2016-1 Malaga Invitation
2016-1 Malaga Invitation
The Challenge of Stewardship in 2016 Our keynote speakers Howard Dayton, president Compass - finances God’s way Compass - European Leadership Retreat January 21 - 23, 2016 Jay Link, financial advisor & CEO - The Stewards Way whole life stewardship Hotel Sol Don Pablo, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain Our theme is based on Matthew25:23 … “ ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord…” Our conference will give answers to the questions: - What are the challenges we face when teaching stewardship in 2016? - What new opportunities are there to reach people with the Biblical message on finances, possessions and our work? Rob West president, Kingdom Advisors The conference will help to fulfil the mission God has given us to: - Equip people worldwide to faithfully apply God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him and help fund the Great Commission. Dr. Andres Panasiuk, President - Cultura Financiera in South America The conference will begin at 18:00 hrs on Thursday, January 21 and end late Saturday afteroon, January 23. The price for the weekend will be only € 215 per person in a double room and € 275 per person in a single room! Dr. John Preston, National This price includes two nights, bed, breakfast, dinners and the Stewardship & Resources Officer, conference costs. Extra stay in the hotel is available at low cost! Church of England Conference leader: Peter J. Briscoe, Compass European director M: [email protected] W: www.peterbriscoe.eu T: +31 61 386 0050 www.compasseuropartners.eu The Challenge of Stewardship in 2016 Compass - European Leadership Retreat January 20 - 23, 2016 Hotel Sol Don Pablo, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain Programme Conference and pre-conference consultation on Generosity in Europe To register: www.compasseuropartners.eu/conference2016 mail: [email protected] or call: +31 61 386 0050 www.compasseuropartners.eu Consultation on Generosity in Europe January 20 - 21, 2016 Hotel Sol Don Pablo, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain Programme Consultation leader: Dr. Sas Conradie, UK. Wednesday 20 January 2016 • 2pm-‐4pm: Registra0on • 4pm-‐4:30pm: Welcome and introduc0on • 4:30pm-‐5pm: Generosity in Europe: A Biblical perspec0ve – devo0on led by Rev Jaume Llenas, General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Spain • 5pm-‐5:30pm: The present state of Chris0an stewardship, generosity and giving in Europe – Redina Kolanecki (Stewardship consultant – UK, Albania) • 5:30pm-‐6pm – Break • 6pm-‐7:30pm -‐ Problems, barriers, hindrances and challenges around developing generosity in Europe – interac0ve discussion • 7:30pm – Dinner with special speaker Dr Gary Hoag, ECFA, USA Thursday 21 January 2016 • 9am-‐10:30am: A vision for a European culture of Biblical stewardship, generous living and Kingdom focused giving. 8 minute presenta0ons and discussion by: 1. Dr John Preston (Church of England, UK) 2. Thomas Bucher (European Evangelical Alliance) 3. Adam Wallach (Businessman, Czech Republic) 4. Peter Briscoe (Compass, Netherlands) 5. Evi Rodemann (Mission-‐Net, Germany) 6. Theological ins0tu0ons (Somebody from Ukraine) • 10:30am-‐11am: Break • 11am-‐12:30pm: Towards a plan of ac0on to encourage Chris0an stewardship, generosity and giving in Europe – small group discussion with sugges0ons for prac0cal ac0on • 12:30pm-‐1pm: Next steps and conclusion To register for this consultation and / or the Compass European conference, please visit: h_p://www.compasseuropartners.eu/conference/conference-‐registra0on/
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