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E12168-TB ‘Gaskwaliteit’ 7 september 2012, Woerden Jacob Klimstra Jacob Klimstra Consultancy [email protected] May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 1 E12168-TB Gas is een noodzakelijk …………… De klant wil liever geen gas Klanten willen comfort, ervaringen, winst en power En dat gaat niet zonder energie May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 2 E12168-TB Electricity use and GDP (PPP) North America Europe Latin Am. World average Chin a Middle East Africa PowerPlants Africa Group Asia (ex China) Jacob Klimstra for Wartsila E12168-TB Een paar jaar geleden: zorgen om gas Nederlandse gasvoorraad in 2010: 45 EJ Zonder import/ & export: 35 jaar 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 4 E12168-TB Vloeibaar gas uit Libie, Qatar, Iran, Nigeria …. 18‐3‐2011 www.klimstra.nl 5 E12168-TB Schaliegas = leisteengas = shale gas Veel water en chemicaliën nodig bij productie 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 6 E12168-TB Onconventioneel gas: coal bed, tight, shale gas 639 Economist) 862 Economist EU: voorraad voor 50 jaar gasverbruik 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 7 E12168-TB ‘O, kom er eens kijken’: voldoende gas 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 8 E12168-TB Europa: Hoe komen wij aan voldoende gas? Bron: EC/EU, bcm = Gm3 (miljard m3/jaar) 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 9 Arm Europa …………………………. gas van elders E12168-TB Bron : EC/EU 18‐3‐2011 www.klimstra.nl 10 E12168-TB Een nieuw patroon • USA heeft het LNG niet echt meer nodig (nu 25% schaliegas, in 2035 ≈ 50%) • Europa en Azië wel • Meer LNG import in Europa • Liberalisering van de gasmarkt: iedereen mag leveren • Transmission System Operators transporteren • Wisselende gassamenstellingen • Wie is verantwoordelijk voor ………………. 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 11 E12168-TB Vloeibaar gas uit Libie, Qatar, Iran, Nigeria …. 18‐3‐2011 www.klimstra.nl 12 E12168-TB Regulering – regulariseren ‐ In orde maken ‐ Regelmatig maken Wat?????? ‐De gaskwaliteit? ‐Het gaskwaliteitsvraagstuk? En wie bepaalt dat? ‐‐‐ De ambtenaar ? De leverancier ? De klant ? May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 13 E12168-TB Wat is gaskwaliteit?? Klanten: kwaliteitsgas ‐ goedkoop, ‐ schoon ‐ voortdurend optimale prestaties apparatuur Gasbedrijven: niet: ‐ kwaliteitsgas wel: ‐ de samenstelling ‐ de Wobbe index Wat in de leiding zit ! May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 14 E12168-TB De EASEEgas specs: niets over prestaties, emissies, klopvastheid, rendement, hoeveelheidsmeting Min Max Recommended implementation date [13.60] 15.81 1/10/2010 m3/m3 0.555 0.700 1/10/2010 Total S mg/m3 - 30 1/10/2006 H2S + COS (as S) mg/m3 - 5 1/10/2006 RSH (as S) mg/m3 - 6 1/10/2006 O2 mol % - [0.01]* 1/10/2010 CO2 mol % - 2.5 1/10/2006 H2O DP o - -8 See note ** HC DP o - -2 1/10/2006 Parameter Unit WI kWh/m3 d C at 70 bar (a) C at 1 – 70 bar (a) * EASEE-gas has organised an oxygen measurement survey, which by end of 2005 will examine the maximum feasible limit equal to or at an alternative specified value below 0.01 mol %. ** At certain cross border points, less stringent values are used than defined in this CBP. For these cross border points, these values can be maintained and the relevant producers, shippers and transporters should examine together how the CBP value can be met in the long run. At all other cross border points, this value can be adopted by 1 October 2006. Geffredo Wobbe (1927), Bologna De Wobbe Index Δp = k ∙ ½ ρ Δp E12168-TB 2 v V P = V . Hi V = c √ Δp/ ρgas Wobbe = Hi / √ ρgas/ρair Hi = lower calorific value (MJ/m3) ρ = density (kg/m3) 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 16 E12168-TB Variaties in Wobbe Index ……… Naar verbranding Mixer Lucht Gas (Wobbe Index) Wobbe Index constant: constante energie toevoer en constante brandstof‐ luchtfactor Wobbe varieert: λ (nieuw) = Wobbe (oud)/Wobbe (nieuw) * λ (oud) Variatie in energietoevoer: variatie in prestaties Variaties in lambda: slechter: ‐ Emissies (NOx, HC, CO, Aldehydes) ‐ kloppen Geffredo Wobbe (1927), Bologna ‐ efficiency ‐ stabiliteit 26‐1‐2011 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 17 E12168-TB EASEE‐gas … easy voor de shippers EASEE‐gas: consortium van gasleveranciers/transporteurs Maximum EASEE‐gas Gasunie H‐gas Minimum EASEE‐gas WI L‐gas 12.15 – 12.35 kWh/m3 18‐3‐2011 Gasunie L‐gas www.klimstra.nl 18 E12168-TB Voorgestelde samenstellingen GTS en de resulterende klopvastheid Gasunie brengt de Wobbe Index van H‐gas binnen de vereiste L‐gas band met stikstof Stikstof helpt bij moderne arm‐mengsel motoren niet om de klopvastheid te verhogen Compon ent Groning en Gas 2 Gas 3 Gas 4 Gas 5 Gas 6 Gas 7 ‘Troll’ Gas 8 ‘Libië’ Gas 9 C1 81.2 80.7 76.4 74.7 81.3 78.7 69.1 71.7 68.2 C2 2.9 2.7 5.3 7.0 4.3 5.2 10.2 6.5 10.0 C3 0.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 0 0.9 2.3 1.6 3.3 C4 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0 0 0.3 1.4 0 C5 0.1 0.1 0.3 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 N2 14.3 13.5 14.8 14.6 14.4 15.2 17.6 18.2 18.5 CO2 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.8 0 0 0.5 0 0 Inductio n τ (ms) 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.8 3.6 3.3 2.6 2.0 2.7 Klopvast 84 heid (MN) 78 73 74 87 81 69 64 68 18‐3‐2011 www.klimstra.nl 19 E12168-TB De EASEEgas specs: niets over prestaties, emissies, klopvastheid, rendement, hoeveelheidsmeting Min Max Recommended implementation date [13.60] 15.81 1/10/2010 m3/m3 0.555 0.700 1/10/2010 Total S mg/m3 - 30 1/10/2006 H2S + COS (as S) mg/m3 - 5 1/10/2006 RSH (as S) mg/m3 - 6 1/10/2006 O2 mol % - [0.01]* 1/10/2010 CO2 mol % - 2.5 1/10/2006 H2O DP o - -8 See note ** HC DP o - -2 1/10/2006 Parameter Unit WI kWh/m3 d C at 70 bar (a) C at 1 – 70 bar (a) * EASEE-gas has organised an oxygen measurement survey, which by end of 2005 will examine the maximum feasible limit equal to or at an alternative specified value below 0.01 mol %. ** At certain cross border points, less stringent values are used than defined in this CBP. For these cross border points, these values can be maintained and the relevant producers, shippers and transporters should examine together how the CBP value can be met in the long run. At all other cross border points, this value can be adopted by 1 October 2006. E12168-TB Short History USA gas Less than a decade ago, the USA had big plans for LNG imports: • Security of energy supply • Relatively low greenhouse gas emissions Until then: close to constant gas composition Concern: LNG imports might disturb the quality of gas FERC (Federal Energy Regulating Committee) approached: Natural Gas Council & other interested parties on how to deal with the problem: New committee NGC+ Result: White paper on Natural Gas Interchangeability and Non‐ Combustion End Use, February 28, 2005 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 21 E12168-TB In de USA Many parties involved Association, Chair Mark Hereth, P‐PIC, Facilitator LNG Suppliers Edgar Kuipers, Shell Mike Milliet, ChevronTexaco Les Bamburg, Sempra Ben Ho, BP Mark Bentley, ExxonMobil Pat Outtrim, Cheniere Ed Lehotsky, Cheniere Phil Redding, BG North America Hubert Loussouarn, Total Frank Katulak, Tractebel John Hritcko, Shell Randy Mills, ChevronTexaco Al Fatica, BP Rudy Adamiak, Tractebel Greg Bartholomew, Sempra Pipelines Terry Boss, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Grant McCracken Panhandle Energy Todd Dustman, Questar Hank Poellnitz, El Paso Dennis Alters, Cross Country Energy Scott Zersen, El Paso Reji George, El Paso Ian Morris, Cross Country Energy Thanh Phan, Duke Energy Jeryl Mohn, Panhandle Energy David Noss, Dominion Energy Bruce Hedman, Energy and Environmental Analysis Utilities (LDCs and in some instances Power Generation) Robert Wilson, Keyspan Energy Larry Sasadeusz, Southern California Gas Company Rosemarie Halchuk, Xcel Energy Peter Collette, Public Service Electric and Gas John Erickson, American Public Gas Association Kevin Shea, Southern California Gas Company Lee Stewart, Southern California Gas Company Joe Bonner, Pacific Gas and Electric Mark Satkamp, Louisville Gas and Electric Robert Trumbower, Peoples Gas Glen Schwalbach, Wisconsin Public Service Michael Gerdes, BSH Michael Farmer, Peoples Gas Pieter Ouwerkerk, Exelon Robert Kemper, Southern California Gas Company Frank Strauss, Consolidated Edison Ali Quraishi, American Gas Association Steven Zavodnick, Baltimore Gas and Electric Lori Traweek, American Gas Association Ed Anderson, RJRudden Regis Klingler, CMS Energy Jack Zerega, Public Service Electric and Gas Richard Rudden, RJ Rudden and Associates Joseph Santaro, Niagara Mohawk White Paper on Natural Gas Interchangeability And Non‐Combustion End Use 32 Power Generation Chuck Linderman, Edison Electric Institute Jack Cashin, Electric Power Supply Association Bruce Rising, Siemens Craig Chancellor, Calpine Colin Wilkes, General Electric Power Generation Keith Barnett, American Electric Power Dona Gussow, Florida Power and Light Mike Klassen, Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc. Richard Roby, Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc. Nicole Prudencio, Calpine Jim Downs, Calpine Feedstock Tom Carville, The Fertilizer Institute George Valadez, Alcoa. Dena Wiggins, Process Gas Consumers Dave Schalles, Bloom Engineering (for Alcoa) Kirsten Gibbs, Process Gas Consumers Appliances Mark Kendall, Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association Frank Stanonik, Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association Richard Cripps, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Jack Goldman, Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association Research David Rue, GTI State Official Eric Orton, State of Utah Gas Processing Mark Sutton, Gas Processors Associ commissie NGC+ 15 LNG suppliers 12 pipeline companies 24 gas selling utilities 11 power producing companies 5 feedstock companies 4 appliance manufacturer representatives 19 meetings and conference calls Aspecten: ‐ Verbrandingsrendement ‐ Emissies ‐ Vlamstabiliteit ‐ Prestaties E12168-TB Het resultaat van overleg in de USA May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 23 E12168-TB Gas quality is a ‘technological science’ 749 bladzijden met artikelen over gaskwaliteit en dat is nog maar een fractie van alle kennis Gas kwaliteit is niet: ‐ Een mening ‐ Een politieke beslissing ‐ Een commerciële slogan Before the EU liberalisation, every major gas company had a large gas‐application research department e.g. Ruhrgas, British Gas, Gasunie, SNAM E12168-TB Key note by gas expert Prof. G.F. I Roberts ‘Gas supplier is responsible for best quality, because: Gas customer cannot: ‐ Assess gas quality; ‐ Return gas if unsatisfactory’. ‘Gas will increasingly be used for electricity production and transport (engines, turbines) and less in households’ ‘A wide gas composition range automatically lowers efficiency and increases emissions’ ‘Gas quality should be user led, not supplier led and be careful not to become politician led’ E12168-TB Next keynote by G.F. Steinmetz, Baltimore Gas and Electric ‘Pipeline Quality might be a misnomer; appliance quality would be more appropriate’ ‘Gases must be compatible with the equipment and the appliances in use’ ‘General recognition is given to the inadequacy of Heating Value, Specific Gravity and Wobbe Number to gauge interchangeability. The BURNING CHARACTERISTICS of the various component gases must be considered’ E12168-TB Schaliegas: voldoet niet aan de NGC+ rules Schaliegas kan veel hogere koolwaterstoffen bevatten en snelle variaties vertonen Daarom: gasbehandeling in de USA (‘Natural Gas Liquids – NGLs’) Valerie Wood in Pipeline & Gas Journal September 2011: ‘NLGs are priced in accordance with crude oil prices. …….. the production of high‐value NGLs helps to lower natural gas break‐even prices’ In de USA zijn de gasproducenten, ‘appliance’ fabrikanten en klanten gelukking met de NGC+ range E12168-TB Verwachte problemen met een breed bereik in samenstellingen Burners: ‐ flash back ‐ blow off/flame lift ‐ yellow tipping ‐ incomplete combustion ‐ higher emissions ‐ lower efficiency Gas Engines: ‐ knocking ‐ reduced efficiency ‐ tripping ‐ combustion instability ‐ reduced output ‐ higher emissions Gas Turbines: ‐ tripping ‐ combustion instability ‐ higher emissions ‐ increased wear ‐ reduced efficiency E12168-TB A challenge: everybody wants to use the result of electricity use…….. and more and more In 20 years time: world electricity use will double from 20 PWh to 40 PWh Developing world, electric transport, gadgets, heat pumps ‘What a great future for the Power Sector‘ 50 watt May 31, 2012 2000 watt Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 29 E12168-TB Danish Power demand, wind output + 75% and ‘other’ power sources Danish Policy: 50% El from wind Demand = 4474 GWh, Wind produces 2238 GWh No base load left …………………………………….. May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 30 E12168-TB Smart Power Generation with gas Gas engines: no creep and fatigue due to cycling May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 31 E12168-TB Gecomprimeerde lucht of ‐ aardgas Compressed air Compressed natural gas 2.5 GJ/m3 at 70 bar 29 MJ/m3 at 70 bar Aardgas is factor 100 effectiever op te slaan dan perslucht June 2011 Milano www.klimstra.nl 32 E12168-TB Klopvastheid voor het EASEEgas Methane number 80 is preferred The USA range limit guarantees that E12168-TB Een constante Wobbe Index met stikstof toevoeging aan rijk gas: laag methaangetal Rode markeringen: door GTS voorgestelde pseudo G gassen G‐gas Gewenst methaangetal > 80 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 34 E12168-TB Effect Methane Number/Klopvastheid op Performance E12168-TB Dit mag niet gezegd worden……….. Een gasmeter meet volume De calorische bovenwaarde in de EASEEgas specs kan variëren tussen de 36 MJ/m3 and 48 MJ/m3: E12168-TB Fuel properties and combustible mixtures Gas gas meter Energy supply determination Φ = gas flow in m3/s at the prevailing pressure p and temperature T H = calorific value in MJ/m3 at defined pressure p0 and temperature T0 (often: 273.15 K, 1013.25 mbar) The meter gives Φ ∙Δ t The real energy supplied = H ∙ p/p0 ∙ T0/T ∙ Φ ∙Δ t Good meters have p and T compensation 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 37 E12168-TB The gas turbine Rumble, afblazen, terugslag 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 38 E12168-TB PLUG flow Quality 2 Quality 1 Even if gas‐fuelled appliances have been equipped with expensive feedback and control equipment, accepting plug flow is close to impossible The EU specs do not show any limitations in plug flow. 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 39 E12168-TB Vermogensregeling gasturbine Vermogen, temperatuur gas 6 december 2011 Linkebeek Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 40 E12168-TB Researchers: power to gas for shaving wind and solar peaks 6.8 kWh/m3 H2: η = 44% Some data: 80 – 50% efficiency Convert back to electricity: 50% Estimated cycle efficiency: 40‐ 25% For shaving some peaks of little energy Danish gas Wobbe Index Hs Hi 54.94 MJ/m3 43.64 MJ/m3 39.46 MJ/m3 Danish gas with 5% hydrogen 54.22 MJ/m3 42.09 MJ/m3 38.03 MJ/m3 With 5% hydrogen added: 4% less energy per m3 May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 41 E12168-TB Nog eventjes de Deense windenergie………………………. Danish Policy: 50% El from wind Demand = 4474 GWh, Wind produces 2238 GWh No base load left …………………………………….. May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 42 E12168-TB Power to Gas voor pieken van renewables is niet smart Time distribution of Danish wind power Energy loss 1 %, utilisation factor 4% output Energy loss 4.8%, utilisation factor 10% Energy loss 12.4%, utilisation factor 16.7 % May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 43 E12168-TB De beste oplossing voor regulering BIOGAS storage splitter Imports, feed in, LNG Quality gas to customers Higher hydrocarbons to refinery GL‐Noble Denton Poyry rapport: Kosten brede band: 180 miljard Euro ‘Opbrengst’ brede band: 0.9 miljard Euro per jaar E12168-TB Samenvatting 1. De EASEEgas specs geven geen kwaliteitsgas 2. Een brede band in Wobbe Index verslechtert de toepassing 3. Regelen van de Wobbe Index met veel stikstof geeft geen goed gas 4. Effecten op de grootste gastoepassing van de toekomst (= elektriciteitsproductie) zijn niet onderzocht 5. Power to Gas (waterstof) is niks 6. Sommige zaken stilgezwegen May 31, 2012 Jacob Klimstra Consultancy 45
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