What does being a Green Wave mean to you?


What does being a Green Wave mean to you?
FA L L 2 0 1 4
from the
page 2
School News
Page 2, 3, 11, 12
page 2
Gifts &
pages 4-11
Alumni News
page 13-15
page 16
Capital Campaign
Pledged: $1,667,317
to date:
Thank you for your
generous support.
ince 1847 Cathedral School has touched the lives of children
and families in Mississippi and Louisiana by continuing the
Catholic tradition of preparing young people for the challenges
and opportunities in a world of constant change. Cathedral
School has proudly educated generations of families, with many
students enrolled today continuing their family legacy.
Annual Campaign
The Cathedral School Annual Campaign was established as
the foundation of fundraising efforts for the school. Funding from
the annual campaign bridges the gap between tuition expenses
and the actual cost to educate each student. Annual Campaign contributions are
critical for the school to maintain a balanced budget without raising tuition.
Additionally, Annual Campaign funds allow Cathedral to offer competitive
compensation to the teaching staff and faculty.
Annual campaign funds are also used for specific improvement projects
in the school. Past projects paid for by annual campaign funds include adding
computer work stations in the elementary classrooms, securing new technology
applications and hardware for the middle school, and general campus maintenance.
What does being a
Green Wave mean to you?
“What a great way to start Monday - watching
Cathedral students walking hand-in-hand back
to school after Mass. Love my school.”
We are asking alumni, students, parents and faculty this timely question.
We want to hear from you!
Email your thoughts to [email protected]
Please include your name and relationship to our Cathedral family.
hat a wonderful beginning to the 2014-2015 school year!
The much anticipated opening of the new Middle School
Building was a great way to begin the school year. Students, teachers, parents and alumni were excited to see all of their hard work
come to fruition. If you haven’t had a chance to come visit this
beautiful state-of-the-art building, please come by.
For the past few years, the Diocese of Jackson has collaborated
with Notre Dame and the ACE Collaborative to develop a comprehensive curriculum for the diocese. Teachers and principals
from all of the schools in the diocese have come together to collaborate regarding how to use best practices and develop a rigorous
curriculum that will give our students what they need to be successful once they leave our Catholic Schools. This is a process that
is ongoing and will help our schools to continually improve. This
fall all schools in the diocese are implementing the math curriculum that we have developed. During the school year, we will continue to work on the other subject areas for implementation next
Continuous improvement is what we as educators work to
achieve day in and day out. We just completed the Advanc-Ed accreditation process and the External Review Team recommended
that Cathedral School be accredited. The review team spent two
days observing teachers and their teaching methods, looking at
our curriculum and reviewing all of the evidence to support the
mission of our school. We are so proud of the entire school com-
munity for this recognition and achievement, which validates our
pursuit of academic excellence.
Fall Festival was again a huge success. The weather could not
have been any better. The students enjoyed the midway games,
while the parents enjoyed Adult Night. What a wonderful way to
raise funds for our school! A big thank you to all who volunteered
and participated in what is the biggest fundraiser for our school.
The Development Committee is still working hard to collect
pledges to our Capital Campaign, so that we can move from our
first phase into the next phase of the campaign, the upgrading of
our athletic facilities. The next phase is one that should excite all
of those athletic fans, so if you have not contributed or if you still
need to fulfill your pledge, please do so. This will help us to continue to improve the overall facility.
It is hard to believe that we are already into the second quarter
of the school year. We are excited about our upcoming Grandparent’s/Grandfriend’s Day. This year we will again combine this day
with our Christmas program and book fair. It will be held Friday,
December 12th in the morning. Information regarding the times
will be sent out in the near future.
Roll Wave!
Shannon Bland
Assistant Administrator
Midd le
QSchool NewsR
A “Move In” party was held on Saturday, July 12 for the new Cathedral Middle
School. Many Cathedral staff, parents and students helped build furniture, transport books and
school materials,
arrange desks and
prepare the new
building for the students’ arrival in August. On August 15
Bishop Kopacz officially dedicated the building in front of an audience of students, staff and capital
campaign donors.
Q Events R
Ring Day Mass
Friday, December 5
8:00 a.m.
Elementary Book Fair
Monday, December 8 Friday, December 12
Grandparents Day
Friday, December 12
Catholic Schools Week
January 25-31, 2015
Crawfish Countdown
Friday, May 8, 2015
Students Attend Summer
Work Week in Virginia
QSchool NewsR
Sixteen students and five adults from Cathedral and St. Mary Basilica attended the 2014
Catholic Heart Work Camp in Roanoke, Virginia in July. Each student and adult was assigned to a team that worked to improve
the lives of the needy in Roanoke. For four
days, work teams helped with painting projects, packing food boxes, making disaster
Daniel Garrity
kits, landscaping and many other jobs. Each
morning and evening the participants met for inspirational and educational programs and music. It was an incredible week of service for
these participants:
Tori Bradford,
Thomas Garrity,
Paige Foster,
Nic Waycaster,
John Elliot Ward,
Kate Mayo, Elizabeth Smith, Daniel
Garrity, Caroline Kaiser, Chandler Russ, Colter
Cauthen, Carleigh Combs, Annie Russ, Bri
Diesen, Paige Rentfro, Christian Jenkins, Kurt
Russ, Jennifer Russ, Missy Rentfro, Maggie
Smith and Dorothy Garrity.
Opening-ofSchool Mass
Tori Bradford
Cathedral students participate in annual
More than 50 students and teachers from
Cathedral High School and Cathedral Middle
School met at the school flagpole on Wednesday,
September 24, at 7:40 a.m., for a short prayer as
part of the national See You At The Pole event.
The Cathedral school gathering was organized
by Cathedral students representing their local
church youth groups. All around the globe, in
every time zone, students gathered at their flagpoles on September 24, 2014, praying for their
school, friends, families, churches, and communities. See You At The Pole is a day committed
to global unity in Christ and prayer.
Special thanks to Fr. James
Fallon, pastor at Holy Family
Catholic Church, Natchez,
for donating the Sacred Heart
of Jesus statue located in the
commons area of the new
Cathedral Midd le School.
Recognizing our donors who have made a pledge or a gift through October 1, 2014.
Our Children,
Capital Building Campaign 2012-2015
$ 100,000
and Above
Dr. Vikram Dulam and
Dr. Vidya Kamalapur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan
Mrs. Dianne Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Jordan
$ 30,000 - $ 99,999
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Armstrong, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton R. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Jeansonne
Mr. John R. Junkin, II
Seven Cities Foundation
Mrs. Gloria Tuccio
$ 6,000 - $ 29,999
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Allen
The Armstrong Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Pat R. Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Clay V. Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey H. Callon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carter, Sr.
Cathedral School CPO
Cathedral School Fund for Excellence
Mr. and Mrs. David Cauthen
Mr. David M. Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cotton
D & D Drilling & Exploration
Mr. Kevin Diesen and Ms. Sandra Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dollar
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie J. Foley, Jr.
Ms. Janna K. Junkin
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gay
Dr. and Mrs. Roderick C. Givens
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Graning
Dr. and Mrs. Justin Gregg
Mr. Louis Gunning and
Mrs. Mary Delaney-Gunning
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Hand
Mrs. Cathy Cole-Havens and Mr. Joey Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Heflin
Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogue
Mr. and Mrs. John Holleman
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Iseminger
Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Junkin
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Kaiser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Kaiser, III
Ms. Tamara Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lambuth
Mrs. Diana D. Martello
Mrs. Phyllis Mashburn
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Massey
Mrs. Lisa J. Dale Mayers and
Mr. G. A. Mayers
Dr. and Mrs. Blane Mire
Mr. and Dr. Chris Nutter
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy O'Beirne
Mr. and Mrs. Donny Rentfro
Mr. and Mrs. Ron M. Rushing
Mrs. Suzi Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Sanguinetti
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Simpson
Mrs. Michelle M. Janette-Skates and
Mr. Jeremy M. Skates
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith
St. Catherine Ready Mix
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thibodeaux
Dr. and Mrs. Randy Tillman
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Verucchi
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Waycaster
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee White
$ 1,000 - $ 5,999
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Aubic, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Boelte
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Clif Brumfield
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Burget
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Burns
Mr. John Grady G. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Butler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Callaway
Rev. Alfred L. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Hyde Carby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carey
Mr. and Mrs. David Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Cates
Cathedral Magazine Sales
Mrs. Karen E. Kenda-Coates and
Mr. Don Coates
Mr. Robert Combs and
Mrs. Jennifer Ogden-Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Al Conn
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry David
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dickey, III
Dr. Pat R. Doherty
Dr. and Mrs. Shawn Doherty
Ms. Melanie M. Downer
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Duncan
Mrs. Carolyn Eidt
Mrs. Carlyn Elenbaas
Entergy Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ezell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Farmer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Feltus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fletcher
Mr. Brad Fondren
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frasier, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Freiberger
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gamberi, III
Our Children,
Capital Building Campaign 2012-2015
Mr. and Mrs. David Gammill, II
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gaude
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Graves
Dr. and Mrs. Jarrod Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Guedon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Guida
Ms. Megan M. Guido
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haile
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hargon
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hinson
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Hobdy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Holyoak
Mr. and Mrs. Harold House
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Ms. Ann Elizabeth Kaiser
The Karre-Keyer Legacy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kasperski
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenda, Jr.
Mrs. Melanie Burns-Kennedy and
Mr. Rick Kennedy
Mrs. Amy Killelea
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kirkwood
Mr. and Mrs. Max Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kuehnle, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kofi Kumi
Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Laird, Jr.
Mrs. Lois Wolff-Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Britton E. Ledford
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Toby L. Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Maples
Mrs. Judy B. Marchesini
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Monty Mayo
Mrs. Gwen McCalip
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. McLemore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. McWilliams
Mr. Paul Meng and Mrs. Susan Meng
Mr. and Mrs. Bill D. Meriwether, III
Mr. and Mrs. Connell Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Milligan
Dr. Tom Terry Milliken, III and
Dr. Bridget A. Milliken
Ms. Inder Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Moore
Murphy Oil Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Murray
Fr. David O'Connor
Mrs. Helen Fayard-O'Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdie Passbach, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arty E. Person, Jr.
Mrs. Betty Sue Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon F. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Probst
Ms. Raney Ratliff
Mrs. Pamela J. Ray-Gladney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mikal Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Rigoberto Rojo
Mr. and Dr. Kurt Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Sandel, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sandifer
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny H. Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Bob H. Savino
Mr. Bobby E. Scudamore
Ms. Melissa C. Smith-Serio
Mrs. Ann Burns-Shaidnagle
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brent C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Key Smith
Mrs. Eloise Hicks-Smith
Mr. Key Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Smith
Ms. Jacque Stahlman
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Stahlman, III
Mr. Butch Stewart
Ms. Kristi Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Stone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stowers
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham Thompson
Triad Disposal Co, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Ulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vaughan
Mrs. and Mr. Suzanne Vegas
Mr. and Mrs. Van C. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Win Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Watson
Mr. Johnny Waycaster
Mr. and Mrs. Trey R. Webber, III
Mr. and Mrs. Reagan R. White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Willard, Jr.
Ms. Mary Lees Edwards-Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Wimberly, II
$ 1 - $ 999
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Aldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Allen
Mrs. Shaunti Althoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alwood
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Anderson
Ms. Gayle Anders
Ms. Mary Catherine Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson, IV
Ms. Stephanie F. Smith-Anderson
Mrs. Sue Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Anzalone
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Ashley
Mr. Don W. Ater
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ater
Mrs. Sallie D. Ballard
Dr. Carl Barlow
Mrs. Suellen Barnett
Dr. and Dr. David W. Barnett, DDS, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baroni
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Baroni
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beane
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Beesley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Beesley
Ms. Delores Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Bergin
Dr. and Mrs. Barr Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bishop
Mrs. Sheila Blackmon-Tyms
Dr. Bertha J. Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bourdin
Mrs. Mary Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bradley
Mrs. Ree Trosclair-Brahan and
Dr. Robert B. Brahan
Our Children,
Capital Building Campaign 2012-2015
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bucciantini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burkley
Mrs. Therese Burns
Mr. John Grady G. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Mr. and Mrs. John Butler
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Buttross
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Buttross
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butts
Mr. and Mrs. Priester Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Byrne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Byrne
Ms. Katharine Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carlton
Mr. Will Carter
Mrs. Frankie L. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Cassagne, Jr.
Cathedral Class of 1964
Cathedral Class of 1982
Cathedral Class of 1984
Cathedral Class of 2012
Cathedral Class of 2013
Cathedral Elementary Faculty
Cathedral Sixth Grade
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chauvin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Chauvin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Christian
Mr. and Mrs. David Cobb
Mrs. Tamika Coleman
Ms. Debra Colston
Concordia Bank Board of Directors
Mrs. Stacy L. Verucchi-Cook
Cotton Alley Cafe
Mr. Jean-Claude Coullerez
Mrs. Janice J. Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Daggett
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton R. Dale, Jr.
Mrs. Yvonne D'Antoni
Mr. Sam D'Antoni, Jr.
Mrs. Susan L. Davis
Mrs. Sissy Graning-Dicks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. MacArthur Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Drouillard
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Durr
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eidt, Jr.
Mrs. Sissy Crawford-Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Eidt, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ellis
Mrs. Margaret K. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Farmer
Mrs. Jeanette Felton
Mrs. Catherine G. Flowers
Mrs. Mary Helen Burke-Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fortenbery
Mrs. Lanius R. Fortenbery
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Foster
Mrs. Sally Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Frank
Mrs. Sandra D. Freeman
Ms. Diane Frye
Mrs. Margaret B. Fudickar
Mr. Samuel J. Fury, III
Mr. Jonathan Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff E. Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garcia
Mrs. Liz B. Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Irby Gascon, lll
Mr. H. David Gaude and
Mrs. Ann Gaude
Mrs. Suzanne J. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graning
Ms. Kelly B. Graning
Ms. Stacy G. Graning
Mr. Joseph Green
Ms. Margaret Green
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Gremillion
Mrs. Carolyn Brown-Guckert
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Guida
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Guida
Miss Kari Guido
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hall
Ms. Valencia Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harriss, III
Mr. Prentiss L. Harveston and
Ms. Rhonda L. Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Helbling
Mr. Johnny Hicks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. Finley Hootsell
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hornstein, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Horton
Ms. Cheryl C. Hunt
Dr. Carrie M. Iles, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Irby
Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin
J. B. Films, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jeansonne
Ms. Valeria Johnson
Mrs. Ceci Moran-Johnson
Mrs. Jessica Johnson
Mr. David H. Jones
Ms. Janna K. Junkin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kammerdeiner
Mr. G. Drew Keeth, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Kelly
Mrs. Luz Guillen-King
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Koerber
Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kolb
Ms. Kathy Kossum
Dr. Bruce M. Kuehnle, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn A. Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lanneau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Leckie
Mrs. Shavonne Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. David Little
Horne, LLP
Mr. Ralph D. Loe
Mr. and Mrs. David Lofton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Lofton
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mardis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mardis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mascagni
Mr. Dale Matheney
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Maxwell
Mrs. Peggy Mayberry
Ms. Caroline K. Ferguson-McDonough
Mrs. Gayle G. Beauvais-McGilberry and
Mr. Matthew McGilberry
Mrs. Lisa R. Burns-McKnight and
Mr. Barrett McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meng
Mrs. Catherine T. Jaquith-Meng
Mr. William Meriwether, Jr.
Mrs. Lauren A. Biglane-Middleton and
Mr. Wes Middleton, III
Our Children,
Capital Building Campaign 2012-2015
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Tom T. Milliken, II
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Misita
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Moore, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Mophett
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Mulhearn
Ms. Theresa Fields-Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. William Murray
Mr. Anthony B. Nettles
Ms. Ruth R. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Leavy G. Nugent
Mrs. Kathleen M. Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nunnery
Mr. and Mrs. Brady O'Beirne
Dr. and Mrs. Brennan O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Olinde
Mr. James T. O'Neill
One Of A Kind
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Mrs. and Mr. Rachelle R. Pahnka
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paul
Ms. Terry Meng and Mr. Peter Dreier
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Petermann
Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Petit, Jr.
Ms. Lessley Petty
Dr. and Mrs. John Pieklik
Mrs. Myrna Potts
Ms. Debbie Prevost
Mr. Jimmy Price
Mr. Ian M. Jordan and Ms. Susie M. Pyron
Mrs. Noreen Burns-Pyron
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Rabb, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Rabb
Ms. Lurie L. Ramagos
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Rasco
Mr. and Mrs. Martis Ratcliff
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Read
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Redd
Sr. Honora C. Remes
Mr. and Mrs. Brand D. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richardson
Mr. Dustin C. Rinaldi
Mrs. and Mr. Cheryl F. Rinehart
Ms. Mary E. Flowers-Romero
Ms. Barbara Russell
Mr. and Mrs. John Saleeby
Mr. Paul Salvo
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sanantonio
Mrs. Colleen Sandidge
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy W. Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sanguinetti, III
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Schwager
Mrs. Henrietta Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
Mrs. Billie M. Seale-Shaw and
Mr. Cadien P. Shaw
Mrs. Aggie Garrity-Shell and
Mr. Robert S. Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Estel Simpson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith
Mr. Daniel B. Snyder
Mrs. Julie Karre-Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. George Souderes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spence
Mr. and Mrs Richard Bingo Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Stutzman
Mr. Eugene Sues
Mr. and Mrs. John Tarleton
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tarver
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Ancel C. Tipton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Trosclair
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Tumminello
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Upton
Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Vanderlick
Vaughan's City Drug Co.
Captain and Mrs. Phillip D. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie A. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Bob C. Voss
Mrs. Norma J. Walker
Ms. Ann Logan Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Weadock
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff K. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Jerod Welch
Dr. and Mrs. Dick Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin C. White
Dr. and Mrs. John A. White
Ms. Rosie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan Wingfield
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry G. Winters, Jr.
Mrs. Margee K. Wohner
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Worthington
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Young
Freeport McMoRan
Pfizer Foundation
Shell Oil Company
Thank you, also, to our donors
who wish to remain anonymous.
Memorial Gifts
Following is a list of memorials received through September 2014.
Bernice Abrams
Mrs. Helen Burke Flowers
Ms. Elizabeth Beach Hall
Ms. Polly Songy LaPlace
Mrs. Estelle Blythe Maier
Mrs. Mimi Reed Maier
Ms. Mary Ann Ferguson Mascagni
Ms. Ann Martello Spitchley
Mr. Dick Walcott, Jr.
Thomas Kerr Armstrong, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butts
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Kenneth Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Milligan
Elizabeth Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anders
Eugene R. “Gene” Blanchard, III
The Duke Edwards Family
The Robert Martello Family
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
and Jackson Moody
Byron Hollyfield Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Rabb
Mr. and Mrs. Estel Simpson, Jr.
Mrs. Joanne Bradley
Margaret Green
Carlotta Breithaupt
The Robert Martello Family
J. Keenon Bromberg, Jr.
Margaret Green
Charles M. Burns
The Robert Martello Family
Memorial Gifts, continued
Theresé Marguerite Chouest Burns
The Duke Edwards Family
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mrs. Helen B. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
The Robert Martello Family
Mr. Dale Matheney and
Miss Julia Matheney
Dr. and Mrs. John Pieklik
Mr. and Mrs. John Sanguinetti, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sanguinetti
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Mrs. Van Stewart
Elmer Edgar Carby
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Pearlie Smith Case
The Raymond Bailey Family
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Carnette
Mr. and Mrs. Leavy Nugent
Joyce Castor
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bourdin
Bubba Chauvin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
James Joseph Cole, II
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aguillard
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Bland and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Burget
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butts
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Callaway, Jr.
The Rod Daggett Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Durr
The Duke Edwards Family
Mrs. Carolyn Eidt
Mrs. Evelyn W. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mrs. Helen B. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. John Fullenwider
Dr. and Mrs. Mike Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Lafleur
Mr. and Mrs. David Lofton
Mr. and Mrs. James Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
The Robert Martello Family
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sanguinetti
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Lee White
Mr. and Mrs. Collins Wohner
Henry Ray Comer
The Mark Carter, Sr., Family
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Deborah Kahl Cowart
The Robert Martello Family
Jean Cowart
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Shell
Alkaney “Al” Francis Cummings
Cathedral Elementary Faculty and Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Etta Marie Martello Daniels
The Robert Martello Family
John Francis D’Antoni, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrne, Jr.
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Collin Doering
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Cooley
Ms. Rebecca Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Camille Durkin
Ms. Bertha Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Martin
Gayle Earl Edwards
The Pat Biglane Family
Dr. Bertha Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Burns
The Johnny Byrne Family
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dollar
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
The Barry Iseminger Family
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Koerber
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kuehnle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lofton
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Arty Person
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Redd
Gertrude and Fritz Salvo Family
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Stubbs
Dr. and Mrs. John White
Clare Geisenberger Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
James Arthur Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sanguinetti
Samuel Graf “Sammy” Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Hailey Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Estes
Mrs. Evelyn W. Ferguson
Mr. Randall “Bubba” Ferguson, III
Everette Wayne Finley
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Carl Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Ann Elizabeth Burns Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hornstein, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Karre Keyer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kuehnle, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Catherine Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John Saleeby
Mrs. Julie Karre Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. George Souderes, Jr.
Mary Louise Garrity
The Robert Martello Family
Althea Helen Stietenroth Gay
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Mr. Terry Wayne Gee, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Souderes, Jr.
Linda S. Geoghegan
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Laird
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
George L. Grantland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Pat Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mrs. Helen B. Flowers
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Malzie Hagler
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Biglane
Memorial Gifts, continued
Christina Womack Hall
The Pat Biglane Family
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Martin
Mr. Geoffrey Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Martin
Mr. Dale Matheney and
Miss Julia Matheney
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Elizabeth Grant Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Alwood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alwood
Mr. Richard Calvin Alwood
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan
Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Kaiser and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Salvo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salvo
Larry “Doc” Harrington
The Robert Martello Family
Martin Henderson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bourdin
Joan Hewitt
Capt. And Mrs. William O. Watson, Jr.
Jo Ann Taylor Hoggett
The Robert Martello Family
Owen Hornstein, Sr.
The Clay Bland Family
Cathedral Elementary Faculty and Staff
The Rod Daggett Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
and Jackson Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Mrs. Mary O’Beirne Williams
Gail Tenner Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Bobby Irby
Class of 1982
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Irby
Melissa Irby
Patrick Irby
Bennett Jeansonne
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Carter
Charles Kenneth Jordan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. Dale Matheney and
Miss Julia Matheney
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
and Jackson Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
George M. Junkin Scholarship Fund
George M. Junkin Teacher Recognition Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Owen S. Junkin
Dorothy “Dot” Kaiser
Mary Brown Nowell Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Alfred and Dorothy Karre
Mr. John L. Keyer and
Ms. Mary Karre Keyer
Dr. Donald E. Killelea, Sr.
Mrs. Evelyn W. Ferguson
Donald E. Killelea, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn W. Ferguson
Charles M. Laird
The Rod Daggett Family
Mary Elizabeth LeBlanc
Sally Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
Louie “Mike” Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. David Lofton
The Robert Martello Family
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Donald Orrin Marion
“Andy” and “Zee” Martello
The Robert Martello Family
Robert Martello
The Robert Martello Family
Tony and Ernestine Martello
The Robert Martello Family
Tony “Man” and Zubie Martello
The Robert Martello Family
Vincent “PeeWee” and Jennie Martello
The Robert Martello Family
James “Red” Mayo
Class of 1982
The Rod Daggett Family
The Duke Edwards Family
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Kelly McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
and Jackson Moody
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
James Carrol “Caddy” Meng
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sanguinetti
Jimmy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anders
Willie and Tena Mitchell
The Robert Martello Family
Dorothy Henriette Vallon Bland Monrose
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butts
Cathedral Elementary Faculty and Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Guida
Jennie Elizabeth Reed Moroney
The Robert Martello Family
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Christine Padilla
Ms. Anne Bellan
Edith Piazza
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Baroni, III
Betty Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anders
Tracey Dennig Roberts
T. D. R. Memorial Golf Tournament
Bob Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Biglane
Fred Rosiek
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Ellen Junkin Saunders
Concordia Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
Mrs. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Thomas Varno
J. W. “Billy” Scott
Cathedral Elementary Faculty and Staff
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Gary Shaifer
Mrs. Helen B. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
The Robert Martello Family
Paul Shaifer
John Smith
The Dick Dollar Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
Louis Martin Spencer, Jr.
Ms. Angela Bellan
Memorial Gifts, continued
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Walter Stampley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Monty Mayo
Bill Strawbridge
John Swalm
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Clarence F. “Buck” Trippe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Biglane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Dale Matheney
and Miss Julia Matheney
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
and Jackson Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Sundae Ratcliff Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Arty Person
Gloria Grace Tuccio
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Anzalone
Miss Abby Brown
Miss Laura Ann Brown
Mrs. Maggie Brown-Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Callaway
Eddie Foley Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Ms. Ann Elizabeth Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
The Robert Martello Family
The Lee Martin Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McWilliams
Ferdie, Nancy, and Jackie Passbach
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Sanguinetti
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Mrs. Mary O’Beirne Williams
Mary Elizabeth Vaughan
Mrs. Lynda Guice
Elizabeth “Libby” Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Allen
Mr. Lawrence Alwood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aubic, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chauvin
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chauvin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edwards
Ms. Margaret Fudickar
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graning
Harris Farms
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hicks, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
D. H. Jones Investments, LLC
Mr. Johnny Junkin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kimbrell
Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Laird
The Robert Martello Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meng
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Middleton
Miss Lou Physical Therapy, inc.
One of A Kind Gifts and Greetings
Ms. Noreen Pyron
Mr. and Mrs. Martis Ratcliff
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rehm
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Smith
Vaughan’s City Drug Company
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Voss
Capt. And Mrs. Philip Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Van Voss
Ms. Mary Lees Edwards Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Winters
Frederick Axel “Freddie” Voss
The Pat Biglane Family
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Byrne and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Josh B. Callaway, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guida
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guido
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hicks
Ms. Betty Iles
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Koerber
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McCann
and Laura McCann
Ms. Marci McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Beirne
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Spell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Spence
Daisy Minette Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Burget
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Callaway, Jr.
The Rod Daggett Family
The Duke Edwards Family
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mrs. Helen B. Flowers
Mrs. Lanius Fortenbery
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
The Robert Martello Family
Ms. Annette McMullen
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Sanguinetti
Ruth Harper Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anders
Johnnie B. Weeks, Sr.
Cathedral Elementary Faculty
and Staff
Dr. Clifford L. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. John Pieklik
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Sues
Josephine Baldwin Young
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carter, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Eidt
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gamberi
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Goodman
Mrs. Emily Guida
Mr. and Mrs. David Lofton
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ulmer
Anthony Edward “Bubber” Zuccaro
The Rod Daggett Family
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Foley
The Robert Martello Family
Mr. Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Sanguinetti
Mrs. Aggie Garrity Shell
Suzanne Alford Zuccaro
The Robert Martello Family
Memorial Bri
Gloria Grace Tuccio
Cathedral School
Class of 1964
Class Members - 2014 Reunion
Class of 1973
Ms. Charlotte Sanguinetti
Class of 1997
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Bergin
Class of 2013
Ms. Ann Logan-Watts
Jean Biglane
Beth Foster
Honorariums, continued
Stephanie Butts
Mark, Sarah, and Adair Carey
Jack Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knapp
Kailey and Caroline Gremillion
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Gremillion
Benny Jeansonne’s Birthday
Mr. Johnny Junkin
Gwen McCalip
Deborah and Geoffrey Martin
Elliott McCann
Mrs. Mary Helen B. Flowers
Pam McCann
Mrs. Mary Helen B. Flowers
Rev. David O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mallory
Mrs. Lurie Ramagos
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Serio, III
and Jackson Moody
Jules Peralta
Ms. Luz Guillen-King
Everette and Catherine Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anders
Pat Sanguinetti
Mr. Paul C. Artman, Jr.
Wesley Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Estel Simpson, Jr.
Kristie Stewart
Mark, Sarah, and Adair Carey
The “Memorial Gifts” section of Wave Lengths includes members of the Cathedral family.
Please keep in mind we rely on your notif ication to keep
our column current and to keep your loved ones in our prayers.
To ensure accurate and complete listing of loved ones, please contact the Development Off ice
at 601.445.9844 or email [email protected].
Thank you, also, to our donors who wish to remain anonymous.
The Organic Chemistry and Honors Physics classes,
taught by Mrs. Jamie Gibson, created a rosary using helium balloons. The rosary included instructions to notify the school when it is found. On the Friday of
Homecoming, the whole school gathered to pray the
rosary and watch the balloons be released. This is the
third year that the students have released a balloon rosary. Last year's rosary was found in New Roads,
Louisiana – about 90 miles away! No word back yet on where this one has landed.
QSchool NewsR
Eighth Grade Students
SKYPE with Famous Author Avi.
5th Grade remembers 9/11
QSchool NewsR
Rocket Show
Seniors enjoyed the traditional Senior Breakfast
after the Opening-of-School Mass on August 15.
Bishop Kopacz recognized the seniors and
enjoyed breakfast with them.
he annual Rocket Show, a long-time Cathedral tradition was re-launched last spring.
Assisted by retired Cathedral science
teacher Mr. Mike Durr, each sixth grade student
selected and built a rocket in science class. The
rockets were launched from the football field on
May 7, with parents, friends and other students
watching. It was an amazing show!
Memory of
Bobby Irby
The Homecoming Court
All of the crucifixes in the new
middle school building were
donated in loving memory of
Bobby Irby, Cathedral Class of
1982 by his parents Elmo and
Maureen Irby, his brother
Patrick and his sister Missy.
Special thanks to the Irby family
for this contribution.
– 2 0 1 4 –
Queen Kayla Cauthen
throws beads to the elementary students
during the parade.
QAlumni NewsR
Peter T. Burns, III, is an
organic vegetable farmer in
Nashville and part of the Six Boots
Growers’ Collective in the Bells
Bend, Tennessee area.
Andrew Haile was
named Associate Director of Food
and Nutrition for Morrison Healthcare at Natchez Community Hospital and Natchez Regional Medical
Key Smith, partner at
Natchez Wealth Management, was
named incoming Chairman of the
Natchez-Adams County Chamber
of Commerce for 2014-15.
Conor Gibson has
joined Scairono Martinez Architects in New Orleans as an intern
Allyson Burns Elliott
has joined the faculty of
Cathedral School as a middle
school English teacher.
Jessie McCann Wallace
has joined the faculty of Cathedral
School as a part time high school
math and science teacher.
Kalin Kirkwood was recently hired as the Marketing Director for Lucy Rose Interior Design of New Orleans. Kalin
graduated from Mississippi State
University, and then received
her Master’s in Business Administration from the
University of New Orleans in 2013.
Mandy Hinson earned a
degree in Educational Psychology
from Mississippi State University
in May, 2014, and is currently a Fi-
Featured Alumni
nancial Sales Representative with
New York Life in Ridgeland, Mississippi.
Madeline Jeansonne
graduated from Rhodes College
with a B.S. Degree in Biology in
2012 and then earned a Masters
of Public Health degree in epidemiology, with a concentration in
Physical Activity and Health from
the University
of Texas Health
Science Center,
School of Public
Health in Austin,
TX. Madeline
joined the UAB
School of Public
Health Office of Energetics and
Nutrition Obesity Research Center
in July, 2014.
Kirby Richard was named
Staff Assistant to Tennessee Representative Stephen Fincher. Kirby
earned a Bachelor’s of Applied Science in
Dietetics and
Nutrition from
the University
of Mississippi.
She is also currently enrolled
The George
Washington University working toward a master’s degree in
public health.
Michael Roboski, Jr.
was named 2014 Homecoming
King at University of Louisiana
at Monroe. Michael is a senior
marketing major and serves as
the President of Delta Sigma
Phi Fraternity, and is also a staff
member for the ULM summer orientation program, PREP.
Send us your alumni news at
“You can see from
the picture that I am
living out every little
girl’s dream.”
–Joanna David Harrelson
Joanna David Harrelson ’08
Title: Crude Unit Contact Engineer for ExxonMobil
Baton Rouge Refinery
Description of Unit: First unit that separates raw crude
(from all over the world) for further processing to eventually become diesel fuel, motor vehicle gasoline, jet fuel,
heating oil, wax used in crayons and candles, lubricants for
car engines, asphalt, propane, etc.
Description of Role: Referred to as the “doer of the Business Team.” No two days have been remotely the same in
my 1.5 years in this role. Every day there are new economics and different crude slates; therefore, the yields of the
products mentioned above will vary. My current role works
with process, controls engineers, management, other disciplines of engineering, and lab personnel to optimize the
unit to maximize profitability, minimized energy usage,
and most importantly, operate safely. On Monday I may
be in the field troubleshooting a piece of equipment; on
Tuesday I may be presenting a monthly summary of the
unit’s performance to management.
Best Part of Job: The most exciting part of my role is having a physical business unit to explore. In engineering
school, you spend countless hours designing and solving
problems about major pieces of operating equipment; now
I am able to climb distillation towers that are 180 ft tall
and look into furnaces that operate more than 800°F. This
role definitely brings to life the textbooks I studied in
school, and certainly makes the multiple hours of homework and projects all worthwhile.
Alumni Get-together
A group of Cathedral alums recently got together in
Baton Rouge at a home LSU football game.
Pictured L-R: Adrian Stallone '91, Brian Stevens '91, former principal Jules Michel, Amy Stallone Peters '93,
Lawrence Alwood
'92, Logan Foley '92,
Chase McCalip '92,
Glenn Kidder '91,
David Barnette '02
and Peter Dale '89.
QAlumni NewsR
December 31, 2013
Leighton McDaniel ’04
to Seth Netterville
May 10, 2014
Sage Roberts to
Cullen Foley ’97
March 22, 2014
Brittany Thomas ’04
to Elliott George Flaggs
May 10, 2014
Kakki Grantham
to Blase Gaudé 05
March 23, 2014
Alyson Swilley
to Chris Rasco ’05
May 17, 2014
Lynley Smith ’08
to Clint Eason
March 29, 2014
Carrie Denise Anderson
to Will Pollard ’01
May 25, 2014
Heather Christian ’00
to David Polato
May 3, 2014
Emily Routh
to Michael Blain ’04
September 20, 2014
Heather Nicole France ’11
to James Eric Smith
1st Place – Dr. Anderson Team: Kevin Smith, Jr.,
Brandon Garrity ’94, Doc Anderson, Wesley Rogers ’99
2nd Place –
Meason Operating Team:
Keith Rayborn, Kevin Smith, Sr.,
Mark Carter, Jr., ’03
Not pictured:
Tommy Geoghegan ’67
3rd place –
Energy Drilling Team:
Mel Beltzhoover,
Jody Helbling, David Cothren
September 27, 2014
Caitlin Huffines ’06
to Chad Goodman
Not pictured: Keith Green
Vivienne Nicole
Madeline Evelyn
Wade Ryan
To Parker (’96) & Dominique Gibson
April 16, 2012
To Brandon & Jordan Junkin (’99) Falls
March 31, 2014
To Michael &
Hannah Burkley (’99) Provance
July 24, 2014
Barrett William
Charlie Jayne
To Heath (’97) & Amber Savant
January 24, 2014
To Jim & Ashley Huff (’96) Anderson
April 19, 2014
Madalyn Anne Brown
Jack Ryan
To Lance & Rebecca Brown (’07) Kelpe
March 9, 2014
To Ryan & Amanda Tillman (’99) Shea
May 7, 2014
Miller James
Tate Mitchell
To Michael (’98) &
Kimberly Huff (’99) Burkley
March 25, 2014
To Garret & Abby Vaughan (’11) Hollis
May 14, 2014
Lewis Conrad V
To Jimmy &
Zelma Murray (’06) Frederick
July 13, 2014
To Conrad (’99) & Alex Anderson
March 26, 2014
Jacob Doran
Lawrence Adrian (Ian) III
To Adrian (’91) & Jaimie Stallone
August 11, 2014
Harper Ellen
To Justin (’05) & Melissa Johnson
September 10, 2014
Ashlyn Christine
To Courtland (’04) &
Lauren Cloutier (’03) Foley
October 3, 2014
QAlumni NewsR
Recipients of the 2014 Memorial and
Diocesan Scholarships and Awards
Catholic Foundation Memorial Scholarships
Angela and Salvatore Guercio Scholarship . . . . . . . . . Gabrien Panteria
Stella Gilleas and G. Stuart Handy Scholarship . . . . . . . . Alyssa Stewart
The George Junkin Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caroline Downer
The Natalie C. Luscombe Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lexi Coley
The Hailey Estes Scholarship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaylee Sanders
Memorial Scholarships
Julia Viola McNeely Prize for Poetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madeline Beard
CARE Award Recipient 7th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weston Diamond
CARE Award Recipient 8th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lessley Dooley
CARE Award Recipient 9th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zach Flattmann*
CARE Award Recipient 10th Grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. J. Batteste*
CARE Award Recipient 11th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asia Harris*
CARE Award Recipient 12th Grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . Caroline Downer
*The Jon Steckler Memorial Scholarship is also presented each year to students
who have received the coveted CARE Award in 9th, 10th and 11th grade. Students and faculty members join in making CARE Award choices.
The Class
of 2014
David G. Hall, MD, and Christina Womack Hall, RN,
Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caitlyn Upton
Betsy James Memorial Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dejá Harris
This scholarship was established to honor students who have excelled
in an area Betsy James loved: science. This award goes to the 10th grader
who has the highest average in the science courses taken –
Biology I, Biology II, and Chemistry.
Jules Michel Faculty/Staff Recognition Award . . . . . . . . . Joan Hornstein
This award honors a Cathedral School employee who possesses the main characteristics that Jules Michel exemplifies – faith, sacrifice, a belief
in Catholic education, and most importantly, a sincere love for God.
George Junkin Teacher Recognition Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . Craig Beesley
This award recognizes the Cathedral teacher
Class of 2014 Valedictorian Alyssa
who has inspired America’s next generation of engineers and scientists.
Stewart maintained a 98.402 grade
point average for four years. She The James R. Arnold Scholarship was established as a tribute to a gentleman
was a member of the National
whose love and dedication for Catholic education spanned many years.
Honor Society and Key Club, and
This award was presented to a returning student
with financial need to continue in Catholic education.
also served as class president her
junior year. She was awarded the The Paula O’Malley Cameron and Arthur O’Malley Memorial Scholarship
Betsy James Memorial Scholarship
was established by Lenore and the late Paul O’Malley
for having the highest average in
in loving memory of their children who were graduates of Cathedral School.
The award is given to a returning student in the form of tuition assistance.
science her sophomore year, and she also had the highest average in her class for during high school. She was named
Cathedral’s STAR student by having the highest GPA and ACT score. Alyssa played soccer for three years and was voted as the Freshman
Homecoming Maid. She was awarded the Stella Gilleas Handy and Dr. G. Stuart Handy Memorial Scholarship her senior year. Alyssa
is now attending Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
Gabrien Panteria was named class of 2014 Salutatorian. She maintained a 98.179 grade point average over four
years. Gabrien was a member of the National Honor Society and served as treasurer her senior year. She was also
a member of the Key Club and served as the Senior Class Representative. She served on the Peer Ministry team
for one year. She was the president of the class her sophomore year and served as the vice-president of her class
her junior and senior year. Gabrien was on the soccer team and the swimming team for two years. She also participated on the Math and Science Team her senior year. Gabrien was awarded the Guercio Family Trust scholarship and she is currently attending Louisiana State University.
Giving Opportunities
Wave Lengths
Wave Lengths is a publication
of the
Cathedral School
Development Office
701 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., St.
Natchez, MS 39120-2962
Cathedral School Administration
Pat Sanguinetti ’79
Chief Administrator
Shannon Bland
Assistant Administrator
Our mission as a Catholic School
is to develop, encourage,
and support the spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social,
and physical growth
of each member
of our school community.
Our Children, Our Tradition,
Our Future
The capital building campaign for school improvements is underway and will continue
through 2015. Many of the goals of this campaign have been realized, including the building
of the new middle school building. However the
final phase of the campaign has yet to begin. The
final phase will consist of building a new athletic
field house with concession stand, bathrooms and
locker rooms. Please prayerfully consider what
your gift to Cathedral’s capital campaign may be.
Contact the Development Office at 601-4459844 for more information about your commitment to the future of Cathedral School.
2014-15 Annual Giving Appeal
The Annual Giving Campaign is an essential
fundraiser for Cathedral School to provide for
specific campus improvements and projects that
address current trends in education and ensure
our long-standing tradition of educational excellence. In the past, funds from the Annual Giving
Campaign have provided iPad carts with iPads
Cathedral School
701 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Street
Natchez, MS 39120-2962
Address Service Requested
For free live streaming of Cathedral Green Wave
games, go to www.cathedralgreenwave.com
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for use in the elementary school and high school.
In addition, many of the technology features in
the new middle school building were funded by
the Annual Giving Campaign.
This year, we seek to add 36 additional iPads
to the existing carts, provide additional surveillance cameras throughout the campus for added
safety and security, make additional improvements to the elementary classrooms, offices and
cafeteria, and provide a new speaker and sound
system for the football and basketball facilities.
Memorials and Honorariums
The Cathedral Teacher Endowment Fund was
established to help with school improvements,
enhance teacher professional development and
student resources. Gifts to the Teacher Endowment Fund are 100% tax deductible.
Contributions to these campaigns may be mailed
to Cathedral School Development Office, 701 N.
Martin Luther King Drive, Natchez, MS 39120,
or by going online to donate now on