Presentatie Tom Vereijken
Presentatie Tom Vereijken
8-6-2016 EWP Portfolio INNEON BIOMOMI European Water Stewardship (EWS) Water Stewardship: Effectief watermanagement voor complexe doelen WLN Glimmen, 2 Juni 2016 Tom Vereijken “ EWS ontwikkeling Wereldwijde water problemen met lokale impact Schaarste Verzilting Onttrekking Vervuiling Eutrofiering Morfologische veranderingen Ecologische impact (Verlies van biodiversiteit, etc.) 2010-2011 Validering 2008 Standaard ontwikkeling EWS STANDARD Lancering NOVEMBER 2011 Stakeholders uit alle sectoren stellen Standaard-indicatoren op Pilot Studies testen toepasbaarheid Standaard Janez Potocnik EU Commissaris Milieu “…EWS provides a prime example of how to create voluntary systems that contribute to sustainable water management in Europe.” Maatschappelijke impact Economische impact Noodzaak voor organisaties om risico‘s in kaart te brengen Noodzaak voor geintegreerde aanpak op stroomgebied-niveau Ondersteuning door een groeiend netwerk 2012 Implementatie Training CB & consultancy’s 2013-2016 Opbouw integriteit Groeiend netwerk, bestaande uit: • • • • First Certifications Water-using businesses Authorities Disseminators NGO’s and research organisation Water Stewardship global definition “The use of water that is: - socially equitable - environmentally sustainable - economically beneficial achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process that involves site- and riverbasin-based actions. Good water stewards understand their own water use, river-basin context and shared risk in terms of water governance, water balance, water quality and important water-related areas; ..and then engage in meaningful individual and collective action.” 1 8-6-2016 Water Stewardship Principles Engagement (stakeholders & supply chain) Energy-water nexus Transparency Efficiency EWS Structure Source integrity Assess and mitigate impacts Input analysis Regulatory obligations Assess and mitigate impacts Know HCV areas Assess and mitigate impacts EWS Principles EWS Criteria EWS Indicators 4 17 49 MAJOR MINOR RECOMMENDATION Water Stewardship process Water Stewardship action Water accountancy tools Accredited Implementation Partners Control Measure Verify Improve Control Bodies Control Measure Verify Improve Accredited Implementation Partners EWS Implementation Certification outcomes SELF-ASSESSMENT PRE-SCREENING CERTIFICATION Internal identification of water management gaps. Provides information to develop a water management strategy . Consultant evaluates performance of water management on site. Assess needs to ensure EWS standard compliance. On site audit from accredited certification body to certify compliance with EWS standard. •Internal performance assessment •Information • Pre-screening report • Gap analysis • Performance evaluation •Audit report •Certificate (valid for 3 years) A certificate of compliance is awarded for a period of 3 years 2 8-6-2016 Powerful Communication with EWS Certification Business to Business Correspondence Advertisement in media and customer correspondence CSR Reporting Label on secondary packaging (off-product) Implementation Cross-sector focus Chemicals and Paper Meat Processing Airports Agriculture Water Service providers Beverage & Breweries Automobile industry Cement Industry Cities and Municipalities River Basin Partnerships Policy Partners Overview EWS Areas of Activity Stories from EWS Water Stewards STANDARD & VERIFICATION SYSTEM Pre-screenings and Certifications Standard Development Committee Water is local, shared by multiple users and entails complex regulatory challenges Water requires a strategic approach, addressing long-term risks and opportunities for production Europe has a tool for strategic management of water and communication of achievements: EWS MEMBERSHIP & GOVERNANCE Participation in events and conferences WATER STEWARDSHIP TRAINING Clients, CB’s, Implementation Partners, Universities 3 8-6-2016 NEW Training Center Global Water Stewardship Regionale initiatieven Organisaties vertegenwoordigd in AWS Bestuur: EWS is het Europese segment binnen de wereldwijde Alliance for Water Stewardship Initiatives in 2016 Wat zijn de uitdagingen in een stroomgebied? Lokale, specifieke omstandigheden 1. A growing demand for regional water governance support: - Ensure cities are resilient (climate change) - Facilitate collective actions (“govern in partnership”) - Strengthen water governance at regional level 2. Water management in Agriculture Geen “one size fits all” Verbondenheid in een stroomgebied: Longitudinaal (upstream-downstream), lateraal, verticaal Gedeelde risico‘s en impacts Groot aantal gebruikers en stakeholders Conflicterend gebruik van water Grensoverschrijdend karakter: wetgeving en (toekomstig) beleid Veranderende belangen en regelgeving Verband met andere grondstoffen en middelen (energie, grond, etc.) Behoefte aan gebalanceerde oplossingen EWS Added Value • Reduce your water-related risks by a continuous monitoring system • Give a starting point to set targeted, integrated response strategies based on local risks • Ensure long term viability of the activities in the region. • Enable pro-active compliance and prepared reaction with policy requirements (e.g. WFD). • Shape the reputation of your city as “Responsible Water Steward City” in Europe. 4 8-6-2016 Dank voor uw aandacht! WWW.EWP.EU/EWS Water Stewardship Academy & Innovation Centre Oostergoweg 9 8911 MA Leeuwarden [email protected] 5