St. Luke`s United Methodist Church


St. Luke`s United Methodist Church
Opportunities of the Week
We are glad you chose to worship with us today. It is a joy to have you with us,
and we sincerely desire to make you feel at home. The St. Luke’s United
Methodist Church is a fellowship where love, acceptance, and forgiveness are a
way of life. Thank you for taking the time to complete a Welcome Card, which
you’ll find in your pew. Please place it in the offering plate or give it to an usher.
We hope that you find us to be a warm, loving, caring congregation whose hospitality begins in the parking lot and extends through our worship and meeting
times. We want everyone who walks through our doors to feel welcome,
wanted, and valued, and to ultimately make St. Luke’s their church home so that
we can worship together, grow in our faith together, and serve together in order
to make a positive difference in our world!
Sunday, September 21
8:30 AM Sunday School for all ages
9:30 AM Traditional Worship Service/Sunday School
9:30 AM Hooked on Jesus
(ages 3-5)/Kingdom
(K-5th grades)
10:30 AM Fellowship Time/Sunday School Classes
11:00 AM Casual Worship Service/Kingdom Kids Worship
Monday, September 22
4:00 PM Prayer and Share (FaHoCha)
You are welcome to visit any of our Sunday School classes. Please see the flier on
the Welcome Desk in the lobby for more information.
6:00 PM Light in Darkness Ministry Meeting (Parlor)
Our nursery and children’s programs offer a warm, nurturing atmosphere and are
well-supervised with trained personnel. Ask an usher for assistance.
Loving God, Loving People,
Making Disciples
6:00 PM Youth Group (6th-12th Grades)
Sunday School
St. Luke’s United
Methodist Church
Tuesday, September 23
8:00 AM Noodle Making (Fellowship Hall)
10:00 AM Pastor B.J.’s Bible study (Parlor)
Infants and Toddlers
7:00 PM Lay Leadership Committee Meeting (FaHoCha)
Your little ones are welcome to stay with you during the worship service;
however, we have a staffed nursery and toddler room available for infants
through 2 years-old, or a cry room for your use at the back of the sanctuary.
Wednesday, September 24
1:00 PM Prayer/Bible Study (Parlor)
6:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
Children in Worship
Children ages 3yrs-5th grade are invited to Kingdom Kids Children’s Worship by
following the Kingdom Kids banner during the Opening Hymn in the 9:30am service and following Praise and Worship during the 11:00am service.
6:15 PM WMD (Wednesdays Mobilizing Disciples)
7:30 PM HandBell Ringers Rehearsal
Thursday, September 25
Child Check-in
The Children’s Department uses a computer check-in procedure to ensure the
safety of our children. Please visit the check-in station located at the entrance to
the Kingdom Kids Hallway in order to register your child(ren) ages 3 yrs-5th grade.
Contributions received week ending September 14, 2014:
$ 9,024
Operating Budget through August 31, 2014:
Actual Contributions to Budget through August 31, 2014: $355,633
Missions giving received week ending September 14, 2014 $
Loose coins (Bashor Home) through September 14, 2014:
7:30 PM
Today’s Altar Flowers are from
Tanya Saul and family
in memory of Robert Saul
and from Robert and Glenda Mann
to God be the Glory!
Praise Team Practice (Sanctuary)
September 21, 2014
Friday, September 26
6:00 PM
More Than a Movie Night (Chapel)
Saturday, September 27
5:30 PM
$ 71.10
Last week’s attendance—Worship: 242
8:00 AM Seekers Group Mtg. (Call 453-5728 for more info.)
10:00 AM District Meeting (Chapel)
700 Southway Blvd E, Kokomo, Indiana
8:00 AM Noodle Making (Fellowship Hall)
Youth Group Outing (6th-12th Grades)
Mitch Norwood
Lead Pastor
Rebecca Short
Music Director
B.J. Siefert
Associate Pastor
Rhoda Barkman
Jenny Hancock
Director of Children and
Family Ministries
Joe Rife
Praise Team Coordinator
Tyler Willhite
Youth Ministries Coordinator
Toni Miller
Nursery Supervisor
Paula Shrock
Prayer Ministry Director
Julie Wall
Jim Richey
Caring Ministries Coordinator
Kevin Pitzer
Julie Householder
Office Administrator
Jennifer Mansur
Preschool Director
Bruce Shrock
Multi-Media Coordinator
Today’s Message
“Why Are We Here?”
Pastor Mitch Norwood
Sunday School 8:30, 9:30, & 10:30 am
Traditional Worship 9:30 am
Casual Worship 11:00 am
Sunday, September 21, 2014
11:00 AM Order of Worship
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Back to Church Sunday
9:30 AM Order of Worship
“Marche Romaine”
Rhoda Barkman
Greeting and Fellowship
(You may fill out a Prayer Card. Ushers will pick them up during opening hymn).
(Please fill out a Welcome Card and place it in the offering plate when passed).
*Opening Hymn
“Holy, Holy, Holy”
Children ages 3 years-5th grade are invited to follow the banner to Kingdom Kids
worship in the children’s hall during the song.
*Opening Prayer
Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are gathered you are
there in the midst. Lord, we welcome you amongst us today and celebrate the
gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us. We ask that you would
open our ears so that we may hear your voice. Open our minds so that we
may receive eternal wisdom. Open our spirits so that we may know your
leading and guidance. And open our hearts so that we may receive your wonderful love. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
As you prepare for worship, open your heart and mind to allow yourself to
experience God’s presence. You may bring your morning offering and any prayer
requests forward at any time during our praise and worship. Just come forward
during one of the songs and place them in the offering plates, which are sitting on
the altar rail. We pray that you will be touched in a special way and feel more
connected to God by worshiping with us today!
Praise and Worship
Praise Team
Fellowship Time
Children ages 3 years-5th grade are invited to follow the banner to
Kingdom Kids worship in the children’s hall during this time.
“Why Are We Here?”
Pastor Mitch Norwood
“Mighty God”
Chancel Choir
Giving of our Tithes and Offerings
“Melody in F”
Rhoda Barkman
“More Love to Thee, O Christ”
(vs. 1 and 2)
Pastoral Prayer
*Hymn of Sending
“Why Are We Here?”
Pastor Mitch Norwood
“Family of God”
“On Our Way Rejoicing”
(*Please join us in standing if you are able.)
UM—blue hymnal
FOG—brown hymnal
Rhoda Barkman
The Muppets have always been about Family—and this movie
makes it clear what holds them together. Children of all ages
are invited! Bring yourself and lots of friends to enjoy games,
activities, and of course a great movie! Movie theatre popcorn and caffeine-free drinks are provided.
YOUTH GROUP (grades 6th-12th)—We are going to Guffey Acres Corn
Job Opening: Kevin Pitzer and his wife, our St. Luke’s Custodians, have decided
to retire effective the end of October. The church is looking for a replacement
person or persons. The job requires approximately 25 hours per week of time.
Besides normal janitor duties, some light maintenance work is required. A
husband/wife team who share the duties is acceptable. Contact John Myers for
more information at 765-480-7328.
Angel’s Attic Bazaar on October 11th! Please sign up to help us have a great day of work,
fun, and fellowship on Oct. 11! Some opportunities available are: 9/22, 10am—set up to
make noodles; 9/23, 8-11am & 1-4pm—make noodles; 9/24, 10am—turn noodles; 9/25, 811am & 1-4pm—make noodles; 9/26, 10am—turn noodles; 9/27, 10am—bag noodles.
Chicken pickin will be on Thurs., 10/9 at noon. Please drop off jewelry and crafts anytime
before 10/10. Treasures and Trinkets may be dropped off after church on 10/7 and anytime during the week in the south hall by the FaHoCha classroom. Have items here by Fri.!
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Prayer Hymn
Most Wanted, Friday, September 26th 6:00 –
8:00pm (registration begins at 5:45pm)
October is Pastor Appreciation Month— Psst! Have you wondered what special thing you
can do for Pastor Mitch and Pastor BJ for Pastor Appreciation Month in October? Outside
the main doors in the back of the sanctuary is a table with two calendars, one for Pastor
Mitch and one for Pastor BJ. All you have to do is sign one of the boxes on the calendars,
take a Hedging the Pastor in Prayer guide and pray on the day you signed. Both pastors
would probably agree that this is the best gift you could give.
Sending Forth
Commissioning Paula Shrock for Mission Trip
Choral Mission
Family Movie Night – More Than a Movie – Muppets
Maze on Saturday, September 27. Meet at the church at 5:30 pm. Bring $10
to get in and a friend! We will be back to the church at 10 pm.
Our Morning Offering
Lay Leadership (Nominating) Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 23rd,
at 7:00pm, in the FaHoCha room.
Worship Presenter: 9:30 Bruce Shrock, 11:00 Georgia Everett
Sound: 9:30 Jeff Liechty
Greeters: Al and Sandy Nagy, Paul and Betty Hinkle
Ushers: Dick and Gloria Myers, Paul and Betty Hinkle
Organist/Accompanist: Rhoda Barkman
Pianist: Nancy Slaubaugh
Song Leader: Robert Short
Nursery: 8:30 Toni Miller, 9:30 Julie Householder, 11:00 Toni Miller
Praise Team: 11:00 Guitars—Joe Rife & John King, Drums—Bruce Shrock,
Keyboard—Wayne Sozansky, Violin—Sue Troyer, Vocalists—Paula Shrock &
Nina Sozansky (Tambourine)
How to Get Sermon Recordings
1. Order a CD of recent sermons at the Welcome Desk - $1.00 donation
2. Listen/download FREE sermons at
Dr. David Jeremiah—Want to hear a great message of God? Come join me to hear Dr. David Jeremiah, well-known author and speaker, for an evening out on October 23rd, at
Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. Tickets are FREE! If interested please call Nancy
Clingaman, 765-513-7542, or 457-4108 by October 12th. Let’s get a group from St. Luke’s
for a fun-filled evening out.
Prayer Guide— Please take a moment stop by the table outside the main
doors in the back of the sanctuary to pick up “A Month of Prayers for Your
Church,” a guide for concentrated prayer effort for our leaders and ministries
in October. Then, hang on to it and pray it every month with 31 days and
watch with awe as God injects Holy Spirit power into existing ministries and
inspires creative, new ministries to our neighbors.
JOY Fellowship (Just Older Youth—group for people over 55!)—
will meet on Friday, October 3rd, at 11:00am, at the church. A representative
from Samaritan Care Givers will tell us about this special ministry. Following the
program, a pot-luck lunch will be held. Chili will be provided. Bring a covered
dish, a white elephant, and a friend.
Naomi Circle—will meet on Tuesday, October 7th, at 5:30pm, at the church. We
will leave from there for a mystery dinner. Nancy McClure will give the devotions.
For a reservation call Tanya Saul @ 480-5668, or Nancy Slaubaugh @ 963-3261.
Join us!