Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Time - The Plainfield Public School District
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Time - The Plainfield Public School District
PLAINFIELD BOARD OF EDUCATION Plainfield, N.J. Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Place: PUBLIC SESSION MEETING CLOSED FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION BUSINESS MEETING PLAINFIELD HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 950 PARK AVE. Board of Education Members Mrs. Wilma G. Campbell, President Mr. Frederick D. Moore, Sr., Vice President Mr. Terrence S. Bellamy, Sr. Mr. John C. Campbell Mrs. Deborah Clarke Mrs. Carletta D. Jeffers Mrs. Emily E. Morgan Mr. David M. Rutherford Mr. Richard Wyatt Mrs. Anna Belin-Pyles, Superintendent Ms. Paulina De Leon, Student Liaison Ms. Megan Fields, Student Liaison I. II. III. IV. CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL WELCOME WELCOME to a BUSINESS MEETING of the Plainfield Board of Education. Members hope you will find the meeting interesting and informative. We thank you for taking the time to attend. Please be advised this and all meetings of the board are open to the media and public, consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act (Ch. 231 Laws of 1975), and that the advance notice required therein has been provided to the Courier News and Star Ledger on Monday, February 22, 2016 to be advertised on Saturday, February 27, 2016 and also provided to the Plainfield Public Schools, the District’s website, the Plainfield City Clerk, Police Department, and Plainfield Public Library for posting. V. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A.10:4-11, permits the Board of Education to meet in closed session to discuss certain matters. RESOLVED, the Board of Education adjourns to closed session to discuss: 1 2. 3. matters rendered confidential by federal or state law pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations and/or matters of attorney-client privilege specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be adversely affected requested an open session and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The Board of Education will recess into its Executive Session. Business Meeting -2- March 15, 2016 VI. CONDUCT OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS The Board of Education takes official action at its Business Meetings. Business meetings are regularly scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month, subject to changes that may occur because of holidays. Prior to the board taking action at its business meetings, committee meetings are scheduled where indepth discussion occurs. At the Board of Education's committee meetings, no formal action is taken. schedule of meetings is as follows: The typical monthly Type of Meeting * Date Place Time Policy Committee 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Personnel/Exec.Ses. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 6:30 p.m. Curric. & Instr. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Finance Committee 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Bldgs. & Grds. Cmte. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. School Community Rel. 1st Tues. ea. mo. PHS Conf. 8:00 p.m. Business Meeting 3rd Tues. ea. mo. PHS Auditorium 8:00 p.m. (EACH OF THESE MEETINGS MAY INCLUDE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF MATTERS THAT MAY BE APPROPRIATE FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION) *Meeting Schedule Subject to Change At each committee meeting, the Board discusses recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools and other relevant items. Committee approval authorizes resolutions to be placed on the agenda of the next appropriate business meeting and/or possible formal action. The agendas for all committee and board meetings are available at the Office of the Board of Education, 1200 Myrtle Avenue during business hours. At the business meetings, privilege of the floor will be provided for sixty minutes for public comment prior to committee reports. A five-minute time limit per person is provided for public comment. Concerns of the public regarding the schools or departments should be brought to the attention of the appropriate administrator in charge (principal, director, etc.). If concerns remain unresolved, they are to be directed to the Superintendent of Schools. These procedures should be followed prior to concerns being presented to the Board of Education. This procedure allows administrators to resolve concerns at the most appropriate level of decision making. Business Meeting -3- VII. REMARKS FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT VIII. REMARKS FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT IX. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR March 15, 2016 At the business meetings, privilege of the floor will be provided for sixty minutes for public comment prior to committee reports. Members of the public in attendance will have the opportunity to raise concerns during this period of the meeting. Members of the public may speak once for a maximum period of five (5) minutes by the clock; this time is not transferable by one individual to another. X. REMARKS FROM COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS XI. REPORT OF DELEGATES/LEGISLATIVE XII. REPORT OF BOARD/SCHOOL LIAISONS XIII. REPORT OF THE STUDENT LIAISON XIV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Board Secretary presents the following minutes: February 2, 2016 February 16, 2016 Work & Study Meeting Business Meeting Business Meeting -4XV. March 15, 2016 REPORT OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE “The Board of Education of the City of Plainfield reaffirms its commitment to ensure that the district provides equal employment opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, handicap and social or economic status…” It is the policy of this district to provide, through a positive and effective affirmative action program equal opportunities for employment, retention, and advancement of all people. The equal employment objective for the Board of Education calls for achieving full utilization of minorities and women, and handicapped persons at all levels of management and non-management and by job classification; to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or age; and to have a work environment free of discrimination. A. Contractual Appointments Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential in the success of the District and students. The individual listed have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1, which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified. “The Superintendent in this item has used his authority. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education provisionally approves the employment of the following individual subject to the requirements contained in Ch. 116,P.L. 1986 and upon verification of experience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name/Certification Effective Salary/ Pro-rated Assignment Replacing Position Codes Jesus Gomez Bil Elementary Teacher Ronald Bartash Locksmith Asia Pearson Bus Driver 10-Month Maria Pereira Replacement TeacherElementary Janice Quarto Art Teacher-Replacement Sean Trawick Bus Driver 10-Month 03/16/16-06/30/16 $50,910.00 Barlow C. Burgos PEAT-826 04/04/16-06/30/16 $58,502.00 New PEAM-014 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $40,939.00 District Facilities and Grounds Transportation A.Pereira PEAC-009 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $50,910.00 Evergreen L. Lohman PEAT-286 03/16/16-06/30/16 $54,410.00 Barlow A.Koops PEAT-100 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $42,129.00 Transportation E. Jackson PEAC-006 Business Meeting -5- March 15, 2016 Human Resources B. Substitute Appointments The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following substitute employees as needed with terms as stated, provisionally, subject to requirements contained in Ch.116, P.L. Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Position Date Stipend Funding Code Shadae Lynch Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $100.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Brian Schwartz Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $100.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Dennis Tuggle Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $100.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Matthew Worden Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $100.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Natasha Cohen Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Ahjahnee Ensley Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Kevin Humes Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Donald Jones Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Jennifer Leveille Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Abel Perez Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Bibi Wazid Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $85.00/day ELEMSUBTEA Deborah Vaughn Substitute Teacher 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $272.55/day ELEMSUBTEA Leslie Childs-Harris Substitute Teacher Asst. 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $10.50/hr. ELEMSUBTEA Rashmi Ramdas Substitute Teacher Asst. 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $10.50/hr. ELEMSUBTEA Jamar Wade Substitute Custodian 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $10.00/hr. 31HOURLYBG Syrron Hall Substitute Custodian 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $10.00/hr. 31HOURLYBG Zakiyah Butler Substitute Teacher Asst. 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $10.50/hr. ELEMSUBTEA Laudelina Vargas Substitute Teacher Asst. 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $10.50/hr. ELEMSUBTEA Sameerah Caver Substitute Bus Driver 03/16/16 – 06/30/16 $20.00/hr. 30OPERHOUL (A roll-call and an affirmative vote of 5 board members are required for passage.) Business Meeting -6- March 15, 2016 Human Resources C. Leaves of Absence The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following Leaves of Absence: Name Position/Location Dates/Reason 1. Belinda Davis Youth Dev. Wrker/SIFS 2. April Morecraft* Master Teacher/Early Childhood 3. Abimbola Omisore Senior Case Manager/SIFS 4. Vatonne Bethea Locker Rm. Asst./Hubbard 5. Belinda Greer Asst. Custodian/Dist. Facilities/Clinton 6. Shawna Newsome Teacher Asst./PAAAS 7. Tracey Easley-Card* Speech Pathologist/Special Services 02/18/16 – 06/30/16 Medical/FMLA 02/03/16 – 06/10/16 Medical/FMLA 03/28/16 – 06/30/16 Medical/FMLA 02/025/16 – 06/30/16 FMLA 01/27/16 – 03/02/16 FMLA 01/15/16 – 04/01/216 FMLA 03/31/16 – 06/30/16 Personal *Denotes extension/update to previous leave D. Resignations The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the acceptance of the following resignations: 1. 2. 3. Name Roland Lytle Dario Minetti Paola Repmann E. Retirement Position/Location Teacher Assistant- P/T/Woodland Webmaster/Information Technology Bilingual Teacher/Emerson Yrs. In District 2 8 4 Reason Personal Personal Personal Effective 02/12/16 03/11/16 04/29/16 The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the retirement of the following staff member and acknowledges her many years of total dedicated service and extends sincere thanks to her on behalf of the Board, administrators, staff, students and citizens of Plainfield: Name Denise Barnes-Hutchins Position/Location Special Education Teacher/Clinton Yrs. In District 11 Effective 03/01/16 Business Meeting -7- March 15, 2016 Human Resources F. Return to Payroll The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approve the return of the following employees to payroll: 1. 2. G. Name Position/Location Salary Effective Bridget Molnar Andrew Newcomer Elementary Teacher/Jefferson Music Teacher/PHS $74,360.00 $55,610.00 02/09/16 02/19/16 Salary Advancement/ Longevity Adjustments Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following salary advances and longevity adjustments effective March 2016: Name Location From To 1. Johanna Amaro Spanish Teacher PAAAS 2. Charlotte J. Banks Art Teacher Cook School $61,360.00 MA+45 Step 7 Salary Advancement $91,050.00 + $1,000.00 BA+64 Step 16 + Longevity Salary + Longevity 3. Deitria Battle Elementary Teacher Cedarbrook School $60,510.00 MA+32 Step 7 Salary $91,050.00 BA+64 Step 16 + Longevity Salary $89,000.00 BA Step 16 Salary + Longevity 4. Angela Bento Principal PAAAS $148,274.00 Guide C Step 11 Salary + Longevity 5. Rodney Bostic Teacher Assistant P/T Maxson School $24,196.00 5 hr. Step 4 Salary $89,500.00 BA+32 Step 16 Salary + Longevity Salary Advancement $151,274.00 Guide C Step 11 Salary + Longevity + Education Salary Advancement $24,196.00 + $150.00 5 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity 6. Jodi J. Byers Teacher Assistant Plainfield High School $33,870.00 + $375.00 7 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity $33,870.00 + $500.00 7 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity Business Meeting -8- March 15, 2016 Human Resources – Salary Adj. 7. Diana Caspao ESL Teacher Stillman School $52,210.00 BA Step 3 Salary $24,196.00 5 hr. Step 4 Salary $53,210.00 BA+32 Step 3 Salary Advancement $24,196.00 + $150.00 5 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity 8. Mary Frances Douglas Teacher Assistant P/T Emerson School 9. Constanza Fernandez Bilingual Teacher Barlow School $53,010.00 BA Step 4 Salary $88,500.00 + $1,000.00 BA Step 16 Salary + Longevity $54,510.00 MA Step 4 Salary Advancement $88,500.00 + $1,250.00 BA Step 16 Salary + Longevity 10 Karen Gee Teacher Coordinator Special Education Department 11. Bernard Gmitter ROTC Instructor Plainfield High School $91,400.00 + $500.00 MA+32 Step 16 Salary + Longevity $91,400.00 + $750.00 MA+32 Step 16 Salary + Longevity 12. Tamara Griffith Speech Correctionist Special Education Teacher 13. Yackeline Gutierrez ESL Teacher Barlow School 14. Sheron E. Hall Secretary IV Clinton School $57,110.00 MA Step 6 Salary $52,210.00 BA Step 3 Salary $50,710.00 +$150.00 Level 4 Step 9 Salary + Longevity $58,160.00 BA+64 Step 6 Salary Advancement $53,210.00 BA+32 Step 3 Salary Advancement $50,710.00 + $500.00 Level 4 Step 9 Salary + Longevity 15. Lamont Harris Special Education Teacher Penelope Hewitt Elementary Teacher Jefferson School $52,210.00 BA Step 3 Salary $85,935.00 + $500.00 BA+32 Step 15 + Longevity Salary + Longevity $53,210.00 BA+32 Step 3 Salary Advancement $85,935.00 + $750.00 BA+32 Step 15 + Longevity Salary + Longevity 17. Betty J. Howell Teacher Assistant Plainfield High School $33,870.00 + $375.00 7 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity $33,870.00 + $500.00 7 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity 18. Aster Latar Supplemental Instr. Teacher Educational Services $92,250.00 + $500.00 MA+45 Step 16 + Longevity Salary + Longevity $92,250.00 + $750.00 MA+45 Step 16 + Longevity Salary + Longevity 19. Gabriel G. Lopez Assistant Custodian Maxson School $43,218.00 C-2 Step 3 Salary $43,218.00 + $150.00 C-2 Step 3 Salary + Longevity 20. Dilicia Luster-Harris Teacher Assistant Plainfield High School $29,030.00 + $250.00 6 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity $29,030.00 + $375.00 6 hr. Step 4 Salary + Longevity 16. Emerson School Business Meeting -9- March 15, 2016 Human Resources – Salary Adj. 21. Alicia Migliore Elementary Teacher Cedarbrook School $65,560.00 MA Step 9 Salary $92,225.00 + $750.00 + $350.00 MA+45 Step 16 + Longevity + Stipend Salary + Longevity + Stipend $52,410.00 BA+32 Step 2 Salary $87,500.00 MA Step 13 Salary $66,960.00 MA+32 Step 9 Salary Advancement $92,225.00 + $1,000.00 + $350.00 MA+45 Step 16 + Longevity + Stipend Salary + Longevity + Stipend 22. Karen Natapoff School Counselor Evergreen School 23. Alicia Presley Maxson School 24. Adele Pudner School Nurse Early Childhood Department 25. Danny Ramirez Math Teacher Plainfield High School $60,610.00 BA Step 8 Rasna Sheth Elementary Teacher Cook School 27. Steven Stibich Elementary Teacher Evergreen School 28. Debaune Suratt-Carter Secretary VI Accounting Dept. $70,860.00 BA Step 11 Salary $90,000.00 + $500.00 MA Step 16 Salary + Longevity $63,871.00 Level 6 Step 9 Salary $62,110.00 MA Step 8 Salary Advancement $71,860.00 BA+32 Step 11 Salary Advancement $92,250.00 + $500.00 MA+45 Step 16 Salary Advancement $63,871.00 + $150.00 Level 6 Step 9 Salary + Longevity 26. 29. Sarinet Thorne School Social Worker Evergreen School $88,500.00 + $500.00 BA Step 16 + Longevity Salary + Longevity $88,500.00 + $750.00 BA Step 16 + Longevity Salary + Longevity 30. Ayana Way Math Teacher Cedarbrook School $57,610.00 BA Step 7 Salary $58,610.00 BA+32 Step 7 Salary Advancement 31. Linda Woodard Secretary V Educational Services $61,446.00 + $150.00 Level 5 Step 9 Salary + Longevity $61,446.00 + $500.00 Level 5 Step 9 Salary + Longevity 32. Ashley Eddy Elementary Teacher Stillman School 33. Erica Campbell Science Teacher Maxson School $50,910.00 BA Step 1 Salary $52,210.00 BA Step 3 Salary $52,410.00 MA Step 1 Salary Advancement $53,710.00 MA Step 3 Salary Advancement $52,910.00 MA Step 2 Salary Advancement $87,500.00 + $500.00* MA Step 13 Salary + Longevity *9/1/14 Business Meeting - 10 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources Compensation for Additional Assignments H. Athletics Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2 Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ staff members to participate in extra curricular opportunities within our District. The individuals listed have been verified by the Superintendent of Schools as qualified pursuant to the NJ Administrative Code, Statute 6A:9-1.1, which “sets forth the rules governing preparation, licensure, and professional development of those educators required by their positions to be certified.” The Superintendent in this item has used his authority. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the employment of the following individuals listed for the 2015 – 2016 school year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name Reginald Clark Greg McCray Randolph Hunter Michelle Huff Devyn Hale Darren Salter Sean Radu Position Boys Varsity Track & Field Varsity Asst. Coach Boys Middle School Track & Field Head Coach Boys Middle School Track & Field Asst. Coach Girls Varsity Softball Head Coach Girls Varsity Softball Varsity Asst. Coach Girls Middle School Softball Head Coach Boys Varsity Baseball Head Coach Stipend $3,683.00 $3,212.00 $2,965.00 $5,635.00 $3,683.00 $3,212.00 $5,635.00 Funding Code 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS 27ATHLETICS Business Meeting - 11 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources Educational Services - FY 2017 Action Plans/School Improvement Plans/Schoolwide Plans – (C&I Agenda – February 2016) I. Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the completion of Schoolwide Plans and School Improvement Plans – not to exceed $560.00 per staff member – total cost not to exceed $43,120.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to FY2016 NCLB Title IIA 20-270200000-110R-05-0000 (TIIA Teacher Stipends). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Name Antonia Atkins Joanne Barrett Doug Meyer Marilyn Pisano Yaney Novo Ana Ramos-Saenz Chanice Sears Steven Stibich Zena Young Vanessa Burrowes Marie Maldonado Victoria Malinowsi Breanda Martinez Margie Barrett Eva Burrows Sharon Harris Valerie McKenna Berenice Sears Beatrice Adewole Wayne Bullock Eleanor Hemphill Nancy Salter Bobby Akbar Diana Caspao Maria De La Cruz Josephine El-Raheb Grinnet Foxton Cristina Crowell Patricia Mendola Felisa Trent Jamie Tringali Reginald Clark Elizabeth McIntosh Gregory Powell Oscar Feijoo Samantha Gonnelli Vicki Jenkins Position/Location Elementary Teacher/ Woodland Elementary Teacher/ Woodland Music/Vocal Teacher/ Woodland Elementary Teacher/ Woodland Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/ Evergreen ESL Teacher/ Evergreen Resource Room Teacher/ Evergreen Elementary Teacher/ Evergreen Elementary Teacher/ Evergreen Elementary Generalist/ Clinton Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/ Clinton Elementary Teacher/ Clinton ESL Teacher/ Clinton Elementary Teacher/ Cook Elementary Teacher/ Cook Science Teacher/ Cook Language Arts Teacher/ Cook Resource Support Teacher/ Cook Social Worker/ Cedarbrook Resource Teacher/ Cedarbrook Language Arts Teacher/ Cedarbrook Elementary Teacher/ Cedarbrook Elementary Teacher/ Stillman ESL Teacher/ Stillman Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/ Stillman Elementary Teacher/ Stillman Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher/ Stillman Elementary Teacher/ Washington Supplemental Instruction Teacher/ Washington Elementary Teacher/ Washington Elementary Teacher/ Washington Computer Teacher / BOAACD English Teacher/ BOAACD Computer Teacher/ BOAACD Science Teacher/ PAAAS Guidance Counselor/ PAAAS Dance Teacher/ PAAAS Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 $28.00 per hr./ $560.00 Total Amount $20,720.00 Business Meeting - 12 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources J. Jefferson Elementary K-2 Academy – (C & I Agenda - January 2016) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Jefferson Elementary K-2 Academy for the 20152016 school year – cost not to exceed $20,160.00. The program will operate Tuesday – Thursday 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m., January 2016 – May 2016 (20 weeks) The availability of funds has been verified and will be charged to account 20-232-100000-101S-18-0001 (Title I Teacher Stipends). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. K. Name Constance Brown-Anderson Donna Smith Samara Kearney Dennise Dillon Antoinette Ramirez Christine Rodriguez Padilla Geraldine Valladares Kristina Jerome Position Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Special Education Teacher Bil Education Teacher Bil Education Teacher Bil Education Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,680.00 Total Amount $13,440.00 Kindergarten Registration - 2015 – 2016 – (C&I Agenda – January 2016) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Office of Student Accounting will conduct its registration efforts on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and the evenings of March 15 and 16, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. The individuals listed have been chosen to help facilitate the registration effort that includes medical, clerical and language translation work. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the employment of the employees listed below to provide Kindergarten Registration for the 2015–2016 school year. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name Sharon Hammond Karen Trammell Ellen Frey Adele Pudner Position/Location School Nurse/Stillman School Nurse/Cook School Nurse/Early Childhood School Nurse Early Childhood Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./$420.00 $28.00 per hr./$420.00 $28.00 per hr./$420.00 $28.00 per hr./$420.00 Business Meeting - 13 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources PAAAS – Extra Class Period L. Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all Plainfield Public Schools. Involvement activities that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential. In doing so, it is also committed to providing enrichment in such extra-curricular activities such as the performing arts, student government, athletic teams and social skills. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed staff to be compensated to teach an extra class period at PAAAS Monday – Friday from February 2016 – June 2016. This would ensure that all students will have a teacher and educational activities are being met. The funds for this expense will come from account 15-130-100000-101A-52-0000. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name Onekka Kimble Vincent Barracato Vanita Bentley Corey Carter Jillian Winhold John Pearson Paul D’Amico Position/Location Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher English Teacher English Teacher English Teacher English Teacher TV/Production Teacher Rate of Pay/Maximum $61.89 per pd./$11,450.88 $82.88 per pd./$2,900.80 $69.41 per pd./$2,429.35 $67.46 per pd./$2,361.11 $52.21 per pd./$1,827.35 $52.41 per pd./$1,834.35 $55.61 per pd./$1,946.35 Effective 02/22/15-06/21/16 12/10/15-02/08/16 12/10/15-02/08/16 12/10/15-02/08/16 12/10/15-02/08/16 12/10/15-02/08/16 12/10/15-02/08/16 M. Stillman 2015 – 2016 - Saturday OWL Academy – Addendum – Replacement Teacher - (C&I Agenda March 2016) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed staff members to facilitate the Saturday OWL Academy at Stillman School to operate from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays; beginning Saturday, February 20, 2016 and culminating Saturday, May 14, 2016. The total staff compensation will not exceed $6,622.00. The availability of funds for these items has been verified - the Saturday Academy will be charged to FY14 Title 1 (100-100) Teacher Stipends. Name Shanaya Davis Position/Location Elementary Teacher/Stillman Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $28.00 per hr./$1,232.00 Business Meeting - 14 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources N. 2015 - 2016 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Expanded Learning Program – Additional Staff - (C&I Agenda September 2015) Strategic Plan Link: Goal 5: Community & Family Engagement To implement activities that promote parental involvement and provide opportunities for literacy and related educational development to the families of participating students. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the compensation of the below listed staff to work the 2015-2016 21st CCLC Expanded Learning Program at CH Stillman, WCS, Evergreen and Jefferson Schools and Hubbard Middle School as follows: Site Coordinator at $28.00 per hour-Funding Code 20-450200000-110A-38-0000; Teachers at $28.00 per hour-Funding Code 20-450-100000-100A-38-0000; Teacher Assistants at $10.50 per hour-Funding Code 20-450-100000-100A-38-0000; The expanded learning program at CH Stillman, Evergreen, Jefferson and WCS will operate 2:45PM-5:45PM and Hubbard Middle School will operate 3PM-6PM Monday-Friday beginning Monday, September 28, 2015 through Friday, May 13, 2016. 1. 2. 3. O. Name Devin Walker Lorraine Gilligan Cheryl Dohn Position Substitute Teacher Assistant/WCS Substitute Teacher/WCS Substitute Site Coordinator/All Sites Rate of Pay/Maximum Amount $10.50 per hr./$975.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,025.00 $28.00 per hr./$1,225.00 Total Amount $3,225.00 District Transportation Assignment – 2015-2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the compensation to Joy Davis, Bus Drive for additional administrative assignments and assistance provided to the district, effective November 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 at a monthly prorated stipend rate of $1,000.00 per month. Business Meeting - 15 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources P. Intramurals - 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing enrichment in such extra-curricular activities such as the performing arts, student government, athletic teams and social skills. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves each school’s Intramural Units (extra-curricular activities, i.e. clubs and teams) and compensates staff as per the PEA Guide. An intramural unit is valued at $274.00 and funded by each school’s individual stipend account. (School Year 2015 – 2016) 1. Name Shauna VieBrock 2. 3. Adrienne Cusick Eva Petrus-Burrows Position/Location Physical Education Teacher/Barlow Elementary Teacher/Jefferson Math Teacher/Cook 4. 5. 6. 7. Eva Petrus-Burrows Berenice Sears Berenice Sears Sharon Harris Math Teacher/Cook Resource Teacher/Cook Resource Teacher/Cook Literacy Teacher/Cook Activity Basketball Clinic Grades 2-5 Units 2 Amount $548.00 Boys Basketball National Elementary honor Society Math Club Safety Patrol Lion King Production School Store Total Amount 2 1 $548.00 $274.00 1 2 2 1 11 $274.00 $548.00 $548.00 $274.00 $3,014.00 Business Meeting - 16 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources Q. Compensation for Class Coverage The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education agrees that if a teacher is required to utilize his/her unassigned time for the purpose of substitution; such teacher shall be compensated at the rate of $23.00 per period during the 2015 – 2016 school year. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves compensation for the following individuals for class coverage in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XII.A: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. School Barlow Clinton Washington P.A.A.A.S Name Lawrence Bongon Ana Concha Yackeline Gutierrez-Torres Hisa Mike Oladele Osunsami Shauna VieBrock Maria Acero Antoniette Barracato Laura Christiansen Cristina Guerron Maria Maldonado Victoria Malinowski Sentheia McLeod Maria Pagan Jazmin Quiles Aaron Richards MonaRae Stokes Gabriela Zanatta-Perdomo Marcy Berger Belkys Galvez Stacey Kyle Ursala Marino Karen Oliveira Luz Sepulveda Eric Schnitzer Felisa Trent Jamie Tringali Carol Afriyie Johanna Amaro Vanita Bentley Jennifer Collins Paul Damico Lois Davis-Posey Deborah Ford Jerry Lester Joy Marcus Angelica Munoz Position Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Elementary Teacher Math Teacher Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Elementary Teacher Special Ed Teacher Elementary Teacher Bilingual/Bicultural Teacher Music/Vocal Teacher ELA Teacher Elementary Teacher French Teacher Spanish Teacher English Teacher English Teacher TV Production Teacher Physical Ed Teacher Dance & P.E. Teacher Technology Teacher Social Studies Teacher Graphic Arts Teacher Amount $92.00 $46.00 $23.00 $46.00 $253.00 $1,794.00 $943.00 $1,219.00 $23.00 $69.00 $1,242.00 $851.00 $46.00 $299.00 $621.00 $575.00 $506.00 $437.00 $667.00 $184.00 $460.00 $23.00 $690.00 $23.00 $138.00 $805.00 $230.00 $299.00 $23.00 $161.00 $161.00 $276.00 $644.00 $460.00 $69.00 $184.00 $138.00 Business Meeting - 17 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources – Class Coverage 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Stillman Michael Pisani Edward Yapczenski Oscar Feijoo Amy Guzman Jennifer Kaminski Paola Rached Oscar Feijoo Joey Panchenko Sara R. Argote Science Teacher Health & P.E. Teacher Science Teacher English Teacher Social Studies Teacher Art Teacher Science Teacher Business Organization Spanish Teacher Total Amount R. $253.00 $1,932.00 $138.00 $92.00 $345.00 $92.00 $138.00 $161.00 $69.00 $17,940.00 Professional Growth Reimbursement Strategic Plan Link: Goal 2: Human Resources To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education recognizes the value of professional growth as represented by courses designed to improve an employee’s effectiveness in the classroom by providing partial reimbursement to employees for expenses incurred in approved courses. The listed individuals presented approved coursework in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining and contractual agreements for a pro-rated payment for March 2016 in the amounts indicated below: Position 1. 2. Name Johanna Amaro Deitria Battle Location PAAAS Cedarbrook Amount $2,793.19 $3,863.49 3. 4. 5. 6. Dorothy Bent Natalia Cavagnori Gorgui Chica Virginia Christmas Bilingual Education Teacher Teacher Assistant Math Teacher Elementary Teacher Evergreen Evergreen PHS Woodland $2,362.95 $2,051.04 $1,325.13 $1,181.47 7. Tristian Cox Social Studies Teacher PHS $2,438.56 8. Rose Cruz Teacher Assistant Barlow $2,362.95 9. Denise Dillon Bilingual Education Teacher Jefferson $1,058.60 10. 11. Manal Elkabani Yanira Guardado Elementary Teacher Bilingual Education Teacher Emerson Woodland $2,094.52 $1,248.05 12. 13. Christina Guerron Lamont Harris Bilingual Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Clinton` Jefferson $2,121.66 $2,362.95 14. Johanna Dilone-Heredia Bilingual Education Teacher Washington $2,409.50 15. 16. Lillian Hernandez Nella Hernandez English Teacher Bilingual Education Teacher PHS Washington $1,181.47 $1,181.47 Spanish Teacher Elementary Teacher Business Meeting - 18 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources 17. 18. 19. 20. Kathryn Horne Samantha Lopez Stan Lysenko Theodora Dyane Miller English Teacher Bilingual Education Teacher 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Florinda Monje Stephanie Prybella Carlos Rivera Akia Roche Maria Rosero Alissa Marie Shost Domecq Smith Yolanda Stocks Loretta Taylor Denise Shipman Bilingual Education Teacher 31. 32. Angela Bento Deitria Smith-Snead Principal S. Science Teacher Secretary V Special Education Teacher Social Studies Teacher Secretary V Teacher Assistant Music Teacher Music Teacher Teacher Assistant Elementary Teacher Coord. Pupil Progression Svc. Vice Principal Washington Evergreen Hubbard Ed. Services $441.08 $1,316.84 $1,047.45 $768.60 Washington Woodland PHS PHS/Security Barlow PHS Cook Cedarbrook Woodland Ed. Svcs $2,362.95 $2,362.95 $2,563.33 $1,926.22 $1,958.61 $1,281.66 $427.22 $289.19 $1,217.37 $2,034.00 PAAAS BOAACD $2,648.00 $2,095.00 FY 2016 NCLB Title II A Funding – Personnel – Amendment of Funding Code Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of district and school operations The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following FY 2016 NCLB Title II A funding source for personnel, for the 2015-2016 school year: Name Position Salary Amount % BJ Delores BrownLawson Director of Special Projects $75,990 (50% Title II A) Funding Account 20-270-200000-100A-05-0000 Business Meeting - 19 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources T. Stillman Elementary School – English Classes for Parents - (C&I Agenda – March 2016) Strategic Plan Link Goal 5: Community & Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves English Language acquisition classes to be offered to twenty-five (25) Stillman Parents, April 6 – June 8, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $672.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to FY16 NCLB TITLEI SIA 200-100 Name Seema Govil U. Position English Teacher Rate of Pay/Total Amount $28.00 per hr./$672.00 Consultant Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Plainfield Board of Education has identified a need for a consultant in the Information Technology Department; RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to Dario Minetti to oversee the web development of the Information Technology Department beginning March 15, 2016 thru June 30, 2016. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to Dario Minetti the amount of $40.00 per hour not to exceed $5,000 beginning March 15, 2016 to June 30, 2016. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-252000-340A-08-0000. Business Meeting - 20 - March 15, 2016 Human Resources V. PHS – Extra Class Period Strategic Plan Link: Goal 1: Learning Outcomes To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all Plainfield Public Schools. Involvement activities that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential. In doing so, it is also committed to providing enrichment in such extra-curricular activities such as the performing arts, student government, athletic teams and social skills. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed staff to be compensated to teach an extra class period at PHS Monday – Friday from February 2016 – June 2016. This would ensure that all students will have a teacher and educational activities are being met. The funds for this expense will come from account 15-140-100000-101A-25-0000. 1. 2. 3. W. Name Michaud Jeune Jasmin Lee Therese Rosario Position/Location Special Education Teacher Social Studies Teacher Special Education Teacher Rate of Pay/Maximum $71.21 per pd./$5,554.38 $90.00 per pd./$7,020.00 $57.11 per pd./$4,454.58 Effective 02/26/16-06/30/16 02/26/16-06/30/16 02/26/16-06/30/16 Reassignment The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, the Plainfield Board of Education approves the reassignment of a staff member pending the outcome of an investigation. This staff member’s name is on filed with the Board Secretary. (A roll-call and an affirmative vote of 5 board members are required for passage.) Business Meeting - 21 - XVI. March 15, 2016 REPORT OF THE CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE A. Field Trips (1) “WOW” – World of Wings-Science and Nature Museum – Teaneck, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools is committed to improve the learning and academic performance of all students so they achieve their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the NJCCCS, achieve academic, behavioral, emotional, and life-long success. The Barlow School Kindergarten classes, consisting of seventy (70) students, along with nineteen (19) chaperones will visit the World of Wings Museum, in Teaneck, New Jersey, Friday, April 15, 2016. The cost of admission will funded through the fundraising efforts of Barlow parents and students, and transportation will be provided by the District. The breakdown is as follows: Date Departure / Return Time April 15, 2016 8:30 AM / 12:30 PM Admission (paid through fundraising) $10.00/person – $820.00 (seven Free tickets) Transportation Total Cost No Cost $820.00 The trip will meet the speaking and listening core content standards SL.K.1, 2, 3 and 6 where all students will understand proper social interaction in a non-restrictive environment. They will have the pleasure of enjoying the freedom to socialize with their classmates and applying it to the NJCCCS standards. This field trip will also provide Barlow Kindergarten students with experiences that cannot be duplicated in school. The field trip is an integral part of instruction and is an incentive for students to continue their educational experience beyond the class environment. Upon returning the students will participate in educational activities that will enhance them academically as well as socially and emotionally RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Barlow Kindergarten classes, consisting of seventy (70) students, along with nineteen (19) chaperones to visit the World of Wings (WOW) Science and Nature Museum, Friday, April 15, 2016 – at no cost to the District. Excluding transportation, which will be provided by the District Transportation Department. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 22 - March 15, 2016 (2) Discovery Time Body Worlds – New York, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1. Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve life-long success. Twenty-five (25) Barack Obama Academy of Academic and Civic Development (BOAACD) students in grades 9-12, and three (3) chaperones will travel on April 27, 2016 to Discovery Times Body Worlds in New York, NY. Transportation will be provided by Raritan Valley Bus Service. The breakdown is as follows: Date Departure/Return Time April 27, 2016 9:00 AM/3:00 PM Admission $420.50 - $16.00/student $20.50 (1 chaperone) Transportation Total Cost $925.00 $1,345.50 Our students will learn through the exhibits about the human body, its form and function, its vulnerability and potential, and the challenges it faces navigating the 21 st Century. BODY WORLDS: PULSE is an inspiring, immersive multimedia exhibition about health, wellness, and living to the beat of life in a vibrant, fast-paced city. It is an exhibition unlike any other; body donors have willed their bodies, after death, for plastination and the education of future generations. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves twenty-five (25) Barack Obama students, and three (3) chaperones to visit Discovery Times Body Worlds in New York, April 27, 2016 – total cost will not exceed $1,345.50. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 15-190-100000-800A-51-0000 (BOAACD Field Trip Adm Fee), and 15-000270000-512A-51-0000 (Principal Field Trips). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 23 - March 15, 2016 (3) Statue of Liberty: Liberty Island, New York Harbor – New York, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools is committed to improve the learning and academic performance of all students so they can achieve their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the NJCCCS, achieve academic, behavioral, emotional, and life-long success. Charles H. Stillman Elementary School 4th grade and 5th grade students will visit the Statue of Liberty. Transportation will be provided by District buses. The total cost for both 4 th and 5th grade field trips is $917.00. The breakdown is as follows: Date May 24, 2016 Stillman – 4th Grade ($9.00 per person) Departure / Return Time Students Chaperones 8:30 AM / 2:00 PM 47 5 Admission $468.00 Total Cost $468.00 Date June 2, 2016 Stillman – 5th Grade ($9.00 per person) Departure / Return Time Students Chaperones 8:30 AM / 2:00 PM 46 4 Admission $450.00 Total Cost $450.00 The trip will meet the Literacy Common Core Standards for Reading: Informational (RI 4.1, 4.2, 4.4). Writing (W.4.2, W4.2a, W4.2e). Math Common Core (4.NBT) Number and Operations in Base Ten, (4.MD) Measurement and Data, (4.G) Geometry. Students will participate in field trip activities and lessons to accomplish NJCCCS 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World. All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global communities. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Charles H. Stillman School to visit the Statue of Liberty – total cost not exceed $918.00. The availability of funds for these items have been verified and will be charged to account15-190-100000-800A-20-0000 (Stillman Field Trip Admission). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 24 - March 15, 2016 (4) Matilda on Broadway – Shubert Theatre – New York, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools is committed to improve the learning and academic performance of all students so they achieve their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the NJCCCS, achieve academic, behavioral, emotional, and life-long success. Emerson Community School’s Theatre Group of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, consisting of thirty-five (35) students along with six (6) chaperones will attend a performance of Matilda on Broadway, at the Shubert Theatre, Thursday, June 2, 2016. Transportation will be provided by A-1 Bus and Limousine Service. The breakdown is as follows: Date June 2, 2016 Departure / Return 9:30 am / 6:30 pm Admission - Chaperones Free $1,835.00 ($52/student + $15 handling) Transportation $1,101.78 Total Cost $2, 936.78 They will have the pleasure of enjoying the freedom to socialize with their classmates and applying it to the Common Core standards. The trip will meet the Literacy Common Core Standards for Reading: Informational (RI 4.1, 4.2, 4.4) and Literacy (SL.5.1b, SL.5.1d, SL.5.3) and Visual Performing Arts: 1.2.6 C, 1.3.6 C. Upon returning the students will participate in educational activities that will enhance them academically as well as socially and emotionally. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Emerson Community School’s Theatre Group consisting of thirty-five (35) students along with six (6) chaperones to attend a performance of Matilda on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre, New York, NY – total cost not to exceed $2,936.78. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 15-190100000-800A-16-0000 (Emerson Field Trip Admission Fee); and 15-000-270000-512A-16-0000 (Emerson Principal Field Trip). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 25 - March 15, 2016 (5) Hershey Park – Hershey, PA Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools is committed to improve the learning and academic performance of all students so they achieve their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the NJCCCS, achieve academic, behavioral, emotional, and life-long success. Emerson Community School 5th graders, consisting of eighty-two (82) students along with seven (7) staff members, and eight (8) chaperones will visit, Hershey Park, Friday, June 3, 2016, Transportation will be provided by Raritan Valley Bus Company. The expense breakdown is as follows: Date June 3, 2016 Departure / Return 6:00 AM / 7:00 PM Admission $2,785.35 - $29.95/person – 4 free Transportation $3,100.00 Total Cost $5,885.35 Emerson 5th graders will have the pleasure of enjoying the freedom to socialize with their classmates and applying it to the Common Core standards. The trip will meet the Literacy Common Core Standards for Reading: Informational (RI 5.1, 5.2, 5.4). Writing (W.5.2, W5.2a, W5.2e). Math Common Core (5.NBT) Number and Operations in Base Ten, (5.MD) Measurement and Data, (5.G) Geometry. The students will investigate the disciplines: mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. They will engage in instructional activities that consist of: listening, speaking, and writing. Students will gather information about the transfer of energy used in the manufacturing of chocolate; visit the Hershey museum and factory, and learn how different candies are made. Students will also investigate the history of the company and Hershey’s contribution to the community. The culminating activities will be completed and presented for grading. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Emerson Community Schools’ 5 th grade class to visit Hershey Park, Friday, June 3, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $5,885.35. The availability of funds for this item has been verified, the admission cost will be charged to account 15-190-100000800A-16-0000 (Emerson Field Trip Admission Fee); and 15-000-270000-512A-16-0000 (Emerson Principal Field Trip). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 26 - March 15, 2016 (6) Aladdin – Amsterdam Theater, New York, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and each their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Plainfield High School Student Council, consisting of twenty (20) student leaders in grades 10-12, and two (2) chaperones will attend a performance of Aladdin at the Amsterdam Theater in New York, New York, Saturday, June 4, 2016. The cost of this field trip will be funded through parent/student fundraising efforts. Transportation will be provided by the District. The breakdown is as follows: Date June 4, 2016 Departure/Return 10:00 am/9:00 pm Transportation PPS Transportation Dept. Cost Paid by parent/student fundraising The students will participate in the Educational Program and tour backstage. The Plainfield High School Student Council has been going on field trips to Broadway Theaters since 1990. This field trip will expand the students’ learning beyond the walls of the classroom into the vast community outside. This field trip is an integral part of school instruction. This field trip will provide students with experiences that cannot be duplicated in school. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves twenty (20) Student Council Student Leaders, and two (2) chaperones to attend the performance of Aladdin at the Amsterdam Theater in New York, Saturday, June 4, 2016. The cost of the field trip will be funded through fundraising efforts of parents and students. There is no cost to the District. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 27 - March 15, 2016 (7) Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) – New York City, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, the adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to improve the learning and academic performance of all students so they achieve their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the NJCCCS, achieve academic, behavioral, emotional, and life-long success. Clinton’s 5th Grade, consisting of seventy-five (75) students, and nine (9) chaperones, will visit MoMath (Museum of Mathematics) in New York City, New York, Tuesday, June 14, 2016. Transportation will be provided by Raritan Valley Bus Company. The breakdown is as follows: Date Departure / Return June 14, 2016 9:00 am / 4:00 pm Admission $1,575.00 $21.00/student – chaperones free Transportation Total Cost $1,990.00 $3,565.00 This trip will be Clinton’s Fifth Grade culminating activity for the 2015-2016 school year. Students will be exposed to the museum’s hands-on innovative exhibits. Students will explore the various exhibits of math through hands-on activities. At this museum there is a wealth of knowledge that would benefit the students. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Clinton’s Fifth Grade field trip to MoMath in New York City, Tuesday, June 14, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $3,565.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 15-000-270000512A-14-0000 (Clinton Field Trips), and 15-190-100000-800A-14-0000 (Field Trip Admission Fees). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction B. - 28 - March 15, 2016 Grants (1) 2016-2017 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Continuation Grant – Approval for Submission of Application (NGO# 16-EK37-H05) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To provide high-quality educational and enrichment programs that will enable students to improve academic achievement, and promote positive behavior and appropriate social interaction with peers and adults. Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, development of District staff. Goal 3: Business Practice: To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of District school operations. Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and community members. Goal 5: Community & Family Engagement: To implement activities that promote parental involvement and provide opportunities for literacy and related educational development to the families of participating students. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield of Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to submit the following application for federal funds, monitored by the NJDOE, to develop and implement a high-quality, out-of-school time services (afterschool and summer) at five (5) school sites including Charles H. Stillman Elementary School, Washington Community School, Evergreen Elementary School, Jefferson Elementary School, and Hubbard Middle School. The program services are for a targeted population of no less than three hundred-one (301) students and their families for the Five Year Grant Period (9/1/14-8/31/19). Funding Source New Jersey Department of Education Office of Student Support Services Program Description Administrator Amount st The mission of the 21 CCLC Afterschool Anna Belin-Pyles $550,000.00 and Summer Programs is to provide a safe, well-supervised environment beyond the traditional school day/year in which youth participate in a variety of educational, cultural and recreational activities designed to foster a commitment to life-long learning and promote positive behavior. Each center will offer age-appropriate activities using various curricula areas to address the physical, intellectual and emotional needs of all students. Both programs will provide academic support and enrichment activities aligned to CCSS/NJCCCS in the areas of arts and culture, youth development and parental involvement. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 29 - March 15, 2016 (2) Grant Submission: Turn Around Partnerships – New Jersey (TAP-NJ) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of School recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The purpose of this grant opportunity improve the academic achievement of P-12 students by developing, enhancing and implementing a leadership pipeline that selects, prepares, supports and retains school leaders (including leadership teams) for schools that have received a School Improvement Grant (SIG schools) and SIG-eligible schools. The TAP-NJ program builds on the University’s commitment to the Plainfield Public Schools by partnering with us. The project is consistent with the District’s mission with regard to hiring and supporting school and teacher leaders who are committed to developing students who are successful and college and career ready upon high school graduation. As well as, further develop school and teacher leaders who will create positive school cultures that are inviting to staff and the community at large, while inspiring school/teacher leaders to the highest levels of professional efficacy. Plainfield Public Schools will partner with Kean University as part of the proposed grant program in partnership with William Paterson University. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to submit the application for the Turn Around Partnerships-New Jersey (TAP-NJ) Grant. Funding Source FY2015-16 Program Description Partnerships are at the heart of this grant opportunity. Principal partners must be: 1) Institution of Higher Education (IHE) and its unit/division that prepares teachers and principals; 2) School of arts and sciences (typically within IHE); 3) High-need Local Education Agency (LEA). The Goals for Year One: To develop a high-quality professional learning system to prepare teacher leaders to serve; to train an initial group of teacher leaders; to provide professional learning opportunities to district and school leaders; leadership development program. Amount No allocation of funds to the District. Kean University: Management of funding allocation. Administrator BJ Brown Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 30 - March 15, 2016 (3) 2015-2016 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Programs – Collaborator/ Partner Agreements – Amended from Sept. 2015, Bus. Agenda – Revised Vendor Cost Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS; increase percentage of students demonstrating academic progress; improve attendance rate; decrease suspension rate Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of district staff; strengthen after school/summer professional learning communities; Continue with Student/College Interns working the program; Increase the number of staff participating in on/off site professional development Goal 5: Community & Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation; increase number of parents attending school sponsored parent events/workshops; Increase number of community partnerships The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education will enter into agreements for the purpose of rendering enrichment learning services, aligned to NJCCCS/CCSS, for students participating in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) afterschool programs at CH Stillman Elementary, Washington Community Schools, Evergreen Elementary School, Jefferson Elementary School (grades 4-5) and Hubbard Middle School (grades 6-8) with the following providers: The identified collaborator is included in the 2015-2016 SY 21st CCLC Continuation Grant application. The partner and collaborator has a documented history of demonstrating expertise in their service area meeting all the guidelines and regulations put forth by the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Educational Support Services (by way of NCLB Act 2001, Title IV, Part B). The program partner and collaborator will provide essential educational services as identified in the 2015-2016 SY 21st CCLC Continuation Grant application’s project activity plan (PAP). Foundations, Inc. - The NJDOE 21st CCLC 2015 NGO requires awarded grantees to acquire an outside project technical assistance specialist non-affiliated with the grantee. Foundations, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to improving educational experiences for America's youth by partnering with education entities. Foundations, Inc. will conduct one (1) quarterly site visit at the five (5) afterschool sites for a total of twenty (20) visits, facilitate one four-hour half day workshops with related materials and provide a copy of GraffitWall, Global GraffitiWall, and STEM GraffitiWall (books & CDs) for each of the five afterschool sites and the two summer sites, as well as provide ongoing technical assistance on an as needed basis for the 20152016 grant year for a total 48.54 hours @ $185.00 per hour for a total of $8,979.70. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Plainfield Public Schools to enter into a contractual agreement with program partner, Elaine Walker, Ph.D (Sametric Research, LLC), and community collaborator (Foundations, Inc.) at a total cost of $8,979.70. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-450-200000-320A-38-0000 (21st CCLC Instructional and Non-Instructional), and 20-450-100000-320A-38-0000 (Purchased Professional Services). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 31 - March 15, 2016 (4) Amendment of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grant – FY2014-2015 Strategic Plan Link Goal: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of School recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act grant funds are used to improve student achievement and help close the achievement gap through school improvement and reform. The IDEA Grant is an annual resource that is funded by the Federal government through the New Jersey Department of Education. Funding Source FY2014/2015 Individuals with Disabilities Act Basic Grant FY2014/2015 Individuals with Disabilities CEIS FY2014/2015 Individuals with Disabilities Act Non-Public Program Description Basic grant funds are used for services and supplies for special education students and mandated EIS services. Preschool grant funds are used for services and supplies for special education students Non-Public funds are used for services and supplies for special education students enrolled in non-public schools Amount Carryover Administrator $93,710 Antoinette Adams $5962 Antoinette Adams $10,428 Antoinette Adams RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education amends the IDEA FY 2014-2015 budget to include carryover of $110,100.00 from the FY 2014-2015. Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 32 - March 15, 2016 C. Professional Development (1) NJ SORA Recertification Training – In District Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in district professional development opportunities. All contractual PPS Security Officers will participate in recertification training to be compliant with "Security Officer's Registration Act”, (N.J.S. 45:19A-1 to 45:19A-12). By providing this recertification training, Security Officers will be refreshed in a variety of subjects related to the safety and security of students and staff; which will allow them to better understand and perform their duties. The knowledge gained through SORA training offers exposure to fundamental concepts and principles of the security industry. Contractual officers would like to participate in this recertification, Friday, March 25, 2016, (Good Friday), for no additional pay. The breakdown is as follows: Date / Time March 25, 2016 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Course Cost Per Officer # of Officers Total Cost NJ SORA Recertification $147.45 35 $5,160.75 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves NJ SORA recertification training for all contractual Security Officers, Friday, March 25, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $5,160.75. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-266000300A-40-0000 (Purch. Professional & Tech. Svcs). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 33 - March 15, 2016 (2) HighScope Curriculum Training of Trainers – Online Workshops Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in professional development opportunities. Master Teacher, Carrie Ann Floyd, will take part in online workshops offered by the HighScope Foundation, located in Ypsilanti, Michigan, from April 4th, 2016 to June 20th, 2016. In order to maintain certification as a trainer you must attend a minimum of forty (40) hours offered by the HighScope Foundation. Master Teacher, Carrie Ann Floyd, needs twenty-one (21) more credits to maintain certification. The breakdown is as follows: Expense Description HighScope Online Courses — All About the Numbers Plus Preschool Mathematics — Trainer Course: Presenting and Facilitating — Planning and Recall: Why and How Books and Materials for Conference Recertification Fee Cost Amount $300.00 $225.00 $150.00 $25.00 x 3 $65.00 x 1 Total Cost Extended Amount $675.00 $75.00 $65.00 $815.00 Upon completion of the training, Master Teacher, Carrie Ann Floyd will be certified as a trainer in the High/Scope curriculum and in turn, will provide training, ongoing coaching and mentoring to preschool staff to ensure high quality curriculum and program implementation. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Carrie Ann Floyd, Master Teacher to take part in online workshops offered by the HighScope Foundation, from April 4th, 2016 to June 20th, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $815.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-218-200000-329A-34-0000 (ECPA Other Pur Professional Services). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 34 - March 15, 2016 (3) HighScope Curriculum Training of Trainers – Commack, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities. The Master Teachers from The Office of Early Childhood, listed below, will attend the Preschool Training of Trainers, conducted by the HighScope Foundation, April 14 and 15, May 25, 26 and 27 2016, in Commack, New York. Master Teachers – Early Childhood Shalini Kathuria Tanaisha White The expense breakdown is as follows. Both Master Teachers will drive roundtrip (separately). Expense Description HighScope Course Two (2) site visits by High Scope Evaluators (estimated travel and hotel costs) Books and Materials for Course Estimated mileage home to Commack NY one way 87 miles @ .31 per mile (2 person is driving) Hotel (2 persons) $126 Plus Tax $15 Per Diem (2 persons) Estimated Mileage Hotel to training center one way approx. 10 miles @ .31 per mile (2 persons) Cost Amount $4,100. X 2 Extended Amount $8,200.00 $350. + $960. X 2 $50. X 2 $2,620.00 $100.00 $87. X $.31 X 2 X 4 round trips (5 nights X $141. X 2 persons) $48. X 2 days - $64. X 3 days $216.00 $1,410.00 $576.00 (5 Days X 20 Miles X @.31) X 2 $62.00 Total Cost – $13,184.00 Upon their completion of the training Master Teachers Shalini Kathuria and Tanaisha White will be certified and will provide training, ongoing coaching and mentoring to preschool staff to ensure high quality curriculum and program implementation. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Master Teachers Shalini Kathuria and Tanaisha White to attend the High Scope course “Preschool Training of Trainers”, April 14-15, and May 25-27, 2016 in Commack, New York – total cost not to exceed $13,184.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-218-200000-329A-34-0000 (ECPA Other Pur Professional Services), 20-218-200000-104A-34-0000 (ECE Salary Other Professional Staff), and 20-218-580A-34-0000 (ECE Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 35 - March 15, 2016 (4) 2016 New Jersey Speech-Hearing-Language Association Convention – Long Branch, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 2: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district Professional Development opportunities. The PPS staff members listed below, will attend the 2016 New Jersey Speech-Language – Hearing Annual Convention, April 14-15, 2016 in Long Branch, New Jersey. Name Vinette Klisch* Marie Blot** Title – Department Speech/Language Therapist – SPED PIRT Member – Early Childhood The breakdown is as follows: Cost to Attend $275.00 – Member* $350.00 – Non-Member** Mileage - Roundtrip $25.42 Cost $300.42 $375.42 Total Cost $675.84 Attendance at the conference is required in order to maintain national certification which is required by Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) and for Plainfield Public Schools to receive reimbursement for speech/language services that are provided to Medicaid eligible students. The conference will offer a full range of workshops needed for therapists to acquire the ten (10) hours of course work needed to maintain national American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) certification. In addition, the conference will provide updated information and the latest research, issues and trends related to audiology, and speech-language pathology in education. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Vinette Klisch and Marie Blot, to attend the 2016 New Jersey Speech-Hearing-Language Association Annual Convention, April 14-15, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $675.84. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 20-252-200000-500A-32-0000 (IDEA Workshops), 20-218-200000-329A-340000 (ECPA Other Pur Profesion), and 20-218-200000-580A-34-0000 (ECE Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 36 - March 15, 2016 (5) Teachers College Digital and Media Literacy Institute – New York, NY Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention, and development of District staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to have staff members participate in out-of-district Professional Development opportunities. The PPS staff listed below will attend the Teachers College Digital and Media Literacy Institute, April 21-23, 2016, in New York City, NY. Name Linda C. Anderson Celia Bouffidis Joan Cansdale Tamara Cress Jo Allyn Henry Anita Kaur Position/Location Media Specialist/Emerson Media Specialist/Maxson ELA Supv. (6-12)/Ed.Svcs. Media Specialist/Barlow/Stillman Media Specialist/Cook/Woodland Media Specialist/PHS Name Barbara Klinck Donna Mullaney Elmer Rivera Kenneth Shenton Cosimo Torello Position/Location Media Specialist/Hubbard ELA Supv. (K-5)/Ed. Svcs. Media Specialist/Washington Media Specialist/Evergreen Media Specialist/Cedarbrook The expense breakdown per person, per the GSA, is as follows: Registration (per person) $650.00 Transportation (per person) Meals (lunch per person) $100.00 $55.50 ($18.50 per day) Total Cost – $8,860.50 Cost Per Person $805.50 Attendance at the Teachers College Digital and Media Literacy Institute will introduce the district’s Library Media team to current methods for authentically tapping the power of digital tools and media in support of classroom literacy instruction across the curriculum. A variety of skills and concepts will be explored including: Comprehension of multimodal texts Digital and media production within reading/writing block Analysis of source reliability Media criticism Digital citizenship RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the listed PPS staff members to attend the Teachers College Digital and Media Literacy Institute in New York City from April 21-23, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $8,860.50. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to FY2016 NCLB Title IIA accounts 20-270-200000-500T-05-0001 (TIIA Trav/Hotel/Meals), and 20-270-200000—500T-05-0000 (TIIA Conf Reg Costs). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 37 - March 15, 2016 (6) American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid Course – In-District Training Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff, and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in district professional development opportunities. All PPS Security Officers (full- and part-time) will participate in the American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid Course provided by Team Life. The course will take place during the District scheduled Professional Development day, Friday, April 22, 2016. The Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED is a classroom, video-based, Instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage a first aid, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Students learn skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock, and other first aid emergencies. This course also teaches adult CPR and AED use, which will be a refresher for the officers. Officers will receive a two (2) year First Aid certification card. The breakdown is as follows: American Heart Association Course Heartsaver First Aid Hours of Training 1:00 AM – 2:00 PM Total Cost $1,715.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Heartsaver First Aid Course, provided by Team Life for all PPS Security Officers, April 22, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $1,715.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11000-266000-300A-40-0000 (Purch. Professional & Tech. Svcs). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 38 - March 15, 2016 (7) Orton-Gillingham Reading Program Evaluation Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative staff members to perform additional assignments within our District. During the 2014-15 school year, teachers throughout the district, were trained in the Orton-Gillingham methods. Orton-Gillingham is a multisensory method of reading instruction; the approach allows teachers to incorporate into their daily lessons the five (5) components essential to an effective reading program: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension strategies. The expense breakdown for a consultant from the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education to provide an assessment of the implementation of the strategies taught. This observation will assist the administrators and teachers to effectively implement, manage, and assess the Orton-Gillingham program, is as follows: Dates Total Cost May 2-3, 2016 $3,400.00 In order to support the program’s implementation and provide guidance, an observation and subsequent training is necessary to provide guidance on the following: Observation of the program’s implementation in the K, 1, and 2 grade classrooms Feedback on the strategies and procedures used for implementation Model lesson presentations with question and answer periods Modifications for special education students, for English language learners in accordance with NJAC 6A:15. The expertise acquired through the Orton-Gillingham training will allow teachers to deliver explicit instruction in the identified key areas while utilizing and strengthening all learning pathways. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the two (2) day Orton-Gillingham Consultation, May 2-3, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $3,400.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-190-100018-320A-16-0000 (Emerson Educational Consult). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 39 - March 15, 2016 (8) HighScope International Conference Spring 2016 – Detroit, MI Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the district and the students. Therefore, the Plainfield Public Schools does both require and encourage employees to take continuing education courses to improve their professional knowledge, maintain professional credentials and to operate most effectively and efficiently in the delivery of services to the children of the District. Early Childhood Director Evelyn Motley and Vice Principal Elena Rutherford, will attend the HighScope Foundation 2016 International Conference themed Striving for Excellence and Equity in Early Learning, May 10-12, 2016, at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan. The expense breakdown, per the GSA, is as follows: Registration $950.00 Transportation $1,012.00 Lodging (inc. tax) $1,672.00 Meals/Incidentals $690.00 Total $4,324.00 The primary goal of the institute is to deepen participants’ understanding of the expanding early childhood knowledgebase, provide a forum for addressing significant, controversial issues affecting young children’s education, and help attendees develop skills that improve professional development and practice. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves Evelyn Motley and Elena Rutherford to attend the HighScope Foundation 2016 International Conference, May 10-12, 2016, in Detroit, Michigan – total cost not to exceed $4,324.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to accounts 20-218-200000-329A-34-0000 (ECPA Other Pur Professional Services), and 20218-580A-34-0000 (ECE Travel). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 40 - March 15, 2016 (9) Teacher Effectiveness – Online E-course – Professional Development Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION Plainfield Public Schools recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in the utilization of digital content. The Department of Professional Development/Teacher Effectiveness in partnership with Literacy Solutions will provide on-demand, online learning professional development to enhance teachers’ professional learning and practices. Literacy Solutions’ courses offer solid professional and personalized blended learning experiences that are immediately transferrable through interactive, classroom-friendly, teacher-friendly concepts and resources. The courses include only research and evidence-based materials, methods and strategies with field-tested application tools designed to improve teaching performance, content knowledge, and lead to learning that transfers to classrooms through mentoring, coaching and jobembedded experiences. Plainfield School District will purchase and own the course entitled: Classroom Management That Cultivates Respect and Rapport. This twenty (20) hour online, asynchronous e-course, based on Danielson’s Domain 2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport, will delve into the rules for appropriately handling delicate teacher-student situations in the classroom by understanding how to diffuse conflict through the six (6) steps to problem-solving. Total Cost $6,500.00 Literacy Solutions will also provide professional development to manage and facilitate this course within the Department of Professional Development/Teacher Effectiveness. This e-course will be available on-demand, for individual, professional learning communities and grade-level teams throughout the District. This course will also be included as additional support to the professional development offerings for new teachers as part of our New Teacher Learning Support Seminars. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves a partnership between Plainfield Public Schools and Literacy Solutions – total cost not to exceed $6,500.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account IIA 20-270-200000-300A-05-0001 (FY2016 NCLB Title IIA). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction (10) - 41 - March 15, 2016 The NJTESOL-BE Annual Spring Conference – New Brunswick, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out of district professional development opportunities. The PPS ESL/Bilingual staff listed below will attend the NJTESOL-BE Annual Spring Conference, June 1-3, 2016, at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The New Jersey Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages and Bilingual Educators (NJTESOL-BE) is a professional organization devoted to representing and servicing the English Language Learners and Bilingual Education professionals of the State of New Jersey. This conference will provide an opportunity to engage its attendees in in numerous workshops and exhibitions. This conference allows teachers to network with other ESL/Bilingual educators from across the nation. The breakdown is as follows: One Day $264.00 Staff Name Phillip Williamson Idelisse Gonzalez Jay Rossin Jesus Peraza Sandra Lopez Donavan Brenda Martinez Michael Carrington Bridget Trott Candus Hedburg Andrea Green Diana Caspao Kim Miller David Jin Edith Farrell Cost to Attend Two Days $344.00 Position Principal, Bil. ED, ESL, WL Resource Teacher Resource Teacher ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator Three Days $424.00 Location Board Office Board Office Board Office Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Emerson Evergreen Evergreen Jefferson Stillman Stillman Washington Woodland # of Days 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cost $424.00 424.00 424.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 42 - March 15, 2016 The NJTESOL-BE Annual Spring Conference (cont’d) Staff Name Mary Perez Seema Govil Adolfo Gillioz Antonella Rossi Annie Ramos Maria Acero Victoria Rios Emma Anderson Yaneth Sierra Grinnet Foxton Luz Sepulveda Yanira Guardado Brunilda Solano Gilberto Ladino Tatiana Newcomer Yackeline Gutierrez Casandra Bazelay Regina Mazza Stephanie Sawhney Ann Pittius Tim Spaur Indra Barreto Abiola Adewinmi Shirley Clore Katherine Horne Liza Darmstadt Alissa Marie Shust Vincent Rosano Lynda Gorczyca Sara Glassman Julia Pujlos Lenny Jimenez Maria Sinfon-Phum Karla Brito Melissa Grau Maria Pagan Position ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Liaison ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL Bilingual Liaison Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Location Hubbard Hubbard Maxson Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Emerson Evergreen Jefferson Stillman Washington Woodland Hubbard Maxson Maxson Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton Emerson Emerson Jefferson Jefferson Stillman Washington Washington PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS Barlow Barlow Cedarbrook Clinton # of Days 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Cost $344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 344.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 344.00 344.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 43 - March 15, 2016 The NJTESOL-BE Annual Spring Conference (cont’d) Staff Name Lissette Hernandez Daniela Urquizo Alina Rubio Gabriela Lazeration Joanna Valdez Nataly Diaz Maria De La Cruz Rosemary Clark Johanna Heredia Viviana Villamil Marie Maldonado Dilver Ortiz Yaney Novo Tara Cuneo Guillermo Pena Belkys Galvez Christina Guerron Byron Cevallos Diana Saenz Torres Neyreda Williams Position Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher Bilingual Teacher SLA SLA Location Emerson Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Jefferson Jefferson Stillman Washington Washington Barlow Clinton Emerson Evergreen Evergreen Jefferson Washington Clinton Evergreen Maxson BOAACD # of Days Cost 1 $264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 1 264.00 2 344.00 2 344.00 Total Cost – $21,360.00 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the Bilingual/ESL/World Language staff to attend The NJTESOL/NJBE Annual Spring Conference, June 1-3, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-240-200000-500A-39-0000 (Conf. Registr). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction (11) - 44 - March 15, 2016 New Jersey Association of School Business Officials – Atlantic City, NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. Therefore, it has provided the Superintendent of Schools the authority to employ non-administrative and administrative staff members to participate in out-of-district professional development opportunities. WHEREAS, the specific focus is to lead district’s through today’s’ economic challenges, review policy and legal updates, homeless and residency requirements, cooperative transportation and pensions. Gary Ottmann, School Business Administrator, along with Yolanda Koon, Assistant School Business Administrator, will attend the NJASBO, 54th Annual Conference in Atlantic City, NJ, June 8-10, 2016. The NJ DOE Commissioner, David C. Hespe, has granted a waiver for lodging. The breakdown, per person/per the GSA, is as follows: Registration $300.00 Lodging (inc. 18% tax) $457.84 Travel $308.00 Food/Incidentals $320.00 Total Cost $1,385.84 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Gary L. Ottmann and Yolanda Koon, to attend the NJASBO, 54th Annual Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 8-10, 2016, at a cost not to exceed $1,400.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-251000-592T-04-0000 (Misc. Purch. Srv). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 45 - March 15, 2016 D. Woodland – Art Night - Printmaking Center of NJ Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and achieve academic and life-long success. The Printmaking Center of NJ will conduct a Monotype Printmaking Workshop at Woodland Elementary School during its Annual Art Night. DATE/TIME March 17, 2016 / 6-8 p.m. TITLE OF WORKSHOP Monoprinting Art Program TOTAL COST $360.00 The workshop will include demonstrations and hands-on experiences. Students will learn monotype printmaking using inks, watercolors, pencils, and other materials. The final product will be one the students will be able to take home. The Printmaking Center will provide the instructor and materials. The expense breakdown is as follows: RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to the Printmaking Center of NJ for the Printmaking Workshop at Woodland Elementary School, March 17, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $360.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-190-100000-500A-22-0000 (Woodland Instructional Other Purchase Service). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 46 - March 15, 2016 E. English Classes for Parents – Stillman Elementary School Strategic Plan Link Goal 5: Community & Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Active engagement of families and community members in the educational process of our students is key. With a fast growing Spanish speaking community in Plainfield, there is an increase need to offer our parents support in English Language acquisition. Beginning English classes will be offered at Stillman Elementary School for ten (10) weeks. The breakdown is as follows: Dates April 6 – June 8, 2016 Day / Time Wednesday / 6:00 pm Parents 25 Staff 1 Rate per Hour/Maximum $28.00 / $672.00 Total Cost $672.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves English Language acquisition classes to be offered to twenty-five (25) Stillman Parents, April 6 – June 8, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $672.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to 11-000223000-104S-26-0000 (Staff Prof. training Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 47 - March 15, 2016 F. Anti-Bullying and Character Education Consultant – Woodland Strategic Plan Link Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment: To provide a safe, secure, professional and clean environment for students, staff and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and life-long success. Ted Fattoross, Keynote Speaker, Seminar Leader, Coach, and Consultant will conduct an AntiBullying and Character Education workshop for the Woodland Elementary School PTO (Parent Teacher Organization), Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 6:00 PM. The breakdown is: Workshop Anti-Bullying and Character Education Total Cost $350.00 Mr. Fattoross has nineteen (19) years of experience, and has been featured on national TV and radio programs. He provides over 300 programs each year on a variety of topics which include selfesteem, conflict resolution, teamwork and leadership. RESOLVED, Plainfield Board of Education approves payment to Ted Fattoross for the Anti-Bullying and Character Education Workshop to be held at Woodland Elementary School, Thursday, April 14, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $350.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-232-200000-300A-22-0000 (Title I – Woodland Parent Presenters). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 48 - March 15, 2016 G. PAAAS – Acellus Online Program – 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes a highly qualified, competent, skilled and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, and achieve life-long success. Acellus is a computerized learning system for delivering self-paced instruction in an Interactive format. The Acellus system provides schools with online courses designed to help students gain missing credits needed for graduation. Acellus courses are taught via video instruction, and combined with adaptive and interactive assessments on each concept. The Acellus Mathematics and Language Arts are aligned to the Common Core Standards. PAAAS has been approved for an Acellus Grant of $17,415.00 for the 2015-2017 two school years. The District’s contribution is $12.00 per student-equivalent to $7,309.50 which is not covered by the grant. RESOLVED, that Plainfield Board of Education approves the Acellus Online Program for the 20152017 school years – total cost not to exceed $7,309.50. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-000-221000-320A-52-0000 (PAAAS Prof Services). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 49 - March 15, 2016 H. Charles H. Stillman – Saturday OWL Academy (AMENDED) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and insuring all students meet the Common Core and achieve academic and life-long success. The 2015-2016 Saturday OWL Academy was approved as part of the 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan submitted to the Regional Achievement Center (RAC) as governed by the New Jersey Department of Education. Funding will be utilized to develop and provide high quality instruction to provide academic intervention for forty-five (45) at-risk students. Students are selected based on the following criteria: Grades, 3, 4, & 5 – based on End of Unit Assessment Scores (Unit 1 & 2), DRA, and IReady/Istation scores. Staff will be compensated at the contractual rate. The breakdown is as follows: Dates / Hours Day Staff Feb. 20 – May 14, 2016 8:30 – 7:30 AM Saturday Morning 5 – Certified 1 –TAs Rate Per Hour/Maximum $28.00/$1,232.00 $10.50 / $462.00 Cost Total Cost $6,160.00 $462.00 $6,622.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Saturday OWL Academy at Charles H. Stillman School to operate Saturdays; beginning February 20, 2016, culminating May 14, 2016 – total cost not to exceed $6,622.00. The availability of funds has been confirmed from FY2016 NCLB Title I SIA 100-100 Accounts (Teacher Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 50 - March 15, 2016 I. The Barlow B.E.A.R. “Safety Net” After School Program – AMENDED # of Staff Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students are academically successful and reach their full potential. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards for optimal academic achievement, and life-long success. To increase students’ academic achievement by offering high-quality supplemental services in core academic areas, DeWitt D. Barlow Elementary School will implement a “Safety Net Prep” after school program. The “Safety Net“ Program, entitled Barlow B. E. A. R. (Barlow Excelling in Arithmetic and Reading), is to provide additional extracurricular instruction for 3rd, 4th, 5th grade students who have been identified as academically at risk in Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics. DRA scores, benchmark assessments data, and end of unit or teacher made tests, were used to identify students in need. Staff will be compensated at the contractual rate. The breakdown is as follows: Dates / Hours Feb. 22 – May 26, 2016 3:05 – 5:05 PM Days Staff Rate Per Hour Maximum Rate Total Cost Tues. – Thurs. 8 $28.00 $1,260.00 $10,080.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the Barlow B. E. A. R. Safety Net Program – total cost not to exceed $10,080.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 20-230-100000-101S-11-0000 (Title I Unified Plan – 20152016 SIA, Part A Application). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 51 - March 15, 2016 J. Academic Performance Credit Recovery – AMENDED from February 16, 2015 Agenda Strategic Plan Link Goal 1. Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The implementation of Barack’s Academic Performance Credit Recovery program will ensure all student academic needs are being addressed. In addition, daily attendance in the program will ensure students meet graduation requirements as per PPS District Policy. One staff member will work per day, based on number of students in attendance. Staff will work Tuesday through Friday, 3:05-3:50pm. Participation is open to thirty-one (31) seniors, and fifteen (15) juniors. The breakdown per the collective bargaining agreement, is as follows: Dates February 8, 2016 to June 17, 2016 Staff / Position Reginald Clark / Social Studies Teacher Gregory Powell / Business Teacher Elizabeth McIntosh / English Teacher Rate of Pay /Maximum $47.59 per pd. / $3,616.84 $54.63 per pd. / $4,151.88 $56.21 per pd. / $4,272.46 Total Cost $12,041.18 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves BOAACD Credit Recovery – total cost not to exceed $12,041.18. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 15-140-100000-101S-51-0000 (BOAACD Stipends). Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 52 - March 15, 2016 K. K-5 School Grade Band Teams – Summer Grade Level Math Articulation Workshops – (Amended from May 19, 2015 Business Agenda p. 40 – Account Revision) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The District is committed to raising the standards and student performance through providing professional development for staff. The Elementary Math Office needs to provide intensive learning opportunities related to the common content knowledge required for mathematics that supports and prepares our staff to implement the standards effectively in the elementary classroom. As such, the Elementary Math Office has identified the need to establish the K-5 School Grade Band Teams Summer Grade Level Math Articulation Workshops. The workshops will assist teachers in understanding the math content and instructional strategies for each grade level, utilizing the district-curriculum for instruction, developing assessments, and how to use the My Math text as a resource. The workshop is designed to develop a grade band cohort of teachers from each elementary school in understanding the district instructional focus for mathematics for the 2015-2016 school year. K-5 School Grade Band Teams–Summer Grade Level Math Articulation Workshops - Time: 9AM-3PM # of Positions Rate of Pay # of Days Cost Grade K Teachers 10 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $7,000.00 Grade 1 Teachers 10 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $7,000.00 Grade 2 Teachers 10 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $7,000.00 Grade 3 Teachers 10 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $7,000.00 Grade 4 Teachers 10 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $7,000.00 Grade 5 Teachers 10 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $7,000.00 Supplemental Instruction Teachers 7 35 x 5 hrs. = $175 4 $4,900.00 Total Number of Teaching Staff 67 Total $46,900.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the establishment of K-5 School Grade Band Teams Summer Grade Level Math Articulation Workshops, August 24-27, 2015 in the amount of $46,900.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to FY2016 NCLB account 20-270-200000-110A-05-0000 (Title II Stipends) Business Meeting Curriculum & Instruction - 53 - March 15, 2016 L. In-District Professional Development ELA Summer Institutes Grades 3-12 – (Amended from May 19, 2015 Business Agenda p. 49 – Account Revision) Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 2: Human Resources: To improve the recruitment, retention and development of District staff The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education recognizes that a highly qualified, competent, skilled, and dedicated workforce is essential to the success of the District and the students. The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring that all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring that all students meet the state standards, achieve academic, and lifelong success. The Summer ELA institutes will address: The development of lesson structures Application of research-based pedagogical strategies Implementation effective classroom assessments. The workshop offerings below are designed to assist teachers with the implementation of teaching strategies to foster learning and/or assessment strategies to guide daily instruction. Summer ELA Institutes Dates: July 13-30, 2015 Workshop Presenters Teacher Stipends ($25 each day) Materials/Books Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Rate of Pay # of Days $1500 6 $100 6 Total Cost $ 9,000.00 $15,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $28,500.00 RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the establishment of the In-District Summer ELA Professional Development Institute total cost not to exceed $28,500.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to FY2016 NCLB Title IIA account 20-270200000-110C-05-0000 (Title IIA Teacher Stipends). Business Meeting - 54 - March 15, 2016 XVII. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE A. Reports of the Board Secretary and Treasurer – January 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board Secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the District Board of Education. The Treasurer of School Monies is required by statute to submit a report to the Board of Education on the cash balance in the various Board of Education Bank accounts. The Board Secretary’s Report and the Report of the Treasurer of School Monies for the stated period were in agreement. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Plainfield Board of Education certifies that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations for the remainder of the year, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education directs the Superintendent to initiate whatever actions may be determined to be appropriate. Business Meeting Finance – Board Sec’y FUND - 55 - CASH BALANCE March 15, 2016 APPROPRIATION BALANCE FUND BALANCE (10) General Current Expense Fund (11, 16, 17,18) Current Expense 1,378,353.28 (12) Capital Outlay - (13) Special Schools - (15) Reform Schools - Capital / Maintenance Reserve (20) Special Revenue Fund 9,450,696.98 4,196,090.76 - 3,107,307.72 - 3,883,348.75 112,500.98 14,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 11,000,000.00 12,630,193.54 2,863,766.83 104,573.42 (30) Capital Projects Fund - - - (40) Debt Service Fund - - - (60) Enterprise Fund TOTAL 405,100.63 745,144.53 1,001,666.41 28,413,647.45 24,139,047.85 15,326,048.53 Business Meeting Finance B. - 56 - March 15, 2016 Payment of Bills –– February 12, 2016 – March 10, 2016 Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Board of Education has determined that the warrants presented for payment are in order. The Board Secretary presented certain warrants to the Board of Education with a recommendation they be paid, and pursuant to NJAC 6:20-2.13(d), the Board Secretary certifies that with respect to the payment of bills referenced below no budgetary line item account has been over expended in violation of NJAC 6:20-2.13(a). RESOLVED, that the following warrants be approved for payment, and that itemized lists of the warrants be filed with the minutes: On the General Account 207049 – 207398 in the amount of $2,338,307.11 On the Agency Account 1078 – 1089 8936 -8992 in the amount of $2,757,116.61 On the Food Service Account 100380 – 100387 in the amount of $ IN THE GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT OF $5,122,712.17 27,288.45 Business Meeting Finance C. - 57 - March 15, 2016 2015 – 16 Budget Transfers Strategic Plan Link: Goal 3: Business Practices To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following budget adjustments which reflect the appropriations sufficient to meet expenditures: BUDGET TRANSFERS - FUND 11, FUND 12 AND FUND 13 FEBRUARY 1, 2016 to FEBRUARY 29, 2016 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Regular Programs – Instruction Special Education, Basic Skills/Remedial and Bilingual - Instruction and Other Student Related and Extraordinary Support Services 11-3XX-100-XXX Vocational Programs - Local – Instruction 11-4XX-100-XXX School-Spon. Co/Extra-Curr. Activities, School Sponsored Athletics, and Other Instructional Programs –Instruct 11-800-330-XXX Community Services Programs/Operations Undistributed Expenditures 11-000-100-XXX Instruction 11-000Student Support Services - Attendance and 211,213,218,219,2 Social Work, Health, Other Support Svcs22 Regular, Other Support Svcs-Special, Education Media Services/School Library 11-000-221,223 Improvement of Instruction Services and Instructional Staff Training Services 11-000-230-XXX Support Services - General Administration 11-000-240-XXX Support Services - School Administration 11-000-25X-XXX Central Svcs & Admin Info Technology 10-606 Increase in Maintenance Reserve 11-1XX-100-XXX 11-2XX-100-XXX 11-000-216,217 11-000-26X-XXX 11-000-270-XXX 10-605 11-000-290-XXX 11-XXX-XXX-2XX 11-000-310-XXX Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services Student Transportation Services Increase in Sale/Lease-Back Reserve Other Support Services Personal Services - Employee Benefits Food Services FROM TO 18,000.00 8,000.00 150,000.00 18,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 158,000.00 Business Meeting Finance – Transfers - 58 - March 15, 2016 TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE Capital Outlay 12-XXX-XXX-73X Equipment 12-XXX-4XX-XXX Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 13-XXX-XXX-XXX TOTAL SPECIAL SCHOOLS 10-000-100-56X Transfer of Funds to Charter Schools 10-000-520-930 General Fund Contribution to Whole School Reform GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL 326,000.00 326,000.00 BUDGET TRANSFERS - FUND 15 FEBRUARY 1, 2016 to FEBRUARY 29, 2016 ACCOUNT 15-1XX-100-XXX 15-2XX-100-XXX 15-000-216,217 15-3XX-100-XXX 15-4XX-100-XXX 15-800-330-XXX DESCRIPTION Regular Programs – Instruction Special Education, Basic Skills/Remedial and Bilingual - Instruction and Other Student Related and Extraordinary Support Services Vocational Programs - Local - Instruction School-Spon. Co/Extra-Curr. Activities, School Sponsored Athletics, and Other Instructional Programs -Instruct Community Services Programs/Operations FROM TO 207,238.36 3,000.00 Undistributed Expenditures 15-000-100-XXX Instruction 15-000Student Support Services - Attendance and 211,213,218,219,222 Social Work, Health, Other Support SvcsRegular, Other Support Svcs-Special, Education Media Services/School Library 10,900.00 15-000-221,223 Improvement of Instruction Services and Instructional Staff Training Services 6,085.00 15-000-230-XXX Support Services - General Administration 15-000-240-XXX Support Services - School Administration 8,357.36 15-000-25X-XXX Central Svcs & Admin Info Technology 15-606 Increase in Maintenance Reserve 15-000-26X-XXX Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services 1,000.00 15-000-270-XXX Student Transportation Services 15,000.00 15-605 Increase in Sale/Lease-Back Reserve 15-000-290-XXX Other Support Services 15-XXX-XXX-2XX Personal Services - Employee Benefits 162,896.00 Business Meeting Finance – Transfers 15-000-310-XXX 15-604 15-604 15-XXX-XXX-73X 15-000-4XX-XXX 15-000-4XX-931 15-000-4XX-933 15-000-520-930 - 59 - March 15, 2016 Food Services TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE Capital Outlay Increase in Capital Reserve Interest Deposit to Capital Reserve Equipment Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services Capital Reserve-Transfer to Capital Projects Capital Reserve-Transfer to Debt Service General Fund Contribution to Whole School Reform WHOLE SCHOOL REFORM GRAND 207,238.36 207,238.36 TOTAL Business Meeting Finance D. - 60 - March 15, 2016 Out-of-District Travel Strategic Plan Link Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The following is recommended by adoption: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Emily Morgan to attend the Analyzing & Constructing Salary Guides on Saturday, March 12, 2015 in Mercerville, NJ and The Hidden Bias Gap-Gender Race and Zip Code on Thursday, March 17, 2015 in Edison, NJ at a cost not to exceed $410.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-230000-580A-01-0000 (Board Travel). E. Out-of-District Travel Strategic Plan Link Goal 3: Business Operations To improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. The following is recommended by adoption: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves Wilma Campbell, Anna BelinPyles and Richard Wyatt to attend the Third Annual Technology Conference on Thursday, March 3, 2016 in Princeton, NJ at a cost not to exceed $480.00. The availability of funds for this item has been verified and will be charged to account 11-000-230000-580A-01-0000 (Board Travel). Business Meeting Finance F. - 61 - March 15, 2016 Approval of Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) Investigation Decisions Strategic Plan Link: Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment To provide a safe, secure, professional, and clean environment for students, staff, and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Superintendent is required to report all alleged Harassment/ Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) incidents to the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15c, and The Superintendent has provided the Board of Education with the results of the investigations of all alleged HIB incidents reported to the Superintendent as of February 26, 2016; and The Board of Education has had an opportunity to review and ask questions relative to the HIB incident reports submitted; therefore, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education hereby accepts and affirms the determinations made by the Superintendent, Building Principals, District’s Bullying Coordinator, and School Anti-Bullying Specialists on the incident reports submitted regarding the HIB investigations #2016-48 though #2016-51. G. Proposed 2016 – 2017 School Calendar Strategic Plan Link Goal 1: Learning Outcomes: To improve the learning and academic performance of all students in all PPS Goal 5: Community and Family Engagement: To actively engage families and communities in a meaningful, structured, and productive manner that promotes learning and cooperation. The Superintendent of Schools recommends and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Plainfield Board of Education is committed to ensuring all students succeed academically and reach their full potential in life. In doing so, it is also committed to providing opportunities for and ensuring all students achieve academic, and life-long success. RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following 2016 – 2017 School Calendar: Business Meeting Finance H. - 62 - March 15, 2016 Approval of Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) Investigation Decisions Strategic Plan Link: Goal 4: Safe Learning Environment To provide a safe, secure, professional, and clean environment for students, staff, and members of the community. The Superintendent of Schools recommends, and I so move, adoption of the following: RESOLUTION The Superintendent is required to report all alleged Harassment/ Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) incidents to the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15c, and The Superintendent has provided the Board of Education with the results of the investigations of all alleged HIB incidents reported to the Superintendent as of March 11, 2016; and The Board of Education has had an opportunity to review and ask questions relative to the HIB incident report submitted; therefore, RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education hereby accepts and affirms the determinations made by the Superintendent, Building Principals, District’s Bullying Coordinator, and School Anti-Bullying Specialists on the incident report submitted regarding the HIB investigation #2016-52. Business Meeting - 63 - March 15, 2016 XVIII. REPORT OF THE POLICY COMMITTEE A. Adoption of Policies – Second Reading The following is recommended for adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education has reviewed the policies listed below and finds them acceptable for the management and operation of the Plainfield Public Schools, and WHEREAS, the Plainfield Board of Education now finds it necessary that these policies be implemented, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves, on second reading, the following policies: Policy # 4112.8/4212.8 5141.2 Title Nepotism Medical Marijuana XIX. CS/bsc Amended New ADJOURNMENT