2011-2012 Annual Report


2011-2012 Annual Report
Annual Report
Foodlink is an innovative food bank serving
the people of Central and Western New York
Mission: To provide hunger relief, eliminate the root causes of hunger, improve
health, and promote economic development.
Vision: To build a hunger-free community and a sustainable regional food system
in which every individual has access to nutritious food and is empowered with
the tangible skills to lead a healthy, productive life.
Dear Friends,
When I first started Foodlink, the goal of the
organization was to address the physical
symptoms of hunger. However, the world
of food banking has greatly changed since
then – and so have the needs of our clients.
To make impactful strides against
hunger and build a healthy community, we
need to continue making breakthroughs
in rebuilding our regional food system. Our inventive practices thus far
have helped to provide educational resources, more nutritious food, and
improved access to healthy food in urban areas, which together is creating a
surge in local food sustainability.
In our last annual report, I was proud to share the news of our pending
move to Mt. Read Boulevard. I’m happy to report that after only 6 months,
our new facility has enhanced our ability to distribute food – increasing our
throughput by 15%. We have expanded all of our programs and continue to
strengthen our community relationships. A more welcoming building and
work environment has improved our volunteers’ experience and the Finger
Lakes Regional Volunteer Center has brought more volunteers to Foodlink
than ever before.
I have been humbled by our progress, but the issue of hunger has never been
more present. It’s crucial that our impact continues and I thank you for your
continuous support of our vision of a hunger-free community.
With gratitude,
Foodlink Board of Directors
Ms. Julie Camardo-Steron
Board Chair
Zweigle’s Inc.
Mr. Matthew Ray
Co-Vice Chair
M&T Commercial Bank
Ms. Alyssa Whitfield
Co-Vice Chair
American Red Cross
Ms. Kimberli Johnston
Board Treasurer
Mr. Chad Flansburg, Esq.
Board Secretary
Phillips Lytle, LLP
Mr. Carey Corea
Idea Connections, Inc.
Mrs. Stacey Estrich
Town of Perinton
Mr. Robert N. King, Ph.D.
Community Advocate
Sr. Beth Le Valley
Sisters of St. Joseph
Ms. Annie Miller
Baden Street Settlement
Mr. Thomas Pauly
RBS Citizens Bank
Ms. Arline Santiago, Esq.
ESL Federal Credit Union
Thomas C. Ferraro
Executive Director and Founder
Ms. Sheila Studebaker
First Niagara Bank
Ms. Patricia Gottry Tobin
Community Advocate
Our Local Network
Foodlink is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit that addresses our
broken food system and provides food assistance
to low-income or hungry people through a network
of member agencies. A food bank acquires,
gathers, handles, and distributes donated,
purchased, and government-provided food to its
network of agencies. Longstanding relationships
with local farmers, vendors, and food purveyors
like Wegmans have ensured a constant flow of
support. In return, Foodlink is able to dedicate a
vast amount of resources and food-related assets
to the mission of ending hunger. Foodlink’s
member agencies are soup kitchens, shelters,
and food pantries as well as other communitybased, human service organizations. 450 member
agencies are independent 501 (c) 3 non-profits that
provide direct service to clients. Food pantries may
be mistakenly referred to as food banks, but the
models for these two organizations are distinctly
different. Food pantries are smaller organizations,
often sponsored by local churches or faith-based
groups. Most food pantries or cupboards in our
region source the majority of their food supply
from Foodlink.
Our Service Area
Foodlink’s service area of 5,705 square miles spans
10 counties in Western NY: Allegany, Genesee,
Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca,
Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates.
Our National Network
Feeding America, formerly
known as America’s Second
Harvest, is comprised of over
200 member food banks that serve virtually every
county in the country. Unlike other national entities,
Feeding America has a contractual relationship with
all member food banks - each food bank operates
as an independent 501 (c) 3. Based in Chicago, the
Feeding America national office solicits food and
financial donations that are shared within the
network, and sets best practices and compliance
standards for the members and advocates on
public policy issues that impact hungry or low
income individuals.
Food Flow: How It All Works
Local Farmers
Case Product
Community Gardens
16.5% of food distributed had to
be purchased in fiscal year 2012 to
meet an increased need.
$2,970,229.82 worth of food
distributed directly to clients
through Mobile Pantry.
Mobile Pantries
Food Pantries
Soup Kitchens
Recreation Centers
Shelters/Group Homes/
Senior Centers
Farm Stands/
Corner Stores
The Needs of
Our Community
Food insecurity is a complex, multi-faceted problem
that has various successive stages as it becomes more
severe. In our region, food insecurity has affected
suburban families whose provider has lost his/her job,
people receive emergency food from
Foodlink annually; 55,000 are children.
and is now struggling to pay the mortgage. It includes
children who cannot wait to go to school on Monday
morning just so they can be fed through the National
School Breakfast and Lunch programs, and through
Foodlink’s own BackPack Program. It includes senior
citizens who have been self-sufficient all of their lives
Our Clients by Age
1. Children 37%
2. Adults 37%
3. Seniors 26%
and now cannot afford to cover the expenses of both
their food and medication.
1 in 5 children in
our service area
don’t know where
their next meal
will come from.
“It’s real tough out there. I had to take
a job making almost half of what I
used to. Fortunately for my kids, we
can still eat and didn’t need to move.”
Many of our clients report being faced
with the decision to choose between food
or necessary living expenses:
Food vs Utilities/Heating
Client at Brighton Food Cupboard,
Brighton, New York.
Food vs Rent
Food vs Medicine
Rescuing every
available pound
of food
As the regional food bank, we distributed the
over 1.6 million pounds of fresh produce being
equivalent of over 10 million meals this year. Our
distributed to families in need.
new 90,000 square foot warehouse on Mt. Read
Boulevard allows us to receive and distribute food
Our strategic approach to food banking allows us
more efficiently than ever before. Our warehouse is
to meet the comprehensive needs of our agencies,
equipped with a more energy efficient cooler and
we distribute food but we also offer financial and
a freezer that is double the size of the one at our
technical assistance to our member agencies. A
previous headquarters on Exchange Street. The
successful member agency conference in May
more efficient cooler is the driving force behind our
2012 brought together over 300 agencies to share
perishable food distribution efforts.
ideas, discuss best practices, and learn more about
the issue of hunger in our community. This year,
we allocated over $200,000 in mini-grants from
increase in perishable
food distributed in 2012.
the New York State Department of Health’s Hunger
Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program.
These resources allowed our member agencies
to expand their capacity and to further meet the
This year, we were able to source more perishable,
needs of their clients. The grants allowed agencies
local foods by routing our trucks to pick-up from
to purchase refrigerators and coolers to store fresh
producers and from retailers in our service area.
produce and shelving to store non-perishable items
Our efforts to source more fresh food resulted in
they receive from Foodlink.
Food Sources:
Purchased 16.5%
Feeding America 25.7%
Local Donations 48.5%
Gleaning .2%
Food Drives/Walk Ins 1.2%
USDA 7.9%
9 out of every 10 lbs
of local donations are
from Wegmans
Delivering the
of healthy eating
Healthy food is a Foodlink priority.
We distribute fresh, nutritious foods
through our Mobile Pantry program,
which targets rural and underserved
areas. Our community kitchen,
Freshwise, prepares and delivers over
3,000 meals to schools and after
school programs daily. We work hard
year-round to make free and nutritious
meals accessible to thousands of
children throughout the City of
Rochester. Our BackPack Program
provides additional assistance to
families on the weekends when
children are not receiving school
provided meals.
Our nutrition education programs
Cooking Matters and KidsCAN provide
participants an opportunity to learn
how to prepare healthy meals in
their own home. Preparing meals at
home is often the most nutritious
and economically efficient way for
families to feed themselves.
2012 Program Highlights
BackPack Program
The BackPack Program provides children at risk of
hunger with a bag of nutritious, kid-friendly food
to take home on weekends and school breaks.
18 schools participated, serving 1,600 children.
Kids Cafe
This program was established to provide healthy
meals for children in a safe after school environment
throughout the city of Rochester. 867,982 meals were
served in the last year at 53 sites.
Summer Meals
Many children rely on free or reduced-price lunches
during the school year. This program is aimed to
supply children with free summer meals and alleviate
the additional burden on families during the summer
months. 196,748 meals were served at 58 sites.
Cooking Matters
Cooking Matters is an initiative of Share Our Strength,
a national anti-hunger organization. Participants
learn how to cook nutritious foods and to stretch their
grocery budget to shop more effectively. 17 courses
were offered at 11 sites with 40 volunteers. In all, 220
people participated in the program.
The KidsCAN (Cooking, Activity, and Nutrition)
program offers nutrition education to school-age
children. KidsCAN grew significantly in its second year.
11 sites hosted programs for 300 participants.
Mobile Pantry
A mobile pantry is a truck filled with essential, nutritious, and often perishable food items,
that travels to locations to serve needy populations. Volunteers from the distibution site
help serve clients. The Mobile Pantry program expanded in 2011 when Foodlink received a
refrigerated truck from the Wal-Mart Foundation, helping to increase our reach tenfold. The
truck is loaded with food items such as breads, fresh produce, yogurt, and cheeses. This program
has allowed Foodlink to reach new people and new places; in many cases Foodlink is the only
service provider in these areas.
Mobile Pantry at a Glance
“I always want it, but the produce at
the store is too expensive for me.”
The Mobile Pantry continues to serve an
increased clientele at our strategically
chosen sites. In 2011-2012, we
distributed 1,938,163 pounds of food.
Mobile Pantry recipient
By county:
48,444 lbs
34,291 lbs
123,214 lbs
101,999 lbs
156,127 lbs
43,264 lbs
1,100,091 lbs
36,809 lbs
113,292 lbs
our food system
Our regional food system is broken, leaving many without adequate access to nutritious food. Foodlink has
implemented innovative programs that lend infrastructure to food insecure neighborhoods to sell fresh
produce, provide technical assistance to grow community gardens attached to food pantries, and maximize
our assets to assist the local food system.
Urban Farm Stands
Urban Agriculture
Our urban farm stand initiative expanded to 10
The third floor of our “old” building on Exchange
neighborhoods in the City of Rochester. The farm
Street has been converted into an indoor vertical
stands are all directly connected to a partnering
growing farm. We have installed vertical growing
human service agency in several food insecure, low-
A-frames that have yielded hundreds of pounds of
income neighborhoods, giving them ownership of
beets, greens, herbs, potatoes, beans, and tomatoes.
the project. The program has stirred interest in the
This innovative pilot is the first of its kind in the City
neighborhoods; people now look forward to the
of Rochester – using an industrial space to grow fresh
available fresh produce.
food indoors.
Urban Beekeeping
Community Gardens
A first for the City of Rochester, Foodlink is home to
Providing supplies and technical assistance,
an urban, rooftop apiary. We introduced three hives
Foodlink successfully planted six gardens at
this Spring on our Exchange Street building. The
member agency sites. The Foodlink Community
hives have produced honey and continue to pollinate
G a rd e n Pro j e c t has enabled emergency food
our indoor vertical growing “farm.”
recipients to invest time and energy into the
fresh food they receive by learning to garden and
grow their own.
Linking those in need
to those who can help
The generosity of our community
never ceases; every year we meet
more individuals willing to support
Foodlink by donating their time
and their money. More than 5,000
individuals donate their time and
talents to Foodlink every year. They
do anything asked of them, from
sorting and repackaging food items
to assisting at special events.
Our commitment to our volunteers
has been recognized - Foodlink
is now the host of the Finger
Lakes Regional Volunteer Center.
www.FingerLakesVolunteer.org is an
online portal where individuals can
easily find volunteer opportunities,
and agencies can also connect
with eager volunteers. The website
tracks volunteer activity and offers
volunteer opportunities at once.
Donor Spotlight Jeffrey and Julie Gerstenberger
Jeffrey and Julie Gerstenberger have been
Jeffrey and Julie Gerstenberger have lived and worked
exceptionally generous donors for the past 10 years.
in Rochester for the last 26 years. Julie is a native
Thanks to Jeffrey and Julie, more than 20,152 meals
Rochesterian and Jeff is originally from Ann Arbor,
have been provided to individuals in our community.
MI, where they met at the University of Michigan. In
Rather than waiting for an event or campaign,
Rochester, Jeff has worked as a Digital Design Engineer
Jeffrey and Julie have preferred to make a difference
and Julie as a Research & Development Manager.
through regular giving and have made participation
Foodlink is grateful for not just the longstanding and
in Check Out Hunger a part of their ongoing support.
generous support that Jeffrey and Julie have provided,
but for the kind and genuine intentions behind it.
“Too many people in this area are trying to get by
without adequate nutrition - they have to make tough
choices every day about whether to pay for food,
housing, or medicine. Foodlink is both effective and
efficient in sourcing food and in distributing it in the
area, and they have the scale to make a huge impact.
They are innovative in developing longer-term solutions
to hunger-related problems in the community through
nutrition education for children, urban agriculture, and
their workforce development.”
-Julie Gerstenberger
Foodlink proudly joins an elite group of non-profits
nationally in celebrating our fourth consecutive fourstar rating from Charity Navigator – less than 5% of
charities across the nation have earned this honor.
The independent rating is awarded based on our
commitment to stewardship, fiscal transparency,
efficiency, and accountability.
Volunteer Spotlight Anne Palumbo
Last summer, local columnist Anne Palumbo’s
college-age daughter, Erin, suggested that the two
of them volunteer together. Anne was thrilled.
They discovered a volunteer opportunity with
Foodlink’s KidsCAN Program and both agreed that
the opportunity spoke to their mutual interests and
passions: healthy cooking, nutrition, and working
with children. Anne and Erin immediately made
an impact in the program, and were valued in the
classroom for their passion and excitement for
working with kids.
After Erin returned to college, Anne wanted to
continue volunteering with Foodlink, so she
promptly signed on to help with the Cooking Matters
Program as a course assistant and class shopper.
Since September 2011, Anne has volunteered for 4
Cooking Matters courses and made a difference in
the lives of 55 children and teens.
Anne is one of over 40 active volunteers with the
Cooking Matters Program, which relies on the
strength of volunteer chefs, nutritionists, and
assistants to teach nutrition and food skills to
low-income participants in the Rochester area. We
couldn’t do it without you, Anne!
A special thanks to the
foundations and government
agencies who supported us in
Citizens Bank:
Summer Meals and KidsCAN
Department of Labor:
Value-added Processing Training
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group:
The BackPack Program
Dunkin’ Donuts Baskin-Robbins
Community Foundation:
Mobile Pantries
Farash Foundation:
The BackPack Program
Feeding America:
Mobile Pantries, Child Hunger,
Summer Meals
Feeding America, thanks to the
Darden Foundation:
Mobile Pantries
First Niagara:
The BackPack Program
Gannett Foundation:
Urban Agriculture & Urban
Farm Stands
NYS AG&M Fresh Connect:
Urban Farmstands
Rochester Area Community
Summer Meals and Kids Cafe
Share Our Strength:
Summer Meals
Wells Fargo:
Hunger Relief
The BackPack Program and
Cooking Matters Program
Statement of Activities
Shared Maintenance (SM)
Fee for Service Received Revenue
Wholesale Food
Wholesale Food Grants
Workforce Development
Farm Education Program
United Way
Other Income
Nutritional Meals (NM)
Nutritional Meals Grant
Donated Product
Government Grants
Other Grants
Total Revenue
Raised: 18%
Given: 20%
201 1
Earned: 62%
Donated Product
Benefits & Payroll Taxes
Food Purchases
Other Operating Expenses
Operation Support, Mini Grants
Total Expenses
Net Surplus
Statement of Financial Position
20 11
Accounts Payable
Deferred Income
Accrued Liability
Long Term Debt
Total Liabilities
Fund Balance
Balance Sheet Surplus (Deficit)
Total Fund Balance
Operating Reserve
Grants & Accounts Receivable
Property & Equipment
Total Assets
Total Liabilities & Fund Balance
T h a n k Yo u !
Hundreds of individual volunteers, groups, and donors in 2012 shared Foodlink’s vision to end
hunger. Your out-stretched arms have helped us improve the lives of our clients.
VO LU N T E E R S 2 0 1 2
Cloverleaf Squares
Greece Arcadia High School
Nazareth College SUSI
Aenon Baptist Church
Community Place of Greater Rochester
Greece Arcadia Key Club
New Apostolic Church
Albion Central Schools
Continuing Developmental Services
Greece Athena Middle School
New Visions
Alexander House
Cooper Vision
Greece Odyssey -- Rotary Interact
North Baptist Church
Allendale Columbia Alumni Association
The Corporate Executive Board Company
Alpha Delta Phi
CP Rochester
Halpern Education Center
American Society of Civil Engineers
Deloitte and Touche
The Harley School
Organizing for America
DePaul Community Services
Harris Corporation
Our Lady of Mercy Middle School
Archonettes of Zeta Phi Zeta Sorority Inc.
East House
Heritage Christian Services
Aquinas Institute
Eastridge Robotics Team
Hickok Center
Penfield-Webster Rotary
ARC of Monroe
Edison High School Work Experience
Hillside Family of Agencies
Perinton Parks and Rec
Hilton High School
Phi Sigma Sigma
Baber AME Church
Northstar Academy
Baden Street Settlement
Elim Gospel Church
Honeoye CSD Student Council
Pittsford Sutherland High School
Bank of America
Epilepsy Foundation
Honeoye Falls – Lima CSD
Bausch and Lomb
ESL Federal Credit Union
Hope Lutheran Church
Project Urge
Berkshire Group Home
Fairport Central School District --
Howe and Rusling Inc.
RIT - Alpha Chi Sigma
RIT - Alpha Phi Omega
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Paraprofessional Union
Blessed Kettery
Fairport High School -- Interact
Iglesia Educational Center
RIT - Christian Fellowship
BOCES - Urban/Suburban Program
Fairport Tennisless Group
Immanuel Lutheran Church
RIT - Collegiate Ambulance Corps
Financial Executives International
Institute of Packaging Professionals
RIT - Engineering House
Fingerlakes DDSO
Junior League of Rochester
RIT - Dietetic Association
BOCES - District Based
First Lego Robotics League
Kodak Legal Department
RIT - Honors Students
Bonadio Group
First Presbyterian Church
Kraft Foods
RIT - Leadership Institute
Boston College Alumni Association
First Unitarian Church
Lakeshore Community Church
RIT - Lowenthal Group
Boy Scout Troop #140
Freddie Thomas High School
Learning Disabilities Association
RIT - Womens Society of Engineers
Boy Scout Troop #10
Freddie Thomas Hillside Work Scholarship
Liberty Partnership Program
RIT - Phi Kappa Tau
Brighton High School
Friendship Children’s Center
Lifetime Assistance
RIT - Pi Delta Psi
Brighton Rotary
Frontier Communications
Lifetime Health
RIT - Sigma Nu
Browncroft Community Church
Frontier Pioneers
Lima Christian School
RIT - Sigma Alpha Mu
Bucknell Alumni Association
Gananda Central School Varsity Athletics
Living Waters Christian Fellowship Youth
RIT - Track and Field
Gates Chili Tutoring Center
Cabot Group
GE Volunteer Council
RIT - Phi Sigma Pi
Care Connection
Genesee Community Charter School
Marcus Whitman High School
RIT - Delta Phi Epsilon
Catholic Charities Community Services
Geneseo Central Presbyterian Youth
Mary Cariola Children’s Center
RIT Alumni Association
McQuaid Capstone
Rochester City School District Work Catholic Homeschool Girls Club
RIT - Tau Kappa Epsilon
Center for Youth
Geneseo Habitat for Humanity
Monroe Community College STEP
Christ Episcopal Church
Girl Scouts of Western New York
Monroe Community College Honors
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Girl Scout Troop #325
Muslim Youth Group of Rochester
Girl Scout Troop #60225
Nazareth College Summer Start
Rochester Jewish Federation Teens
Grainger Industrial Supply
Nazareth College Freshman Orientation
Rochester Kiwanis Club
Saints Women’s Organization
Citizens Bank
Experience Program
Rochester Chinese Christian Church
Youth Group
Rochester Mental Health Center
Wayne Central High School
Laurie Vangelow
Justin Piacentino
Rochester Prep
Wayne Central Project SHOW
Judy Oatman
Elisa Pisani
Rochester Psychiatric Center
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
Jimmy Wiggins and family
Courtney Bellinger
Rochester Rotary
Webster Cyclones
Wychowski family
Debbie and Rachel Marion
Rochester School for the Deaf
Webster Thomas National Honor Society
Chris Sherman
Rick and Linda Worner
Rochester Step-Off
Webster Thomas High School Rotary
Shannon Gilmore & Friends
Mark Steele
Rochester Young Professionals
Webster United Church of Christ
Matthew Bellucco
Shirley Thompson
Rochester Cares
Wegmans - Irondequoit
Mary Ellen Tinney
Andrea Lavender
Rochester Reformed Presbyterian Church
Wegmans -CIS of the Southern Tier
Michael Bellucco
Dominik Von Gehlen
Rochester Software Association
Wegmans -Health and Beauty and Rich Duff and Family
Foster Rogers
John Jerabeck
Ann Renica
Rochester Youth Year AmeriCorps VISTA
Rush United Methodist Church
Wegmans – Hillside Work Scholarship
Christie Lawrence & children
Debbie and Luke Horn
S.A.F.E. Program
Wegmans - Pittsford Front End
Hayley Brown & family
Karen Kinsler and Family
Scarlet Knights Soccer Club
Wegmans -Asset Protection
Andrew Lee
Susan Bulling and Family
School #43
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC.
Miguel and Lisandro Martinez
School of the Arts
Wheatland Chili Middle School
Sarah Nettleton
School of the Holy Childhood
Williamson High School
Laurie Maffet and Family
School Without Walls
Women in Networking
Chase Sloan
Sedgewick Claims
Terry O’Connor
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Amy Jacobson
Single Volunteers of Rochester
Yale Alumni Association
Austin Villarrubia
Society of St. Andrews
YMCA Camp Cory
Rich Micelli and Family
Spencerport High School Service Club
YMCA Teen Leaders Club
Colin Sheridan and Family
Spencerport United Methodist Church
Youthbuild Program
Kathie Sheridan
St. Ann’s Community
Zeta Phi Beta
Lindsay Booth and Amy Reidinger
St. Helen’s Church
Paul Moriarty and Family
St. James Parish Church
Jeannie and Dan Collins
St. John Fisher HEOP
Jean Daddazio
Eric Amos
St. John Fisher School of Pharmacy
DiPonzio Family
Ken Rich
St. John of Rochester
Renee Heiser and Kate Lanthier
Elizabeth Kennedy
St. Joseph’s Villa
Emma Williams and Family
Richard Maier
State Road Elementary
Amelia Schofield
Heintzelman Family
Strong House Staff Association
Alyssa Bellave
Kaeri Carroll
SUNY Geneseo - Alpha Phi Omega
Brian Soulliard
Karen Kinsler and Daughter
SUNY Geneseo - Alpha Omega Pi
Larry and Amy Jacobson
Andrew Hazelton
Amelia Cleveland-Traylor
Sheri Fisher and Family
Temple Beth El
Rich and Sandy Stein
Jim McDermott
Temple Sinai
Charlie and Zack Eberhardt
Vince Palumbo
The Harley School
Becky Galvin and Family
Stacey Guinan and Family
Third Presbyterian Church
Gretchen Volk and children
Essence and Shavonne Jones
Trinity Emmanuel Church
Elizabeth McMahon
Liz Hart and Son
U of R - Alpha Epsilon Pi
Lisa Bounacore
Karen Kenyon and Family
U of R - Alpha Phi
Larry Wolfe
Alex Johnson
U of R - Alpha Phi Omega
BJ Smith
Chris Begy
U of R - Alpha Phi Omega
Eric Eisenberg
Peg Baltz
U of R - American Institute of Chemical
Forsgren Family
Corinne Whitwell
Andrew Grogan
Matthew Goodrich
U of R - Habitat
Audrey Merenda
Cindy Widergren
U of R - Pre-Health Society
Karen Goodell
Doreen Ives
U of R - Sigma Nu
Abbey, Zach and Heidi Granby
Gina Tascone and Friends
U of R - Summer Undergraduate Research
Peter & Diane Hammar
Christina Lodato
Michael & Elizabeth Wojcik
Jennifer Cornwell Family and Friends
U of R - Tiernan Project
Tim Tyding
Nick Cummings
University Prep Charter School
Tom Abrams
Liam and Ryan Smith
Upstate New York Synod Assembly
Ben Saltzman and Alex Wiltse
Paul Ambrose
Urban League of Rochester
Rick Worner
Anne Alomar
Urban-Suburban Program
Grace Hanrahan
Adam Pesch
Bruegger’s Bagels
Mr. Gregory F. Hauser
Dr. and Mrs. Paul and Suzanne Rosenberg
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Mr. Richard F. Brush
Ms. Barbara M. Hendry
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey and Janet
Brooks Family Foundation
Mrs. June Brush
Herrema’s Marketplace
Century Mold Co., Inc.
C & S Engineers
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Krissy Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Risa Saltzman
Citizens Bank
Dr. Jennifer Cadiz
Richard E. and Karen K. Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando and Arline
Citizens Bank Charitable FDN IMA
Mrs. Yvonne S. Cain
IEC Electronics Corp.
Democrat and Chronicle - Gannett
Ms. Kimberly Cashin
Mr. Larry Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Trina Selby
Mr. James Chapman
Mr. David A. Johnson
Shoprite Partners in Caring Fund
Feeding America
Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
Mr. Edward Siler
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Joan Feinbloom
Dana L. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Arlene
Mr. William D.C. Smith
First Niagara
Mr. William Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Julie
Dr. and Mrs. John and Mary Jo Coniglio
Mr. Leo J. Kesselring
Ms. Ann Marie Crilly
Marjorie Klayman
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Sandra D. Crump
Lattimore Physical Therapy Network
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Eleanor Stone
Joseph and Irene Skalny Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. and Donna S.
LeClair Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Nancy Strelau
Ms. Rebecca J. Lennox
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Bonnie Strollo
Lori’s Natural Foods Center, Inc.
Sunnking Electronics Recycling
Louis S. & Molly B. Wolk Foundation
Taylor Group Ltd.
Kraft Foods Foundation
Max and Marian Farash Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Nicole
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. and Elaine
Smith, III
Mr. Denis Doyle
Mr. Arthur E. Lowenthal
Mr. Robert Ter-Horst
Mrs. T’s Pierogies
Ms. Sue A. Draves
Tamye and Richard Lozyniak
The Foundation for the Jewish Federation
Dunkin’ Donuts & Baskin-Robbins
M & T Charitable Foundation
The Houck Foundation
Ms. Mary E. Magee
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Ms. Suzanne A. O’Connor
Community Foundation, Inc.
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Ms. Jeanetta W. Dunlap
Paul Mancuso
The Westport Fund
Share Our Strength
Ms. April Kathleen Eddy
Marguerite Traphagen Foundation
The Woodforest Charitable Foundation
Tulsa Community Foundation
Mr. Daniel Ehrenberg
Max A. Adler Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Margaret Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. David and Carol Vigren
Dr. Mohsen Emami
Mr. and Mrs. James and Marianne May
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Dianne Thompson
Wakefern Food Corporation
Mr. Thomas Ferraro
Ms. Shirley Mazer
Ms. Loralei Thornburg
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Melissa McGrain
TIAA-CREF Employee Giving Campaign
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Ellen Finkelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. and Eleanor McLear
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Lynn Tocco
The Laszlo Family Foundation
Melvin and Mildred Eggers Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Nancy Torpey
Linda Robins and Gregory Franklin
Adirondack Sports Club, LLC.
Ms. Christine M. Fritsch
Mr. Walter D. Meyer
Mr. John F. Tubridy
Allstate Insurance Company
Mr. Robert C. Funicello
Mr. Joseph R. Missler
Turnaround Management Assoc.
Mr. Brian Allston
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Colleen Galutia
Mr. and Mrs. William and Lamar Murphy
United Way of Greater Rochester
Alnor Oil
Mr. William P. Garvin
National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Voelkl
Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving
Jonathan E. Gary
Mr. Lewis A. Norry
Mr. William E. Vosteen
Gilbert J. C. and Virginia McCurdy
Mrs. Denise M. Omoregie
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Ann Ward
Mr. and Mrs. James and Mary Palmer
Mr. Timothy C. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Karen Tricomi
Susan Baegmann
Charitable Trust
Ms. Jean M. Barr
Ms. Andrea S. Giuffre
Mr. Stephen Paris
Webster Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Tracy Bell
Gleason Family Foundation
Westminster Barrington Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Kim Bocko
GMR Associates Inc
Red Tail Ridge, Inc.
Woodforest National Bank
Mr. John Boettcher
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael and Marlene
Mr. and Mrs. James and Audrey
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bolger
Wyoming Correctional Facility
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC.
Mr. Calvin A. Graziano
Rochester Farm Connection
Mr. and Mrs. James and Carol Yost
Dr. and Mrs. George and Catherine
The Family of Sema, Lori Ann and Eren
Rochester Female Charitable Society
Ms. Theresa M. Young
Ms. Nellie Rosenberg
$0.97 of every dollar donated goes directly to programs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Janet Duff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Kathryn Kardesh
Ms. Pamela L. Riggleman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Carol Acomb
Mr. John C. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. B.V. and Lata Karlekar
Ms. Anne M. Rodgers
Mr. James A. Allan
Mr. Robert F. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Janet Kearns, Jr.
Ms. Mary Lou Rose
Mrs. Marion S. Anderson
Mr. George M. Ewing, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Kitz
Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation
Ms. Juliette F. Barned
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Kathryn
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Jennifer Klein
Mr. Lewis Rothberg
Ms. Renata Kluzniak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. and Joyce M. Rude
Ms. Margaret Bartlett
Mr. Scott Becker
The Griebel Family
Patricia A. Knisley
Mr. Daniel J. Rugg
Mr. Robert W. Bermudes, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Farris
Mr. Kenneth G. Knox
Daniel Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Shirley Berry
Mr. George M Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. and Susan A.
Ms. Linda C. Saalman
Mr. Sidney J. Bertucci
Mr. and Mrs. John and Virginia Field
Mr. Edward R. Beyer
Flower City Glass Co., Inc.
Ms. Theresa Kutas
Mr. and Mrs. John and Bonnie Sale
Mr. and Mrs. William and Eleanor Bluhm
Mrs. Kimberly N. Fogarassy
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. and Linda P.
Mr. Robert S. and Nancy Sands
Bosch Security Systems Inc.
Mr. Mark D. Foster
Edward and Margaret Boucher
Ms. Sue A. Gaffney
Mrs. Annette P. Bovenzi
Mr. John P. Gassler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Joan Boy
Ms. Sophie B. Gay
Ms. Nancy Loughran
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Joyce Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. and Elizabeth A.
Mr. and Mrs. John and Susan Geraci
Ms. Frances L. Marrett
Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Friederike
Michael and Janet Gersh
Mr. Michael W. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Tina Brien
Ms. Teresa A. Gianni
Ms. Joan Mason Caldwell
Ms. Mary E. Sherman
Ms. Beverly Brown
Ms. Joanne Giuffrida
Mr. William Harrison and Beth McCoy
Mr. Bernard Shore
Ms. Martha M. Bullock
Denise Glidden
Mrs. Patricia A. McKee
Ms. Shannon C. Short
Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Mary Ellen Burris
Mr. Robert A. Gordon
Patricia McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. R. Christian and Catherine
Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Margaret
Stephen Gossin
Mr. Peter L. Militello
Dr. William J. Grande
Mr. and Mrs. David and Ann Miller
Ms. Alice D. Slining
Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Nancy Buss
Greater Rochester Disc Golf Club
Mr. John A. Montague, III
Mr. John P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. and Kimberly A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Susan Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Claudia Moriarty
Ms. Merideth H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John and Lynda Greve, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Ellen
Mr. David Snyderman
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall and Alice Jo
Mr. and Mrs. Ulhas and Lata Sabnis
Ms. Laura A. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. William and Ursula Schmirl
Ms. Leslie Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Eric and N. Lee Caine
Ms. Nancy Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jo Cappella
Mr. Robert P. Hampton
Mr. John C. Chadbourne
John Harrison
Ms. Ernestine M. Chandler
Kate Harvey
Mr. John S. Muenter
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Stankaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Allan and Suzanne
Mr. Robert H. Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. William and Barbara
Mr. Richard Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Michael and Fran Haselkorn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Nancy
Marc Solomon
Mr. Charles H. Speirs
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Ms. Sue S. Stewart
Chili Jewelry and Coin Exchange
Mr. William B. Hauser
Ms. Andrea Nadel
Gilbert H. Stone
Ms. Joanne E. Cichanowicz
Ms. Joanna M. Heal
Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Dolores Neivert
Arthur C. Streb
Helen E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey and Carol Helfond
Ms. Mary K. O’Connell
Mr. James E. Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah and Mary Lou
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Elizabeth
Dr. Avice O’Connell
Len Taing
Ms. Joan M. Padulo
Ms. Bernice M. Taylor
Ms. Jeanne R. Hendrickson
Mr. Vincent J. Palese, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Susan
Heritage Christian Services
Parag and Shruti Pandya
Mr. Paul M. Czarnecki
Mr. Stephen D. Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney and Harriet
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin and Laurel Daise
Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Patricia Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Elaine Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Tseng-En Hu
Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Lin Pascarella
Mr. Robert Valdez
Christina M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Patricia
Mr. David C. Pettig
Mr. James R. Vosteen
Ms. Elizabeth A. Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. James B. and Jacqueline J.
Curley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Susan Deduck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Marcia DeJesus-
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Cynthia Townson
Eileen J. Trott
Mr. Christopher J. Husson
Mr. Wolfgang Pfizenmaier
IBM Employee Services Center
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Poupart
Mr. Ed Wall
Mr. David DeYoung
International Interior Design Association
Mr. Keith Pryhuber
Ms. Cynda Watroba
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. and Merilyn M.
Quantum Management Group
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell and Esther Mae
Mr. and Mrs. David and Mary Lou
Mr. Robert E. Dobbin
Ms. Anmarie Donlin Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Margaret Rachfal
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Cynthia Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Christine Radi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Susan Weber
Ms. Sharon K. Jackson
Ms. Megan Rashid
Mrs. Elfrieda Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick and Valerie
Mr. Matthew A. Ray
Ms. Janet D. White
Michael J. Redick
Ms. Marcia F. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Patricia
Mr. James Doran
Ms. Kimberli Johnston
Carl and Jodi Reynolds
Ms. Linda Draeger-Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Miles and Silvija Jones
Ms. Ila Riddle
Mr. Edward E. Woodams
Mr. Thomas Castellano
Mr. and Mrs. David and Kathleen Feeter
Mr. Christopher J. Hickey
Mrs. Margaret L. Wrobel
Dr. Jerry J. Cellura
Mr. Henry Ferraioli
Ms. Alveda T. Hines
Xerox Corporation
Mrs. Dorothy Champlin
Mr. Almon Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Robin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Susan Chapman
Roseann Fisher
Mr. Thomas F. Chase
Michael and Jennifer Flanagan
Brett Hogden
Ms. Charlotte A. Abbey
Mrs. Fan Chey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and M. Julietta
Mr. Daniel Hollands
Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard and Elaine
Chubb & Son Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Daniel C. Holmes
Mr. Timothy E. Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Gloria Foster
Ms. Kathleen D. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Judith E. Adnepos
Ms. Mary Ellen Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Heather O.
Dr. Anthony M. Horgan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Joanne Altland
Joyce C. Clement
Mr. Marc P. Anderson
Mrs. Kathleen J. Clute
Mr. Adam Frank
Dr. Rory P. Houghtalen
Mr. Joseph Ardieta
Mr. Robert Cole
Ms. Wendy L. Freida
Mary Louise Huff
Ms. Marguerite Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Sandra Conheady
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Grace French
Ms. Joanne Hume-Nigro
Mr. Christopher T. Asbury
Dennis and Sharon Conheady
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Jane Friedrich
Mr. Gary Hunsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Patricia Aslin
Mr. Richard T. Connolly
Mrs. Marion Fulbright
Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. and Sally Hunt
Celeste Babcock
Ms. Dorothy Cooligan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Susan Gager
Mr. Daniel J. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Eileen Baitsholts
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Beth Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. and Betty A. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. A.D. and M.R. Hymes
Mr. John Baldanza
Ms. Carol A. Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Mary Beth Gamba
Ms. Janice Iati
Ms. Patricia S. Banks
Sue Cramer
Ms. Hilary Garrett
Irondequoit United Church of Christ
Mr. Culver K. Barr, Esq.
Mr. Lawrence Crawford
Gates Presbyterian Church
Mr. James B. Isaac
Mr. David F. Barrett
Mr. James Crenner
Genesee-Wyoming Railroad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Maria Isgro
Eraj Basnayake
Mr. and Mrs. David and Clarene Cress
Ms. Rosalie G. Genovese
Ms. Claire D. Ives
Ms. Jeanette A. Batiste
Thomas and Amie Crowley
Dr. David P. Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Nancy Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Michelle Batz
Mr. Donald E. Cullen
Mr. Daniel F. Gentile
Mr. Bradley K. Jensen
Ms. Janice J. Bausch
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Kathy Damann
Donald George
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Carolyn Johnson
Ms. Nina Beach
Ms. Eileen M. Dambra
Mr. and Mrs. John L. and Nancy Ghertner
Ms. Margarita Jones
Ms. Suzanne A. Benedict
Mr. Gerard Damore
Mr. Martin B. Gingras
Ms. Heather M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Jennifer Bezenah
Mr. Paul and Mary Dangler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Tania Giorgis
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Joyce Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Maureen
Ms. Carolyn M. Daniels
Ms. Luisa Giovannini
Mr. and Mrs. Erland and Pauline
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin T. and Genevieve
Ms. Aline C. Glavin
Ms. Cecile M. Bielaski
Mr. Rob W. Goodling
Ms. Jean A. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Cynthia
Genevieve S. Bliss
Mr. Muhammad Dawood
Mr. Robert A. Gordon
Mr. Michael A. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Annette De Carolis
Mr. Joseph Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Anne Kampmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. and Helen Bond
Mr. and Mrs. David and Grace Della Porta
Mr. Richard A. Gould
Dr. and Mrs. Harold and Ann Kanthor
Mr. John Brandenburg
Ms. Beatrice Deshommes
Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf
Kathleen Karpus
Ms. Mary Jo Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Dane and Virginia Detrick
Mr. and Mrs. James and Susan Grossman
Chris and Tom Kelly
Mr. David Breyo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Kathleen DeWitt
Ms. Betsy J. Guffey
Mr. Terrance Kessler
Ms. Patricia M. Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickerson
Ms. Sandra Halfmann
Mr. James M. Kieffer
Michael M. Brown
Ms. Christine A. Diegert
Mr. Robert E. Hallstrom
Mr. John G. Kierecki
Mr. Dale A. Buralli
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Sherry
Mr. Peter G. Hammar
Robin W. Kimmerer
Ms. Christina A. Hamrick
Mrs. Elthea King-Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Renee Burson
Stephen Burton
Ms. Michelle L. Donaghey
Mr. Archie A. Hanas
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin and Ellen Kinnen
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Laurie Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Peggy Donaldson
Mr. Ronald W. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Leslie Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and Margaret
Mrs. Leaf Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Judy Harbison
Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Suzanne Knauf
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell and Michele Dryer
Mr. Oztan Harmanci
Barbara Konish Corbett
Ms. Mary H. Byam
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Samantha Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Janis Harper
Yael S. Kornfeld
Ms. Frances E. Cafarell
Dr. David J. DuPont
Ms. Katharine Harris
Mr. Kenneth N. Kotz
Mr. Edgar Caldwell, M.D.
Mrs. Ute B. Easterly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Deborah Harris
Ms. Monica M. Kress
Caldwell Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Mr. David F. Edgarton
Mr. and Mrs. Clark L. and Stephanie J.
Mr. Erik Kristoffersen
Mr. and Mrs. R. Carlos and Virginia
Mr. William D. Eggers
Hastings, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Christine
Keith Elliott
Ms. Margaret Havens
Ms. Judith A. Emmanuel
Mr. Herbert J. Hawley
Ms. Louisa Kymer
Mr. and Mrs. John and Jean Carpenter
Mrs. Judith R. Engerman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. and Donna Head
Ms. Shari A. Lamphron
Mr. and Mrs. James and Josephine Carra
Mr. Richard N. Episcopo
Mr. Matthew J. Healy
Mr. and Mrs. William and Colleen Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Harriet Carter
Mr. Greg N. Ertel
Mr. and Mrs. Jess & Ewa Hendricks
Mr. Paul K. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge and Maria Casamayor
Ms. Madlyn Evans
Mr. Glenn A. Hermes
Ms. Patricia Larke
Mr. Jeremiah J. Casey
Faith Lutheran Church
Ms. Martha T. Heyneman
Mr. and Mrs. David and Joan Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. John and Alice Leddy
Mr. Patrick J. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Jean Seidel
Susan Van Cott
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence and Marguerite
Mr. Fritz Odenbach
Dr. Marie T. Sergent
Ms. Ellen VanDyke
Mr. and Mrs. Thor and Susan Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. John and Margit Shanahan
Dr. Eugene Ver
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Janet Lee
Ms. Beth Ann Orlowski
Mr. and Mrs. William and Shirley H.
Dr. and Mrs. Roger and Patricia Vermilion
Ms. Helen Lenhard
Mr. and Mrs. Hans and Marjorie S.
Mr. Myron D. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Joan Vernarelli
Mr. William A. Shaw
Ms. Mary Lynn Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Judith
Mr. and Mrs. David and Nancy Liebert
Ms. Dana L. Paolone
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Sonja Shelton
Mrs. Margaret J. Linder
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Beth Paszko
Mr. Terence P. Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. and Rose Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Willie Mae
Mr. John Shiffler
Ms. Teresa Walk
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Robin Shiffrin
Mrs. Monica Wallen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Leigh Little
Mr. George A. Pattridge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Katherine Shon
Mr. Edward J. Wardrop
Mr. David R. Lot
Mr. Gordon V. Penniston
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Ms. Andrea J. Warner
Ms. Nancy D. Lowthian
Mr. Claude Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Sarah Singal
William Warren
Ms. Cricket Luellen
Mr. and Mrs. James and Mary Philippone
Ms. Elizabeth S. Skerritt
Mr. and Mrs. John and Doris Waud
Mr. Richard Lunt
Mr. Daniel E. Piccolo
Mr. John P. Smith
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
Mr. Peter Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Lupi Pigage
Mr. Blake C. Smith
Ms. Karen Wegman
Mr. H. Paul Madore
Irving Pobboravsky
Harry T. and Joyce D. Smith
Randall Weis
Mr. and Mrs. John and Teresa Majcher
Ms. Wanda Polisseni
Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Mary Smith
Mr. Tollis A. White
Dr. Benedict J. Maliakkal
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Katherine
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jan Soucier
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. and Ellen C.
Mr. and Mrs. John and Helen Marchant
Mr. and Mrs. John and Monica Sozio
Mr. and Mrs. John and Loretta Marshall
Mr. Ronnie W. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Mary Spinelli
Mr. Warren Marsland
Ms. Linda T. Prestegaard
Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Anna Sprague
Ms. Angeline Mastri
Ms. Lillian S. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Catherine Squires
Ms. Barbara Matthews
Derek P. Price
Mr. Eric L. Stahlecker
Mr. Dale McAdam
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. and Christine F.
Ken James and Natalie M. Stavrevsky
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Willer
James P. McElheny
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Wilma
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Kathryn
Ms. Nancy A. Steinkamp
Ms. Joan L. Williams
Richard and Suzanne McGuirk
Quality Services, LLC
Mr. James and Georgine Stenger
Dr. and Mrs. T. Franklin and Catharine
Mr. Joseph M. McKeon, Jr.
Mr. Kevin Radzyminski
Mr. and Mrs. John and Marcella Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James W. and Delphyn A.
Rah Cha Cha Ruckus
Ms. Ann Stewart
Ms. Jill E. Wilson
Catlett Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Anne Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. John and Elizabeth Stringer
Ms. Eileen M. Wirley
Ms. Anne H. Meade
Ms. Susan A. Raub
Mr. Jacob D. Subtelny
Ms. Carol A. Wischmeyer
Ms. Hilda Jo Anne Milham
Sadaf Rauf
Mr. Anthony L. Suchman
Lisa Wolfanger
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford and Jill Miller
Mr. Alan G. Reddig
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Sussman
Mrs. Reola Wood
Mr. Michael R. Montanye
Mr. and Mrs. John A. and Norma Reynell
Mr. and Mrs. David and Bonnie Swinford
Ms. Shirley E. Wright
Dr. Kathleen Moore
Mr. Donovan A. Rhone
Ms. Rabi Tawil
Mr. Max Yarowsky
Ms. Jamie Moreau
Rochester Regional Health Information
Ms. Sue S. Tebor
Mr. Charles Zabinski
Mr. Donald J. Tedesco
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Karen Zachman
Mr. Peter Morgan
Management Association
Mr. and Mrs. William and Helen Mulligan
Ms. Carol E. Rodland
Ms. Julia C. Tedesco
Mr. Robert D. Zarcone
Mr. Thomas E. Munding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Mary Roll
Mr. Jonathan G. Terry
Ms. Suzanne T. Zigrossi
Mr. and Mrs. George and Mary Murphy
Karen Rosekrans
Ms. Alexandria Terziev
Ms. Ann L. Ziki
Ms. Sheila M. Muscato
Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Marcia Rothberg
Thermo Fisher Scientific Matching Gift
Ms. Ellen N. Zimmer
Kathleen Muscato
Ms. Barbara M. Rothenberg
Ms. Judith Nadal
Ms. Marijoyce Ryan
Third Presbyterian Church
Ms. Pamela Ness
Mr. Barry Sanderson
Mr. Robert H. Thompson
Mr. Hans Neumaier
Mr. David P. Saracino
Ms. Tammy A. Tingley
Mr. Jeffrey A. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Bahram and Ann Sayari
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Janice
Mr. William S. Nichthauser
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Schenk
Mr. and Mrs. James and Catherine
Ms. Marjorie F. Schmale
Ms. Dawn Tower-DuBois
Ms. Kathryn Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Ruth Truax
Mr. Glenn M. Nixon
Mr.Karl Schuler
Mr. Kenneth Tunnell
NKT Therapeutics Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Deborah Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Russel and Ruth Uhrenholdt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Barbara Notter
Ms. Carole D. Schwab
Deborah Uman
Mr. and Mrs. Werner and Hanna Nowack
Ms. Annette Schwartz
Margaret Underhill
NYS Dept. of Tax & Finance
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Kirsten
United Church of Christ, Congressional
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. and Christine
Ms. Eileen O’Connor
Ms. Susan S. Zulawski
United Way - Endowment Fund Account
Ms. Betsy J. Sconfietti
Mrs. Krestie L. Utech
The John Seebach Family
Mr. Mark J. Valerio
Photo Credits: Brady Dillsworth
(BD), Viktor Nagornyy (VN),
Shawn Porter (SP).
1999 Mt. Read Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14615
[email protected]
(585) 328-3380