLORY follows the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts, a troop of free black men who
fought for freedom during the Civil War. When a wealthy
white Bostonian takes charge of the unit, he faces the
challenge of earning their respect and support as he
prepares the soldiers for battle.
Action/Adventure 1989 Ltbx DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062566
Goddess of 1967
Rose Byrne, Rikiya Kurokawa, Nicholas
Hope - Dir. Clara Law, Elise McCredie
Dramas 2000
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062609
Goodfellas (Blu-ray)
Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Paul Sorvino,
Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco, Frank Sivero,
Mike Starr, Frank Vincent, Samuel L.
Jackson, Kevin Corrigan, Henny Youngman,
Tony Darrow, Chuck Low, Frank Di Leo,
Christopher Serrone, Jerry Vale, Sheila
Howard - Dir. Martin Scorsese
Martin Scorsese’s classic crime drama follows Henry Hill
from his beginnings as a petty criminal to his inclusion into
one of the world’s most ruthless mobs. Featuring a
nostalgic soundtrack and inventive camera work,
GOODFELLAS throbs with an obscene amount of
electricity. Ray Liotta and Robert De Niro bring Scorsese
and Pileggi’s script to life with great fervor, but it is Joe
Pesci who steals the show with his portrayal of Tommy
DeVito, a psychopathic gangster who is terrifyingly shorttempered. Simply put, GOODFELLAS is one of the most
striking crime films ever made.
Dramas 1990
Warner Home Video 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062865
Groucho Marx & Redd Foxx
Television, Comedies
MPI Home Video 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062744
The Guardian
Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher, Clancy
Brown, Sela Ward, Melissa Sagemiller,
Travis Willingham, John Heard, Neal
McDonough, Bonnie Bramlett - Dir. Andrew
Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher team up in this torchpassing tale of the brave men and women in the Navy
Coastguard elite rescue diver unit. A catastrophic rescue
mission leaves him wounded after his wife (Sela Ward)
walks out on him, so heavily decorated, reluctantly aging
rescue diver Ben Randall (Costner) takes some leave
from the ocean to assume instructor duties down at the
naval training base. There his humorless pedagogy rubs a
lot of trainees the wrong way, but a champion high-school
swimmer, Jake (Kucher), has no problem keeping up, and
it looks like old Ben may have found someone worthy to
be his replacement. But first each man has to wrestle with
his own personal demons...and each other. Under the nononsense direction of Andrew Davis (THE FUGITIVE,
UNDER SIEGE), the visceral energy flows nonstop
through this familiar but nonetheless riveting affair. Shot
in a flat, matter-of-fact manner, the harshness of naval
academy life is celebrated without being glamorized, while
the rescues at sea are nothing short of hair-raising,
making excellent use of CGI effects to plunge the viewer
right into t
Dramas 1990
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062784
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 139min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062555
Half Baked (HD DVD)
Denzel Washington, Matthew Broderick,
Morgan Freeman, Cary Elwes, Donovan
Dave Chappelle, Guillermo Diaz, Harland
Williams, Jim Breuer, Rachel True,
Clarence Williams, Laura Silverman,
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 28
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Tommy Chong, Jon Stewart, Snoop Dogg,
Willie Nelson, Janeane Garofalo, Steven
Wright - Dir. Tamra Davis
A trio of bong-loving buddies hatch a pot-laced plan to
spring the fourth member of their smokers’ circle out of
the Big House, where he languishes after accidentally
killing a diabetic police horse. The cinematic equivalent of
aerosol cheese, featuring a bevy of buzz-friendly cameos
(such as Bob Saget, as a rehabbing cokehead, and the
Father of Them All, Tommy Chong).
Comedies 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 83min.
Universal Studios Home Video 30.01.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062732
Half Nelson
Ryan Gosling, Anthony Mackie, Tina
Holmes, Christopher Williamson, Nicole
Vicius - Dir. Ryan Fleck
High school teacher Dan (Ryan Gosling) and quiet
teenager Drey (Shareeka Epps) are two lonely souls who
wander the planet looking to attach some semblance of
meaning to their chaotic lives. Dan teaches Drey in a
dilapidated school in Brooklyn, New York. Their
relationship is unremarkable until Drey discovers Dan
collapsed and clutching a crack pipe in a grimy toilet
cubicle in the high school gym. It is from this pivotal
moment that director Ryan Fleck builds a tentative
friendship between these two unlikely allies, creating one
of 2006’s most arresting films in the process.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 107min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062572
Hammer Film Noir - Vol. 4: Terror
Street / Wings of Danger
Dan Duryea, Zachary Scott, Eisle Albin,
Ann Gudrun, Eric Pohlmann, Robert Beatty,
Kay Kendall, Arthur Lane, Naomi Chance Dir. Montgomery Tully, Terence Fisher
Dramas 1952 FF 157min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062857
Dramas 1983
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062736
Dramas 2006
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062499
I Am An S+M Writer
Harvest Time
Ren Osugi - Dir. Ryuichi Hiroki
Lyudmila Motornaya, Vyacheslav Batrakov Dir. Marina Razbezhkina
Ryuichi Hiroki’s feature based on the autobiography by
erotica writer Oniroku Dan takes a farcical look at writing’s
role in sexual liberation. When flat-broke writer Kurosaki
(Ren Osugi) decides to pursue the erotica genre, he
needs some real-life experience first. Hiring several young
models to stage a series of inspiring sexual scenes for
him, Kurosaki experiences temptation, not to mention
disapproval, from his wife when she finds women tied up
in their living room.
Set in rural Russia, Marina Rasbezhkina’s feature film
received the Golden Plaque award at the Chicago International Film Festival for its artful portrayal of Soviet history.
The film follows a woman living in a small Russian village
after World War II. Working as a tractor driver at a
collective farm, she feels extra pressure to bring home
money when her husband returns from the war an
amputee. This event indirectly leads to her winning of the
Red Flag, a distinction which brings her both pride and
Dramas 2004
Kino on Video 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062674
Hawaii Five-O - The Complete
First Season
Jack Lord, James MacArthur, Zulu, William
Television, Dramas 1968 M 1270min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062804
Heartbreak High
John Vernon, Norman Fell, Robert Forster Dir. Mark Warren
Comedies 1981
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062615
Home Before Midnight
James Aubrey - Dir. Pete Walker
A fourteen-year-old girl has an affair with an older man
which comes to an abrupt halt when her parents have him
arrested for rape.
Dramas 2000 Ltbx 16x9 88min.
Kino on Video 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062672
I Love Lucy - The Complete 7th,
8th and 9th Seasons
Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball, William Frawley,
Vivian Vance
I LOVE LUCY debuted in 1951 and quickly set a new
standard for situation comedy with its well-crafted
plotlines, live tapings, multiple camera angles, and one of
the finest ensemble casts in television history. Centered
around the domestic life of zany redhead Lucy Ricardo
(Lucille Ball) and her Cuban-born husband Ricky (Lucy’s
real-life spouse Desi Arnaz), the series also broke the
cultural taboos of the whitebread 1950s by featuring an
interracial marriage and a female lead who was less than
the obedient housewife. Indeed, it was Lucy’s neverending
quest to muscle in on her husband’s show business
career—often with the help of meddlesome next-door
neighbors Fred (William Frawley) and Ethel Mertz (Vivian
Vance)—that provided the show its main comedic thrust
and continues to lend it a timelessly classic appeal.
Television, Comedies 1957
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062801
Albert Finney, Marsha Mason, Kathy Baker,
Swoosie Kurtz - Dir. Peter Werner
Dramas 1984
Media Blasters 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062708
The highest-rated news anchor in the country leads a
wrongly-accused bank president to suicide through his
investigative reporting of a savings and loan association.
With his private life falling apart as well, he is soon forced
to reassess his power, his responsibility and his image.
John Ireland, Dane Clark, Geoffrey Keen,
Eric Pohlmann, Sidney James, Paul
Carpenter, Cecile Chevreau, Thea Gregory
- Dir. Montgomery Tully
Dramas Ltbx 130min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062858
How Awful About Allan
Dramas 1990 Ltbx M
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062599
Hart’s War (Blu-ray)
Bruce Willis, Colin Farrell, Terrence
Howard, Vicellous Shannon, Jonathan
Brandis, Scott Michael Campbell, Rory
Cochrane, Cole Hauser, Michael Landes,
Michael Weston, Sam Worthington, Marcel
Iures, Linus Roache - Dir. Gregory Hoblit
Robert Rusler, Cliff De Young, Joe Michael
Burke - Dir. Fritz Kiersch
Hammer Film Noir - Vol. 5: The
Glass Tomb / Paid to Kill
Director Gregory Hoblit’s debut feature was the tricky
courtroom drama PRIMAL FEAR. With his fourth feature,
HART’S WAR, Hoblit is back with another. This time the
court is inside a WWII prisoner-of-war camp. The
defendant is Lieutenant Lincoln Scott (Terrence Howard),
a black officer accused of killing a racist sergeant (Cole
Hauser). Scott’s lawyer is Lieutenant Tommy Hart (Colin
Farrell), a second-year law student at Yale. A U.S.
senator ’s son, Hart was having a relatively easy war until
he was captured, interrogated, and sent to Stalag VI. The
camp commandant is the urbane, charming, and ruthless
SS Major Visser (compellingly played by Rumanian actor
Marcel Iures). The ranking American officer at the camp is
Colonel William McNamara (Bruce Willis), and Hart is
soon in conflict with him. When Scott is accused of
murder, McNamara insists that the prisoners should hold a
court martial, and he appoints Hart counsel for the
defense. At the court martial, Hart finds his client is being
railroaded, although he gets help from unexpected
quarters. Intricately plotted by scriptwriters Billy Ray and
Anthony Perkins, Julie Harris, Joan
Hackett, Kent Smith - Dir. Curtis Harrington
A blind man tormented with guilt for his father’s death by
fire is manipulated by his sadistic sister.
Television, Horror/Suspense 1970
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062833
This eerie horror thriller from director Fritz Kiersch
(CHILDREN OF THE CORN) follows Jack Hamburg and
his young stepson, who venture into the woods to film a
hunting video, but stumble onto mysterious and terrifying
signs that they may not be the predators after all. Robert
Rusler, Cliff De Young, and Joe Michael Burke star.
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 90min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062610
Hunt for Justice
Wendy Crewson, John Corbett, William
Hurt, Stipe Erceg, Heino Ferch, Claudia
Ferri, Michael Murphy, Leslie Hope, Neville
Edwards, Lynne Deragon, Gabrielle Boni,
Jasson Finney, Farouk Sofic, Kresimir
Bosiljevac - Dir. Charles Biname
When Canadian judge Louise Arbour was promoted to
Chief Prosecutor of International War Crimes Tribunal in
the mid-1990s, she forced those around her to open their
eyes to the genocide, prejudice, and tragedy taking place
all around them.
Immortal - The Complete Series
Lorenzo Lamas, April Telek, Steve Braun,
Robert Ito, Dominic Keating - Dir. Michael
John Bateman
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2000
FF S 968min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062617
Italian Job (HD DVD)
Mos Def, Seth Green, Jason Statham, Donald Sutherland, Franky G., Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Norton - Dir.
F. Gary Gray
F. Gary Gray’s thoroughly entertaining caper film—a
remake of the 1969 crime classic starring Michael Caine
and Noel Coward—doesn’t merely imitate the original, and
that is what makes it such a pleasant, wholly refreshing
surprise. Mark Wahlberg stars as Charlie Croker, a
smooth thief who orchestrates a flawless heist in Venice
with the help of his mentor, safecracker John Bridger
(Donald Sutherland). Together with his cronies—explosives expert Left-Ear (Mos Def), tech whiz-kid Lyle (Seth
Green), adrenaline junky Handsome Rob (Jason
Statham), and the shady Steve (Edward Norton)—Charlie
walks away with $35 million worth of precious gold bars.
But just when the gang appears to be headed to freedom,
Steve performs a heist of his own, killing John and
running off with the gold, thinking that Charlie and his
mates are all deceased. A year later, Charlie has located
Steve, who is gradually selling off the gold bars in Los
Angeles. With the help of John’s beautiful daughter Stella
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
(Charlize Theron), a brilliant safecracker in her own
right—as well as those adorable Mini Cooper sports
cars—Charlie orchest
Action/Adventure 2003 Ltbx DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062790
Jack Reed: A Search for Justice
Charles S. Dutton, Susan Ruttan, Brian
Dennehy, Miguel Ferrer, Joe Grifasi,
Charles Hallahan, Rex Linn - Dir. Brian
Brian Dennehy reprises his role as tough-guy cop Jack
Reed in the made-for-TV film series of the same name.
The second film in the series, A SEARCH FOR JUSTICE
finds Reed investigating the brutal murder of a stripper
while battling police corruption within his own ranks.
Written and directed by Dennehy, the thrilling crime drama
boasts a strong supporting cast that includes television
stalwarts Charles S. Dutton (ROC), Susan Rattan (L.A.
LAW), and Miguel Ferrer (TWIN PEAKS).
Television, Dramas 1994
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062828
Jack Reed: Death And Vengeance
Brian Dennehy, Charles S. Dutton - Dir.
Brian Dennehy
from a series of Brian Dennehy television movies where
he played tough guy investigator Jack Reed. In this
movie, Reed is cruising through a Russian neighborhood
trying to gather information on a cemetery mass murder
that has occurred. Unfortunately, most of the Russians
are immigrants and are either suspicious or afraid of any
law enforcement officials.
237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062788
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062725
JAG - The Complete Third
David James Elliott, Catherine Bell
Like a small-screen version of A FEW GOOD MEN, the
television series JAG delves into the world of military
justice with a stirring blend of action and drama. Created
by TV stalwart Donald Bellisario (MAGNUM P.I., QUANTUM LEAP), the series follows JAG (Judge Advocate
General) officer Harmon „Harm“ Rabb (David James
Elliott) and his partner, Marine Lt. Colonel Sarah „Mac“
Mackenzie (Catherine Bell), as they investigate and
prosecute military crimes within the Marine Corps and
Navy. This collection presents the series’ third season for
a total of 24 episodes.
This two-pack delivers a double dose of teen sex, drugs,
and other forms of rebellion.
Blythe Danner, Keith Carradine
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062601
Juego de Ninos
Rogelio Castillo, Angelica Consuegra, Francisco Rey - Dir. Leopoldo Laborde
Foreign Films, Spanish 1995
Vanguard Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062853
Just Write
Jack Reed: One Of Our Own
Jacob Have I Loved
Bridget Fonda, Jenny Robertson, John
Kellogg, Laura Innes, Evan Mirand, Lonny
Price, Mary Fogarty - Dir. Victoria Hochberg
Growing up in a tiny, isolated Chesapeake Bay fishing
community, angry Louise must overcome many
obstacles—most notably the shadow of her beautiful,
talented, and confident twin sister Caroline. Based on the
Newbury Award-winning book by Katherine Paterson, this
PBS production features an early role by Bridget Fonda.
Childrens, Live-Action 1989
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062520
JAG - Seasons 1-3
David James Elliott, Tracey Needham,
Catherine Bell
Like a small-screen version of A FEW GOOD MEN, the
television series JAG delves into the world of military
justice with a stirring blend of action and drama. Created
by TV stalwart Donald Bellisario (MAGNUM P.I., QUANTUM LEAP), the series follows two JAG (Judge Advocate
General) officers, fighter-pilot-turned-lawyer Harmon
„Harm“ Rabb (David James Elliott) and his partner, Meg
Austin (Tracey Needham)—replaced by Marine Lt. Colonel
Sarah „Mac“ Mackenzie (Catherine Bell) in the second
season—as they investigate and prosecute military crimes
within the Marine Corps and Navy. This collection
presents the series’ first three seasons.
Television, Dramas 1995
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
KIDS / The Rules of Attraction
Harold, a Hollywood tour bus driver, finds himself
embroiled in a charade as he tries to maintain a false
identity while wooing a starlet.
Television, Action/Adventure 1995
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062831
Action/Adventure 1996 FF 142min.
UAV Corp 16.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062516
Ian Somerhalder, Leo Fitzpatrick, Jessica
Biel, Shannyn Sossamon, Kip Pardue, Fred
Savage, Rosario Dawson, Justin Pierce,
James Van Der Beek - Dir. Roger Avary,
Larry Clark
Sherilyn Fenn, Jeremy Piven, JoBeth
Williams, Jeffrey Sams, Wallace Shawn,
Alex Rocco - Dir. Andrew Gallerani
JACK REED: ONE OF OUR OWN is just one movie from
a series of Brian Dennehy television movies where he
played tough guy investigator Jack Reed. In this movie
Reed must protect a woman who has been marked for
murder, to the point that she moves into his house to live
with him and his family.
A made-for-cable mini-series adaptation of the 1886
adventure classic by Robert Louis Stevenson, first
broadcast on The Family Channel.
Television, Dramas 1997
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062786
Television, Action/Adventure 1996
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062837
Charles S. Dutton, Brian Dennehy - Dir.
Brian Dennehy
Armand Assante, Brian McCardie - Dir. Ivan
Comedies 1998
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062521
Kadokawa Horror Collection
Loaded with atmospheric terror and supernatural themes,
the four films in the KADOKAWA HORROR COLLECTION
exemplify the late-1990s/early-2000s Japanese horror
boom: in INUGAMI (2001), a cursed family accidentally
unleashes its ancestors’ evil spirits; in SHIKOKU (1999), a
young girl is haunted by the vengeful ghost of her
childhood friend; in SHADOW OF THE WRAITH (2007),
two brothers become involved with a pair of unstable
women; and in ISOLA (2000), a telepathic woman meets a
schizophrenic whose multiple personalities may be
triggering earthquakes. See individual titles for further plot
Horror/Suspense 1999
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062552
Kamen Rider First
When an evil group named Shocker turns Hongo from a
normal man into a locust-human hybrid, Hongo’s whole
life changes. He goes from having goals for the future to
only wanting to fight Shocker with his newfound abilities.
Shocker retaliates by creating an assassin that is a copy
of Hongo, and the pair matches blow for blow when they
meet in an epic battle.
Foreign Films, Japanese 2005
Media Blasters 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062720
Kettle of Fish
Matthew Modine, Gina Gershon - Dir. Claudia Myers
Matthew Modine and Gina Gershon star in this comedy
about a committed bachelor (Modine) who has a change
of heart when he welcomes in an attractive biologist
(Gershon) as his new roommate.
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 97min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.03.2007
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 201min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062699
King Kung Fu
John Balee, Tom Leahy, Maxine Gray, Bill
Schwartz - Dir. Lance Hayes
A gorilla sent to America by way of Kansas is set free by
reporters in search of a scoop. The joke’s on them when
they discover the gorilla knows kung fu.
Comedies 1987
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062621
King of Kings
Action/Adventure FF 97min.
Inspired Corporation 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062773
Kisarazu Cat’s Eye - The Movie
When Bussan learns he has less than a year to live, he
decides to continue his life as usual. He spends his time
with his friends, a band called Kisarazu Cat’s Eye. Their
funny adventures range from playing gigs to solving a
mystery surrounding counterfeit money, but Bussan’s
impending death is never far away.
Foreign Films, Japanese 2003
Media Blasters 13.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062715
Lady in the Water (Blu-ray)
Bryce Dallas Howard, Paul Giamatti, Jeffrey
Wright, Bob Balaban, Freddy Rodriguez,
Jared Harris, Mary Beth Hurt, M. Night
Shyamalan, Bill Irwin, Sarita Choudhury Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
continues his mission to revive the ancient art of
storytelling—which he has diagnosed as a dying art—
melding aspects of the fantastic with the mundane, and
bringing to life a mythology of his own concoction. Paul
Giamatti (SIDEWAYS) is Cleveland Heep, the depressed
caretaker of an apartment complex in suburban Philadelphia called the Cove—a location from which the film
virtually never strays. He tends the homes of a host of
loveable eccentrics, including Jeffrey Wright (SYRIANA)
as a single dad, Sarita Choudhury (SHE HATE ME) and
the director himself as brother-and-sister roommates, Bob
Balaban as a cynical film critic, and Cindy Cheung as a
college girl Cleveland befriends. When Cleveland is pulled
from the pool by a mysterious young woman (Bryce Dallas
Howard, THE VILLAGE) after a nasty bump on the head,
he quickly discovers her true identity as a narf, one of an
ancient race of water beings whose attempts at
communication with humans have long ago ceased. As
Cleveland attempts to return her to her world, uncovering
the intricacies of the story fro
Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 19.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062877
Lady in the Water (HD DVD)
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Seite 30
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Bryce Dallas Howard, Paul Giamatti, Jeffrey
Wright, Bob Balaban, Freddy Rodriguez,
Jared Harris, Mary Beth Hurt, M. Night
Shyamalan, Bill Irwin, Sarita Choudhury Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
Horror/Suspense 1972
Media Blasters 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062713
continues his mission to revive the ancient art of
storytelling—which he has diagnosed as a dying art—
melding aspects of the fantastic with the mundane, and
bringing to life a mythology of his own concoction. Paul
Giamatti (SIDEWAYS) is Cleveland Heep, the depressed
caretaker of an apartment complex in suburban Philadelphia called the Cove—a location from which the film
virtually never strays. He tends the homes of a host of
loveable eccentrics, including Jeffrey Wright (SYRIANA)
as a single dad, Sarita Choudhury (SHE HATE ME) and
the director himself as brother-and-sister roommates, Bob
Balaban as a cynical film critic, and Cindy Cheung as a
college girl Cleveland befriends. When Cleveland is pulled
from the pool by a mysterious young woman (Bryce Dallas
Howard, THE VILLAGE) after a nasty bump on the head,
he quickly discovers her true identity as a narf, one of an
ancient race of water beings whose attempts at
communication with humans have long ago ceased. As
Cleveland attempts to return her to her world, uncovering
the intricacies of the story fro
Jan Triska, Ana Geislerová, Jaroslav
Dusek, Pavel Liska, Martin Huba, Pavel
Novy, Stano Danciak, Jiri Krytinar - Dir. Jan
Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 109min.
Warner Home Video 19.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062874
This is a largely live-action film from the legendary Czech
filmmaker Jan Svankmeyer, best known for his brilliant,
twisted animation. The dark LUNACY is in the same vein
as that work, an allegorical „philosophical horror movie“
influenced by the work of the Marquis de Sade and Edgar
Allen Poe about freedom and control, with an impressive
Czech cast that includes Jan Tríska, Ana Geislerová,
Pavel Liska, and Jaroslav Dusek.
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9
Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062899
Mad About You - Complete Third
Paul Reiser, Helen Hunt, Richard Kind,
Anne Ramsay, John Pankow
LESBIONAGE is a sexy slice of girl-on-girl erotica that
spoofs spy movies through the racy adventures of secret
agent Kelly Boobserfine (Karlie Montana), who rescues
her partner from the evil clutches of arms dealer Helga
Von Dykesenberg with a special arsenal of secret
weapons and techniques. This campy softcore thriller also
features lovely starlets Lindy Crystal, Aimee Sweet, Holly
Morgan, and Clara G.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062760
Leyendas Macabras de la Colonia
/ El Robo de las Momias de
DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS pays homage to the
cinematic genre of lucha libre, a form of Mexican wrestling
marked by the use of masks, tag teams, and high-flying
acrobatics. Starting out in the 1950s as typical gangster
crime dramas, ’60s and ’70s lucha libre employed
increasingly outlandish storylines involving supernatural
foes like aliens, mummies, and zombies. A fun mix of scifi, horror, comedy, action, and suspense, this campy
doubleheader from the golden age of ’70s lucha libre
features some of the genre’s biggest stars, including Mil
Mascaras, Blue Angel, Tinieblas, and El Rayo de Jalisco:
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062541
Litte Trip to Heaven
First Look Home Entertainment 13.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062582
Looking For Lola
Ara Celi, Vincent Ventresca, Joe Viterelli Dir. Boaz Davidson
Lola and Mike are both pretending to be rich and
successful, but it’s only when they stop lying that they
discover their real feelings for one another and make their
dreams reality.
Comedies 1997
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062514
Love Me Deadly
Mary Wilcox, Lyle Waggoner, Christopher
Stone - Dir. Jacque La Certe
Lindsay is a very special girl. She’s blonde, beautiful, and
has a number of lovers who have one thing in common they’re dead.
Carville, Rick Roberts, Dave Nichols, Faith
Daniels - Dir. Barry Levinson
A heartwarming sitcom starring Paul Reiser—who also
created the series—and Helen Hunt as the Buchmans,
MAD ABOUT YOU tells the story of a young newlywed
couple navigating the myriad trials and tribulations of
keeping their marriage healthy, and themselves sane.
Paul is a native New Yorker and a successful
documentarian, while Jaimie is a free-spirited
businesswoman in public relations. Both are somewhat
neurotic, but in very different ways. They struggle to
maintain their bonds of love and communication while
facing the challenges of day-to-day urban existence. The
quintessential modern couple, they are aided in this
endeavor by their therapist, as well as the cast of
eccentric characters that constitutes their friends, family,
and neighbors. This 3-DVD set collects the entire third
season of the Emmy-winning series which ran from 1992
to 1999.
Television, Comedies 1994 FF S 570min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062570
Rob Arbogast, Bryan Lukasik
Anchor Bay Entertainment 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062489
Robin Williams and writer-director Barry Levinson, who
worked together on 1987’s GOOD MORNING VIETNAM
and 1992’s TOYS, reunite for the political thriller/romantic
comedy MAN OF THE YEAR. Williams stars as Tom
Dobbs, the host of a comedy talk show who, fed up with
the political system, suddenly decides to run for president.
So off he goes on a national bus tour, joined by his
manager, Jack Menken (Christopher Walken), and his
head writer, Eddie Langston (Lewis Black), bringing his
message of change to an eager public. Meanwhile,
Eleanor Green (Laura Linney), who works for Delacroy,
the company that has developed the voting machines
being used by the government, discovers a serious glitch
in the program that alters the results of the election. She
tries to tell the company’s CEO (Rick Roberts) and chief
counsel/spokesman (Jeff Goldblum), but they want
everything hushed up so their stock prices aren’t affected
and their upcoming international deal goes through.
Unable to hold back the truth, Green looks to Dobbs for
help while being hunted down by Delacroy. Levinson, the
director of such successful films a
Comedies 2006 FF DD 5.1 115min.
Universal Studios Home Video 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062731
Man of the Year (Widescreen)
Robin Williams, Christopher Walken, David
Alpay, Lewis Black, Jeff Goldblum, Laura
Linney, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, James
Carville, Rick Roberts, Dave Nichols, Faith
Daniels - Dir. Barry Levinson
Robin Williams and writer-director Barry Levinson, who
worked together on 1987’s GOOD MORNING VIETNAM
and 1992’s TOYS, reunite for the political thriller/romantic
comedy MAN OF THE YEAR. Williams stars as Tom
Dobbs, the host of a comedy talk show who, fed up with
the political system, suddenly decides to run for president.
So off he goes on a national bus tour, joined by his
manager, Jack Menken (Christopher Walken), and his
head writer, Eddie Langston (Lewis Black), bringing his
message of change to an eager public. Meanwhile,
Eleanor Green (Laura Linney), who works for Delacroy,
the company that has developed the voting machines
being used by the government, discovers a serious glitch
in the program that alters the results of the election. She
tries to tell the company’s CEO (Rick Roberts) and chief
counsel/spokesman (Jeff Goldblum), but they want
everything hushed up so their stock prices aren’t affected
and their upcoming international deal goes through.
Unable to hold back the truth, Green looks to Dobbs for
help while being hunted down by Delacroy. Levinson, the
director of such successful films a
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 115min.
Universal Studios Home Video 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062730
Mala Uva
Manchurian Candidate (HD DVD)
Sancho Garcia, Enrique Martinez, Agata
Lys - Dir. Javier Domingo
Comedies 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 94min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062622
Jon Voight, Kimberly Elise, Jeffrey Wright,
Ted Levine, Liev Schreiber, Meryl Streep,
Denzel Washington - Dir. Jonathan Demme
Man About Town
Mike Binder, Gina Gershon, Adam Goldberg, Howard Hesseman, Jerry O’Connell,
Kal Penn, Amber Valletta, Damien Dante
Wayans, Ben Affleck, Rebecca RomijnStamos, John Cleese, Bai Ling - Dir. Mike
Ben Affleck stars in this lighthearted comedy as Jack, a
slick Hollywood agent with his work all in line but his
personal life in shambles. When he signs up for a selfhelp course, his colleague gets wind of it, and he finds his
attempts at self-improvement are the source of the world’s
laughter. Directed by Mike Binder, MAN ABOUT TOWN
also stars Rebecca Romijn and John Cleese.
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 100min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062686
Jonathan Demme updates the original 1962 John
Frankenheimer classic with plenty of new paranoid twists:
This time a sinister Halliburton-style corporation is behind
the brainwashing of a Gulf War hero turned vice
presidential nominee, Raymond Shaw (Liev Schreiber).
Shaw’s old unit commander Ben Marco (Denzel Washington) recommended him for the National Medal of Honor,
though he can’t remember exactly why, and his recurring
nightmares drive him to uncover a massive conspiracy.
Sinister forces at work include shifty-eyed bodyguards, a
love interest with questionable motives (Kimberly Elise),
and Raymond’s domineering senator mother (Meryl
Streep). Demme infuses the proceedings with enough
paranoia and uncomfortable close-ups to rival his 1991
Oscar-winner, SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. Layered sound,
overlapping dialogue, and creepy cinematography by Tak
Fujimoto (who also worked on LAMBS) further heighten
the uneasiness. Demme regulars Roger Corman, Charles
Napier, Paul Lazar, and Tracey Walter show up in bit parts
as usual. Comedian Al Franken is a welcome face as a TV
correspondent, and quirky indie rocker Rob
Dramas 2004 Ltbx DTS 129min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062779
Man of the Year (Full Screen)
Robin Williams, Christopher Walken, David
Alpay, Lewis Black, Jeff Goldblum, Laura
Linney, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, James
John Cena, Kelly Carlson, Robert Patrick,
Drew Powell, Anthony Ray Parker, Abigail
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Seite 31
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Blanca - Dir. John Bonito
John Cena of the WWE stars in this barrelhouse brawler
of a film as John Triton, a marine who gets discharged
after he disobeys orders while rescuing prisoners in Iraq.
Now he’s back home in South Carolina with his wife, Kate
(Kelly Carlson), and a lame security job. Meanwhile, a
gang of colorfully violent jewel thieves knock over a
diamond business and blow a police car 30 feet in the air
while making their getaway. John and Kate are driving out
in their SUV for a weekend in the mountains and wind up
at the same gas station as the robbers. Shots get fired,
the fuel tanks explode, and the bad guys hightail it out of
there—with Kate as a hostage. Triton must now use his
formidable marine training to track the bad guys via car
chase, boat chase, and knife-in-hand swamp-stalking.
Despite the rampant violence, this is suitable for the WWE
fanbase, as it downplays the blood and death and ups the
quotient of sucker punches, throwing guys through walls,
and leaping away from fireball explosions in slow motion.
Robert Patrick plays the lead bad guy, shrugging off wry
in-jokes about his role in TERMINATOR 2 whi
Action/Adventure 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062593
It’s time for fun in the sun with this sexy look at the world
of modeling in trendy South Beach Florida. Featuring
plenty of babes in bikinis and revealing outfits posing in
exotic locales, this is one sexy movie you won’t want to
John Cena, Kelly Carlson, Robert Patrick,
Drew Powell, Anthony Ray Parker, Abigail
Blanca - Dir. John Bonito
John Cena of the WWE stars in this barrelhouse brawler
of a film as John Triton, a marine who gets discharged
after he disobeys orders while rescuing prisoners in Iraq.
Now he’s back home in South Carolina with his wife, Kate
(Kelly Carlson), and a lame security job. Meanwhile, a
gang of colorfully violent jewel thieves knock over a
diamond business and blow a police car 30 feet in the air
while making their getaway. John and Kate are driving out
in their SUV for a weekend in the mountains and wind up
at the same gas station as the robbers. Shots get fired,
the fuel tanks explode, and the bad guys hightail it out of
there—with Kate as a hostage. Triton must now use his
formidable marine training to track the bad guys via car
chase, boat chase, and knife-in-hand swamp-stalking.
Despite the rampant violence, this is suitable for the WWE
fanbase, as it downplays the blood and death and ups the
quotient of sucker punches, throwing guys through walls,
and leaping away from fireball explosions in slow motion.
Robert Patrick plays the lead bad guy, shrugging off wry
in-jokes about his role in TERMINATOR 2 whi
Action/Adventure 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062594
Mike Hammer - Songbird
New Police Story / Black Mask
Stacy Keach
Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Nicholas Tse
Mikey Spillane’s Mike Hammer (Stacey Keach) character
is well known for being a no nonsense, tough, and honest
private investigator. In SONGBIRD, our hero explores the
underworld of jazz nightclubs where meets a popular local
jazz singer who is the main suspect in a case involving the
murder of her gangster boyfriend and some of her band
mates. Mike’s job is to protect her while also trying to
uncover the identity of the real killer.
Mark Addy (THE FULL MONTY and the television series
STILL STANDING) plays a night-shift taxi driver married to
two women and utterly desperate to keep them from
meeting each other and realizing the truth in this British
comedy shot on location in Blackpool and Liverpool. Addy
deftly creates the impression that he deeply and
simultaneously loves his wives, but when they both
happen to coincidentally demand that he take each of
them to the same rock concert, he knows he’s in deep
trouble, and winds up literally shooting himself in the foot.
Comedies FF 94min.
UAV Corp 30.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062506
Masters of Horror - Season Two:
Pelts - Dario Argento
Meat Loaf, John Saxon - Dir. Dario Argento
Television, Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9
DD 5.1
Anchor Bay Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062485
Men Behaving Badly: The
Complete Series
Rob Schneider, Ron Eldard, Justine Bateman, Ken Marino
Television, Comedies 19961997
Sony Music Distribution 13.02.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062822
NEW POLICE STORY: Massive explosions and incredible
stunts abound as Jackie Chan makes what many refer to
as a comeback with this Chinese release. He plays the
burned-out Inspector Wing, whose motivation died when
the rest of his police team was wiped out at the hands of
a wily and brutal new gang. When, against the odds, a
rookie cop rouses the weathered Inspector to go after the
gang, however, there is no stopping him until justice has
been served.
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062702
Mr. Stinky Feet’s Road Trip Live
Jim Cosgrove
Childrens 2007 FF
WEA 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062878
Night of the Living Dorks
Mrs. Doubtfire (Full Screen)
Ninja Vixens: Demonic Sacrifices
Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce
Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Robert Prosky,
Mara Wilson - Dir. Chris Columbus
Foreign Films, Japanese
Geneon Entertainment 23.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062768
An unemployed actor loses custody of his children after
his wife leaves him. Desperate to spend more time with
the kids, the crafty thespian decides to dress up as a 60year-old British woman and interview with his ex-wife for a
nanny position. He lands the job, but he’ll have to give the
performance of his life to keep it.
Northern Exposure: The
Complete Sixth Season
Comedies 1993 FF DD 5.0 125min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062590
Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce
Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Robert Prosky,
Mara Wilson - Dir. Chris Columbus
Mark Addy
Nadine in Dateland
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062829
Mrs. Doubtfire (Widescreen)
Married 2 Malcolm
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062547
Janeane Garofalo, Brad Rowe, Swoosie
Comedies 2007
Starlight Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062812
Dramas 2002
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062834
Marine (Blu-ray)
Miami Models
An unemployed actor loses custody of his children after
his wife leaves him. Desperate to spend more time with
the kids, the crafty thespian decides to dress up as a 60year-old British woman and interview with his ex-wife for a
nanny position. He lands the job, but he’ll have to give the
performance of his life to keep it.
Comedies 1993 Ltbx DD 5.0 125min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062591
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 92min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062487
Rob Morrow, Janine Turner, Barry Corbin,
John Corbett, Darren E. Burrows, Paul
Provenza, Peg Phillips, Teri Polo, Doug
Ballard - Dir. Joshua Brand
Television, Comedies 1994-1995 FF DD
Universal Studios Home Video 06.03.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062727
Open Water 2: Adrift
Susan May Pratt, Richard Speight, Eric
Dane, Niklaus Lange, Ali Hillis, Cameron
Richardson - Dir. Hans Horn
Based on a true story, this sequel explores the horrible
fate that meets a group of old high school friends who
reunite for a weekend, only to have a casual swim turn
into nightmare. Hopping into the sea for a spontaneaous
swim, the friends forget to lower the ladder necessary for
reboarding the boat and must fight to stay afloat.
Monster’s Ball / O
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 94min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062687
Billy Bob Thornton, Halle Berry, Heath
Ledger, Julia Stiles, Omar Epps, Josh Hartnett - Dir. Marc Forster, Tim Blake Nelson
Passion of the Christ (Definitive
Lion’s Gate Films presents two major movies involving
race relations, individually described below:
Dramas 2001 Ltbx DD 5.1 206min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062695
La Muerte de un Judicial / Muerto
el Perro se Acabo la Rabia
The DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS series presents a
double feature of Mexican action films starring genre
stalwarts Mario Almada and Miguel Angel Rodriguez in
high-octane tales of greed, revenge, and corruption
among the cowboys and gangsters of the border drug
Action/Adventure 1994
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
Jim Caviezel, Maia Morgenstern, Monica
Bellucci, Mattia Sbragia, Claudia Gerini,
Luca Lionello, Hristo Naumov Shopov - Dir.
Mel Gibson
THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST depicts the last 12 hours
of the life of Jesus of Nazareth (Jim Caviezel), beginning
with his betrayal by Judas Iscariot (Luca Lionello) and
ending with his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.
Directed by Mel Gibson (BRAVEHEART)—who funded the
film himself and co-wrote the screenplay—PASSION uses
flashbacks to substantiate a handful of pertinent moments
in Jesus’ life and teachings, such as the Sermon on the
Mount and the Last Supper, as well as his relationships
with his mother and his disciples. Still, the drama focuses
on the seemingly endless torture inflicted upon Jesus by
Roman soldiers at the urging of the Jewish crowd that
considers him a blasphemer, despite the attempts of a
sympathetic Pontius Pilate (Hristo Naumov Shopov) to
spare him from death. The faint of heart should be
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Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Regionalcode 1
Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9)
oder Full Frame 1:1.33
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR
(gültig bis 18.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich
ab 25. Januar 2007
Auch als Blu-ray Disc
Seite 33
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
prepared for the brutal, barbaric beatings that Christ
endures. Maia Morgenstern, Monica Bellucci, and Hristo
Jivkov are touching as Mary, Magdalene, and John
respectively, who are devastated by Jesus’ fate yet aware
that they can do nothing to change it. Performed in
Aramaic and Latin wit
Dramas 2004
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062587
People Next Door
Faye Dunaway, Nicolette Sheridan, Carrie
THE PEOPLE NEXT DOOR tells the story a single mother
of three who befriends a young, generous couple who live
next door to her. But things take a turn for the worse
when the couple’s motives turn out to be less than
friendly. Faye Dunaway stars in this tense psychological
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062502
Polish Pope
Dramas 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062746
The DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS series presents a
double feature of Mexican action films starring genre
stalwarts Juan Valentin and Eleazar Garcia in high-octane
tales of greed, revenge, and corruption among the
cowboys and gangsters of the border drug trade: RAMIRO
Westerns 1983
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062543
Red Ryder And Little Beaver:
Double Feature - Vol. 11
William Elliott, Robert Blake, Robert J.
Wilke, Jay Kirby, Alice Fleming - Dir.
Wallace Grissell, Lesley Selander
Westerns 1944 FF
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062860
Red Ryder And Little Beaver:
Triple Feature Vol. 12
Prince and the Pauper
Aidan Quinn
This Hallmark Entertainment production beautifully adapts
Mark Twain’s 1881 novel to the screen. A magical story
about two boys—one is a royal prince and the other is a
poor, mistreated urchin—who switch social positions by
merely exchanging clothes, THE PRINCE AND THE
PAUPER is both a fantastic adventure and a commentary
on social class. Aidan Quinn (LEGENDS OF THE FALL)
Action/Adventure 2001 FF 90min.
UAV Corp 16.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062515
Kim Bodnia, Zlatko Buric, Mads Mikkelsen,
Laura Drasbaek - Dir. Nicholas Winding
PUSHER: Frank (the heroin pusher), Milo (the smack
supplier), and Frank’s girlfriend (the prostitute) experience
a series of ups and downs as Frank gets busted,
released, and then is given only two days to pay back
debts or be introduced to a 9mm bullet.
Horror/Suspense 1996
Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062740
Elisha Cuthbert, Edie Falco, Martin
Donovan, Camilla Belle, Shawn Ashmore Dir. Jamie Babbitt
Jamie Babbitt (GILMORE GIRLS) makes his feature debut
with this suburban melodrama tinged with the trappings of
exploitation films and Gothic horror. Dot (Camilla Belle,
THE CHUMSCRUBBER) is a deaf and mute girl with a
troubled past: her mother died when she was seven, and
now her deaf father has been run over by a truck. Things
get much worse for Dot, however, when she moves in with
the Deer family, who make no attempt to hide their dark
secrets from her. Patriarch Paul Deer (Martin Donovan) is
having an incestuous relationship with his cheerleader
daughter, Nina (Elisha Cuthbert, LOVE, ACTUALLY), who
spends much of her time lashing out at the new addition
to the family. Mother Olivia remains oblivious, shrouded in
a haze of pills. Slowly, the two girls come to a tenuous
understanding with one another, united in the secrets they
share. The shocking conclusion is unexpectedly lurid
given the quietness of the film’s first half, and the two
actresses carry the material beautifully. The coldly lit
interior of the family home, which is undergoing
renovations, ,creates an utterly creepy backdrop and sets
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 96min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062567
Red Dragon 16.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062762
La Ronda de la Muerte / La
Verdadera Historia de Jonas
The DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS series presents a
double feature of Mexican action films starring genre
stalwarts Mario Almada and Miguel Angel Rodriguez in
high-octane tales of greed, revenge, and corruption
among the cowboys and gangsters of the border drug
trade: LA RONDA DE LA MUERTE (1998) and LA
Dramas 1996
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062548
Rosemary & Thyme - Series 3
Felicity Kendal, Pam Ferris
The popular British television series ROSEMARY &
THYME takes an unusual spin on the mystery genre by
featuring sleuths who successfully combine gardening and
detective work. When ex-police officer Laura Thyme (Pam
Ferris) joins forces with plant expert Rosemary Boxer
(Felicity Kendal) to form a gardening business, the pair’s
sleuth-like tendencies manage to transform innocuous
gardening jobs into epic crime-solving opportunities. This
collection presents the series’ third season in its entirety.
William Elliott, Allan „Rocky“ Lane, Robert
Blake, Alice Fleming, Peggy Stewart - Dir.
R.G. Springsteen, Spencer Gordon Bennet
Westerns 1945 FF
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062861
Television, Dramas 2005
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 06.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062527
Requiem For A Bodyguard - Vol.
4: Gun Crazy
Dirk (Matthew McConaughey) and Al (Steve Zahn) have
been friends since kindergarten, having also gone through
college and the Navy together. The two now work for a
former admiral traveling around the world and salvaging
treasures from the sea with the National Underwater and
Marine Agency (NUMA). In his spare time, Dirk is
obsessed with the 150-year-old mystery of the Texas, an
Ironclad battleship that reportedly disappeared from
Richmond, Virginia during a Civil War battle and turned up
in Africa. When a Confederate coin—allegedly one of only
five minted—surfaces in Mali, Dirk and Al plan to travel
there from Lagos, Nigeria on the admiral’s yacht to
investigate. Meanwhile, in Lagos, Dirk meets Eva
(Penelope Cruz), a doctor for the World Health
Organization (WHO) who believes that there is a plague
building in Mali. Since the WHO is unable to find another
way into the war-torn country, Dirk and Al give Eva and
her colleague a lift up the river. Once in Mali, Dirk, Al, and
Eva quickly find themselves embroiled in trouble as she
pursues the source of the disease. Meanwhile, Dirk and Al
search for the Te
Action/Adventure 2003
Media Blasters 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062717
Pusher Trilogy
Ramiro Sierra / Pistoleros
Famosas 2
Reservoir Dogs / Bad Lieutenant
Frankie Acciario, Harvey Keitel, Steve
Buscemi, Victor Argo, Tim Roth, Chris Penn
- Dir. Quentin Tarantino, Abel Ferrara
RESERVOIR DOGS: Quentin Tarantino’s directorial debut
is a brutally funny, supercharged introduction to his
supremely distinct cinematic vision, which was later to
become one of the most mimicked styles of the 1990s.
Mastermind Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney) assembles a
crew of top-notch criminals to pull off a jewelry store
heist. As the film opens it becomes immediately clear that
the plan backfired, forcing the survivors, who have
gathered at an abandoned warehouse, to figure out if one
of them is, in fact, a police informer. The crew—Mr. White
(Harvey Keitel), an aged veteran; Mr. Orange (Tim Roth),
a wounded newcomer; Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen), a
psychopathic parolee; Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi), a
bickering weasel; and Nice Guy Eddie (Chris Penn), Joe’s
son—begin to unravel as the pressure becomes too much
for them to handle. When Joe arrives, the truth becomes
clear in a vicious Mexican standoff.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 196min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062696
Return of the Thundering Herd
Matthew McConaughey
Warner Home Video 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062866
Roller Booty
Tanya James, Zoe Britton, Celeste Star
Zoe Britton stars in ROLLER BOOTY, an erotic feature
about a young girl whose trip to the roller rink soon turns
into more than she bargained for. The rink, which turns
out to be an adults-only sex-on-wheels pleasure palace,
comes equipped with a stage show and a host of
adventures that will blow Zoe’s, and the viewer’s, mind.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Sahara (HD DVD)
Matthew McConaughey, Delroy Lindo,
William H. Macy, Steve Zahn, Penélope
Cruz, Rainn Wilson - Dir. Breck Eisner
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062793
Saw III (Blu-ray)
Tobin Bell, Angus MacFadyen, Dina Meyer,
Shawnee Smith, Alan Van Sprang, Costas
Mandylor, Barry Flatman, Lyriq Bent, Bahar
Soomekh, Franky G, Donnie Wahlberg - Dir.
Darren Lynn Bousman
In 2004, a low-budget horror film about a man who put
people with moral failings into grisly, murderous situations
became a huge hit. In 2005, the sequel scored again,
upping the body count and the terror. In 2006, the
franchise continued, with plenty of gore as well as an
emotional story line that delved into the psychological
makeup of the main characters. As SAW II concluded,
Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) was dying. But that doesn’t mean his
penchant for playing games of torture and violence is
ending. In SAW III, the murders start occurring again, and
Kerry (Dina Meyer) is back on the case, although she
thinks this time it might be the work of a copycat. She’s
only partly right: Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the only
victim to have survived both movies, has joined Jigsaw as
his apprentice, leading the way through a terrifying game
involving Lynn (Bahar Soomekh), a doctor in an unhappy
marriage, and Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), a distraught man
who is having trouble getting over the loss of his son
(Stefan Georgiou) at the hands of a drunk driver. Amanda
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 34
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
has captured Lynn and placed her in a neck brace that is
linked to
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062681
Saw III (Full Screen)
Tobin Bell, Angus MacFadyen, Dina Meyer,
Shawnee Smith, Alan Van Sprang, Costas
Mandylor, Barry Flatman, Lyriq Bent, Bahar
Soomekh, Franky G, Donnie Wahlberg - Dir.
Darren Lynn Bousman
(FREAKS & GEEKS’ Linda Cardellini), and Shaggy
(Matthew Lillard) back into the Mystery Machine with a
CGI version of the canine title character. After parting
ways to protest Fred’s self-centered treatment of the
Mystery Inc. gang, they are brought back together by
Emile Mondavarious (Rowan Atkinson) to help solve a
ghoulish mystery at his teen resort and fun park, Spooky
Comedies 2002
Warner Home Video 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062869
Scooby-Doo - The Movie (HD
In 2004, a low-budget horror film about a man who put
people with moral failings into grisly, murderous situations
became a huge hit. In 2005, the sequel scored again,
upping the body count and the terror. In 2006, the
franchise continued, with plenty of gore as well as an
emotional story line that delved into the psychological
makeup of the main characters. As SAW II concluded,
Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) was dying. But that doesn’t mean his
penchant for playing games of torture and violence is
ending. In SAW III, the murders start occurring again, and
Kerry (Dina Meyer) is back on the case, although she
thinks this time it might be the work of a copycat. She’s
only partly right: Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the only
victim to have survived both movies, has joined Jigsaw as
his apprentice, leading the way through a terrifying game
involving Lynn (Bahar Soomekh), a doctor in an unhappy
marriage, and Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), a distraught man
who is having trouble getting over the loss of his son
(Stefan Georgiou) at the hands of a drunk driver. Amanda
has captured Lynn and placed her in a neck brace that is
linked to
Rowan Atkinson, Freddie Prinze, Sarah
Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard, Linda
Cardellini, Miguel A. Nunez, Pamela
Anderson, Isla Fisher - Dir. Raja Gosnell
Horror/Suspense 2006 FF DD 5.1 113min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062683
Scrap Heaven
Saw III (Widescreen)
Tobin Bell, Angus MacFadyen, Dina Meyer,
Shawnee Smith, Alan Van Sprang, Costas
Mandylor, Barry Flatman, Lyriq Bent, Bahar
Soomekh, Franky G, Donnie Wahlberg - Dir.
Darren Lynn Bousman
In 2004, a low-budget horror film about a man who put
people with moral failings into grisly, murderous situations
became a huge hit. In 2005, the sequel scored again,
upping the body count and the terror. In 2006, the
franchise continued, with plenty of gore as well as an
emotional story line that delved into the psychological
makeup of the main characters. As SAW II concluded,
Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) was dying. But that doesn’t mean his
penchant for playing games of torture and violence is
ending. In SAW III, the murders start occurring again, and
Kerry (Dina Meyer) is back on the case, although she
thinks this time it might be the work of a copycat. She’s
only partly right: Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the only
victim to have survived both movies, has joined Jigsaw as
his apprentice, leading the way through a terrifying game
involving Lynn (Bahar Soomekh), a doctor in an unhappy
marriage, and Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), a distraught man
who is having trouble getting over the loss of his son
(Stefan Georgiou) at the hands of a drunk driver. Amanda
has captured Lynn and placed her in a neck brace that is
linked to
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062682
Sayonara, Jupiter
Akihiko Hirata, Tomokazu Miura - Dir. Koji
Hashimoto, Sakyo Komatsu
Foreign Films, Japanese 1983 Ltbx S
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062807
Scooby-Doo - The Movie (Blu-ray)
Rowan Atkinson, Freddie Prinze, Sarah
Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard, Linda
Cardellini, Miguel A. Nunez, Pamela
Anderson, Isla Fisher - Dir. Raja Gosnell
In this live action rethink of the classic Hanna-Barbera
cartoon series, director Raja Gosnell puts Fred (Freddie
Prinze, Jr.), Daphne (Sarah Michelle Gellar), Velma
In this live action rethink of the classic Hanna-Barbera
cartoon series, director Raja Gosnell puts Fred (Freddie
Prinze, Jr.), Daphne (Sarah Michelle Gellar), Velma
(FREAKS & GEEKS’ Linda Cardellini), and Shaggy
(Matthew Lillard) back into the Mystery Machine with a
CGI version of the canine title character. After parting
ways to protest Fred’s self-centered treatment of the
Mystery Inc. gang, they are brought back together by
Emile Mondavarious (Rowan Atkinson) to help solve a
ghoulish mystery at his teen resort and fun park, Spooky
Comedies 2002
Warner Home Video 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062873
Dramas 2005
Media Blasters 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062722
Section 8
Tony Winters, Akeem Smith, Darius Dudley,
Pat LaRocca, Heather Joy Sher - Dir. Carl
Dramas 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062618
Semilla de Odio / Cuadro
The DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS series presents a
double feature of Mexican action films starring genre
stalwarts Mario Almada and Miguel Angel Rodriguez in
high-octane tales of greed, revenge, and corruption
among the cowboys and gangsters of the border drug
trade: SEMILLA DE ODIO (1999) and CUADRO
Dramas 1999
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062545
Lizbeth Cardenas, Bill Sebastian, Lawrence
Varnado, Derek Phillips, David H. Hickey Dir. Steve Franke
Horror/Suspense 2006 DD 5.1 87min.
Hannover House 09.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062522
Sex and the City Essentials: The
Best of Fashion
Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis, Kim
Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon
A group of single Manhattan women experience the ups
and downs of dating in this comic HBO series that has
earned wild popularity for its honest look at women’s
attitudes toward sex and relationships—as well as for its
racy content. Sarah Jessica Parker stars as the writer of a
relationships column who, nevertheless, has none of the
answers. This collection contains three episodes from the
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062604
Sex Sells: The Making of Touche
Priscilla Barnes, Mark DeCarlo, Adrian
Zmed, Jay Michael Ferguson, Lisa Jay,
Jack Kyle, Alexa Jago - Dir. Jonathan
Comedies 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 96min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062724
Shakespeare’s Tragedies
Jason Connery, Helen Baxendale, Brian
Blessed, William Houston - Dir. Brian
This three-volume set includes William Shakespeare’s
most well-known tragedies. This version of MACBETH
stars Jason Connery and Helen Baxendale in the classic
tale of betrayal in medieval Scotland. Brian Blessed, a
fixture in Kenneth Branagh’s adaptations of the Bard’s
plays, directs and stars in KING LEAR. With William
Houston in the title role, HAMLET features Britain’s best
in the story of revenge and murder in the life of the
Danish prince.
Dramas FF 595min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062633
Three generations in a Siberian hamlet watch six decades
of Russian life. Vintage newsreel footage intercut with
Foreign Films, Russian 1979
Kino on Video 09.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062673
Sickness House
Brain Damage Films 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062894
Sky Captain and the World of
Tomorrow (HD DVD)
Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie,
Giovanni Ribisi, Bai Ling, Michael Gambon
- Dir. Kerry Conran
In writer-director Kerry Conran’s debut film, ace pilot Joe
„Sky Captain“ Sullivan (Jude Law) reluctantly teams up
with his former flame, journalist Polly Perkins (Gwyneth
Paltrow), to uncover the mystery behind a group of missing scientists and a series of shocking robot attacks.
Aided by gadgetry whiz Dex Dearborn (Giovanni Ribisi)
and enigmatic military commander Franky Cook (Angelina
Jolie), Joe and Polly must find out who is responsible for
an increasingly elaborate scheme that may trigger the end
of the world.
Action/Adventure 2004 Ltbx DD 2.0 90min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062792
Sleeper Cell: American Terror The Complete Second Season
Michael Ealy, Oded Fehr, Thekla Reuten,
Melissa Sagemiller
Television, Dramas 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062802
Sleepy Hollow (HD DVD)
Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Miranda
Richardson, Michael Gambon, Casper Van
Dien, Jeffrey Jones, Christopher Lee, Richard Griffiths, Ian McDiarmid, Michael
Gough, Marc Pickering, Martin Landau - Dir.
Tim Burton
In Tim Burton’s stylish, creepy retelling of the classic
Washington Irving story, SLEEPY HOLLOW, Ichabod
Crane (Johnny Depp) is a squeamish, bookish 18th
century New York City investigator sent to a small town in
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
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Seite 35
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
lower Westchester county to look into three mysterious
decapitations. When the always rational Crane arrives at
the little Dutch village, he finds that most of the townsfolk
believe the culprit to be the Headless Horseman, the
ghost of a monstrous Hessian soldier (Christopher Walken), who seems to be mysteriously tied in to one of the
town’s most prominent families. Burton’s natural instincts
for campy humor, combined with the hauntingly gorgeous
technical work (Emmanuel Lubezki’s cinematography and
Danny Elfman’s score included), collide to create a work
of exhilarating entertainment and poetic storytelling.
Miranda Richardson, Casper Van Dien and Christina Ricci
help make up an ensemble cast that, combined with the
historically accurate village sets and dreamlike magic of
the haunted Western Woods—created on the largest
sound stage in film history—makes SLEEPY HOLLOW a
visually stunning, gr
Horror/Suspense 1999 Ltbx DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062781
State of Emergency
Joe Mantegna, Lynn Whitfield, Melinda
Dillon, Paul Dooley - Dir. Lesli Linka Glatter
An emergency room doctor tries to keep his staff together
on the front line, battling low budgets and heavy
bureaucracy while stemming the flow of the injured and
Dramas 1993 Ltbx M
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062602
Joshua Lucas, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx,
Sam Shepard, Joe Morton, Richard
Roxburgh - Dir. Rob Cohen
This high-action flight movie centers on a team of three
sexy stealth bomber pilots who are forced to fly with EDI
(Extreme Deep Invader), a computer-manned prototype
plane that specializes in extra-precision bombing. The
brainchild of a Bill Gates-esque wunderkind (Richard
Roxburgh), EDI has the ability to learn at a fantastic rate,
talks like HAL from 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY, and likes to
listen to hard rock before going into combat. Before long,
a freak accident causes it to question authority and launch
an attack on Russia. W.D. Richter’s script probes big
issues involving man, machine, and the nuclear fate of the
free world (Read: DR. STRANGELOVE meets THE
TERMINATOR). But this is also an action thrill ride from
Rob Cohen—the man responsible for THE FAST AND THE
FURIOUS and XXX—replete with some truly tremendous
explosions and speeds that outdo any mph records set in
Cohen’s past ouevre. Jessica Biel (TEXAS CHAINSAW
MASSACRE) is tough and surprisingly believable as the
token female fighter pilot, while Jamie Foxx (RAY) makes
a fine wingman to the daredevil squadron leader played
by Josh Lucas. Sam S
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062571
Danielle Steel Collection
Jennie Garth, Spencer Hill, Kathleen
Quinlan, Stephen Collins, Christopher
Plummer, Linda Purl, Josie Bissett, Gary
Collins, Lindsay Frost, Eva Marie Saint,
Rod Taylor, Peter Bergman - Dir. Gilbert
Cates, Michael Miller, Peter H. Hunt
Fans of Danielle Steel’s bestselling brand of romance will
enjoy this set of films based on the author’s popular
novels. This two-volume collection includes PALOMINO,
SECRETS, and STAR, plus the bonus film THE PROMISE.
These love stories capture the romance of Steel’s books
and feature all-star casts including Oscar-winner Eva
Marie Saint, Christopher Plummer, and Stephen Collins.
Television, Dramas FF DD 2.0 380min.
Universal Studios Home Video 09.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062723
Strange Affair
Judith Light, Jay Thomas
Judith Light (TV’s „Who’s The Boss“) stars in this sexy
drama about a woman who breaks all the rules when it
comes to love and lust. Who knows what lurks in the lusty
hearts of women?
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062671
Totus Tuus
Virginia Capers, Lou Wagner
Dramas 1999
Vanguard Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062855
Superzan el Invencible /
Superzan y el Niño del Espacio
DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS pays homage to the
cinematic genre of lucha libre, a form of Mexican wrestling
marked by the use of masks, tag teams, and high-flying
acrobatics. Starting out in the 1950s as typical gangster
crime dramas, ’60s and ’70s lucha libre employed
increasingly outlandish storylines involving supernatural
foes like aliens, mummies, and zombies. A fun mix of scifi, horror, comedy, action, and suspense, this campy
doubleheader from the golden age of ’70s lucha libre
features one of the genre’s biggest stars, Superzan:
Action/Adventure 1971
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062540
Tales of Terror from Tokyo - Vol.
3, Part 1
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062830
Known for its cutting edge take on the horror genre, Japan
is the source for these creepy chronicles. The dead roam
the streets and the halls in the real-life ghost stories
collected by writers Kihara Hirokatsu and Nakayama
Foreign Films, Japanese 2006
Media Blasters 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062712
Texas Chainsaw Massacre / Texas
Chainsaw Massacre: The
Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker, Eric Balfour
- Dir. Marcus Nispel
Warner Home Video 16.01.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062757
Three Stooges - Hapless HalfWits
Moe Howard, Larry Fine
Comedies FF M 137min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062573
Tit Queens of the Past - Vol. 2
This blast from the past assembles a collection of vintage
8mm footage showcasing the ample charms of naturally
busty porn starlets and nude models from the 1960s and
’70s, including European beauties Hanna Vieck and Uschi
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 09.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062769
Tokyo Trash Baby
Kazuma Suzuki, Mami Nakamura - Dir.
Ryuichi Hiroki
Ryuchi Hiroki’s TOKYO TRASH BABY is a contemporary
love story that takes eager stabs at today’s consumerdriven culture. Because Miyuki (Mami Nakamura) is too
timid to actually confront her slacker musician crush
Yoshinori (Kazuma Suzuki), she takes to stealing his trash
and examining its contents nightly. While she’s
compulsively searching through his discarded items for
clues to the man behind the garbage bags, Miyuki’s
attempts to cure her loneliness move through voyeurism
to obsession.
Dramas 2000 Ltbx 88min.
Kino on Video 06.02.2007
Dramas 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062748
Transporter (Special Delivery Edition)
Qi Shu, Francois Berleand, Matt Schulze,
Richard Young, Doug Rand, Didier Saint
Melin, Tonio Descanvelle, Jason Statham Dir. Corey Yuen
Jason Statham stars in this fast-paced and very loud
thriller that was written specifically for him by French
filmmaker Luc Besson. Statham (SNATCH) plays Frank
Martin, a former Special Forces operative who is now a
high-priced courier paid a lot of money to deliver
packages he would rather know nothing about. His creed:
Never change the deal, use no names, and never look in
the package. But when he finds out that his latest delivery
is a beautiful young woman (Shu Qi), everything changes,
and he is off on a wild chase, in his specially made BMW,
that includes plenty of explosions, bare-knuckle fighting,
cool weaponry, and tongue-in-cheek humor. Hong Kong
director Corey Yuen, who has previously worked with Jet
Li, lets the action tell the story as Frank battles the bad
guys in the streets of France. The score is by renowned
jazz great Stanley Clarke.
Action/Adventure 2002
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062588
El Triunfo de los Campeones
Justicieros / Una Rosa Sobre el
DOS PELICULAS MEXICANAS pays homage to the
cinematic genre of lucha libre, a form of Mexican wrestling
marked by the use of masks, tag teams, and high-flying
acrobatics. Starting out in the 1950s as typical gangster
crime dramas, ’60s and ’70s lucha libre employed
increasingly outlandish storylines involving supernatural
foes like aliens, mummies, and zombies. A fun mix of scifi, horror, comedy, action, and suspense, this campy
doubleheader from the golden age of ’70s lucha libre
features some of the genre’s biggest stars, including El
Santo, Blue Demon, Mil Mascaras, Superzan, and El Rayo
Action/Adventure 1973
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062542
Tropical Tease
Gregory Van Dam, Heather Victoria - Dir.
Paul Madden
An employee of a hotel ends up in hot water after a liaison
with a mobsters wife. Much topless nudity ensues, and a
surprising schlock horror sub-plot.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 1994
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062836
Trust the Man
James LeGros, Garry Shandling, Eva
Mendes, Liam Broggy, Justin Bartha, Sterling K. Brown, David Duchovny, Julianne
Moore, Billy Crudup, Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Bob Balaban, Ellen Barkin - Dir. Bart
A lighthearted meditation on the cares and commitments
of adulthood, Bart Freundlich’s rom-com drama is a witty,
ultra-contemporary vision of urban love. Two Manhattan
couples enjoy complicated relationships: Tom and
Rebecca (David Duchovny and Julianne Moore) are a
glamorous married couple with two kids and a troubled
sex life; Rebecca’s best friend, Elaine (Maggie
Gylenhaal), is in a long-term relationship with Rebecca’s
brother, Tobey (Billy Crudup), who is also Tom’s best
friend. Tom has recently quit his advertising job to be a
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
stay-at-home dad, and Rebecca is a successful actress
with a depleting libido; thus, despite the couple’s obvious
closeness, Tom’s porn consumption and general
distraction have increased considerably. Meanwhile,
Elaine juggles a stressful job in publishing and a fledgling
career as a children’s-book author, while Tobey’s job as a
copywriter is considerably less demanding. It is soon
evident that Tobey has never quite grown up, and when
Elaine decides that she wants to get married and have
kids, she realizes she’ll have to do it with someone else.
The turmoil that ensues cont
Comedies 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062592
stud who is in no rush to finish his coursework and
graduate. In fact, after six years of partying his way
through Coolidge College, his parents have decided to
stop paying his tuition, but Van Wilder isn’t worried—he
just needs to find a way to pay it himself and keep the fun
coming. His fundraising ideas include a topless tutorial
service and other raunchy schemes, which only help add
to Van’s „Big Man on Campus“ status.
Comedies 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062694
Vengeance is a Golden Blade
Twelve Chairs
Enrique Santiesteban, Reynaldo Miravalles,
Rene Sanchez, Pilin Vallejo - Dir. Tomas
Gutierrez Alea
Comedies 1962
First Run Features Home Video 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062586
U2 - Rattle and Hum (HD DVD)
U2 - Dir. Phil Joanou
Follow the Grammy Award-winning band on their musical
journey from its native Ireland through the United States along the streets of Harlem; behind the gates of Elvis
Presley’s Graceland; into a recording session at the
legendary Sun Studios; and center stage at an impromptu
live concert in downtown San Francisco. Contains nine
songs not included on the hit soundtrack.
Chin Ping, Hua Yueh, Tang Ching - Dir.
Meng-Hwa Ho
Action/Adventure 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062612
Vernon Johns Story - The Road to
James Earl Jones, Mary Alice, Cissy Houston, Clifton James - Dir. Kenneth Fink
This film documents the true story of Southern pastor
Vernon Johns, one of the original architects of the Civil
Rights Movement. Johns found his calling in the 1950s,
after racial tension resulted in the murder of a fellow
deacon, and the rape of a young woman. Enraged, Johns
inspired his congregation to fight racial injustice, and later
passed the torch of his convictions and efforts to a
member of his church — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1988
Ltbx DD 2.0 99min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062789
Education/General Interest, Biography 1994
Tango Entertainment 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062839
Ultimate Collection - Crissy
Vertical Limit (Blu-ray)
Crissy Moran
See the hottest clips from the best films of porn queen
Crissy Moran on the nicely assembled compilation
ULTIMATE COLLECTION. Moran’s drop-dead gorgeous
face and body have been making adult film fans drool for
years now, and ULTIMATE COLLECTION brings together
some of her choicest and most pulse-quickening scenes.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062763
Amy Smart, Seth Green, Stuart Townsend Dir. Stefan Schwartz
This star-studded romantic comedy explores the lengths
one man will go to in trying to prevent the marriage of his
best friend’s true love and his own mortal enemy.
UNHITCHED is directed by Stefan Schwartz, and stars
Stuart Townsend, Amy Smart, and Seth Green.
Comedies 2006
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062677
Los Valses Venian de Viena y Los
Niños de Paris / El Angel y Yo
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062539
As action director Martin Campbell’s heart-pumping thriller
VERTICAL LIMIT begins, an eagle glides gracefully over
the stunningly filmed mesas of Utah. Its shadow falls on a
vertical rock face being climbed by Peter Garrett (Chris
O’Donnell), his father (Stuart Wilson), and his sister Annie
(Robin Tunney). Suddenly a backpack hurtles by, followed
rapidly by two climbers whose ropes tear the male
Garretts from the rock face. The excruciatingly tense
sequence ends in tragedy.
Action/Adventure 2000
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062574
Nao Omori, Shinobu Terashima - Dir.
Ryuichi Hiroki
Based on the popular novel by Mari Akasaka, Ryuichi
Hiroki’s sexually charged feature explores the life of Rei
(Shinobu Terashima), a freelance writer in her 30s, who
struggles with mental health issues and burgeoning
alcoholism. When a quick beer-run has Rei crossing paths
with a young trucker named Okabe (Nao Omori), fate
pushes them together for a road trip of epic proportions
and larger-than-life consequences.
Dramas 2003 Ltbx 16x9 95min.
Kino on Video 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062670
Dave Marinoble, Asley Holtzclaw, Trevor L.
Smith - Dir. Trevor L. Smith
Dick Van Dyke: In Rear Form
Dick Van Dyke
Television, Comedies
MPI Home Video 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062743
Facing his biggest career challenge yet, Sergeant Joe
Clymer must confront a group of homeless teens doing
everything in their power to protect their turf. Calling
themselves the Vigilantes, Aaron, his sister, and their
crew failed to contact the authorities after witnessing a
murder. Whether or not Clymer can help them depends on
each side’s willingness to compromise.
Van Wilder / Made
Ryan Reynolds, Tara Reid, Jon Favreau,
Vince Vaughn, Diddy, Peter Falk - Dir. Walt
VAN WILDER: Van Wilder (Ryan Reynolds) is a college
Chris O’Donnell, Bill Paxton, Robin Tunney,
Scott Glenn, Izabella Scorupco - Dir. Martin
Action/Adventure 2006
York Entertainment 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062896
Walking Across Egypt
Mark Hamill, Ellen Burstyn, Jonathan Taylor
Thomas - Dir. Arthur Allan Seidelman
Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Burstyn appears in this
drama alongside Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a spirited
older woman who decides to befriend and adopt an
orphan (Thomas) to keep him out of trouble. Based on the
clever novel by Clyde Edgerton, WALKING ACROSS
EGYPT brings the story of an unlikely, but ultimately
healing friendship to life through lively dialogue, strong
performances, and realistically flawed characters.
Dramas 1999
UAV Corp 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062519
We Were Soldiers (HD DVD)
Madeleine Stowe, Greg Kinnear, Sam
Elliott, Chris Klein, Keri Russell, Barry Pepper, Mel Gibson - Dir. Randall Wallace
In 1965, 400 American troops faced an ambush by 2,000
enemy troops in the Ia Drang Valley (also known as the
Valley of Death), in one of the most gruesome fights of
the Vietnam War. WE WERE SOLDIERS is a detailed
recreation of this true story: of the strategies, obstacles,
and human cost faced by the troops that participated.
The story focuses on the lieutenant colonel that led the
attack, Hal Moore (Mel Gibson), and a civilian reporter
who accompanied them, Joseph Galloway (Barry Pepper),
as well as a number of other soldiers who were involved.
Dramas 2002 Ltbx DD 2.0 138min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062794
Whispers from a Shallow Grave
Trudi Jo Marie Keck, Gerald Brodin, Gwen
Brownson, Lateefah Devoe, Linnea Quigley,
Ted Newsom, Ariauna Albright - Dir. Ted
Dramas 1997
Tempe Video 13.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062827
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, George
Segal, Sandy Dennis, Nichelle Nichols - Dir.
Mike Nichols
Turning the underbelly of bourgeois academia into a
microcosm of human relationships in all their arduous
complexities, Mike Nichols’ auspicious debut feature is a
harrowing descent into the private lives and painful
secrets of two couples thrown together for an evening.
Based on the controversial play by Edward Albee, this
noir-ish 1966 drama stars former real-life couple Richard
Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, in what many critics consider
to be their best performances. George (Burton) is a senior
professor of history who has turned to alcohol to deal with
his vituperative, vicious wife Martha (Taylor), whose
appetite for administering abuse knows no bounds. Invited
to the couple’s home for late-night drinks are new
professor Nick (George Segal), and his naïve wife Honey
(Sandy Dennis), where over the course of the evening,
the polished veneer of the hosts tarnishes grotesquely.
The witty repartee of consummate sophisticate Martha
degenerates into increasingly violent verbal abuse of both
her husband and guests, while George’s stoic façade
crumbles both physically and emotionally. The horrified
Nick an
Dramas 1966 Ltbx DD 1.0 131min.
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062876
Wild Wild West - The Complete
Second Season
Robert Conrad, Ross Martin, Michael Dunn
While following in the tradition of conventional Westerns
like GUNSMOKE or HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL, the innovative 1960s television series THE WILD WILD WEST
tweaked the genre by infusing science-fiction elements
and James Bond-like espionage plotlines. As dashingly
handsome secret agent James T. West (Robert Conrad)
and his master-of-disguise sidekick, Artemus Gordon
(Ross Martin), investigated crimes in the late-1800s Wild
West, the series distinguished itself with anachronistically
high-tech gadgetry (a pioneering style that would later be
come to known as „steampunk“) and an odd assemblage
of villains that included the delightfully demented dwarf,
Miguelito Loveless (Michael Dunn). Eccentric and
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Seite 37
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9) oder Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 08.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 16. Januar 2007
Auch als Blu-ray Disc lieferbar
Seite 38
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
visionary, the series is resurrected in this collection of
remastered episodes from the second season.
Television, Westerns 1966
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.03.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062798
Without A Trace: The Complete
Season 1 & 2
Anthony LaPaglia, Poppy Montgomery, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Enrique Murciano,
Eric Close
Executive producer Jerry Bruckheimer’s award-winning
television series WITHOUT A TRACE follows the FBI’s
Missing Persons Unit as they investigate individual
disappearances in New York City. Led by senior agent
Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia), the special task force
utilizes psychological profiling to reconstruct a timeline of
the missing person’s last day and determine the cause as
either kidnapping, murder, suicide, or runaway. With a
topnotch cast that includes Poppy Montgomery, Marianne
Jean-Baptiste, Enrique Murciano, and Eric Close,
Bruckheimer’s suspenseful crime drama garnered two
Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe for LaPaglia as Best
Actor in a Dramatic Series—all in its first year. This
release includes every episode from the show’s first and
second seasons.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 13.03.2007
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062868
Patti D’Arbanville, Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Frank Whaley, Michael Pena, Donna
Murphy, Stephen Dorff, Jay Hernandez,
Michael Shannon - Dir. Oliver Stone
The events of September 11 left an indelible mark on most
Americans, and certainly on those in the New York City
area. Yet as fresh as the images seem, it’s easy to forget
the actual grit, sacrifice, and uncertainty of that day.
Director Oliver Stone captures the essence of 9/11 by
focusing on the true story of two Port Authority Police
Department officers who were trapped beneath the
wreckage of the fallen World Trade Center.
Dramas 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062783
Young Avengers
Action/Adventure FF 97min.
Inspired Corporation 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062774
Young Guns / The Last Days of
Frank and Jesse James
Emilio Estevez, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond
Get a double dose of action with this two-pack of fastpaced features.
Without A Trace: The Complete
Second Season
Enrique Murciano, Marianne Jean-Baptiste,
Poppy Montgomery, Eric Close, Anthony
Executive producer Jerry Bruckheimer’s award-winning
television series WITHOUT A TRACE follows the FBI’s
Missing Persons Unit as they investigate individual
disappearances in New York City. Led by senior agent
Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia), the special task force
utilizes psychological profiling to reconstruct a timeline of
the missing person’s last day and determine the cause as
either kidnapping, murder, suicide, or runaway. With a
topnotch cast that includes Poppy Montgomery, Marianne
Jean-Baptiste, Enrique Murciano, and Eric Close,
Bruckheimer’s suspenseful crime drama garnered two
Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe for LaPaglia as Best
Actor in a Dramatic Series—all in its first year. This
release includes every episode from the show’s second
Television, Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 13.03.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062870
Wonderworks - The Chronicles of
Narnia V. 3 - The Silver Chair
Tom Baker - Dir. Alex Kirby
The award-winning WonderWorks series presents an
adaptation of C.S. Lewis’s magical collection of children’s
novels, „The Chronicles of Narnia.“
Childrens, Live-Action 1988
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062608
World Trade Center (Blu-ray)
Nicolas Cage, Maria Bello, Jude Ciccolella,
Patti D’Arbanville, Maggie Gyllenhaal,
Frank Whaley, Michael Pena, Donna
Murphy, Stephen Dorff, Jay Hernandez,
Michael Shannon - Dir. Oliver Stone
The events of September 11 left an indelible mark on most
Americans, and certainly on those in the New York City
area. Yet as fresh as the images seem, it’s easy to forget
the actual grit, sacrifice, and uncertainty of that day.
Director Oliver Stone captures the essence of 9/11 by
focusing on the true story of two Port Authority Police
Department officers who were trapped beneath the
wreckage of the fallen World Trade Center.
Westerns 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 199min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062701
Zatoichi TV Series - Vol. 6
Shintaro Katsu
The blind samurai Zatoichi returns in this sixth volume of
the famed television series. The warrior travels through
Japan, trying to use his skills as a masseur. But when he
encounters injustice, the hero fights villains with his
impressive sword fighting ability. Includes episodes 22-26.
Television, Foreign Films, Japanese 1974
Media Blasters 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062710
Tim Allen, Courteney Cox, Rip Torn,
Spencer Breslin, Kate Mara, Kevin Zegers,
Michael Cassidy, Ryan Newman - Dir. Peter
Peter Hewitt’s (GARFIELD: THE MOVIE) family-friendly
adventure film, ZOOM, stars Tim Allen as an aging former
superhero who is reluctantly called back on the job. Years
ago, Jack (Allen) was adopted for a government program
that capitalized on the oddities of unusual children. Under
the influence of super-strength-building Gamma rays,
Jack became the lightning-fast Zoom, and joined the
Zenith team, a group of other similarly cultivated
superheroes that included his brother, Concussion (Kevin
Zegers). But Concussion went bad, betrayed his fellows,
and Zoom was the only one to survive; since then, he has
rescinded his powers. Now the government, alarmed at
Concussion’s approach from another dimension, wants to
put together another Zenith team with Jack as their
leader. The officials, including Chevy Chase and Rip Torn,
assemble a motley crew of youths that includes a sixyear-old „princess“ with superhuman strength (Ryan
Newman), and an innocuous-looking chubby boy who can
grow parts of his body at will (Spencer Breslin). Two
teenagers (Michael Cassidy and Kate Mara) are also on
hand, and they fall in
Comedies 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062559
Dramas 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062782
World Trade Center (HD DVD)
True hardcore fans may balk at the fact that this vibrant
document of a scene that prided itself on some staunchly
anti-corporate ethics is being distributed by business
Nicolas Cage, Maria Bello, Jude Ciccolella,
American Hardcore
behemoth Sony, but they needn’t worry—AMERICAN
HARDCORE was in the can long before the men in suits
picked it up for distribution. Paul Rachman’s film is
bookended by two clips of Ronald Reagan being sworn in
for each of his tenures as president, and the director is
quick to draw parallels between Reagan’s leadership and
the explosion of angry young men who picked up guitars,
drums, and microphones and exploded onto an
unsuspecting ‘80s music scene. Rachman draws on
amazing footage of scene leaders such as Bad Brains,
Minor Threat, and Black Flag to tell the story, and splices
them with interview clips from band members, scenesters,
fanzine writers, label bosses, and plenty of the freaks and
misfits who were drawn to the pummeling sounds of
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062568
Art of Pointwork Level 5: Finis
Jhung Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF DD 2.0 92min.
BayView Entertainment 06.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062890
Bad Religion - The Riot
This self-proclaimed „punkumentary“ explores the
feverish, sometimes violent passion that punks exhibit
when in the presence of the bands they favor. In this
case, the band is seminal L.A. punk band Bad Religion,
and the „passion“ of their followers results in an actual
riot. The first part of the aptly titled THE RIOT shows
footage of a typically raucous Bad Religion gig in
Northridge, California. It then moves on to the grainy
news clips of a riot on New Year’s Eve, 1990—a riot that
was spurred on by the shutdown of a Bad Religion
concert. Raw, exciting, and totally punk rawk, BAD RELIGION—THE RIOT is a great music video as well as an
illuminating sociological exploration.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1988
FF DD 5.1 53min.
Music Video Distributors 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062753
Chester D.T. Baldwin - Sing it on
Sunday Morning: Vol. 1
Gospel singer Chester D.T. Baldwin is known for his
rousing approach to songs of praise and worship.
Recorded at Austin’s Shoreline Christian Center, SING IT
ON SUNDAY MORNING captures Baldwin in an
inspirational live performance of classics like „I Will Serve
Him,“ „Lord Made Me for Song,“ and „When Comes the
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
RED Distribution 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062805
Ballroom Dancing - Advanced
Dance champion Theresa Mason returns to teach
advanced steps for fox trot, tango, waltz, cha-cha, rumba
and swing. Party On!
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 1993
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062637
Ballroom Dancing - Intermediate
Teresa Mason returns in this intermediate instruction with
the positions and patterns for each different dance
explained, demonstrated and repeated until the student is
completely confident about his or her ability to repeat
them in any social setting.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 1991
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062635
Beat Route: Around the World
with Jools Holland
Jools Holland
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062663
BayView Entertainment 06.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062881
Sidney Bechet - Treat it Gentle
Sidney Bechet
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062664
Centerwork On Turns & Jumps
Level 5: Finis Jhung Ballet
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 90min.
BayView Entertainment 13.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062891
Beethoven: Fidelio
Rene Kollo, Gundula Janowitz, Hans Helm,
Manfred Jungwirth, Lucia Popp, Adolf
Dallapozza, Vienna State Opera Choir
Rene Kollo stars in this interpretation of Beethoven’s
FIDELIO, while the Choir of the Vienna State Opera and
the Vienna State Opera Orchestra are guided by the
legendary conductor Leonard Bernstein.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062841
Richard Clayderman - Live in
Richard Clayderman
This program captures the French pianist has made his
own in spectacular concert footage from his British tour,
as well as in an exclusive interview filmed at home.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1991
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062650
Country Dancing: Advanced
Beginner’s Guide to Professional
Musical & Performing Arts, Music
Instruction FF 54min.
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062525
and INTERMEDIATE, this final video includes tips on how
to perfect your dancing skills and stand out on the dance
floor, plus expanded info on how to collaborate with your
dance partner to create truly special dance fun.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2001
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062643
Country Dancing: Intermediate
Musical & Performing Arts 2006 Ltbx 16x9
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062634
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2001
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062642
Michael Bolton - My Secret Passion
Michael Bolton
Live from the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania, Italy
comes Michael Bolton singing popular tenor arias from
opera’s by Donizetti, Verdi, Bellini, Puccini and others.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1998
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062651
Carnegie Hall at 100 - A Place of
Several selections included with performances by Leonard
Bernstein, Victor Borge, Ray Charles, Van Cliburn, Aaron
Copland, Marilyn Horne, Vladimir Horowitz, Liza Minnelli,
Frank Sinatra, Arturo Toscanini and more.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062653
Centerwork on Jumps Level 4:
Finis Jhung Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF DD 2.0 60min.
this program includes expanded information on such
popular dances as the Cha-Cha, Polka, Waltz, and East
Coast and West Coast Swing. Also with added info on how
to add style and character to your dance moves.
Aselin Debison - Sweet is the
Melody In Concert
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music 1963
Sony Music Video 16.01.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062815
David Helfgott
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062662
Highlights from Glyndebourne
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062657
Engelbert Humperdinck - Live in
Engelbert Humperdinck
Engelbert Humperdinck, one of the few contemporary
music stars to have lifted his name from a nineteenth
century German romantic composer, sings such hits as
„After the Lovin,“ „Release Me,“ „A Man Without Love,“ „If
You Love Me,“ „This Moment in Time,“ „Unforgettable,“
„Mona Lisa,“ „I’m So Excited,“ „Hello,“ „I’ll Walk Alone,“ „I
Just Called to Say I Love You“ and „Help Me Make It
Through the Night.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062649
Katerina Izmailova
Galina Vishnevskaya
Grab a mug of mead for this enchanting performance of
the epic poem. Sung in Old English by Benjamin Bagby,
BEOWULF is the story of the title hero and his battles
against Grendel, the monster ’s mother, and a dragon. In
addition to singing, Bagby mesmerizes the audience as he
plays a traditional Anglo-Saxon harp. With optional Modern English subtitles.
Best of Hootenanny
David Helfgott - A Musical
Up and coming Canadian pop sensation Aselin Debison
makes her debut live performance of songs from her
SWEET IS THE MELODY album. Glace Bay, Nova Scotia,
Aselin’s home town, is the location of this spirited concert
that was filmed over two days. „Sweet Is The Melody,“
„Love So Rare,“ „Moonlight Show,“ and „The Island“ are
some of the selections included.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2002
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062665
Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062848
Fania All Stars - Cali Concert
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062751
Shostakovich’s KATERINA IZMAILOVA is brought to the
stage and screen in this 1966 recording. Galina
Vishnevskaya stars in the title role.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062851
R. Kelly - Live! The Light It Up
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Ltbx DD 5.1 110min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062620
Kupke / Prina / Sandis / Reid /
Damrau / Fischer - Ascanio In
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062845
James Last - Live In London 1978
The German King of good-time music packed up the
orchestra and headed across the English channel to film
this special program at London’s famed Royal Albert Hall
in 1978. James Last and his orchestra deliver the goods
with a sprightly mix of popular favorite songs from years
past as well as from the modern era. Thus, you have an
appealing mix that includes the „Theme to Star Wars,“
„Mull of Kintyre,“ and „Radar Love,“ mixing with „Rum &
Coca Cola,“ „I’ve Got You Under My Skin,“ and „Yes Sir, I
Can Boogie.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
MSI Music 12.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062745
John Wesley Harding & Friends A Bloody Show Live at
Latin Dancing: Advanced
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2005
Ryko Distribution 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062810
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
Sophisticated variations and more challenging
combinations for a variety of Latin dances, aimed at
experienced hoofers.
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Dezember 2006
Seite 41
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062640
Latin Dancing: Intermediate
Step-by-step instructions for couples who have mastered
the basics of the rhumba, the tango, and other Latin
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062639
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062843
Mozart: Lucio Silla
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062846
Legends of Jazz with Ramsey
Mozart: Requeim
Join jazz great Ramsey Lewis as he hosts this show
featuring interviews and performances from some of the
biggest names in contemporary jazz. Genre enthusiasts
will love both the solo performances and unique pairings
of these essential musicians. The first season of the
series features celebrated artists like Chris Botti, Al
Jarreau, David Sanborn, Dave Brubeck, Chick Corea, and
Tony Bennett. This boxed set also includes a 224-page
coffee table book.
Leonard Bernstein conducts the Choir & Symphonieorchester des Bayrischen Rundfunks in this 1988 Bavarian
performance of Mozart’s REQUIEM. Soprano singers
Marie McLaughlin and Maria Ewing are joined by tenor
Jerry Hadley in the cast.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music FF
WEA 12.12.2006
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062880
Massenet: Manon
Edita Gruberova, Francisco Araiza, Hans
Helm, Georg Tichy, Vienna State Opera
Edita Gruberova stars in this performance of Massenet’s
MANON, and is joined in the impressive cast by Francisco
Araiza, Pierre Thau, and Hans Helm.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062840
Megadeth - That One Night: Live
in Buenos Aires
Heavy metal legends Megadeth are best experienced live,
and this concert recording captures them at the height of
their powers as they wow a fanatical crowd in Argentina.
Among the tracks performed at this 2005 concert are
„Peace Sells,“ „In My Darkest Hour,“ and „Blackmail the
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2005
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062611
Midori - Live at Carnegie Hall
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062654
Mutants: Forensic Report
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062627
Pape / Gerhaler / Kuhmeier /
Groves / Muti / VP - Die Zauberflöte
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062849
Pastor Woodrow Hayden - I Know
it was the Blood
Gospel singer Pastor Woodrow Hayden is known for his
rousing approach to songs of praise and worship.
Recorded at New Orleans’ Alario Center, I KNOW IT WAS
THE BLOOD captures Hayden in an inspirational live
performance of classics like „We’ve Come to Praise the
Lord,“ „Cast Your Cares,“ and „Look Unto Jesus.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
RED Distribution 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062806
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062659
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062844
Smokey Robinson: The Greatest
Hits Live
Smokey Robinson
Mozart: Il Re Pastor
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2007
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062847
Mozart: La Finta Giardiniera
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062842
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062850
Rigoletto - Jonathan Miller’s
Mozart: Bastien
Mozart: La Finta Sem
Marie McLaughlin, Maria Ewing, Jerry
Hadley, Cornelius Hauptmann
Robinson displays his velvet voice in this live solo
performance featuring such classic hits as „The Tracks of
My Tears,“ „The Way You Do the Things the Do,“ and „I
Second That Emotion.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1999
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062648
Salsa Mania
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062750
John Tavener: Beyond the Veil
John Tavener
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062656
U.S. vs. John Lennon
David Leaf and John Scheinfeld struggled for over 15
years to produce this documentary, and it’s emergence in
the year 2006 is a testament to the film’s timeliness. THE
U.S. VS. JOHN LENNON focuses on a part of the music
icon’s life that is often overlooked: his politicization both
during and after the Vietnam War. Towards the end of the
Beatles’ career, Lennon began taking the band in a new
direction, using their popularity to circulate a message of
peace in songs such as „Revolution.“ He became even
more involved after the band broke up, and the film traces
his growing awareness and dissent through both archival
footage—much of which had lain forgotten in vaults for
decades—and interviews with those close to him. This
leads to the titular case, in which the U.S. government,
which had already been monitoring his actions for some
time, attempted to deport the star for fear of the threat he
posed to the nation.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Ltbx 96min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062685
Frankie Valli and the Four
Seasons - Live in Concert
Frankie Valli, Four Seasons
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062647
Special Interest
08 Minute Core Workouts: Abs,
Arms, Thighs, Buns & Stretch
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF DD 2.0 40min.
BayView Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062887
08 Minute Pilates: Basic,
Intermediate & Advanced
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF DD 2.0 30min.
BayView Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062888
Abs & Stretch with Amy Bento
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062885
Russian Ballet Highlights
Advanced Step Challenge with
Amy Bento
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062658
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF DD 2.0 51min.
BayView Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062883
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
All Pump with Amy Bento
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 40min.
BayView Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062884
Baby Einstein: My First Signs
Marlee Matlin
It’s never too early to help infants and toddlers start
communicating with the help of Baby Einstein. Starring
Marlee Matlin, MY FIRST SIGNS teaches children as
young as three months to use sign language to express
themselves. With signing, babies can learn to talk sooner
and convey their wants and needs.
Childrens, Educational 2007 FF 27min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062558
Best Ranger
Childrens, Special Interest 2007
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062626
Bibles on DVD - Bible Stories
Religious Ltbx S 300min.
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062575
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
Anthony Bourdain
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2005 S 400min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062625
Brother Against Brother
This collection of military history documents three of the
bloodiest national conflicts the world has ever known.
Using rare archival footage, artwork from the period,
dramatized eye witness accounts and large scale
reenactments, this three volume set offers a unique
glimpse at these encounters that tore nations apart. One
volume each on the Spanish, English, and American Civil
Education/General Interest, War/Civil War
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062645
Brother Against Brother: The
American Civil War
America was divided into two nations in the late 19th
Century until the Union Army defeated the Confederates
at Appamattox Courthouse in the bloody American Civil
War. This documentary examines the war using battle
reconstructions and eye witness accounts, plus period
artwork that describe the feelings of the time. This is one
volume of BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER, a series
dedicated to civil wars.
Education/General Interest, War/Civil War
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062666
Brother Against Brother: The
English Civil War
The English Civil Wars were a long and storied series of
battles that kept England divided for over a decade in the
17th Century. This documentary blends reenactments with
period imagery to tell the powerful history of these bitter
fights. Follow King Charles through the Bishop’s Wars
right up to his beheading that ended the vicious civil war
and established Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector of
England. One of three volumes of civil war history
included in the BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER series.
Education/General Interest, War/Civil War
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062667
Brother Against Brother: The
Spanish Civil War
Spain was divided between those who supported the
Spanish Second Republic and those who called for
revolution against it. This led to the Spanish Civil War
between 1936 and 1939 and this informative video tells
what happened during this conflict. Using rare archival
footage, other imagery from the period, as well as
reconstructed battle sequences, this video offers a unique
look into the war that brought Generalissimo Franco and
his Nationalists victory in Spain. One of three volumes of
national civil war videos in the BROTHER AGAINST
BROTHER series.
Education/General Interest, War/Civil War
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062668
Bush’s Brain
Not to be mistaken for an exploration of the 43rd US
President’s gray matter, BUSH’S BRAIN takes a look at
the shadowy figure of the man behind George. W. Bush’s
rise to the Oval Office. Karl Rove may be an unfamiliar
name to many, but to the Bush family he is an invaluable
political ally who has worked in a carefully disguised
capacity for many years. Rove ghosted his way through
Bush Sr.’s presidency with such silent ease that a mention
of his name would have been met with indifferent shrugs
and feverish head scratching. His attempt to pull off the
same trick twice when Bush Jr. was elected almost came
to fruition, until the publication of James Moore and
Wayne Slater’s startling exposé of Rove in their 2003
book, also titled BUSH’S BRAIN. Filmmakers Michael
Shoob and Joseph Mealey quickly picked up the baton
from Moore and Slater, producing this damning filmic
indictment of Rove and the Bush presidency. From
political cover-ups, to an uncanny ability to manipulate
facts and figures, the directors leave no stone unturned
as they dig up the dirt on the little-known political aide. A
scary, thoughtful
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Tartan Video 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062826
THE INCHES: SIZZLING SALSA features fun moves that
will rid the audience of both boredom and unwanted
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 38min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062486
Deadliest Catch - Season One
Rick Mezich
Television, Sports/Recreation, Fishing 2006
FF S 150min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062630
Dunn & Vito’s Rock Tour
Ryan Dunn, Don Vito, Steve-O, Brandon
Comedies 2006 FF
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062614
Elle Glam Fitness - Complete
Cardio Workout
With dance-inspired moves like „Funky Feet“ and „Runway
Strut,“ achieve a dream body while having a great time.
The Elle Glam Fitness Cardio Dance Team teaches these
steps and more that can help anyone get in better shape.
This program also includes segments on diet and nutrition
to get weight loss started.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
DD 2.0 50min.
Inspired Corporation 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062771
Elle Glam Fitness - Total Toning
Joseph Campbell: Sukhvati
Go from blah to buff with the help of the Elle Glam Fitness
Total Toning Team. With the use of hand weights, the fun
exercises in this program burn calories and create sleek
muscles. This workout targets the core and legs to help
anyone get a beautiful body.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062532
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF DD 2.0 64min.
Inspired Corporation 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062772
Joseph Campbell: The Heroes
Encyclopedia of Modern Armor The Light Tank
Education/General Interest, World History/
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062531
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 53min.
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062523
Combat Comedy Tour
Fairway Gourmet - Season One
Comedies 2006
Vanguard Video 27.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062854
Chef Jacky Pluton might have the world’s best job. He
spends his days visiting America’s most beautiful golf
courses, sampling everything the greens have to offer and
tasting the exquisite local cuisine. The amiable and
enviable host shares his passion for golf, food, travel, and
motorcycles in THE FAIRWAY GOURMET. More than just
a simple cooking or travel show, the public television
series treats viewers to all the finer things in life, including
incredible vistas and Pluton’s recipes. This release
includes all 13 episodes of the first season.
Come West Along the Road
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062655
Complete Weight Training Series
with Joyce Vedral
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 160min.
BayView Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062886
Dance Off The Inches - Sizzling
With sexy salsa steps, this high-energy workout doesn’t
seem like a chore. Led by Stella Sandoval, DANCE OFF
Television, Education/General Interest,
Cooking/Beverages 2005 FF 390min.
VCI Home Video (Video Communications,
Inc.) 12.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062859
Fit Pregnancy - Get Your Body
Back After Baby
Fit Pregnancy presents this workout to get new moms
back in shape. Beginning with „Back to Basics,“ this
program takes mothers from their labor day to nine
months after the birth with five different workouts. GET
instructions for exercising with the new baby in tow.
Includes resistance band.
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Seite 43
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF DD 2.0 80min.
Inspired Corporation 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062770
Gay Games VII
Sports/Recreation 2006 S 135min.
Wolfe Video 13.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062895
Gift of Love from Chicken Soup
Education/General Interest, SelfImprovement 2006
Hannover House 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062497
God, The Universe and
Everything Else: Stephen
Great Cars - Mustang / Cobra /
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This volume
focuses on three cars that have become legends in the
automotive world: the Mustang, Cobra, and GT40.
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062817
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This volume
focuses on the amazing cars that have helped build the
BMW name.
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062820
Great Cars - Box Set
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This collection
combines all six volumes in the series: BMW, CORVETTE,
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062824
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This volume
explores the history of the Porsche, a car that has long
been synonymous with quality and style.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 1994
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062511
Childrens, Special Interest 2006
Ryko Distribution 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062577
Heart of the Festival
When Giles Jacob became president of the Cannes Film
Festival in 2000, after close to four decades of
attendance, he set out to document the proud and often
bizarre 60-year history of film’s most prestigious festival—
a venture that resulted in the three short films collected
here. They are „Cannes Stories,“ which examines the
origins of the glamorous gathering and looks at its
influence on filmmakers as varied as Orson Welles, Tim
Burton, and Federico Fellini; „The Red Carpet,“ a montage
of celebrities and celebrations; and „Words in Progress,“
which chronicles the long-standing (and often humorous)
hostility between the directors and the media.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2005 FF 160min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062749
Historias Biblicas
Great Cars - Corvette
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This volume
explores the history of the Corvette, a name that has long
been synonymous with speed and style.
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062816
Great Cars - Ferrari / Alfa Romeo
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This volume
focuses on two legends in the automotive industry, Ferrari
and Alfa Romeo.
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062821
Great Cars - Mercedes Benz
Buckle your seatbelt for a wild ride as the GREAT CARS
series takes you through the evolution of the world’s most
coveted sports cars and luxury vehicles. This volume
explores the history of the brand that is virtually
synonymous with quality and style, Mercedes Benz.
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062819
Kathy Ireland Total Fitness
Great Cars - Porsche
HDScape Sampler HD DVD (HD
Great Cars - BMW
Education/General Interest, Health/Diet
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062513
Model and actress Kathy Ireland joins Aerobics Champion
Tim Green in this series of total body exercises that
focuses on upper and lower body and aerobic routines,
with an added segment on nutrition tips.
Education/General Interest, Automotive
Sony Music Distribution 27.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062818
Education/General Interest, Science/
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062652
and thighs. The workouts are short and fierce, so they
save time while still being intense and effective. Viewers
who exercise with the program daily are likely to get
results fast.
Religious Ltbx S 300min.
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062576
Horror Business
Childrens, Special Interest 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062623
Independent Lens - Paul Conrad:
Drawing Fire
Over the course of his five-decade career, legendary
cartoonist Paul Conrad has earned three Pulitzer Prizes
and the ire of countless right-wing politicians (he was
included on President Nixon’s infamous enemies list) with
his scathingly satirical, left-leaning political cartoons.
Narrated by former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw, this
episode of PBS’s INDEPENDENT LENS series profiles the
iconoclastic Conrad through archival news footage, 200
samples of his prize-winning work, and interviews with
colleagues and admirers.
Television, Education/General Interest,
Biography 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062758
Kathy Ireland Core Workout
is joined by two men and three women (one of whom is
her mother), giving the program a congenial, fun, classlike atmosphere. After a warm-up period, Ireland and
company devote equal time to exercising abs, buttocks,
Kathy Ireland’s ABSolutely Fit
Kathy Ireland
Ultra-buff supermodel Kathy Ireland shares her tips for
shaping and toning abs in this fitness video featuring five
different 12-minute workouts. For all fitness levels.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 1996
FF 80min.
UAV Corp 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062512
Kathy Ireland’s Advanced Sports
Kathy Ireland
Join supermodel Kathy Ireland in this intense workout
program featuring sports moves and weight-training
segments for advanced exercise enthusiasts.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 1996
Allumination Film Works LLC 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062510
Steve Irwin Memorial Tribute
People all over the world loved and respected Crocodile
Hunter Steve Irwin for his work with animals. His untimely
death in September 2006 saddened his many fans. This
title features the memorial service held at Irwin’s
Crocomuseum at the Australia Zoo. All royalties from the
WORLD will go to Wildlife Warriors Worldwide, a fund
started by Irwin and his wife.
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
EMI Video 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062578
T.D. Jakes - It Will All Come Out
in the Fire
T.D. Jakes
Religious 2006
Goldhil Entertainment 09.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062598
T.D. Jakes - Still Friends? / Living
with Restrictions / It Will All
Come Out In The Fire
T.D. Jakes
Religious 2006
Goldhil Entertainment 09.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062597
King of the Cage - Combat
The KING OF THE CAGE series captures some of the
most amazing battles ever seen in the field of mixed
martial arts, an extreme sport that combines elements of
boxing, wrestling, karate, muay thai, jiujitsu, and tae kwon
do into a no-holds-barred style of fighting. This collection
presents five different KOTC events—EXECUTION DAY,
STARS—for 60 bouts of hand-to-hand combat featuring
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Dezember 2006
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Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
top-rated fighters like Takumi Nakayama, Mac Danzig,
Urijah Faber, and Shonie Carter.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062551
The Viennese painter Gustav Klimt quiet and reserved
manner did not belie the daring artistic works that he
created. Deemed scandalous upon their display, the
beautiful pieces are now considered some of the
masterworks of the 20th century. In addition, Klimt led the
Vienna Secession, an avant-garde movement of similarminded artists who sought to change the mindset of the
art community. KLIMT explores the life and works of this
unconventional and revolutionary painter.
Education/General Interest, Art 2001
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062669
Late Night With Conan O’Brien 10th Anniversary Special / Triumph?
ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: The award-winning talk show
celebrates its 10th anniversary with this special release
featuring the highlights of 10 years of entertainment. The
show, characterized by O’Brien’s improvisational style and
absurdly hilarious stunts, has gained an enormous and
appreciative following, and the series has been an
innovator in comedy since its debut in 1993. This special
edition retrospective, essential to any true fan’s collection,
features a star-studded lineup with Jack Black, Will
Ferrell, and the return of Conan’s sidekick Andy Richter,
as well as some of Conan’s most popular comedy skits.
Comedies 2004 FF S 124min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062700
Legions of Rome
This collection of 3 different programs documents the
invasions of the mighty Roman Empire. The invincible
Legions of the Empire were a force to be reckoned with,
prevailing against armies across Europe and taking over
much of the world. Three different episodes are included
in this boxed set: THE PUNIC WARS, THE GALLIC
military events are chronicled through dramatic
reenactments, battle reconstructions, illustrations, maps,
and location footage.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2001
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062646
Magritte - An Attempt at the
Education/General Interest, Art 2007
Kultur Films Inc. 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062641
Medals of World War II
Soldiers who were decorated after fighting in the bloody
battles of World War II are called upon to recall their war
stories in this documentary.
Childrens, Special Interest 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062632
A video documentary spotlighting this Dutch master’s
greatest works, tracing Mondrian’s development from a
young naturalist to a champion of abstraction. Discover
his artistic revolution from his cubist period through his
Paris and New York periods.
Allumination Film Works LLC 02.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062507
MXC - Most Extreme Elimination
Challenge Season 1
Pilates & the City - Intermediate
Japanese television show in which contestants are
eliminated through a series of outrageous stunts that
usually take place above water, mud, or other liquids.
SEASON 1 collects the first full season, bringing together
numerous instances of pratfalls, daring, and hilarity.
Joseph H. Pilates revolutionized the concept of exercise
with a holistic system focusing the entire body under the
umbrella of „Contrology,“ gently exerting one’s will over
whole groups of muscles, tapping into energy from the
body’s „center,“ or core. Pilates’s pupils included Martha
Graham, Jerome Robbins, and George Balanchine
(Pilates had also earlier been heavyweight boxing
champion Max Schmelling’s trainer). This training film,
shot on location in New York City, the birthplace of this
extraordinary discipline, features intermediate Pilates
routines for people wanting to explore a less invasive
method of attaining real fitness. Minnie Driver, Madonna,
and Julia Roberts have all endorsed this approach.
Television, Comedies 2006
Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062741
Mysteries of Egypt Box Set
Includes all three parts of the MYSTERIES OF EGYPT
RAMESES, featuring expert historical analysis and
amazing visuals of the pyramids and temples of this
fascinating civilization. See individual titles for more
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction 2003 FF 60min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 02.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062508
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2001
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062644
PRIDE Fighting Championships Bushido: Vols. 1-3
Mythbusters - Mega Movie Myths
Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage
Television, Education/General Interest,
Science/Technology 2003 DD 2.0 100min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062624
O’Kennedy’s Ireland
Education/General Interest, Biography
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062629
People, Places & Plants
Roger Swain, Paul Tukey
Education/General Interest, Gardening
2005 DD 2.0 1023min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062613
Pilates & the City - Advanced
Joseph H. Pilates revolutionized the concept of exercise
with a holistic system focusing the entire body under the
umbrella of „Contrology,“ gently exerting one’s will over
whole groups of muscles, tapping into energy from the
body’s „center,“ or core. Pilates’s pupils included Martha
Graham, Jerome Robbins, and George Balanchine
(Pilates had also earlier been heavyweight boxing
champion Max Schmelling’s trainer). This training film,
shot on location in New York City, the birthplace of this
extraordinary discipline, features advanced Pilates
routines for people who take their fitness seriously.
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction FF 60min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 02.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062509
The Japanese PRIDE Fighting Championships are the
premier event of mixed martial arts, an extreme sport that
incorporates elements of judo, karate, jiu jitsu, kickboxing,
and wrestling into a no-holds-barred style of fighting. This
collection presents every match from the first three
BUSHIDO events, featuring top-rated fighters like
Wanderlei Silva, Mirko „Cro Cop“ Filipovic, and Ikuhisa
„The Punk“ Minowa in thrilling bouts of hand-to-hand
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062549
Road To Glory: Wrestling’s
Hottest Superstars Before They
Were Stars
If anyone is in a position to explain how the biggest stars
in pro wrestling got that way, it’s Rick Bassman. Over the
past 15 years, Bassman has trained such luminaries as
Sting, the Warrior, and John Cena, and his expertise
putting them on the road to fame and glory. Bassman
takes his viewers inside the training camp, discussing the
drives and motivations that propel these fighters to
success, and the mixture of natural talent and pure
determination that got them there in the first place. Formidable superstars of the WWE, WCW, ECW, and TNA
populate this illuminating expose, including Rob Van Dam,
Ken Shamrock, the Road Warriors, Tommy Dreamer,
Christopher Daniels, and MTV’s THE MIZ, showing what
they were like before they hit the big time.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2005
Ventura Distribution 13.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062583
Paul Robeson: Speak of Me as I
Paul Robeson
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062661
Santo Domingo Blues
Pilates & the City - Beginner’s
Mondrian - From Naturalism to
Education/General Interest, Art 1988
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062638
Joseph H. Pilates revolutionized the concept of exercise
with a holistic system focusing the entire body under the
umbrella of „Contrology,“ gently exerting one’s will over
whole groups of muscles, tapping into energy from the
body’s „center,“ or core. Pilates’s pupils included Martha
Graham, Jerome Robbins, and George Balanchine
(Pilates had also earlier been heavyweight boxing
champion Max Schmelling’s trainer). This training film,
shot on location in New York City, the birthplace of this
extraordinary discipline, features beginner’s Pilates
routines for people wanting to explore a less invasive
method of attaining real fitness. Minnie Driver, Madonna,
and Julia Roberts have all endorsed this approach.
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction 2003 FF 45min.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062616
Say Amen, Somebody
Willie Mae Ford Smith, Thomas A. Dorsey Dir. George T. Nierenberg
A celebration of gospel music, with performances by Willie
Mae Ford Smith, Thomas A. Dorsey, The Barrett Sisters
and the O’Neal Twins.
Religious 1983
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062811
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 46
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Team Boot Camp with Amy Bento
Secrets of the Dead - Dogfight
Over Guadalcanal
In August of 1942, American and Japanese forces began
fighting for control of Guadalcanal Island in the South
Pacific theater of WWII. A major turning point in the war,
the Battle of Guadalcanal played out as a bitter dogfight
between the powerfully opposing personalities of American fighter pilot James „Pug“ Southerland and his
Japanese counterpart, Saburo Sakai. This episode of
PBS’s SECRETS OF THE DEAD series explores the
DOGFIGHT OVER GUADALCANAL through contemporary
forensic science in conjunction with historical data, as well
as dramatic recreations, archival materials, and
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062759
Sesame Street - Elmo’s World:
What Makes You Happy?
Childrens 2006
Sony Wonder 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062813
La Sierra
LA SIERRA is an intense, unflinching documentary about
several young people living in Medellin, Columbia. The
town is perpetually caught in the crossfire between two
warring factions—the guerillas and the paramilitary
forces—and the film explores the burden of life during
wartime with a personal and deeply unsettling focus.
Dramas 2005
First Run Features Home Video 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062584
Slipknot - Maggots
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF DD 2.0 63min.
BayView Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062882
Television’s Funniest Foul-Ups
Comedies 1991
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.03.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062628
Thomas & Friends - Milkshake
Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 1984
Hit Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062607
Van Gogh - A Museum for Vincent
A visually stunning documentary about this most popular
painter of the past century featuring the world famous
collection of the Rijks Museum Vincent Van Gogh in
Education/General Interest, Art 1990
Kultur Films Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062636
Venus Unveiled - The Magellan
Space Probe
This fascinating and informative program looks at the
Magellan space probe, which provided scientists with their
first real look at the strange, intriguing landscape of
Venus. Using extensive access to NASA, scientists, and
rare footage, VENUS UNVEILED takes a close look at
Earth’s nearest neighbor.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Ryko Distribution 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062809
Education/General Interest, Space Exploration FF 56min.
WGBH Boston Video 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062596
Sound Of Rio: Brasileirinho
Visions of Germany
Director Mika Kaurismäki (MORO NO BRASIL) dives into
the Brazilian music scene with this documentary. THE
musical style created more than a century ago. A
reflection of Brazil’s diverse ethnic heritage, Choro mixes
the sounds of Europe with music in the Brazilian Indian
and African traditions. This documentary explores the
musical style’s impact in both the past and present.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2007 FF
WEA 23.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062879
Step Generation with Strength
Circuit with Marie Sill
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 84min.
BayView Entertainment 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062889
Street Soccer - Brazil in the
See the future of football in STREET SOCCER - BRAZIL
IN THE STREET. These players defy logic and gravity with
their impressive moves, using the urban terrain as their
playing field.
Sports/Recreation, Soccer 2006
Inspired Corporation 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062775
Strokes - Last Impressions of
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Ryko Distribution 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062808
This release takes viewers on a sumptuous visual journey
of Germany, and includes informative narration, historical
information, and music from natives Beethoven and Wagner. „Along the Rhine“ travels down the Rhine River
through the country’s southwestern area, while „Bavaria“
explore the southeast. In each, the lush landscape,
cosmopolitan charms, and rustic architecture create a
visual feast.
Sports/Recreation, Travel
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 30.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062530
Whispers Through the Willows:
The World of Kenneth
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction 2004 FF 80min.
UAV Corp 02.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062505
Yogilates - Beginner’s Workout
Hatha yoga and Pilates instructor Jonathan Urla combined
the best of both disciplines to create Yogilates. Pilates
master Urla studied Vinyasa Yoga (a type of hatha yoga)
as an advanced teacher trainer with Shiva Rea, created
Yogilates in 1997, and has discussed the practice in a
very broad range of mainstream media, including the New
York Times, ABC News, CNN, CBS, the Discovery Health
Channel, Newsweek, Vogue, Self, Weight Watchers
Magazine, Elle, YM, Cosmo Girl, Shape, Harper’s Bazaar,
the Village Voice, Allure, Fitness, and the Lifetime
Channel. The complete discipline of Yogilates (ranging
from beginner to advanced) consists of 300 different
exercises carefully calibrated to flow smoothly from one to
another, centering the student as flexibility and strength
increase; the beginner ’s exercises appear here in a loft
classroom setting with vibrant original music and Urla
himself as the definitive instructor.
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction 2004 FF 45min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 02.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062503
Yogilates - Intermediate Workout
Hatha yoga and Pilates instructor Jonathan Urla combined
the best of both disciplines to create Yogilates. Pilates
master Urla studied vinyasa yoga (a type of hatha yoga)
as an advanced teacher trainer with Shiva Rea. He
created Yogilates in 1997, and has discussed the practice
in a very broad range of mainstream media, including the
New York Times, ABC News, CNN, CBS, the Discovery
Health Channel, Newsweek, Vogue, Self, Weight
Watchers Magazine, Elle, YM, Cosmo Girl, Shape,
Harper’s Bazaar, the Village Voice, Allure, Fitness, and
the Lifetime Channel. The complete discipline of Yogilates
(ranging from beginner to advanced) consists of 300
different exercises carefully calibrated to flow smoothly
from one to another, centering the student as flexibility
and strength increase. The intermediate exercises
(including yoga poses such as Pigeon, Sun Salutation,
and Warrior 1 and 2) appear here in a loft classroom
setting with vibrant original music and Urla himself as the
definitive instructor.
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction 2004 FF 60min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 02.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062504
Neil Young - Under Review: 19661975
Neil Young
Education/General Interest, Biography 1966
Music Video Distributors 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062752
Part of the biographical author series, this release profiles
the life and work of author Kenneth Grahame, from his
childhood along the River Thames through his unhappy
marriage, brief time as a father, and his writing of the
children’s classic THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Ltbx 52min.
Ryko Distribution 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062524
Yogilates - Advanced Workout
Hatha yoga and Pilates instructor Jonathan Urla combined
the best of both disciplines to create Yogilates. Pilates
master Urla studied vinyasa yoga (a type of hatha yoga)
as an advanced teacher trainer with Shiva Rea. He later
created Yogilates in 1997, and has discussed the practice
in a very broad range of mainstream media, including the
New York Times, ABC News, CNN, CBS, the Discovery
Health Channel, Newsweek, Vogue, Self, Weight
Watchers Magazine, Elle, YM, Cosmo Girl, Shape,
Harper’s Bazaar, the Village Voice, Allure, Fitness, and
the Lifetime Channel. The complete discipline of Yogilates
(ranging from beginner to advanced) consists of 300
different exercises carefully calibrated to flow smoothly
from one to another, centering the student as flexibility
and strength increase. The advanced exercises appear
here in a loft classroom setting with vibrant original music
and Urla himself as the definitive instructor.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 47
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 08.02.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 20. Februar 2007
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Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Ai Yori Aoshi: TV-Box 1
Animation 25.01.2007
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animal Yokocho Vol. 11
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Atagoal Wa Neko No
Mori (DD 5.1)
Animation 21.02.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bakegyamon Vol. 8
Animation 14.03.2007
106,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Baldr Force Exe Resolution 03 (PCM)
Animation 09.02.2007
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bikkuriman Vol. 1
Animation 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bikkuriman Vol. 2
Animation 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bikkuriman Vol. 3
Animation 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Black Jack Vol. 19
Animation 07.02.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Black Lagoon The Second Barrage Vol. 1
Animation 31.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Black Lagoon The Second Barrage Vol. 1
(First Pressing)
Animation 31.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Busou Renkin Vol. 1
(2006 / PCM)
Animation 25.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chinese Animation Film
Works Vol. 1
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chinese Animation Film
Works Vol. 2
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hana Yori Dango Vol. 4
Animation 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kimagure Orange Road:
The Series
Animation 23.02.2007
434,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kirarin Revolution Vol. 6
Animation 09.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chobits: TV Box 1
Hana Yori Dango Vol. 5
Animation 25.01.2007
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Deep Imagination (2006 /
Hana Yori Dango Vol. 6
Lovedol Vol. 4
Animation 25.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Detective Conan Part 15
Vol. 2
Hatsumei Boy Kanipan:
Animation 26.01.2007
70,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
356,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Digimon Savers Vol. 5
Hellsing III (DD 5.1)
Animation 26.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Digital Devil Story:
Megami Tensei (1987 /
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dr. Slump Arare-Chan:
DVD Box 1
Animation 23.03.2007
1.534,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 09.02.2007
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hellsing III (DD 5.1)
(Limited Edition)
Animation 09.02.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Higurashi No Naku Koro
Ni Vol. 7 (DD)
Animation 25.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Yoji Kuri Film Works
Animation 28.02.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lovedol Vol. 4 (Limited
Animation 28.02.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lovedol Vol. 5
Animation 28.02.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lovedol Vol. 5 (Limited
Animation 28.02.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mar Heaven Z Vol. 6
Animation 09.02.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Maria-Sama Ga Miteru
Ova Vol. 2
Higurashi No Naku Koro
Ni Vol. 7 (DD) (Limited
Animation 31.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Maria-Sama Ga Miteru
Ova Vol. 2 (Limited Edition)
Gaiking: Legend Of
Daiku-Maryu Vol. 10
Kaiketsu Zorori:
Zekkocho-Hen Vol. 11
Animation 31.01.2007
139,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 21.02.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Murder Princess Vol. 1
Ghost Hunt Vol. 2 (PCM)
Kaiketsu Zorori:
Zekkocho-Hen Vol. 12
Ergo Proxy Vol. 9 (DD
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 28.02.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gin-Iro No Olynssis Vol.
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gin-Iro No Olynssis Vol.
1 (Limited Edition)
Animation 26.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kihachiro Kawamoto
Film Works
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 28.03.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Muteki Kanban Musume
Vol. 4
Animation 25.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Nana 7.8 (PCM)
Animation 14.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 49
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
MAN OF THE YEAR - NTSC- Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9) oder Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3)
Dolby Digital 5.1 - Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 08.02.2007)
Vorausichtlich erhältlich ab 20. Februar 2007
Seite 50
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Yuri Norshtein Film
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Okane Ga Nai! Vol. 1
Animation 09.02.2007
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shounen Onmyouji:
Kyuuki-Hen Vol. 2
Karel Zeman Film Works
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Are You Scared (2006)
Okane Ga Nai! Vol. 1
(DD) (Limited Edition)
Shounen Onmyouji:
Kyuuki-Hen Vol. 2 Standard Ed.
Animation 26.01.2007
314,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Old Man And The
Tales Of Eternia:
Complete Box
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 07.02.2007
236,90 EUR BestellNr.:
One Piece: 8th Season
Vol. 2
Tensai Bakabon: DVD
Box (1971)
Animation 07.02.2007
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
473,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Otogi-Jushi Akazukin
Vol. 3
Tenshi No Tamago (1985
/ DD)
Animation 31.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pumpkin Scissors: Men
Of Pumpkin Vol. 2
Texhnolyze: TV Box 1
Animation 26.01.2007
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pumpkin Scissors: Men
Of Pumpkin Vol. 2 (First
Osamu Tezuka Film
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saint Beast: Seijuu
Animation 28.02.2007
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saint Seiya: Meiou Hades Meikai-Hen
Koushou 2
Animation 28.02.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saiunkoku Monogatari
Vol. 7 (DD)
Animation 09.02.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Saiunkoku Monogatari
Vol. 7 (DD) (Limited Edition)
Animation 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Third: Aoi Hitomi
No Shoujo Vol. 7
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Third: Aoi Hitomi
No Shoujo Vol. 7
(Limited Edition)
Film 02.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Attack Of The Killer
Tomatoes: Coll.Ed.
Film 24.01.2007
67,90 EUR BestellNr.:
La Boulangere De
Monceau / La Carriere
De Suzanne
Film 27.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Buffalo ’66 (1966 / DD)
Film 09.02.2007
43,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Casanova (2005 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Castle (1997)
Film 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Code Unknown (2000)
Film 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Crash: Director’s Cut
Film 23.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dungeons & Dragons 1
& 2 Twin Pack
Animation 26.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 25.01.2007
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Youkai Ningen Bem Vol.
Dungeons & Dragons:
Wrath Of The Dragon
God (2005)
Animation 28.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Youkai Ningen Bem Vol.
Animation 28.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Good Girl Bad Girl
Film 02.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Gougou Sentai
Boukenger The Movie
Film 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gougou Sentai
Boukenger The Movie
(Limited Edition)
Film 21.02.2007
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Green Dragon (2001 /
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Half Light (2006 / DD
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Michael Haneke: DVD
Box 2
Film 02.02.2007
181,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hedwig And The Angry
Inch (2001)
Film 26.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hope Springs (2003 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kabuki: Dannoura
Kabuto Gunki Akoya
Film 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kabuki: Gosho No
Film 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kabuki: Kenuki /
Film 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kabuki: Kiwametsuke
Banzui Choubei
Film 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kabuki: Sakanaya
Sogoro / Ibaraki
Film 26.01.2007
Seite 51
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lumumba (2000)
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Marrying Man (1991
/ DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Total Eclipse (1995)
Film 27.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Turkish Delight (1973)
Film 26.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ministry Of Fear (1944)
Film 27.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Preacher’s Wife
(1996 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Private Moments (2005)
Film 02.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seven Mummies (2006)
Film 02.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Le Signe Du Lion (1959)
Film 27.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Soldaat Van Oranje
Celtic Woman: A New
Music 14.02.2007
63,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dance Neo Vol. 3
Music 21.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dance Neo Vol. 4
Music 21.02.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dance Up Feeling Vol. 2
Music 21.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Philippe Decoufle: Kaleidoskop
Music 23.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Future Generation (First
Music 31.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mayumi Iizuka: Brand
Music 14.02.2007
115,90 EUR BestellNr.:
T. Rex: T. Rex On TV
Journey: Live In Houston 1981: Escape Tour
(DD 5.1 + PCM)
Kinetic Arts Presents Ny
House Dancers
U2: Window In The
Music 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 07.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
John Legend: Live At
The House Of Blues
Music 24.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Loudness: Live
Rockshocks 2006
Megadeth: Rude
Awakening (DD 5.1)
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 14.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Johnny Okura: Live In
Kyoto University Seibu
Storm (2005)
The Finest DVD: Best
Clips (PCM)
Film 02.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 21.02.2007
58,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 21.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Supercross (2005 / DD
Vincent Gallo Biography
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Time Of The Wolf
Film 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Good Charlotte: Fast
Future Generation
Music 31.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Good Charlotte: Fast
James Taylor:
Squibnocket (PCM)
Music 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 26.01.2007
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 09.02.2007
413,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 21.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Stoned (2005)
Film 28.02.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Corinne Bailey Rae:
Corinne Bailey Rae Live
Music 24.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 21.02.2007
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fazil Say: Brand New
DVD (DD 5.1)
Music 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 14.02.2007
63,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Face To Face: Shoot The
Moon: The Essential
Stoned: Collector’s Ed.
Produced By Trevor
Horn (DD 5.1)
Iron Maiden: Live At
Rock In Rio (DD 5.1 +
Film 26.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 28.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ozzy Osbourne: The
Ultimate Ozzy (PCM)
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Emmanuel Pahud: The
Music 07.02.2007
63,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Pillows: Lostman
Go To America
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
American Hardcore
(2006 / DD 5.1)
Special Interest 07.02.2007
67,90 EUR BestellNr.:
American Hardcore
(2006 / DD 5.1) (Limited
Special Interest 07.02.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Che Guevara / Fidel:
The Untold Story
Special Interest 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chelsea FC: Golden
Goals (2006)
Special Interest 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Steven Gerrard: A Year
In My Life (2006)
Special Interest 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hi-Vision Ressha Doori:
Seite 52
Newsletter 26/06 (Nr. 197)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Gono Line Resort
Shirakami (Train)
Special Interest 14.02.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hoop Dreams (1994)
Special Interest 27.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Infamy: A Graffiti Film
(2005 / DD 5.1)
Special Interest 26.01.2007
70,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Midnight Movies (2005)
Special Interest 24.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Newcastle United: Alan
Shearer The Legend
Special Interest 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rail Way Series 1:
Sherpa Ef63 (TRain)
Special Interest 25.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rail Way Series 2: C57
Banetsu Monogatari
Special Interest 25.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rail Way Series 3: Ef58
61 (Train)
Special Interest 25.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Unknown Chaplin (1983)
Charlie Jade:
Collector’s Box (2005)
Special Interest 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 02.02.2007
281,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program
Battle Fever J Vol. 1
TV Program 21.02.2007
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Beetle Fighter Kabuto
Vol. 4
TV Program 21.02.2007
154,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Choujinki Metalder Box
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Vol. 7
TV Program 21.02.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Maigret Voit Double
TV Program 31.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Maigret: Un Meurtre De
Premiere Classe
TV Program 31.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Swarmed (2005)
TV Program 21.02.2007
602,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gougou Sentai
Boukenger Vol. 7
Ultraman A 1972
TV Program 21.02.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 25.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Henna Ikimono (2006)
Wire In The Blood: 3rd
Season Box (DD)
TV Program 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 25.01.2007
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Henshin Ninja Arashi
Vol. 3 (1972)
TV Program 21.02.2007
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Telefonische Bestellannahme:
Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (Baden-Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf
Wir machen Betriebsferien
23. Dezember 2006 bis
07. Januar 2007
Newsletter 26 / 06 (Nr. 197)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
© (2006) by LASER
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision.
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol sind
Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
Der NEWSLETTER ist die
offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
kein Verkaufsangebot dar,
sondern dienen nur zur
Dolby Merchandise
Seite 53