Transportation - Addison Public Library


Transportation - Addison Public Library
Compiled by
Mary G. Marshall
Sue Eilers
Wheel Song
(McKinnon/ Busy Bees Summer)
Tune: “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
Little Laura* had a car.
And on her car she had some wheels.
With a wheel, wheel here
And a wheel, wheel there.
Here a wheel, there a wheel,
Everywhere a wheel, wheel.
Little Laura* had a car.
*Sing the song for each child, substituting
the child’s name and a different vehicle
(van, truck, bus, etc.)
Five Little Cars
(Sue Eilers & Mary Marshall)
One little car,
It happened to be blue,
Met another car,
Then there were two.
Two little cars
Driving by the sea.
One drove up from the beach,
Then there were three.
Three little cars
Driving by the store,
Another pulled out,
Then there were four.
Four little cars
Out for a drive.
Another car joined them,
Then there were five.
Use with flannel board or finger puppets.
Five Mini-Vans
(Sue Eilers & Mary Marshall)
Five little mini-vans
Driving past the store.
One stopped to buy milk,
Then there were four.
Four little mini-vans
Driving past a tree,
One stopped to park there,
Then there were three.
Three little mini-vans
Driving by the zoo,
One stopped to visit,
Then there were two.
Two little mini-vans
Driving in the sun.
One stopped to buy gas,
Then there was one.
One little mini-van
Driving just for fun.
Stopped by the playground,
Then there was none.
Use with flannel board, finger
puppets, or toy vehicles.
Watch the Wheels
(From McKinnon, Busy Bees Summer)
Watch the wheels go round and round
As we drive our car to town.
Watch the wheels go round and round
As we drive our van to town.
Watch the wheels go round and round
As we drive our bus to town.
Watch the wheels go round and round
As we drive our truck to town.
May be used with a flannel board or toy vehicles.
Have the children hold up the correct vehicle for
that section of the rhyme.
Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round, [turn hands in circle]
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
Additional verses:
The doors on the bus go open and shut [put hands apart and together]
The driver on the bus says, “Move on back!” [thumb over shoulder motion]
The people on the bus bounce up and down [stand up tall and crouch down]
The horn on the bus goes, “beep, beep, beep” [push hand as if hitting horn]
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish [move arms back and forth like wipers]
The babies on the bus go “wah, wah, wah,“ [move hands across eyes like crying]
The mothers on the bus go “sh, sh” [move finger to lips]
Wheels on the Car
(Traditional, adapted by Sue Eilers & Mary Marshall)
The wheels on the car go round and round,
Round and round, round and round, [roll hands]
The wheels on the car go round and round,
All through the town.
Additional verses:
The horn on the car goes beep, beep, beep.
The wipers on the car go swish, swish, swish.
The door on the car goes, bang, bang, bang.
The lights on the car go blink, blink, blink.
Down by the Station
Down by the station
Early in the morning.
See the little choo-choos
All in a row.
See the engine driver
Pull the little throttle,
Puff, puff. Toot! Toot!
Off we go.
Helping Mommy Drive
(Ring A Ring O’Roses)
Open the car door,
Climb inside.
I get to help my mommy drive!
Fasten the seat belt,
Shut the door,
Start the motor,
Hear it roar?
Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!
Turn the corner,
Step on the gas,
If the road’s clear
We may pass.
Suit actions to words.
The Wheels on the Train
(King County Library, adapted by Sue Eilers)
The wheels on the train go,
“Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack” [move arms in train motion]
The wheels on the train go,
“Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack”
All along the track.
Additional verses:
The whistle on the train goes, “Whoo! Whoo!” [pull whistle rope]
The conductor on the train says, “All aboard.” [cup hands to lips]
The people on the train bounce left and right. [bounce]
Choo-Choo Train
(Castellano/ Simply Super Storytimes)
This is a choo-choo train. [bend arms at elbows]
Puffing down the track. [rotate arms in forward motion]
Now it’s going forward.
Now it’s going back. [rotate arms in backward motion]
Now the bell is ringing. [pull bell cord]
Now the whistle blows. [make train sound]
What a lot of noise it makes. [cover ears with hands]
Everywhere it goes. [stretch out arms]
Driving Down the Highway
(Silberg/ Three Minute Games)
Tune: “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain”
We are driving down the highway, here we go.
We are driving down the highway, here we go.
We are driving down the highway,
We are driving down the highway,
We are driving down the highway, here we go.
Additional verses:
We are driving very fast . . .
We are driving very slowly . . .
We are driving through a tunnel . . .
Engine On The Track
(Ring A Ring O’Roses)
Here is the engine on the track.
Here is the coal car, just in back.
Here is the box car to carry freight.
Here is the mail car. Don't be late.
Way back here at the end of the train.
Rides the caboose through the sun and rain.
Use with flannel board.
Selected Books on Transportation
Barton, Byron. My Car. New York: Greenwillow, 2001.
Bell, Babs. The Bridge Is Up! New York: HarperCollins, 2004.
Brady, Peter. Freight Trains. Mankato, MN: Bridgestone, 1996.
Calmenson, Stephanie. Engine, Engine, Number Nine. New York: Hyperion, 1996.
Christelow, Eileen. Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car. New York: Clarion, 2000.
Crebbin, June. The Train Ride. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick, 1995.
Crews, Donald. Freight Train. New York: Greenwillow, 1978.
Eastman, P.D. Go, Dog, Go. New York: Beginner, 1989.
Hindley, Judy. The Big Red Bus. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick, 1995.
Howland, Naomi. ABCDrive! New York: Clarion, 1994.
Maccarone, Grace. Cars! Cars! Cars! New York: Scholastic, 1995.
Mallat, Kathy. Trouble on the Tracks. New York: Walker, 2001.
Meister, Cari. Busy, Busy City Street. New York: Viking, 2000.
Piper, Watty. The Little Engine that Could. New York: Platt and Monk, 1976.
Rex, Michael. My Freight Train. New York: Holt, 2002.
Shaw, Nancy. Sheep in a Jeep. Boston: Houghton, 1986.
Siebert, Diane. Motorcycle Song. New York: HarperCollins, 2002.
Sturges, Philemon. I Love Trains! New York: HarperCollins, 2001.
Sturges, Philemon. I Love Trucks! New York: HarperCollins, 1999.
Todd, Mark. Monster Trucks! Boston: Houghton, 2003.
Walton, Rick. Cars at Play. New York: Putnams, 2002.
Westcott, Nadine Bernard. I’ve Been Working on the Railroad. New York: Hyperion, 1996.
Wood, Jakki. Bumper to Bumper: A Traffic Jam. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Zeifert, Harriet. Train Song. New York: Orchard, 2000.
Puppets, Puzzles, & Music
All Aboard CD (John Denver)
Car Tunes CD (Sugar Beats)
Cars, Trucks, and Trains CD (Jane Murphy)
Thomas’ Songs & Roundhouse Rhythms CD
Train Puzzle (9 pieces)
Airport Hide and Seek Puzzle (9 pieces)
Lift and Match Trucks Puzzle (9 pieces)
Lift and Match Vehicles Puzzle (9 pieces)
Magic School Bus Puppet
On The Road with Bob & Larry CD (Veggietales)
That’s What Little Boys Are Made of CD
Tow Away Zone Puzzle (12 pieces)
Train Puzzle (9 pieces)
Trains Puzzle (9 pieces)
Transportation Puzzle (9 pieces)
Teacher Resources
1001 Rhymes and Fingerplays for Working with Young Children.
Everett, WA: Warren, 1994.
A to Z Kids Stuff.
Best of the Mailbox Songs, Poems, and Fingerplays.
Greensboro, NC: Education Center, n.d.
Briggs, Diane. 101 Fingerplays, Stories and Songs to Use with Finger Puppets.
Chicago: ALA, 1999.
Castellano, Marie. Simply Super Storytimes. Fort Atkinson, WI, 2003.
Charner, Kathy. The Giant Encyclopedia of Circle Time and Group Activities for Children 3 to 6.
Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House, 1996.
Charner, Kathy. The Giant Encyclopedia of Theme Activities for Children 2 to 5.
Mt. Rainier, MD: Gryphon House, 1993.
Cooper, Kay. Too Many Rabbits and Other Fingerplays about Animals, Nature, Weather, and the Universe.
New York: Scholastic, 1995.
Forte, Imogene. [Month] Patterns, Projects & Plans Series [by Month].
Nashville, TN: Incentive, 1990.
Irving, Jand and Robin Currie. Full Speed Ahead.
Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press, 1988.
King County Library
Lohnes, Marilyn. Finger Folk. Fort Atkinson, WI: Alleyside, 1999.
The Mailbox [magazine]
McKinnon, Elizabeth. Busy Bees Fall.
Everett, WA: Warren, 1994 [also, Spring, Summer, Winter].
Patti’s Preschool Resources.
Phelps, Joan Hilyer. Finger Tales. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart, 2002.
Raines, Shirley and Robert Canady. Story S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S.
Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House, 1989.
Ring A Ring O’Roses. 10th ed. Flint, MI: Flint Public Library, 1996.
Schiller, Pam and Thomas Moore. Where Is Thumbkin?
Mt. Rainier, MD: Gryphon House, 1993.
Silberg, Jackie. 300 Three Minute Games. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House, 1997.
Stetson, Emily and Vicky Congdon. Little Hands Fingerplays & Action Songs.
Charlotte, VT: Williamson, 2001.
Totten, Kathryn. Seasonal Storytime Crafts. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart, 2002.
Warren, Jean. Animal Piggyback Songs. Everett, WA: Warren, 1990.
Warren, Jean. The Best of Totline. Torrance, CA: Totline, 1995.
Warren, Jean. More Piggyback Songs. Everett, WA: Warren, 1995.
Story Totes
Animals for All Seasons [seasons & different animals]
“B” Is for Building [building & construction machines]
Beautiful Babies [big brothers, big sisters, & new babies]
Billions of Bugs [all kinds of insects]
Birthday Bonanza [celebrating birthdays]
Bunches of Bears [teddy bears & real bears]
Cool Cats & Cuddly Kittens [cats & kittens]
Dazzling Dinosaurs [dinosaurs]
Fabulous Food [food and eating]
Fascinating Families [all types of families & their members]
Fun on the Farm [farms & farm animals]
Helpers & Heroes [community helpers]
Monster Mania [monsters]
Pooches by the Pound [dogs & puppies]
Preschoolers Pretend [imagination & play]
Rainbows & Stars [colors & shapes]
Sensational Seasons [the four seasons]
Sing a Song of Sixpence [music & rhyme]
Spectacular Sea Stories [ocean & sea creatures]
Trips Around Town [places to visit]
Wacky Weather [all types of weather]
Wonderful World of Wheels [transportation]
Zoo-riffic [zoos & zoo animals]
Two Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101