cycle route d-day landing beaches - mont saint-michel
cycle route d-day landing beaches - mont saint-michel
CYCLE ROUTE D-DAY LANDING BEACHES - MONT SAINT-MICHEL T 2014 I K S S E R P Plages du Débarquement – Mont SaintMichel A voyage to the very heart of Normandy's history, over marshes and bocage Arromanches-les-Bains Arromanches-les-Bains Mont Saint-Michel Mont-Saint-MIchel Arromanches-les-Bains Press Contacts > CALVADOS TOURISME Armelle Le Goff 8 rue Renoir 14054 Caen Cedex 4 Tel.: 0033 2 31 27 90 37 [email protected] > MANCHE TOURISME Sophie Bougeard Maison du Département 98 route de Candol 50008 Saint-Lô Cedex Tel. : 033 2 33 05 96 08 – 0033 2 33 05 98 89 [email protected] Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 1 2014 T I K S S E PR CYCLE ROUTE D-DAY LANDING BEACHES - MONT SAINT-MICHEL SUMMARY D-Day Landing Beaches - Mont Saint-Michel, a new cycle route in Normandy ___________________ page 3 1 - Utah, Omaha or Gold Beach / Three historic departure points ___________________ page 4/5 2 - A voyage into the heart of history _______________ page 6 3 - A route from marshes to bocage _______________ page 7 4 - Prac3cal informa3on _________________________ page 8 5 - The partners of the cycle route _________________ page 9 Copyright : ALC Photographies, D. Decamps/CRT Normandie, Patrice Lebris, Greg Wait, F. Massias, Stephan Barrault, Calvados Tourisme, Manche Tourisme. Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 2 D-Day Landing beaches - Mont SaintMichel, a new cycle route in Normandy A VOYAGE TO THE VERY HEART OF NORMANDY’S HISTORY, OVER MARSHES AND BOCAGE A new 140-mile cycle route is available since early 2013. It links the famous Normandy Landing Beaches and the Mont Saint-Michel. The "D-Day Landing beaches - Mont Saint-Michel" cycle route is a genuine invita(on to discover the region's historic and cultural heritage. The route is also an opportunity to amble your way through marshes and bocage to discover an astonishing natural heritage as you gradually cycle past Port en Bessin, Arromanches, Utah Beach, the Coten(n marshlands, Bayeux, the Souleuvre Viaduct… banks of the river Vire from where you can admire a landscape of prairies and spectacular gorges; then head back down to the typical bocage seBng with its hollow paths and criss-cross hedgerows... to finally reach your breathtaking des3na3on as you enter the Mont Saint-Michel bay. The cycle route is accessible for the whole family and offers alterna3ng green ways (Green Ways are reserved for non-motorised traffic. They are developed on former railway tracks or towpaths and narrow country roads. Depending on your departure point, the route covers a total distance of 140 or 120 miles. 3 departure points to choose from... Utah Beach Sainte-Marie du Mont, in Manche, travelling through Carentan, Saint-Lô and Pont Farcy ⇒ Port-en-Bessin or Arromanches, in Calvados, travelling past Bayeux, Juaye-Mondaye and Villers-Bocage. ⇒ ... and a junc3on at the Souleuvre viaduct The two cycle routes connect at the Souleuvre viaduct, a highly popular site among those in search of thrills and spills (the bridge is a bungee jumping base), to con3nue towards the Mont Saint-Michel via Vire, Sourdeval, Mortain, Saint-Hilaire-duHarcouët and Ducey. ⇒ On your way along the route, a fascina3ng encounter with History awaits you that of the Normandy duchies and, more recently, the D-Day Landings. Set off from Sainte-Marie du Mont, Port -en-Bessin or Arromanches, in the sectors of the landing beaches codenamed Utah, Omaha or Gold Beach, today and forever engraved in the collec3ve memory! Perched on your two-wheeler, you will discover a wealth of abbeys and manor farms, along with the striking Souleuvre viaduct. A sign of the area's tremendous wealth of heritage: the cycle route passes two sites that are listed by Unesco: the Bayeux Tapestry and the Mont Saint-Michel. A fine natural panorama is also in store for you: as you leave the high cliffs of the Bessin and Coten3n, you will head for the marshland landscapes do?ed with channels and canals, before meandering your way along the towpath on the The "D-Day Landing Beaches - Mont Saint-Michel" cycle route was created with support from local authori-es, the Manche and Calvados Councils and the Lower Normandy Regional Council. Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 3 1 - Utah, Omaha or Gold Beach: OMAHA OR GOLD BEACH three1—UTAH, historic departure points THREE HISTORIC DEPARTURE POINTS The cycle route sets off from the historic Normandy Landing beaches, offering a choice of three departure points: SainteMarie du Mont, Port-en-Bessin or Arromanches. Utah, Omaha or Gold Beach, all beaches lead to the "Mount", via six key stages! Departure from Sainte-Marie du Mont from historic UTAH BEACH Stage 1: Utah-Beach – Carentan: 22km/14 miles Departure point - the magnificent shoreline that was the theatre of the American landings on Utah Beach. The route then crosses the Coten3n and Bessin Marshes natural park. Stage 2: Carentan – Saint-Lô: 46km/29 miles Discover the marina in Carentan, the narrow roads that cross the Coten3n marshes and the start of the green way that follows the banks of the River Vire to Saint-Lô; Along the green way, you will discover heritage sites associated with former riverside trades and ac3vi3es. Stage 3: Saint-Lô - La Ferrière-Harang (Souleuvre viaduct): 50km/31 miles. From Saint-Lô to Pont-Farcy, cycle along the green way that follows the banks of the River Vire. On your way, you will discover the striking landscapes of the Roches de Ham rocks. Then follow the narrow roads that cross the bocage landscape, offering a medley of wooded paths and panoramic views over the "Vire Gorges". You then reach the Souleuvre viaduct, which is now a renowned bungee jumping site. Departure from Port-en-Bessin or Arromanches OMAHA BEACH and GOLD BEACH sector Stage 1 bis: Arromanches or Port-en-Bessin – Bayeux: 14km/9 miles From Arromanches, where the ves3ges of the ar3ficial harbour are s3ll visible to this very day, or from Port-en-Bessin, Lower Normandy's leading fishing port, set off along the twis3ng rivers to discover an array of manor farms, apple orchards... then the medieval city of Bayeux with its splendid cathedral and famous "Bayeux Tapestry", a?ributed to Queen Ma3lda. Stage 2 bis: Bayeux – Villers-Bocage: 38km/24 miles From Bayeux, head for the narrow roads that lead to the Juaye-Mondaye abbey, home to Premonstratensian monks and the ideal spot for a short breather. On your way, you can admire many manor farms. Take a break in Tilly-sur-Seulles to visit the Bri3sh war cemetery. Stage 3 bis: Villers-Bocage – La Ferrière-Harang (Souleuvre viaduct): 27km/17 miles From Villers-Bocage, the route takes you on the road to the Craham valley. Then it con3nues on the tracks of the "Bocage Breakthrough", a military opera3on that went down in history and whose story is related in a museum in Saint-Mar3n des Besaces. The landscape that unfolds from here to the Souleuvre viaduct is a verdant medley of hedgerows, prairies, forests and hillsides. You will then reach the Souleuvre viaduct. Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 4 1—UTAH, OMAHA OR GOLD BEACH 1 - Utah, Omaha or Gold Beach: THREE HISTORIC DEPARTURE POINTS three historic departure points The Souleuvre Viaduct junc(on Stage 4 – Souleuvre viaduct – Mortain: 61km/38 miles When you leave the viaduct, you will head for La Graverie (via extremely calm roads) on the start of a green way that leads to Vire, home to the famous "andouille" chi?erling sausage. The green way con3nues a few miles to the west of Vire. Admire the dells up to Sourdeval, then Mortain with its typical bocage hedgerows and waterfalls... Stage 5 – Mortain – Ducey: 30km/19 miles Depar3ng from Romagny, follow the green way that crosses the Pays de la Baie du Mont SaintMichel, meandering along the banks of the River Sélune. Discover the truly natural landscapes of the Sée and the Sélune rivers... and the floral village of Ducey. Stage 6 – Ducey – Mont Saint-Michel: 31km/19 miles You will then follow small and quiet minor roads that offer unique views over the Mont SaintMichel and its bay, listed Unesco World Heritage Sites since 1979. These diverse landscapes (foreshore, grazing land...) offer you a journey through very different worlds. (These stages are provided for informa-on only. Each cyclist can decide on the right route at the right pace.) Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 5 2 - A voyage into the heart of history Following the region's history in reverse order, the route begins with a plunge into the most recent period around D-Day, to end in the Middle Ages at the Mont SaintMichel. The magic of Normandy's everchanging landscapes! Star(ng on the historic shores of D-Day, the cycle route passes through a medley of alterna(ng marshlands and bocage landscapes. And it ends in a blaze of glory with the Mont Saint-Michel bay. Utah Beach Utah Beach, along with Omaha Beach, is among the beaches that formed the American sector during the D-Day Landings. The Utah Beach museum, located nearby, opposite the ves3ges of this historic event, tells the story of a military feat involving over 800,000 troops, via a rich collec3on of objects and memorabilia. Port-en-Bessin Located on the eastern extremity of Omaha Beach, this tradi3onal and picturesque harbour town is Normandy's leading port in its category. All year round, the docks are enlivened by the various fishing seasons and a calendar of fes3ve events. Arromanches-les-Bains The ves3ges of Arromanches' "Mulberry" ar3ficial harbour can s3ll be seen to this very day. This genuine technological feat was has3ly put together immediately aUer the Normandy Landings to enable supplies to be brought in for the Allied armies. Bayeux The first French town to be liberated has preserved the principle ves3ges of its evenVul history: the Bayeux Tapestry, a remarkable 11th century linen embroidery. Juaye Mondaye and its famous abbey founded in 1202. The abbey's most prosperous period was during the early 13th century, with the reconstruc3on of the monastery (abbey-church, farm and monas3c building). This reconstruc3on was the work of Father Eustache Restout, who was not only a Premonstratensian monk from Mondaye, but also an architect and painter from the illustrious Norman family that undertook to rebuild the site. Work was completed in 1745. Unique in Normandy, this Classical period construc3on can s3ll be admired today. Magical Michel Mont Saint- It's always with the same emo3on that visitors discover the Mont Saint-Michel, a rocky islet surmounted with an abbey - a masterpiece of Gothic Art, listed a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1979. Subjected to the highest 3des in Europe, the Mont Saint-Michel bay's landscape is literally transformed several 3mes every day, from an immense mari3me expanse to a foreshore rippled with channels. This fascina3ng phenomenon brings a touch of magic to what is already a truly magnificent site. Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 6 3 - A route from marshes to bocage The magic of Normandy's ever-changing landscapes! Star(ng on the historic shores of D-Day, the cycle route passes through a medley of alterna(ng marshlands and bocage landscapes. And it ends in a blaze of glory with the Mont SaintMichel bay. The Coten(n marshes Imagine a tour amidst 27,000 hectares of marshes and polders in a tradi3onal bocage landscape. Pastures and reaped prairies, criss-crossed with ditches and sca?ered with peat bogs, such is the seBng over this vast wetland. The Vire valley A towpath follows the meanders of the River Vire prac3cally all its length from the towns of Vire to Saint-Lô, offering an easy route for you to take full advantage of the landscapes where hills, dells and spectacular gorges intermingle. Located in Torigni-sur-Vire, the Château de Ma3gnon is home to a fabulous collec3on of Aubusson tapestries. The Souleuvre viaduct The perfect spot for those in search of thrills and spills: the Souleuvre is a highly popular bungee jumping site! Created by Gustave Eiffel, this disused rail viaduct is over 1,150 feet long and 200 feet high. The Mortain waterfalls The town of Mortain stands on the hillside, in the verdant heart of the Normandy bocage. The enchan3ng waterfalls on the River Cance are a fine illustra3on of this environment of escarped relief, offering Armorican Normandy its wildest personality. The history of the Mortain railway - A sec-on of the old railway line that linked Vire with the Mont Saint-Michel, now transformed into a green way, crosses through the deep valleys and abrupt hillsides that characterise the landscapes around Mortain. The railway line's construc-on was a genuine challenge for the 19th century labourers who had to blow up several hills with dynamite. Today, the route is open to all cyclists. The Roches de Ham Located slightly south of Saint-Lô, these rocks form a breathtaking wall that plunges down over 330 feet towards the River Vire. Its densely wooded banks, caves, prairies and streams are home to a great abundance and variety of fauna and flora. The ideal spot to take a break and revel in this idyllic seBng! The Bocage and the Normandy dells To the south of the marshes, a quite unique landscape unfolds: verdant prairies, some of them do?ed with apple and pear trees, rub shoulders with woods and copses. The en3re landscape is criss-crossed by high hedgerows. The area is renowned, and quite rightly so, for its dairy products, in par3cular its cream, bu?er and cheeses ; Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 7 4 - Prac3cal informa3on Before you set off, download some useful informa(on (cycle route map - prac(cal informa(on: contact informa(on for cycle hire and repair - train (metables) on the website: ACCUEIL VELO - A na(onal brand name The D-Day Landing Beaches - Mont Saint-Michel cycle route relies on an en3re network of service providers, all awarded with the na3onal brand name 'Accueil Vélo': they are all located less than 3 miles from the route: accommoda3on, tourist offices, cycle hire, places to visit and leisure ac3vi3es… However fit you are ⇒ ⇒ A hardened cycle tourist can cover 12 to 25 miles a day A family cycle generally achieves a daily distance of 3 to 12 miles. Normandy's network This cycle route is part of the Normandie à Vélo network which will ul3mately include three other cycle routes. About the cycle route ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Opened late 2012 140 or 120 miles depending on your departure point The route crosses 2 Lower Normandy départements: Calvados and Manche. An encounter on the Cycle Route François Briane, cycle hire in Bayeux: let this expert guide you! Cycling has always been a passion for this "green" transport enthusiast and creator of cycle routes. A passion to which he has devoted a great deal of his 3me since he created his own cycle hire business, Locvélo, in 2012. Located near the Bayeux railway sta3on, his workshop abounds with a range of sparkling cycles. Quality and service are his key priori3es. He has even developed a network of relay sta3ons along the cycle route to enable spare parts to be delivered. One of his favourites? His "spiritual" cycle sta3on at the Juaye Mondaye abbey. His offer ranges from children's cycles (from age 6) to electric bikes... S3ll not sure which one to choose? No problem, François takes the 3me to advise you, to roll out his maps and to make sure your cycle tour is a pleasant one. LocVélo, Bayeux, www.locvelo.f Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 8 5 - The partners of the cycle route 6— PARTNERS OF THE CYCLE ROUTE D-Day Landing Beaches - Mont Saint-Michel Partners of the Cycle Route “Plages du débarquement Mont Saint-Michel” Technical partners and associates Normandy Regional Tourist Baard Coten3n and Bessin Regional Nature Park Ligue Basse-Normandie de Cyclotourisme Calvados Tourisme Manche Tourisme Pays Touris3que de Saint-Lô Pays de la Baie du Mont Saint-Michel And the touris offices of : Arromanches-les-Bains Avranches Bayeux Intercom tourist Office and the Commission Pôle touris-que du Bessin Carentan Ducey Mortain Mont Saint-Michel Pontorson Port-en-Bessin Sainte-Mère-Eglise Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët Saint-Lô Sourdeval Villers-Bocage Vire Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 9 Press Kit , Cycle Route D-Day Mont Saint-Michel , 2014 - page 10