Disability training directory


Disability training directory
Disability training directory:
March 2012
To improve awareness of and access to relevant training, this disability training directory has been
developed by Te Pou’s Disability Workforce Development service and the New Zealand Federation of
Vocational and Support Services (VASS), in partnership with the New Zealand Disability Support
Network (NZDSN) and other key stakeholders.
The disability training directory aims to:
 support increased awareness of relevant training and activities that are available
 provide a central place for the sector to access relevant training information
 support the development of the workforce, leaders and emerging leaders, consumers and
The main types of entries included in the directory include:
 Consumer and family/whānau leadership development - such as self-determination, consumer
leadership, mentoring and coaching training
 Community building and development - for example, courses on community services, building
inclusive communities and principles of community participation
 Cultural responsiveness and diversity - for example training in responding to Māori, Pacific
peoples and other ethnic groups
 Disability awareness and service development - such as specific disabilities and specialist
support, service design, community inclusion, values and ethics training
 Leadership development - for example mentoring and support, quality improvement,
management and leadership development activities
 National NZQA certificates and diplomas - such as the National Certificates in Community
Support, Disability Information Provision, and Employment Support
 Safety, quality and evaluation - courses that support the development of minimum knowledge
and skills, including general quality improvement, occupational health and safety and evaluation
Please note: listings included in the disability training directory may be eligible, but are not guaranteed,
Ministries of Health or Social Development grant funding.
If you would like to submit your training to the directory please contact by email [email protected]
or visit http://www.tepou.co.nz/training/disability-sector-training-directory
Brennan Gracie
National Lead, Disability
Disability Workforce Development, Te Pou
Tess Casey
Chief Executive Officer
NZ Federation of Vocational and Support Services
Table of contents
Consumer and family/whānau leadership development
Leadership ................................................................................................................................................6
Mentoring and coaching ...........................................................................................................................7
Other consumer and family/whānau development ............................................................................. 10
Community building and development
Cultural reponsiveness and diversity training
Disability awareness and service development
Specific disabilities and specialist support ............................................................................................ 18
Support models/service design ............................................................................................................. 29
Supporting inclusion .............................................................................................................................. 38
Values and ethics ................................................................................................................................... 40
Other disability awareness and service development training ............................................................. 43
Leadership development
Communications .................................................................................................................................... 45
Leadership ............................................................................................................................................. 46
Mentoring, coaching and supervision ................................................................................................... 53
Quality improvement............................................................................................................................. 56
Team management and development .................................................................................................. 58
Other leadership development ............................................................................................................. 62
National NZQA certificate or diploma
Tutor and assessor support for work based qualifications ................................................................... 63
Qualifications gained through work based study .................................................................................. 66
Other NZQA qualifications and unit standards...................................................................................... 68
Safety, quality and evaluation
Consumer and family/whānau
leadership development
This section contains training opportunities aimed at developing the leadership capability and capacity
of consumers and their family/whānau. Training from a variety of training providers is presented which
seeks to:
 enhance leadership development through providing access to skills development, mentoring
and coaching training
 strengthen the skills of consumers and family/whānau to actively engage with health providers
to design, evaluate and govern services
 increase consumer and family/whānau’s ability to express their rights to self-determination.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Deep Quality – Through Individualised Service Design
The term "deep quality" refers to crafting with people with a disability or
experience of mental illness, uniquely tailored and sustainable supports that
meet their fundamental needs and aspirations in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
PASSING – Programme Analysis of Service Systems
PASSING - A five day workshop of service analysis.
To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
0274 934 604
Social Role Valorisation Introductory Theory
This introductory workshop about Social Role Valorisation (SRV) reviews the
implications and assumptions about the value of all persons and their place in
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Family Leadership
A customised workshop, co-facilitated by at least one disabled person or family
member to assist families to achieve what they want/need and maintain
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Partners - Influencing Change
Adapted to the New Zealand situation, this course is aimed at disabled people
and family members who choose to become active with regional and national
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Mentoring and coaching
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pam MacNeill Consulting
Pam MacNeill
[email protected]
027 457 5461
Personalised Mentoring Programme
Support and mentoring to achieve whatever you are interested in and how this
may be turned into employment opportunities.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 920
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
NZ Coaching and Mentoring Centre
Aly McNicoll
[email protected]
09 360 2065
The Mentor’s Toolbox
This one day course will improve your ability to build significant mentoring
relationships and dramatically increase your confidence and competence in the
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 495 reduced to $350 for disability sector organisations
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Inclusion Aotearoa
Ruth Gerzon
[email protected]
07 312 4191
The Advocacy Toolkits
A series of workshops for health and disability workers covering self-advocacy,
peer advocacy, systemic advocacy and advanced skills and strategies.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,150 plus accommodation and travel if required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Circles of Support
A circle of support (friends) is a group of people who are intentionally invited to
come together in friendship and support of a person with a disability for the
purposes of protecting their interests into the future.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Families and disabled people $100, service providers and professionals $200
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
PATH - Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope
An approach to individual or organisational planning.
To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Seeking a Good Life Leadership Workshops for Families
A workshop exploring options for people with disabilities and their families to
manage their own supports and take authority over their own lives.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 30 per family
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Crafting a Future
A workshop to help establish the vision, networks, opportunities and plans that
will provide a secure future for someone who has a disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 30 per family
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pam MacNeill Consulting
Pam MacNeill
[email protected]
027 457 5461
Planning for Action Workshop
Planning for employment, identifying goals, overcoming barriers, employment
issues, including pros and cons of disclosure.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 115 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pam MacNeill Consulting
Pam MacNeill
[email protected]
027 475 461
Be Bold Workshop
Overcoming barriers to achieving your employment goals, including pros and
cons of disclosure.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 115 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Paradigm Initiative
Bridget Snedden
[email protected]
021 353 755
Community Conversations on Circles of Support One Day Event
A conversation exploring circles of support, strategies to build and sustain
lifetime relationships.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 15 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Paradigm Initiative
Bridget Snedden
[email protected]
021 353 755
Community Conversations on Circles of Support - Building Futures Together
A conversation for family/whānau and people with a disability and support
people, to explore the notion of circles of support.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
The Speaking Up Course
The Speaking Up course is designed for people with a learning disability to learn
about their rights and their community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): As negotiated
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
Work and your Rights in New Zealand
Designed for people with an intellectual disability to build understanding of
employment rights and strategies to respond to issues if they arise.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Depends on duration and location of workshops – contact the training provider
to discuss
Other consumer and family/whānau development
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Autism New Zealand
Pat Gluck
[email protected]
04 470 7616
Earlybird Programme
Designed to help parents or carers of children who have a diagnosis of an
autism spectrum disorder understand and apply practical strategies to
managing behaviour.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Diversity NZ Ltd
Philip Patston
[email protected]
09 376 4830
Diversity Inquiry
A workshop in which participants creatively explore new paradigms of diversity
including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, sexuality and disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Glimpse $50 per person, Gaze $90, Journey $120 (min 15 people)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Health and Disability Commission
Tania Thomas and Hemant Thakkar
[email protected]; [email protected]
09 373 1060
Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (the Code)
A tailored course to build participants’ awareness of the Health and Disability
Code of Consumers Rights and how it may apply in practice.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free (training requester to cover the travel expenses if outside Greater
Auckland region)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Alternative Employments – Micro Business Development for Disabled People
Training on alternative employments – micro business development for
disabled people is offered.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Roles Based Planning
Training on roles based planning is provided.
To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Introduction to Personal Outcome Measures
Standards Plus provides training and service evaluations using Personal
Outcomes Measures as accredited by the American Council for Quality and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Neuro Rehab Results
Dr Suzie Mudge
[email protected]
09 480 6464
Carer Training
A modular course to support carers to maintain the health and wellbeing of
those they are supporting as well as themselves.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 2, 025 per module
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
The United Nations Convention
This workshop/course is designed for people with a learning disability to learn
about the Convention and their rights under the United Nations Convention.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Arty House
Janice Higgison
[email protected]
07 5524162
Parent Play Shop
A workshop for parents and caregivers to explore the importance of play. An
experiential day for participants to develop their creative confidence and learn
play ideas to introduce their children and families.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 200 per person, $350 per couple
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Arty House
Janice Higgison
[email protected]
07 5524162
Processing Through Series
A practical experiential workshop that uses either collage, paints, pastels or clay
to spend a day in a creative environment. Each workshop focuses on the use of
one medium to build confidence in the use of a medium, to become more
creative and expressive and begin to learn the meaning of your work.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person
Community building and
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Horowhenua Adult Literacy Services
Michael Dally
[email protected]
06 368 6064
Intensive Literacy and Numeracy (ILN)
Assessment of, and support for literacy and numeracy needs.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Lynda Millington
[email protected]
07 847 4255
Asset Based Community Development
A powerful approach to community development that will focus your effort on
discovering and mobilising the resources that are already present in a
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Price on application
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Using Community Assets
A course to gain skills in community mapping, developing community asset
registers and maintaining trusting relationships for those supporting individuals
to connect and contribute in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Cultural reponsiveness
and diversity training
Training presented in this section is aimed at increasing workers cultural knowledge and skills to work
effectively with Māori and Pacific peoples and other culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Key
topics covered include working effectively with Māori and Pacific peoples to ensure service
responsiveness and inclusion. Training in Māori values, concepts, philosophies and practical application
of Treaty of Waitangi knowledge in daily practice are included.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ardent Training and Consultancy Ltd
Arnah McEntyre
[email protected]
027 344 4629
Cultural Safety
A three hour interactive workshop to build knowledge of Māori values,
concepts and philosophies as principles for supporting all people in a culturally
safe manner.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By agreement depending on learning and development requirements
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Asian Health Support Services
CALD Administrator
[email protected]
09 440 6926
CALD Cultural Competency Courses and Resources
The culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) course provides understanding of
different cultures and the ability to support people sensitively and with
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Acknowledging Tikanga in Disability
In this one day workshop you will cover a variety of Tikangi practices and how
these are applied in a health and disability setting.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a quote
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Compass Seminars
Craig McKenzie
[email protected]
06 759 1647
Māori Concepts of Wellbeing with Sir Mason Durie
Principles for working with Māori and supporting wellbeing; the dynamic
interactions of cultural, social economic, political and physical environments.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 195
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Diversity NZ Ltd
Philip Patston
[email protected]
09 376 4830
Diversity Inquiry
A workshop in which participants creatively explore new paradigms of diversity
including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, sexuality and disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Glimpse $50 per person, Gaze $90, Journey $120 (min 15 people)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Focus on Pacfic Limited
David Lui
[email protected]
09 837 1155
Pacific Cultural Competency Workshop
An introductory workshop on the history, values, beliefs and cultures of Pacific
peoples and how to work effectively with them.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 200
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Inclusion Aotearoa
Ruth Gerzon
[email protected]
07 312 4191
The Treaty in Action
A co-facilitated (bi-cultural) two day workshop to grow participants’
understanding and confidence to use Treaty based knowledge as a basis for
their work.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 5,750 plus costs (travel, accommodation, handouts)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pukenga Consultancy Ltd
Dr Huhana Hickey
[email protected]
022 059 7752
Treaty of Waitangi Workshops in Disability Services
Our training package is targeted at community groups, service providers and
government agencies to educate, inform and bring about awareness and
understanding around Treaty issues and disabled Maori. The content covers
a range of topics including the Treaty of Waitangi, implications on provider
groups and communities, putting theory into practice and looking at other
legislative requirements and conventions.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiable
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Takawai &Chris Ltd
[email protected]
07 824 8911
Education Facilitators
This training aims to equip participants on Maori cultural traditions and values.
The teaching method engages at the intellectual level, emotional level and
political level.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 6,200 plus travel and accomodation
Disability awareness and
service development
This section contains training that is aimed at increasing disability awareness and knowledge
primarily for the frontline workforce, including:
 specific disabilities and specialist support - information about both specific disabilities
such as autism, and dual experiences (for example, intellectual disability and mental
health issues)
 specialised support including behaviour support, assistive communication and therapeutic
 support models and service design - training regarding different models of support and
building organisational systems to support such models
 supporting inclusion - learning activities that aim to increase the skills, community
knowledge and support necessary for successful inclusion
 values and ethics - training aimed at increasing the workforces’ understanding of ethical
issues, professional boundaries, disability rights, valuing all persons, and historical issues.
Specific disabilities and specialist support
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Autism New Zealand
Pat Gluck
[email protected]
04 470 7616
Earlybird Programme
Designed to help parents or carers of children who have a diagnosis of an
autism spectrum disorder understand and apply practical strategies to
managing behaviour.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Autism New Zealand
Pat Gluck
[email protected]
04 470 7616
Help! Programme
Parent Education Programme for the parents or full time carers of school
aged children on the autism spectrum.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
ABC Behaviour Management
This workshop will examine the basic principles of behaviour, possible
causes of challenging behaviour and focus on various strategies that
people working in the disability, mental health and addiction sectors can
implement to help diffuse the situation reducing the risk of trauma and
injury to themselves and the consumer.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Challenging Behaviours
This workshop explores how to understand and respond to challenging
behaviours; through activities, discussion and debate, learners will
explore approaches to challenging situations, explore their personal
values within a range of relationship contexts, identify strategies to
engage meaningfully with people using disability, mental health, and
addiction services and their peers and actively reflect on their own
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Co-existing Disorders
People who have disabilities or mental health problems may also have coexisting addiction problems (known as "CEP"). This workshop provides an
introduction to CEP and uses the principles of best practice, activities, and
group discussion to build learners' confidence and provide practical tools
to work at both the service and individual levels.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Conflict Management
This workshop introduces conflict management which is working towards
increasing the positive results whilst reducing the negative. It also allows
learners to investigate their personal conflict style and discover tools for
resolving conflict in their personal and professional life.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Hearing Voices
This workshop is designed for all people working in the disability, mental
health and addiction sectors and will discuss current research regarding
psychosis and voice hearing.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Managing Difficult Situations and Boundaries and Professionalism
Two courses will be jointly delivered in this one day workshop. The
morning session will enable support workers to broaden their knowledge
and develop skills in using de-escalation techniques when working
alongside people with a disability. The afternoon session will provide
participants with an opportunity to explore the challenging concepts of
professionalism and boundaries in healthcare relationships.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
MH101 helps frontline employees develop greater confidence in
recognising, relating and responding to people experiencing mental
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Suicide and Risk Assessment
In this workshop, learners will look closely at the theory and research
around suicide risk assessment and management.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Chris Taua - Consultant
Chris Taua
[email protected]
021 077 6867
Understanding Mental Illness in People with a Dual Disability
This is a tailored one day introductory course to assist participants to
recognise when a person with an intellectual disability might have a
mental illness, support the person to access help and be involved in the
assessment and treatment process.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person - this is negotiable depending on travel costs for trainer
and numbers attending if regional
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Compass Seminars
Craig McKenzie
[email protected]
06 759 1647
Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Three Day Intensive with Michael Durrant
Strengthening solution based counselling skills for those with previous
exposure to solution based therapy.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 749
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Compass Seminars
Craig McKenzie
[email protected]
06 759 1647
Understanding Early Trauma with Prof Louise Newman
Child development, brain science, resiliency, attachments and effective
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 195
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Compass Seminars
Craig McKenzie
[email protected]
06 759 1647
Think Good, Feel Good with Prof Paul Stallard - Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy with Children and Young People
Brief Description:
The foundations, goals and principles of cognitive behavioural therapy
and processes for applying with children and young people.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 210
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Compass Seminars
Craig McKenzie
[email protected]
06 759 1647
The B.R.A.I.N Workshop with Dr Dave Ziegler
Child development, brain science, resiliency, attachments and effective
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 210
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Creating Success Limited
Jo Adkins
[email protected]
06 845 2604
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders with Dr Tony Attwood
Building strategies for communication, behaviour and emotion
management for children with autism.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 195
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Donald Beasley Institute
Brigit Mirfin-Veitch
[email protected]
03 479 2162
Tailored Workforce Development – Intellectual Disability
The Donald Beasley Institute is a national non-profit organisation
specialising in intellectual disability research, evaluation, mentoring and
postgraduate supervision. The Institute is able to offer tailored workforce
development seminars and workshops.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dunedin Community Care Trust
Barney Cooper
[email protected]
03 466 3055
Microcounselling Attending Skills
This course is designed to teach basic attending skills based on the
microcounselling skills training approach developed by Allan Ivey and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 400
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dunedin Community Care Trust
Barney Cooper
[email protected]
03 466 3055
Advanced Microcounselling Skills
This workshop is a follow on from the Attending Skills course and uses the
microcounselling skills training approach to support problem resolution.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 500
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dunedin Community Care Trust
Barney Cooper
[email protected]
03 466 3055
Two Day Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Training Workshop
This workshop provides basic theoretical and experiential training for
direct support staff to work with people with autism spectrum disorders.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 400
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dunedin Community Care Trust
Barney Cooper
[email protected]
03 466 3055
Two Day Challenging Behaviour Workshops
This workshop is a simplified version of the Institute for Applied
Behaviour Analysis Assessment and Programming for Severe and
Challenging Behaviour Training and focuses on functional assessment.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 400
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Joan Cowan
[email protected]
06 353 2580
Challenging Behaviour
The purpose of the session is to equip learners with knowledge and skills
to recognise factors that influence behaviour, to take positive steps to
reduce the likelihood of behaviour becoming challenging, and help
maximise dignity and safety.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Joan Cowan
[email protected]
06 353 2580
Makaton – Beginners Workshop for Parents and Carers
Makaton is a simple standardised sign language and is designed to
provide basic interactive vocabulary for adults and children and those
who share their lives.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Joan Cowan
[email protected]
06 353 2580
Supporting People with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The purpose of this session is to provide learners with an insight into the
world of ASD; introducing the characteristics of people on the autism
spectrum and providing learners with some tools to help them
understand and support people with autism.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Joan Cowan
[email protected]
06 353 2580
Epilepsy Management
The purpose of this session is to introduce support workers to knowledge
and skills which may enable them to safely support a person with
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Integrated Partners in Health (IPH)
Penny McGarry
[email protected]
09 638 7501 or 021 702 310
Introduction to Brain Injury
IPH provides training for family, caregivers and health professionals. This
course provides an introduction to the causes and anatomy of the injury
and practical strategies to assist people to maximise their independence
and facilitate their participation in their usual roles, at home, at work and
in the community. The course is broken into seven modules which can be
delivered in a way that meets the needs of your organisation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 500 per module for up to 20 participants. Course books additional - $15
per participant. Larger groups and trainings outside of Auckland by
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Integrated Partners in Health (IPH)
Penny McGarry
[email protected]
09 638 7501 or 021 702 310
Working with People with Spinal Cord Injury
IPH provides training for family, caregivers and health professionals. This
course provides an introduction to the causes and anatomy of the injury
and practical strategies to assist people to maximise their independence
and facilitate their participation in their usual roles, at home, at work and
in the community. The course is broken into six modules which can be
delivered flexibly to meet your organisation’s needs.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 500 per module for up to 20 participants. Course books additional - $15
per participant. Larger groups and trainings outside of Auckland by
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Jo Titchener Consultant
Jo Titchener
[email protected]
06 753 2003
A Range of Training Opportunities in Disability, Health and Aged Care
Brief Description:
Seminars, structured teaching sessions, tutorials and assessments to
support learning of a range of health, disability and aged care topics including national qualifications.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies according to training - contact provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Makaton New Zealand Aotearoa
Liza Brown
[email protected]
09 818 7115
Makaton Beginners Workshop
Makaton is a communication training package where a basic interactive
vocabulary is taught using speech, signs and/or symbols to children and
adults with communication difficulties and those people who share their
lives. Training can be provided to family members, direct care staff,
teachers, therapists
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 115
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pyramid Educational Consultants of Australia
Erin Hobbin
[email protected]
+61 3 9314 5374
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) Basic Training
This standardised training targets speech pathologists, psychologists,
special educators, occupational therapists, behaviour analysts, social
workers, parents and carers. It is designed to teach participants the
theory behind PECS and the protocols for how to appropriately
implement its six phases.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 740
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Working Constructively with Conflict
Practical and varied approaches to conflict which can be pivotal in
assisting individuals to develop and organisations to transform.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Solutions NZ
Maree Whitworth
[email protected]
03 960 9466
Supporting Individuals with Complex Needs
This course focuses on those individuals with behavioural and/or
communication difficulties which impact on their current lifestyle.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 80
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Solutions NZ
Maree Whitworth
[email protected]
03 960 9466
Communication Strategies
This course is offered to families, staff and volunteers who support a
person with special learning needs who may or may not be verbal (e.g.
Autism Spectrum, Intellectual Disability, etc.). It provides information
about the range and types of communication strategies, reasons for using
them and how to develop them.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 80
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Solutions NZ
Maree Whitworth
[email protected]
03 960 9466
Visual Communication Strategies
This course is offered to families, staff and volunteers who support a
person with special learning needs who may or may not be verbal (e.g.
Autism Spectrum, Intellectual Disability, etc.). This course will provide
information about the range and types of visual communication
strategies, reasons for using them, how to develop them.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 80
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Solutions NZ
Maree Whitworth
[email protected]
03 960 9466
Facilitated Problem Solving – Aka Two Heads are Better than One!
This course is for families, staff and volunteers who support a person with
special needs. It is based on the principle that “two heads are better than
one” and that all can benefit from sharing ideas and strategies
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 80
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 3433 669
The Art of De-escalation - Keeping Yourself Safe and Managing Difficult
Brief Description:
A programme designed for people working in the disability sector, to
increase knowledge awareness and confidence when faced with negative
or potentially aggressive behaviours.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 863 for half day or $1,725 for a full day + travel and accommodation as
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Tautoko Services
Karen Baddiley
[email protected]
04 233 0164
Effective Teaching Skills
A workshop for anyone working alongside disabled people with a focus
on teaching new skills.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Actual costs are negotiated with provider based on workshop costs of
$138 per hour (up to 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Tautoko Services
Karen Baddiley
[email protected]
04 233 0164
Autism Awareness
An introductory level workshop on understanding autism and is suitable
for anyone working with people on the autism spectrum.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Actual costs are negotiated with provider based on workshop costs of
$138 per hour (up to 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Tautoko Services
Karen Baddiley
[email protected]
04 233 0164
A practical in-depth course for those supporting people on the autism
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Actual costs are negotiated with provider based on workshop costs of
$138 per hour (up to 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Tautoko Services
Karen Baddiley
[email protected]
04 233 0164
Positive Approaches to Challenging Behaviour (Level Two)
Intervention strategies for those supporting people whose behaviour
provides a challenge to living an ordinary life in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Actual costs are negotiated with provider based on workshop costs of
$138 per hour (up to 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Arty House
Janice Higgison
[email protected]
07 5524162
Processing Through Stress Using Art
This practical one day workshop looks at ways to recognise stress. What
causes stress and how it affects you and those around you.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Centre for Learning [A division of IHC NZ Inc]
CFL Administrator
[email protected]
04 471 6568
General Training on Topics Related to Intellectual Disability
Skills for frontline workers supporting people with an intellectual
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiable
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Sciences
Roger Stancliffe
[email protected]
+61 2 9351 9984
Master of Health Science (Developmental Disability)
This long distance online course helps health professionals develop
specialist skills in the field of development disabilities.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Fees in Australian dollars. Postgraduate domestic course fee: $17,280
per one Equivalent Fulltime Student Load (EFTSL) (nominal full time year),
postgraduate domestic course Fee: $360 per credit point, postgraduate
international course fee: $31,200 per one EFTSL (nominal full time year)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Therapy Professionals Ltd
Shonagh O’Hagan
[email protected]
03 377 5280
Eating and Drinking Difficulties (Dysphagia)
Knowledge and skills to feed people with dysphagia safely.
2,234 plus travel expenses for a group of up to 25 people
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Therapy Professionals Ltd
Shonagh O’Hagan
[email protected]
03 377 5280
Overcoming Communication Disabilities
Training for those working with people with an intellectual or physical
disability whose ability to communicate is limited.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,932 plus travel expenses for a group of up to 25
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Therapy Professionals Ltd
Shonagh O’Hagan
[email protected]
03 377 5280
Keeping Clients Comfortable
Maintaining physical mobility and comfort for those with an intellectual
or physical disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,932 plus travel expenses for a group of up to 25 people
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
Managing Challenging Behaviour
This is a one-day intensive workshop to help staff understand levels of
escalation and the most effective intervention for each level.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Support models/service design
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
AbilityDis Consulting
Stewart Sexton
[email protected]
04 562 6258
Disability Awareness Training
Tailor made practical training on how organisations can make themselves
more accessible.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 173
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Amida Training Ltd
Nichola Scott
[email protected]
0800 426 432 Ext 3
Maximise Independence
This course is designed for support workers working in the health and
disability sector and offers unit standard 23925 (support, mentor and
facilitate a consumer to maximise independence in a health or disability
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Variable depending on training option selected
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
Introduction to Supported Employment
Suited to beginner supported employment practitioners, it gives
participants a good introduction to
disability/inclusion/exclusion/supported employment foundation
principals/ideas behind the concept of supported employment/traditional
vocational rehabilitation and competitive job placement/breaking the
myths/supported employment process/supported employment
outcomes/job matching, development and analysis/ongoing support.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Two day programme Full ASENZ members $517.50, Associate members
$575, Non-members $632.50
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
Marketing Supported Employment
The one day workshop provides participants with the crucial information
on the ‘how to’ of marketing. This has been and will continue to be one of
the key training workshops that practitioners need (particularly those of
you who are new to the field).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Full ASENZ members $287.50, Associate members $316.25,
Non-members $345
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
The Career Planning Workshop
This one day workshop aims to provide participants with the knowledge
and skills in conducting a career plan and explains the vital role that a
professionally conducted career plan has for the job seeker (and for you
as the Consultant) in planning for and securing paid employment.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Full ASENZ members $287.50, Associate members $316.25,
Non-members $345
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
The Personal Plans Workshop
This one day workshop was created so that the whole of the supported
employment process (from initial interview to placement and ongoing
support) can be seen.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Full ASENZ members $287.50, Associate members $316.25,
Non-members $345
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Auckland University of Technology
Dr Dale Furbish
[email protected]
09 921 9999
Training Title:
Graduate Diploma in Career Development
Brief Description:
Individuals who assist clients with career decision making and
employment issues. The Grad Dip is an 8 paper qualification that is
offered by blended learning that involves online materials and periodic
face-to-face weekend sessions in Auckland.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Each paper tuition and fees are approximately $700
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Disability Awareness Part 1
This full day workshop will provide participants with an introduction to
disability services and the frameworks, models and strategies that guide
disability services in New Zealand. Suitable for healthcare workers new to
mental health and disability services, and for existing healthcare workers
looking to gain a greater understanding of disability services.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Disability Awareness Part 2
This full day workshop has been designed to build on participants’
knowledge of disability services as covered in the introduction to
disability workshop. The workshop will focus on responding to the needs
of people with specific disabilities within the disability, mental health and
addictions services.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Risk – An Essential Element of Recovery
This workshop sets out to define ‘risk’ and look at the implications of risk,
including what can be gained from cultivating an environment where risk
is not necessarily negative.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Working with Family and Whanau
Learners will understand the impact of disability, mental illness and
addictions on the family, discuss and apply different strategies for family
inclusion and find solutions to working with whanau when the service
user does not wish direct family involvement.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Careerworks Hawkes Bay
Dr Heather Carpenter
[email protected]
06 879 6132
Identity and Career Choices: Young People and a Good Start
This three hour workshop is aimed at those working with young people
(or older) in a range of situations, including disability and long term
rehabilitation. It includes identity theory, tools that promote identity
awareness, case studies and practical conversational processes.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 120
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Compass Seminars
Craig McKenzie
[email protected]
06 759 1647
Attachment and Emotional Communication with Wendy Kelly
A presentation of the latest findings in the field of attachment and
emotional communication.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 195
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Health and Disability Commission
Tania Thomas and Hemant Thakkar
[email protected]; [email protected]
09 373 1060
Disability Responsiveness Training
A tailored course to increase the disability responsiveness of people
working in the disability sector.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free (training requester to cover the travel expenses if outside Greater
Auckland region)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Helen Sanderson Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd
Deb Watson
[email protected]
+61 3 5783 4548
Disability Leadership Training
Developing leadership skills for building person centred practice and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,500 AUD per day – most courses work best with a limit of 20
participants but additional people can be negotiated
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Alternative Employments – Micro Business Development for Disabled
Brief Description:
Training on alternative employments – micro business development for
disabled people is offered.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Deep Quality – Through Individualised Service Design
The term "deep quality" refers to crafting with people with a disability or
experience of mental illness, uniquely tailored and sustainable supports
that meet their fundamental needs and aspirations in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
PASSING – Programme Analysis of Service Systems
PASSING - A five day workshop of service analysis.
To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
PATH - Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope
An approach to individual or organisational planning.
To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Crafting a Future
A workshop to help establish the vision, networks, opportunities and
plans that will provide a secure future for someone who has a disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 30 per family
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Roles Based Planning
Training on roles based planning is provided.
To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Personal Outcome Measures Training - Taking a Lead Optimal Service
Design Package
Brief Description:
An intensive theoretical and practical ten day advanced training
programme in individualised service design and personal planning.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Implementation of Personal Outcome Measures – An Organisational
Commitment to Quality
Brief Description:
A four-day training programme that is a combination of the theory and
practical implementation of applying personal outcomes as a measure of
service quality.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Introduction to Personal Outcome Measures
Standards Plus provides training and service evaluations using "Personal
Outcomes Measures" as accredited by the American Council for Quality
and Leadership.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Lynda Millington
[email protected]
07 847 4255
Organisation Transformation Framework
The purpose of the transformation framework is to assist in bringing
about long term, positive and sustainable change in the lives of people
and communities. The framework is flexible to tailor the learning material
and approach to specific focus areas and the circumstances of each group
of learners.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Interactive Drawing Therapy Ltd
Angela Lawrie
[email protected]
09 376 4789
Foundation Course
This Interactive Drawing Therapy (IDT) training provides participants with
tools to access their own inherent resourcefulness and apply it to both
presenting and underlying issues.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 850
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pam MacNeill Consulting
Pam MacNeill
[email protected]
027 457 5461
Personalised Mentoring Programme
Support and mentoring to achieve whatever you are interested in and
how this may be turned into employment opportunities.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 920
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Customised Services
This course examines the main components of customising supports,
predictable challenges, international learning and practical 'first step'
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Shifting Authority
A practical course to examine ways for organisations to shift authority to
enable disabled persons and family/whānau to lead personal and
organisational development.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Leadership in a New Era
Practical skills for the new leadership needed to achieve the elements of
emerging models of facilitation and customised services.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Outcome Facilitation
This course explores the definition, components and skills associated with
an individual outcomes approach and facilitation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Using Community Assets
A course to gain skills in community mapping, developing community
asset registers and maintaining trusting relationships for those supporting
individuals to connect and contribute in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Key Components of Quality
Participants will become aware of local and international approaches to
Quality of Life within human services, and explore the development and
implementation of quality processes.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Aspiration Based Personal Planning
A practical course that will enable participants to gain an in-depth
understanding of the principles, intent, components and strategies
associated with aspiration based personal planning.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
An Individual Outcomes Approach
A course that explores the characteristics of an outcomes approach,
central processes, challenges, strategies and key associated skills.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Developmental Evaluation
This course will enable participants to understand the background, intent,
core elements and value of a multi-perspective approach to
developmental evaluation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Working Constructively with Conflict
Practical and varied approaches to conflict which can be pivotal in
assisting individuals to develop and organisations to transform.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
South Pacific Educational Courses
Carolyn Baines
[email protected]
06 877 7410
An Introductory Day for SPEC courses
The Professional development day covers the requirements for the
Certifice in Learning Support Level 1 requirements, alongside a ‘hands on’
session with resources.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 195.50 per delegate
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Tautoko Services
Karen Baddiley
[email protected]
04 233 0164
Creative Planning
A half day workshop on person centred planning, community mapping
and MAPS.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Actual costs are negotiated with provider based on workshop costs of
$138 per hour (up to 15 participants)
Supporting inclusion
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Community Connections Supported Living Trust
Dee Hyde
[email protected]
021 517 036
Effective Teaching
A course to provide staff with effective teaching strategies they can use
when supporting people with intellectual or learning impairments.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiated on individual basis
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Creating Success Limited
Jo Adkins
[email protected]
06 845 2604
Teaching Strategies for Successful Inclusion and Participation with Sue
Brief Description:
Inclusive Education - building understanding and skills to teach children
with autism.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 170
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Circles of Support
A circle of support (friends) is a group of people who are intentionally
invited to come together in friendship and support of a person with a
disability for the purposes of protecting their interests into the future.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Families and disabled people $100, service providers and professionals
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Inclusion Aotearoa
Ruth Gerzon
[email protected]
07 312 4191
Training for Inclusion
This course was developed to complement existing disability training,
focusing on the skills and community knowledge needed for successful
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 4,600 plus accommodation and travel if required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
Planning and Hosting an Accessible Meeting
To assist organisations to plan and host meetings which will enable the
meaningful participation of people with a learning or intellectual
Cost $ (GST inclusive): As negotiated
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
Writing Easy Read Information
A seminar to build understanding of easy read information and improve
Cost $ (GST inclusive): As negotiated
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Solutions NZ
Maree Whitworth
[email protected]
03 960 9466
Supporting Individuals – Planning and Having a Good Life
This course provides a framework for identifying a disabled person’s
strengths, needs and preferences and how to use this information to
further enhance their life.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 80
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Tautoko Services
Karen Baddiley
[email protected]
04 233 0164
Moving Towards an Ordinary Life
This workshop focuses on supporting people, whose behaviour provides a
challenge to living ordinary lives in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Actual costs are negotiated with provider based on workshop costs of
$138 per hour (up to 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Therapy Professionals Ltd
Shonagh O’Hagan
[email protected]
03 377 5280
Making the Day More Meaningful
Build skills to help stimulate people with an intellectual or physical
disability to engage in new activities.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 725 for a group of up to 25 people plus travel expenses
Values and ethics
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
AccEase Ltd
Robyn Hunt
[email protected]
04 939 0445
Disability Competency/Responsiveness
Customised workshops to build disability understanding, responsiveness
and inclusiveness.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiable depending on travel required, duration, preparation and
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ardent Training and Consultancy Ltd
Arnah McEntyre
[email protected]
027 344 4629
Ethical Behaviour
A three hour interactive workshop that enables participants to explore
their understanding and application of ethical principles in a health or
disability setting.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By agreement depending on learning and development requirements
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Informed Consent
This workshop will consider the definition of informed consent in New
Zealand and within the disability and mental health sector and ways of
ensuring informed consent from service users that cover times when
consent is not able to be obtained.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Chris Taua - Consultant
Chris Taua
[email protected]
021 077 6867
Boundaries and Ethics
This workshop seeks to answer questions commonly asked by health and
social service professionals regarding ethical dilemmas and strategies to
manage them.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person - this is negotiable depending on travel costs for trainers
and numbers attending if regional
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Chris Taua - Consultant
Chris Taua
[email protected]
021 077 6867
The Law and Mental Health
This interactive workshop seeks to increase health workers understanding
of mental health legislation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person - this is negotiable depending on travel costs for trainers
and numbers attending if regional
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Diversity NZ Ltd
Philip Patston
[email protected]
09 376 4830
Diversity Inquiry
A workshop in which participants creatively explore new paradigms of
diversity including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, sexuality and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Glimpse $50 per person, Gaze $90, Journey $120 (min 15 people)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Joan Cowan
[email protected]
06 353 2580
Values and Ethics in Disability Support
The workshop provides support workers with the knowledge and skills to
enable them to respect the values of those they work with and model
ethical behaviour in their support practices, while ensuring organisational
and legislative requirements are met.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Health and Disability Commission
Tania Thomas and Hemant Thakkar
[email protected]
[email protected]
Telephone Number: 09 373 1060
Training Title:
Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (The Code)
Brief Description:
A tailored course to build participants awareness of the Health and
Disability Code of Consumers Rights and how it may apply in practice.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free (training requester to cover the travel expenses if outside Greater
Auckland region)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Social Role Valorisation Introductory Theory
This introductory workshop reviews the implications and assumptions
about the value of all persons and their place in society.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Jtd Solutions
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
021 020 60200
Supporting Decision Making
A practical human rights approach to supporting informed consent and
decision making.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiated as per request
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Jtd Solutions
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
021 020 60200
Values and Ethics
A workshop presenting a human rights approach to organisational values
and ethics tailored to suit participants
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiated as per request
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Jtd Solutions
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
021 020 60200
Working with Families
Values, ethics and practices when working with families of disabled
children or adults.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Negotiated as per request
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pam MacNeill Consulting
Pam MacNeill
[email protected]
027 457 5461
Equity In Action Workshop
Designed for people working in the disability sector to increase
understanding of disability history, concepts, strategies and issues.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 115
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
The United Nations Convention
This workshop/course is designed for people with learning disability to
learn about the Convention and their rights under the United Nations
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Professional Boundaries for Community Based Workers
A customised, innovative and practical approach to professional
boundaries that is consistent with the principles and aspirations within
the disability sector.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Other disability awareness and service
development training
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Chris Taua - Consultant
Chris Taua
[email protected]
021 077 6867
Collaborative Note Writing
This is a tailored workshop intended for anyone who works with
consumers of health services to develop the skills to document work in
full consultation and shared collaboration with the person(s) being
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person - this is negotiable depending on travel costs for trainers
and numbers attending if regional
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Alternative Employments – Micro Business Development for Disabled
Brief Description:
Training on alternative employments – micro business development for
disabled people is offered.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
Customer Focus
A one or two day programme to 'read' service users and engage
appropriately. Programme tailored to suit needs.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Leadership development
This section includes learning activities aimed at improving the competencies of leaders and
emerging leaders, including first-time managers, frontline managers, supervisors, team leaders,
and wider leaders within the disability sector. For example:
 communication
 leadership development
 leaders understanding emerging disability support models
 team management and development through effective communication, conflict
management and resolution, goal setting, supervision and performance management
 training in mentoring, coaching and supervision skills
 quality improvement within disability support provision.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Report writing and professional writing
This workshop builds on existing knowledge and equips learners with a
framework and skills to develop effective business writing.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Management Learning Associates Ltd
David Gollings
[email protected]
07 863 9345
Professional Presentations
A practical and interactive workshop around the preparation and delivery
of outstanding business presentations.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be discussed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Jared Brixton
[email protected]
03 343 5007
Managing Service in Your Business
This Workshop is designed in New Zealand for local and current market
trends. Participants will be given tools and processes equipping them to
effectively manage and lead a team in a service environment.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,490
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Jared Brixton
[email protected]
03 343 5007
Advanced Customer Service
The one day workshop is designed for businesses wishing to raise their
customer service standards. Participants are encouraged to re-think their
customer service skills and abilities.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 685
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
Strategic Business Planning Workshop
A two day workshop for managers, leaders, board members etc. It is a
workshop which will produce the basic structure for a draft strategic plan
to be developed.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Full ASENZ members $517.50, Associate members $575,
Non-members $632.50
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
BDO Gisborne Ltd
Natalie Pavarno
[email protected]
06 869 1445
A Variety of Leadership and Management Workshops
A range of leadership and management workshops customised to suit
your team and organisation’s objectives and learning outcomes. The
workshops are engaging, challenging and build and broaden the mind-set.
Excellent workbooks and other resources are provided.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Athena Reynolds
[email protected]
09 301 9623
Blueprint Leadership and Management Programme
A leadership programme for those leading in the mental health and
disability sectors.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Nick Sceats
[email protected]
04 388 8368
Catapult Leadership
A three day intensive residential programme with a reputation for making
a profound and practical difference in leading self, leading others, and
leading strategically.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 4,485
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dale Carnegie Bay of Plenty Waikato
Michael Shaw
[email protected]
0275 429144
Management Skills for New Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders
This training is aimed at new managers, supervisors and team leaders
who want to make a smooth, successful transition into their new roles.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 690
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dale Carnegie Bay of Plenty Waikato
Michael Shaw
[email protected]
0275 429144
Leadership Training for Managers
The course aims to develop participant’s leadership abilities through
exploring how experiences, beliefs, and values shape leadership style, and
examines the impact of this style on the organisational culture and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 2,875
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dale Carnegie Bay of Plenty Waikato
Michael Shaw
[email protected]
0275 429144
The Dale Carnegie Course - Skills for Success
The course will help participants learn to strengthen interpersonal
relations, manage stress and handle fast-changing workplace conditions.
Participants will be equipped to perform as persuasive communicators,
creative problem-solvers and focused leaders.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 2,875
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Digital indigenous.com Ltd
Tania Hodges
[email protected]
07 858 4940
Various leadership training programmes designed to support Māori
health professionals. Training can be tailored to the needs of
organisations and workforce.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): See website for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Diversity NZ Ltd
Philip Patston
[email protected]
09 376 4830
Diversity Inquiry
A workshop in which participants creatively explore new paradigms of
diversity including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, sexuality and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Glimpse $50 per person, Gaze $90, Journey $120 (min 15 people)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Dynamic Education Limited
Diana MacDonald
[email protected]
06 835 9018
Transitioning Clinicians to Leadership
A competency-based blended e-learning and face to face course for
successfully converting the wealth of existing knowledge of health and
disability sector staff into leadership skills.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 2,250 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) Level 3
This programme covers the fundamentals of first line management, and
emphasises the one-on-one communication skills required for workplace
leadership. The ideas and practical applications learned from this training
allow you to build and develop strong and united teams.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) Level 4
You will learn how your company is put together from the development
of its mission, vision, values and organisational goals to recruitment and
staff selection, developing staff teamwork and team building. Managing
performance is also covered in this programme along with develop the
work plan.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Helen Sanderson Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd
Deb Watson
[email protected]
+61 3 5783 4548
Disability Leadership Training
Developing leadership skills for building person centred practice and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,500 AUD per day – most courses work best with a limit of 20
participants but additional people can be negotiated
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Impact Education Group
Mark Sweeney
[email protected]
027 251 3175
Leading People
Identifying leadership styles, tools and concepts to strengthen leadership
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By Negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Impact Education Group
Mark Sweeney
[email protected]
027 25 13 175
Relationship Management and Listening
Strategies and tools for leaders and others who need to build effective
relationships and influence to be successful in their role.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Lynda Millington
[email protected]
07 847 4255
Organisation Transformation Framework
The purpose of the transformation framework is to assist in bringing
about long term, positive and sustainable change in the lives of people
and communities. The framework is flexible to tailor the learning material
and approach to specific focus areas and the circumstances of each group
of learners.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Leading Ideas
Callum McKirdy
[email protected]
021 880 162
Leadership Development for the First-time/Frontline Manager
For first-time and frontline managers, supervisors and team leaders to
provide the nuts and bolts of leading people.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,380 per day + expenses (discounted multi-module rates available)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Management Learning Associates Ltd
David Gollings
[email protected]
07 863 9345
Management and Leadership Development
Offers a variety of management and leadership development workshops
and seminars.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be discussed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Management Learning Associates Ltd
David Gollings
[email protected]
07 863 9345
Introductory Management
For those new to a management role, or who need to extend their core
management capabilities, a variety of practical management topics in an
interactive workshop style.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be discussed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Paula Herring Ltd
Paula Herring
[email protected]
027 22 41293
Leadership Development Programme
This course designed to help disability support services identify and
develop potential leaders of their services through identifying coaching
needs, future pathways or skill and knowledge needs.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Shifting Authority
A practical course to examine ways for organisations to shift authority to
enable disabled persons and family/whānau to lead personal and
organisational development.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Leadership in a New Era
Practical skills for the new leadership needed to achieve the elements of
emerging models of facilitation and customised services.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
Leading from the Front, the Middle and the Back
For team leaders/managers to develop a basic leadership philosophy
including principles, knowledge, skills and enhanced communication.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,725 per day + travel and accommodation as required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
Strategic Planning the Easy Way
The essential steps for team leaders/managers and staff to create simple
and effective strategic plans.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,725 per day + travel and accommodation as required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
Surviving on Shifting Sands - A Reflective Change Management
Brief Description:
For managers and leaders to build understanding of natural change
processes and to build positive change management strategies.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 863 for half day or $1,725 for a full day + travel and accommodation as
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Team Management Services Ltd
Lizelle Westman
[email protected]
09 836 5317
Leadership Development Programme Level One
For first time leaders - understanding leadership practice and theory,
balancing operational and strategic demands, managing performance,
giving and receiving feedback, managing conflict and change.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 3,391 per participant
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Learning Wave
David O’Connor
[email protected]
09 524 7528
360 Facilitated Feedback and Coaching
360 Facilitated is a step by step, facilitated feedback process which
provides access to highly relevant and effective development for you and
your team.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 450 per learner per session
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cathie Peters
[email protected]
09 815 4321
Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management
A rich opportunity for managers, coordinators and board members
working in community, voluntary and tangata whenua organisations to
explore the fundamentals of managing in a complex community setting.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 5,300 approx. total for full graduate diploma
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Kim Penetito
[email protected]
021 305 262
Graduate Diploma Not For Profit Management - Maori Cohort
A rich opportunity for managers, coordinators and board members
working in community, voluntary and tangata whenua organisations to
explore the fundamentals of managing in a complex community setting.
We now offer a cohort for Maori students that is delivered in a noho
marae environment.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 690.45 per course x 8
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VJ Henderson Associates
Vivienne Henderson
[email protected]
03 453 4202
A Range of Courses
A variety of courses on topics including management development, time
management and communication skills. NZQA qualification in
management and project management is also offered.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): See website for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
Leadership Training
Unique approach to developing practical skills for team leaders and new
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Mentoring, coaching and supervision
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
KV Consulting
Keith Vaughan
[email protected]
04 567 9500
Managing Staff Performance
This workshop seeks to assist managers with performance management
using practical people management strategies and remaining within the
bounds of employment law, especially dealing with substandard
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Impact Education Group
Mark Sweeney
[email protected]
027 251 3175
Coaching to Support Others and Help Them Get Results
A tailored practical workshop to support those who need to develop the
capabilities of others to achieve team or organisational aims and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
NZ Coaching and Mentoring Centre
Aly McNicoll
[email protected]
09 360 2065
The Mentor’s Toolbox
This one day course will improve your ability to build significant
mentoring relationships and dramatically increase your confidence and
competence in the role.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 495 reduced to $350 for disability sector organisations
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
NZ Coaching and Mentoring Centre
Aly McNicoll
[email protected]
09 360 2065
Supervision Skills for Health and Social Service Professionals (Level 5,
Credits 4)
Brief Description:
This two day training provides a practical introduction to supervision tools
and processes which enable experienced staff to provide effective
supervision for others in their own discipline area.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 750
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
NZ Coaching and Mentoring Centre
Lesley Dawes or Aly McNicoll
[email protected]
09 303 4117 or 021 061 6720
The Power of Peer Coaching/Supervision
This workshop introduces peer acoachign as a tool for leaders or
practitioners; provides trianing in the peer coaching toolkit; provides
opportunities to experience the power of peer coaching; and equips you
with all you need to set up and run an effective peer coaching group.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 339.25
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
NZ Coaching and Mentoring Centre
Lesley Dawes or Aly McNicoll
[email protected]
09 303 4117 or 021 061 6720
Getting Results through Feedback
This course is suitable for new or experienced managers, HR
professionals, team leaders, coaches and those responsible for
performance evaluations. It focuses on the powerful potential of
feedback as a catalyst for change.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 339.25
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pam MacNeill Consulting
Pam MacNeill
[email protected]
027 457 5461
Personalised Mentoring Programme
Support and mentoring to achieve whatever you are interested in and
how this may be turned into employment opportunities.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 920
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
How to Coach and Supervise Staff
For team leaders and new managers to learn how to conduct regular,
constructive supervision with staff and adapt to individual learning
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
One-on-One Supervision
One-on-one supervision for frontline staff or team leaders and managers
by an experienced supervisor.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 127 per hour
Organisation Name: VV Training Ltd
Key Contact Person: Vanesa Valentine
Email Address:
[email protected]
Telephone Number: 09 820 9569
Training Title:
Team Supervision
Brief Description:
Team supervision by an experienced supervisor, a cost effective way to
enhance team performance.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 207 an hour Plus $1.15 per minute travel time
Quality improvement
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Health and Disability Commission
Tania Thomas and Hemant Thakkar
[email protected]; [email protected]
09 373 1060
Disability Responsiveness Training
A tailored course to increase the disability responsiveness of people
working in the disability sector.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free (training requester to cover the travel expenses if outside Greater
Auckland region)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Management Learning Associates Ltd
David Gollings
[email protected]
07 863 9345
Practical Time Management
Offers practical tools to control work time, plan effectively, and set
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be discussed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
New Zealand Organisation for Quality (PTE)
Tess Stewart
[email protected]
06 351 4407
Certificate in Quality Assurance (CQA)
The CQA is an industry-relevant, Level 5 – 90 credit qualification that
covers the principles and practices of quality management and quality
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
People First New Zealand Inc
Cindy Johns
[email protected]
04 381 3242
Planning and Hosting an Accessible Meeting
To assist organisations to plan and host meetings which will enable the
meaningful participation of people with a learning/intellectual disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): As negotiated
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Outcome Facilitation
This course explores the definition, components and skills associated with
an individual outcomes approach and facilitation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Customised Services
This course examines the main components of customising supports,
predictable challenges, international learning and practical 'first step'
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Using Community Assets
A course to gain skills in community mapping, developing community
asset registers and maintaining trusting relationships for those supporting
individuals to connect and contribute in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Key Components of Quality
Participants will become aware of local and international approaches to
Quality of Life within human services, and explore the development and
implementation of quality processes.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Team management and development
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
BDO Gisborne Ltd
Natalie Pavarno
[email protected]
06 869 1445
A Variety of Leadership and Management Workshops
A range of leadership and management workshops customised to suit
your team and organisation’s objectives and learning outcomes. The
workshops are engaging, challenging and to build and broaden the mindset. Excellent workbooks and other resources are provided.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Athena Reynolds
[email protected]
09 301 9623
Service Advisor National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)
Professional development for those with lived or family experience of
mental illness, addiction or disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Athena Reynolds
[email protected]
09 301 9623
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)
A thoughtful toolbox of effective management skills and competencies.
2,185 or early bird $1,955. Group discount course fees available on
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Conflict Management
This workshop introduces conflict management which is working towards
increasing the positive results whilst reducing the negative. It also allows
learners to investigate their personal conflict style and discover tools for
resolving conflict in their personal and professional life.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Impact Education Group
Mark Sweeney
[email protected]
027 25 13 175
Having the Difficult Conversation/Dealing with Pushback and Difficult
Brief Description:
A tailored workshop for leaders and managers to respectfully maintain
relationships while acknowledging expectations, accountabilities and
challenges of staff behaviour.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Management Learning Associates Ltd
David Gollings
[email protected]
07 863 9345
Team Leader Programme
Two highly practical days focusing on the day to day issues which are
faced in supervising the workplace performance of people and teams.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be discussed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Interviewing Skills
Key elements of constructive communication, creating safe environments
and conducting effective interviews.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Facilitating Meetings
A practical introduction to the challenging task of facilitating meetings or
group discussions.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Working Constructively with Conflict
Practical and varied approaches to conflict which can be pivotal in
assisting individuals to develop and organisations to transform.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
A Staff Focusing Day – Communication, Professionalism, Problem Solving
and Goal Setting
Brief Description:
This workshop seeks to develop or refresh a sense of team caring and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,725 for a full day + travel and accommodation as required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
Becoming a Motivational Supporter
Understanding the philosophy and skills in becoming motivational
support workers.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 863 for half day or $1,725 for a full day + travel and accommodation
as required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
Performance Appraisal – The Easy Way
For team leaders and managers to identify, clarify and practice skills to
support effective performance appraisals.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,725 per day + travel and accommodation as required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
06 343 3669
Stress and Burnout Management
Practical tips to identify and mitigate individual and organisational
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,725 for a full day + travel and accommodation as required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Arty House
Janice Higgison
[email protected]
07 5524162
Team Building and Group Work Processing Through Art
A workshop on group work and communal art that creates a fun
experiential day of learning and insights. This one day workshop explores
team and group dynamics.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
Managing Meetings
A practical workshop to build professionalism, present ideas and respond
to others.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
Resolving Conflict
A practical step by step method for resolving disputes between
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
Managing Performance
A proactive and strengths based approach to managing performance for
team leaders and new managers.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VV Training Ltd
Vanesa Valentine
[email protected]
09 820 9569
A practical and strengths based approach to get the team 'pulling the cart
in the same direction',
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Range $1,725-$2,530 per day (maximum 15 participants)
Other leadership development
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Kerri Tilby-Price
[email protected]
07 571 8819
Sustainable Funding
Targeted towards non-profit managers and fundraisers, this workshop
helps participants identify the 7 key income streams for community
groups and develop ways in which they can use these streams to their
best advantage.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 120 per person for standardised sessions. $2243 full day tailored session
(max. 30 people)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Kerri Tilby-Price
[email protected]
07 571 8819
Secret of Sponsorship
Targeted to non-profit managers and fundraisers, this workshop explores
sponsorship and business partnerships as a way of generating ongoing
income for your organisation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 120 per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Inclusion Aotearoa
Ruth Gerzon
[email protected]
07 312 4191
The Advocacy Toolkits
A series of workshops for health and disability workers covering selfadvocacy, peer advocacy, systemic advocacy and advanced skills and
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,150 plus accommodation and travel if required
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
The Administrator
[email protected]
04 470 0110
LEADR Five Day Mediation Workshop
This workshop introduces participants to the theory and practical skills of
mediation and conflict resolution. It is designed for people involved in
disputes, whether as a participant, advisor or resolver.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 3, 092 or early bird discount available for $2, 811 if paid one month
before workshop starts
National NZQA certificate
or diploma
This section includes information on nationally accredited NZQA certificates and diplomas, and
mobile tutors and assessors available to support trainees in their study.
Tutor and assessor support for work based
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Amida Training Ltd
Nichola Scott
[email protected]
0800 426 432 Ext 3
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Foundation Skills)
(Level 2)
Brief Description:
Provides tailored learning support to students undertaking the National
Certificate in Community Support Services (Foundation Skills) (Level 2).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Variable depending on training option selected
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Amida Training Ltd
Nichola Scott
[email protected]
0800 426 432 Ext 3
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Core Competencies)
(Level 3)
Brief Description:
Provides tailored learning support to students undertaking the National
Certificate in Community Support Services (Core Competencies) ( Level 3).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Variable depending on training option selected
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ardent Training and Consultancy Ltd
Arnah McEntyre
[email protected]
027 344 4629
National Certificate in Health, Disability and Aged Support (Foundation
Skills) (Level 2)
Brief Description:
Ardent works in partnership with organisations to support and assess
students undertaking the National Certificate in Health and Disability,
Aged Support (Foundation Skills) (Level 2).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By agreement depending on learning and development requirements
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ardent Training and Consultancy Ltd
Arnah McEntyre
[email protected]
027 344 4629
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Intellectual
Disability) (Level 3)
Brief Description:
Ardent works in partnership with organisations to support and assess
students undertaking the National Certificate in Health and Disability,
Aged Support (Intellectual Disability) (Level 3).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By agreement depending on learning and development requirements
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ardent Training and Consultancy Ltd
Arnah McEntyre
[email protected]
027 344 4629
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Human Services)
(Level 3)
Brief Description:
Ardent works in partnership with organisations to support and assess
students undertaking the National Certificate in Health and Disability,
Aged Support (Human Services) (Level 3).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By agreement depending on learning and development requirements
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Ardent Training and Consultancy Ltd
Arnah McEntyre
[email protected]
027 344 4629
National Certificate in Health, Disability, and Aged Support (Core
Competencies) (Level 3)
Brief Description:
Ardent works in partnership with organisations to support and assess
students undertaking the National Certificate in Health and Disability,
Aged Support (Core Competencies) (Level 3).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By agreement depending on learning and development requirements
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Community Connections Supported Living Trust
Dee Hyde
[email protected]
021 517 036
Facilitated Learning for National Certificate in Health, Disability and Aged
Support (Core Competencies) (Level 3)
Brief Description:
An opportunity to join the learning groups run by Community
Connections to support students engaged in the National Certificate in
Health Disability and Aged support (Core Competencies).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 3,588 per learner
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Debi Haydon
[email protected]
07 578 6890
Certificate in Community Support Level 2 and Level 3
Training and assessing the Careerforce Certificate in Community Support
Level 2 Foundation Skills and Level 3 Core Competencies.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Level Two - $200 plus $25 per assessment, Level Three - $230 plus $30
per assessment
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Jo Titchener Consultant
Jo Titchener
[email protected]
06 753 2003
A Range of Training Opportunities in Disability, Health and Aged Care
Brief Description:
Seminars, structured teaching sessions, tutorials and assessments to
support learning of a range of health, disability and aged care topics including national qualifications.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies according to training - contact provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Marlian Holdings
Jill Waldron
[email protected]
03 313 7627
Careerforce Health and Disability Certificates
This learning activity provides coordination and guidance for trainees
studying various national certificates designed by Careerforce via
workshops or training around individual units.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Qualifications gained through work based
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Health, Disability Support (Foundation Skills) (Level
2) - New and Improved!
Brief Description:
An introductory qualification designed for those new to the health and
disability sector, and those without prior qualifications.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 200
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Human Services)
(Level 3)
Brief Description:
See Careerforce website for details.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 200
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Intellectual
Disability) (Level 3)
Brief Description:
See Careerforce website for details.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 200
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Residential) (Level 3)
See Careerforce website for details.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Health, Disability, and Aged Support (Core
Competencies) (Level 3)
Brief Description:
This certificate aims build on the existing knowledge and skills required of
support workers in a variety of health, disability, and aged support
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 230
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Brain Injury Support (Level 4)
See Careerforce website for details.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certicate in Community Support Services (Disability Information
Provision) (Level 4)
Brief Description:
See Careerforce website for details.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 800
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy (Level 4)
See Careerforce website for details.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Andrew Saunders
[email protected]
03 374 1309
National Certificate in Disability Support Assessment, Planning and
Coordination (Level 5)
Brief Description:
See Careerforce website for details.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,100
Other NZQA qualifications and unit standards
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
(06) 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
National Certificate in Employment Support
This is a level 4 qualification that is specifically designed for new and
current practitioners in the supported employment field. It consists of six
two-day workshops approximately two months apart.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 3,290 includes workshop and ITO costs
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Ian Harper
[email protected]
(06) 343 3669 or 027 457 4744
National Diploma in Employment Support
This is a level 6 qualification that is specifically designed for experienced
practitioners in the supported employment field. It consists of six two-day
workshops approximately two months apart.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 4,093 includes workshop and ITO costs
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Auckland University of Technology
Dr Dale Furbish
[email protected]
09 921 9999
Training Title:
Graduate Diploma in Career Development
Brief Description:
Individuals who assist clients with career decision making and
employment issues. The Grad Dip is an 8 paper qualification that is
offered by blended learning that involves online materials and periodic
face-to-face weekend sessions in Auckland.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Each paper tuition and fees are approximately $700
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Athena Reynolds
[email protected]
09 301 9623
Service Advisor National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)
Professional development for those with lived or family experience of
mental illness, additions or disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Athena Reynolds
[email protected]
09 301 9623
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)
A thoughtful toolbox of effective management skills and competencies.
2,185 or early bird $1,955. Group discount course fees available on
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) Level 3
This programme covers the fundamentals of first line management, and
emphasises the one-on-one communication skills required for workplace
leadership. The ideas and practical applications learned from this training
allow you to build and develop strong and united teams.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) Level 4
You will learn how your company is put together from the development
of its mission, vision, values and organisational goals to recruitment and
staff selection, developing staff teamwork and team building. Managing
performance is also covered in this programme along with develop the
work plan.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Health and Safety (Workplace Safety) Level 3
This programme provides an introduction to workplace safety. The
content explains, at an introductory level, the legislative and regulatory
compliance obligations and the practices which together provide the
foundation for appropriate workplace safety standards. The focus is on
the most common safety and health issues arising in a workplace, and
provides for industry-specific topics to be studied.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Health and Safety (Coordination) Level 4
This programme provides an extension to the learning delivered by the
National Certificate in Health and Safety - Level 3. It is ideal if you provide
management advice and input into safety and health strategies, policies
and practices, or are interested in developing a career as an OH&S
practitioner, a decision-maker responsible for workplace safety and
health, or work in a safety or health role as a supervisor, or manager.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
LIFE Unlimited Hearing Therapy Services
Diane-Joy Clough
[email protected]
07 839 5506
National Diploma in Hearing Therapy ( Level 5, Credits 121)
This training is for people looking for a career in providing aural
rehabilitation services to adults with hearing loss (hearing therapy).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Approx $4,504 for the two year part-time course
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cathie Peters
[email protected]
09 815 4321
Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management
A rich opportunity for managers, coordinators and board members
working in community, voluntary and tangata whenua organisations to
explore the fundamentals of managing in a complex community setting.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 5,300 approx. total for full graduate diploma
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Kim Penetito
[email protected]
021 305 262
Graduate Diploma Not For Profit Management - Maori Cohort
A rich opportunity for managers, coordinators and board members
working in community, voluntary and tangata whenua organisations to
explore the fundamentals of managing in a complex community setting.
We now offer a cohort for Maori students that is delivered in a noho
marae environment.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 690.45 per course x 8
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
VJ Henderson Associates
Vivienne Henderson
[email protected]
03 453 4202
A Range of Courses
A variety of courses on topics including management development, time
management and communication skills. NZQA qualification in
management and project management is also offered.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): See website for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Marylou Sloane
[email protected]
0800 935832
National Certificate in Community Support Services (Core Competencies)
(Level 3)
Brief Description:
The National Certificate in Community Support (Core Competencies)
provides students with the foundation knowledge, skills and best
practices required within the human service, health disability and older
persons sector. Once this certificate is completed you have the option to
continue to the National Certificate in Community Support Work
(Intellectual Disability/Human Services). Completion of both national
certificates entitles you to receive the WelTec Certificate in Community
Support (Level 3) in recognition of total unit standards achieved.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Free of tuition fees. Non-tuition fee costs are approx $176
Safety, quality and evaluation
This section includes training on occupational health and safety, and quality improvement
mechanisms such as outcomes training and service evaluation.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Amida Training Ltd
Nichola Scott
[email protected]
0800 426 432 Ext 3
Skills Fair
These events give support workers opportunities to demonstrate their
skills and discuss knowledge and practice in a supportive, educational
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Variable depending on training option selected
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Amida Training Ltd
Nichola Scott
[email protected]
0800 426 432 Ext 3
Manual Handling
This course is suitable for people working in the health and disability
sector who are assisting consumers with transfers.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Variable depending on training option selected
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Medication Management
This workshop deals with a range of issues, including biology, safe
administration of medication, and the role that support workers can play
in assisting adult clients to get the most benefit from their medication.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Risk – An Essential Element of Recovery
This workshop sets out to define ‘risk’ and look at the implications of risk,
including what can be gained from cultivating an environment where risk
is not necessarily negative.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Janine Hodges
[email protected]
0800 4 BLUEPRINT (0800 4 258 377 468)
Suicide and Risk Assessment
In this workshop, learners will look closely at the theory and research
around suicide risk assessment and management.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Varies between individual rate and group rate. Contact Blueprint for a
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Bug Control New Zealand Ltd. Infection Control Advisory Service
Judy Forrest
[email protected]
03 304 7027
Infection Prevention and Control for Disability Support and Community
Brief Description:
Improving knowledge about infection prevention and control in services,
community and home based settings.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 185 full day per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Bug Control New Zealand Ltd. Infection Control Advisory Service
Judy Forrest
[email protected]
03 304 7027
Hot Topics – Current Issues in Infection Prevention for Care Staff and
Disability Support Workers
Brief Description:
Workshop for caregivers and disability support workers on current issues
of infection prevention and control.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): $110 (half day) per person
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Chris Taua - Consultant
Chris Taua
[email protected]
021 077 6867
Collaborative Note Writing
This is a tailored workshop intended for anyone who works with
consumers of health services to develop the skills to document work in
full consultation and shared collaboration with the person(s) being
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person - this is negotiable depending on travel costs for trainers
and numbers attending if regional
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Chris Taua - Consultant
Chris Taua
[email protected]
021 077 6867
The Law and Mental Health
This interactive workshop seeks to increase health workers understanding
of mental health legislation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 100 per person - this is negotiable depending on travel costs for trainers
and numbers attending if regional
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Community Connections Supported Living Trust
Dee Hyde
[email protected]
021 517 036
Workplace First Aid
Certification for workplace first aid.
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Health and Safety (Workplace Safety) Level 3
This programme provides an introduction to workplace safety. The
content explains, at an introductory level, the legislative and regulatory
compliance obligations and the practices which together provide the
foundation for appropriate workplace safety standards. The focus is on
the most common safety and health issues arising in a workplace, and
provides for industry-specific topics to be studied.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
EMA Employers Manufacturers Association
Kevin Chambers
[email protected]
09 367 0958
National Certificate in Health and Safety (Coordination) Level 4
This programme provides an extension to the learning delivered by the
National Certificate in Health and Safety - Level 3. It is ideal if you provide
management advice and input into safety and health strategies, policies
and practices, or are interested in developing a career as an OH&S
practitioner, a decision-maker responsible for workplace safety and
health, or work in a safety or health role as a supervisor, or manager.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): EMA member rate $2875, Non-member rate $3,450
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Joan Cowan
[email protected]
06 353 2580
Moving and Handling
The aim of this session is to provide support workers with the knowledge
and skills to enable them to use their body properly when moving or
handling people or equipment thereby reducing the risk of injury to
themselves and those they support.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
First Aid Consultants Ltd
Kate Nickson
[email protected]
04 234 1155
First aid training courses
First aid training courses targeted to all groups, including 6402, 6401,
6400, 424, 26551, 26552, 25459.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Deep Quality – Through Individualised Service Design
The term "deep quality" refers to crafting with people with a disability or
experience of mental illness, uniquely tailored and sustainable supports
that meet their fundamental needs and aspirations in the community.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Personal Outcome Measures Training - Taking a Lead Optimal Service
Design Package
Brief Description:
An intensive theoretical and practical ten day advanced training
programme in individualised service design and personal planning.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Implementation of Personal Outcome Measures – An Organisational
Commitment to Quality
Brief Description:
A four-day training programme that is a combination of the theory and
practical implementation of applying personal outcomes as a measure of
service quality.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Imagine Better
Lorna Sullivan
[email protected]
027 493 4604
Introduction to Personal Outcome Measures
Standards Plus provides training and service evaluations using "Personal
Outcomes Measures" as accredited by the American Council for Quality
and Leadership.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): To be confirmed
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
standards online
Life Care Consultants Ltd
Richelle Rowe
[email protected]
0800 493 559
Refresher First Aid Training
Required every two years to keep your first aid certificate current.
100 per learner plus $16 for the optional registration of NZQA unit
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Life Care Consultants Ltd
Richelle Rowe
[email protected]
0800 493 559
Workbased First Aid Training
This course incorporates NZQA unit standards 6400, 6401 and 6402, the
standards recommended for workplace first aiders.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 225 (unit standards inclusive)
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
New Zealand Organisation for Quality (PTE)
Tess Stewart
[email protected]
06 351 4407
Certificate in Quality Assurance (CQA)
The CQA is an industry-relevant, Level 5 – 90 credit qualification that
covers the principles and practices of quality management and quality
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training provider for more details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Pro+Med (NZ) Ltd
Don Gutsell
[email protected]
021 461424
Health and Safety and First Aid
Training on NZQA unit standards including the following domains; First
Aid (to level 6), Occupational Health and Safety Practice (to level 10) and
Pre-Hospital Emergency Care (to level 4).
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Contact training providers for details
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Outcome Facilitation
This course explores the definition, components and skills associated with
an individual outcomes approach and facilitation.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
Key Components of Quality
Participants will become aware of local and international approaches to
"Quality of Life" within human services, and explore the development and
implementation of quality processes.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Mark Benjamin
[email protected]
027 434 5001
An Individual Outcomes Approach
A course that explores the characteristics of an outcomes approach,
central processes, challenges, strategies and key associated skills.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): By negotiation
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
SHORE and Whariki Research Centre, Massey University
Dr Pauline Dickinson
[email protected]
09 366 6136
Easy Evaluation
Easy Evaluation is suitable for people who wish to assess the quality and
impact of projects and rpogrammes delivered by themselves or others.
We improve the evaluation skills and capability of indviduals and support
the building of evaluation capacity within organisations.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): Workshop options are available from $1000 per full day. Individual
advice, mentoring and training is also available from $125 per hour
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Cost $ (GST inclusive):
Therapy Professionals Ltd
Shonagh O’Hagan
[email protected]
03 377 5280
Manual Handling
Principles of Safe Handling and Transfer
1,630 plus travel expenses for a group of maximum of 12
Organisation Name:
Key Contact Person:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Training Title:
Brief Description:
Therapy Professionals Ltd
Shonagh O’Hagan
[email protected]
03 377 5280
Keeping Clients Comfortable
Maintaining physical mobility and comfort for those with an intellectual
or physical disability.
Cost $ (GST inclusive): 1,932 plus travel expenses for a group of up to 25 people