Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - the Township of Lanark Highlands
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 - the Township of Lanark Highlands
AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Lanark Highlands Municipal Office 75 George Street, Lanark, Ontario 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Suggested Motion: “THAT the agenda be adopted as presented.” p3 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Suggested Motion: “THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 26th, be approved as circulated.” 5. DELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONS i) Police Services Board, Recognition of Service – George Braithwaite ii) Bridge Report Update - HP Engineering - to be distributed separately 6. COMMUNICATIONS p11 i) ii) iii) iv) p12 p15 v) vi) p8 p9 p10 OMFRA – Drainage Courses and Tile Loan Program Response to Hydro One Motion - AMO Animal Control and Pound Services for Cats – Sharon McDougall Request to Increase Plot and Maintenance Fees – Crawford’s Cemetery Board of Managers Raise the Flag Campaign – Autism Ontario Board of Health Meeting Summary – Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit p17 vii) p18 viii) Chair of Board of Directors - Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit Resolution Requesting that Ontario Cancel RFP for Added Wind Power Generation – Township of Wainfleet Suggested Motion: “THAT the communications dated February 9th, 2016 be accepted as information.” 7. REPORTS Building, Planning & Protective Services i) p20 Fire Department Monthly Report – January 2016 Acting Fire Chief, Cameron Morehouse Suggested Motion: “THAT Report # FS-01-2016, January Monthly Departmental Summary, is received as information.” 8. INCAMERA ITEMS 9. NEW AND OTHER BUSINESS 10. DEFERRED ITEMS 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00 p.m. Lanark Highlands Municipal Office - 75 George Street, Lanark Ontario Council Chambers Members Present: Chair, Deputy Mayor John Hall Councillor Steve Roberts Councillor Peter Rodger Councillor Bill King Councillor Jeannie Kelso Mayor Brian Stewart Members Absent: Councillor Linda Hansen, with regrets Staff Present: Matt Craig, Interim CAO/Clerk Robert Bunker, Treasurer Stacey Blair, Planning Administrator/Deputy Clerk Phil Borrowman, Chief Building Official Cameron Morehouse, Interim Fire Chief Thomas McCarthy, Acting Public Works Superintendent 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Page 3 of 22 Township of Lanark Highlands Committee of the Whole - Minutes January 26, 2016 Motion #COW-2016-009 Moved by Councillor Roberts Seconded by Councillor Kelso THAT the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED 4. Local Immigration Partnership Delegation – Rescheduled to later date APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion #COW-2016-010 Moved by Councillor Rodger Seconded by Councillor Kelso THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 12th, 2016, be approved as circulated. CARRIED 5. DELEGATIONS & PRESENTATIONS i) Lanark Winter Rally Sprint Darryl Malone provided information about Winter Rally Sprint events. The group is requesting to have a Winter Rally Sprint event in Lanark Highlands on March 5th, 2016. This matter was referred back to staff. A report will be brought back to the next Committee of the Whole meeting on this matter. 6. COMMUNICATIONS i) MVCA Budget Motion #COW-2016-011 Moved by Councillor Rodger Seconded by Councillor Roberts THAT the communications dated January 26th, 2016 be received as information. CARRIED 7. REPORTS Building, Planning & Protective Services Page 4 of 22 Township of Lanark Highlands Committee of the Whole - Minutes January 26, 2016 Building, Planning & Protective Services i) Fire Department Monthly Report – December 2015 Fire Chief, Cameron Morehouse Motion #COW-2016-012 Moved by Mayor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kelso THAT Report # FS-12-2015, December Monthly Departmental Summary, is received as information. CARRIED ii) Annual Building Report – 2015 Phil Borrowman, CBO Motion #COW-2016-013 Moved by Councillor Kelso Seconded by Councillor King THAT the annual building report for 2015 be accepted as presented. CARRIED STAFF DIRECTION – Staff to prepare a report on building permit fees and enforcement activities iii) 2015 Planning Applications Summary Stacey Blair, Planning Administrator/Deputy Clerk Motion #COW-2016-014 Moved by Councillor Kelso Seconded by Councillor Roberts THAT the 2015 annual planning application summary be received as information; AND FURTHERMORE THAT staff be directed to prepare a review of all planning fees. CARRIED iv) Report #PD-02-2016 Consent Application B15/129 – Lot Addition Part Lot 13, Con. 9, Dalhousie (Ploughman/Ramsay) Stacey Blair, Planning Administrator/Deputy Clerk Page 5 of 22 Township of Lanark Highlands Committee of the Whole - Minutes January 26, 2016 Councillor Kelso declared a pecuniary interest for Application B15/129 as she has part-time employment with the applicant. Councillor Kelso did not take part in the discussion and did not vote on this matter. Motion #COW-2016-015 Moved by Mayor Stewart Seconded by Councillor King THAT Council recommends to the Land Division Committee of Lanark County that application B15/129 for a lot addition together with an easement over Maple Hollow Drive, be approved subject to the following conditions; 1. An acceptable reference plan or legal description of the severed lands and the deed be submitted to the township. 2. That the applicant pays any outstanding fees to the Township prior to final approval. 3. The balance of any outstanding taxes, including penalties and interest, (and any local improvement charges, if applicable) shall be paid to the Township. CARRIED v) Report #PD-03-2016 Consent Application B15/143 – Lot Addition Part Lot 15 Con. 10, Lanark (Sandford/Lalonde) Stacey Blair, Planning Administrator/Deputy Clerk Motion #COW-2016-016 Moved by Councillor Rodger Seconded by Mayor Stewart THAT Council recommends to the Land Division Committee of Lanark County that application B15/143 for a lot addition be approved subject to the following conditions; 1. An acceptable reference plan or legal description of the severed lands and the deed be submitted to the township. 2. That the applicant pays any outstanding fees to the Township prior to final approval. 3. The balance of any outstanding taxes, including penalties and interest, (and any local improvement charges, if applicable) shall be paid to the Township. Page 6 of 22 Township of Lanark Highlands Committee of the Whole - Minutes January 26, 2016 4. That the applicant shall enter into a Development Agreement and/or Site Plan Agreement with the Township of Lanark Highlands. The wording of the Agreement shall be acceptable to the Municipality and shall address the concerns of the Conservation Authority as outlined in their report of January 16, 2015. CARRIED 8. INCAMERA ITEMS 9. NEW AND OTHER BUSINESS 10. DEFERRED ITEMS 11. ADJOURNMENT On a motion of Councillor Kelso and seconded by Councillor Roberts, the meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. ______________________________ Matt Craig, Interim CAO/Clerk ______________________________ John Hall, Deputy Mayor Page 7 of 22 Page 8 of 22 Page 9 of 22 Letter to Lanark Highlands Township Council February 4, 2016 Dear Council Members: Subject: Request for a Consideration of Additional Funding in the Amount of $6,250 for Animal Control and Pound Services in the 2016 Budget It has become apparent to me that the level of service provided under the current agreements for animal control and pound services may be lower than the expectations of our community, as requests to pick up 39 cats were rejected last year. During 2015, Lanark Highlands Township spent roughly $10,750 for animal control and pound services and impounded 28 animals, comprising 26 dogs and 2 cats. Requests to pick up 39 of 67 animals were rejected, because they were for cats. That constitutes a response rate of 42%. A delegation will be forthcoming, requesting that you increase the amount allocated for these services in the 2016 budget, so that they may be extended to more than 2 cats. The proposed incremental amount of $6,250 would increase the current budgeted amount from $11,500 to $17,750. I understand that the current contractor, Ms. Anita Stuart is able to accommodate up to five (5) cats at a time at her facility, but believes the current policy of the Township is for her not to pick up cats. At present, when a resident calls Ms. Stuart to pick up a stray cat, they are told that she does not pick up cats, and that the only option to obtain care for the animal is for the caller to pick up the cat and to take it to the Ottawa Humane Society themselves. In the proposed delegation to Council, I intend to make additional recommendations to Council for future years, including: Offer future animal control and pound services contracts for public tender; Introduce the licensing of cats and dogs, wherein spayed/neutered cats would be free of charge and enforce substantial fines for unlicensed animals; Engage local veterinarians to explore options for reduced fees for spaying and neutering cats; and Consider fast-tracking alternatives for a County-wide pound using an existing building, and consider locating it in Lanark Highlands. I hope that Lanark Highlands Township may become more inclusive of all requests for these services. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sharon A. McDougall 3261 Elphin Maberly Rd. Page 11 of 22 Page 12 of 22 Page 13 of 22 Page 14 of 22 Board of Health Meeting January 21, 2016 Summary Chair and Vice Chair Anne Warren, Councillor for the Town of Gananoque, was re-elected Chair of the Board of Health for 2016 and Robin Jones, Mayor for the Village of Westport, was elected Vice-Chair. Aubrey Churchill, Reeve of Drummond-North Elmsley was thanked for his contributions as Vice- Chair for 2015. Finance, Property and Risk Management Committee The Board approved the 2016 General Public Health Programs balanced budget of $11,589,636. A Program Budgeting and Marginal Analysis (PBMA) exercise undertaken by the management team identified efficiencies, reductions in operational costs, increased revenue, better staff alignment with 100% provincially funded programs, and some service reductions to respond to the projected budget shortfall. The service reductions include: discontinuing fall community influenza clinics due to decrease in demand with pharmacies providing influenza vaccine throughout the region - people can still come to the clinics at health unit sites; and closing the offices in Brockville and Smiths Falls at lunch hour due to low request for service – the phone system allows for the redirection of calls by voice recognition. A communication plan is being prepared to inform the community of the service changes. The Board passed the 2016 Land Control budget with a conservative estimate of service requests for septic permits, severances, file searches, and other services provided by the program on behalf of municipalities. The increase in permit fees and the number of permit types in 2015 resulted in a small surplus which will be put in the Land Control Reserve which is designed to be used for budget shortfalls and for staff severances if the program is discontinued. Medical Officer of Health Annual Report Dr. Stewart reported on the progress made in 2015 on the four health goals – Healthy Infant/Child/Youth Growth and Development, Healthy Living for all Residents, Health Equity, and Healthy Environments. She also reported on the organizational goals of effective leadership, planning, processes, client service, partnerships, and staff development and support. The report will be available on the health unit website under the Board of Health. In 2016, three provincial initiatives will have a significant impact on the Health Unit. First, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care report “Patients First” has stated that all public health units in Ontario will now receive their provincial funding through the LHIN and will report their provincial accountability indicators to the LHIN. There will also be closer ties between primary care and the health unit. The Board of Health will continue to oversee programs and the health unit budget. Second, the Ontario Public Health Standards that guide programs and services are being reviewed, and third, the food Page 15 of 22 premises regulations are being reviewed. The Board will receive regular updates on these initiatives during the year. Healthy Kids Community Challenge Leeds and Grenville The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville has received funds from the Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care to implement the Healthy Kids Community Challenge (HKCC) in Leeds and Grenville. The purpose is to unite communities with a common goal of promoting children’s health through physical activity and healthy eating (target age 0-12 years). The following activities are being undertaken: Community Needs Assessment Data Collection HKCC Community Project Fund Community Project Launch Events School-Wide Physical Activity Challenge Awareness Raising More information is available at www.healthykidslg.ca Page 16 of 22 January 28, 2016 Attention: Community Partners Subject: Chair of the Board of Directors At the January Board of Health meeting of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Anne Warren was reelected as Chair of the Board of Directors. Ms. Warren has been a Town Councillor with the Town of Gananoque for the past twelve years, including one term of four years as the Deputy Mayor. For many years, she has represented the Town on the Board of Directors of the Health Unit, and in 2015 was elected as Chair of the Board. Ms. Warren has also been a member of the Board of Governors of the Brockville General Hospital since 2009, and was appointed as 1st Vice Chair of the Board in 2015. Anne Warren, in her role as Chair, has provided guidance and leadership to the Board of Health and I am pleased that she has been elected for another term. She has a strong commitment to the Health Unit and has played a key role in the Board’s governance, centering the work on the organization’s mission, vision and strategic direction. Sincerely, THE CORPORATION OF THE LEEDS, GRENVILLE AND LANARK DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT Paula Stewart, MD, FRCPC Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer PS/hb Page 17 of 22 Township of Wainfleet “Wainfleet - find your country side!” February 4th, 2016 VIA EMAIL Honourable Kathleen Wynne Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food 111 Wellesley Street West Room 281 Toronto ON M7A 1A1 RE: Resolution Requesting that Ontario Cancel RFP for Added Wind Power Generation Dear Premier Wynne, Please be advised that the Council for the Township of Wainfleet, at its meeting held on January 26th, 2016, passed the following resolution: WHEREAS the Independent Electrical System Operator, under Ministerial Directive, issued an RFP for additional renewable energy generation including 300 MW of wind generation and is considering issuing further RFPs for 2016; AND WHEREAS the December 2015 Auditor General’s report confirmed that Ontario is generating surplus electricity with capacity increasing by 19% in the last 8 years while demand fell by 7.5% in the same period. Additional capacity is not required at this time; AND WHEREAS the Auditor General also reported that the existing Feed In Tariff (FIT) contracts mean that Ontario power consumers will pay a premium of $9.2 billion for renewable power with wind power pricing that is double the prices paid in other jurisdictions; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Chamber of Commerce reports that the escalating price of electricity is undermining their members’ capacity to grow, hire new workers, and attract investment, and that Ontario’s electricity costs are among the highest in North America, making the province uncompetitive for business growth; AND WHEREAS adding wind to Ontario’s grid drives CO2 emissions higher. The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers estimated that wind with natural gas backup produces baseload electricity at about 200 grams of CO2 emissions/kWh compared with the current system average level of 40 grams CO2 emissions/kWh; AND WHEREAS Nature Canada reports that wind power facilities have a substantial negative impact on endangered species including migrating bats and birds as well as destroying habitat for species at risk; AND WHEREAS wind power is an intermittent source of electricity generation meaning that it cannot be used to replace dependable generating capacity without natural gas as a back-up; 31940 Highway #3 • P.O. Box 40 • Wainfleet, ON • L0S 1V0 PHONE 905.899.3463 • FAX 905.899.2340 • www.wainfleet.ca Page 18 of 22 Resolution Requesting that Ontario Cancel RFP for Added Wind Power Generation 2016 02 03 Page 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Wainfleet requests: 1. That the Province of Ontario exercise its rights in Section 4.13 (12) of the current LRP I RFP to ‘cancel the process at any stage and for any reason’ and not issue any new wind generation contracts; 2. That the Province of Ontario hold off any further renewable procurement process until the capacity is actually required and focus on sources that will actually reduce carbon emissions; 3. That the IESO review the outstanding FIT contracts that have not achieved ‘Commercial Operation’, and vigorously enforce the terms of the FIT contract with a view to eliminating further expensive wind generation capacity being added to the grid. Council has requested that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all 444 municipalities in Ontario for their endorsement and support, as well as to local MPP’s, the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and the Ontario NDP. On behalf of Council, thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Sarah Smith Acting Clerk cc: Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy Patrick Brown, Leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Andrea Horwath, Leader of the Ontario NDP Tim Hudak, MPP Niagara West – Glanbrook Cindy Forster, MPP Welland Ontario Municipalities 31940 Highway #3 • P.O. Box 40 • Wainfleet, ON • L0S 1V0 PHONE 905.899.3463 • FAX 905.899.2340 • www.wainfleet.ca Page 19 of 22 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report # FS-01-2016 Monthly Departmental Summary Fire Chief Cameron Morehouse February 9th 2016 STAFF RECOMMENDATION(S) “THAT Report # FS-01-2016 is received by the Committee of the Whole as information.” FIRE/SMOKE/CO ALARM/INSPECTIONS 72 George Street, Lanark – Request Inspection EDUCATION AND PREVENTION Nothing at this time TRAINING The new recruitment training has started in Almonte and Carleton Place and all are doing well. We have one member enrolled in the Instructor 1 course in April. There will be a training session in February on Scott Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus in Carleton Place. We hope to send at least one member per station. We are looking for other training in the area for our members to attend. STATIONS & APPARATUS New Door seals on the garage doors at Station 2 have been installed. Repaired the light at the front of Station 2 PERSONNEL, RECRUITMENT & RETENTION New recruits attending county course POLICIES, BYLAWS & OPERATIONAL Nothing at this time Page 20 of 22 HEALTH & SAFETY The committee has new executives: Chair – Jesse Bishoff, Vice Chair -Cameron Hann. Meeting was well attended with one member from each station represented. Monthly inspections are being conducted. Issues and concerns being dealt with as they arise. FINANCES Working on an inventory of the fire service assets. Chiefs Comments Training program remains under evaluation. Talking to other fire departments for input and help. OCCURRENCE SUMMARY Last page Prepared and Submitted By: Approved for Submission By: Cameron Morehouse Acting Fire Chief Matt Craig Interim CAO/Clerk Page 21 of 22 Month Fire Medical Aid MVA Alarm Burn Complaint Other 2016 2015 December 2 1 0 0 0 1 4 10 January 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 17 February 4 March 6 April 13 May 12 June 7 July 12 August 11 September 6 October 9 November 6 TOTALS 3 2 0 0 0 1 6 113 Other: automatic aid, power lines down, perceived emergencies etc. Page 22 of 22