Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Time - The Plainfield Public School District
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Time - The Plainfield Public School District
PLAINFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION Plainfield, N.J. Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 8:00 P.M. Place: PUBLIC SESSION MEETING CLOSED FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION WORK & STUDY MEETING (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN) PLAINFIELD HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA 950 PARK AVE. Board of Education Members Mrs. Emily E. Morgan, President Mr. Dorien Hurtt, Vice President Ms. Lynn B. Anderson Mr. Terrence S. Bellamy, Sr. Mr. John C. Campbell Mrs. Carletta D. Jeffers Ms. Carmencita T. Pile Mr. David M. Rutherford Mr. Richard Wyatt Mrs. Anna Belin-Pyles, Superintendent I. II. III. IV. CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL WELCOME WELCOME to a WORK & STUDY MEETING of the Plainfield Board of Education. Members hope you will find the meeting interesting and informative. We thank you for taking the time to attend. Please be advised this and all meetings of the board are open to the media and public, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Ch. 231 Laws of 1975), and that the advance notice required therein has been provided to the Courier News and Star Ledger on Thursday, June 9, 2016 to be advertised on Saturday, June 11, 2016 and also provided to the Plainfield Public Schools, the District’s website, the Plainfield City Clerk, Police Department, and Plainfield Public Library for posting. V. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters. RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss: 1 2. 3. matters rendered confidential by federal or state law pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations and/or matters of attorney-client privilege specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected requested an open session and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The Board of Education will recess into its Executive Session. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole -2- June 14, 2016 VI. CONDUCT OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS The Board of Education takes official action at its Business Meetings. Business meetings are regularly scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month, subject to changes that may occur because of holidays. Prior to the board taking action at its business meetings, committee meetings are scheduled where indepth discussion occurs. At the Board of Education's committee meetings, no formal action is taken. schedule of meetings is as follows: The typical monthly Type of Meeting * Date Place Time Policy Committee 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Personnel/Exec.Ses. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Curric. & Instr. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Finance Committee 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Bldgs. & Grds. Cmte. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. School Community Rel. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Business Meeting 3rd Tues. ea. mo. Various Locations 8:00 p.m. (EACH OF THESE MEETINGS MAY INCLUDE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF MATTERS THAT MAY BE APPROPRIATE FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION) *Meeting Schedule Subject to Change At each committee meeting, the Board discusses recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools and other relevant items. Committee approval authorizes resolutions to be placed on the agenda of the next appropriate business meeting and/or possible formal action. The agendas for all committee and board meetings are available at the Office of the Board of Education, 1200 Myrtle Avenue during business hours. At the business meetings, privilege of the floor will be provided for sixty minutes for public comment prior to committee reports. A five-minute time limit per person is provided for public comment. Concerns of the public regarding the schools or departments should be brought to the attention of the appropriate administrator in charge (principal, director, etc.). If concerns remain unresolved, they are to be directed to the Superintendent of Schools. These procedures should be followed prior to concerns being presented to the Board of Education. This procedure allows administrators to resolve concerns at the most appropriate level of decision making. The next Business Meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2016 8:00 p.m., in the Plainfield High School Cafeteria. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole -3- VII. REMARKS FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT VIII. REMARKS FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT IX. REMARKS FROM COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS X. REMARKS FROM THE PUBLIC June 14, 2016 Members of the public may comment on agenda items only. Members of the public may speak once for each committee report. (Policy 9322) Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole XI. -4- June 14, 2016 REPORT OF THE CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE A. Professional Development (1) Teacher Effectiveness: Ed Connect Workshop / Train-the-Trainer Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. It is also committed to providing high quality professional development opportunities for teachers to ensure all students achieve academic, and life-long success as a result of their instructional practices. The Office of Planning/Research and Evaluation (Testing), and The Office of Professional Development/Teacher Effectiveness in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Education Division of Innovation will provide professional development for administrators and teachers in a train-thetrainer workshop, June 20-21, 2016. Participants will engage in learning the mechanics of Ed Connect, a web-based application. Ed Connect is used to build and disseminate assessments, collect and warehouse data, run dynamic reports, and develop and create instructional materials related to benchmark assessments. During these sessions, Certificated Staff will understand the overall mechanics of Ed Connect and will learn how to extract the data in Ed Connect designed in multiple formats that will inform and support all stakeholders, especially classroom teachers in utilizing this data to drive instruction and plan for small group learning. Certificated Staff attending the extended sessions of the workshop will also learn how to implement a Turnaround Training model that will support classroom teachers’ understanding and utilization of Ed Connect. Teacher certificated staff, only will be compensated per the contractual rate. The breakdown is as follows: Date(s) Times Location # of Participants Rate Per Day Total Monday, June 20-21, 2016 Administrators – June 20th – 9:00 am -12:00 pm Certificated Staff (extended sessions) – June 20th – 1:00 pm -4:00 pm Certificated Staff – June 21st – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Plainfield High 24 $100.00 $2,400.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction -5- June 14, 2016 Teacher Effectiveness: Ed Connect Workshop / Train-the-Trainer (cont’d) RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Teacher Effectiveness: Ed Connect Workshop / Train-the-Trainer workshops – total cost not to exceed $2,400.00. The availability of funds for this item has been identified and will be charged to account 20-270-200000-110A-05-0000 (Title IIA, Teacher Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction -6- June 14, 2016 (2) American Society for Metals (ASM) – Urbana, IL – PAAAS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Objective: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided to the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development. Oscar Feijoo, Chemistry Teacher, at PAAAS will attend the ASM Teacher Material Camp at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois. Mr. Feijoo is requesting that only the expense of the airline be paid through the Board of Education. The breakdown is as follows: Date Transportation Total Cost to District June 20-24, 2016 $638.00 $638.00 This workshop provides instruction on how to implement material science curriculum for a new course at PAAAS. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Oscar Feijoo, to attend the ASM Teacher Material Camp at the University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the reimbursement of airfare, June 20-24, 2016 – cost not to exceed $638.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-000-223000-580A-52-0000 (Staff Training/Development). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction -7- June 14, 2016 (3) NJ Security Officer’s Registration Act (SORA) Recertification Training – In District Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in district professional development opportunities. All contractual PPS Security Officers will participate in recertification training to be compliant with "Security Officer's Registration Act”, (N.J.S. 45:19A-1 to 45:19A-12). By providing this recertification training, Security Officers will be refreshed in a variety of subjects related to the safety and security of students and staff; which will allow them to better understand and perform their duties. The knowledge gained through SORA training offers exposure to fundamental concepts and principles of the security industry. The breakdown is as follows: Course Date Time Location Cost Per Officer Number of Officers Total Cost to District NJ SORA Recertification Training June 22, 2016 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Media Center – PHS $147.45 35 $5,160.75 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves NJ SORA recertification training for all contractual Security Officers, June 22, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $5,160.75. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-266000-300A-40-0000 (Purchased Prof & Tech Serv). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction -8- June 14, 2016 (4) Time To Teach – Classroom Management System – In-District Professional Development Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members in professional development opportunities. In collaboration with the Office of Professional Development/Teacher Effectiveness, the teaching staff of the schools listed will participate in our first all-day professional development with consultant Billy Taylor from Time To Teach. An invitation was extended to all schools who participated in a two (2) hour Time To Teach professional development. This six (6) hour professional development will deepen their knowledge, strengthen their implementation and increase their application of these powerful strategies. This comprehensive program enables the participants to have in-depth understanding of effective classroom management strategies, in order to eliminate repeated warning and multiple requests in a positive and productive fashion without power struggles. Location Date / Time Participating Schools Cost of Time to Teach Workshop Approx. Number of Participants Rate Per Day Total Stipend Amount Total Cost to District Jefferson June 23, 2016 – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Jefferson, Barlow, Cedarbrook, Clinton, Woodland, plus seven (7) New Teachers from our Learning Support Seminar $2,000.00 100 $100.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 The hands-on session will provide a complete understanding of the Time to Teach – Classroom Management System method and the tools necessary to apply it in the classroom. After participating in this training, participants will be empowered and able to immediately implement the strategies on how to be clear, concise and consistent with students, therefore, increasing the instructional time and eliminating pesky low-level discipline challenges. This research-based program has offered participants effective discipline strategies and has reduced the amount of teachers leaving the profession. Participants will learn the following concepts during the training session: Caring is Key, Conflict is Inevitable – Combat is Not; Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction -9- June 14, 2016 Time To Teach – Classroom Management System…. (cont’d) Good behavior can be systematically taught, therefore behavior can be changed and good discipline is a matter of good timing. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the Time To Teach – Classroom Management Training Course, June 23, 2016 – not to exceed $2,000.00 for workshop; and $10,000.00 for teacher stipends. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20270-200000-300A-05-0001 (Title IIA), account 20-270-200000-110A-05-0000 (Title IIA, Teacher Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 10 - June 14, 2016 (5) Rutgers University – Advanced Placement English Institute – PHS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to permit instructional staff to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities. PHS English teacher, Antoinette Vargas will attend the Rutgers University AP English Institute in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The expense breakdown is as follows: Dates July 5-8, 2016 Registration $1,025.00 Mileage Reimbursement ($.31 per mile – 42.6 $ 52.83 miles) Total Cost to District $1,077.83 This AP Institute will focus on both basic and complex components of the AP Literature and AP Language courses. Participants will read a variety of genres, discuss instructional strategies, develop critical writing assignments, and consider the role of the AP exam in preparing a syllabus. The Rutgers Summer AP English Institute is endorsed by the College Board AP Program. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Antoinette Vargas to attend the Rutgers University Advanced Placement English Institute – July 5-8, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $1,077.83. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 17190-100018-500A-25-0000 (High School Other Purchases). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 11 - June 14, 2016 (6) Google Educators – Certification Boot Camp – Monroe, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the district and the students. Therefore, they both require and encourage employees to take continuing education courses to improve their professional knowledge, maintain professional credentials, and to operate most effectively and efficiently in the delivery of services to the children of the District. The PPS Office of Science and Instructional Technology recommends the staff listed below to attend the NJASCD Google Educators BootCamp, July 7-8, 2016, at the FEA Conference Center, Monroe, NJ. The breakdown is as follows: Staff Name Jean Gordon Jacquelyn Cox Mark Williams Gary Bloom Chris Payne Jorel Wilkins Destiny Simons Wilson Martinez Chris Radecki Telaya Parham Donna Mullaney Joan Cansdale Eleanor Smith Abiola Adewunmi Ashley Eddy Stephenie Tidwell William Worley Diana Caspoa Elmer Rivera Grinnet Foxton Position Supervisor Teacher Principal Coordinator Chief Technology Officer Informational Technology Informational Technology Principal Teacher Principal Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Teacher Teacher Supervisor Principal Teacher Teacher Teacher Mileage Registration Total Cost $27.90 per person ($.31 per mile) $350.00 per person $7,558.00 The conference will provide updated information regarding the latest technology tools related Google for Education. NJASCD is a professional organization devoted to delivering current relative curriculum and instructional content to educational profession in the State of New Jersey. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves attendance of the listed PPS staff to attend the Google Educators – Certification Boot Camp, in Monroe, NJ, July 7-8, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $7,558.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-223000-320T-26-0000 (Curr Instruct Staff Training). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 12 - June 14, 2016 (7) International Literacy Association Conference – Boston, MA – F.W. Cook Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development opportunities. The following Frederic W. Cook School staff members will attend the International Literacy Association Conference in Boston, MA, July 8-11, 2016. Staff Member Position Arithia Furquan Rasna Sheth Janiece Jenkins SPED Teacher Kindergarten Teacher First Grade Teacher The cost per person, per the GSA is $2,029.26. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Registration ($499 x 3) Lodging ($233 x 4 nights + 18% tax = 1,099.76 per person) Transportation ($200 x 3) Meals / Incidentals ($310.50 x 3) Total Cost to District July 8-11, 2016 $1,497.00 $3,299.28 $600.00 $931.50 $6,327.78 Through this conference, attendees will acquire new research based strategies in teaching reading and writing. Participants will attend a variety of workshops to improve instruction in core subjects consistent with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts. This team of teachers will facilitate and model effective professional learning community structure, using research-based strategies learned during the conference. Staff members will have the opportunity to discover new teaching methods, materials, and tools to transform lives through literacy, as well as assist in strengthening effective literacy practices at Cook School. Sample Workshop Titles Include: Strategy Instruction to Support Reading Comprehension Literacy Strong All Year long: Empowering Young Learners with Spiraled Instruction Visible Student Literacy Teaching Practices and Instructional Strategies that Position Students Closer to Reading and Writing Excellence RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves F.W. Cook School staff to attend the International Reading Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, July 8-11, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $6,327.78. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-240000-500A-15-0000 (Other Purchased Serv). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 13 - June 14, 2016 (8) Acellus Camp Certification Training – Independence, MI – PHS and PAAAS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, and achieve life-long success. PAAAS and PHS staff listed below, will attend Acellus Camp Certification Training at the International Academy of Science in Independence, Missouri. PHS Staff Miguelina Gil-Landisi Tristan Cox Lillian Hernandez Position Vice Principal Social Studies Teacher English Teacher PAAAS Staff Kevin Stansbury Jerry Lester Stephanie McIntyre Caleb Williams Math Teacher Vanita Bentley Position Vice Principal Technology Teacher Computer Science/Web Design English PHS will attend July 12-14, 2016; PAAAS will attend August 9-11, 2016. The cost for all staff, per the GSA is as follows: Dates PHS – July 12-14, 2016 PAAAS – August 9-11, 2016 Registration $0.00 Lodging ($528.64 per person) $4,229.12 Transportation ($862.50 per person) $6,900.00 Meals / Incidentals ($224.00 per $1,792.00 person) Total Cost to the District $12,921.12 Acellus Camp is an extensive training workshop that is designed to empower administrators and teachers to effectively deploy Acellus. In this three (3) day training, participants will learn effective strategies for deploying Acellus in diverse programs, including credit recovery special education, remediation, gifted and advanced placement. They will also be trained on best practices for effectively managing and operating blended learning deployments. RESOLVED, that Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed PHS and PAAAS staff to attend the Acellus Camp Certification Training in Independence, Missouri, July 12-14, 2016 (PHS), and August 9-11, 2016 (PAAAS) – cost not to exceed $12,921.12. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 17-190-100018-500A-25-0000 (High School Other Purchase), and FY17 account 15000-223000-580A-52-0000 (Staff Training/Development - PAAAS). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 14 - June 14, 2016 (9) United States Department of Education (USDE) Summer Institute – Phoenix, AZ Strategic Plan Link Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district Professional Development opportunities. Zelda Spence, 21st CCLC Project Director, will attend the 2016 21st CCLC grant-mandated United States Department of Education (USDE) 21st CCLC Summer Institute at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix, in Phoenix, AZ. The breakdown, per the GSA, is as follows: Dates Transportation Lodging Food / Incidentals Total Cost July 18-22, 2016 $800.00 $401.00 $300.00 $1,501.00 This year’s conference captures the direction of the program as it strives to develop after-school activities that include and support President Obama’s education goals and initiatives. Speakers and presenters will share invaluable experiences and insight related to developing, implementing, and sustaining after-school programs, today and into the future. The agenda offers a selection of over one hundred (100) interactive breakout session that are designed to include new and innovative ideas for activities, technical assistance for managing programs, and strategies and data on after-school programming that can be transported to the workplace for immediate use to educate America’s children. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Zelda Spence, to attend the 2016 USDE 21st CCLC Summer Institute, July 18-22, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $1,501.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-450-200000580A-38-0001 (Travel). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (10) - 15 - June 14, 2016 Mathematics Leadership Program Coaching Mathematics Summer Institute 2016 Mount Holyoke College – Holyoke, MA Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district Professional Development opportunities. PPS Mathematics Supervisors, Stephenie Tidwell (elementary), and Kimberley Morris (secondary), will attend the MLP Coaching Mathematics Summer Institute in Holyoke, Massachusetts. The cost per person, per the GSA, is $1,869.48; the breakdown is as follows: Dates MLP Coaching Mathematics Summer Institute (2 @ $1,000) Mileage (round trip – $0.31 x 283 miles) x 2 Food ($59 x 6 days) Conference Hotel [5 nights x ($105 per night + 18% tax)] Total Cost to District July 18-22, 2016 $2,000.00 $175.46 $324.50 $1,239.00 $3,738.96 Mount Holyoke College is conducting a Mathematics Leadership Summer Institute to assist Supervisors of Mathematics in deepening their own awareness and understanding of the pedagogical issues of math coaching. The structured institute engages participants in carefully designed learning activities and prompts participants to engage in discussions with their colleagues regarding teacher instructional practice related to the K-8 mathematics classroom setting. Specifically, the Institute has been designed to assist supervisors in refining and reflecting on the practice of coaching, as well as, the collaboration required at the school and district level to create cohesive coaching models around the ideas of: • Coaching in Real-time • Strategic Goal-Centered Coaching • Developing a Coaching Model for the New Teacher • Maintaining the Focus on Mathematics while Coaching Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 16 - June 14, 2016 Mathematics Leadership Program Coaching (cont’d) • Conducting Study Projects (examining student thinking as a way to refine teacher instructional practice) RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Stephenie Tidwell and Kimberley Morris to attend the MLP Coaching Mathematics Summer Institute in Holyoke, Massachusetts – July 18-22, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $3,738.96. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts FY17 11-000-221000-500T-26-0000 (Other Purc Serv [400-500] Travel); and 11-000-223000-320T-26-0000 (Curr Instruct Staff Training). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (11) - 17 - June 14, 2016 Middlesex County College Advanced Placement Institute – PHS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District Staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. The Plainfield High School AP teachers listed below will attend the Middlesex County College Advanced Placement Summer Institute. Staff Glenn Pecoraro Hajira Hilal Beverley Lyons Position AP Calculus Teacher AP Chemistry Teacher AP US History Teacher Dates to Attend August 1-4, 2016 August 8-11, 2016 August 8-11, 2016 Total Cost to District $2,700.00 Attendance at the institute will provide AP teachers with professional development in AP Chemistry, AP US History, and AP Calculus. The Middlesex County College Advanced Placement Institute is endorsed by the Middle States Regional Office of the College Board. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves AP teachers Glenn Pecoraro, Hajira Hilal, and Beverley Lyons to attend the Middlesex County College Advanced Placement Summer Institute – total cost not to exceed $2,700.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-221000-104B-26-0000 (PHS Curriculum Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (12) - 18 - June 14, 2016 Danielson Group 2016 Regional Conference – Ewing, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development opportunities. Plainfield Public School Administrators listed below will attend the Danielson Group 2016 Regional Conference, The Framework for Teaching: Elevating Professional Learning, August 2-4, 2016 at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ. The breakdown is as follows: One Day $250.00 Staff Name Anna Belin-Pyles S. Johnson-Tucker Cost to Attend Two Days $350.00 Position Superintendent Interim Asst. Superintendent Three Days $495.00 Location Board Office Board Office # of Days Cost 3 $495.00 3 $495.00 Total Cost – $990.00 The Danielson Group seeks to advance the understanding and application of Charlotte Danielson’s concepts in the educational community. The Framework for Teaching, an approved NJDOE Evaluation System, is a research-based set of components of instruction, which the Plainfield Public School’s System of Evaluation for certificated staff is built upon. This conference will provide Administrators/Observers who are new to the Framework intensive preparation on its practical use. Administrators/Observers already experienced with the Framework will hone particular skills/area in full day trainings, designed in the “Leadership Track” or specific sessions throughout the conference designed for professional growth in specific areas. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Superintendent, Anna Belin-Pyles, and Interim Assistant Superintendent, S. Johnson-Tucker to attend the Danielson Group 2016 Regional Conference, The Framework for Teaching: Elevating Professional Learning on August 2-4, 2016 at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ – total cost not to exceed $990.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-223000-320T-26-0000 (Curr Instruct Staff Training), and FY17 11-000-230000-590A-02-0000 (Misc. Purch Svcs). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (13) - 19 - June 14, 2016 Algebra Video Analytic Program – Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning at Rutgers Graduate School of Education Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district Professional Development opportunities. PPS Teachers of Mathematics will participate in research to study the implementation of a professional development intervention which uses Algebra Video Analytics for teachers’ learning and expectations. Using video, teachers have the opportunity to study actual student’s development of algebraic ideas and reflect on their own practices and expectations. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Number of Days Number of Math Teachers Honorarium Amount Per Teacher Cost to District August 8-11, 2016 and Fall 2016 (dates tbd) Four (4) half (½) days (August); Two (2) full days (Fall) 8 $500.00 $0.00 Rutgers Graduate School of Education is conducting an Algebra Video Analytic Program; giving math teachers the opportunity to participate in a doctorate study related to a professional development model for Grades 8 and Algebra 1. The goals are to support teachers in: Pedagogy that focuses on engaging students in building mathematical understanding Monitoring their response to the new pedagogy Study and create lessons that encourage student exploration, collaboration, and justification of solutions to problems. Share their reports of the implementation of lessons with each other Raising teachers’ expectations of students RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves attendance at the Algebra Video Analytic Program at the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning at Rutgers Graduate School of Education – in August and the Fall of 2016 (dates to be determined). There is no cost to the District. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (14) - 20 - June 14, 2016 Generation Ready – Site Based Professional Development Consultation Summer Institute – Hubbard Middle School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. As per a line item “Action Step” within the Hubbard Middle School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the 20162017 academic year, consultation for the Summer Institute aimed at enhancing best practices within mathematics, social studies and science instruction will be provided by a contracted organization, Generation Ready. For the 2016 Hubbard Summer Institute, the breakdown is as follows: Services Summer Institute in Math Summer Institute in Literacy across Science Summer Institute in Literacy across Social Studies Half day workshop Literacy Total Summer School Year 2016-17 Job embedded support math Job embedded support Literacy across Science Job embedded support Literacy across Social Studies Job embedded support literacy across science, social studies and math Total job embedded school year 2016-17 Price per Day # Of Days $2000 3 days - August 29-31 $2000 3 days - August 29-31 $2000 3 days - August 29-31 $1400 Half day Sept 1, 2016 $2000 9 1/2 days Total Cost $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $ 1,400 $19,400 $1600 $1600 10 days 10 days $16,000 $16,000 $1600 10 days $16,000 $1,600 ($4,800) 1 day each content gratis $1600 33 days (30 days + 3 gratis) $48,000 Grand Total $67,400 To promote effective instruction, as detailed within Primary Turnaround Principle #3, site based pedagogical modeling, instructional coaching and demo lessons will be provided to Hubbard Mathematics, Social Studies and Science teachers. The following areas will be targeted: Understanding the Shifts in the Common Core Standards Embed literacy across the content areas of Social Studies and Science Unpack problems and understand the language of assessment Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 21 - June 14, 2016 Generation Ready – Site Based Professional Development… (cont’d) Begin to develop and implement common assessments including creating and analyzing performance tasks aligned to the standards and unit of study Use and begin to develop academic vocabulary within lessons and the first unit of study Foster and incorporate classroom engagement by differentiating instruction and creating pathways for all students to access content, embedding student discourse, flexible grouping, project based learning and other methods of student movement into instruction Embed test taking strategies into daily lessons and units of study Develop writing in the content area aligned to standards RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Generation Ready for site based professional development for the 2016 Hubbard Summer Institute - total cost not to exceed $67,400.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 Title I SIA Funds. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (15) - 22 - June 14, 2016 Echoes and Reflections Holocaust Education – PHS/PAAAS/ BOAACD Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all Plainfield Public Schools. Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The District is committed to raising the standards and advancing student performance through professional development and interdisciplinary collaboration. PHS, PAAAS and BOAACD English and Social Studies teacher will attend a full-day onsite comprehensive Holocaust education program presented by Echoes and Reflections. The breakdown is as follows: Date Staff Location Cost to District October 7, 2016 – scheduled Inservice Day 9th Grade English and Social Studies To be determined $0.00 Echoes and Reflections is a comprehensive Holocaust education program that provides professional development and instructional resources that support an interdisciplinary approach to teaching students about Holocaust history. This program supports our ninth grade English and Social Studies curricula and also addresses the New Jersey Holocaust and genocide mandate. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the presentation of the Echoes and Reflections Holocaust Education program – October 7, 2016, at no cost to the District. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (16) - 23 - June 14, 2016 CPR/AED Certification/Re-certification – PPS Athletic Coaching Staff Strategic Plan Link Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it is has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities. PPS Athletic Coaches have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1 which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified.” The Superintendent, in this item has used her authority. The breakdown is as follows: Number of Coaches Training Date /Time Location Cost per Coach Total Cost to District 45 August 3, 2016 / 1:00 PM NJSIAA – Robbinsville, NJ $90.00 $4,050.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves certification training for PPS Athletic Coaches, for the 2016-2017 school year – total cost not to exceed $4,050.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-100000-500A-270000 (Purchase Services). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction (17) - 24 - June 14, 2016 New Jersey Amistad Workshop – Rahway Public Schools - PHS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve life-long success. The District is committed to raising the standards and student performance and providing sustained professional development for staff. The Amistad Commission was established on August 27, 2002 by the New Jersey State Legislature. Amistad provides an enhanced experience by offering a more detailed understanding of the American people and their shared history. Amistad guides teachers on an inclusive journey through American history while infusing the vast contributions and experiences of African Americans. Plainfield High School Social Studies teachers will attend the New Jersey Amistad Commission Workshops at Rahway Public Schools. The breakdown is as follows: Social Studies Teachers Number of Workshops Dates of Workshops Cost per Person Total Cost to District Tristan Cox Joel Plummer Carlos Rivera 3 Nov. 19, 2015 Dec. 3, 2015 Feb. 4, 2016 $900.00 $2,700.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves PHS Social Studies teachers, Tristan Cox, Joel Plummer, and Carlos Rivera to attend the New Jersey Amistad Commission Workshops at Rahway Public Schools – total cost not to exceed $2,700.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-190-100018-500A-25-0000 (High School Other Purcha). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 25 - June 14, 2016 B. Grants (1) Approval for Submission of Application – 2016-2017 EdConnectNJ: New Jersey’s Instructional Improvement System Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To provide high-quality educational and enrichment programs that will enable students to improve academic achievement, and promote positive behavior and appropriate social interaction with peers and adults. Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, development of District staff Goal 3: Business Practice: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of District school operations Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and community members. Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement: To implement activities that promotes parental involvement and provides opportunities for literacy and related educational development to the families of participating students. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield of Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to submit the following application for federal funds, monitored by the NJDOE, to develop and implement a high-quality, assessment platform for the Plainfield Public School District. The program services all schools and will provide one integrated platform to inform users to make more strategic and effective decisions about their practice. Funding Source NJ DOE Office of Education Program Description Administrators The New Jersey Department of Yvonne Breauxsaus Education (NJDOE) has developed Jean Gordon an online platform in partnership with Pearson Schoolnet called EdConnectNJ – NJ’s Instructional Improvement System (IIS) which has been developed to support educators, building leaders, and district administrators in their daily practice. Amount $30,000.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 26 - June 14, 2016 (2) Approval for Submission of Application – Plainfield High School – Application for Perkins Grant FY 2017 Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Educational is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and insuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. FY 2017 Perkins funds in the amount of $55,982.00 will support development of academic, career and technical skills of secondary students who elect to enroll in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to submit FY 2017 Perkins application for Plainfield High School, for $55,982.00. Funding Source Description Administrators Perkins funds will support the Carl D. Perkins Career development of academic, career and Dawn Ciccone and Technical Education technical skills of secondary students Willie Worley Improvement Act of 2006 who elect to enroll in CTE programs. Amount $55,982.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 27 - June 14, 2016 C. Acellus Credit Recovery On-Line Summer Program 2016 – PAAAS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, and achieve life-long success. Acellus is a computerized learning system for delivering self-paced instruction in an interactive format. The Acellus system provides schools with online courses designed to help students gain missing credits needed for graduation. Acellus courses are taught via video instruction, and combined with adaptive and interactive assessments on each concept. The Acellus Mathematics and Language Arts are aligned to the Common Core Standards. PAAAS is approved for Acellus for two (2) school years (2015-16 and 2016-17). Kevin Stansbury, Vice Principal, PAAAS is the program administrator. The summer program is based on student enrollment. The breakdown is as follows: Acellus Online Program Days Times Staff Rate of Pay per Hour / Maximum not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 1-31, 2016 Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM 2 $36.00 / $2,700.00 $5,400.00 RESOLVED, that Plainfield Board of Education approves the Acellus Credit Recovery On-line Program – total cost not to exceed $5,400.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 15-422-100000-101R-52-0000 (Summer Program). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 28 - June 14, 2016 D. Summer 2016 – Technology Supplemental Resource Teacher – Phase III Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. For the purpose of completing Phase III of the District One-One Implementation, the Technology Supplemental Resource Teacher will be working with professionals in the field of technology education to receive core training to create professional development courses to enhance the 20162017 professional development catalog. The support opportunities include but are not limited to coteaching opportunities, district professional development days, school wide professional learning communities and monthly technology forums. Jacqueline Cox, the Technology Supplemental Resource Teacher will work with the Office of Science and Instructional Technology. The breakdown is as follows: July 1 – August 30, 2016 Rate of Pay per Hour / Maximum Not to Exceed $36.00 / $2,520.00 Total Hours 70 Total Cost to District $2,520.00 Dates RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Technology Supplemental Resource Teacher, for the purpose of completing Phase III of the District One-One Implementation - total cost not to exceed $2,520.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-221000-104B-26-0000 (Curriculum Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 29 - June 14, 2016 E. 2016 21st CCLC/SBYS Summer Learning Camp Field Trips Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 5: Family and Community Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in meaningful, structured and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the CCSS/NJCCCS, achieve academic, behavioral, emotional, and lifelong success. The 2016 21st CCLC/SBYS Summer Learning Camp helps students develop core content skills by way of facilitation of project-based, activity-led instruction, offering students a theme-based array of enrichment, recreational, and cultural activities that complement the regular school year academic programs. The Camp facilitates educational services to the students and their families for the purpose of developing personal character, social responsibility, understanding of the parental role in student achievement, and building technology skills. The SIFSS Department was awarded funding in the amount of $550,000.00 from the NJDOE to develop/implement a grant mandated summer learning program at Clinton (4th and 5th graders), and Plainfield High Schools (6th-12th graders); Monday–Friday; 8:00 am–4:00 pm; July 5, 2016 through August 5, 2016. A grant-specified component of the program is to build upon student learning outside the summer classroom by providing field trips, exposing students to various recreational, cultural, and enrichment opportunities. Up to one hundred (100) students and up to twenty-five (25) program staff from the 2016 21st CCLC/SBYS Summer Learning Camp will visit the following field trip venues: Transportation (PPS Transportation Department or District-approved bus vendors) cost is included in the total cost of the listed trips. Day/Date School Field Trip Destination Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Clinton “Aladdin”, New York, NY Friday, July 8, 2016 PHS/MMS Tomahawk Lake, Sparta, NJ Wednesday, July 13, 2016 PHS “Finding Neverland, New York, NY Wednesday, July 13, 2016 MMS “Matilda the Musical”, New York, NY Friday, July 15, 2016 Clinton Adventure Aquarium, Camden, NJ Friday, July 22, 2016 Clinton AMC Theatre, Mountainside, NJ Friday, July 22, 2016 PHS/MMS Museum of Natural History, NY,NY Friday, July 29, 2016 PHS/CLI/MMS Smithsonian, Washington, DC Friday, August 5, 2016 PHS AMC Theatre, Mountainside, NJ Friday, August 5, 2016 Clinton Spruce Run State Park, Clinton, NJ Friday, August 5, 2016 MMS Philadelphia Zoo, Philadelphia, PA Friday, August 12, 2016 PHS/CLI/MMS Dorney Park, Allentown, PA Total Cost of Field Trips not to Exceed – $20,000.00 Time 8AM-5PM 8AM-5PM 8AM-6PM 8AM-6PM 8AM-5PM 8AM-5PM 8AM-5PM 5AM-6PM 7AM-5PM 8AM-5PM 8AM-5PM 7AM-5PM Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 30 - June 14, 2016 2016 21st CCLC/SBYS Summer Learning Camp Field Trips (cont’d) These field trips will meet common core state standards in reading, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.110; and writing, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4-8.1-10. Common core math standards will be integrated into these field trips from grades 4-8 where students will apply generalization of place value to the use of linear equations to help them solve problems. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves for up to one hundred (100) students and twenty-five (25) staff from the 2016 21st CCLC/SBYS Summer Learning Camp to attend the listed field trips, during the summer camp program – total cost not exceed $20,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to 20-450-100000-800A-38-0000 (21st CCLC field trip admission), and 20-450-20000-500A-38-0000 (21st CCLC transportation). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 31 - June 14, 2016 F. PPS Summer School Breakfast/Lunch Program Assistant Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative staff members to provide services for students. The Summer School Breakfast/Lunch program in partnership with City of Plainfield, Recreation Department and Sodexo, will run from July 1, 2016 through August 12, 2016; it will include all summer school sites (including Early Childhood locations). The breakdown is as follows: Date July 1 – August 12, 2016 Time 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM Staff 1 Rate $16.00 p/hr. Total Cost $2,880.00 The designated person will be responsible for keeping track of all breakfast and lunch served (at all locations) – tallying and reporting out to the City of Plainfield, as a means of keeping Plainfield Public Schools cost down. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Summer School Breakfast/Lunch Program in partnership with the City of Plainfield (Recreation Department), and Sodexo, July 1, 2016 through August 12, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $2,880.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-221000-104B-26-0000 (Curriculum Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 32 - June 14, 2016 G. Summer Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Math Institute for Grades 1-2 Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it also recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. As such, the Office of Elementary Mathematics will sponsor a Numbers and Operations Summer Academy to provide specialized instruction for students in grades 1-2, currently not identified as needing special education and require additional academic supports to succeed in a general education environment. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Day/Time Number of Elementary Students Location Number of Teachers Rate of Pay per Person / Maximum not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 11 – August 4, 2016 Monday-Thursday/8:00 am - 1:00 pm 24 Clinton 4 $36 / $2,160.00 $8,640.00 This institute will address the mathematics knowledge required for the students to be successful with the Common Core Standards and Mathematical Practices. Teachers will utilize the Developing Mathematical Ideas Numbers and Operations Series as the instructional framework for the program. The institute will specifically focus on: Grade 1 Grade 2 Facts to 20 Add with/without regrouping to 100 Subtract multiples of 10 Add up to four 2-digit numbers Add/subtract up to 3 digits This institute will address the mathematics knowledge required for the students to be successful with the Common Core Standards and Mathematical Practices. The institute will utilize the Developing Mathematical Ideas Numbers and Operations Series as the instructional framework for the program. The DMI Materials are designed to assist teacher in learning: more mathematics content to deeper their own understandings and make connections, thereby, enhancing their ability to help students to recognize key mathematical ideas their students are grappling with to understand and support the power, flexibility, and complexity of students’ thinking Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 33 - June 14, 2016 Summer Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Math Institute for Grades 1-2 (cont’d) to ask questions that will explore and deepen students’ thinking how core mathematical ideas develop across the grades how to continue learning about children’s thinking and mathematics The instructional practices learned will be evaluated for implementation in the Grades 1-2 classrooms during the regular school year. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the establishment of the Summer Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Math Institute for Grades 1-2 – total cost not to exceed $8,640.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20251-100000-110 (IDEA/ CEIS). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 34 - June 14, 2016 H. Stillman High Risers Summer Academy (Amended Cost) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performances of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In so doing, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. The Charles H. Stillman 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan will include provisions to provide early intervention for our struggling readers. Utilizing data from End of Unit Assessments, online learning platforms (I-Ready and I-Station), District and State assessments, 1st grade at risk students have been identified and will be offered to participate in the High Risers Summer Academy Program. Transportation, breakfast and lunch will be provided. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Days / Time Number of 1st Graders Staff Location Rate of Pay Per Hour / Maximum Not to Exceed Supplies (approx. cost) Total Cost to District July 5 – July 29, 2016 Monday – Thursday / 8:30 am – 1:30 pm 24 maximum 2 Teachers, 1 Assistant Washington Community School Teachers - $36 / $2,880; Assistant - $18 / $1,440 $1,000.00 $8,200.00 The following medical and educational facts emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing a reading problem early on, when a child still has the opportunity to maximize the development of fundamental skills like decoding, and further underscore the importance of early intervention: Roughly 85% of children diagnosed with learning difficulties have a primary problem with reading and related language skills. Most reading disabilities are neurodevelopmental in nature. Neurodevelopmental problems don’t go away, but they can be managed. Most children with reading disabilities can become proficient readers and can learn strategies for success in school. When a child’s reading disability is identified early, that child is more likely to learn strategies that will raise his or her reading to grade level Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 35 - June 14, 2016 Stillman High Risers Summer Academy (Amended Cost) (cont’d) This program is specifically designed for first grade students who have been identified by their classroom teachers as in need of additional academic support to be successful in second grade. Teachers will utilize multisensory methods to reinforce students’ reading fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Students will also be taught mathematics according to the kindergarten curriculum. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the district to operate High Risers Summer Academy – total cost not exceed $8,200.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY 11-000-221000-104B-26-0000 (Curriculum Stipends), and 11-000-221000-600A-26-0000 (Supplies and Materials). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 36 - June 14, 2016 I. Summer 2016 – InnovateNJ Summer Blended and Personalized Learning Program Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff Goal 3: Business Practice: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of District school operations Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and community members Goal 5: Family & Community Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for students, families and community members to engage in meaningful and productive activities to ensure all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, Common Core State Standards, achieve high academic, and life-long success. The FY Summer 2016 InnovateNJ Summer Blended and Personalized Learning Grant application for the Department of Student Intervention and Family Support Services of Plainfield Public Schools was read and evaluated by a panel of reviewers and thus determined eligible for award. The application has been approved; as conducted by the Office of Innovation and is in preliminary approval status with the Office of Grant Management (OGM) in the amount of $99,974.00. The FY Summer 2016 InnovateNJ Summer Blended and Personalized Learning Grant award funding will be utilized to enhance the 21st CCLC/SBYS Summer Learning Camp by providing high-quality, technology based learning services at two (2) school sites for a targeted student population and their families for the three (3) month Grant period (June 1, 2016 – August 31, 2016). The breakdown is as follows: Summer 2016 InnovateNJ Summer Blended and Personalized Learning Grant Clinton Elementary School Maxson Middle School Dates of Operation July 5 – Aug. 31, 2106 Dates of Operation July 5 – Aug. 31, 2016 Monday – Friday Monday – Friday Days and Times Days / Times 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Number of Students 45 Number of Students 45 Parent Orientation PHS Auditorium – June 28, 2016 – 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 37 - June 14, 2016 Summer 2016 – InnovateNJ Summer Blended and Personalized Learning Program (cont’d) The professional development for the summer blended and personalized learning grant staff will take place 8AM-4PM beginning Monday, June 20, 2016 through Friday, June 24, 2016. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education authorizes implementation of the InnovateNJ Summer Blended and Personalized Learning program provided through the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Innovation at Clinton Elementary and Maxson Middle Schools, effective June 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016. There is no cost to the District. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 38 - June 14, 2016 J. Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – F. W. Cook Elementary School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 3: Business Practices: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of District and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, the Common Core State Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. F.W. Cook Elementary School has determined that summer planning is needed to plan effective instruction related to school and district goals. The planning committee will be responsible for developing and implementing plans and procedures for effectively implementing the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Days / Time Staff Maximum Hours Rate of Pay / Maximum Not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 5 – August 30, 2016 Monday – Thursday – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm 6 Teachers 20 $36.00 / $720.00 $4,320.00 The Cook staff will focus on the following areas: revisit procedures and practices for an effective school climate and culture planning effective research based professional development to support all content areas planning effective programming that supports all content areas reviewing data to support teaching practices and learning outcomes Changes in curriculum and shifts in instruction require teachers to revisit effective teaching practice to ensure instruction is delivered at the highest levels. Research has concluded that teacher leadership is important in increasing learning opportunities for students. Studies have specifically found that teacher leaders need the following conditions to be successful: 1. Time set aside to collaborate with colleagues. 2. Professional development including aspects specific to leadership. 3. Improved self-confidence through collaboration, using new teaching approaches and action research. (Harris, 2003) RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves F.W. Cook’s Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – total cost not to exceed $4,320.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 15-120-100018-101C-15-0000 (Cook Teacher Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 39 - June 14, 2016 Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – Jefferson School K. Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Jefferson School is seeking the opportunity for the School Leadership Team to work together to collaboratively design and review school based plans. Dates Days / Time Staff Maximum Hours Rate of Pay / Maximum Not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 11 – August 15, 2016 Monday – Thursday – 8:00 – 2:00 10 20 $36.00 / $720.00 $7,200.00 The Jefferson school leadership team will focus on the following areas: implementation of the School Improvement Plan’s Smart Goals data review to support teaching practices and learning outcomes redesign of the school’s master schedule to provide teachers with adequate time for planning and collaborative work revisit procedures and practices for an effective school climate and culture (Time to Teach) planning effective research based professional development to support all content areas Changes in curriculum and shifts in instruction require teachers to revisit effective teaching practices to ensure instruction is delivered at the highest levels. Research has concluded that teacher leadership is important in increasing learning opportunities for students. Studies have specifically found that teacher leaders need the following conditions to be successful: Time set aside to collaborate with colleagues. Professional development including aspects specific to leadership. Improved self-confidence through collaboration, using new teaching approaches and action research. (Harris, 2003) RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Jefferson’s Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – total cost not to exceed $7,200.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 15-000-221000-105A-18-0000 (Jefferson Teacher Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 40 - June 14, 2016 L. Summer Curriculum Writing and Planning – PAAAS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic and life-long success. Currently, PAAAS has determined that there is a major need for curriculum design and development to both comply with established state and district guidelines and improve student learning in PPS. An aligned curriculum must be developed in order for teaching and learning in all Plainfield Public Schools to be consistent and systemic. Using the newly developed and released Core Content Standards, teachers will align 7th -12th grade curriculum for implementation during the 2016-2017 school year. Dates Days / Time Certified Staff Rate of Pay / Maximum Not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 11 – August 19, 2016 Monday – Thursday – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm 5 Teachers $36.00 / $2,650.00 $2,650.00 In accordance with 6A:13-2.1 Standards-based instruction, “All school districts shall implement a coherent curriculum for all students including English language learners (ELLs), gifted and talented students and students with disabilities, that is content-rich and aligned to the most recent revision of the Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS). The curriculum shall guide instruction to ensure that every student masters the CCCS. Instruction shall be designed to engage all students and modified based on student performance. Such curriculum shall include: Interdisciplinary connections throughout; Integration of 21st century skills; A pacing guide; A list of instructional materials, including various levels of test at each grade; Benchmark assessments; and Modifications for special education students for English language learners in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:15 and for gifted students. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the PAAAS’s Summer Curriculum Writing and Planning – total cost not to exceed $2,650.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 15-422-100000-101R-52-0000 (PAAAS Summer Program). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 41 - June 14, 2016 M. Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – PHS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 3: Business Practices: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of District and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, the Common Core State Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Plainfield High School has determined that summer planning is needed to plan effective instruction related to school and district goals. The planning committee will be responsible for developing and implementing plans and procedures for effectively implementing the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Days / Time Staff Rate of Pay / Maximum Not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 11-15, 2016 Monday – Friday – 8:30AM-4:30PM 12 Teachers $36.00 / $1,050.00 $12,600.00 The PHS staff will focus on the following areas: revisit procedures and practices for an effective school climate and culture planning effective research based professional development to support all content areas planning effective programming that supports all content areas reviewing data to support teaching practices and learning outcomes Changes in curriculum and shifts in instruction require teachers to revisit effective teaching practice to ensure instruction is delivered at the highest levels. Research has concluded that teacher leadership is important in increasing learning opportunities for students. Studies have specifically found that teacher leaders need the following conditions to be successful: 1. Time set aside to collaborate with colleagues. 2. Professional development including aspects specific to leadership. 3. Improved self-confidence through collaboration, using new teaching approaches and action research. (Harris, 2003) RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Plainfield High School’s Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – total cost not to exceed $8,400. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-221000-104B-26-0000 (PHS Curriculum Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 42 - June 14, 2016 N. Curriculum Design Team (Mathematics, Soc. Studs., Science, ELA) – PHS Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Rigorous Curriculum Design creates a set of intentionally aligned components, including powered, “unwrapped” standards, common formative assessments, performance tasks, instructional strategies, and curriculum map lesson plans. These tools become the basis for effective teaching and leadership and drive educational decision making. Moving toward deep implementation of Rigorous Curriculum Design, as a framework for utilizing standards and assessments, over the next year will prepare Plainfield Public School District for an impressive increase in student achievement. The Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, English Language Arts Curriculum Design Team will create a set of intentionally aligned components, common formative assessments, instructional strategies, performance tasks and curriculum map lesson plans. These tools become the basis for effective teaching strategies in African American Literature, Global Literature, Global Issues/Policies, AP US History, History through Film, Video Game Design I, and 9 th Grade Science, Statistics and Probability, and finally Consumer Math. The breakdown is as follows: Dates Days / Time Certified Staff Rate of Pay / Maximum Not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 1 – August 19, 2016 Monday – Thursday – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm 18 Teachers $36.00 / $2,100.00 $37,800.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Plainfield High School Curriculum Design Team for the 2016-2017 school year - total cost not to exceed $37,800.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-221000-104B-260000 (PHS Curriculum Stipends). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 43 - June 14, 2016 O. Partnership – Rutgers and Seton Hall Universities Intern Program with Student Intervention and Family Support Services Strategic Plan Link Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff: Metric to increase the number of college interns. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential as productive citizens. To this end, the Student Intervention and Family Support Services Department would like to continue its partnership with Rutgers University College of Social Work and bring on Seton Hall University as an additional partner in providing an intern experience to Master Level Social Work students. The program would be overseen by Stacy Greene, Coordinator for Student Intervention and Family Support Services, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Interns will be paired up with PPS Licensed Social Workers and placed throughout the district. The breakdown is as follows: Program Dates Approx. Number of Interns Cost to District July 2016 – May 2017 15-20 $0.00 Two students who are taking part in a specialized MSW program will begin in July, the other interns will begin September 12, 2016. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves this joint venture with Rutgers University College of Social Work and Seton Hall University for the 2016-2017 school year. There is no cost to the District for this program. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 44 - June 14, 2016 P. Preschool Dental Screenings 2016-2017 – Clifford Lisman, DMD Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing services to assure students are provided health services as required by New Jersey statute and ensuring all students achieve academic and life-long success. In order to comply with New Jersey Department of Education requirements that district boards of education ensure basic health services are provided to all enrolled preschool children and at a minimum child health services shall include dental screenings; the Plainfield Board of Education will enter into agreement with Clifford Lisman, DMD to provide dental screenings to preschool students during the 2016-17 school year. The breakdown is as follows: Dental Screening Locations Approximate Number of Students Estimated Cost @ $6.00 per student Plainfield Early Childhood Centers 1,500 $9,000.00 Dr. Lisman is a member of Dental Health Associates, P.A. which has offices at nine (9) locations across New Jersey, including 200 West 2nd Street, Unit 109, Plainfield, NJ. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves entering into agreement with Clifford Lisman, DMD to provide dental screenings to preschool students – total cost not to exceed $9,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 20-218-200000-329A-34-0000 (ECPA Other Pur Profesion). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 45 - June 14, 2016 Q. Family Friendly Centers – After School Programs at Emerson and Jefferson Schools Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. The Department of Student Intervention and Family Support Services has applied for and been awarded funding in the amount of $45,463.00 from the New Jersey State Department of Children and Families, Division of Prevention and Community, to implement Family Friendly Centers. The Family Friendly Centers will increase students’ academic achievement by offering high quality supplemental services in core academic areas and enrichment activities for students enrolled at the Family Friendly Centers at Emerson and Jefferson Elementary Schools. The grant pays for all aspects of the afterschool program, including staff funding. The breakdown is as follows: Emerson Elementary School Dates of Operation Sept. 2016 – June 2017 Monday – Friday Days and Times 2:45 – 6:00 PM Number of Students 30 Staff 2 Co-Site Coordinators Rate Per Hr./Maximum $28.00 / $7,500.00 Total Cost $15,101.00 Jefferson Elementary School Dates of Operation Sept. 2016 – June 2017 Monday – Friday Days / Times 2:45 – 6:00 PM Number of Students 30 Staff 1 Site Coordinator Rate Per Hr/Maximum $28.00 / $11,300.00 Total Cost $11,300.00 The Family Friendly Center is defined as an afterschool program that offers academic remediation and enrichment activities in the areas of arts, culture, youth development, physical activity and parental involvement. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the operation of the Emerson and Jefferson School Family Friendly Centers – September, 2016 through June, 2017. Total cost for Emerson not to exceed $15,101.00; total cost for Jefferson not to exceed $11,300.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-449-200000-104S-16-0000 (FFC Emerson Program Coordinator), and 20-448-200000-104A-38-0001 (FF Jeff Program Coordinator). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 46 - June 14, 2016 R. Digital Curriculum Foundry – Learning.com – 1 Year Contract Renewal – 2016-2017 Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in the utilization of digital content. As a growing number of school districts are undertaking the daunting task of transitioning to digital content, Learning.com announces that Curriculum Foundry, a solution that helps districts access, organize and share digital resources, is now ready for full-scale district implementation. Through this solution’s comprehensive set of lesson- and unit-development tools, the Plainfield Public Schools can build and share their own curriculum. To help districts start building digital curricula, Curriculum Foundry includes a searchable content repository of vetted open education resources (OER) and other free digital resources covering core K-12 subjects. Curriculum Foundry also features single sign-on, enabling students and teachers to easily access digital content in their repository. This tool will allow Plainfield Public Schools to export our content in a number of compatible existing learning systems. Digital content comes in a variety of media types that can be used to personalize instruction. Finding quality, standards-aligned content and getting it into the hands of your teachers is a challenge. Curriculum Foundry will provide the district (K-12 in all content areas) tools to build and publish digital curriculum, and includes a vetted repository of content to get started. Curriculum Foundry will provide: Interdisciplinary connections throughout; Integration of 21st Century skills; Interactive living curriculum guides for all Content areas grade K-12; Modifications for special education students, for English language learners in accordance with NJAC 6A:15, and for gifted students.” Product Population Focus Product Description Total Cost to District Curriculum Foundry K-12 All Content Areas 2016-2019 District License $38,000.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to Learning.com for the purchase of Curriculum Foundry – total cost not to exceed $38,000.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 11-000-221000-500A-26-0000 (Other Purchased Serv 400-500). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction S. - 47 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Out-of-District Schools Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS The Superintendent of School recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION N.J.S.A. 18A:46 requires Boards of Education to identify and provide for students with various disabilities; certain students in this district have been so identified and require special education and related services. RESOLVED, those one hundred forty-eight (148) Plainfield pupils whose names have been certified by the Superintendent of Schools and are on file with the Secretary of the Board of Education will be provided with special education programs in OUT-OF-DISTRICT schools for the disabled during the Extended School Year 2016 Program: NAME OF PUPIL 4862 4387 4158 0845 0973 1554 3623 3624 0709 4302 1926 2693 3448 0003 6084 0746 1930 2723 0683 2815 4003 1798 1720 4401 0742 0502 SCHOOL / INSTITUTION ARC Kohler School ARC Kohler School Bonnie Brae School Bonnie Brae School Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center APPROXIMATE COST $12,039.30 $12,039.30 $7,400.00 $7,400.00 $4,321.00 $4,633.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $5,184.00 $4,872.00 $5,184.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $5,496.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,321.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 48 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Out-of-District Schools (cont’d) NAME OF PUPIL 4155 4390 5687 4306 4084 3539 1695 4069 1042 1701 4087 5056 0615 1709 0228 0874 0627 4011 4271 4051 3831 2679 3249 0774 3024 4184 4159 0863 1084 0946 0622 4048 0650 0656 2008 0201 0418 4058 4007 4119 4120 1699 1700 0558 SCHOOL / INSTITUTION Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Bright Beginnings Learning Center Matheny School Midland School Midland School MUJC-Dev. Learning Ctr. MUJC-Dev. Learning Ctr. Newmark High School New Providence High School New Road School-Parlin New Road School-Somerset New Road School-Somerset New Road School-Somerset New Road School-Somerset NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC NuView Academy/MRESC Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Piscataway Regional Day School Raritan Valley Acad.-Innovations Program APPROXIMATE COST $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,872.00 $4,321.00 $16,280.00 $9,406.20 $9,406.20 $14,258.00 $14,258.00 $5,692.72 $4,930.20 $8,059.80 $8,059.80 $8,059.80 $8,059.80 $8,059.80 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $8,840.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,633.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,633.00 $4,633.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,633.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,321.00 $4,640.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 49 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Out-of-District Schools (cont’d) NAME OF PUPIL 8250 4217 4079 4025 0442 0416 3621 4149 4147 1931 0400 2720 0211 1721 4006 2821 2007 3520 4196 4382 0335 5671 5358 4383 SCHOOL / INSTITUTION Somerset Elementary Academy Somerset Academy Somerset Academy Somerset Academy Somerset Academy Somerset Academy/Career Center Summit Speech School Summit Speech School UMDNJ-Rutgers Behavioral Westlake school Westlake school Westlake School Windsor Prep High School Woods Services YCS- George Washington You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK You & Me School/JFK APPROXIMATE COST $5,875.00 $5,875.00 $5,875.00 $5,875.00 $5,875.00 $5,875.00 $8,700.00 $8,700.00 $5,894.58 $5,844.00 $5,844.00 $8,076.00 $8,936.40 $9,904.80 $10,147.32 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 $8,089.50 TOTAL $1,104,446.62 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 50 - June 14, 2016 T. Provision of Special Education Services – Consultants and Service Providers Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of School recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION N.J.S.A. 18A:46 requires Boards of Education to identify and provide for students with various disabilities; certain students in this district have been so identified and require special education and related services. RESOLVED, the following individuals be appointed as Special Services Consultants and Service Providers for the Office of Special Education, Gifted and Psychological Services for the Extended School Year 2016 at the respective compensation rates: Consultant/Provider -ALR Group, Inc. -Alternative Physical Therapy, LLC.-Emily Rodrigues -ASL Interpreter Services, Inc. (2 Hr. Minimum) Services Provided Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Services ABA Therapy & Specialized Services-After School Program Applied Behavioral Analysis Instructions/After School Prog. School-to-Career Services: Assessment and Training Sign Language Interpreter -ASL Interpreter Services, Inc. (Trilingual 2/3 Hours) Sign Language Interpreter -ASL Interpreter Services, Inc. (Open Captioning) Sign Language Interpreter -Bayada Pediatrics -Bayada Pediatrics LPN-Nursing Services RN-Nursing Services Behavioral Assessment & Consultation Psy./Educational Evaluations Tutoring Services Central Auditory Processing Evaluation Pediatric Neurological Evaluations Assistive Technology/Augmentative Communication/ Assessments Traumatic Brain Injury Class -Applied Behavioral Concepts, Inc. (New Horizons in Autism, Inc.) -Applied Behavioral Concepts, Inc. (New Horizons in Autism, Inc.) -ARC of Union County -Behavior Therapy Associates -Bridges Speech/Language & Communications -Brookfield Schools -Children’s Specialized Hospital -Children’s Specialized Hospital -Children’s Specialized Hospital -Children’s Specialized Hospital -Comegno Law -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) Speech Evaluations Rate $95.00/hour $90.00/hour $120.00/hour $110.00/hr. Coord. $80.00/hr. Therapist $55.00/hr. $120.00/day $87.50/hour $140.40 $156.00/hour $150.00 $200.00/hour $42.50/hour $52.50/hour $240.00/hour $750.00/evaluation $28.00/hour $987.75/evaluation $636.50/case $520.00/evaluation $138.00/day $90.00 hour $400.00/1hour Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 51 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Consultants and Service Providers (cont’d) Consultant/Provider -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) -Communication Therapy Center (Kids Talk) Services Provided Speech Evaluations-Follow Up Language Evaluations Therapy- Individual Therapy- Individual Therapy- Individual Social Language Groups Consults/Functional Observations Rate $190.00/30 minutes $700.00/90 minutes $95.00/30 minutes $142.50/45 minutes $190.00/1 hour $90.00/patient $190.00/hour -CPI Non-Violent Crisis Intervention -Cross County Clinical & Educational Services -Davis Center -Daytop Village of New Jersey -Delta - T Group -Delta - T Group -Delta - T Group -Delta - T Group -Dyslexia Center of Princeton -Dyslexia Center of Princeton -Dynamic Therapeutic Services -Dynamic Therapeutic Services -Dynamic Therapeutic Services -Eden Autism Services -Education, Inc. -Eldridge Overton School of Excellence -Embrace Kids -Emerald Health Care Services -Emerald Health Care Services -Emerald Health Care Services -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC -First Children, LLC Bilingual Speech/Language & Educational Evaluations Diagnostic Evaluations Educational Services RN/LPN Services Paraprofessional Behaviorists LCSW Reading Therapy Consultation: School Mtgs./By Phone/In Person Speech Therapy Bilingual Speech Evaluations OT/PT Therapists Hospital Tutoring Individual Tutorial Services Home Instruction RN Services-Registered Nurse Licensed Practical NursingLPN Certified Home Health Aide Occupation/Physical/Speech Therapists Therapists Psychological Assessments Hearing Impaired Training Home Instruction School Based Behavior Consultation (BCBA) School Based ABA Therapists Mobile ABA Therapist BCBA Supervision Functional Behavior Analysis/Assessment $770.00/case $450.00/evaluation $120.00/hour $34.00 - $49.00/hour $21.00/hour $29.00 - $32.00/hour $38.00 - $42.00/hour $225.00/session $100.00/Mtg. (Addtl.) $95.00-$107.00/hour $105.00/evaluation $ $110.00/hr. Coord. $49.00/hour $90.00/hour $39.00/hour $52.00/hour $44.00/hour $19.00/hour $496.00/day $88.00/hour $625.00/assessment $125.00/hour $85.00/hour $144.00/hour $34.00/hour $50.00/hour $90.00/hour $375.00/assessment Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 52 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Consultants and Service Providers (cont’d) Consultant/Provider -First Children, LLC -Institute For Children -Institute of Child Study- Kean University -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute -JFK Medical Center -JFK Pediatric Rehab. -Kids Concierge -Leonard Educational Evaluations, LLC -Loving Care Agency -Loving Care Agency -Loving Care Agency -Middlesex Regional Educational Services Comm. -Morris-Union Jointure Commission -Morris-Union Jointure Commission New Providence, NJ -NJ Specialized Child Study Teams/ Katzenbach School F/T Deaf -Newark Renaissance House Inc. -New Hope Foundation Inc. -New Jersey Commission F/T Blind & Visually Impaired -New Jersey Commission F/T Blind & Visually Impaired -New Jersey Commission F/T Blind & Visually Impaired -New Steps Counseling, LLC/Project EmpowerMent -Occupational Therapy Consultants, Inc. -Partnership in Education, Inc. -Pathways to Communication -Pediatric Workshop -Pediatric Workshop -Pediatric Workshop Services Provided Skills Assessment Home Instruction Educational/Psychological Evaluations Psychological Evaluation Educational/Learning Evaluation CST Summary Social Work Assessment Speech Evaluation (English) Speech Evaluation (English & Spanish Bilingual Occupational Therapy Evaluation Physical Therapy Evaluation Central Auditory Processing Evaluations OT/PT On-Site Individual Tutoring Services Educational Evaluation Registered Nurse Licensed Practical Nurse Certified Home Health Aide Home Instruction OT Services Applied Behavioral Analysis/(ABA) Instruction CST Evaluations conducted in Sign Language Home Instruction Home Instruction Level 1 Services/Consultation and Supplies Rate $465.00/assessment $39.00/hour Level 3 Services $11,500.00/case Level 4 Services/Consultation and Instruction & Supplies Counseling Services Occupational Therapy Sign Language Evaluations Bilingual Speech Assessment Physical Therapy Services Physical Therapy Services Physical Therapy Services $750.00/evaluation $742.00/evaluation $689.00/evaluation $106.00/service $689.00/assessment $523.00/evaluation $629.00/evaluation $408.00/evaluation $408.00/evaluation $445.00/case $445.00/day $90.00/hour /evaluation $57.00/hour $52.00/hour $24.00/hour $68.00/hour $92.50/session $149.00/hour $400.00/evaluation $30.00/hour $450.00/week $1,700.00/case $13,000.00/case $45.00/session $85.50/hour $600.00/case $500.00/assessment $107.00/60 mins. ses. $86.00/45 mins. ses. $82.00/40 mins. ses. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 53 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Consultants and Service Providers (cont’d) Consultant/Provider -Pediatric Workshop -Pediatric & Adult Rehabilitation Ctr. LLC. -Pediatric & Adult Rehabilitation Ctr. LLC. -Pediatric & Adult Rehabilitation Ctr. LLC. -Pediatric & Adult Rehabilitation Ctr. LLC. -Trinitas Children’s Therapy Servs. -Trinitas Healthcare Corp. Services Provided Evaluations Speech/OT/PT Therapy Speech/OT/PT Evaluations Behavioral Assessments Behavioral Therapy Student Psychiatric Consultation Risk Management LPN Services RN (Register Nursing Services) School Psychologist Tutoring Services Tutoring Services (Education) Occupational Therapy Homebound Instruction Intervention/Educational Srvs. Home Instruction Speech Language Therapy Audiological Evaluation Occupational Therapist Certified OT Assistant OT Services Speech & Language Services Cert. OT Assistant Occupational Therapy Learning Disabilities Teacher Speech Evaluation Speech-Language Therapy Speech-Language Therapy Speech-Language Therapy Initial Speech-Language Evals. Re-Eval. Speech-Language OT Services -Trinitas Healthcare Corp. OT Services -Trinitas Hospital Bedside Instruction-Reg. Unit Bedside Instruction-Spec. Unit Bilingual/Speech/Educational Hospital Tutoring Services Educational Services Tutoring Services Alternative Training/Life Skills -Platt Psychiatric Associates, LLC -Platt Psychiatric Associates, LLC -Preferred Healthmate Nursing & Staffing -Preferred Healthmate Nursing & Staffing -Princeton Psychological -Professional Education Services, Inc. -School at Lighthouse -Sensory Plus, LLC -Silvergate Prep -SmartStart Education -Somerset Home F/T Temp. Disabled Children -Sunny Days Sunshine Center -The Hearing Center -Therapeutic Enthusiasm, LLC (Sharon L. Barnick) -Therapeutic Enthusiasm, LLC (Sharon L. Barnick) -Therapeutic Rehab. Services -Therapy Source, Inc. -Therapy Source, Inc. -Therapy Source, Inc. -Therapy Source, Inc. -Therapy Source, Inc. -Trinitas Children’s Therapy Servs. -Trinitas Children’s Therapy Servs. -Trinitas Children’s Therapy Servs. -Trinitas Children’s Therapy Servs. -Trinitas Hospital -Union County Ed. Svc. Commission -Union County Ed. Svc. Commission -University Behavioral Healthcare -University Medicine Dentistry of New Jersey -Venture & Venture Rate $285.00/evaluation $95.00/hour $360.00/evaluation $450.00/assessment $145.00/hour $600.00/Consultation $600.00/Assessment $52.00/hour $57.00/hour $250.00/case $28.00/hour $40.00/hour $85.00/hour $50.00/hour $65.00/hour $29.00/hour $110.00/hour $75.00/case $88.00/hour $70.00/hour $72.00/mins. ses. $90.00/hour $67.00/hour $90.00/hr./$130.00/hr. $200.00/hour $550.00/evaluation $75.00/30 mins. ses. $90.00/45 mins. ses. $115.00/60 mins. ses. $350.00/evaluation $250.00/evaluation $85.00/45min.session $110.00/45min. session $60.00/hour $46.00/day $300.00/evaluation $62.00/hour $450.00/day $55.00/hour $78.00/hour Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 54 - June 14, 2016 Provision of Special Education Services – Consultants and Service Providers (cont’d) Consultant/Provider -Wise Learning, LLC. -Ray Aboff -Rosa Barreira/Therapy Source -Debbi Bloomer -Thomas D. Boyle, Ph.D. -Esther Canell -Dr. Mark Cooperberg -Cynthia Davis -Dr. Nancy Durant -Naeemah Harris -Arnita Johnson -Nathan Levy -Sara Munoz -Dr. Ilyse O’Desky & Associates -Denise Pfister -Jill A. Pila -Jacinto Ramirez -Joanne Sanders -Harshala Sarwadnya -Dr. Kavita Sinha Services Provided Tutoring Services School Psychologist Bilingual LDTC Braille Instruction-Level II Srvs. Behavioral Assessment Autism Specialty Psychological Evaluations Clinical Psychologist Speech Therapy Evaluations Psychiatric Evaluations Psychological Assessments OT Evaluation Guest Speaker Social Worker Neurological Evaluation Homebound/Bedside Instruction Speech/Language Services LDT-C Bilingual Evaluation LDT-C Assessments OT Evaluation Neurological Services/Assess. Rate $45.00/hour $300.00/evaluation $500.00/evaluation $105.00/hr. $220.00/hr. $300.00/evaluation $180.00/session $300.00/evaluation $175.00/case $300.00/assessment $300.00/evaluation $1200.00/workshop $50.00/hour $/evaluation $45.00/hour $50.00/30min. session $375.00/evaluation $300.00/day $300.00/evaluation $300.00/case Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 55 - June 14, 2016 U. Early Childhood Education, Provider Review/Corrective Action Plan Strategic Plan Link Goal 3: Business Practices: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance completed a limited review of the Abbott preschool educational program contract, budget and financial records of Kings Daughters Day School (the contracted provider) for a period of 2014-2015 school years. The report issued as OFAC Case # ECE-014-15. The review contained several findings and recommendations that should be addressed to insure proper use of Abbott funds in the preschool program. The report was reviewed by the fiscal coordinator and the director of Kings Daughters Day School. and a corrective action plan has been developed and presented for board approval, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the OFAC review and approves the attached corrective action plan. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Curriculum & Instruction - 56 - June 14, 2016 V. Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – Woodland Elementary School Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 3: Business Practices: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of District and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, the Common Core State Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Woodland Elementary School has determined that summer planning is needed to plan effective instruction related to school and district goals. The planning committee will be responsible for developing and implementing plans and procedures for effectively implementing the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Dates Days / Time Staff Rate of Pay / Maximum Not to Exceed Total Cost to District July 11-13, 2016 Mon – Wed / 9:00 am – 12 Noon 7 $36.00 per hour / $324.00 $2,268.00 The Woodland staff will focus on the following areas: revisit procedures and practices for an effective school climate and culture planning effective research based professional development to support all content areas planning effective programming that supports all content areas reviewing data to support teaching practices and learning outcomes Changes in curriculum and shifts in instruction require teachers to revisit effective teaching practice to ensure instruction is delivered at the highest levels. Research has concluded that teacher leadership is important in increasing learning opportunities for students. Studies have specifically found that teacher leaders need the following conditions to be successful: 1. Time set aside to collaborate with colleagues. 2. Professional development including aspects specific to leadership. 3. Improved self-confidence through collaboration, using new teaching approaches and action research. (Harris, 2003) RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Woodland Elementary School’s Summer Curriculum and Instructional Planning – total cost not to exceed $2,268.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account FY17 15-190-100000-500A-220000 (Woodland Instructional Other Purchase Service). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole - 57 - XII. A. June 14, 2016 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Reports of the Board Secretary and Treasurer – April 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board Secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the District Board of Education. The Treasurer of School Monies is required by statute to submit a report to the Board of Education on the cash balance in the various Board of Education Bank accounts. The Board Secretary’s Report and the Report of the Treasurer of School Monies for the stated period were in agreement. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plainfield Board of Education certifies that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations for the remainder of the year, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education directs the Superintendent to initiate whatever actions may be determined to be appropriate. TO BE PRESENTED AT THE JUNE 21, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance B. - 58 - June 14, 2016 Payment of Bills –– May 13, 2016 – June 16, 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board of Education has determined that the warrants presented for payment are in order. The Board Secretary presented certain warrants to the Board of Education with a recommendation they be paid, and pursuant to NJAC 6:20-2.13(d), the Board Secretary certifies that with respect to the payment of bills referenced below no budgetary line item account has been over expended in violation of NJAC 6:20-2.13(a). RESOLVED, that the following warrants be approved for payment, and that itemized lists of the warrants be filed with the minutes: On the General Account in the amount of $ On the Agency Account in the amount of $ On the Food Service Account in the amount of $ IN THE GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT OF $ TO BE PRESENTED AT THE JUNE 21, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance C. - 59 - June 14, 2016 2015 – 16 Budget Transfers Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following budget adjustments, which reflect the appropriations sufficient to meet expenditures: TO BE PRESENTED AT THE JUNE 21, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance D. - 60 - June 14, 2016 Board Goals The following is in order for board adoption: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Board Goals as follows: Board Goal #1: Student Achievement Board Goal Statement #1: The Plainfield Board of Education will support opportunities to ensure all students will read and compute at their individual optimal level. Board Goal #2: Professional Development Board Goal Statement #2: The Plainfield Board of Education will support opportunities for staff training that will enhance professional growth for increased student achievement and the advancement of the educational program. Board Goal #3: Curriculum Board Goal Statement #3: The Plainfield Board of Education will support opportunities for maintaining and implementing a rigorous district-wide curriculum. Board Goal #4: Communication Board Goal Statement #4: The Plainfield Board of Education will communicate with stakeholders regularly. Board Goal #5: Safety & Security Board Goal Statement #5: The Plainfield Board of Education will support opportunities to improve a safe and secure environment that will enhance the professional growth that affects increased student achievement and development. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance E. - 61 - June 14, 2016 Annual Notice of Meetings for the 2016 – 2017 Fiscal Year The following is in order for board adoption: RESOLUTION Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act (Ch.231 Laws of 1975), the Board of Education of the City of Plainfield is required to provide adequate notice of meetings to be made available to the public, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education establishes the following schedule of meetings for the 2016 – 2017 fiscal year, and the notice be posted and maintained throughout the year in places reserved for this type of announcement, subject to revisions and modifications which will be provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Type of Meeting Policy Committee * Date 1st Tues.ea.mo. Place PHS Conf. Time 6:30 p.m. Personnel/Exec.Ses. 1st Tues.ea.mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Curric. & Instr. 1st Tues.ea.mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Finance Committee 1st Tues.ea.mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Bldgs. & Grds. Cmte. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING 3rd Tues. ea.mo. Various Locations 8:00 p.m. (EACH OF THESE MEETINGS MAY INCLUDE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF MATTERS THAT MAY BE APPROPRIATE FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION) *Meeting Schedule Subject to Change and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, meetings which fall on national or state holidays will be rescheduled with appropriate notice given, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board Secretary is directed to develop a comprehensive schedule of meetings in accordance with the aforementioned schedule, to be mailed to the designated official newspaper, and to submit it to the appropriate state, county and municipal offices. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance F. - 62 - June 14, 2016 Designation of Official Publication The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education authorizes the Courier-News, Bridgewater, New Jersey and the Star Ledger, Newark, New Jersey be adopted as the official newspapers to be used for the advertisement of meetings and legal ads and all other necessary public notifications for the 2016 – 2017 school year. G. Integrated Pest Coordinator The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves James Hutchins as the Integrated Pest Coordinator for the 2016 – 2017 fiscal year. H. 2015/16 and 2016/17 Transportation Summer Routes The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following summer routes for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school year: TO BE PRESENTED AT THE JUNE 21, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING I. Open Public Records Act Officer The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education appoints Gary L. Ottmann, School Business Administrator, as the Open Public Records Act Officer for the 2016 – 2017 fiscal year. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance J. - 63 - June 14, 2016 Petty Cash Fund The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education authorizes the continued operation of a petty cash fund in the amount of $500 for the 2016 – 2017 fiscal year, in accordance with Board Policy #3451. K. Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education adopts the Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts for New Jersey Public Schools for the 2016 – 2017 school year. L. Employee Payroll Deductions The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following companies to provide tax shelter annuity and other salary reductions for the 2016 – 2017 school year: AFLAC (AF) AXA Equitable (AE) Great American (AG) Legal Shield (LS) Lincoln Investment (AL) MetLife Resources (AU) Prudential (WW) Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance M. - 64 - June 14, 2016 Appointment of Insurance Broker The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the continuation of Reliance Insurance Group as the District’s Broker of Record for the 2016 – 2017 fiscal year. N. Employee Health Benefits Plan – United Healthcare The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education annually is required to provide a medical plan for Plainfield School District employees, and WHEREAS, the existing contract, which covers the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 expires on this date, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and enters into an agreement with United Healthcare to renew the existing plan for the period July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 at the following rates: Single Parent/Children Employee + 1 Adult Family UHC $15 Access Plan – PEA $671.14 $1,209.51 $1,218.17 $1,933.37 UHC $5 Access Plan – Admin. $691.27 $1,245.78 $1,254.72 $1,991.38 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance O. - 65 - June 14, 2016 Employee Health Benefits Plan – Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO/HMO The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education annually is required to provide a medical plan for Plainfield School District employees, and WHEREAS, the existing contract, which covers the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 expires on this date, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and enters into an agreement with Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO/HMO to renew the existing plan for the period July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 at the following rates: Single Parent/Children Family P. HPPO SUBGROUP 00, 04, 12, 13, 14 $15 Copay $785.93 $1,517.30 $2,133.37 HHMO SUBGROUP 05, 15 $10 Copay $477.84 $-0$-0- HHMO SUBROUP 06, 11 $15 Copay $793.06 $1,531.09 $2,152.75 HHMO SUBGROUP 21, 80 $776.76 $1,219.55 $1,949.77 HHMO SUBGROUP 22, 23, 24, 78 $811.10 $1,273.49 $2,035.98 HHMO SUBGROUP 25 $493.15 $-0$-0- Employee Health Benefits Plan – Oxford The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education annually is required to provide a medical plan for Plainfield School District employees, and WHEREAS, the existing contract, which covers the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 expires on this date, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and enters into an agreement with Oxford to renew the existing plan for the period July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 at the following rates: Single Parent/Children Employee + 1 Adult Family OXFORD $15 Copay – PEA $687.91 $1239.73 $1248.62 $1981.72 OXFORD $5 Copay – Admin. $708.55 $1276.93 $1,286.08 $2,041.17 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance Q. - 66 - June 14, 2016 Employee Health Benefits Plan – Horizon Dental Option/Choice The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education annually is required to provide a dental plan for Plainfield School District employees, and WHEREAS, the existing contract, which covers the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 expires on this date, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and enters into an agreement with Horizon Dental Option/Choice to renew the existing plan for the period July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 at the following rates: Single Parent/Children Husband/Wife Family R. Horizon Dental Option $35.98 $75.55 $73.75 $118.73 Horizon Dental Choice $18.76 $39.40 $38.46 $61.92 Designation of Board of Education Depositories The following is in order for Board adoption: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that PNC Bank and City National Bank, be hereby designated the official depositories of the Board of Education’s funds for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance S. - 67 - June 14, 2016 NJ School Boards Insurance Group – Reliance Insurance Group The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-1, et seq., enables school districts to cooperate with each other to make the most efficient use of their powers and resources on a basis of mutual advantage in the areas of insurance and self-insurance and related services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Plainfield School District desires to secure protection, services, and savings relating to insurance and self-insurance for itself and its departments and employees; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Plainfield School District finds that the best and most efficient way of securing this protection and services is by cooperating with other school districts across the State of New Jersey; WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Plainfield School District under its obligations as a member of the New Jersey School Boards Association Insurance Group does allow for safety inspections of its properties, to pay contributions in a timely fashion and to comply with the bylaws and standards of participation of this Group, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education joins with other school districts in organizing and becoming members of the New Jersey School Boards Association Insurance Group; and in accordance with the terms of the Indemnity and Trust Agreement, for Property Package, General Liability, Auto Liability and Physical Damage and Workers Compensation in the amount of $1,035,238.00 for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-262000-520A-04-0000 (Business Manager Liability Insurance). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance T. - 68 - June 14, 2016 2016 – 2017 Municipal Tax Payments The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A 54:4-75 adopt the following schedule for payment of municipal taxes for the 2016 – 2017 school year to the school district. July 12, 2016 August 16, 2016 September 13, 2016 October 18, 2016 November 15, 2016 December 13, 2016 January 17, 2017 February 14, 2017 March 14, 2017 April 18, 2017 May 16, 2017 June 13, 2017 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,130,000.00 $2,094,859.00 $25,524,859.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance U. - 69 - June 14, 2016 Agreements for Participation in 2016 – 2017 Coordinated Transportation Service The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTIONS 1) Union County Educational Services Commission (UCESC) WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education desires to transport special education, nonpublic and vocational schools students to specific destinations, and WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission (UCESC) offers coordinated transportation services, and WHEREAS, the UCESC will organize and schedule routes to achieve the maximum cost effectiveness, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education approves the 2016 – 2017 agreement with the Union County Educational Services Commission to participate in coordinated transportation services for an administrative fee of 4% as calculate by the billing formula adopted by the UCESC. V. Bidding Services The Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, local public school districts are required to provide environmental safety programs under workers and community Right To Know Law (P.L. 1983 Ch. 35, NJSA 34:5A-1), and the Public Employee Occupational Safety and Health Act (P.L. 1983, C-516; and, New Jersey Department of Labor regulations N.J.A.C. 12:100-4.2, et. seq), and WHEREAS, Educational Data Services will provide a standardized bid process in conjunction with educational training programs, computerized inventories and labels for hazardous substances, development of a file of material safety data sheets/fact sheets and bidding for the disposal of unwanted chemical wastes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enters into an agreement with Educational Data Services for the 2016 – 2017 school year, at a fee of $48,000. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance W. - 70 - June 14, 2016 Appointment of Qualified Purchasing Agent Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the appointments of Gary L. Ottmann, School Business Administrator and Yolanda D. Koon, Assistant School Business Administrator, Qualified Purchasing Agents of the Plainfield Board of Education for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 in accordance with N.J.S.A.18A:18a-2(B), as revised, and duly assigned the authority, responsibility and accountability for purchasing on behalf of the Board, and having the power to prepare advertisements, advertise for and receive bids, and to award contracts pursuant to N.J.S.A.,18A:18A-3a (Bid Threshold) at a bid threshold up to $40,000.00, 18A:18A-37a-c (quotations) and 18A:18A-7 (Emergency Purchases), and prepare and issue all purchase orders in accordance with N.J.S.A.18A:18A et. seq. and applicable Board policies and regulations. The Plainfield Board of Education further authorizes the School Business Administrator to take all reasonable actions necessary, including, but not limited, to legal advertisements and execution of contracts deemed necessary to implement the purchasing statute, N.J.S.A.18A:18A et. seq. X. Appointment of Consultant Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education recognizes the need for an on-site consultant who has expertise and knowledge in the areas of heating controls, heating and ventilating systems service and repairs, and WHEREAS, Ross Consultants has expertise in this area and provides such services to assist companies and institutions with heating systems management and other related services, now be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education approves the services of Earl Ross Plumbing at a rate of $40.00 per hour not to exceed $50,000 per year for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance Y. - 71 - June 14, 2016 Acceptance – 2016 – 2017 School Based Youth Services Program Continuation Grant Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. The Plainfield Board of Education will be awarded $1,237,926.00 for the 2016-2017 academic year by the State Department of Children and Families - Division of Prevention and Community Partnerships. These funds are to provide a host of services to help middle and high school students stay in school, make sound decisions, and develop healthy life styles. Services are delivered through the School Based Youth Services Program, an established program with the Plainfield Public Schools for more than twenty-six (26) years. Additional programs included in the grant are – Plainfield Family Success Center and the Emerson and Jefferson Afterschool Family Friendly Centers. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the receiving of funds from the State Department of Children and Families – Division of Prevention and Community Partnership in the amount of $1,237,926.00 to continue to operate the School Based Youth Service Program, the Plainfield Family Success Center and the Emerson and Jefferson Afterschool Family Friendly Centers for the 2016 – 2017 school year. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance Z. - 72 - June 14, 2016 Acceptance – 2016-2017 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Continuation Grant (Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2015) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff Goal 3: Business Practice To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district school operations Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and community members Goal 5: Family & Community Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for students (inclusive of English Language Learners and Special Education), families and community members to engage in meaningful and productive activities to ensure that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, Common Core State Standards, and achieve high academic and life-long success. The FY 2016-2017 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant application for the Department of Student Intervention and Family Support Services of Plainfield Public Schools has been read and evaluated by a panel of reviewers and thus determined eligible for award. The application has been approved; as conducted by the Office of Student Support Services and the Office of Grant Management (OGM) of the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Educational Support Services (ESSA 2015) in the amount of $550,000. The project period for this Five Year Grant award is September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2019 with the 2016-2017 Year Three Grant award period beginning September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017. The FY 2016-2017 21st CCLC Grant award funding will be utilized to develop and provide high-quality, expanded learning services (after school, Saturday Academies, summer) at five (5) school sites including CH Stillman Elementary School, Washington Community School, Jefferson Elementary School, Evergreen Elementary School, and Hubbard Middle School, for a targeted population of no less than 301 students and their families for the Five Year Grant period (September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2019). The expanded learning program at CH Stillman, Washington, Jefferson, and Evergreen Elementary Schools will operate Monday-Friday 2:45PM-5:45PM (Saturday Academies 8:30AM-12:30PM) and Hubbard Middle School will operate Monday-Friday 3PM-6PM beginning Monday, September 26, 2016 through Friday, May 12, 2017. The summer learning component will operate at Plainfield High School (grades 6-12) and Clinton Elementary School (grades 4-5) Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM beginning Monday, June 26, 2017 through Friday, August 4, 2017. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves acceptance of the final approval status for the application for 21st CCLC Continuation Grant funding in the amount of $550,000 provided through the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Educational Support Services and authorizes the implementation of the 21 st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) at five (5) school sites including CH Stillman Elementary School, Washington Community School, Jefferson Elementary School, Evergreen Elementary School (including Saturday Academies), and Hubbard Middle School, as well as the Summer Learning Camp component, effective September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance A1. - 73 - June 14, 2016 Acceptance – Summer 2016 NJDOE Office of Innovation InnovateNJ Summer Program Grant Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff Goal 3: Business Practice To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district school operations Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and community members Goal 5: Family & Community Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for students (inclusive of English Language Learners and Special Education), families and community members to engage in meaningful and productive activities to ensure that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, Common Core State Standards, and achieve high academic and lifelong success. The FY Summer 2016 InnovateNJ Summer Blended & Personalized Learning Grant application for the Department of Student Intervention and Family Support Services of Plainfield Public Schools has been read and evaluated by a panel of reviewers and thus determined eligible for award. The application has been approved; as conducted by the Office of Innovation and is in preliminary approval status with the Office of Grant Management (OGM) in the amount of $99,974. The project period for this Grant award is June 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016. The FY Summer 2016 InnovateNJ Summer Blended & Personalized Learning Grant award funding will be utilized to develop and provide high-quality, technology based learning services at two (2) school sites including Clinton Elementary School and Maxson Middle School for a targeted population of 90 students (45 at each school) and their families for the three (3) month Grant period (June 1, 2016 – August 31, 2016). The summer blended and personalized learning program at Clinton Elementary and Maxson Middle Schools will operate Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM beginning Tuesday, July 5, 2016 through Friday, August 12, 2016. The professional development for the summer blended and personalized learning grant staff will take place 8AM-4PM beginning Monday, June 20, 2016 through Friday, June 24, 2016. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves acceptance of the preliminary approval status for the application for InnovateNJ Summer Blended & Personalized Learning Grant funding in the amount of $99,974.00 provided through the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Innovation and authorizes the implementation of the summer program at two (2) school sites including Clinton Elementary and Maxson Middle Schools, effective June 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance B1. - 74 - June 14, 2016 State Contracts 2015/16 – 2016/17 The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education continues participating with the State of New Jersey in state contracts for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 fiscal year. PLAINFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION 2015/16 – 2016/17 State Contract Vendors Vendor State Contract # Autumn Associates Inc. Bridgeton Plumbing & Heating Charles F Connolly Dist. Co Cooney Brothers Inc. Industrial Controls Dist LLC Lincoln Supply LLC Trane Parts Center Of NJ WIC Electronics & Appliance Z & Z Supply Blejwas Associates Core Mechanical A Stempler Inc. Allstate Office Interiors Inc. Carpet Showcase Inc. Commercial Interiors Direct Hannon Floor Cov Corp Camden Bag & Paper Co Val Products LLP A71601 A71597 A71600 A71599 A71595 A71598 A71629 A71596 A71594 A76516 A62429 A65753 A65752 A65750 A65751 A65749 A75282 A75281 Aquatec Water Treatment Inc. A64021 CSl Water Treatment Inc. Dell Marketing LLP Dyntek / Cisco Enterasys Network Juniper Networks Hewlett Packard Company Canon Business Solutions Inc. Canon USA Inc. Image Systems For Business Xerox Corporation Dell Marketing LLP Varian Inc. A64019 A70256 A73979 A73982 A73983 A70262 A64046 A64045 A65260 A64042 A70256 A63568 Category Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating Repair Parts Air Filters And Filter Media, HVAC Applications Boiler Repairs Statewide Various Locations Carpet & Padding Supplies & Installation Carpet & Padding Supplies & Installation Carpet & Padding Supplies & Installation Carpet & Padding Supplies & Installation Carpet & Padding Supplies & Installation Chemicals, Janitorial DSS Chemicals, Janitorial DSS Chemicals: Water Treating & Maintenance Services (Boiler & Cooling), Statewide Chemicals: Water Treating & Maintenance Services (Boiler & Cooling), Statewide Data Comm & Network Equipment Data Comm & Network Equipment Data Comm & Network Equipment Data Comm & Network Equipment Data Comm & Network Equipment Copiers Copiers - Cost Per Copy Copiers - Cost Per Copy Copiers - Cost Per Copy Dell WSCA Computer Contract / It Hardware & Software Drug & Alcohol Test Kit Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – State Contracts - 75 - June 14, 2016 Camden Bag & Paper Co A76182 Central Poly Corp A76181 CMF Business Supplies Fairlite Electric Supply Co Jewel Electric Supply Co KAD Supply LLC Keer Electrical Supply Co Inc. Bi Incorporated Consolidated STL & Alum EB Fence LLC FYR Fyter Sales & Service Inc. Affordable Office Furniture Allstate Office Interiors Inc. Dean Equip & Furn. Co Inc. Hertz Furniture Systems Corp Roberts Brothers LLC Soyka Smith Design Studios Creative Library Concepts Longo Associates Allstate Office Interiors Inc. Coopers Office Furniture Tanner North Jersey Inc. A76180 A75181 A75179 A75183 A75180 A49152 A74881 A74880 A65807 A62173 A62428 A62171 A62168 A62189 A62177 A66901 A66897 A69938 A69937 A69948 DSS-Paper Goods, Recycled; Disposable: Napkins, Toilet Tissue/Paper Towel DSS-Paper Goods, Recycled; Disposable: Napkins, Toilet Tissue/Paper Towel DSS-Paper Goods, Recycled; Disposable: Napkins, Toilet Tissue/Paper Towel Electrical Equipment And Supplies North, Central And South Regions Electrical Equipment And Supplies North, Central And South Regions Electrical Equipment And Supplies North, Central And South Regions Electrical Equipment And Supplies North, Central And South Regions Electronic Monitoring Equipment & Services Fence, Chain Link(Install & Replace Fence, Chain Link(Install & Replace Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Furniture, Computer & Electronic Support, Freestanding Furniture, Computer & Electronic Support, Freestanding Furniture, Computer & Electronic Support, Freestanding Furniture, Computer & Electronic Support, Freestanding Furniture, Computer & Electronic Support, Freestanding Furniture, Computer & Electronic Support, Freestanding Furniture, Library, Excl. Shelving Furniture, Library, Excl. Shelving Furniture, Office & Lounge Non-Modular & Files Furniture, Office & Lounge Non-Modular & Files Furniture, Office & Lounge Non-Modular & Files Airgas East Inc. Impac Absolute Auto And Flat Glass South Jersey Glass Co Inc. Thermoseal Industries LLC W W Grainger Inc. Core Mechanical Computer Aid Inc. Cooper Electric Action Office Supplies Cascade School Supplies Inc. Charles J Becker & Brother Inc. Flaghouse Inc. Flinn Scientific Inc. Kurtz Bro, Inc. S & S Worldwide Inc. School Specialty Steps To Literacy W B Mason Co Inc. A68269 Gases, Medical, Specialty and Industrial 74042 74043 74044 72605 A64294 A71834 A73139 A65590 A65589 A65592 A67389 A65621 A65593 A65610 A65606 A65591 A65604 Glass Household & Institutional Various State Agencies Glass Household & Institutional Various State Agencies Glass Household & Institutional Various State Agencies Grainger Industrial/MRO Supplies And Equipment HVAC And Refrigeration Services Various State Agencies It Consulting Services (Cai) Lamps, Various Types, Statewide Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Library Supplies, School Supplies & Teaching Aids Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – State Contracts - 76 - June 14, 2016 Bells Security Sales Inc. Caola Company Hogan Security Group Inc. R D Sales LLC Caola Company Rd Sales Door & Hardware LLC. A74784 A74785 A74788 A74786 A76000 A76001 Locking Hardware Only Statewide Locking Hardware Only Statewide Locking Hardware Only Statewide Locking Hardware Only Statewide Locksmith Services - Statewide (Re-Bid) Locksmith Services - Statewide (Re-Bid) Hess Corporation A71281 Natural Gas Supply For The Woodbridge Developmental Center Merchantville Overhead Door Co New Jersey Door Works Inc. A75142 A75144 Overhead Doors: Repair Or Replace, Dot And Various Agencies Overhead Doors: Repair Or Replace, Dot And Various Agencies Commercial Painters Supply Kucker Haney Paint Co Morton Paint Center N Siperstein Inc. Ricciardi Brothers Inc. Sherwin Williams Co Inc. A73150 A73151 A73155 A73152 A73149 A73153 Paint And Related Supplies Paint And Related Supplies Paint And Related Supplies Paint And Related Supplies Paint And Related Supplies Paint And Related Supplies Central Lewmar Ben Shaffer & Associates Inc. Best Litter Receptacles Inc. Commercial Interiors Direct Liberty Parks & Playgrounds Todd Harris Company Inc. Lawson Products Inc. Storr Tractor Company Turf Equipment And Supply Co Bridgeton Plumbing & Heating Central Jersey Supply Co Gloucester Plumbing Supply Madison Plumbing Supply Wallace Supply Co Hilti Inc. Snap On Industrial A&A Glove & Safety Co Anchortex Corporation Keyport Army & Navy Olympic Glove & Safety Co Inc. Allcomm Technologies Motorola Communications & Electronic Pinnacle Wireless Inc. Royal Communications Inc. WPCS International A58411 A59054 A59073 A59063 A59059 A59077 A76910 A76921 A76923 A74879 A74874 A74875 A74876 A74878 A66102 A66103 A76667 A76670 A76666 A76672 A54402 Paper, Fine, Various Agencies Re-Bid Park And Playground Equipment & Parts Park And Playground Equipment & Parts Park And Playground Equipment & Parts Park And Playground Equipment & Parts Park And Playground Equipment & Parts Parts And Repairs For Lawn And Grounds Equipment Parts And Repairs For Lawn And Grounds Equipment Parts And Repairs For Lawn And Grounds Equipment Plumbing & Heating Supplies/ Equipment - Statewide Plumbing & Heating Supplies/ Equipment - Statewide Plumbing & Heating Supplies/ Equipment - Statewide Plumbing & Heating Supplies/ Equipment - Statewide Plumbing & Heating Supplies/ Equipment - Statewide Power Tools And Accessories Power Tools And Accessories Protective Clothing And Footwear Protective Clothing And Footwear Protective Clothing And Footwear Protective Clothing And Footwear Radio Communication Equipment And Accessories A53804 A53805 A54382 A53766 Radio Communication Equipment And Accessories Radio Communication Equipment And Accessories Radio Communication Equipment And Accessories Radio Communication Equipment And Accessories Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – State Contracts - 77 - June 14, 2016 Central Lewmar Fisher Scientific Co LLC Flinn Scientific Inc. Olympus America Inc. Promega Corporation Thomas Scientific Inc. A & K Equipment Company Inc. Cliffside Body Corp H A Dehart & Son Inc. Seely Equipment Co / Suppy Co. Dell Marketing LLP En Pointe Technologies Fitness Lifestyles Inc. Leisure Unlimited Corp Metuchen Center Inc. Team Sports Stans Sport Center Inc. Staples Contract & Commercial Altura Communications Solution Avaya Inc. NEC Corporation Of America RFP Solutions Inc. A75513 A75827 A75832 A75528 A75833 A75841 A75725 A75724 A75721 A75722 A77003 A77562 A66830 A66833 Rock Salt, Sodium Chloride Various Bagged Quantities – Only Scientific Equipment Accessories Maintenance & Supplies Scientific Equipment Accessories Maintenance & Supplies Scientific Equipment Accessories Maintenance & Supplies Scientific Equipment Accessories Maintenance & Supplies Scientific Equipment Accessories Maintenance & Supplies Snow Plow Parts, And Grader And Loader Blades Snow Plow Parts, And Grader And Loader Blades Snow Plow Parts, And Grader And Loader Blades Snow Plow Parts, And Grader And Loader Blades Software License, Support, Maintenance And Related Services Software License, Support, Maintenance And Related Services Sporting Goods Sporting Goods A66829 A66832 A77249 A42294 A42285 A64067 A42293 A1 Towing Inc. A69268 ALS Auto Body Alto U S Inc. Bio Shine Inc. Eastern Institutional Supply Interline Brands Inc. Lincoln Service & Equipment RPS Corporation Flemington Buick Chevrolet Winner Ford Warnock Automotive Inc. Mall Chevrolet Inc. Warnock Automotive Inc. Tele Measurements Inc. Verizon Network Intg Corp Burlington Audio Tapes Inc. Dba A69272 A74167 A74163 A74166 A74165 A74168 A74169 A73806 A82925 A73976 A74059 A74060 A50954 A50956 A73248 Sporting Goods Sporting Goods Staples Office Supplies & Equipment Telecommunications Equipment - Wired Telecommunications Equipment - Wired Telecommunications Equipment - Wired Telecommunications Equipment - Wired Towing And Roadside Services: Motor Vehicles, Njcmp And Various Agencies Towing And Roadside Services: Motor Vehicles, Njcmp And Various Agencies Vacuums And Floor Machines Various State Agencies Vacuums And Floor Machines Various State Agencies Vacuums And Floor Machines Various State Agencies Vacuums And Floor Machines Various State Agencies Vacuums And Floor Machines Various State Agencies Vacuums And Floor Machines Various State Agencies Vehicles, Cargo Vans, Minivan/Class 1/2/3, Regular/Extended Vehicles, Cargo Vans, Minivan/Class 1/2/3, Regular/Extended Vehicles, Cargo Vans, Minivan/Class 1/2/3, Regular/Extended Vehicles, Trucks, Pickup, Compact Vehicles, Trucks, Pickup, Compact Video Teleconferencing Video Teleconferencing Videotape, Audiotape And Recordable Cd's Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – State Contracts - 78 - June 14, 2016 A Stempler Inc. A67367 Ackerson Drapery & A67363 Atlantic City Shade Shop Inc. A67368 Bai Lar Interior Services A67362 Commercial Interiors Direct A67366 Northeast Stage LLC B & C Communications Inc. New Jersey Business Systems Inc./Cranel Transource Computers Apple Computer Inc. Hewlett Packard Company Howard Industries Inc. IBM Corporation Kyocera Mita America Inc. A67369 A61404 Window Treatments-Blinds, Cubicle Curtain Shades And Draperies Supply & Install Window Treatments-Blinds, Cubicle Curtain Shades And Draperies Supply & Install Window Treatments-Blinds, Cubicle Curtain Shades And Draperies Supply & Install Window Treatments-Blinds, Cubicle Curtain Shades And Draperies Supply & Install Window Treatments-Blinds, Cubicle Curtain Shades And Draperies Supply & Install Window Treatments-Blinds, Cubicle Curtain Shades And Draperies Supply & Install Wireless Devices And Services A61405 A77668 A70259 A70262 A70264 A70265 A74850 Wireless Devices And Services Wsca Computer Contract Wsca Computer Contract / It Hardware & Software Wsca Computer Contract / It Hardware & Software Wsca Computer Contract / It Hardware & Software Wsca Computer Contract / It Hardware & Software Wsca Computer Contract / It Hardware & Software Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance C1. - 79 - June 14, 2016 Safe Routes To School Project WHEREAS, in the spring of 2016, the Plainfield Board of Education and the City of Plainfield teamed with the Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, the graduate studio of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center Planning Healthy Communities Initiative, and EZ Ride to create the Safe Route to School Plainfield School District Travel Plan; and WHEREAS, this plan analyzed Plainfield demographics, conducted field surveys, included a public participation meeting, identified walkability assessments of selected walking/biking school routes, examined key intersections and promulgated recommendations to improve these routes; and WHEREAS, the 2016 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant is capable of providing a wide range of benefits to Plainfield students and community including increasing the health and mobility of school age children, reducing congestion, air pollution, and traffic conflicts around schools; establishing healthy habits for students, increasing children’s independence, helping them arrive at school ready to learn, and teaching safe pedestrian, bicyclist and driver skills; and WHEREAS, The City wishes to implement improvements to the city public infrastructure including crosswalks, sidewalks, and walkways, bikeways and other intersection improvements to advance those goals and improve the safety of students; and WHEREAS, the SRTS grant application does not require City or Board of Education matching funds; and WHEREAS, the project will make the route to one of the Plainfield Public School District’s schools, much safer; and WHEREAS, it is our belief that the proposed activities are consistent with the goals of the Safe Routes to Schools program and the policies of the Plainfield Public School District, and that funding this project would provide a significant opportunity for the City of Plainfield to improve student safety in the City of Plainfield NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF PLAINFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS: The Plainfield Public School District fully supports the City of Plainfield’s efforts in seeking New Jersey Department of Transportation Safe Routes to Schools funds and will collaborate to support the goals of the project, namely, to improve safety, encourage walking and biking to school, and to improve the walking and biking environment for students of the district and other users of the routes, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education supports and authorizes the City of Plainfield to submit an electronic grant application identified as SRS-I-2016-City of Plainfield-00047 to the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance D1. - 80 - June 14, 2016 Union County Education Services Commission Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTIONS 1) Contract for Nonpublic Bloodborne Pathogens Management Services Agreement for the 2016 – 2017 School Year WHEREAS, the local public school districts are required to comply with educational and procedural guidelines for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens according to New Jersey Department of Labor regulations N.J.A.C. 12:100-4.2 et seq., and WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission’s environmental Safety Program has developed and will implement a Bloodborne Pathogens management Services program to meet local district needs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enter into an agreement with the Union County Educational Services Commission to provide such services beginning July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, at a fee of sixty cents ($.66) per resident pupil enrolled as of October 15, 2015. 2) Contract for Nonpublic IDEA-B Administration for the 2016 – 2017 School Year WHEREAS, the Board of Education has applied for funding to support both preschool and basic activities under the district’s Nonpublic School Individuals With Disabilities Education Act-B Initiative (IDEA-B) funds, and WHEREAS, the Board of Education desires this program to be administered by the Union County Educational Services Commission for all of the eligible Nonpublic schools identified by the District’s grant application, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education agrees to pay the Commission in accordance with the rates specified in Schedule A. The billing shall commence in October and shall continue on a monthly basis effective, July 1, 2016 thru June 31, 2017. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole (Finance – UCESC) 3) - 81 - June 14, 2016 Contract for Nonpublic School Nursing Services for the 2016 – 2017 School Year WHEREAS, P.L. 1991, Chapter 226, requires that each Board of Education of a district in which a nonpublic school is located shall provide certain nursing services to those students who are enrolled full time in the nonpublic school, and WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission has agreed to provide the required nursing services for local public school districts for the purpose of efficient delivery of services and greater cost effectiveness through cooperation and centralized administration, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enters into an agreement with the Union County Educational Services Commission whereby the Commission will implement the law and administer the nonpublic school nursing services program for those full time students enrolled in the nonpublic school(s) located within the Plainfield Board of Education district for the 2016 – 2017 school year, in accordance with applicable law, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commission will retain 6% of the entitlement as an administrative fee received by the Plainfield Board of Education as State aid, per pupil, pursuant to said enactment. 4) Contract for Nonpublic Chapters 192-193 Services for the 2016 – 2017 School Year WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:46-6, 8, 19.1, et seq. (Laws of 1977, Chapter 193); N.J.S.A. 18A:46A-1 et seq. (Laws of 1977, Chapter 192) require that the State and local community identify and provide auxiliary and handicapped services for students who attend nonpublic schools, and WHEREAS, the cost of providing these services is funded entirely by the State of New Jersey, and WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission has agreed to provide these services to eligible students who attend non-public schools in the Plainfield Board of Education district, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enter into an agreement with the Union County Educational Services Commission whereby the Commission will provide services from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 for those students who attend nonpublic schools in Plainfield pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:46-19.7 and N.J.S.A. 18A:46A-7, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the cost will be based on the most recent notification of the Department of Education, Division of Finance and Regulatory Services setting forth anticipated aide to the Public School District pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:46A-12 and N.J.S.A. 18A46-19.8. Invoices shall correspond to payments from the State of New Jersey. The cost of services provided by the Union County Educational Services Commission shall not exceed the funds provided by the State. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole (Finance – UCESC) 5) - 82 - June 14, 2016 Contract for Nonpublic School Textbooks for the 2016 – 2017 School Year WHEREAS, 18A:58-37-1 et seq. as amended by Chapter 121, Laws of 1984, requires that the State and local community purchase and loan textbooks upon individual request to all students enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 12 in nonpublic schools located within the local school district. WHEREAS, no board of education is required to expend funds for the purchase and loan of textbooks in excess of the amounts provided in State Aide, and WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission has agreed to handle the purchasing and processing of nonpublic textbooks for local public school districts for the purpose of greater cost effectiveness through joint purchasing and centralized administration, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enters into an agreement with the Union County Educational Services Commission whereby the Commission will administer a nonpublic textbook program for those eligible students attending nonpublic schools located within the Plainfield School District for the 2016 – 2017 school year, in accordance with 18A:58-37-1 et seq; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education pay a surcharge equal to 10% of the allocation for nonpublic textbooks to cover the Commission’s costs for administering the program. The Commission will bill the District for services rendered throughout the 2016 – 2017 school year. There will be a 10% surcharge on these invoices. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole (Finance – UCESC) 6) - 83 - June 14, 2016 Contract for Nonpublic School Technology Initiative Program for the 2016 – 2017 School Year WHEREAS, the New Jersey Nonpublic School Technology Initiative Program has been authorized in the Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017, and WHEREAS, the Nonpublic School Technology Initiative Aid shall be paid to school districts and allocated for nonpublic school pupils at the state aid rate per pupil in a manner that is consistent with the provisions of the federal and state constitutions, and WHEREAS, the said program requires the Board of Education in each public school district in New Jersey to provide technology to all students attending a nonpublic school located in the public school district, and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Chief School Administrator of the public school district or designee to confer with the administrator of each participating nonpublic school within the district to advise the nonpublic school of the limit of funds available and to agree upon the technology to be provided to the nonpublic school within the limits of the funds that are available for the nonpublic schools, and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the public school district to send written verification that conferences were held with each nonpublic school administrator to the Executive County Superintendent, along with a copy of each agreement, and WHEREAS, it shall be the responsibility of each public school district to provide the agreed upon technology which may include equipment, software, professional development and/or maintenance of equipment, and WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission has agreed to handle the responsibilities associated with this program for the purpose of greater cost effectiveness through joint purchasing and centralized administration, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enters into an agreement with the Union County Educational Services Commission whereby the Commission will administer the Nonpublic School Initiative Program for nonpublic schools located within its boundaries for the 2016 – 2017 school year, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education pays 5% of the allocation for the Nonpublic School Technology Initiative Program to cover the Commission’s cost for administering the program. In the event a Public School District fails to remit funds to the UCESC within the schedule set forth, the USESC shall have the right to give notice of discontinued services and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Nonpublic School Technology Initiative Program Agreements for the participating schools located within this District. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole (Finance – UCESC) 7) - 84 - June 14, 2016 Contract for Nonpublic School Security Aid Program Agreement for the 2016 – 2017 School Year Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, P.L. 2015. C63, requires the State and local community purchase nonpublic security aid program upon individual request to all students enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12 in nonpublic schools located within the local school district. From the amount appropriated for Nonpublic Security Aid, the Commissioner of Education shall provide State aid to each school district in an amount to equal $25.00 multiplied by the number of nonpublic school students within the District identified by the District on or before November 5th for security services, equipment or technology to ensure a safe and secure school environment for nonpublic school students. WHEREAS, the Union County Educational Services Commission has agreed to handle the purchasing and processing of nonpublic school security aid program, security services, equipment or technology for local public school districts for the purpose of greater cost effectiveness through joint purchasing and centralized administration, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enter into an agreement with the Union County educational Services Commission whereby the Commission will administer a nonpublic security aid program for those eligible students attending nonpublic schools located with Plainfield for the 2016 – 2017 school year, in accordance with P.L. 2015. C63; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education pay a surcharge equal to 12% of the allocation for nonpublic school security to cover the Commission’s costs for administering the program. The Commission will bill the District for services rendered throughout the 2016 – 2017 school year. There will be a 12% surcharge on these invoices. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole (Finance – UCESC) 8) - 85 - June 14, 2016 Contract for Nonpublic Transition Services Agreement for the 2016 – 2017 School Year Strategic Plan Link Goal 3: Business Practices: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Board of Education is in need of professional assistance in connection with the conducting of transition services and wishes to engage the transition service for the Union County Educational Services Commission (USESC) to render said services for the period from September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Public Schools Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq. does not require transition service contracts to be advertised for bid; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education and the Commission do hereby wish to enter into this Agreement for Transition Services; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education enter into an agreement with Union County Educational Services Commission (UCESC) whereby the Commission will provide services from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 for those students who are appropriate for participation in this program at a cost of $122,940.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-219000-390A-32-0000 (Child Study Team Prof. Srv.). Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance E1. - 86 - June 14, 2016 Medemerge Agreement for Students Strategic Plan Link Goal 3: Business Practices: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education policy 5131.6 commits the school district to establish a procedure to aid students to seek help to correct possible substance dependency and/or abuse problems and the District has identified a local industrial health center to provide this service, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Medemerge of Greenbrook, New Jersey to perform the following services, from July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-2300-330A-330000 (Transportation Due Fee). Student Evaluation 7 Panel Drug Screen Urine Alcohol $55.00 $48.00 $38.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance F1. - 87 - June 14, 2016 Approval of Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) Investigation Decisions Strategic Plan Link: Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment To provide a safe, secure, professional, and clean environment for students, staff, and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Superintendent is required to report all alleged Harassment/ Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) incidents to the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15c, and The Superintendent has provided the Board of Education with the results of the investigations of all alleged HIB incidents reported to the Superintendent as of June 2, 2016; and The Board of Education has had an opportunity to review and ask questions relative to the HIB incident reports submitted; therefore, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education hereby accepts and affirms the determinations made by the Superintendent, Building Principals, District’s Bullying Coordinator, and School Anti-Bullying Specialists on the incident reports submitted regarding the HIB investigations #2016-71 though #2016-75. G1. Educational Data Awarded Bids, Middlesex Regional Ed. Commission (MREC), Somerset Co-operative Purchasing Unit (SOCCP) and ESC of Morris County Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTIONS 1) Ed Data Cooperative Purchasing and Middlesex Regional Educational Commission WHERAS, the Plainfield Board of Education currently participates in the Ed Data Cooperative Purchasing Program and Middlesex Regional Educational Commission. As part of this program, the Ed Data Cooperative Purchasing and Middle Regional Educational Commission (MREC) has advertised and awarded bids for a variety of items for FY17, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the use of the vendors awarded bids by the Ed Data Cooperative Purchasing and Middle Regional Educational Commission (MREC) that are on file in the Board Secretary’s office. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Purchasing Program 2) - 88 - June 14, 2016 Somerset Co-operative Purchasing Unit (SOCCP) WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education desires to become a member of the Somerset County Cooperative Pricing System, #2-SOCCP, effective July 1, 2016 and, that such membership shall be for the period ending June 30, 2017, and each renewal, thereafter of the system, unless elects to formally withdraw from the system; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the use of the vendors awarded bids by the Somerset County Cooperative Pricing System, #2-SOCCP that are on file in the Board Secretary’s office. 3) ESC of Morris County WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education currently participates in the Ed Data Cooperative Purchasing Program. As part of this program, the ESC of Morris County has advertised and awarded bids for a variety of items for the 2016 – 2017 school year, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the use of the vendors awarded bids by the ESC of Morris County that are on file in the Board Secretary’s office. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance H1. - 89 - June 14, 2016 2016 – 2017 Food Service Management Contract Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION TO BE PRESENTED AT THE JUNE 21, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance I1. - 90 - June 14, 2016 2016 – 2017 Bid Renewals Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTIONS 1) Fire Alarm Monitoring, Service and Repairs # 2015-05 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Fire Alarm Monitoring, Service and Repairs on May 22, 2014, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-05 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Haig's System Service Greenbrook, NJ Base bid for monthly central station monitoring & annual inspection 2014-2015 2016-2017 $9,000.00 No Increase No Increase Price per Month for additional sites Hourly Labor Rate 8am to 5pm Hourly Labor Rate 5pm to 12 am $140.50 Hourly Labor Rate Weekend/Holiday $180.00 Material Markup % 2015-2016 $24.50 $95.00 20% Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 2) - 91 - June 14, 2016 Glass Replacement Supply/Repair Bid # 2015-07 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Glass Replacement Supply Service Repair on May 22, 2014, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases not to exceed the current index rate of 0.5% for 1st quarter 2016, providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-07 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Crystal Clear Glass Howell, NJ ITEM Supply of 1/4" clear plate glass Supply of 1/4" clear safety glass Supply of 1/4" polished (clear) wire glass Supply of 1/4" hammered (frosted) wire glass Supply of 1/4" tempered glass Supply of 1/16" storm window glass Supply of 1/4" lexan Supply of 48" x 96" x 1" insulated panels Installation of 1/4" clear plate glass Installation of 1/4" clear safety glass Installation of 1/4" polished (clear) wire glass Installation of 1/4" hammered (frosted) wire glass Installation of 1/4" tempered glass Installation of 1/16" storm window glass Installation of 1/4" lexan Installation of 48" x 96" x 1" insulated panels 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Cost per No square foot Increase $2.50 $8.00 $3.00 $3.00 $7.00 $1.50 $6.00 $8.00 $7.00 $16.00 $6.00 $7.00 $12.00 $5.00 $7.00 $8.00 No Increase Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 3) - 92 - June 14, 2016 Intercom / Public Address Service & Repair Bid # 2015-08 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Intercom/Public Address Service & Repair on May 22, 2014, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-08 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Bingham Communications Cedar Grove, NJ Hourly Rate Helper Rate Material Mark up 4) 2014-2015 $80.42 $32.17 10% 2015-2016 2016-2017 No Increase No Increase Master and Individual Room Clock Maintenance Service Bid # 2015-12 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Master and Individual Room Clock Maintenance Service on May 22, 2014, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-12 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Bingham Communications, Inc. Cedar Grove, NJ Regular Hourly Rate Evening Hourly Rate Weekend/Holiday Material Mark up 2014-2015 $82.42 $120.63 $160.84 10% 2015-2016 No Increase 2016-2017 No Increase Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 5) - 93 - June 14, 2016 Roof Repair Service Bid # 2015-14 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Roof Repair Service on May 22, 2014, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-14 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: VMG Group Roselle, NJ Journeyman Hourly Rate Foreman Hourly Rate Material Mark-up 2014-2015 $58.04 $59.10 15% 2015-2016 No Increase 2016-2017 $59.31 $60.31 15% Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 6) - 94 - June 14, 2016 Security Alarm Monitoring, Service & Repair Bid # 2015-15 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Security Alarm Monitoring, Service & Repair on May 22, 2015, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases not to exceed the current index rate of 0.5% for 1st quarter 2016, providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-15 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Triad Security Systems Union, NJ Base Bid for Monitoring & Annual Inspection 2014-2015 $15.00 Hourly labor rate 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. $85.00 Material Mark up 2016-2017 $4,320.00 No Increase No Increase Price per month for additional sites Hourly labor rate 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. Hourly labor rate Weekend/Holiday 2015-2016 $127.50 $127.50 20% Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 7) - 95 - June 14, 2016 Vehicle Service & Repair Bid # 2015-16 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Vehicle Service & Repair on May 22, 2014, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2015-16 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Tom’s Automotive, Inc. Metuchen, NJ Flat Hourly Labor Rate Road Service Hourly Labor Rate Wrecker Towing Service Rate (small bus, local tow) (large bus, local tow) Parts Discount from List Price 2014-2015 $ 24.00 $ 24.00 $ 75.00 $ 175.00 10% 2015-2016 No Increase 2016-2017 No Increase Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 8) - 96 - June 14, 2016 Boiler Cleaning and Repairs BID # 2016-01 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Boiler Cleaning and Repairs on May 18, 2015, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2016-01 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Express Heating Co. Paterson, NJ Boiler Cleaning Oil Burner Mechanic Oil Burner Mechanic helper Certified ASME Welder Welder’s helper Boiler Mechanic Boiler Cleaning Leadman Laborer 2015-2016 $8,550.00 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00 $84.00 2016-2017 No Increase Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 9) - 97 - June 14, 2016 Cyclic Painting Repainting Service BID # 2016-03 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Cyclic Painting Service on May 18, 2015, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2016-03 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: A & A Painting & Contracting Company Highland Park, NJ Alternate #1 Painter Hourly Rate Helper Hourly Rate Material Mark Up 10) 2015-2016 2016-2017 $49.00 $49.00 10% No Increase Elevator Maintenance BID # 2016-04 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Elevator Maintenance on May 18, 2015, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases not to exceed the current index rate of 0.5% for 1st quarter 2016, providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2016-04 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Elevator Maintenance Corporation Kearny, NJ Annual Elevator Maintenance 2015-2016 2016-2017 $32,400.00 No Increase Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 11) - 98 - June 14, 2016 Kitchen Equipment Service & Repairs BID # 2016-06 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Kitchen Equipment Service & Repairs on May 18, 2015, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases in accordance with The Prevailing Wage Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2016-06 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: American Commercial Equipment Repair Brooklyn, NY Annual Lump Sum Cost of Semi-Annual Preventative Maintenance Rate per Hour M-F 7:00am to 6:00pm Rate per Hour M-F After Hours Repairs Percent (%) discount off of Manufacturer’s list on parts 2015-2016 2016-2017 $5,108.00 No Increase $72.00 $100.00 8% Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 12) - 99 - June 14, 2016 Fire System Inspections, Service & Repair BID # 2016-08 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Fire System Inspections, Service & Repair on May 18, 2015, and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases not to exceed the current index rate of 0.5% for 1st quarter 2016, providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2016-08 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: 2015-2016 Allied Fire & Safety Neptune, NJ Standpipe Fire System PHS - Stage Sprinkler Standpipe Washington - Stage Evergreen - Stairwells Jefferson - Stairwells (1750 West Front Street) Total Confires Fire Protection South Plainfield, NJ Fire Suppression - Kitchens Cedarbrook Emerson Hub Stine Concession Hubbard Lincoln Maxson PHS Washington PAAAS Total 2 standpipes Fire Hose 8 standpipes 8 standpipes, 4" riser feeding 2 stairwells, 4 floors 2016-2017 Cost per inspection No Increase $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $200.00 $600.00 2015-2016 Ansul Ansul RangeGuard Kidde Ansul Kidde Kidde Pyrochem Ansul Cost per inspection $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $1,143.00 2016-2017 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 $1,170.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals – Fire System - 100 - Allied Fire & Safety Neptune, NJ Automatic Wet Sprinkler System Barlow - boiler room only (801 East Front Street) Cedarbrook - kitchen storage & freezer only (1049 Central Avenue) Clinton - entire building (1304 West Fourth Street) Cook - boiler room only (739 Leland Avenue) Emerson - (2) wet & (1) 450 gpm fire pump (305 Emerson Avenue) Emerson - (2) wet & (1) 450 gpm fire pump (305 Emerson Avenue) Emerson Fire Pump Hubbard - boiler room only Admin boiler room only (1200 Myrtle Avenue) Lincoln - boiler room only (209 Berckman Avenue) Maxson - boiler room only (920 East Seventh Street) OPHS - Boiler room only (925 Arlington Avenue) PHS - Stage & Auditorium (950 Park Avenue) PHS - Shop & Garage area (950 Park Avenue) Washington - entire building (427 Darrow Avenue) Washington - entire building (427 Darrow Avenue) Jefferson - entire building (1750 West Front Street) PAAAS entire building (1700 West Front Street) Total central 2 ½" valve wet domestic limited 1 ½" valve wet reliable 4" valve wet central 2 ½" valve wet reliable 4" valve wet 1st floor reliable 4" valve wet 2nd floor central 2 ½" valve wet central 2 ½" valve wet reliable 2 ½" valve wet viking 2 ½" valve wet viking 2 ½" valve wet shotgun 4" valve wet grinnell 6" valve wet central CSC 4" valve wet riser 1 central CSC 4" valve wet riser 2 city supply 6" pipe viking 6" valve wet June 14, 2016 2015-2016 2016-2017 Cost per inspection No Increase $125.00 $125.00 $400.00 $125.00 $325.00 $325.00 $450.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $250.00 $250.00 $350.00 $350.00 $400.00 $400.00 $4,500.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals – Fire System 20152016 Extinguis her Annual Inspection Recharge Refill Hydrostati c Test $/unit $/unit $/unit $/unit ABC 2.5 lb. ABC 5 lb. ABC 10 lb. ABC 20 lb. Water (APW) 2.5 lb. Halotron No $2.90 Increas e $2.90 $2.90 $2.90 $2.90 20162017 20152016 June 14, 2016 Allied Fire Type 2016- 20152017 2016 - 101 - 20162017 20152016 20162017 No Increas e 20152016 20162017 Regular Service/ Repairs $/unit % Discount No $5.00 Increase $10.00 $9.00 $15.0 0 $16.0 0 $9.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $15.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $16.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $10.0 0 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $18.00 lb $10.00 $15.00 20% $70.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% 20% Class K $2.90 CO2 5 lb. CO2 10 lb. BC 2.5 lb. BC 5 lb. BC 10 lb. $2.90 $18.0 0 lb $70.0 0 $5.00 $5.00 $12.00 $15.00 20% $2.90 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 $15.00 20% $2.90 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $2.90 $9.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $15.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% BC 20 lb. $2.90 $16.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% PKP 5 lb. PKP 10 lb. $2.90 $9.00 $15.0 0 $16.0 0 $9.00 $15.0 0 $9.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $15.00 $10.00 $15.00 20% $2.90 $2.90 $2.90 Allied Fire 2015-2016 2016-2017 Hourly labor rate 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. $125.00 No Increase Hourly labor rate 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. Hourly labor rate Weekend/Holiday $215.00 $215.00 Material Mark up 20% Confires 2015-2016 2016-2017 Hourly labor rate 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. $107.00 No Increase Hourly labor rate 5 p.m. to 12 a.m. Hourly labor rate Weekend/Holiday $160.00 $160.00 Material Mark up 25% 20162017 Parts Discount No $5.00 Increase $15.00 No Increas e 20152016 No Increas e Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Bid Renewals 13) - 102 - June 14, 2016 Plumbing Supplies BID # 2016-10 WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for Plumbing Supplies on May 18, 2015 and, WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n provides for extension of bid contracts for a period of not to exceed two one-year extensions beyond the original contract, with increases not to exceed the current index rate of 0.5% for 1st quarter 2016, providing the services are satisfactory and substantially unchanged. WHEREAS, the district has found these services satisfactory for 2015-2016, and the services for 2016-2017 will not be substantially changed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42.n approve and authorize the extension of Bid # 2016-10 for the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Somerset Plumbing Supply North Plainfield, NJ Unit Price / 184 items 2015-2016 $17,308.62 2016-2017 No Increase Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance J1. - 103 - June 14, 2016 Award of Bids The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTIONS 1) Bid No. 2017-01 Acoustical Ceiling Installation WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: McCann Acoustics & Construction, Inc. Bloomfield, NJ Cost per square foot for any Space over 100 square feet $4.95 Material Mark up 10% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Board of Education re-advertises for Acoustical Ceiling Installation. Only bidder Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 2) - 104 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-02 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Service & Repair WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Binsky & Snyder Service, LLC. Piscataway, NJ Regular Hourly Rate $92.00 Emergency/weekend/ $180.75 Holiday Hourly Rate Material Mark up Core Mechanical, Inc. Liberty Unitemp, Inc. Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Pennsauken, Newark, NJ Somerset, NJ NJ $72.50 $124.00 $90.00 $186.00 $135.00 OT, M-S $143.00 $248.00 Sun & holiday 10% 20% 15% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the low bid of Core Mechanical, Inc. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 3) - 105 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-03 Asbestos Consultant Services WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: VENDOR Semi-Annual Inspection 3 Year Re-Inspection On site Supervision/AST Regular Time On Site Supervision Overtime/Weekends Documentation & Writing Hourly Rate Asbestos Trainer Hourly Rate Analyticals: Bulk Samples Air Samples (PCM) Air Samples (TEM) TTI Environmental, Whitman Inc. Moorestown, NJ Cranbury, NJ $3,300.00 $2,520.00 $3,300.00 $2,520.00 $58.00 $45.00 $75.00 $50.00 $55.00 $50.00 $70.00 $89.00 $12.00 $ 7.00 $65.00 $ 9.00 $ 2.25 $52.00 Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the low bid of Whitman. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 4) - 106 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-04 Asphalt Replacement & Installation WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: NO BIDS RECEIVED Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education re-advertises for Asphalt Repair & Replacement. 5) Bid No. 2017-06 Carpentry Service & Repair WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Hourly Labor Rate Hourly Helper Rate Material Mark-up McCann Acoustics & Construction, Inc. Bloomfield, NJ $95.00 $45.00 10% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Board of Education re-advertises for Carpentry Service & Repair. Only bidder Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 6) - 107 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-07 Electrical Service & Repair WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Electrician Hourly Rate Helper Rate Material Mark Up K. Hanrahan Enterprises, Inc. Sal Electric Co., Inc. Tatbit Company Fair Lawn, NJ Jersey City, NJ Butler, NJ $84.04 $82.19 $48.73 $29.28 5% 0% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the low bid of Sal Electric Company. $86.00 $12.00 0% Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 7) - 108 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-08 Fire Code Complaint Means of Egress Installation WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: C & M Door Controls, Inc. Port Reading, NJ Regular Hourly Rate Evening Hourly Rate Weekend/Holiday Hourly Rate Emergency Hourly Rate $ 99.00 $114.00 $129.00 $129.00 Material Mark-up 25% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Board of Education re-advertises for Fire Code Compliant Means of Egress Replacement/Installation. Only bidder Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 8) - 109 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-09 IPM Pest Control/Extermination Service WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Vendor Amount Alliance Commercial Pest Control Tinton Falls, NJ Emergency Pest Control Orange, NJ Pest-A-Side Exterminating Co, Inc. Bridgeton, NJ Tri-County Termite & Pest Control Carneys Point, NJ Termite Treatment Per Linear Foot Additional Services/Hr Consulting Services/Hr Monitoring Bait Stations/Hr $6,960.00 $3.00 - $5.00 $55.00 $85.00 $65.00 $8,800.00 $4.75 - $4.75 $65.00 $75.00 $20.00 $7,120.00 $3.45 - $4.70 $48.00 N/C $48.00 $8,400.00 $3.70 - $4.95 $55.00 N/C $55.00 Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the low of Alliance Pest Control. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 9) - 110 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-10 Lawn Care Service WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: #1 WEEDING (per hour rate) Weeding / per hour rate Custom Care Services, Inc. Wall, NJ $35.00 Greenscape Landscape Contractors, LLC Glenside, PA $45.00 #2 MULCHING (PER SITE) Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Cook Emerson Evergreen Hubbard Jefferson Hub Stine Complex Maxson Stillman PHS (entire campus) PAAAS Washington Woodland Lincoln Admin Building (1200) TOTAL (all sites) Custom Care Services, Inc. Wall, NJ $295.00 $45.00 $195.00 $245.00 $585.00 $195.00 $245.00 $145.00 $195.00 $245.00 $195.00 Greenscape Landscape Contractors, LLC Glenside, PA $1300.00 $1200.00 $2500.00 $1000.00 $2800.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $800.00 $1200.00 $1000.00 $500.00 $295.00 $2000.00 $145.00 $245.00 $90.00 $45.00 $800.00 $900.00 $800.00 $500.00 $145.00 $500.00 $3,550.00 $19,800.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids – Lawn - 111 - June 14, 2016 #3 FERTILIZATION & CHEMICAL TREATMENT (PER SITE) Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Cook Emerson Evergreen Hubbard Jefferson Hub Stine Complex Maxson Stillman PHS (entire campus) PAAAS Washington Woodland Lincoln Admin Building (1200) TOTAL (all sites) Greenscape Custom Care Landscape Services, Contractors, Inc. LLC Wall, NJ Glenside, PA a. Turf Fertilization $345.00 $450.00 $1150.00 $800.00 $195.00 $400.00 $295.00 $300.00 $195.00 $400.00 $145.00 $500.00 $395.00 $450.00 $105.00 $600.00 $5200.00 $600.00 $990.00 $900.00 $145.00 $200.00 $5895.00 $800.00 $90.00 $450.00 $145.00 $800.00 $145.00 $600.00 $145.00 $200.00 $45.00 $600.00 $15,625.00 $9,050.00 Greenscape Custom Care Landscape Services, Contractors, Inc. LLC Wall, NJ Glenside, PA b. Pre-Emergent $345.00 $450.00 $1150.00 $800.00 $195.00 $400.00 $295.00 $300.00 $195.00 $400.00 $145.00 $500.00 $395.00 $450.00 $105.00 $600.00 $5200.00 $600.00 $990.00 $900.00 $145.00 $200.00 $5895.00 $800.00 $90.00 $450.00 $145.00 $800.00 $145.00 $600.00 $145.00 $200.00 $45.00 $600.00 $15,625.00 $9,050.00 Greenscape Custom Care Landscape Services, Contractors, Inc. LLC Wall, NJ Glenside, PA c. .Post- Emergent $345.00 $450.00 $1150.00 $800.00 $195.00 $400.00 $295.00 $300.00 $195.00 $400.00 $145.00 $500.00 $395.00 $450.00 $105.00 $600.00 $5200.00 $600.00 $990.00 $900.00 $145.00 $200.00 $5895.00 $800.00 $90.00 $450.00 $145.00 $800.00 $145.00 $600.00 $145.00 $200.00 $45.00 $600.00 $15,625.00 $9,050.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids – Lawn - 112 - June 14, 2016 #4 TURF MAINTENANCE AND RENOVATION (PER SITE) Custom Care Services, Inc. Greenscape Landscape Contractors, LLC Glenside, Wall, NJ PA a. dethatching Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Cook Emerson Evergreen Hubbard Jefferson Hub Stine Complex Maxson Stillman PHS (entire campus) PAAAS Washington Woodland Lincoln Admin Building (1200) TOTAL (all sites) Custom Care Services, Inc. Greenscape Landscape Contractors, LLC Glenside, Wall, NJ PA b. core aeration Custom Care Services, Inc. Greenscape Landscape Contractors, LLC Glenside, Wall, NJ PA c. top dressing and overseeding $1495.00 $800.00 $1495.00 $1200.00 $650.00 $700.00 $1495.00 $450.00 $650.00 $650.00 $650.00 $500.00 $1495.00 $600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $700.00 $1000.00 $700.00 $1000.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1000.00 $500.00 $1500.00 $2500.00 $1500.00 $1000.00 $2000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $1500.00 $595.00 $550.00 $400.00 $595.00 $400.00 $400.00 $595.00 $350.00 $1500.00 $2500.00 $1500.00 $1000.00 $2000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $1500.00 $5000.00 $1500.00 $2950.00 $1500.00 $9500.00 $1000.00 $700.00 $3500.00 $1000.00 $55.00 $400.00 $3500.00 $1000.00 $4000.00 $2500.00 $2100.00 $500.00 $700. $700.00 $700.00 $1500.00 $2500.00 $2000.00 $1000.00 $100.00 $19,700.00 Custom Care Services, Inc. Greenscape Landscape Contractors , LLC Glenside, Wall, NJ PA d. slit seeding $950.00 $950.00 $395.00 $950.00 $395.00 $395.00 $950.00 $395.00 $3000.00 $6000.00 $3000.00 $2000.00 $3000.00 $2000.00 $2000.00 $2500.00 $600.00 $5500.00 $2500.00 $1495.00 $650.00 $1600.00 $400.00 $950.00 $395.00 $700.00 $2000.00 $2500.00 $9000.00 $1200.00 $5200.00 $5000.00 $350.00 $595.00 $400.00 $400.00 $1500.00 $2500.00 $2000.00 $1000.00 $500.00 $1495.00 $650.00 $650.00 $800.00 $1200.00 $1000.00 $500.00 $395.00 $950.00 $395.00 $395.00 $3000.00 $5000.00 $4500.00 $2000.00 $500.00 $100.00 $500.00 $200.00 $400.00 $200.00 $1000.00 $28,000.00 $11,730.00 $28,000.00 $32,570.00 $13,200.00 $19,760.00 $55,500.00 Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids – Lawn - 113 - June 14, 2016 #5 LEAF RAKING, REMOVAL & DISPOSAL (LUMP SUM PER SCHOOL) Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Cook Emerson Evergreen Hubbard Jefferson Hub Stine Complex Maxson Stillman PHS (entire campus) PAAAS Washington Woodland Lincoln Admin Building (1200) TOTAL (all sites) Custom Care Services, Inc. Wall, NJ $1900.00 $1900.00 $930.00 $2325.00 $930.00 $1350.00 $1900.00 $550.00 $3995.00 $2350.00 $725.00 $5495.00 $725.00 $3450.00 $1850.00 $1350.00 $475.00 $32,200.00 Greenscape Landscape Contractors, LLC Glenside, PA $4000.00 $5000.00 $6500.00 $4500.00 $4500.00 $4000.00 $4500.00 $4000.00 $6000.00 $6000.00 $2500.00 $8000.00 $4000.00 $6000.00 $4000.00 $3000.00 $2600.00 $79,100.00 Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education rejects all bids. 10) Bid No. 2017-11 Masonry Service & Repair WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Hourly Labor Rate Hourly Helper Rate Material Mark-up McCann Acoustics & Construction, Inc. Bloomfield, NJ $90.00 $45.00 10% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Board of Education re-advertises for Masonry Repair & Replacement. Only Bidder Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 11) - 114 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-12 Plumbing Service & Repair WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Hourly Rate Helper Rate Material Mark Up Echelon Services, LLC. Robert Griggs Plumbing & Heating, LLC Newton, NJ Hillsborough, NJ $105.00 $96.50 $85.00 $76.50 20% 12.5% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the low bid of Robert Griggs Plumbing & Heating. 12) Bid No. 2017-13 Toilet Partition Supply Installation WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: NO BIDS RECEIVED Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education re-advertises for Toilet Partition Supply/Installation. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 13) - 115 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-14 Tree Maintenance WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: Boulder Hill Greenscape Liberty USA Tree Service Tree Landscaping, Services, Inc. LLC Hackensack, Glenside, South NJ PA Plainfield, NJ Regular Hourly Rate Evening Hourly Rate Weekend/Holiday Hourly Rate Emergency Hourly Rate Material Mark-Up Sunshine Tree & Landscape, LLC Stewartsville, NJ $83.00 $162.00 $93.00 $77.00 $130.00 $162.00 $139.50 $95.00 $130.00 $168.00 $139.50 $100.00 $145.00 $190.00 $139.50 $110.00 0% 0% 0% 20% Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the low bid of Sunshine Tree & Landscape. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 14) - 116 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-15 Acoustic Ceiling Products WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: NO BIDS RECEIVED Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education re-advertises for Acoustical Ceiling Products. 15) Bid No. 2017-16 Door & Lock Hardware Supply WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: NO BIDS RECEIVED Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education re-advertises for Door & Lock Hardware Supply. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance – Award of Bids 16) - 117 - June 14, 2016 Bid No. 2017-17 Door Hardware Supply WHEREAS, the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-1 (et seq) advertised for sealed bids for the following on May 14, 2016, and WHEREAS, in accordance with that advertisement bids was received and publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Education Office on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. with the final results: C & M Door Controls Inc. Port Reading, NJ % of discount off manufacturers list price 30% - 50% off 27 brand names Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education re-advertises for Door Hardware Supply. Only Bidder Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole Finance K1. - 118 - June 14, 2016 Memorandum of Understanding Between the Plainfield BOE and the City of Plainfield The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION TO BE PRESENTED AT THE JUNE 21, 2016 BUSINESS MEETING L1. CUBE Summer Issues Seminar The following is recommended for adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education has determined that the CUBE Summer Issues Seminar in Charlotte, NC on July 13 – 17, 2016 is vital and necessary to the goals of the District and the success of the Board; and WHEREAS, the specific focus of the conference is the learning opportunities for all children; how to make quality and equitable education to all and important role that leadership can play in addressing systemic inequities in schools, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education hereby authorize John Campbell to attend the conference, which is not to exceed $1,500.00 and charged to 11-000-230000-580A-010000 (Board Travel), and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board Member share the information received from the conference with the Board. Work & Study Meeting Cmte of the Whole - 119 - XIII. A. June 14, 2016 REPORT OF THE POLICY COMMITTEE Adoption of Policy – Second Reading The following is recommended for adoption: RESOLUTION The Board of Education finds it necessary that these policies be implemented for the management and operation of the Plainfield Public Schools; therefore the following is recommended for adoption: The Board of Education has reviewed the policies listed below and finds it acceptable for the management and operation of the Plainfield Public Schools, and The Board of Education now finds it necessary that these policies be implemented, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves, on second reading, the following policies: Policy Number 3570 5120 9250 Title District Records and Reports Assessment of Individual Needs Expenses, Travel Reimbursement XIV. CS/bsc ADJOURNMENT Amended Amended Amended