2011 Annual Report - St. John Providence


2011 Annual Report - St. John Providence
Your Gifts ... Improving Health, Enhancing Lives
2011 annual report to donors and friends
Table of Contents
Ensuring our Future............................................................................................2
Cancer Care........................................................................................................5
Neuroscience Care..............................................................................................6
Heart & Vascular Care.........................................................................................8
Living our Mission............................................................................................10
Volunteer Support.............................................................................................14
Donor Recognition............................................................................................16
Your gifts make a difference every day.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your heartfelt generosity to St. John Providence Health System. Your gifts truly help us improve
the health and enhance the lives of thousands of patients and families in the communities we serve.
As you peruse this annual report, you will see the many ways you support our mission – your donations
genuinely make a difference every day. From purchasing an iPad with special communication software
for stroke patients to acquiring the most sophisticated scanning technology for neurological patients
or providing life-changing surgery for disadvantaged children, we rely on your generous gifts.
Every year we are humbled by the amazing generosity exhibited by a number of devoted individuals and
organizations. In 2011, we were blessed to receive several extraordinary contributions:
•The Blatt and Soave families gave a combined total of $1.5 million to build a new Endoscopy department.
•Raj and Padma Vattikuti donated $1 million to purchase a new da Vinci® Si Surgical System and create
the Providence-Vattikuti Women’s Robotic Institute.
Susan E. Burns
•The W. K. Kellogg Foundation provided a grant of $1.2 million to implement a comprehensive
breastfeeding program for area women and babies.
•Gretchen Valade funded a Bone & Joint Gym for physical rehabilitation patients.
•The Sheas established a generous planned gift for the OB/GYN program.
•The Nicholson family made a leadership gift to seed an endowed fund for oncology in Joan Gehrke’s name.
•Alexander Nick designated a $1 million estate gift to purchase cutting-edge technology and upgrade
While we salute our leadership donors, every contribution, no matter the size, is important to our ability to
provide the highest quality experience to every person in need of our care. We are grateful to have received
nearly 40,000 gifts totaling more than $15 million in 2011. The donor recognition listing in this report and the
donor walls at our hospitals reflect our gratitude for your collective support and the positive impact you are
making in the community. It is our hope that, by furthering our mission through the care we provide
every day, we honor the intention of your gifts.
Joseph V. Walker
Thank you for choosing St. John Providence Health System as a priority for your giving.
Yours sincerely,
Susan E. Burns
President, St. John Providence Health System Foundations
Eugene LoVasco
Joseph V. Walker
Chair, Providence Health Foundation Board of Trustees
Eugene LoVasco
Chair, St. John Health Foundation Board of Trustees
Ensuring Our Future
Lead supporters make new Endoscopy department a reality
Patients in southeastern Michigan who require endoscopy care rely
on the skilled physicians and nurses at St. John Hospital and Medical
Center (SJH&MC) who provide
high caliber endoscopy services
including many specialized
procedures not offered at other
area hospitals.
made a $150,000 commitment; Ralph and Mary Wilson; Jeffrey and
Cynthia Littmann; Paul and Judy Chauvin; and Scott and Huong Reilly.
The new area will be named
the Elaine E. Blatt Endoscopy
Department in honor of the
Blatt family’s matriarch who,
with her husband L. F. Blatt,
Led by Mohammed Barawi, MD,
supported SJH&MC for many
Medical Director of Endoscopy
years. The Blatt and Soave
and Chief of Gastroenterology,
families were recognized for their
the Endoscopy department
generous support at a special
performs more than 8,200 proevent last fall. Representing the
cedures annually and continues
Blatt family were Doug Blatt and
to grow.
his wife Tracy, along with his
sister Cheryl Blatt and her sons
To provide the highest quality
Todd and Bill Raven. Doug, Chair
patient care experience, the
of IBIS Investments Inc., is cur-
From left, Anthony Soave; Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH, President and
30-year-old Endoscopy area is
rently chair of the St. John CEO, St. John Providence Health System; Doug Blatt; Susan Burns, being expanded and updated to
Providence Health System East President, St. John Providence Health System Foundations; and
Dr. Mohammed Barawi.
accommodate advanced technol
Region Board. The Blatts have
ogy for screening, evaluation
supported several SJH&MC and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. This year, SJH&MC will open
projects including the expansion and renovation campaign and research
a new spacious, state-of-the-art Endoscopy department that is twice
as large as the current department and includes additional procedure
rooms, new equipment and enhanced privacy.
The new Endoscopy waiting area will be named The Anthony L. Soave
Waiting Room. Tony Soave, a renowned Detroit area entrepreneur and
A $2.5 million fundraising campaign is in progress to support the
philanthropist, and CEO and founder of Soave Enterprises LLC, and his
$4 million project. The Blatt Family Foundation gave a generous
daughter Angelique represented their family at the recognition event.
lead gift of $1 million and Anthony L. Soave and his family donated
In the past, the Soaves have supported the Van Elslander Cancer Center,
$500,000. Additional top donors include The Guild of SJH&MC, which
the expansion and renovation campaign, Holley Institute and the
Fontbonne White Christmas Ball.
Devoted physician inspires philanthropic
giving among colleagues and family
Bal K. Gupta, MD, has made philanthropy and volunteerism a way of life.
Proud to be among the first members of St. John Providence Health System’s
(SJPHS) new Leadership Circle for generous donors, he hopes to encourage
more physicians and associates to support patient care services.
For many years, Dr. Gupta, Chief of Behavioral Health Medicine Services
at St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital (SJMOH), has been a loyal donor
to SJPHS. He helped raise $400,000 toward Emergency department
renovations completed in 2005 at SJMOH and inspired several of his
physician colleagues to join him in the fundraising efforts. In 2011, he
became a member of the Leadership Circle, which recognizes donors who
contribute $2,000 or more annually to SJPHS.
Giving back reflects on the family values of Dr. Gupta.
Since arriving in the United States from India in 1972, Dr. Gupta’s
philanthropic endeavors have set an example for his family and colleagues.
Providence becomes part of worldwide robotic surgery institute
A $1 million donation from the Vattikuti Foundation has enabled
Providence Hospital to acquire a new da Vinci® Si Surgical System and
create the Providence-Vattikuti Women’s Robotic Surgery Institute.
“We have a bold vision for significantly growing
robotic surgery at Providence Hospital, Southfield,
This new partnership with Vattikuti builds on Providence’s reputation
as a leader in gynecological robotic surgery and positions the
Providence-Vattikuti Women’s Robotic Surgery Institute as an integral
part of the worldwide Vattikuti Foundation’s Robotic Surgery Institute.
The institute is a group of centers of excellence dedicated to state-ofthe-art robotic surgery and innovation through collaboration with its
global network of multispecialty institutes that share best practices.
Since acquiring the hospital’s first da Vinci system in 2007, Providence
has been the regional market leader in gynecologic robotic procedures.
and expanding it to Providence Park Hospital
in Novi,” Dr. Gavini says. “Our partnership with
the Vattikuti Foundation is the first step
toward making this a reality.”
Use of this technology is becoming the standard of care for patients
needing gynecologic surgery and has enhanced patient outcomes.
The number of surgeries at Providence has grown each year and the
new robotic equipment will help Providence meet the increased demand.
“Acquiring the new da Vinci and becoming part of the Vattikuti
Foundation’s Robotic Surgery Institute sets Providence Hospital and
St. John Providence Health apart from any health system in the region
for gynecological robotic surgery,” says Dr. Lakshmi Gavini, MD,
Providence Chief of Gynecology, Gynecological Robotics and Minimally
Invasive Surgery. “We are extremely grateful to the Vattikuti Foundation
for its generosity and the opportunity to become a partner in this elite
group of robotic surgery centers.
From left, Dr. Lakshmi Gavini, Raj and Padma Vattikuti, and
Jean Meyer, President, Acute Care Operations, and Executive
Vice President, St. John Providence Health System.
“I came to the United States with no money, just my education,” he
says. “Since then, I’ve been very blessed in my career. When you give
back, good things happen to you in life.”
Over the years, Dr. Gupta has also made donations to Detroit Country
Day School and the Bharatiya Temple of Metropolitan Detroit. Through
the Michigan Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (MAPI), he raised
funds to create free medical clinics for uninsured Detroit residents. He has
also raised money to open schools for underprivileged children in remote
Indian villages. In 2005, the Greater Detroit Chapter of the Association of
Fundraising Professionals honored Dr. Gupta as a Distinguished Volunteer
during its National Philanthropy Day Awards Celebration.
Dr. Gupta says he learned the value of charitable work from his parents.
“My father didn’t attend school beyond the fourth grade,” Dr. Gupta
says. “He worked in wholesale textile manufacturing. My family wasn’t
wealthy, but my father placed a high value on giving back. He believed
“We have a bold vision for significantly growing robotic surgery at
Providence Hospital, Southfield, and expanding it to Providence Park
Hospital in Novi,” Dr. Gavini says. “Our partnership with the Vattikuti
Foundation is the first step toward making this a reality.”
that everyone is entitled to an education; women should be respected in
society; and mental health services should be available to people who need
it. When my father died [in 2000], I honored his beliefs by donating funds
to open a women’s computer education center in India.”
Like his father, Dr. Gupta instilled charitable values in his children. His oldest
daughter Anjum has volunteered with a number of African missions. His son
Chirag has helped the Salvation Army collect Christmas presents for needy
children. And his youngest daughter Sarika mentors children facing
adversity as a volunteer with a Pittsburgh-area nonprofit organization.
Dr. Gupta’s wife Madhu is an active volunteer with Bharatiya Temple and
the Foundation of MAPI.
“Philanthropy is very rewarding, but I don’t do it to get a pat on the back,”
Dr. Gupta says. “I want to do what I can to help the community. I try to
share that philosophy with my fellow St. John Providence physicians.
We’re part of the community and when we support projects like the
Emergency department renovations, everyone is rewarded.”
Ensuring Our Future
Parents’ passion inspires planned gift
Debra Shea recalls a few important phone calls that interrupted family
holidays over the years.
“Murray loved delivering babies
and taking care of women,” Debra
says of her father, Murray Klimchuk,
MD, who was an attending OB/GYN
physician at St. John Hospital and
Medical Center (SJH&MC) for more
than 20 years. “He never minded
getting a call about a patient who
was ready to deliver. We always
laughed about it – everybody wants
a Christmas or New Year’s baby.”
you can’t have healthy babies without healthy mothers. St. John serves
many young women who need assistance.”
Debra recalls seeing dozens of baby photos on the walls of her father’s office that
he and his medical partners helped deliver.
“Murray absolutely loved his profession,”
she says. “He worked in many different
areas while he was doing rotations as a
resident. After delivering his first baby, he
knew he had found his passion. Later, he
developed many close relationships with
students and residents who remained
lifelong friends.”
While Murray was passionate
Murray and Pattie also shared a love
about women’s care throughout
of golf, tennis and travel. But Pattie had
his distinguished career, Debra’s
her own interests, including auto racmother Pattie was just as devoted
ing; she graduated from the Bondurant
to SJH&MC. She was a board
School of High Performance Driving.
member and president of the
an endowment to honor Debra’s late physician father
Fontbonne Auxiliary and served
and mother.
“Pattie raced Porsches and Hondas on
on numerous auxiliary committees.
tracks in Michigan and volunteered at
Prior to joining Fontbonne, she
the Detroit Grand Prix,” Debra says.
volunteered in the hospital’s
“She was also very involved with the Grosse Pointe Baptist Church and
Emergency Center for more than eight years.
had a large group of friends from many circles.”
“Mother helped in every way she could,” Debra says. “She had a very
calming presence. One time she held a little girl’s hand and took her
mind off her injury by talking about her pretty red fingernail polish.”
Murray passed away from pancreatic cancer in 1983; Pattie passed
away from lung cancer in 2009. Touched by the compassionate care her
mother received at St. John, Debra requested that memorial donations
benefit the oncology nurses. Later, when Debra and her husband
William began discussing beneficiaries for their estate plan, they created
an endowment honoring the Klimchuks. The Pattie R. and Murray
M. Klimchuk, MD, Endowment Fund will benefit the OB/GYN program
at SJH&MC, supporting equipment purchases and educational needs.
“My husband and I really wanted to make a tribute to my parents in an
area they loved,” Debra says. “The gift isn’t restricted to baby care but
also caring for expectant mothers. That’s an important part of the cycle –
The common family bond is SJH&MC, says Debra, who has been a
Fontbonne member for more than 20 years.
“When my mother was ill, many people came to the Van Elslander Cancer
Center to see her,” Debra says. “Many were friends from her time at
St. John. Some of those relationships went back 25 years or more. The
St. John family has always been very close. And her care was tremendous.
The oncology nurses and hospice care staff made her very comfortable.”
In addition to paying tribute to her parents and supporting the OB/GYN
program, Debra says she hopes her estate gift will encourage others to give.
“I loved my parents so much. This is the way I wanted to honor them
for their hard work and support of St. John,” she says. “My hope is that
families will be inspired to consider a gift to St. John to honor their parents
or a loved one.”
Planned giving makes a lasting impact
Planned giving is a convenient, cost-effective way of supporting St. John
Providence Health System (SJPHS) while saving on taxes and enhancing
your income. Planned giving includes bequests through will and trust
documents, beneficiary designations within retirement plan assets and
insurance policies, charitable gift annuities and more.
Establishing a planned gift for SJPHS provides you with membership in the
Legacy Society, which shows appreciation to our donors whose support
will provide for the future of SJPHS, its hospitals and programs. If you have
remembered us through a planned gift, please let us know so we can
extend our gratitude and recognize you as a member of our Legacy Society.
By informing us of your future gift, we can make certain your gift is properly
documented and restricted to benefit the area of your choice.
Planned gift expectancies may also provide special benefits through our
McQuade and Providence Societies, which offer complimentary donor
relations services to assist with managing your medical appointments
and needs.
If you wish to establish a planned gift to help form the future of St. John
Providence Health System, please call Lawrence Ghannam, JD, Planned Gifts
Director, at 248-465-4502.
Cancer Care
Advanced, multidisciplinary care gives cancer patient
another chance at life
As a relatively healthy woman, Mary Billups didn’t think much about the
occasional minor stomach pain she experienced last summer. But when
her husband told her one morning that her complexion looked yellow,
she knew something wasn’t right.
Mary’s primary care physician
referred her to the Van Elslander
Cancer Center at St. John Hospital and
Medical Center. After some tests and
a biopsy, Richard Berri, MD, Director
of Surgical Oncology, told Mary she
had ampullary cancer, which affects
the area near the pancreas and small
“The Whipple procedure involves removing the head of the pancreas, first
portion of the small intestine, gallbladder, part of the bile duct, a portion
of the stomach and the surrounding lymph nodes,” Dr. Berri says. “The
procedure should only be performed
at a specialized center that has
experienced surgeons and advanced services to care for the patients in the operating room and during recovery.”
Dr. Berri notes that the six-hour
procedure went perfectly, as did Mary’s recovery. After a seven-day hospital stay, she had four cycles of chemotherapy
as a preventive measure.
“Cancer was the last thing I expected,” says Mary, a 74-year-old Grosse
Pointe Woods resident. “I thought of
my family. We have 10 grandchildren.
I was afraid that I wouldn’t be here to
see them grow up.”
A multidisciplinary team of nationally
recognized cancer specialists at the
Van Elslander Cancer Center reviewed
Mary’s case history and prior treatment. After discussing treatment
options, they recommended a
potentially life-saving protocol based
on their cross-disciplinary expertise.
“All the doctors, nurses and support
staff at the Van Elslander Cancer
Center are super nice,” Mary says.
“Dr. Berri came to see me three times a day while I was in recovery. He even called me the first night I came home
to make sure I was okay. The level of
care was excellent.”
Mary Billups is grateful for the expert care she received
from Dr. Richard Berri, who performed extensive surgery.
“We have groups of physicians with expertise in certain types of cancer,”
Dr. Berri says. “When patients see me, they also see our multidisciplinary
cancer specialists during the same visit to expedite care. Then we have
a series of meetings to discuss patient cases and make group decisions
about the best approach for treatment. We also keep compassionate care
in mind – we know that facing cancer is a trying experience for patients
and their families. The multidisciplinary team approach is the only way
to offer the very best cancer care.”
Within two weeks of her initial diagnosis, Mary underwent a Whipple
procedure, one of the most complex abdominal surgeries done in any
medical discipline. Only 20 surgeons in the world are trained to perform
this procedure.
Dr. Berri says post-surgical care is
just as important as the surgical
procedure itself.
“We do all we can to deliver the best quality care, from diagnosis to recovery,”
he says. “We have a special oncology
floor with private rooms just for our cancer patients. Our nurses are very
familiar with each patient’s case and particular issues. I’m there at least
twice each day to see my patients. It’s our way of creating a great
experience for our patients and their families.”
Mary continues to visit the Van Elslander Cancer Center for follow-up
care. All of her scans have come back clear and she’s cancer-free.
“I feel better than ever and have resumed my activities,” Mary
says. “I’m so grateful the Van Elslander Cancer Center is located
close to home. The doctors, nurses and support staff were wonderful.
I’d recommend their care and services to anyone.”
Endowed fund honors longtime volunteer and supports cancer services
The Joan Gehrke Endowed Fund in Oncology was established at St. John
Hospital and Medical Center (SJH&MC) in 2011 to carry on Joan’s legacy
of service to the hospital and provide future support for Oncology
Services to enhance care for cancer patients.
To honor Joan in a lasting way, her longtime friend and colleague at
PVS Chemicals, Inc., Jim Nicholson and his family made a generous
leadership gift of $500,000 to establish the fund. More than 100 donors
have supported the endowment, including Robert and Victoria Liggett,
Gene and Jeanne LoVasco, and Lisa Vallee-Smith and Jeffrey Smith, who
established generous planned gifts for the fund. To date, more than
$1.32 million has been raised for the endowment.
Under the direction of Ayad Al-Katib, MD, Medical Director, East Region
Oncology Services, the Joan Gehrke Endowed Fund will support new
research initiatives, physician education
opportunities and additional program specialty
areas for Oncology.
For more than 30 years, Joan volunteered her time,
talent and expertise to help ensure SJH&MC has
the advancements needed to provide excellent
health care. Her volunteerism began with the
Fontbonne Auxiliary and evolved into many
Joan Gehrke
leadership roles to raise funds for the hospital.
Joan was the first chair of the current St. John
Health Foundation Board; she helped recruit
members and led efforts to raise more than $57 million for SJH&MC.
Joan ended her six-year term as board chair last summer but continues
to serve as a trustee.
Neuroscience Care
DeRoy Fund helps Craniofacial Institute change children’s lives
In his small village in the Philippines, people called 8-year-old Blase Pepe
“the boy with no mouth.” In a nearby city, children teased and ostracized
16-year-old Mary Grace Joseph because of her facial skeletal defect.
during the 2010 medical mission and performed surgery on her at the
Southern Philippines Medical Center.
“We were only in the Philippines
for a short time and didn’t have the
chance to offer follow-up care,”
Dr. Hnatiuk says. “During the
procedure, we put in bone grafts to
cover her skeletal abnormality, but
she later had a significant residual
deformity due to a complication.”
Both children suffered from severe
facial developmental abnormalities.
Mary Grace’s facial malformation
affected her vision and impacted her
interaction with others; consequently,
she became withdrawn and isolated.
Blase was unable to open his mouth
– he ate by pushing small pieces of
food through a tiny opening near his
cheek. As a result, Blase was severely
After returning to the U.S., Oscar
received a call from the hospital in
the Philippines with an update on
Mary Grace’s condition.
In a poor environment with limited
access to appropriate medical care, both
children faced a bleak future. But thanks
to the DeRoy Pediatric Craniofacial
Fund and the work of Providence Park
Hospital’s Craniofacial Institute, Blase
and Mary Grace are now living happy
and healthy lives.
“We wanted to make sure she
healed well without future
complications,” Dr. Hnatiuk says.
“We felt that her surgical outcome
would be vastly superior in the U.S.
We prepared a proposal to bring
her to the Craniofacial Institute for
the necessary surgery to correct her
The Craniofacial Institute team became
connected to the children through
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Oscar Ong at Providence Park Hospital.
Oscar also runs Operation Care Abroad,
a charitable medical mission group that
provides surgical and medical care to
the people of the Philippines, Oscar’s
native country.
Shortly afterward, Oscar received a
call from the Philippines about Blase.
Holding his “pillow pet” tightly, Blase Pepe shares a
“The Philippines hospital couldn’t moment with Dr. Mark Hnatiuk before
heading home
help him,” Dr. Hnatiuk says. “We after a remarkable surgery.
photo by Lynn Ead
learned that his temporomandibular joints were fused on both sides and
his jaws were fused at his front gum line. It’s a miracle Blase was able to
“Most of our volunteers are from Providence Park Hospital,” says Oscar,
survive. We wanted to bring him to the Craniofacial Institute for complete
surgical and follow-up care.”
who has run the mission for nine years. “Each year, approximately
175 surgeries are performed during 12-day visits.”
The DeRoy Pediatric Craniofacial Fund generously covered the entire cost
of medical care for both children, including travel expenses, surgeries
Craniofacial Reconstructive Surgeon Mark Hnatiuk, MD, began
and hospitalization. The fund was established in 1989 to help indigent
volunteering with Operation Care Abroad in 2005. He met Mary Grace
Spinal and joint replacement surgery patients benefit from gift
Inpatient physical rehabilitation patients at St. John Hospital and Medical
Center (SJH&MC) will benefit from a new Bone & Joint Gym, Education
Center and Day Spa thanks to a $500,000 donation by Gretchen Valade,
who made the gift in memory of her dear friend Michael C. Burke.
Those who have had spinal or joint replacement surgery will now have
an optimum rehabilitation environment to assist them with physical
therapy before discharge. The new gym will feature state-of-the-art
equipment for therapy clinics and a car simulator to teach patients
the proper body mechanics of entering/exiting a vehicle post-surgery.
To better prepare patients for their surgery, the Education Center will
offer classes – taught by patient care staff, pharmacy, social work,
therapy and home care personnel – to patients and their at-home
“coaches.” In addition, the Day Spa will provide an atmosphere of
renewal, holistic healing and wellness for patients with amenities
such as massage therapy, manicures and hairstyling.
Mrs. Valade has supported the hospital with
several generous gifts over the years. Most
recently, she contributed $3 million for the
Cardiovascular Hybrid Operating Room and
$2 million for a da Vinci® Si Surgical System.
An avid philanthropist devoted to several
Detroit causes, Mrs. Valade is chair of Carhartt,
CEO of Mack Avenue Records, chair of the
board for the Detroit Jazz Festival, and owner
of the Dirty Dog Jazz Café and Morning Glory
Coffee Shop.
“I am happy to make a gift that will benefit
many patients,” Mrs. Valade says. “St. John
Hospital is a cause close to my heart.”
Loyal donor
Gretchen Valade
SJPHS among first in world
to get cutting-edge BodyTom
Mary Grace Joseph (before and after surgery); what an
amazing difference!
photos by Lynn Ead
patients who have no chance of a normal productive life. It has transformed
the lives of pediatric patients across the globe, from China and Guatemala
to Zaire and India. The multidisciplinary team of physicians who provided
care belongs to the St. John Providence Health System Physicians Who
Care program, which enables specialists to serve patients at no cost.
Dr. Hnatiuk and his surgical team successfully performed a five-hour surgery
on Mary Grace in August 2011. She and her father stayed with Oscar at his
home during their three-month U.S. visit. Mary Grace had no further
complications. Now, she’s back at school in the Philippines and forming
close relationships with her siblings and other children.
“Because of you, my life has changed,” Mary Grace wrote in a letter to
the Providence Health Foundation. “You have given me new hope and
served as my inspiration to keep fighting. You are all good people
because you have helped me with the kindest of hearts. You are all
gifts from heaven to me.”
In October, Dr. Hnatiuk along with Russell Faust, MD, PhD, Pediatric
Oncologist, and Anthony Kasper, DDS, Oral Surgical Specialist, performed
a successful 12-hour procedure on Blase.
“It was a complicated case,” Dr. Hnatiuk says. “We did bone and soft
tissue work to free up his jaws and made incisions to release his fused
gums. Then, we discovered that his tongue was fused to the top of his
mouth and he had a wide cleft palate. I reconstructed his jaw using
a bone graft made from a portion of two ribs. Blase had an amazing
recovery with no complications.”
Blase and his mother also stayed with Oscar during their three-month
U.S. visit. Oscar says Blase made a remarkable transformation during
his recovery.
St. John Providence Health System is
acquiring two BodyTom™ CT scanners
this year, making Providence Hospital
and St. John Hospital and Medical
Center (SJH&MC) among the world’s
first hospitals to have this intraoperative,
32-slice scanner for surgical treatment
of patients with neurological and spinal
The purchase of the technology for
Longtime supporter
SJH&MC was made possible by Alexander
Al Nick
Nick, who bequeathed a $1 million estate
gift to the hospital. Before his death last
year, Al was an active, longtime supporter of SJH&MC. He was a
lifetime member of the St. John Guild and served in each officer
role. He was a hospital trustee for 12 years and sat on the Finance
Committee. Philanthropic support from Radhakrishnan Gurusamy
and Genga Ramamoorthy, Alan and Helen Ross, and Ann and David
Conrad assisted with the BodyTom purchase for Providence;
additional donors are still being sought.
The first scanner of its kind, the BodyTom allows imaging to be
performed in the operating room, reducing the need to transport
patients to and from Radiology. High-quality images of bone, soft
tissue and pathologies (i.e., tumors) are acquired in the exact
operative position and used for critical decision making during
surgery. The 85cm opening is one of the largest available on
CT scanners. The groundbreaking technology will be used primarily
in one operating room at each hospital although it is portable.
With the combination of rapid scan time, flexible settings and
immediate image viewing available in the OR, the BodyTom
allows advanced intraoperative imaging of the brain and spine,
giving physicians the ability to perform more complex procedures.
Two-dimensional, three-dimensional and multi-planar reconstructed
viewing options are available.
The ability to perform a scan during surgery or prior to closing the
surgical site will save valuable time and provide for greater accuracy
during surgery, resulting in greater patient safety. BodyTom images
can verify placement of hardware, help assess complications like
bleeding, and allow physicians to see tumors better than they can
by sight alone.
“Before the surgery, he could only speak through his eyes and facial
expressions,” Oscar says. “Afterward, he became an ultra-confident little
boy. It was wonderful to see him eat with a spoon for the first time in
his life. His mother was so happy to see her son eat normally. Now, he
has hope for the future.”
Dr. Hnatiuk says the care both children received would not have been
possible without the support of the DeRoy Fund.
“We can only do so much during our mission work – we really push the
limits,” Dr. Hnatiuk says. “I feel a responsibility to share my abilities as
a physician with children who need care. But doctors aren’t always
available where they’re needed most. We’re very grateful to the DeRoy
Fund for helping us provide the critical care these children wouldn’t
otherwise receive.”
Heart & Vascular Care
Hybrid OR offers heart patients safer options
for complex procedures
When John Wooton learned last October that his breathing problems
were caused by a heart condition, he knew exactly who he wanted to
see for treatment: the heart care specialists at St. John Hospital and
Medical Center (SJH&MC).
“Doctors initially thought I might
have COPD (chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease),” says John,
84, a retired dentist from St. Clair
Shores. “But when my lungs
checked out okay, they suspected
a heart problem. I had heart
bypass surgery at St. John Hospital
in 2001. The care I received then
was excellent and couldn’t have
been handled better. I wanted to
see the same cardiologist to get
this issue resolved.”
Traditional surgical options came with increased risk of heart attack or
stroke. But we had another option.”
Dr. LaLonde, along with the heart and
vascular team, proposed a novel
solution: a combined surgical and
percutaneous (through the skin via
catheter) procedure to repair both issues
at the same time. Unique procedures
like these for high-risk cardiac patients
are made possible by SJH&MC’s
Gretchen C. Valade Hybrid Cardiovascular Operating Room and Minimally
Invasive Structural Heart Program.
The Hybrid OR, which opened in
June 2011, is the nucleus of the
newly developed Structural Heart
Program, which is named after
Mrs. Valade. Her generous gifts totaling
John’s cardiologist, Thomas LaLonde,
$5 million funded the project and
MD, Chief of Cardiovascular
included the purchase of a da Vinci®
Diseases at SJH&MC, determined
that a leaky mitral valve was causSi robotic surgical system, enabling
ing John to experience shortness of
minimally invasive cardiovascular
breath. If untreated, the condition
surgical procedures. The Hybrid OR is
can lead to heart failure and death.
the first of its kind in Michigan and one
Dr. LaLonde also discovered that
of the most versatile treatment centers
one of John’s carotid arteries was
in the country. In addition to treating
John Wooten’s health was restored after back-to-back heart
procedures in the Hybrid OR, enabling him to spend quality
more than 90 percent blocked.
valve disease with either nonsurgical
time with his wife Sara.
Blood flows through these arteries
or minimally invasive procedures, the
to the large front part of the brain.
Hybrid OR allows for sophisticated
Critical obstruction can lead to stroke.
diagnostic imaging and a full range of
invasive and noninvasive therapeutic procedures, including angioplasty,
“Degeneration due to age caused the mitral valve problem,” Dr. LaLonde
the implantation of pacemakers and internal defibrillators. The area is also
says. “That problem was compounded by the carotid artery obstruction.
equipped for traditional cardiac and vascular surgery.
Fontbonne fundraiser helps young heart patients
Proceeds from the 2011 White Christmas Ball, the Fontbonne Auxiliary’s signature event,
will be used to purchase a digital echocardiography reporting system for the St. John
Hospital and Medical Center (SJH&MC) Pediatric and Cardiology departments.
With the new system, physicians will be able to review real-time reports from anywhere
in St. John Providence Health System, enabling them to more efficiently treat and
diagnose cardiovascular disease in infants, children and adolescents.
The new technology includes software for delivering high-quality imaging capabilities
as well as pull-down menus and macros, reducing the chances for report transcription
errors. In addition to the clinical benefits, the new digital system will be invaluable for
teaching residents and medical students, and offer opportunities for student research.
Since 1947, the Fontbonne has donated millions of dollars to SJH&MC. For more
information about the Fontbonne, visit www.stjohnfontbonne.org.
Dr. Daniel Rito listens to a young patient’s heart.
Family foundation supports
advanced cardiology care
The Hybrid OR has high-tech equipment for surgeons and
cardiologists to work together on patient care (above and
top right).
“With the Hybrid OR, there was no need to place Mr. Wooton at increased
risk by performing two separate surgeries,” Dr. LaLonde says. “It allows us
to perform complex procedures in a safe manner. This unique environment
brings together the expertise of heart surgeons and cardiologists to create
a multidisciplinary heart and vascular team. We collaborate to improve
outcomes for our patients.”
In December during back-to-back procedures in the Hybrid OR, Thomas
Davis, MD, Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab, inserted a stent
to reopen John’s carotid artery, and Sanjay Batra, MD, Chief of
Cardiovascular Surgery, repaired the mitral valve.
“The stenting was done through a catheter under
light sedation,” Dr. LaLonde says. “The mitral valve
was then repaired through open heart surgery.
Because of the improved flow to the brain and
shortened anesthesia time for the open heart
procedure, we significantly decreased the risk of
stroke or heart attack. We also saved time by
performing both procedures at the same time.”
John recovered from the procedures with no
Dr. LaLonde
complications – and even lost 30 pounds after
entering a cardiac rehab program. He remains active and played many
rounds of golf over the winter in St. Petersburg, Fla. He still sees Dr. LaLonde
regularly for heart checkups.
“The hybrid procedure worked out wonderfully,” John says. “I appreciated
having to go through only one surgical prep and procedure. The end result
is that I’m still here, and that wouldn’t be the case without Dr. LaLonde,
the heart team and the excellent care I received at St. John Hospital.”
St. John Hospital and Medical Center (SJH&MC) is a national leader
in cardiovascular care. One of the prime factors for this status is the
W. Warren Shelden Heart and Circulatory Center.
The center, which opened in 2008, provides a full spectrum of
services for the diagnosis and treatment of heart and vascular disease.
Specialists in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery and
radiology offer a cross-functional approach to patient care, combining
innovative treatment techniques, comprehensive treatment programs
and compassionate care.
The Warren Shelden family and the Elizabeth Allan and Warren
Shelden Foundation helped establish the Heart and Circulatory Center
by making a generous $5.1 million gift in 2005. The contribution also
helped launch a $156 million hospital expansion project, which has
helped position SJH&MC among the best facilities in the nation.
Since making the initial gift, the Shelden family and foundation have
continued to generously support cardiology care at SJH&MC, donating
annual gifts to fund technology purchases and expand services to
improve the health of patients across the region.
“Our family is very grateful for the opportunity to support the superb
cardiovascular care available at St. John,” says Bill Shelden. “There
is a great community need for this type of comprehensive care.
We hope our contributions will foster continued advancements in
the prevention and treatment of heart and vascular disease.”
The Shelden center is just one component of St. John Providence
Health System’s (SJPHS) renowned Heart and Vascular Center of
Excellence, which also encompasses top heart care at Providence
Heart Institute and St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital. SJPHS is the
market share leader for cardiac care in southeast Michigan and one
of the few health systems in the state that offers Cardiology Specialty
Clinics to treat hard-to-manage chronic cardiac conditions. For more
information, visit www.stjohnprovidence.org/sjhHeartCare.
Living Our Mission
Mother Nurture Project breaks down barriers to breastfeeding
St. John Hospital and Medical Center (SJH&MC) and the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation understand that the best way to improve the health and
enhance the lives of newborns is by encouraging new mothers to
to believe that formula feeding is just as good as breastfeeding, which
is not true.”
Other barriers to breastfeeding include
physical discomfort when done improperly, insufficient milk supply and poor
weight gain in the infant.
The Kellogg Foundation awarded
a $1.2 million grant last summer
to implement the St. John Mother
Nurture Project, a comprehensive
breastfeeding program providing
direct health services and community-based programming. It includes
developing best practices and
working to achieve the state’s first
“Baby-Friendly” designation for
SJH&MC. Paula Schreck, MD, Medical Director, Breastfeeding Medicine,
SJH&MC, hopes the St. John Mother
Nurture Project becomes a model
for other hospitals and communities
in the Detroit area, the state and
The Mother Nurture Project works
in tandem with SJH&MC’s Outpatient
Breastfeeding Clinic, which was launched
in 2008.
“Breastfeeding issues can be hard to
sort out during a pediatric appointment
because they’re time-consuming,”
Dr. Schreck says. “At our Outpatient
Breastfeeding Clinic, physicians and lactation consultants can observe an entire
feeding to pinpoint problems. In one to
three appointments, we resolve about
90 percent of breastfeeding issues.”
Doleila Lopez, a 35-year-old mother from
“Breastfeeding is the best prevenSt. Clair Shores, learned about the Mother
tive medicine for babies,” says
Dr. Paula Schreck, Doleila Lopez and her son at the
Nurture Project from a nurse in the
Dr. Schreck. “It boosts the immune
St. John Mother Nurture Club.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at SJH&MC
system to help fight infections,
after her first child Anis Ibraheem Antoun
decreases the incidence of developwas born prematurely in August.
ing allergies and asthma, and offers
a natural mix of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that reduces the risk of
“My son wasn’t able to latch on properly,” Doleila says. “Initially, I had
obesity. I applaud the Kellogg Foundation for understanding the impact
to pump my milk but with the help of a lactation specialist I didn’t give up
of breastfeeding and how it can change the quality of life for our
on breastfeeding and eventually overcame my challenges. I learned how to
be comfortable while breastfeeding and about the many advantages for my
baby. I wouldn’t have otherwise known these things. Now my son is almost
Despite the benefits, only 65 percent of Michigan women begin
fully breastfeeding and doing great.”
breastfeeding their babies. At three months post-birth, this number drops
to less than 35 percent. The numbers are even lower in Detroit, where
Doleila continues to attend St. John Mother Nurture Club meetings and has
more than half of new mothers never attempt to breastfeed.
told other mothers about the Mother Nurture Project.
“The low breastfeeding rate in Detroit goes back several generations,
“Our community is very lucky to have this program,” Doleila says. “Nothing
so there is a lack of family support,” Dr. Schreck says. “There is also
is better than mother’s milk.”
a lot of misinformation. Marketing messages have led many women
Mother Nurture Project initiatives assist mothers and babies
•St. John Mother Nurture Club – This weekly post-delivery breastfeeding support group uses a breastfeeding peer counselor model.
•Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Follow-up Clinic – Former NICU babies receiving their mother’s milk are seen one day a week.
•Baby-Friendly Initiative – SJH&MC is seeking “Baby-Friendly”
accreditation from the World Health Organization and UNICEF for accomplishing 10 initiatives that optimize a pro-breastfeeding environment, focusing on educating doctors, nurses and patients.
No other Michigan hospital has earned this designation.
•St. John OB Clinic – Lactation consultants provide counseling and breastfeeding support eight hours a week.
•Community collaboration – Established partnerships with the Urban League of Detroit’s Women, Infant and Children’s Services (WIC)
Program, the Infant Mortality Project, Carelink and the Parish Nurse program to promote a pro-breastfeeding message and create a
referral network.
Infant Mortality Program helps
babies live and thrive
The Infant Mortality Program (IMP) recently celebrated 25 years of
providing services to the community to help lower the high number of
infant deaths in the Detroit area. The IMP was founded with a vision
implemented by the communities of women religious, including the
Daughters of Charity and Sisters of St. Joseph, who sponsored Catholic
health care institutions in Michigan a quarter century ago. Their mutual
compassion for the sanctity of life brought them together to respond to
an infant mortality crisis in Detroit, which ranked second in the nation.
St. John Providence Health System (SJPHS) is one of IMP’s founding
health care institutions and continues to sponsor the program, which
also relies on philanthropic donations. Last fall, SJPHS was a beneficiary
of a charity event presented by Art Van Furniture and chose to allocate
proceeds to the Infant Mortality Program.
The IMP provides comprehensive services to reduce the high mortality
rate of infants born to at-risk women in Detroit and surrounding areas.
It empowers families to help themselves by making a connection with
mothers, fathers and other family members to help build and sustain
families, reverse the high infant mortality rate, promote literacy and
increase access to health care. Services include:
Parent-Infant-Partner (PIP) – trains volunteers to act as advocates
and mentors for high-risk pregnant women to provide emotional support
before, during and after pregnancy.
Read Write Now – provides one-on-one education counseling for
Jubilee Parenting Support Group – offers parenting classes, peer
support, community services, literacy, health promotion and domestic
violence education.
Since the IMP’s inception, more than 1,700 babies have been born to
participants, with five infant deaths – a significant improvement in saving
newborn lives. In 2011, the IMP was recognized as one of 10 programs
in the nation for achieving community impact, innovation, collaboration
and best practices while serving as a model for other programs.
From left: Samuel Tekyi-Mensah, Dr. Patricia Maryland,
Sarah Cuyler, Art Van Elslander, Susan Burns and Vince
Di Battista at “A Night of Charity in the Big Easy.”
Donors delight in “Big Easy”
festivities to support at-risk infants
The aisles of the Art Van Furniture store in Warren were magnificently
transformed into the streets of New Orleans for a glamorous event
supporting at-risk infants in Detroit and surrounding communities.
More than 600 attendees enjoyed Cajun cuisine, soulful jazz and
lively entertainment on Oct. 20 during “A Night of Charity in the
Big Easy,” presented by Art Van Furniture and hosted by Art Van
Elslander, a leading philanthropist and longtime supporter of
St. John Providence Health System.
As one of the beneficiaries of the event, St. John Providence Health
System received more than $90,000 for the Infant Mortality Program,
which offers comprehensive services designed to reduce the high
infant mortality rate in Detroit and Wayne County. These outreach
services promote literacy, assist with health care access, provide
parenting classes and train volunteers to mentor high-risk mothers.
Upon arrival, guests entered a glitzy night club atmosphere
featuring cocktails and a sultry performance by internationally
renowned vocalist Cyrille Aimeé. After video presentations from
beneficiaries and remarks by Mr. Van Elslander, guests enjoyed “Life
is a Cabaret,” a comedic theatrical act. The evening also featured
swing dancing to the gypsy-jazz sounds of the Hot Club of Detroit.
One of the IMP’s beautiful success stories sleeps peacefully.
photo by Kristen Hines, Anima Dolce Photography
As a final elegant touch, guests received a small, solid milk-chocolate
couch as a parting gift. The best gift of all was the warmth donors
felt knowing their generosity will give at-risk infants a better chance
at starting a healthy life.
Living Our Mission
Open Arms program offers grief support to children and families
Lisa Blackwell will never forget May 29, 2009. That’s the day her father was
killed during a random shooting at a Detroit gas station. He was just 53.
domestic violence. Others have lost classmates in car accidents. It’s traumatic
for young people to go through these kinds of losses.
“My father was a very kind, loving man,”
says Lisa, a mother of four children ages
7 to 13. “He always helped my kids with
their homework, took them out on weekends and attended their soccer games.
He took my girls to their daddy-daughter
school dances. When he watched my
nephew play youth football games, he’d
wear face paint in the team colors.”
“Our program opens the door to mental health
services these children wouldn’t otherwise
have,” Karen notes. “We couldn’t do it without
the support of the community, teachers, St. John
Providence Health System and philanthropic
donors. Our services are free to families, so we
rely on donations to help sustain the program.”
Open Arms serves families across metro Detroit
and features five program components:
•Grief support groups
•School-based grief support groups
•Homicide survivor support groups and individual grief therapy
•Camp “Good Grief,” a summer day camp that helps grieving children engage in
fun activities
•Trauma Response Team
The death took its toll on Blackwell’s family,
especially the children. Her 7-year-old son
called his grandfather’s phone repeatedly
and couldn’t understand why he didn’t
answer. The children became terrified of
gas stations and lost interest in school.
Her 12-year-old daughter – a straight-A
student – suddenly began failing classes.
Homicide, domestic violence and other
traumatic events have a ripple effect upon
families. Grieving the loss of a loved one is
never easy, but families don’t need to face
it alone. The St. John Providence Health
System Open Arms program helps families
like the Blackwells learn healthy ways to
cope with sadness, anger and frustration,
and return to their daily activities.
“Open Arms provides support to children
ages 3 to 17 and their family members,”
says Karen Gray-Sheffield, Corporate
Director, St. John Providence Community
Health. “Many of these children have
witnessed the death of a loved one or
Trained therapists and volunteer group
facilitators work closely with children to help
them identify the feelings surrounding their loss
and develop positive coping skills. The children
express their feelings through journal writing,
art therapy and other activities. Open Arms also
helps parents understand the grief their children
are experiencing.
Children participating in Open Arms create a
mask representing their feelings.
Children go in and out of grief,” Karen says. Often, they go into denial and suppress
their emotions. Later, a trigger event like a graduation, birthday or holiday can resurrect those feelings.”
Hospice team provides kindhearted care
When the St. John Providence Hospice team cares for adult and pediatric
patients with life-limiting illnesses, they do more than provide comprehensive
pain management and symptom control services. The dedicated and
compassionate team members regularly perform heartfelt acts that meet
the special needs of patients and families.
Last summer, an adult patient in his early 40s was diagnosed with terminal
cancer. The Hospice team learned that he had always wanted to visit the
Caribbean Islands. Unfortunately, his condition made travel impossible,
so the Hospice team brought the islands to him. The team worked with the
patient’s wife to put on a special Caribbean-themed party at his home,
complete with a steel drum band. The patient and his wife were thrilled.
The Caribbean party is just one example of the many thoughtful acts that
Hospice staff members perform regularly, says Cindy Lucido, BSN, RN,
Manager, St. John Providence Hospice.
“Our Hospice associates don’t go out of their way to promote their actions,
they just do them,” Cindy says. “They’re not in it for recognition. They
routinely ask what more we can do for every patient and family we serve.
It’s a gift to know that we can make a big impact on a patient. It’s rewarding
and spiritual work.”
Now in its 14th year, St. John Providence Hospice has touched the lives of
more than 16,000 patients. During fiscal year 2011, the program served more
than 2,300 patients and families in the tri-county area as well as in St. Clair,
Livingston and Washtenaw counties. Services are available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week in the patient’s home or residence. Since the program also
cares for patients and families not covered by insurance, it relies on donations
to sustain services.
The Hospice program is family focused and includes physicians, nurses, social
workers, spiritual counselors, home health aides, trained volunteers and allied
therapists. These interdisciplinary teams work closely with patients and
families to meet their physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs.
“We get to know our patients and families very well,” Cindy says. “We’re
blessed to be invited into the patient’s home at such a vulnerable time.
We’re aware of the amount of time the patient has left and we help them
make the most of it through kind, empathetic care.”
Pediatric Hospice Volunteer Mike Godfrey is particularly skilled at caring for
children who are unable to interact or communicate. Recently, he visited the
home of a terminally ill 8-year-old boy to provide respite services for his
parents. Mike brought his guitar along and played for the little boy, whose
Physician giving impacts local
and global medical initiatives
Physicians of Providence and Providence Park Hospitals continued
to demonstrate their personal commitment to improving health
and enhancing the lives of patients through their charitable giving
in 2011.
Providence physicians of the Caduceus Society made a generous
grant of $15,000 to the Art Van “A Night of Charity in the Big Easy”
event to benefit the Infant Mortality Program sponsored by St. John
Providence Health System. The program provides comprehensive
services aimed at reducing the high infant mortality rate in
southeast Michigan.
Open Arms Therapist Phyllis Kearney (standing) engages
the Blackwell family in a game to help them with their
feelings of grief.
Without counseling, children experiencing prolonged grief can engage in
high-risk behavior such as drug abuse, teen pregnancy or crime.
“We see the struggles families are going though, but we also see resiliency
in these young people when they have hope for the future,” Karen says.
“Open Arms provides the support system to help them walk through their
challenges. We’re changing lives and opening doors to greater opportunities. It’s difficult work but very rewarding.”
Lisa learned about Open Arms from the Detroit Police Department. She
and her husband brought their children to grief support group sessions for
four months. Now, the children are performing well in school and able to
manage their feelings.
“The program is outstanding,” Lisa says. “My children had abundant
opportunities to express their grief. And the therapists were always
available whenever we needed them. My children, husband and I learned
coping skills. We learned there are no steps to the grieving process. It’s
okay to feel happy on some days and sad on others, but we must always
remember that the person we lost is still in our hearts.”
The Caduceus Society was created in 1994 by Providence
physicians to increase their philanthropic giving in support of health
care programs that serve the community. Each physician member
makes a personal commitment of philanthropic support to the
Providence Health Foundation. The total gifts make up an endowed
fund, which yields annual interest that is granted out to support
needs at Providence and Providence Park Hospitals. Physicians in the
society also have the option to direct their gifts to a specific hospital
program or need.
Since its inception, the society has given more than $800,000 to
support projects such as critical care nursing education, end-of-life
education for physicians, the development of a hospital research
lab, and an infant car seat program, which provided car seats to
new parents departing the hospital with newborns. In addition
to the Infant Mortality Program grant, the society also provided a
$9,000 grant to the Summer Biomedical Research Program in 2011.
The grant enabled high school and college students to learn about
medicine and biomedical research through lectures and laboratory
face lit up with every song. The parents were very grateful for the
joy Godfrey brought to their son that afternoon.
“Hospice isn’t just a job, it’s a calling,” says Hospice Care Case
Manager Karen Dombrow, RN. “I can’t tell you the number of times
our team members have gone out of their way to make sure our
patients are comfortable, remain independent and maintain quality
of life.”
Karen recalls one patient in her 60s with terminal breast cancer
who had a lifelong desire to play the violin. She didn’t own a violin
and wasn’t able to take lessons, but that didn’t stop the Hospice
Care team from helping to fulfill her wish.
“We put the word out, hoping that someone on our team might
have a violin we could borrow,” Karen says. “Sure enough, one of
our volunteer coordinators had one and worked with our nursing
staff to get it to the patient. She really enjoyed tinkering with it
and we took several pictures of her with the violin to share with
her family. These kinds of selfless acts really make a difference in
our patients’ lives.”
Members of the close-knit, dedicated Hospice team gather for a meeting.
Volunteer Support
Diverse community events support St. John River District Hospital
From basketball to card games, residents of the East China community
have come up with entertaining ways to support St. John River District
Hospital (SJRDH).
For the past four years, Marine
City and St. Clair high schools have
leveraged their basketball rivalry to
raise funds for cancer care at SJRDH.
Each January, the East China School
District holds its “Pink Halo Project,”
which pits teams from the two rival
schools in a day-long tournament.
The event showcases boys’ and girls’
teams from the 9th grade, junior
varsity and varsity levels and draws
hundreds of fans and supporters.
The players wear jerseys adorned in
pink and play with a pink and white
basketball to show support for breast
cancer research.
“This partnership between sister
schools brings our community
together for a common cause,”
says Jeff Cook, Assistant Principal
and Athletic Director at St. Clair High
School. “We support St. John River
District Hospital because it serves
people from both communities.”
The district divides funds from ticket sales, sponsorships and general
donations between SJRDH and the Basketball Coaches Association of
Michigan “Coaches Against
Cancer” project. The district
has donated nearly $15,000
to SJRDH since the event began.
The hospital will use funds from
the 2012 event to support
infusion center renovations.
“The event is more than a game,”
Cook says. “When you donate a
portion of the funds for services
within your community, it creates a greater appreciation for
places like St. John River District
Hospital. The students, parents,
administrators and community
members take pride in knowing
their donations make a difference
for cancer patients in our area.”
Marine City and St. Clair high school basketball players
donned jerseys adorned in pink for the Pink Halo Project
basketball tournament supporting SJRDH.
Providence Park League meets needs large and small
The Providence Park League (PPL) is a service and fundraising volunteer group with the motto “Caring
for People by People who Care.” During 2011, the PPL contributed $65,000 toward its $1.5 million pledge
for the creation of Providence Park Hospital.
Recognizing that filling smaller needs can also have a large impact, the PPL board approved 10 grants
between $200 and $900 for items requested by various hospital departments. Among these items is an
iPad loaded with special software for the Speech and Language department. The device enables better
communication for stroke patients overcoming speech challenges. Grant funds also allowed Spiritual Care
to purchase grief booklets for family members who have lost a loved one. Another grant funded enhanced
parking lot signage to help guide Providence Park Hospital visitors.
“The Providence Park League is pleased to take an active role in obtaining
meaningful equipment, supplies and services to help our patients and
associates,” says PPL President Dennis Yanachik. “We look forward
to offering these grants on an annual basis.”
The PPL also provided $5,000 in scholarships for teen volunteers in 2011.
More than 550 adult and teen volunteers generously donated nearly 60,000
hours of service to Providence Park Hospital this past year.
Kerry Draper, Speech and
Language Pathologist
(middle), uses the new
iPad and special
software with a patient
as Michele Robinet,
PPL Grants Committee
Chair, looks on.
Perhaps less intense but just
as competitive, card players
in the East China area have
turned their passion for bridge
into a tournament benefitting
SJRDH’s area of greatest need.
Volunteer groups support
SJH&MC with annual fundraisers
From children to seniors, patients at St. John Hospital and Medical
Center (SJH&MC) are benefitting from the fundraising efforts of
the St. John Guild and Fontbonne Auxiliary. For more than 60 years,
the groups have donated millions of dollars to the hospital to fund
equipment, technology and services to improve health and enhance
lives in the community.
Participants in the Bridge Marathon played cards to benefit
St. John River District Hospital.
For the past 30 years, up to 20 pairs of women have participated in the
“Bridge Marathon.” The players make donations to enter the tournament,
which begins in January. Participants take turns hosting bridge games
every week and keep cumulative scores. The marathon concludes in early
May with a special luncheon and tournament at SJRDH.
“The Bridge Marathon is a great way to have fun while donating money
to a valuable community resource,” says Mary Lou Stockwell of Marine City,
who has played in the tournament for the past 10 years.
Most recently, Bridge Marathon funds have supported the purchase of a
new CT (computerized tomography) scanner, an advanced imaging device
that can provide cross-sectional images of the body. Physicians often use the
scanner to take three-dimensional images of patients with internal injuries.
“We are blessed to have an active and supportive community that cares
about our hospital and has created fun ways of engaging others in the
spirit of support,” says Frank Poma, President of SJRDH. “Our community
is unique, and I speak on behalf of all of our physicians and associates
when I say we feel privileged to be the recipient of such efforts.”
In 2011, the Guild raised $123,000 from its 51st Annual Guild Dinner
attended by more than 1,000 people who were entertained by
John Pinette, comedian, movie and television personality. The Guild
contributed an additional $12,000 from The Guild Coffee Shop at
St. John Hospital. Total proceeds of $135,000 supported the stateof-the-art Cracchiolo Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Center, which
opened in 2010 to provide enhanced services for patients.
Another successful fundraising effort was the St. John Medical Staff/
Guild Golf Outing, which continues to grow each year. The 6th annual
event, held in September, raised more than $35,000 for SJH&MC.
In 2011, the Fontbonne Auxiliary donated a total of $346,428 to
the hospital from the proceeds of its increasingly popular Girls Night
Out event, the annual White Christmas Ball, as well as proceeds
from Le Fontbonne Gift Shoppe at St. John Hospital. These funds
benefitted Cardiology, Oncology, Pediatrics and Women’s Health
services at SJH&MC.
These outgoing
members of the 2011
Fontbonne board were
recognized for serving
four consecutive terms
in office; from left,
Victoria Liggett, Elaine
Malcoun, President
Aspa Raphtis and
Mado Lie.
Volunteer your support
St. John Providence Health System relies on volunteers to fulfill many roles.
We try to find the perfect fit for volunteers – matching their interest and
availability to our needs. Volunteers find that helping others is a rewarding
experience. Opportunities include:
• Patient care
• Gift shop
• Hospice
• Clerical
• Transporting patients
• Greeters
• Spiritual care
• Special events
• Special requests
To learn more about volunteer opportunities at St. John Providence Health
System, please visit www.stjohnprovidence.org/volunteer.
From left, David Kesner, Dan Roma, John Adamo, Debbie Condino,
Paul Mattes, Ed Deeb and Paul Treder at a Guild check presentation
to SJH&MC.
Donor Recognition
Thank you for supporting St. John Providence Health System
throughout 2011. Your gifts to our hospitals, programs and
services are greatly appreciated. Philanthropic support from
loyal supporters, grateful patients, new donors, our own
physicians and associates, and many others is improving health
and enhancing lives. Your commitment and our passion for
healing are taking St. John Providence Health System to new
heights as we continuously strive to provide the highest
quality patient care experience for you, your family and the
communities we serve.
Lifetime Giving
We gratefully acknowledge the
following donors who are McQuade
Society or Providence Society
members or have a lifetime giving
total of $25,000 or more in cash,
pledges, stock or planned gift
Mr. Arthur D. Rodecker
The Skillman Foundation
Dr. Anthony C. Southall
Southeastern Michigan Health Association
Estate of William W. and Lois Triplett
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
E. L. Wiegand Foundation
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
$10 million and greater
$100,000 to $249,999
Fontbonne Auxiliary of St. John Hospital and Medical Center
THE GUILD of St. John Hospital and
Medical Center
Van Elslander Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Alandt
Mr. and Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Arthur Andersen & Co.
Art Van Furniture, Inc.
Associates in Neurology
Automated Benefits Services, Inc.
Bank of America
Mr. J. Addison Bartush
Peggy Bauervic Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bilkie
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Boston Scientific Corporation
Mr. Blair M. Bowman
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Dr. and Mrs. John F. K. Brown
Mrs. Sharon K. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Campbell
Center Line Electric, Inc.
Central Park Estates
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Christensen
The Cold Heading Foundation
Comerica, Inc.
Committee for Philanthropy
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Patricia and Edward B. Connelly
and Family
Consultants in Cardiology, PC
Cornerstone Health Services
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Cotton
CTRC Research Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Cusick*
Mr. James P. Danaher
Detroit Free Press Charities, Inc.
Diagnostic Radiology Consultants, PC
Burtis J. Dolan Memorial
Estate of H. Duluk
Eastlake Cardiovascular Associates, PC
Eastpointe Radiologists, PC
Eastside Cardiovascular Medicine, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Elsea
Helen and Paul Farago Foundation Trust
Ford Motor Company
Dr. and Mrs. Allan D. Fraiberg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gardella
G.I. Medicine Associates
Dr. Roger L. Gonda
Great Lakes Cancer Management
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Estate of Walter T. Hartung
HDS Services
Health Alliance Plan
Ms. Patricia A. Heftler
Pierre V. and Margaret T. Heftler
Helppie Family Charitable Foundation
$5 million to $9,999,999
John A. & Marlene L. Boll Foundation
Our Lady of Providence League
Respiratory Foundation of Southeast Michigan
The Shelden Family
Mrs. Gretchen C. Valade
$1 million to $4,999,999
The Michael and Rose Assarian
Family Foundation
William and Ann Birdseye
The Blatt Family
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boll
Community Capital Resources
Peter J. & Constance M. Cracchiolo Foundation
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
Charlotte S. Dey Estate Trust
Emergency Medicine Specialists, PC
Independent Emergency Physicians
The Kresge Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Alex and Marie Manoogian Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manoogian
Richard and Jane Manoogian Foundation
McGregor Fund
From left, Gene LoVasco, Dr. Patricia Maryland and Dr. James Fox
at the McQuade Society reception.
The Meade Family
Mission and Ministry, Inc.
Jane K. Nugent
Providence Park League
Debra K. and William J. Shea
Mr. Anthony L. Soave and Family
Southfield Radiology Associates
Mrs. Mary Ann Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Webber
Wayne and Joan Webber Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
$500,000 to $999,999
The Carls Foundation
Carol A. and Thomas A. Cracchiolo
Mr. Peter J. Cracchiolo Sr.
Estate of Betty David
Donor societies offer personal
services to loyal supporters
The McQuade Society at St. John Hospital and Medical
Center and the Providence Society (established in memory
of Thomas P. Moore II) at Providence and Providence Park
Hospitals were created to recognize loyal friends and
benefactors and the key role they have in supporting our
hospitals. Members are among an exclusive group of
committed supporters with lifetime giving of $25,000
or more. These individuals are able to use the society’s
complimentary donor relations services that are designed
to ensure complete satisfaction when using St. John
Providence Health System hospitals. McQuade Society
and Providence Society members are recognized
throughout the year at various hospital events and in
Foundation publications. To learn more about the donor
societies, please call 313-343-7480.
Estate of Vera Fuller Hansen
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Michigan Pain Management Consultants, PC
Ann & Jim Nicholson
Estate of Alexander M. Nick
Northland Anesthesia Associates, PC
Novi Orthopedic Anesthesia Specialists, PC
Providence Park Anesthesia Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Russell
Sodexo, Inc.
St. John Macomb Hospital Auxiliary
The Mary G. Stange Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vallee
$250,000 to $499,999
Advantage Health Centers
American University of the Caribbean
Mr. Gregory Arutunian
Ascension Health
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
Barton Malow Company
Carol and Thomas Campau
Detroit Public Schools
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Duff
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Mrs. Mary C. Elliott
Benson and Edith Ford Fund
Dr. James M. Fox
General Motors Corporation
The Giftos Family
Estate of William J. Gleason Jr.
Russell H. Harriman
Health Plan of Michigan
Heart-Cardiology Consultants
Cynthia and Jeffrey C. Littman
Michigan Department of Community Health
Mission Health Care of the Poor Fund
NSABP Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Robert D. Negstad
Pathology Specialists of Southeast
Michigan, PC
Providence Hospital - Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Helppie
Myrtle E. and William G. Hess
Charitable Trust
HHA Services
Institute for Health Improvement
Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Jaffar
Mr. and Mrs. William Kaminski
Estate of Shirley M. Kendall
Langston, Walker and Associates, PC
Judith and Noel S. Lawson, MD
Estate of Carlton R. Lindell
Linvatec Corporation
The LoVasco Family
Hazen D. and Kathleen B. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. William T. McCormick Jr.
Sharon Mebus
Medical Education Information Office
Medtronic, Inc.
MichCon Foundation
Michigan Ear Institute, PC
Michigan Institute of Urology, PC
Michigan Public Health Institute
Michigan Spine and Brain Surgeons, PLLC
Estate of Alice Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel J. Moroun
National Science Foundation
NBBJ Design
Newland Medical Associates, PC
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Osher
Pacific Life
Parke-Davis Corporation
Dr. Ralph D. Pearlman and Dr. Karen
M. Swanson
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Perkins
The Porretta Center for Orthopaedic Surgery
Project 90 Campaign
Pulmonary and Critical Care Associates, PC
Radar Industries, Inc.
Milton M. Ratner Foundation
Dr. James Reese
Sandra Marie Rellinger
Drs. William J. and Virginia Rice
Roland Rinke
Roan Universal Foundation
Roche Laboratories, Inc.
Mrs. Mary S. Roehm*
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Ross
Mr. Carl H. Schmidt Jr.
Second Chance Heartline Unit, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Smith
Southfield Radiology Associates, PLLC
St. Clair Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, PC
St. Clair Specialty Physicians, PC
St. Clair Surgical Specialists, PC
St. John Detroit Riverview Hospital - Medical Staff Fund
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of Medical Education
St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital Macomb Center - Medical Staff Fund
St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital - Oakland Center - Gift Shop
St. John Providence Medical Staff
St. John River District Hospital Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. G. John Stevens
Mrs. Margaret G. Talbot
Carole J. and Kurt O. Tech
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Timmis
Estate of Judith M. Tinor
Emmet & Frances Tracy Fund
Mrs. Charlotte Ulmer
United Foundation
Universal-Macomb Ambulance Service, Inc.
University of Michigan Medical Center
U.S. Department of Energy
*Deceased Vestevich, Dritsas, McManus, PC
Mr. Donald R. Woodruff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Zmyslowski
$25,000 - $99,999
McQuade Society or Providence
Society members and other
donors with lifetime giving in
this range
Abbott Lab Diagnostic Division
Accenture Health
ADI Diagnostics
ADT Security Services, Inc.
Aegis Group Search Consultants, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph J. Agley
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Agoston
Mrs. Bettejean J. Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ahee
AIM Construction, Inc.
Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.
Alcon Research, Ltd.
Dr. Ayad Al-Katib
All State Fastener Corp.
Claudia A. Allen
Alliance for Vision Research, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Muhyi G. Al-Sarraf
American Express Foundation
Andary, Davis & Andary, PC
Angelo Iafrate Construction Co.
ANR Pipeline Company
Ms. Ann-Marie Anton
Gebran S. & Suzanne P. Anton Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Amr Aref
Arlene & Forrest Winston Page
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammed Arsiwala
Ascension Health - Great Lakes Division
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Asmussen
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Assarian
Mrs. Rose Assarian
Atanas Ilitch Osteosarcoma Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Blaise U. Audet
Dr. and Mrs. Ahmad N. Azar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Azar
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baer
Baker College
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Dr. and Mrs. Roberto M. Barretto
Dr.* and Mrs. Neil A. Basmaji
Dr. and Mrs. Sanjay Batra
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Baun
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Beals
Mrs. Josephine Beardslee
Dr. and Mrs. Jacques Beaudoin
Dr. Khosrow M. Beizai
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Belkin
Mr. W. Victor Benjamin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Berg
Ms. Virginia L. Berglund
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Beuerlein
Shari & Bob Bilkie Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Black
Mary Blain Meade
Mr. John Blatt
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Blessed
Blue Care Network of Southeast
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Boccaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Boguth
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bollin
Mr. Frank A. Bologna
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bologna
Mr. and Mrs. A. James Bonahoom
Mr. Gerald A. Bonkowski
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Boutrous
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Boutt
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. De Luca
Mrs. Catherine Boyle
Miss Camille DeMario
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Brady Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. DeMars
Dr. Robert K. Brateman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Demkowicz
Michael and Deborah Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Leet E. Denton
Bricklayers Labor Management
Ms. Virginia Desmadryl*
Cooperation Committee
Detroit Auto Dealers Association
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Briski
Detroit Red Wings
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Dr. Lingareddy Devireddy
Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology
Drs. Mark and Carol DeVore
Mr. Frank M. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Battista
Bumler Mechanical
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dobritt
Dr. Susanna R. Burkhead
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell P. Dombrowski
Susan E. Burns and Frits Hoendervanger
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Domzalski
Dr. John H. Burrows*
Don Gooley Cadillac, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busuito
Drs. Anibal and Vilma Drelichman
Caduceus Society
Drs. Linda and Daniel Dubay
Dr. and Mrs. Roger R. Calam
Dykema Gossett, PLLC
Ms. Cassandra Callaghan
Earl-Beth Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campanale
East Brooke Commons Limited Partnership
Kim Campau
Eastside Gynecology/Obstetrics, PC
Mr. Thomas Campau
Dr. and Mrs. Scott W. Eathorne
Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Edwards
Cardiac Surgery Institute, PC
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Cardinal Health
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ermanni
Cardiovascular Institute of Michigan, PC
Ernst & Young, LLP
Mr. William E. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Fannon
Dr. and Mrs. Renato S. Casabar
Dr. and Mrs. Barry W. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Casalou
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ferlito
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cavanaugh
Ferlito Construction, Inc.
Center for Physical Medicine &
Ferndale Electric
Rehabilitation, PC
Fifth Third Bank
Central Transport International, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Cetnar
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Chae
Margaret K. and Charles T. Fisher III Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chauvin
Family Fund
Mrs. Julia Chen
Mr. Walter W. Fisher
Children’s Charities at Adios
Mr. Thomas J. Fleming*
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chope
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Christian
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chuba
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Ford
Citizens First Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Frederick S. Ford
Mrs. Mary Clark
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Formolo
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Robert A. Forte, DDS
James and Rita Cole
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fozo
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Drs. Adam and Carol Frank
Community Central Bank
Mrs. A. Fraser
Computer Methods Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William Freeland
Concord EMS
Fruehauf Foundation
Ms. Deborah A. Condino
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Conlan
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Fruehauf
Conner Park Florist, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Connolly
Ann and Larry Garberding
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gardella Jr.
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cotant
Mr. Michael Cotton
Mr. Sean P. Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Cracchiolo
Thomas and Carol Cracchiolo
Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Crane II
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Croul
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cullis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Curis
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Currin
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick* R. Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Cytacki
Mr. and Mrs. George* P. Dakmak
Mr. James R. Daoust, Esq.
Daughters of Penelope, Thamyris
Chapter 272
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. David
Dr. and Mrs. Shukri W. David
From left, Ronald Lamparter and
Barbara S. Day
Robert Liggett at the tribute event
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deeb
for Joan Gehrke.
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Deighton
Delta Dental Plan of Michigan
Mary C. Gaughan
Estate of Stella Gavin
Drs. Vinaya and Lakshmi Gavini
Mr. Frank J. Gazella
Estate of Marilyn A. Gazella
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Genentech, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Tobias V. George
George W. Auch Company
Estate of Helen Georgie St. Amour
Giarmarco, Mullins and Horton, PC
Jerry Gilman
Mr. Anthony Giorgio
Dr. Jay H. Globerson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Glusac
Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Gonda Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Gooley
Dr. Lisa J. Govila
Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Grady
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Grady
Mrs. Mary Jane Grady
Susan and Timothy J. Grajewski
Dr. Darla K. Granger and Mr. Luke Ponder
Great Lakes Medicine, PLC
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Greene Metal Products
Steven K. Grekin, DO, PC
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Griffin
Grosse Pointe Allergy & Asthma Center
Grosse Pointe Chapter - SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Mrs. Mona E. Gualtieri
Guidant Foundation
Dr. Bal K. Gupta
Ms. Evelyn Halicki
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Haney
Mr. Donald D. Haney
Malcolm P. and Marie Hanson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Harbut
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Harness
Dr. and Mrs. Martin D. Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Abdelkader Hawasli
Drs. David and Gwen Hawtof
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Haynes
J. L. Healy
William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Henderson
Mrs. Shirley Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Herrick
William G. and Myrtle E. Hess
Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Conrad S. Heyner
Dr. Frederick J. Heyner
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Ho
Bob and Judy Hoban
Honigman, Miller, Schwartz and Cohn
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Horwitz
Elizabeth and Thomas J. Hosea
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Houin
Mrs. Phyllis I. Howard
Dr. Christopher W. Hughes and
Mrs. Debra J. Hughes
Tom and Lori Huling
Mrs. Ann M. Humes
Dr. Farah S. and Mr. Khurram Iftikhar
Mr. Atanas Ilitch
IPC - The Hospitalist Company
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jagger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jeffs
Jim Causley Pontiac GMC Truck
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson
Ms. Judith J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Johnston
Jonna Companies
Mr. Frank Jonna
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Jonna
Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Joondeph
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot T. Joseph
Estate of Kenneth F. Kahn
Kallestad Diagnostics
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kaniowski
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Karo
Kasco, Inc.
Dr. Minuchehr Kashef
Ms. Nancy L. Kassab
Mr. Stephen J. Kassab
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Keating
Kenmar Corporation
Macomb Hospital Riverview, PHO
Macomb Intermediate School District
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Madhavan
The R. C. Mahon Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Maicki
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malcoun
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mallard
Drs. Vinay K. and Shobha Malviya
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Mancini
Dr. and Mrs. Howard N. Manz
From left, Dr. Aaron and Rose Ellis, Frank Poma, and Caroline and
Ken Schultz at the River District dinner dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kerzic
Drs. Riad and Ghada Khatib
Dr. and Mrs. Riad G. Khoury
Dr. and Mrs. Jung-Whan Kim
Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Kim
Drs. Jeffrey and Rachael Kimpson
Kmart Corporation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Knights of Columbus - Michigan
State Council
Dr. Tina Koester-Marsalese and
Mr. Salvatore J. Marsalese
Dr. and Mrs. Ramachandra B. Kolachalam
Ms. Esther Kolovsky
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Komasara
Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh U. Kothari
Rev. Ralph E. Kowalski*
Mrs. Nada Kozul
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Krickstein
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Krickstein
Mr. John A. Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kuhn
LaBelle Electric Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lacey
Ms. Mary Anne LaHood
Lakeshore Ear, Nose & Throat Center, PC
Lakeside Neurology, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. LaLonde
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Lamparter
Mrs. Dorothy C. Landers
Mr. Ray LeDuc
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Lees
Dr. and Mrs.* Bruce K. Lemon
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lesesne
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Levy
Dr. Jai D. Liem
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ligon
Lincoln Health Care Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Livermore
Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Lloyd
Mrs. James Long
Loomis, Sayles & Company
Mary L. Loverde
Lubaway, Masten & Company, Ltd.
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Lucido
Lymphoma Clinic of Michigan, PC
Mr. Thomas A. Mackey
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. March
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Markel
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Marowske
Marsh USA, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Martin
Tomasine and Bill Marx
Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH
Dr. and Mrs. Telesforo A. Mascarin
Mass Mutual Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. Frank* P. McBride
Mrs. Maureen C. McCabe
Mr. M. F. McCaffrey
Mrs. Beverly A. McCamman
The Ruby McCoy Foundation
Dr. Steven McGraw and Ms. Bobi Morey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGuire
Dr. Michael A. McIlroy
Mrs. Harriett G. McIntyre
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Mrs. Justine McKnight
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick W. McLaughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. McQuiggan
Meade Group
Mrs. Deborah F. Meade
Medline Industries, Inc.
Drs. Daniel D. and Branka Megler
Mellon, McCarthy & Pries, PC
Memac Associates, PC
Merry, Farnen and Ryan, PC
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mestdagh
Metro Health Foundation
Metro Partners in Women’s Health
Dr. and Mrs. Keith M. Metz
Dr. Margaret A. Meyers
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Michael
Michigan Business and Professional
Michigan Diagnostic Pathologists, PLLC
Michigan Head and Spine Institute, PLLC
Michigan Health & Hospital Association
Michigan Kidney Consultants, PC
Michigan Orthopedic Services, LLC
Michigan State Medical Society Foundation
Michigan Urgent & Primary Care
Physicians, PC
Midwest Pro Painting, Inc.
Midwest Steel, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Vjekoslav Mikelic
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Minkin
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Minnick
Gerry & Cathy Miserendino
Ms. Aleksandra A. Miziolek
Molloy Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Beverly Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Warren R. Moore
Ms. Agnes A. Moroun
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Moroun
MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine
Munder Capital Management
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Murinas
Mr. Dennis L. Murphy*
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Naber
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
National City
National Coney Island, Inc.
National Institute of Health
Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Nault
Next Level Health and Fitness
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Nicholson III
NOBE Property Group II, LLC
Noble International, Ltd.
Nothdurft Land Company
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Nothdurft
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Nothdurft
Mrs. Gayle F. Novack
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Mrs. Helen Nowakowski
Oakland Emergency Physicians
Oakland Medical Group, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Obeid
Drs. Jesus and Manuela Ocampo
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. O’Connor
Dr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hara
O’Leary, O’Leary & Perry, PC
Mrs. Eunice E. O’Loughlin Sherman
Mr. Oscar L. Olson
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Oppat
Dr. and Mrs. Armando Ortiz
Mrs. Sharon C. Otlewski-Pulte and
Mr. Arthur R. Pulte
Otis Elevator Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Paglino
Mrs. Irene Palombit
Drs. Spyro G. and Despina Pappas
Park Internal Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Rankin P. Peck
Pediatric Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Jeanne E. Pfeifer
Pfizer, Inc.
Philip F. Greco Title Company
Mr. Charles E. Phyle
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Physican Healthcare Network, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Pilchak
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Piligian
Plunkett & Cooney
Pointe Family Dentistry
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Porretta
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porretta
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Porretta
Port Huron Hospital
Providence Hospital - Medical
Education Dept.
Providence League Gift Shop
Providence Medical Group
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Prysak
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Pulte
Drs. Vinod and Kasturi Puri
PVS Chemicals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Quilter
R. L. Polk & Co.
Drs. Ali and Mahdokht Rabbani
Radiation Oncology Specialists, PC
Jim and Diane Radloff
Mr. and Mrs. John Rakolta
Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick E. Rector
Mrs. Harriet A. Redlin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Reilly
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Relich
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. ReMine
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Renick
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Rick
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph* A. Rinaldo
Ringler Associates
Rinke Pontiac - GMC Corporation
Mr. Edgar Rinke
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Ritter
Drs. Steven and Michelle Rivera
Riverbend Properties, Inc.
RMHC of Southeastern Michigan
Mrs. Julie Rodecker Holly and
Mr. Joseph Holly
Estate of Mary Louise Roehm
Romain Management Investment
& Insurance, Inc.
Mrs. Eva Romain
Dr. Robert R. Roman
Ronald McDonald Children’s Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Roshak
Mr. Dominic J. Rossi*
Mr. Frederick G. Ruffner
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ruffner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Merle F. Rydesky
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System
Dr. and Mrs. Rojanandham Samudrala
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sanderson
Dr. and Mrs. Alphonse M. Santino
Dr. and Mrs. Louis D. Saravolatz
Mr. Robert I. Sattler
Dr. and Mrs. Hadi Sawaf
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Scarfone
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Donn Schroder
Mrs. Margaret K. Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Scodeller
Scott and Miller, Inc.
Mrs. Evelyn F. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Seder
Sehn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sehn
SelectCare, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Selis
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Selvaggio
Ms. Sandra L. Seroka
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sessions
Douglas Shaeffer Charity Golf Classic
Mr. and Mrs. Suhail Shaya
Mr. William W. Shelden Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Shiffman
Shores Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shryock
Dr. Denise A. Shuttie
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
Siemens Corporation
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Signature Associates
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Silwester
Mr. Gerald C. Simon
Dr. Sidney K. Simonian and
Dr. Michael Rubin
Site Development, Inc.
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Smith Family Foundation
Mrs. Deborah R. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Smith
Dr. Mark A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Smith
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Estate of J. Snow
Mrs. Eleanor J. Somes
St. Clair Foundation
St. John Anesthesiologists, PC
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of Internal Medicine
*Deceased St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of OB/GYN
St. John Medical Staff
St. John North Shores Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Staub
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Stedem Jr.
M. A. and David B. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Max S. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stieler
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Stone
Stryker Orthopaedics
Mr. Robert Stulberg
Dr. Janusz A. Subczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Supal
Surgical Associates of Michigan
Dr. Gerard K. Surmann
Swing for the Cure
Talmer Bank and Trust
Talmer Bank Foundation, Inc.
Tamer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tasse
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Taylor
Maurice and Michelle Taylor Foundation
Team Angels Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt E. Tech
Techform Products Limited
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Temple
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Tersigni
Textron, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thewes
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Thirumoorthi
Mary Thompson Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Thomson
Helen J. and Robert E.* Thoreson
Mrs. Mary C. Tobias
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Torgow
Total Health Care, Inc.
Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy Sr.
Mrs. Winnifred A. Trader
Dr. John H. Traylor
Dr. Cherolee R. Trembath
Jack Trentacosta
Mrs. Brenda J. Trerice
Triford Foundation
Estate of Arthur J. Trombley
Mrs. Sharon Tusa
Mr. Rollin J. Tuttle
Twelve Oaks Mall
U.S. Equipment Company
Mrs. Carolyn L. Ulmer
United Collection Bureau, Inc.
Universal Health Management, LLC
University Square Associates
Urban’s Partition & Remodeling Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory O. Utter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Valade
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Valice
Ms. Janet S. Vallee
Mr. and Ms. Laurence S. Vallee
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Van Beek
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vandenberghe
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Vandenboom
Dr. John G. Vanderford
Mr. and Mrs. David Van Elslander
Ms. Debra Van Elslander
Mr. Gary A. Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Elslander
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van Tiem
Harry C. Van Wormer Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Ventimiglia
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary
Dr. Ivana J. Vettraino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Vicari
Vintage Wine Company
Dr. and Mrs. Vollrad J. von Berg
W. K. Industries, Inc.
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Walker
Ms. Sharon C. Wallace
Mrs. Irene E. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg D. Watkins
Drs. A. Craig and A. Christine Watt
Weatherwax Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webb
Webber Development Company, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Welch
Dr. Cheryl A. Wesen and
Dr. Richard K. Baumgarten
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Wesselmann
Western Mechanical Contractors
White Construction
Talbert Richard White Jr. and Family
Drs. William and Suzanne White
Whitehall Real Estate Interests
Henry and Harriet Whiting
Memorial Foundation
Mrs. Celeste Whyte
Michael C. Wiemann, MD
Elizabeth Wight Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilden
Wilds Estate
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Wilson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wilt
Wolf Wineman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Wood
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Woods Cardiovascular Internal
Medicine Assoc.
Mrs. Ann Woody
Worksquared, LLC
Mrs. Margaret D. Wormet
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
Wujek Calcaterra & Sons, Inc.
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
X-Ray Associates of Port Huron, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Samir R. Yahia
Nobuko and Hiroshi Yamasaki, MD
Dr. Jose I. Yap
Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Young
Dr. and Mrs. Shun C. Young
Dr. Jeffrey Zaks
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Zalenski
Dr. and Mrs. Pierre A. Zayat
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Ziegler
Zimmer Spine Austin, Inc.
Mary & George H. Zimmerman Foundation
The Zoe Foundation
Dr. Marc H. Zuckman
Legacy Society Members
We gratefully acknowledge the
following members of the Legacy
Society who have made generous
planned gift commitments to
St. John Providence Health System,
its hospitals and/or programs.
Edward and Patricia Beattie
William and Ann Birdseye
Gerald A. Bonkowski
Dr. George F. Boone
Sharon and Michael C.* Burke
Susan E. Burns and Frits Hoendervanger
James P. and Mary Anne Dodge* Danaher
Estate of Shirley Kendall
Victoria and Robert Liggett
The Eugene and Jeanne LoVasco Family
Hazen D. and Kathleen B. McCann
Jane and Robert* Nugent
Catherine M. O’Malley
Sandra Marie Rellinger
Thomas M. and Joan E. Ryan
Kathryn and Thomas J. Sanderson
Debra K. and William J. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Smith
Judith and Max Stern
Leadership Circle
We gratefully acknowledge the
following donors who have made
gifts of $2,000 or more in 2011
and welcome them to the
Leadership Circle.
Abbott Lab Diagnostic Division
Richard Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Abrash
Accretive Health, Inc.
Dr. Philip A. Adler
AIM Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Alandt
Dr. Malaz Alatassi
Dr. Ayad Al-Katib
All State Fastener Corp.
Claudia A. Allen
Andary, Davis & Andary, PC
Angel Kisses
Angelo Iafrate Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Peter Antonacopoulous, MD
Art Van Furniture, Inc.
Leadership Circle
recognizes distinctive level of giving
To acknowledge St. John Providence Health System’s most
generous annual donors, a brand new “Leadership Circle”
section has been added to the annual giving donor walls
and the annual report. For calendar year 2011, nearly
600 donors contributed $2,000 or more (the qualification
for Leadership Circle). These donors will have honorable
mention on the special section of the donor walls.
Annual giving donor walls, which honor all those with
annual contributions of $25 or more, are located at
St. John Hospital and Medical Center (hall leading to
cafeteria), Providence Hospital (by entrance to cafeteria),
Providence Park Hospital (hall between main lobby and
Emergency Center), and St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital,
Macomb Center (hall adjacent to Gift Shop). Contact Heidi
Crisman at 313.343.7572 or [email protected]
for more information.
Mr. Gregory Arutunian
Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology, PC
Automated Benefits Services, Inc.
Dr. Seilesh C. Babu
Dr. and Mrs. H. Lee Bacheldor
Mark K. Bacigal, DO
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Baer
Dr. Sharon Bajwa
Dr. Sean F. Bak
Dr. Mohammed Barawi
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
Maryann Barnes
Barton Malow Company
Mr. J. Addison Bartush
Mrs. Dorothy M. Basmaji
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Baun
Mrs. Josephine S. Beardslee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Beattie
Bed Techs, Inc.
Drs. Carolyn and Gary Berg
Dr. and Mrs. Fernando Bermudez
Dr. Laura A. Biernat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bilkie
William and Ann Birdseye
James E. Bishop Jr., MD
Mrs. Mary Blain Mead
Blatt Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Blatt
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Blessed
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Boccaccio
Boco Enterprises
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis I. Bojrab
John A. & Marlene L. Boll Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Bolz
Jim and Marcia Bonahoom
From left, Dennis Benvenuti,
Dr. Cheryl Canto, David
Koschnitzke and Dana Westphal
at the River District golf outing.
Dr. George F. Boone
Ms. Nancy Bordato
Mrs. Margaret Borden
Mr. Blair M. Bowman and
Ms. Kimberle Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brammer
Robert K. Brateman, MD, PC
Bricklayers Labor-Management
Cooperation Committee
Brighton Center for Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. A. Broderick
Dr. Steven D. Buchan
Bumler Mechanical
Dr. Paul X. Burgoyne
Susan Burns and Frits Hoendervanger
Caduceus Society
Carol and Tom Campau
Cardiology Associates of Michigan, PC
Cardiovascular Institute of Michigan, PC
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Carion
The Carls Foundation
Mr. William E. Carroll
Diane Casalou and Eric J. Krupp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Casalou
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cascio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cauchi
Center for Cardiothoracic Surgery
Center Line Electric, Inc.
Centocor Ortho Biotech Services, LLC
Paul and Judy Chauvin
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chope
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Christian
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Cohen
Dr. Robert B. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cole Jr.
Comcast Spotlight
Comerica Bank Private Banking East
Community EMS
Community Foundation for
Southeast Michigan
Concord EMS
Deborah A. Condino
Connelly Company
Ann J. and David L. Conrad
Consultants in Cardiology, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Cotton
Janice Cosby Bridges
Coughlin Jewelers - American
Diamond Importers
Peter J. & Constance M. Cracchiolo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Cracchiolo
Raymond and Jane Cracchiolo
Thomas and Carol Cracchiolo Foundation
Joan and Michael Crawford
From left, Caroline Gilreath, Tom Colorito, Melony Johnson and
Dr. Asghar Afsari climb to the summit of Ben Lomond in Utah to
raise funds for breast cancer care.
Dr. Abbey L. Crooks-Babu
CSB Associate Activities Committee
Dr. and Mrs. Marc L. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Cytacki
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dakmak
Dr. Satyajit Daniel
Daughters of Penelope, Thamyris
Chapter 272
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Davis
Drs. Mark L. Decco and
Pamela A. Georgeson
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Decz
Thomas Dell, CRNA
Delta Zeta Metro Detroit Alumnae
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. De Luca
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
DeSeranno Foundation
Detroit Auto Dealers Association
Detroit Free Press Charities, Inc.
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Red Wings Foundation
Vincent Di Battista
Dr. James J. Dietz
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dobritt
Dr. Mitchell P. Dombrowski
Don Gooley Cadillac, Inc.
Ms. Karen A. Dragilow
Linda M. Dubay, MD, FACS, PLLC
Dr. Kevin R. Durell
Eastlake Cardiovascular, PC
Eastpointe Radiologists, PC
Eastside Cardiovascular Medicine, PC
edmund t. AHEE Jewelers
Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Edwards
Dr. Robert Edwards
Electronic Safety Services, Inc.
Richard S. Elsea Marital Trust
Emergency Medicine Specialists, PC
Dr. Michael L. Faber
Mr. Paul E. Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Fannon
Estate of Mary Ann Fannon
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Feemster
Ferndale Electric
Dr. Howard K. Fertel
Kathy & Rich Fessler
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Susan Field
Philip and Elizabeth Filmer Memorial Charitable Trust
Robert D. Fisher
Flame Heating Cooling & Electrical Company
Ms. Jennifer Flannery
Fontbonne Auxiliary of St. John Hospital and Medical Center
Benson and Edith Ford Fund
Foursight Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fox
Fraser High School
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf
David and Kelly Fry
Garfield Family Practice, PC
Mary Gaughan
Drs. Vinaya and Lakshmi Gavini
Sean and Dawn Gehle
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gehrke
Genentech, Inc.
Ms. Deborah George
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gerhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Georges B. Ghafari
Dr. and Mrs. George B. Ghanem
Gianni Ferrarotti Lung Cancer Foundation
Gerald Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy III
Global Warranty Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Glusac
Drs. Robert and Betty Go
Dr. Peter M. Goodman
Julie Gorczyca
Dr. Marc Gosselin
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Grady
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Graham
Grand Hotel
Sr. Betty Granger
Dr. Darla K. Granger
Dr. Mark A. Grant
Great Lakes Cancer Management
Great Lakes Medicine, PLC
Great Lakes Physiatrists, PC
Grosse Pointe Allergy & Asthma Center
Grosse Pointe Chapter - SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Grosse Pointe Lions Club
Grosse Pointe Public School System
Mrs. Mona E. Gualtieri
Guardian Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Dr. Vamshidhar D. Guduguntla
THE GUILD of St. John Hospital and
Medical Center
Dr. Bal K. Gupta
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, PLLC
Terry Hamilton
Dr. Jimmy Haouilou
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Harness
Dr. and Mrs. Martin D. Harris
Harvest Casual Furniture
Dr. Sohail Hassan
Dr. and Mrs. Abdelkader Hawasli
Dr. Richard Hayes
Dr. Michael B. Haynes
HC Program Advisors
Health Plan of Michigan
Heart-Cardiology Consultants, PC
Pierre V. and Margaret T. Heftler
Helppie Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Helppie
Myrtle E. and William G. Hess
Charitable Trust
William G. and Myrtle E. Hess
Charitable Trust
HHA Services
Drs. William and Linda Higginbotham
Bob and Judy Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hosea
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Howenstein
Tom & Terri Howley
Candace and John Huetteman
Phillip K. Hunsberger
Huron Valley Ambulance
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Imesch
Independent Emergency Physicians
IPC - The Hospitalist Company
Dr. Denise M. Jabbour
Jim Riehl’s Friendly Automotive Group, Inc.
John E. Green Company
Drs. Robert and Susan John
Johnson Controls
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Jonna
Mrs. Julie Kado
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kallabat
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Kartush
Kasco, Inc.
Joyce Kasperski
Nancy Kassab Trust
Dr. Anthony J. Kawa
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Estate of Shirley Kendall
Dr. Rami Khoury
Dr. Brian S. Kim
Dr. and Mrs. Kyung Soo Kim
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti
& Sherbrook
Kiwanis Club of Utica/Shelby Township
KLS Martin, LP
Knights of Columbus Michigan
State Council
Dr. Tina Koester-Marsalese
and Mr. Salvatore J. Marsalese
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Komasara
Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh U. Kothari
Michael J. Kraut, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Krick
Drs. John C. Kulish
and Jennifer Freij Kulish
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lacey
Lakeshore Ear, Nose & Throat Center, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. LaLonde
Mary L. and Ronald C. Lamparter
Kathleen LaRaia
Drs. Michael and Janice LaRouere
Dr. Christopher and Mrs. Catherine Lee
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lehman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leonard
Jeanne G. Lewandowski, MD, and Family
Dr. Roger J. Lewis
Lexus Pursuit of Potential
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Littmann
Joan Long
The LoVasco Family
John J. and Donna M. LoVasco
Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Lucido
Tammy Lundstrom, MD, JD
Lymphoma Clinic of Michigan, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Lynch
Dr. Daniel H. Macek
Kelly Machesky, MD
Thomas A. Mackey Foundation
Debra L. Majkowski
Dr. Mary J. Malafa
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Mancini
Richard and Jane Manoogian Foundation
Maple Bay Consulting
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. March
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Markel
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Marowske
Dr. Ann Marsh-Senic
Tomasine and Bill Marx
Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH
Masco Corporation
Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Center
Mr. and Mrs. Frank* P. McBride
Kathleen and George McCann
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. McCann
Ruby McCoy Foundation
Dr. Steven McGraw and Ms. Bobi Morey
Patrick McGuire
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick W. McLaughlin
The Meade Group, Inc.
Meade Lexus of Lakeside
Meade Lexus of Southfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Meade
Measurecomp, LLC
Medical Weight Loss Clinic
Medtronic, Inc.
Drs. Daniel D. and Branka Megler
Dr. Rahul Mehta
Memac Associates, PC
Merge Healthcare
Merry, Farnen and Ryan, PC
Metro Partners in Women’s Health
Jean and Steve Meyer
MHT Housing, Inc.
Dr. Jefferey E. Michaelson
Michigan Association of Physicians
of Indian Origin (MAPI)
Michigan Business and Professional Association
Michigan Diagnostic Pathologists, PLLC
Michigan Ear Institute, PC
Michigan Head and Spine Institute, PLLC
Michigan Hearing Center, PC
Michigan Institute of Urology, PC
Michigan Neurology Institute-East, PC
Michigan Pain Management Consultant, PC
Midwest Steel, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Vjekoslav Mikelic
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. James A. Minello
Minkin Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Minkin
Dr. Glenn J. Minster
Dr. Sabah M. Mohammed
Dr. Kevin M. Monfette
Susan Mooney Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel J. Moroun
*Deceased Dr. Robert T. Morris
Dr. Christine M. Morrison
MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine
Martha Muhich
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Murphy
Mary Naber
Dr. Michael J. Naber
National Childhood Cancer Foundation
National Coney Island - Chili Company, Inc.
National Coney Island, Inc.
National Hockey League Foundation
Newland Medical Associates, PC
Next Level Health and Fitness
Mr. James B. Nicholson
Frank Poma
Pomeroy Health, Inc.
Porretta Center for Orthopaedic Surgery
Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Porter
ProAssurance Casualty Company
Providence Health & Services
Providence Health Foundation Board
Providence Hospital - Department
of Medicine
Providence Hospital - Medical Staff
Providence Medical Group
Providence Park Anesthesia Associates, PC
Providence Park League
Pulmonary and Critical Care Associates, PC
Several golfers from Independent Emergency Physicians at the
Providence Golf Classic.
Estate of Alexander M. Nick
Night for Sight, Inc.
Dr. Barbara J. Nixon and Mr. George Elias
Northern Trust Matching Gift Program
Northland Anesthesia Associates, PC
Gayle Novack
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Novi Orthopedic Anesthesia Specialists, PC
Mrs. Jane Kay Nugent
Oakland Primary Care
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Obeid
Dr. Kevin O’Brien
Mr. Daniel J. Oginsky
Dr. and Mrs. Jack O’Hara
Olympia Entertainment
Ms. Catherine M. O’Malley
Orthofix Spinal Implants
Otis Elevator Company
Our Lady of Providence League
Lorraine Owczarek
Park Internal Medicine
Dr. and Mrs. Sudhanshu H. Patel
Dr. Tushar M. Patel
Pathology Specialists of Southeast Michigan, PC
Paumac Tubing, Inc.
Drs. Ralph D. Pearlman and
Karen M. Swanson
Pediatric Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund
Perfect Serve
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Perry
Maureen S. Petrella
Pfizer, Inc.
Physician Healthcare Network, PC
Dr. Wayne N. Pierantoni
Dr. Gary W. Pilchak
Dr. Luis A. Pires
Plante & Moran, PLLC
Dr. Klaudia Plawny-Lebenbom
Plum Hollow Country Club
Plunkett & Cooney
PNC Bank
Pointe Family Dentistry
PVS Chemicals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Quint
R. L. Polk & Co.
Drs. Ali and Mahdokht Rabbani
Radar Industries, Inc.
Diane M. Radloff
Dr. Mohamad S. Rahbar
Linda Raies
Dr. and Mrs. Kumara Rama
Drs. Ketan and Lopa Rana
Walter and Joyce Rapske
Dr. Srihari Ravi
Dr. Valiya V. Ravi
Dr. Banda P. Reddy
Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Reichert
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Reilly
Dr. Nicholas C. Relich
Sandra Marie Rellinger
Respiratory Foundation of
Southeastern Michigan
Dr. and Mrs. Pablo Reyes
Dr. Robert N. Riccardi
Drs. William J. and Virginia Rice
Drs. Steven and Michelle Rivera
Riverview Health and Rehab
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Rollason
Dr. Robert R. Roman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Romanelli
Romeo Plank Family Practice
Mr. and Mrs.* Arthur J. Roshak
Dr. Hank Rosman and Dr. Sarine John
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Ross
Michael and Lisa Ann Roth
Dr. Lalitha Rudraiah
Mr. Thomas F. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ryan
Dr. Reina O. and Mr. Jose Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sanderson
Dr. Louis and Yvette Saravolatz
Dr. and Mrs. Eric W. Sargent
Mr. Nicholas Sarzynski
Mr. Robert I. Sattler
Dr. and Mrs. Hadi Sawaf
Mrs. Dorothy Scannell
Scavalino Kitchen
Schafer Irrevocable Trust
Dr. Nicholas J. Schoch
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Schultz
The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Schweitzer
Second Chance at Life
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Seid
Debra K. and William J. Shea
Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden Fund
Dr. Akash R. Sheth
Dr. Dharti Sheth
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Shiffman
Dr. Denise A. Shuttie
Dr. and Mrs. Kanwaldeep S. Sidhu
David Silwester
Site Development, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Smith
Dr. Mark A. Smith
Scott Smith and Kristin Welch
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smith
Mr. Anthony L. Soave
Soave Enterprises
Society of Chief Medical Officers
Sodexo, Inc. and Affiliates
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Somogyi
Dr. K. Damanjit Sooch
Dr. Anthony C. Southall
Southfield Centre Office Tower
Southfield Radiology Associates
Southfield Radiology Associates, PLLC
Southfield Town Center
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Speck
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
St. Clair Foundation
St. Clair High School
St. Clair Orthopaedics & Sports
Medicine, PC
The St. Clair River Country Club
St. Clair Rotary Club
St. Clair Specialty Physicians, PC
St. Clair Vascular Associates, PC
St. John Anesthesiologists, PC
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of Medical Education
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of OB/GYN
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of Pediatric Faculty
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of Surgery
St. John Macomb Hospital Auxiliary
St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital - Oakland Center - Gift Shop
St. John Medical Staff
St. John Oakland Emergency Physicians, PC
St. John Providence Health System
St. John Providence Health System Community Health
St. John Providence Health System East Region Executive Team
St. John River District Hospital Auxiliary
St. John River District Hospital
Medical Staff
The Mary G. Stange Charitable Trust
David and M. A. Stephens
Sterling Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. H. Robert Strom
Suburban Financial Showplace
Surgical Specialists of Michigan, PC
Swing for the Cure
Talmer Bank and Trust
Tamer Foundation
Tanoury, Nauts, McKinney & Garbarino, PLLC
Maurice and Michelle Taylor Foundation
Team Angels Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thewes
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Thies
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Torgow
Total Pack Management, LLC
Cherolee Trembath, MD
Tri Hospital MRI Center
Estate of Arthur J. Trombly
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Tushman
Universal-Macomb Ambulance Service, Inc.
Urban’s Partition & Remodeling Co.
Mrs. Gretchen C. Valade
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Valade
Van Elslander Family Foundation
Mr. Art Van Elslander
Ms. Debra Van Elslander
Mrs. Mary Ann Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vandenberghe
Dr. John G. Vanderford
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney T. Velarde
Dr. Robert J. Veneri
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Ventimiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Vicari
Dr. and Mrs. Narayanan Vikraman
Vitas Hospice Services, LLC
Sanford Wagenberg, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Walker
Drs. A. Craig and A. Christine Watt
Wayne County Four Star Health Program
Wayne and Joan Webber Foundation
Henry E. and Consuelo S. Wenger
Cheryl Ann Wesen, MD
Western Mechanical Contractors
Westin Southfield
Talbert White
Sandra E. Whitman
Michael C. Wiemann, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wilkie
Mr. Clifford Willner
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Wilson Jr.
Ralph C. Wilson Sr. and
Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation
Wolverine Packing Company
Woods Cardiovascular Internal
Medicine Assoc.
Mrs. Margaret D. Wormet
Wright and Filippis, Inc.
Wujek-Calcaterra & Sons, Inc.
X-Ray Associates of Port Huron, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Yakima
Dr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Yamasaki
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Yangouyian
Dr. Irena Zalewska and Mr. Erik Kafarski
Abdallah E. Zamaria, MD
Dr. John J. Zappia
Dr. Zenon M. Zarewych
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Zingas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Zmyslowski
The Zoe Foundation
Dr. Adam J. Zuckerman
W. Tom ZurSchmiede Foundation
Annual Giving of
$100 to $1,999
We gratefully acknowledge the
following donors who have supported
St. John Providence Health System,
its hospitals and/or programs with
a cumulative gift total of $100 to
$1,999 in cash, payments, stock or
gifts in kind in 2011.
15000 Associates, LLC
98 Suburban Stars
A & C Builders Hardware Corp.
Abbott Laboratories
Ms. Catherine Abbott
Dr. Rand S. Abdulnour-Farjo
Jeff Abeli
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Aben
Mr. Daniel J. Aberlich
Mr. James J. Abernethy
Dr. Amer Aboukasm
Accu-Rite Construction
Mrs. Judy D. Acheson-Swain
and Mr. Robert D. Swain
Cindy Ackerman
Acute Care Surgeons, PC
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Adamo
Mr. Daniel E. Adams
Dr. John T. Adams
Linda Adams
Shelley Adams-Ford
ADE Incorporated
Mr. Patrick J. Anderson
Ms. Roudi Anderson
Mr. Rufus Anderson
Ms. Virginia E. Anderson
Andiamo Riverfront, LLC
Ms. Colette Andrea
Mr. Gard Andresen
Ms. Karen Andrews
Anele, LLC
Anesthesia Services Associates, PC
From left, Terry Hamilton, Edward and Elaine Swanson, and Lori
and Anthony Wickersham at the Macomb-Oakland Taste Fest.
Delynn Adkins-Coles
Ms. Gertrud Adler
ADT Security Services, Inc.
Adult Learning Institute
Affiliated Eye Surgeons
Agilis Marketing Communications, Inc.
Mr. David A. Agius
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Agosta
Mrs. Bettejean J. Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ahee
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ahee
Mr. Waqar Ahmad
AILA - Michigan Chapter
Mr. James N. Ajlouny
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Alarie
Judy A. Alarie*
Ms. Josephine Alastra
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Aldinger
Alex Emilio Salon
Rev. Paul Alexander
Alexander’s Premiere Banquet Facility
& Restaurant
All Pointes General Agency
Dr. and Mrs. Iqbal N. Allarakhia
Denise R. Allen
Lisa Allen
Mr. Paul L. Allen
Ms. Gale Allen-Darnell
Alliance Mobile Health, Inc.
Allied Printing Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Milus A. Allison
Ms. Laurel Allor
Ms. Lisa Almeranti
Mr. Simon Alrihani
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Alsop
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Alter
Ms. Adele L. Alton
Ms. Karen Alton
Linda Aman, NP-C
Mrs. Dorothy Ambrozy
Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Amcheslavsky
American College of Cardiology
American Interiors
Drs. Ruth and Thomas Anan
Mr. Moses B. Anderson
Pamela Renee Anderson
Angela Carson Photography
Ms. Mary L. Angelilli
Ms. Marybeth S. Ankofski
Dr. Premchand Anne
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ansell
Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony
Ms. Margaret Anthony
Ms. Vernice D. Anthony
N. Peter Antone, PC
Antonino Salon & Spa
Debi Antonishek
Mr. Dean N. Applin
Apria Healthcare
Ms. Nancy Aquilina
Arab-American and Chaldean Council
Jeff Arce
ArcelorMittal - Stainless Service USA, LLC
Architectural Stainless, Inc.
Mr. John Ardelian Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Arkwright
Betty A. Armenio
The Arnone Law Offices, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Arnone
Mr. Joseph R. Arnone
Dr. Daniel Aronovitz
Mr. Jeffrey A. Arpan
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammed Arsiwala
Art Accent
Art Smith Auctioneers
Mr. Lee R. Artman
Laura A. Ashburn
Cheryl Aslakson
Jim Asmar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Asmussen
Asphalt Control Corp.
Associated Podiatrists
Astrein’s Creative Jewelers
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Athens
Mr. and Mrs. Nick S. Atsalakis
Mr. Joseph R. Atto
Dr. and Mrs. Blaise U. Audet
Sherry and Michael Augustine
Austin, Niester, Schweihofer
& Finnegan, PC
Ms. Kimberly A. Ayrault
Dr. and Mrs. Ahmad N. Azar
B & B Pretzels, Inc.
Sandy Baaso
Nancy A. Babcock Revocable Trust
Back In Time International
Dr. David A. Bailey
Kacy Bailey
Michelle P. Bailey
Ms. Lisa B. Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bajorek
Dr. Neeran Y. Bajouka
Baker College - Port Huron Campus
Mr. Kenneth D. Baker
Nancy Baker
Ms. Michelle M. Balancio
Dr. and Mrs. E. Michael Balok
Drs. Michael and Denise Balon
Bank of America, NA
Danielle C. Banks
Ms. Olivia Banyon
Dr. Patricia and Mr. William Barber
Mr. Mark D. Barner
Ms. Sally D. Barnett
Jackie A. Barnhart
Ms. Frances M. Baron
Dr. and Mrs. Roberto M. Barretto
Edward G. Bartholomew, MD
Mrs. Barbara F. Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bartley
Barton Malow Company
Ms. Nancy B. Bashara
Mrs. Suzanne H. Bashara
Dr. Craig Basmaji and
Dr. Monisha Shetty Basmaji
Mr. Eric Basmaji
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Basmaji
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Basmaji
Mrs. Nora F. Bass
Mr. Patrick M. Batcheller
Ms. Flora S. Bates
Ms. Cathy Bathurst
Dr. and Mrs. Sanjay Batra
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Battani
Mr. Dell M. Bauslaugh
Helen Beamer
Ms. Thora J. Beard
Ms. Crystal D. Beasley
Mr. Robert Beaton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Beaubien
Ms. Kathleen A. BeBeau
Barbara Beckwith
Ms. Ida Beecher
Ms. Lynne L. Behrens-Hanna
Dawn Beindit
Ron Belback
Sandy Belback
Ms. Genevieve Belfiglio
Martin I. Belkin, DO
Bellisario Florist
Mr. Donald A. Belote
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Benacquisto
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Bender
Ms. Deborah Benson
Mrs. Sue Ann Bentz
Jeff Berger
Brenda Bergeron
Mrs. Stephanie W. Bergeron
Mr. James Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Berlin
Suzanne Berna
Richard N. Berri, MD
Dorine Berriel-Cass
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Berry
Ms. Milicent R. Berry
Ms. Hannelore G. Bertram
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berzsenyi
Bette Prudden Art Studio
Ms. Heather Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Betts
Mr. William E. Betts
Ms. Katharina A. Bettsteller
Mr. Rober Betz
Ms. Susan Beutel
Beverly Hills Racquet & Health Club
Beverly Hills Skin Care Institute
Bev’s Angels
Beyond Juice, Birmingham, LLC
Satheesh K. Bhaskaran
Karla S. Bialk
Mr. Walter Bielski
Mrs. Rosemary Bierkamp
Ms. Sherry Bierkle
Mrs. Lori Bierlein
Bill MacDonald Ford, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Billings
Ms. Deborah Billington
Tim and Mary Binder
Bingham Physical Medicine, PLC
Deborah Binienda
Binson’s Hospital Supplies, Inc.
Mr. John Birberick
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bird
Susan T. Birli
Mrs. Karen Bisdorf
Bitar Group, LLC (Le Chef Bistro)
Jason Bitkowski, DO
Ms. Gayle Blackmer
Mr. Wayne Blair
Ms. Joan Blake
Gayle M. Blakely
Terri Blankenship
Mr. Robert Blanzy
Ms. Cynthis A. Bliskey
Mrs. Carol Blohm
Mr. Robert W. Blohm
The Bloomfield Optimist Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Richard J. Blouin
Blue Care Network of Michigan
Mr. Gregory Bobrowski
Ms. Teresa A. Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boerma
Ms. Gladys Bogos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bogos
Ms. Yvette L. Boileau
Dr. Rola S. Bokhari-Panza and
Mr. Filadelfo R. Panza
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Bolf
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bollin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Bolton
Estate of Harold and Grace Bond
Vonell Bond
Bone & Joint Surgery Center
Dr. Henry G. Bone
Ms. Debbie C. Boney
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Bonfiglio
Ms. Christine Bonkowski
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Bonnefil
Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Bono
Mrs. Sheila Book
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Boonstra
Ms. Sally Boor
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Boos
Edward A. Borio, DDS
Dr. Thomas R. Borland
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Borowski
Mr. James E. Boskovich
The Bottle Crew
Mr. Maurice Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Bouchard
Boulevard Health Center
Sharon Bourgeois-Janowiak
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Boutt
Bovenschen School
Laura M. Bowen
Ms. Andrea Bowers
Mr. Ernest Boyce
Ms. Victoria Boyce
Mr. John Boyd
Dr. Katherine L. Boyd
Peggy A. Boyd
Mr. Eugene H. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bracket
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Braddock
Michelle Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Brady Jr.
*Deceased Mr. Mark J. Brady
Stephanie Brady
Denise Braga
Ms. Lisa Brandel
J. Brateman Properties
Braun & Helmer Auction Service
Dr. and Mrs. Alan H. Braunstein
Ms. Barbara A. Brayack
Bernadette Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bresinski
Bright Pointe, PLLC
BRIO Tuscan Grille
Mr. and Mrs. John Broad
Ms. Elaine Broadnax
Mr. Donald Broderick
Donna Broderick-Narva
Mr. Dan Brodie
Mrs. Joanne Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brodie
Mrs. Margaret Brom
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bromley
Ms. Carol E. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brooks
Mr. Jerry H. Broughman
Ms. Bonnie Brown
Brenda J. Brown
Mr. Curtis Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brown
Mr. Eugene P. Brown
Ms. Jennifer Brown
June Brown
Dr. Kenneth D. Brown
Mr. Michael C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown
Ms. Patricia A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Brownell
Mr. Steven Brownie
Mr. and Mrs. John Brubaker
Ms. Amy J. Brusca
Mary A. Bryk, RN
Mr. Robert J. Brzezniak
Ms. Linda Bubenko
David R. Buckley
Mr. William Bueso
Buff Whelan Chevrolet, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bugajewski Jr.
Mr. John T. Bulger
Mr. Lawrence A. Bunch
Debora Bunnell
Mr. Raymond Buratto
Ms. Yolanda Burbrink
Mr. Otis Burdette
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Burke
Mary Beth Burke
Colonel Mary Ellen Burke
Mr. Michael P. Burke
Mrs. Sharon K. Burke
Mr. Michael L. Burns
Mr. Richard Burns
Russell Burr
Mr. David V. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burzynski
MaryLee Busse
Karyl Buytas, RTRM
Ronald Anthony Byzewski
Ms. Virginia V. Cabanting
Joan Cady
Mr. Kenneth J. Cady*
Ms. Marie L. Cady
Caesars Windsor
Kate Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cahill
Janine Cain
Cakes by Katie
Ms. Heather Calappi
Dr. David R. Calderone
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Caldwell Jr.
Rose M. Caliguri, RN
Mrs. Margaret C. Cisneros
Mrs. Helen M. Call
Mr. Donald F. Clark
Ms. Cassandra Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John Callaghan
Rebecca Clark
Ms. Celeste Callahan
Ms. Marilyn Clark-Keefe
Ms. Glenda M. Calvin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Clason
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Calzone
Mr. William Clay and Ms. Linda R. Kimball
Luis G. Camero, MD, PC
Ms. Sherilyn A. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cameron
Clinical Documentation Excellence
Mr. Jim Campaigne
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cloutier
Mr. Herman C. Campbell
Ms. Paula R. Clum
William Y. Campbell Rev. Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Eudoro Coello
Steven and Marsha Candela
Dr. and Mrs. Darryl A. Cohen
Candescent Healing
Ms. Julie Cohen
Debra Cannatti
Lorraine Colasanti
Ana Capatina, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Cole
Captive Visual Marketing, LLC
Mr. Grant Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Caramagno
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Caraway
Mr. Kenneth Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Cardellio
Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. Coleman
Mr. Kevin Cardwell
Carol Collier
Mrs. Helen A. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Collins
Ms. Lois A. Carey
Pamela M. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carlin
Mr. Jeffrey Collinson
Carl’s Golfland
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Collon
Cindy Caron
Richard J. Colman, DO, PLLC
Mr. Richard Carr
Ms. Patricia Colorito
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Colton
Ms. Ruth V. Carroll
Mr. Roger Combs
Ms. Elizabeth A. Carter
Comcast Spotlight
Dr. and Mrs. Renato S. Casabar
Ms. Elizabeth Comerford
Linda Cascio
Comerica Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Casey
Comerica Bank Corporate Contributions
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Casey
Comerica Charitable Foundation
The Casinelli Family
Competition Specialists Auto Club
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cass
Comprehensive Vascular Care
Dr. Jeane Casselberry
Compsat Technology, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Caste
Compuware Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cataldi
Congregation of St. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Vito A. Catalfio Jr.
Conker Cancer
Catherine’s Pet Parlor
Friends of Conner Park Florist
Mrs. Debra E. Cattaneo
Conner Park Florist, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn Cauch
Ms. Sheila C. Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Cavaliere
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Connor
Mr. Stewart E. Cedar
James Consiglio
Cedar Glen Golf Club
Ms. Nadine Cook
Ms. Betty Ceniza
Mr. William J. Coonfer
Ceresnie & Offen Furs
Mr. Charles Cooper
Ms. Dorothy J. Cerk
Ms. Jennifer Cooper
Cerner Corporation
Ms. Michele P. Coosaia
Certified Investigations International
Ms. Linda D. Copas
Chaldean Community Foundation
Corbet, Shaw, Essad & Tucciarone
Ms. Camille Chamberlain
Dr. Julie W. Corbett
Ms. Nancy J. Chambers
Cornerstone Health Services
Mr. and Mrs. Don Champine
Mr. Robert Cornette
Ms. Heidi L. Char
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cornwall
Charity Motors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Corona
Charlotte’s Wings
Ms. Mary A. Corona
Dr. Catherine Chartier and Mr. Gary Pryka
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Chauvin
Mr. Mario Cherro
Cherrywood Center Associates
Cherrywood Nursing & Living Center
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Y. Cheung
Lynn Chiesa
Mr. Michael Childs
Mr. Joel Chinsky
Chirco Title Company
Ms. Elizabeth A. Chlipala
Lawrence Chominski
Mrs. Lynn Chrisman
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Christensen
Mr. Robert Chrzanowski
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chuba
Ms. Dina Ciaffone
Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Anne Cibor
Ms. Ann Marie Ciceri
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC; Dr. Patricia
Joe Cichon
Maryland and Dr. Michael Wiemann
Mr. Ralph Cihone Jr.
at the Providence Friends’ Ball.
Sandra Cioch
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Cipriano
Kellie Cislo
Shelley Corp
Ms. Jessica Corte
Mr. Gary Cortner
Dr. and Mrs. William Cosgrove
Ms. Jayne Cosher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cosma
Mr. David A. Cosma
Ms. Christina Costello
Ms. Heather Costello
Ms. Traci Cothran
Deborah Cottone-Todd
Council for Action on Aging
Nini Coury
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couzens
Mrs. Connie Cox
Mr. Ken Coxen
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Coyle
Dr. Christine A. Crader
Ms. Frances S. Craft
Mr. Mark E. Craig
Janet Crain
Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Crane II
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Craparotta
Crash Services, Inc.
Ms. Janet Craver
Mr. Tom Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Creagh
Credit Union Advantage
Michael and Heidi Crisman
Jim Cronk
Mrs. Maureen Cronk
Kathy Cross
Laurie Cross, RPh
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croswell
Ms. Astrid Crowton
Dr. Claire Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cumming
Gaudiosa F. Cunanan
Denise Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. Alan W. Curnow
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Currin
Betty Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Cutino
Mr. Michael Cytacki
Mrs. Marlene Czapp
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Czarnecki
Ms. Sandra K. Czech
Mrs. Joan D’Addario
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D’Addario
Maureen Dailey, DO
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Daily
Mr. Charles R. Dale
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Daly
Damico Building Group, LLC
Mr. James P. Danaher
James P. Danaher Trust
Mr. Kevin Danaj
Ms. Lisa Dancsok
Mr. Carl D’Andrea
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Danforth
Ms. Deborah A. Daniels
Ms. Sheryl Daniloff
Ms. Shirley Dantzler
Paul Darmon, DDS, PC
Mrs. Beverly J. Darnell
William Darroch
Mr. Oleg Dashevskiy
Daudlin, De Beaupre and Company
Constance Daudlin
Mr. Paul T. Daudlin
Marney Daugherty
Ms. Joyce A. Dauterman
Joseph A. Davenport
Ms. Evelyn Davidson
Davidson Elementary Families
Dr. and Mrs. Desmond Davies
Davis Selected Advisers - NY, Inc.
Ms. Deborah Davis
Ms. Jacqueline M. Davis
Sue Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Deal
Dearborn Sausage Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Deason
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Deaver
Ms. Marjorie DeCapite
Ms. Mary DeCarolis
Erin DeChambeau
Ms. Julie A. DeConinck
Diagnostic Radiology Consultants, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dick
Elizabeth P. Dickinson
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Dr. Heather and Mr. Stanley Dickson
DiClemente Investments, Ltd.
Gino/Luciana DiClemente Foundation
Miss April Diggs
Mrs. Sharon D. DiGiulio
From left, Dr. Antonio Bonfiglio, Dr. Todd Peterson, Dr. Wesley
Martus and Dr. Anthony Southall, Caduceus Cup winners at the
Macomb-Oakland golf outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deeb
Ms. Margie Deeb
Defense Products Marketing
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Defever
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. DeGalan
DeGrandchamp Farms
Dr. and Mrs. Marcus DeGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dejack
Mrs. Marilyn DeLap
Kirstin Delfin
Ms. Renee Delkov
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Delong
Delta Zeta-Epsilon Sigma
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. De Luca
Mr. and Mrs. A. Delvillano
Ms. Martha Demarais
Miss Camille DeMario
Leona Dembeck
Dr. and Mrs. Mario J. De Meireles
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Demeyer
Mr. Thomas Demorrow
Ms. Annmarie Dempsey
Mr. John Dempster
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. DeNardis
Ms. Linda Deneen
Dennis Beals Auction Service
Mr. Basil G. Denno
Ms. Sara J. Dent
Dr. and Mrs. Albert P. DePolo
Gerald Deputat
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Derderian
Mrs. Shirley Dertinger
Dr. Vajendra J. Desai
DeSeranno Corp.
Designs By Sioux
Detroit East Suburban Alumni Chapter
of Alpha Phi
Detroit Lions
Detroit Oxygen and Medical Equipment Co.
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Spectrum Painters, Inc.
Detroit Tigers
Mr. Leo Deutschmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. DeVaux
Drs. Mark and Carol DeVore
Mr. Michael DeWolf
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Digon
Ms. Diane L. Dillon
Eric DiLorenzo
Mrs. Barbara Dimcheff
Mr. R. Paul Dingeman
Drs. John and Catherine Dinka
Ms. Odesa B. Diones
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dissett
Mark C. Dixon Revocable Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty
Thomas F. Dolnicek, MD
Victoria Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Domeier
Mr. John T. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dowling
Downriver Goodfellows, Inc.
Downriver Podiatrists, PC
Marilyn Drabicki
Ms. January A. Draigich
Debra Drulia
Yolanda L. Dudek
Mr. and Mrs. George Duditch
Dr. Maria L. Duenas
Nancy F. Duensing
Mrs. Barbara J. Dueweke
Duffey Petrosky & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DuMouchelle
Mr. Theodore Duncan
Diane Dunlap
Ms. Judith A. Dunn
Robert S. Dunsky
Mrs. Linda A. Duren
Ms. Barbara M. Durham
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Durno
Duross Painting Company
Mrs. Laura Dutton
Dr. and Mrs. Wolf F. Duvernoy
Dr. and Mrs. Lillman Dwarka
Ms. Evelyn E. Dykewicz
Mr. and Mrs. James Dzieciolowski
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Dzul
LaKenya Easterling
Eastlake Pediatrics
Ms. Judith K. Eastman
Eastside Eye Physicians, PC
Eastside Tennis Club
The Eathorne Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ebeling
Jerry M. Eckhout
Ms. Paula Eckhout
Eckler Electric, LLC
Econ Marketing Services
Ed Rinke Chevrolet Buick GMC
Ms. Sahda J. Edge
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Edgette
Edsel & Eleanor Ford House
Edward Swanson & Son Funeral Home
Mr. Benjamin Edwards Jr.
Ms. Karen S. Edwards
Laura Edwards
Mr. Muhammad Ehtesham
Mrs. Juliana M. Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elley
Mr. Joseph F. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. James Ellis
Ms. Janise Ellis
Mr. Thomas M. Ellis
Ms. Wendy A. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Elsey
Mr. and Mrs. Lee L. Elsey Jr.
Debra Elsholz
Karen Eltringham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Emerson
Emery’s Creative Jewelers
Mr. Pete Endresel
Estate of Judith Engel
Mrs. Ivana Enright
ENT Surgical Associates
Darlene Ephraim
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Epp
Elizabeth T.S. Epperson
Mr. Gerald G. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ermanni
Sylvia Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eschenburg
Alice L. Esper
Eugenio Painting Company
Kelly Adomeit Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John Everly
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Ewald
Executive Language Services, Inc.
Exit Realty 1st
Eye Care Associates, PC
Mr. Edward Fabacher
Faces by Freda
Fairlane Town Center
Dr. Mohamad G. Fakih
Falcone, Listwan & O’Neil, PC
Ms. Cynthia A. Falska
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fanelli
Mrs. Rosa Fanelli
Ms. Linda G. Fantin Sofia
Ms. Afaf V. Farah
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farah
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Farrington
Ms. Diana Fassett
Mr. John W. Fauver
Mr. Paul Fayad
Michael J. Felczak Jr.
Mrs. Lois Feldbush
Dr. and Mrs. Barry W. Feldman
Ms. Lorraine Fellows
The Morris and Sybil Fenkell Foundation
Ms. Patricia Fenn
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fenster
Mrs. Susan Fenster
Joann Ferguson
Lorenzo Ferguson, MD, FACS
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ferlito
Dr. Florante R. Fermil
Fern Hill Golf & Country Club, Inc.
Mr. Franklin S. Ferres
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Field
TSgt John F. Fields, USAF, Ret.
Mr. Phil Fields
Ms. Nancy Fife Gibson
Fifth Third Bank
Ms. Barbara Fike
Mr. and Mrs. Don Filipski
Mrs. Jill T. Finch
Dr. Julie B. Finn and Dr. Bradley Rowens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Fiorani
First Michigan Bank
Mrs. Carole Fischer
Ms. Shirley Fischer
Ms. Susan Fishback
Fishbone’s Rhythm Kitchen Café
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III
Ms. Barbara A. Fisher
Ms. Barbara C. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III
Ms. Ruth Fisher
Ms. Diane Fishman
Mr. Jay A. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fishman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fishman
Fit-n-Fun Tumblebus
Mr. Leo P. Fitzpatrick Jr.
Flagstar Branch #78
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flanagan
Mr. John Flanagan
Ms. Patricia Fletcher
Flint Hills Resources, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck B. Flood
Mrs. Sarah M. Flynn
Ms. Judy A. Fons
Fontbonne Auxiliary Gift Shop
Fore Lakes Golf Club
Christine Fornal
Deborah Forney
ForSports Corporate Apparel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foster
Foster Blue Water Oil, LLC
Nan-Marie Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Fozo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Frabotta
Dr. and Mrs. Allan D. Fraiberg
Karen Fralick
Eva France
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frank
Franklin Cleaners
Lynn Franks
Fraser VFW Post #6691
Ms. LaDonna Frasier
Mr. James Frederick
Ms. Maybelle Freeman
Mr. Peter Freeman
Dr. Michele E. Freind and
Dr. Bruce Skolnik
Mr. Edward B. Freytag
Mrs. Beverly Friedenberg
Ms. Carol Friend
Friends Hair Salon, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Friess
Brenda Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frost
Mrs. Julie Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frost
Jeannine M. Frye
Ms. Carol Fuchs
Mrs. Carole A. Fulgenzi
Dr. Kathleen M. Fulgenzi and
Mr. James Lamoureaux
Lajuana Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Fuller
Fullmer Law Office, PLC
Mrs. Eleanore Gabrys
Mr. Jay R. Gagnon
Ms. Linda Galante
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Galat
Ms. Marilouise H. Galik
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallucci
Mr. Michael Gammicchia
Mr. Henry Gandolfi
Ms. Christine Ganiaris
Mr. Verne Garascia
*Deceased Ms. Joan E. Garbarino
Ann and Larry Garberding
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Garberding
Sarah Garcia
Gardella Homes, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gardella Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gardella
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Garske
Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Garver
Paul L. Garwood Jr.
Dr. Ted Gasowski
Ms. Nancy K. Gasparovic
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gasser
Ms. Barbara B. Gattorn*
Mr. Douglas Gauerke
Mrs. Kathleen Gaughan
M. G. Gauthier
Ms. Connie Gee
Francine Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gehres
Mrs. Annamay Gehrke
Mr. John Gehrke and
Ms. Margaret Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gellein
Estate of Ruth J. Gembarski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gemignani
Mr. Jerry Gemignani
General Motors Corp.
Tracy Gentile
Mr. Larry T. Gentry
George W. Auch Company
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. George
Mr. and Mrs. James George
Mr. John W. George III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geraci
Gerald Saunders Interiors
Mr. Mike Gerald and Ms. LeAnne Rubino
The Geralds Family
Geriatric Social Workers
Ghafari, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Ghannam
Mr. Frederick B. Ghofulpo
Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, PC
Laurie Gierc
Mrs. Patricia Giftos
Ms. Helen C. Gilchrist
Mrs. Nancy Gillelan
Ms. Caroline Gilreath
Gina Agosta, Inc.
Ginger’s Café & Gourmet Shoppe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Giorgio
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Girand
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Girolami
Mr. Alvaro Giulianelli
Giving Tree Montessori School
Chontelle Glenn
David Glines
Teri Gnam
The Go Foundation
Godfrey Hammel, Danneels
& Company, PC
Ms. Brenda S. Goebel
Mr. Heath G. Goebel
Goerlich, Richert & Kaiser, PLLC
Ms. Margaret B. Goetsch
Mrs. Barbara L. Goldburg
Dr. Lyle Goldman
Charles Goldstein
Ms. Karen Gonko
Douglas Gonzales
Dr. Judie R. Goodman
and Mr. Kurt R. Vilders
Dr. Gina Gora and Dr. Howard J. Dworkin*
Brenda A. Gordon
Ms. Judith Gordon
Ms. Kathleen M. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Seymour V. Gordon
Mr. Thomas M. Gordon
Ms. Josephine Goring
Ms. Jessica L. Gorman
Ms. Margaret M. Gorman
Ms. Gail Gorris
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Guy
Deborah Gough, RN
Mr. David Guz
Mune Gowda, MD, PC
Ms. Elaine Guzik
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gyemi
Vinod K. Goyal
Mr. Ronald L. Haberl
Mr. William H. Gracey
Mrs. Helene Habib
Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Grady
Dr. John Hackenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Graff
Mr. Robert Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Grajewski
Dr. Steven P. Hadesman
Grand Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. William Haener
Grant Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Haggerty
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Grawburg
Hagopian World of Rugs
Karen D. Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hague
Great Oaks Country Club
Ms. Clara J. Hahnefeld
Mrs. Judith D. Green
Ms. Patricia E. Haman
Michael E. Green
Hamilton Chevrolet
Carol Greene
Ms. Jill M. Hamilton
Greenstone’s Jewelers
Jonnie M. Hamilton
Estate of Rose Greenwald
Marianne Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Gregory
Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hamilton
Jennifer Gregson
Mr. Walter B. Hamilton
Grekin Skin Institute
Ms. Suzanne Hammel
Linda Grembi
Miles, Cheryl, Josh & Sarah Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. George Grenzke
Mr. William B. Hampton
Greystone Golf Club
Dr. Basel Hamzeh
Anne Grice
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hanson
Nancy Grider
Mr. Scott R. Hanson
Deanna Griebe
Harbor Restaurant Corp.
Dr. and Mrs. Issac Grinberg
Hard Luck Vodka
Mr. Henry M. Grix
Ms. Kathryn Harding
Ms. Debbie Grob
Ms. Angela Hardy
Ms. Mary Grodus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Harland
Eric Groeneveld, DDS, PC
Mr. Robert Groff
Sue Gronbach
Grosse Pointe Audiology, LLC
Grosse Pointe News
Grosse Pointe North High School
Grosse Pointe Rotary Foundation
Grosse Pointe Sunrise Rotary Foundation
Mr. David Grout
Mr. Michael R. Grow
Jackie Gruber & Family
Mr. and Mrs. E. Grzybowski and Family
Ms. Anna W. Grzywinski
GST AutoLeather
Ms. Susan M. Guida
Ms. Margery C. Guinther
Mr. Ken Gulle
Mary Margaret, Bill, Grace
and Clare Gulowski
Ms. Susanne E. Gunsorek
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gusmano
From left, St. John Macomb Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gusmano
Kerri S. Gustafson, DDS, PLLC
Auxiliary volunteers Marie and Mal
Mr. Timothy C. Gutwald
Hanson, Helen Shoff and Ruth Salamie
at a Shamrock Sale fundraiser.
From left, Rosemary Lowry, NP, shows Our Lady of Providence
League board members and officers Frank McGann, Jim Hynes
and Lucille Jednachowski around Providence Hospital’s renovated
Emergency Center.
Mr. B. Neal Harman
Ms. Rachel Harned
Amy C. Harper, RN, BSN
Mr. Michael F. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Harrison
Ms. Michele Harrison Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Harter
Mr. John M. Harwood
Ms. Beth Haselhuhn
Mr. Cordell Hastings
Ms. Jeanine Haugen
Mr. Edward Hawi
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hay
Ms. Jeanette J. Hayden
Mrs. Gilda J. Hayes-Moskal
and Dr. William F. Moskal
Hazel Park Medical Center
Ms. Krishana Headen
Health Alliance Plan
Fr. James B. Heary
Mr. Joseph C. Heavener
Bob Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Hefter
Ms. Ruth A. Helmer
Mr. James T. Henley
Ms. Marlene A. Hennessey
Shirley A. Henning
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Henry
Ms. Susan Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Herndon
Mrs. Elaine C. Hernwick
From left, Joan and Bill Gehrke with
Mary Ann Van Elslander at a Van
Elslander Cancer Center event.
Hersh’s on the Boardwalk
Dr. Ronald D. Hertz
Mr. and Mrs. Konrad J. Heuvers
Ms. Carly Hickey
Ms. Mary J. Hicks
Mr. Jay Hill
Mr. John R. Hill
Dr. Robert E. Hillyer
and Dr. Mary H. Quigg
Dr. and Mrs. David T. Hindy
Mr. David W. Hines
Ms. Sharon Hinkle
Mrs. Kenda M. Hinz
Ms. Melissa Hitchcock
Mr. J. Daniel Hitchens
Mr. and Mrs. T. Denny Hoag
Mr. Patrick J. Hoban
Becky and Steve Hobig
Mr. Joel L. Hoffman
and Ms. Shelley K. Miller
Mr. Bruce R. Hogg
Denise Hohn
Mrs. Nina K. Holden
Dr. Debra and Mr. Robert Hollander
Ms. Melissa Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Holmlund
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Holstein
Mrs. Mary Holway
Holy Cross Children’s Services
Mrs. Florine Holzen
Homework Interiors
Ms. Karen Honeycheck
Robert J. Hope, CRNA
Chiqutta Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Horsburgh
Gary E. Hosey, DPM, PC
Hospice Advantage
Hotel Valet, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Houin
Mrs. Phyllis I. Howard
Mrs. A. Hrosc, RN, HMN
Mr. Peter Hryciuk
James and Roberta Hrynik
HSM Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lucille M. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hudson
Mr. Gilbert R. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Huebner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Huebner
Dr. Christopher W. and Debra J. Hughes
Mr. Ronald W. Humenny
Joanne Humphrey
Ms. Joan E. Hunt-Olejasz
Jean Meyer, MSN, RN (standing second from left) and several
guests at the “Women of the World” Providence Park event.
Joseph and Kelly Hurshe
Ms. Sandra Hurst
Dr. Nasir Husain
Lisa and Matthew Hutchings
The Hutensky Group, LLC
Mr. Khanh Huu Huynh
Ms. Cristy C. Hyde
Hylant Group
Ms. Clara L. Iacobelli
Mr. Olindo Iacobelli
Ms. Lynne Ibbetson
IBM Employee Services Center
Dr. Shadi Idris
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Ignasiak
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Igrisan
Jodie A. Ihns, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ilitch
Honorable and Mrs. Joseph N. Impastato
Indianwood Golf & Country Club
Integrowth Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Interactivation Health Networks
Irving Place Capital Management, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard K. Irwin
Island Graphics
Mr. David Isquith
ITC Holdings Corp.
Lea Anne A. Ivory
Ms. Stacy Iwanicki
J. L. Geisler Corp.
J. Powrie Jewelers
Jackson Restoration Services
Ms. Deborah A. Jackson
Evelyn Jackson
Mrs. Marta Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jacobs
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jacobs
Mr. Brent Jacoby
Mrs. Sandra Jaeger
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jagger
Mr. and Mrs. Radhe S. Jain
Mr. Robert James
James Group International
Mr. and Mrs. John Jameson
Ms. Michele Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jankowski
Mrs. Catherine Jannette
Mr. John J. Janowicz
Jax Kar Wash
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jay
Drs. Saroja and Gandam Jayakar
JCPenney Company Fund, Inc.
JDCTek - Your Computer Doctor
Mr. Robert R. Jeanguenat
Ms. Lucille J. Jednachowski
Jeff Garlick State Farm Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jehle
Ms. Jonnie Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jennings
Jen’s Gift of Love
Ms. Amy L. Jerdee
Ron Jesmore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Jetzke
Jewish Hospice & Chaplaincy Network
Gilly Jobson
John Pershern Golf Shop Lochmoor Club
John’s Lumber
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Johns
Ms. Anne E. Johnson
David Johnson
J. M. Johnson
Jackie Johnson
Ms. Julie Johnson
Katy Johnson
Dr. Leonard B. Johnson
Ms. Patricia S. Johnston
Debra A. Jokinen
Ms. Carla Jones
Colleen Jones
Mr. Lester P. Jones
Ms. Lurenzia Jones
Melissa S. Jones
Mr. Thomas H. Jones
Mrs. Vicki K. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Thad H. Joos
Teresa M. Jorgensen
Dr. Chandrika and Mr. Mayur Joshi
Mr. Nickolaus Jost
Jules Village Condo Assoc.
JW Design
JW Hotels-Novi, LLC
Ms. Kristin Kalmink
Mr. Ted Kalota
Ms. Deborah B. Kalp
Dr. Mark A. Kalt
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaminski
Ms. Sue T. Kaminski
Ms. Susan Kammerman
Ms. Agnes Kapalka
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kapalka
Melodie Kapolka, RN, BSN
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Karadjoff
Dr. Melinda Karam
Dr. Kristophe J. Karami, DO, MS
Ms. Jane E. Karber
Diana L. Kargula
Mr. Peter A. Karrer
Ms. Patricia A. Karwan
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kaspzyk
Ms. Esther Kassab*
Mr. Peter Kassab
Katana Nu-Asian Steakhouse
Kate Spade
Ms. Karen N. Kaurich
Ida L. Kaylor
Karen Sue Kaylor
Mr. Oronde Kearney
Mr. Thomas F. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Werner K. Keckhut
Ms. Colleen Keelan
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Keene
Robin Kegley
Mr. Randall J. Kehl
Ms. Barbara Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kehrig
Kelley Brothers, LC
Mr. John W. Kelley
Bette Kelly
Dr. Robert J. Kelman
Mr. and Mrs. Sabah Kenaya
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kendrick
Ms. Myrna L. Kennedy
Mr. Paul Kennedy
Don Kern
Denise E. Kerr, NP
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kerzic
Ms. Lori Kesar
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kettler
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic I. Keywell
Dr. Shahid N. Khan
Jody Khoury
Mr. Bob Kieleszewski
Ms. Kristy Killingbeck
Michael R. Kiluk, RPh
Pamela S. Kiluk
Mr. Nazar Kinaya
Ms. Julie King
Ms. Patricia King
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Kirkman
Mr. Marc Kirouac
Mr. Richard A. Kitch
and Ms. Mona Majzoub
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas R. Kitchen
Kiwanis Club of Clinton Valley
Kiwanis Club of Eastpointe
Kiwanis Club of Lac Ste Claire
Kiwanis Club of Sterling Heights
Kiwanis Club of Sterling Heights - High Noon Charity Fund
Ms. Irma Klaetke
Dr. Costas Kleanthous
Chris & Roy Klecha
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Klein
Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Klein
Ms. Julie C. Kley
Ms. Margaret M. Klobucar
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Klovski
Kluczynski, Girtz, Zamler & McCubbrey
Kmart Creative Team
Peggy Knaack
Ms. Sharon A. Knecht
Mr. Glenn G. Knight
Knights of Columbus Council No. 6865
Knights of Columbus Council No. 11658
Knights of Columbus Council No. 12408
Knights of Columbus Council No. 13453
Knights of Columbus - Mt. Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick F. Knoell
Debbie Knoll
Mr. Harold R. Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Knost
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Knuth
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
Susan Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koczab
Kathryn E. Koetters
Ms. Marcy Koftan
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kohlberg
Kohl’s A-Team, Chesterfield
Ms. Suzanne Kolcz
Dr. Bruce H. Kole
Dr. Kerry L. Kole
Norma R. Koleta
Vickie Koller
Ms. Lois B. Koning
The Christian W. Konstanzer
Endowment Fund
Ms. Mary Kontolambros
Mr. Andy Konwiak
Mr. Charles R. Koob
Tara Kopasz
Ms. Alice Kopecky
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Kopjo
Korda Engineering, Inc.
Mr. James J. Kordas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Korkoian
Diann, Noel & Jennifer Korowin
Mary Kors
Barbara Kortas
Michelle Kosal
Ms. Elizabeth Kosmowski
Mrs. Gloria Kotas
Dr. Nicholas T. Kouchoukos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koval
Mary Kraj
Mr. and Mrs. Casmere J. Krakowiak
Mr. Ray Krakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Krall
Ms. Denise Kramer
Ms. Marleen Kramer
Ms. Mary L. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Willard G. Kramer
Dr. Neal Krasnick
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Kraus
Mr. John A. Kress
Ms. Jessica Krieg
Kroger Community Rewards
The Kroger Co.
Ms. May M. Kroger
Mr. Larry A. Kroha Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Krolikowski
David W. Kroll
Ms. Zofia Krupinski
Ms. Diana Krynycky
Ms. Janice Kubek
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Kucharek
Mr. and Mrs. Randall F. Kuchenmeister
Mrs. Alla J. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kuhn
Laura Kuhn
Dr. Kamlesh Kumari-Lobo
*Deceased Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Kunert
Mr. Bill Kunst and Ms. Mary Granata
Mr. Randall Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kupchick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kuplicki
JoAnn and Bryan Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kush
Mrs. Shirley Kushner
Ms. Kathy G. Kustron
Dr. and Mrs. W. Blake Kutsche
Maureen Lechner
Ms. Lori LeCour
Beth Marie Ledford
Mr. Allen Ledyard
Donna M. Lee
Mary Legette
Maria Leli-Dichazi and Larry Dichazi
Joann L. Leman
Derek & Dana Lemanski, family & friends
Ms. Judith A. Lemaux
Ann and Jim Nicholson, who made a leadership gift to establish
the Joan Gehrke Endowed Fund in Oncology, at an event to
honor Joan.
Maria Kuziemko
Joe Kyle
Cassie Laasch, MD
Ms. Amy B. Labadie
Mr. James A. LaBuhn
Ms. Colleen Lacivita
Ladies Auxiliary No. 7239
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ladouceur
Ms. Renee Lafferty
Mrs. Rita P. Lage
Patricia LaGodna
Lakeland Services, Inc.
Gloria Lambert
Mr. Richard W. Lambrecht
Ms. Anne C. Lampe
Landau Jewelry
James M. Landers, MD, PLC
Ms. Cynthia A. Lane
Ms. Georgianne Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane
Phaza S. Lane
Mr. Wendell C. Lane
Walter C. Lang, DO
Dr. Tiffany and Mr. Tom Langlas
Langston, Walker and Associates, PC
Ms. Rosemarie Lapak
Mr. Maynard Laparl
Lapeer Sleep Diagnostic Center, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Lapham
Kathleen S. LaPierre
Ms. Janet M. La Rocque
Ms. Lee A. La Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Lassaline
Ms. Henrietta H. Latimer
Ms. Angie Latondras
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Latosz
Mr. Timothy S. Laura
Lavish Salon and Day Spa
Lawrence Tech University Alumni Board
Lawrence Technological University
Mr. Alvin B. Leamer
James M. Learner, DO
Ms. Lexa Leatherdale
Kim LeBetz
Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. LeChard
Mr. Allan L. Lengel
Ms. Helen Lengel
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lentine
Mr. Sam Lentine
Mr. Artie Leo
Ms. Linda Leonard
Drs. James W. and Michelene R. Lepczyk
Mr. Robert M. Lepidi
Honey Lyn Lerias
Mr. Dale R. Lesch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leski
Ms. JoAnne Leslie
Mr. Arthur Lessard
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lessem
Mrs. Mary M. Letscher
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Levine
Joanne Levitan, MD, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Levitan
Ms. Arlene K. Lewis
Ms. Denise J. Lewis
Ms. Evelyn Lewis
Dr. Ginette Lezotte
Mr. and Mrs. James Liberty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Liburdi
Miss Liberta Licata
Kimberly Liebetreu
Life Time Fitness
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ligon
Ms. Tammy S. Lile
Limbach Company, LLC
Mr. Richard Lindberg
Shawn T. Lindberg
Mr. Robert W. Lindh
Ms. Rita Lindholm
Mr. Ken Lindsay
The Ted Lindsay Foundation
Ms. Susan Lint-Pirtle
Mr. Ronald B. Lipson
Ms. Kimberly Lisch
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Litch
Rev. Sheniqua Little, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Livingston
City of Livonia - Golf Division
Ruth and Marie Lizee
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lobiondo
Sigrun Ann Lobo
Lochmoor Club
Mrs. Vicki M. Lock
Lock’s Cleaners
Mr. Daniel Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Loehr
Kim Loewe
Mrs. Rose Ann Loiacano
Deborah L. Long
Longboat Key Casa Del Mar, Inc.
Loomis Sayles & Company, LP
Donald L. Loose Revocable Living Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Lopez
Dr. David Lorelli
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lorelli
Bernard Loren
Kathryn Loren
Mr. Mark E. Lorenger
Ms. Linda Losinski
Ms. Shereka Love
Lowes Home Improvement
Mr. Jack G. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lubera
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lubera
Mr. Francesco Lucarelli
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lucas
Nick and Cindy Lucido
Mr. Puran Luke
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Lutz
Mr. Arthur R. Lyle
Ms. Marie L. Lynn
Alan and Kimberly Lyons
Dr. and Mrs. Hernando J. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Mabarak
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. MacDonald
James MacDonald, DO
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacDonald
Ms. Wendy Machnak
Mr. Jack Mackey and Ms. Lisa Ogihara
Ms. Lisa MacLean
Macomb Center for the Performing Arts
Macomb County Medical Society
Macomb Medical Clinic, PC
Macomb Physicians Group, PLLC
Macomb Surgical Specialists, PLC
Shannon D. MacQuilan
Mrs. Carole R. Maddux
City of Madison Heights
Ms. Dorothy A. Madison
Mr. and Dr. Wolfgang F. Maennle
Ms. Claudia Magnotte
Ms. Margaret A. Mahoney
Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Maicki
Ms. Luisa Maiorano
Mark & Kathy Maisonneuve
Mr. Christopher Maiwurm
Ms. Christine Maki
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Makupson
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Malcoun
Blair Malian
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maliskey
Mr. Lawrence J. Mallais
Mr. and Mrs. George Malley
Mr. John Malloy
Drs. Vinay and Shobha Malviya
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Maly
Mr. William Manasco
Mary A. Mandziara
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Maney
Mr. Steven Maniaci
Manistee Clinic
Ms. Patricia Manley
and Mr. Thomas Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manns
Sahira Mansoor
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Marantette
Ms. Janeen Marcero
Ms. Claudia E. Marchildon
Ms. Rita Marek
Thomas Marentette
Ms. Isabel A. Margsh
Cassondra L’Bella Maria
Ms. Evelyn Marie
Marion High School
Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle
Roseanne Mark
Frank J. Markie, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Markiewicz
Ms. Denise L. Markstrom
Marguerite Boutique - Best Wear
Marriott - Troy
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H. Marsh
Mr. Jerrold Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Marshall
Marybeth Marshall
Ms. Rosa Marshall
Ms. Karen Martens
Mr. Grover Martin
Ms. Mary Martin
Mary Ann Martin
Peggy Martin
Ms. Tammy Martin
Gerri Martucci
Wesley Martus, MD
Ramalingam Maruthavanan
Marygrove College
Marysville Golf Course
Ms. Linda Marzolf
Mason Elementary
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Mason
Richard and Joyce Mason
Sharon Mason
Ellen Everett Massetti
Ms. Antoinette Masterson
The Mata Family
Ms. Beverly Matheson
Mr. Michael Matouka
Susan Matthew
April D. Matthews-Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mattis
Diane M. Maurer
Dr. and Mrs. C. Robert Maxfield
Ms. Cynthia May
Ms. Sara Mayfield
Ms. Irene Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mazzola
McBride, Manley & Miller, PC
Jim and Mary McBride
Mrs. Joyce E. McBride
Mrs. Maureen C. McCabe
Ms. Victoria A. McCabe
Dr. Kathleen A. McCarroll
Ms. Theresa A. McCarthy
Fran McCarver
Patrick & Krista McCarver
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. McClelland
Joe and Kathy McCloskey
Ms. Eileen T. McCormack
Ms. Carol McCullough
Mr. Ian McCullough
Ms. Delores McDade
Ms. Elizabeth McFarlin
Dr. Robert P. McGahey
Ms. Emily McGlynn
McGregor Fund Matching Gifts
Ms. Catherine McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McIntosh
Ms. Lindsay McIntyre
Ms. Karen McKenzie
Mrs. Justine McKnight
Mrs. Mary Ellen McLain
McLaren Regional Medical Center
Ms. Laurie McLarty
Ms. Olivia McLaughlin
Ms. Mary McLeod
Mr. Franklin McMahon
Ms. Mary I. McMahon
Mr. Patrick McMahon
Mrs. Michelle McMahon Kubota
Ms. Suzanne McManus
Mr. George R. McMullen
Ms. Shohn McNamara
Dr. Charlene McPeak
Mr. Robert B. McQueen
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. McQuiggan
Mrs. Deborah F. Meade
Shelly Meade
Meadow Brook Theatre
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Meagher
Medilodge of St. Clair
Medline Industries, Inc.
Mr. Roy Meier
Midwest Supply & Maintenance Co., Inc.
Dr. Colleen L. Miele
Elizabeth Mill
Millennium Medical Group, PC
Mr. Alex Miller
Mrs. Barbara Miller
Ms. Dorine Miller
Ms. Eileen A. Miller
Erica L. Miller
Ms. Jodi Miller
From left, Dr. Amer Aboukasm, Dr. Richard Fessler, Dr. Boyd Richards,
Dr. Ryan Barrett, Dr. Devon Hoover, Art Van Elslander, Dr. Patricia
Maryland, Dr. Seilesh Babu, Dr. Bruce Silverman and Dr. Paul Cullis
at a Van Elslander Neuroscience Center of Excellence event.
Meijer Corporate Office
Meijer - Marysville
Ms. Mary L. Meininger
Ms. Linda E. Meints
Jim, Laura, Lauren and Rachel Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Meldrum
Mr. Gordon Meloche
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Melvin
Mendelson Kornblum Orthopedics
and Spine Surgeons
Mendelson Orthopedics, PC
Karen Mendler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mercier
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Merrill
Mr. David L. Merritt
and Ms. Roberta Dotson
Ms. Mary J. Merritt
Robert Mertz
Ms. Maryjo Meso
Ms. Mary Messina
Mr. James J. Messink
Metropolitan Nephrologists, PC
Metry & Metry
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Meyers
Ms. Nancy E. Meyette
Laura Mezin
MGM Grand Detroit Casino
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miano
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Micale
Michaels & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn Michalik
Ms. Jennifer Michalski
Michigan Business Connection, LC
Michigan Chapter of National Association
of Enrolled Agents
Michigan International Women’s Show
Michigan Nurses Foundation
Michigan Orthopedic Services, LLC
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters
Michigan Spine and Brain Surgeons, PLLC
Michigan State University
Michigan Urological Institute, PC
Mid Med Plaza
Midwest Brake Bond Co.
Midwest Emergency Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Miller
Dr. Sharon G. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller
Warren Miller
Marcia L. Minard
Ms. Patricia Minello
Mr. Patrick Minnick
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Minnick
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Missana
Ms. Donna Mistele
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mitchell
Drs. Jay and Karen Mitchell
Mr. Michael S. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy W. Moldenhauer
Moms in Touch
Ms. Leona E. Monahan
Gerald T. Montano
Monterrey Cantina
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Montico
Dr. Aurea C. Montoya-Vinluan
Mrs. Jennifer D. Mooney
Mrs. Beverly Moore
Debra I. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Moore
Mrs. Kim C. Moore
Mrs. Ruth Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Moore
Susan C. Moore
Mrs. Peggy Moran
Morang Chester Clinic, PC
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Ms. Henrietta Morin
Ms. Margarita P. Morris
Mr. Michael J. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. William Moseley
Ms. Lynette R. Moser
Cheryl Moskal
Motor City Casino
Nadine and William Mott Jr.
Kathleen Mott-Crossman
Mount Clemens Ice Arena
& Fitness Center
Dr. and Mrs. Neal A. Mozen
MRI Center Oakland, Inc.
Mt. Clemens Commandery No. 51 - Knights Templar
Mt. Clemens Design/LEC Team
Ms. Joyce Muckenthaler
Aora Mucker-Smith
Charles Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Muglia
Mr. and Mrs. Al Mulholland
Matthew P. Mullan, DDS
Mr. Frank H. Mullen
Dawn and Kenneth Mullens
Ms. Donna E. Mullins
L. Alan Mumaw, MD
Mrs. Sherie Mundrick
Nancy Murdoch
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Murinas
Murphy Consulting, Inc.
Dr. Mary E. Murphy and Mr. M. Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory V. Murray
Mr. Michael Murri
Cynthia Muszynski
Mutual Electric Company
Ms. Patricia H. Muylaert
My House of Style
My Spine Team, LLC
Mystic Medical Equipment, Inc.
Mr. Anthony P. Nader
Mr. James Nagy
Christopher B. Najarian, DO, PC
Mr. and Mrs. John Napiewocki
Mr. Tim Narhi
Dr. Giuseppina Naughton
Mr. Alan A. Nauts
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Navetta
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Nehra
Neiman Marcus - Michigan
Neiman’s Family Market
Nelson Mill Company
Mrs. Becky M. Nelson
Linda Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Nelson
Laticia Nelson-Clemons
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Nesi
Ms. Margot H. Ness
Networks Design, Inc.
Ms. Katharina Neufert
Mr. Roy Neufert
New Baltimore Post Office
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Newberry
Connie Newton
Mr. Arthur Nicholl
Michelle Nichols
Ms. Ann V. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Nicolella
Roseann Nicosia
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Niemi
Ms. Virginia R. Nienstedt
Ms. Lambro Niforos
Mr. Richard Nippa
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nirta
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Nixon
Ms. Mary Nizio
Catherine Norander
John Norander
Lois Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Norman
North Channel Construction Co., Inc.
Karen and Ron North
Northville Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Evelyn Norwood
Nottingham Sportsmans Club
Dr. Patricia and Mr. Sam Nouhan
Mr. Mike Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Novell
Novi Fire Department
Novi Police Department
Ms. Cynthia A. Nowakowski
Ms. Cheryl Nucci
Dr. Helen M. Nutting
Mrs. Margaret A. Nyquist
Oak Ridge Golf Club
Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Oakland Gastroenterology Associates, PC
Oakland Hills Country Club
Oakland Internal Medicine Associates, PC
Oakland Medical Group, PC
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Obdziejewski
Karam M. Obeid, MD
Mr. Emmanuel N. Obianwu
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. O’Brien
Ms. Marceline R. O’Brien
Mr. Thomas M. Odorcich
Rebecca Oetjens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Ogden
Ms. Bonnie L. Oke
Mrs. Angie Oleskie
Mary A. O’Linn
Patricia A. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. R. John Oliver
Mr. Clifford Olivero
Diane M. Olsem
Theresa J. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Ong
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Oppat
Karen Oravec
Dr. Ireneo Q. Orille
Ms. Susan O’Rourke Hastings
Mrs. Lisa M. Ortisi
Linda D. Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborne
Ms. Florence Oster
Linda Osterland
Mrs. Sharon C. Otlewski-Pulte
and Mr. Arthur T. Pulte
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Otsuji
Dr. Karol L. Otteman-Harvill
and Mr. Monte Harvill
Mr. Mark J. Oumedian
Our Lady on the River Parish
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Drs. Valerie Overholt
and Howard Schubiner
Ms. Rose Ownes
P & C Group 1
Pace Custom Printing
Mr. Gerald V. Padilla
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Paglino
Ms. Karen B. Paglino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Palazzola
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Palazzolo
Mr. Phillip M. Paligraf
Mr. Lawrence M. Panther
Ms. Anthea Papista
Ms. and Mr. Louise Papista
Mr. and Ms. Manuel L. Papista
Ms. Patricia A. Paquin
Paradise Pen Company
Paradise Restaurant Group, LLC
Susan J. Pare
Dr. Manisha R. Parikh
Park West Gallery
Dr. Rosemary H. Park and Dr. David Kim
Dawn Parkin
Mr. Patrick J. Parrott
Ms. Anne Parsons and Mr. Donald Dietz
Mr. David H. Paruch
Ms. Lynn Paskulovich
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Passalacqua
Dene Passeggiato
Pat Scott Jewelers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Patamia
Dr. and Mrs. Deepak G. Patel
Ms. Alison N. Patterson
Mr. Frederick Patterson
Mr. Mark Pattison
Mr. Widad G. Paulus
*Deceased Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paviglianiti
Mrs. Sandra M. Pawlitz
PD Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Peckham
Sashi Pedapati
Ms. Margaret Pehrson
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Pelavin
Pepper Hamilton, LLP
The Pepperoni Bar & Grille
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine J. Perrotta
Ms. Jacqueline A. Perry
Mr. Simon Perry
Ms. Laurie Peruzzi
Dr. Claus Petermann
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Petitpren
Mrs. Marie B. Petrillo
Dr. Christy Petroff and Mr. David A. Runk
Donna Marie Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phelan
Mr. Joe Phillips
Mr. Matthew C. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn R. Phillips
Ms. Laura Phy-Daly
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Piana
Ms. Karen L. Piana
Mr. Paul Pica
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Piccirilli
Picture This Art Shop
Ken Pieprzyk
Kim Pieprzyk
Pier 1 Imports
Ms. Mary L. Pierozak
Therese Pilchak, CRNA
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pincheck
Dana Pionk
Mr. Richard J. Piotrowski
Ms. Mary J. Pitera
Pixel Art Originals
Ms. Mary V. Plante
William E. Platts
Denise Platz
Mr. Lawrence O. Plaunt
Charlotte Plotzke
Mr. Henry J. Plumer
PMV Technologies
Mrs. Karen Pochert
Ms. Elizabeth Podolske
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Pokrywka
Mr. Gary Pollack
Cheryl A. Pollard
Julie Pollard
Ms. Crystal Pollock
Mr. John Polzin
Marilyn Ponka, RN
Pool Pals at the Warren Community Center
Ms. Julie Popkie
Steven M. Popkin
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porretta
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Porretta
Port Huron Elk’s Lodge #343
Port Huron Golf Club
Ms. Carol S. Porzondek
Ms. Anna M. Postma
Maria Potter
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Potter
Ms. Jennifer Pouttu
Alice J. Powell
Ms. Anne Powell
Kathy Ann Powers
Powers and Sons, LLC
Ms. Mary Pozsgai
Dr. Anuradha S. Prabhu
Mr. John Prebay
Mrs. Waltraud E. Prechter
Precision Care
Premier Internists
Premier Pet Supply
President Tuxedo
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Prezzato
Camille Price
Estate of Elsie Priest
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Priest
Anne Prince
Priority One Home Health Services, Inc.
Produce Buyers Company, Inc.
Providence Hospital Care Management Dept.
Providence Hospital - Department
of Surgical Services
Providence Hospital - General Surgery
& Residency Program
Providence Hospital - Nurse Executive Committee
Providence Hospital Nurses Alumni
Providence Hospital Retiree Club
Providence Park Hospital - Care
Management Dept.
Mrs. Kathy Przepiorka
PSS World Medical, Inc.
Mrs. Ann M. Purcell
Cami Purifoy
Ms. Constance M. Puscas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Quilter
Mr. James Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Quinlan
Mr. Francis B. Quinn
Ms. Alda Quiton
Ms. Deborah A. Raab
Rabaut’s Interiors
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Racey
Ms. Sharon Rafels
Ms. Kimberly A. Raffler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raffoul
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rahaim
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rahaim
Ms. Sally J. Ramsey
Ms. Catherine M. Randazzo
Dr. Chakrapani Ranganathan, PC
Gloria Jean Rankin
Ms. Joan Ransom
Krishna Rao
Joyce Rapske
Mr. Gregory Rausch
Anna R. Ray
Ray Laethem Buick-GMC
Dr. Saleem Raza
Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick E. Rector
Redford Lock Company, Inc.
Mr. Barry Redler
and Mrs. Beverly Sobel-Redler
Mrs. Harriet A. Redlin
Amy Redmer
Ms. Joyce Redmond
The Estate of Dorine E. Reed
Mrs. Lois Reed
Mr. Gene Reeves
Ms. Margaret E. Reh
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reiman
Mrs. Anna M. Reinhard
Ms. Phyllis J. Reneau
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Renel
Ms. Rose Marie Renfro
Mr. Daniel Renick
Ms. Nancianne E. Rennie Sladkin
Pamela J. Rennpage
Ms. Stacey Repotski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reppenhagen
Resource One
Ms. Flora J. Rettig*
Janice Rey
Mr. Donald J. Reynolds
Ms. Elizabeth Ribby
Ms. Carolyn J. Ricca
Estate of Elizabeth Ricca
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Riccardo
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Ricci
Ms. Elizabeth Rice
Douglas Rich
Ms. Shari A. Riddle
Elizabeth A. Riegel
Ms. Linda Ringer
Roland Rinke
Ms. Susan M. Rinke
Mrs. Laura Rinke Madison
Mrs. Marilouise Riska
Ms. Deborah Ritter
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riva
Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick W. Rivard
River Crab Restaurant & Blue Water Inn
River District Emergency Physicians
David and Ann Conrad at a
Providence Society event.
From left, Janet and Dr. Jeffrey Weingarten and Dr. Ronald and
Carol Horwitz at the Providence Society’s “Top Docs” event.
Riverbank Golf Course
Sandra Rizzo
RMA of Michigan, PLC
Mr. Herbert Rober
Robert Bruce Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Roberts
Mr. Scott Roberts
Mrs. Mary M. Roby
Rochester Telemessaging Center
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Cheryl M. Rockwell*
Ms. Mildred Roco
Ms. Myra Rodgers
Rev. Curt Roelofs
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Roest
Kathy Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rohde
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Romanik
Carol Romatz
Mr. Robert A. Romer
Suzanne E. Ronald
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Ronan
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Rondini
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Roney
Ms. Karen Roodvoets
Mark Rosenwasser, MD
Ms. Lisa K. Rossien
Ms. Janis S. Rossman-Kaufman
Ms. Ruth A. Rothenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Rotter
Joe and Charlotte Walker at
the Providence Friends’ Ball.
Donna Rottman
Round Rock Toyota
Dam Roundtree
Ms. Angela Roy
Royal Park Hotel
Royalty Importers, LLC
Donald M. Rozzell, MD
Dawn Rubert
Dr. and Mrs. Adam D. Rubin
Ms. Karen Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rucker
Ms. Doris Rudd
Mr. Philip Ruggeri
Mr. James Ruhana
Ms. Phyllis Rushton
Ms. Maureen Rusk
Mary Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Rutkowski
Dr. and Mrs. Merle F. Rydesky
Ms. Diane C. Rzepecki
S. T. Medical
Souheil Saba, MD
Lisa Saigh
Nadia Salah
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Salter
Mr. Leo J. Salvaggio
Surekha and Pramod Samel
Sam’s Club
Dr. and Mrs. Rojanandham Samudrala
Mr. Charlie Sanders
Mr. Tim Sanderson
Mrs. Elfriede Sandmair
Mr. Dan Santoscoy
Sarah Banks Middle School PTSA
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Sarcheck
Ms. Carolyn S. Sarnecki
Mr. Donald Sarzynski
Rosanne Sassin
Saturn Industries, Inc.
Mr. Lawrence Sauger
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Savka
Celia Kay Savonen
Shirley Saylor
Anne Scapini and The Quiddlers
The Schaening Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schaffer
Mr. Alan C. Schalter
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Scheel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Schein
From left, Dr. Chandrika Joshi, Dr. Robert Brateman and Sr. Xavier
Ballance, DC, awardees at the Friends’ Ball.
Schena Roofing and Sheet Metal Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Schena
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Schena
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schervish
Edward W. Schervish, MD
Ms. Dorothy Schlange
Nancy Schleicher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schlemmer
Dr. and Mrs. Klaus P. Schmidt
Ms. Nicole Schmidt
Ms. Theresia Schmidt
Ms. Ilana Schmier
Paul and Elizabeth Schnatz
Schneider National Foundation, Inc.
Schneider Volunteer Committee
Mr. William P. Schneider
Karen Schnepper
Mrs. Serafina J. Schorer
Mr. and Mrs. James Schudlich
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schueneman
Colleen M. Schulte
Mary Jo B. Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Schultz
Kristine E. Schultz
Sue Schultz
Mr. Wayne Schultz
Ms. Barbara Schutzgruber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Schwark
Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schwartz
Susan J. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Schweihofer
Mr. and Mrs. Don Schweihofer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schweihofer
Mr. Michael Sciturro
Joyce L. Scott
Mr. Lawrence M. Scott
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seago
Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care
Seaway Community Bank
SEE Eyewear
David S. Segaloff, MD
Bob Seger
Mr. Pete Seilo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seip
Gail Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Selvaggio
Semco Energy
Mrs. Cynthia M. Senatore
Seneca Partners
Stephen D. Senecoff, MD
Senior Care Network, LLC
Senior Home Health Care, Inc.
Ms. Isabella Sergio
Ms. Sandra L. Seroka
Mrs. Sandra M. Seyferth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sfire
Cindy Shafer
Mr. Hemesh Shah
Ms. Emily Shahady
Mr. and Mrs. Jamal Shallal
Mr. Philip W. Shaltz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Shammas
Nancy Shanahan
Shanty Creek Resort
Mamta Sharma
Ms. Jennie Sharp
Mr. Bruce R. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Shaw
Mr. Fawzi Shaya
Sheer Shop, Inc.
Mr. George Shelide
Mrs. Katherine W. Shensky
William Sheridan
Estate of Frances Sherkosky
Sherwood Forest Garden Center
Ashalatha Shetty
Mr. David A. Shirey
Ms. Joan Shirilla
Mr. Roop Shirvastava
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Shubnell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shwedel
Ms. Judith Sieber
Siegel, Gross & Tou, PC
Mr. Rick Sielky
Mrs. Carolyn Siewert
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sifford
Ms. Janet L. Sifford
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sikorski
Dr. and Mrs. Sumet Silapaswan
Joyce and Victor Silles
Mr. Ira G. Silver
Tony Simbeni
Pat Simko
Mr. J. Kenneth Simmons
Simon, Stella & Zingas, PC
Mrs. Esther Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simon
Dr. Sidney K. Simonian
and Dr. Michael Rubin
Sinai Guild
Mrs. Carole A. Sine
Dr. Subburaman Sivakumar
Ms. Irina F. Sivergina
Mr. and Mrs. John Skalecki
Mr. Paul Skalski
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
The Skillman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Skinner
Julie and Kevin Skotzke
Suzanne Sloat and Ray Okonski
Ms. Tamara Slominski
Deborah Sloss
Dorothy C. Smiley
Mr. Brian J. Smith
Dr. Charles A. Smith
Mr. David K. Smith
and Mrs. Suzanne Bessette-Smith
Debbie Smith
Ms. Divina M. Smith
Mrs. Evelyn Smith
Ms. Janet A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
Mr. Noah Smith
Ms. Patricia A. Smith
Patricia B. Smith
Rebecca Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith
Ms. Tina M. Smith
Ms. Colleen F. Smock
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Sniokaitis
Mrs. Andrea Soave Provenzano
and Mr. Christopher Provenzano
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sobieraj
Ms. Dorothy L. Socin
Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc.
Ms. Mary B. Solis
Susan Soloway
Somerset Inn
Mr. David Sommerfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Edward Sorget
Dr. and Mrs. Freddy R. Sosa
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sosnowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Soulard
Source of Universal Love
Southeastern Michigan Dietetic
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Southway
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Spaller
Mr. and Mrs. Remo Spalvieri
Speak Easy Alcoholics Anonymous
Special Friends Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spies
Ms. Anne R. Spitz
Mr. Robert M. Spradlin
Ms. Kristine Sprague
Ms. Vicki J. Sprong
Ms. Karen M. Spybrook
Vijaya Srivastava
St. Clair Chevrolet Buick GMC
St. Clair Inn, LLC
St. Clair Packaging, Inc.
St. Clair Pharmacy, Inc.
St. Joan of Arc
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Department of Nursing Education
St. John Hospital and Medical Center - Food Service Department
St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital - Macomb Center - Gift Shop
St. John Macomb Oakland Hospital - Macomb Center - Laboratory Staff
St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital - Macomb Center - Radiologists &
Imaging Department
St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital - Surgical Services Staff
St. John Providence Health System - Breast Care Program
St. John Providence Health System - Retail Pharmacy
St. John Providence Home Care - Intake
St. John Providence Hospice - West Team
St. John Providence Physician Network
St. John River District Hospital - Gift Shop
St. John River District Hospital Healing Arts Center
St. John’s Deaf Center
St. Mary’s Church
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Patrick’s Mothers Club
Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Stahl
Pauline R. Stamper
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stancato
Mr. Michael J. Stanford
Stante Excavating Co., Inc.
Ms. Margaret M. Stanton
Ms. Pamela Stanton
Mr. Jeff Starkey
Static Network & Records
Mr. Matthew Stauch
Ron X. Stavale, PA-C
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Stawick
Staybridge Suites
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Stedem Jr.
Dr. William A. Stefani, MD
Leslie Ann Steffes
Ms. Annette Stehlin
Mr. Dan Stein
Mr. Edward F. Stein
Ms. Elizabeth Steiner
Mr. Shirl Steinhardt
Ms. Nadia Stephens
Ms. Christine Stephenson
Mrs. Lyne L. Stephenson
Sterling Bistro
Steven Bernard Jewelers, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stevens
Steve’s Back Room Bar
Ms. Kimberly Stewart
Mr. Matt Stimpson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stoehr
Aaron L. Stojcevski
Ms. Katrina Stokes
Stone Jewelers, Inc.
Mr. Neale Stone
Ms. Angela Strader
Karen Straetmans
Faith Straton
Ms. Gayle Stratton
Heather Strauch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Strek
*Deceased Pamela K. Stricker
Ms. Carol Stroud
Mr. James D. Struthers
Margaret Strybel
Stuart, Franey, Matthews & Chantres, PC
Dr. Rebecca M. Studinger
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Suder
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan
Patti Sullivan
Jason D. Taylor
Tea Tarts of Sterling Heights
Team First
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt O. Tech
Technoform Glass Insulation
Ted Funke & Associates, PC
Ms. Sherri Teeples
Tender, Inc.
Tennis & Golf Company
From left, Allan Lengel, Debra Arnone, Carolanne McClelland,
Rhonda Walker and Jill Marie Hamilton at the Hospice “Walk
With Me” event.
The Summers Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Jane C. Summers
Mr. Frank M. Svechota
Mr. Joseph Swan
Diane Swaney
Dr. Karen M. Swanson
Mr. Michael Sweeney
Sweet Lorraine’s Café
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Sweet
Ms. Patricia J. Swider
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Switniak
Sycamore Hills Golf Club
Sylvan Learning Center
Ethel Szabo
Karen Szepytowski
Cardinal Edmund Szoka
Dr. Margaret A. Szymanski
Paul J. Tafelski, PC
Rosalind Tait
Takata Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Takla
Mr. Frank Talbot
S. Rao Talla, MD, PC
Talmer Bank Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ely Tama
Haiying Tan, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Tanner
Dr. and Mrs. Hernani S. Tansuche
Ms. Jody L. Tappero
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Taravella
Ms. Danielle E. Tarquinio
Tarro Beauty
Joseph M. Tasse, FACHE
Ms. Teresa Tatti
Cynthia Taueg
Ms. Kathleen Tavoularis
Ms. Bernadette L. Tayler
Ms. Ella Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Taylor
Ms. Dorothy M. Teschler
The Beach Grill
The Henry
The Henry Ford
The League Shop, Inc.
The Melting Pot, Troy
The Secret Garden
The Sports Club of Novi
The Sweet Tooth
The Townsend Hotel
The Traffic Group, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Theis
Mr. Louis Theros
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Thirumoorthi
Ms. Tracey Thom
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas
Dr. Jane Thomas
Ms. Janet A. Thomas
Ms. Larrain Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thomas Jr.
Thompson-Phelan Group, Inc.
Dana P. Thompson
Ms. Elizabeth A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Thompson
Ms. Joan Thompson
Ms. Leslie Thompson
Thomson Animal Clinic
Mrs. Jacqueline Thoreson
Ms. Cathy Threlkeld
Cheryl Thrushman
Sara S. Tidrow
Ms. Velicia Tillman
Tim Narhi Auctioneer & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Tines
Leslie Tippett
Tipping Point Theatre
Hattie Florence Tirador, RN
TLC Foundation
TLM Consulting, Inc.
Sandy Tobar
Charles Tobey
Ms. Diane E. Tocco
Drs. Kirit K. and
Vasundhara R. Tolia
Shanta Tolin
Ms. Marianne Tomasik
Dr. Amanda J. Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Topcik
Kathryn Torick
Linda S. Torr
Total Health Care, Inc.
Laura and Steven Town
Town & Country Eyecare
Mr. David K. Trail
Ms. Joyce Treppa
Linda Trevillian
Tricho Salon & Spa
Tri-County Emergency Physicians, PC
Mr. Grant A. Trigger
Jamie M. Trombley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tsakos
Mr. John Tuba
Dr. Boniface A. Tubie
Ms. Carol Tuchman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Tuchman
Allen D. Tucker Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Tucker
Ms. Diane M. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tunison
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Turner
Ms. Mary A. Turner
Ms. Joanne Tuscany
Martha Tuski
U.S. Army - Program Executive Office
Patricia A. Uhrin, CRNA
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Ulmer
Greg S. Umstead
United States Home Health Care, Inc.
Universal Parking of Michigan, LLC
University of Colorado
University of Michigan
Santhosh Upadhyaya
Mr. Frank J. Urban
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Uznis
Judith M. Valade
Mr. and Mrs. John Valenti
David Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vallee
Ms. Jennifer M. Vanderdonckt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Van Der Kar
Mrs. Constance L. Vanderveen
Terry K. Vanderveen Trust
Mr. Jack Van Dyke
Mrs. Janice Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van Elslander
Mr. Daniel Van Heusden
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Van Heusden
Ms. Rachelle A. Van Hollebeke
Vanker, Burton and Dillingham, DDS, PC
Ms. Ann P. Vano
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vansickle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Van Tuyle
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Varana
Ms. Monica L. Varley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Vaughn
Dr. Nalini Velayudhan
Mr. Ryan Velzy
Dr. Shyla R. Vengalil
Carol Verbeerst
Mr. Robert M. Vercruysse
Robert and Cheryl Ver Hoven
Ms. Kathleen M. Vertin
Gayle Vesco
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Vescosky
Vestar Capital Partners
Tina Viazanko
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Vincent
Vintage Wine Company
Ms. Mary C. Viscomi
Visteon Corporation
Girija Viswanath
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vitale
Viviano Flower Shop
Nancy Vogt
Ms. JoAnne Vokes
Rev. Jim Von Drehle
Ms. Barbara Voris
Lisa A. Vought
Lester Voutsos
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Vreven
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wade
Mr. Karl G. Wagner Jr.
Kathryn R. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wagner
Ms. Sarah C. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Waldvogel
Ms. Catherine D. Walker
Nina A. Walker
Ramonda Walker
Ms. Rhonda Walker
Ms. Sharon C. Wallace
Walled Lake Consolidated Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Waller
Mr. Terrel B. Wallis
Walltek Design Build, Inc.
Wally’s Frozen Custard
Mr. Lawrence C. Walsh
Catherine Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Walton
Steve & Tracy Wanamaker
Colonel and Mrs. James A. Wank
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Warchol
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warchol
Lisa Warchol-Fuller
Lisa Marie Ward
Mr. David Warmbier
Jan Warmuskerken
Warner, Norcross & Judd
Fred M. Warner Trust
Ms. Margaret A. Warnock
Ms. Ondrea Washington
Mr. Wallace W. Washington
Ms. Yvonne Washington
Mr. Vince Wastowski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg D. Watkins
Ms. Fostine Watson
Marie Watson
Dr. Mary and Mr. Scott Watts
Mrs. Merle M. Watts
Wayne County Appraisal
Dora Wayne
Thomas G. Wayne, MD, PLLC
Weather Tech Consulting Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webb
Webber Development Company, LLC
Ms. Dorothy Weber
Ms. Emilia Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Webster
Mr. Raymound F. Weigle
Carolyn Weil
Michael Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Weingarden
Kenneth R. Weiss
Ms. Donna K. Welch
Dr. Alina and Mr. J. Witkowski
Mr. James S. Wlosinski
Mrs. Judy Wodecki
Ms. Doris E. Woerner
Mr. Edward Wojciechowski
Ms. Reta Wojciechowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Wolfbauer
Mrs. Ann I. Wolfe
Wolverine Harley-Davidson, Inc.
Deborah Wood
Ms. Louise M. Wood
Estate of Marilyn S. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Wood
Ms. Norene E. Woodcox
Woods Fine Wine and Spirits
Mr. M. E. Woodsbeck Jr.
Worksquared, LLC
World Heritage Foundation
WOW Internet Cable Phone
Mrs. Nancy J. Woy
Ms. Danielle C. Wozniak
Karen G. Wright
Michael Wrobel
Cherie Wrubel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wujek
Wyandotte Optical, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Wyatt
Mr. Todd P. Wysong
Ms. Carol Yakel
Mr. Dennis D. Yanachik
Mr. Greg Yarmoluk
Mr. Norman Yatooma
Mr. Christopher Yerke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Yestrepsky
Dr. Ernest L. Yoder
Ms. Deena Yokom
Mr. and Mrs. Shane E. Yokom
Ms. Ann M. Young
Mrs. Carol A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Youngblood
M. Javaid Yousuf
YWCA Nashville Middle Tennessee
David and Linda Zagacki
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Zaguroli
Mr. Robert Zainea
Ms. Marianne Zaki
Dr. Jeffrey M. Zaks
Mr. Neal F. Zalenko
Drs. Jamal and Adrienne Zarghami
Dr. and Mrs. Pierre A. Zayat
Ms. Julia Zdanek
Linda Zebrowski
Dr. Susan and Mr. Elliott Zeltzer
Dr. Cory Zieger
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Ziegler
Mr. William H. Ziegler
Mr. Gary J. Zilli
Chris Zimmel
Mary A. Zimmer
Zimmerman Meat Market
Ms. Carol L. Zimmerman
Ms. Ranee C. Zimmerman
Mrs. Susan H. Zitterman
Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Zonder
Dr. Marc H. Zuckman
Ms. Carol Zumberg
Ellyn Zurakowski
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Zweng
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zyla
Whitmore Bolles School
Mr. Donald Whitmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan M. Whitney
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Whittington
Ms. Diane Whyte
Ms. Bridget C. Wiater
Ms. Elaine M. Wiatr
Wickersham Properties, LLC
Ms. Ginger B. Wiechers
Ms. Frances A. Wieleba
From left, William Chope, Anthony and Theresa Selvaggio, and
Victoria Liggett at the Joan Gehrke tribute event.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Welch
Ms. Jill Wells
Pat Wells
Paula Wells-Primer
Ms. Robyn Weltman
West Side Transportation, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael West
Dr. Patricia West, PhD, RN
Ms. Marilyn J. Westbrook
Mr. Carl Westerlund
Westin Southfield
Ms. Gloria J. Weston
Sister Jacquie Wetherholt
Ms. Mary Wetzel
WGRT Radio 102.3
Whim Originals
Ms. Debra L. Whipple
Whitehall Realty Company
Ms. Lisa White-Henkel
Ms. Lori Wiggins
Ms. Valeria D. Wiggins
James Wild
Mrs. Helen C. Wildey
Ms. Marjorie Wilke
Ms. Dian Wilkins
Kimberly Wilkins
Dr. Keith Wilkinson
William Beaumont Hospital Diagnostic Radiology
Williams Medical Supply
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams
Mr. David L. Williams
Debi Williams
Ms. Frances J. Williams
Estate of Margaret J. Williams
Rebecca J. Williams, MD, PC
Ms. Sandra A. Williams
Ms. Suzanne M. Williams
Sandy Willoughby
Noreen Wills, Lab Assistant
Debra Wilson
Ms. Diane W. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wilson
Joanne Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Wilson
Windemere Park Independent, LLC
Windmill Pointe Garden Club
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Winfield
Ms. Deborah L. Winn
Douglas Winner
Kimberly Wirgau
Ms. Anne Wisocki
The Foundation staff has made every effort to list donor names correctly.
If a listing is incorrect or needs to be updated, please inform us.
Mary Owen and Mary Wilson at the Endoscopy event.
Thank you.
St. John Providence Health System Foundations
2011 Gift Summary
Type of Contributor
Individuals/Family Foundations
Gifts based on calendar year 2011.
Gifts Received
St. John Providence Health System
Providence Health Foundation
St. John Health Foundation
Leslie A. Murphy, CPA
Joseph V. Walker
Eugene LoVasco, JD, CPA, CLU
Vice Chair
Michael J. Brennan
Vice Chair
David Imesch
Vice Chair
Peter T. Cracchiolo
David B. Stephens
Ann Conrad
Jeffrey Littmann
Maureen A. Fay, OP, PhD Secretary
Ralph Pearlman, MD
Jane K. Nugent
Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH
President and CEO, St. John
Providence Health System
Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH
President and CEO, St. John
Providence Health System
James Giordano
Kevin J. Grady, MD
Denise J. Lewis
Christine Parks, CSJ
Dan Ponder Gary Shiffman
John Smith
Shirley R. Stancato
Karen Swanson, MD
Michael Wiemann, MD
President, Providence Hospital;
Senior Vice President, St. John
Providence Health System
Frank Poma
Interim President, St. John
Hospital and Medical Center;
President, St. John River District
St. John Providence Health System
Providence Health Foundation
Board of Trustees
22101 Moross Road
Mack Office Building, Suite 102
Detroit, MI 48236
President: Susan E. Burns
Board of Trustees
Susan E. Burns
President, St. John Providence
Health System Foundations
Sr. Xavier Ballance, DC
Dennis Bojrab, MD
Shukri David, MD
Rabbi E. B. (Bunny) Freedman
Michael Harris
Jim Hynes
Gary S. Jonna
Rajesh Kothari
Daniel Oginsky
Julie Rodecker Holly
Dennis Yanachik
Jeffrey M. Zaks, MD
22255 Greenfield Road
Providence Pavilion, Suite 228
Southfield, MI 48075
Chief Development Officer: Patrick Schulte
Board of Trustees
Susan E. Burns
President, St. John Providence
Health System Foundations
L. Douglas Blatt
Dana Camphous-Peterson
Matthew Casey
Sean Cotton
Matthew P. Cullen
Joan Gehrke
Patricia Giftos
Kevin J. Grady, MD
Betty Granger, CSJ
Thomas A. LaLonde, MD
Robert G. Liggett Jr.
Teresa Lucido
Paul Mattes
Steven Minnick, MD
Dan Roma
Peter Ronan
Lisa Vallee-Smith
Patricia Stumb
Sandra Vandenberghe
Debra Van Elslander
William Zweng
St. John Health Foundation
22101 Moross Road
Mack Office Building, Suite 102
Detroit, MI 48236
Chief Development Officer: Scott Smith
Credits: Executive Editor, Kathy Torick, St. John Providence Health System Foundations; Writer: Jeff Samoray; Photographer: Karlest Ford
Cezat Creative Resources, Inc., Liz Cezat, project manager; Julie Nyhus, designer
A PA S S I O N f o r H E A L I N G