Mistakes Were Made
Mistakes Were Made
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Photo from theatre tCU’s 2011 ProdUCtion of OklahOma! Directed by HARRY PARKER Ca st STEVEN POUNDERS* as FELIX ARTIFEX LANA K. HOOVER as ESTHER Taking of pictures and/or making of visual or sound recordings is expressly prohibited. Please refrain from texting. Cell phones must be turned off during the performance. Food & drink are not allowed in the theatre. PLACE: New York l TIME: The Present Mistakes Were Made is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York. Mistakes Were Made received its world premiere productions in 2009 at A Red Orchid in Chicago, IL and Hartford Stage in Hartford, CT. It received its New York City premiere in November 2010 at Barrow Street Theatre by Scott Morfee, Jean Doumanian, Tom Wirtshafter, Marc Biales, Rebecca Gold, Christian Chadd Taylor and The Weinstein Company. Stage Manager Sarahi Salazar Set Design Clare Floyd DeVries Properties Design Meredith Hinton Costume Design Drenda Lewis Lighting Design John Leach Sound Design David H.M. Lambert Puppet Design & Fabrication Pix Smith * Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors & Stage Managers in the United States. 4 A d m i n i s t r at i v e FOUNDING DIRECTORS Bill Newberry Wilson Newberry Rose Pearson Ann L. Rhodes BOARD OF DIRECTORS Maddie Lesnick, President Nancy Katherine Burk, Vice President Thomas Lang, Treasurer Dustin Van Orne, Secretary Betsy Barnes Paul Engler David Grebel Paul K. Harral Ingrid Keller Barry King Karen Kirk Betty Lay-Korenek Dr. Alan Lobaugh Larry R. Phipps Miguel Reyes ll Cathy Taylor Gavin Wallace Connie Whitt-Lambert ADVISORY BOARD Susan Blue, M.D. Rory Divin Mary S. Grantges Wm. F. “Bill” Hart Leslie Jordan Sherry Key Larry L. King Leah M. King Dr. Harry B. Parker Greg Phillips, M.D. Dr. Laurin R. Porter Darla Robinson Del Shores James L. Stripling Estela Martinez-Stuart Jhani Wright-Williams Riki Zide CIRCLE THEATRE STAFF Executive Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rose Pearson Managing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Newberry Box Office & Administrative Manager. . . . . . . . . . Aaron Majors Dramaturg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dorothy Sanders Administrative & Box Office Interns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leah Luna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katie Melton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kimberlee Cantrell Graphic Artist/Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daron Cockerell Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glen E. Ellman Mailing address: P.O. Box 470456 Fort Worth, TX 76147-0456 Theatre address: 230 West Fourth Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Box Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817.877.3040 Administrative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817.877.3848 Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817.877.3536 www.circletheatre.com Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/circletheatrefw Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/circle_theatre E-mail: [email protected] Special thanks The Butlers’ Antiques and Uniques, Texas Wesleyan Theatre Department, Oliver’s Fine Foods, The Cupcakery, Kitchen Dog Theater Actors’ Equity Association (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence. www.actorsequity.org Circle Theatre is partially supported by the City of Fort Worth, Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County; The Texas Commission on the Arts, a state agency; and the National Endowment for the Arts, a Federal agency. 634 5x8 4c The art of performance draws our eyes to the stage Our community’s commitment to arts and culture says a lot about where we live. Theater brings us together from the moment the lights go down and the curtains come up. Proudly serving the DFW area with over 175 locations wellsfargo.com © 2011 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. (589411_02634) 589411_02634 5x8 4c.indd 1 7/28/11 8:36 AM Play a leading role in your community. Join a United Way Giving Society today. UnitedWayTarrant.org UNW-12423_Playbill Ad 5 x 3.875.indd 1 9/14/11 11:01 AM d i r ec to r ’ s notes P 7 erhaps, at first glance, Mistakes Were Made, will not seem terribly complex. At face value, it’s the simple story of Felix Artifex, a frustrated but determined off-Broadway producer trying doggedly to put together his first big-time Broadway production. With the help of his kind secretary, and his soulmate pet, Felix engages in a series of telephone conversations in which he does everything he can to put the pieces of this project together and turn it from a dream into a reality. But playwright Craig Wright has written not just a comedy, but also a morality play; the deceptively simple parts add up to much more than the entertaining story of a producer’s desperate frustrations. Listen carefully to Felix’s wheedling, cajoling, coaxing and finagling, and you’ll hear a discussion about what we value in life, of our desire to feel successful, and the messy compromises to which we’ll agree in order to achieve those goals we’ve established. Mistakes Were Made is about the theatre, yes, and it’s cleverly self-referential. But it’s also about responsibility, ambition, and hope. Buckle up. - Harry Parker 8 TIT L E Take the Train & Take On North Texas! The TRE is your connection to all the Metroplex hotspots—Downtown Fort Worth, DFW Airport, American Airlines Center, and more. And cruising around DFW can’t get any better when Takes You Places The-T.com • 817-215-8600 you skip the traffic hassle, breathe cleaner air and save yourself a buck! facebook.com/TheTFortWorth A NN U A L C O NTRI B U T O RS BACKER Louise & Frank Carvey Mr. & Mrs. Jarrell R. Milburn Betty Sanders PRODUCER Anne Bueller Ralph & Deborah Chaney Tim Chase Stan Graner & Jim McBride Bill Palmer Larry Phipps Mary Ann Staab DIRECTOR Beth Conway Gregg & Jo Ann Higgs Art & Patsy Kampschafer Betty Lay Korenek in memory of Price Avent Larry & Maddie Lesnick Sam & Jane McClain Gregory Phillips, M.D. STAR Betsy Barnes Betty Baum Mary & David Benson Susan K. Blue, M.D. Steven & Cheryl Broyles Rita & Tim Evans David Grebel Paul Harral Bill & Lois Hart Owen & Betsy Hedden Ingrid & Jim Keller Barry & Leah King Wayne & Connie Lambert Dexter Miller in memory of Barbara Miller Harry & Karen Parker Dick & Bette Ramsey Charles & Benita Staadecker Audrey Wick Doug Williams Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Wilson Michael & Riki Zide CHORUS Ross & Carla Allmon Sue & Kurt Anderson Teresa Atcheson Debra & Dan Barrett Gloria & Paul Belisch Ann Bracey in memory of Roy Melugin, Laura Brown, and Ruth Ann McKinney Sue & Bob Cameron Lois Chatham Susan & William Child Frieda Cooper Julie Crawford Ralph & Betty Culp Jaime & Nancy Dickerson Carol Donovan Kelly Flynn & Jan Fersing in honor of Don & Helen Matheson Drs. James & Sharon Greenstone Catherine Grundy Judie Hankins Jeff Heald & Michael Zerbach In memory of Bill Garber Frank & Patricia Helme Nell O. Jackson Adriel & Lauren Johndro Larry & Liz Johnson Molly Jones Jack & Genie Kearney Randall King Gail Knight in memory of Ruth Ann McKinney Steve & Kathy Koons Robert L. Lane Thomas Lang Scott & Donya Lide Alan Lobaugh Charles & Sandra Lord Rebecca Low Howard & Judy Luttrell Aaron Majors Jean & John Martin Charlene & Madison Mauze Arthur R. McAvoy Sylvia Melugin Stella Norman George Novelli Wilma Outenreath Victoria Jean Owen Marvin Pasek Jan Penland Irma & Robert Pirtle Bill Raecke Penny & Stuart Reichert Mr. Richard & Theresa Rosprim Roger & Lynda Rice Anita Rogers 9 Una Ronne Peter & Amy Sabol Allen & Dorothy Sanders Linda Siy, M.D. Pat & Worthy Slutz Judith & Keoni Spencer John & Lynne Stanley Amy Stien Jane & Dan Sykes John M. Sykes in memory of Billy Misik Kathy & Rodney Thompson Dennis & Tish Trojak Daniel Valentine in memory of Helmholtz Watson Thomas Vezain Bruce & Sandra Wagner Gavin Wallace Susan West Barbara Williams Mary M. Williams Dennis & Jeannie Wolfe Earl & Phyllis Worley Jerry Wright John & Kay Yount Steve & Kathy Zahn John & Mary Zuber UNDERSTUDY Barbara L. Baas Roy Barber Kathy & Rod Barthold Cheryl & Pete Brandt Lynne Butler Jane Chapman John Conard Anne & Michael Costello Jaime Dickerson Suzanne Folsche Richard Giltner Larry & Mary Goodman Linda Hill Tom Horst James Hurt Chester & Saundra Juroska Sandra Lackey Bob & Judy Laney David & Carolyn Leaverton Sidney Lindersmith Bonnie & Don Miller Christopher Moore Ed & Tootsie Morton Randolph Mosher – continued on p. 13 – 10 TIT L E It’s showtime! Don’t let wrinkles, scars, spots, sun damage, stretch marks and large pores steal the show. Dr. Cothern’s high-performance cosmetic skin treatments will stop the theatrics and have you glowing like the star you are. Board certified in dermatology, Dr. Cothern uses all the latest tools, including Fraxel® laser, pulsed light and radio frequency. Call today and forget your lines in no time. Isn’t technology beautiful? Dermatology and Laser Center of Fort Worth • 817. 377.1243 4201 Camp Bowie Blvd., Suite A • www.skinlasercare.com DR. COTHERN Board Certified COT1-37207 Performing Ad_November.indd 1 COLORS 6/30/10 11:18 AM JOB# 4C COT1-37207 PROOF SIZE OK as is OK with changes 5 x 3.875 INITIAL SETUP Doctor. Public Health November Professional. Physician Assistant. Biomedical Scientist. Health Administrator. Pharmacist.* Physical Therapist. FILE NAME DESKTOP ARTIST 6.24.10 James Supply new proof with changes 817.335.1373 SI GN AT U R E Careers in the health sciences begin here. www.hsc.unt.edu follow us on twitter and facebook *College of Pharmacy scheduled to open Fall 2013 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76107 817.735.2000 A NN U A L C O NTRI B U T O RS Dustin Van Orne Gary Payne Judith M. Rye Fernando Sanchez Harry & Martha Siegel Hy Siegel William Sikma Dan & Carol Smith Carol Stanford John & Deborah Styrsky John & Donna Uselding Judy & Paul Weinstein George West Ronald Williams Ricki Wilson Mariel Yu Edward Zeidman FOUNDATIONS Amon G. Carter Foundation Community Foundation of North Texas Exxon Mobil Foundation Fifth Avenue Foundation The Adeline and George McQueen Foundation 11 General Mills Foundation Jewish Women International The Pangburn Foundation Ann L. and Carol Greene Rhodes Charitable Trust Sid W. Richardson Foundation The Shubert Foundation, Inc. WGG Foundation CORPORATIONS Choice Hotels Oliver’s Fine Foods Wells Fargo A Special Thanks to all of our supporters who are not listed due to printing schedules. Your Annual Donation plays an important role at Circle Theatre! Please take a minute to make a tax-deductible donation while at the show, call 817.877.3040 and charge your contribution over the phone, or donate online at www.circletheatre.com Thank you for supporting Circle’s efforts to bring first class live theatre to Fort Worth. c. Wheels, In Meals On t County of Tarran NEEDS YOUR HELP! Volunteers deliver one day a week Monday-Friday. Meals are picked up near the volunteer’s home or office and delivered between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Volunteers are needed to serve nutritious meals along with care and compassion. For more information: Visit www.Mealsonwheels.org or call (817) 336-0912 Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County 320 South Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76104 quarter page horizontal.indd 1 MEALS ON WHEELS INC of Tarrant County 7/12/2010 2:52:22 PM At Simply Fondue, we are committed to bringing you simply the best fondue dining experience found anywhere. We use only the finest ingredients and make all of our sauces, batters, and dressings from scratch daily. Enjoy a selection from our extensive wine list or one of the more than 100 hand-crafted martinis and specialty drinks during your visit. 111 West 4th Street Sundance Square (817) 348-0633 simplyfonduefortworth.com Play w r i gh t & D i r e c t o r 13 CRAIG WRIGHT’S (Playwright) plays have been produced around the world. They include The Pavilion, Orange Flower Water, Recent Tragic Events, Molly’s Delicious, Melissa Arctic, Grace, Lady, The Unseen, and Mistakes Were Made. He was nominated for or received the Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding New Play, the Drama Desk Award, the Jeff Award, the Ovation Award, the LA Drama Critics Circle Award and the American Theatre Critics New Play Award. He is the 2009 recipient of the Horton Foote Excellence in American Playwriting Award. His plays are published by Dramatists Play Service, Playscripts Inc., Dramatic Publishing, Samuel French and Smith & Kraus. He has written for numerous television shows including Six Feet Under (Emmy and WGA nominations), Lost (WGA award winner), Brothers and Sisters, United States of Tara, and was the creator and Executive Producer of the ABC series Dirty Sexy Money. He is currently writing the animated Mr. Peabody and Sherman for Dreamworks Animation and adapting The Knitting Circle, starring Katherine Heigl for HBO, as well as creating an original scripted series, Underemployed, for MTV. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary. HARRY PARKER (Director) is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Theatre at Texas Christian University. He has directed more than 80 professional and university plays and musicals, including productions at the Kennedy Center (Washington D.C.), Stages Repertory Theatre (Houston), American Heartland Theatre (Kansas City), and Lyric Theatre (Oklahoma City). In Fort Worth, his professional directing credits include Permanent Collection for Jubilee Theatre, A Nervous Smile for Amphibian Stage Productions, and Ellis Island: The Dream of America for the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra at Bass Hall. Mistakes Were Made is the 11th show he has directed at Circle Theatre where some of his credits also include Over the Tavern, Bus Stop, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and The Fantasticks. Earlier this season, he directed Circle’s criticallyacclaimed production of The Whipping Man. At TCU, he directed Oklahoma!, You Can’t Take It With You, and Little Women among others. Originally from Oklahoma City, Harry received his BFA from TCU, and an MA and Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. He is a two-time winner of the Kennedy Center Medallion of Excellence, and he is the former National Chair of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. He is an associate member of The Stage Directors and Choreographers Society. MODERN ART MUSEUM OF FORT WORTH “The jaw-dropping drama is inside...” – Wallpaper magazine Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth 3200 Darnell Street Fort Worth, Texas 76107 817.738.9215 www.themodern.org Photo © Timothy Hursley Sixty years ago, a small Texas university made a great leap. In 1949, TCU became the first college in the nation to offer a BFA major in Ballet. Since then, our School for Classical & Contemporary Dance has soared to great heights. TCU is committed to the future of fine arts professionals, offering programs in music, dance, theatre and visual art. Nurturing student artists is one more way in which TCU stays ahead of the curve. For a Fine Arts Calendar and schedule of events, call 817-257-7810. Or visit Fine Arts Events at www.tcu.edu. p i a n o T e x a s i n T e r n aT i o n a l a C a D e M y & F e s T i v a l Col l ege o F F ine a r T s U nDergr a DUaT e a nD g r a DUaT e p rogr a Ms • TCU’s MiMir ChaMber MUsiC FesTival • arT in The MeTroplex • TriniT y shakespeare FesTival aT TCU • COMING NEXT TO CIRCLE AUG 9 - SEPT 8 OCT 11 - NOV 10 Visit our box office while you are at the show, call 817.877.3040, or go online at www.circletheatre.com to purchase your tickets. Circle is Going Green! Starting in 2012, Circle Theatre will send out all notices and show reminders via E-mail. Please help us save money and the environment by signing up to receive our E-letters. You can contact our box office by calling 817.877.3040 or email [email protected] to get on our E-mailing list. If you prefer to receive “snail mail” through the post office, notify our box office and we will send information to the address you indicate. 16 C A ST STEVEN POUNDERS (Felix Artifex) Work at Circle Theatre: Bach at Leipzig Work at Other Theatres: American Actors Company at Cherry Lane Theatre (NY): The Unseen (Off Broadway); Resonance Ensemble at the Clurman Theatre (NY): H4 (Off Off Broadway), Shakespeare’s Slave (Off Off Broadway), The Coffee Trees (Off Off Broadway); WaterTower Theatre: Spring Awakening, The Book of Days; Theatre Three: Defiance Work in Television/Film: Endings (Theoretical Entertainment), The Proper Care and Feeding of an American Messiah (Theoretical Entertainment) Professional Affiliations and Education: Member Actors’ Equity Association; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (MFA – Acting) LANA K. HOOVER (Esther) Work at Circle Theatre: Bus Stop; Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean; Home Plate Work at Other Theatres: Stage West: Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music, The Long Christmas Ride Home, A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol; Jubilee Theatre: Permanent Collection; Theatre Arlington: The Book of Liz, The House of Blue Leaves, The Dixie Swim Club; Onstage in Bedford: The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Nunsense, A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol; Denton Community Theatre: Cinderella; Greater Lewisville: Nuncrackers Awards: Best Actress in a Musical (Onstage in Bedford), Multiple Column Awards Nominee Professional Affiliations and Education: Texas Wesleyan University (BA – Theatre); Texas Educational Theatre Association Dedication or Special Comment: Thanks to my friends and family (especially my two best productions, Lauren and Brady) for always supporting my ever-changing hopes and dreams. Marryn, I love you bunches – and love to all the rest of the fam. Thanks, Harry, Rose and Circle, for the work! Special Thanks to Oliver’s Fine Foods and The Original Cupcakery, our new neighbors and generous sponsors for Circle Theatre’s Opening Night Parties. R R R 353 Throckmorton St. Downtown Fort Worth (817) 332-2477 R to advertise call 817.429.4949 or visit www.performingads.com playbills provided by: Performing Ads Company S eason T icket Your to affluent individuals S eason T icket to affluent individuals Your C a l l e d “ T h e B e s T B a r d Yo u ’ l l s e e i n norT h T ex a s” BY d M aga zi n e I n R e pe Rt oRy: n a t ures select ad The Merry Wives of Windsor ac The Merchant of Venice June 12 – July 1, 2012 www.trinityshakes.org (817)257-8080 CASINO MEALS ON WHEELS INC of Tarrant County CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASIN CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASINO CASIN PR O D U C TI O N ST A F F 19 Stage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarahi Salazar Production Assistant & Puppeteer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katie Melton Light and Sound Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle Ward Key Scenic Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jon R. Kruse Master Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rick Morrison Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grant Morrison Wardrobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharon Standard SARAHI SALAZAR (Stage Manager) Work at Circle Theatre: [As Stage Manager] Seven In One Blow; [As Production Assistant] Becky’s New Car Work at Other Theatres: [As Stage Manager] Stolen Shakespeare Guild: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum; RattleStick Theatre (NYC): Lycanthrope; Theatre Wesleyan: Sweeney Todd, Working, Dr. Chekhov’s, Vaudevilles Education: Texas Wesleyan University (BA - Theatre Arts) Dedication or Special Comment: Thanks to Circle Theatre for the opportunity and support! CLARE FLOYD DeVRIES (Set Design) Work at Circle Theatre: The Whipping Man, Secrets of a Soccer Mom, Seven in One Blow, The Fantasticks, Marvin’s Room, Becky’s New Car, Boeing-Boeing, Bright Ideas, Bach at Leipzig, Something Intangible, The Great American Trailer Park Musical, Opus, Incorruptible, Over the Tavern, Desperate Affection, The Countess, Misery, The Exact Center of the Universe, Ad Wars, Over the River and Through the Woods Work at Other Theatres: Shakespeare Dallas: Othello; WaterTower Theatre: Our Town, Sweeney Todd, Enchanted April; Kitchen Dog Theater: Charm, End Times; Casa Mañana: A Few Good Men, Narnia; Uptown Players: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels; Trinity Shakespeare Festival: As You Like It Work in Television/Film: Whatta Ya Think?!, Ciao Awards: Multiple Column Awards (including one most recently for Boeing-Boeing at Circle Theatre), DFW Theatre Critics Forum Awards, and Dallas Theatre League Leon Rabin Awards for set design Professional Affiliations and Education: Syracuse University (Bachelor of Architecture); Licensed Architect - State of Texas; National Council of Architectural Registration Boards; Artistic Associate - Kitchen Dog Theater. Author: Alice Through the Proscenium: More Scenic Set Design 20 P r o d uc t i o n s t aff MEREDITH HINTON (Props Design) Work at Circle Theatre: [As Costume Designer] Hail Mary Work at Other Theatres: [As Costume Designer] Theatre Three: The Farnsworth Invention; Fort Worth Opera: Assistant Costume Coordinator; Theatre Arlington: Noises Off, Corpse, Don’t Dress for Dinner; Theatre TCU: Urinetown Education: Texas Christian University (BA - Fashion Merchandising) DAVID H.M. LAMBERT (Sound Design) Work at Circle Theatre: [As Actor] Bach at Leipzig, Opus, Incorruptible, Unnecessary Farce; Resident Sound Designer since 2006 Work at Other Theatres: Trinity Shakespeare Festival: Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing; Dallas Children’s Theater: Honus & Me; Theatre Three: Democracy; Pocket Sandwich Theatre: 450 performances as Ebenezer Scrooge, Run for Your Wife, Caught in the Net; Theatre Britain: Communicating Doors; Amphibian Stage Productions: A Buyer’s Market; Labyrinth Theatre: The Guys; Second Thought Theatre: Earth and Sky; Dallas Repertory Theatre: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Awards/Nominations: Nominated for 2007 Leon Rabin - Caught in the Net, Pocket Sandwich Theatre; Nominated for 2003 Leon Rabin Award – Everybody Loves Opal, Pocket Sandwich Theatre; Nominated for 2001 Column Award – The Boys Next Door, Pocket Sandwich Theatre; Received the Live Theatre League of Tarrant County’s 2008 Design & Technical Theatre Award; Received 2011 Column Award for Best Sound Design of a Play – Equity – Boeing-Boeing at Circle Theatre Dedication or Special Comment: To my wife and best friend Lesli: “Prepare the movie-meal, I’m comin’ home!” JOHN LEACH (Lighting Design) Work at Circle Theatre: Resident Lighting Designer since 1990 Work at Other Theatres: Choral performance for Sir John Rutter, Carnegie Hall, NYC 2007; Contemporary Dance Fort Worth: Lighting Designer for various productions, and performed in Dialogues in Motion and God and Guns; Hip Pocket Theatre: Technical Director and Lighting Designer (1995–1998) and acted in Bowl of Red, The Crimson Pirate, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Attack of the B-Girls; Gracey Tune Productions: Performed in Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt; Ballet Concerto: Technical Director & Lighting Designer (1995–1998); Trinity Valley School: Set construction and lighting design; John has also done design work in Dallas, New York, California State University at Long Beach, and Paris, Texas Awards: Column Award: Best Lighting Design for a Drama, The Memory of Water at Circle Theatre, 2001 PR O D U C TI O N ST A F F 21 DRENDA LEWIS (Costume Design) Work at Circle Theatre: [As Actor] Incorruptible; [As Costume Designer] Opus, A Lone Star Christmas Carol, The Great American Trailer Park Musical, Marvin’s Room, The Whipping Man Work at Other Theatres: Designs seen at Casa Mañana: Narnia; Granbury Opera House: Crazy for You, Will Rogers Follies, Guys and Dolls; Lyric Stage: As Thousands Cheer, Fiorello, Funny Girl; Jubilee Theatre: One Mo’ Time, Ain’t Misbehavin’, For Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf; Contemporary Theatre of Dallas: Pump Boys and Dinettes; Kids Who Care: A Christmas Carol KATIE MELTON (Puppeteer) Work at Circle Theatre: [As Production Assistant] The Whipping Man Work at Other Theatres: Theatre TCU: The Beaux’ Stratagem, The Vagina Monologues; Theatre Arlington: Beauty and the Beast, Jr., Seussical, Jr.; Casa Mañana: Once On This Island, Footloose, Guys and Dolls Awards: Theatre Arlington Stony Award for Best Youth Actress in a Major Supporting Role in a Musical and Best Youth Actress in a Minor Supporting Role in a Musical Education: Sophomore at Texas Christian University pursuing a BFA - Theatre Studies DOROTHY SANDERS (Dramaturg) Work at Circle Theatre: Resident Dramaturg since 2001; [As Actor] Wonderful to be Wicked (melodrama series), A Month of Sundays, Eleemosynary, The Golden Shadows Old West Museum, Daughters of the Lone Star State, A Delicate Balance, Fuddy Meers Work at Other Theatres: [As Actor] Stage West, Theatre Arlington, Fort Worth Theatre, OnStage, Sage & Silo, Artisan Center Theater, Runway Theatre Professional Affiliations and/or Education: Member of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, Artisan Center Theater Board and The Live Theatre League of Tarrant County Advisory Board; Bachelor of Science, Simmons College; Ed.M, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Ph.D, Texas Woman’s University Awards: Live Theatre League of Tarrant County: 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award, 2004 Arts Advocate Award TIT LCEO U N C I L 2222A RTS D O N O RS Promoting, Nurturing, and Supporting the Arts in our Community since 1963 We send our sincere appreciation to the following donors who, through their support of the Arts Council, impact the health and welfare of the arts in our community. The Board of Directors and staff of the Arts Council offer sincere thanks to the following generous donors who made a contribution in 2011. $100,000 & above City of Fort Worth XTO Energy, Inc. $50,000 - $99,000 William E. Scott Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 360 West Magazine Amon G. Carter Foundation Ann L. and Carol Greene Rhodes Charitable Trust Texas Commission on the Arts Wm. & Catherine Bryce Memorial Fund $10,000 - $24,999 Alcon Laboratories Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bass BBVA Compass Foundation BNSF Railway Company Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Carvey Mr. and Mrs. Mac Churchill Community Foundation of North Texas Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Oncor Electric Delivery The Thomas M., Helen McKee & John P. Ryan Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Betty Sanders Sear Family Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Bates Container, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Bolz Chesapeake Energy Mac & LuJo Churchill Mac Churchill Acura Coors Distributing Company, Inc. Mr. Vance Duffy Fort Worth Convention & Visitors Bureau Ms. Pam Lindley & Ms. Gail Wright PricewaterhouseCoopers, Inc. Ms. B.J. Sanders Sid W. Richardson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Siegel Mr. & Mrs. David Smith Tarrant County Public Assistance Wells Fargo $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. & Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mr. Thomas W. Blakely Mr. William R. Bond DuBose Family Foundation Mr. James S. DuBose Mr. James E. DuBose Ms. Tori Adams Mr. Christopher Keyland Ms. Katherine Roberts Freese and Nichols, Inc. Consulting Engineers Frost Financial Management Group Mr. & Mrs. Kim Gill Estate of Mrs. Charlotte M. Gore Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hart Haynes & Boone, L.L.P. Jackson Walker, L.L.P. Mellina & Larson , P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Garland M. Lasater Plaza Medical Center Mrs. Rosalyn G. Rosenthal Sundance Square Texas Christian University Mr. & Mrs. Joe Tigue Lisa and Martin Wax Wells Fargo Worthington Renaissance Hotel $1,000 - $2,499 American Airlines Atmos Energy Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Lou Barnett Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bollinger Mr. Todd Breeding Mr. & Mrs. L.O. Brightbill, III BBVA Compass Wealth Management Mary Jane Brown Johndroe Zohra A. Choudhry, M.D. Mrs. Frank Darden Virginia Clay Dorman Mr. & Mrs. David Engelhardt Fifth Avenue Foundation Esther L. Heit Foundation Noel Holub Jackson Walker LLP J.O. Designs Mr. & Mrs. Field Lange Nancy & Jack Larson Mr. Sharbel Lattouf Martha V. Leonard Mr. Dan E. Lowrance Mr. David K. Lyon (?) Mr. & Mrs. Diego Marra Mr. & Mrs. John L. Marion Mary Eugenia Schofield Maxwell John & Annie Mason Ms. Melinda Mason McDonald Sanders Law Firm Mrs. Ellen Messman Mr. & Mrs. Danny Northcutt Mr. John Nugent Virginia O’Donnell Sue & Bill Parrish Dr. & Mrs. Burton H. Patterson Pier 1 Imports Mr. & Mrs. Bob Rosenthal Mrs. Jareen E. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. Steve Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Siegel Mr. David Smith Mrs. Virginia Street Smith Mr. Rick G. Sorenson Standard Meat Company Mr. Craig F. Strehl Dr. & Mrs. George H. Sullivan Sundance Square Tiffany & Co. Ginny & Joe Tigue Mr. John F. Tinsley C. Victor Thornton Jennifer Trevino Mr. Charles H. Turner Dr. & Mrs. John Via, III Dr. & Mrs. Martin Wax Mr. Martin Way Whitley Penn LLP Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Williams Dr. Kate Wyatt $500 - $999 Adair Eyewear American Institute of Architects Mr. & Mrs. R. Denny Alexander Bank of Texas Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bennett Dr. Susan K. Blue –Zeig Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Boysen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brinker Mr. Dale Brock Mr. & Mrs. James E. Burgess Capital One Bank Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cates Citi-Bank Mrs. Diana Crawford and Mr. Kenneth Fuquay Mr. & Mrs. Glen Darden Mr. & Mrs. Beale Dean Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dignum Mrs. Virginia Clay Dorman Ms. Marilee F. Evans Mr. Stephen Ferney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Fleet Ms. Kathy Flories Dr. & Mrs. Allan L. Graham Mr. C. Brodie Hyde, II Dr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Jack Larson Ms. Glenn Lattimore Mr. & Mrs. Russel Laughlin Mr. & Mrs. G. Allen Laureyns Ms. Elizabeth Livermore Ms. Laura Lumley Wilson-Lyon Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Scott McDonald Patsy & Larry Milrany Charitable Trust Mrs. W.H. Michero Ms. Ashley Mooring Mr. & Mrs. Wade Nowlin Dr. & Mrs. L.E. Nugent Graham & Paige Pate Dr. & Mrs. Burton H. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. James N. Patterson, Jr. Mr. James R. Perry Mr. Burton Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Greg Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Plattsmier Mrs. Lawrence Rawl The Roach Foundation Dr. & Mrs. John Thomas Rogers Mr. James L. & Dr. Manala Y. Stripling Dr. and Mrs. Scott Sullivan Mr. Amar Tanna Mrs. Martha Taylor Dr. & Mrs. William E. Tucker T.V.G. Investments LLC Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Weiner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wugofski $250 - $499 Mr. Jeral Ahtone American Institute of Architects Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Anfin Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Appel Dr. & Mrs. George N. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Tappan Bailey Dr. & Mrs. William R. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Banks Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Baylor Mr. & Mrs. William D. Benge Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bickley Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bird Ms. Sanja Bogdanovic Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brinker Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bunata Mr. and Mrs. Carter Burdette Mr. David H. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cappuccio Mr. & Mrs. Chester Carlock Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Cohen Mrs. Mary O. Collier Ms. Mattie Peterson Compton Ms. Kathleen E. Connors Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Cook Mr. & Mrs. John Cranz Mrs. Jeanette Joan Cross Mr. Michael Dallas Dr. & Mrs. A.R. Daniell Mr. Tom Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Darden Mr. & Mrs. Webster Dean Ms. Stephanie Decker and Mr. Paul Garmer Mr. Kevin B. Demel Mr. George Derby Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dulle Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dunkin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Dunlap, Sr. Ms. Mary J. Dyess Mr. & Mrs. Leland P. Ekstrom Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ferguson Jewell Fielder Foundation Ms. Kathy Flories Ms. Mary Charles Forshay Ms. Sara Funkhouser Mr. & Mrs. Lawton G. Gambill Mr. Bernard Gerstlauer Mr. & Mrs. David Halbower, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Haney A RTS C O U N C I L D O N O RS Mr. Tom Harkrider Mr. & Mrs. Doug Harman Hartman Leito & Bolt LLP Mrs. Virginia K. Head Mr. David Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Bob Herchert Mr. & Mrs. Grant Hodgkins Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Sam Hulsey Ms. Sherry Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. Neil Isbell Mr. John James Mr. Jimmy Jenkins M.J.B. Johndroe Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Johnson Ms. Joann Karges Mr. Mrs. Byron L. Keil Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Key Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. King Mr. & Mrs. J. Luther King Mrs. Philip E. Laughlin Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ledyard E. Donovan Lewis Mary Stewart Ramsey Fund of the Mr. Steve Maxwell Community Foundation of North Texas Judge & Mrs. John Henry McBryde Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McClanahan Mr. & Mrs. John B. McClane Mr. Gregory L. McCoy Dr. & Mrs. M. Dwain McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Ridge McMichael Mr. David Mellina Mr. Rocky D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Jason Mills Mr. Michael Moffitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moher Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moncrief Mr. Richard H. Moore, Jr. Mr. Wade Nowlin Ms. Patricia J. O’Neal Mrs. Anne Olsen Mr. James N. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Glenn M. Pense Martha Peters & Patrick Vickner Mr. W. Paul Phillips Mr. & Mrs. John K. Podgore Ms. Nell Polson Mr. & Mrs. Trent Prim Mary Stewart Ramsey Fund Ms. Mary S. Ray Mr. John Rohrbach Mrs. Rob H. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sadberry Mrs. Alann Sampson Mr. & Mrs. Allen Sanders Mrs. Camille Sanders Mr. Charles W. Seely Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Semple Dr. Howard L. Shaffer Mr. &. Mrs. Warren Shipman, III Mr. & Mrs. Grady L. Shropshire Mr. & Mrs. Emmet G. Smith Mr. Warren Spielman Mr. Joe P. Strain Mr. James L. Stripling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sturdivant Mr. Richard S. Talley 23 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tate Mrs. Martha Taylor M.B. Tomme Mr. & Mrs. J. David Tracy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Trojak Representative Vicki Truitt Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Tubb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Chip) Ulich Ms. Kathleen Walker Mrs. Charlene Watson Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Webster Mr. & Mrs. James C. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Jack West Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. West Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Wickes Mr. & Mrs. Glen T. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wilson, II Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe Wortham Insurance Ms. Bobbie Wygant Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Zimmerman 1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76107 817-732-2360 www.artscouncilfw.org GiftCards Circle Theatre gift cards are a perfect way to say “Thank You” or make someone feel special on holidays, birthdays & anniversaries. FLEX TICKETS $70 Single Tickets $25 Visit our box office while at the show, purchase online at www.circletheatre.com or call 817-877-3040. 24 24 AG RTS e n eCrOal U NI C nIfo L DrO mNaOtRS ion Box Office Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .817.877.3040 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817.877.3536 Website . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.circletheatre.com Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday - Friday 12:00pm - 5:00pm When a play is in performance, the box office opens one hour before show time. Online Ticketing is now available at our website. Performance Schedule and Pricing Thursday evening. . . 7:30pm Friday evening. . . . . . 8:00pm Saturday matinee. . . 3:00pm Saturday evening . . . 8:00pm $20-$25 $25-$30 $20-$25 $25-$30 Best Place to Park Circle offers complimentary valet parking on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings! Look for the valet stand on Throckmorton Street in front of P.F. Chang’s and let them know you are seeing a show at Circle Theatre. VA PAR LET KIN G Students: $5 off all performances. High school & college students may also purchase tickets for half price at half-hour before show time, with valid school ID. (Subject to availability) Seniors (65+) and Military: $5 off all performances. Groups (10 or more): $5 discount on each regular-priced ticket. Ticket Policy ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL AND NON-REFUNDABLE. Reservations must be paid in advance. Only one discount may be applied to each ticket. Discounts or special offers may NOT be used for preview or opening night performances. Season-ticket holders will receive a $5 VIP discount when purchasing additional guest tickets. Are you on our email list? Sign up at the box office to receive information about upcoming shows or events. The future is here. Sewell Infiniti of Fort Worth is now open. All illustrations, photographs, and specifications in this publication are based on the concept vehicle although reflecting the latest product information available at the time of printing. Because this is still a prototype vehicle and final design, equipment, and accessories have not been determined, actual production vehicles may differ from those shown. See an actual production vehicle at your Infiniti retailer before purchase. Availability and delivery times for particular models or equipment may vary. Specifications, options, and accessories may differ in Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. territories, and other countries. It’s like an amusement Park for your mouth. Before or after the show, give your taste buds a thrill ride in Sundance Square®. Choose from dozens of great restaurants and delectable menu items. Perfectly grilled steaks. Fresh seafood. Burgers, barbecue, and pizza. Plus Mexican, Italian, Cajun, and Chinese cuisine. 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