Br. Soseph Bui Van Tam Br. Domnic Mai Thanh Cam Br. Bernard


Br. Soseph Bui Van Tam Br. Domnic Mai Thanh Cam Br. Bernard
“God is Love”
(1Ga 4,8)
We give thanks to the Lord forever, because of His graces bestow on us
On September 28, 2013 latest
The Hospitaller Order of St. John of God
Province of the Blessed Mary of the Holy Spirit. There is a brother
maked solemn vow
Br Joseph Dau Khac Tuan
Br. Soseph Bui Van Tam
Br. Domnic Mai Thanh Cam
Br. Bernard Bui Si Chinh
Br. Dominic Tran Van Duc
Br. Dominic Tran Van Hung
Br. Thomas Vo Cong Tien
This is the great grace that God gives for The Hospitaller Order of St. John of God
especcially the province of Vietnam.
The Mass of professed solemn vows and celebrated Silver Jubilee was presided by
Bishop of Xuan Loc Diocese Dominic Nguyen Chu Trinh. There are many priests to
concelebrate and some superiors of religious congregations and a lot of Brothers and
sisters of another congregations. There are about 600 guests, including benefactors,
relatives of brother Joseph and of brothers celebrated silver jubilee also welcome to
participate the Mass of thanksgiving.
The Mass began at 9 am, but at 7 o'clock in the morning there are many priests,
brothers, sisters, guests, relatives and benefactors and Co-workers caming.
In the lecture the Bishop Dominic said that let us give thanks to God for this great gift
and continue to pray for the Hospitaller of Saint John of God especcially for the brothers
in Viet Nam in order to they faithful their hospitallity vocation that they have chosen.
Some pictures of the Mass of the solemn profession and Silver Jubilee:
The Bishop, Priests, Brothers and ralatives of Brothers entered the church in procession