stone descriptions
stone descriptions
STONE DESCRIPTIONS The following gemstones have each been used or are currently a part of the beautiful mixture of stones found in Barse cast and beaded designs. Last Updated: 11.2011 Opaque and Semi-Opaque Stones Those which do not allow any light through, or only a small amount Turquoise First mined more than 6,000 years ago, turquoise has been used throughout the ages for worship and as a powerful talisman, capable of safeguarding and bringing happiness to its wearer. Ancient cultures, including the Greeks, Romans and Mayans were all enthralled by its unparalleled color. Though no longer with active mines, the world’s finest turquoise derives from Iran, where its bright ‘robin’s egg’ blue color is generally regarded as the purest, most sought after. The color of turquoise is strongly dependent on the presence of either copper, which produces the more blue variety, or iron, which produces the more green. For more specific information on turquoise, see our Truth About Turquoise article. Kingman Turquoise Most turquoise used in Barse designs derives from the Kingman mine in Arizona. This genuine stabilized turquoise produces a beautiful bluegreen variety that is highly coveted. Nacozari Occasionally we will seek a more blue variety of turquoise for our designs, and for these, we use the bright robin’s egg blue turquoise from the Nacozori mine in Mexico. Chrysocolla This stone looks similar to turquoise, but is actually associated with properties of quartz. The name comes from the Greek chrysos, “gold”, and kolla, “glue”, in allusion to the name of the material used to solder gold. 2 Malachite Malachite is a mineral of copper. Because of its distinctive bright green color and its presence in the weathered zone of nearly all copper deposits, malachite serves as a prospecting guide for that metal. Malachite has been used as an ornamental stone and as a gemstone for centuries. In Ancient Greece, amulets for children were made of malachite. In many countries, malachite is used as a children’s talisman to ward off danger and illness. It is attached to children’s cradles. Amazonite Although amazonite is named after the Amazon River, and can be found in Brazil, the gem was in fact known in the Old World long before South America had been discovered. It is believed that the Brazilian Amazons gave these green stones to the explorers who visited them, thus explaining the name. This milky green stone is a beautiful compliment to stones such as turquoise and gaspeite. Varacite (Varicite) Naturally colored this sherbet light green, varascite is generally mined in the United States. Native Americans use varacite in spiritual ceremonies. Aventurine Olive Aventurine Green aventurine quartz, usually assumed to be the green variety when not specified, has natural inclusions that look like sparkles. Aventurine is sometimes mistaken for jade because of its similar color. Green aventurine quartz is said to relieve anxiety, calm one’s emotions and to bring opportunity. Ruby Zoisite Mined in Tanzania, beautiful deep colored ruby sometimes naturally develops within green zoisite. The result is this unusual stone that combines dark green with a ruby pink shade. Often used in reflexology, ruby zoisite is said to help focus energy, attention and to stimulate reflex points. Lime Turquoise ‘Lime’ turquoise, one of Barse’s perennially favorite stones, is a true turquoise that is enhanced to achieve its brilliant green color. Most stones used in contemporary jewelry design are dyed to achieve the brilliant colors that are found in nature. Dying brings those beautiful colors in a natural stone without the exorbitant price tag of a rare stone. Chrysophase A green variety of chalcedony; chrysophase is the most valuable member of the chalcedony mineral group. The stone gets its apple green color from the presence of nickel in the crystal. Large broken pieces are often full of fissures with irregular colors. Color can fade in sunlight and when heated. Serpentine Dolomite Serpentine Generally found in shades of green with other colors streaking it, this stone has also been referred to as snakestone because of its patterning. It is the state mineral of California, where it is found in abundance. Serpentine is said to restore self-confidence. Rhyolite A volcanic rock, similar in properties to obsidian. Lemon Jasper Similar properties to other jasper, offered in a citrus color. Rainbow Calsilica This layered, multi-colored stone is a newly discovered stone composed of layered calcium and silica. Rainbow calsilica has only recently been found in Mexico and Northern South America. Its origins and formation remain a mystery. Opaque and Semi-Opaque Stones CONTINUED Green Jade Olive Jade New Jade Lemon Jade White Jade The toughness of jade is remarkable. It has strength greater than steel and was put to work by many early civilizations for axes, knives and weapons. It was later that jade became a symbolic stone used in ornaments and other religious artifacts during the eons. A wide variety of Jade colors are used in Barse designs. Howlite Green Howlite Howlite is a stone that naturally occurs as white with gray to black streaks, web-like markings and blotches. Sometimes howlite is dyed to imitate other stones, but in Barse designs we usually use howlite in its natural form of white. The stone is named for its discoverer Henry How, a Nova Scotia geologist. Howlite is found in Canada (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick), and the United States (California). Green howlite is a dyed version of white howlite, used in a few beaded Barse jewelry creations. Apatite Apatite is know for its green color but it is found in a wide range of colors, from colorless to pink, yellow, blue to violet. The green variety is sometimes called asparagus-stone. The name ‘apatite’ has been taken from a Greek word ‘apate’, which means to deceive. It is so named because one can get easily confused with a variety of other stones like tourmaline, peridot and beryl. African Turquoise Because of it’s exotic blend of base color and dark matrix this material is known in the trade as “African Turquoise.” It is actually a dyed jasper. Prehnite Found in association with volcanic rocks, it is typically pale green to yellowish green. It is the first stone to be named after a person,Colonel H. von Prehn, who discovered the mineral at the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, and brought the first specimens to Europe. Yellow Jasper Honey Jade Freemont Jasper This ochre-colored stone has a long history. The name is said to come from the Greek word “iaspis.” It dates back as early as (20,000 B.C.) in France where it was found to be used for ornamental objects. The Babylonians (1000 B.C.) used it in seals which have been found in ancient ruins. Honey jade is the common name for golden jasper, with similar properties to yellow jasper. Tiger’s Eye Red Tiger’s Eye Tiger’s eye is a member of the quartz group, with its major commercial source being Cape Province, South Africa. Many legends say that wearing tiger’s eye is beneficial for health, spiritual well being and protection during travel. The red tiger’s eye used in Barse designs is actually a heat treated version of the traditional brown tiger’s eye. To achieve the desired red hue, the tiger’s eye is heated, which oxidizes the iron, thus turning it red. Sunstone Sunstone is a feldspar crystal formed in molten lava and then discharged onto the surface of the earth by a volcano. Many sunstones contain copper or pyrite inclusions that cause an extra flash or shimmer as millions of the shiny aligned particles reflect light. This feature is called “schiller”. Sunstones are believed to have been used by the Vikings for navigation. Peach Aventurine Rose Aventurine Tomato Aventurine Natural peach or rose aventurines, a variety of translucent quartz, derive their color from minor inclusions of oxidized iron. Called the “ whisper stone”, peach aventurine is sometimes used to help reach the quiet state necessary for meditation. Aventurine is available in many varieties of red and orange shades. Red Jasper Rainbow Jasper Jasper is an opaque, less pure form of chalcedony, traditionally thought of as red. Association with other minerals during formation sometimes gives jasper interesting bands and patterns (it’s usually named after its pattern). Rainbow jasper has rich dark striations running through it. In the ancient world jasper was a favorite gem; the name jasper can be found in ancient Hebrew, Assyrian, Greek, and Latin. Jasper is mined in many parts of the world. Carnelian The name of this dark reddish orange stone is said to be derived from the Latin word “Carnis”, which means flesh, due to its color. Some believed in the old Roman times that the darker Carnelian represented males and the lighter, females. Many believe that it creates a bond between man and nature. Carnelian has natural variations from light to dark. 3 Opaque and Semi-Opaque Stones CONTINUED Maple Jade Orange Jade Red Jade Pink Jade Our pink, red and orange varieties have similar properties to the green and yellow varieties, but are dyed to achieve the ideal colors for our designs. Pink Opal A true opal, Peruvian pink opal is a beautiful pastel pink, nearly translucent variety of opal. Pink opal is most often associated as a gemstone of love and non-violence. Rhodochrosite Also known as Inca Rose, this stone ranges from rose red to pink. The name is derived from the Greek word “rhodon” (pink) and “chros” (color). Rhodochrosite is found in Argentina and South Africa. Rhodonite Rose pink in color, rhodonite often has black manganese oxide veins running through it. Thought to stabilize emotions, it soothes and brings order to feelings. It is also known as the “Singer’s Stone”, as it is said to improve sound-sensitivity. Rhodonite is mined primarily in the United States, Brazil, India, and the USSR. Stichtite Stichtite (pronounced stick-tight) is a rare mineral with an interesting purpleish rose-pink color. Mined in Tasmania, it is thought to enlighten emotions and tranquilize the environment. 4 Denim Lapis Denim lapis retains the same properties as lapis, but is just a lighter form of lapis, usually with more calcite present. While this color of lapis at one time was considered less desirable, its popularity today is increasing as a fashionable color to enhance denim apparel. Dumorterite This stone can range from grayish blue to greenish blue, also violet to reddish purple and brown. Barse designs have typically used the purplish varieties. Dumorterite is said to heighten organizational skills and bring a better way of seeing things in life. Lapis Lazuli Lapis lazuli, Arabic & Latin for “blue stone”, is composed of several minerals. The most common are lazurite (blue color), pyrite (gold/ silver metallic color) and calcite (white color). For centuries lapis has been linked to divinity. The Greeks and the Romans used lapis as an award for personal bravery. Blue Agate Also known as blue chalcedony, blue agate is sometimes striated with dark internal bands of blue, and often has a colorless streak. Blue agate is found worldwide, but it is common in the mid western US. Because true blue agate is rare, those used in Barse designs are color enhanced. Purple Turquoise Genuine Barse turquoise is enhanced to achieve its bright purple color. Many stones used in contemporary jewelry designs are dyed to achieve the brilliant colors found in nature. Blue Chalcedony Chalcedony is a stone found in almost every color and in every location around the world. Chalcedony is actually a name that includes the sub-categories of stones like agate and onyx. But in jewelry usage, the name Chalcedony is usually applied only to the light blue translucent and waxy form of the stone. The term chalcedony is derived from the name of the ancient Greek town Chalkedon. Moonstone Norwegian Moonstone Golden Moonstone Moonstone owes its name to the mysterious gleaming which appears whenever the stone changes its position in movement. Experts call this the “adularescence”, and in earlier times the phases of the waxing and waning moon were thought to be discerned in this phenomenon. Typically originating in Sri Lanka or India, Moonstone is also appreciated as a “dream stone”, as it is supposed to bring about sweet and beautiful dreams. Black Onyx Long ago, onyx was used as a worry stone because it was believed that the stone absorbed negative energy. Onyx is considered an agate; chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a wide variety of colors and textures. Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity in a host rock. As a result, it is often found as a round nodule with concentric bands, like the rings of a tree trunk. The stone is then dyed to achieve its desired jet color. Lava Rock Lava rocks form when molten lava chills quickly. A thin, glassy rind forms on the exposed surfaces because crystallization of the minerals in the melt cannot take place in such a short time. This layer of glass provides the iridescent luster and black coloration of the rock. Rainbow Obsidian One of the most highly prized types of obsidian, this semi-translucent stone is dark green to dark brown and black in color. Obsidian is the result of volcanic lava coming in contact with water. The word obsidian comes from the Greek “opsianos”, meaning vision, because obsidian was once used to make mirrors. Opaque and Semi-Opaque Stones CONTINUED Labradorite Labradorite, a variety of feldspar, is a fairly abundant grayish mineral that has brilliant flashes of color (usually green, blue or red) after it is polished. This color variation is referred to as labradorescence. The ability of Labradorite to reflect different colors makes it a truly versatile stone. Pyrite Pyrite is an opaque, metallic stone, often called “fool’s gold” because of its similar look to gold in its raw form. The name pyrite derives from the Greek “pyros” for “fire” because sparks flew from it when hit with another mineral or a metal. Centuries ago, pyrite was polished by the Native Americans and used as mirrors. Hematite Thickly cut hematite appears as a steel or silver gray. When cut very thin, it is red and transparent. With the common name “bloodstone”, hematite gets its name from a Greek word meaning blood-like because of the color of its powder. Hematite has long been a stone representing war and was thought to protect warriors and make them invincible in battle. Mineral and crystal healers associate hematite with the treatment of blood-related illnesses. Bronzite Often found in meteorites, bronzite usually contains inclusions of highly reflective minerals, such as hematite and goethite, which give it a beautiful bronze-like effect when polished. Astrophylite (aka Hyperstein) Similar to quartz, astrophylite is a dark mineral with bladed metallic crystals. It is said to help with lucidity and a feeling of well being. Botswana Agate Derived from Africa, this is a naturally colored agate with no enhancement. Its colors can vary from gray to light brown with a hint of pink, always with bands of opaque white. Botswana agate is believed to stimulate the exploration of the unknown. Ocean Jasper Brown Ocean Jasper Ocean Jasper is in the same family as other forms of Jasper. This new rock has been found along the northwest coast of Madagascar. The stone, being located at the edge of the ocean, can only be seen and collected at low tide. It comes in an astonishing array of colors and color combinations. Often spotted or swirled, the background can be white, pink, green, red or yellow. Brown Snowflake Obsidian Obsidian is a very shiny natural volcanic glass produced when lava cools very quickly. Inclusions of small, white, radially clustered crystals of cristobalite in obsidian produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern, like that found in the snowflake variety. Faux Tortoise The use of real tortoise shell is illegal. T his simulated version is made of a mottled resin that is formed to look similar to a tortoise’s shell. Mahogany Obsidian Similar in properties to regular obsidian, mahogany obsidian is also formed in areas near volcanic activity. But this variety is created when impurities invade the pure black glass that becomes regular obsidian. African Opal We use the completely opaque variety of this stone. African opal does not have the normal ‘color flashes’ associated with other opals, but does exhibit its own natural beauty, with variations of cream, brown and gray. Picture Jasper Feldspar Jasper Impression Jasper Snakeskin Jasper Dragon’s Blood Jasper Eagle Eye Jasper Picture jasper, with properties like those of red jasper, is named for its unique landscape patterns. Its wide range of colors makes it one of the most famous varieties. Felspar jasper typically is lighter in color with brown flecks. Many varieties of jasper exist from locations around the world. New varieties with exotic names are ‘discovered’ often. Unakite A relatively “new “gemstone, Unakite naturally combines two minerals, pink feldspar and pistachio green epidote. Unakite is a stone believed to facilitate a healthy reproductive system and pregnancy. It is principally mined in the United States. Russian Serpentine From Russia’s Ural Mountains, Russian serpentine is an olive green gemstone with a black matrix pattern. The word “serpentine” comes from the Latin “serpens”, or snake. It is thought to be named after a serpent; for its smooth and brilliant surface, like that of a snake. Black Tourmalated Quartz This is a clear or milky quartz with embedded needles of black tourmaline. 5
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