CHAPTER10 Traveling Wave and Broadband Antennas
CHAPTER10 Traveling Wave and Broadband Antennas
CHAPTER10 TravelingWaveandBroadbandAntennas 目录 10.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 10.2 TRAVELING WAVE ANTENNAS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 10.2.1 Long Wire ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 10.2.2 V Antenna ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 10.2.3 Rhombic Antenna ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 10.3 BROADBAND ANTENNAS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 10.3.1 Helical Antenna ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 10.3.3 Yagi‐Uda Array of Linear Elements ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 PROBLEMS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 81 10.1 INTRODUCTION Inthepreviouschapterswehavepresentedthedetailsofclassicalmethods thatareusedtoanalyzetheradiationcharacteristicsofsomeofthesimplestand most common forms of antennas (i.e., infinitely thin linear and circular wires, broadband dipoles, and arrays). In practice there is a myriad of antenna configurations,anditwouldbealmostimpossibletoconsideralloftheminthis book.Thegeneralperformancebehaviorofsomeofthemwillbepresentedinthis chapterwithaminimumofanalyticalformulations. 10.2 TRAVELING WAVE ANTENNAS In Chapter 4, center‐fed linear wire antennas were discussed whose amplitudecurrentdistributionwas 1. constantforinfinitesimaldipoles( λ/50) 2. linear(triangular)forshortdipoles( /50 3. sinusoidalforlongdipoles( λ/10) λ/10) Inallcasesthephasedistributionwasassumedtobeconstant. Thesinusoidalcurrentdistributionoflongopen‐endedlinearantennasisa standing wave constructed by two waves of equal amplitude and 180o phase differenceattheopenendtravelinginoppositedirectionsalongitslength. The current and voltage distributions on open‐ended wire antennas are similartothestandingwavepatternsonopen‐endedtransmissionlines. Linear antennas that exhibit current and voltage standing wave patterns formed by reflections from the open end of the wire are referredtoasstandingwaveorresonantantennas. Antennascanbedesignedwhichhavetravelingwave(uniform)patternsin current and voltage. This can be achieved by properly terminating the antenna wiresothatthereflectionsareminimizedifnotcompletelyeliminated. An example of such an antenna is a long wire that runs horizontal to the earth,asshowninFigure10.1. F Figure10.1 1Beverage(long‐wire))antennaab boveground d The input terrminals cconsist off the gro ound and one end d of the wire. w This cconfiguraationiskn nownasB Beverage (贝威尔基天线) orwaveantenna.Thereare m manyotherconfigu urationso oftravelingwavea antennas. Ingeneral,allantennaswhosecurrentandvoltagedistributionscan be represented by one or more traveling waves, usually in the same direction,arereferredtoastravelingwaveornonresonantantennas.A progressive phase pattern is usually associated with the current and voltagedistributions. Standing wave antennas, such as the dipole, can be analyzed as traveling wave antennas with waves propagating in opposite directions and represented bytravelingwavecurrents and inFigure10.1(a). Besides the long wire antenna there are many examples of traveling wave antennas such as dielectric rod, helix, and various surface wave antennas. Apertureantennas,suchasreflectorsandhorns,canalsobetreatedastraveling waveantennas.Inaddition,arraysofcloselyspacedradiators(usuallylessthan /2 apart) can also be analyzed as traveling wave antennas by approximating their current or field distribution by a continuous traveling wave. Yagi‐Uda, log‐periodic, and slots and holes in a waveguide are some examples of discrete‐elementtravelingwaveantennas. In general, a traveling wave antenna is usually one that is associated with radiationfromacontinuoussource. A traveling wave may be classified as a slow wave if its phase velocity ( /k, ω: wave angular frequency, k = wave phase constant) is equal or smallerthanthevelocityoflightcinfree‐space( /c 1). Afastwaveisonewhosephasevelocityisgreaterthanthespeedoflight ( /c 1). Ingeneral,therearetwotypesoftravelingwaveantennas. 1 1. Surfacewavea antenna urface w wave antenna defin ned as “aan antenna which h radiates One is the su p powerflo owfromd discontinu uitiesintthestructturethat interruptabound dwaveon n ttheantennasurfacce.”Asurfacewaveeantenna ais,ingen neral,asllowwaveestructure w whoseph haseveloccityofth hetravelin ng wave is equal toor t lesssthanthee speed of o llightinfreee‐space( c 1). For slow waave structtures rad diation ta akes placce only at a nonuniiformitiess, ccurvaturees, and discontin nuities. D Discontin nuities caan be either e disscrete or d distributeed. On ne type of o discrette discontinuity on a surfaace w wave anttenna is a a transm mission lin ne termin nated in an u unmatcheedload. A distribu uted surfface wav ve antenna can be aanalyzed interms ofthevaariationo oftheamplitudeaand p phaseoftthecurren ntalongitsstructu ure. In geeneral, power flow ws parallel to the e structu ure, eexceptwh henlossesarepresent,andforplane estructurres tthe fieldss decay exponenti e ially away y from th he antenn na. M Most of the surfface wav ve antenn nas are end‐fire or n near‐end‐‐fire radiaators. Praacticalco onfigurations inclu ude lline,planaarsurfacee,curved,,andmod dulatedsttructures.. 2 2. Leaky‐‐wavean ntenna Anotther trav veling waave anten nna is a leaky‐wav l ve anten nna defineed as “an n aantenna that cou uples po ower in small in ncrementss per unit lengtth, either ccontinuou usly or discretely d y, from a traveliing wavee structu ure to frree‐spacee” L Leaky‐waave anten nnas conttinuously y lose ene ergy due to radiaation, as shown in n F Figure 10 0.2 by a slotted rectangu ular wave eguide. The T fieldss decay along the sstructureinthedirrectionoffwavetraavelandiincreaseiinothers. Figu ure10.2Le eaky‐wavew waveguide eslots;upper(broad)andside((narrow)w walls. 1 10.2.1Lo ongWire An aantenna is i usually y classifieed as a long wiree antennaa if it is a straigh ht cconductorrwithaleengthfromonetomanywa avelength hs. The long wirre of Figgure 10.1(a), in th he presen nce of th he ground, can be aanalyzed approxim mately b by introd ducing an n image to take into acccount the p presence of the grround. Th he magnittude and phase off the image are deetermined d u usingthereflection ncoefficieentforho orizontalpolarizattionasgiv venby , 1 for (4‐129) 0 , 180 plane ∥ ∥, 90 , 270 plane :thereflectioncoefficientsforparallelandperpendicularpolarization The angles and for and are angles of incidence and refraction, respectively. areintrinsicimpedanceoffree‐spaceandtheground,respectively. The height of the antenna above the ground must be chosen so that the reflectedwaveisinphasewiththedirectwaveattheanglesofdesiredmaximum radiation. The total field can be found by multiplying the field radiated by the wireinfreespacebythearrayfactorofatwo‐elementarray. As tthe wavee travels along the wire from the sourceto owardtheeload,itccontinuou uslyleakssenergy. Thiss can bee repressented b by an atttenuation n coefficien nt. Therefore the current distributiion of thee forward travelingg wave aalong thee structurre can bee ntedby represen z′ z′ z′ Figure1 10.3Long‐w wireantennaa 0 (10‐1) z′ :th hepropagaationcoeffiicient. Theatttenuation nfactor z′ canalsorepressenttheoh hmiclosseesofthew wireaswelll asgro oundlossess,whicharreverysm mallandare eneglected d. Whentheradiattingmediu umisair,tthelossofenergyinalongwirre dueto oleakageiis veryssmall,andiitcanalsobeneglectted. Thereforethecurrentdistributionof(10‐1)canbeapproximatedby z′ ′ ⇒ where z′ (10‐1) (10‐1a) 0 isassumedtobeconstant.Inthefarfield 0 (10‐2a); 0 2 sin 10‐2c 10‐2b is used to represent the ratio of the phase constant of the wave along the transmissionline( )tothatoffree‐space( ),or wavelengthalongthetransmissionline (10‐3) Assuming a perfect electric conductor for the ground, the total field for Figure 10.1(a) is obtained by multiplying each of (10‐2a)–(10‐2c) by the array factor sin For sin k K . 1 thetime‐averagepowerdensitycanbewrittenas | | ⇒ | | 1 (10‐4) 1 (10‐5) From (10‐5) it is evident that the power distribution of a wire antenna of length isamultilobepatternwhosenumberoflobesdependsuponitslength. Assumingthat isverylargesuchthatthevariationsinthesinefunctionof (10‐5) are more rapid than those of the cotangent, the peaks of the lobes occur approximatelywhen sin cos 1 1; cos 1 m 2 1 2 π, m 0,1,2, …(10‐6) Theangleswherethepeaksoccuraregivenby cos 1 2 1 , 0,1,2, … (10‐7) Theanglewherethemaximumofthemajorlobeoccursisgivenbym=0. As becomesverylarge( ≫ ),theangleofthemaximumofthe major lobe approaches zero degrees and the structure becomes a near‐end‐firearray. Infindingthevaluesofthemaxima,thevariationsofthecotangenttermin (10‐5) were negligible. If the effects of the cotangent term were to be included, thevaluesofthe 2m 2 1 termin(10‐7)shouldbe 1 0.742, 2.93, 4.96, 6.97, 8.99, 11, 13, . .. (10‐8) Inasimilarmanner,thenullsofthepatterncanbefoundandoccurwhen sin cos 1 0 , cos 1 n Theangleswherethenullsoccuraregivenby , 1,2,3, … (10‐9) 1 1,2,3,4 … 10‐10 , The total radiated power can be found by integrating (10‐5) over a closed sphereofradius andreducesto ∯ where ∙ 2 | | 1.415 10‐11 is the cosine integral of (4‐68a). The radiation resistance is then foundtobe | | 2 1.415 (10‐12) Using(10‐5)and(10‐11)thedirectivitycanbewrittenas . . (10‐13) A A. AmplittudePattterns,Ma axima,an ndNulls Fig10.4 4(a):the3‐Dpatteernofatrravelingw wireanten nnawith 5 Fig10.4 4(b):the3‐Dpatteernofasttandingw wavewireeantennawith 5 . Thecorrresponding2‐Dp patternsaareshown ninFiguree10.5. 90 0 120 0 60 -10 -20 30 150 -30 -40 180 0 -30 -20 330 210 -10 0 300 240 0 270 Figure10.4 4Three‐dim mensionalfree‐space eamplitude epatterns fortravelin ngandstan ndingwave e wirean ntennasof The paattern fo ormed by y the fo orward ttraveling wave cu urrent has m maximum m radiattion in the fo orward d direction The p pattern formed 2 . when w by staanding There iis maximu um radiaation in th he forwarrd and b backward ddirections. Figure10 0.5Two‐dim mensionalfrree‐space amplitudep patternforttravelingan ndstanding wavewireanten nnasof 5 Thellobenearrtheaxisofthewireinthedirectionsoftraveelisthelaargest. The traaveling wave w antenna is ussed when it is dessired to radiate or minantly from o one receivee predom directio on. As the length off the wire increasses, nlobeshiifts themaxximumoffthemain closer toward the axiis and tthe numberoflobessincreasee. Figu ure10.6Frree‐spacep patternfortraveling wavewirea w antennaof an nd The anglesoffthemaximaofth hefirstfou urlobes, computedusing(10‐8),are p plotted in n Figure 10.7(a) 1 fo or 0.5 10 0 . The correspon c nding anggles of the ffirst fourr nulls, computed c d using (10‐10), are sho own in Figure F 10 0.7(b) for 0 0.5 10 .Thesecurvescan beusede effectively ytodesiggnlongw wireswhen n tthedirecttionoftheemaximu umornullisdesire ed. Figu ure10.7An nglesversu uslengthoffwireante ennawhere emaximaa andnullsocccur B B. InputtImpedance For travelingg wave w wire anten nnas the radiation n in the opposite direction n ffromthe maximum missuppressedby yreducin ngthecurrrentrefleectedfrom mtheend d o ofthewirre.Thisisaccomplishedby In ncreasingthediameterofth hewire Orrterminaatingittothegroun nd,assho owninFiggure10.1. Ideaally a com mplete eliimination n of the reflection ns (perfeect match h) can o only be accompliished if the t anten nna is ellevated only at small heeights (co ompared to the ve the grround, an nd it is wavelenggth) abov terminattedbyareesistivelo oad. Thevalueoftheloadresistorisequaltothecharacteristicimpedanceofthe wire near the ground (which is found using image theory). For a wire with diameter and height above the ground, an approximate value of the terminationresistanceisobtainedfrom 138 log (10‐14) If the antenna is not properly terminated, standing wave pattern would be created. Therefore the input impedance of the line is not equal to the load impedance. The transmission line impedance transfer equation can be used to calculatetheimpedanceattheinputterminals (10‐15) C. Polarization A long‐wire antenna is linearly polarized, and it is always parallel to the plane formed by the wire and radial vector from the center of the wire to the observationpoint. The direction of the linear polarization is not the same in all parts of the pattern, but it is perpendicular to the radial vector (and parallel to the plane formedbyitandthewire).Thusthewireantennaisnotaneffectiveelementfor horizontal polarization. Instead it is usually used to transmit or receive waves thathaveanappreciablevectorcomponentintheverticalplane.Thisiswhatis known as a Beverage antenna which is used more as a receiving rather than a transmitting element because of its poor radiation efficiency due to power absorbedintheloadresistor. D. ResonantWires Resonant wire antennas are formed when the load impedance of Figure 10.1(a) is not matched to the characteristic impedance of the line. This causes reflections which with the incident wave form a standing wave. Resonant antennas,includingthedipole,wereexaminedinChapter4. Resonant antennas can also be formed by long wires. For resonant long wireswithlengthsoddmultipleofhalfwavelength( /2,n=1,3,...),the radiationresistanceisgivenapproximately(within0.5ohms)by 73 69 log (10‐16) Forthesameelements,theangleofmaximumradiationisgivenby (10‐17) Thisformulaismoreaccurateforsmallvaluesof ,althoughitgivesgood results even for large values of . It can also be shown that the maximum directivityisrelatedtotheradiationresistanceby (10‐18) 10.2.2VA Antenna Forssomeapp plicationsasinglellong‐wire eantennaisnotpracticalbeecause (1) iitsdirectiivitymay ybelow (2) iitssidelo obesmaybehigh (3) iitsmainb beamisin nclinedattanangle e,whichisscontrolledbyitslength. One verypracticalarrrayoflongwiresiss ntenna fo ormed by y using ttwo wiress the V an eachwith honeofiitsendscconnected dtoafeed d lineassh howninF Figure10..8(a). In m most app plications,, the plan ne formed d bytheleegsofthe Visparaalleltoth heground d, whose p principal polarizattion is p parallel to o thegroun ndandth heplaneo oftheV. Becaause of in ncreased side lobees, the directivity y of ordin nary lineaar dipoles b beginstodiminish hforlengtthsgreateerthanab bout1.25 .Howev verbyadjustingthe iincludedaangleofaaV‐dipolee,itsdireectivityca anbemad degreaterrandits sidelobes ssmallerth hanthoseeofacorrrespondin nglineard dipole. Desiggnsform maximum directivittyusually yrequire smalleriincluded anglesfor llongerV’ss.MostVantennassaresymm metrical(θ θ θ and d o ).Also V V antenn nas can be b design ned to haave unidiirectionall or bidirrectional radiation n p patterns,asshown ninFigures10.8(b b)and(c),,respectiv vely. To aachieve th he unidirrectional characte eristics, th he wires of the V V antennaa m mustben nonresonaant.Therreflectedw wavescanberedu ucedby M MaketheinclinedwiresofttheVrela ativelythiick P ProperlyterminattetheopeenendsofftheV One way to terminatte the V antenna a is to aattachalo oad,usuaallyaresisstorequaalinvalue etothe o open end d characteristic im mpedancee of the V‐wire V ttransmisssionline,asshown ninFiguree10.9(a).. Theterminatiingresisttancecanalsobed divided iin half aand each half con nnected to the ground g lleadingto otheterm minationo ofFigure10.9(b). Figure10.9TermiinatedV antennas.. IfthelengthofeachlegoftheVisverylong(typically 5 ),therewill be sufficient leakage of the field along each leg that when the wave reaches the endoftheVitwillbesufficientlyreducedthattherewillnotnecessarilybeaneed foratermination. ThepatternsoftheindividualwiresoftheVantennaareconicalandinclined atananglefromtheircorrespondingaxes.Theangleofinclinationisdetermined bythelengthofeachwire. ThepatternsofeachlegofasymmetricalVantennawilladdinthedirection ofthelinebisectingtheangleoftheVandformonemajorlobe,thetotalincluded angle 2 oftheVshouldbeequalto 2 ,whichistwicetheanglethatthecone ofmaximumradiationofeachwiremakeswithitsaxis.Whenthisisdone,beams 2and3ofFigure10.8(b)arealignedandaddconstructively. Similarly forr Figure 10.8(c),, beams 2 and 3 are aligned and add d cconstructtivelyintheforwarddirectiion,while ebeams5 5and8arealignedandadd d cconstructtivelyinth hebackw warddirecction. If 2θ 2 2θ theemainlob beissplitintotwodistinctb beams. If (2θ 2 ), the maximum of the single major 2θ m lobe is still along the p planethatbisects theVbuttitistilteedupwarrdfromth heplane oftheVd duetothe eexistenceofGND. ForasymmetricalVantennawithlegseachoflength ,thereisanoptimum included angle which leads to the largest directivity. The polynomials for optimumincludedanglesandmaximumdirectivitiesaregivenby 2θ 149 / 603.4 / 13.39 / 78.27 / D 2.94 / 1.15, 809.5 / 443.6 10 0.5 / 1.5 169.77 10 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 19a 19b 3 (10‐20) The corresponding input impedances of the V’s are slightly smaller than thoseofstraightdipoles. Anottherform mofaVan ntennaisshownin nFigure1 10.11(a).T TheVisfformedby y aamonopo olewire, bentataanangleo overagro oundplan ne,andb byitsimaageshown n d dashed.T Theinclud dedangleaswellastheleng gthcanbeeusedto tunetheantenna. For 2θ θ p primarily y 120 , the an ntenna eexhibits verticcal polaarization with rradiation pattern ns almosst identiical to tthoseofstraightdiipoles. As 2θ 120 ,ahorizontallypo olarized ffield com mponent iss excited which teends to ffill the pattern toward the horrizontal d direction,, makingg it a v very atttractive ccommunicationan ntennaforraircraft. The computted impeedance o of the ground plane and a free‐space V V cconfiguraationsobttainedbytheMoMisshown nplottediinFigure10.11(a). Anottherpractticalform mofadipo oleantenna,particcularlyusefulforairplaneor ggroundpllaneapplications,isthe 90 0 bentw wireconfiggurationofFiguree10.11(b)). T Thecomp putedimp pedanceo oftheanteennaissh hownplotttedinFiggure10.1 11(b). This antennaa can b be tuned by aadjusting itsperpeendicularrandparallel llengths and .Th he radiaation p pattern in n the plaane of the antenn na is n nearly om mnidirecttional fo or h F For h 0.1 thee pattern n approacches tthatofvertical λ/2 2 dipole. 0 0.1λ . 1 10.2.3Rh hombicA Antenna A A.Geome etryandRadiatio onCharaccteristicss TwoVantenn nascanb beconnecctedatth heiropen endstofformadiamondor rrhombic aantenna, as shown n in Figurre 10.12((a). To acchieve thee single main m lobee, b beams2, 3,6,and 7arealignedand daddcon nstructively.Theottherend isusedto o ffeedtheaantenna. Theanttennaisu usuallyteerminated datonee endinareesistoroff600–800 0ohms,in n orderttoreduceifnotelim minatereeflections.. Ifeachlegislon ngenough h(>5λ)su ufficientle eakageocccursalon ngeachleegthatthe hatreach hesthefarrendofth herhomb busissuffficientlyrreducedth hatitmay y waveth notben necessary ytoterminatetherhombuss. Anotther conffiguration n of a rh hombus is that off Figure 10.12(b) which is fformedby yaninverrtedVanditsimagge(shown ndashed)). TheinvertedVisconnectedtothegroundthrougharesistor.Aswiththe“V” antennas, the pattern of rhombic antennas can be controlled by varying the element lengths, angles between elements, and the plane of the rhombus. Rhombic antennas are usually preferred over V’s for nonresonant and unidirectionalpatternapplicationsbecausetheyarelessdifficulttoterminate. Additional directivity and reduction in side lobes can be obtained by stacking, vertically or horizontally, a number of rhombic and/or V antennas to formarrays. 10.3 BROADBAND ANTENNAS In Chapter 9 broadband dipole antennas were discussed. There are numerous other antenna designs that exhibit greater broadband characteristics than those of the dipoles. Some of these antennas can also provide circular polarization,adesiredextrafeatureformanyapplications. 10.3.1HelicalAntenna Another basic, simple, and practical configuration of an electromagnetic radiatoristhatofaconductingwirewoundintheformofascrewthreadforming ahelix. Inmostcasesthehelixisusedwithagroundplane.Thegroundplanecan takedifferentforms. O Oneisforthegroun ndtobefflat,assho own in Figuree 10.13. Typically y the diam meter of the groundp planeshou uldbeatleast 3 //4. The groun nd plane ccan also b be cuppe ed in ndricalcaavityorin ntheform mof theformofacylin afrustrumcavity. The helix is usually cconnected d to the onductor ofacoaxxialtransm mission centerco line at the feed d point w with thee outer or of thee line aattached to the conducto groundp plane. Thegeometricalconfigurationofahelixconsistsusuallyof :turns, :diameter :spacebetweeneachturn. :Thetotallengthoftheantenna :thetotallengthofthewire , √ isthecircumferenceofthehelix. √ Anotherimportantparameteristhepitchangle (10‐24) The radiation characteristics of the antenna can be varied by controlling the sizeofitsgeometricalpropertiescomparedtothewavelength. The input impedance is critically dependent upon and the size of the conductingwire,anditcanbeadjustedbycontrollingtheirvalues. The geeneral po olarization n of the antenna is elliptiical. How wever circular and d linearp polarizatiionscanb beachieveedoverd differentfr frequency yranges. The helicalan ntennacaanoperatteinmanymodes;;howeverrthetwo oprincipaal o onesaretthenormal(broad dside)and dtheaxiall(end‐firee)modess. Figure10 0.14Three‐d dimensionalnormalizedamplitudelinearpowerrpatternsfornormaland dend‐fire mode eshelicaldesigns. Figure 10.14(a), representing the normal mode, has its maximum in a planenormaltotheaxisandisnearlynullalongtheaxis.Thepatternissimilarin shapetothatofasmalldipoleorcircularloop. Figure10.14(b),representativeoftheaxialmode,hasitsmaximumalong the axis of the helix, and it is similar to that of an end‐fire array. The axial (end‐fire) mode is usually the most practical because it can achieve circular polarizationoverawiderbandwidth(usually2:1)anditismoreefficient. A helix can always receive a signal transmitted from a rotating linearly polarized antenna. Therefore helices are usually positioned on the ground for space telemetry applications of satellites, space probes, and ballistic missiles to transmitorreceivesignals. A.NormalMode To achieve the normal mode of operation, the dimensions of the helix are usuallysmallcomparedtothewavelength(i.e., toaloopofdiameter toalinearwireoflength when ≪ whenthepitchangle ).Thehelixreduces ⟹0 ⟹ 90 . Sincethelimitinggeometriesofthehelixarealoopandadipole,thefarfield radiatedbyasmallhelixinthenormalmodecanbedescribedintermsof componentsofthedipoleandloop,respectively. and In the normal mode, the helix of Figure 10.15(a) can be simulated approximately by small loops and short dipoles connected together in series as shown in Figure 10.15(b). The fields are obtained by superposition of thefieldsfromtheseelementalradiators. Sincee in the normal mode tthe helix d dimension nsaresm mall, the currrent throughout its length h can be assumeedtobeconstant its reelative far‐field f pattern to be independent of the num mber of lo oops and dipoles. shortd Figure1 10.15Norma al(broadside e)modefor helicalantennaanditsequivalent. Thuss its operration can n be desccribed by y the sum m of the fiields radiiated by a a ssmallloop pofradiu us and dashortd dipoleof length ,withits , axisperp pendiculaar ttotheplaneoftheloop,and deachwitththesam meconstaantcurren ntdistribution. The far‐zone electric field constantcurrent radiated by a short dipole of length and is (4‐26a/10‐25) Theelectricfield radiatedbyaloopis / (10-26) A comparison of (10‐25) and (10‐26) indicates that the two components are in time‐phase quadrature, a necessary but not sufficient condition for circular or ellipticalpolarization. Theratioofthemagnitudesofthe axialratio(AR),anditisgivenby and componentsisdefinedasthe Byvaryingthe | | | | (10‐27) and/or theaxialratioattainsvaluesof 0 AR=0occurswhen AR ∞. 0 leadingtoalinearlypolarizedwaveofhorizontal polarization(thehelixisaloop). AR ∞, 0 and the radiated wave is linearly polarized with vertical polarization(thehelixisaverticaldipole). AR = 1, the radiated field is circularly polarized in all directions other than θ 0 wherethefieldsvanish. 2 , / / 2 To achieve the normal mode of operation, it has been assumed that the current throughout the length of the helix is of constant magnitude and phase. Thisissatisfiedtoalargeextentprovided The total length of the helix wire wavelength( ≪ is very small compared to the ) Itsendisterminatedproperlytoreducemultiplereflections. Because of the critical dependence of its radiation characteristics on its geometricaldimensions,whichmustbeverysmallcomparedtothewavelength, thismodeofoperationisverynarrowinbandwidthanditsradiationefficiencyis verysmall.Practicallythismodeofoperationislimited,anditisseldomutilized. B.AxialMode Amorepracticalmodeofoperation,whichcanbegeneratedwithgreatease, istheaxialorend‐firemode.Inthismodeofoperation, Thereisonlyonemajorlobeanditsmaximumradiationintensityisalong theaxisofthehelix. Theminorlobesareatobliqueanglestotheaxis. Toexcitethismode,thediameter andspacing mustbelargefractions of the wavelength. To achieve circular polarization, primarily in the major lobe, the circumference of the helix must be in the near optimum), and the spacing about S 12 α 14 . range (with / = 1 /4. The pitch angle is usually Most often the antenna is used in conjunction with a ground plane, whose diameterisatleast /2,anditisfedbyacoaxialline.However,othertypesof feeds (such as waveguides and dielectric rods) are possible, especially at microwavefrequencies. Thedimensionsofthehelixforthismodeofoperationarenotas critical,thusresultinginagreaterbandwidth. C.DesignProcedure The terminal impedance of a helix radiating in the axial mode is nearly resistive with values between 100 and 200 ohms. Smaller values, even near 50 ohms, can be obtained by properly designing the feed. Empirical expressions, based on a large number of measurements, have been derived. The input impedance(purelyresistive)isobtainedby 140 (10‐30) whichisaccuratetoabout ±20%,thehalf‐powerbeamwidthby HPBW degree thebeamwidthbetweennullsby ∙ √ / (10‐31) ∙ FNBW degree √ dimensionless 15 / (10‐32) (10‐33) theaxialratio(fortheconditionofincreaseddirectivity)by (10‐34) andthenormalizedfar‐fieldpatternby / / cos 10‐35 / (10‐35a) / For ordinary end‐fire radiation (10‐35b) / ForHansen‐Woodyardend‐fireradiation (10‐35c) All these relations are approximately valid provided 12 / α 14 , 3/4 4/3 andN>3. Thefar‐fieldpatternofthehelix,asgivenby(10‐35),hasbeendevelopedby assuming that the helix consists of an array of identical turns, a uniform spacing betweenthem,andtheelementsareplacedalongthez‐axis. The cos termin(10‐35)representsthefieldpatternofasingleturn, Thelastterm / / in(10‐35)isthearrayfactorofauniformarrayof elements. Thetotalfieldisobtainedbymultiplyingthefieldfromoneturnwiththearray factor. Thevalueofpistheratioofthevelocitywithwhichthewavetravelsalong the helix wire, and it is selected according to (10‐35b) for ordinary end‐fire radiationor(10‐35c)forHansen‐Woodyardend‐fireradiation. (1) Forordinaryend‐fire Therelativephase amongthevariousturnsofthehelix(elementsofthe array)isgivenby(6‐7a),or (10‐36) where isthespacingbetweentheturns. Foranend‐firedesign,theradiationfromeachoneoftheturnsalong θ 0 must be in phase. Since the wave along the helix wire between turns travels a distance 0 withawavevelocity 0 ( <1where 0 isthewavevelocity infreespace)andthedesiredmaximumradiationisalong θ 0 ,then(10‐36) forordinaryend‐fireradiationisequalto cos 2 , 0,1,2, … (10‐37) Solving(10‐37)for leadsto / (10‐38) For 0 and 1, 0 √ . This corresponds to a straight 1, and it wire (α 90 ), and not a helix. Therefore the next value is corresponds to the first transmission mode for a helix. Substituting 1 in (10‐38)leadsto / (10‐38a) (2) forHansen‐Woodyardend‐fireradiation In a similar manner, it can be shown that for Hansen‐Woodyard end‐fire radiation(10‐37)isequalto cos , 2 0,1,2, … (10‐39) whichwhensolvedfor leadsto / / (10‐40) Example10.1 Designa10‐turnhelixtooperateintheaxialmode.Foranoptimumdesign, 1.Determinethe: a.Circumference(in ),pitchangle(indegrees),andseparationbetweenturns(in b.Relative(tofreespace)wavevelocityalongthewireofthehelixfor: i.Ordinaryend‐firedesign ii.Hansen‐Woodyardend‐firedesign c.Half‐powerbeamwidthofthemainlobe(indegrees) d.Directivity(indB)using: i.Aformula ) ii.ThecomputerprogramDirectivityofChapter2 e.Axialratio(dimensionlessandindB) 2. Plot the normalized three‐dimensional linear power pattern for the ordinary and Hansen‐Woodyarddesigns. Solution: 1. a.Foranoptimumdesign Condition: 12 ⟹ ,α α 14 , 3/4 13 ⟹ S / Ctanα tan13 b.Thelengthofasingleturnis Thereforetherelativewavevelocityis: i. Ordinaryend‐fire: 4/3 andN>3 1.0263 0.231 ii. 1.0263 0.231 1 / / 1 Hansen‐Woodyardend‐fire: / . . 0.8337 =0.8012 c.Thehalf‐powerbeamwidthaccordingto(10‐31)is 52 ∙ HPBW degree √ / 52 √10 ∙ 0.231 34.21o d.Thedirectivityis: i. Using(10‐33): dimensionless 15 15 ∙ 10 ∙ 0.231 34.65 15.397 e.Theaxialratioaccordingto(10‐34)is: AR 2N 1 /2N 21/20 1.05 dimensionless 0.21dB 2. Thethreee‐dimensionallineaarpowerp patternsfo orthetwo end‐fired designs,orrdinaryand d Hansen‐‐Woodyard d,areshow wninFigure10.16 Figure10 0.16Three‐d dimensionalnormalizedamplitudeliinearpowerrpatternsforrhelicalord dinary(p= Hansen‐Wo 0 0.8337)and oodyard(p=0.8012)end d‐firedesign ns D.FeedDesign The nominal impedance of a helical antenna operating in the axial mode, computedusing(10‐30) 140 / is 100~200. However, many practical transmission lines have characteristic impedance of about 50. The input impedance of the helix must be reduced to near that value. There may be a number of ways by which this can be accomplished.Onewaytoproperlydesignthefirst1/4turnofthehelixwhichis nexttothefeed. Tobringtheinputimpedanceofthehelixfromnearly150downto50, tthewireo ofthefirst1/4turn nshouldbeflatintheformofastrip pandthetransition n iintoaheliixshouldbeveryggradual. 留出 出螺旋最底部的 1/4 圈,制 制成平行 行于接地面 面的锥削过 过渡段,将 将 140~ 150 的螺旋阻 阻抗变换为 为 50 的同 同轴线阻抗。其结 结构细节如 如图所示 This isaccom mplishedb bymakin ngthewirrefromth hefeed,aatthebegginningo of the formation of the helix, in the form of a strip of width by flattening it and nearlytouchingthegroundplanewhichiscoveredwithadielectricslabofheight (10‐41) √ where =widthofstripconductorofthehelixstartingatthefeed =dielectricconstantofthedielectricslabcoveringthegroundplane =characteristicimpedanceoftheinputtransmissionline Typicallythestripconfigurationofthehelixtransitionsfromthestriptothe regular circular wire and the designed pitch angle of the helix very gradually withinthefirst1/4–1/2turn. This modification decreases the characteristic impedance of the conductor‐ground plane effective transmission line, and it provides a lower impedanceoverasubstantialbutreducedbandwidth. For example, a 50 helix has a VSWR of less than 2:1 over a 40% bandwidthcomparedtoa70%bandwidthfora140helix. In addition, the 50 helix has a VSWR of less than 1.2:1 over a 12% bandwidthascontrastedtoa20%bandwidthforoneof140. Asimpleandeffectivewayofincreasingthethicknessoftheconductornearthe feedpointwillbetobondathinmetalstriptothehelixconductor.Forexample,a metalstrip70‐mmwidewasusedtoprovidea50impedanceinahelixwhose conductingwirewas13‐mmindiameteranditwasoperatingat230.77MHz. 1 10.3.3Ya agi‐UdaA ArrayofL LinearEllements Anotther very y practical radiatorr in the HF H (3–30 MHz), VHF (30–3 300 MHz)), aandUHF((300–3,000MHz)rangesistheYagi‐‐Udaanteenna. This antennaa consistts of a n number of o llinear dip pole elem ments, ass shown in Figurre 1 10.19, oneof whicchisenerrgizeddirrectlyby a ffeed transsmission line whille the oth hers act as a p parasitic radiato ors or reflectorr, whosse ccurrentsaareinduccedbymu utualcoup pling. This radiator isanend d‐firearrray,Yagid designateedtherow wofdireectorsasaa ““wavecan nal.” T Toachiev vetheend d‐firebeam mformattion, The parasiticc elementts in the direction n of the beam b aree smaller in length h tthantheffeedelem ment. Thed driveneleementisresonantwithitsllengthsligghtlylesssthan λ//2 The lengths of o the dirrectors sh hould be about 0.4~0.45λ. The direectors are n notnecessarilyoftthesamelengthan nd/ordia ameter. The separation between the directors is 0.3~0.4 , and it is not necessarily uniform. Thegainwasindependentoftheradiiofthedirectorsupto~0.024 . The length of the reflector is greater than that of the feed. In addition, the separation is smaller than the spacing between the driven element and the nearestdirector,anditis~0.25 . Sincethelengthofeachdirectorissmallerthanitscorrespondingresonant length,theimpedanceofeachiscapacitiveanditscurrentleadstheinducedemf. Similarly the impedance of the reflector is inductive and the phases of the currentslagthoseoftheinducedemfs. The phase of the currents in the directors and reflectors is not determined solelybytheirlengthsbutalsobytheirspacingtotheadjacentelements. Thus, properly spaced elements with lengths slightly less than their corresponding resonant lengths (less than /2) act as directors because they form an array with currents approximately equal in magnitude and with equal progressive phase shifts which will reinforce the field of the energized element towardthedirectors. Similarly, a properly spaced element with a length of /2 or slightly greaterwillactasareflector. ThusaYagi‐Udaarraymayberegardedasastructuresupportingatraveling wave. Higher resonances are available near lengths of , 3 /2,and so forth, but areseldomused. Figure10.23Directivity yandfront‐tto‐backratio o,asa Figu ure10.24Directivityand dfront‐to‐ba ackratio,asa functionofdirectorspa ffunctionofreflectorspaccing,ofa15‐‐elementYag gi‐Uda acing,for15‐‐element a array. Yagi‐Udaarray. 1. Thetotalfieldrepresented 4 ∑ 10‐65 10‐65a 2. InputImpedanceandMatchingTechniques The input impedance of a Yagi‐Uda array, measured at the center of the drivenelement, Usuallysmall Strongly influenced by the spacing between the reflector and feed element. Some of these values are low for matching to a 50‐, 78‐, or 300‐ohm transmissionlines. TherearemanytechniquesthatcanbeusedtomatchaYagi‐Udaarraytoa transmission line and eventually to the receiver, which in many cases is a television set which has a large impedance (on the order of 300 ohms). Two commonmatchingtechniquesaretheuseofthefoldeddipole,ofSection9.5,asa driven element and simultaneously as an impedance transformer, and the Gamma‐matchofSection9.7.4. 3. DesignProcedure A step‐by‐step design procedure has been established in determining the geometricalparametersofaYagi‐Udaarrayforadesireddirectivity.Theincluded graphs can only be used to design arrays with overall lengths (from reflector element to last director) of 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, and 4.2 with corresponding directivities of 7.1, 9.2, 10.2, 12.25, 13.4, and 14.2 dB, respectively, and with a diameter‐to‐wavelengthratioof 0.001 / 0.04. Assumethedrivenelementa /2 foldeddipole.Theprocedureisidentical for all other designs at frequencies where included data can accommodate the specifications. Thebasisofthedesignisthedataincludedin 1. Table 10.6 which represents optimized antenna parameters for six differentlengthsandfora / 0.0085 2. Figure 10.27 which represents uncompensated director and reflector lengthsfor 0.001 / 0.04 Example10.3 DesignaYagi‐Udaarraywithadirectivity(relativetoa /2 dipoleat the same height above ground) of 9.2 dB at 50.1 . The desired diameter of the parasitic elements is 2.54 cm and of the metal supporting boom5.1cm.Findtheelementspacings,lengths,andtotalarraylength. Solution: a. At / 50.1 thewavelengthis 2.54/598.8 4.24 10 ; 598.8 / . 5.1/598.8 8.52 10 b. From Table 10.6, the array with desired gain would have five elements. Fora / =0.0085ratiotheoptimumuncompensatedlengthswouldbe 0.428 , 0.424 , 0.482 . Thespacingbetweendirectors=0.2 .Thereflectorspacing 0.2 .Theoverall antennalength=0.8 . Itis nowdessiredtofiindtheop ptimumllengthso oftheparasiticeleements f fora / =0.004 424. c Plot th c. he optim mized len ngths fro om Table 10.6 ( 0 0.424 , 0.428 , 0.482 )onFigurre10.27aandmark kthemby yadot(·). d. InFigu d ure10.27 7drawa verticalllinethrou ugh / =0.0042 24interssecting c curves ( (B) at director d uncomp pensated lengths 0.442 and r reflector length 0.485 5 .Markthesepointsbyan n“x”. ee. With a a dividerr, measu ure the distance d (∆ ) alo ong direcctor curv ve (B) b between points 0.428 and 0.4 424 . Transpose T e this d distance ownward along from thee point 0.442 on curvee (B), do t thecurve eanddeteermineth heuncom mpensatedlength 0.43 38 . Thus the boom u uncompe ensated lengths l o of thee array y at 50..1 are a 0.44 42 0.438 0.485 f. Correccttheelem mentlengthstocompensaatefortheboomd diameter..From Figure10.28,aboomdiaameter‐to‐waveleengthratiioof0.00 0852requ uiresa fractional lengtth increaase in eaach elemeent of ab bout 0.00 05λ. Thu us the finalleengthsoftheelementsshou uldbe 0.442 5 0.005 0.4 447 , 0.485 0.005 0.438 8 0.005 5 0.490 0 0.443 PROBLEMS 10.6.Itisdesiredtoplacethefirstmaximumofalongwiretravelingwave antenna at an angle of 25 from the axis of the wire. For the wire antenna,findthe (a)exactrequiredlength (b)radiationresistance (c)directivity(indB) Thewireisradiatingintofreespace. 10.7.Computethedirectivityofalongwirewithlengthsof 2 and 3 . 10.8.Alongwireofdiameterdisplaced(intheair)ataheighthabovethe ground. (a)Finditscharacteristicimpedanceassuming (b)Comparethisvaluewith(10‐14). ≫ . 10.12.DesignasymmetricalVantennasothatitsoptimumdirectivityis8 dB.Findthelengthsofeachleg(in )andthetotalincludedangleoftheV (indegrees). 10.17.Designafive‐turnhelicalantennawhichat400MHzoperatesinthe normal mode. The spacing between turns is /50. It is desired that the antennapossessescircularpolarization.Determinethe (a)circumferenceofthehelix(in (b)lengthofasingleturn(in andinmeters) andinmeters) (c)overalllengthoftheentirehelix(in andinmeters) (d)pitchangle(indegrees) 10.20. Design a nine‐turn helical antenna operating in the axial mode so thattheinputimpedanceisabout110ohms.Therequireddirectivityis10 dB(aboveisotropic).Forthehelix,determinetheapproximate: (a)circumference(in ). (b)spacingbetweentheturns(in ). (c)half‐powerbeamwidth(indegrees). 10.36. Design a Yagi‐Uda array of linear dipoles to cover all the VHF TV channels. Perform the design at 216MHz. Since the gain is not affectedappreciablyat ,asFigure10.26indicates,thisdesignshould accommodate all frequencies below 216 MHz. The gain of the antenna shouldbe14.4dB(aboveisotropic).Theelementsandthesupportingboom shouldbemadeofaluminumtubingwithoutsidediametersof38in.( 0.95 cm) and 34 in.(1.90 cm), respectively. Find the number of elements, their lengths and spacings, and the total length of the array (in , meters, and feet).