Ontwerp Nederlandse NEN-EN 12008-2 prEN 12008-2 Publikatie Specifieke functionele eisen voor de materialen, het ontwerp, de aanleg, het gebruik, het onderhoud en de renovatie van gasvoorzieningssystemen met een bedrijfsdruk tot en met 16 bar. Deel 2: Systemen van staal met een bedrijfsdruk t.m. 16 bar uitsluitend Specific functional requirements for the materials, design, construction, operation, maintenance and renovation of gas supply systems up to and including 16 bar. Part 2: Steel-systems up to and including 16 bar MOP Vo augustus 1995 UDC 621.644.2:696.2:614.82/.83 Commentaar 15 december normalisatie-instituten vervangen 1995 van 18 Europese landen Specific functional requirements for the materials, design, construction, maintenance and renovation of gas supply systems up to and including Part 2: Steel-systems up to and including 16 bar MOP or operation, 16 bar. ev be in Definitief vastgestelde Europese normen zullen als Nederlandse norm gelden. Daarom wordt dit normontwerp Nederland voor commentaar gepubliceerd. Op het ontwerp ingebracht commentaar zal aan de bevoegde normcommissie worden voorgelegd die hiermee rekening zal houden bij de bepaling van de Nederlandse stem. Indien er geen bezwaar bij het NNI wordt ingebracht, kan dat leiden tot ongewijzigd definitieve vaststelling van het ontwerp als norm. Pr Van Europese normen bestaan drie officiële versies: Engels, Frans, Duits. Voor Nederland tenzij voor een geautoriseerde versie in het Nederlands wordt gekozen. zal de Engelse versie gelden, iew Normcommissie 349 008 “Distributieleidingen” eld Dit document mag slechts op een stand-alone PC worden geinstalleerd. Gebruik op een netwerk is alleen. toestaan als een aanvullende licentieovereenkomst voor netwerkgebruik met NEN is afgesloten. This document may only be used on a stand-alone PC. Use in a network is only permitted when a supplementary license agreement for us in a network with NEN has been concluded. voor Zal NEN 1092: 1984 gedeeltelijk De European Committee for Standardization KEN), waarin de nationale samenwerken, heeft gepubliceerd het Europese normontwerp: prEN 12008-2 voor commentaar Behoudens uitzondering door de wet gesteld mag zonder schriftelijke toestemming van het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut niets uit deze uitgave worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van fotokopie, microfilm, opslag in computerbestanden of anderszins, hetgeen ook van toepassing is op gehele of gedeeltelijke bewerking. Hoewel bij deze uitgave de uiterste zorg is nagestreefd, kunnen fouten en onvolledigheden niet geheel worden uitgesloten. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut en/of de leden van de commissies aanvaarden derhalve geen enkele aansprakelijkheid, ook niet voor directe of indirecte schade, ontstaan door of verband houdende met toepassing van door het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut gepubliceerde uitgaven. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut is met uitsluiting van ieder ander gerechtigd de door derden verschuldigde vergoedingen voor verveelvoudiging te innen en/of daartoe in en buiten rechte op te treden, voor zover deze bevoegdheid niet is overgedragen c.q. rechtens toekomt aan de Stichting Reprorecht. Prijsklasse 24 N Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN 0 1995 Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut Kalfjeslaan 2, Postbus 5059,260O GB Delft, Telefoon (015) 690 390, Fax (015) 690 190 be iew ev Pr or Vo eld Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN 4 DRAFY prEN 12008-2 EUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEXJ'ROPEENNE July EUROPAISCHE NORM 1995 ICS Descriptors : Vo English version Specific functional requirements for the Materials, Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance and Renovation of Gas Supply Systems up to and including 16 bar - Part 2: Steel-Systems up to and including 16 bar MOP or Spezifische funktionale Anforderungen an Werkstoffe, Planung, Bau, Betrieb, Instandhaltung und Sanierung von Gasversorgungssystemen bis zu 16 bar Betriebsdruck - Teil 2: Stahl-Systeme bis zu 16 bar Betriebsdruck be iew ev Pr Prescriptions fonctionnelles spécifiques pour les matériaux, la la construction, conception, l'entretien et la l'exploitation, rénovation des réseaux de distribution de gaz jusque et y compris 16 bar Partie 2: Réseaux en acier de MOP jusque et y compris 16 bar This draft European Standard is submitted to the CEN members for It has been drawn up by Technical Committee CEN/TC 234 . CEN enquiry. eld CEN members are bound to comply with If this draft becomes a European Standard, the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions in any other language made by translation French, German). A version (English, under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Centra1 Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. bodies of Austria, CEN members are the national standards Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, France, Germany, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europäisches Komitee für Normung c CEN 1995 Centra1 Secretariat: Copyright reserved rue de Stassart 36, BG050 Brussels to al1 CEN members Ref. No. prEN 1200802:1995 Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN E Page 2 prEN 12008-2:1995 . Contents 0 1 Introduction scope.. ........................................................ 4 5 .......................................................... 5 2 Normative Referencer, 3 Definitions, Symbols and abbreviations ..................................... 6 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.12 4.13 4.1.4 4.1.5 Design General &&i&&&f8~ SeleCtY& Oi ii8;3iGhSis’ Basematerial ....................................................... Qualit leve1 ....................................................... Welda r; ility 7 7 ................................................ Vo Impactenerg;': ...................................................... 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 54 5:4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 Constfuction ....................................................... Handling, transportation and storage ...................................... ........................................................ Pipejoints General Welded jo& ’ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................................................... Mechanicaljoints Construction records ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~;;~~~~; Laying .......... General Pip8 string’& 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 11: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 11: : 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: Deflection ......................................................... Connection to ether plant .............................................. Valves Underwate;~rÒ;si;ies’::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Boring, jacking and Impact moling ........................................ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 6 Coating inspection prior to laying 7 Ressuretesting 4.1.6 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 be iew 5.2.3 53. ev 5 51. 52 5:2.1 5.2.2 Pr 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 or Inspection ceftificates for components ..................................... Othersteels.. ...................................................... Steel pip8 ......................................................... .‘. .................................. Pi e standard ................... VQallthickness ...................................................... Pipeline components .................................................. Electrically insulating couplings and connections ............................... Type test Strength te&@1 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ...................................................... Tightnesstest Electrical test ....................................................... lnspection certificates ................................................. Valves Insulatio8~/C’o;;oSi’on’p~OieCiiò~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selection of pipeline components ......................................... Off-take connections made of straight pipes ................................. Oth8f pipeline COmpOn8ntS ............................................. eld ........................................ ..................................................... Annexes Annex A (informative) Handling, transportation Annex B (informative) Deflection Annex C (informative) BibliowaDhv and storage ........................... ............................................. ............................................ Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN 8 8 8 0 8 0 8 8 12 12 13 15 16 prEN Page 1200802:1995 3 Foreword This document describes the functional requirements for gas supply through steel pipe systems at pfessutes up to 16 bar MOP. It appiies to their materials, design, consttuction, commissioning, opefation and mintenance in order to provide a safe and ~ec~t8 supply of gas. Vo Thera is a complete suite of functional standards pfepafed by CENTTC 234 Gas Supply to cover all parts of the gas supply system from the input of gas to the transport system through to the installation pip8 immediateiy befof the gas burning appliances, whether fof domestic, commercial of industtial pufposes. A complete list of the functional standatds ptepafed by TC 234 is given in annex C to this standard. This functional standard is listed as work item EN . . (WI 20) (Note unless Oth8fwiS8 stated reference to any work item, eg. WI 20, means a work item of TC 234). l l Work Item 06 gives the general functional fequifements for gas supply through pipe systems up to and including 16 bar MOP, as shown in the diagram. Work Item 7, 20, 21 give fufthef detail for gas supply systems in Polyethylene EN... [Wl. 71 and for the renovation of existing gas supply systems EN... (WI 21). A standafd WI 8 covers the purging, commissioning, decommissioning, recommissioning and pressure testing of gas supply systems. Work Items 6, 7, 20, 21 and 8 form a complete set of recommendations for gas supply systems in the pressure range up to and including 16 bar MOP. In preparing theabove documents it bas been assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of gas supply . or In the gas industry the terms distribution and transmission of gas are commonly used to denote parts of the pipe system. This standard is for gas supply systems but reference is stil1 made to distribution and transmission activities. For case of undetstanding the relevant terms are defined. be ev Pr For historie reasons there are no common definitions for the systems called transmission or distribution systems in the member states. Therefore to provide for full continuity in gas supply systems reference also needs to be made to ether standards in the annex, eg. for pressure regulating installations EN ...*. (Wl 15), EN . . . (WI 16), for metering installations to prEN 1776 and to EN . . . (Wl 01 and 02) installation pipes, which are the pipes taking gas to the appliances. Some distribution systems may also operate at pressures above 16 bar MOP. For these systems reference should be made to ptEN 1594. Standard prEN 1594 gives normative references for the welding procedures appropriate to steel gas supply systems up to and including 16 bar MOP. iew Gas supply systems are highly complex and the paramount importante of safety traditionally placed on their creation and use has led to the development of vety detailed codes of practice and operating manuals in the member states. These detailed statements embrace recognised high standards of gas engineering and the specific requirements imposed by the legal structures of the member states. The m8mb8f states coveted by this standard are: Austria l Belgium l Denmark* Finland * France l Germany l Greece Iceland Ireland l Italy l Luxemboutg Netherlands* eld The text of standards EN . . . (WI 61, EN..(Wl 7, 20, 21) and EN . . . ( WI 8) contain the ptinciples that are common to the detailed Codes of Practice and operating manuals in the member states. These principles have been extracted to form a standard of the functional requirements for gas supply systems. Any national standard if existing shall comply at least with the requirements of this functional standard. NO ether CEN standard supersedes this standard for gas supply systems up to and including 16 bar. Norway * Poftuaal l Spain Sweden * Switrerland * United Kingdom* The asterisk denotes member states participating difectly in the drafting pfocess. This standard also gives reference to relevant European and other recognised standards for the products that are used to construct and operate gas supply systems. Thete are further references in EN . . . (WI 06), EN . . . (Wl 07, 21) and in EN . . . . (WI 08) to relevant standards that have been cOnsult8d and to standards organisations that have co-operated in the formation of this functional standatd. 0 Introduction (Wl 6) gives nofmative and informative references for gas supply systems up to and Th8 standard EN including 16 bar MOP. . l Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN Page 4 prEN 12008-2:1995 This standard EN . . . (WI 20) covers the functional requirements of steel systems and should be read in conjunction with EN ma(WI 06) and also with prEN 1594 which gives normative teferences fot welding procedures appropriate to steel gas supply systems up to and including 16 bar MOP. l The requirements of this standard are based on safe gas engineering practice under conditions normally encountered in the gas industry. Requirements for all abnormal of unusual conditions cannot be specifically provided for, nor are all engineering or construction details prescribed. Procedures for the pressute testing, purging, commissioning, decommissioning of st& to and including 16 bar MOP are given in EN am(WI 08). gas supply systems up l Vo In most countries the safety and reliability of gas supply is subject to national legislation and/or regulation. In the absente of a European directive on gas supply requirements the national legislation applies. For instance national laws or tegulations at various levels may apply to detailed aspects. EXAMPLE 1: The US8 of some materials may be restricted to c8rtain circumstances. EXAMPLE 2: Values for depths of cover ot clearance may be more stringent. EXAMPLE 3: Maximum pressure levels and set points may be required. or Existing industrial safety regulations pertaining to werk areas, safety devices, and safe werking practices are not intended to be supplanted by this standard. Managers with responsibilities for the creation and operation of steel gas supply systems shall-have regard to the requirements of this standard and to ether relevant standards. It is the responsibility of these managers and engineers to apply this standard, supplemented with other proven safe practice to the particular circumstances of each particular gas supply system. These requirements also apply to the development of gas supply technology and practice which should not be limited by this standard. Pr 1 scope iew ev be This functional standard is applicable for steel gas supply systems supplying the families of gases specified in Table 1 of EN 437 at pressures up to and including 16 bar MOP. This standard applies to tha materials, design, construction and testing of new steel gas supply systems and the extension of existing systems. This standard does not apply to the materials, design, construction and testing of gas supply systems in use prior to the publication of this standard. Howevet, this standard applies to the operation, maintenance and renovation of all gas supply systems. 2 Normative References eld This standard incorporates by dated ot undated references, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent am8ndmentS to 01 revisions of any of these publications apply to this standard only when incorporated in it by amendm8nt 01 revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. EN 437 Test gases, test pressures and appliance categories. prEN 1594 Pipelines for gas transmissions. EN 10204 Metallic products; types of inspection documents prEN 10208-1 Steel pipes for pipe lines fot combustible fluids - Technical delivery conditions Part 1: Pipes of requirement class A prEN 10208-2 Steel pipes for pipe lines for combustible fluids - Technical delivery conditions Part 1: Pipes of requirement class B EN 10220 Plain and steel tubes, l8ngth ptEN 10226-1 Pipe thteads where pressure tight joints are made on the threads Part 1: Designation, dimensions and tolerances EN 45004 General EN . . . (WI 06) Functional requirements for the materials, design, construction, operation, maintenance and renovation of gas supply systems up to and including 16 bar Part 1 t General and seamless, dimensions and t’MSS8S per unit criteria for the operation of bodies performing inspection Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN Bestelformulier Stuur naar: NEN Standards Products & Services t.a.v. afdeling Klantenservice Antwoordnummer 10214 2600 WB Delft NEN Standards Products & Services Postbus 5059 2600 GB Delft Vlinderweg 6 2623 AX Delft T (015) 2 690 390 F (015) 2 690 271 Ja, ik bestel __ ex. NEN-EN 12008-2:1995 Ontw. en Specifieke functionele eisen voor de materialen, het ontwerp, de aanleg, het gebruik, het onderhoud en de renovatie van gasvoorzieningssystemen met een bedrijfsdruk tot en met 16 bar - Deel 2: Systemen van staal met een bedrijfdruk t.m. 16 bar € 23.50 Wilt u deze norm in PDF-formaat? 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