house la 2015 - AIA | Los Angeles
house la 2015 - AIA | Los Angeles
EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR Los Angeles/Ventura Chapter Featuring: HOUSE L.A. 2015 Tackling Los Angeles’ Housing Crisis with L.A. Housing Chair Gil Cedillo Los Angeles has the most unaffordable purchase and rental costs in the nation. Estimates indicate that the City needs over 100,000 homes just to keep pace with existing demand. A glaring state report has brought to light what we already know, that building housing takes too long and is too expensive. Eric Garcetti Mayor of Los Angeles Join us for an invigorating exploration on how Los Angeles can increase housing production and reduce the cost to provide new homes. Gil Cedillo Los Angeles Councilmember August 27, 2015 8 am - 1 pm Mount St. Mary’s University Doheny Campus 10 Chester Place, Los Angeles Program Affiliates: EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR HOUSE L.A. 2015 Tackling Los Angeles’ Housing Crisis with L.A. Housing Chair Gil Cedillo 8:00 am Registration, Networking, Breakfast 8:45 am Opening Remarks - Councilmember Gil Cedillo Report on the Housing Crisis 9:00 am BRIAN UHLER - Legislative Analyst’s Office 9:30 am Increasing Housing Production MODERATOR Lynn Jacobs, Former Director California Department of Housing and Community Development PANELISTS Tom DiPrima, President KB Home Ray Pearl, Executive Director California Housing Consortium Rushmore Cervantes, General Manager Housing + Community Investment Department 10:45 am Reducing the Cost of Housing MODERATOR Tim Piasky, CEO Building Industry Association of Southern California – L.A./Ventura Chapter PANELISTS Shawn Evanheim, CEO California Home Builders Michael LoGrande, Director of Planning Department of City Planning Christian Návar, Founder + Principal Modative 12:00 pm Keynote Address - Mayor Eric Garcetti 12:30 pm Lunch Reception EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR HOUSE L.A. 2015 Tackling Los Angeles’ Housing Crisis with L.A. Housing Chair Gil Cedillo REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT FORM CARDHOLDER’S NAME COMPANY DAYTIME PHONE ___ EMAIL ADDRESS __ CREDIT CARD TYPE (check one) m MC m VISA m AMEX m OTHER ________________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD NUMBER___________________________________________________ EXPIRATION_________________ SECURITY CODE ______________________ CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS NAME ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 CITY STATE ZIP TICKET ORDER Quantity Amount BIA Member_______ X $75 = _____________ Non-Member_______ X $100 = _____________ TOTAL AMOUNT PAID _____________ CARDHOLDER’S SIGNATURE DATE Authorization: By my signature above, I the card holder, hereby authorize the Building Industry Association of Southern California to charge my credit card in the amount as indicated above. Please complete this form and return via e-mail to [email protected] to confirm your registration and payment submission. If paying by check, please make payable to: Building Industry Association of Southern California and return this form and payment to the address below: Building Industry Association of Southern California Los Angeles/Ventura Chapter 350 South Bixel Street, #100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.797.5994 All reservations, payments and cancellations accepted through 12 pm, Wednesday, August 26, 2015. Non-cancelled reservations will be billed post-event.