wedding - The Friendship Rose Caribbean Schooner


wedding - The Friendship Rose Caribbean Schooner
Island Schooner
Fully inclusive Wedding Day Cruise
Wedding Ceremony held on Pristine Beach
The Deck of The Schooner.
Bride and Groom, Minister ,Wedding Coordinator
10 guests cruise for the day
Island Schooner
A Schooner wedding in a perfect
Grenadine location…
Palm Island
Petit Tabac
…on the wooden deck of the Schooner…
…under full sail…
…at anchor in turquoise waters…
…on a pristine desert island…
Island Schooner
Full Options for Schooner Wedding Cruise
100ft Classic Schooner
Wedding Breakfast
Schooner Sailing
Wedding Ceremony
Signing of Register in Cargo Hold Gallery
Captains Champagne Toast
Lunch with Wine, Desert & Coffee
Afternoon Schooner Sailing
Afternoon Tea & Local Wedding Cake
Wedding Coordinator
Ships Photographer
relax let the chef and crew look after you…
w w w .f r ie n d s h ip r o s e .c o m
Caribbean Schooner
The friendship Rose
Bu ilt by ha nd in friend ship b ay
100ft Classic Schooner
The 100ft Classic Island Schooner ‘Friendship Rose’
This beautiful Schooner was built by hand in Friendship Bay and is
the only remaining Bequia Schooner.
Her rich history is closely linked to these lovely islands and holds a
special place in the hearts of the island people.
The Captain, Chef and 4 crew are supported by additional hostesses
as required
Wedding Breakfast
Your wedding party is greeted with a delicious breakfast freshly
prepared by the on board chef
Schooner Sailing
The sails are hoisted by hand in traditional way by the 4 crew and
the Captain sets a course for the island of your choice.
The Schooner has a steady and gracious manner and the decks are
large and protected making the Schooner perfect for groups of mixed
ages and abilities.
w w w .f r ie n d s h ip r o s e .c o m
Caribbean Schooner
The friendship Rose
Bu ilt by ha nd in friend ship b ay
Wedding Ceremony
Pristine Beach or Wooden Deck
The ceremony is performed on the Fore deck or Aft deck under the
shade of billowing canvas
If the wedding is to be on the beach the Schooners 18ft launch delivers
the wedding party directly on to the beach
Signing of Register in Cargo Hold Gallery
The original Cargo Hold is now a gallery space with a special
historical atmosphere for the signing of the register
Captains Toast
Chilled Champagne, served in Glass Champagne Flutes
Lunch with Wine, Desert & Coffee
Lunch can be served informally for a 'Deck Party' or formally for up
to 28 in the Cargo Hold
w w w .f r ie n d s h ip r o s e .c o m
Caribbean Schooner
The friendship Rose
Bu ilt by ha nd in friend ship b ay
Schooners 18ft launch
for Beach exploring & snorkeling
The Schooners launch with crew is on hand to help the wedding party
enjoy these special locations
Snorkeling equipment is provided by the Schooner
Afternoon Schooner Sailing
A relaxing sail in the glow of the afternoon, enjoy a local rum cocktail
or relax on the canvas deck cushions
Afternoon Tea & Local Wedding Cake
Delicious Spice Wedding Cake served with a choice of World Teas
Fresh Tropical Bouquet for the Bride & Boutonnerie for the Groom
Ships Photographer
Relax and let our Ships Photographer capture this very special day.
before you leave the Grenadines
you will be presented with a CD of digital images
w w w .f r ie n d s h ip r o s e .c o m
Caribbean Schooner
The friendship Rose
Bu ilt by ha nd in friend ship b ay
W ed di ng P l a nni n g a nd Lega l i t i es
W ed di ng C oordi n a t or
Yo u r W edd ing c o o rdina t o r w i ll b e o n h an d t h ro ugh t h e
pla nning s t age and t h ro ugh o ut t h e day
Leg a l i t i e s
The Wedding is conducted by a Notary, Justice of the Peace or
Registrar and is legally recognized as binding in St Vincent & The
Grenadines and the UK
To obtain the wedding license you have to make a trip to St Vincent
for the legal documentation.
The air transfer to St Vincent is not included in the package it is an
additional cost of $100.00 per person.
Should either party be divorced there is an additional charge and the
resort need to know at the time of reservation.
After only one day residency you may apply for your Wedding
license and get married at the location of your choice.
hoist sail try the wheel daydream in a hammock experience the 100ft
stroll the wooden decks relax together in peace tropical island schooner
email:[email protected]
w w w .f r ie n d s h ip r o s e .c o m
Caribbean Schooner
The friendship Rose
Bu ilt by ha nd in friend ship b ay
Wedding Breakfast
French Crepes
f r e s h l y m a d e cr e p e s w i t h
h o n e y & o r a n g e
o r
n u t m e g s y r u p & ba n a n a
Fresh Ground Coffee
Chilled Fruit Juice/Mimosa
The freshest fish, served with a delicate
sauce and delicious local herbed
vegetables au gratin
R e d / W hi te F r e n c h W i n e
s e r v e d w i th y o u r m e a l
Fresh local pineapple
s e r v e d
w i th
s p i cy
s y r u p
Captains Toast
D e l i c i o u s
C hi l l e d
C ha m p a g n e
Afternoon Tea
Local Spice wedding Cake
d e l i c i o u s d e c o r a t e d l o c a l c a k e
c ho i c e o f a v a r i e ty o f W o r l d T e a s
relax let the chef and crew look after you…