School Boundary Review Full Report and Map – June 16, 2015
School Boundary Review Full Report and Map – June 16, 2015
Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, June 16, 2015 ACTION REPORT ITEM 8.1 OAKVILLE SECONDARY SCHOOLS BOUNDARY REVIEW FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS PURPOSE: To obtain Board approval for the new St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary Schools school attendance area boundaries to be implemented in time for the 2016-17 academic year. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. Staff Report 9.1, “Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review”, from the June 2, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. 2. Information Report 10.7, “Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review”, from the April 7, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. 3. Action Report 8.2, “Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review”, from the February 17, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. PROJECT MILESTONES: Below is a summary of completed and current task for the Oakville Secondary School Boundary Review. Completed Tasks: Board approves Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review Process Inaugural Advisory Committee Meeting Advisory Committee Meeting Interim Report Posted on Board Website Community Consultation Meeting at Loyola Community Comments & Feedback are due Advisory Committee Reviews Options & Community Input Advisory Committee Final Report posted on website Advisory Committee Final Report & Recommendations presented to Board February 17, 2015 March 4, 2015 April 2, 2015 April 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 14, 2015 May 28, 2015 June 2, 2015 Current Task: Board receives Delegations & approves new secondary school boundaries June 16, 2015 Please note that the Board has not received any delegation requests for the Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review prior to the deadline of June 9th 2015. Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review Final Report and Recommendations Page 1 of 4 COMMENTS: The Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review seeks to address growing enrolment pressures at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School. At the February 17, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Board, Trustees approved Board Resolution #28/15, RESOLVED, that the Halton Catholic District School Board conduct a School Boundary Review Process for the Oakville secondary school panel to address growing accommodation pressures and program needs, to be implemented for the 2016-2017 school year. Following the approval of the above resolution by the Board, Planning Services completed its analysis of the existing Town of Oakville secondary schools’ attendance boundaries and reviewed potential options that would address growing enrolment pressures. Of the options reviewed, Planning Services and senior staff shortlisted four (4) options to be presented to the School Boundary Review Advisory Committee. One parent council representative and one alternate from each elementary and secondary school in Oakville were invited to form the Oakville Secondary Schools Advisory Committee. Membership was confirmed on March 4, 2015. On March 4, 2015, Board staff met with the Advisory Committee at St. Mary Catholic Elementary School and presented four (4) school attendance boundary options. Overall the committee was satisfied with the four (4) options presented. On April 13, 2015, the Board hosted a Community Consultation Meeting (CCM) at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School, where 41 participants attended of the 107 that pre-registered. In addition, there was the opportunity for the wider community to submit their comments and input online. This online forum was available until May 8, 2015. A total of 69 online submissions were received and reviewed. On May 14, 2015, the Advisory Committee met at St. Mary Catholic Elementary School. Fourteen (14) of the twenty (20) advisory committee members were present. The options and a summary of the community feedback from the CCM and online forum were presented by Board staff, and the members were asked to work in groups to review the community input, and develop a recommendation(s) based on the six (6) Boundary Review Criteria. They are listed below: Operating Policy I-29: School Boundary Review Process – 6 Review Criteria 1. Optimizing the use of existing school facilities, while ensuring that pupils are accommodated to the extent possible, in permanent school facilities that are within their enrolment capacities; 2. Minimizing the use of portable classrooms whenever possible, excepting during the establishment phases of new communities and throughout the peak enrolment phases of schools; 3. To the extent possible, minimizing school boundary adjustments, thereby ensuring that said boundaries remain stable, over a minimal five-year period; 4. To the extent possible and in accordance with Board policy, optimize the cost-effective use of school transportation; 5. Ensuring that a cost-effective range of program delivery, responding to pupil needs, is achieved through the optimum distribution of school enrolment; 6. To the extent possible, give due consideration to the concept of a community of associated schools and where feasible, give consideration to a Catholic school community in which school boundaries will substantially match Catholic parish boundaries. Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review Final Report and Recommendations Page 2 of 4 After careful consideration of the information and community input, the Advisory Committee reached the following unanimous recommendations: The Oakville Secondary School Boundary Review Advisory Committee recommends that OPTION 2 (see Appendix A) be adopted effective the 2016-17 school year with the following additional considerations: I. That all Grade 9, 10 and 11 students (enrolled in the 2015-2016 school year) be offered the option to remain at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (CSS) until they graduate. II. That transportation be provided for the 2016-2017 school year to St. Thomas Aquinas CSS for all students redirected from St. Thomas Aquinas CSS and no transportation will be provided after June 30, 2017 to students residing outside of the St. Thomas Aquinas CSS attendance boundary area. III. That siblings of students redirected from St. Thomas Aquinas CSS to St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS or Holy Trinity CSS will not be offered the option to remain at St. Thomas Aquinas CSS and will not be provided transportation to St. Thomas Aquinas CSS. IV. That Board staff organize a meeting with the St. Mary and Holy Family School communities to communicate that they have the option to attend St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS (St. Mary Catholic Elementary School) and Holy Trinity CSS (Holy Family Catholic Elementary School) effective the September 2015-2016 school year as cross-boundary students. However, transportation will not be provided until the 2016-2017 school year, if applicable. V. That Holy Trinity and St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary Schools place additional emphasis on their promotional efforts to better inform parents of the wide variety of programming these schools have to offer. Board staff have also consulted with Halton Student Transportation Service (HSTS) to determine the cost of the Advisory Committee’s recommendation. On June 2, 2015, senior staff presented to the Board of Trustees the rational for undergoing a Boundary Review for Oakville Secondary Schools; the six (6) Boundary Review Criteria identified in Operating Policy I-29: School Boundary Review Process; the public consultation process that was followed for both the Community Consultation Meeting and the online feedback component; the findings and trends of the public consultation; and the recommendations provided by the Advisory Committee. The presentation is attached as Appendix B for your information. The current step in the Oakville Secondary School Boundary Review Process is for the Board of Trustees to review the recommendations provided by the Advisory Committee and supported by senior staff for the new 2016/17 school attendance boundaries for the three (3) Oakville Secondary Schools and associated considerations, and render a decision on the matter based on the information presented. CONCLUSION: Board staff have reviewed all the Boundary Review data and comments, and concur with the recommendation to implement the attendance boundaries presented as Option 2, with the associated considerations. Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review Final Report and Recommendations Page 3 of 4 RECOMMENDATION: RESOLUTION: Moved by: Seconded by: RESOLVED, that effective the 2016-2017 school year, all Grade 9, 10 and 11 students (enrolled in the 2015-2016 school year) be offered the option to remain at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (CSS) until they graduate. RESOLVED, that effective the 2016-2017 school year, transportation be provided for the 20162017 school year to St. Thomas Aquinas CSS for all students redirected from St. Thomas Aquinas CSS and no transportation will be provided after June 30, 2017 to students residing outside of the St. Thomas Aquinas CSS attendance boundary area. RESOLVED, that effective the 2016-2017 school year, siblings of students redirected from St. Thomas Aquinas CSS to St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS or Holy Trinity CSS will not be offered the option to remain at St. Thomas Aquinas CSS and will not be provided transportation to St. Thomas Aquinas CSS. RESOLVED, that Board staff organize a meeting with the St. Mary and Holy Family School communities to communicate that they have the option to attend St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS (St. Mary Catholic Elementary School) and Holy Trinity CSS (Holy Family Catholic Elementary School) effective the September 2015-2016 school year as cross-boundary students. However, transportation will not be provided until the 2016-2017 school year, if applicable. RESOLVED, that Holy Trinity and St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary Schools place additional emphasis on their promotional efforts to better inform parents of the wide variety of programming these schools have to offer. REPORT PREPARED & SUBMITTED BY: TONI PINELLI SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, SCHOOL SERVICES CAMILLO CIPRIANO SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, SCHOOL SERVICES GIACOMO CORBACIO SUPERINTENDENT, FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES FREDERICK THIBEAULT ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING SERVICES, BUSINESS SERVICES REPORT APPROVED BY: P. DAWSON DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION AND SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Oakville Secondary Schools Boundary Review Final Report and Recommendations Page 4 of 4 RD Town of O ak ville City of M ississaug a BUCKINGHA M RD GIBS ON DR OD CRE AY C S N DR VE D RCH ILL BLV OL RD CHE V ERIE ST VE DR MAPLE GRO WEDG EWOO EY FORD DR D DR CRES CLEARVIE NE SHERWOOD ST DR BUR GUNDY CHARTWELL RD ELTON PK R D POP LAR DR CAUL R R UNA WINSTO N CHU INVIC HWY 403 DR B LVD DR EDEN E D R GL W INT ERB O EIG HTH LIN E UR O BLV D L C OM E DR GRAN Y SECOND ST FIRST ST DONESSLE DR ALLAN ST DOU GLAS AVE WATSON AVE REYNOLDS ST BALSAM DR AR NAVY ST FORSYTHE ST NINTH LINE HOLS DR E DR DG RD AS TL EFI KENT AVE TRUM AN AVE S IXTH LINE QUEEN MARY DR KERR ST CHISHOLM ST ASHBUR WOODALE AVEY RD EY BL R MON TCLAI RD OXFORD A VE R LANE EY E FOU RTH LIN DR GLE N OAK WILLI S DR MAPLEHU RST AV E LEES LAN E TAUN TON RD ANDOVER RD RIV ER NOTTIN G H IL L G T SQ CT PR OGR ESS RD DR SANDWELL DR WOOD HAVE N PK INDSA OU N T R S THI RD LIN E TRACINA 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K24 U BVIEW DR SHOJ O21 SIXTEEN MILE DR DU NDAS ST W P25 R V23 NORTH D N P K BLV OAKVILLE CES ELD DR M21 DER DR TAYWOOD DR DR AZEN DUNDAS ST W DU NDAS ST CR K26 S AR HARRIS E AV V24 HIDD EN TR R ED KIN S ST DI VER P30 GLADESIDE AVE LVD NB LTO HWY 4 07 TRAILSID RD JEN N A AS OLEMCR ES T HCO IN ERW HOP ECH A R SE D I38 MIK DAR D AL DIU PA LLA 403 HIGHW AY HIGHW AY 407 ANNE BU RNHA MTH ORP E RD E BU RNHA MTH ORP E RD W NO 1 SID E R D AY MW Town of Oak ville JE Z R E W A LKER'S LIN E HW Y 4 07 S BELL SCH OO Town of Milton E NO 2 SID E R D LI N APPLEBY LINE H RT P35 V31 U FO I37 L LINE APPENDIX A W14 BENNI NGTON GT Y13 Q4 0 1 2 3 4 KMs OPTION #2 ¯ 2016-2017 Oakville Secondary School Boundary Review The current street network was provided by the Regional Municipality of Halton and the Region assumes no responsibility or liability for its use or accuracy. Proposed roads are subject to change. It is the intention of the HCDSB to provide up-to-date and accurate information, and reasonable efforts have been made by the HCDSB to verify the information, however a degree of error or change is inherent. This information is distributed “as is” without warran ty.HCDSB assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information. If you require additionalinformation please contact the Planning Services Department at 905-632-6314 or visit for additional school boundary information. Other Boundaries St. Thomas Aquinas CSS Holy Trinity CSS St. Ignatius of Loyola