Chapter Success Guide
Chapter Success Guide
Table of Contents Executive Director Welcome ................................................................................ 2 Oregon FBLA Management Team .................................................................................... 3 Oregon FBLA Board of Advisers ....................................................................................... 3 Oregon FBLA Board of Trustees ....................................................................................... 4 Oregon FBLA State Officer Team ..................................................................................... 4 #myOregon Photo Campaign .......................................................................................... 5 Oregon FBLA Video Challenge ......................................................................................... 5 New Chapter Recruitment Campaign .............................................................................. 6 Award Sponsors Continue ............................................................................................... 6 Chapter Grants Continue ................................................................................................ 6 Updated Rating Sheets.................................................................................................... 7 Program Based Affiliation................................................................................................ 8 Guidelines to Success for Chapter Advisers ................................................................... 12 Oregon FBLA 2015-16 Calendar of Events ..................................................................... 14 Oregon FBLA Competitive Event Changes...................................................................... 17 National Competitive Event Changes ............................................................................ 17 Competitive Event Topics .............................................................................................. 18 Online Registration & Submission Overview .................................................................. 23 Business Achievement Awards Program ........................................................................ 29 Program Based Affiliation Online Instructions ............................................................... 33 State Officer Program of Work ...................................................................................... 34 Oregon FBLA Foundation Chapter Grant Form .............................................................. 35 Award Sponsor Materials .............................................................................................. 37 National Business Honor Roll ........................................................................................ 39 Adviser of the Year........................................................................................................ 40 Administrator of the Year.............................................................................................. 42 Alumni of the Year ........................................................................................................ 44 Businessperson of the Year ........................................................................................... 46 Code of Conduct Form .................................................................................................. 48 Delegate Permission/Medical Release Form.................................................................. 51 Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 1 September 2015 Greetings Oregon FBLA Advisers: Welcome back to school and the 2015-16 FBLA year! An exciting time is ahead of us, and we are thrilled to have produced the fifth annual Chapter Success Guide to help you succeed in the year to come. 2014-15 was an exciting year! We had membership growth, we had great success at the National Leadership Conference, and we had a complete launch of the new Oregon FBLA branding. Over $50,000 was awarded in grant funding to local FBLA Chapters last year by the Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation—with money available again this year! It really was a great year, and we have another great year ahead of us. Oregon FBLA is in a pioneering year as we look into 2015-16. Many substantial changes to the way we operate are about to launch, so buckle up, get ready, and be excited for the ride! First, our affiliation model (membership) is changing entirely. We are transitioning to program based affiliation with a curriculum fee based model – this means that every student in your program will be a member for a flat fee. The details of affiliation will be reviewed in the Chapter Success Guide. Oregon FBLA is partnering with Oregon State University to launch a new Adviser Curriculum and a second Adviser Conference – just for FBLA. More details about this program will be available in the winter. Finally, Oregon FBLA is piloting the new rating sheets. This is unique for Oregon – as these rating sheets will not launch nationally until the 2017 NLC – but it is going to better prepare our students for competition success! The new rating sheets are available in a separate guidebook. There’s so much more to share, so we hope you enjoy the 2015-16 Chapter Success Guide! Sincerely, Mike Oechsner, MBA, CAE, CMP Executive Director Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 2 Connecting With Oregon FBLA P. O. Box 912 • Jacksonville, OR 97530 • Ph: 541.633.4287 • F: 971.404.0903 • Facebook: • Twitter: @oregonfbla YouTube: Oregon FBLA Management Team: Mike Oechsner, MBA, CMP Executive Director [email protected] Operations, Competition, Membership, Governance Dawne Schmidt Associate Director | State Officer Coach [email protected] New Chapter Support, General Support Executive Leadership Program Ryan Underwood Senior Director [email protected] Strategy & Advocacy Rhonda Bohall Financial Manager [email protected] Accounting & Finance Jessica Malan Judge Coordinator [email protected] Joshua MacFawn Technology Manager [email protected] Technology & Web Services Oregon FBLA Board of Advisers: Teresa Stratton, Chair Union High School Ron Dodge, State Chair Oregon Department of Education Mike Verhulst Parkrose High School Susan Yates, Chair Elect Oakland High School Kelly Fields Stayton High School Mike Telford Gilchrist High School Ellie Graham FBLA State President Sandy Edwards South Umpqua High School Ryan Poster Scappoose High School Jennifer Teeter Imbler High School Mike Oechsner, MBA, CAE, CMP Executive Director Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 3 Oregon FBLA Board of Trustees: Bill Graupp, Chair Industry Representative Mentor Graphics Corporation Frank Ault, Vice Chair Industry Representative The San Diego Foundation Anthony Bailey, CPA, Secretary/Treasurer Business Representative Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative Ron Dodge, State Chair Business & Management Specialist Oregon Department of Education Teresa Stratton Union High School Adviser Representative David Tucker Industry Representative Concordia University Christopher A. McCormack Industry Representative Brindle McCaslin and Lee Jeffrey J. Ellsworth Industry Representative Buckley Law P.C. Mike Oechsner, MBA, CMP Executive Director Oregon FBLA Ellie Graham FBLA State President Melody Lindorf FBLA Past State President Oregon FBLA State Officer Team: Ellie Graham, President Centennial High School Grace Ramstad, Executive Vice President Centennial High School Koby Hansen, Vice President of Media Baker High School Clay Johnson, Blue Mountain Region VP Grant Union High School Gage Yeager, Cascade Region VP La Pine High School Ashton Farris, Mt. Hood Region VP Centennial High School Camy Sibley, Willamette Valley Region VP Stayton High School Ha’aheo Ordonez, Rogue Umpqua Region VP North Valley High School Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 4 Exciting Programs Continuing in 2015-16! #myOregon Photo Campaign Did you notice that Oregon FBLA launched a brand new website in April of 2014? In the process of launching the new website, the background photos on the home page of our website are set up on a rotating view—and they are pictures taken by you, the members! At any time, all members and advisers are encouraged to take a photo of their #myOregon—a photo of scenery, happenings, or truly Oregon things happening in your part of the state. Each month, the state officer team will select the winning photo—which will be added to the photo roll and be seen regularly on the Oregon FBLA website! There’s more—each month, the winning photo will not only be added to the stream, the winner will be recognized and will receive a $10 iTunes Gift Card. Gift Cards will be awarded at the opening session at SBLC. Submit your #myOregon Photo today at Oregon FBLA Video Challenge It’s time to populate the YouTube Channel! Starting in October, there will be a new member challenge for creating a video related to an Oregon FBLA topic. Here’s how it works—from October through March, on the 10th of each month, the state officers will announce the topic for the month via Facebook and Twitter—and nowhere else! When the topic is announced, members have until the end of the month (11:59 p.m. on the last day of the month, to be exact) to create a video no longer than three minutes that supports the theme. The winning video will be announced by the 10th of the next month, added to the Oregon FBLA YouTube Channel, and the winner will receive a $125 prize at the opening session of SBLC. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep in the know! There will be one final video challenge at SBLC—the topic will be announced at opening session on Thursday evening with entries due by Friday at 9 p.m. Entries in April have a maximum length of 30 seconds and must be filmed and created at SBLC. The state officer team will select the top 3—and they’ll all be shown at the closing session, and members will get to vote to choose the winner via a text message vote! Once the topics start being released, you can submit your videos at Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 5 New Chapter Recruitment Campaign Calling all chapters! Calling all advisers! Calling all active members! Calling all potential chapters! Oregon FBLA is continuing the incentive program for recruitment of new chapters! First: If your chapter recruits a new chapter that pays dues and participates in SBLC, you are eligible for a $400 cash award. This award will be presented at SBLC and will go to every local chapter who recruits a new chapter. You heard that right—if you recruit five new local chapters, your chapter will receive $2,000 at the State Business Leadership Conference. The only limit on this award is how many new local FBLA chapters you can recruit. Second: Oregon FBLA is invested in our new chapters! We want them to join, and we want them to succeed. Once they are ready to officially charter, Oregon FBLA will cover their activation fee and the program fee for up to their first 15 members. Participation at SBLC is a required item to receive this award. Third: We want these new chapters exposed to Oregon FBLA events! For brand new chapters wanting to learn about FBLA and participate in events, Oregon FBLA will cover registration for one adviser and up to five members so that they can attend OLI. We will also cover substitute costs for the new adviser during OLI. Hotel and transportation costs must be covered by the local chapter. We have even more ways to support new chapters—for more details about the new chapter recruitment campaign, please contact [email protected]. Award Sponsors Continue! Oregon FBLA will again be working with members of the business community to sponsor competitive events at the State Business Leadership Conference! Award Sponsorship starts at $110 and can be as much as $550 per award. The Award Sponsorship Form can be found in this packet. Chapter Grants Continue! Each local chapter can again apply for Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation Grant Funding! There are over $180,000 available to support local chapter efforts to increase membership and participation. Full details of the program will be available in late fall. Last year all chapters who applied received funding for as much as $1,100 to support their efforts! Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 6 Updated Rating Sheets! Oregon FBLA is among the first states to pilot the new rating sheets for FBLA performance events. All rating sheets are rubric style with very specific guidelines about how point levels are selected by judges. This is going to help Oregon prepare competitors at a higher level than ever before! It is very important to know that these new rating sheets are for Oregon only. They are not being implemented at the national level until NLC 2017. The Oregon FBLA Competitive Events Guide will be released in October of 2015. Oregon Only events will also have revised rating sheets following the same format as the new national events that Oregon has adopted. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 7 Program Based Affiliation – New for 2015-16! Starting with the 2015-16 School Year, the membership dues structure for Oregon FBLA has changed. Membership dues are no longer tied only to individuals who want to pay dues and join—membership is now program based affiliation for a flat curriculum fee based on how many students are enrolled in your program. The curriculum fee structure, based on your total enrollment, is as follows: Total Enrollment: 10 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 101 to 125 126 to 150 151 to 175 176 to 200 201 to 225 226 to 250 251 to 275 276 to 300 301 to 325 326 to 350 Over 350 Program Fee: $650 $950 $1,250 $1,550 $1,850 $2,150 $2,450 $2,750 $3,050 $3,350 $3,650 $3,950 $4,250 Contact Executive Director Why Program Based Affiliation? FBLA enhances the preparation for college and careers by providing co-curricular programs that integrate classroom instruction, apply learning in the context of business, connect schools to industry and the community, and promote the spirit of free enterprise and competition. FBLA is a co-curricular Career and Technical Education program for students with career interests in business. Chartered by the Oregon Department of Education and used in more than 2,000 schools around the country, FBLA brings classroom learning to life through a robust mix of classroom curriculum tools, business and career leadership competitions, recognition programs, partnership opportunities, and leadership development experiences. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 8 The Curriculum and Benefits Included with Program Based Affiliation: By participating in program based affiliation, your chapter will be exposed to a collection of free curriculum resources, trainings, and more. These include: The Oregon CTSO Adviser Conference in September. Oregon FBLA also covers substitute costs for advisers attending this event, made possible by Program Based Affiliation (value of $400). Access to the Business Achievement Awards Program – a curriculum model designed to last up to four years with four levels allowing students to earn recognition (value of $12 per student). Discounted registration for advisers to attend the Oregon Leadership Institute (discount value of $25). Complimentary registration for advisers to attend the State Business Leadership Conference (value of $95 per adviser). Access to the Oregon FBLA competitive event series of over 65 competitive events. Access to the Oregon FBLA Scholarships – the Lucille Borigio Scholarship (full tuition for one year to Oregon State University), the Oregon FBLA Foundation Scholarship, and Oregon FBLA partner scholarships. Access to Adviser E-Learning webinars that take place throughout the year. Access to the FBLA Chapter Management Handbook – which includes curriculum, leadership materials, and programmatic elements. Automatic access to the Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation Chapter Grants (value of up to $300). Access to the Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide. Access to dedicated Oregon FBLA technical support staff for competition support, operations support, and needs. Access to the Oregon FBLA Crosswalk with Common Core Standards and Graduation Requirements. Access to the High-5 Program for middle school recruitment and support. Access to the Institute for Leaders. Access to participate in the Virtual Business Challenge and any other national programs that are provided. Access to the March of Dimes Leadership Curriculum. Access to apply for Mission LIFT chapter grants. Access to complimentary competition training in preparation for the National Leadership Conference. Ability to earn chapter financial support for participating in the new chapter recruitment and mentorship program. Ability to participate in the #myOregon campaign and the Oregon FBLA Video Challenge. Ability to participate in Chapter of the Year. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 9 Why the Change? FBLA has traditionally been a membership driven educational tool. In this model, FBLA was too often treated on campus as a school club or extra-curricular organization. However, the richness of the FBLA education experience is at its fullest strength and provides the greatest educational value when FBLA is operated as a co-curricular instructional tool. The new program based affiliation model for FBLA is aimed at giving teacher advisers an easier and more inclusive format for integrating FBLA on campus and in the CTE courses. Frequently Asked Questions: What about a new chapter that will only have a handful of students in their first year? New chapters should work directly with the Executive Director to coordinate their initial enrollment. Oregon FBLA covers the cost of the first 15 members. Once I register students in the system can I make changes? Once a student is registered in the membership system, they cannot be changed or substituted. You can continue to add students throughout the year. How do you know if my affiliation matches my program enrollment? Prior to registering for the State Business Leadership Conference, chapters will have to provide proof of total program enrollment to confirm that they have paid the correct program based affiliation fee. Can I use my Chapter Grant funds to pay for Program Based Affiliation? If the Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation Chapter Grants continue with the same expense guidelines, 100% of these dollars can be used for program based affiliation. How do we register our chapter with National FBLA? Online registration is still done online with the National FBLA system—and the process remains exactly the same as it has been in the past. The difference is how you will be invoiced. The moment you register your first member, you will be invoiced for the first tier of program based affiliation. Once you cross into a new tier, each consecutive invoice will be for the difference between the tier you have exceeded and the new tier you have entered. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 10 Potential Sources of Funds to Cover Program Based Affiliation One of the benefits to the new Program Based/Curriculum Affiliation model is that it opens up a variety of options for chapters to acquire, earn, or receive funds to cover their program/curriculum fee. The list below is a starting point for potential sources of funding and not intended to be an exhaustive catalog of options. Chapters are encouraged to seek out all possible options for funding through their networks. Donors/Partners/Sponsors Chapters can now look at a sponsorship model whereby groups/individuals could “sponsor” the local FBLA chapter by providing funds to cover the chapter’s program/curriculum fee for the appropriate tier. School/District Budgets Many school districts have funds/accounts available that can be used to cover educational resources like subscriptions and site licenses. Connect with administrators and school/district personnel who specialize in CTE to see what funds might be available or how to have FBLA considered for future budget cycles. Curriculum Budgets The new approach is intentionally titled “Program Based Affiliation/Curriculum Fee.” FBLA’s comprehensive learning program, educator professional development, career development resources, recognition and leadership materials/resources are exclusively and only available to registered chapters. Discuss the possibility with your administration or those responsible for approving curriculum expenses to see if there are curriculum dollars available to cover FBLA program based affiliation/curriculum fee for your chapter. Carl D. Perkins Federal Funding Perkins funding is the largest federal contribution to secondary education made each year by Congress. Support for Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) of which FBLA has been continuously recognized since the inception of the federal legislation is noted as an authorized expenditure. Verify with your local Perkins Administrator if your local plan for Perkins funds will accommodate full or partial funding of the FBLA Program Based Affiliation/Curriculum model. For example, one allowable use of Perkins funds is: “50% of Instructional supplies and materials, such as chapter handbooks, leadership development materials, and official recordkeeping handbooks,” which has been utilized to pay for similar CTSO affiliation models in other districts and states. This could apply to you! Be sure to discuss this option locally. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 11 Guidelines to Success for Chapter Advisers Summer Activities: Plan for upcoming FBLA Year Meet with chapter officers Develop chapter Program of Work Hold team building activities Develop paperwork for students, parents, and supporters about FBLA dues September Activities: Register and attend the Oregon CTSO Adviser Conference Hold first chapter meeting Hold recruiting event (like pizza night, bowling, etc.) Distribute information about Oregon Leadership Institute Have students visit and review FBLA State and National Websites Start students in Business Achievement Awards Plan all competitive events with students (and start working on projects) October: Recruit members to attend OLI Register for OLI hotel Register for OLI Upload your initial membership roster for program based affiliation by October 20 to be recognized as an official chapter Review information about National Fall Leadership Conference November: Attend Oregon Leadership Institute Consider attending National Fall Leadership Conference Celebrate American Enterprise Day December: Submit updates to membership roster for program based affiliation by December 15 to receive winter publications Hold chapter holiday celebration Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 12 December/January: Receive and complete Regional Skills registration materials Receive and review SBLC Registration materials from Oregon FBLA January: Practice for Regional Skills Conference (speeches, topics, tests) Verify that your final chapter membership roster is loaded for program based affiliation—recommend that all program/curriculum fees be paid by January 31 Pay fees to host school for Regional Skills Conference March of Dimes Mission LIFT Grant Applications due to National FBLA February: Attend FBLA Regional Competition Plan and hold events for FBLA Week Finalize State Conference Projects March: Final national dues deadline (March 1) Turn in all state projects by deadline Take online tests for State Business Leadership Conference April: Attend FBLA State Business Leadership Conference Complete National Leadership Conference Intent to Compete Form Re-work projects for National Competition and submit to Oregon FBLA by the deadline May: Submit NLC Registration Materials to Oregon FBLA Ensure that NLC payment has been made June: Attend National Leadership Conference Report success to local media outlets Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 13 2015-16 Calendar of Events September 10 DEADLINE Registration for Adviser Academy September 17 Oregon CTSO Adviser Academy DoubleTree by Hilton Portland Lloyd Center Portland, OR October 9 DEADLINE Hotel Reservations for Oregon Leadership Institute October 9 DEADLINE Registration for Oregon Leadership Institute October 20 NATIONAL DEADLINE Initial Program Based Affiliation Reporting Deadline November 1-2 Oregon Leadership Institute The Riverhouse Resort Bend, OR November 15 American Enterprise Day December 11 Board of Advisers Meeting Portland, OR December 12 Board of Trustees Meeting/Annual Corporate Meeting Portland, OR December 15 NATIONAL DEADLINE Program Based Affiliation Reporting Deadline for Winter Publications January 15 NATIONAL DEADLINE March of Dimes Grant Application Postmark Deadline January/February Regional Skills Conferences February 8-12 FBLA Week February 10 FBLA Adviser Appreciation Day February 12 FBLA Professional Dress Day Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 14 February 13 FBLA Community Service Day Oregon FBLA Service in Sync Day March 1 NATIONAL DEADLINE Program Based Affiliation Rosters Due to be eligible for State and National Competitions. Members added after December 15 may only compete in State Events not offered at the Regional Level. March 1 NATIONAL DEADLINE Business Achievement Awards—Individual 100% Class Participation Membership Madness (members who recruited 5 other members) Membership Mania (members who recruited 10 other members) Membership Achievement Award (membership maintained or up) Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship Application Outstanding Chapter March 1 DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION (Electronic & Postmark) Oregon FBLA State Business Leadership Conference March 1 School Site Testing Materials Available January TBD State Officer Planning Meeting Portland, Oregon March 8 SBLC Online Testing Opens March 12 DEADLINE Postmark Deadline for School Site Testing Materials March 26 SBLC Online Testing Closes April 7-9 State Business Leadership Conference Portland, Oregon April 16 DEADLINE NLC Intent to Compete Forms Due with Nonrefundable $75 Deposit (All competitors who placed 1-10 must notify the state of their intention to attend NLC if they become eligible to compete; deposits are transferable but not refundable) April 23 NLC School Site Tests Distributed to Eligible Competitors Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 15 May 1 DEADLINE ALL NLC Registration Forms and Pre-Submitted Competition Materials (the only exception is School Site Skill Tests) May 8 DEADLINE School Site Skill Tests Due (send directly to National Center) May 8 DEADLINE 50% Due for NLC Registration & Travel May TBD State Officer Program of Work Meeting Portland, Oregon May TBD Board of Advisers Meeting Portland, Oregon May TBD Board of Trustees Meeting Portland, Oregon June 1 DEADLINE Remaining Balance Due for NLC Registration & Travel June 26-July 3 FBLA National Leadership Conference (Oregon Travel Dates) Atlanta, GA Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 16 Competitive Event Updates Competitive Event Changes: Oregon FBLA Changes: It has been clarified that students may complete the Business Achievement Awards more than once as long as they are done in sequence and the adviser assures that the completion was in compliance with the guidelines. Students completing more than once do earn points towards Chapter of the Year It has been clarified that while Electronic Career Portfolio and Future Business Leader do not count against individual competitive event eligibility, these events do earn points towards Chapter of the Year for the winners National Competitive Event Changes adopted in Oregon: Accounting II—removed production test Business Ethics—removed synopsis requirement Future Business Leader—added prejudged component (résumé and cover letter submitted electronically), and competitors bring one (1) hard copy of résumé and cover letter to each round of interviews onsite Graphic Design (formerly Digital Design & Promotion)—name change and removed prejudged component Introduction to Business Procedures (formerly Business Presentation)—name change, now 9th-10th grade only Introduction to Financial Math (formerly Business Math)—name change only Job Interview—removed application, added pre-judged component (résumé and cover letter submitted electronically), and competitors bring one (1) hard copy of résumé and cover letter to each round of interviews onsite Publication Design (formerly Desktop Publishing)—name change, removed objective test, removed pre-judged component, added performance component All Events: Oregon may advance four (4) competitors to NLC in all events except LifeSmarts and Virtual Business Challenge All production tests must be uploaded electronically National Statement of Assurance now must be submitted online Performance events with prep/case components will be closed to audiences and will no longer require sequestering at NLC Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 17 Competitive Event Topics: The following are the 2015-16 National Topics, and they have been adopted for Oregon Competitive Events: 3D Animation You are an employee for the Code County School System and have been assigned to participate on the Marketing Team to promote the School System’s dress code in the workplace for all employees including administrators, teachers, assistants, aides, etc. Your school system has struggled for the last 18 months to enforce the Code County School System’s dress code. Your Marketing Team has been assigned the task of designing a promotional video clip using 3-D animation to stress the required dress code. Design a 3-D animated video clip keeping in mind the audience to be sure that the dress code will be followed throughout the rest of the school year. The focus of the clip should be following the dress code versus the actual code itself. Present the video clip to the panel of judges, your superintendent, and his/her administrators. Business Ethics Research an ethical topic related to animal testing on products for safety and human use of those products. Business Financial Plan You just recently graduated from your university with a degree in Health and Physical Fitness. You played two sports at your university and continue to remain healthy by working out and eating well. Your dream has been to open your own athletic club with high-end equipment, structured class exercise rooms, cardio exercise equipment, weight machines, and free weights. You want to offer 30- and 60-minute massages and personalized fitness plans. You will have locker rooms and operate 24 hours/7 days a week. There is an opportunity to grow and hire other employees who could be personal trainers working with you in the same school of philosophy. You have thousands of dollars of debt and no disposable income because you have not been hired for your first job since graduating. You really want to open this athletic club. You are planning to open your own facility in a 15,000 square foot, stand-alone building. You will need equipment, inventory, software for schedules, and more to open your doors. You did your research and you found a great opportunity to present your idea including a business financial plan to a major Angel Investor who may want to invest in your plan. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 18 Prepare a well-written business financial plan following the parameters and FBLA Performance Indicators as assigned. You will need to submit your report and then give a seven-minute presentation to the Angel Investor (judges). Computer Game & Simulation Programming Create a computer game that includes the following features/capabilities: ● Has at least three levels ● Keeps score ● Must run on a PC using Windows 7 or newer ● Must be a standalone executable program ● Virus and malware free ● Must have some type of celebratory conclusion if the game is conquered. Must have some type of encouragement for those who cannot conquer the game. Can replay. ● At least two lives or chances ● Game features should be compatible with a maximum ESRB rating of E10+. Desktop Application Programming You have been hired by the national office of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda. Create a program to keep current membership data, allowing the addition and change of records. Each record in the master file should contain the membership number, first name, last name, school, state, email, year joined, code for active/non-active, and amount owed. Create a report that will produce a list of members by state from the master file that has the member number, member name, year joined, grade in school, and amount owed. Include only the members owing a balance. The report footer should include the total number of non-active members, total number of active members, total number of members owing, and the amount owed. Have an option to view or print the report, allowing for 50 detail lines per page and at the end of the report, with the footer information described above. Create a report that lists all seniors and their email addresses, sorted by state. Have an option to view, print, or export to an .xls file. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 19 The design concepts of the master file, update program, membership report, and email report are left to the competitors. Usability and functionality should be the prime objectives. Desktop Publishing You have been hired by a new restaurant owner who is offering both a bakery and restaurant for gluten-free products. Being gluten- and wheat-free is considered the norm in today’s society. The owner, who is gluten-free, decided to get funding to open a business. The entrepreneur specializes in making baked goods from breads to muffins and pastries, as well as simple lunch or dinner menu items for the casual diner who is gluten- and/or wheat-free. The owner has hired one of the top pastry and restaurant chefs in the area with experience in gluten- and wheat-free foods. To attract new customers and let people know about the restaurant, the owner has asked you to develop a series of print items suitable for a new bakery and restaurant marketing campaign. This will include the design of a brochure, 1/4 page newspaper ad, magazine coupon, and campaign poster not to exceed 18” x 24”. Before you begin, design a logo for the company. This logo should communicate the company name, incorporate graphic elements, and include a tagline/slogan that you create. The logo should be used on all promotional items. The marketing campaign should be cohesive. Create contact information including a URL. Digital Design & Promotion Create a digital sales kit for a banquet hall (to be used for wedding receptions, engagement parties, and any type of celebrations or business presentation meetings). Develop a company identity including a name and logo that has a cohesive design structure to be used throughout the digital sales kit. All files should be shown in the presentation. The kit should include: ● Floor plans ● Catering menus ● Special packages with upscale features ● Special services such as linens, decorations, china, seating, etc. Digital Video Production Using a popular cover song as a starting point, create a parody music video that will promote FBLA. It should incorporate music, acting, singing, and multiple production elements. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 20 E-Business Create a website for a banquet hall (to be used for wedding receptions, engagement parties, and any type of celebrations or business presentation meetings). Develop a company identity including a name and logo that has a cohesive design structure to be used throughout the website. The site should have elements typical of a banquet hall, including but not limited to: ● Interactive calendar with availability ● Interactive photo gallery ● Interactive contact information page ● Ability to reserve date online and pay deposit ● Ability to order and pay for two different features ● Ability to request digital sales kit Emerging Business Issues In the last several years, the entertainment industry has undergone a substantial number of changes. In the original days of television, there was nothing more than antenna. This was followed by cable, satellite, digital cable, digital antennas, and now, online streaming. Unlocked and jailbroken devices have become increasingly available and popular. It is your responsibility to research the following: ● Legal implications of unlocked or jailbroken devices ● Ethical implications of unlocked or jailbroken devices ● Potential penalties for using unlocked or jailbroken devices ● Availability of software/hardware/services to unlock or jailbreak a device Competitors should be ready to argue both the pro (there is nothing wrong with using unlocked or jailbroken devices) and the con (legally and ethically, unlocked or jailbroken devices are wrong) and present the arguments for both sides of the scenario to a panel of judges. Competitors should be ready to answer questions. Introduction to Business Presentation You have just taken first place in Introduction to Business Presentation at your FBLA State Leadership Conference, and you are now faced with the need to raise over $2,000 per person on your team to attend the FBLA National Leadership Conference in Atlanta. Prepare a seven-minute presentation that can be used in front of a variety of potential sponsors that may include community service groups, local small businesses, the school board, etc. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 21 Mobile Application Development An App is to be created that allows FBLA members to interact and share their opinions on style, fashion, and attire. Users can snap a picture with their phone. They can share what they want to know— things like (a) Is this outfit stylish?, (b) Is this outfit professional?, (c) Is this outfit within the FBLA-PBL dress code?, (d) What should I change to make this outfit better?, and other important details. It should allow users to post outfits and interact with anyone else who has posted outfits. Public Service Announcement In light of current events with professional sports teams, franchises, and professional sports players the image of these companies has been tarnished. Produce a PSA demonstrating the positive impact of sports. Social Media Campaign Create a social media campaign to market your new business: a banquet hall to be used for wedding receptions, engagement parties, and any type of celebrations or business presentation meetings. You must use at least three sources of social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.). Website Design You have been hired by a new restaurant owner who is offering both a bakery and restaurant for gluten-free products. Being gluten- and wheat-free is considered the norm in today’s society. The owner, who is gluten-free, decided to get funding to open a business. The entrepreneur specializes in making baked goods from breads to muffins and pastries, as well as simple lunch or dinner menu items for the casual diner who is gluten- and/or wheat-free. The owner has hired one of the top pastry and restaurant chefs in the area with experience in gluten- and wheat-free foods. Develop a company identity including a name and logo that has a cohesive design structure to be used throughout the website. The site should have elements typical of a restaurant, including but not limited to: ● Menus ● Contact information and hours of operation ● Make a reservation online ● About Us ● Preferred customer loyalty program ● Reviews Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 22 Oregon FBLA 2016 State Business Leadership Conference Online Registration & Submission Overview In early January, the links for our online submission forms and upload systems will go live at Below is a basic outline of how submission will work: Step 1 The first form to fill out is the Oregon FBLA Chapter Summary SBLC form. The form will provide a summary of who will be attending the State Business Leadership Conference. The Chapter Name is a drop-down menu. If the school is not listed on the form, then the chapter has not paid their dues. The next fields to fill out are the Lead Adviser Name, Lead Adviser Phone Number, and Lead Adviser Email Address. This information will allow Oregon FBLA to provide important updates and ask questions regarding chapter registration. In the next section of the form, please indicate the total students and total advisers/chaperones. At the top right of the form, a grey box will summarize the total registration amount. Continuing through the form, indicate who will be your chapter representative for the Courtesy Corps program. Please provide First and Last Name, Email, and Mobile Phone Number. Also, please indicate if the student can send and receive text messages. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 23 After you have completed the form, please select the Submit button. The page will redirect to Paypal’s website. Step 2 Paypal will allow a chapter to pay for registration by using a credit card. Please note an account is not needed in order to pay through Paypal. If you are not paying registration with a credit card, simply close the Paypal window. The next form to fill out will be covered in Step 3. Step 3 The next form to complete will be the SBLC Adviser/Chaperone Registration Form. The School Name is a drop down menu. If the school is not listed on the form, then the chapter has not paid their dues. Please provide the Adviser/Chaperone Name, Email Address, Mobile Phone Number, and Shirt Size. When the form is complete, select the Submit button. The link will re-direct to the Oregon FBLA-PBL SBLC Form webpage, so you can enter additional chaperone and adviser information. Please note the form must be submitted for each chaperone and adviser attending the State Business Leadership Conference. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 24 Step 4 The next form to complete will be the SBLC Student Registration form. This form must be submitted for each student who will be attending SBLC. We recommend printing the membership roster from the national website, as it will have all the important membership information. The School Name is a drop-down menu. If the school is not listed on the form, then the chapter has not paid their dues. Please enter the Student Name, Membership ID Number, and T-Shirt Size. The Membership ID Number can be found from the national membership roster. Indicate the student's competitive events using the drop-down menu (i.e., Competitive Event 1: Any Competitive Event). Students can compete in one performance event, chapter projects, and one bonus event. The competitive event guidelines indicate what events are eligible for bonus events. CONTINUED EXCITING OPPORTUNITY: Every single student attending SBLC may compete in Electronic Career Portfolio and Future Business Leader—these events do not count against the total number of events a student can compete in. Please indicate any special needs (i.e., wheel chair access or hearing assistance), in the space provided. After the form is complete, select the Submit button. Please note once you have submitted a student’s registration form, you cannot make any changes. If you would like to make a change, you will need to email [email protected]. Changes to a student’s registration are free. However, any changes requested after 5:00 PM on March 1, 2015, will incur a $5 fee. Remember not to register a student for the following chapter events: American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, Partnership with Business Project, and Who's Who in FBLA. The competitive event materials will be uploaded in a separate form. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 25 To the right is a screen shot of what the upload system will look like for submitting reports, applications, nominations, and resumes. The same form is used for team events as individual events. New for this year is that National Business Honor Roll will be a separate form that students should complete. The School Name field is a drop down menu—if your school is not listed on the form, it means you have not yet paid dues. The Adviser/Nominator name should be either the chapter adviser or the member/adviser nominating someone for Administrator/Businessperson/Alumni/Adviser of the Year. The Competitive Event line is a drop down menu where you will select which event you are uploading materials for. If the event is for an individual competitor or a nomination for one person, only Competitor Name #1 must be completed. If it is a team event, corresponding team members should be listed in Competitor #2 and Competitor #3 lines. The last step is to browse for the PDF file that you plan to upload and submit it. When your submission is complete, you will see a confirmation screen, and you will receive a confirmation email. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 26 March of Dimes Contribution Form: The March of Dimes Contribution Form will appear like the one to the right and is a simple online form to complete. Chapter of the Year Form: Chapter of the Year Entry Form: The Chapter of the Year entry form will appear like the one on the left and is a simple online form to complete. There will no longer be the need for backup documentation, as everything can be validated by the state office. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 27 URL Submission Form: The form to submit URLs for Chapter Website, Digital Scrapbook, E-Business, Digital Video Production, Public Service Announcement, and Website Design will also be online. The form will look like the one pictured at the right. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 28 Business Achievement Awards Program Oregon continues to be proud of its leadership in the nation for participation in the Business Achievement Awards Program. Oregon FBLA continues to excel in the Business Achievement Awards—and we have been assigned priority seating at national conferences because of this success! The full guide to the Business Achievement Awards can be found at: To login to the Business Achievement Awards, visit and in the middle of the right hand side, choose chapter adviser login. Business Achievement Awards registration is only available to members who have officially been submitted. Future Level (complete ten total activities): Service (complete three, first two are required): o Donate five hours to an educational or service organization o Prepare a bulletin board or display promoting FBLA o Help your adviser with an American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week activity o Participate on your chapter’s community service committee o Participate in a promotional or fundraising project for the March of Dimes o Become a pen-pal with a senior citizen, child in a hospital, a child in another country, or a soldier in the military o Write a one-page report on a service organization in your community and present it to your chapter or a business class o Other as designated by your local adviser Education (complete three, first one is required) o Complete the FBLA Knowledge Quiz with a score of 92 percent or higher o Complete the Advertising Slogans worksheet o Using a spreadsheet, create a one-month budget for yourself or your chapter o List at least five goals and include a description of how you will accomplish them o Read a business article or story from Tomorrow’s Business Leader and write a one-page letter in proper business format summarizing/reacting to the article o Write a one-page paper on a business career o List five personal strengths and one personal weakness and write a 100-word summary of what you can do to overcome the weakness o Take a free certification test from Brainbench Progress (complete four activities, first two are required): o Bring a friend who is not a member to a chapter meeting o Attend three chapter meetings and write a paper outlining the highlights o Complete the programs worksheet Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 29 o o o o o o Invite a business leader to speak at a meeting with a written letter Attend a local chapter activity/event and write a 100-word summary Recite the Creed at a chapter meeting and explain what it means to you Text five friends and invite them to the next meeting Prepare an invitation encouraging students to attend the next meeting Recruit one Professional Division member Business Level (complete twelve total activities): Service (complete three activities, first two are required): o Make a 1-3-minute oral informational presentation about FBLA o Design a poster encouraging students to join your chapter o Research community service grants that are available and present your findings o Prepare a print ad and an audio podcast about American Enterprise Day or FBLAPBL Week o Participate in a community service project sponsored by your chapter o Help plan and conduct one of FBLA’s ceremonies o Help organize an activity to promote American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week o Participate in a literacy project o Prepare a local calendar of activities for your chapter o Help create and present a skit teaching elementary students Education (complete five activities, first two are required): o Complete the interactive Business/Internet Scavenger Hunt o Prepare a resume, cover letter, and job application, applying for your dream job o Complete the interactive Internet Ethics and Safety Quiz o Develop a new green product/invention o Explain the importance of high ethical standards in the preparation of financial statements o Successfully complete a business course with a B or better o Prepare an agenda for two chapter meetings o Visit and tour a business dressed in business attire o Complete a one-page report on a local, state, or national business leader o Read an article from the Internet or business magazine on a new trend in technology Progress (complete four activities, first one is required) o Prepare a recruitment brochure for your chapter o Complete an Interactive Parliamentary Procedure form o Plan an icebreaker for your local chapter and present it at a meeting or in a class o Recruit one new Professional Division Member o Submit an article to Tomorrow’s Business Leader o Participate in the Virtual Business Challenge o Write a letter to your superintendent/principal about the benefits of FBLA Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 30 o Participate in a task that is assigned by your local chapter adviser o Like and follow FBLA in social media o Attend a community or school meeting (Rotary, Chamber, School Board) Leader Level (complete fourteen total activities): Service (complete five activities, first three are required): o Run for local, state, or national office or serve as a campaign manager o Participate in a National FBLA service program o Prepare an electronic presentation, movie, or podcast promoting FBLA o Design three new items for FBLA-PBL MarketPlace o Help your chapter organize an environmental service project o Prepare a feature story on your chapter’s community service project for Tomorrow’s Business Leader o Volunteer to be a teacher’s aide o Volunteer ten hours to a service or charity of your choice o Research volunteer organizations or service businesses in your community Education (complete five activities, first three are required) o Participate in a mock interview for a fictitious job o Create a travel brochure and a movie or podcast about the upcoming NLC o Create and present an electronic business presentation on a foreign country o Complete a half-day job shadow experience o Design an environmental newsletter for chapter members o Analyze the FBLA chapter financial statement o Identify the different ways businesses compete with one another Progress (complete four activities, first and last ones are required): o Complete Membership Madness o Serve as a voting delegate at a regional, state, or national conference o Prepare and present a workshop o Write a letter to a government official about FBLA o Write a letter that secures a donation o Design an advertisement and an audio public service announcement promoting FBLA Competitive Events o Participate in a task that is assigned by your local chapter adviser o Recruit one Professional Division Member America Level (complete fifteen total activities): Service (complete four activities, first three are required): o Complete the FBLA International Recruitment Project o Create an online autobiographical scrapbook presentation o Participate on a committee to plan a free enterprise project for elementary or junior high students Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 31 o o o o o o Do something special for Adviser Appreciation Day during FBLA-PBL Week Plan and participate in a leadership project to help recruit and retain members Contact local businesses to find door prizes for chapter meetings Help your chapter sponsor an environment slogan contest Plan a special power lunch meeting for your chapter Help prepare a skit about the benefits of saving money and present to middle school students Education (complete six activities, first three are required) o Create a blog o Complete the E-Portfolio Project o Create a TBL magazine cover and feature story about the upcoming NLC o Watch the video “Social Media, is it a Fad” and submit a plan for a nation-wide project o Develop a FBLA game show, music video, or reality show o Develop a YouTube video about how FBLA has helped you prepare for your future career o Plan and prepare a report for competition o Research virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and holographic entertainment worlds and create a report Progress (complete five activities, first three are required): o Complete Membership Mania o Secure a letter of recommendation o Recruit two Professional Division Members o Complete the Etiquette Quiz with a 92% or better o Participate in a National Fall Conference or Institute for Leaders o Submit an application for the Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship o Plan an activity or social event for your chapter to host middle school or college students o Visit one school that does not have an FBLA chapter and promote FBLA o Invite a school administrator to a chapter meeting or conference o Make a personal visit to an elected official and talk about Perkins funding Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 32 Online Submission of Program Based Affiliation/Curriculum Rosters Oregon FBLA will once again take advantage of the online membership reporting system offered by the National Association. Chapters should use this program to report members and process payment for their program/curriculum fee. The days of individual membership dues are over, as outlined in the Program Based Affiliation section of this handbook. Accessing the Online Membership Reporting System: 1. Log on to the national website ( 2. On the right hand side, there is a drop down menu for logging in—choose Membership Registration. 3. Key in your login credentials. Your username is your charter number and your password is the word service. Processing Members via the Online System: 1. Review the school information. Make any necessary edits for the current year. 2. Review the Adviser and Administrator contact information. Make any necessary edits or updates for the current year. 3. Select returning members to add. 4. Add new members. 5. Complete your membership registration and print your invoice for payment. 6. Submit your invoice to your business office for payment. Questions related to online membership should be directed to the Oregon FBLA Executive Director, [email protected]. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 33 State Officer Program of Work The Oregon FBLA State Officer Team has an exciting year ahead of them! Following is an outline of their goals as established in their Program of Work: Membership Connection & Engagement: o Increase statewide membership o Create Regional Facebook groups o Recruit Qualified State Officer Candidates Chapter Engagement: o Continue Enthusiasm Award at SBLC o Conduct chapter visits to local schools o Send monthly updates to local advisers and chapter presidents o Strengthen connections between state officers and chapter presidents o Reintroduce Presidents’ Council Virtual Presence: o Produce quality, useful articles for online newsletter o Continue monthly video challenge contest o Increase visibility through Oregon FBLA’s social media outlets o Produce bi-monthly video updates for chapters about the organization and upcoming events and post on YouTube o Continue #myOregon Campaign Program Involvement: o Secure award sponsors for competitive events o Support Mission LIFT Oregon FBLA Chapter Grants Oregon FBLA is continuing to offer chapter enrichment grants in 2015-16. The primary purpose of the chapter enrichment grant program is to offer local chapters financial resources that will assist in creating sustainable funding sources. Hardship funds are available; however, preference for funding is given to chapters who are investing in a product, service, or piece of equipment that will help the local chapter develop a sustainable source of funding. The Chapter Grant form follows on the next two pages of this packet. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 34 FBLA Foundation Inc. Chapter Grant Form Purpose: The purpose of the Oregon FBLA Foundation in making this grant available is to assist members and chapters with the costs associated with and related to sustainable operations. Criteria for funding: Funding is designed and available to assist chapters in reaching a situation of sustainability. The intent is to plant seeds which would aid in both solving a current need and developing future resources. For example, grant funding could be requested to purchase an espresso machine so that a chapter could use that espresso machine for future fundraising efforts. Another example could be to support the expenses of a Freshman member going to nationals…with the return that they would be committed to recruiting five new members each year. Funding may also be requested for hardship needs, but preference will be given to chapters requesting assistance to develop items which will help local activity funding to become sustainable. Eligibility: Any active Oregon FBLA Chapter may apply; it must have at least 5 members to be considered eligible. Directions: Complete this form, attach a response sheet to the questions and forward the document if possible electronically to [email protected] or fax the form to 971.404.0903. Forms may also be sent as a hard copy to: Oregon FBLA Foundation, Executive Director Mike Oechsner, P. O. Box 912, Jacksonville, OR 97530 Decisions: Once the form is received, the executive committee from the Board of Trustees will make the appropriate judgment of funding. Distribution of funds shall be at discretion of the Oregon FBLA Board of Trustees. All decisions are final. The Board of Trustees may discontinue this program at any time. Decisions will be made within 14 days of the receipt of the form. Chapter Name Requesting Funding: Chapter Adviser contact information: (Funds will be sent to the mailing address you indicate here) Name: (Day) Phone: Mailing address: Management Use Only: Email Address: _____ Affirmative Votes ______ Negative Votes ____ Funding Approved in the amount of __________________ ____ Funding Not Approved Signature, Board of Trustees Chair Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Signature, Executive Director Page 35 Please answer briefly the following questions in a separate document to help us process your request. Explain the details of your requested funding and anticipated outcome. How many FBLA members will this grant affect? Please explain how this grant will create future sustainability for your chapter – be it funding, membership, or other. Are matching funds available from your district? If so, have you requested them? Who do we reimburse or submit payment to? Date you need decision by? Will you be willing to write a newsletter article about the impact on your chapter if funding is received? Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 36 Oregon Future Business Leaders of America 2015-2016 Competitive Event Award Sponsor Information Oregon Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the premier organization for students with career interests in business. Through leadership and career development programs, competitions, and trainings, Oregon FBLA prepares student leaders for higher education and the transition from school to career. Oregon FBLA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible. Oregon FBLA relies on member participation and private contributions to provide programs and opportunities for our members. The Oregon Awards Program offers students the opportunity to compete in over 65 unique areas of Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Accounting, Graphic Design, Information Technology, and Management. Oregon FBLA’s 2015-2016 goal is to provide sponsored awards to all of the first place winners in our state level competitions. This will assist students in the costs associated with attending the National Leadership Conference, where only the top 4% of FBLA Members in the nation have the opportunity to compete for national honors. Competitive Event Sponsorship is $110 for individual events. Team events are $330 (or three sponsorships of $110) with the exception of Parliamentary Procedure which is $550 (or five sponsorships of $110). Please note that the winners also receive a plaque, which is calculated into the award sponsorship. Teams will receive $100 per team member. Contributors may request to sponsor a specific event, or an event in a general area of study. If you are interested in sponsoring a team event but cannot commit to the full amount, please note that, and you will be joined with other sponsors to ensure each team member receives a full $100. Competitive Event Sponsors receive the following benefits: Recognition in the Conference Program as the Competitive Event Sponsor distributed to all 1,500 conference attendees and used as a promotional tool for future partnership development efforts Recognition on screen during the Awards of Excellence Session as the Competitive Event Sponsor in front of over 1,600 general session attendees and guests The ability to personally present awards in the sponsored event The knowledge that 100% of sponsorship dollars are used directly for member benefit—nothing is withheld for overhead or operations Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 37 Oregon Future Business Leaders of America 2016 State Business Leadership Conference Competitive Event Sponsor Form Sponsor Name: Company Name: Phone: Email Address: Sponsorship Amount: ____ Bill Me ____ Check Enclosed Individual Competitive Event Area of Study for Sponsorship ($110 per event): ____ Accounting & Finance ____ Business Administration ____ Business Management ____ Computer & Office Applications ____ Graphic Design ____ Information Technology ____ Marketing ____ Public Speaking Team Competitive Event Area of Study for Sponsorship ($330 for exclusive sponsorship of team events except Parliamentary Procedure, which is $550; partial sponsorships are welcome if you would like to share a team event with another sponsor): ____ Business Management ____ Business Plan/Proposal ____ Chapter/Community Project ____ Entrepreneurship ____ Local & Global Business Issues ____ Parliamentary Procedure ($550) Specific Competitive Event Request for Sponsorship: Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 38 National Business Honor Roll The National Business Honor Roll is designed to recognize those members of FBLA who truly excel in academic preparation for college and an eventual career in the business world. Oregon FBLA recognizes that in order to succeed as a true business leader, our members need to be well prepared in terms of their academics, career skills, and leadership development. FBLA chapters in Oregon are encouraged to nominate members to be recognized in the National Business Honor Roll who meet the following criteria: High School: Overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale Demonstrated leadership potential through service as a chapter officer, committee leader, or other participation in chapter activities Clearly defined career objectives Members accepted in the National Business Honor Roll will be recognized during the State Business Leadership Conference. The National Business Honor Roll materials will be an online form to submit. When you submit the form, you will be required to attach an unofficial copy of your transcript as well as a one-page resume. Please have the following information ready when you apply for the National Business Honor Roll: Name Chapter Home Address Phone Number Email School Address Year in School Years in FBLA GPA Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 39 Adviser of the Year The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding FBLA local chapter adviser of the year. The honoree is automatically nominated for recognition at the National Leadership Conference. Eligibility Nominations may come from local chapter advisers, FBLA members, Professional Division Members, local administrators, and alumni. When nomination forms are received in the state office, the nominees may be contacted by the state office for further information. Nomination forms must be submitted in PDF format via our online submission tool no later than the close of business on the date given on the official Oregon FBLA-PBL calendar of events. Procedure A selection committee will review information according to stated criteria, with emphasis being given to that adviser who: Has a deep commitment to FBLA and the members. Uses a fair and democratic approach in leading the chapter. Actively promotes interaction of FBLA activities with all business teachers and throughout high school courses and departments. Works with business persons and civic groups in the community. Uses businesslike methods in coordinating the work of FBLA. Uses sound planning and evaluation of local chapter activities. Provides opportunities for members to participate in FBLA activities beyond the local level. Has served as a local chapter adviser for at least two (2) years. Rallies time and resources to support local chapter development. Integrates FBLA into the classroom. Serves as a role model, mentor, and champion of member and adviser success. Contributes to local, state, and national FBLA. Supports business and career technical education through involvement and leadership in other activities. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 40 Adviser of the Year Award Nomination Form Oregon FBLA will select one overall adviser to honor as the Oregon FBLA Adviser of the Year. When nominating an adviser, you will complete an online form that asks for the following information, as well as letters of recommendation that should be uploaded. Letters of recommendation should describe contributions to FBLA on the local, regional, state, and national level. The required information is: Nominator Name Nominator Email Address Nominee Name Nominee Email Address Nominee Chapter Nominee Address Nominee Principal Nominee Principal Email Address . Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 41 Administrator of the Year Without the support of administrators in our schools, districts, and at the state level, it would be impossible for an organization like FBLA to exist, let alone impact the hundreds and thousands of students we touch year in and year out. Administrators provide funding, permission, logistics, and support—most often behind the scenes and without any fanfare or acknowledgment. This recognition provides local chapters with the opportunity to identify and quantify the support they receive from special administrators and to say thank you. Eligibility Nominations may come from local chapter advisers, FBLA members, Professional Division Members, and alumni. When nomination forms are received in the state office, the nominees may be contacted by the state office for further information. Nomination forms must be uploaded via the online submission process in PDF format no later than the close of business on the date given on the official Oregon FBLA-PBL calendar of events. Procedure A selection committee will review information according to stated criteria, with emphasis being given to that administrator who: Has a deep commitment to FBLA and the members. Is a current member of the FBLA-PBL Professional Division. Actively promotes interaction of FBLA activities with all business teachers and throughout high school courses and departments. Supports business and career technical education through involvement and leadership in other activities. Serves as a role model, mentor, and champion of member and adviser success. Supports opportunities for members to participate in FBLA activities beyond the local level. State Awards Based on the number of entries, Oregon FBLA will recognize one overall administrator to honor as the Oregon FBLA Administrator of the Year. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 42 Administrator of the Year Nomination Form The award is designed to recognize the outstanding support of a school administrator to the local chapter adviser and members of FBLA. An administrator may be nominated by a student, educator, colleague or parent. The recipient will be awarded and recognized at the State Business Leadership Conference. The Administrator of the Year nominations will be completed online. Letters of recommendation may be uploaded in the process. Please have the following information ready to complete the submission: Nominating School Name Nominating School Address Nominating Adviser Phone, Fax, and Email Name of Nominee School/District of Nominee Position of Nominee Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 43 Alumni of the Year Without the returning support and enthusiasm of our past members and state officers, our program would not have the same opportunities to grow and thrive. This award is to celebrate and recognize the volunteer contributions of FBLA alumni to their local chapters, regions, and the state chapter. Eligibility Nominations may come from local chapter advisers, FBLA members, Professional Division members, and alumni. When nomination forms are received in the state office, the nominees may be contacted by the state office for further information. Nomination forms must be uploaded via the online submission process in PDF format no later than the close of business on the date given on the official Oregon FBLA-PBL calendar of events. Procedure A selection committee will review information according to stated criteria, with emphasis being given to that alumnus who: Has a deep commitment to FBLA and the members. Is a current member of the FBLA-PBL Professional Division. Actively promotes interaction of FBLA activities. Supports business and career technical education through involvement and leadership in other activities. Serves as a role model, mentor, and champion of member and adviser success. Supports opportunities for members to participate in FBLA activities beyond the local level. State Awards Based on the number of entries, Oregon FBLA will recognize one overall alumnus to honor as the Oregon FBLA Alumni of the Year. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 44 Alumni of the Year Nomination Form The award is designed to recognize the outstanding support of FBLA Alumni to the local, state, and national chapters, advisers, and members of FBLA. An alumnus may be nominated by a student, educator, colleague, or parent. The recipient will be awarded and recognized at the State Business Leadership Conference. There will be an online form for nominating Alumni of the Year. Letters of recommendation may be uploaded at that time. Please have the following information ready: Name of nominating school Address and phone for nominating school Adviser of nominating school Email and phone of adviser nominating Name of nominee Brief description of purpose of nomination Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 45 Businessperson of the Year This national event recognizes outstanding leaders from the business sector who have contributed to the success of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda on the local, state, or national levels. Eligibility Each chapter is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to enter one or more persons in the Businessperson of the Year event. Nominees must be members of the business sector, not students or educators. Regulations 1. The entry form must be completed by the chapter adviser or designee and must be submitted online in PDF format via our online submission tool, with the nominee’s biographical sketch, to include the bullets under the procedure section. 2. Nominees for state and national Businessperson of the Year will be selected in accordance with the regulations of the state chapter and national association. 3. Nominees must be members of the business community. Persons who are students or full-time employees of educational institutions are not eligible for this award; such nominees will be disqualified. Procedure Criteria for selection of nominees at the state and national level should include, but does not have to be limited to: Years of participation in FBLA-PBL activities Promotion of FBLA-PBL through presentations and seminars Contribution to local or state chapter projects and activities. Financial assistance to and sponsorship of activities for local and/or state chapter(s). The biographical sketch of each nominee should particularly address the above areas. NOTE: Information required for the honoree includes: Name, Address, Email, Company, Phone Numbers, Name of Chapter Nominating the Businessperson. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 46 Businessperson of the Year Nomination Form This award recognizes one outstanding business person from throughout the state who has contributed outstanding personal service to FBLA-PBL on the local, state, regional, or national levels. This form, along with letters of nomination and recommendation, must be submitted in PDF format via our online submission tool by the deadline. Recipients of this award are invited to attend the National Leadership Conference where they will be further recognized for their contribution by National FBLA. The nominations will take place online. Letters of recommendation may be uploaded. Please have the following information available when completing the online nomination: Nominating Chapter Nominating Chapter Address and Phone Number Adviser of Nominating Chapter Email and phone for nominating adviser Nominee Name Nominee Company Nominee Position Nominee phone, email, and mailing address Brief bio of nominee Attach a biographical sketch of nominee. The biographical sketch of the nominee should include: Years of participation in FBLA-PBL activities Promotion of FBLA-PBL through presentations and seminars Contribution to local or state chapter projects and activities Financial assistance to and sponsorship of activities for local and/or state chapter(s) Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 47 CODE OF CONDUCT FORM ALL OREGON FBLA SPONSORED ACTIVITIES 2015-2016 - Revised September 2012 CODE OF CONDUCT Attendance at any Oregon FBLA sponsored conference or activity is a privilege. The following conduct policies will apply to all delegates: students, alumni, advisers, and any other authorized persons attending the activity. This form must be signed by each student and alumni (under 21) attending an OREGON FBLA activity and submitted to the chapter adviser prior to the respective registration deadline. The chapter adviser must have a completed copy of the permission/medical release form for each student attending in their possession for the duration of the event, including travel to and from the event. This Form must be kept on file in the local school district after conference. Delegates shall abide by the rules and practices of OREGON FBLA and school district policies at all times to, during, and from the designated point of origin of the activity. Delegates shall respect and abide by the authority vested in the OREGON FBLA organization. The standards outlined in this document constitute the Oregon FBLA Code of Conduct. The following shall be regarded as severe violations of the OREGON FBLA Code of Conduct: Should a conduct code violation occur for item 1 through 7 below, regardless of when exposed, the violating student(s) will be sent home and will not be eligible to attend any other state, regional, or national conference during that school year. If the violation warrants it, law enforcement may also be notified. Determination of penalties for violations will be at the discretion of the State Management Team or the Board of Directors/Trustees. 1. Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco: a student shall not possess, use, transmit, be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used an alcoholic beverage, other drugs, substances or tobacco products capable of or intended, purported, or presumed to be capable of altering a student's mood, perception, behavior or judgment; other than properly used, over-the-counter pain relievers and medications prescribed by a physician for an individual student and must be on record with the adviser. Nor shall the student possess, use, sell or transmit paraphernalia associated with drugs, alcohol, or chemical substance in any form (including tobacco), at any time, or under any circumstances, on public or private properties. 2. Curfew: Committing serious violations of curfew regulations as outlined in item 9 below. 3. Willful Companionship: Being in the willful companionship of someone who violates any portion of the conduct code, or failing to report any direct knowledge (other than hearsay) of the conduct code violations. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 48 4. Personal Conduct: Cheating, dishonesty, or taking unfair advantage of others; participating in social activities other than those with conference participants; conducting acts and/or possession of weapons capable of causing bodily harm or fear of life, defacing or stealing any public or private property (for which financial responsibility will rest solely with offending individuals or their chapter); breaking the law; other serious violations of personal conduct regulations. 5. Serious Violations of the student conduct code of the school district or school that the student represents. 6. Private Transportation: Driving or riding in a private automobile during a conference, unless accompanied by an authorized adviser. (Delegates are to be housed at the conference site) Occasionally a chapter adviser, under special circumstances, may allow a student to drive or ride in a private automobile to a conference. These students are required to complete a "Permission to use Private Transportation" form to the chapter adviser prior to the conference. Permission to drive/ride applies to transportation of the student named on the form and only to and from the conference site. Once a driving/riding delegate has arrived at the conference site, he/she shall not be in a private automobile again until leaving the site at the end of the conference. 7. Abusive Behavior and Lewd Conduct: A student shall not engage in any lewd, indecent, sexual, or obscene act or expression or possess such materials. A student shall not engage in verbal, physical or sexual harassment, hazing, or name-calling. The use of slurs against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability is prohibited. The following shall be other violations of the OREGON FBLA Code of Conduct: Should a conduct code violation occur for items 8-12 below, regardless of when exposed, the violating student(s) may be sent home and may not be eligible to attend any other state, regional or national conference during that school year. Determination of penalties for violations will be at the discretion of the State Management Team or the Board of Trustees or local Adviser. 8. Conference Conduct: Failing to wear the supplied conference ID badge and wristband (when provided) at all times from arrival at the conference until departure at the end of the conference; leaving sessions prior to their conclusion (except in the case of emergency); failing to attend all general sessions and assigned activities (including workshops, competitive events, committee meetings, etc.) for which a delegate is registered (unless engaged in a specific assignment taking place at the same time); not abiding by the rules and regulations of FBLA or school/district policies from the time he/she leaves his/her home or school for any activity and the time he/she returns to the same home or school following the activity. 9. Curfew: Failing to be in your assigned hotel room from the curfew time designated in the conference program until 6 a.m.; causing any noise or other disturbance audible by anyone in the hallway after designated curfew time; ordering any food after the designated curfew time; causing any other unnecessary disturbance or participating in any other inappropriate activity after the designated curfew time. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 49 10. Dress: Failing to abide by the dress regulations established for the conference, as outlined in the Dress Code. 11. Personal Conduct: Failing to report accidents, injuries or illnesses immediately to the local FBLA Adviser; failing to keep adult advisers informed of activities and whereabouts at all times; failure to comply with established grievance process for disputes about competitive event results/processes (including personally confronting judges or event administrators); using tobacco products outside of local school district policies and state law; having a member of the opposite sex in a room if no adult chaperone is present and the room door is not visibly open (e.g.. the door may be propped wide open); having a delegate or adviser of the opposite sex in a room without a third person present and the door visibly open. 12. Hotel Conduct: Failing to meet the professional standards of housing facilities; accruing incidental room charges (i.e. phone calls, room service, pay-per-view movies, etc.) without settling the account prior to check-out; throwing objects out the window or into the hallway; moving hotel furniture from rooms (e.g., onto the balcony); failing to follow hotel rules and regulations. Individual School District Policies may supersede the code of conduct. Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 50 OREGON FBLA DELEGATE PERMISSION/MEDICAL RELEASE FORM (Students and Alumni are collectively referred to as “Delegates” in this document) Conduct Code Endorsement, Permissions to Attend Oregon FBLA Sponsored Activities, and Authorization to use pictures or student name in publications. Release of Claim for Damages, Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization: Name of Delegate: Home Address: Phone: Name of High School: Adviser (s) in Charge: Date: Date of Birth: Phone: This is to certify that the above named delegate has my permission to attend all Oregon FBLA sponsored activities for the 2015-2016 School Year. I also do hereby, on the behalf of the above named delegate absolve and release Oregon FBLA, the school officials, the FBLA chapter advisers, conference staff, and Oregon FBLA staff from any claims for personal injuries/damages which might be sustained while he/she is en route to and from or during the FBLA sponsored activity. I authorize the above named adviser or the Oregon FBLA staff to secure the services of a doctor or hospital for the above named delegate. I will incur the expenses for necessary services in the event of accident or illness and provide for the payment of these costs. I grant permission to Oregon FBLA and its staff/contractors, State Department of Education, and sponsors/supporters to use the above delegate’s name and likeness (including photographs, video footage, silhouettes, and audio clips) in publications, productions, promotions and on websites for informational, promotional and other related purposes without further consideration, and acknowledge the right of Oregon FBLA to crop, treat, edit, or otherwise modify the photographs, video footage, silhouettes, and audio clips at their discretion. I also understand that the chapter adviser determines the criteria at the local site, for individual students and alumni to attend and participate at all FBLA activities. We have read and agree to abide by the supplied Oregon FBLA Code of Conduct. Should a code of conduct violation occur, law enforcement personnel and or security may be called to assist, and a conduct code committee may be called with the ultimate punishment being that the student may be disqualified and sent home at their/their family’s expense and/or be removed from office if in an officer status. If the delegate is sent home reasonable care shall be exercised to ensure a safe, expedient, and financially feasible mode of transportation back to the home community of the delegate involved. We are aware of the consequences that will result from violation of any of the above guidelines. Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Page 51 Parent / Guardian Signature: Date: Chapter Adviser Signature: Date: School Official Signature: Date: MEDICAL INFORMATION Known allergies (drug or natural) Special medication being taken Date of last tetanus shot History of heart condition, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy or rheumatic fever Any physical restrictions Other conditions Family doctor Phone INSURANCE INFORMATION Company Name Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2015-16 Policy Number Page 52