JUBILEE PRAYER - Order of preachers
JUBILEE PRAYER - Order of preachers
in this celebration. JUBILEE PRAYER HYMN of the JUBILEE Laudare, Benedicere, Prædicare Laudare, we praise our Lord with our saints Benedicere, we lift our voice in song Prædicare, we proclaim Your Word to the world. Sent out to preach by Dominic sent two by two to all the world sent out to study the Gospel of grace to find new ways to preach. God, Father of mercy, who called your servant Dominic de Guzman to set out in faith as an itinerant pilgrim and a preacher of grace, as we prepare to celebrate the Jubilee of the Order we ask you to pour again into us the Spirit of the Risen Christ, that we might faithfully and joyfully proclaim the Gospel of peace, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Un cœur, une âme, tous donnés contemplatifs émerveillés joyeux amis, apprenez nous pour les pêcheurs, miséricorde. Presencia del amor de Dios Presencia profética Presencia compasiva Sembradores de esperanza Embrace with grace the marketplace Embrace the world not of the world Embrace the mission with compassion to preach the word to the world www.op.org/en/jubilee Fr. Franklin Buitrago Rojas, O.P.: [email protected] [email protected] PROGRAM OF GENERAL ACTIVITIES Opening of the Dominican Jubilee T he Order will celebrate a Jubilee Year with the theme “Sent to preach the Gospel.” This marks the issuing of the Bulls promulgated by Pope Honorius III eight centuries ago, confirming the foundation of the Order, in 1216 and 1217. In celebrating a Jubilee, the Order seeks to renew itself by entering into a dynamic process that culminates in sending the friars to preach anew. We are invited to return to the origins of the Order to remember how St. Dominic sent out his first friars from their house, their family, and their nation so as to discover the joy and freedom of itinerancy. As disciples of Christ, we are sent to preach the Gospel. We share the joy and the freedom of being sent with the whole Dominican Family. Date: Saturday, 7 November 2015 (Feast of All Saints of the Order) Location: Provinces - local communities of the Dominican Family Each province and each local community, in cooperation with the different branches of the Dominican Family, are invited to celebrate a solemn opening ceremony of the Jubilee on 7 November 2015. That same day, the Master of the Order will preside at a solemn opening celebration of the Jubilee in the Basilica of Santa Sabina with the participation of all the branches of the Dominican Family. This celebration will be streamed live via the website of the Order. The Steering Committee of the Jubilee shall forward a common liturgical text and symbol that will help give unity to all celebrations. We want to take three elements of the Dominican iconography: the stick, the book and the apostolic mandate, which introduce us to the common theme for all the Jubilee celebrations: “Sent to preach the Gospel.” Jubilee Lectio Divina Date: 7 November 2015 to 21 January 2017 Location: The program will be offered through the website of the Jubilee Coordination: Fr. Dominic Izzo, Socius for Permanent Formation Motivated by the Proemium of the General Chapter of Trogir, we propose a Jubilee Lectio to encourage and to nourish the renewal of our Dominican life “through an attentive listening to the Word - a life of prayer and contemplation in silence and study (cf. ACG Trogir, 42).” This daily Lectio during the Jubilee Year of the Order will consist of four brief sections: lectio, studio, meditatio, and oratio, translated into the three official languages of the Order, and posted on the Jubilee webpage of the Order’s website. The Lectio for the Jubilee Year will follow the universal calendar of the Church and the proper calendar of the Order. We also hope to include artworks that correspond to the day as a way of incorporating the importance of the arts in preaching. Pilgrimage of the Holy Rosary with the Monasteries of the Order Date: 7 November 2015 to 21 January 2016 Location: All Dominican monasteries in different continents Coordination: Fr. Louis-Marie Ariño-Durand, General Promoter for the Holy Rosary - Fr. Cesar Valero, General Promoter for the Nuns - Federations of nuns and communities of the monasteries On the opening day of the Jubilee, the Master of the Order will bless a number of “pilgrim rosaries” that will be sent to each Dominican monastery in the world. These are a symbol of communion for the entire Dominican Family in prayer. A common calendar will be proposed also to all the monasteries, assigning a particular date to each one to convene the local Dominican Family to pray the Rosary, so that we form a continuous chain of prayer throughout the Jubilee Year. Symposium on the Word of God: 50 years of the Constitution Dei Verbum Date: 11 to 13 February 2016 Location: Rome (In cooperation with the PUST - Angelicum) Coordination: Fr. Konstanc Adam, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas - Fr. Marcel Sigrist, Biblical School of Jerusalem - Fr. Guido Vergauwen, Faculty of Theology of Fribourg (Switzerland) The academic institutions under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order will also join the celebrations of the Jubilee Year through an event that responds to the central theme: “Sent to preach the Gospel.” Under the coordination of a steering committee, they will organize a symposium about the 50th anniversary of the Vatican II Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum. This Symposium will feature four thematic areas: 1) Revelation in an interfaith context; 2) Scripture and Tradition in ecumenical and historical context; 3) Prophecy and interpretation in the formation of community and humanity; 4) New ways of preaching. Province of Poland, as host of this event, has been working on the preparation of a Dominican presence at WYD in Krakow. Young Dominicans in the Footsteps of St. Dominic Date: July and August 2016 Location: Castile (Spain), Languedoc (France), Bologna and Rome (Italy) Coordination: Fr. Franklin Buitrago (friars) - Sr. Marie-Therese Clement (sisters) - Fr. Rui Carlos Lopes (laity) During the months of July and August 2016, several groups of friars, sisters and lay Dominicans in initial formation will travel on pilgrimage “in the footsteps of St. Dominic” through the historical sites of the origins of the Order in Castile (Spain), Languedoc (France), Bologna and Rome (Italy). Although the groups will not be together at all locations (due to the limited capacity of accommodation in some of them), some moments of encounter along the way are planned. One group will consist of one hundred friars in initial formation (2 from each entity of the Order) and will travel the “route of Saint Dominic” in the company of the Master of the Order. They will be present at the opening of the General Chapter of Bologna. General Chapter of Bologna 2016 Date: 22 - 26 February 2016 Place: Rome Coordination: Fr. Florentino Bolo, Coordinator of the Priestly Fraternities in the Order This international meeting will provide the priestly fraternities of the Order an opportunity to respond to the provisions of the General Chapter (cf. ACG Rome, 233), and to promote their own life and mission, especially in the context of the Jubilee. Date:July to August 2016 Location: Bologna (Italy) Coordination: General Curia OP - Province of Saint Dominic in Italy St. Dominic bequeathed to his Order a system of community governance based on chapters that promote the mission of the Order and its renewal. For this reason, to celebrate the eighth centenary of the Order is also to celebrate a tradition of several centuries of community and democratic government. The General Chapter of Provincials that will be held during the summer of 2016 has a very special place among the celebrations for the Jubilee. The place chosen for the chapter also has a special meaning: The “Patriarchal” Convent of Bologna preserves the remains of our Father Saint Dominic. Lent 2016: Penitential Celebration in Local communities Day of Prayer with the Holy Rosary International Meeting of representatives of Dominican Priestly Fraternities Date: Lent of 2016 Location: Provinces, convents, local communities and fraternities Coordination: Steering Committee of the Jubilee - Dominican Liturgical Commission Provincial and local superiors - Provincial Promoters for the Jubilee The General Chapter of Trogir recommended that “in order to provide spaces of renewal and healing of our fraternal relations, all communities include at least once a year a time of communal reconciliation among the brothers” (ACG Trogir, 66). In response to this invitation, and extending it to all communities of the Dominican Family, the Steering Committee of the Jubilee, with the help of the Dominican Liturgical Commission propose a common guide for a communal celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation. Provinces and local communities are invited to keep in their calendars a space for this celebration during the time of Lent of 2016. Dominicans in WYD Krakow 2016 Date: 26 to 31 July 2016 Location: Krakow (Poland) Coordination: Province of Poland - International Dominican Youth Movement The Dominican Family has been present in different ways in the past World Youth Days: celebrations, spaces of prayer, cultural activities and spaces for different groups coming from around the world. Following this dynamic, the General Chapter of Krakow asked the International Dominican Youth Movement to organize a meeting about the next World Youth Day to be held in Krakow (Poland) in 2016. At the same time, the Dominican Date: 7 October 2016 Location: Each local community Coordination: Jubilee Provincial Promoters - Promoters for the Holy Rosary Dominican Family at Provincial and local level We invite all monasteries, convents, communities and fraternities to prepare a celebration for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, in cooperation with the local church and, if possible, with other groups that share the devotion to the Holy Rosary. It is a way to remember our love and closeness to this form of prayer that today is the heritage of the whole Church. The Steering Committee of the Jubilee, in cooperation with the General Promoter of the Holy Rosary and the Dominican Liturgical Commission, shall prepare a catechetical and liturgical material for the celebration of this feast. The various local initiatives will be in communion with a world event: a meeting of prayer for peace at the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast). Art Exhibition: Dominicans in dialogue with art Date: December 2016 to 22 January 2017. Location: Rome Coordination: Fr. Alain Arnould (South Belgium) - Fr. Ulrich Engel (Teutonia) Art has been a very important way of preaching in the history of the Order. Therefore, the General Chapter of Trogir asked that the Jubilee celebration be an opportunity to present not only the artistic heritage of the Order, but also the work of contemporary Dominican artists who are in dialogue with the artistic world and who preach through it. From 7 November 2016, an art exhibition will take place in Rome with the participation of artists from different branches of the Dominican Family and from various regions of the world. It will be an opportunity to rediscover the wealth of forms, colors and styles that characterize the preaching of the Order today. Dominicans for the Defense of Human Rights Coordination: Fr. Mike Deeb Delegation of the Order to the United Nations - Promoters for Justice and Peace Many Dominicans throughout history have understood that the mission of preaching the Gospel goes directly to the defense of human dignity. The General Chapter of Trogir asked that, within the activities of the Jubilee Year, there will be an event dedicated to the legacy of Fray Francisco de Vitoria and the implications of his thought for the challenges posed by human rights today (cf. ACG Trogir 61, 7). This event will also be an opportunity to make known and promote the work of many brothers and sisters accompanied by two instances of the worldwide Order: the Delegation of the Order to the United Nations, and the “Salamanca Process” that has been developing in several provinces and Dominican universities. Congress for the Preaching of the Order Date: 18 to 20 January 2017 Location: Rome Coordination: Socius for Apostolic Life The Jubilee Year concludes with a Congress that seeks to bring together Dominicans from various regions of the world and from different cultural and ecclesial contexts to reflect and share experiences around the mission of preaching of the Order today. This congress aims to promote and illuminate the mission of the Order through a theological and pastoral reflection on issues that are central to our preaching today. It will serve also as a point of arrival for the reflection that the Order has been developing through the Mission Forums and the Salamanca Process. Closing Celebration of the Dominican Jubilee Dates and locations: January 20: Vigil at the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva (Rome) January 21: Solemn Mass of the Closing of the Jubilee at St. John Lateran Basilica Coordination: Steering committee of the Jubilee On 21 January 1217, St. Dominic received the Bull Gratiarum Largitori Omnium from Pope Honorius III, which first speaks of the “Order of Preachers”. The anniversary of this papal document was chosen as the closing date for the Dominican Jubilee. On the night of January 20, we will have a vigil of preparation at the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. The Solemn Mass on the 21st will be celebrated at the Basilica of St. John Lateran. The Holy Father has been invited to celebrate the closing Eucharist. We hope that this closing celebration would express the universality of the Order. We invite the promoters of the Jubilee and the coordinators of the Dominican family in each country and region to encourage a big participation