Taxing Times
Taxing Times
Taxing Times VOL.XLVI TAX RETURN PREPARER SENT TO PRISON FOR 18 MONTHS A Texas man was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison and ordered to pay $111,676 restitution to the federal government for his scheme to prepare and file fraudulent income tax returns. According to court records, Sampson Delton Cotten, 57, of San Antonio, Texas, admitted that he prepared and filed a false tax return in which he claimed taxpayer had incurred a business loss of $43,100 when there were in fact no losses at all. FRANSKOVIAK & COMPANY, PC CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Our services that we Wage or Bank Levy can provide you with: Payroll Tax Representation IRS Audit Letter Innocent Spouse Relief Offer in Compromise Unfiled Tax Returns Installment Agreement Penalty Abatement Currently Not Collectable Statute of Limitations Taxing Times VOL.XLVI “IRS special agents use their investigative and financial expertise to detect and hold accountable abusive tax return preparers,” IRS Special Agent in Charge William Cotter said in a statement. Read about taxpayers with IRS Problems and learn helpful tips on how to end them. Member of: F R A N S K OV I A K & C O M PA N Y, P C Mike Franskoviak President, CPA Toll Free: 1-855-TaxFixx P: (248) 524-5240 F: (248) 524-5246 E: [email protected] 667 E. Big Beaver Rd. Ste 107 Troy, Michigan 48083 IN THIS ISSUE: pg. 1 pg. Franskoviak & Company, P.C. IRS and State Tax Resolution Experts 667 E. Big Beaver Rd. Ste 107 Troy, Michigan 48083 1 FRANSKOVIAK & COMPANY, PC Taxing Times VOL.XLVI Read about taxpayers with IRS Problems and learn helpful tips on how to end them. Constantly thinking about how much money you owe the IRS? Every day, I work with clients to solve tax problems they believe are unsolvable. I’m a member of the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers, and I am part of the rescue squad for troubled taxpayers. If you’re ready to be rescued, call me today to schedule a free consultation. - Mike Franskoviak 1-855-TaxFixx A ‘Real Housewife’ Owes $212,000 in Unpaid Federal Taxes ............................................ Former IRS Employee Faces Up to 10 Years ............................................. pg. Vt. Woman Guilty of Fraud, Tax Charge 2 ............................................ pg. Woman Gets 41 Months for Not Paying Taxes 2 pg. 3 .......................................... Man Gets 66 Months for Tax Crimes A ‘REAL HOUSEWIFE’ OWES $212,000 IN UNPAID FEDERAL TAXES The actress best known as ‘Tootie’ is one of several reality show stars with tax problems. Kim Fields, the actress best known for her role as Tootie Ramsey on the NBC sitcom The Facts of Life, is the newest cast member of the Bravo reality show The Real Housewives of Atlanta. She’s also in debt to the Internal Revenue Service. According to an October 2014 tax lien, Fields, 46, did not pay taxes in 2011, 2012 and 2013. She owes a total of $212,421.02. The tax debt actually makes her a great fit for the Bravo reality show, which focuses on the personal and professional lives of several Atlanta women. Two other cast members owe federal taxes. Sheree Whitfield, a fashion designer, owes $100,000 in back taxes. Fellow cast member Cynthia Bailey and her husband Peter Thomas also landed in tax recent tax trouble. FORMER IRS EMPLOYEE FACES UP TO 10 YEARS A former IRS employee and her husband pleaded guilty to defrauding the government of more than $160,000 in false tax returns. es, to file false 2010 federal income tax returns. The couple had ........................................... pg. 4 Tax Return Preparer Sent to Prison for 18 Months According to court records, Lillian Madyun, a former IRS employee, and her husband, Ahmed Grant, used their tax preparation business, Superfast Tax- F R A N S K OV I A K & C O M PA N Y, P C PAGE 1 VOL.XLVI several locations throughout Memphis, Tenn. The couple would review all tax filings before submitting false claims to the IRS. They utilized an electronic filing identification number to process and file the tax returns. They face up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000. Taxing Times VOL.XLVI ARE YOUR TAX PROBLEMS KEEPING YOU AWAKE AT NIGHT? Let’s put them to rest. A Vermont woman pleaded guilty to committing wire fraud and filing a false tax return. According to court records, Amy C. Fletcher, 44, of Derby Line, Vt., admitted that while working for Derby Line Ambulance from 2009 to 2012, she embezzled money from the company to pay personal expenses. She also admitted to filing a false 2011 tax return with the Internal Revenue Service. Fletcher admitted engaging “in an ongoing practice of diverting funds from DLA for personal use, paying personal credit cards and home and car loans.” She admitted drawing more than 400 checks, making them payable to herself and others for her benefit. The government alleged she diverted more than $250,000 in company money. She did not report the income. WOMAN GETS 41 MONTHS FOR NOT PAYING TAXES She withheld $3.3 million in taxes from her employees but never paid the money to the IRS. A Washington businesswoman was sentenced to 40 months in prison and ordered to pay $3.3 million after being convicted at trial of 10 counts of failing to pay employment taxes to the IRS. According to court records, Maria Elizabeth Townsend, 39, of Burbank, Wash., was the president and majority shareholder of Townsend Controls, an electrical contractor that employed more 100 people. Most of the employees were members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. For 16 quarters between 2005 and 2009, Townsend withheld $3,361,246 in employment taxes from the wages of union and non-union employees but failed to pay over those taxes to the IRS. Instead of paying the IRS, Townsend paid vendors and employees, paid a $200,000 dividend to one of her part- ABOUT THE OFFER IN COMPROMISE Did you know it’s possible to settle your debt with the Internal Revenue Service for less than the IRS says you owe? For a free consultation, call 1-855-TaxFixx VT. WOMAN GUILTY OF FRAUD, TAX CHARGE Taxing Times ners, disbursed $300,000 toward payment of her joint personal income tax obligations, disbursed more than $260,000 in funds to family members, and spent $22,000 to construct a pool at her residence, $30,000 to purchase a boat, $30,000 to purchase a Cadillac Escalade, and $42,982 to purchase a Jeep Commander. Townsend claimed she was suffering from multiple psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder and obsessivecompulsive disorder that paralyzed her when it came to being able to paying over the payroll taxes. Townsend also claimed the electricians were independent contractors, not employees, even though she withheld $3.3 million in taxes from their wages. F R A N S K OV I A K & C O M PA N Y, P C If you owe a substantial amount in back taxes to the government, you may be eligible to participate in the Offer in Compromise program. This program allows you to make an offer to the IRS that could settle your tax debt for significantly less than you owe. Call to learn more about this program. 1-855-TaxFixx ABOUT THE INSTALLMENT AGREEMENT Are you earning a good living but just unable to pay your back taxes? The Installment Agreement may be the option. The Installment Agreement allows taxpayers to pay their tax debt over time by making manageable payments. The Installment Agreement can put you back in control of your financial future. MAN GETS 66 MONTHS FOR TAX CRIMES He also must pay more than half a million in restitution. A Wisconsin man was sentenced to 66 months in federal prison and ordered to pay $561,515.9 in restitution for conspiring to impede the IRS, stealing government funds by converting tax refunds, fraudulent use of debit cards, and aggravated identity theft. Haroun B. Omar, 34, of Madison, Wis., was convicted following a five-day trial. According to court records, Omar obtained individuals’ personal identification information, including names and Social Security numbers, and conspired to use the information to prepare false federal income tax returns requesting tax refunds in the names of the individuals. The fraudulently obtained tax refunds were at times placed on prepaid debit cards, which were then used by Omar and his co-conspirators to obtain cash and to make purchases. During a 96-day period in late 2011, Omar used 28 different debit cards, each containing a tax refund based on a false tax return, to withdraw more than $200,000 from multiple ATMs. F R A N S K OV I A K & C O M PA N Y, P C Call to learn more about this program. 1-855-TaxFixx PAGE 2 PAGE 3
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